
Jordan_Uwawowe: No you don't, you can directly upgrade from one LTS release to the next.00:00
vagtasticwawowe cat /etc/issue => Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l00:00
wawowenvm then00:00
wawowevagtastic: either way upgrade again00:00
vagtasticI tried a dist-upgrade but nothing =/00:01
vagtasticIs there a 32bit kernel for pae that is 3.2.0 ?00:02
wawowevagtastic: i'm running 32bit pae 3.200:02
einfeldthi, how do I resize windows in Firefox under Unity in 12.04?  thx in advance.00:02
vagtasticwawowe hmmm00:02
MonkeyDusteinfeldt  windows in firefox?00:03
wawowevagtastic: does apt-get say anything about it?00:03
stef1aanybody know why ubuntu 12.04 isn't allowing me to change the brightness on my laptop? http://i.imgur.com/h3Ve6.png00:03
einfeldtMonkeyDust, by windows I mean the Firefox windows00:03
vagtasticwawowe yeah I was just about to take a look at that.00:03
escottstef1a, likely an acpi issue00:03
TomatoKetchupstef1a, what laptop?00:04
genii-around!info linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae00:04
ubottulinux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 3.2.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.0-24.37 (precise), package size 36974 kB, installed size 109873 kB00:04
TheTrashIs there an ncurses tool in Ubuntu server that assists in setting up disks, RAID, etc? I.e., is the disk setup thingy from the installer available as an app afterwards?00:04
einfeldtMonkeyDust: I am trying to navigate between windows on 10.04.  I clicked on the box to maximize the Firefox window, and now I can't make it small again00:05
OkonXwawowe: Hey, I updated everything and my system is perfect!!!00:05
MonkeyDusteinfeldt  try double clicing on the window's top bar00:06
vagtasticwawowe what is your kernel name uname -a00:06
wawowevagtastic: 3.2.0-24-generic-pae00:07
vagtasticwawowe and that is 32 bit?00:07
einfeldtMonkeyDust:  thx, all I had to do was move the mouse over the top bar, and the options for minimize, maximize, etc appeared.00:07
wawowevagtastic: Linux buttface 3.2.0-24-generic-pae #37-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 25 10:47:59 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux00:07
einfeldtMonkeyDust, today is my very first time using 12.04, and I installed it on a computer that I am giving to someone00:08
vagtasticwawowe I am only seesing this  sudo apt-cache search linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae00:08
vagtasticlinux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae - Linux kernel image for version 3.2.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP00:08
genii-aroundWould it make sense to even have an x86_64 bit pae kernel ?00:08
einfeldtMonkeyDust, I volunteer with Partimus.org.  We put Ubuntu GNU-Linux machines in public schools.00:09
wawowevagtastic: it'll install the x86 kernel00:09
genii-aroundvagtastic: Yes. 64 bit there not referring to what arch the package is, the x86 is00:09
einfeldtMonkeyDust, I am a relatively simple end user.  My role in the org is to handhold the newbies.00:09
vagtasticwawowe genii-around so I should just install it?00:10
wawowevagtastic: yea00:10
genii-aroundvagtastic: Yes. You could do like : sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae:I386  if you want to specify00:11
vagtasticIll do that00:11
stef1aTomatoKetchup: HP ProBook 4545s00:12
stef1aescott: i've edited my grub config file -- it hasn't helped00:12
stef1ai will ask again: anybody know why ubuntu 12.04 isn't allowing me to change the brightness on my laptop? http://i.imgur.com/h3Ve6.png00:17
DaraelI upgraded to Precise, and now my keyboard layout settings seem to have no effect; everything's stuck in the system keyboard setting, which doesn't have, eg, compose key, caps-lock-as-backspace, layout-switching options...00:17
stef1ai've tried editing my grub config file and adding the acpi linux and vendor lines -- it doesn't work00:17
MonkeyDusteinfeldt  offtopic: I put a link to Partimus on my (very basic) linux 'portal'00:18
chrislu5ticHi there, I'm having a problem with winff,  wont seem to convert my ogv  files00:19
chrislu5tic(winff:4188): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_file_chooser_get_filename: assertion `GTK_IS_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser)' failed00:19
chrislu5ticany suggestions?  or other methods i can use00:19
The_ExplorerCpu Schedualing/IO: Is it a good idea to change everything to "round robin" on an 8 core cpu? I ask because 7z is lagging and only useing one core.00:20
BobMarleydo you know how to use the command:: grep -r -i serach_word *   , to look just in the files that end with .s or/and .c or/and .h etc, etc00:20
escottBobMarley, use find. find -iname *.s -exec grep -i search {} \;00:21
BA707Hello All...   Is there any way to get ahold of the 'snd-rtctimer' kernel module (for use with Rosegarden (under Ubu 10.04 LTS), short of recompiling the whole kernel ?00:23
BobMarleyescott, thanks but how to put that collored? and to show also in which file it was found? like using just the grep option00:24
escottBobMarley, grep -H you might also want -n00:25
MonkeyDustBA707  technically, that question can be asked here, but better as in #ubuntustudio, as it is more music oriented00:25
escottBobMarley, and for colors --color=always00:25
wawoweBA707: make M=snd-rtctimer00:25
BA707MonkeyDust: Thanks..  I'll go there...  They can probably answer a few of my other audio related ?'s..  ttfn00:25
i7c_to use gnome on Ubuntu 12.04... do i only have to install gnome-shell or what do i have to do?00:26
BA707wawowe:  And Thank you ONCE AGAIN...  :)00:26
escotti7c_, thats all you have to do00:26
i7c_escott: thx :)00:26
Jordan_U!notunity | i7c_00:27
ubottui7c_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:27
jagginessi7c, of course when you go on the logon screen, you click the 'gear' icon to select your desktop type00:27
jagginessor i7c_00:28
i7c_Jordan_U: but gnome-panel (gnome 2) is not supported on 12.04 anymore, is it?00:28
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Jordan_Ui7c_: gnome-panel is not gnome2, it's a fallback for GNOME shell which is similar to GNOME2's old shell with panels.00:30
DavidH2im having problems with the tool bar in libreoffice and lo_menubar didnt help/ also my systray isnt working.00:30
i7c_Jordan_U: ok. but only because it's fallback does not mean it's bad to use it, right? :D00:30
Jordan_Ui7c_: I think it's fine to use, though you may prefer XFCE for a GNOME2 like experience.00:31
EliahKagani7c_: fallback means that if your 3D graphics acceleration is broken and you can't use GNOME Shell, it will function as the *fallback* -- the "fallback" doesn't mean anything good or bad about it00:31
i7c_kk, thx to you!00:31
chrislu5ticwhen trying to convert .ogv to mpeg using winff it says this00:32
EliahKaganon systems that use GNOME Shell instead of Unity (like Fedora), GNOME Fallback will run automatically if GNOME Shell cannot work due to graphics issues00:32
quidnuncI have a package that has a newer version available that isn't being upgraded. What gives??00:32
TheTrashI can't believe partman wasn't made available as a general purpose tool in Ubuntu server.00:32
quidnuncapt-cache policy shows old and new version with same priority00:32
K1rkI think a lot of you will appreciate this image:  https://goput.it/191.jpg00:33
EliahKaganchrislu5tic, how much free space do you have on whatever partition contains /home? also, what's the output of: ls -al /home/lu5tic/.winff00:33
EliahKaganalso, the output of: ls -ald /home/lu5tic/.winff00:34
BobMarleyescott, thank you again for the help, but do i look in multiple file type extensions instead as it is in the following command looking just in the .h files, i want to look also at the same time in the .s files? find  -iname *.h -exec grep -H -n --color=always -i ASM_GLOBAL {} \;00:34
acolyteDoes anyone know of a music player that can list your library by Folder Structure?00:36
einfeldtMonkeyDust, off topic: thx so much for that link!  Can you paste a copy of the link?  Thx either way.  You can also reach me at einfeldt at gmail dot com00:36
escottBobMarley, -iname a -or -iname b00:36
jagginessacolyte, maybe songbird00:38
MonkeyDusteinfeldt  mind if I paste in your pv ?00:38
jagginess(but its probably available in ppa)00:38
einfeldtMonkeyDust, sorry, what is pv?00:38
MonkeyDusteinfeldt  private window00:39
einfeldtMonkeyDust, sure, please go ahead and paste.   :-)00:40
acolyte192Sorry, my client crashed. I will try it, thanks! :)00:40
dejahnueacolyte, xmms can show you a list of folders00:42
BobMarleyescott, thank you again but with or i can just look in one tile type extention, but i want in both of them at the same time, i have used the command find -iname *.s  -iname *.h -exec grep -H -n --color=always -i setcodeselector {} \;00:43
BobMarley      , but it is not working00:43
escottBobMarley, -iname a -or -iname b00:43
trismBobMarley: you may need parens to get it working: \( -iname a -o -iname b \) then the rest of your arguments00:43
BobMarleyescott, but with or it looks just in one wile extention, not in both of them at the same tine00:44
escottBobMarley, -iname a   READ THIS BIT -or DID YOU SEE IT? -iname b00:44
Myrthhi, i have a clean installation of 12.04 and php5 package installed. I need pdo-mysql but phpinfo() says PDO drivers "no value". in extensions folder there's only pdo.so, which came with php5 package. aptitude search pdo doesn't give any relevant results. please help, thanks00:45
dejahnuevery strange. I just discovered my irc client requesting a whois of someone I'd never heard of before00:45
Harrisanyone have the drivers for hp keyboard00:46
dejahnuehow safe is it to use xchat (the latest) while being here?00:47
jagginessdejahnue, being where?00:48
dejahnueon this channel00:48
jagginessdejahnue, dangerous.00:48
dejahnuethat's what I was afraid of00:49
killbe carefull u can go in jail:D00:49
jagginess^. serial killer on the loose.00:49
Harrisanyone have the drivers for hp keyboard00:49
dejahnuevery strange. I just discovered my irc client requesting it's own whois of someone I'd never heard of before00:49
jagginessdejahnue, maybe your mouse is double clicking instead of single clicking..00:50
jagginess(maybe its that killer)00:50
killwhere are u from guys ?00:51
* jagginess hides00:51
dejahnueit requested a whois of someone named "darkshadows" who isn't even on my screen00:51
escottdejahnue, its just advertising for the new johnny depp movie. canonical gets paid for each whois00:52
jagginessdejahnue, did you look behind the screen? maybe it's a real mouse doing something00:52
dejahnueyeah right00:52
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jagginessdejahnue, i think you found a hidden mascot.. probably an easter egg of some killer sort..00:53
dejahnueeven if that is so, it concerns me deeply to find that someone built it into xchat00:54
BobMarleyescott, -or evaluates just one expession, but i wanted both of them to be evaluated.   i am trying to use the command in this way: find -iname *.s , *.h -exec grep -H -n --color=always -i setcodeselector {} ;00:54
BobMarley, but it is not working00:54
jagginessdejahnue, http://www.eeggs.com/tree/10511.html00:54
escottBobMarley, find . -iname *.txt -or -iname *.sh works just fine on my system00:54
BobMarleyescott, yes it works but as you can read in the man pages it is exclusive, if one is true , the other is false00:55
BobMarleyescott, it also is not working in this fassion: find -iname *.s ,-iname *.h -exec grep -H -n --color=always -i setcodeselector {} ;00:56
escottBobMarley, "it is exclusive, if one is true, the other is false" i dont get what you are saying there. *.s and *.h cannot both be true at the same time00:57
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muelliBobMarley: ... well. you could as well use smth like -name '*.[ch]'00:58
xisorhi, i need help finding a program to do what i need it to do00:58
muellixisor: apropos00:58
xisori need a cpu temperature sensor program, that resides in and can show the temp in the new unity bar on the left00:58
xisormuch like windows app can show temps in the taskbar00:59
xisoreven one that shows the temp on the top bar would be fine00:59
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wyldexisor: lm-sensors and psensor might be useful to you00:59
BobMarleyescott, what i really want is both of them to be true at the same time,00:59
xisorpsensor puts an icon on the top bar, but doesnt show the temp unless i actually open it00:59
=== darko313 is now known as hkpolitik
xisori need to be able to see the cpu temp at all times regardless of what im doing01:00
escottBobMarley, well i can solve that problem for you very easily just run /bin/false01:00
wyldexisor: it can show the cpu temp on the unity bar as well. Just only 1 temp though.01:00
jagginessxisor, well sensors eh.. conky01:00
escottBobMarley, a file cannot end in both .s and .h so what do you want01:00
xisorwylde: how do i make it show the temp?01:00
hkpolitik12.04 doesn't seem to be recognizing/utilizing my gpu. how do I install/configure radeon drivers?01:01
jagginessxisor, conky boy?01:01
* jagginess thinks http://conky.sourceforge.net/01:01
Daraelxisor: Permanent solution, DE-independent but requiring additional hardware, would be to add a small LCD; many are well supported.01:01
Daraelhkpolitik: Have you looked at the "additional drivers" tool?01:01
wyldein the options I believe, moment I'l have to check. I'm on a thin client atm.01:01
BobMarleyescott, no what i really want is to look for some word that is located in the file extensions that i specify, in my case are .s and .h , both of them at the same time01:01
xisorDarael: nah i  want a software solution01:01
Daraelxisor: Fair enough, I just thought I'd mention it.01:02
hkpolitikDarael: yeah, I've ran that program and it didn't seem to find my drivers or recognize them01:02
escottBobMarley, and im saying. find -iname *.s -or -iname *.h will find all files that end in either .s or .h -exec grep ... will then run grep on those files. if that is not what you want you need to be clearer about how it is not what you want01:02
DaraelBobMarley: Surely not both at the same time, but either?  A file can't match both *.s and *.h, it's impossible.01:03
xisorwylde: how do i make it show the temp without having to open it?01:03
hkpolitikdoes 12.04 still use xorg to configure the vga driver? maybe i need to do something with that01:04
Daraelxisor: If it'll display in the launcher, then add it to the startup apps, and either set it to start minimised (if that's an option in the config) or use devilspie to minimise it.01:04
wyldexisor: in prefs, "Enable Unity Launcher Counter" I believe01:04
xisorwylde: i dont have that option01:05
BobMarleyDarael, escott, not a file but files, i have in my directory the aa.s and aa.c  and now i want to look in both of them at the same time if they have the worh "hello"01:05
xisorwylde: actually nvm, i do, and its checked, and i dont see the temp anywhere in unity still01:05
wyldexisor: i have ver. and it has that opyion01:05
BobMarleythere is that option in the find command:01:06
BobMarleyexpr1 , expr201:06
BobMarley              List;  both  expr1 and expr2 are always evaluated.  The value of expr1 is discarded; the value of the list is the value of expr2. The comma01:06
BobMarley              operator can be useful for searching for several different types of thing, but traversing the filesystem hierarchy only once.  The -fprintf01:06
BobMarley              action can be used to list the various matched items into several different output files.01:06
FloodBot1BobMarley: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
wyldexisor: it puts the temp insid the icon on the launcher.01:06
BobMarleybut it is not working01:06
xisorwylde: i see the icon only, no temperature01:06
muelliBobMarley: ... well. you could as well use smth like -name '*.[ch]'01:06
BobMarley-name is just sensitive01:06
escottBobMarley, you are reading that wrong. the comma operator is to do something like finding a file ending in .h but then getting the path or some other attribute of the file as the output not the filename itself01:06
hkpolitikwhere is xorg.conf located?01:07
wyldexisor: hmmmm, not sure what else to do. I'ts always worked for me. I have the idicator and the icon in the launchbar shows just the cpu temp.01:07
xisoranyone know where i can find out the safe temperature limit of my cpu/01:07
muellihkpolitik: config files are generally located in /etc/. to find files named "xorg.conf" you could use smth like "find /etc/ -name 'xorg.conf'".01:08
muellihkpolitik: I for one, don't even have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf anymore (thank's god...) but it'd probably be located/expected there.01:09
BobMarleyxisor, in the intel manual about you cpu01:09
BobMarleyos some webpage01:09
hkpolitikmuelli: thanks!01:09
i7chow can i configure multiple desktops/workspaces with gnome-shell?01:09
muellii7c: you don't. It just works :)01:09
BobMarleyi7c ctrl+shoft+t01:09
escottBobMarley, you would use the comma operator if you wanted to do something like "find -iname *.s -delete, -iname *.h -print" which would scan the folder ONCE and delete all s files and print all h file01:09
i7cBobMarley: mhm doesn't have any effect01:10
escottBobMarley, think of finds "," as begin "; find" but a bit more efficient01:10
Harrisanyone have the drivers for hp keyboard01:10
muelliHarris: erm. What makes you think that you need a driver?01:11
BobMarleyescott, ???01:11
Harrismuelli,  it is not working01:11
muelliHarris: how do you know?01:11
Harrisi am trying to use it now01:11
wilee-nileeHarris, this a laptop, and do you have another keyboard to try?01:11
jagginessHarris, is it usb?01:11
escottBobMarley, "," is not what you want. its so esoteric i doubt anyone uses it much. in all likelihood you will never in your life encounter a situation where you will want to use ","01:12
Harriswilee-nilee,  it is a laptop  and no jagginess  yes it is usb01:12
jagginessHarris, is it an hp laptop? (maybe you need to pass a kernel option)01:12
Harrisjagginess,  yes it is01:12
jane_wayne78i'm following the steps at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XenProposed, in the Create an HVM Guest VM section, when i run "sudo xm create /etc/xen/ubuntu-hvm.cfg" i get a error: Domain ubuntu-hvm does not exist01:12
i7cwell i obviously have 2 workspaces... but i'd like 3x3 ... how to increase the number?01:13
jane_wayne78any idea?01:13
hkpolitikis it normal to not have an xorg.conf anymore?01:13
muellii7c: you just use them. You get as many workspaces as you use.01:13
helloxwhy my root dir haven't left any space now?01:14
BobMarleyescott, so how is there at the horizon some solution for my problme01:14
jagginessHarris, a usb keyboard.. the most problems i've had with usb has to do with laptop usb ports.. sometimes if u change ports or add a usb extender, there makes a difference..01:14
muellihkpolitik: yes :)01:14
i7cmuelli: got it. but i cant move to the right or left? just up and down?01:14
jagginesshkpolitik, yes that's normal. Xorg can go without xorg.conf as long as you like what it's using as a default.. (it does autodetection)01:15
Harristhat did not work jagginess01:15
muellii7c: correct01:15
escottBobMarley, "-or" thats how you do what you described. tell me in what way -or is not what you want?01:15
Harrisjagginess,  now it works but on my laptop there are lights next to caps lock which tells me its on01:16
jagginessHarris, only thing you can try is to update the bios, (and if still fails, try to slightly checkout a pci timer modification with one of the pci commands)01:16
i7cmuelli: meeeeh :(01:16
Harriswhen i press caps lock on the usb keyboard01:16
jagginessHarris, i'm assuming you're trying plaintext as well01:16
jagginessHarris, you tried plaintext console?01:16
Harristhe light does not go on01:16
Harriswhat is plaintext01:17
jagginessHarris, you type ctl-alt-f7 to come back to gui, plain text is ctl-alt-f1 .. to ctl-alt-f601:17
BobMarleyescott, the syntax of the or is as decribed in the man pages:  USE THIS FILE EXTENSION -or THIS ONE,   but what i really want is to look in all files that end with .h and .s01:17
Harrisit works but01:18
Harris on my laptop there are lights next to caps lock which tells me its on but the light does not go on when i press caps lock on the usb keyboard01:18
BobMarleyescott, and how to exclude some folders from searching?01:18
jagginessHarris, dunno, maybe look at something related to 'scim' functionality01:18
escottBobMarley, find -false thats how you search for all files that end in both .h AND .s.01:18
wawoweBobMarley: it looks at both.. it doesn't just choose at random01:19
bsmith093how do i fix this, its a binary linux blob i dont have the souce and i tried compiling qt4.7 from source but i dont kno how to check whick version this thing thinks its using symbol lookup error: ./fanficdownloader: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii01:20
muellibsmith093: try running ldd on that thing01:20
helloxwow, help01:20
xisorwhat are some programs you guys would reccomend for a linux noob for playing audio and video files, and other everyday things that peple do?01:20
wawowehellox: you filled you disk i guess. so that's why it's full01:21
muellixisor: totem and rhythmbox.01:21
Harriswhat is scim jagginess01:21
Daraelxisor: VLC runs on Linux, is in the Ubuntu repos, may be familiar from Windows, and plays just about everything.01:21
GeoGeekxisor: VLC01:21
GeoGeekDarn. Beat me to it.01:22
xisorDarael: what about web browser? firefox or chrome? firefox seems built in01:22
bsmith093muelli: http://pastebin.com/4Xe4HSyR01:22
helloxwawowe dude, i haven't did that:(01:22
wawowehellox: did it suddenly fill by itself?01:22
helloxwawowe how to know the problem why my disk is full:(01:22
Daraelxisor: I use a mix of Firefox and chromium (the unbranded, open-source version of Chrome; it's in the repos, Chrome requires a download from Google).  I also occasionally use Opera, Epiphany, elinks...01:23
helloxwawowe  i am not sure:( but i use tar xf to extrat a large file days ago:(01:23
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xisorDarael: any difference id notice between chrome or chromium in terms of features, addons etc?01:23
muellibsmith093: hm. the linker finds all necessary libraries...01:23
bsmith093muelli: i recently found out qt was overhauled, and im thinking that might be the issue01:24
wawowehellox: find / -exec du -h {} \; | grep G01:24
Daraelxisor: The default colour-scheme is different?  It uses your system codecs and flash-player rather than built-in ones, too.  No differences you should really notice, therefore, except the better default colour scheme and logo :P01:24
muellibsmith093: what is the exact output when you run it?01:24
xisorDarael: is java already installed with ubuntu?01:24
xisorDarael: if not, how do i go about getting it?01:24
escotthellox, wawowe, find -size would be a LOT faster01:25
bsmith093muelli: this ben@ben-laptop:~/Desktop/Ben's Stuff/Fanfiction$ ./fanficdownloader  ./fanficdownloader: symbol lookup error: ./fanficdownloader: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii01:25
OerHeksOpenJDK is just fine for me01:25
Darael!java | xisor01:25
ubottuxisor: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:25
xisorDarael: and..... what do i grab for java to work in firefox and chromium? :P01:25
muelliweird bsmith093. But it's C++. That's too quirky anyway. Nobody wants to actually deal with that.. sorry, no idea.01:26
Daraelxisor: The link should help, but as I recall it's something to do with openJDK?  I forget, and I'm not on my Ubuntu machine right now.01:26
xisorDarael: will openjdk do 100% of the same things the same way oracles java will?01:26
xisorDarael: arent 99.9% of all things made for java made with oracles java in mind?01:27
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raptor67682how to add a rss reader to ELINKS?01:27
wawowehellox, escott find / -size 1G -or -size 2G -or -size 3G -exec du -h {} \;01:27
escottxisor, oracle is switching to basing their next release on openjdk so it should be really really close01:27
Daraelxisor: OpenJDK was based on code released by Sun, IIRC.  In any case, best bet is to just install the default-jre package, which will pull in something appropriate as a dependency.  Besides, <what escott said>.01:28
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xisorok then01:28
xisoranything else i need to install to get the best experience possible out of ubuntu?01:28
zykotick9raptor67682: are you looking for a console rss reader?  canto is one option.01:28
escottwawowe, hellox -size +1G01:28
xisorwhile im grabbing stuff01:28
VDZHmmm...I made a bit of a silly mistake. I reinstalled my server (twice, first installation had severe issues), but forgot to backup my database folder. Current disk usage is 4%, was less at previous install01:29
VDZDo I still have a chance at recovering my /var/lib/postgresql/8.4, and if so, what tool do you recommend for it?01:29
VDZI'm not interested in the other 96% of the disk, everything important is backed up01:29
VDZThe database itself wasn't all that big01:30
OerHeksxisor restricted extra's is a metapackage for flash, openjsk & more webtools01:30
xisorOerHeks: flash already seems to be installed and working by default01:30
Daraelxisor: Much of this stuff can be gotten by installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, or (if you're in such a situation that renders it legal to do so) adding the medibuntu.org repo and installing the non-free-codecs package (which depends on ubuntu-restricted-extras anyway)01:30
Daraelxisor: In that case, you probably checked a box at install time, which will have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras including its dependencies such as a JRE.  Sorted.01:31
i7ccan i config somehow that gnome-shell will switch workspaces on both of my physical displays? right now it only switches on the primary and on the second there is always the same workspace01:31
xisorDarael: do i need non-free-codecs for vlc to play my files? or no?01:31
zykotick9xisor: vlc doesn't use external codecs01:31
wilee-nileeDarael, a install with the 3rd party ticked does not install the restricted-extras. :)01:32
Daraelxisor: You might want to install libdvdcss2 from medibuntu (or there's a shell script somewhere to do it without that repo, I forget which)01:32
Daraelwilee-nilee: I never used it myself.  Teach me not to make assumptions.01:32
xisorDarael: i dont own an optical drive, let alone a dvd:P01:32
wilee-nileeDarael, I think you can do it all yourself, lol. :)01:33
wilee-nileean assumption on my part of course01:34
xisorwilee-nilee: how do i have flash installed then if i didnt install either it or the restricted extras?01:34
Daraelwilee-nilee: That was /intended/ to be a "that'll teach me", rather than a request, although I concede that the phrasing was ambiguous.01:34
OerHeksah, install synaptic, it isn't default anymore01:34
Daraelxisor: That's that, then.  Still useful to know about :P01:34
wilee-nileeDarael, I try not to read into stuff, but gosh darn I do it anyway.01:35
xisorDarael: how do i get screensavers? :P01:35
xisorDarael: and WHERE do i set them up at?01:35
xisorDarael: i couldnt find it in the system settings anywhere01:36
wilee-nileethe walnut sized brain is the culprit I suspect.01:36
Daraelxisor: That's GNOME's fault; they decided that gnome-screensaver wouldn't be anymore.  You'll need to install the xscreensaver package, as I recall.01:36
xisorDarael: ok01:36
Guest81104trying to setup backuppc, added backuppc users to sudoers via visudo still doesn't work, anybody have experience with backuppc?01:36
xisorDarael: got a specific name for the package i need01:37
xisorthat WAS the name01:37
xisorwhere will i find the config for it?01:37
Endafywhen is Gimp 2.8 going to be in the repos?01:38
Daraelxisor: My memory is that it comes with a config tool, but this is from at least three releases ago, so... I have no idea.  And it may be necessary to do something to get it to work instead of gnome-screensaver.  I forget.01:38
OerHeksGuest81104, maybe page is any help > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupPC01:39
zykotick9Endafy: next release probably.  versions aren't typically updated after release (there are some exceptions).  you might check for a PPA01:39
DaraelEndafy: Certainly not until the next release - package major-versions are (for the most part) fixed for a given release.01:39
Endafythats retarded01:39
raptor67682zykotick9: thank you. I have to try to know if canto support <-> elinks01:39
EndafyI have to wait 6 effin months for an updated gimp?01:39
bosco_ok i am having trouble connecting my hdmi from my laptop to my tv wont show any picture just goes black for a min on my laptop i am in catalyst control on my laptop?01:40
bosco_any help??01:40
DaraelEndafy: Not really.  The point of a stable release is that it's stable.  You want rolling-release, use a rolling-release distro or PPAs for the packages you want updates for.01:40
Endafybut 2.8 is stabl;e01:40
zykotick9raptor67682: sorry, i'm unclear why your looking for elinks and rss feeds.  I doubt canto-elinks talk to one another...  good luck.01:40
xisorDarael: it has a huge list of screensavers but most of them say not available01:40
=== tamaros_ is now known as tamaros
xisorDarael: the extras packages it specifies, dont exist01:40
Endafyits been stable for a while01:40
DaraelEndafy: Stable doesn't just mean it runs without crashing, it means things don't change from under people's feet.01:40
Code_FactoryHey guys, I'm having a problem with thunderbird can someone help me?01:40
Endafyit runs without crashing here01:40
Guest81104OerHerks thanks but I followed the instructions on that page01:41
awakecodinghi, I'm looking for instructions on how to set up the FreeIPA server on ubuntu01:41
wawowebosco_: turn on dual displays in that control panel01:41
Daraelxisor: Try the xscreensaver-gl and xscreensaver-gl-extra packages?  Just a guess.01:41
bosco_wawowe, ok i have done that i think just to make sure tell me again how to do that?01:41
SirCmpwnI have ubuntu server up and running and I'm trying to enable mod_rewrite on apache 2.201:41
=== _Vali is now known as iRealHk
einfeldtHi, before Unity, it was possible to get to the desktop with a click of the button.  Is there a similar option in Unity for Ubuntu 12.04? Thx in advance01:41
muelli!anyone | Code_Factory01:41
SirCmpwnI found rewrite.load in mods-enabled, but running it give permission denied01:41
ubottuCode_Factory: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:41
SirCmpwnrunning as root, I mean01:42
muelli!details | SirCmpwn01:42
ubottuSirCmpwn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:42
xisorDarael: they renamed the packages and the app gives old names lol01:42
Code_Factorymuelli ?01:42
xisorDarael: is that something i can bug report to whoever makes it? :P01:42
wawowebosco_: "Display Manager" -> "Multi-Display" -> "Single display desktop (Multi-desktop)"01:42
DaraelSirCmpwn: You don't need to run it, you just "sudo service apache2 reload".01:42
Endafywhy do you make Ubuntu such a pain in the ass to run01:42
Endafythis is exactly why people dont like Linux01:43
Endafynew apps exist but you ignore them01:43
SirCmpwnDarael: and at that point I can use RewriteEngine?01:43
Endafythis shit is fucking retarded beyond belief01:43
Code_FactoryDoes anyone know why thunderbird might stop working for no apparent reason?01:43
bosco_wawowe, ok i have already done that and no display on tv01:43
genii-aroundEndafy: ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp01:43
muelliCode_Factory: how do you know that?01:43
genii-aroundHm, left after profanity01:43
DaraelEndafy: This is a support channel, not a dev channel.  And for most people, programs changing *all* the *cursed* *time* is a pain, so they're left stable for a given release.01:43
Code_Factorymuelli : how do I know what?01:44
wawowebosco_: can you see your second display listed there?01:44
muelliCode_Factory: that "thunderbird might stop working"01:44
bosco_wawowe, yes as orion01:45
Code_Factorymuelli: i tried of the terminal, it goes into a loop of warnings! and I can see the process but nothing else happens01:45
muelliCode_Factory: what have you expected instead?01:45
wawowebosco_: and does it actually say something like "no signal" on the other monitor?01:46
Code_Factorymuelli: that the thunderbird window opens and I can check my mail?01:46
ibmplease can someone help me i am trying to upgrade my version of ubuntu without success i tried with the updater tool it did not work so i tried typing in the terminal this sudo do-release-upgrade -d and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and sudo apt-get update without success i do not now what to do now01:46
muelliCode_Factory: and what warnings do you get? can you pastebin them?01:46
bosco_wawowe, no sorry01:47
wawowebosco_: what's on the other screen?01:47
Daraelibm: Which release are you on, what output did you get from the various commands you tried, and which release are you going for?01:47
Code_Factorymuelli: I'm a rookie with ubuntu but I have them on a file would you like me to paste them in a private chat?01:47
muelli!pastebin | Code_Factory01:47
ubottuCode_Factory: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:47
ibmthe previous lts version of ubuntu01:47
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:48
Code_Factorymuelli : I'll try now01:48
muelliibm: how do you know that your attempts were not successful?01:48
bosco_wawowe, just blank hdmi 101:49
xisorDarael: what is compiz and do i need it?01:49
wawowebosco_: hit ok in the control panel and restart the xserver01:49
wawowebosco_: then open a terminal and type DISPLAY=:0.1 xterm01:50
Daraelxisor: It's a window manager, and yes, you definitely need it if you're using Unity, unless you're using Unity 2D.01:50
muellior GNOME Shell01:50
xisorDarael: how do i check?01:50
xisorDarael: which one im using?01:50
Daraelxisor: Even if you are, removing it would break ubuntu-desktop, which is a pretty-much necessary package for upgrades.01:50
xisorDarael: so i already have compiz?01:51
muellixisor: why would you care about that?01:51
Code_Factorymuelli: something funny started to happen, its opening as if its brand new!! so I will try a restart and come back.. thank you for your support, ttyl01:51
Daraelxisor: If changing workspaces has a sliding animation, you're in unity 3d.  And yes, it's part of the default install.01:51
xisormuelli: i just didnt know what it was01:51
ibmbecause i get information that it is canceling the upgrade and it takes about only one minute01:51
xisorDarael: yes it does01:51
muellixisor: you can check packages.ubuntu.com for descriptions. Or "apt-cache show $package" on the terminal.01:51
xisorDarael: can i change the effects and stuff?01:51
bosco_xterm Xt error: Can't open display: :0.1 wawowe01:52
muelliibm: can you provide us details? I.e. what is the terminal output, does it print anything on the screen, ...? There must be a reason as to why it fails...01:52
Daraelxisor: For all the interesting things compiz can do, look at the compizconfig-settings-manager package and run ccsm.  Get more compiz plugins with the compiz-plugins-* packages.01:52
=== angeron is now known as Anger_On_Ubuntu
wawowebosco_: did you restart X?01:52
xisorDarael: ok ill look it up :D01:52
xisorDarael: ty01:52
xisorDarael: im gonna install kubuntu-desktop and see what kde looks like01:53
ibmmuelli how do i pastebin the easiest way01:53
xisorDarael: i can switch back and forth anytime at the login screen right?01:53
muelli!pastebinit | ibm01:53
ubottuibm: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:53
Daraelxisor: Yes, you can.  Lovely and easy.01:54
xisorDarael: cool, what other desktops are there that i can try?01:54
jane_wayne78anyone know what is the problem with 'error: domain 'ubuntu' does not exist' mean? i'm trying to install ubuntu desktop as a hvm guest os on xen01:54
jane_wayne78(following instructions from ubuntu's own site)01:54
muellixisor: GNOME 301:54
xisormuelli: isnt that what im already on with ubuntu?01:55
Anger_On_UbuntuI think so01:55
synack_hey guys, i installed lunbuntu and there are some features from unity i would like to use , such as the snap to left or right with "super" arrow keys01:55
muellixisor: nope. Likely not.01:55
xisormuelli: whaats the package name for the gnome 3 desktop?01:55
Daraelxisor: gnome-shell, the default shell for gnome3.  LXDE.01:55
synack_do i need to upgrade the entire WM?01:55
synack_just to get that feature?01:55
muellixisor: I think just "gnome".01:55
synack_also I am not loving the alt-tab interface that came with the WM in xubuntu01:56
xisorso i can sudo apt-get install gnome and then gnome will be a choice at the login menu?01:56
Daraelxisor: Enlightenment (e17).  XFCE.  Any of the minimal window managers (fluxbox, openbox...).01:56
synack_i meant to say xubuntu, that is what i am using01:56
muellixisor: yes :) Or click the link down there: http://www.gnome.org/getting-gnome/01:56
xisorDarael: whats the package name for enlightenment?01:56
Daraelmuelli: The ubuntu default is Gnome 3, but not gnome-shell.01:56
muelliDarael: wrong01:56
Daraelxisor: e17.  And for Gnome 3, you want gnome-shell.01:56
xisorDarael: muelli yhou guys are confusing me now!01:57
xisorDarael: ok01:57
Code_Factorymuelli: now thunderbird starts but as if the first time, I just remembered that I ran some updates today.. I think this is a profile issue, you think you can help me a bit?01:57
ibmmuelli it is half in english and the other half in swedish but i think you will understand anyway i hope http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010578/01:57
Daraelmuelli: Pray tell how?01:57
xisorDarael:  and my programs and settings will be preserved even when i switch back and forth?01:57
Daraelxisor: Yup, although I don't know how it handles default programs.  Some defaults may be different in different DEs, depending on the mechanism used.01:58
muelliCode_Factory: potentially. What does ls -l ~/.thunderbird/ tell you?01:58
xisorDarael: i have a configuring KDM thing in my terminal now.... what options do i choose?01:58
xisorkdm or lightdm?01:58
muelliibm: if you run "export LC_ALL=C" before you run programs, you will get neat, english output.01:58
Daraelxisor: I would stick with lightdm, especially if you're only trying out KDE.01:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:58
xisorDarael: whats the difference?01:58
Code_Factorymuelli : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010580/01:59
Daraelxisor: Different programs, different GUI toolkits, different projects.01:59
xisorDarael: does kubuntu use lightdm by default as well?01:59
Daraelmuelli: It's interesting that you say that Unity is not GNOME 3, because:01:59
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.01:59
Daraelmuelli: ...the bot says otherwise.01:59
muelliCode_Factory: so there is one profile only. Check whether the profiles.ini actually lists that profile.02:00
Daraelxisor: Nope, it uses kdm by default, hence it installing kdm, hence the popup.02:00
Code_Factorymuelli: wow you're pretty popular here.. you're putting down fires everywhere, I wish I can help02:00
ibmmuelli how do you mean i am not use to teminal command line02:00
xisorDarael: if i switch to kdm as the default will unity stop working if i switch back over?02:00
muelliibm: hm. There is something wrong with "ubuntu-desktop". Maybe try to "apt-get install" it first..02:00
Code_Factorymuelli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010584/02:01
Daraelxisor: No, it won't, but there's no real reason to switch, especially if you think it won't be permanent.02:01
xisorDarael: im not sure if itll be permanent or not until i try it02:01
xisorDarael: can i change it later?02:01
ibmmuelli i tried reinstall it without success to02:01
muelliCode_Factory: so that's the only profile.. Did you have another one..?02:01
Daraelxisor: Yes... but I don't remember how!02:01
=== angeron is now known as Anger_On
Code_Factorymuelli: nope.. but it seems like its got the right stuff in it.. how can I make it work again?02:02
Anger_OnHowdy all02:02
sparkybluefoxI'm. I'm just hanging in here to learn something.02:02
Anger_OnSame here. Hanging to learn something new02:02
=== Dorito is now known as Guest66522
ibmmuelli i tried reinstall it ubuntu-desktop without success02:03
muelliDarael: well. Unity GNOME 3 uses GTK+-3, but that's basically about it. cf. http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libunity-misc4 or the other unity packages. And GNOME 3 is of course the desktop including the shell. Using the libraries doesn't qualify as "GNOME 3".02:03
ibmmuelli how do you mean i am not use to teminal command line02:03
sparkybluefoxWelcome Anger_On02:03
muelliibm: how do you know that it's without success?02:03
ibmmuelli how do you mean i am not use to teminal command line02:03
ibmmuelli how do you mean i am not use to teminal command line02:04
muelliCode_Factory: I don't understand. Did it work before? (if it did, you must have had a profile...)02:04
Daraelmuelli: GNOME is more than the shell, though, isn't it?  It's all the applications and libraries that go with it.  The major difference in Unity is the shell (and hence the WM), but all the apps are GNOME ones - not just GTK, mind, but GNOME-project.  It even uses gnome-control-center.02:04
Code_Factorymuelli : it worked this morning!! I had almost 6 accounts setup and 4 calednars02:05
ibmmuelli i tried to type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop02:05
muelliDarael: correct. Although Ubuntu uses to madly patch those things.02:05
muelliibm: and can you pastebin the output...?02:05
* sparkybluefox goes to sleep....nighty nite02:05
rocketsMy mouse cursor is huge, after switching to high contrast and back to the standard DMZ cursor02:05
Daraelmuelli: True.  But that's the case even if you run gnome-shell on Ubuntu.  It's still the Ubuntu versions, which may be patched.02:05
rocketsnone of the things I google seem to work or do anything02:05
muelliCode_Factory: hm. are you sure that you used the very same user and not, i.e. root via sudo?02:06
xisorheres a probably stupid question... why so many different distros of linux?02:06
Anger_OnI have recently installed Lubuntu Netbook. I later installed gnome gnome-panel and gnome-shell. I dont have a theme for for the gnome panels... any ideas out there for how to get that piece functional?02:06
rocketsxisor, yes, that is02:06
Code_Factorymuelli : no, but while i'm trying to get it to start I tried a sudo :s was that a mistake?02:06
muelliCode_Factory: maybe.. You might have run thunderbird as root... Can you pastebin a "sudo ls -la ~root/.thunderbird/" for us?02:07
Code_Factorymuelli : ls: cannot access /root/.thunderbird/: No such file or directory02:08
einfeldtDoes anyone know how I edit my Ubuntu forum profile? http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=428457  thx in advance02:08
zykotick9!gksudo | Code_Factory02:08
ubottuCode_Factory: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:08
muelliCode_Factory: hm. that is good. Sorry, I don't know then. It's weird.02:08
wawowexisor: linux is just the kernel. the distros are gnu/linux configurations with different designs and goals02:09
xisorwawowe: im not sure i understand at all02:09
Code_Factorymuelli : us?02:09
Code_Factorymuelli :  well thank you very very much02:09
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:09
Anger_OnI have recently installed Lubuntu Netbook. I later installed gnome gnome-panel and gnome-shell. I dont have a theme for for the gnome panels... any ideas out there for how to get that piece functional?02:09
muelliCode_Factory: I can't really believe that a fully working profile just got los. You must have deleted it...02:10
ibmmuelli ok but how do i get in english only02:10
ibmmuelli ok but how do i get in english only02:10
wawowexisor: the kernel is the center of the universe and the software is everything else02:10
muelliibm: open a terminal and before you do anything, type "export LC_ALL=C"02:10
Code_Factorymuelli : haven't touched it, can you tell me how I can check what updates I ran today?02:10
ibmmuelli ok i try it now02:10
muelliCode_Factory: sure, but updates are unlikely to affect that... You have a log in /var/log/dpkg.log or the like.02:11
escottxisor, they all have different target groups. redhat is targeted towards corporations, ubuntu towards desktop users, debian is general purpose but has a strong focus on freedom and open source so things like mp3 playback are not standard, android is technically linux but very different from the others02:11
muelliCode_Factory: maybe you played around and configured your thunderbird as guest...02:11
wawowexisor: not everyone likes jupitor02:11
Code_Factorymuelli: thnx I'm Alex from Egypt02:11
Code_Factorymuelli: no I didn't changed anything for a month now, only ubuntu updates02:11
Anger_OnI have recently installed Lubuntu Netbook. I later installed gnome gnome-panel and gnome-shell. I dont have a theme for for the gnome panels... any ideas out there for how to get that piece functional?02:12
xisorwawowe: ive heard of one called gentoo too and someone told me i shouldnt even bother trying until i know linux very very well02:12
muelliO_o so are you telling me that your thunderbird worked for a month and now it lost your profile all of a sudden..?02:12
xisorescott: too sorry lol02:12
Code_Factorymuelli:  I uninstalled qt02:12
muellixisor: heh. I started to use GNU/Linux by installing gentoo :) It was worth it I'd say.02:13
wawowexisor: a lot of people get to know linux very well in the first place by using something like gentoo02:13
escottxisor, gentoo and slackware are historically for hobbyists who want to know everything in and out, front to back, down to the smallest details. so not for a new user02:13
xisormuelli: is it harder to use than others or something?02:13
Daraelxisor: Gentoo done right is lightning-fast, in general, because it's all compiled for your hardware.  On the other hand, you need to be able to handle the details.02:13
xisorescott: so i should stick with this to learn with?02:13
muellixisor: hihi. well. Let's put it the other way: There is more to learn ;-)02:13
reisiommm, Gentoo, my first and my last :D02:14
escottxisor, the #ubuntu channel says "stick with ubuntu" -- but we might be biased02:14
ibmmuelli it does not work i get only this ibm@ibm-laptop:~$ export LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:14
ibmbash: export: `apt-get': not a valid identifier02:14
ibmbash: export: `ubuntu-desktop': not a valid identifier02:14
muelliibm: sorry. Hit enter after the "export LC_ALL=C"02:14
xisormuelli: so ubuntu is the best option for me while i get the basics down then?02:14
ibmmuelli ok i try it02:14
muellixisor: the best option for you is the one that you're the most comfortable with. I can't tell you what you're comfortable with.02:15
Daraelxisor: I'm going to go against the channel consensus.  Try different things.  As soon as you're happy with Ubuntu, take a look at something else - red-hat family, perhaps, since their packaging system is also large but entirely different from the Debian-family one.02:15
xisormuelli: all ive ever used is windows02:15
wawowexisor: if you want to learn more you have to challenge yourself02:15
MalsasaHello, i wanna compile a program from source in Maverick. Anybody can give me suggestion? What application I should compile?02:15
MalsasaI wanna learn compiling from source.02:15
reisioxisor: you might want to use Kubuntu then02:15
DaraelMalsasa: GNU Hello?  The most bloated hello-world you've ever seen?02:16
xisorDarael: what about something i heard of called sabayon? its gentoo with a package manager added on or something02:16
reisioxisor: IME Windows users prefer KDE02:16
zykotick9!10.10 | Malsasa02:16
ubottuMalsasa: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.02:16
MalsasaGNU Hello is a program?02:16
reisioxisor: with binaries :p02:16
muelliMalsasa: ? you can compile anything, really.. apt-get source $package will get you the source of any package and "dpkg-builddep" (I think) will get you the necessary dependencies.02:16
xisorreisio: is that bad?02:16
reisioMalsasa: #friendly-coders02:16
Daraelxisor: That's right, yes.  Sabayon is friendlier for your average user, do give it a go if you fancy a bit of an adventure.02:16
reisioxisor: no, it's just not a package manager :D Gentoo already has one02:16
Daraelmuelli: apt-get build-dep, actually, but kudos for mentioning it.02:16
xisorDarael: can i use the ubuntu usb loader program on a non ubuntu distro?02:17
ibmmuelli i get it anyway in half english and half swedish what does i do wrong is it normal02:17
reisioxisor: Sabayon has a pretty streamlined install process, I couldn't speak to maintenance02:17
xisorDarael: i dont have an optical drive lol02:17
MalsasaThank you, but I just wanna use Maverick only for learning. I dont need support.02:17
reisioxisor: you can use http://unetbootin.sf.net/ on most distros02:17
Daraelxisor: Basically?  No.  Grab unetbootin from the repositories and use that instead.02:17
muellihm. ibm. Might not be your fault. Give us the output anyway.02:17
wawowexisor: if it's easy you won't get anything from it02:17
zykotick9Malsasa: using a distro without security is a bad idea02:17
MalsasaI just ask your suggestion: what application I can compile from source? I am newbie, and i wanna learn. Begin from the easy one.02:17
eph3meralhow do I find out what patches are in a given package? I'm on ubuntu 1.5 and I'm using the ppa recommended by the winehq website.02:18
reisioMalsasa: why maverick?02:18
xisorDarael: ok02:18
reisioeph3meral: patches?02:18
muelliMalsasa: compile hello, world.02:18
eph3meralreisio, yep02:18
Malsasazyco: Okay, but i plan Maverick will not connected to internet.02:18
xisorreisio: is sabayon worth trying?02:18
Daraeleph3meral: I have never heard of an Ubuntu version 1.5 - are you sure about that?02:19
reisioxisor: there's no harm in _trying_ any distro :D02:19
Malsasareisio: I use maverick so i can use old gnome.02:19
eph3meralreisio, this is what my instructions say02:19
eph3meralsorry wine 1.502:19
eph3meralubuntu 11.1002:19
eph3meralPatches Required: http://uz.sns.it/~ranma42/iLoL/spectator-fix-v2/0001-ntdll-Improve-performace-of-heap-allocation-v2.patch http://uz.sns.it/~ranma42/iLoL/spectator-fix-v2/0002-imm32-Avoid-deadlock-when-destroying-thread-data.patch02:19
Daraelxisor: Nearly all distros are worth at least a glance.  Go for it, and come to the dark^WGentoo side.02:19
reisioMalsasa: a less head-in-the-sand approach would be to try GNOME 3 with Cinnamon, or try Xfce02:19
xisorreisio: just plug in my usb hard drive and use unetbootin the same way i used the ubuntu usb program?02:19
Malsasareisio: i want to get old ubuntu so i can update it little by little02:19
eph3merali'm wondering how to tell whether the wine1.5 package has had those patches applied02:19
Anger_OnWould anyone advise/recommend Arch Linux?02:19
reisioMalsasa: you'll have trouble with that02:20
=== Sergevg is now known as svg
Malsasareisio: i don't want to use gnome 3 or cinnamon, i just want old gnome02:20
muellieph3meral: you can apt-get source wine and see for yourself.02:20
eph3meralit actually looks like ubuntu has 1.5.5 and those patches are for 1.5.402:20
Malsasai wanna instal Mac4Lin02:20
eph3meralmuelli, ok thanks02:20
reisioAnger_On: if you want rolling release / binaries / less cruft, sure02:20
Malsasareisio: trouble on what?02:20
xisorDarael:  what do you mean the dark side?02:20
Anger_Onless cruft?02:20
reisioMalsasa: mmm, but that's going to open you up to a lot of trouble02:20
reisioAnger_On: then Ubuntu, yes indeed02:20
reisioMalsasa: maintenance and security will become tedious02:21
Daraelxisor: I said nothing of the sort.  *shifty-eyes*.  Come, join us in the wonderful world of locally-compiled packages.02:21
Malsasareisio: can you give me an example of trouble?02:21
xisorDarael: lol02:21
reisioMalsasa: you want a specific package but getting it would mean upgrading things that GNOME 2 needs at old versions02:21
xisorDarael:  kde or gnome? any reccomendation?02:21
eph3meralxisor, i recommend XFCE personally02:21
reisioMalsasa: or some kind of privilege escalation exploit is discovered in old GNOME 2 code and you can't update it02:21
eph3meralxisor, it kind of depends on what you like and what your needs are02:22
reisioxisor: coming from Windows, I'll say again you'll probably want KDE, but you can try them all simply enough02:22
eph3meralxisor, KDE looks pretty but doesn't work very well. GNOME just sucks these days. So I use XFCE :)02:22
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eph3meralxisor, plus GNOME3 is really slow, as is Unity02:22
