
bazhangibm either has serious vision issues or is being a nuisance intentionally. that's at least 6 times someone has told them the correct command03:14
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
nancy-i have been looking the matter about ikonia and mcloy. what ever happened was wrong with mcloy. shame on you guys07:08
ubottusickened called the ops in #ubuntu (kiss my ass)07:10
ubottusickened called the ops in #ubuntu (suck my dick)07:11
bazhang#kubuntu has multiple ucenick spammers07:49
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-irc (nancy-)07:52
elkywell, since they "both" share a connection, we'll have to make sure "both" of them are behaving appropriately before either gets unbanned.08:02
nancy-Liam stlsaint ryan tm_travolt kloeri myriam melissa alan Corey Pici carl gryllida sad157 mrmist gary travis idleone jared bazhang jordan pricey myrtti Dave2 Daviey maco tom ukikie quassel jayne beuno h00k quassel lyz mneptok ubottu topyli yano nhandler tritium marienz chrisdruif ukikie ljl jtrucks logbot harald quassel lallinaho niko fuchs alan flannel jpds irc jrib tm_travolt       DO YOU FEEL SHAME? runing a 1500 user channel a08:06
elkynancy-, How about you start acting civilly.08:06
nancy-i have seen civil from you all08:07
jpdsnancy-: Nothing wrong with being popular.08:08
mrmistnancy-: hi. Thanks for the ping, but I can't help you. Maybe ping more selectively in future.08:08
elkyWhat amuses me is that you're pasting a user list from a channel you're not on, to get attention.08:08
nancy-mrmist:  i know.  thats why you are an op :)08:09
nancy-Allen is a council member too right?  he dont have time either.. why open the #ubuntu--irc-council then?08:10
elkySleep is a legitimate reason to be away from one's computer.08:10
nancy-AlanBell: *08:10
Myrttigreat job in annoying people by highlighting them. that is a certain method of getting help08:10
elkyMyrtti, the wrong kind of help, sadly.08:11
nancy-at least one should be availabel weh other slhen others sleep for (2 day s in this case)08:11
nancy-Myrtti:  you are an op. its your duty to get annoyed08:12
elkynancy-, your math is atrocious. mcloy was last spoken to less than a day ago.08:12
nancy-so they are sleeping since a day08:12
nancy-all members?08:12
nancy-why not #ubuntu-ops also sleep?08:13
elkyno, i'd imagine that they were responsive while mcloy was asleep.08:13
elkyyou currently have people here who are in awake timezones.08:13
nancy-lol. mcloy was online all the time.08:13
elkythere's 58 of us, it's bound to happen08:13
nancy-elky are you all fantastic in bulshit?08:14
Myrttinancy-: annoying people who could help you doesn't make it more  probable they will help you the way you want08:14
elkyif mcloy has been online for 20+hrs, then we're doing him a favour by not letting him continue.08:14
elkyHe should go get some sleep.08:14
nancy-Myrtti: ^ ?08:14
nancy-thanks so much.08:14
nancy-for all favours.08:14
nancy-we all pray that something bad happends with ikon08:15
nancy-and you all08:15
elkyWishing harm on people isn't known for getting the results you want, either.08:15
Myrttithanks for proving my point08:16
ikonianah, nothing random about him08:26
popeydid he spark up an ec2 instance just for _that_?08:27
ikonianah, he's had that a while08:27
ikoniait's his mail server that he's been trying to configure for $X ammount of months08:27
ikonia(at least I think it's the same host)08:27
elkythat he just claimed in PM to me he was setting up for "a friend" and coincidentally even knew to put the '-' at the end of the nick.08:32
ikoniawell, that's lucky08:32
elkyfor an unregistered nick and everything08:33
ikoniasome times the cards fall for you08:33
ikoniaas it surly can't be a lie08:33
ubottuhateball called the ops in #kubuntu (ucenik25)09:10
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ucenik25)09:10
elkyoh dear gods...09:34
Tm_Tagain, aww09:34
oCeancsilk> sorry, Where I come from that is not considered swearing. Where I come from also happens to be the place mark shuttleworth lives in case you were wondering13:09
oCeancsilk> Don't quote me the rules when you don't understand them yourself and don't at a user when they are seeking clarification, you just asked me to be professional yet you are failing to do yourself. I will say god damn as much as I want. It's your problem if I am offending your beliefs. Act like an adult and stop being so god damn offended. Welcome to the real world.13:12
oCean^from pm13:12
bazhangI'll be professional when removing then13:13
oCean@mark #ubuntu csilk also lkj does not understand the concept of being professional, says he will continue swearing etc13:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:14
bazhangweird place to put eclipse13:15
bazhangraven is not watching what others say to him, just repeating every 30 seconds or so13:35
