
godbykthorwil: Interestingly, it looks like I'm increasing the number of lines per page (text block height) from 44 to 54 for US letter paper, but not adjusting A4 paper's default of 49 lines.  I'll have to look into that.08:44
thorwilgodbyk: thanks. let me know if you do change any margin08:55
godbykthorwil: I will. I apparently haven't done much with A4 in a while. I'll revisit that after we get this US English edition published.08:58
godbykVirtual machines are rather handy.09:28
hanniehi vibhav how are you dong?15:03
hannieand hi herat too, of course15:03
vibhavIm fine15:04
vibhavLooking for some last minute changes15:04
hannienext week I hope to get more people who will help editing the manual15:06
vibhavfrom where?15:06
hannieomg, planet etc.15:06
hannieI have to send a good story on what we expect editors to do exactly15:06
hannieand I haven't figured out what I want to write yet15:07

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