Malsasareisio: haha, i just want to learn compiling, i dont care, really dont care with security. I plan no internet connection will be connected to Maverick :D02:22
reisioGNOME doesn't suck, it was just drastically changed, breaking trust with all its long time users :p02:22
Daraelxisor: KDE's default setup is more Windows-like, GNOME's is good if you want to make a break.  Take yer pick.  I use e, when I can stand the increasing mouse-orientation, and flutter about a bit when I can't, spending most of that time in Unity, in the end.02:22
reisioMalsasa: I don't see what old GNOME has to do with compiling, but whatever02:23
xubuntu-joshI have a cr-48 with a multi-touchpad, how do I set it up to right click02:23
reisioGNOME is more Mac OS like02:23
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010606/02:23
MalsasaHaha, nono... I wanna do compiling app from source in Maverick. Just that.02:23
Hoytis it possible to use a mouse from Mac , bluetooth paired perhaps02:23
DaraelMalsasa: And you intend to get any libraries you need... how?  What about versions newer than were ever in Maverick?  This is the problem with using an unsupported release.02:23
muelliibm: looks good :) And it's all english, no..?02:23
reisioxubuntu-josh: by configuring 'synaptics', possibly02:24
Malsasareisio: yes, i wanna instal Mac4Lin in Maverick.02:24
muelliibm: give us the output of "apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop", too.02:24
Anger_OnI have read that both Arch ang Gentoo are great albeit steep steps to take for really learning linux. I am a Windows SysAdmin that moonlights with Linux at home. Would the jump into arch/gentoo be advisable? My only experience so far has been Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Puppy.02:24
xubuntu-joshreisio: do you mean from a gui or a text file, I tried all of the settings under mouse02:24
eph3meralmuelli, ok cool where does that go? /usr/src only has linux headers02:24
eph3meralmuelli, i just installed the source, all I need to do is find it now02:25
muellieph3meral: it goes in your local working directory02:25
bjorkintoshsomeone mentioned it the other day, but i can't seem to find it anymore.02:25
reisioxubuntu-josh: text always works02:25
yggdrasilis gento still around ?02:25
bjorkintoshhow do i reset the keyboard volume controls to the right device on my laptop?02:25
eph3meraloh, for real, yeah it does doesn't it :)02:25
Malsasadarael: hm hm, but i just wanna install maverick-era application. So i ask you to give me example what program i can compile02:25
eph3merallol, thx muelli02:25
bjorkintoshthe mute button does the correct thing, but fails to unmute.02:25
DaraelAnger_On: Go for it!  It might be a bit of a shock, but you'll learn, oh how you'll learn.  Then, when you're happy with that, to get to know it all even better, build LFS!02:25
yggdrasilim still getting used to unity..02:25
yggdrasili just inhertied a sick new laptop02:26
yggdrasili have vmware workstation running on it, its amazing.02:26
Anger_OnAh, Linux From Scratch. Sounds great. Thanks fr the pointer!02:26
xisorDarael: i am downloading sabayon to try it :)02:26
muelliMalsasa: compile hello, world.02:26
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yggdrasili would mess with another distro, but i like stuff to towkr.02:27
ibmmuelli yes only this one i tried a couple of time02:27
ibmmuelli yes only this one i tried a couple of time02:27
reisiobjorkintosh: I forget if there's an X builtin for toggle mute, but you can always map it to alsa/pulse commandline toggle02:27
yggdrasiluh to work, im missing enough stuff with a full blown ubuntu distro.02:27
muelliibm: give us the output of "apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop", too.02:27
Malsasamuelli: i have done it.02:27
bjorkintoshreisio, how?02:27
eph3meralmuelli, cool, I still have yet to thoroughly run through the packaging guide, I keep starting it and then never getting very far, too much other programming to do02:27
muelliMalsasa: great. Now you've learnt to compile.02:27
DaraelAnger_On: I would advise getting happy with building software on Linux before doing LFS, mind.  Be that by Gentoo or just compiling the odd package, it doesn't matter, but be sure you know what you're doing.  It's possible to do LFS without having a clue what you're doing, but you learn much less.02:27
MalsasaI have done it.02:28
eph3meralmuelli, do you happen to know if and or how I can add patches? i see the debian/patches folder02:28
eph3merali'm wondering if you know the command to rebuild the package if I add a few patches to that folder02:28
muellieph3meral: exactly :) If there is a "series" file, add the name of your patch and put it along the others.02:28
eph3meralok great thanks02:28
MalsasaNo, i ever fail and fail compiling program from tarball about 1 year...02:28
muellieph3meral: dpkg-buildpackage or debuild.02:28
eph3meralmuelli, ok cool thanks02:28
MalsasaNow i want to do it again02:28
reisiobjorkintosh: what's it mapped to now?02:29
muelliMalsasa: then follow the instructions in the README or INSTALL file more closely.02:29
xisorDarael: will you be able to help me with any gentoo related issues?02:29
MalsasaWhat application i should compile?02:29
ibmmuelli please can you wait i need to reboot ubuntu i have internet problem with the connection i am back soon can you wait02:29
reisioxisor: you'll want #sabayon02:29
xisorDarael: im probably not allowed to ask for help for it in a ubuntu room lol02:29
xisorreisio: ok02:29
muelliibm: nah. It's terribly late in my place. There are other knowledgable people in here.02:29
Malsasamuelli: i have done it many many times02:29
bjorkintoshreisio, it mutes it correctly02:29
Malsasaand i have failed02:29
reisiobjorkintosh: it what02:30
bjorkintoshbut it fails to unmute it.02:30
Daraelxisor: Probably not (I'm going to bed very soon) but ask in /their/ channel, or (since you're grabbing sabayon), better yet, the Sabayon channel.02:30
bjorkintoshit, being the button on my laptop.02:30
jointdoes anybody here use Microsoft?02:30
bjorkintoshwhich has the 'mute' symbol on it.02:30
Malsasamuelli: Give me one example, a tarball easy to compile.02:30
ZebersMircosoft is a company...02:30
muelliMalsasa: then either you haven't done it correctly or the instructinos are bad.02:30
bjorkintoshit's a dell inspiron 6000 laptop.02:30
xisorDarael: no i meant later on, since youve been helping me for awhile already02:30
Zeberscall dell02:30
xisorDarael: not tonight neccesarily02:30
Daraeljoint: Microsoft what?  I don't use the company, but I occasionally have to use some of their products.02:30
Malsasamuelli: a program who dont need many dependencies...02:30
muelliMalsasa: just do "apt-get source" on anything, really...02:30
xisorDarael: remember you helped me with my smb shares last night02:30
Zeberswhich product specifically02:30
xisorDarael: where i almost had it working lol02:31
Daraelxisor: Be happy to - but you're still probably better off asking in the Gentoo and Sabayon channels ;)02:31
Malsasamuelli: yes the answer is i haven't done it correctly02:31
Malsasamuelly: so i have to do it again :)02:31
reisio#gentoo doesn't usually like dealing with Sabayon-specific problems02:31
xisorDarael: can i use the same things i did to my fstab in sabayon for my samba shares?02:31
reisiountil you can distinguish, probably best to stick to #sabayon02:31
wawoweMalsasa: apt-get install build-essential02:31
muelliMalsasa: you know what? You'd solve your problem much quicker if you actually told us *what* the problem is.. i.e. error messages or the like...02:32
xisorreisio: ok ill remember that02:32
Malsasawawowe: i have it.02:32
ZebersGoogle.com    .....one stop resource!02:32
Malsasamuelli: my general problems is: no such files or directories02:32
muelliyeah. that's a very general problem...02:33
Malsasawawowe: i have the debs, so i can install it anytime i want. Thank you.02:33
wawoweMalsasa: wget http://www.6809.org.uk/evilwm/evilwm-1.1.0.tar.gz02:33
wawoweMalsasa: tar xvf evilwm*02:33
Daraelxisor: Probably, although you'll need to install things, of course.02:33
wawoweMalsasa: cd evilwm*; ./configure && make02:33
Malsasawawowe: Thats It! I need an example like what you show to me!02:33
xisorDarael: ok02:34
Malsasawawowe: Thank you, thank you!02:34
Zeberstry backtrack 5... mother of conflicts02:34
xisorDarael: 64bit sabayon ok to start with or should i grab x86 instead?02:34
Malsasawawowe: an example like this i need.02:34
reisioxisor: 64 if you have a 64-bit proc02:34
xisorreisio: i dont have any 32 bit cpus left in my house02:34
Malsasawawowe: this application needs what dependencies? Sorry i am newbie.02:34
xisorreisio: and i have ALOT of devices lol02:34
reisioxisor: :p02:34
wawoweMalsasa: x11-dev02:34
Daraelxisor: I'm not intimately familiar with Sabayon, but there's rarely a good reason to choose a 32-bit distro over a 64-bit one these days.02:34
xisorreisio: i think i banned them 6 years ago or so :P02:34
wawoweMalsasa: apt-get install libx11-dev02:35
Malsasawawowe: i have downloaded evilwm.02:35
xisorDarael: k ty for the help the last few days02:35
xisorDarael: got one more question.... how do i install it alongside ubuntu without breaking anything?02:35
xisorDarael: will the sabayon installer be able to do it?02:36
wawoweMalsasa: actually there's no configure script. so just "make"02:36
Daraelxisor: If it's got a good installer, it should be able to handle that.  If not, ask the sabayon channel folks, 'cos I don't know if their distro needs any odd handling.02:36
Malsasawawowe: Hmm, that is the dependency?Only one app?02:36
xisorDarael: ok02:36
wawoweMalsasa: it's the perfect window manager imo :)02:36
Zebersphiscribe ur IP is displayed upon login...02:36
reisioxisor: if you keep an eye out for not deleting Ubuntu during partitioning, the worst you have to worry about is fixing GRUB afterwards02:37
muelliMalsasa: why don't you just try for yourself and come back if you do have problems..?02:37
xisorDarael: ill go ahead and assume the liveDVD install has a working web browser in it so i can get to freenode:P02:37
Malsasawawowe: Hm, thanks, thanks...02:37
muelliO_o I'd use an IRC client for that...02:37
Daraelxisor: Should do.  This being a Gentoo-family distro, it's probably got an IRC client on it, too.  I favour irssi myself.02:37
EliahKaganxisor: yes, the Ubuntu desktop CD and DVD both have Firefox02:37
xisormuelli: im on webchat.freenode.net :P seemed the easiest way since freenode is literally the only irc server ill ever connect to02:37
EliahKaganxisor: if a web interface is what you want to use02:37
phiscribearent most peoples shown without jumping thru hoops Zebers?02:37
ibmmuelli ok i am back what do you want me to put in the terminal02:38
Zebersnot from what i c02:38
EliahKaganxisor: you can also install an IRC client like xchat, inside the live environment02:38
DaraelEliahKagan: We're actually rather offtopic, talking about trying sabayon!02:38
muellixisor: well. not a compelling reason to use a webbrowser...02:38
Malsasamuelli: i have done it for many times and fault at all, this is my  problems :) So i ask now :D02:38
muelliMalsasa: not a good approach.02:38
EliahKaganDarael: oh ;-)02:38
muelliibm: apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop02:38
Malsasamuelli: Yes, it is true.02:38
xisoris konversation a bad irc client? lol its built in with kde and im getting sabayon with kde02:39
Darael!best | xisor02:39
ubottuxisor: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:39
reisioxisor: it's not the most popular, but it'll do02:39
xisorDarael: how the heck do you know all the bot commands?02:39
Daraelxisor: If it works, use it.  It works.  Personally, I think irssi works better, but I'm a terminal junkie.02:39
reisioxisor: you won't be forced to use it, of course02:39
ibmmuelli please can you explain you i do that what do i need to type02:39
Daraelxisor: Spending far too long in this channel, of course.02:40
muelliibm: apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop02:40
xisorDarael: lol02:40
Polak'scuse me, is there a french chann for Ubuntu?02:40
ibmmuelli ok thanks02:40
muelli!fr | Polak02:40
ubottuPolak: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:40
Daraelmuelli: Curses, beaten to it.02:40
xisorDarael: my first experience with IRC was decades ago, havent been on an irc server in years before yesterday02:40
EliahKaganIs there a list of ubotto commands I can look at? I feel like sometimes i should use one instead of saying some long thing myself. Is there an ubotto command to list them?02:40
zykotick9!bot | EliahKagan02:40
ubottuEliahKagan: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:40
EliahKaganthx zykotick902:41
DaraelEliahKagan: ...which is to say, no, but there's a webpage.02:41
xisorthey should build ubottu into ubuntu02:42
xisorlike the talking paperclip in old versions of word02:42
Daraelxisor: Oh, $DEITY.  Please no.02:42
reisioxisor: obligatory: http://pingvinoff.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Vi_interface.gif02:42
=== root is now known as xHide
xisorthats amazing02:43
xisorwas that real or fake reisio ?02:43
reisioxisor: it was fake, wouldn't surprise me if someone's made it real by now02:43
xisorreisio: its funny tho02:43
reisioyes :p02:43
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010625/02:43
muellihm. looks all good to me. can you do the upgrade thing again, which failed..?02:44
Daraelreisio, xisor:  Dunno about vi, but it's /surely/ been made for emacs by now.02:44
xHidemy amsn not conect02:44
xHidewhats a problem?02:44
xHidei fron brazil02:45
xHidese tiver algum brazuca ae pra me da uma for?a02:45
muelli!pt | xHide02:45
ubottuxHide: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:45
xHide1 user02:45
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ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010625/02:48
muelliibm: try a normal upgrade using the "do_release_upgrade" or whatever it's called.02:48
ibmmuelli but i already did do you want the output now02:49
muelliibm: yes. again. in english.02:49
dw2Ubuntu 12.04 new install: Anyone have any idea why desktop search tracker miners seem to be permanently Idle02:50
dw2tracker-control gives02:51
dw2Found 168 PIDs…02:51
dw2Found process ID 2151 for 'tracker-miner-fs'02:51
dw2Found process ID 2168 for 'tracker-store'02:51
dw228 May 2012, 03:51:20:  ✓     Store                 - Idle02:51
FloodBot1dw2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:51
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010636/02:51
Daraeldw2: tracker-miner-fs may have done its mining and be waiting for inotify events from the kernel to tell it when files are changed?  Just a guess.02:52
muellihm ibm. What does "sudo find -ls /var/log/dist-upgrade/" give you?02:52
Daraeldw2: Tracker-store would be waiting for something to interact with it, of course.02:52
dw2Darael: thanks, but problem is that it never seems to find any hit if I search by content02:52
Daraeldw2: Not that, then.  Haven't a clue, sorry.  My understanding is that tracker's been buggy for yonks, which always put me off trying to grok it.02:53
dw2I get the impression that the file content index does not exist and is not being built at all02:53
dw2darael: do you know of an alternative for fulltext indexing?02:54
dw2pther than tracker, I mean - on 12.04?02:54
Daraeldw2: 'fraid not.  'Specially for multiple filetypes.  I'm sure there are several if everything's in plain text, but that's no help02:54
dw2Darael: well even plain text would be a good start?02:55
=== puff` is now known as puff
Daraeldw2: Actually, an axi-cache search turns up both recoll and doodle, which look like they'd do the job.02:56
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010640/02:56
dw2specially since a lot of the stuff I write myself is in latex, which can be indexed as plaintext02:56
muelliah, sorry ibm02:56
dw2Darael: thanks I will look into those too02:56
dw2those two02:56
muellihm ibm. What does "sudo find /var/log/dist-upgrade/ -ls" give you?02:56
Daraeldw2: Those two too, perhaps?02:56
* dw2 nods02:56
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dw2Actually 99% of file content that I want to search for is usually either in plain ASCII text, or pdf02:57
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010642/02:58
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muelliibm:  pastebin us /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/main.log and /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/apt.log02:59
bjorkintoshi've narrowed the problem down03:02
dw2Darael: from reading install info I have decided to give Recoll a trial - seems it might do pdf too with some "external helper" - Thanks again03:02
bjorkintoshhere's the thing.. amixer set Master toggle, mutes the sound.03:03
bjorkintoshbut amixer set Master toggle failes to unmute the sound!03:03
Daraeldw2: No probs.  Good luck.03:03
bjorkintoshwhat could be the matter?03:03
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010646/03:03
joobiehey guys.. can anyone suggest a good way to get a file from siteA to siteB securely? I don't want to go to the extent of establishing a VPN between both sites - trying to do this with minimal effort but retaining security03:03
bjorkintoshjoobie, sftp.03:03
bjorkintoshsetup your machine as the host.03:04
bjorkintoshif you can.03:04
joobiei was thinking about GPG'ing the file and then sending it over email.. not sure if GPG is still considered secure and if so, if it's a good way03:04
muelliibm: nah, do smth like pastebinit /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/main.log ; pastebinit  /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/apt.log03:04
bjorkintoshjoobie, first of all, how big is the file?03:04
muellijoobie: scp03:04
Valvalushey ... pretty simple question ... I need to write a VERY basic Java server that accepts connections and maybe writes some files. I have a Ubuntu server. What package(s) do I need to download and what's the best way to get them? sudo apt-get I'm guessing?03:05
joobiebjorkintosh, few hundred meg03:05
joobiemuelli, SCP requires a SSHD which is too much effort for this project03:05
ibmmuelli i do not understand can you please explain03:05
joobiewant to try avoid having to install daemons for this to wokr / servers03:05
ibmmuelli i do not understand can you please explain what should i type03:05
jstarchercan I use rsync to backup the entire  root filesystem if I'm pushing it over the network to a remote server03:05
matthewvzhaving a bit of a problem, Used the windows installer, reboot and I reboot ut starts saying "Kernel panic - VFS: Unable to mount root fs on known-block(0,0)" Any help?03:05
bjorkintoshjoobie, do you have sshd on your machine?03:05
bjorkintoshit takes just a couple of minutes to get that up and running.03:06
wawowebjorkintosh: amixer set Master unmute03:06
ibmmuelli i do not understand can you please explain what should i type03:06
bjorkintoshwawowe, that changed the icon, but did not unmute it.03:06
bjorkintoshi think it's a bug.03:06
joobiebjorkintosh, no SSHD03:06
joobie on my machine03:06
bjorkintoshjoobie, if you're running ubuntu, it's incredibly easy to set up.03:07
joobiebjorkintosh, trying to avoid it03:07
joobieit's a windows machine at each site, i think03:07
=== Valvalus is now known as IHateHavingToReg
ibmmuelli i do not understand can you please explain what should i type03:07
elkyibm, a. stop repeating. b. he did. The characters after "like"03:08
wawowebjorkintosh: can alsamixer unmute it?03:08
bjorkintoshjoobie, never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes speeding down the highway.03:08
bjorkintoshwawowe, i don't know how. it just changes the icon from "x" to )).03:08
bjorkintoshbut does not unmute it.03:08
bjorkintoshjoobie, a sneakernet might be necessary :)03:09
ibmelky i do not understand i am not use to command line03:09
wawoweibm: pastebinit /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/main.log ; pastebinit  /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/apt.log03:09
elkyibm, copy and paste "pastebinit /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/main.log ; pastebinit  /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/apt.log" (without the ") into the terminal and press enter. then tell us the pastebin links03:09
wawowebjorkintosh: with alsamixer go to master and hit >03:10
ibmi deed i think is this not it http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010646/03:10
elkyjoobie, aka walking.03:10
elkyibm, you didn't do what I said there03:11
pranjal710how do i change my screen resolution in ubuntu 10.04??03:11
elkypranjal710, nvidia?03:11
bjorkintoshthat's really odd.03:12
bjorkintoshit seems on clicking mute, it sets 3 different things to mute.03:12
wawoweibm: what's your plan?03:12
bjorkintoshand only unmutes 1 of them when i click '<'03:12
bjorkintoshthat's annoying.03:12
reisioibm: can has some patents?03:12
pranjal710elky: it says "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server." but when03:12
wawowebjorkintosh: don't use toggle03:12
wawowebjorkintosh: use mute and unmute03:13
MadpilotAny other Shuttle xPC users around? I'm trying to figure out if you can get a CPU temp out of the thing...03:13
pranjal710elky: but when I do as root, it gives an erro03:13
ibmelky can you please explain explain what i should type03:13
elkyibm, <elky> ibm, copy and paste "pastebinit /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/main.log ; pastebinit  /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/apt.log" (without the ") into the terminal and press enter. then tell us the pastebin links03:13
wawoweibm: pastebinit /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/main.log ; pastebinit  /var/log/dist-upgrade/20120528-0450/apt.log03:13
Chorcahaving an odd issue on an HP dv2600 laptop.. upon boot of the installer, the screen shows the desktop and then it's covered in green and black blocks, and has serious graphics corruption... it has a nvidia 8400 gs inside I believe.03:13
bjorkintoshwawowe, same problem.03:13
ChorcaNot sure how to disable compiz in the installer03:13
wawowebjorkintosh: mute PCM instead03:14
elkypranjal710, what's your current kernel?03:14
bjorkintoshamixer pcm mute?03:14
wawowebjorkintosh: amixer set PCM mute03:15
bjorkintoshsame problem.03:15
bjorkintoshi think it's a bug.03:15
bjorkintoshit mutes correctly.03:16
Ubuntu_LoverHello everyone my Cpu is Intel Core i3 2100  @ 3.10GHz with 4 Gb Ram ddr 3 do i nee the 64 or 32 bit of latest ubuntu?03:16
bjorkintoshbut fails to unmute when i ask it to.03:16
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010654/ should i maybe use gedit or something i already have03:16
pranjal710elky: 2.6.32-21-generic03:16
Ubuntu_Loverwich of the 2 i have to choose?03:16
wawowebjorkintosh: amixer set Master 0%03:16
RBVUbuntu_Lover: 6403:17
Ubuntu_Loverthanks you think with the monster pc i have ubuntu will work like charm RBV ?03:17
wawowebjorkintosh: amixer set Master 100%03:17
elkypranjal710, oh, last LTS :-/ i can't remember back that far, sorry03:17
bjorkintoshi think i'll have to do that.03:17
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010655/03:17
IHateHavingToReghow can i tell from the cmd line if i have a 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu system?03:18
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010654/ should i maybe use gedit or something i already have03:18
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010655/03:18
bjorkintoshthanks wawowe03:18
pranjal710elky: should I upgrade my kernel? Will that solve the problem?03:18
wawoweIHateHavingToReg: uname -i03:18
elkypranjal710, you're using Lucid, yes?03:18
IHateHavingToRegi386 = 32-bit?03:18
pranjal710elky: yes03:19
wawoweIHateHavingToReg: yes03:19
IHateHavingToRegok thanks03:19
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elkypranjal710, and no, updating just your kernel isn't going to make something available after lucid be available for lucid03:19
Ubuntu_LoverMy curiousity  is how will ubuntu lastest work on  Intel Core i3 2100  @ 3.10GHz 4 Gb Kingstone DDR 3 Mother BoardASUSTeK Computer INC. V6-P8H61ELX (LGA1155) Will i notice super  speed vs Windows 7 ?03:19
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elkyhrm, google says it should be available on lucid...03:20
Ubuntu_Loveras i got a pretty good pc for now days will i notice allot of improvement in speed multi tasking etc vs Windows 7 expecially with Flash and Java based apps?03:20
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010654/ should i maybe use gedit or something i already have03:21
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010654/ should i maybe use gedit or something i already have03:21
pranjal710elky: I have used 11.10 and everything worked fine in that version, but when I installed 10.04, and audio just vanished and pc always says "running in low resolution mode"   :(03:21
ibmmuelli here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010655/03:21
FloodBot1ibm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:21
Ubuntu_Loveranyone can answer my question?03:21
elkypranjal710, well, 10.04 is several versions behind 11.1003:21
xanguaibm: did you read the message¿03:22
OerHeksUbuntu_Lover, i3 is not that powerfull03:22
wawoweibm: what is your goal?03:22
bjorkintoshUbuntu_Lover, depends on what your'e doing doesn't it?03:23
Ubuntu_Loverwell it's a medium good pc for now days i do basic stuff03:23
Ubuntu_Loverwill i notice big difference vs windows 7?03:23
xanguaUbuntu_Lover: try it and see for yourseld03:23
pranjal710elky: anyways thanks. .. seems I am on my own now03:24
Ubuntu_Loverok my other question is i  like use chrome over firefox can i remove firefox from the os ?03:24
OerHeksUbuntu_Lover, sure03:24
elkypranjal710, it is LTS, so technically still supported by canonical. just no volunteers around now remembers way back then :)03:24
Ubuntu_Loveryou advise me get i7?03:24
bjorkintoshUbuntu_Lover, you can do _anything_ but don't expect everything to be easy.03:24
Ubuntu_Loverover i3?03:24
bjorkintoshand you'll be fine.03:24
ibmwawowe i do not now why muelli does not respond anymore but i have problem to upgrade ubuntu to the last version03:25
Ubuntu_Loverok ill go install brb03:25
wawoweibm: muelli went to bed03:25
OerHeksUbuntu_Lover, i don like the intel range with build in GPU03:26
ibmwawowe can you help me03:26
wawoweibm: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list03:26
ibmwawowe can i use gedit to do that i do not have pastebinit03:28
wawoweibm: sudo apt-get install pastebinit03:28
Ketsueki_Kanyone familiar with SFML here?03:29
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010665/03:30
OerHeksfrom 7.10 to 8.04 ?03:32
wawoweibm: lsb_release03:32
wawoweibm: lsb_release -a03:33
wawoweibm: lsb_release -r03:33
ibmwawowe i am not use to command line can please explain should i type only lsb_release -r without sudo03:33
wawoweibm: yes, without sudo03:34
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010675/03:35
wawoweibm: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak03:36
benwalburnI installed the kubuntu desktop to check it out. Turns out I hate it. I've been going through and trying to remove all its packages and I want to know if there's a simpler way03:37
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010678/03:38
xangua!puregnome | benwalburn03:38
ubottubenwalburn: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome03:38
reisiobenwalburn: and go back to... what?03:38
benwalburnmy wonderful unity of course :)03:38
benwalburnthank you03:39
dejahnuebenwalburn, just curious, what did you find undesirable about kubuntu?03:40
benwalburntoo windowish03:40
dejahnuehow so?03:40
benwalburnand I favor Unity's shortcuts03:40
reisioshortcuts are configurable03:41
dejahnueit what respects is it too windowish?03:41
reisiodejahnue: compared to GNOME?03:41
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010678/03:41
dejahnuecompared to unity03:41
mangdoodHi, for some reason, xspim isn't running on either of my computers; it just prints out a font on the terminal and exits with an error code03:41
reisiodejahnue: "Unity" is mostly GNOME03:42
reisioand if anything it makes GNOME even _more_ like Mac OS03:42
benwalburndejahnue, the "start" menu. I've always hated it in windows, felt wrong. KDE is slightly better, but not quite what I want03:42
mangdoodbenwalburn: What do you expect, exactly, if I may ask03:43
dejahnueyou want nothing with the function of a start menu?03:43
wawoweibm: sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aqY0HfvB03:43
izzaboo_reisio, to help with that (using Lubuntu) I moved the panel with the 'start' menu to the top of the screen.03:43
dejahnuebenwalburn, I think you can get the afterstep window manager, it has an app-dock instead of a start menu03:45
benwalburnbesides being better than windows UI, I expected nothing from KDE. It lived up to that expectation, I just can't imagine using it instead of Unity. I prefer my Dash and HUD, etc03:45
xangua!ot | benwalburn dejahnue03:45
ubottubenwalburn dejahnue: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:45
dejahnuexangua, it was ubuntu-related. he was talking about why he liked unity better03:46
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010681/03:46
xanguawawowe: how is mixing lucid and precice repositoes helpful¿03:46
izzaboo_benwalburn, the psychocats pureubuntu pages are more comprehensive imo03:46
benwalburndejahnue, afterstep seems interesting...03:46
wawowexangua: removed the lucid repo03:47
dejahnueyou can (I think) run afterstep on ubuntu03:47
wawowexangua: the plan is to upgrade03:47
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010681/03:47
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xanguawawowe: sounds like a bad plan the one you have if by upgrade you mean replace one version repositories by another03:48
benwalburnalright, I seem to have all the kde stuff gone, thank you everyone03:48
dejahnuebenwalburn, afterstep is just a window manager for X, usable under ubuntu03:48
wawowexangua: what's wrong with it? that's how i've always upgraded debian03:48
wawoweibm: sudo apt-get update03:50
xanguaibm: i predict you you will have a very broken desktop thanks to wawowe03:52
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010685/03:53
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010685/03:54
xanguaibm: oh gosh please don't keep doing that03:54
stormchas2000what room would i goto to ask about mupen64plus as i am having problems with several games03:55
reisiostormchas2000: /msg alis list *mupen*03:55
trismmangdood: sudo apt-get install xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi; (I also had to restart my xserver after that and then xspim worked), see bug 82408403:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 824084 in spim (Ubuntu) "xSPIM application does not start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82408403:56
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wawowexangua: how would you do it?03:57
xanguawawowe: i would go back in time and prevent to you to tell it that03:58
stormchas2000thanks, i should have thought about that03:58
wawowexangua: nothing has been done yet :p03:58
wawowexangua: after this is the point of no return tho03:59
xanguawawowe: just replaced it's sources right03:59
wawowexangua: what would be right?03:59
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ibmxangua what do you mean has wawowe brook something04:01
wawoweibm: no, but xangua is worried that if we continue, it will break04:03
ibmwawowe did you see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010685/04:04
wawoweibm: yes04:04
xanguaibm: how did you exactly upgrade to lucid in first place¿04:05
ibmxangua what is lucid witch version do you mean by that04:06
xanguaibm: the current ubuntu version you use04:06
wawowexangua: from the look of the old sources.list, it was done in a similar way04:07
ibmxangua i just upgraded it with the simple update tool04:07
ircnode0I tried some amixer commands, but now I can bring sound back after "amixer set Master toggle". Tried toggle command again, but no use. Somebody help me to get sound back?04:08
HarrisonSup people!04:08
wawoweircnode0: use alsamixer04:08
ircnode0*but no I can't bring sound...04:08
wawoweircnode0: and to mute and unmute use: amixer set Master 0%04:08
ircnode0wawowe: I went there and set master very high04:08
wawoweircnode0: amixer set Master 100%04:08
wawoweibm: apt-get install screen04:09
gulzaranyone using httrack? I want download  different-link pages in the same folder. But when 2nd page is downloaded it removes the first.. and 3rd removes 1st and 2nd. Any way to have all the downloaded pages in one folder?04:09
ircnode0wawowe: tested amixer set Master 100% and went to youtube, but no sound at all04:10
Harrisoneveryone try this apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop & lxde & xfce-common & gnome-shell04:10
wawoweircnode0: use alsamixer to unmute everything04:10
wawoweircnode0: with >04:11
ibmwawowe should i type that or are asking me how i upgrade it i did not use the command line at all just the simple way with update manager i think it is called why04:11
wawoweibm: it's fine, the gui updater does the same stuff04:12
wawoweibm: forget about that last command04:12
ircnode0wawowe: It works thanks man04:12
gulzarHarrison: why?04:13
wawoweibm: try running: screen04:13
ibmwawowe can i downgrade the update to be maybe able to upgrade then to the last ubuntu version are they something like restore back04:14
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ibmwawowe should i type only screen without sudo04:15
ibmwawowe ok i am trying that04:15
sx2020what are best practices for where to install software in ubutu file system?  such as apps and utilities ?04:15
wawoweibm: do you have enough room for a backup?04:15
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xangua(22:48:37) wawowe: xangua: what's wrong with it? that's how i've always upgraded debian - this is not debian, it's ubuntu ibm04:18
wawowexangua: ubuntu is debian based04:18
wawowexangua: same package manager04:18
wawowecan upgrade any debian system like this04:19
wawowealtho sometimes there are complications if you have to upgrade a long way04:19
xanguawawowe: i don't thin you will suggest upgrade debian woody to squeez by just replacin the release name, would you; you skipping too many releases04:19
phiscribesx2020: using the package manger, let it manage it is the best practice, or are you talking about compling your own04:19
wawowexangua: this isn't that far04:20
wawowexangua: but if it were me i would start just like i suggested, but being prepared to have to fix stuff04:20
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010707/04:20
wawowexangua: i doubt woody is capable of upgrading any other way04:20
ZombieRameni'm having a problem with the temperature on my clock applet displaying as "--" instead of the temperature04:21
phiscribei hate upgrading to a new release, i mostly go clean install04:21
xanguawawowe: how about etch to squeeze, neither sounds like a good idea04:21
wawoweibm: hit the spacebar04:21
ZombieRameni'm running on clock applet version 2.32.1, and i have my location properly set04:21
ZombieRameni've tried restarting the applet and gnome-panel04:22
wawowexangua: i've done etch to squeeze just like this actually04:22
wawowexangua: and squeeze to lenny04:22
ibmwawowe i deed i put it in on the same04:22
ibmwawowe just look more down04:23
wawoweibm: apt-get dist-upgrade04:24
wawoweibm ^04:25
ibmwawowe after hitting the second time to the spacebar it exit to the command line i tried that before and do-release-upgrade -d without success but i can try again04:25
wawoweibm: that script may not work right with your sources.list modified04:26
wawoweibm: and it wasn't working before for the same reason04:26
wawoweibm: sudo apt-get install apt dpkg04:27
ibmwawowe wait maybe i can upgrade now but it wants to remove stuff should i type yes http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010711/04:29
wawowejust realized i mixed up squeeze and lenny04:29
wawoweibm: hit no04:30
wawoweibm: did you run: sudo apt-get install apt dpkg04:30
ibmwawowe no should i do that04:32
wawoweibm: yes run this first: sudo apt-get install apt dpkg04:32
ZeloZelosi accidently hit the check mark to never ask again about when i hit the x to close xchat, and now when i hit the x it just minimizes, how do i undo this?04:33
xangua!info xchat-insticator | ZeloZelos04:35
ubottuZeloZelos: Package xchat-insticator does not exist in precise04:35
xangua!info xchat-indicator04:35
ubottuxchat-indicator (source: xchat-indicator): XChat Indicator Plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.10-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 65 kB04:35
ibmwawowe wait it wants to upgrade the update tool should i answer yes i want you to the screen but i do not now how to04:35
dejahnueZeloZelos, probably resetable in the ~/.xchat2/ conf files, give me a few minutes and I can check04:35
ZeloZelosnvm dejahnue i found it, its /set gui_quit_dialog set to: 104:36
wawoweibm: pastebin the output04:36
ZeloZelosthank you though04:36
ibmwawowe i can not it is like a picture04:37
dejahnueZeloZelos, it's called the same thing in xchat.conf04:37
ZeloZelosah kewll04:37
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wawoweibm: what exactly does it say?04:38
dixoncxNeed help regarding bluetooth on my laptop. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1197255104:39
wawoweibm: last line04:39
ibmwawowe how can i take a screen shot so you can see04:39
wawoweibm: if imagemagic is installed you can open another terminal and type: import04:40
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ibmwawowe i do not now that but i know there is w04:41
ibmwawowe i do not now that but i know there is a way to take a screen shot so you see everything04:41
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wawoweibm: is it a text box asking you for a yes or no answer?04:43
ibmwawowe i toke a screen shot it is a png file were can put it so you can see it04:44
saryyou can upload it and share the link using imgur.com04:45
wawoweibm: ^^04:46
ibmno there is a paste tool thing like http://paste.ubuntu.com/04:46
ibmwawowe here is the link http://imgur.com/6sxf304:48
spdupeeis there a way to do a fresh install from within ubuntu?04:48
spdupeeI upgraded and have have had nothing but problems04:48
wawowespdupee: yes but it'll be work04:49
dejahnueif you did it wouldn't be fresh04:49
Erealzlol 1204 has a load of em.04:49
Erealzi get costant crashes04:49
wawoweibm: hit cancel04:49
ibmwawowe why it seems ok is it not an upgrade what is it04:50
spdupeeI get nothing but crashes.  I had one so bad that it took my system out for a week04:50
wawoweibm: you need to upgrade apt and dpkg before you do anything else04:50
wawoweibm: hit cancel04:51
Erealzspdupee, downgrade to 100404:51
ibmwawowe ok i do that04:51
wawoweibm: sudo apt-get install apt dpkg04:51
dejahnuespdupee, ubuntu might be showing you you have hardware troubles04:51
OerHeks12.04 works fine here04:51
sarydixoncx: what if you keep the hadrware switch truned on from windows , and then see what rfkill list shows .04:52
wawoweworks great for me too, but i'm not using unity04:52
spdupeewasn't hardware.  it was all software and all documented on the web with other users04:52
spdupeelost usb and networking04:52
dejahnuea crash that causes your machine to stay down for a week sounds major for software04:53
adam606I have a question if anybody could answer it.04:53
ZeloZelosadam606, ask away :)04:53
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010725/04:54
adam606I have an ipod touch 2nd gen. What version of itunes works under wine? I'm running 10.1004:54
saryspdupee: would you mind sharing the issues you have , and what is the status of your ubuntu box at the moment.04:54
ZeloZelosadam606, sorry wrong channel :(04:54
spdupeeno it was software.  I had to change several settings to get it back up, but it took quite a bit of looking on the web for the answers04:54
adam606oh shoot. sorry I bothered you04:54
saryadam606: last time i checked it was itunes 7.x.x ..04:55
ZeloZelosadam606, sorry that was ment for a diff channel04:55
ZeloZelosdk how i did that04:55
dejahnueadam606, just curious, does gnupod (linux) woork on yyour model ipod?04:55
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010725/04:55
adam606never heard of it.04:55
ZeloZelosadam606, there is a list of programs on the wine site that work and gives ratings etc04:55
adam606I've heard of gtkpod04:55
adam606and it works fine. I just want to sync my apps.04:56
dejahnueprobably the names has changed04:56
xisorhow do i add a custom resolution for my display? its only listing standard tv resolutions via my hdmi connection, but the screen supports its native rez over hdmi 1360x76804:56
xisorhow do i force ubuntu to use it?04:56
adam606so. just out of curioustiy, what is this channel for?04:56
rhin0support of ubuntu04:56
spdupeestatus of box is up and running, but still get software crashes about every hour04:57
vladthenoobcan someone tell me how to install the software which is used to download and install all the linux softwares from gui04:57
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010725/04:57
adam606hey, does anybody know if Precise works on a netbook?04:57
xisorcan someone help me add a custom resolution and force ubuntu to use it? its not finding my monitor resolution04:58
dejahnuexisor, are you sure your video card supports it?04:59
jiohdivladthenoob, sudo apt-get install synaptic04:59
xisordejahnue: yes im quite sure my nvidia ion supports 1360x768@60hz04:59
xisordejahnue: works in windows, cant figure out how to set it up in ubuntu, im new to linux04:59
vladthenoobyes! thanks alot jiohdi thats the name i forgot! synaptic!04:59
ibmwawowe where are you why do you not respond please wait just read it please here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010725/05:00
ZeloZelosxisor, it could be the driver. recently i tried to use the driver for my nvidea and it broke active x05:00
wawoweibm: i'm still here05:00
xisorZeloZelos: driver is the nvida forceware drivers, working correctly, its simply not listing non standard resolutions05:00
xisorhooked up via hdmi, its ONLY listing tv resolutions, i need to add a resolution05:01
vladthenoobjiohdi, Can you please tell me why Synaptic is not included in Ubuntu? USC is really narrow.05:01
jiohdivladthenoob, decision from high up I imagine, I am not privy to05:01
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ZeloZelosnot very simple at all though xisor05:01
ibmwawowe ok what should i do the update tool can i truest it and answer yes other things to type before05:02
OerHeksvladthenoob, it is included, only not installed standard05:02
xisorZeloZelos: works fine over vga, but i need to use hdmi because it carries audio with it as well05:02
vladthenoob0erHeks, that's what i meant05:02
xisorZeloZelos: so how do i force ubuntu to output the correct resolution?05:02
ZeloZelosxisor, too complicated for me man, sorry05:03
dejahnuexisor, this method is seldom recommended, but I think X comes with a file called xorg.conf-vesa which can be copied over to xorg.conf and then edited to add a resolution05:03
wawoweibm: apt-get remove libasound2 libglib2.0-0 libpango1.0-0 ppp05:03
xisordejahnue: how do i do that?05:03
xisordejahnue: is there another way to do it?05:03
jameslordis there any temp file that occupies too much space?05:03
OerHeksxisor, have you tried to reset the monitor to default ?05:03
dejahnuexisor, if the file(s) are there on your setup, they'd be in "/etc/X11"05:04
xisorOerHeks: its a tv, and it works fine in windows at the correct resolution, but linux doesnt even see anything higher than 1280x72005:04
xisorOerHeks: tv supports native 1360x768 via hdmi05:04
xisorOerHeks: but apparently ubuntu doesnt know that05:04
xisorOerHeks: so i need to know how to force it to05:05
vladthenoobcan anyone suggest me a VNC server software except x11 ? i'm really having troubles with this one05:05
dixoncx<sary> : All the time, when i turn On hardware switch, i get Hard Blocked: No Soft Blocked: NO. But, i cant enable bluetooth from applet without soft reboot from windows05:05
dejahnuexisor, as I was saying, check in /etc/X11 for a file called xorg.conf-vesa05:06
xisordejahnue: ok, and what do i do once i find it?05:06
xisorno xorg.conf-vesa in my install05:06
dejahnuexisor, if you had it, you would copy it to xorg.conf and then edit xorg.conf05:07
xisordejahnue: i dont have it05:07
xisordejahnue: so what do i do to fix this problem?05:07
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010736/05:08
dejahnuewell, xorg.conf is a kind of too long and complicated file for creating by hand05:08
wawoweibm: type: no05:09
ibmwawowe ok05:09
JoeyZhangdoes gnome 3.4 works fine with Ati hd4330?05:11
wawoweibm: sudo apt-get install dpkg05:11
ibmwawowe i think the update tool is ok if a close the other program before installing but do need to close it even it is downloading05:11
dejahnuexisor, all I can think of is that you'd need to find a copy of xorg.conf somewhere05:11
ibmwawowe ok05:11
wawoweibm: i wouldn't trust it since you can't see what it's doing05:12
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010741/05:13
client_aliveI was wondering where one might find a windows system's files and directories on a linux system. I mean, if I'm running a live distro to try and recover the stuff from the disk, where would I find the stuff?05:13
Phiscribeclient_alive what file manager are you using, most have a volume icon on the left pane, clicking it will mount the windows ntfs volume and let you browse around05:14
Phiscribevolume as in a disk, not sound05:14
jameslordwhat .xsession-errors is so large?05:15
OerHeksclient_alive, try root "/"05:15
vladthenoobguys what's the fastest desktop sharing software you can suggest?05:15
client_aliveI have system rescue cd running (prolly a mistake)05:15
wawoweibm: dpkg -r libasound2 libglib2.0-0 libpango1.0-0 ppp05:15
client_aliveit's my friends computer. I promised them I'd check it out but I want to try and backup thier stuff before doing any diagnostics05:16
ibmwawowe here is the output for sudo apt-get dist-upgrade http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010743/05:16
dejahnueclient_alive, what kind of screen are you at?05:16
wawoweibm: type no05:17
wawoweibm: dpkg -r libasound2 libglib2.0-0 libpango1.0-0 ppp05:17
client_aliveI'm lookin' but I'm not seein'05:18
client_alivewhat if I were to run an ubuntu distro live? Would that make my life any easier?05:19
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010747/05:19
spdupeeok the crash that always happens is update-apt-xapian-index.  This happens with every restart and durring regular use.05:20
Phiscribeclient_alive i thought you were booted into a live disto, if your using the windows recovery, its not gonna help much, get a live cd, burn it, boot, access the files, back them up to disk or network05:20
wawoweibm: dpkg -r --force-depends libasound2 libglib2.0-0 libpango1.0-0 ppp05:22
spdupeeDatabaseCorruptError in__init__(): Expected block 4079 to be level 1 not 005:22
client_aliveI'm running system rescue cd right now but not that familiar with it. Now, ubuntu I know. I have a couple 64 bit discs here already (12.04, 11.10. 10. 04). I'm trying to determine whether the cpu is a 64 bit cpu though. (cat /proc/cpuinfo but how do I tell from the info?)05:23
dejahnueclient_alive, if you actually want to be able to restore the files later so that the windows machine boots, you'd probably want to backup the drive using "dd" rather than copying the files05:24
sm_can i virtualize windows drivers inside linux?05:24
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010753/05:24
wawoweibm: sudo apt-get install dpkg apt05:25
client_aliveas far as I can tell it's an intell core 2 duo05:25
client_alive36 bit memory extensions...05:25
sm_I install ubuntu10.4 on a computer after that installation is finished05:26
sm_i found that my ubuntu cant find my netword card , what can  i do?05:26
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010756/05:26
Phiscribesm_ you can run a virtual machine with a windows os inside linux, an drivers you install will be installed inside that vm, there are liscensing requirements though05:26
dejahnuesm_, there's a package called ndiswapper which allows you to use windows ethernet dirvers from linux (with luck)05:27
sm_thank you for your help<Phiscribe>but i need to install drivers inside my ubuntu os and use it for my work05:28
dejahnuesorry for the misspelling, it's "ndiswrapper"05:28
sm_i found sth for installing windows wireless drivers inside linux but nothing else for other drivers05:28
dejahnueI'm pretty sure ndiswrapper isn't limited to wifi05:30
wawoweibm: sudo apt-get -d dpkg gnupg libapt-pkg4.12 libc6 libgcc1 libstdc++6 ubuntu-keyring coreutils libbz2-1.0 libselinux1 tar xz-utils zlib1g05:30
client_alivewhat kind of network card is sm_ using? Is it the wireless card? The broadcom?05:31
xyyis there a channel to discuss irc servers?05:31
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Phiscribesm_ what specific driver are you talking about05:31
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010764/05:31
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ibmwawowe thank you very much but i think it is easier to use the update tool and take the risk what can it do05:33
sm_is there anyone know about ubuntu networking well?05:33
client_aliveUbuntu's the way to go05:33
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ibmwawowe thank you very much but i think it is easier to use the update tool and take the risk what can it do more05:34
ibmwawowe here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010764/05:34
wawoweibm: i don't think the update tool is going to work05:34
spdupeefixed the problem no more crashing05:34
ibmwawowe i can try anyway05:35
ibmwawowe it can not do anything worth05:35
testiif i confirm too fast in Alt+F2 unity does not execute the requested command. I think it seems it makes the same mistake like the KDE desk tool 5 years ago. It picks the item that unity found so far, and not the item entered. The item found so far for command is strangely always the same the user typed, but with a delay.05:36
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ibmwawowe it can not do anything worth thank you anyway i try it05:37
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* jaimef ponders where xulrunner went in 1205:41
sm_my network driver is not wiresless05:43
dejahnuesm_, if you lookup the ndiswrapper project at sourceforge, it's not limited to wifi cards05:44
Phiscribesm_ did you see if there is a restricted driver for your network card?05:45
Phiscribemight help if we knew the network card in question, a bit05:45
gohkeshSm_ nobody gives a shit about your network driver05:45
sm_<Phiscribe>how can i get you more information?05:46
Phiscribesm_ so it is a wired, (not wireless) network card and your booted into ubuntu right now?05:47
sm_yeah it is a wired network and i'm booted into ubnutu right now05:47
Phiscribeopen a terminal and type lspci | grep -i eth05:48
dixoncxhelp... bluetooth problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1197255105:48
winoAnyone using a RocketRaid 640L?05:48
sm_<Phiscribe>root@rasa:~# lspci | grep -i eth 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)05:48
dejahnuesm_, so what was your ethernet problem again?05:49
sm_my network connection is unstable05:49
dejahnueunstable in what way?05:50
sm_it is interupted periodically05:50
sm_and it is very slow05:51
wawoweanyone know how to force apt-get to ignore broken dependencies and just download anyway?05:51
dejahnuehow slow is slow?05:51
wawowecan't find anything in the man or otherwise05:52
winoOr does anyone have a pci-e 1x raid/jbod card that works in ubuntu?05:52
winosata2 is fine05:52
sm_the problem is being unstable05:52
wawowebut i think there's some way to make it obey dpkg flags05:52
Phiscribesm_ look here, it might help (might) basicaly they want you to power down and uplug wait 3 minutes.... http://askubuntu.com/questions/96343/internet-unusably-slow-with-realtek-semiconductor-co-ltd-rtl8111-8168b-card05:52
Phiscribealso here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/69976105:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839393 in linux-meta (Ubuntu Oneiric) "duplicate for #699761 Network problem with the r8169 driver and RTL8111/8168B" [Medium,Fix released]05:53
Phiscribesm_ ^^^05:53
sm_for example i loose connection for 2 minutes and the n get connection for a while05:53
dejahnuesm_, two problems. one is that realtek ethernet is poor. the other is that maybe if you turn down the speed to 100mbit the stability might improve05:53
sm_and then after between 3-5 minutes i loose connetion again05:54
sm_totally unstable05:54