ikoniapopey: you are just stupid with suggestions like "talk to the developer or log a bug to resolve the issue"13:41
bazhangtroll detected13:57
ikoniajust waiting for popey to nod13:57
bazhangthe wink of an eye13:57
ikoniakudos popey13:58
popeycowsay meh13:58
ikoniastill, solid effort13:58
bazhangvbox doesnt use the wifi chip afaik14:14
mneptokbazhang: it does NAT to the host, IIRC14:15
bazhangmneptok, yep. but never heard of wifi on a vm14:16
ikoniathere isn't wifi on vm14:18
ikoniaonly host/bridging as mneptok states14:18
bazhangyes I know. sounds like Drecondius does not14:19
ikoniasounds like he's just making stuff up to be honest14:19
ikonia"it works fine in a vm"....14:19
mneptok"It works fine in Windows ..."14:20
ikoniathat's understanable14:20
* mneptok makes a very concerted effort not to bust out a tampon analogy14:21
ikoniaI can see how that may make sense to people14:21
mneptok"These work great for my wife, but ...."14:21
mneptokikonia: you mixed up those 2 users.14:24
bazhanggoogle this banforward to ##google14:25
bazhangevil unmasked!14:27
LjLi don't like what's going on, but maybe i'm just being weird as usual14:27
ikoniano, it's my fault14:28
ikoniabad call14:28
bazhang<DeltaHeavy> I don't understand the mentaility where sayign "I'm not sure, try Google" deserves snide remarks. If that's the case I don't want anything to do with such a backwards, unhelpful, garbage channel.14:28
bazhangirony defined14:28
LjLi think that "google it" was innocent enough, since he didn't know and was already in the middle of trying to help them (it wasn't an outright "google your problem"). after being attacked about it by several people immediately, i can sort of understand he's angry now.14:30
ikoniatotally, it was my fault14:30
ikoniaI thought it was the same guy getting help - it was me that blew it out of proportion14:31
bazhangLjL, have to disagree. google it is never a good choice, then when told it was unhelpful by the person asking the original question, he said: if you are going to be snide, then no help from me14:35
bazhanggoodle it was never helpful in the first place14:35
bazhang-g +d14:35
bazhangwhoops reverse that14:35
LjLyes, "i'm not sure, google it" is kind of unhelpful, but in that case, "i'm not sure" would have been as much. he just innocently added the google suggestion.14:36
bazhangjust say nothing. I do it all the time14:36
LjLbazhang: say nothing, when he was already actively helping the user? just terminate the conversation? a wonderful idea14:37
LjLbut whatever, if you people are going to bash everyone in a gang whenever someone breaks a rule innocently, be my guests, and see the channel deteriorate14:37
LjLmake discussions about these petty things last 10 minutes in #ubuntu and subtract from support14:37
bazhangsome users get in a mode where they have to answer every question14:37
oCeanI think we should more actively point helpers to the supportersguide14:39
oCeanofcourse there will still be lots of users ignoring everything in that guide, and do whatever they want, suggest whatever they see fit14:40
ikoniaLjL: it was totally my fault14:41
LjLikonia: it's ok, i'm a bit upset about the ganging up on him, not about any single intervention14:42
ikoniaLjL: yes, but people jumped in as I blew it out of proportion as I got the users mixed up14:42
mneptokDeltaHeavy needs to stop ignoring the rules, justifying doing so, and promising to repeat the behavior, even if it means PM.15:01
mneptokOK, they got frustrated over the Google thing. but the attitude sucks.15:02
bazhanglordie he's pushing it15:04
bazhangthat was a five second google of the error message15:09
mneptokwhy is it that the people looking for stuff like aircrack and metasploit are, almost universally, the least experienced people?15:15
mneptokto me it's like screaming, "I'M A FREAKIN' JET PILOT!" and then looking at a plane and saying, "OK, so where's the door on this thing?"15:16
bazhangheh. or the backtrack users15:17
* mneptok nods furiously15:17
PriceyThe documentation for aircrack is pretty awesome, lots of use cases/examples.15:17
bazhangauto root irc but the support channel bans root irc15:17
Priceybazhang: You couldn't make that up.15:17
mneptok"I really need to get this running for my doctoral dissertation. Any help explaining what an 'MBR' is would be appreciated."15:18
bazhangPricey, funny right? and it's not even supposed to be installed. nice to see you , by the way15:18
Priceybazhang: You too, hope all is well :-)15:18
bazhangcan't complain! but sometimes I still do15:19
oCeanmneptok: they are probably the audience that assume the movie Swordfish is an educational documentary on how to hack15:21
bazhang<odswct> i have no access to pastebin.com due to court orders, the site says. what is it?15:25
