
=== Jacky is now known as GLaDOS
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IAmNotThatGuyhello thewrath00:53
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rainstakeHow to execute a coupon printer file, so I can print my Organic Valley milk coupons?  I have copied the error message and am ready to paste it to that one website for troubleshooting.03:25
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
thewrathhello all04:01
=== Guest12539 is now known as Jacky
r4yI am wondering how to make programs and so forth under alacarte (aka the main menu) require the sudo or gksudo password so I can keep things on the main menu for me, such as disk utility, keyboard shortcuts, keyboard, mouse and so on05:23
Unit193Make the launcher require a password, or make the program require one to run?05:24
r4yI think I've tried making it work like this before but I remember it not working out, I can't remember though05:25
Unit193That was an either/or, not yes/no.  Add gksudo to the exec line in the launcher for that method, or you'd have to change the sudoers file for the other, iirc.05:26
r4ynot sure  mean05:26
r4yI will try one I know I don't use first just in case05:26
r4yI think it depends on the item05:29
r4yI tried the search for files item under applications for instance and it doesn't work05:30
r4ybut it worked for empathy05:30
Unit193Most things really shouldn't need to be run as root.05:30
r4yIt's cool, now I can at least test this out on items I want and if they don't work I can mark those off of the main menu, then when I want alacarte I can use the terminal to get the main menu05:32
r4yShould I use the root terminal for the terminal to lock kids out of the terminal or make the terminal sudo under alacarte?05:34
r4yI have never used the root terminal from under system tools05:34
r4yIsn't that the same?, or what?05:34
r4yI guess there is no safe way of keeping kids from messing up Ubuntu other then lock but I can at least try which would reduce how easy it would be for kids to mess up Ubuntu05:44
r4ykeyboard shortcuts is another thing. I understand the terminal can be open with control-alt-t or from alt-f205:46
r4yI meant are another thing05:46
r4yanyways, TY for the help. I found this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=96823dd8f3c167ed2c38f3ee6475ba3c&t=1728864&page=205:47
r4yHave a good day.05:48
Unit193Running things as root to protect the system, that's not exactly the bset idea...05:55
=== xx is now known as Guest21438
JavaKinghi, learning how to use irc, started using ubuntu about 6 months ago07:07
JavaKinghow about you?07:08
JavaKingdoes anyone know how to tweak ubuntu safely?07:09
stlsaintJavaKing: what do you mean tweak?07:11
stlsaintand what is not safe?07:11
JavaKingtweaking meaning changing background settings for speed that will not cause irreparable crash of os07:13
JavaKingstlsaint, do you know if there is an ubuntu manual that shows how to make changes to the settings07:14
Unit193!docs | This?07:15
ubot2This?: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:15
JavaKinggoing to read, bye07:18
IAmNotThatGuyHi JavaKing. I am quite old to irc. And explain why you want to do07:24
IAmNotThatGuyErr sowwie. Bad client07:25
wilee-nileehow old are putdumpdump07:25
stlsaintwilee-nilee: what?07:30
stlsaintubuntu member names ocean?07:31
wilee-nileestlsaint, it was a joke I interact with that user on #ubuntuforums, I will not do it again here.07:31
stlsaintwilee-nilee: oh ok, thanks07:43
wilee-nileeno problem I had to do a reboot. ,) stlsaint07:44
r4ymy screen is stuck to the right but tv-out which is "twin view/clones" is perfect. What is wrong?, It's not the monitor because I was just on another hard drive that the same version of Ubuntu on it. Ubuntu 1009:46
r4yMaybe I can revert back to the xorg.conf.backup file. How?, I am using nvidia-settings which I use the command gksudo nvidia-settings to change09:49
r4yI am running Ubuntu 10 and the screen is only normal when in graphical failsafe mode. When I boot up normally the screen is off to the right a 1 and half10:36
r4yI mean an inch and a half10:36
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not_foundhi, anyone know the best way to show system temps on the top bar in Ubuntu 12.04... I already have lmsensors installed and setup but would like to see CPU temps etc. up top continuously?!16:16
Sidewindernot_found, I've no idea, sorry. Perhaps a "Conky" type of script or a "Screenlet" type of thingy will do what you're lookin' for?16:18
Sidewindernot_found, Just a "WAG", on my part..16:18
not_foundSidewinder, nah, I want it in the top bar next to the other icons... there are a few... don't want to wade through several unknown repo's and install a bunch of nonsense ... but no worries I wait :)16:20
Sidewindernot_found, Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance, but I know what you mean about not installing a bunch of unnecessary nonsense. :)16:21
geirhanot_found: Just did a search for "indicator" in the software center. One of the hits, Psensors, sounds like what you want.16:23
geirhasorry, Psensor16:23
not_foundhmmm... saw it... let me have another look at it... thanks geirha16:24
not_foundnot sure geirha ... all I need is a little icon at the top next to my little envelope that shows "CPU 40degC" or something to that extent...16:25
not_foundbasically like hardware sensor from this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/what-application-indicators-are-available16:26
not_foundbut I am not sure this is the best of the bunch... etc...16:26
geirhanot_found: Hm. Yeah I just tried it. The best you get is a temperature icon, which will show the temp when you click on it.16:37
not_foundgeirha, k... trying hardware sensors as soon as I get the repo sorted out... have to use the one for oneiric as there isn't one for precise at the moment :)16:38
geirhasysmonitor indicator looks nice; apparently scriptable16:39
not_foundgeirha, cool ... using sysmonitor and also hardware sensors... will have to figure out if they can be moved cause they are all over the place but at least I have the info I want....16:48
not_foundoh wait... sysmonitor indicator can do both....!!!16:50
geirhahum, where did the h go?16:52
not_foundgeirha, thanks16:54
not_foundwill have  look in a bit :)16:54
not_found... seeing as you are a boss with the google-fu I am also trying to see my radeon graphics cards temps in a similar fashion and so far no luck :/16:55
not_foundgeirha, ^^16:56
geirhawhat? I haven't used google at all today16:59
geirhaare you sure your graphics card has thermometers?16:59
not_foundgeirha, ... very sure :) ... AMD Radeon HD 6850...17:05
geirhals /proc/acpi17:06
not_foundgeirha, ac_adapter  battery  event  wakeup17:08
geirhaI'm looking at  http://askubuntu.com/questions/65570/radeon-hd-6950-temperature-is-way-too-hot17:09
geirhaThinking the temperature might be found somewhere under /proc or /sys (given the top answer)17:09
geirhaIf so, you can script it for the sysmonitor indicator17:10
not_foundgeirha, sounds interesting...17:10
not_foundwill have to have a look at that then :D17:10
geirhaor, try running   sensors  in a terminal17:11
not_foundthanks... will be back17:13
not_foundI am sure with more questions17:13
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