dejahnuesm_, unless your isp is really giving a gigabit, turning down your ethernet speed won't hurt anything and might improve the stability05:55
sm_dejahune> can i use windows driver in linux? will it help?05:55
sm_<dejahune> ok how should i do that?05:56
dejahnuesm_, no. because you started out saying that linux couldn't find your ethernet, not that your ethernet was just unstable05:56
dejahnuesm_, you can turn down your speed with ethtool05:56
* gohkesh lights his cigar05:57
sm_sorry for my poor explanation05:57
* wawowe removes apt and installs portage in it's place05:57
sm_<dejahune> my connection is established but unstable05:57
sm_<dejahune>sorry for my poor explanation. my connection is established but unstable05:58
LukerogeHoly crap, there are some big channels on this network :305:58
dejahnuesm_, "ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full"05:59
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sm_<dejahule> just a minute, let me try it.06:00
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gohkeshsm_ I can help you for money06:02
bazhanggohkesh, stop that nonsense06:02
OerHeksgohkesh, that is not done here.06:02
gohkeshMoney is nonsense?!!!!!06:02
mysteriousdarrenLukeroge: like what channels?06:02
LukerogeSo far this is the biggest I have seen - I'm usually on a smaller IRC network06:03
bazhangLukeroge, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please06:03
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dejahnueGuest82464, did it help?06:06
dixoncxhelp... bluetooth problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1197255106:07
LymHello all. I accidentally selected too many packages for update, like hundreds of them by doing ./* or something silly like that. So how do I clear my cache so that apt-get -f install doesn't want to install hundreds of unecessary packages?06:07
windbuntubrasero doesnt work total mess06:08
windbuntualways says error while burning plus it cant eject06:08
OerHekswindbuntu, i use K3B on unity, brasero is buggy06:09
gohkeshLem there mus me some cache in /var/apr/cache or something like that06:09
windbuntubrasero is more than buggy its total _ _ _ _06:09
windbuntuill try the k3b ty OerHeks06:09
dejahnuecdrecord works pretty well06:09
windbuntuwhy do they put brasero in as default if it a total piece of _ _ _ _06:10
windbuntuwhy not use something that works as you suggested?06:10
dejahnuebecause it has a kewl name06:10
windbuntuwow, sad thing is you may actually be right06:10
windbuntui have lost 2-30 dvds06:11
windbuntu20-30 i meant06:11
windbuntufunny thing is it worked when i burned ubuntu to dvd06:11
windbuntubut all the rest poof06:11
wawowewindbuntu: that's either because of your dvd-burner or because you're burning too fast06:11
mobilewhat u mean??06:12
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windbuntuno i see noe amny many ppl reporeting the same thing it burns at a lik x7 x806:12
windbuntuthis is a major bug06:12
ex0sohh yea06:12
wawowenot that i like brasero, but it's not making coasters, you are06:12
windbuntuits very bad06:12
ex0suse k3b06:13
windbuntui will ty06:13
ex0sor use Cli burning utility06:13
dejahnuehas your drive got burn-free ?06:13
ex0sCDRECORD command06:13
windbuntumy dvd burner is a brand new asus06:13
ex0stry the "cdrecord" command06:14
windbuntudoes that command also know when to burn an image?06:14
ex0su hqve to specify when to burn iso06:14
LymDoes anyone know how to clear the current apt queue? I accidentally selected too many packages for download. I want to clear the current queue for packages that will be installed by apt-get -f install06:15
ex0ssorry on my iphone06:15
windbuntuim going to try k3b 1st06:15
CerrdorLym Cntrl+C06:15
ex0syea k3b is good06:15
dejahnuewindbuntu, what's your system load while burning?06:15
EliahKaganCerrdor: if i understand Lym correctly it's not that they are currently installing but that they will be installed when apt-get is run with -f06:15
ex0stry apt-get remove06:16
windbuntui have burned with ubuntu before and it used to work good for me  until unity06:16
ex0sthe reinstall fro06:16
EliahKaganLym: if that is the case, you could simulate "sudo apt-get -f install" with "apt-get -s -f install" to see what would happen, and then remove all the packages that would be installed that you don't want06:16
ex0s apt-get update06:16
Cerrdorbrb logging into server06:16
windbuntuok well im going to go into software center and look for k3b ty06:16
wilee-nileeLym, if you are at the need to run a  apt-get -f install, you must have some partial installs am I correct here?06:17
dejahnuewindbuntu, if the problem started with unity, then k3b may not help06:17
EliahKaganLym: you'd remove them with "sudo apt-get remove ..." (as ex0s said) or "sudo apt-get purge ..." (which also removes their systemwide configuration files...not usually a big deal whether or not you do this)06:17
Lymwilee-nilee, the only partial install is crossover office which I was about to get the dependencies for when I discovered I had accidentally selected over 200 packages for install06:18
CuteKitty how can i list all partitions of my hard drive?06:19
wilee-nileeLym, not sure here really, best of luck, if it was me I would let it all install then clean out correctly with purges of what you did not want.06:19
wilee-nileethats just me though06:20
wilee-nileeCuteKitty, sudo fdisk -lu06:22
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sm_dejahnue> my internet connection has a problem so i was disconnected06:24
dejahnuesm_, oh I thought you were here under the name  Guest8246406:25
sm_i use your recommended direction in terminal now how i find it is applied?06:25
CuteKittywilee-nilee: thanks.06:25
wilee-nileeCuteKitty, no problem.06:25
dejahnuesudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 ?06:26
sm_yes that is right.06:27
dejahnuesm_, if lowering the speed doesn't help then either realtek sucks or something else is wrong06:29
sm_<dejahnue> i try this direction ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full exactly06:29
sm_and my speed changed to that06:30
dejahnuedid it help the stability?06:30
windbuntuwow k3b is way better it even ejected the dvd for me06:31
windbuntuno wonder some folks like kde06:31
Ubuntu_Loverhello everyone i got this file VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt in scaricati folder06:33
Ubuntu_Lovercan you tell me what i have to write to install it?06:33
Ubuntu_Loveras i'm linux begginer06:33
sbarctea1I am trying to allow remote graphic access (remotely over ssh)06:33
Ubuntu_Loverthe folder where i have it scaricati that means downloads in italian06:33
sm_<dejahnue>would you recommend using windows driver using ndiswrapper?06:34
sbarctea1I am user u1 (with sudo priveleges). I want to allow another user u2 to login via vnc/rdp and login via the login manager into his graphical desktop.06:34
sbarctea1I have xrdp installed, and I have x11vnc installed.06:34
sbarctea1xrdp is running.06:34
Ubuntu_Loveranyone able to help me?06:34
dejahnuewindbuntusm_, no. because if the linux driver works at 1 gigabit, the windows driver won't do any better06:34
spik3hi is there a way we can put DVD5 in 12.04 and we can what is the link06:34
sbarctea1When user u2 connects via rdp and tries to use "console", he gets stuck: nothing is listening on :590006:35
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dejahnuesm_, no. because if the linux driver works at 1 gigabit, the windows driver won't do any better06:35
Ubuntu_Loveri have this file VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt in scaricati folder can you tell me how to install in on terminal as i'm not able to do this yet being linux starter06:35
sbarctea1what option in the xrdp drop down shall I ask user u2 to use, so he can get to local gdm06:35
amanthakurhi guys, can any one tell me is it possible to debug C programs in linux like we debug in Visual Studio in windows?06:35
sbarctea1Ubuntu_Lover: you should be asking VMWare guys, it seems like a mature product, with good documentation.06:36
Ubuntu_Loverwel they give me a command to write in shell last time on ubuntu italian but they sleeping now06:36
dejahnuesm_, if lowering the speed doesn't help it be more stable, then theres also the possibility that realtek ethernet isn't very good hardware06:36
sbarctea1also, txt seems like a name of a simple plain text file.06:37
Ubuntu_Loveri told them the folder and they told me what to write in terminal to install it06:37
sbarctea1so you should be able to read it.06:37
Ubuntu_Loverare you able to tell me ?06:37
sbarctea1Ubuntu_Lover: .txt extension is a convention for plain text files.06:37
Ubuntu_Loveri don0t even know what that means06:37
Ubuntu_Loveri can do just click and run06:38
sbarctea1well, click your browser, and run:vmware.com06:38
Ubuntu_Loverwhat i write in terminal to install this ? VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt06:38
phaedraUbuntu_Lover, you should have a .bundle file not a .txt file06:38
bazhangUbuntu_Lover, you dont install a text file06:38
Ubuntu_Loveri got it from donwload on wmware site what i have to download ?06:38
bazhangUbuntu_Lover, text files are meant to be Read06:38
Ubuntu_LoverVMware Workstation 8.0.3 for Linux 2012-05-03 | 8.0.3 | 324M | Linux 64-bit .bundle i download this06:39
Ubuntu_Loveryou got link for wmware workstation install file?06:39
sbarctea1you said you have .txt file.06:39
phaedraUbuntu_Lover, if all you have is a .txt file then you just have instructions.  go back to vmware site and get the .bundle file06:39
Ubuntu_Loverwhen i click download bundle gives me text06:40
Ubuntu_Loverso what i do?06:40
Hasothhey I have a problem, I have ubuntu installed on computer, now I wanted to install win 7 on free space, but somehow free space is inside extended partition and I can't format that space to not logical partition, any idea without format everything ?06:40
Ubuntu_Loveri use google chrome06:41
Cerrdorwhats the package your trying to install Ubuntu_Lover06:41
Ubuntu_Loverbut when i click download bundle gives me text don't know why06:41
Ubuntu_Loveri  download VMware Workstation 8.0.3 for Linux 2012-05-03 | 8.0.3 | 324M | Linux 64-bit .bundle   and give me text06:42
Ubuntu_Loverdon't know why06:42
Ubuntu_Loveri'm using google chrome06:42
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Ubuntu_Loveryou know what's going on Cerrdor ?06:42
Ubuntu_Loverill ask in chan what's the chan of wmare called?06:43
bazhang!alis | Ubuntu_Lover06:43
ubottuUbuntu_Lover: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*06:43
Ubuntu_Loverthis stuff is so hard man06:44
Hasothdo you know how to resize extended partition with free space nallocated on that ? I use gparted live06:45
phaedraUbuntu_Lover, i just checked and you should be able to dl that .bundle if you have an account with vmware06:45
Ubuntu_Loveri do06:45
Ubuntu_Loverbut it gives me text when try06:46
Ubuntu_Loveri mean converts it to text06:46
Ubuntu_Loverthanks btw you know why?06:46
Ubuntu_Loverfile says it's an excutable bash06:47
phaedraUbuntu_Lover, no i have no idea why.  all i know is that the site does take me to the binary dl after i logon and select it06:47
Ubuntu_Loverdoes it turn to text when you try download wmware?06:48
phaedraUbuntu_Lover, no, it stays a .bundle for me but i use firefox. try using firefox and see if it stays a .bundle06:49
sm_<dejahnue>thanks alot for your hellp06:50
wilee-nileehello _jeet06:53
_jeetthanks wilee .. i have question related to CentOS but nobody in freenode replying06:54
bazhang_jeet, #centos not here06:55
sm_<dejahnue>your help was great. thank alot.06:55
_jeeti know .. i was just checking if all node and support are same .. but Ubuntu rocks06:55
Ek|mu5hello all, anyone here using kannel on 12.04?06:59
bazhangEk|mu5, whats the real question06:59
Ek|mu5kannel-sqlbox is giving me errors with postgresql. the connection is defined properly and there is no MySQL section but sqlbox still asks for a MySQL connection definition07:01
Ek|mu5bazhang: relevant error message:  SQLBOX: MySQL: connection settings for id 'sqlbox-db' are not specified!07:03
Ubuntu_Loveri can't find the wmware chan can you help me?07:05
bazhangUbuntu_Lover, #vmware07:05
Ubuntu_Loverthanks man :)07:06
Ubuntu_Loverhello i just download this file VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt the folder i have it in is called scaricati what i have to do to install it in ubuntu terminal now as im linux starter07:07
Ubuntu_Loverthe file i got is VMware Workstation 8.0.3 for Linux 2012-05-03 | 8.0.3 | 324M | Linux 64-bit .bundle but when i click manualy download turns it in text is this normal?07:07
WingedeUbuntu_Lover: open a terminal and do a sudo sh ~/<username>/<Download Folder>/<VMWare Workstation file name>07:08
Ubuntu_Loveri'm totaly new with linux07:09
Ubuntu_Loveri don't know how do that wingede07:09
Ubuntu_Loverhow i do it?07:09
Ubuntu_Loveruserename is x07:09
Ubuntu_Loverthe download folder is scaricati and the file is VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt07:09
Wingedeso first you need to open a terminal, in your menu search for terminal07:10
Ubuntu_Loverso what i do Wingede  can you Guide me?07:10
Ubuntu_Lovera ok07:10
sickened!ops | kiss my ass07:10
ubottukiss my ass: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:10
Ubuntu_Loveri'm root all ready07:10
Ubuntu_Loverthat i can do07:11
Ubuntu_Lovernow what i do?07:11
Wingedethen in there sudo ~/x/scaricati/VMware-Workstation....txt07:11
Ubuntu_Loversudo ~/x/scaricati/VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt  i did that07:11
sickened!ops | suck my dick07:11
ubottusuck my dick: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:11
Ubuntu_Loversays file not found07:11
Ubuntu_Loverhaha what's going on07:12
Tm_TUbuntu_Lover: nothing07:12
Wingedesudo sh ~/x/.....07:12
Wingedefill in the dots with path and filename in full07:12
AreckxI'm really confused here. A week or so ago I could type characters such as ⓪⓪⓪❶ with ibus-anthy and now they are no longer appearing whe nI type numbers07:12
Ubuntu_LoverJESUS this is too compliated forme07:12
WingedeUbuntu_Lover: don't give up, it gets easier just got to get over the little hurdles07:13
Ubuntu_Loverif you write me full thing i can copy paste it and install as i did last time07:13
Ubuntu_Loverthey asked me my folder and user thanks07:13
Ubuntu_Loverthis is the thing07:13
Ubuntu_Loverfolder is scaricati07:14
Ubuntu_Loverand file is VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt07:14
Ubuntu_Loveri give execute command to file from properties did i do good?07:14
Wingedesudo sh ~/x/scaricati/VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt07:14
phuserjoin #asterisk07:14
Ubuntu_Lover Can't open /root/x/scaricati/VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.3-703057.x86_64.txt07:15
Ubuntu_Loversays that07:15
OerHeksUbuntu_Lover, what are you trying to do, read that .txt file ?07:15
Wingedewhat is the size of that download? - should be few hundred megs at least?07:15
Ubuntu_Loveri'm trying install wmware workstation 64 bit07:15
Ubuntu_Loverwich i donwload from your site but it turned my bundle into text07:16
WingedeOerHeks: trying to install vmware workstaion, looks like it downloaded with extension of .txt which is a bit unusual07:16
Ubuntu_Loverdon't know why07:16
Ubuntu_Loveri use google chrome07:16
Ubuntu_Loverand ubuntu latest07:16
=== ad is now known as Guest99885
Ubuntu_Loveryou know what's going on Wingede?07:17
OerHeksUbuntu_Lover, VMware workstation is paid software, with great support07:17
WingedeUbuntu_Lover: how big is that download?07:17
Ubuntu_Loverone sec07:17
qinlimingon my computer chrome often die down07:17
Ubuntu_Lover338,9 MB07:18
Ubuntu_Loveris that ok?07:18
sm_<dejahnue>i m newbie in ubuntu, how can i improve myself?07:18
WingedeUbuntu_Lover: sounds about right, still can't explain why it saved with extension .txt - but anyway, you said can't open /root/x/scar.... shouldn't that be /home/x/scarcicati.... ?07:19
=== Guest99885 is now known as niki
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=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
wilee-nileesm_, use it, maybe read some books, personally I just used it.07:22
bazhang!manual | sm_07:22
ubottusm_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:22
sm_can you introduce good books?07:22
bazhang!rute | sm_07:22
ubottusm_: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:22
bazhangsm_, I just did07:23
OerHeksAnd every month a fresh issue http://fullcirclemagazine.org/ nr 61 is out07:24
wilee-nileesm_, lurk the IRC, and the ubuntu forums is another way, you can confirm stuff you read that way and fooing the web.07:24
Sidvee_sorry to be lame, whats the command to open up a pdf from terminal using default application.07:25
sm_<bazhang>you used it before?07:26
bazhangsm_, used what? those resources? yes, very extensively. also see the other suggestions, and one final one: askubuntu.com07:27
rik316I have a wimax modem connected to my ubuntu box via usb which shows up as eth1.(  I have another interface eth0( which is connected to a switch. On that switch is another machine( )  I have Internet Connection Sharing set up via iptables.07:28
rik316Now I want to port forward all incoming connections to port 8080 to
rik316I can't seem to get it working07:29
Sidvee_sorry to be lame, whats the command to open up a pdf from terminal using default application.07:29
sm_http://askubuntu.com/ it seem to be an active forum , is it ok?07:30
bazhangsm_, yes. very07:30
OerHeksThere is also an askubuntu lens for 12.04, awesome07:31
EliahKaganSidvee_: i don't know a command to open it using whatever app you've set as default, but the OS default for opening PDF's is the Document Viewer, and you can invoke that on the command-line as: evince07:31
EliahKaganfor example: evince foo.pdf07:31
OerHeksSidvee_, evince /path/to/file.pdf07:31
sm_<bazhang>thanks alot07:32
Chuck_Norrisrik316: echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward07:33
rik316Chuck_Norris, already set07:33
Chuck_Norrisrik316: excuse me echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward07:33
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
rik316my connection sharing works fine, it's just the port forwarding07:34
Chuck_Norrisrik316: sudo iptables -F07:35
Chuck_Norrisrik316: sudo iptables -X07:35
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rik316Chuck_Norris, done07:37
Areckxrik316::  That statement answers everything here!07:40
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jussiMy empathy on 12.04 is not saving my favourite rooms, how do I make it save them?07:46
sm_dejahnue> i m using another computer07:47
sm_and i have opensuse installed07:48
sm_i have the same problem on that07:48
bazhangsm_, then #suse07:48
wawowesomewhere beyond the sea07:50
Cerrdorsomewhere waiting for me?07:51
vetetixgreetings everyone, I'm looking for some advice on creating the most performant usb-stick installed Ubuntu (using Ubuntu's official Startup Disk Creator is not what I'm looking for).07:51
wilee-nileevetetix, performant ?07:51
Cerrdortail -f /etc/songs/Somewhere-under-the-sea07:51
Cerrdornot unetbootin?07:52
wilee-nileevetetix, a full install using the mini with the lightest de like openbox would probably do you.07:52
vetetixbooting on an ubuntu live usb is quite slow (due to the decompression of the iso?)07:52
wilee-nileeif youhave a big enough thumb07:52
vetetixwilee-nilee: i do have a big enough thumb07:53
Cerrdorthats not what she said07:53
vetetixCerrdor: ;-)07:53
wawoweundah tha sea07:53
Cerrdorundah da sea07:53
Cerrdorgrep "life is much better"07:54
wawoweit's always bettah down where it's wettah07:54
wilee-nileevetetix, A full install is better anyway, wont install, b ut will run like a HD, maybe a bit slower, mine have been pretty fast though, are you familiar with the mini cd and the netload it does.07:54
wawowetake it from me07:54
Myrtti!ot | wawowe07:55
ubottuwawowe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:55
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amanthakurhi guys, i am looking for a IDE in linux to debug C programs line by line as we do in visual studio in windows? Can anyone tell if there is any?07:55
Cerrdorout in da sun dey play all day07:55
vetetixwilee-nilee: so there is nothing against installing a full Ubuntu system on the usb stick, (then putting the grub on the first partition of the said stick, and using tmpfs for /tmp)?07:55
MyrttiCerrdor: keep it to Ubuntu support, please07:55
Drajwerhow can I add indicators to my gnome-classic in Precise Pangolin desktop?07:55
CerrdorMyrtti, np07:56
Drajwerwhen I right click on top panel no menu shows up...07:56
Cerrdordoes bluefish ide support c?07:56
wilee-nileevetetix, you would put grub in the mbr not a partition, and no need to tweak much else it will run like a HD.07:56
Guest9662I have a question: how to fix sound in Ubuntu 11.10? Everything worked for a long time. But recently sound just disappeared in most programs except skype. Just silence07:56
vetetixwilee-nilee: by mini-cd you mean net install ?07:56
Guest9662I do not know how to debug sound in Ubuntu07:57
wilee-nileevetetix, yeah you want a link?07:57
vetetixwilee-nilee: sure07:57
wilee-nileevetetix, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:57
vetetixwilee-nilee: i believe it is advised to keep /tmp on the usb disk, because it will wear off the flash memory prematurely07:59
Guest9662do you want to know difference between Ubuntu and Fedora?07:59
wawoweGuest9662: no07:59
Guest9662Ubuntu community does not give a shit when you ask a question. Never08:00
Guest9662no help08:00
wawoweGuest9662: did you switch to pulseaudio08:00
wawoweGuest9662: oh nvm08:00
Guest9662yes, I use standard configuration. Pulseaudio is on08:00
vetetixwilee-nilee: and concerning grub, i read you should install it on /dev/sdb1, not on /dev/sdb nor on mbr, because i would break the local system's grub08:00
wawoweGuest9662: it's not that people don't give a shit, it's that you didn't really give enough details and/or no one has the answer08:01
wawoweGuest9662: check alsamixer to make sure nothing is muted08:01
Guest9662I would agree if that would be first time08:02
wilee-nileevetetix, the wear out the flash has become a old wive tail really, but you can do as you like. Modern solid state drives have the same failure state statistically as a spinning HD.08:02
vetetixGuest9662: did you try killing skype, and testing the sound afterwards?08:02
Guest9662not yet08:02
Myrttiwawowe: keep the language clean, thanks08:02
EaglemanI cant get my harddisk in automatic standby mode by issuing this command: hdparm -S 6 /dev/sdb ( after 60 seconds its still on online mode )08:02
EaglemanBut when i issue this command: hdparm -y  /dev/sdb it does go in standby mode, checking that with hdparm -C  /dev/sdb:  drive state is:  standby08:02
wilee-nileevetetix, grub goes to the mbr you can make a boot partition if you like but it is not needed.08:03
Guest9662not helped killing skype08:03
Guest9662alsamixer - how can it help if skype works?08:03
wawoweGuest9662: lsof | grep snd08:03
Guest9662no, nothing is muted08:03
vetetixGuest9662: could you try to relaunch alsa/osd/pulseaudio now that skype is killed?08:03
Guest9662sudo lsof|grep snd08:03
Guest9662lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/dmo/.gvfs08:03
Guest9662      Output information may be incomplete.08:03
Guest9662pulseaudi 2555         dmo  mem       CHR      116,4                  9486 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p08:03
Guest9662pulseaudi 2555         dmo  mem       REG        8,5     445036   17829438 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libsndfile.so.1.0.2408:03
Guest9662pulseaudi 2555         dmo   23u      CHR     116,15        0t0      12305 /dev/snd/controlC108:03
Guest9662pulseaudi 2555         dmo   28u      CHR     116,12        0t0       6394 /dev/snd/controlC308:03
FloodBot1Guest9662: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:03
EaglemanCan someone help me with my hdparm issue, i'v been trying to solve it for ages08:04
wawoweGuest9662: lsof | grep snd | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u | xargs kill -908:05
OerHeksEagleman, so what is your issue ? hdparm -y  /dev/sdb goes into standby mode, as you wanted08:06
Eaglemanbut it never goed automatic in standy mode, its already spinning for 2 months without going into standby mode08:07
AdvoWorkHow would I go about searching all files in all folders say in /tmp for an ip address?08:07
EaglemanI want it to go to standby mode after 2-3 hours idle08:07
wawoweAdvoWork: grep -r /tmp ""08:07
wawoweAdvoWork: grep -r "" /tmp08:08
Eaglemando you know what I mean? OerHeks08:10
OerHeksEagleman, look at 'man hdparm' and see -S  ( ... Values from 241 to 251 specify from 1 to 11 units of 30 minutes)08:12
EaglemanOerHeks Yes i know how -S works but when i set this command, hdparm -S 6 /dev/sdb, after 60 seconds its still not in standby mode08:13
OerHekswell read that manual.08:14
OerHeks"Values from 1 to 240 specify multiples of 5 seconds"  so 6 x 5 seconds = 30 sec08:15
EaglemanYes, thats what i want for testing08:15
Eaglemani'm not gonna wait 3 hours to see if its in standby mode08:15
Eaglemanbut after 60 seconds its still not in standby mode ( when i had set it to 30 seconds )08:16
stuenganyone know whether its possible to get internet explorer + logmein working in WINE ?08:16
OerHeksEagleman, did you use sudo?08:17
Eaglemansudo su08:17
wawowestueng: internet explorer definitely. i've never used logmein tho08:17
Eaglemanthen while i'm root i use the command08:17
Eaglemanroot@eagleman:/home/eagleman# hdparm -S 6 /dev/sdb08:18
weiyangsome configured bond interface on ubuntu?08:18
stuengwawowe: if IE works, I gues i'll give it a go08:18
* Cerrdor laffs @IE "working"08:18
weiyangcan i bond one eth and one wlan?08:18
stuenghmm which package for wine? windows compatability layer?08:19
Cerrdorweiyang, yes but the wifi will have to be in monitor mode08:19
wawowestueng: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingInternetExplorer08:19
oCeanstueng: for running applications with wine, please consult #winehq channel08:20
stuengthanks wawa08:20
weiyangCerrdor, I looked at the document in kernel source,08:21
weiyangCerrdor, and find one example on ubuntu distro, could it work?08:21
Cerrdorweiyang, its possible08:21
weiyangCerrdor, not tried yet...08:21
Cerrdorbut what would be the reason08:21
cobblertrying to install ubuntu 12.04 precise using cobbler and a preseed file always get a prompt asking cdrom not found, can someone help?08:22
stuengwawowe: in your experience does acivex work ?08:22
cobblerthis is the preseed file http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010897/08:22
cobbleri am using alternate cd08:23
EaglemanOerHeks hdparm just isnt working, and i have no idea why08:23
weiyangCerrdor, i tried "lsmod | grep bond", while shows nothing08:23
wawowestueng: pretty sure i got that and silverlight working, but i haven't had to do it in a few years08:23
cobblerimported the alternate cd like this , cobbler import --name=ubuntu-server --path=/mnt --breed=ubuntu08:23
weiyangCerrdor, this means i need to install the module first?08:23
OerHeksEagleman, looks like you have no ACPI control08:23
oCeancobbler, try to describe your issue in single line, or it gets confusing for others08:23
cobblerthen added cobbler profile like this, cobbler profile edit --name=ubuntu12_04-x86_64 --kickstart=/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/ubuntu-nqa.seed --kopts="auto url= priority=critical lang=english locale=en_US console-keymaps-at/keymap=us console-setup/ask_detect=false console-setup/layoutcode=us"08:23
oCeancobbler: also, the -server channel might be a better option to try08:23
cobbleroCean: ok08:24
EaglemanHmm that would be kinda weird08:24
Cerrdorweiyang, what are you trying to do? Why do you need both eth0 and wi0?08:24
weiyangCerrdor, ok, I installed the bonding module08:25
* Cerrdor facepalms08:25
weiyangCerrdor, I want to set up a bonding interface08:25
EaglemanOerHeks How can i check if i do or do not have a ACPI control?08:25
weiyangCerrdor, while I just have one eth interface and one wlan interface :(08:25
Cerrdorweiyang, you want to bond your wifi withe your eth?08:25
weiyangCerrdor,  no, because the limitation of my hardware...08:26
weiyangCerrdor, I don't have two eth interface on my machine...08:26
Cerrdorweiyang, It is not clear what or why you want to do it so I cannot really help08:26
weiyangCerrdor,  while I need to test this ....08:26
cobbleroCean: thanks i have asked question in -server08:26
weiyangCerrdor,  test how to set up the bond interface ...08:27
weiyangCerrdor,  ok, thanks all the same :)08:27
wawoweweiyang: you want to your wlan to forward through eth?08:28
OerHeksEagleman, i don't know.08:28
lcabreza1hey guys, why can't i install tomboy notes ? i'm using 12.0408:28
EaglemanSo are there any other ways to get it into standby mode?08:29
ejvanyone else observe that unity "feels" a lot slower than gnome in 10.04? or am I imagining things? my system load is hovering above 1.0 with only two terminals open. yikes.08:29
OerHekslcabreza1, sudo apt-get install tomboy08:30
ejvhow do i change the order of icons in the unity bar?08:33
lcabreza1 OerHeks: Thanks, for some reason it doesn't work on ubuntu software center08:33
weiyangwawowe, i am trying to configure bonding interface and wondering whether eth could bond wlan08:34
anomI've set up a PHP contact form script on one of my websites, I'm getting a success message when testing the form but no email is coming through - could it be my VPS config? (contact forms on wordpress sites on the same server work fine)08:34
ejvnot really the channel for that kind of support, not to be /that/ guy08:35
wawoweweiyang: maybe, but why would you want to do that?08:36
Krupteindoes anyone know how you can only show the windows that are opened in the current workspace in the sidebar?08:36
BlueWolfHow Do I run a .sh file? It is a game I have just downloaded and I don't know how to run it?08:37
truemovesh ./filename  try that08:37
Kruptein(in terminal)08:38
ejvor read the game documentation / online wikis if they exist08:38
EliahKaganif you start the command with "sh ", you don't need the "./" before the filename08:38
wawoweweiyang: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBonding08:39
BlueWolftruemove: It's in my downloads, so how do I tell it to run that particular file in my downloads?08:39
ejvbtw i figured out changing the order of icons on this unity bar: you have to remove all icons and then readd the ones you want from scratch; usability fail. :S08:39
OerHeksejv drag them in place also works08:40
anomWhy have Ubuntu not got a ctrl+alt+del yet? pain when something freezes :/08:40
ejvit doesn't, believe me i tried08:40
Krupteinejv it does believe me I did08:40
OerHeksejv believe me, it works08:40
truemoveBlueWolf: cd your way to your download dir08:40
weiyangwawowe, thanks08:40
ejvi tried locking/unlocking, shuffling them around, it doesn't work for me08:40
Krupteinyou select an icon move it out of the bar and then you can swap it ejv08:40
wawoweBlueWolf: chmod +x ~/Downloads/game.sh; ~/Downloads/game.sh08:40
EliahKagananom: are do you want to bring up a list of applications so you can kill some, or do you want to reboot the machine without doing a hard reset?08:41
ejvwhen i drag the bar, the entire thing also moves... not sure why08:41
Krupteinso I assume that there is no workaround to only show workspace related windows in the unity bar?08:41
Krupteinejv you need to move the icon  OUT of the bar08:41
anomEliahKagan, first one/bring up a task manager08:41
Krupteinto the right08:41
ejvit won't let me drag to remove, is there someway to unlock it?08:42
BlueWolftruemove: wawowe: Ok so it will be something like this: chmod +x ~/Downloads/sh ./HoNClient-2.5.13.sh; ~/Downloads/sh ./HoNClient-2.5.13.sh  ??08:42
Krupteinejv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFshDzo9En008:42
wawoweBlueWolf: sh ~/Downloads/HoNClient-2.5.13.sh08:42
anomEliahKagan, I'm installing gnome-system-monitor and binding the keys ctrl+alt+del to it now but really seems like this should be default. Especially for windows users porting over.08:43
Krupteinejv that is an older version of unity but for the icons it still is the same behaviour08:43
Krupteinejv check minute one08:43
EliahKagananom: i use Lubuntu, and Ctrl+Alt+Delete does bring up the task manager by default ...i don't know why it's not the default behavior with regular Ubuntu but i'm gad you got it configured08:43
BlueWolfwawowe: Oh yes silly me. THANK YOU!! :D08:44
intrapatadoes ubuntu got task manager via ctrl alt del? idont think so?08:44
BlueWolftruemove: Thank you too. :D08:45
NepheriusIt does if you change the settings :P08:45
ejvthx for video, still can't get the icons to move seperately though by dragging :S08:45
intrapatastill new at linux ,, so icame up here @ irc eheh08:45
EliahKaganintrapata: as anom was saying, you can configure the System Monitor to come up with a shortcut key combination, and you can make the combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete08:45
tr3ntonanom: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/84/08:45
intrapata@ eliahkagan tnx ^_^08:46
EliahKaganintrapata: on Lubuntu, it's that way by default (brings up LXTask)08:46
intrapataso the lxtask is the task manager of the ubuntu?08:46
anom'This idea was marked as implemented the 25 November 11. Available starting Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope.' ?08:46
EliahKaganintrapata, no, gnome-system-monitor is the task manager for regular Ubuntu; lxtask is the task manager for Lubuntu08:46
EliahKaganintrapata: Ubuntu is a GNOME-based distribution ...the LXDE-based "flavor" of Ubuntu is Lubuntu08:47
ejvi think in the older version of unity, you can drag the icons around, but perhaps in this most recent version, it's locked08:47
intrapataso much to learn haha good thing you guys are here <EliahKagan>08:47
EliahKaganintrapata: GNOME and LXDE are two desktop environments (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment); there are others as well08:47
ejvomg i figured it out Kruptein!08:48
ejvyou have to click and hold, for several seconds, then it will unhook08:48
intrapataso gnome taskmanager08:48
Krupteinejv great08:48
intrapatais for ubuntu08:48
ejvwow that is just mighty ridiculous lol08:48
intrapataeven the newest version the 12.4? <EliahKagan>??08:48
ejvthx for help Kruptein :)08:49
Krupteinejv np :)08:49
KrupteinCan someone confirm that it's not possible to only show workspace-related windows on the unity bar?08:49
intrapatacan anyone plss help me ... lately i installed snes emulator on my ubuntu desktop,, then suddenly i got this problem,, when i change the resolution of my screen,,, my screen acts like its kinda buggy,, screen is moving,, not normal. any ideas about this?08:51
EliahKaganintrapata: what was the question you were asking me about 12.04? (it's not clear from what i have read, and i was afk momentarily)08:51
anomAnyone finding the latest Ubuntu release really buggy?08:51
wawoweintrapata: how is it not normal08:51
Krupteinanom in which way?08:51
rurufufussbesides .local/share/application, what other place do ubuntu set mime type associations?08:52
wawowerurufufuss: /usr/share/applications08:52
anomMy sidebar keeps moving up so I can't see any of my applications, some applications menu bars become unresponsive (when I try and click them its like I'm clicking the desktop) and a few other bugs08:52
intrapatawhen i change my resoltuion the desktop, shakes,, and you can only see, half of it,, sorry for my english08:52
Krupteinanom happened to me yesterday, was the first and only time though08:52
anomI need to restart every few days since the latest update :/08:53
wawoweintrapata: what's your normal desktop resolution?08:53
KrupteinI have 2 annoying problems:08:54
Kruptein1) I have my sidebar on autohide and often in the proces of showing the bar it just freezes the system08:54
Kruptein2) There seems to be no way to only show workspace related windows in the bar which annoys me as hell08:54
Krupteinsorry for the flood btw08:54
wawoweanom: switch to lxde or something like that08:54
anomlightweight, woo - sounds shiny.08:54
intrapatawhen i change my resoltuion the desktop, shakes,, and you can only see, half of it,, sorry for my english08:54
lpehi, anyone know if there's an equivalent for 'yum provides "*/file" for apt9$ or aptitude? a function to see which packages provides said file08:54
wawowelpe: what does yum provides do?08:55
lpe"a function to see which packages provides said file"08:56
wawoweintrapata: what is your default resolution?08:56
truemoveis it only me who removes unity the first thing i do and installs  something better?08:56
rurufufusscan /usr/share/applications/mineinfo.cache be deleted safely?08:57
wawowetruemove: no :P08:57
lpewawowe: http://hastebin.com/bofogokido.avrasm - that sort of thing08:57
truemovewawowe: good :D08:57
rurufufussmimeinfo.cache*, sorry08:57
truemoveeveryone seems to have problem with unity08:57
Krupteinthere are some things that annoy me but not that I want to switch env08:57
intrapatawawowe> ahm using 11440 x 900 as if now08:59
wawoweintrapata: xrandr -s 1440x90009:00
intrapatawatwas dat sir wawoe?09:00
intrapatashould i prompt you command?09:01
wawowelpe: apt-cache search usually finds whatever you're looking for09:01
wawoweintrapata: it changes your screen resolution09:01
AdvoWorkif im doing grep -r "" /tmp     to pipe the output to a file, is it just grep -r "" /tmp  > myfile.txt ?09:01
lpewawowe: surely, but can I search for a specific file, and see which package provides this file? or atleast a hint of sorts?09:01
intrapataisee,, wawowe when we say default screen resolution s it the lowest res?09:02
wawoweAdvoWork: yes09:02
wawowelpe give me an example of a file you might be looking for09:02
lpeI gave you the yum example09:03
truemovehere is my screenshot right now how it can look without unity :)09:03
wawoweintrapata: default meaning the res that you had before snes and want back09:03
Anomjesus, LXDE is 1000x better than unity09:03
Krupteintruemove: im happy for you that you found an env that suits you, but stop the 'hating' on unity09:04
intrapatawawowe thanks it works09:04
intrapatathanks alot dude ^_^09:04
intrapataso wawowe ,, xrandr -s "desired res" will change the screen res., via terminal.. will this effective also onto other flavor of linux?09:05
truemoveKruptein: i dont hate it. but people shuld know that it is easy to change if the have problems with it09:05
truemoveor am i wrong?09:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:05
muelliintrapata: yes09:06
EliahKaganAnom: while i like LXDE very much, i find that it's still a bit rough around the edges, being a relatively newer desktop environment...i would consider Xfce to be more refined09:06
AnomEliahKagan, Wheres its downfall?09:06
EliahKaganAnom: LXDE's or Xfce's?09:07
AnomUsing it now and can't see any issues (yet). It's by far the most responsive OS I've ever used.09:07
truemovexfce4 is nice yeha.. and it installs the programs in the menues automatic.. its nice09:08
helloxwhere can i download ubuntu dvd iso?09:08
EliahKaganAnom: the biggest issue i've been having is that PCManFM (the file browser) crashes sometimes, including sometimes during a file transfer (i've stopped copying big files with it), and sometimes it doesn't automatically reload afterwards (which is bad because it's what gives you the desktop, after all...but you can reload it manually with: pcmanfm --desktop )09:09
hellox i cannot find dvd iso here:( http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/09:09
AnomEliahKagan, Thanks for the heads up *writes down command*09:10
EliahKaganhellox: the main server containing the DVD iso is different, it's here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/09:10
Krupteinhellox you do know that 11.10 is not the newest version anymore right?09:11
truemovebetter to install the 12.04 LTS09:11
EliahKaganhellox: indeed as Kruptein has said, there is a newer version, 12.04 LTS, and you can get its DVD iso at Anom: the second most annoying thing i've experienced is that sometimes the volume control applet in the notification area doesn't respond to being clicked09:11
intrapataEliahkagan ,, whats the default taskmanager for ubuntu 12.4,,, and how can i run it,, thanks friend.09:12
EliahKaganAnom: the second most annoying thing i've experienced is that sometimes the volume control applet in the notification area doesn't respond to being clicked ...but i don't think a lot of users experience that problem09:12
Krupteinintrapata: system-monitor09:12
AnomI'm at work anyway so no volume for me :)09:12
intrapatathan kruptein so much more to learn ,, with you guys really apreciate it09:12
EliahKaganthe name of the binary for the System Monitor (in case you're running it from a Terminal or with Alt+F2) is: gnome-system-monitor09:12
helloxEliahKagan dude /say EliahKagan why i cannot find dvd iso here? http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/09:13
truemoveintrapata: install htop. verry nice. run in the terminal09:13
AnomI can't see my network drives when attaching files in chrome (or any browser), but can see it fine through the regular file browser. Any way to solve this? (This happens in both unity and LXDE)09:13
intrapatawill try it truemove ^_^09:13
EliahKaganAnom: do you mean with file:/// ?09:14
KrupteinI suppose :/09:14
OerHekshellox dude, see EliahKagan's message09:14
truemoveintrapata: try write top in your terminal :D09:14
truemovethats one you have allready09:14
wawoweAnom: are the network drives nfs?09:15
AnomEliahKagan, Not sure what you mean? If I open up a folder on my desktop I can see 'mac data' etc which are hosted on a windows server in the office. But when attaching files via chrome or ff I can only see local files?09:15
EliahKaganAnom: oh i see09:15
Krupteintruemove system-monitor is also installed by default and much more user friendly for new users09:15
AnomEliahKagan, Bit of a pain that I need to copy files to my desktop first before I can attach them or vice-versa..09:15
truemoveyes. but him say he want to learn new stuff, good to know the alternetives09:15
EliahKaganAnom: yeah i think there is a bug reported for this ...anyway, you *should* be able to access your network drives, they're just not mounted in the same place as your local drives (when they are mounted by Nautilus / PCManFM)09:16
EliahKaganAnom: there is a .gvfs folder in your home folder, you can see if your network drives are accessible inside there09:17
intrapatatruemove,, i already opened terminal and prompt install htop, nothing happnd, T_T09:17
EliahKaganAnom: you need to show hidden files (Ctrl+H) to see it09:17
Krupteinintrapata: run gnome-system-monitor for a gui  or top  for a cli09:17
truemoveintrapata: then write htop09:17
AnomEliahKagan, Yeah I'm in. I can see 'mac data' in it - Which is what I want to see in chrome.09:17
EliahKaganif it's inside your .gvfs folder, you should be able to browse to that in Chrome ...it should be possible to make it so you can see hidden files in the open file dialog ...or you may be able to manually type in the .gvfs folder name to see its contents in the open file dialog09:18
Krupteinintrapata it seems that you are rather new to ubuntu/linux in general, you might consider reading some things first like how to install packages etc09:19
AnomEliahKagan, Ah, so I'll need to go in via chrome to home/.gvfs09:19
intrapatait worked ^_^ thank truemove,kruptein ^_^09:19
EliahKaganAnom: yes, that will probably work09:19
EliahKaganAnom: but the other thing to consider is that some websites where you upload files (e.g., Gmail) let you just drag the file icon into the web page09:19
EliahKaganAnom: so you can drag it from the file browser (Nautilus in Ubuntu ...PCManFM in Lubuntu)09:20
intrapata@ kruptein yes iam,.. i already start reading books about it,, and try googling things,, sorry for so much question guys09:20
Krupteinintrapata: nothing wrong with asking questions09:21
truemoveintrapata: NP. now you have 3 to choose from :D09:21
truemovetop, htop and system-monitor09:22
truemovelinux is freedom09:22
EliahKaganAnom: this is *a* bug report for this problem, but i'm not sure it's the one i was thinking of, which i recall was not specific to Chrome/Chromium (and it shouldn't necessarily be, because individual applications *shouldn't* have to do the work themselves of showing gvfs mounts with other mounts): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/79668909:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 796689 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Places menu entries not fully integrated" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:22
AnomEliahKagan, Thanks! :). I've just bookedmarked .gvfs in my chrome file browser. Seems to have stuck.09:23
EliahKaganAnom: cool, i'm glad you got a solution that works for you09:23
intrapataT_T kruptein /truemove and ELiahkagan thanks ^_^09:24
EliahKaganAnom: personally (though for unrelated reasons, mostly so they can be accessed by multiple user accounts in the same place and survive logging in and out and can be mounted and unmounted easily from the command-line including remotely via SSH), i just "hard-mount" my network shares, for example: sudo smbmount //Del/Beltrami /media/Beltrami -o user=ek09:25
Krupteinsome people using apt-fast?09:25
dr__willis!info apt-fast09:27
ubottuPackage apt-fast does not exist in precise09:27
Krupteindr__willis: it is an apt-get replacer that uses a faster download system09:28
Kruptein(with axel to be precise)09:28
dr__willisi still think they need to take that .gvfs thing and make up some sort of 'Network shares' directory09:28
molqrnetwork is not working with ubuntu 10.04 ... Ethernet Controller : intel corporation unknown device 1503 (rev 05) ...09:29
KrupteinEliahKagan: I do know where it is located I was wondering whether some other people had the same bug as I have, but as nobody seems to use it , it's not usefull :p09:29
jpdsmolqr: Have you tried 12.04 LTS ?09:29
EliahKaganit does not seem to ever have been packaged officially for Ubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=apt-fast&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all09:29
molqrjpds: thanks for the reply. but due to office policy i have to use 10.04 :( sorry09:29
EliahKaganKruptein: yeah i figured you knew, that was for the benefit of other interested people09:29
dr__willismolqr,  that a wired or wireless card?09:30
Krupteingood guy eliah :p09:30
molqrdr__willis: actually this is a lenovo desktop that has both a lan and wireless09:30
EliahKaganKruptein: unfortunately i don't use it myself ...but if you're experiencing a problem, you could post about it here and maybe somebody can offer advice even though the script is not widely used09:30
KrupteinEliahKagan: you can perhaps help me with an actual unity related problem :p09:31
dr__willismolqr,  so which one are you trying to use?09:31
molqrthe wired one is  Ethernet Controller : intel corporation unknown device 1503 (rev 05) ... while the wireless is realtek09:31
dr__willisok. :)09:31
EliahKaganKruptein: i can try to09:31
molqri m currently trying to set up the wired connection ..09:31
dr__willismolqr,  how new is this pc? just came out recently?09:31
Krupteinand my problem with apt-fast is that after every single apt-fast command the /var/lock/apt-fast.lck  is locked09:31
KrupteinEliahKagan: I can't seem to find out how to only show the windows that are only opened in the current workspace   in the unity-sidebar09:32
Krupteinnow every window from every workspace is listed in the bar, which is imo counter-intuitive09:32
dr__willisKruptein,  i dont think there is such a setting. the whold idea is to sort of get away from the user spending time manageing workspaces. and just focus on the apps.09:33
dr__willisKrum,  gnome-shell does it in an even weirder way09:33
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molqrdr__willis: yes. it's quite recent ..i think :( Lenovo Family H330 .. that's what it says on the cpu.. which by the way is quite small for a cpu that i have ever seen09:34
Krupteindr__willis:  too bad :(  because now I can't have a work related and a personal related workspace     (I can but I would still be distracted by the personal apps while Im in the work-related workspace)09:34
amanthakurhi guys, i am looking for a IDE in linux to debug C programs line by line as we do in visual studio in windows? Can anyone tell if there is any?09:34
dr__willismolqr,  its rare that ive seen a wirerd network not work. Its very likely its so new the drivers are not in the kernel yet. Its possible you could update/upgrade to the latest packages and it might see/use it. You installed the 10.04.3 (or whatever # the one is with all the updates)09:35
EliahKaganamanthakur: Insight comes to mind09:35
amanthakurEliahKagan, thanks lemme try it09:36
dr__willisKruptein,  you could alwyas use a differnt dock like awn, or others if you want such a feature and have the panel hide.09:36
EliahKaganamanthakur: but apparently that's no longer a big hit ;-) see http://www.contrapositivediary.com/?p=1396 for details09:36
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EliahKaganamanthakur: i always run gdb from the command line these days, so it's hard for me to give good advice from personal experience, but http://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/ looks promising09:37
eneasvvahi, please anybody can say me some irc friendly, where can I speak?09:37
muelligraphical debugger? nemiver09:38
Krupteindr__willis: true09:38
Krupteineneasvva: what do you mean exactly?09:38
elkyeneasvva, there's lots of local community channels, where are you from?09:39
amanthakurEliahKagan, thanks for the nice advice :)09:39
eneasvvafrom spain, but I want speak with others communities09:39
dr__willisKruptein,  checking askubuntu.com right now.  but ive never seen mention of such a setting09:39
dr__willisKruptein,  several hits.. no idea on the answers --> http://askubuntu.com/search?q=unity+workspace+show+current+apps+only09:40
killerhi guys ...when i run vmware ...it says some modules must be compiled and loaded into running kernel plz help09:40
Krupteindr__willis: in the meanwhile I found a bug report on launchpad09:40
elkyeneasvva, #ubuntu-offtopic is for polite chat09:40
dr__willisKruptein,  from skimming the answers.. so far it seems.. not possible,09:40
Krupteindr__willis: yup too bad :(  thanks for your time though09:40
EliahKaganKruptein: this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/683170) looks like it's about that, but actually isn't ...but i wonder if some users think it is and have therefore given up hope on this feature or not bugreported its absence09:41
eneasvvaelky I searching IRC that not have nothing about computers, just for find people09:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683170 in unity (Ubuntu) "should be possible to display only windows from the current workspace in the launcher" [Wishlist,Won't fix]09:41
eneasvvaircs of friendship09:41
KrupteinEliahKagan: dr__willis Im looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/68973309:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 689733 in Ayatana Design "Application icons should only display windows from the current workspace in the window spread" [Critical,Fix released]09:41
elkyeneasvva, #defocus09:41
KrupteinEliahKagan: oh yh that was the other one I was looking at09:42
eneasvvathanks elky09:42
EliahKaganKruptein: that bug (that you posted a link to) is about the spread and not the launcher ...is that the problem you're having?09:42
KrupteinEliahKagan: nope I linked the wrong one :p I wanted to link the one you gave xD09:43
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EliahKaganwell, the one i gave is not for the feature you want either...it just *seems* like it is so i think people have assumed it is and indicated they were affected by it, instead of reporting a bug about the running emblems (as Mark Shuttleworth called them)09:44
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sidvee_i have running different commands with "&" at the end of it. How to get the list of all those commands?09:45
molqrdo all repos have the same structure? on my university repo we have /ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/ which has the netboot folder and that has mini.iso ... will i get a full cd installer there?09:45
EliahKagansidvee_: jobs09:46
amanthakurEliahKagan, does it work for C programs also?09:46
KrupteinEliahKagan: its a bit mixed I have to agree, although I feel that the title does describe my problem and I do agree with the rest of the people09:46
KrupteinI'm just gonna respond to the bug that I want to see it aswell :D09:46