bazhangis pastebin the new megaupload?15:25
oCeanfor what, ascii movies?15:28
jribPricey: when you're done getting jdownloader, I need a million dollars15:37
jribP Pricey15:37
oCeanoh, is it request time?15:38
PriceyoCean: http://files.myopera.com/pjkix/albums/95819/no-pony.jpg15:42
mneptokoCean: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl15:44
oCeanmneptok: no, not again :p15:44
mneptokoCean: so don't say things like "ASCII movies?"  ;)15:45
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Harris)15:59
oCeannot his first fb mark in BT15:59
DFrostedWangknome u r an assbag17:37
knomeDFrostedWang, you were redirected here because you didn't change your nick when i asked your several times17:38
DFrostedWangMy name isn't offensive17:38
knomeand i see you are not willing to discuss the removal of the ban now17:38
DFrostedWangFuturama is PG-13.17:38
knome#xubuntu is not futurama17:39
DFrostedWangBut my name is from that.17:39
knomei don't care where your nick is from. in #xubuntu, you should follow the channel guidelines and code of conduct17:39
DFrostedWangIt's PG-13!17:40
knome!guidelines > DFrostedWang17:40
ubottuDFrostedWang, please see my private message17:40
knome!coc > DFrostedWang17:40
knomeDFrostedWang, please read those, and try to be cooperative, and we can resolve the ban for now17:41
knomeDFrostedWang, once you've done reading, tell us17:41
knomeDFrostedWang, you still reading, or just idling?17:51
DFrostedWangI don't see how my name is against the rules.17:52
knomeDFrostedWang, did you read the guidelines?17:52
knomeDFrostedWang, re-read sections "language and subject" and "don't be annoying"17:53
DFrostedWangI reread them and I think your just an assbag. My name isn't offensive.17:56
knomeokay, in that case, please leave this channel and come back in 24 hours, if you want to resolve the ban then17:56
oCeanDFrostedWang: wrong choice17:59
oCean(to start ranting in #ubuntu channel that is)17:59
Fuchsobvious troll is obvious18:27
Myrttiyou're free to catalyse18:37
FuchsI tried to start, then I got called off to somewhere else18:42
Fuchsthats why I handed you a cupcake :)18:42
oCeanwhy is it suddenly troll season?18:46
FlanneloCean: schools are getting out for summer19:03
oCean* ICWeiner (~logankemp@ has joined #ubuntu19:06
popeyFlannel: really?  where?19:08
LjL@mark #ubuntu-offtopic IloveBSDandWindo A troll19:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:09
oCeanWhat is LinuxMonkey trying to add?19:10
Flannelpopey: What?19:11
popey20:03:52 <+Flannel> oCean: schools are getting out for summer19:11
Flannelpopey: Was that rhetorical?19:11
oCeanhere it isn't summer, yet19:12
popeywell, indeed19:12
FlannelWell, most universities are finishing up, this past week or the week before, or next week.  High schools will be finishing in the next few weeks.19:12
popeyoh ok19:13
popeymy kids have 7 weeks or so left19:13
popeyand they finish early19:13
oCeanSometimes I wish I was still in school19:14
oCeanBut when I *was* in school...19:14
popeysame here19:14
mcloysuggestion: may be points system for  ubuntu helpers and ranking as they have more point migh be helpfull in helper stats and their permostion, finding better members and they get motivated.  (some auto system by which user gives a point. saying !thankyou <name> . what ever suits you)19:49
mcloy+ other grounds be considered too.19:49
AlanBellthere are parts of the Ubuntu support ecosystem like that, askubuntu.com in particular19:50
AlanBellif you like that syle of support then maybe that would be a more suitable place for you to contribute19:51
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:24
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:24
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:24
IdleOneThe FCC does not regulate the channels in the Ubuntu name space, just because your stupid government thinks it is OK to poison the children of America with offensive language and pretend that it is ok does not mean it is in the Ubuntu community.20:45
IdleOneThis was a public service announcement brought to you by your friendly Ubuntu IRC op IdleOne.20:46
genii-aroundThe FCC wants to regulate IRC channels ?20:48
Jordan_Ugenii-around: No, but people often complain about our policies not matching those of the FCC or sometimes claim that they are going to file a complaint against us with the FCC as a threat.20:50
genii-aroundAaaaaaaah OK. I guess I came in after that was being mentioned20:50
IdleOneBecause Futurama allows dumb words that we consider offensive so we should allow them also20:50
genii-aroundI guess some people think the laws of the USA apply to all of the internet20:52
IdleOnehello dedalux23:41
IdleOnededalux: Anything I can help you with?23:42

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