
snap-lrick_h_: I think someone turned up the gravity00:42
snap-lHoly shit, I have great taste.01:06
snap-l(aka: I marked a song to play in a future eposide of OMC, and I'm loving it again)01:07
snap-lOur first Album, produced December 2009 - April 2010.01:12
snap-lWe didn't have money for a studio or making CDs, but we're looking forward to both! So we hope, you'll donate at least 8 - 10€ for 80 minutes of intense Metal ;)01:12
snap-lGood luck with that.01:12
snap-lhttp://urizen.bandcamp.com/album/universe-red <- This is the second time I've ever had my ass kicked by chiptune music01:15
jrwrensnap-l: what about Mind In A Box?02:02
jrwrenor Code64 ?02:02
jrwrensnap-l: have to agree. this first urizen track is great.02:04
snap-ljrwren: I don't listen to much chiptune stuff02:08
snap-lCLosest I've gotten is 8-Bit Weapon02:09
snap-land that's because Seth is pretty cool.02:09
rick_h_snap-l: turned up the gravity?02:26
snap-lYeah, I mowed the lawn after we got home02:28
snap-ltook a shower, and I felt like I was 20lbs heavier02:28
rick_h_ugh, on my list for tomorrow02:28
rick_h_I don't know how you managed to do that02:28
rick_h_I'm beat02:28
snap-lsmall lot, and a push mower02:29
rick_h_I guess, but still02:29
snap-lAnd not much concern for how it looks afterward. :)02:29
rick_h_I came in and jumped in the AC and died02:29
snap-lI find it slightly disturbing that people will sign up for bandcamp, and accept Paypal transactions from Paypal, but won't either collect the money, or not sign up for Paypal itself14:12
snap-lI keep getting refunds from folks that haven't collected their money in a month14:12
greg_gsnap-l: musicians aren't the smartest of people15:55
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
snap-lgreg-g: no doubt16:50
rick_h_greg-g: around?17:22
greg-grick_h_: a bit21:06
rick_h_greg-g: that's ok, was going to ask saddle advice, but ended up picking one up. We'll see how it does21:09
rick_h_my old one started to get pretty sore around 15mi and so the 32mi ride convinced me to try to upgrade21:11
greg-grick_h_: ah, yeah, what'd you end up getting?21:24
greg-gI know a couple people (well, talked to them on the caltrain bike car) who have those seats that just have the back part, as in, only your sit bones touch anything21:24
rick_h_greg-g: ah saw those and thought it was too modern for me21:24
rick_h_I ended up getting a selle sl xc I think21:25
rick_h_basically selle with gel, pretty hard though. everyone is saying the longer your ride the harder the seat should be I guess21:25
rick_h_couldn't bring myself to get the selle flite model that I was really looking at, didn't seem worth twice the one I got21:25
greg-gyeah, my saddle is one hard ass racing one. my butt has gotten used to it21:26
rick_h_yea, I've given the stock one time. I've gotten from 7mi to 15mi before I start to get uncomfy21:27
rick_h_but hopefully this one will get me up a level21:27
rick_h_I want to try to do that 30+mi ride on the Sat pretty often21:27
rick_h_can't do it weekly, but hopefully every other ish21:28
greg-gyeah, that's awesome21:28
greg-gI haven't ever done a group ride like that, other than a couple critical masses and a boy scout thing way back in the day21:28
rick_h_yea, 38 peeps, was pretty fun. Very different riding with a group21:29
rick_h_really nice riding on the road vs just sidewalks like I do around here21:29
rick_h_32mi on the road > 20mi of sidewalks21:30
greg-goh hell yeah21:30
greg-gI could never do sidewalks after riding on the road21:30
greg-gsidewalks are so.... pedestrian ;)21:30
rick_h_hah, well around here I take what I can get21:32
rick_h_my poor bike is turning fraken-bike. next up is replacing real hardware vs just grips/saddle/fender/etc21:32
greg-gfrankenbikes are the best21:33
greg-gmy road bike is now kind of a cross between road and commuter21:33
rick_h_yea, only problem is that this cross trail is a bit strange. I ride it very road-bikeish but it's more mountain bike as far as parts go21:33
rick_h_so when I get to replacing derailer/etc it'll be interesting figuring out what to put on and such21:33
rick_h_that's awesome though. I like a bike with some commuter in it. Means it's useful21:34
greg-gzactly :)21:38
greg-ganywho, time to go get ready for a bbq in the east bay21:38
rick_h_brousch: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4034567 looks like it hit the bit time23:23
rick_h_heh, and duped...sigh23:24

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