EliahKagansidvee_: but jobs will only list the ones connected to the shell you run it in09:46
sidvee_EliahKagan: Bang on. #DiesOffShame09:47
EliahKaganamanthakur: does what work for C programs?09:47
sidvee_EliahKagan: the overall processes list can be get using top. isnt09:47
EliahKagansidvee_: not sure what you're asking, but top will show processes run with &09:47
amanthakurEliahKagan, ddd09:47
EliahKagansidvee_: of course, they may or may not have high enough CPU usage (or whatever you're sorting by) to appear09:48
EliahKaganamanthakur: yes09:48
sidvee_EliahKagan: oh never mind. Got the answer. Thank you!09:48
EliahKaganamanthakur: muelli's suggestion of nemiver will also work with C programs09:48
sidvee_EliahKagan: So doesn't top show list of all processes currently running? Low priority ones or ones with low cpu usage?09:49
EliahKaganamanthakur: pretty much everything gdb related will work with C programs ...gcc and gdb target C with more emphasis than other languages (still work with plenty of other languages though)09:49
EliahKagansidvee_, no, top shows processes in real time, as you sort them09:49
wawowesidvee_: if you want to see a list run ps aux09:49
EliahKagansidvee_, if you want to list all processes, you should use ps09:49
EliahKagansidvee_, yeah as wawowe says09:50
dr__willisbash job control - what an exciteing topic. :)09:50
sidvee_EliahKagan: wawowe : Thanks guys!09:50
sidvee_wawowe: So, unlike top, ps ain't dynamic. i mean doesnt refresh in real time?09:50
dr__willisI did see a neat bash cheat sheet once that had a good summary of job control and history functions09:50
fslima0can anyone help me with some terminology here?09:50
EliahKaganfslima0, probably, what do you need to know about?09:51
sidvee_wawowe: EliahKagan Also i believe, we cant kill processes using ps09:51
fslima0"There is a backup file for all computers and will be available to you on request.09:51
EliahKagansidvee_, yeah ps is for listing; use kill or killall to kill09:51
fslima0what would that mean? :|09:51
EliahKaganfslima0, i don't know, is there any more context available, like what that is from?09:52
sidvee_EliahKagan: what is the difference between "ps" and "ps aux"09:52
wawowesidvee_: man ps09:52
fslima0EliahKagan: i am applying for a job. they are putting me on trial and want me to service some computers, remove some virus and upgrade RAM09:52
dr__willishttp://web.mit.edu/gnu/doc/html/features_5.html  has some  info on job controll. but i guess this is more a   process controll management issue. ;)09:53
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EliahKagandr__willis, well we're mainly talking about process control rather than job control, so that's probably OK09:53
molqrhow can i find which kernel ships with lucid? 2.6.23 or 2.6.24+?09:53
muellimolqr: http://packages.ubuntu.com09:53
hkais1hello all09:54
molqrmuelli: thanks09:54
dr__willismolqr,  the distrowatch web site at one time also had a nice summary pages on various disrots with versions of what packages they used09:54
hkais1what is the first script which gets called on boot?09:54
molqrdr__willis: thanks09:54
EliahKaganmolqr, you can also check on Launchpad for that kind of info: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux (scroll down)09:54
popeymolqr: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/linux-image-generic09:54
wawowefslima0 it means just what it says09:54
dr__willishkais1,  thats a rather complex question once you get underneeth it. ;)09:54
hkais1dr__willis: ?09:55
dr__willishkais1,  i belive there is the initrd thats like a mini os that actually loads first, then hands off the booting to the main os.09:55
dr__willishkais1,  so what are you trying to figureout/do exactly09:55
wawowehkais1: init09:55
molqrEliahKagan: thanks. popey : thanks for your precise answer :)09:55
hkais1dr__willis: okay and what is the very first after the mini os?09:55
dr__willisinit isent really a 'script' ;) so its sort of depends on the details09:55
fslima0wawowe: i didn't understand the backup file thing09:55
dr__willishkais1,  grub loads the kernel -> that starts init, that does the rest.09:56
hkais1okay: I have a system which isn't booting any more. I need to know that calls the init.d/* scripts09:56
wawowedr__willis: init depends on init scripts :P09:56
hkais1dr__willis: what das init ?09:56
hkais1so is there a description for 8.04lts?09:57
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:57
wawowefslima0: what don't you understand?09:57
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.09:57
wawowefslima0: i backup file like a zip file of something valuable stored somewhere else other than on the computer it came from09:58
DJonesfslima0: You may be better asking questions like that in #ubuntu-offtopic, thats more of a general chat channel than here which is for ubuntu support, people there will probably be able to talk you through things like that09:58
hkais1dr__willis: the booting is fine, but my services/daemons aren't starting. So under suse/rpm was a init-script which itself started the rcx.d/*-scripts. what is the boot order in ubuntu?09:59
hkais1and what are the scripts?09:59
dr__willisfslima0,  i hate to say it.. but it sounds like the job may be beyond your skill set.09:59
molqri have booted a system with mini.iso the netinstall image ... i need to build the ethernet module ? does the mini.iso have build tools?09:59
fslima0dr__willis: no way :P09:59
fslima0right now it's the basics09:59
dr__willishkais1,  thats the Upstart system.  which is why i was asking what you were really trying to do. ;)09:59
popeymolqr: unlikely, alt+f2 will get you a terminal09:59
dr__willisfslima0,  if a term like 'backup file' confuses you... well......09:59
hkais1upstart was not part of 8.04!10:00
fslima0i know what a backup file is10:00
dr__willishkais1,  then thats using the older sysv system10:00
molqrpopey: so i need to build the module on a diff computer and then bring it to this computer?10:00
dr__williswhich is being replaced by upstart10:00
fslima0he says there is a backup file and will be available to you on request10:00
Eaglemanis this normal? 193 Load_Cycle_Count        0x0032   190   190   000    Old_age   Always       -       3217610:00
popeymolqr: or use a full install ISO10:00
dr__willisthose are not the 'first' scripts that get ran. :)10:00
molqrpopey: ok10:01
dr__willisfslima0,  right.. so theres a file.. it has all the backups in it.. if you need them,. you can get to them..10:01
wawowefslima0: available on request meaning you can have it if you ask for it10:01
dr__willissort of pointless to have a backup file you cant get to if needed. ;)10:01
fslima0dr__willis, wawowe thanks for the help10:03
fslima0now it's time to do some researching10:04
dr__willisrepeate after me 'do you want frys with that?'10:06
* wawowe injects some artic freeze gatorade10:06
dr__willisbe a smart head and ask them how they knwo the virus iswent in their backups. ;)10:06
fslima0it's a trial so maybe theirs is clean10:07
dr__willisthere was a bit of a trend/fad at one time to get linux systems using read only for / and other system files/places10:08
dr__willis'trial' sounds.. weird.10:08
fslima0putting me on trial practice10:08
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity10:09
dzuphow do you take off unity and get the gnome default menu bar?10:10
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:10
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alexxyxHi people!10:13
wawowealexxyx: HI!10:13
alexxyxI need some help10:13
alexxyxCan I ask something?10:13
wawowealexxyx: you sure can :)10:13
alexxyxI'm new ubuntu user. I have 12.04 version10:14
alexxyxI'm new ubuntu user. I have 12.04 version10:14
alumno20i have a problem10:14
alexxyxnow, my brother can't get to use all new surrounding10:15
alexxyxso, I'd like to adjust theme to look like windows 710:15
CaBais there any semiofficial ppa for oracle java on ubuntu 12.04?10:15
alexxyxI followed some articles on internet10:15
muelliCaBa: there is a search interface for PPAs.10:15
muelli!enter | alexxyx10:15
ubottualexxyx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:15
CaBamuelli: yes, but i didn't ask if *any* java ppa exists. i'm aware that there are some. i'm wondering how trust worthy the maintainers of the ppas are10:16
wawowealexxyx: the closest looking/feeling thing to windows 7 is kde410:16
alexxyxbut they won't work (it's for 11. version of ubuntu). So, I had to install Gnome3 (I researched and found out that 12.04 has Unity, but for most win7 themes I need gnome310:17
wawowealexxyx: so why not keep using gnome3 and a win7 theme?10:19
dr__willisalexxyx,  you mean gnome-shell?10:19
alexxyxBut still, I cant get it to work. There is always some error. Some files aren't available anymore... Would someone be kind to guide me through the whole process? I'm not the beginner (I mean, I know how to follow, I know basics (terminal, etc.)) I would be very greatful.10:19
dr__willis12.04 uses unity on top of gnome-310:19
alexxyxI installed gnome-shell as well, although I don't know what's the difference between gnome3 and gnome-shell10:20
dr__willisyou may want to spend some time learning ubuntu, befor spending hours trying to get a theme going10:20
alexxyxsorry, one more thing, how do I turn this "joined on #ubuntu" notifications, I can't focus well on what you guys write10:21
dr__willisthose old 'make your ubuntu system look like OS-X or win7 or whatever scripts - often cause major issues'10:21
dr__willisalexxyx,  depends on what irc client you are using.10:21
alexxyxwebirc, from ubuntu-rs.org site10:21
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alexxyxhaven't installed any irc app yet10:22
dr__willisits in the setting menus i belive10:22
dr__willisyou may want to test out 'xchat' if you want to irc a lot. :)10:23
AnomIve installed xchat and I'm not impressed :(10:23
dr__willisit does its job. and has just enough features to do it well.10:24
AnomThe notifications are all over the place, and its hard to differentiate users because it doesnt colour code10:24
dr__williscolor code? you mean their messages?10:24
alexxyxI remember there's some ignore option... Do I have to ignore channel ?10:24
AnomYeah like Pidgin10:24
TheTrashHow come a freshly mkfs'ed disk already has about 7GB used (out of 466GB) when apparently there's no data on it? (it was made with -m 0 so it's not reserved space). Does the journal take that much space?10:24
dr__willisI perfer just coloring the nicks.. colord text would  be unreadable at times.10:24
Anomdr__willis, Yeah thats what I'm talking about - xchat doesnt do that10:24
blackshirt1what the problems with min http://postimage.org/image/y0ppjfggl/10:25
dr__willisxchat could do it i imagine. but i wouldent want it to. ;)10:25
alexxyx[12:25] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome-shell10:25
dr__willisalexxyx,  theres normally some hide part/join feature in most every irc cleient10:25
wawowealexxyx: link to whatever guide you were following10:26
fslima0dr__willis: for a laptop to have 3GB of RAM, it has to be 3x1GB right? There is no 3GB memory stick is there?10:26
fslima0im not up to date10:26
alexxyxor http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-make-ubuntu-look-like-windows-7-theme/10:27
dr__willisfslima0,   No idea. but ive never seen an odd # memory stick befor10:27
dr__willisfslima0,  could be a 2 and a 110:27
fslima0i see10:27
wawowealexxyx: and what was the error10:27
dr__willisalexxyx,  using such 'scripts' to try to set that stuff up. can cause very bad system breakage.10:28
dr__willisalexxyx,  i susggest not using them10:28
alexxyxSo, dr_willis, what do you suggest me to do? How do I make it by myself?10:29
kruxwhy would you want to make your desktop look like crappy 7 for :S lol10:30
alexxyxkrux, as I said, it's for my brother10:30
dr__willisthe date on those posts is march 2011. I definatly would avoid them. I doubt if they work in 12.04 at all.10:30
alexxyxI know, cause they dont10:30
dr__willisIf you want a more classic style desktop use the gnome fallback, or try lubuntu, or xubuntu10:30
molqrhow do i find the name of the motherboard? any tools like lspci for this task?10:31
dr__willis!info hwinfo10:31
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2.1 (precise), package size 17 kB, installed size 98 kB10:31
dr__willismolqr,  there may be some other tools. but i rarely need such info. ;)10:31
dr__willishwinfo seems a decent tool however10:31
molqrdr__willis: ok sir :)10:31
dr__willis49% [466 libreoffice-core 6,743 kB/38.8 MB 17%]       240 B/s 13d 5h 36min 3s10:34
dr__willisHmm... servers seem slow? or is it just me. ;P10:34
wawowealexxyx: what was the error10:35
dr__willisHmm. somehow my windows controlls are on the right side of the window.. but in fact are actually on the left side.  but invissible.10:37
dr__willismin/maxing the window fixed it.. that was a weird glitz.10:38
vladivari just installed 12.04 to my laptop and the cpu-battery performance is really horrible. usage is constantly jumping around 20-90 percents. what could be the reason? this machine perfomed really well on speed and battery sustain on win7.10:38
dr__willisvladivar,  id check the forums and askubuntu.com for your exact make of laptop. there may be some known issues and work arounds.10:38
vladivardr__willis, will give it a shot. do you agree that its abnormal to have 20-90 percent of cpu usage on an idle machine with clean installation?10:40
sesom42dr__willis: to change the button positions: alt-f2 -> gconf-editor -> Apps/Metacity/General ->button_layout10:40
dr__willissesom42,  they are changed. :) but its not showing them changed in some windows.10:40
dr__willisvladivar,  theres been issues in the kernel/power saveing features with laptops for the last 2 releases or so. 12.04 fixed a lot of them. but new laptops keep comming out that the fixs dont work on.10:41
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r4yI am running Ubuntu 10 and the screen is only normal when in graphical failsafe mode. When I boot up normally the screen is off to the right an inch and half10:42
dr__willisr4y,  what video card/chipset and driver and what kind of monitor/hookup?10:42
wawowealexxyx: hey10:43
DrecondiusI'll have my question ready in a few moments. Virtualbox is acting funny10:44
r4yNvidia 7100GS, I am not sure about what kind of monitor type. I asked someone here and he said I have an LCD monitor, I found flat monitors called LCD monitors, but this is not a flat monitor and one of my brothers said it's not an LCD monitor but I don't think he knows much about computers so10:46
alexxyxI decided that I'll install MATE desktop10:46
alexxyxthe one is used on Mynth10:46
alexxyxit looks similar to  Microsoft Windows. Hope that will satisfy my brother :)10:47
dr__willisIf its a big old fashioned CRT monitor r4y  it may have controlls or knobs to adjust it also bey be you need to mess with the monitors tool and change the refresh rate10:47
lpewawowe: apt-file - search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface)10:47
lpewawowe: just found that10:47
dr__willisalexxyx,  and its not supported here. while lubuntu, or xubuntu is..10:47
r4yI am using the recommended driver that the hardware driver installer had to offer10:47
dr__willisr4y,  Under the top right gear icon-> displays  -> there may be some other res's for you to mess with.10:48
dr__willisi  dont even have a crt monitor left in this house. :) i gave them all away.10:49
anon17can sum one tell me how to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu?10:49
dr__willisanon17,  the normal way would be to run the 'addational drivers' tool (or from cli run jockey-gtk) and let it install them.10:49
stephanmghello. i want to install packages for the go language, but what's the way to do it on ubuntu?10:49
anon17@dr__willis ... yeah .. didnt work .. it keeps failing for some reason10:50
r4ydr__willisr4y, Under the top right gear icon-> displays -> there may be some other res's for you to mess with.10:50
dr__willisr4y,  what ubuntu release are you using? its right there in 12.0410:50
anon17is there a way to install them from the terminal10:51
r4yDo you mean in nvidia-settings?10:51
dr__willisanon17,  the package 'nvidia-current'10:51
dr__willisr4y,  if you are using a nvidia card,  then you can use nvidia-settings tool for more control - try changeing the refresh rates10:51
anon17so ... apt-get install nvidia-current should do it right ??10:51
dr__willisr4y,  amd disabling any overscan.10:51
dr__willisanon17,  yes. but that should be exactly what the addational-drivers tool is doing10:51
CaBais there an xfce4 package equivalent to the metapackage "kde-full"?10:52
anon17yeah except that didnt work :P .. anywayz thnx a lot .. i guess it iz working10:52
r4ySorry, I got disconnected10:52
dr__willisanon17,  for nvidia. i nroamly have to reboot. then run the nvidia-settings tool. then tweak the system how i want. save the xorg.conf then restart the x server10:53
dr__willisr4y,  if you are using a nvidia card,  then you can use nvidia-settings tool for more control - try changeing the refresh rates10:53
dr__willisLooking at buying  a new LCD today if i find any nice ones on sale. ;P10:53
wawowelpe: cool10:53
alexxyxGuys, I really need your help. I stucked at http://mate-desktop.org/install/#ubuntu .  After I type sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring , it says: sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring10:54
AnomIs there a knack to getting the notifications to work on xchat in Ubuntu? I've disabled all the Alerts in Settings > Preferences > Alerts but my taskbar still flashes when anyone says anything to anyone else in any channel. Frustrating. :/10:54
alexxyxsorry, wrong coppied10:54
dr__willisalexxyx,  mate is  not supported here. while lubuntu, or xubuntu is..10:54
anon17oh ... yeah i tweaked xorg.conf ... im waitin fr the package to get installed ... ( cant play quake4) :P10:54
alexxyxit says: E: Unable to locate package mate-archive-keyring10:54
dr__willisalexxyx,  you add a new repo/ppa you MUST do a 'sudo apt-get update' befor installing  packages from it10:55
r4ydr__willis that was the problem10:55
r4ythank you10:55
dr__willisr4y,  now you know why ive dumpped all my old CRTs ;)10:56
dr__willisold back breakers! ;)10:56
EaglemanHow do i backup this file using tar? /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/sabnzb.ini10:56
r4yha ha ha, It was at 75 hz I remember it normally being set to 60 by default10:56
Eaglemantar: /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/sabnzb.ini: Cannot stat: No such file or directory10:57
dr__willistry a ls -l   /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/sabnzb.ini10:57
dr__willisRember in linux Case iS impoRanTanT10:57
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r4yNow to fix my grub menu, there are many listed. I tried update-grub but it is still the same10:58
dr__willisr4y,  i recall the old days when a bad refresh rate could damage a crt. ;) years ago.10:58
wawoweEagleman: tar cvf backup.tar /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd10:58
dr__willisr4y,  thats a little vague.. many what listed?10:58
angsI inserted a SD card to format, how can I see inserted SD cards' device name (X of sdX)?10:58
DrecondiusIf it's anything like mine was there's probably about 12 kernels listed10:59
dr__willisangs,  several ways. 'sudo blkid'  or check out put of 'dmesg' near the end.10:59
dr__willisangs,  'sudo fdisk -l' also may work10:59
Eaglemanls: cannot access /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/sabnzb.ini: No such file or directory10:59
angsdr_willis: thanks a lot10:59
Eaglemani'm 100% sure the file is there10:59
dr__willisangs,  ive had sd cards be /dev/mmc#### befor also10:59
anon17@dr__wilis ... it worked .. :D thnx  a lo10:59
r4yActually, my monitor has been having problems to the point that it stopped working for a while then I opened it just to look for at least looking sack. After doing so it starting working again.11:00
angsdr_willis: I saw that mine is also mmcb, thanks for your help11:00
dr__willisangs,   built in netbook/laptop readers i see normally as the mmcb, usb adaptors come as sdXX11:01
dr__willisnot exactly sure why the differance11:01
r4yIt makes my want to start my other 2 hard drives and change nvidia-settings to 60 hz for all of them11:02
angsthanks for the information11:02
DrecondiusShould I have given my Virtual Boxed Ubuntu 2 of my 6 cores instead of 1?11:03
r4yHow do I edit the grub menu so there are less choices?, I mean I didn't count but it looked like 7 with 7 restore or what ever they are called entries11:07
zombifierYou need to remove the old kernels11:07
r4yI have always been confused are this11:07
lizzinwill running 'X -config' produce a config file that has the same settings as used by the default X setup?11:07
r4yIt's one install of Ubuntu 1011:07
r4ywhy all the entries for one OS?11:08
crizisolder kernels11:08
crizisyou're anyway running old old release if you have 10.0411:08
zombifierAs Ubuntu upgrades to a new kernel, the old ones are not removed11:08
crizisnewer ones only list latest kernel in grub11:08
wawowelizzin: Xorg -configure11:09
wawower4y: they are kept by default in case someone has an issue with the new kernel.. like their drivers don't work anymore, they can boot up with the old one11:10
lizzinwawowe: so that will produce a config file that uses the same settings as the default X setup?11:11
wawowelizzin: yes11:11
lizzinwawowe: ok, thanks11:11
r4yI am still lost. I have been with Ubuntu since Gutsy Gibbons. I always make a CD for the version of Ubuntu I want to use. I never upgrade the distro, but I have done sudo apt-get upgrade which is different. So does this mean the difference between 10.04.01 and 10.04.0211:11
dr__willisOverloaded my usb port with to many mice keybords and cellphones chargeing. :)11:11
dr__willisr4y,  latest updates get rolled into the iso file to save you downloading a lot of updates on a new install11:12
dr__willisr4y,  so normally you always want the latest .version11:12
dr__willisseems about every 6-8 months they come out with a new .version depending on how many updates/fixs came out11:13
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Drecondiusam I correct in my assumption that Ubuntu 12 does NOT like VirtualBox?11:14
dr__willisDrecondius,  ive not heard of many complaints about it.11:14
DrecondiusWell it certianly seems as though it doesn't like being run in it.11:14
r4yI decided to stick to 10.04 because I don't like Unity, but maybe Unity will change enough that I will like it in the future11:15
DrecondiusI like Unity. Beats the hell out of Win 7 shell with ease.11:15
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Drecondiusthen again I like testing out new things as well :D11:16
dr__willisunity works very well in 12.0411:16
dr__willisthe HUD is very handy11:16
DrecondiusIndeed it does.11:16
DrecondiusIt's even configurable now.11:16
r4yI didn't like the limited appearance options, and I usually know what works with 10.0411:16
dr__willisthe # of lenses out there - is also getting very nice. and extra indicator-applets for most needs11:17
DrecondiusHow long can it take for dpkg --configure -a to finish11:17
dr__willisin reminded of all the complaings against gnome2 about ITS limited appearance options....11:17
dr__williscomplaints.. ;)11:17
dr__willisDrecondius,  totally depends on a lot of variables..  # of packages. system speeds , hd speeds11:18
dr__willisits basically checking the whole system11:18
DrecondiusJust finished lol11:19
dr__willisthere ya go. :P11:19
r4yI am too happy with 10.04 to change over.11:19
dr__williswell 10.04 is on a limited life span now..11:19
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)11:19
r4yAnyways, what file do I show you to look at the grub menu for this hard drive?11:19
DrecondiusI'm still trying to  get my wireless card to work in it, hence the reason it's in a virtual box.11:20
dr__willis!grub2 | r4y11:20
ubottur4y: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:20
dr__willisr4y,  what are you wanting to change in grub?11:20
r4yWhat do you mean limited life?, I thought that long term was only for security updates?11:20
dr__willisr4y,  I see people in here every week trying to put 10.04 on 'new' hardware. and theres just to many issues/unsupported hardware. So use it if you want. have fun.11:21
intrapatagood eve everyone11:21
Drecondiusr4y: Kernel updates as well sadly.11:21
dr__willisof coruse with the move to the new kernel versions. that leaves the older releases a generation behind in many ways11:22
r4yBut what does that mean?, That's something I've wanted to know for the longest time11:22
dr__williswhat does 'what' mean exactly?11:22
DrecondiusIf you can't update the kernel you can't get security fixes, driver updates, etc, etc11:23
r4yIf long term support is gone and I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a  hard drive can I get everything like it is on this hard drive?11:23
zombifierYou will not be able to download updates while installing11:24
r4yIf the hardware is the same?11:24
zombifierWhat do you mean?11:24
r4yI am not sure if I can ask what I want to know11:25
dr__willissupport = updated security fixs and other major bug fixs11:25
wawowefff: HI!11:25
r4yFor example can I get the latest banshee Ubuntu 10.04 had right before it had long term support?11:26
wawowefff: HI!11:26
fffpls asl?11:26
r4ynot the latest from now though11:26
EaglemanHow do i get the output of the -v parameter in a logfile? http://pastebin.com/Xu4E8zCC11:26
wawowefff: m/4/nc11:26
dr__willisUbuntu basically locks the versions of the apps down to each release.11:27
dr__willisso whatever version is in 10.04 stays at that version.11:27
zombifier"Feature Freeze"11:27
DrecondiusHow do I uninstall something through apt? apt-get uninstall or apt-get remove?11:27
dr__willisIf thers some security issue in Banshee. it would get updated to fix the bug. which MAY mean they fix the bug in that older version.11:27
r4yOK, so then all should be well for me if I stay with Ubuntuy 10 on this setup11:27
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)11:27
dr__willisapt-get remove packagename11:27
DrecondiusThank ya kindly11:28
EaglemanHow do i get the output of the -v parameter in a logfile? http://pastebin.com/Xu4E8zCC11:28
zombifierEagleman: Try commandname &> log.txt11:28
r4yI don't think I will likely be hacked as I have nothing of interest for hackers11:29
Eaglemanthanks, i tried > before but it didnt work, i will try this11:29
wawowetar cvf stuff.tar sutff | tee output11:29
wawoweEagleman: ^^11:29
zombifierYeah tee is better since it shows you what is happening11:30
r4yI think I get it though. Thank you for the info11:30
tejaswidpI installed the libstdc++6-4.6-doc  package still I can't get " man std::iostream" to work. Is there something I am missing?11:30
r4yI was hoping what you said was going to be what they do11:30
Eagleman&> didnt worked11:30
zombifierTry tee11:31
tapasdoes ubuntu have packages for -rt kernels (ingo's realtime patches)?11:31
DrecondiusGah, I have never had so much of a headache as from the way ubuntu runs on me comp11:34
DrecondiusIt just doesn't like my hardware.11:34
r4yI am not sure I want to mess with grub on this hard drive anyways because I need to back up from it soon.11:34
r4yTY for the help. Have a good day everyone. :) /11:34
zombifierI don't remember the exact procedure to remove old kernels, but you can Google it11:35
DrecondiusWhen I do an install to physical disk it refuses to load X without the nomodeset option11:35
r4yRight, when I have time I should google it.11:35
Eaglemanthanks wawowe and zombifier, it worked11:35
vperichi, on my opensuse system, using eg. "git log" allows me to scroll with my mousewheel inside the terminal.. this doesn't seem to work with Ubuntu, any ideas?11:36
dr__willisuse the pacakge manager to remove them..11:36
DrecondiusCan someone please enlighten me as to how a virtual disk becomes corrupted.11:37
wawowevperic: if scrolling doesn't work use shift+pgup11:38
zombifiervirtual disk?11:38
angswhat is the command to see mounted devices11:38
Drecondiuseg: Fake disk11:38
ikoniaDrecondius: same as a physical disk11:38
wawowevperic: there's no reason it shouldn't work though, unless you're running in screen or something like that11:38
ikoniaDrecondius: it's the file system, not the device that becomes corrupted11:39
angshow can I see the mounted devices list?11:39
vpericwawowe: I think you misunderstood; I can scroll the terminal, I'd like to scroll the output of the command only11:39
ikoniaangs: mount11:39
vpericnot sure how to explain11:39
Overlordhas anyone installed ubuntu 12.04 recently?11:39
DrecondiusMe, In a virtual machine :D11:39
wawowevperic: like when you press up and down arrow keys at the prompt?11:39
vpericwawowe: yes11:39
zombifierangs: you can see them in Nautilus, the file manager.11:39
tejaswidpvperic pipe output to the less command11:40
vperictejaswidp: I'd like that to be the default, I can't pipe it every time11:40
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tejaswidpNo idea then11:41
vperichuh, found a bug for it I guess: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git-core/+bug/32646011:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326460 in git-core (Debian) "Git commands output have no mouse support." [Unknown,Confirmed]11:41
vpericit says I should "export LESS=RS"... how do I do that?11:43
zombifiertype the command into the terminal11:43
zombifierIf you don't want to do it everytime, place it at the end of .bashrc11:43
vpericperfect, thanks zombifier, I was missing the "export" command :)11:44
QasaurHey guys11:46
zastaphgit is at in Ubuntu 12.04 .. where do I check the schedule for when aptitude will update it to 1.7.10.x ?11:53
susundbergzastaph: I would guess there is no schedule made11:53
DrecondiusWouldn't you need to add a ppa in that case then?11:54
zastaphyes, but I could wait for the "official" update, if I just knew if the schedule would be in weeks or months11:54
zastaphso when does someone decide it's time to update it?11:56
zombifierIf he has upload rights to Ubuntu, then he may upload it11:58
zastaphwell latest stable git is
zastaphi thought the span between aptitude and stable releases were due to a testing period12:00
zombifierYes. It must go through testing to ensure it does not cause dependency issues12:01
zastaphright.. just hoped to have a way to view the status of next planned upgrade12:02
zastaph1.7.10 supports gitconfig includes which is quite convenient :) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1557183/is-it-possible-to-include-a-file-in-your-gitconfig12:02
catmandohey all12:04
catmandoi've got a new 12.04 install running12:04
catmandoand i broke it with hibernate - it has an encrypted swap. i used a pretty decent how-to to change the swap key to a static value12:05
catmandobut now the system won't boot with evms_activate nto available12:05
catmandoany dieas?12:05
ikoniacatmando: why are you using encypted swap ?12:06
catmandoikonia: hey, that's just what came out of the box12:07
zombifierEncrypted home folders usually comes with encrypted swap12:07
ikoniacatmando: ubuntu doesn't encypt swap by default12:07
ikoniacatmando: you have to tell it to enable encyption12:07
DoctorD90How to uninstall gnome-shell ?? Installed with sudo apt-get install gnome-shell  ??12:08
zombifiersudo apt-get remove gnome-shell ?12:08
catmandoikonia: yes, i chose 'encrypt my home folder' in the install12:08
DoctorD90Thx zombifier ^^12:09
DoctorD90What is --purge option?12:10
laumonierhello does cinnamon is in the repository ???i dont find it thx12:10
zombifierDoctorD90: purge removes system-wide configurations12:10
zombifierit does not remove user config though (if my memory is correct)12:11
zombifierlaumonier: Cinnamon is not in the repos. You must add a PPA12:11
laumonierok thx12:11
DoctorD90I can use it to clear all noob settings make in it?12:11
laumonieris this good or is there something more official? https://launchpad.net/~merlwiz79/+archive/cinnamon-ppa??thx12:13
angscan someone suggest me a portscanner?12:15
angsto find neighboring devices12:16
reisiolaumonier: http://packages.linuxmint.com/ would have it, too12:16
Anger_OnHowdy All12:23
laumonierthe ppa doesnt manage dependencies?12:25
zombifierit does12:26
jaimefis there any upgrade mode? or is it all install/nuke existing install?12:27
laumonieri want to install cinamon i ve had the ppa but it tells me some package have unsatisfacted dependencies12:28
ikonialaumonier: contact the PPA owner12:28
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jiemar_hello baby12:31
reisiohey honey12:31
op_anyone can explain me why is there 6 "getty" process in task manager?12:31
zombifier6? that's the right number12:32
Unknown0BCHi, which ubuntu app can I use to monitor the data in and data out ( amounts ) on my broadband connection ?12:32
kayabeOp_, yes, that was child executed from upstart init process12:32
zombifierFrom agetty's man page: agetty opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command. It is normally invoked by init(8).12:32
op_Rly? Well thank you for ur response kayabe zombifier12:33
kayabeOp_, you can disable it one or two of them from being executed12:33
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op_kayabe Ill google a bit more if its safe :D dont wonna "kill" anythign vital12:35
zombifierGenerally, you should not kill processes made by root12:35
kayabeOp_, don't disable all of them, 6 was for console login, and 7 was usually for X / gui desktop12:36
op_Yeah they are all started by root zombifier.12:36
jaimefwow that sucks12:37
kayabeJaimef, what sucks?12:37
op_I so wish they would made flash aid for google chrome,flash in chromium and gchrome is awful for me. :/12:38
fl1bbl3flash in anything is awful :)12:38
saryangs: port scanner ! for what ..12:38
op_and having AMD rejected card is a plus too :D12:39
zombifierI thought Flash in Chrome/ium is supposed to be better, since it's packaged by Big Brother, I mean Google itself12:39
kayabeOp_, maybe better you not kill process started by root, but maybe more wise to disable through config file...and reboot the system12:39
op_zombifier on windows 7 it is.But on Lubuntu Firefox is way better12:39
kayabeflash was sucks, it will eat your a lot of process memory on desktop..12:40
DeltaHeavyop_: Flash is crap on Linux period, and arguably crap overall these days12:40
zombifierAdobe killed Flash on Linux12:40
zombifierIt used to suck, now it will suck more12:40
jaimefso has "upgrade" options just ceased to exist in linux distros now?12:41
zombifierupgrade as in upgrade packages?12:42
Unknown0BCWhat application would you suggest to monitor bandwith usage on a broadband connection ( oneiric )12:42
op_Sad thing is I disabled Google flash addon in GChrome and flash still sucks12:42
saryop_: to stream videos in youtube i use html5 , for other sites when flash is required i use Gnash . check it out12:42
DeltaHeavyjaimef: They were never really working all to well anyway if you're talking about upgrading versions of a distro12:42
op_will do sary12:42
saju_mi can not access  server using openvpn , see http://dpaste.com/752712/12:42
zombifierUpgrading distros is like all-or-nothing.12:42
saryUnknown0BC: in Gnome-shell i can use an extension for that .12:43
jaimefI am talking about losing a days work because an install of 12 ate it self and would no longer boot. even a preservation install would be welcomed12:43
jaimefthis is like slackware 92 all over again12:43
zombifierUpgrading is no where failsafe12:43
Unknown0BCsary ?12:43
rigved!info nethogs | Unknown0BC12:43
ubottuUnknown0BC: nethogs (source: nethogs): Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1 (precise), package size 26 kB, installed size 98 kB12:43
DeltaHeavyjaimef: Get your data off that drive, and reinstall.12:44
zombifierThat's why I have a separate /home partition12:44
op_sary are you having any major issue using gnash? "Gnash is being actively developed at the moment. Therefore, although many features work, not all movies play successfully."12:44
jaimefwell the home encryption option won't be put to use this time :P12:44
Unknown0BCrigved, thanks checking that one out.12:44
saryjaimef: Whats the status of your ubuntu box at the moment.12:44
jaimefencryption is too important to leave to a distro that want's to reformat to "fix" things :P12:45
jaimeffresh install12:45
zombifierjaimef: go for LTS then you'll be happy for 5 years, which is a lot12:45
jaimeffor some odd reason X was hung, reboot and it hung in init.d between on the crypto stuff for home12:45
jaimef12 LTS is what I was using :P12:45
rigvedUnknown0BC: if you use a ethernet connection, then type "sudo nethogs eth0". For wireless, "sudo nethogs wlan0". You are welcome.12:46
jaimeflove init.d that won't let you send any signals to it to get past brokeness12:46
DeltaHeavyHe means you won't have to upgrade often if you use LTS as you're supported for 5 years.12:46
jaimefdash was a good idea12:46
saryop_: haven't noiced any major issues with Gnash . you mean most websites requires Adobe Flash plugin :D12:46
DeltaHeavyjaimef: Sounds like your system is fundimentally borked.12:46
jaimefthere are mnay more good ideas where /bin/dash came from, now if only those were put to use in the distro :P12:47
jaimefDeltaHeavy: yeah, must be hardware!12:47
Unknown0BCrigved, cool thats working :D12:47
rigvedUnknown0BC: :)12:47
DeltaHeavyjaimef: No, not at all12:48
DeltaHeavyjaimef: Your software. It sounds like you did an upgrade, something went wrong due to the specifics of your system, and Ubuntu is so messed up it can't even boot.12:49
jaimefreinstalling is fine, as long as it does not take an hour to do so12:49
jaimefDeltaHeavy: yeah most likely12:49
MagicJIs there any way I can stop unity from displaying the panel when I move to the left side of the screen?12:50
zombifierYou mean hiding it?12:50
saryjaimef: a file system check is a must in your case , if all to the good then perhaps your GPU causing this if the Proprietary is in use .12:50
zombifierOr making it gone forever?12:50
MagicJzombifier: hide would be ok - or just not show - either one12:51
jaimefssd's make this much easier12:51
zombifierDoes the Unity bar show permanently?12:51
MagicJzombifier: no - I have it set to not be there until... - I have also set the sensitivity to the worst, but it still comes up of course, just less often12:52
jiemar_are there any erlang programer here12:52
oCeanjiemar_: there is a specific #erlang channel12:53
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paga93ciao a tutti12:54
jaimefyes you are12:54
angsI plugged a USB stick on my pc, how can I find it on the terminal?12:55
DoctorD90Ciao paga9312:55
zambamy system got interrupted while doing an upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04.. and now everything is fscked up.. when booting the splash shows "Ubuntu 10.04" while lsb_release -a displays 12.0412:55
zombifierangs: it's in /media12:56
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jaimefrandom power reset test to ensure a good boot12:56
csilkI get the following error with my eclipse.desktop file that I have pinned to the unity dock: /home/USERNAME/eclipse/eclipse: 5: /home/USERNAME/eclipse/eclipse: Syntax error: "(" unexpected12:57
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csilkI cannot see a '(' in the file -_-12:57
csilkHere's the config: http://askubuntu.com/questions/130998/add-eclipse-to-unity-dock-in-ubuntu-12-0412:57
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saryzamba: cleanup the mess with apt-get .12:58
Guest58728is there a replacement of cdemu in 11.04?12:58
zombifierWhat does it do?12:58
Guest58728zombifier, mount isos#12:59
Guest58728or make isos mountable13:00
i7ci'm on gnome-shell and i want that switching to another workspace affects both displays. can somebody tell me where i can find that setting?13:00
oCeanGuest58728: from the commandline you can mount iso images:   sudo mount -o loop /path/to/blah.iso /mnt13:01
zombifierGuest58728: The built-in mount command: sudo mount file.iso /mnt/iso -o loop13:01
zombifierGot beaten :P13:01
zombifierOr gmountiso for a GUI13:02
saryi7c: ALT+CTRL up-down arrow keys , or open he Dash you'll see the workspaces list it  on the right .13:02
Guest58728but if its another kind of iso, that doesnt work13:02
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i7csary: hey. yes i know how this works, but gnome only does it on one of my 2 physical monitors, you know13:02
saryi7c: interesting ..13:04
lkjjoin #hackthissite13:04
lkjgod damn13:04
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i7csary: annoying would be the word.13:05
oCeancsilk: watch your language here13:05
csilkoCean, I'm sorry is that on the bad words list? Since when is that offensive to anyone?13:05
oCean!language | csilk13:05
ubottucsilk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:05
zombifiercsilk: You're not a native speaker?13:06
oCeancsilk: that, swearing is not professional, not polite and definitely not family-friendly.13:06
csilkoCean, I wasn't aware that what I said was offensive or not family friend;y... I'm English13:06
AleXXXxhi folks.Need help. I am using kubuntu. I would like to add shortcut ctrl + alt + t to open terminal (as it does in ubuntu). How to do that? I went to Global Keyboard Shortcuts. What shell I do next?13:06
saryi7c: True , its a bit odd ..13:07
saryi7c: a simple search came-up with http://gregcor.com/2011/05/07/fix-dual-monitors-in-gnome-3-aka-my-workspaces-are-broken/13:08
i7csary: yes, i found that, too, but when i open gconf editor i can't find the subnode "shell" in node "gnome" o.O13:09
saryi7c: have ou noticed the update command at the end of the post!13:10
i7csary: i haven't, silly me :(  thank You for helping me read :D13:10
AleXXXxhi folks.Need help. I am using kubuntu. I would like to add shortcut ctrl + alt + t to open terminal (as it does in ubuntu). How to do that? I went to Global Keyboard Shortcuts. What shell I do next?13:11
escotti7c, you might check dconf13:11
saryAleXXXx: what about the keyboard shortcuts opetion within the termianl app itself.13:11
saryi7c: that happens to the best of us :)13:12
AleXXXxI would like to be able to open terminal when I hit ctrl, alt and t13:12
AleXXXxwherever I am13:12
AleXXXxas it used to be in ubuntu13:12
dr__willischeck the ccsm shortcut keys and the keyboard shortcuts.13:13
i7csary: and it works :) thank you!13:13
dr__willisctrl-alt-t does open a terminal here for me...13:13
csilkAnyone able to help with that ^ ?13:13
john00Hello, guys.13:13
bazhangcsilk, patience13:13
jasonbournehow to change the boot sequence on startup....need to have the CD/DVD be first in line...where do I look/set this option?? Thanks in advance...13:14
saryi7c: excellent :) , you're welcome.13:14
op_Anyone here has experience with ATi x1050 AGP [RV350 ](amd dropped support) and lubuntu 12.04 (guess its same for ubuntu). Its all working so far but there isnt any xorg to "tweak" it for better performance13:14
csilkbazhang, I've been patient since May 3rd.13:14
john00@jason: BIOS settings ...13:14
csilkbazhang, I lost my IRC session so wasn't sure if anyone had answered. Hence asking again13:14
popeycsilk: whats type of file is /home/username/eclipse/eclipse ?13:14
csilkpopey, it's the eclipse executable13:15
dr__willishttp://askubuntu.com/search?q=eclipse+unity+   shows seeral related questions and their answers csilk13:15
csilkexecutable (application/x-executable)13:15
jasonbourneI guess BIOS still accessible via F1 option on boot-up??13:15
popeycsilk: why run it with "/bin/sh", why not specify it directly13:15
dr__williseclipse being a java app = causes some issues.13:15
csilkpopey, I get the same error when I run it directly13:15
john00@Jason: I get there via pressing DEL over and over again.13:15
jasonbournethanks, john00...will try both options...13:16
john00It just depends on the BIOS manufacturrer.13:16
saryjasonbourne: depends on you machine make/model .13:16
popeycsilk: what version of eclipse?13:16
warmHi, how to refer to stack pointer esp in gdb environment?  ig. print the value resides in where esp points to. thx13:16
csilkponpon, latest13:16
john00Otherwise check the manual of your motherboard.13:16
csilk* popey latest13:16
jasonbourne@john00 - is the BIOS info written to a file in Linux?? No manual on hand...13:17
ironhalikanyone tried sending text messeges, via modem, with gammu?13:17
popeycsilk: i installed 3.7.2-1 from the ubuntu repo and it comes with a desktop file which works fine..13:17
AleXXXxI figured it out13:17
csilkpopey, the .desktop file in the latest version (not repo) is the same as the .desktop from the repo and doesn't work fine for me13:17
john00I guess you could get the name of the modell, then try  to get the manual online ...13:17
CaBaare the ubuntu repos terribly slow at the moment?13:17
john00That'd be my style. :)13:18
popeycsilk: the one you posted isn't the same as the one from the repo13:18
zombifierCaBa: if your are slow, try switching to another server closer to use in "Software Sources"13:18
dr__willisCaBa,  i noticed them being slow this morning.13:18
saryCaBa: you can try switching to a fast server .13:18
jasonbourneyeah I could go to HP's website...I've seen it there...13:18
csilkpopey, I switched to using the one from the repo about 20 minutes ago13:18
CaBazombifier: is there a non-gui interface for that?13:18
popeycsilk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011244/13:18
CaBazombifier: otherwise... is there simply a list of mirrors somewhere?13:18
jasonbourneproblem I'm having is getting BackTrack 5 to boot on my HP laptop...13:18
dr__willisCaBa,  there used to be some apt-mirror tool that would scan/ping anc use the fastest. but i havent used that in ages.13:19
john00Does anyone know about Tor configurations?13:19
zombifierCaBa: Sorry, I have yet to know how to do that13:19
popeycsilk: and for that it doesn't run the eclipse executable, it runs /usr/bin/eclipse which is a shell script13:19
CaBadr__willis: thats even outdated in debian13:19
csilkpopey, actually you're right. I cannot use the one from the repo as I didn't get eclipse from the repo due to it being too old13:19
jasonbourneso I figured maybe setting the CD/DVD drive to boot first might correct the problem...13:19
sary!backtrack | jasonbourne:13:19
ubottujasonbourne:: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:19
zombifier!tor | john0013:19
ubottujohn00: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl13:19
ikoniajasonbourne: the guys in #backtracklinux can help with that13:19
dr__willisCaBa,  explains why its not around any more. :)13:19
ikoniajasonbourne: sorry, #backtrack-linux13:19
saryRight ,, as ikonia point it out.13:20
csilkpopey, the repo .desktop assumes eclipse is installed via the package manager. The common way of installing the latest version of eclipse is to just run the exec from the home/username folder. That is what my .desktop is trying to do13:20
jasonbourneI've tried with them, Ikonia....but I've gotten a few more gray hairs waiting for their reply...13:20
xrfanghi, while try to fix google-earth font problem, I accidentally removed some qt library files as well as unity2d and ubuntu-desktop etc. I tried to install them back, now everything works fine, except Virtualbox Menu refused to be integrated in to globalmenu, how can I fix it? thanks13:20
ikoniajasonbourne: they will get there, hang in with them13:20
popeycsilk: sure, I was thinking you could base your .desktop off the one I pastebinned13:20
ikoniajasonbourne: plus, I'm in the channel and I don't see you asking in that channel in the last 7 days13:20
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csilkpopey, I would have to create a shell script in /bin for that to work13:20
jasonbournedidn't try their channel ikonia...just their website...13:21
jasonbournedidn't know they had one....13:21
ikoniajasonbourne: ok, so try their channel as I've just told you13:21
popeycsilk: nah, anywhere in path like ~/bin would be fine13:21
john00Well, I got it running, but I try to customize it on my wishes. I want the connections expiring at 5  Minutes, but don't have any reference about the right config file.13:21
angsI need to mount a usb stick, how can I find the umounted device list?13:21
i7cgnome-shell runs with mutter, right? is there a way to conf mutter's behaviour like window resizing shortcuts etc? i'm looking for something like ccsm for compiz13:21
DeltaHeavyjohn00: Look into cron.13:21
jasonbourneI'm new to using this form of chatting Ikonia...how do I open up their channel? Thanks for your assistance...greatly appreciated...13:22
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ikoniajasonbourne: type "/join #backtrack-linux"13:22
john00You gotta explain that to me. :) How's cron supposed to help me?13:22
DrecondiusCan somebody walk me through using ndiswrapper from the terminal please.13:23
jasonbournethanks, Ikonia...13:23
zombifierThe torproject's website provides a lot of information13:23
Drecondiusthe gui is, once again, fail13:23
john00They just descripe  how to use it as bundle there - I am using it as daemon for my entire traffic.13:24
john00I found the option in the man page, but I don't know the config.13:25
john00And the man page does not list any configs ... what a darn.13:25
ravenaudacity: great desaster - after a crash the aup file is broken and the recovery only brings back the text track without the main audio track - how to rescue the project??13:26
DeltaHeavyjohn00: I'd explain it to you but I'm a little busy right now. Basically it executes commands at specific times. Look up a tutorial. There may be a better way to do what you want to do though still.13:26
dr__willisangs,  sudo blkid should show all seen devices13:27
ravenaudacity: GREAT disaster - after a crash the aup file is broken and the recovery only brings back the text track without the main audio track - how to rescue the project??13:27
john00Maybe I put it up the wrong way - I meant I need the session expired. Usually there is a new IP-assignment each 10 minutes, but I need them for 5.13:28
john00I guess if I'd go your line, I might end up crushing downloads via tor ...13:28
bazhangraven, dont repeat so quickly13:28
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DeltaHeavyjohn00: You're going to need to edit your DHCP configuration. Google should help you greatly if you search for "ubuntu expiration DHCP"13:29
Saikiwhat's the firewall for ubuntu and how do I perminantly disable it?13:29
bazhang!ufw | Saiki13:29
ubottuSaiki: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.13:29
Saikiwhat's the firewall for ubuntu and how do I perminantly disable it?  (server version)13:30
dr__willisSaiki,  its not enabled by default13:30
dr__willis!firewall | Saiki13:30
ikoniaSaiki: at least give people chance to respond13:30
MartyB74Hi. Anybody knows how to show an xterm window in lightdm?13:30
DeltaHeavyDoes ufw use netfilter or is it a completely different thing compared to iptables?13:30
ikoniaMartyB74: type xterm13:30
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: its iptables13:30
Saikiikonia: I clerified that I was running server, not desktop13:30
DeltaHeavyikonia: Thanks13:31
ravenaudacity: GREAT disaster - after a crash the aup file is broken and the recovery only brings back the text track without the main audio track - how to rescue the project??13:31
MartyB74not possible. "DISPLAY" variable is not set13:31
dr__willisserver or desktop - the firewall is the same13:31
bazhangSaiki, read the links given above13:31
john00DeltaHeavy: Sorry, that sounds to odd. ... See, when I use tor, there will be a 10 minute session with the Ip of the exit node. I need to changed this very exit node.13:31
SaikiI did, actually13:31
dr__willisMartyB74,  you would have to bypass some of the various X seciruty things. why do you want a xterm on the lightdm screen?13:31
MartyB74ikonia: Not possible. DISPLAY variable is not set and I don't know the correct value for it13:31
ikoniaMartyB74: are you root by any chance ?13:32
dr__willisMartyB74,  display of localhost:0.0  is normal13:32
john00I wouldn't know how MY DHCP might help there?13:32
DeltaHeavyjohn00: Oh this is with TOR. Sorry. If it's a TOR specific thing try asking in #tor13:32
john00DeltaHeavy: Thanks for the advice.13:33
MartyB74dr__willis: I just want to play a video when unity-greeter shows up. I just want to test if this principally works13:33
ikoniaplay a video when the greeter comes ?13:33
dr__willisMartyB74, Lightdm might have some config files to play specific apps when it launches.13:33
ikoniaMartyB74: you've not logged in at that point, so there will be no environment setup13:33
ravenaudacity: GREAT disaster - after a crash the aup file is broken and the recovery only brings back the text track without the main audio track - how to rescue the project??13:34
