
chiltsshucks, I never said morning yesterday!20:20
* chilts <- bad person20:20
ojwbit was tough, but we survived without you doing your bit20:24
chiltsojwb: heh, good job everyone :)20:28
thomilifeless: got a second?22:00
thomilifeless: given a python dotted string like "foo.bar.baz", is there a way to tell if that refers to a python module or a python package?22:25
lifelessdo you mean 'refers to (a python module or a python package)' or 'refers to (a pytohn module) or refers to (a python package)' ?22:27
lifeless(what question are you trying to answer, and why?)22:28
thomilifeless: I meant the latter. The problem we're trying to solve is:22:29
thomiwe'd like users to be able to run one or more autopilot tests by specifying a string of varying exact-ness. They might specify an entire test id (i.e.- right up to, and including the actual test classmethod), or they might specify just a test case class, a test module, or perhaps just a package that contains several test modules.22:30
thomitestools test loader has twho methods for loading tests: discover (which takes a package name), and loadTestsFromName (which takes a module, class, of function name)22:31
thomiso we need a way of knowing if we should call 'discover(name)' or 'loadTestsFromName(name)'22:31
thomidoes that make sense?22:31
lifelessso, if I may suggest22:31
lifelessyou're turned around backwards22:31
lifelessyou want a UI for letting the user select tests to run, as a user of the system.22:31
lifelessThis is distinct from telling the system how to instantiate tests.22:32
lifelessdiscover and loadTestsFromName have quite different behaviour, you will have less friction if you pick one and stick with it.22:32
thomiI see. so maybe we use discover, get all the tests and filter them ourselves22:32
thomiawesome. That makes sense22:33
thomithanks :)22:33
lifelessthats what e.g. bzr selftest does (with some glue to optimise the time to instantiate tests - but it has 20K tests)22:33
thomiahh, I see22:33
thomiBTW, meet veebers (new QA engineer in Dunedin and on the PyCon conference committee)22:33
veebersHi lifeless :)22:34
thomiyou lost an arm!22:34
thomi /o\22:34
ajmitchveebers: you finally decided to lurk in here? :)22:34
veebersajmitch: heya. yeah, I just think I need to increase my lurk-ness :)22:36
ajmitchjust remember to say 'morning' each day22:37
veebersright, noted.22:39
veebersmorning all22:39

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