dr__willisive had gdm launch xearth or other silly things int eh past. but it was gdm doing the launching.13:34
MartyB74I haven't found any config option for starting background programs13:34
MartyB74in lightdm13:34
jrib!repeat | raven13:34
ubotturaven: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:34
zykotick9dr__willis: seeing as lightdm is the login screen, an xterm would probably need to be lauched as root at that point.  doesn't seem a good idea to me.  MartyB7413:34
i7cis it possible to use gnome-panel with compiz?13:34
dr__williszykotick9,  actually gdm had a gdm user, not sure about lightdm.  its possible there may be a lightdm user.. but launching a xterm is a silly thing from a security point of view. :)13:35
wawoweMartyB74: there will be scripts or something for each desktop choice somewhere that lightdm uses. probably in /etc. add mplayer -fs video.avi  or something like that to the beginning of one of them13:36
MartyB74dr__willis, xterm is not the program I really want to start in the end, instead mplayer. But xterm would be a good start for trying13:36
dr__willisMartyB74,  see the askubuntu url i posted13:36
burekis this official ubuntu support channel?13:37
ikoniait is13:37
dr__willisburek,  topic says it is. ;)13:37
burekwhere can I report misleading behavior of ubuntu maintainer(s)13:37
ravenaudacity: GREAT disaster - after a crash the aup file is broken and the recovery only brings back the text track without the main audio track - how to rescue the project??13:37
dr__willis!bug | burek13:37
ubottuburek: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:37
jribburek: what exactly are you referring to?13:37
burekseriously? :)13:37
DeltaHeavyraven: Your question isn't even about Ubuntu. We've seen your question. Stop.13:37
burekwell, mainainer(s) of a ffmpeg's fork, named libav/avconv (whatever), decided to put a message like this in his build of ffmpeg13:38
burekfor ubuntu13:38
burek"This program is not developed anymore and is only provided for compatibility. Use avconv instead (see Changelog for the list of incompatible changes)."13:38
Saikiany mysql folks in here able to tell me what this error means?: 2003  - Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)13:38
burekffmpeg is fairly alive and active13:39
ikoniaSaiki: it can't connect to the mysql server running on that IP13:39
ravenaudacity: GREAT disaster - after a crash the aup file is broken and the recovery only brings back the text track without the main audio track - how to rescue the project??13:39
dr__willisburek,  ive noticed that msg. thought it was being called by the winff app.13:39
Saikiikonia: obviously.. I meant more what could cause it13:39
burekand that kind of putting misleading messages, from the point of a maintainer is really not helping anyone13:39
burekdr__willis, take a better look13:39
burekthis is cmd line ffmpeg13:39
ikoniaSaiki: the server not running, bad user/name password, bad permissions to that user, you'll need to prod around to get more info13:39
burekthe maintainer(s) purposefully put that message in the source code of ffmpeg, to display such a message13:40
dr__willisburek,  id say check the forums,  may be a thread on the issue. this channel really isent the paace for it.13:40
burekwhich is hardly to say rude13:40
popeyburek: file a bug13:40
Saikiikonia: mysql connects on localhost with password13:40
bureka bug?13:40
great4freehttp://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwhot/comments/u7tbd/german_blondebig_boobs_girl_likes_quickie_sex_on/   GERMAN GIRLS GONE WILD  AND FUCKED IN TRAIN BY TRAVELER  HOT AMATEUR PORN MOVIE13:40
burekseriously? :D13:40
ikoniaSaiki: yes, localhost is not that IP address13:40
dr__willisbug  "missleading message in ffmpeg'13:40
popeyburek: if you want to talk to the developer, yes13:40
popeyburek: and you believe it's misleading or wrong. talking to the air in here won't fix it13:41
burekthis is really dissapointing.. but ok.. ill do as suggested13:41
jribburek: seems to me like ffmpeg is now developed as libav?13:41
burekjrib, libav is a fork13:41
dr__willisthis is support... not package development. so yes a bug rport would be correct13:41
Saikiikonia: I set to allow any ip to connect. root@'%'13:41
burekjoin ffmpeg channel (here) and see for yourself13:41
ikoniaSaiki: ok ? and ?13:41
burekit still has twice more users13:41
popeyburek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libav/+filebug13:41
burekok ok13:41
burekim there already13:41
burekthx :)13:42
jribburek: what makes you think that message comes from the maintainer?13:42
popeynp ☺13:42
burekjrib, the original source code doesn't have that message13:42
Saikiit knows it wants a parrword, but it doesn't allow it to connect when given one13:42
burektry the latest git from ffmpeg.org13:42
ChaosrattAnyone familiar with IPv6? Trying to run a server and a bit confused about prefix anouncemnt vs static assignmnet13:42
ikoniaSaiki: right, so you need to check the step's I've suggested13:42
jribburek: I don't see a patch with it13:42
dr__willishttp://lwn.net/Articles/433347/  some info on the libav ffmpeg stuff13:43
burekjrib, I'm not sure I see what are you suggesting?13:43
jribburek: I'm guessing that ubuntu/debian have moved on to libav and libav provides ffmpeg for compatibility13:43
wawoweMartyB74: evidently it uses /usr/share/xsessions/13:44
popeyjrib: thats pretty much exactly it.13:44
burekjrib, whatever happened, they changed the source code of ffmpeg to put the misleading message there13:44
popeyjrib: burek the message means "the ffmpeg binary _in_ _this_ _package_ is unmaintained" not "ffmpeg in general is dead"13:44
burekthat's just lame13:44
jribburek: the issue is who "they" is13:45
burekI mean, they are saying a lie13:45
burekno matter what an excuse is13:45
burekand that kind of people shouldn't belong to open source community13:45
ikoniathis is getting old13:45
jribburek: do you understand that the ffmpeg you installed in ubuntu is actually the libav fork?13:46
dr__willishttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2011-May/000891.html  some good info.13:46
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Saikiikonia: http://nsa30.casimages.com/img/2012/05/28/120528035844242745.png  <anything wrong there you can see? (Iblocked out password, didn't issue it like that though)13:47
ikoniaSaiki: did you flush the privileges after ?13:47
popeyburek: http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-cvslog/2012-January/046233.html13:47
Saikihm.. that must be what I missed lol what's the command for that?13:47
ikoniaSaiki: flush privileges13:48
popeyburek: http://lists.libav.org/pipermail/libav-devel/2011-August/009273.html specific patch13:48
ikoniaSaiki: you may want to hang out in #mysql13:48
Saikiikonia: I'm really new to all this, it's local stuff and I'm just learning lol13:48
syncronI have a potential security issue with Ubuntu, weirdest thing, may be a false alarm - last niht I was using bit torrent and I got a lot of "spoof ip" messages on my router, i think this could be explained by peer guardian users , I also got ack scans from facebook IPs , anyway, around the same time I was in chrome and i saw a message saying USERNAME and on another line YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND PROMPT, i google that and could not find a leg13:49
Saikiikonia: still can't connect :@13:49
ikoniaSaiki: so you need to look at what I've told you13:49
ikoniaSaiki: and also use #mysql13:49
zambai have an vpn connection configured in the gnome network manager.. how can i start that from the CLI?13:49
syncronis that a program you guys know about in Ubuntu, "your wish is my command prompt?"13:49
zambathe problem is that i don't have physical X access to the machine13:50
zombifiersyncron, you receive a message right in your browser?13:50
syncronzombifier, it seemed as if it was a right click option13:50
syncroni was thinking , could it be possible iws 'zombie" ack scanned via a facebook upload prompt13:50
syncronand then hacked?13:51
wawowesyncron: pretty sure i remember chromium making jokes13:51
syncronim using nat13:51
syncroni def have chromium and chrome installed13:51
syncronand i sort of recall that too but could not find the source13:51
Saikiikonia: it's the same command that worked in fedora (fedora has.. other issues)13:51
ikoniaSaiki: I'm not doubting that13:51
burekpopey, jrib: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/100553613:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005536 in Ubuntu "missleading message in ffmpeg" [Undecided,New]13:51
syncronwawowe - anyway to find out if this joke is common or what?13:52
burekok, I now it's libav, but it's simply saying a lie13:52
burekand that's what's wrong13:52
syncronalso, the username it displayed was not the one I am logged in with13:52
popeyburek: you know libav added that, not us?13:52
syncronbut a handle i use elsewhere13:52
syncronso like, that was confusing13:52
wawowesyncron: nothing to worry about13:52
burekpopey, in that case you should freeze libav from ubuntu distribution13:52
syncroni should have grabbed a screenshot at the time13:52
burekuntil they resolve their behavior13:53
syncronwawowe - how can you be sure?13:53
chrometigerI have a Intel Moble 4 series vid card in my laptop  anyone know where I can get drivers for it  so that I can get google earth working ?13:53
wawowesyncron: if something was actually wrong you wouldn't suspect anything13:53
ikoniaburek: why don't you not use ubuntu until you are happy with the package contents ?13:53
burekikonia, that's not a solution :) it's a workaround :)13:53
ikoniaburek: or better still talk to the people who put the message in rather than just ranting over and over in this channel13:53
syncronwell that depends wawowe, sometimes people get cocky and/or bored13:53
ikoniaburek: do it then, I'm getting tired of you ranting the same thing over and over13:53
syncronand send messages to the user, to mess with them13:54
burekikonia, i'm not ranting for nothing13:54
burekubuntu did let them get away with that13:54
jribburek: that message is true from the libav point of view.  ffmpeg isn't even in their tree anymore as popey pointed out13:54
burekso you too deserver criticism13:54
popeyburek: are you going to file a bug against debian too?13:54
Leif_BorkHellu, I want to set umask to external drives that are automatically mounted. How should I do that?13:54
wawowesyncron: when your computer starts rebooting everytime you hit the spacebar, then somebody is messing with you13:54
WoosterB2Hi, I am getting "Missing operating system" on a mac pro 2008.  The system worked perfectly yesterday and has been rebooted many times, and I had not installed updates prior to rebooting.  The system only has Linux on it, and no reefit.13:55
syncronhhaha , wawowe - what? LOL13:55
syncronyou can be messed with in many ways lol13:55
WoosterB2Just this morning it greeted me with "Missing operating system," out of the blue... completely confused13:55
syncronanyway, i have yet to find any way to repeat that message13:55
burekwhy are you attacking me, for reporting this kind of behavior, rather then investigating why in the first place such thing could have happened?13:55
syncronor find out its origin13:55
popeyburek: i investigated it and gave you the name of the person who made the commit ☹13:56
syncronif anybody here can relate, or expand on this potential "chrome joke"13:56
jribburek: no one is attacking you.  We're just trying to make you understand where that message comes from13:56
escottchrometiger, the drivers for intel are included in the standard install13:56
syncroni am al ears13:56
popeyburek: you could talk to them rather than rant at us13:56
burekok, but I've read libav statements and I've seen what kind of folks are behind it, and I know in advance they won't change the message13:56
jribburek: in libav, ffmpeg no longer exists13:56
burekI'm asking why did ubuntu take side with people who lie to their users13:56
ikoniaburek: this is getting old now13:56
ikoniaburek: if you don't like the package a.) don't install it b.) don't use distros that supply it13:57
lovrehi all. iirc, thread priority goes from 1 to 99, right?13:57
syncron"your wish is my command prompt"13:57
jribburek: I guess you should read the thread on the mailing list that was linked earlier and discuss it there13:57
syncronnot many hits on google atall13:57
burekwell, ok, couldn't expect more I guess..13:57
burekthanks for your time anyway..13:57
popeyburek: ask Reinhard Tartler, he maintains it for Ubuntu13:57
jribbut yes, this isn't a support issue really; not really the right place here burek13:57
burekI will, thanks13:57
chrometigerescott: ubuntu isn't letting me use 3d accelleration at all   trying to update drivers,   btw google earth works find on my windows partition     I cant even use gnome shell because of my drivers13:58
syncronchrometiger - know anything about chrome making joke messages to the user?13:58
escottchrometiger, what version of ubuntu, and what cpu is it13:58
syncron"your wish is my comand prompt?"13:58
ikoniasyncron: why do you keep saying that13:58
syncroni had what looked like a right clikc menu with two options13:58
ikoniasyncron: what do you actually want ?13:58
syncronmy username and "your wish is my command prompt"13:58
ikoniasyncron: where ?13:58
syncronto understand what caused the prompt13:59
ikoniasyncron: prompt where ?13:59
syncronin my broswer, after some strange logs on my router13:59
syncronlike it happened on the browser, overlapping the page and the addressbar13:59
ikoniasyncron: you've probably installed something in your browser, an extension or something13:59
chrometigerescott: ubuntu 11.10    im using a dell vostro laptop  with a Intel mobile 4 series chipset vid card13:59
syncronikonia, it seems impossible13:59
syncronalso it had a username i do not use on this laptop13:59
ikoniasyncron: what? a pluging that changes your default page to "your wish is my command" - seems very possible14:00
syncronno not default page14:00
ikoniasyncron: what then ?14:00
syncronit was a pop up menu14:00
chrometigerescott: Intel® Celeron(R) CPU 925 @ 2.30GHz14:00
syncronlike when you right click the desktop14:00
syncroni wish i took a screenshot14:00
ikoniasyncron: tell you what, take a screen shot14:00
ikoniasyncron: take a screen shot14:00
ikoniasyncron: why not ?14:00
syncronit hapened only once14:00
syncronlast night14:00
ikoniasyncron: then don't worry about it14:00
FloodBot1syncron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:00
syncronduring attacks on my router14:00
ikoniasyncron: if it happens again, take a screen shot14:00
syncronack scans, smurfs, and ip spoof attacs14:01
ikoniasyncron: can't help you with your routers issues14:01
DrecondiusDoes anyone in here use ndiswrapper?14:01
syncronikonia, the router is not the isse, I am simply trying to see if anybody has ever see anything like this14:01
ikoniasyncron: no14:01
ikoniasyncron: but it is hard to say without a screen shot14:01
syncronikonia, if it happened to you ,what would you do?14:02
ikoniasyncron: so next time it happens, take a screen shot and we can try to help14:02
syncronyea, i def will14:02
ikoniasyncron: I'd totally format my machine and do a clean install14:02
syncroni may have hit a key combo by accident14:02
syncronseriously? I can do that if you think I should.14:02
ikoniasyncron: you asked what I would do, that's what I would do14:02
* syncron nods14:02
wawowesyncron: those aren't attacks on your router14:03
susundbergi agree with ikonia: in case of possible break in, only good way to get it clean is to do fresh install ..14:03
syncronthey seem like false positives wawowe14:03
syncroni was using bit torrent at the time14:03
syncronso this could all just be a case of mistaken identity14:03
ikoniasyncron: its up to you what you do then14:04
syncronand my curiosity lies in what made that error14:04
syncronimma reinstall the OS14:04
syncronbecause, why not?14:04
syncronno big deal14:04
syncronbut i wonder how easy it is to hack ubuntu default install behind NAT14:05
DrecondiusDoes anybody in here use ndiswrapper?14:05
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:05
DrecondiusIf ya don't use it don't bug the bot. that's annoying to no end.14:06
mneptokDrecondius: just ask thew question you want to ask, please.14:06
xapelIn Software Sources Dialog, under Updates tab, are any of the 4 boxes ticked by default on a standard installation?14:07
Drecondiusthe question is about driver installation and why my wireless device is showing up but not broadcasting14:07
escottchrometiger, you could check what glxinfo says but it should be covered by the mesa drivers14:07
zombifierxapel: Usually the Proposed and Backports are not ticked by default14:07
chrometigerescott:  says info missing14:08
mneptokDrecondius: what device? how is it attached? what chipset? what device drivers are you using, and from where? how did you install them? can you see SSIDs? etc etc etc.14:08
escottchrometiger, why dont you post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:09
DrecondiusBelkin f9l1101v1, broadcom, windows drivers via ndiswrapper, Not broadcasting so No ssid14:10
mneptokDrecondius: Broadcom what? they make a lot of chipsets.14:10
Drecondiusdunno what broadcom chipset lemme check14:10
chrometigerthats long to post here14:10
bazhangchrometiger, pastebin it14:11
mneptokDrecondius: BCM432314:11
bazhang!paste | chrometiger14:11
ubottuchrometiger: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:11
mneptokDrecondius: that does not require ndiswrapper.14:11
DrecondiusI beg to differ14:11
mneptokDrecondius: BCM43xx drivers for Linux will work with that.14:12
Drecondiusthe free drivers don't work14:12
mobherohi, is there any ubuntu certification????14:12
jpdsmobhero: As in, training or systems?14:13
mneptokDrecondius: have you booted the machine with the dongle attached so that the kernel knows the device is there when it's choosing what modules to load?14:13
DrecondiusOn several occasions14:13
lizzini select xmonad from the login screen, it executes, but the resolution is smaller than i'd like it to be. what should i look into if i want to adjust/increase this?14:14
mneptokDrecondius: and what does "lsmod | grep bcm" say when you do?14:14
DrecondiusOn full hardware boot, virtual machine boot,14:14
Drecondiusprob nothing as i've blacklisted the included drivers14:14
mneptokDrecondius: grep b4314:15
mobherojpds - ubuntu certification like Redhat Centertification. ??14:15
wawowelizzin: text is too small?14:15
saulHi, need some advice ;)14:16
Drecondiusthis wireless device has given me a headache with ubuntu since 8.1014:16
mneptokDrecondius: so ... uhhh ... replace it? it's a US$15 dongle.14:16
Drecondiusnot where i'm from14:16
zambais it possible to "reset" my usb?14:16
jpdsmobhero: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Certified_Professional14:17
zambathe problem is that after connecting a malfunctioning usb drive to my usb and then trying an external hard drive that i know works, nothing works14:17
escottchrometiger, i wonder if you have some nvidia driver installed. line 306 [    23.675] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)14:17
zambaseems like i have to reboot to make the system read usb stuff again14:17
lizzinwawowe: it's not using the entire screen...there's excess space on each side that i am unable to use. i figure i need to increase the resolution to 1920x1200 to use all of it14:17
Drecondiusgrep sure is taking a while14:17
mneptokDrecondius: i'm sure things are not that much more expensive in GA/FL14:17
DeltaHeavyzamba: Try restarting the service that automounts things.14:18
wawowelizzin: xrandr -s 1920x108014:18
DeltaHeavyzamba: If the devices show up in /dev/ and can be mounted with mount, the problem probably isn't too hard to fix.14:19
saulhow to uninstall ubuntu studio?14:19
lizzinwawowe: why 1080 and not 1200?14:19
zambaDeltaHeavy: what's that service called?14:19
DrecondiusIt functions fine in windows, even worked on my hackintosh14:19
DrecondiusI refuse to give up on it here14:19
chrometigerescott: you know ,  I have this os  installed on a external hd,  when i first installed it I had it connected to my main pc "which has a nvidia card"  but now I plug it to my laptop and boot which has the intel mobile 4 card    thats prob my problem.14:19
DeltaHeavyzamba: Not sure, Google it.14:19
wawowelizzin: type "xrandr" by itself to see a list of available resolutions14:19
zombifiersaul: It will be hard, since ubuntu-studio is actually a collection of a lot packages14:19
chrometigerescott:  and I dont know how to change it14:19
wawowelizzin: pick the one you want14:19
lizzinwawowe: oh wow14:20
zambaDeltaHeavy: wow, that's helpful :)14:20
escottchrometiger, use dpkg -l "*nvidia*" to identify the nvidia pacakges you have installed and then apt-get remove them14:20
lizzinwawowe: that worked perfectly, thanks14:20
Drecondiusok i did "grep b43" and it's still sitting on a flashing prompt14:20
zambaDeltaHeavy: what do you suggest i google? "the service that automounts things"?14:20
RBVDrecondius: you have to tell it the file to grep, or pipe something to it14:20
RBVIt's just grep'ing stdin14:20
DeltaHeavyzamba: If you're going to be snide with me feel free to help yourself.14:21
=== HD is now known as mpx
RBVDrecondius: type 'b43' and hit enter, it will be a match. Hit ctrl-D and you'll go back to the shell14:21
bazhangDeltaHeavy, never tell some one to google it14:21
=== wookienz_ is now known as wookienz
mneptokDrecondius: sudo lsmod | grep b4314:22
bazhang!google | DeltaHeavy14:22
ubottuDeltaHeavy: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.14:22
Drecondiusstill does nothing14:22
DeltaHeavyIf I don't know something, and I don't have time to GOogle it, I'm going to tell them to Google it. That rule is bad.14:23
mneptokDrecondius: then the linux b43 drivers are not loading, probably becuae you blacklisted them14:23
zambaDeltaHeavy: but seriously.. that was virtually no help at all14:23
DeltaHeavyOtherwise I simply don't offer the bit of info I know14:23
mneptokDeltaHeavy: the rule is the rule. please follow it.14:23
bazhangDeltaHeavy, then dont answer at all. dont say that google it again here.14:23
DeltaHeavyzamba: I'm telling you where to look. I'm telling you what I know. What I don't know you're left to yourself14:23
chrometigerescott: thanks  for the help14:23
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: google your bmc problem14:23
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: that's the same as what you've just told someone14:23
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: don't ask for help - just google it14:24
mneptokikonia: DeltaHeavy vs. Drecondius14:24
DeltaHeavyikonia: That's not what I"m doing. I'm saying "I'm pretty sure the problem might rely on the service that does 'x'".14:24
ikoniaI thought it was the same guy14:24
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: how are you sure of that ? you've done no debugging14:24
DeltaHeavyikonia: "What service is that?" "Idk, try Googling it"14:24
zombifiersaul: you can follow this procedure to remove Ubuntu safely: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50892714:24
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: what basis is it you think the service is stopped ?14:25
ikoniaDrecondius: my apologies to you14:25
sauland after this, i can load my windows like use to ?14:25
DeltaHeavyikonia: I said if the devices just aren't being mounted, check in /dev/, and if they can be mounted with the 'mount' command. If I can't offer help like that without backing everything up 100% the rules of this channel greatly inhibit the ability for anybody to help anybody, and are bad as a fact.14:26
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: pretty sure it's acceptable to work the problem through14:26
DeltaHeavyikonia: Then why am I getting flack?14:26
mneptokDeltaHeavy: "i am not sure," is far easier to type than "i am not sure, go Google it."14:26
iceroot_DeltaHeavy: google is not supported as an answer here, very easy rule i think14:26
DeltaHeavyikinia: All I said is "I don't know what that service is, try Googling it".14:27
iceroot_DeltaHeavy: no need to discuss that14:27
zombifierYes saul14:27
saulthing is, i can't boot windows ...14:27
DeltaHeavyiceroot_: Discuss what?14:27
saulonly ubuntu studio works...14:27
zombifierYou can't boot Windows at the bootloader?14:27
DeltaHeavyI don't understand the mentaility where sayign "I'm not sure, try Google" deserves snide remarks. If that's the case I don't want anything to do with such a backwards, unhelpful, garbage channel.14:28
mneptoksaul: do you have a Windows installation disc?14:28
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: it's my fault, I blew it out of proportion14:28
sauli got..14:29
mneptokDeltaHeavy: name-calling and other puerile debate tactics will not sway opinion.14:29
mneptoksaul: is that a "yes?"14:29
saulbut i dont wanna override... or something...14:29
saulok ... just be clear...14:29
DeltaHeavyikonia: samba is the main offender here. I could probalby fix his problem but w/e, he's not getting any more help off me with his disrespectful attitude.14:29
zombifierThe Windows CD should have an option of repairing your system, which will not remove any files, and recover MBR14:29
mneptoksaul: if you boot off the Windows install disc, you should be able to replace the MBR with the Win bootloader. ask for more info in ##windows14:30
sauli wanted use ubuntu and windows..14:30
DeltaHeavymneptok: I'm not name-calling. ikonia said he was blowing things out of propotion because any channel that has those ideals has those attributes I listed.14:30
bibi23hi, I want to launch a bash command when linux boot up, I've found update-rc.d, but it is for handling services I guess? Do I need to create a service even for a simple command of one line? thx14:30
saulbut after instaled ubuntu, i cant boot windows..14:30
cell0Anyone know how to attach an id when calling $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView',... ?14:30
mneptokDeltaHeavy: "backwards, unhelpful, garbage channel."  <--- name-calling14:30
cell0whoops wrong room14:31
DeltaHeavymneptok: Attributes of a channel with the ideals I listed.14:31
mobherojpds - what is the cost/price to write this certification.14:31
Fuchsbibi23: hi, you can use /etc/rc.local  for that, usually14:31
Fuchsbibi23: or maybe your local users autostart, depending on what the script should do, and with what permissions. Could you give us more details?14:31
ravenany way to recover a previous version of a file out of the ext4 file system?14:31
mneptokDeltaHeavy: it's puerile.14:31
jpds!undelete | raven14:31
ubotturaven: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel14:31
zombifierbibi23: You can put it at the end of .profile if you want it to execute everytime your user login14:31
saulwhy after ubuntu installation i cant boot windows?14:31
jribraven: no, only from your backups14:31
DeltaHeavymneptok: Nope, it's fact. I was tryign to proove a point.14:31
LjLhow about we go back to support now?14:32
SidewinderMovin' on..14:32
jpdsmobhero: See: http://lpi.org/14:33
bibi23Fuchs: it's php script wich is a daemon14:33
bibi23Fuchs: so I can just add the command to launch the script on that rc.locale file and that's it?14:34
Fuchsbibi23: technically yes, but note that this will be executed as root, which is usually not very secure for a deamon14:34
Fuchsbibi23: maybe creating a clean service out of it, running as it's own user, is a better idea. Not knowing what that deamon does.14:34
Sidewindersaul, Are you sure you did not, accidentally, install "to the entire disk? Therefore, over-writting your windows system.14:35
DeltaHeavysaul: What's the output of 'fdisk -l'. Put it in a pastebin.14:36
MonkeyDustsaul's gone14:36
bibi23Fuchs: ok thanks, well currently I don't have any other user than root, just www-data I think it's apache14:37
* Sidewinder Writing to himself, again. :(14:37
Fuchsbibi23: that sounds horrible. Is that a public reachable server? If so, I'd recommend to change that :)14:37
vltHello. I have a video file and want to to create a DVD (image) that should play in every standard DVD player. Any hints what to use? (command line preferred)14:38
MonkeyDustvlt  devede is a devil-do-all for dvds14:38
Fuchsbibi23: maybe have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicSecurity.  And I'd write a real upstart/sys-v init service for your deamon, dropping priviledges to a local user, as www-data does for your httpd14:39
=== margo_ is now known as margo
MonkeyDustvlt  mind: devede is not command line14:39
Fuchsbibi23: if the server is not public reachable and that service is not available from the outside, having it in rc.local doesn't teach you the good way of doing things, but it will work14:40
SidewinderMonkeyDust, How 'bout ffmpeg?14:40
bibi23Fuchs: yes it's bad I should take a look at how to secure it a minimum, but don't really know linux so well, the first thing I was planning to do was to change root to another name, to avoid people trying to connect through ssh14:42
lizzinwawowe: still around14:42
Fuchsbibi23: please don't allow root login via ssh, put ssh on a non-standard port and use a (password protected) certificate instead of a password14:42
Cnythnkbibi23 u can disable root login14:42
bibi23Fuchs: thx for the link ;) I'l take a look14:42
lizzinwawowe: so xrandr works after the fact. but what shold i look into if i always what it to start with 1920x1200?14:42
Fuchsbibi23: while I do know that this might be complicated for a fresh user, it is needed. Else the chances are that your server will be taken over and be used as a spam sender or worse. So I'd recommend you read up the basics as soon as possible and secure it to a minimum, before adding new services :)14:43
usercan anyone tell me how I can grant permissions to a user through th terminal please?14:43
angshow can I see what kernel am I running?14:43
lizzinuser: permissions for what?14:43
Fuchsuser: permissions on? A file? if so: chmod for the permissions, chown for ownership14:44
MonkeyDustangs  uname -r14:44
lizzinangs: uname -a14:44
DrecondiusOk so how do i remove something from the blacklist14:44
Drecondiusjust comment it out?14:44
userbasically what I want is the user to have the same permissions as root14:44
DeltaHeavyuser: With a combination of chmod, umask, and adding/removing the user from groups. 'chown' would also be good to know.14:44
userthats it, chown14:44
usercould remember the command14:44
DeltaHeavyuser: chown isn't going to do that. If you want to do that add a new user in /etc/passwd with a UID of '0'.14:45
Saikiyser: which permissions?14:45
Saikiuser: which permissions?14:45
DBMediahi all, i need some stats about the usage (i/o requests per second, disk space usage, such stuff) about my ubuntu box. Any hint on what program(s) i can use to extract such datas ?14:45
DeltaHeavyuser: Although I must say I don't reccomend this. Whatever you're doing there's definitly a better way to do it.14:46
bibi23Fuchs: yes I'll document myself on it, but wouldn't it make the server more complicated to use? for example I've had an issue with apache and write access, so I've added www-data to root group, I know it's not so clean but when you have plenty of user you need to monitor their rights etc it's not so easy when you're just starting14:46
Fuchsbibi23: on a server you have to shift your focus from easy to secure a bit.   Handing out permissions is just giving people another good attack vector14:48
Fuchsbibi23: software has bugs, software has security holes. If you give a service more permission than it needs, people can gain more permissions by abusing security holes of that service. So pleae don't. There are already plenty of taken over servers that send out spam. Don't add yours to that list.14:48
mneptokbibi23: your Apache user now has the ability to run as root. any insecurity in any part of the LAMP stack trabslates into a security issue for the entire OS.14:49
user"Sorry, user oneadmin is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get install opennebula-node' as root on ubuntu.(null)."14:49
userhow can I fix this14:49
Saikiikonia:  ub: http://nsa30.casimages.com/img/2012/05/28/120528035844242745.png   fd: http://nsa30.casimages.com/img/2012/05/28/120528044930221189.png   (I love when things work differently on different flavors.. lol)14:50
DeltaHeavyuser: Did you read my previous responses to you? I have one or two up there you didn't respond to if you missed them.14:50
userI think I missed them14:50
useraccidentally closed the browser14:50
DeltaHeavyuser: You have to configure your sudoers file to allow you to do something like that.14:50
DeltaHeavyuser: chown isn't going to do that. If you want to do that add a new user in /etc/passwd with a UID of '0'.14:51
DeltaHeavyuser: Although I must say I don't reccomend this. Whatever you're doing there's definitly a better way to do it.14:51
userthis is just temporary, theres no harm that can be done14:51
Saikicdcmortagne: Frances? #ubuntu-fr14:51
DeltaHeavyuser: If you want a fast fix for your must recent problem just log in as root14:52
DeltaHeavyuser: run: 'sudo passwd && su -'14:52
oCeanDeltaHeavy: do NOT suggest that here, thanks14:52
jpds!noroot | DeltaHeavy14:52
ubottuDeltaHeavy: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.14:52
DeltaHeavyuser: Keep in mind that's not reccommended but since this is temporary you might want to consider it for speed14:52
jribuser: what is your end-goal?14:52
DeltaHeavyoCean: He's just doing a temporary thing. He's already butchered up a bunch of other stuff it seems or is going to.14:53
useruhm i'm installing opennebula and creating a little private cloud14:53
userit's just for a school project14:53
mneptokDeltaHeavy: manually editing /etc/passwd is a bad idea, not to mention impossible withot root privileges to start with.14:53
oCeanDeltaHeavy: you cannot suggest that in this channel again. Period14:53
NogalHey, anyone know much about the Miro client? I'm having trouble getting an RSS torrent feed to work correctly.14:53
DeltaHeavymneptok: It is, but he says he doesn't care14:53
jribuser: so why can't you install it without all this root business?14:53
DeltaHeavyoCean: He says he doesn't care about this stuff right now as it's just for a school project and he seems he just wants to get it done rather than do it right.14:54
mneptokuser: you do not have root privileges on that machine. you need to ask someone *with* root privileges to grant you access.14:54
userI'm following a guide and it tells me the user has no permission for a command14:54
bibi23Fuchs: just an example to understand how I should do, if I have a cache folder, where only apache should have the right to write to, it means I should become apache when deploying my website, to make him as owner? and the same thing for each user14:54
userI have root access too :)14:54
DeltaHeavyuser: Are you using 'sudo'?14:54
jribuser: did you install the operating system?14:54
userI installed it, yes14:54
jribuser: what happens when you run « sudo apt-get install opennebula » ?14:55
user"Sorry, user oneadmin is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get install opennebula-node' as root on ubuntu.(null)."14:55
oCeanDeltaHeavy: there are other users in this channel as well that -just for fun- might try your command. Please follow our channel policy and do not suggest setting a root password here.14:55
userthat after ssh'ing to the oneadmin account on the other machine14:55
jribuser: umm, "other machine"?14:55
useryes, opennebula is already installed on this machine14:55
DeltaHeavyoCean: I'll PM it next time14:56
jribuser: so did you install the OS on the other machine too?14:56
Fuchsbibi23: or have a subfolder where apache has the needed rights, and the user has. But only on that subfolder. Apache allows virtual hosts with different folders.14:56
NogalAnyone have experience using RSS Torrent feeds?14:56
jribuser: what's the output of « groups » when you run it on the "other machine" as the "oneadmin" user?14:56
vltMonkeyDust: Thank you.14:57
mattwj2002hi guys I would like an easy way to read wikipedia offline using ubuntu14:57
mattwj2002any ideas?14:57
userI've already changed the permissions, when I log in as oneadmin it appears as root now14:57
amikropHello, how can I set the screensaver/lockscreen not to be activated while watching fullscreen flash videos in my browser?14:57
mneptokmattwj2002: http://schools-wikipedia.org14:57
userI did what I needed to do and now I'll just change it back14:57
vltSidewinder: Was that ffmpeg comment related to my DVD question?14:58
mattwj2002no I meant the whole site14:58
jribuser: umm what permissions did you change exactly?  What did you execute?14:58
userI changed it to the same as root14:58
jribuser: changed what...?14:58
mneptokmattwj2002: that link is for a downloadable, standalone version of Wikipedia.14:58
user[15:51] <DeltaHeavy> user: chown isn't going to do that. If you want to do that add a new user in /etc/passwd with a UID of '0'.14:59
userI did this14:59
jribuser: ok, well that's a really bad idea...  Just use sudo next time...14:59
Sidewindervlt, Yes, but I wasn't sure wheather it could re-encode to VideoTS format; which is what you'd need to do to get it to "play on any DVD player."14:59
mneptokuser: how did you edit /etc/passwd if you do not have admin access on that other machine?14:59
mattwj2002mneptok: that is only for the school dvd version14:59
DeltaHeavyHe said he wanted a user with a root equivilent. I also sent a disclaimer.14:59
vltSidewinder: I’m sure it can re-encode to the corect MPEG" format. But I don’t know how to create the DVD image with ffmpeg.15:00
jribDeltaHeavy: educate about sudo first next time15:00
vltSidewinder: *MPEG215:00
usermneptok: i installed the OS so I have root access15:00
DeltaHeavyjrib: He said he "doesn't care" about that stuff and just wanted to get it done.15:00
ddeathlyhello? can anyone help me? i am new to ubuntu and i get this erro messag while trying to install things :  Errors were encountered while processing:  ruby-rvm E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:00
mneptokuser: but you say you do not have it on that "other machine."15:00
jribDeltaHeavy: well how is editing /etc/passwd easier/faster than using sudo?15:01
bibi23Fuchs: ok so basically it's the same thing that I have now, the only difference is that instead of root I should add apache to a new custom user, wich have less rights than root15:01
amikropHello, how can I set the screensaver/lockscreen not to be activated while watching fullscreen flash videos in my browser?15:01
userI installed both machines15:01
ddeathlyhello? can anyone help me? i am new to ubuntu and i get this erro messag while trying to install things :  Errors were encountered while processing:  ruby-rvm E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:01
DeltaHeavyjrib: He said he wanted a user with root privleges that wasn't root. That's what I gave him.15:01
jribDeltaHeavy: because he doesn't know any better.15:01
Fuchsbibi23: in general: yes. You should do absolutely nothing as root where not needed.15:01
helloxwhy sort fails to sort according to the size?15:01
ddeathlyhello? can anyone help me? i am new to ubuntu and i get this erro messag while trying to install things :  Errors were encountered while processing:  ruby-rvm E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:01
userjust that the guide i'm following asks to SSH to oneadmin account on the other machine and install a package through there, and it was telling me it didn't have permissions15:01
Fuchsbibi23: I'd recommend you read a few basics on securing an ubuntu server. Yes, this is boring and annoying, but it will help you a lot.15:01
ddeathlyhello? can anyone help me? i am new to ubuntu and i get this erro messag while trying to install things :  Errors were encountered while processing:  ruby-rvm E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:02
DeltaHeavyddeathly: Please don't spam your question in here. We've seen it, if nobody replies in 15 minutes parhaps pot it again.15:02
Fuchsbibi23: plus the things I already mentioned: 1) don't use root  2) don't allow root logins  3) change your ssh configuration to a non-standard port and cert auth15:02
Fuchsbibi23: that should already cover most basics15:02
bibi23Fuchs: no it's not boring at all it would interest me ;)15:02
bibi23I'll do15:02
Fuchsbibi23: great, then good luck. And feel free to ask if you are stuck somewhere.15:02
Sidewindervlt, I've never used ffmpeg, sorry. :( So' I can't really help with the particulars; I just thought that it "might" be capable of doing what you wanted. That's why I asked MonkeyDust .15:02
bibi23ok thank you15:03
=== jens is now known as Guest83832
DeltaHeavyddeathly: If nobody has an awnser for you, as I don't, Googling an error with quotes around it is usually a sure way to get a good idea on what's going on: http://www.google.ca/search?sugexp=chrome,mod=15&ix=h9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=%22Errors+wereencountered+while+processing%3A+ruby-rvm+E%3A+Sub-process%2Fusr%2Fbin%2Fdpkg+returned+an+error+code+(1)%22#hl=en&sa=X&psj=1&ei=sZPDT_bqD9HeggfSmcAX&ved=0CAYQvwUoAA&q=%22Errors+were+encountered+while+processing15:03
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.15:04
ddeathlyThanks, i have googled it and i get nothing :(15:04
mneptokDeltaHeavy: i recall a recent conversation about Google suggestions and this channel ....15:04
Sidewinderddeathly, You might also try searching the forums, while you're waiting: http://ubuntuforums.org/  If you haven't already.15:04
jribddeathly: is that really the full message?15:04
DeltaHeavymneptok: Nobody was awnserhing him, I googled it for him. It's better than him just sitting around15:05
Nogalanyone have experience with RSS torrent feeds or Miro? I'm trying to get it to work, it will download the .torrents automatically, but it leaves it there as an unplayable file. I then have to go through my filesystem to where it downloaded it, and click 'open with miro" -- where it finally finishes the job. --- Any ideas?15:05
ddeathlyi have searched forums also, ill get full message15:05
jribddeathly: use pastebin, thanks15:05
ddeathlyok sec15:05
ddeathlyill set u pastebin15:05
mneptokDeltaHeavy: do not drop Google URLs or suggestions to use Google in this channel. you have pushed the issue too far, and now there's zero tolerance.15:06
userk all done15:06
DeltaHeavyddeathly: Was this after an "upgrade"15:06
userthanks for the help everyone15:06
OerHeksddeathly, return code 1, do you have synaptic/softwarecentre + terminal in use ?15:06
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-rvm/+bug/941510  ddeathly this it?15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 894311 in ruby-rvm (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #941510 ruby-rvm's maintainer scripts expect the admin group to exist" [Medium,Confirmed]15:06
EaglemanIs there a command to execute all commands in the crontab?15:06
* samtuke tests15:07
bazhangbug #94151015:07
amikropHello, how can I set the screensaver/lockscreen not to be activated while watching fullscreen flash videos in my browser?15:07
jribEagleman: my guess would be "no" but I have no idea.  Why do you want to?15:07
DeltaHeavymneptok: If nobody is helping him, why not offer my best effort. He may not have the GOogle Fu but I googled it for him.15:07
odswcthow can i setup 3g usb modem to connect to internet in ubuntu server 12.04. can any one help me?15:07
jribddeathly: bazhang had a good suggestion.  Check if you have an "admin" group15:08
ddeathlyand oerheks what is that?15:08
ddeathlyhow do i do that? i am new to linux15:08
mneptokDeltaHeavy: this is not a discussion. i am *telling* you not to drop Google URLs or suggestions.15:08
bazhangStatus changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.   <-- ddeathly seems to be a bug15:08
jribddeathly: yep looks exactly like that bug bazhang linked to according to your paste15:08
ddeathlya bug? :( so i cant install things then15:08
ddeathlydamn i need aircrack and metasploit :@15:09
jribddeathly: cheap workaround is to just create an admin group15:09
mneptokddeathly: subscribe to the bug sl you know when it is fixed.15:09
odswcthow can i setup 3g usb modem to connect to internet in ubuntu server 12.04?15:09
ddeathlykk ty how i make an admin group?15:09
jribddeathly: sudo addgroup admin15:09
ddeathlythankyou :) then to add my user?15:09
ddeathlysudo add chris?15:09
jribddeathly: I don't think it's necessary15:10
ddeathlykk thanks!!15:10
Priceyjrib: Is the admin group necessary seen as 'sudo' seems to succeed?15:10
jribPricey: it's not but see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-rvm/+bug/94151015:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 894311 in ruby-rvm (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #941510 ruby-rvm's maintainer scripts expect the admin group to exist" [Medium,Confirmed]15:10
amikropHello, how can I set the screensaver/lockscreen not to be activated while watching fullscreen flash videos in my browser?15:10
Priceyjrib: Sneaky and good to know! Thanks.15:10
odswcthow can i setup 3g usb modem to connect to internet in ubuntu server 12.04.15:12
odswcthow can i setup 3g usb modem to connect to internet in ubuntu server 12.04. can any one help me?15:13
DeltaHeavyodswct: Are there any Linux drivers for that specific modem?15:13
EaglemanIs commenting Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server enough for disabling sftp?15:13
ddeathlychris@Chris-PC:~$ curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed 100   185  100   185    0     0    170      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   758 100  9248  100  9248    0     0   4126      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:-- 45782 mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/share/ruby-rvm/src': Permissi15:13
odswctDeltaheavy: no not at all15:13
ddeathlyi get this now?15:13
Eaglemanin /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:13
mneptokEagleman: yes, should be.15:14
Eaglemanok thanks15:14
DeltaHeavyodswct: Could you post a pastebin of the output of the command 'lsusb'.15:14
Yoshimi-pinkI want to replace the default programs in the .iso15:15
odswctodswct@odswct:~$ lsusb15:15
odswctBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub15:15
odswctBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub15:15
odswctBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub15:15
FloodBot1odswct: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:15
jribddeathly: have you used ruby-rvm in previous versions of ubuntu?15:15
odswctBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub15:15
ddeathlynope dont think so15:15
amikropHello, how can I set the screensaver/lockscreen not to be activated while watching fullscreen flash videos in my browser?15:16
Yoshimi-pinkyou know how a download of ubuntu comes with default programs allready in place? I want to change those programs on the .iso15:16
odswctdeltaheavy: the modem works fine with the ubuntu desktop 12.0415:16
DeltaHeavyodswct: Please use pastebin or paste.ubuntu.com. Do not post your output here.15:16
bazhang!remaster | Yoshimi-pink15:16
ubottuYoshimi-pink: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility15:16
ddeathlyhttp://pastebin.com/uefzMgWe <--------- can anyone help me with ths error now please? i have so many :(15:17
odswctdeltaheavy: i'm new to irc so what is pastbin?15:17
Yoshimi-pinkthanks bazhang! :D15:17
Yoshimi-pinkit's the sinplest thing online to use15:17
jribddeathly: reading https://rvm.io/rvm/install/ it seems like you can install into your $HOME and avoid the package.  I'd consider taking that route until the package maintainer can deal with the bugs15:18
Eaglemanmneptok after commenting Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server and an init 6 i could still connect to sftp15:18
zombifierThere's also an Ubuntu command that automatically upload to pastebin15:18
captinehi all.  am moving back to ubuntu after trying arch for 2 weeks, but struggling to install off USB.  I see there is a bug related to ubiquity crashing on install... before i waste time, would the alternate CD also have this?15:18
ddeathlyok thanks ::P15:18
mneptokEagleman: sudo invoke-rc.d openssh-server restart15:18
Eaglemanwhat does the invoke-rc.d part do?15:19
DeltaHeavyodswct: Go to pastebin.com, paste the output there, give it a life of an hour or so, and submit it and send teh link over here.15:19
mneptokEagleman: it's just restarting the server so that the config file is re-read.15:19
odswctzombifier: what is the command to automatically upload to pastbin?15:19
bazhangodswct, install pastebinit first15:19
EliahKaganodswct, yo may be thinking of pastebinit15:19
Eaglemanmneptok /etc/init.d/openssh-server not found.15:20
bazhangodswct, pastebinit | command you want here15:20
bazhangodswct, install it15:20
DeltaHeavyodswct: There may be applications that can put things into pastebin but pastebin is a web service entirly different from Ubuntu like Google.15:20
ddeathlyffs iv done all this and still same error, grrrr15:20
jribddeathly: what directory are you in?15:21
ddeathlycant i not create the directory myseld?15:21
ddeathlyit says it has no permission to make the directory15:21
ddeathlyso if i make it manually?15:21
odswcthow to install pastbinit?15:21
ddeathlyu dont install15:21
ddeathlyits a website15:21
jribddeathly: in your shell what directory are you in...15:22
jribodswct: sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:22
DeltaHeavyodswct: It's easier just to copy paste it to pastebin.com. If you still want to learn how to install things from the terminal just ask.15:22
ddeathlyjrib i am completley new to linux i have no idea how to find out,15:22
jribddeathly: pwd15:22
Eaglemanmneptok /etc/init.d/openssh-server not found, and after a restart ( init 6 ) it still works ( sftp )15:22
Saikiis there a channel for jakarta?15:22
ddeathlykk ty15:22
Saiki(or might be tomcat, not sure, folder is jakarta15:23
ddeathlyjrib /home/chris is where i am15:23
jribddeathly: I'd start by removing that ruby-rvm package.  I don't think it's needed15:23
ddeathlyok, how do i do that?15:23
jribddeathly: sudo apt-get remove ruby-rvm15:24
ddeathlyRemoving ruby-rvm ... The group `ruby-rvm' does not exist. Processing triggers for man-db ...15:24
ddeathlythatss what came up15:24
jribddeathly: that's ok, that's another bug I saw mentioned15:24
ddeathlyok xD now what?15:25
odswcti have no access to pastebin.com due to court orders, the site says. what is it?15:25
ddeathlysorrry for being such a god damned noob15:25
ddeathlymy 1st day with linux15:25
jribodswct: use paste.ubuntu.com15:25
EaglemanHow to disable sftt, since commenting Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server isnt working...15:25
alFReD-NSHodswct: which country you are in?15:25
georgewellwhere do I have to install the boot loader? on /boot?15:25
jribddeathly: what's the output of « whoami »?15:25
EaglemanHow to disable sftp, since commenting Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server ( location: /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:25
Eagleman )isnt working...15:25
odswctalFReD-NSH: India15:26
ddeathlysays chris15:26
jribEagleman: try #openssh if no one knows here at the moment15:26
DeltaHeavyodswct: Use paste.ubuntu.com then15:26
jribddeathly: pastebin « env »15:26
ddeathlyjrib just says chhris15:26
Eaglemanty jrib15:27
DBMediahi all, is there some way to get a few stats about a server usage ? Like, say, # i/o  req per second, cumulative bandwith use over a certain period of time, etc15:27
EliahKagangeorgewell: normally you would install the boot loader to the Master Boot Record (MBR), which you would specify by telling it (GRUB2, that is) to install to the disk itself rather than any partition, for example /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda215:27
ddeathlyjrib http://pastebin.com/5ZCH5wU215:27
EliahKagangeorgewell, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 for details15:27
jribddeathly: run « curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable » and pastebin your command and output15:27
PriceyEagleman: Did you remove that line, restart the server then make a new connection to test sftp?15:28
SaikiDBMedia: look in system15:28
PriceyEagleman: Existing sftp sessions won't be killed on a sshd restart.15:28
EaglemanPricey i commented the line, used init 6 and then reconnect using filezilla15:28
odswctDeltaHeavy: i just paste it to paste.ubuntu.com the lsusb output15:28
georgewellEliahKagan, thx!15:28
DeltaHeavyThen give us the URL to link to your paste.15:28
PriceyEagleman: Could you pastebin your sshd_config?15:29
SaikiDBMedia: ?15:29
DeltaHeavyodswct: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1c9e:9605 OMEGA TECHNOLOGY   <-- This is your modem?15:29
PriceyEagleman: Actually... this may be silly of us.15:29
EaglemanPricey http://pastebin.com/GX3ePp1X15:30
Eaglemanand now i will do an init 6 and restart filezilla and connect to my sftp server15:30
odswctdeltaheavy: it works fine in ubuntu desktop 12.04 but how do i setup to ubuntu server 12.0415:30
DeltaHeavyodswct: Try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126854/problem-connecting-internet-through-usb-modem-micromax15:31
PriceyEagleman: Right... there's another problem. People can still log in with a standard ssh session and then start the sftp process and communicate with that.15:31
PriceyEagleman: I assume that's what filezilla is doing.15:31
ddeathlyjrib ill brb15:31
EaglemanPricey lol, so how do i prevent that?15:32
Eaglemanbecuase i was still able to connect15:32
PriceyEagleman: What's the real aim here, do you not want them using sftp, or not wanting them using sftp because it lets them do something else you don't want them to?15:33
EaglemanPricey this is whats happening while connecting: http://pastebin.com/ZC4f8usQ15:33
PriceyEagleman: That is ftp, not sftp.15:33
Eaglemanow my bad15:33
odswctdeltaheavy: it describes for ubuntu desktop?15:34
EaglemanPricey http://pastebin.com/gEET85GU thats sftp15:34
ddeathlyjrib back15:34
DeltaHeavyodswct: The desktop and server versions are very similar. It more than probably applies to both.15:34
PriceyEagleman: What's the real aim here, do you not want them using sftp, or not wanting them using sftp because it lets them do something else you don't want them to?15:35
DoctorD90how i have to install java?? 0o15:35
odswctdeltaheavy: but there is no network manager? how can i handel that?15:35
Pricey!java | DoctorD9015:35
ubottuDoctorD90: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:35
EaglemanWell the real aim was to not let people browse the folders using sftp, a simple solution was to disable sftp but since that isnt working its better to chroot sftp users, but will it also affect ssh users?15:35
DoctorD90i need jdownloader P Pricey15:36
PriceyEagleman: Sounds like disabling sftp is just going to annoy your users and not solve the problem.15:36
DeltaHeavyodswct: You'll have to do wtihout it and test your connection in other ways.15:36
PriceyDoctorD90: Pardon?15:36
DoctorD90your name...typo... xP15:37
shaneohi guys i seem to be having username errors on some of mydrives my username is shaneo but its showing shane when i do a ls -lrt --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011461/15:37
Eaglemanwell there arent really users since its a simple server at home for my self and my dad15:37
Eaglemani am just securing what i can secure15:37
odswctDeltaHeavy: i'm new to linux. i don't know how to do that other way.15:37
=== Guest60913 is now known as SLADURA
DeltaHeavyodswct: Use 'ping apache.org' to test your connection.15:38
SaikiEagleman: are you sure ou didn't set somehting to allow "anyone" access to it?15:38
Eaglemanhavent modified sftp since the ubuntu 12.04 reinstall15:38
ikoniashaneo: I don't see anything wrong with that output15:38
ddeathlyhttp://pastebin.com/j9VgEaHc <-----Can anyone else tell me why i cant install thi/s :(15:38
PriceyEagleman: I think you'd do better ensuring he uses a passworded ssh key and not giving him access to sudo. Don't forget to regularly patch the machine.15:39
EaglemanSaiki all i did was commenting Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server15:39
DoctorD90Pricey, can you see query pls? :)15:39
Saikiikonia: I found out what the mysql problem was, my.cnf had a bind lol15:39
shaneoikonia, why is shane a username when shaneo is my username15:39
ikoniaEagleman have you restarted sshd after commenting it out15:39
ddeathlyany one avalible to help me?15:39
odswctDeltaHeavy: how do i configure APN etc to connect to15:39
shaneoikonia, shouldnt it be shaneo shaneo15:39
ikoniashaneo: shaneo is the username15:39
EaglemanPricey where can i see if some has acces to sudo15:39
ikoniashaneo: you're in a gruop called "shane"15:39
Eaglemanikonia i did an init 6, should do the same15:39
ikoniaEagleman: no it shouldn't15:40
PriceyDoctorD90: Best to talk in here. If I disappear (I will soon) someone else can pick up.15:40
ikoniaEagleman: the init system has changed with upstart15:40
ikoniaEagleman: stop and start sshd15:40
Eaglemani cant15:40
Saikiddeathly: you're not root15:40
DoctorD90ah ok....15:40
ddeathlyhow i make me root?15:40
ikoniaEagleman: why ?15:40
Priceyikonia: He said he'd init 6'd in lieu of that.15:40
jribddeathly: run « curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable » and pastebin your command and output15:40
Saikiddeathly: sudo - i15:40
Harriswhat is the coolest ubuntu 12.04 feature15:41
ikoniaPricey: sorry, have I missed a line of why he can't restart ssh ?15:41
DoctorD90i would install jdownloader, but i understand that java is not installed, so i download pkg from java main page, but when i follow step there indicated, i get this: bash: fg: %: job inesistente15:41
jrib!ot | Harris15:41
ubottuHarris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:41
Eaglemanbash: /etc/init.d/sshd: No such file or directory15:41
ddeathlyhttp://pastebin.com/j9VgEaHc jrib saiki15:41
Saikiddeathly: do what jrib said, he/she's more experienced than I am15:41
jribddeathly: I still don't see a command15:41
DeltaHeavyodswct: That depends on the software that came with it. I think your best bet is to look up how to configure that exact product with Ubuntu servers15:41
Priceyikonia: no idea15:41
ikoniaEagleman: 1.) you need sudo 2.) it's just called ssh15:42
jribSaiki: what you suggested would work if ddeathly doesn't mind installing system-wide15:42
ikoniaEagleman: check thing eg: "ls -la" before just typing them15:42
ikoniaEagleman: make sure the file you want is there and that's the right file15:42
ddeathlyi dont mind15:42
ddeathlyaslong as it works :D15:42
Saikijrib: well, he's putting it in a shared folder.. lol15:42
jribSaiki: the script should be using ~ (according to documentation)15:42
Joshundoes anyone here know how to get python3 to work with gtk3?15:42
odswctDeltaHeavy: there is no software available from vendor for linux. do u guide me the way?15:42
Eaglemani cant restart sshd ssh or something like that15:43
DoctorD90...someone can help me one moment with java installation pls? :(15:43
Saikijrib: "~" = ?15:43
jribJoshun: well what happens when you try?15:43
Joshunit just gives me: No module named gi.repository15:43
ikoniaEagleman: why ?15:43
jribSaiki: $HOME15:43
Saikijrib: ty15:43
Joshunand python-gobject is installed15:43
Saikijrib: I always used "~/"15:43
jribJoshun: install the right package ;)15:44
DeltaHeavyodswct: I don't know, I'm unsure about vendor specific stuff. I'd give you a push in the right direction but it would be against the rules.15:44
ddeathlyi made myself root and installed, now how do i updatr rvm?15:44
PriceySaiki: ~pricey is different to ~/pricey15:44
jribJoshun: try python3-gi15:44
PriceySaiki: however ~/ and ~ will take you to the same place. I know which is easier to type.15:44
Eagleman./etc/init.d/ssh restart15:44
Eaglemanssh stop/waiting15:45
Eaglemanssh start/running, process 268315:45
ikoniaEagleman: did you use sudo as I said ?15:45
SaikiPricey: noted15:45
jribEagleman: you really should use the « service » command instead of calling scripts in /etc/init.d/ directly15:45
odswctDeltaHeavy: thank you!15:45
Joshunjrib: thanks, that worked :) it really ought to be a dependency of python-gobject15:45
Eaglemanwhy should i use sudo if i'm always logged in as root while on the terminal?15:45
Eaglemanroot@eagleman:/etc/init.d# /etc/init.d/ssh restart15:45
ikoniaEagleman: how are you logged in as root ?15:45
Eaglemansudo su15:45
DoctorD90can someone help me with java installation?? :D15:45
Eaglemani'm not gonna type an password everytime after using sudo command15:46
ikoniaEagleman: right, I'm going to back away now as you're trying to break the ubuntu security model15:46
jrib!java | DoctorD9015:46
Saikianone know how I can check what port a webpage is running on?15:46
ubottuDoctorD90: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:46
kunjiHi everyone, does anyone know how to forward packets for UPnP?  I have a desktop with mediatomb connected by CAT5 to a laptop that connects to my router via wireless.  If I connect the desktop by wireless to my router i can reach everything on mediatomb from my PS3 (via wireless to the router).  With this configuration though the laptop is the gateway for the desktop.  so router is, laptop connected to router at, lap15:46
PriceyEagleman: sudo remembers you entered your password for a configurable amount of time.15:46
ikoniaEagleman: you're going to end up with a problem with the approach you are taking,15:46
Priceykunji: Have you looked in network manager's settings? I found it very easy to 'bridge' last time I looked.15:46
Priceykunji: (netowrk manager is the little icon next to the clock)15:47
nydelhelp? i need terminals i open using Ctrl+Alt-Meta+t to have focus rather than open in background. please & thank you.15:47
EaglemanFine ikonia and Pricey15:47
catmandohey all15:47
kunjiPricey: Well, it is essentially a bridge, is it not?  And I'm not sure how well network manager will play with the changes I've made, could just end up with a mess couldn't I?15:48
catmandodoes anyone know about the toshiba kernel module in 12.04?15:48
ikoniacatmando: just ask what you want to know15:48
DoctorD90jrib, i dont know what i have to install to un jdownloader..do you know?15:48
ikoniacatmando: it's been a bit flakey with certain models and the hot keys15:48
catmandotoshiba_acpi seems to be working, but i can't get toshset to run unless i have the actual toshiba module15:48
jribDoctorD90: I don't15:48
Priceykunji: Separate network cards requires 'effort' to bridge.15:48
Eaglemansudo service ssh restart15:48
PriceyUnless I've mistaken.15:48
catmandobasically, toshset does not work. the hotkeys all work15:48
kunjiPricey: I think I did my original setup that way some months ago just for forwarding to one comp, but I think for UPnP I need something a bit different15:49
ikoniacatmando: I'm not surprised by the the toshiba module is quite fussy on a lot of things15:49
catmandoi would like to use toshset to control my fans15:49
catmandoikonia: the toshiba module is not actually loaded15:49
Priceykunji: By the way, your message was cut off at 'connected to router' so I had to guess at your problem ;)15:49
ikoniacatmando: tried loading it ?15:49
ikoniacatmando: it's not uncommon for certain functionality to work/break in different releases on different models15:49
catmandoikonia: and i can't seem to find it15:49
nydelwhen y'all launch terminal, does it have focus?15:49
ikoniacatmando: have you installed it ?15:49
Eaglemansftp is still working after a sudo service ssh restart15:49
catmandoikonia: i can't find it15:50
ikoniacatmando: where are you looking ?15:50
catmandoikonia: in the repos?15:50
ikoniacatmando: I don't think it's there, you have to get it from the toshiba support site15:50
Harrisi have an hp pavilion dv6000 laptop next to caps lock on the laptop is a blue light that turns one when caps is on  but when i plug in the usb keyboard i can type but when i press caps the light does not go i tried in windows and it worked but not in ubuntu15:50
catmandoikonia: let me see15:50
Saikiis there a specific package for tomcat?15:50
ikoniaI think the ibm one is in the repos, but the toshiba one is external15:50
catmandoikonia: oh i see15:50
DoctorD90i will try. thx!15:51
catmandoikonia: my other laptop is a thinkpad15:51
Harrisi have an hp pavilion dv6000 laptop next to caps lock on the laptop is a blue light that turns one when caps is on  but when i plug in the usb keyboard i can type but when i press caps the light does not go i tried in windows and it worked but not in ubuntu15:51
Harrisi have an hp pavilion dv6000 laptop next to caps lock on the laptop is a blue light that turns one when caps is on  but when i plug in the usb keyboard i can type but when i press caps the light does not go i tried in windows and it worked but not in ubuntu15:51
FloodBot1Harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:51
kunjiPricey: here's the rest  at, laptop acts as gateway ( for desktop (, I've managed to forward my tcp traffic with iptables on the laptop and can ping back and forth from the desktop to the rest of the network and vice versa.  So I think I just need a rule or two for iptables to get the UPnP working.    (didn't show the cut off on mine for some reason)15:51
zombifierHarris: What's the brand of this external keyboard?15:51
ikoniacatmando: I think that's right, tosh is external, ibm is open so made it into the repos15:51
Harrishp zombifier15:51
Priceykunji: Is there any reason why you want to do it with random iptables?15:51
Priceykunji: I'd far and away reccomend getting rid of what you've done and using network-manager instead. It'll bridge the two. No messy NAT's.15:52
zombifierHarris: open a terminal, enter "xev"15:52
Priceykunji: As far as the other machine will be concerned, it'll be on the real network.15:52
kunjiPricey: just that I don't think the network manager method was working out for me, I'm willing to try again though, I'm all ears ^_^15:52
zombifierThen keep the terminal open and press the Cap Lock key and post the output exactly when the key is presses15:52
Myrttiodswct: FloodBot is a bot, it can't answer your questions.15:53
zombifierPress the Cap Lock key on the xev window15:53
Priceykunji: I'm not on an ubuntu machine atm so I'm little use... but i know that it was easy peasy when i did it.15:53
kunjiPricey: So if I go into the network manager and to edit connection for my wired connection (to the desktop), under ipv4 settings, the method is set as "Shared to other computers"15:53
Harriswhere should i paste the outcome it is long15:53
SaikiHarris: pastebin.com ?15:54
ikonia!pastebin | Harris15:54
ubottuHarris: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:54
Priceykunji: i think that sounds right15:54
EaglemanSo why is there a risk involved by using sudo su instead of sudo?15:55
Harriszombifier, http://pastebin.com/eg0QNV2j15:55
* nydel needs help with a simple problem15:55
jribEagleman: environment isn't reset.  If you really think you need a terminal that runs commands with superuser privileges, use "sudo -i"15:55
ikonianydel: just ask15:55
nydelHarris: we have a pastebin at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com, i like it better, check it out15:56
SaikiEagleman:  su (root) has global permissions and it's VERY easy to screw somehting up. sudo (as root) only allows that one change to be made as a root user15:56
zombifierWeird. The output says that Cap Lock WAS pressed. Can you type in all caps when Cap Lock was on?15:56
nydelikonia: recently. when i use ctrl-meta-t to open a terminal window, it isn't in focus.15:57
ikonianydel: that doesn't sound simple15:57
Saikinydel: "meta"?15:57
nydelikonia: maybe it isn't, i thought it was15:57
ikonianydel: that sounds like changing the window managers behaviour15:57
nydelSaiki: meta means Alt sometimes15:57
nydelSaiki: as in the Alt key, i mean15:58
Saikinydel: ah..15:58
kunjiPricey: Yeah, that seems to work great for just internet, but laptop keeps it's own ip for the connection, and the desktop gets it's ip from the laptop, not the router.  So I had to add a route to the router in order to ping back and forth, so now I thought all traffic should be going where it should, but the UPnP just doesn't seem to be working, so I was resorting to iptables because I think I needed to convince the laptop to send all traf15:58
Harriszombifier, harris@harris-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA:~$ XEV15:58
HarrisXEV: command not found15:58
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nydelikonia: when i open something using anything but global hotkeys, it's in focus15:58
nydelikonia: so i thought maybe that was a simple config somewhere maybe, specific to unity(3d)?15:59
Harriszombifier,  (root) has global permissions and it's VERY easy to screw somehting up. sudo (as root) only allows that one change to be made as a root user15:59
Harris* rigved has quit (Client Quit)15:59
Harris* FnorZ (~cthulhu@unaffiliated/fnorz) has joined #ubuntu15:59
Harris<zombifier> Weird. The output says that Cap Lock WAS pressed. Can you type in all caps when Cap Lock was on?15:59
Harris<nydel> ikonia: recently. when i use ctrl-meta-t to open a terminal window, it isn't in focus.15:59
FloodBot1Harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:59
Harris<ikonia> nydel: that doesn't sound simple15:59
zombifierHarris: It's a non-issue to me. I think the keyboard driver was not working really well with the lights, but it works.15:59
Priceykunji: that was the wrong option then... is there another one? 'bridge interfaces' or similar?15:59
zombifierAnd btw, commands in Linux are case sentitive - xev works, but XEV doesn't16:00
Harriszombifier,  where can i get a new driver16:00
nydelwe should have a bot that takes support tickets16:00
kunjiPricey: they are, Automatic (DHCP), Automatic (DHCP) addresses only, Manual, Link-Local Only, Shared to other computers, and Disabled16:01
nydelhas anyone suggested that yet16:01
Priceykunji: Maybe I'm just imagining it :-/ I've got to head off now. Check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BridgingNetworkInterfaces I still think you'd have better luck bridging than the other way.16:01
kunjiPricey: thanks for the help though, I remember seeing something like what you're saying in the past, don't see it here now though16:01
zombifierHarris: Dunno. I'm blind as a bat when it comes to hardware-related stuffs16:01
ddeathlyok one more error -.- how do i update RVm from 1.6.9 to 1.9.3?16:03
nydelzombifier: i've a software issue, wanna see if you can solve it off the top of your head or point me in the right direction?16:03
nydelddeathly: did you try apt-get?16:04
zombifierWhat's your issue nydel? Post here and everyone could help16:04
ddeathlyit would be apt-get rvm 1.9.3 right?16:04
nydelzombifier: thanks (you know how it is, if you don't get a response your question gets lost in the shuffle)16:05
zombifierThere's always the Ubuntu Forums16:05
Nogalnydel; I just got back and have some time, if it's within my league i'll be happy to help16:05
ddeathlynydel what would i put? apt-get rvm 1.9.316:05
nydelwhen i use ctrl-alt/meta-t to open a terminal, the terminal window doesn't have focus. it wasn't like this until recently16:05
Dj_FlyBy[ms]any suggestions as to why I keep being told "no media found' when trying to read from floppy disks? I've tried 6 different ones now. NOTE: all 6 of these read fine under windows and Gentoo16:06
nydelddeathly: try "sudo apt-get  install rvm"16:06
Nogalhmm... do other windows draw focus on open?16:06
yeatsDj_FlyBy[ms]: have you checked the logs?16:06
nydelddeathly: if that's not the package name it might know what the package name is. otherwise we can find the package another way, let me know what happens16:07
Dj_FlyBy[ms]yeats: can't say I have. where are they located in relation to the floppy16:07
ddeathlynydel: dosent know thet package :(16:07
yeatsDj_FlyBy[ms]: you could start with /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dmesg16:07
nydelNogal: other windows draw focus & so does terminal if i don't launch it with keystrokes16:07
yeatsDj_FlyBy[ms]: look for messages about 'fd0' or something similar16:07
zombifiernydel: I'll just make a wild guess here, but are you using Compiz?16:08
nydelzombifier: yes16:08
Nogalzombi, I was about to ask the same thing.16:08
nydelzombifier: oh shit is it that thing in general in compiz config16:08
SidewinderDj_FlyBy[ms], Try this: sudo udisks --mount /dev/fd016:08
Dj_FlyBy[ms]yeats: thanks16:09
Dj_FlyBy[ms]Sidewinder: I'll  try that now16:09
nydelzombifier: "commands" in compiz is disabled -- but i did enable it once, & that may have been the day this problem started.16:09
=== hari_ is now known as harikt
OerHeksddeathly, build rvm 1.9.3 yourself, it is not in the repository's16:09
nydelddeathly: let me figure it out, one moment16:09
ddeathlyget thsi error?16:09
SidewinderDj_FlyBy[ms], This link 'might' provide a more permanent fix: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+question/12641416:10
zombifierSorry, gotta go. Mom's calling.16:10
Nogalnydel: compiz is buggy, especially if you're running it on top of Unity16:10
nydelddeathly: did you see this: https://rvm.io/rvm/install/16:10
zombifierBTW, I got it running flawlessl16:10
nydelddeathly: that seems to be a pretty concise step-by-step16:10
ddeathlyno help16:10
ddeathlyi done it all all i get is errors16:11
nydelok let me see your pastebin.16:11
ddeathlywhen i run metasploit it tells me i need to update RVM to 1.9.316:11
nydelNogal: i'd like to try gnome - how do i go about doing that? when i log in using one of the two gnome options at login screen, i get no toolbars or anything etc...then again i don't know what gnome looks like. am i missing a package perhaps?16:12
OerHeksLoLz metasploit16:12
ddeathlynydel: i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011504/16:12
nydelok ddeathly i understand, give me a moment16:13
Nogalnydel: I would try sudo apt-get install gnome-shell for gnome3 (honestly I prefer 12.04's Unity to this)16:13
ddeathlyok ty :)#16:13
nydelNogal: i like unity in theory but it seems to be buggy, is that a common feeling?16:14
nydelddeathly: np buddy16:14
catmandook, after much searching i'm still nowhere16:14
catmandoi can't find any toshiba kernel module that would allow me to use toshset16:14
melvincvunity is usable in 12.04, though I need to replace compiz at times.16:14
catmandoit seems silly that toshset is in the repos when you can't use it16:15
NogalNydel, I felt it was quite buggy in Narhwal and Ocelot, but Pangolin seems dead-on. I did have to do a fresh install though, as the upgraded version (base install was Lynx) was quite buggy at this point.16:15
nydelis Pangolin 12.0416:16
Nogalis it a fresh install of pangolin, or did you upgrade from another version?16:16
nydeli wubi'd 11.last & upgraded when 12.04 came16:17
Nogalyeah I would definitely suggest a fresh install if you are able to back up your stuff.16:17
theadminew wubi16:17
theadminnydel: Avoid wubi at all costs, it gives you a broken setup most of the time16:18
theadminI mean yeah it works but it's unstable and renders weird errors, especially when upgrading16:18
ddeathlylol all these erros for 1 program xD16:19
nydeltheadmin: i was just messing around to see what kinda progress ubuntu made since i was away for a few years, then i never booted back into windows!16:19
nydelddeathly: when it rains...16:19
ddeathlynydel xD16:19
Nogalnydel: I know that feeling. I checked up on it with Lucid and never went back lol16:19
nydelNogal: i put wubi on every friend's windows desktop with a shortcut labeled "nydel says to run this"16:20
ahrihey everyone :) anyone know anything about mounting a LVM volume inside a ubuntu KVM on proxmox? I know this is not the proxmox channel, and i hope I'm not insulting someone by asking here.16:22
nydelddeathly: i would just use http://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.9/ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.gz -- what do you think of that16:22
ddeathlynydel: ok but metasploit need rvm 1.9.3 ;/16:22
ddeathlyhow do i install that? i am VERY new to ubuntu16:23
nydelddeathly: show me the output when you try to run metasploit?16:23
nydelddeathly: get a terminal open16:23
ddeathlyok sure gimme a sec16:23
ddeathlynydel: error from msf http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011535/16:24
nydelddeathly: do "mkdir ruby-temp-thing" then "cd ruby-temp-thing" & then type "wget http://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.9/ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.gz"16:24
ddeathlynydel kk16:24
nydelddeathly: ok i'll look, we'll get it all running, try the above for now16:24
theadminEh guys, compiling from source is *always* a bad idea -- look for a PPA with the needed version of the needed app16:24
OerHekstheadmin no it is not *always* bad16:25
nydeltheadmin: it's RVM, ruby's version manager. how do we look for a ppa of that?16:25
theadminEspecially with something potentially system-crytical such as programming languages (then again, Ruby is not a common language, IIRC all Ubuntu-specific stuff is Pythonese)16:25
ddeathlynydel ok thanks so much man16:25
nydelnydel agrees with OerHeks16:25
OerHekstheadmin, if you mean, starting with metasploit without knowledge, yes16:26
nydeltheadmin yeah ruby is silly, it's the shockwave-flash of programming languages16:26
nydeli don't even know what metasploit is yet16:26
ahrihey everyone :) anyone know anything about mounting a LVM volume inside a ubuntu KVM on proxmox? I know this is not the proxmox channel, and i hope I'm not insulting someone by asking here.16:27
theadminnydel: Well I wouldn't say it's "silly", but yeah, it's a huge-for-nothing dependency most of the time -- I'm a Perl person myself :P16:27
nydelddeathly: did you try this: https://community.rapid7.com/docs/DOC-129616:27
ddeathlyi belive so, ill do it all again :)16:28
theadminOerHeks: And that too -- I don't know why would someone who doesn't know what Metasploit is and how exactly to use it even want it16:28
nydeltheadmin: i'm lisp, but perl's got a special place in my heart.16:28
theadminnydel: "special place"?16:28
nydeltheadmin: well, it's not top-level like lisp, it's not script like (ba)sh, it's kinda the buddhism of programming languages, middle way16:29
AreckxSo I still have a question that was unanswered(I think) : When I am using ibus-anthy for Japanese input, I used to be able to convert numbers to special circled numbers, ⓪⓪⓪❶ for example. Now when I type a number I only get three options: half-width alpha, full width alpha, and the kanji... why has this happened? I recently installed new fonts, but I don't see how that would change the character conversion list; how do I fix th16:29
Eaglemanjrib, what do you mean with "environment isn't reset"16:30
tbrown_2012I have a little trouble with internet connection with ubuntu 8.04 LTS. Am trying to get the internet to work I type in ifconfig eth0 and it showed eth0 Link encap:ethernet HWaddr 2c.76:8a:d5:c8:9a UP BRODCAST MULTICAT MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:479 errors:0 dropped:68230020 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:016:31
ddeathlynydel: already installed16:31
Nogaltry gedit /etc/network/interfaces16:31
Lunar_Landerhi I got a question on the Ubuntu Font License, is it OK to ask here? If yes: If I make a logo for a personal T-Shirt with the fonts, is that OK?16:31
EaglemanSince my linux teacher told me to use su to perform root commands, so he was wrong all the time?16:31
NogalEagleman: sudo would normally be a better option16:32
theadminLunar_Lander: It is -- the Ubuntu fonts are freely reusable.16:32
tbrown_2012Nogal: Know what it gives me a enterfaces gedit what do I do:)16:33
Lunar_Landerthe licensing is required when I change the fonts or so?16:33
Nogalcan you pastebin what it says in there?16:33
kaddihi, i have nautilius opening on each boot ever since I upgraded to 12.04. Anyone have an idea what might be causing that?16:33
alibamahi all = installing ubuntu on a 64 bit raid 5 system and getting a nasty grub error - my fault, I aborted a working installation because i thought i had made a mistake with the raid set up (turns out that was fine) now i basically need to clean everything up and start over16:33
tbrown_2012Nogal: It does not say anything in it:(16:33
Lunar_Landerthanks theadmin !16:33
alibamawhat is the best way to totally erase my first attempt and start from scratch?16:34
ddeathlynydel i already installed all of that16:34
Nogalare you sure the path is correct? /etc/network/interfaces16:34
* stilia-johny anyone know from python?16:34
theadminstilia-johny: Try #python16:34
angswhere does ubuntu keep the drivers? What directory?16:34
theadminangs: /lib/modules/16:35
angsthank you16:35
stilia-johnythank for the help!16:35
tbrown_2012Nogal: It says: auto lo iface lo inet loopback16:35
EaglemanNogal what about sudo -i instead of sudo su? whats the difference?16:35
Eaglemanit both makes me root16:35
alibamaanyone know a good disk formatting utility that i can boot up with and fix my fubar setup?16:36
tbrown_2012Nogal: It says: auto lo iface lo inet loopback16:36
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Nogalbrown_2012: k, try sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces and edit it to read as such:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011554/416:37
Nogalsorry had a typo at the last link16:37
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:37
=== Guest82502 is now known as RalfieRoo
KarkaraGood day, guys! Just recently I've been getting this annoying bug from both totem and totem-video-thumbnailer. The issue is: whenever I try to open the video player or Banshee, they'll eventually crash (not even loading) and I'll get the message "Process /usr/bin/totem OR totem-video-thumbnailer was killed by signal 7 (SIGBUS)". Could anyone help me with that?16:40
jungle-boogiesilly q...i need to allocate more space to my /usr. I have a 14 gig mounted partition. how do i assign/associate this with /usr?16:40
nydelddeathly: sorry about that16:41
ddeathlynydel bout waht :D16:41
nydelddeathly: so, you did that & now when you run metasploit you get the thing you pastebin'd about needing rvm 1.9.3 - is that right?16:42
ddeathlyso i need to update rvm16:42
ddeathlyhow do i do tht?16:42
ddeathlyi get erros for everyhting to do with rvm :(16:42
tbrown_2012Nogal: Thank you:)16:43
Nogaltbrown_2012: all work well?16:43
jungle-boogiecould i just do some symbolic link?16:43
Nogaltbrown_2012: in case you missed it, I was corrected with some good information regarding using gksudo instead of sudo for launching graphical applications. (Thanks again)16:44
tbrown_2012Nogal: Sorry I just tryed it in my internet browser and it says Address Not Found.16:44
Nogaltbrown_2012: it won't immediately take. I could look up the command to reset it, but it would probably be faster to give the machine a reboot16:44
DrecondiusOk, I'm about to burn out my brain now, none of the broadcom drivers work, devices shows up with lsusb, ndiswrapper -l shows the device present and driver active, and still i can't connect to the internet.16:45
wilee-nileeddeathly, what OS are you running?16:46
compdocwhat does ifconfig show you16:46
ddeathlynydel this is the error i get trying to update rvm http://pastebin.com/LPVnRXY216:46
ddeathlywilee-nilee ubuntu 12.0416:46
zambai want to move my ubuntu 12.04 installation to a new hard drive.. how can this be done?16:47
Drecondiuscompdoc: who?16:47
tbrown_2012Nogal: Is there anything else I did made me as root and did sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces and I did what the Ubuntu Pastebin said did you say anything else after that:)16:47
zamba.. the fastest way16:47
Nogaltbrown_2012: gksudo /etc/network/interaces and the pastebin stuff, save it, and reboot16:47
OerHekszamba dd16:47
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate16:47
wilee-nileezamba, fastest or safest?16:48
compdocDrecondius, you. Does ifconfig show the card? If not, sometimes its just easier to use cards that Ubuntu has the drivers for16:48
AlexxxyaI need http://forum.ubuntu-rs.org/Thread-reseno-problem-sa-skype-om16:48
zambaOerHeks: the two hard drives are in the same machine16:48
AlexxxyaI need wget -N boundlesssupremacy.com/Cappy/getlibs/getlibs-all.deb16:48
zambai just want to move from one hard drive to the other16:49
zambawilee-nilee: fastest AND safest :)16:49
Drecondiuscompdoc: Give me just a few mins and I'll have the feedback16:49
Alexxxyabut there's some problem. I need it for skype. Where else can I find it?16:49
OerHekszamba http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19141/clone-a-hard-drive-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/16:49
tbrown_2012Nogal: what does gksudo /etc/network/interraces do after I reboot it16:50
wilee-nileezamba, I would not worry so much about speed, if you have a partition or a external I would use clonezilla, you have a copy and the original then, b ut that is just me.16:50
Nogaltbrown_2012: the changed interfaces file will tell it to automatically trigger your ethernet port, and the rest of it sets it to use a dynamic IP adress16:51
Needer_of_Helpdrupal/ubuntu noob, following the drupal book, trying to add a module getting error "Cannot connect to FTP Server, check settings"16:51
ddeathlynydel any luck? :/16:52
harushimovirtual machine in ubuntu16:52
nydelddeathly: sorry had a firefox crash trying to look at pastebin, trying again16:53
harushimois there  to run virtual machine without having an option inside your bios for virtualization on your motherboard in ubuntu?16:53
wilee-nileezamba, you could do a copy and paste with a live gparted cd of the partions, if you have them equal or greater in size as well.16:53
ddeathlynydel ok man np :) wow i have spent 6 hrs trying to get this thing to work16:53
tbrown_2012nogal: Samething Happen when I type in www.google.com it says Address not found:(16:53
nydelddeathly: you should use our pastebin at http://pastebin.ubuntu.org -- pastebin.com doesn't feel clean & open source to me, it's just personal preference though16:54
ddeathlyok sure,want me to repost the error?16:54
Nogalto ensure that I didn't mess you up, did it work before?16:54
nydelddeathly: when it works it'll be worth it, you learn things along the way, it's the only way to truly learn so consider it 6 hours of blessing16:55
Drecondiuscompdoc: It doesn't show up in ifconfig, mainly because it's not active16:55
tbrown_2012nogal: Samething Happen when I type in www.google.com it says Address not found:(16:55
csilkis it possible to run two svn clients on the same ubuntu installation easily?16:55
nydelddeathly: no need to repastebin it, i just wanted to say ours is better :)16:55
Nogaltbrown_2012: try ifconfig in terminal16:55
ddeathlynydel yeah i know :) i am 14 and liv on comps, dnt get on with tohers ;) i know a fair bit, but linux is sonew to me16:55
csilkI need the 1.6 and 1.7 versions16:55
Nogalcopy the pastebin to me16:55
ddeathlynydel hhaa ok man ill use ubuntus paste site now16:56
DrecondiusIt's using the broadcom 4323 chipset16:56
DrecondiusOnly thing i can figure is I need the firmware from it and I don't know how to go about doing that16:56
Freeaqingmeon ubuntu server, I want to add an alias like 'external' to a nic (eth1.25). How can I accomplish that via /etc/network/interfaces?16:56
nydelddeathly: cool, also i feel like i'm helping the project by using it, more traffic to the site etc.16:56
tbrown_2012Nogal: Something is Strange it giving me 2 eth0 but the second one give me eth0: avahi16:56
jungle-boogieI would appreciate help assigning /dev/sda10 to /dev/sda7. how can I do this?  current dh -h:  http://sprunge.us/iEVH16:56
ddeathlynydel yeah i gues you are :D16:56
nydelddeathly: did you send output for when you run metasploit?16:56
ddeathlynydel yeah ill get the output error and re paste bin now gimme a sec16:57
tbrown_2012Nogal: Something is Strange it giving me 2 eth0 but the second one give me eth0: avahi16:57
AngrySpam98I set my mouse acceleration AND  sensutuvuty ti as low as they go adn i still find the mouse a tad to fast.  is there a way to make it go any slower? :<16:58
Nogaltbrown_2012: can you put it in a pastebin?16:58
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Nogaltbrown_2012: copy it and paste it here http://paste.ubuntu.com/16:59
xpheres I have a problem with ubuntu, some applications has started to be frozen everytime I open them, and I think it's a problem related to the os16:59
xpheresdoes anyone knows what can it be?16:59
AngrySpam98I set my mouse acceleration AND  sensutuvuty ti as low as they go adn i still find the mouse a tad to fast.  is there a way to make it go any slower? :<17:00
xpheresthe apps mumble doesn't work17:00
xpheresit get frozen all the time17:00
nydelddeathly: oh see you don't need rvm 1.9.3 you just need ruby 1.9.3 -- rvm is ruby's version manager.17:01
nydelddeathly: i have an idea hold on17:01
ddeathlyhmmm i updated to ruby 1.9.3 i think, let try anyway :)17:01
nydelddeathly: sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.317:02
Alexxxyaguys, I need getlibs-all.deb for skype. Where do I find it?17:02
ddeathlyalready got it17:02
AngrySpam98i guess no thanks for ALL YOUR GREAT HELP17:02
goblin_AngrySpam98: u need to set a proper combination of both to get a good speed17:02
goblin_i have set the acceleration to about 3/4 of its highest value17:02
goblin_and the sensitivity a little less than that17:03
ddeathlynydel i already got it mate17:03
goblin_try if it works for u,17:03
Nogalangryspam98, none of us are getting payed for this. don't get angry.17:03
nydelddeathly: did you have it before you installed metasploit?17:03
ddeathlynydel nope17:03
ddeathlynydel dont think so can rlly remeber17:03
Nogaltbrown_2012: I'm stepping out for a moment, if you need any more help then PM me so I get it.17:04
suitcasehello guys we are struggling to get single sign on because of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/at-spi2-core/+bug/87087417:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 870874 in at-spi2-core (Ubuntu) "LDAP user with automounted nfs homedir cannot login" [High,Confirmed]17:04
ashfallI'm getting a GPG error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011590/17:05
ashfallEarlier, I used to just do this in case of GPG errors:17:05
ashfallBut now, when I try:17:05
ashfallsudo mv lists lists.old, I get this:17:05
FloodBot1ashfall: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:05
ashfallmv: cannot move `lists' to `lists.old/lists': Directory not empty17:05
suitcasedoes anyone know of any workarounds ?17:05
nydelddeathly: i'd remove metasploit, make sure ruby is 1.9.3, then install metasploit again -- do it in verbose mode in case it fails17:05
nydelddeathly: that'll at least give us more insight into why it's failing to notice ruby if it doesn't fix it altogether17:05
ddeathlynydel ok thanks, how would i remvoe it in verbose?17:05
kionwhy is my xorg.conf empty in 12.04?17:05
ddeathlynydel ok thanks man, what command do i use? :/17:06
nydelwhat did you use to install metasploit?17:06
xangua!gpgerr | ashfall17:06
ubottuashfall: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »17:06
tbrown_2012nogal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011597/17:06
ashfallxangua: Thanks!17:06
ddeathlynydel the latest .run file17:06
xanguakion: there has no been a dedicated xorg.file since a long time17:06
AngrySpam98so why can i tickle my feet, but i cant scratch them when they itch? lmfao17:06
nydelddeathly: try just doing it again with the .run file17:06
kionxanagua: so how do I configure my stuff?17:07
ddeathlynydel: ok will do :)17:07
nydelddeathly: wait a sec, metasploit hasn't worked once yet right?17:07
zambawhen using the dd method for cloning a disk to another, what happens with the new drive if it's much larger than the previous one?17:07
zambai have to resize it afterwards?17:07
ddeathlynydel: nope17:07
Nogaltbrown_2012: try sudo ifdown eth0                sudo ifup eth017:07
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theadminzamba: My idea is you'll get unallocated space, but I'm not sure17:07
kionxanagua:  I was trying to add a couple lines to my Nvidia Card configuration17:07
nydelddeathly: ok yeah just do the run & see what happens, if it fails log the output for me17:07
ddeathlyok :)17:07
ashfallErr, How do I find the GPG keyword for a repository?17:08
ddeathlynydel now it tells me i need to be superser, even tho in my console i am set to root?17:08
suitcasezamba i think youll be fine it will create the disk/partition of the source with spare space in raw on the targetr17:09
ashfallIf the error says " BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192" then the latter part is the key?17:09
theadminashfall: No, that's just the signature.17:09
ddeathlynydel: now it tells me i need to be superser? how i do tht?17:09
theadminashfall: Find the key where you found the repository.17:09
xangua(12:06:14) ubottu: ashfall: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) a17:10
nydelddeathly: sudo17:10
ddeathlynydel:  kkty17:10
Dj_FlyByhow long should it take for a 10.04 livedvd to load fully on a P4 2.5Ghz with 512MB DDR 266 ram ?17:10
ashfallxangua: So I should assume its a standard one and go ahead?17:10
Dj_FlyByI know 10.04 isn't supported anymore, but it is the only livedvd I currently have access to17:10
theadminDj_FlyBy: DVDs are slow :/ It will take a while17:11
ubottumommy71: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:11
Dj_FlyBytheadmin: longer than 10-15 min (that's how long I've been waiting for so far)17:11
BlouBlouDj_FlyBy: 3-5 minutes17:11
theadminDj_FlyBy: Eh... That sure is a lot...17:11
theadminDj_FlyBy: Doesn't sound right17:11
ashfalltheadmin: "found the repository" ?17:11
mneptokDj_FlyBy: 10.04 is supported. and load times depend on other hardware, too.17:11
theadminashfall: Well yes, if you have unofficial repositories you found them somewhere, right?17:12
ashfallNo, I don't have unofficial repos, I just did I "sudo apt-get update"17:12
ashfallAnd got hte error17:12
Dj_FlyBytheadmin: that's what I was starting to think too.  mneptok:  it's an old system; P4 2.5Ghz with 512MB DDR266 ram17:12
theadminashfall: Well, for the official repos the key is 437D05B517:12
ashfalltheadmin: Alright, thanks. :)17:13
ddeathlynydel: i am getting pissed now lol ok when i double clikc tht file it says i need superser blahbalahblah whats the command to run from terminal msn?17:13
DrManhattanaw yeah Dj_FlyBy old school netburst17:13
shomonhi, where could I get some help with gwibber?17:13
theadminshomon: If you are running Ubuntu, here -- if not, eh... I think #gnome17:13
nydelddeathly: get to the folder, inside a terminal17:14
nydelddeathly: then sudo the run file from there17:14
shomonyeah I'm running ubuntu: how do I get rid of the hundreds of search and user tabs I've accumulated since I started using it?17:14
shomonit took ages to get running today.17:14
ddeathlynydel: i know i am a rigt pain in the ass, i dunno the commands, i may just give up, not fair on you xD17:15
mneptokddeathly: language, please.17:15
killer1guys ....how to make windows iso bootable using ubuntu17:15
ddeathlymnetpok: sorry:(17:15
DrManhattanlol killer117:15
nydelmneptok: sorry about language there17:15
nydelddeathly: is the run on your desktop?17:15
bastidrazorkiller1: burn it to a cd.17:16
mneptoknydel: excuse me?17:16
Dj_FlyByDrManhattan: yea definitely old school, lol. Especially considering all I need this for is to copy data from a floppy disk to CD, lol17:16
ddeathlynydel: no in home folder17:16
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killer1DrManhattan : i need to install windows for my family17:16
killer1right now i dun have cd or dvd.........only usb17:16
nydelmneptok: pardon?17:16
DrManhattanDj_FlyBy, are you sure the system is functional? I've booted ubuntu on a system that old - maybe you ought to try out xubuntu or even puppy17:17
tbrown_2012Nogal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011621/17:17
nydelddeathly what's the full filename17:17
alibamawhat channel should i go to for support with the grub loader not installing17:17
DrManhattankiller1, why ask here?17:17
mneptoknydel: i don't understand what language you used you feel warrants an apology.17:17
ddeathlynydel: metasploit-latest-linux-installer.run17:17
killer1bcoz....i need to make it bootable using ubuntu...:DrManhattan17:17
alibamait's a raid system and perhaps outside the purview of this channel17:18
Dj_FlyByDrManhattan: the system is functional indeed. It was recently in use as a web server, but I upgraded the server to a newer system 2 weeks ago.17:18
tbrown_2012Nogal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011621/17:18
nydelmneptok: oh sorry it's my support ticket or whatever so i apologized, i just meant don't kick ddeathly17:18
DrManhattankiller1, best of luck with that :)17:18
alibamabasically i screwed up by starting and then stopping the install17:18
theadminshomon: Best idea is probably to remove the configuration directory entirely: find ~ -iname '*gwibber*' -exec rm '{}' \;17:18
shomonanyone know how to close all open search and user tabs in gwibber? or even one of them.. ah thanks theadmin :)17:18
alibamanow my partitions apparently are botched and i need to fix them17:18
shomoncool.. will kill all gwibber related stuff though17:18
shomonit loves going at 100% cpu too17:19
mneptokddeathly: just an observation here. please do not take offense. but you have spent at least 2 hours asking for help getting metasploit working. metasploit is an advanced tool, for advanced users. you need to learn to walk before you run.17:19
nydelddeathly open a terminal, make sure you're in home (~) & type "sudo ./metasploit*"17:19
Dj_FlyByDrManhattan: I know I 'could' try another livedvd, but I'm on a time restriction, sadly... so I don't have the time to download a new image17:19
theadminshomon: Yeah indeed, actually the command I gave deletes ALL files/folders which have "gwibber" in the name inside your home directory -- I have no idea where exactly gwibber stores configs17:19
nydelmneptok: we'll go private17:19
mneptokddeathly: wipe the system. install vanilla Ubuntu (or Kubuntu or Xubuntu or Fedora or some Linux) and spend at least a month learning the basics.17:19
ddeathlymneptok: i knwo this, i know how to use metasploit, but for some reason i am getting TOO MANY errors17:19
tbrown_2012Nogal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011621/17:19
mneptoknydel: keep support in the channel for everyone to read, please.17:19
Dj_FlyByoh wait, I may have a really old Ubuntu laying around, a v7.x17:20
oCeannydel: please note that you do not "own" a problem, it is not "your" support issue17:20
mneptokddeathly: no, you do not know this. you're asking for help with commands like "cd" and "ls"17:20
beamanybody know how to see hidden files in Gwenview?17:20
nydelmneptok: ok, i just think the nature of the problem is program installation, not whether metasploit is advanced17:21
ddeathlymnetpok: i have used metasploit in windows plenty of times, you said it is an advanced tool yes it is, i know how t use it, i am switching to linux becasue it is better for other tools i use, now i know i am asking the basics, but when i have thisinstalled i can learn the basics on ubuntu17:21
nydeloCean: that's why i used the modifier-phrase "or whatever" - i'm aware i don't work here or own anything17:21
theadminnydel: Well mneptok is right -- for example, helping a user build a kernel when he thinks that the kernel is "uh, the thingy on top?" is pointless17:21
shomonok may be a bit selective with that then theadmin. I hope it saves stuff as plain text17:21
mneptokddeathly: i am telling you to learn to use Linux before installing stuff that does not come from your distro's easy-peasy repositories.17:22
oCeannydel: that's fine, we're all volunteers, and your support is welcome :)17:22
theadminshomon: Should be either ~/.gwibber or ~/.config/gwibber honestly17:22
nydeloCean: thanks :)17:22
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d8bhattaHello, I am not able to see .htaccess file in either from netbeans or browsing folder...how can I access .htacess file to edit ?17:22
shomonit's .gconf/apps/gwibber17:22
ddeathlymneptok: and i am telling you that i want to get this installed,then i will continue learning the basics17:22
shomonbut thanks theadmin17:22
RBVd8bhatta: You have to show hidden files17:22
theadminshomon: Bah, gconf17:22
d8bhattaRBV, command pls?17:22
mneptokddeathly: good luck.17:23
Dj_FlyByDrManhattan: yea definitely old school, lol. Especially considering all I need this for is to copy data from a floppy disk to CD, lol17:23
nydelddeathly: did you try "sudo ./metasploi*"17:23
theadmind8bhatta: Enable showing hidden files. In Nautilus, Caja, ROX-Filer and most other filemanagers it's done with Ctrl-H, in Dolphin and Konqueror - Alt-. (alt+dot)17:23
intrapatamneptok :) your advice is good17:23
ddeathlymneptok: Thanks and i will probably need it,17:23
ddeathlynydel: no sorry was talking with mneptok willl try now17:23
DrManhattanDj_FlyBy, hooray for usb flash drives?17:23
RBVIt's going to depend on your application or file manager. Do 'ls -a' in your terminal to see17:23
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=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
intrapataguys any link for basic knowledges commands of linux? thanks,,, iam using ubuntu 12.4 now. iam new in here17:24
d8bhattarbv: its not showing the file17:24
nydelddeathly: after this, following mneptok's wise words, you could find a "linux shell scripting tutorial" - that could teach you all the basic commands in linux while also showing you how they work with each other.17:24
RBVThen it's not there17:24
DrManhattanintrapata, google is your friend man17:24
DrManhattannydel, please share the same advice with intrapata :)17:25
ddeathlynydel: gives me more errors, maybe i should do as mneptok: said, Thanks for your help so much man ;) well off i go :( no pen-testing for me :@17:25
d8bhattareally! ..ok17:25
theadminintrapata: Try "man intro", it will give you many basics17:25
nydelDrManhattan: lol i missed that completely17:25
nydelintrapata: one moment17:25
intrapatai apprciate  alot from you guys17:25
intrapatatnx nydel,17:25
nydelintrapata: http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/17:25
DrManhattannydel, does that happen a lot in here? not you missing it but people coming in wanting to use ubuntu and not knowing the basics of the command line ?17:26
beamanybody know how to see hidden files in Gwenview?17:26
intrapatathanks.. will look at it now.17:26
intrapatatnx nydel17:26
nydelintrapata: very welcome17:26
sbattey_beam: Try #kde17:26
KarateKip3Hallow! I juts installed Ubuntu and I would like to know how I can open the Software Center, according to the tutorial on how to install Wine. I only see some icons to the left and a dropdown menu  in the top portion of the screen. None of them have a thin called Software Center17:26
beamunder gnome?17:27
theadminKarateKip3: It's an icon with some... packet with... things17:27
DrManhattanHallowed be thy name.17:27
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theadminKarateKip3: Bah, whatevs, hit the Super key and type "Software Center", it will show up17:27
nydelDrManhattan: yes, almost constantly, i ignore the reported problem practically, & just point them at something when they get stuck. so long as learning is happening, they're closer to being able to do whatever they wanted to do.17:27
ashfalltheadmin: I tried that, I'm still getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011637/17:27
sbattey_beam: Gwenview is kde software, anything youdo with it is te same even under gnome  try #kde17:27
nydelkarakedi: super key is windows key17:27
sbattey_Why do they call it the super key? Ne'er has it done anything super...17:28
DrManhattanbecause it's super!17:28
beamwhere i put this #kde17:28
nydelsbattey_: propose another name for it :)17:28
sbattey_Beam its an irc channel. Type /join #kde17:29
DrManhattanif you hit the super key 100 times, you develop super powers.17:29
intrapataubuntu 12.4 is debian right? nydel?17:29
theadminsbattey_: I guess this keyboard is the origin: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Space-cadet.jpg17:29
BlouBlouintrapata: all ubuntu versions are based on debian17:29
sbattey_nydel: Windows key.17:29
nydelintrapata: that's a complicated question. but yes.17:29
theadminintrapata: Wrong. Almost entirely wrong. Ubuntu is based on Debian Testing, however, Ubuntu is NOT Debian and is NOT compatible with Debian (most of the time)17:29
BlouBlouit's not debian, but a os based on debian testing17:30
beambut i am with gnome and blackbox17:30
DrManhattani was quite impressed with how quick and easy the alternate dvd installed a zoneminder system17:30
beami use eog but tray gwenview17:30
mratlasHey all, I've been hearing a lot about creating a separate /boot partition for a dual boot installation but can anyone explain why it will be a benefit?17:30
nydeli didn't realize the cross-compatibility was that bad, theadmin17:30
sbattey_beam: It doesn't matter. The people who PROGRAMED gwenview are sitting idle in #kde. Go there17:30
WarOfTheNerdtheadmin, not true.  Ubuntu is based on Debian Unstable, except for Ubuntu LTS versions, which are based on Debian Testing.17:31
DrManhattanmratlas, I've been wondering for a while why it makes a difference.17:31
intrapataso its not totaly debian at all,,, wwell ido my own research for it and consider both theadmin and nydel ,answer,,  ^)^17:31
DrManhattanif the drive crashes the drive crashes, it isnt like having a different partition would make a difference17:31
theadminWarOfTheNerd: Oh, how weird -- I never realised that. Huh.17:31
nydelDrManhattan: i'm encouraged by people asking complex questions yet not knowing basic commands - it means ubuntu is starting to look like a practical alternative operating system in the eyes of the public, is what i think.17:31
Dj_FlyByDrManhattan, LOL. I love flash drives, but trying to explain what a flash drive is to this client is just plain nuts. He is 72 and barely knows how to even work a PC.17:31
theadminWarOfTheNerd: Inconsistent much.17:31
WarOfTheNerdtheadmin, also Debian and the Ubuntu LTS versions are compatible for commercial software when LSB packages are installed - just not for Debian's repos17:31
DrManhattannydel, yeah especially for servers or for basic internet surfing and the such17:32
nydelWarOfTheNerd: that was my understanding17:32
DrManhattanDj_FlyBy, I hope the client is paying you well - and you SHOULD be able to run ubuntu on that17:32
theadminWarOfTheNerd: Well, the repos are what I meant, individual packages may be compatible well enough17:33
helloxwhich dvd iso is only 1.5G17:33
intrapataiam learning ubuntu then will jump to btk nydel and <DrManhattan>17:33
helloxit should be as large as 3GB more even more17:33
WarOfTheNerdtheadmin, that's totally correct, adding Debian Testing repos would be suicide unless apt-pinning is used to lower its priority below that of the corresponding Ubuntu repos17:34
* DrManhattan pokes intrapata in the eye :P17:34
intrapata<DrManhattan> ahehe...17:34
mratlasDrManhattan, good point. But i were to make the separate /boot partition would i have to do any extra configuration when installing the second OS to recognize that as its /boot?17:34
nydelDrManhattan: computers are pretty much for myface.c0m, audio/video playback & document handling (for 99% of users) -- isn't that about right? am i leaving anything out?17:35
theadminWarOfTheNerd: Makes sense, obviously.17:35
nydelintrapata: we're happy to have you aboard! linux is a wonderful operating system & ubuntu is my favorite distribution.17:35
WarOfTheNerdnydel, Skype, MSN, oh and photos17:35
jdix123I'm having some trouble with updates and my repositories.  can anyone help?17:36
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intrapata<nydel> thanks ,, hehe,, yah i love ubuntu coz its more user friendly than any other linux distribution, i used to try slitaz etc. but,, ubuntu is veygood for me, so i wipe my windows then installed Ubuntu, back to zero ^_^17:37
oCeanintrapata, nydel please remember to use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chit-chat17:37
nydelWarOfTheNerd: right, live messaging & photography17:38
intrapataoCean, sorrt O.T.17:38
nydeloCean: thanks, slap me when i do that17:38
nischayGuys help me My ubuntu 12.04 takes too much time to shutdown and start :(17:39
graftwasn't nydel using this for general chit-chat?17:39
graftthe definition of "general" sometimes eludes me17:39
theadminSo, I heard Canonical has stopped sponsoring Kubuntu, what's all that about, what's their reason? I haven't found out in time, but it's interesting17:39
darkblue_bhi all- I have a new Precise machine, and I just tried to add the package ethtool - it says cannot be verified and stops, but no clue as where I might get a key??!?17:39
oCeantheadmin: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place for that17:39
theadmingraft: This channel = Ubuntu-related *support* questions, #ubuntu-offtopic = anything else17:39
theadminoCean: Oh, thanks, well not going there, sorry (it's a bit... *too* offtopic most of the time). Sorry, thought this *could* qualify as a support question, but guess not17:40
graftoh... heh, sorry, thought i was in offtopic17:40
grafttheadmin: http://arstechnica.com/business/2012/02/canonical-ending-support-for-kubuntu-reassigning-lead-developer-1/17:41
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, does it give a key in a apt-get install from the terminal17:41
jdix123I'm having trouble with the Scribus and Skype repositories, and a few others fetching properly when I run apt-get update17:41
darkblue_bwilee-nilee: no - thats why ask here..17:41
whoamiis using 'dd' a recommended way of cloning a hard drive?17:42
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, you used the terminal? generally the missing key shows and can be loaded17:42
darkblue_bwilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011661/17:44
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, did you try the y=yes17:46
KarateKip3nydel and theadmin: thnx, i will try17:46
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, do that it is in my synaptic with a ubuntu symbol net to it I think safe.17:46
darkblue_bthats flawed17:47
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, what is flawed is your understanding of the setup basically. :)17:47
darkblue_bI am supposed to say "Yes install this security software without verirification"17:48
Dj_FlyBywow.... 7.10 doesn't even detect my floppy drive, lol17:49
TPB_seIs there like a tool to let me set my bandwidth cap for a period of time?17:49
darkblue_bcan we just find the key .. where do I ind out how to get a key for this package?17:49
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, If it is not from a 3rd party you have added the repos are safe, it is prbably a 3rd party ubuntu has added.17:49
TPB_seI don't wanna go overboard, if you know what I'm talking about.17:49
darkblue_binstead, I just tried   apt-get source ethtool17:51
darkblue_band now the msg is different17:51
TPB_seAny such software?17:51
darkblue_bso, how do I find  RSA key ID 9586110917:52
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys key here17:53
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, put the key at key here.17:53
darkblue_bok - thank you17:54
DrManhattanis there a v4l interface for my dvb device?17:54
wilee-nileesudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 9586110917:54
DrManhattanim using a cx23885 pci-e card - hauppauge hvr-1250 - and I'd like to be able to watch tv with tvtime, or access the card with zoneminder17:55
darkblue_bwell that looked promising, but the package ethtool must have another key.. that key must be for the source code17:55
darkblue_bsame failure to install ethtool..17:55
j605i wanted to know how to import java libraries installed using apt-get17:55
DrManhattandarkblue_b, thats very odd, ethtool installs here with no effort. just apt-get install ethtool17:56
Dj_FlyBySuccess! Finally.....17:56
darkblue_bI thought it odd as well17:56
ashfallI used  "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3E5C1192", but I'm still getting the same GPG error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011637/17:56
xclusive585just test ignore17:56
xclusive585just test 2 ignore17:57
darkblue_bethtool is absolutely a target for a malicious hack17:57
ashfallI found this on the forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1869890, but doesn't seem to work for me. :(17:58
DrManhattanits just a tool to check out your NIC17:58
DFrostedWangWhat can I do if a mod is being an assbag?17:58
darkblue_bit has complete knowledge and access to your network cards17:58
DrManhattanDFrostedWang, you can either stfu or get a long list of proxies.17:58
DFrostedWangHe banned me bc he thought my name broke the rules about something or other.17:59
oCeanDrManhattan: do not use those acronyms in this channel17:59
darkblue_bthats networking terminology.. stfu.. it refers to a special network node status18:00
ashfallIf I delete the contents on lists.old/lists, will I mess things up?18:00
DrManhattanwell, that was pleasant.18:00
ashfall*on = of18:00
wilee-nileeashfall, have you confirmed that this ppa has your distro available.18:01
theadminDFrostedWang: Try TOR.18:01
DrManhattanI gotta find that peer that disconnects me18:01
darkblue_bhow could I find out where a key for the ethtool package might be, or else say that there is something fishy going on ?18:01
ashfallwilee-nilee: How do I do that?18:01
darkblue_bI get lost in the ubuntu repo system.. I dont understand it18:01
DrManhattandarkblue_b, I'd say the latter, thats a pretty standard and easy thing to install18:01
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wilee-nileeashfash if it is a ppa google it18:01
darkblue_bDrManhattan: thats what I say!  and someone here told me to go ahead and instal without a key !!18:02
helloxubuntu dvd iso is bullshit:(18:02
DrManhattandarkblue_b, i never needed keys to install standard stuff.18:02
morriI am on version 11.10 can i add the repos for 12.04 without upgrading the system to 12.04 without running into any problems?18:02
wilee-nileeashfall, what is the release you are running?18:03
Myrttihellox: please, lets keep the language clean18:03
ashfallwilee-nilee: Ubuntu 11.1018:03
darkblue_bI dont want to spend my whole day on this one thing.. all I can say is that I have a brand new Ubuntu Precise server install, and I went to look into the network cards on that box, and I went to install ethtool, I get a "cant be verified" msg and no way I can see to find a key18:04
darkblue_bits just wrong to install that sort of tool without verification18:04
darkblue_bI dont even like security but I know that18:05
wilee-nileeashfall, did you add this, if you run the HTTP in the browser it is not a download site.18:05
xclusive585test 3 ignore18:05
Myrttitheadmin: do you have a minute for a pm?18:05
oCeanxclusive585: please use #test channel for that18:05
theadminMyrtti: Sure do18:06
pooltablehelp i not sure where to look firefox i have a tube stop installed but when i go to you tube it play well i hear the audio but no viedo how do i fit it ??18:06
ashfallwilee-nilee: Did I add what? The http shown in the error is "http://extras.ubuntu.com/" and it opens fine...18:07
pijushlooking vb alternative for ubuntu !18:07
darkblue_bperhaps I can download a .deb from somewhere18:07
DrManhattandarkblue_b, if you can't just type in apt-get install ethtool, there's something wrong with your install.18:07
darkblue_bI would gladly fix my install if I had a clue how to start18:08
Crazyerrorhi all, i wonder if someone can assist me , im loving Ubuntu 12.0418:08
WarOfTheNerdCrazyerror, sure, what's the issue?18:08
Crazyerrorproblem im haing is ,,, when i put my audio on my pc.. at 80% volume, the audio cuts as if it cant handle the volume ?18:09
DrManhattandarkblue_b, do you have a lot of critical info on your current instuall?18:09
Crazyerrorits on all music. and videos18:09
darkblue_bwhich critical info ?18:09
WarOfTheNerdCrazyerror, right click the speaker icon and go on the sound settings18:09
wilee-nileeashfall, I will say that, that sort of error is common, so not sure really.18:09
WarOfTheNerdCrazyerror, move the slider to the point where it says Unamplified18:09
DrManhattanwow. Never mind darkblue_b. I'm sure youll get it worked out eventually.18:09
wilee-nileeashfall, you might try another mirror18:10
WarOfTheNerdCrazyerror, anything above that causes amplification which can cause audio cut-off18:10
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Crazyerrorsorry, i dont see unamplified18:10
darkblue_bDrManhattan: maybe I dont understand what you are asking there18:10
Guest16022So ,I just booted Windows 7 on my second HDD and I rly dont get it why flash in firefoc and google chrome is so slow compared to Ubuntu 12.04 (lxde)  :/18:11
WarOfTheNerdCrazyerror, not even on output? :|18:11
Guest16022thats only barrier to completly go to linux18:11
DrManhattandarkblue_b, ok - is there any reason you wouldn't want to just reinstall Ubuntu and perhaps not bork your system up this time?18:11
Crazyerrori got Volume output...  bar looks like this  - hold on18:11
darkblue_bDrManhattan: ohh - reinstall.. hm I have a bunch of Postgres setup already18:11
ashfallwilee-nilee: I found 3 ways to tackle this, and none of those work...18:12
shomoncan you get ubuntu on an 8 year old mac?18:12
shomonor only via virtualbox or that kind of thing?18:12
DrManhattandarkblue_b, ok, then you're going to have to figure out what's wrong with your updates. What happens when you type in apt-get install ethtool?18:12
ashfallwilee-nilee: If I try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1850930, It says "lists.old/lists" is not empty. Can I make it empty and then try this?18:13
theadminshomon: If it has a supported architecutre, probably. If it's PowerPC, I think there is *some* support18:13
OrpheonI need some help. Whenever I execute Starcraft 2 nowadays, my internet connection strangely seems to die with 10 seconds of loging in, and nothing short of restarting modem and router can bring it back. I have wired connection, and have used starcraft 2 a year ago withotu problems. Ideas?18:13
wilee-nileeshomon, ubuntu needs a gig of ram you have that?18:13
darkblue_bDrManhattan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011661/18:13
WarOfTheNerdCrazyerror, the alternative is to load up Terminal/Console and run alsamixer, then ensure that PCM is set to -6.00db18:14
DrManhattandarkblue_b, install it without verification.18:14
shomonthanks theadmin and wilee-nilee - I'll check for those things.18:14
darkblue_bthere is no key .. ?18:14
darkblue_bI didnt expect that could be the case..18:15
DrManhattandarkblue_b, again, install it without verification.18:15
wilee-nileeshomon, cool good luck you might get away with a mini cd install which is a net install with a superlight DE, hard to say18:15
darkblue_bok guys - this didnt go so well.. I appreciate a support channel but this case isnt making sense to me at all18:15
DrManhattandarkblue_b, its that hard to understand "install it without verification"?18:16
darkblue_bthats not context or rationale or clues, thats just a directive18:16
darkblue_bhow can there be no key ?18:16
DrManhattandarkblue_b, on my system, it doesn't even ask for keys.18:17
wilee-nileedarkblue_b, I think it is a really old build from what I can tell, nobody is using it probably18:17
Crazyerrorwaronthenerd.... ill show u image ... what i see18:17
darkblue_bthat makes some sense18:17
darkblue_bok, all for now .. take care18:18
Crazyerrorwaronthenerd ,,, http://i.imgur.com/XofcW.jpg18:18
theadmin!tab | CrazyEddy18:19
ubottuCrazyEddy: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:19
theadminBah... Epic fail of all times18:19
theadmin!tab | Crazyerror18:19
ubottuCrazyerror: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:19
theadminCrazyEddy: Sorry about that.18:19
IloveBSDandWindoWindows kernel design is better than Linux, in my opinion.18:19
wilee-nileeashfall, I don;t really understand the question, I never use a old list I just have one that always works, I have been at tis awhile.18:19
pijushguys, i'm looking for a alternative of vb for ubuntu, is there something?18:20
theadminIloveBSDandWindo: This is not an "opinions" channel. Also, unless you are a Microsoft employee, you have no idea about the Windows kernel, most likely meaning you don't know what you're saying.18:20
ashfallwilee-nilee: I am talking about the solution described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185093018:20
theadminpijush: If VB is Virtualbox, that's available for Ubuntu18:20
wilee-nileeashfall, which post by number please?18:21
IloveBSDandWindoIt can't even run BSD, can it? That's a shame.18:21
sbatteyArs reviewed the latest version of ubuntu here: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/05/precision-and-purpose-ubuntu-12-04-and-the-unity-hud-reviewed/18:21
ashfallwildc4rd: #218:21
SpudsterCan somone help me with an iscsiadm question?  I have an iscsi initiator with about 20 iscsi targets, after a reboot, the /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc mappings re-arrange themselves to different drives, is there any way to make this more static?18:21
ashfallerr wilee-nilee18:21
ashfallpost #218:21
pijushtheadmin: vb= visual basic18:22
CrazyerrorWarOfTheNerd: ... am i missing something?18:22
IloveBSDandWindoSolaris will eventually destroy Linux.18:22
Crazyerrorif i leave the bar at 100 % audio cuts out, where do i fix this ? cos some songs and movies are a bit soft .18:22
IloveBSDandWindoBesides what can Mint do that Ubuntu can't?18:22
theadminpijush: Bah. Mono can run CLR assemblies (which is what Visual Basic compiles to), and you can develop VB with MonoDevelop.18:22
theadminIloveBSDandWindo: Please move to #ubuntu-offtopic18:23
pijushthanks theadmin!18:23
wilee-nileeashfall, not sure I have never had to do that so I can't really confirm this. It may be that the HTTP is just throwing a error it is common, it may be the mirror your using. THe terminal will say things that are generic errors that are not completely accurate, with no real details at times.18:23
ashfallwilee-nilee: So what do you suggest I do?18:23
theadminpijush: Or wait, that'd be VB.NET. Sorry, not sure about plain VB.18:24
pijushi'm a .net developer too!18:24
theadminpijush: Well, Mono is the Linux .NET (there's also DotGnu, but that's not as popular)18:25
ashfallwilee-nilee: I am very much tempted to just empty the contents of lists.old/lists and do what's suggested there, but I'm scared I'll mess something up...18:26
wilee-nileeashfall, I wold go to the software center-edit to the software sources run the change to fins the fastest server, I don't think it is a problem to be honest.18:26
imneveral0nehello, new linux user. can anyone help me with a mouse problem? when i try to right click it does a left click instead. both buttons just do a left click.18:26
usuario1ESO K ES18:26
imneveral0nethis is on a touchpad not a mouse18:26
usuario1ALGUIEN HABLA18:26
Crazyerrordoes anyone know of a good editing program, like windoze - Sony vegas18:26
pijushtheadmin: thanks theadmin18:26
usuario1O K18:26
chadiFolks, is there a way to add window list in unity? That's the only way it can be usable.18:26
FloodBot1usuario1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:26
wilee-nileeusuario1, english?>18:27
imneveral0neanyone? please lol18:27
imneveral0nemouse problem is driving me nuts18:27
shomonusuario1, please try #ubuntu-es18:27
theadminchadi: Err, the window list is on the left side (the thing there is most similar to the Windows 7 taskbar, if that tells you anything)18:27
Dark-chcusuario1,  pone /join  #ubuntu-es18:27
theadmin!es | usuario118:28
ubottuusuario1: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:28
chaditheadmin: I dislike that. I want the classic window list (gnome2 like)18:28
andygraybeali can't find too much information on moving from Vista's "Windows Mail" to "Thunderbird" (or significantly awesome email client)  can anyone help me?18:29
in0culaI use Ubuntu because i don't want to use proprietary software, is there here someone here that use it for other reason rather than mine??18:29
usuario1no entiendo18:29
andygraybeali wan tot move from windows to ubuntu for a friend18:29
theadminchadi: You can use the GNOME3 fallback mode. Also, GNOME2 is still possible to install on Ubuntu, you might want to try that: http://mate-desktop.org . Also, Xfce is a good choice.18:29
usuario1yes yes18:29
pijush"thepiratebay" is banned in india , is there any way to view that site without using proxy server in ubuntu18:30
theadminpijush: Sorry, illegal activities are not supported here.18:30
pijushi'm sorry18:30
newbie|2hai guys18:31
ejvnot to be /that/ guy, but there's legal content on thepiratebay; it's just a tracker18:31
shomontor and i2p are usually ways to get around censorship.18:31
Flannelandygraybeal: Windows Mail used to be called Outlook Express, so any of the information on moving from OE to Thunderbird should be relevant.18:31
shomonbut they'll probably be blocked too18:31
newbie|2what is tor?18:31
nibbler_hi. how would i convert broken utf-8 characters back to proper utf-8? ü is everywhere wehre a "ü" should be... :/18:31
chaditheadmin: the reason I am asking is that I have a touch screen on my laptop, and unity is extremely not touch screen friendly. Does that have a solution? (btw, the screen can handle at most 2 touch locations)18:32
andygraybealFlannel, okay.. what i've read so far says.. to load up Thunderbird and a wizard will help me transfer it.. but it doesn't.  When i manually run the 'wizard' it doesn't seem to recognize Windows Mail is even there.  this is why i'm baffled.  Maybe I'm just rediculously confused.  I've already told myself I would never work on a MS Windows machine again.. but he wants to move to Ubuntu, so I'm doing it.18:32
theadminnibbler_: There is iconv if that's of any help (tool to convert between encodings), try: iconv -t UTF-8 FILENAME18:33
kunjipijush: generally speaking I think you would need a proxy, I hear there are a number of free proxies (if you trust them), but I would recommend convincing a tech savvy relative in another country to setup a private proxy server just for you ^_^18:33
nibbler_theadmin, don't think that helps, as my file is currently in no proper encoding :/18:33
EliahKagantheadmin: since there's plenty of non-infringing content on thepiratebay, what are you referring to as "illegal activity"?18:33
reisionibbler_: shouldn't matter18:33
Flannelandygraybeal: you're looking for the mail? or the settings?18:34
kunjiIs it really banned in India?  As in illegal, or as in the ISPs block it and it is frowned upon?18:35
OrpheonI need some help. Whenever I execute Starcraft 2 nowadays, my internet connection strangely seems to die with 10 seconds of loging in, and nothing short of restarting modem and router can bring it back. I have wired connection, and have used starcraft 2 a year ago withotu problems. Ideas? Ubuntu 12.04, 64-bit, wine version 1.418:35
Orpheonoops, confused newline for bold18:35
nibbler_reisio, theadmin, does not work: http://nopaste.dk/p514318:36
pijushkunji: yes it is!18:36
reisionibbler_: -f iso-8859-118:36
andygraybealFlannel, the actual messages.. right now i'm exporting them from Windows Mail to a file.. and i'll see if i can deal with that with Thunderbird.18:37
Dj_FlyBySuccess! Finally..... Flopp18:37
theadminnibbler_: Hm... I suggest you find out what the ord() of that character is, and replace any characters matching that with u18:37
pijushkolkata high court ordered, to all isp in india. not only PB lots of site18:37
nibbler_reisio, http://nopaste.dk/p514418:37
nibbler_reisio, theadmin: guess i'll write a script to fix that and learn some about utf-8 meanwhile :/18:38
jragonFor some odd reason when I try and run the live cd it gets to the loading screen then the dots just keep rolling. After hitting escape I noticed it was hangin on udevd[168]: timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdb' [734]. When booting into windows it goes through the booting screen and then it gets to a black screen with a cursor on it, then after about 3 seconds it restarts.18:38
Flannelandygraybeal: There's a thunderbird extension which may help (I've never used it): http://nic-nac-project.de/~kaosmos/mboximport-en.html  You might want to talk to the thunderbird people, #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org18:38
Flannelandygraybeal: As they'll have a much better chance of having a canned solution that theyve already used, etc18:39
reisionibbler_: oh sorry18:39
kunjiOrpheon, SCII under wine?  I can never seem to get much of anything working well under wine, that is bold.  Do you have mouse lag then, I would always get bad mouse lag with wine even with BW18:39
reisionibbler_: the char is actually already utf-818:40
andygraybealFlannel, awesome bro. thank you for the tip18:40
reisionibbler_: whatever you're viewing it in is interpreting it as iso-8859-118:40
reisionibbler_: at least if we can trust nopaste.dk to have not meddled18:40
jackson_Hi I need some firmware for my Gateway computer. Could someone help me out?18:41
nibbler_reisio, check http://nopaste.dk/p514618:41
reisiojackson_: not with that info alone18:41
reisionibbler_: I'm not really sure 'file' is reliable for such things18:42
reisionibbler_: isutf8 from moreutils would be, though18:42
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reisioalthough that would confirm what I just said, that it's utf-8 already18:42
reisioperhaps it's your terminal/editor that is mis-encoding18:42
nibbler_reisio, it should be, i echoed öäü into that file, and its 7 bytes now. that means its clearly utf-818:42
shaneoany plexmediaserver users in her18:43
reisioif you say so :)18:43
nibbler_reisio, i belive i had a utf-8 file, that got interpreted as iso and as such converted to utf8, converting both bytes of the origninal utf-8 to a singular utf-8 character itself18:43
i7chow can i change those shortcuts like Super+T  opens trash on unity? (12.04) is there some tool to edit them? because the shortcuts section in system settings does not have any effect on this?18:43
pijushjackson_: emplane18:44
nibbler_reisio, 3 ascii character plus the \n should be 4 byte, 3 utf-8 characters, all of them being >128, should be 7byte or more?18:44
reisionibbler_: isutf8 would make it a certainty, but it doesn't matter really18:45
reisiothe question is why it's showing as iso-8859-118:45
Drajwerwhat is the best way to install python2.6 in ubuntu 12.04 LTS?18:45
nibbler_reisio, i belive both the special characters are utf-8 encoded by them self18:45
nibbler_reisio, the file is 5 byte in size, so i'd assume its 2 utf characters18:46
reisioDrajwer: the best way would be not at all18:46
nibbler_reisio, i reduced it to only the 2 broken chars18:46
reisionibbler_: you think it was converted twice18:46
reisiothat'd be unfortunate18:46
jragonHave you any idea what I should do to fix trhis?18:47
nibbler_reisio, yep, converting it the other way works ;-)18:47
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jdvaughnok. here we go again.... I need some firmware for a Broadcom BCM9431MPG(802.11B/G) wireless card. Any ideas?18:47
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Drajwerreisio thanks for your input18:47
reisiojragon: ...this what?18:48
jragonFor some odd reason when I try and run the live cd it gets to the loading screen then the dots just keep rolling. After hitting escape I noticed it was hangin on udevd[168]: timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdb' [734]. When booting into windows it goes through the booting screen and then it gets to a black screen with a cursor on it, then after about 3 seconds it restarts.18:48
jragonBasically I can't boot18:48
nibbler_thanks for your help reisio and theadmin. its still not perfect, but i'm a huge step further ,-)18:48
ashfallwilee-nilee: Tried that, Again the same error "The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192". It is just not able to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/Release.18:48
rocket16Hello guys. I need some help with DVDs. I have all restricted formats installed, and have run that css command too. My desktop running Ubuntu 12.04 plays the DVD without any problem, but my laptop can't. :( No DVD menu comes up on laptop, and as a matter of fact, I can;t also play flv videos. Any help?18:48
angsis there any user that has higher privilege than root?18:48
WarOfTheNerdangs, no18:48
WarOfTheNerdangs, the kernel itself has root but has more privileges internally18:49
WarOfTheNerdangs, but it runs all its threads as root18:49
wilee-nileeashfall, and I think you had tried the key fetch right with this key?18:49
ashfallyes. :(18:49
wilee-nileeashfall, not sure really18:50
ashfallTried the key-fetch, tried changing mirror, tried the move lists to lists.old thing.18:50
jdvaughncan anyone help me out with my b43 wireless firmware?18:50
ashfallwilee-nilee: Alright, should I just let it be? is it an important module which *needs* to be updated?18:50
i7chow can i change those shortcuts like Super+T  opens trash on unity? (12.04) is there some tool to edit them? because the shortcuts section in system settings does not have any effect on this?18:51
ashfallAlso, why isn't my 11.10 automatically suggesting and upgrade to 12.04? Just wondering.18:51
reisioi7c: which version of Ubuntu?18:51
ashfall*and = an18:51
wilee-nileeashfall, not sure to be honest this does not happen to me I only know those areas really.18:51
i7creisio: 12.04 LTS18:51
jdvaughnthats the beauty of linux18:52
reisioi7c: whoops sorry you said didn't you :p18:52
ashfallwilee-nilee: Alright, thanks anyway. :)18:52
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jdvaughnHey does anyone have experience with older wireless cards?18:53
EuroNerdI want to install the full LAMP stack on my Ubuntu Desktop. Some web tutorials show how to install Apache, MySQL etc separately, some just show apt-get install lamp-server^.  Which one is a better idea?18:53
reisioi7c: several solutions here http://www.google.com/search?q=how%20to%20change%20shortcuts%20in%20unity but keep in mind this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/99588518:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 995885 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Custom keyboard shortcuts do not work if they use the Super key" [High,In progress]18:54
reisiojdvaughn: irrelevant18:54
axisysfailing to burn dvd with brasero.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011773/18:54
axisyswhat gives?18:54
jdvaughnsorry bro. this is my first time using irc18:54
i7creisio: thx. so there is gonna be a fix for this soon? :)18:54
reisioEuroNerd: I don't think you'll find a package 'lamp-server'18:55
zambai'm cloning /dev/sda to /dev/sdb using dd in a live-cd session.. it has now been running for well over an hour.. how long is it supposed to take?18:55
ejvEuroNerd: follow the primary documentation @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP18:55
ashickur-noor@EuroNerd sudo apt-get install lamp-server phpmyadmin18:55
reisioEuroNerd: IMO it's a better idea to know what is going on, by installing things specifically18:55
slonopotamussuppose i have repo A and installed some packages from it. after that, i enable repo B that has newer paclages than repo A and do "apt-get upgrade". then, i change my mind and what to revert packages to latest versions from repo A, effectively pretending as if repo B never touched my system. what steps are required besides removing repo B?18:55
zambajust a ballpark figure?18:55
reisiozamba: depends on the size of the drive18:55
reisiozamba: what bs options you gave it18:55
reisiozamba: etc.18:55
zambareisio: the source is 80 GB18:55
reisiozamba: is it Windows?18:55
zambareisio: i just did dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb18:55
zambareisio: nope18:55
reisiozamba: generally it's a waste of time to dd Unix systems18:56
EuroNerdreisio, check for yourself, just note the "^" character at the end.18:56
reisiozamba: since they're so easy to reconfigure for changed hardware (unlike Windows)18:56
OerHeksslonopotamus, use ppa-purge18:56
jdvaughnWhere do I find firmware for my b43 wireless card? Can I install it off of a flash usb drive?18:56
reisioEuroNerd: check what?18:56
reisiojdvaughn: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22b43%22%20site%3Ahelp.ubuntu.com18:56
zambareisio: someone in here suggested to do 'dd'18:56
zambareisio: what's the alternative?18:56
EuroNerdashickur-noor, thanks.  Some tutorials also show how to install LAMP with sth called "taskel". Is that better or worse?18:56
reisiozamba: someone is wasting your time :/18:56
jdvaughnthanks! :)18:57
reisiozamba: rsync -av /mnt/source mnt/destination18:57
ashickur-noor@EuroNerd I am not sure18:57
ashickur-noorI always use that thing18:57
EuroNerdreisio, type sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ into your terminal - there is such a thing.18:57
zambareisio: what about grub?18:57
reisiozamba: however FFR, using the bs option for dd will speed things up, if you use it right18:57
reisiozamba: what about it? You can reinstall it from virtually any Linux live OS18:57
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:57
zambareisio: well.. grub isn't something i'm very comfortable with18:57
reisiozamba: frequently with a single command: grub-install18:57
zambareisio: well.. you have to specify target and stuff?18:58
slonopotamusOerHeks: thanks, looking at it...18:58
reisioEuroNerd: must be an alias for a group of packages18:58
ejvyea, just follow the docs. :)18:58
OerHeksjdvaughn, all i had to do is sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer18:58
reisiozamba: it's almost always the first device: grub-install /dev/sda18:58
ejvyes it's a meta package just like "build-essential"18:58
OerHeksjdvaughn, and reboot after that.18:58
jdvaughnThanks a million man!!!!!! :)18:58
reisiozamba: you can always dd just the MBR, though, if you want18:58
reisiozamba: that will take mere seconds18:58
barakatis there any way in ubuntu 12.04 to toggle the behavior of "alt-tab" to the old timey ways? (o ye and remove the "desktop" option from it if at all possible)18:59
zambahm, maybe just abort this, then18:59
zykotick9ejv: tasksel stuff typically aren't "packages"18:59
OerHeksjdvaughn, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/b4318:59
zambaand do rsync instead18:59
jdvaughnI was just reading that. Thanks anyway!18:59
ejvwhich is why i used the word "meta" zykotick9 :)18:59
zambaoh.. cooooome on18:59
zambait was at 78 GB18:59
zambaand the disk was 80 GB :p18:59
reisioejv: build-essential is actually listed at packages.ubuntu.com18:59
ejvreisio: hi mate, yea build-essential is simply a reference to all packages needed to compile software, it's not "real"19:00
reisiobarakat: if there's a compiz option for it yes, otherwise you'd have to change wm19:00
reisioejv: it seems realer than lamp-server, which is not listed19:00
zambahow much swap do i need?19:01
reisiojust a difference in abstraction approaches, I s'pose19:01
zambai have 3 GB ram on an ubuntu server19:01
ejvi've never installed apache2/php/mysql using any meta packaging; i prefer to install them one at a time19:01
reisiozamba: no more than 319:01
zykotick9ejv: meta-packages are quasi-real, calling tasksel "meta" packages is misleading19:01
reisioejv: agreed19:01
ejvjust like the docs suggest (re: installing them one by one) hehe19:01
jragonAnybody noes what I've done to break it, or how I can fix it?19:02
reisiojragon: break what?19:02
jragonFor some odd reason when I try and run the live cd it gets to the loading screen then the dots just keep rolling. After hitting escape I noticed it was hangin on udevd[168]: timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdb' [734]. When booting into windows it goes through the booting screen and then it gets to a black screen with a cursor on it, then after about 3 seconds it restarts.19:02
jragonIt normally boots just fine...19:02
ejvfor some reason 12.04 LTS is much slower than 10.04 LTS, how do I fix? :)19:02
reisiozamba: rsync should be about as fast as cp, but more reliable, it's even resumable if interrupted19:02
stuenghow to list all installed packages from terminal pls ?19:02
zykotick9stueng: all packages eh?19:03
reisiostueng: dpkg -l19:03
pgibhello guys. I'm having trouble with pulseaudio-module-jack.  I would like for my pulseaudio applications to be routed through jack.  I installed this module.  However, I do not see any way to tell pulse to output to jack or vice-versa.  Ideas?19:03
zambareisio: sweet19:03
reisiothat is, you just run the same command again, and it'll resume from where it was19:04
zambai'm setting up the partition table on the new disk.. two primary partitions.. one at 295 GiB and the other at 3 GiB for swap.. that's ok, right?19:04
zambaor should i do extended partitions?19:04
reisioand if you're paranoid you can run it again after it finishes and it'll finish real fast19:04
ejv300G of swap is better o:-)19:04
reisiozamba: sounds fine19:04
ejvfunny story i actually did that once, doh :)19:04
zambawhat about LVM?19:05
reisiozamba: you can squeeze more out of a server by specializing (mostly via FS choice) different parts of the system on different partitions19:05
reisiozamba: but that takes lots of research19:05
ejvLVM is cool, adds a layer of complexity you may not really need19:05
reisiozamba: LVM is good if you think you'll be making changes19:05
reisio(to the partitions)19:05
warpinohi there19:05
zambanah, not to this partition19:05
ejvjust can't use xfs; they don't support shrinking; only growth19:06
reisiowarpino: hiyo19:06
reisioejv: interesting19:06
zambabut i have four hard drives.. 2 IDE drives at 320 GB and 2 SATA drives at 250.. so 4 in total.. and i want to get most out of these four19:06
warpinodo you know why multi-arch is not enabled for some packages?19:06
reisiocan't say I'd choose xfs anyways :p19:06
zambahow would you suggest setting them up?19:06
warpinoI'm trying to install libncurses5-dev:i38619:06
ejvreisio: it's a good fs, gets the job done; for lvm, definitely ext3/419:06
warpinoand it tries to uninstall a bunch of things on ubuntu pp 12.0419:06
reisiozamba: well you could use LVM to abstract that into one device19:07
reisiozamba: or FS19:07
reisiozamba: but if you don't have a backup system in place you should probably dedicate one or two to that19:07
zambareisio: what's FS?19:07
reisiofile system19:07
reisiodevice > partition > file system19:08
jdvaughnGeekSquid: Hi19:08
reisioLVM can abstract the first two for the last19:08
The_BROSThere is a problem of connection to repositories. What is the problem?19:08
zambareisio: is it possible to get redundancy here as well?19:08
reisioThe_BROS: can you ping them?19:08
reisiozamba: yes, but RAID is tricky and hard on drives19:08
jdvaughnAm I supposed to get an absurdly long delay before start when I try to boot from a usb drive?19:09
zambareisio: hm?19:09
reisiozamba: you might want to read up on it and try it later on19:09
zambareisio: i have set up software raids before19:09
* reisio shrugs19:09
warpinois there a way to install libncurses5-dev:i386 without removing things?19:09
The_BROS<reisio> How? It was working yest, bot now I see errors only19:09
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reisioI'd say to really safely use RAID you'd want more disks19:09
reisioThe_BROS: today is a new day19:10
ActionPa1snipjdvaughn: when you are booted, run:  dmesg | less     then scroll down with cursors and look for large gaps in the time on the left19:10
zambamaybe i'll just set up each pair of disk into its own raid-0, striping19:10
zambaand forget about the redundancy19:10
ActionPa1snipzamba: how ironic :)19:10
zambaActionPa1snip: what is?19:10
reisiozamba: as long as you think the data will survive one disk croaking19:10
ActionPa1snipzamba: using raid-0 and forgetting about redundancy19:11
jdvaughnActionPa1snip: Could you walk me through this? Im trying to install v12.04 for the first time19:11
daviddoriaIf I go to the K menu and type 'image', the first thing in the list is "Image Viewer". How do I determine the name of this executable so I can run it from a terminal? I tried im[tab] in a terminal, but there are no matches19:11
zambaActionPa1snip: raid-0 is striping, right?19:11
OerHeksjdvaughn, live iso on USB can take up to 4-5 min to boot.19:11
zambaActionPa1snip: meaning i won't have any..19:11
reisioAKA not raid :p19:11
zambatrue :)19:11
ActionPa1snipzamba: exactly, but the R in raid stands for 'redundant'19:11
zambaActionPa1snip: hehe, ok19:11
jdvaughnOerHeks: My machine has been sitting idle for the last 1019:11
zykotick9ActionPa1snip: what does the I stand for? ;)19:12
reisioit is redundant, but not redundant enough19:12
zambaunless you have some other smart way of using 2x250 and 2x32019:12
jdvaughnOerHeks: It is about a thousand years old, though19:12
reisionor is it disks19:12
ActionPa1snipzamba: raid-0 technically isn't raid, it just uses the same technology and disk accessing :)19:12
reisiozykotick9: inexpensive/independent19:12
hayloLjL, you op troll muting is troll oping19:12
haylocmon just ban me if you have a problem- that rude19:12
reisioyou can skip the I, redundant array of disks19:12
OerHeksjdvaughn, as long as there is usb led activity, and caps lock works, hold on !19:12
zykotick9reisio: :) nice to see you presented both versions19:12
reisiozykotick9: IKR :p19:13
ActionPa1snipjdvaughn: md5 test the ISO, use unetbootin to make the USB device, boot to USB19:13
jdvaughnOerHeks: No led, no hdd activity19:13
Myrttihaylo: please take it to pm or -ops, you should know better than to do your laundry here19:13
jdvaughnActionPa1snip: Thats well over my head, I'm afraid. Any fix will have to be on a pretty basic level :(19:14
haylofine Myrtti but i dont like muting19:14
imbezol17061 imbezol   20   0 2979m 1.8g 6012 S    0 22.7  12:23.33 nm-applet19:14
hayloi should have been kicked19:14
EuroNerdMy 12.04 no longer takes log-in screen background from my account wallpaper but uses the standard violet one. How do I get it back?19:14
imbezolthis network manager applet seems to be crazy on the memory consumption19:14
hayloil just leave19:14
zambamaybe set up a 4x250 raid-5 and then set up the last as a 70 GB raid-1?19:14
zambaand then use lvm on top of that?19:14
jdvaughnEuroNerd: I so hate that19:14
imbezol3 gigs virtual19:14
zambato get 750+70 GB total disk space?19:14
imbezol1.8 resident19:14
zambabut still with redundancy?19:14
outsyncofhi, i'm very new to linux I was wondering if anybody could assist19:15
outsyncofmy vlc video is choppy when playing m4v files19:15
zykotick9imbezol: really?  that's insanity.19:15
zambareisio: what are your thoughts on that?19:15
jdvaughnOutsyncof: I'm pretty much in the same boat :/19:15
zambaor is that a different raid level altogether?19:15
zambaraid-7? :)19:16
jdvaughnoutsyncof: I'd be happy do do what I can19:16
zykotick9outsyncof: you could try mplayer+vdpau if you have nvidia19:16
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outsyncofjdvaughn: i really like VLC :( I was really hoping to stick to linux this time around but i always have an issue w/ one thing or another19:17
EuroNerdOK, so an easier question: What's the name of the program/package that deals with 12.04 log-in UI.19:17
zykotick9EuroNerd: lightdm19:17
jdvaughnoutsyncof: vlc works on linux19:17
jdvaughnanyone correct me if im wrong19:17
netmkEuroNerd: lightdm19:17
EuroNerdzykotick9, thanks19:17
EuroNerdnetmk, roger19:18
netmkheh yeah, sorry didn't see he had already replied19:18
outsyncofjdvaughn: its working, its just choppy especially during action scenes19:19
jdvaughnoutsyncof: how fast is your computer?19:19
outsyncofjdvaughn: quad core AMD19:20
jdvaughnoutsyncof: nice machine :)  I'm afraid I'm lost on this one. Sorry :(19:21
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outsyncofjdvaughn: do you happen to know how i can play DVDs back19:21
XiRoNHow can I install libnet0 dev onto my ubuntu system?19:22
outsyncofjdvaughn: do i have to install anything extra19:22
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ActionPa1snipEuroNerd: lightdm19:22
jdvaughnoutsyncof: you have a dvd drive right? or are you trying to play a movie from your hard drive?19:22
xangua!dvd | outsyncof19:23
ubottuoutsyncof: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:23
jdvaughnubottu: :)19:23
ZenMasterHi guys, I am trying to get graphics acceleration on my Dell PowerEdge 2800.19:23
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ZenMasterI believe it is a ATI-7000//19:23
outsyncofi have a DVD drive19:23
XiRoNDoes anyone know how I can install LIBNET0 DEV onto my ubuntu system?19:24
ZenMasterI was recommended checking out additional drivers. but that shows nothign.19:24
jdvaughnoutsyncof: You may have to got to media...open disc...select your disc, etc19:24
outsyncofi have VLC but it doesnt seem to be playing DVDs19:24
imneveral0necan someone help me get my clock from 24 to 12 hour format?19:24
ncopahi, my wife is unhappy with ubuntu. her netbook has only 1 G ram (not possible to expand)19:25
theadminncopa: Lubuntu or Xubuntu19:25
ncopashe has used ubuntu for years, but the last 2-3 releases have been close to useless19:25
ncopawill she be able to manage that?19:25
jdvaughnncopa: you could try a distro thats lighter on system resources19:25
reisioncopa: follows the typical DE paradigm19:25
reisioncopa: Lubuntu (with LXDE) would be the "lightest", at least initially19:26
ncopaneeds to user friendly enough for her19:26
ActionPa1snipXiRoN: I can only find the one from Hardy which is obsolete19:26
reisioncopa: menu, taskbar, file manager, same things19:26
jdvaughnncopa: have you tried that? It will likely run much faster19:26
XiRoNSo I can't install it?19:26
ActionPa1snipncopa: ubuntu minimal + fluxbox + slim = lightest19:26
reisioprobably more light than he'd want, though :p19:27
ncopai know how to build a lightwight distro (I build alpine linux)19:27
ncopabut i need something that wife can manage19:27
ncopathus ubuntu19:27
ncopayou think she will manage lubuntu?19:27
ncopawifi just works?19:27
ncopahow can she install apps?19:28
xanguancopa: if you are using unity with compiz, you could try unit2d19:28
jdvaughnI'm trying to reinstall ubuntu 12.04 from a usb stick but my computer just stays at the ubuntu screen with the scrolling dots. No cpu usage, no hdd usage. Help?19:28
OerHeksncopa, try Xubuntu19:28
ncopaapt-get install unity2d?19:28
reisioncopa: Lubuntu is Ubuntu (Debian) with LXDE19:28
ncopai ran xubuntu on the family desktop, no good...19:28
jdvaughnncopa: you could also try a cloud-based distro19:28
reisioncopa: almost everything is the same, it's just lighter19:28
reisioncopa: what was no good about it?19:29
jdvaughnreisio: its hideously ugly, in my opinion (not that you asked for it...)19:29
ActionPa1snipncopa: same as ubuntu19:29
ncopanot the same plug-and-play level as ubuntu triaditionally has had19:29
ncopa(i use xubuntu myself)19:29
ncopascreen config etc19:29
ncopanot as polished19:29
garlicok I'm about to install windows 7, I'v alread got ubuntu 12.04 installed on my drive19:29
jdvaughnncopa: oops. sorry :(19:29
chadifolks, is it possible to create a new task by shift + click19:30
reggie_I downloaded the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers package but I can't for the life of me find where they get placed19:30
jdvaughngarlic: when you go to install ubuntu you can format partitions before install19:30
ncopawhats the meta package name for lubuntu?19:30
xanguancopa: or you could try unity2d instead of unity for lighter19:30
garlicI'm wondering if I should install windows at the beginning of my drive partition or after ubuntu19:30
reisioncopa: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelubuntu19:30
xanguareggie_: tried usr/share/backgrounds ¿19:31
garlicbasically does it matter where I install windows719:31
jdvaughngarlic: after ubuntu, definitely19:31
ncopaxangua, will try that. thanks!19:31
reisiogarlic: shouldn't technically matter, but Windows will appreciate being installed first19:31
jdvaughngarlic: windows is not equipped to handle dual boot setups19:31
ncopathanks for useful feedback19:31
reisioand by that I mean: you'll have slightly less work for yourself19:31
garlicjdvaughn: so my partition should look like .. windows7 then ubuntu12.04 then the swap .. right?19:31
breekbotjoin ##python-friendly19:32
kunjigarlic: which partition before or after isn't terribly important, which order (time) you install in can make it easier or harder (may need to reinstall grub if you install windows after ubuntu)19:32
jdvaughngarlic: exactly! :) hope it helps19:32
reggie_xangua, nope I don't see them there, although I do see all the regular Ubuntu Backgrounds19:33
jdvaughnhey guys im still waiting for my flash drive to boot and ive been sitting here for an hour and getting old. SOS!19:33
zykotick9reggie_: you might try "dpkg -S PACKAGENAME"19:34
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ncopahum.. unity2d uses qt. how can that use less ram?19:34
jdvaughnhello? anyone??19:35
xanguancopa: it doesn't use compiz efects19:35
reisiojdvaughn: nobody knows what you want19:35
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outsyncofanybody have ideas regarding DVD playback? its not playing for me in VLC19:37
jdvaughnHello world: How do I make my computer move past the initial splash screen with the scrolling dots? Im trying to boot from usb and nothing happens. Do i need to edit something in the BIOS?19:37
kunji1outsyncof: something isn't playing in vlc?  but... doesn't it play everything?19:37
jdvaughnkunji1: we should sue19:37
zykotick9kunji1: only mplayer plays everything ;)19:38
outsyncofm4v videos are choppy19:38
ncopaxangua: but i will end up with both qt libs and gtk libs in mem19:38
EuroNerdMy 12.04 no longer takes log-in screen background from my account wallpaper but uses the standard violet one. How do I get it back?19:38
outsyncofand dvds arent playing lol19:38
kunji1outsyncof: have you tried installing the non free dvd codecs?19:38
wilee-nileejdvaughn, what does the text say when it stops19:38
xanguaoutsyncof: did you download libdvdread And aldo run the install script described in  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs  ¿19:38
ncopaxangua: do you have any numbers for unity2d ompared to compiz?19:38
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: I get no text besides the "ubuntu" in the middle of the screen19:39
xanguancopa: yes, i am using it right now and my pc doesn't heat and use less memory compared to unity-compiz19:39
wilee-nileejdvaughn, so you think a freeze then, have you tried nomodeset?19:39
reggie_zykotick9, thanks! That got it!19:40
wilee-nileejdvaughn, if you hit the up arrow you might get the actual text.19:40
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: Im suspecting a freeze. How do I force the install to continue?19:40
zykotick9reggie_: glad to help19:40
waxstonemy computer randomly freezes when I use the default installed firefox on 12.04. Having no issues when using Chromium. Can anyone help me solve this?19:40
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: im not getting a command line interface im getting a splash screen19:41
wilee-nileejdvaughn, hit the arrow key on the keyboard the up one and see if you get actual text, never seen anyone run a force here.19:41
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: i tried that19:42
kunji1libsyncof: I would go through the medibuntu repository section here: http://debianhelp.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/to-do-list-after-installing-ubuntu-12-04-lts-aka-precise-pangolin/19:42
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: should i shut down and reboot into recovery mode?19:42
jdvaughntoscho: hi19:43
wilee-nileejdvaughn, we are not communicating19:43
toschosince some days ago, my printer stopped printing some documents I created with latex19:43
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: i concur19:43
wilee-nileejdvaughn, their is no recovery from a usb19:43
toschohe prints until the first occurence of math formulas19:43
jdvaughnwilee-nille: lets start from the beginning: I went to boot my computer from usb and try to reenstall, and it froze19:44
ncopawhat i dont get with unity is that its designed for small screens (typical netbook) but uses so much resources that its useless for netbooks19:44
reisioncopa: I believe someone mentioned unity 2d19:44
reisioreally only an issue for netbooks without decent graphics, though19:45
ncopathe graphics is good19:45
ncopaintel chipset19:45
ncopanew computer19:45
wilee-nileejdvaughn, so why how did it install the first time, same distro, same usb?19:45
ncopathe problem is memory usage19:45
ncopai'll try unity2d once wife reboots back from win719:45
reisiointel isn't usually what people call "good" :p19:45
reisionon-problematic, to be sure19:45
reisiobut not impressive, not typically19:45
reisioor at least not historically19:45
ncopaworks very well with unity19:45
ncopacompiz etc19:46
reisioyes it does19:46
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: i had ubuntu installed already, but I could not boot because of a missing graphics driver when I installed version 12.04, so I tried to reinstall from usb19:46
ncopathe problem is memory19:46
reisiothat's because your intel is onboard19:46
reisioand hasn't its own memory, most likely, to speak of19:46
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reisiowhich is why people don't usually consider it "good" :D19:46
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | jdvaughn you mention a graphic driver maybe the freeze is a missing driver look at this link19:47
ubottujdvaughn you mention a graphic driver maybe the freeze is a missing driver look at this link: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:47
ncopa*shurg* the linux support is good19:47
kunji1jdvaughn: you get the GRUB menu before that don't you?  Or the boot menu for the live USB?  In either case there should be a way to turn off the quiet boot (though I don't recall how to right now), then you can probably get some error text at least.19:47
ncopawhat annoys me is that it starts to swap while playing games (due to software updater kicks in)19:47
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wilee-nileekunji1, remove the splash entry from the kernel19:47
ncopaand software center eats tons of rma19:48
jdvaughnkunji1: i have the grub boot menu up now, running off of the hard drive19:48
jdvaughnkunji1: im trying to reinstall19:48
reisioplay a lot of intense games on your 1GB RAM netbook, do you? :D19:48
wilee-nileejdvaughn, use the safeboot from the rceovery then that may get you in.19:48
reisionot sure that's what they're for19:48
blackcosteauCan anyone answer me a question? I configured a script to disable my trackpad. What I  have recently noticed is that the xinput list shows the value to have changed from 15 to 12. Would anyone know why?19:48
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: here goes...............19:48
wilee-nileejdvaughn, safe boot or something like that19:49
ncopait works perfet and wife is happy with her puzzle games in wine - til sofware updater eats up the mem19:49
ncopaand start swapping19:49
reisioblackcosteau: you plugged another usb device in19:49
kunji1Mmmk, yeah, what wilee-nilee said most likely, I wasn't clear if you had installed grub to the usb and you were going to run off that, or if it was the intall/live usb19:49
reisioncopa: heh19:49
* Telg is away: Away19:49
* Telg is back (gone 00:00:02)19:50
TomSlominskiHi. I'm struggling to connect my HTC Hero running 2.1 to adb. Got adb installed and running, it just can't see my device. I've created a rule for udev.19:50
reisioTelg: TMI19:50
jdvaughnwilee-nille: i have the recovery menu up now. theres a list of boot options: resume normal boot, clean, dpkg, root, etc. where do i go from here?19:50
reisioTomSlominski: adb?19:50
TomSlominskireisio, android debug bridge, included with the android SDK19:50
waxstonemy computer randomly freezes when I use the default installed firefox on 12.04. Having no issues when using Chromium. Can anyone help me solve this?19:50
wilee-nileejdvaughn, I think there is a low graphics choice there I forget the name though.19:50
waxstonejdvaughn,  press e and edit kernal line adding nomodeset19:51
wilee-nileejdvaughn, this 12.04?19:51
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: yup19:51
jdvaughnwaxstone: ill try that. wish me luck......19:52
waxstoneadd near quiet splash19:52
wilee-nileejdvaughn, I would use the nomodeset from the regular kernel as waxstone suggests, the bot link shows you exactly how.19:52
reisioTomSlominski: ah19:52
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: ok. thanks!19:53
wilee-nileejdvaughn, if you got to a cli you can remove the old driver as well I just don't know the commands.19:53
wilee-nileenever had a nvidia myself19:54
jdvaughnwilee-nilee: i wouldnt be able to use them, im afraid. my command line knowledge is nonexistent :( thanks anyway19:54
escottwaxstone, any pattern to when it freezes? flash games? webgl?19:54
TomSlominskihang on, i need to reboo19:55
EuroNerdwhat's a nice ftp server, working out of the box?19:56
escottEuroNerd, ftp must die19:56
tomreynhi, i'm on 12.04 and the system doesn't check for updates, and thus never notifies me about any updates becoming available. how can i fix this?19:56
escottEuroNerd, if you can just use sftp in the openssh server19:57
DeltaHeavyEuroNerd: vsftp although SFTP via SSH is better.19:57
jdvaughnok, well, its getting pretty late. thanks for the help everyone! God Bless19:57
D[4]nimeh. rhythmbox-client doesn't work correctly. :<19:58
D[4]ni--print-playing-format="%td" should return the track duration, but returns nothing instead19:58
ActionPa1sniptomreyn: are you fully updated?19:58
stuengin /etc/network/interfaces, typically I have auto eth0 etc... whats the opposite of auto eth0? I want ot bring this interface up manually19:59
ActionPa1snipstueng: just leave the line out and it won't come up automatically19:59
DeltaHeavyD[4]ni: More times than not it's working fine, it's your usage of it.19:59
csilkIs there anyway to change the font size in the eclipse package viewer without changing the OS fonts?19:59
tomreynActionPa1snip: i'm not sure about how it is right now. but something seems rotten when i have used to gui to configure daily checks fpr upgrades and then don't get a notification for a week.19:59
stuengcheers AP20:00
tomreynActionPa1snip: ... and then when i check for updates manually get a huge chunk of them.20:00
D[4]niDeltaHeavy: rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format="%td" returns an empty string, while %te works correctly (returns the elapsed time of the track)20:00
Slacklineyou guys, why all the areas where I'm able to resize , minimize and close windows have just vanished ?? disappeared ??20:00
BodsdaHi guys - is there any known issues with 12.04 and encrypted wifi networks - A mate of mine is having issues where it continually asks for the password but never connects. We have confirmed that the wifi card works fine on unsecured networks20:00
tomreynActionPa1snip: the problem is that if i check for updates manually now then i destroy my test case20:01
ActionPa1sniptomreyn: run:   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade20:01
ActionPa1sniptomreyn: ah20:01
ActionPa1sniptomreyn: there is an option to check for updates and stuff20:01
csilkBodsda, I've had that with all versions of Ubuntu on all hardware. Try resetting the router and removing the wifi network from your config20:01
DeltaHeavyD[4]ni: Are you sure you're not overlooking any condition on when that must be called? If it can be used on your specific codec? Look for example usage of it.20:01
tomreynActionPa1snip: can you be more specific? where is said option and what should it be set to?20:02
waxstoneescott: no pattern. I first though it was related to movies or having multiple windows open but then  a few times ubuntu froze as it opened after booting up.20:02
ZelestThis might be the wrong place to ask, but when using mdadm, is it safe to run --assemble to detect/"link" an existing raid setup, or does it write anything to the disks?20:02
escottwaxstone, how hard a freeze is it? do keys like numlock light up? can you REISUB (see !sysrq)?20:02
D[4]niDeltaHeavy: i found the information in man rhythmbox-client. there's nothing more than "%td    track duration" there20:02
escottZelest, i believe that is safe20:03
vexaxvdoes anyone use hulu desktop on ubuntu 12.04?20:03
xanguatomreyn: in the update manager - preferences - update tab ; make sure is not marked as Never check20:03
D[4]nione possible problem could be that i'm playing music directly from my iphone... but rhythmbox itself displays the correct lengths20:03
waxstoneescott, I never looked for lights but i can't reach any terminals. i.e. CTRL+ALT+F1. Keyboard and mouse  freeze20:04
Bodsdacsilk: ok, just tried removing references to the network, rebooted router, still no joy20:04
escott!sysrq | waxstone try this20:04
ubottuwaxstone try this: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key20:04
tomreynxangua: it's set to check for updates daily20:04
Slacklineanyone ?please20:04
kunji1Does anyone know why a connection to mediatomb streaming a video might disconnect, it seems that it's just my desktop disconnecting from the router for just a second, but I have never had this problem before.  I know that question is awfully general...  Since I was having this problem I attempted to see if it was just the usb wireless adapter for my desktop going bad by connecting through another computers wireless instead (forwarding the 20:05
D[4]nijust checked with a local file - iphone is NOT the problem.20:05
waxstoneescott, I definitely try that trick as I hate forceing a shut down. should I try to freeze now to test?20:05
csilkBodsda, resetting the router always worked for me. I never managed to diagnose what was causing the issue though20:05
kunji1Did Slackline as a question?  I don't see it.20:05
vexaxvanybody use hulu desktop???20:05
Bodsdacsilk: ok, thanks20:05
freedayhulu , lol20:06
KarkaraSalutations, brothers in arms! Just recently I've been getting this annoying bug: "Process /usr/bin/totem [also 'totem-video-thumbnailer'] was killed by signal 7 (SIGBUS)". It happens whenever I try to open the default video player or Banshee. Any ideas on how to solve that?20:06
Slacklineyou guys, why all the areas where I'm able to resize , minimize and close windows have just vanished ?? disappeared ??20:06
escottwaxstone, if you are in the mode to try and check sure. you can look at things like /var/log/syslog when you get back and see if there is anything listed20:06
freedayi got toorent20:06
xanguatomreyn: well there are not always updates daily if what you want is the update manager to pup up daily20:06
waxstoneescott, well I definitely prefer firefox so here goes20:06
tomreynxangua: i have a couple PPAs, too, and ffor me, there should be updates daily20:07
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tomreynxangua: it really just does not run apt-get update.20:07
baazigar|rajatDarael : i restarted ubuntu after upgrading but its not starting up : give compiz error20:07
tomreynxangua: everything after that would work: i get notifications, and can then install those updates20:08
baazigar|rajatDarael : i am working from backup now20:08
kunji1Slackline: What do you mean disappeared?  Can't you do it from the edges?  Or do you mean they're just really small now?  I wouldn't know, that would be one for the GUI Ubuntu devs, not sure if they frequent here much or not.20:08
eianI installed and purged an installation of mysql-server.  I am trying to reinstall it now but apt won't rebuild the default config file - How do I get the default config again?20:08
D[4]niSlackline: that happened to me once too. are you using wine?20:09
Slacklinekunji1, yes, there is no more a bor for that20:09
SlacklineD[4]ni, yhes20:09
eianThis is probably some generic command for apt packages but I don't know which one20:09
D[4]niSlackline: some windows program probably used the DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea api - logging out and in again and stopping using the application that calls that should help20:10
ActionPa1snipeian: tried:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename20:10
RyuGunsSimple question: Is it possible for a program to make itself run on startup without root privileges?20:10
eianAction, I haven't tried that yet - will do so now. Thanks!20:10
rrvahi! I want to slim down on memory usage on my ubuntu precise laptop. What the best route to go? I use gnome3 desktop but there are waaay to many processes running after I did a default install. There are many things I personally do not need. Any common guides on what packages to purge?20:10
ActionPa1snipRyuGuns: yes, add it in your startup applications (available in dash)20:10
SlacklineD[4]ni, which app woult that be ?20:11
ActionPa1sniprrva: install lxde, log off and boot into LXDE20:11
D[4]niSlackline: i don't know, what do you run in wine?20:11
RyuGunsActionPa1snip: Thanks.20:11
RyuGunsOne more..20:11
rrvaActionPa1snip: I like gnome-shell. Is lxde similar for the wm?20:11
RyuGunsIs Avast! for linux any good?20:11
freedayapt-get remove --purge package20:11
ActionPa1sniprrva: you imagine you can use gnome-shell on top of lxde20:12
MonkeyDust!virus| RyuGuns20:12
ubottuRyuGuns: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:12
SlacklineD[4]ni, this is happening when I start up, nothing is being started up with wine ,20:12
zykotick9rrva: you could start with mini cd, and built up your system (to reduce the ubuntu-cruft)20:12
kunji1Slackline:  You can probably restart the window manager without logging in and out (if that causes a window manager crash? D[4]ni? I don't know what that api call does, but also can't you disable it in wine?), but I don't have the issue and don't have wine installed right now.. so I can't really test it out.20:12
ActionPa1snipRyuGuns: its ok, there are others too. You don't need AV for a regular desktop you know20:12
Slacklineit really happened after I upgraded20:12
rrvazykotick9: I already have an installed system which I want to reduce from (precise)20:12
zykotick9rrva: understood, but i'd say you are doing this backwards20:13
kunji1Slackline: ah, nvm, you might need to reinstall your window manager if it's happening at boot.20:13
Slacklinekunji1, and it's happening for the last 3 weeks, so I reboot of the windows manager, wont work20:13
rrvazykotick9: yeah but I am up and running and too lazy to redo20:13
baazigar|rajatHello ! when i start ubuntu , i can login but nothing shows up on the screen, just an error : compiz crashed20:13
Slacklinekunji1, I see20:13
baazigar|rajatI upgraded ubuntu last night :(20:14
baazigar|rajatCan someone help?20:14
kunji1baazigar|rajat: does your video card support 3d graphics?  were you using them before?  Unity requires compiz to run, you might try Unity 2D instead.20:14
ScrivenerWhen attempting to boot from linux live disk (I believe 12.04 64-bit), the bootup process hangs after producing a few lines of this as the last output: "WARN: short transfer on control ep". I've searched this, but only found things referring to USB 3.0 drives and such not being recognized. I don't think I have anything plugged into a USB 3.0 port, but even if I did, why would that stop the live boot process?20:14
rrvaActionPa1snip: I'll try xfce420:15
waxstoneescott, froze without being able to REISUB. capslock & numlock light could not toggled. checking syslog be toggled20:15
baazigar|rajatkunji1 : yes, my ubuntu was working before, i even tried ubuntu 2d but still the problem remains20:15
BiafraOkay... I'm having problems getting 12.04 LTS Desktop to boot off of USB20:16
ActionPa1sniprrva: another option :)20:16
ActionPa1snipBiafra: what happens when  you try?20:16
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stuenghi, having problems with a wireless device. lspci shows  Intel 3945ABG connection. The little indicator hardware light on the front of the laptop isnt illuminated though. iwlist scan shows no results.20:16
Biafrait hangs mid-boot20:16
BiafraActionTa1sn1p: it hangs mid-boot20:17
ActionPa1snipBiafra: what video chip do you use and do you use swutching GPUs?20:17
ActionPa1snipBiafra: use TAB to complete nicks ;)20:17
EuroNerdI just installed LAMP on 12.04, but my /var/www folder is root owned and I can't put things there. How do I make it accessible for me as a user?20:17
BiafraActionPa1sn1p: Single AMD Radeon HD 6870 (Barts) (no switching)20:18
waxstoneescott, not seeing anything tha scream ERROR WARNING WARNING20:18
ActionPa1snipEuroNerd: who is the group owner20:18
ActionPa1snipBiafra: try the boot option: nomodeset20:18
Biafraokay... brb (rebooting from windows to usb stick again)20:18
baazigar|rajatkunji1 : is there any way to open terminal if compiz does not work?20:18
zykotick9EuroNerd: root or www-data?20:19
EuroNerdActionPa1snip, in the Permissions properties under Group:  it's  root.20:19
EuroNerdzykotick9, seems like root.20:19
kunji1baazigar|rajat: try switching to another terminal ctrl+alt+f120:19
ActionPa1snipEuroNerd: ok, then make a new group and add root and your user to the group, then make that group the group owner and give the group write access20:19
zykotick9EuroNerd: so you didn't use Ubuntu's LAMP stack?20:19
EuroNerdzykotick9, I've installed it on Ubuntu Desktop. And yeah, I've used the default apt-get install lamp-server^.20:20
zykotick9EuroNerd: i find it difficult to believe it's root owned then... well, best of luck.20:21
baazigar|rajatkunji1 : i will try that, will reinstall compiz from there then maybe it will be20:21
kunji1EuroNerd: /var/www should be root owned (or another system user, something like that)20:21
kunji1baazigar|rajat: good luck20:21
EuroNerdkunji1, why?20:21
genii-aroundEuroNerd: In case of an exploit on your system, the attacker can usually only cause as much damage as the user they have access to20:22
kunji1EuroNerd: security reasons, I don't know the ins and outs of it though, so you can sudo to put things there, or if you want to use a gui to move things around you can gksudo nautilus20:22
ScrivenerWhen attempting to boot from linux live disk (I believe 12.04 64-bit), the bootup process hangs after producing a few lines of this as the last output: "WARN: short transfer on control ep". I've searched this, but only found things referring to USB 3.0 drives and such not being recognized. I don't think I have anything plugged into a USB 3.0 port, but even if I did, why would that stop the live boot process?20:22
zykotick9Scrivener: have you tested nomodeset?20:23
EuroNerdkunji1, in fact, I want permanent FTP access to the folder where www files are. Which to me seems only logical, that's how you usually put stuff on remote web servers.20:23
Scrivenerzykotick9: I need the power of t3h googlez to know what that means.20:23
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zykotick9!nomodeset | Scrivener20:23
waxstoneExperiencing random freezing when using firfox in 12.04 using default install no problems using Chromium20:23
ubottuScrivener: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:23
kunji1EuroNerd: I wouldn't use FTP ever myself, I would recommend SFTP (it's over SSH ^_^)20:24
escottwaxstone, if you cant reisub it is unlikely anything will make it to the logs20:24
* zykotick9 FTP must die!20:24
escottwaxstone, what kind of filesystem are you using?20:24
Scrivenerzykotick9: Is it meant for anything other than graphics issues?20:24
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.20:24
zykotick9Scrivener: it's THE most common reason for boot failing - thus asking if you've tried it.  but ya, it's only ATI/NVidia related.20:24
reisioadam-: nooooooooooooo :p20:25
kunji1EuroNerd: also your ftp runs as a user, and you can give that user access to /var/www if you want, but it shouldn't really be the default so that if someone opens up, well they know what's open, but someone just running default shouldn't need to run around locking things like that down.20:25
waxstoneescott, default settings on install so etx4?20:25
ScrivenerNope, I haven't tried it -- I'm running an Nvidia GeForce 560 Ti... I could give it a shot. It never actually gets to any splash screen, but also isn't a black screen. I can type as though it's a terminal interface -- just stops at those messages and sits there.20:26
escotti would suspect it is something with your graphics card. presumably it isnt flash because that should also affect chrome. firefox calls fsync a lot but ext4 is frequently used enough to flush out any issues there20:27
waxstoneescott, im running one of the new gtx 680's with ubuntu generic drivers20:27
stuenghi, having problems with a wireless device. lspci shows  Intel 3945ABG connection. The little indicator hardware light on the front of the laptop isnt illuminated though. iwlist scan shows no results.20:28
Scrivenerzykotick9: I'll try nomodeset and be right back. Thanks.20:28
BiafraActionPa1snip: nomodeset made no difference, still won't boot20:29
waxstoneescott, NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended]20:29
andygraybealwhat is some backup software that i can get a new ubuntu user to use?  (not rsync :)  is there a great graphical backup app?20:29
escott!backup | andygraybeal20:29
ubottuandygraybeal: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:29
andygraybealthanks brother escott20:29
BiafraMy USB stick boots fine until it gets to an error about missing wlan card firmware (known issue, but shouldn't be causing the issue) then it freezes20:30
Biafrathere are some earlier errors about having issues loading /dev/sr0 or /dev/sr1, but since I'm using a USB stick, I'm fairly certain it can be ignored (i think)20:31
D[4]nieither the manpage of rhythmbox-client has wrong info, or rhythmbox-client has a bug.20:32
BiafraI've checked both my usb stick for errors (there were none), and have checked the ISO I used to make the bootable stick (md5sums match)20:32
de2Can anyone help me i have a rly annoying problem i cant do anything i installed edubuntu from software center and now i cant even use sudu it says im not i sudoers list and i cant even open software center anymore20:34
BiafraI'm having problems booting the ubuntu installer/iso off my USB stick. it freezes mid-boot20:35
zykotick9de2: did you happen to change your hostname (computer name)?20:35
shaneohi guys winebrowser is being used to open my terminal windows what would cuase this20:35
BiafraAny help would be wonderful20:35
shaneoBiafra, what did you use to create the bootable usb20:35
de2No i did't change my computer name20:35
zykotick9de2: ok, just checkin'20:35
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zykotick9de2: "groups" in a terminal - are you a member of sudo?20:36
Biafrapendrive linux usb installer, per http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows20:36
de2im just member of root20:36
de2i tryed to add myself but i can't.20:37
zykotick9de2: only root?20:37
bibi23hi, I'd like to change the group of a user with usermod, but before doing it I'd like to know to wich group(s) the user belongs? How can I achieve that? thx20:37
zykotick9de2: your user needs several more groups!  (you probably use usermod incorrectly)20:38
de2I think edubuntu removed me from those groups20:38
imbezolbibi23: type "id"20:39
genii-aroundIf you use usermod to add a group, you must use the append switch or that is the ONLY group your user will belong to20:39
zykotick9bibi23: "groups" in a terminal20:39
de2How do i change so i belong to all groups i need to be in ?20:39
bibi23genii-around: yes I know that's what I want to check the groups of the user before overwriting them20:39
genii-aroundbibi23: groups20:40
bibi23zykotick9: ok thx20:40
genii-around( is the command )20:40
CuteKittywhat's the advantage to using ext4 over ntfs?20:40
imbezolCuteKitty: ntfs is a windows filesystem. you should only really be using it to read existing ntfs partitions20:41
zykotick9CuteKitty: that was an easy /ignore - ntfs doesn't support POSIX, it's not a native gnu/linux filesystem.  infact - ntfs is crap.20:41
escottCuteKitty, you cannot use ntfs for your root / or /home as it is not POSIX compliant20:41
Biafraanyone able to figure this out? I can't get the ubuntu installer/iso to load off my usb stick20:41
imbezolCuteKitty: you want to select a linux filesystem for installing linux on.. ext4, xfs, etc..20:41
de2Anyone knows how to fix my problem ? i dont have access to anything anymore20:41
Biafrait stalls completely mid-boot20:41
de2and i want to uninstall edubuntu20:41
kecerBiafra: try LiLi20:41
CuteKittyi ask about ext4 vs ntfs because i'd like to have a files/storage space on my dual-booting computer that both Win7 and linux can access20:41
CuteKittyimbezol: zykotick9 escott ^20:42
kecerCuteKitty: ntfs20:42
waxstoneExperiencing random freezing when using firefox in 12.04 using default install no problems using Chromium anyone?20:42
de2Can anyone help me i have a rly annoying problem i cant do anything i installed edubuntu from software center and now i cant even use sudu it says im not i sudoers list and i cant even open software center anymore20:42
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escottCuteKitty, there are lots of people who use the ntfs-3g drivers to read ntfs from within windows. fewer use the ext4 drivers to read ext4 from windows. i would use ntfs for shared media files between the two oses20:43
de2Can anyone help me i have a rly annoying problem i cant do anything i installed edubuntu from software center and now i cant even use sudo it says im not i sudoers list and i cant even open software center anymore20:43
kecerde2: try using google this time20:43
genii-aroundde2: I'd recommend boot to livecd, mount your root filesystem on the hard drive, open the old /etc/group file and add the user to a few basic groups like adm dialout cdrom  video plugdev lpadmin admin20:43
kecerand dont flood20:43
de2kecer: i tryed20:43
escottde2, boot to a rescue and run "usermod -a -G admin yourusername20:43
kecerde2: it's not complicated problem so I guess u used bing20:44
zykotick9escott: doesn't 12.04 use sudo instead of admin?20:44
escottzykotick9, im not on 12.04 yet20:44
de2escott: i will try20:44
CuteKittyescott: why would you need special ntfs-3g drivers to read ntfs from within windows? doesn't windows natively read ntfs without any special drivers?20:44
escottCuteKitty, i meant "from within linux"20:44
zykotick9escott: i "believe" they changed from admin to sudo - but you'd been to verify20:45
de2kecer: it's not as easy as u think i dont have acces to anything i even tryed to open with safe mode root and add me and it still dont work20:45
kecerde2: http://bit.ly/KzfimS20:45
escottde2, if zykotick9 it might be sudo instead of admin. check with someone in channel who runs 12.0420:45
EliahKaganyes, the group for users that can run commands as root with sudo has changed from admin to sudo in Ubuntu 12.04, but if you upgraded from an earlier release you still have admin (so as not to break your configuration)20:46
zykotick9EliahKagan: thanks20:46
CuteKitty is there any  disadvantage to having my personal files (docs, pics, etc) stored on NTFS, from my Linux OS's point of view? (question for escott and anybody else)20:46
EliahKaganhere's my /etc/sudoers from such an upgraded system, you can see it has both set up: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1011970/20:46
escottCuteKitty, ubuntu cannot repair ntfs corruption. so you must always have a working copy of windows to do any repairs. also ntfs access is slower20:47
EliahKaganby default, Ubuntu mounts NTFS volumes in a way that does not use their permissions20:47
genii-aroundCuteKitty: If the filesystem develops problems, repairing it from Linux is an issue20:47
rezajaanhi al20:47
escottCuteKitty, beyond that its fine to have data files. just dont put your $HOME on ntfs as the permissions wont work20:48
CuteKittyokay, so i guess it's safer that i keep all my precious files (documents, pics, etc) on linux. Then, if I want to log in to Windows, i should just copy/move whichever file I want to access beforehand.20:48
rezajaani hav problem vth my wifi i cant able to browse internet  trough wireles20:48
de2do i have to start in safe mode, start root and type usergroup -a -G sudo de2   ??20:48
adhilHello there, Am running ubuntu 11.04  and I have a Galaxy Tab 620. Am trying to connect my tablet using MTP through usb. I tried to use mtp-tools, but when i run mtp-detect its giving me a no raw devices found error. Can anyone help me to fix this?20:49
CuteKittyescott: previously you wrote " fewer use the ext4 drivers to read ext4 from windows." won't this be a good solution for me? have all my personal files on linux, and just install special ext4 drivers for  windows 7?20:50
CuteKittyas a background, i login to Linux most of the time. i just log into windows to play games20:51
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de2Can anyone help me i have a rly annoying problem i cant do anything i installed edubuntu from software center and now i cant even use sudo it says im not i sudoers list and i cant even open software center anymore20:51
CuteKittyi also log into windows 7 just to update the virus signatures.20:51
escottCuteKitty, there are some drivers for (at least ext2) which can be installed in windows and maybe also ext4. the problem is i've never heard or anyone actually using them. so i would be wary of using them. http://www.ext2fsd.com/20:52
CuteKittydo you have a dual-booting computer. are your personal files stored on linux? if so , how do you access them on windows? (to escott and anybody else)20:52
ActionPa1snipde2: are you in the admin group?20:53
escottCuteKitty, the previous link appears to be dead/dying (over a year since a release) you might also check http://www.fs-driver.org/20:53
escottCuteKitty, yes and i dont20:53
xclusive585test. I think my servers IRC server is up and running right. Only took half a day. :-)20:53
de2or no20:53
bibi23I've just disabled root connexion through ssh in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, but it's not efficient yet, is there another solution than restarting the server to be able to "refresh" the config?20:54
de2ActionPa1snip: im only in root group20:54
ActionPa1snipde2: if you run:  groups     you will see20:54
guntbertxclusive585: please use #test for testing :)20:54
ActionPa1snipde2: are you logged in as root or something?20:54
de2ActionPa1snip: Im logged in as my user De220:55
escottbibi23, service ssh restart20:55
ActionPa1snipde2: you shouldn't be in the root group then20:55
RumRumIm having troubles connecting to VPN, or well it connects. But the IP stays the same as my standard. OS: Ubuntu 11.04 Log: http://snipurl.com/23pi1yg Settings: http://upit.cc/i/3b936574.png Googled around a bit but nothing seemed to be working.20:55
de2ActionPa1snip when i try to use sudo and anything i get this error "de2 is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.20:56
keceruse `su` then20:56
zykotick9kecer: su is almost always the wrong answer for ubuntu20:56
de2su: Authentication failure20:56
bibi23escott: ouch I've just enabled it again, thank god I had a terminal open in root, I've created another user, but if I connect with him with ssh I'm getting a permission denied exception20:58
de2is there anyway to fix this?20:58
kunji1de2: well, it's probably exactly what the error says, or is this a new development (did you have sudo access before?)20:58
bibi23shouldn't he go in its own folder by default?20:58
kunji1de2: it might be fixable, it is as long as someone does have sudo privileges and can go add you to the sudoers file20:59
de2kunji1: i had sudo access before i installed edubuntu20:59
de2kunji1: no one else i sudo20:59
kecerzykotick9: sorry then, I always edit sudoers21:00
kunji1de2: isn't that another distribution?  Or is it a program, I don't recall.21:00
zykotick9!wfm > kecer21:00
ubottukecer, please see my private message21:00
genii-aroundde2: Since the username rights etc on the current system are screwy, is why I recommended the livecd boot method21:00
shaneowine browser is opening all my applications any suggestions21:00
guntbertde2: boot into the recovery system, choose "root shell" and add your user to the "admin" group21:00
genii-aroundEG: "de2: I'd recommend boot to livecd, mount your root filesystem on the hard drive, open the old /etc/group file and add the user to a few basic groups like adm dialout cdrom video plugdev lpadmin admin"21:00
genii-aroundAnd perhaps also in this case the group of sudo21:01
de2guntbert: i dont think that works i tryed that before21:01
ldgscould someone tell me how to install java21:01
kunji1de2: what genii-around said, lol, I forgot the good'ol livecd for some reason.21:01
reisioldgs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java21:01
guntbertde2: then do as genii-around said21:01
escottbibi23, i didnt follow21:02
ldgsreisio: but i just want to open java apps not to develop apps21:02
kunji1de2: yeah, as genii-around said, make sure your user is in the admin group in particular, and that the admin group is in the sudoers file21:02
de2So when i boot up with livecd i do what to be exact?21:02
kunji1de2: and make sure to use that special way they have for editing the sudoers file21:02
reisioldgs: generically you'll want icedtea with the browser plugin21:02
reisioldgs: not entirely sure what the install process is21:02
reisioldgs: icedtea-plugin looks like21:03
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kecerzykotick9: oh, so sudoers doesn't exist everywhere u say, right21:04
zykotick9kecer: no, it should exist.  i certainly didn't say anything like that.21:04
zykotick9kecer: my point was in /etc/sudoers the default group has changed from admin to sudo in 12.0421:05
kecerholy crackers21:05
kecerwhy would they do that21:05
zykotick9kecer: sudo is what debian has always used, less changes for ubuntu21:05
bibi23escott: I think I had entered a wrong login but it looks ok now, thx21:06
keceranother reason for staying on lucid / squeeze21:06
de2okey i will boot with a livecd now and test cya laters if it works :)21:06
de2thanks for help21:06
bad_wolfI need help setting up wireless, could anyone help?21:07
zykotick9kecer: please don't compare ubuntu to debian - they aren't comparable ;)21:07
kunji1de2:I would say to read some man pages: http://linux.die.net/man/8/usermod  and this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers21:08
xclusive585Ubuntu isn't Debian until all the bugs are gone. :-)21:08
genii-aroundxclusive585: The same could be said with the names reversed...21:09
kunji1de2: sorry it took me a bit to find those, you can find more about it googling around, I'm assuming some familiarity with the command line21:09
antarusany idea how I get anthy to convert my kana to kanji?21:10
nkei0So, has canonical ever thought of making the software center more of a torrent kind of thing?  Obviously, they would have to constantly seed, but if anyone else had it open that would let them upload their packages too...?21:11
reisioantarus: assuming that's what it's for, I'd read man anthy21:11
reisionkei0: I'm not sure you are aware of exactly how rich Shuttleworth is21:11
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reisionkei0: hosting 90GB of binaries is a drop in the bucket21:12
nkei0reisio, It's not that that I care about, it's the speed...21:12
bob_i'm wanting to use the fakeroot -u dpkg-repack `dpkg --get-selections | grep install | cut -f1` to move my installed programs from 10.04 to 12.04, will this work?21:12
reisiotorrents aren't necessarily faster than http downloads21:12
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reisioit depends on the servers/seeders21:12
kecerzykotick9: I wouldn't do it21:12
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reisionkei0: in general I agree, though, p2p is a great idea that isn't utilized nearly as much as it could be21:12
kecer*I don't do it21:13
kecerI didn't do it?21:13
kecertoo late for my brain, sry21:13
arooni-mobileis disk utility accurate?  it says i have 38 "pending sectors" but when i ran badblocks (:  sudo badblocks -b 512 /dev/sda -v ... got Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors))21:13
nkei0reisio, Yeah, I'm in the middle of nowhere in the UK, so my internet is crap.  Trying to download all 110MB of wine is sloooowwwww....21:13
ki4roWhen Update Manager says that it has some updates available how do I know which ones to install?21:13
Daraelnkei0: Something called debtorrent already exists.21:14
root____how to change my nickname? share pleasee21:14
sirriffsalotIf I do "sudo gnome-panel" in a gnome classic DE the left part of my upper panel comes back, with the "system settings" monitor button etc, but without it it is completely gone... Any ideas?21:14
zykotick9Kirakishou: install all of them...21:14
Daraelnkei0: Which reminds me, I never got around to setting it up...21:14
reisionkei0: torrenting wouldn't necessarily help21:14
Daraelroot____: /nick newnick21:14
zykotick9root____: don't irc as root...21:15
root____oke thankssss21:15
compdocarooni-mobile, no reallocated sectors?21:15
escottsirriffsalot, you should not be running your window manager as root21:15
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bibi23I'm wondering something about the third part when using permissions, for the /var/www folder where I have some websites, I was planning to create a website group and put in it apache (www-data) and other user (for creating folders etc through filezilla easilly) so I would choose the 770 permission, is it correct or I need to give some permission to the others?21:15
nkei0reisio, It does actually, it takes me 40 minutes to download a 780mb iso off of bittorrent, as far as http it takes like 6 hours.21:15
sirriffsalotescott: without it it doesn't show...21:15
bob_i'm wanting to use the fakeroot -u dpkg-repack `dpkg --get-selections | grep install | cut -f1` to move my installed programs from 10.04 to 12.04, will this work?21:16
snaboanyone knows how to change keyboard volume shortcut to single key?21:16
reisionkei0: that may be true, but it's not a matter of http vs bittorrent, just a matter of the specific http mirror you're using21:16
reisiosnabo: single? How would you do both up and down?21:16
Jordan_Ubob_: No.21:16
nkei0reisio, I get as close as I can, either the dutch servers or the french.21:16
xzeroxplease give me tutor ubuntu, i'm newbie :(21:16
snaboi mean one key up and the other down...xubuntu 12.0421:17
bob_Jordan_U what will work?21:17
Jordan_Ubob_: Upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 12.04.21:17
snabothere is a way to use amixer "something" that i forgot21:18
Daraelbob_: Different versions of programs, compiled for a different version of the various standard libraries?  Sounds like a bad idea..  Besides, one of the main reasons for doing a release upgrade is to get new versions of packages.21:18
Jordan_U!upgrade | bob_21:19
ubottubob_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:19
reisionkei0: where're you?21:19
ki4roWhen Update Manager says that it has some updates available how do I know which ones to install?21:19
reisionkei0: belg-y-am?21:19
Daraelki4ro: Do you have any reason to believe there are some you shouldn't install?21:19
Jordan_Uki4ro: Generally all of them.21:19
nkei0reisio, Cambridge, UK21:19
reisionkei0: really... surely there are closer mirrors than france and nederlands21:20
ki4roDarael: Not that I know of...I guess that is the question21:20
nkei0reisio, Depends on where the distro is based, but for most of the larger distros there aren't.21:20
reisiothat's hard to believe21:20
ki4roJordan_U: That is what I do21:20
reisiohttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors has several UK mirrors21:21
arooni-mobilecompanion_, no reallocated sectors21:21
Jordan_Uki4ro: Continue doing it.21:21
Daraelki4ro: There is rarely a reason for a user not to upgrade a package if an update is available.  Mostly you've got to be doing quite advanced stuff, and at that point you know why it shouldn't be upgraded.21:21
compdocarooni-mobile, pending sectors could mean bad communication, like a badly seated cable, or bad power supply. They might turn out to be good sectors after it tests them further21:21
dannyhello i am looking at a tutorial and was wondering what the extra brackets actually do because they produce different results can someone explain this to me briefly http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012067/21:21
nkei0reisio, Wasn't just talking about ubuntu.  I' just set up 10 different distros on a pen drive.21:21
ki4roDarael: Okay thanks for the advice21:21
jemarki am wondering why i am in unregged?21:21
arooni-mobilecompdoc, this number has risen from 0 => 38 in a week!  so dont know whats going on ; its a brand new drive21:21
ki4roJordan_U: Thanks for the advice21:22
reisionkei0: still hard to believe, name me a distro21:22
Jordan_Uki4ro: You're welcome.21:22
compdocarooni-mobile, well, thats not good21:22
Jordan_Udanny: Try asking in #bash .21:22
ShinobiHow do I install the CPAN DBD module successfully?21:22
Shinobion 10.0421:23
dannyJordan_U, ok21:23
Daraeldanny: The outer brackets mark as a character group, the inner as a special qualifier.  The one-bracket version is literally matching anything for which the first character is :, u, p, e, or r.21:23
xzeroxhow to logout in this server?21:23
xzeroxhow to logout in this room?21:23
zykotick9xzerox: /wc or /exit might help21:24
LjLxzerox: /leave to leave the channel, /quit to leave the server21:24
Daraelxzerox: Close the window?  /quit to quit irssi, /part to leave a channel.21:24
dannyDarael: ahh ok that makes sense thanks just trying to understand this and that makes alot more sense21:24
D[4]niuh, ~root@21:24
sirriffsalotI try to send a screenshot through pidgin but it just keeps getting cancelled by me and the recipient doesn't see it.. any ideas?21:26
zambahow can i get norwegian keyboard layout in the live cd?21:26
zykotick9danny: even with my terrible spelling - i know "alot" i actually two words "a lot"21:26
nkei0reisio, I don't remember, I just d/l'd arch, lubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu, puppy, fedora, crunchbang, and a ton of others.21:26
Daraelzamba: Load it up, then pull up the dash, and search for "keyboard layout", and change it in that tool.21:26
zambaDarael: can't add norwegian there.. the + sign is greyed out21:26
dannyzykotick9: just like i was soposed to be is ?21:27
reisiozamba: it probably doesn't believe you're norwegian, try eating fermented fish in front of your webcam21:27
nkei0brb, seeing if my wireless works now that i've got firmware installed.21:28
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Daraelreisio: I was just starting to believe that your advice could always be trusted to at least point in the right direction.21:29
reisioDarael: heheh21:29
macaHi from Spain!!21:30
Daraelmaca: Greetings.  For Ubuntu support, chat in here (or go to #ubuntu-es for Spanish-language).  For general chat, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic.  And sorry to be boring.21:31
macaI have a doubt: when I tried to connect via sshfs, to my pc server, it pop up telling me as that: read, connection reset by peer. What means it??21:32
Jordan_Umaca: Does normal ssh work?21:33
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate21:34
CuteKittyi'm copying my personal files from linux to windows. is it normal for my processor to run 100% and for swap to be greatly used?21:35
reisioCuteKitty: if your disks are slow21:35
macaJordan, At the first time, when i connected worked fine, but next day, when i tried again to connect, it poped up that message21:35
CuteKittyreisio: not sure of their speed. it's an inernal drive. and both windows and linux are on same hard drive21:35
xclusive585ah yes. because your using linux to access a ntfs partition that's why it's slow21:36
macaI can't understand what happened21:36
i7ci'm on Ubuntu 12.04. When i connect to my openVPN (which works perfectly on other computers) it seems that i can't do any DNS lookups anymore.21:36
i7cdoes somebody know this issue?21:36
DaraelEagleman: For experimenting with the bot, please use a PM, so we don't get factoids unrelated to anything in context in channel.  Thanks.21:37
bob_I have compiz installed on 10.04 and my identical laptop with 12.04 i can't get the special effects to work like burning windows when closing and the desktop cube rotation.  I think this is because it seems to be working in 2d.  Is this the case?21:38
Daraeli7c: If you "cat /etc/resolv.conf" before and after connecting, does it change?  If not, there's a routing problem.  If so, do DNS lookups for things that should be accessible only through the VPN work?21:39
Daraelbob_: Pull up a terminal (ctl+alt+t) and do a "ps -e | grep compiz".  If you're not running compiz, you're not in 3d mode.21:39
xZEROxhow to access free internet in ubuntu?21:40
CoreyxZEROx: You mean via a web browser?21:40
DaraelxZEROx: You'll need to elaborate on that.  "Free internet"?21:40
xZEROxyes, firefox21:40
reisioxZEROx: where are you, geographically?21:40
macaI think that the best way is purge the openssh server, and then reinstall again21:41
xZEROxindonesian ..21:41
i7cDarael: it does not change. both times there is an entry "nameserver"   and  "search <local-router-name>". do you know how to fix this?21:41
PeterFAI upgraded to the latest and now Synaptic errors referring to the old lucid repositories.21:41
bibi23I'm trying to create specific users instead of using root for everything as people in here suggested me but I don't know how to handle service permissions? I have a bash script wich deploys an application, and at the end he does "service apache2 reload" to load the pre-prod appliaction settings, but I can't run this command witouth being root... what should I do? thx21:42
ejv!sudo | bibi2321:42
ubottubibi23: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:42
genii-aroundPeople in here suggested that you use root for everything???21:42
xZEROxDarael : you know? give me a tutor please, for conection internet free no charge21:43
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bibi23ejv: but usually when I do sudo it askes me for my password, I'll check in your links to see if I can disable that, thx21:44
bibi23genii-around: no I said the opposite ;)21:44
genii-aroundbibi23: Ubuntu is designed with the idea not to be using root user if necessary, mostly to protect users from themself.21:44
ejvbibi23: you can, read the documentation @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers21:44
genii-aroundbibi23: Aaah.. it was ambiguously worded then. The sudo factoid is what you want, as ejv pointed out21:45
ejvgenii-around: i think you misinterpreted what he wrote; his punctuation wasn't the best ;)21:45
xclusive585ZERO, I'm confused. do you not have an internet connection you are connected to this channel with?21:45
xZEROxall, how to access free internet in ubuntu? free acces in my provider? can do it?21:45
genii-aroundejv: The "instead of using root for everything as people in here suggested"21:45
ejvi'll have what he's having21:45
bibi23genii-around: yes when I read it again you're right lol21:46
i7cxZEROx: i don't think there is any free internet.21:46
xclusive585ZERO, only if you find someone with wireless that is willing to let you use it.21:47
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schultzahas anyone gotten netflix to work in ubuntu?21:48
JavaKingI have the same question about netflix21:49
reisioschultza: not without some form of emulation/virtualization, no21:49
PeterFANetflix runs on ubuntu?21:49
reisioand I wouldn't even try that without VT-d21:49
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reisioPeterFA: nope21:49
schultzai have smx amd's vt-d21:49
PeterFAreisio, long time, no see, old buddy!21:49
schultzaer.. svm21:50
reisioPeterFA: allo!21:50
reisioschultza: vt-d, not vt-x21:50
reisiodifferent thing21:50
PeterFAIs there a way I can check the date of the first registration of my nick on FreeNode?21:50
ejvPeterFA: /msg nickserv info21:51
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PeterFAI registered in 2005.21:51
schultzawhat is the difference?21:51
PeterFA7 years.21:51
bibi23ejv: I think it's with this line : "USERS WORKSTATIONS=(ADMINS) ADMIN_CMDS" but I don't really get where I should put the user?21:52
xZEROxin modem not wlan, I use a modem, I want internet without paying? what can? what software to use?21:52
bibi23in my sudoers file21:52
PeterFAI probably could donate sometime.21:52
runvncHello is there a program or script I can run that will enable Ipv6 in 11? I see an article, the main thing that I don't know about is it says to enter my ipv6 on line two or something, and I don't know my ipv6 address.21:52
Jordan_Urunvnc: ip46 support is enabled by default in all versions of Ubuntu. What guide are you following?21:54
Jordan_Urunvnc: *ipv621:54
eeepcifconfig eth021:55
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eeepcip -6 address show eth021:55
zambahow can i disable the network timeout when booting?21:56
xZEROxI use a modem, I want internet without paying? what can? what software to use?21:56
zambait sits idly waiting for the network for a couple of minutes when booting ubuntu server 12.0421:56
genii-aroundxZEROx: It's not a matter of software21:56
bob__i was just on talking about compiz and seeing if it was on 12.04 and running could I have that terminal command again, i'm now on my 12.04 machine, thanks21:57
PeterFAWhat's the name of Ubuntu 12.04?21:57
Jordan_UxZEROx: We can't help you with scamming your ISP or any other ways to obtain free internet.21:57
mcphailzamba: is it trying to netboot? change the boot order in your bios21:57
eeepcfree internet ^^21:57
PeterFAI scam my ISP by paying on time and abiding by the terms of use.21:57
PeterFAThey'll never catch me.21:57
xZEROxjordan_U : oke thanksss21:58
zambamcphail: i'm talking about the ubuntu boot21:58
Jordan_Uzamba: What network timeout are you reffering to?21:58
zambaJordan_U: while booting21:58
tioxI don't know if it's always been like this of if the recent update to libasound2 does this...21:59
genii-aroundxZEROx: Depending if this is a dialup modem.. there are still some areas of the world which provide some free or almost-free internet access. Like ww.295.ca21:59
Jordan_Uzamba: I still have no idea what you're reffering to, please be more detailed. What is happening at boot which you don't want to happen? What output are you seeing on the screen? Any error message?21:59
tioxBut my laptop has no sound from headphones unless I go into alsamixer and turn up the speaker volume.21:59
genii-around ( add another w there )21:59
PeterFAYay, I fixed my synaptic.21:59
PeterFAhaha, that sounds funny.21:59
tioxI cannot tweak the headphones volume, but when I up the speaker volume the sound from my headphones goes up, and the master controls the output as it should.22:00
ActionPa1sniptiox: tried the position fix=1 option on the sound module?22:00
tioxHow can I do that?22:00
tioxI'm just happy I am getting sound, but if I pull them out and put them back in I have to fix it through alsamixer again.22:01
runvncJordan_U, thanks, lol.. so I don't have to do anything.. it was this http://knowledgelayer.softlayer.com/questions/468/Adding+IPv6+to+Ubuntu+systems22:01
bob__i was just on talking about compiz and seeing if it was on 12.04 and running could I have that terminal command again, i'm now on my 12.04 machine, thanks22:01
ActionPa1sniptiox: try:  echo "options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null22:01
ActionPa1sniptiox: reboot to test22:01
tioxCan't I just kill alsa and pulseaudio?22:02
* tiox sighs and reboots22:02
PeterFAtiox, you can kill Pulse but you cannot kill alsa.22:02
Jordan_Urunvnc: That's for manually binding an ipv6 ip to an interface. Just like with ipv4, for most people this is done automatically via DHCP.22:02
PeterFAWhat would have to happen for IPv6 to take over and replace v4?22:03
bibi23I'm editing my /etc/sudoers file to let a user run commands as sudo, but is it possible to allow him to do sudo witouth asking him for its password ?22:03
CuteKittyhow come when i put in my 32GB SD card into the slot, it doesn't appear in nautilus? and what's strange is that when I remove the card from the slot, something appears in nautilus.22:03
bob__i was just on talking about compiz and seeing if it was on 12.04 and running could I have that terminal command again, i'm now on my 12.04 machine, thanks22:03
PeterFAbibi23, yes.22:03
PeterFAbibi23, just give it access to that exact program and line.22:04
PeterFAbibi23, then tell sudo you don't want to prompt for a password.22:04
PeterFAbibi23, you can find this out in the manual.22:04
runvncok thanks Jordan22:04
vortexionThe installer has encountered an unrecoverable error22:04
Jordan_Urunvnc: You're welcome.22:05
vortexionis there a log file where i can get a little more detail than that?22:05
bibi23PeterFA: well I wanted to allow him to sudo because he doesn't have access to the program, if I grant him access to the program what is the interest of doing sudo?22:05
genii-aroundbibi23: If you edited already the /etc/group to add yourself back in to the admin/sudo group, why are you editing the sudoers file?22:05
PeterFAbibi23, sudo elevates privileges but it's very configurable so you can assign your own rules.22:06
PeterFAbibi23, well, just read the manual, and if you see you can't do what you want, then you'll have to find another way.22:06
tioxPosition fix did not resolve the issue.22:06
CuteKittyhow can i test whether my branded SD card is a dud?22:07
tioxAgain, thankful I have sound period.22:07
bibi23PeterFA: that's what I'm doing, I was reading this doc : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers to allow a user to run sudo command22:07
tioxCuteKitty: If you pop it in and receive nothing from it, it's a dud.22:07
CuteKittytiox: what do you mean22:07
tioxBut, if it's because the lock tab had been removed, a well-known trick is to cover that area with clear tape.22:08
tioxWell, if nautilus doesn't see it, then that's an indicator of problems.22:08
CuteKittyyes, tiox, naituls doesn't see it22:08
angshow can I see mounted devices list?22:08
CuteKittytiox:  i didn't expect that my branded (PQI) SD card would not work :-(22:09
genii-aroundangs: mount22:09
CuteKittyis there a way i can confirm what the problem with my SD card is+22:09
tioxNot entirely sure.22:09
angsis there any another method rather than mount?22:09
juanchiangs: check dmesg?22:09
tioxSee if gparted sees it.22:10
tioxOr, better yet, open disk utilty and see if the card is found.22:10
tioxDisk utility is installed by default.22:10
CuteKittytiox: gparted does not see the 32 gb card.22:10
Jordan_Uangs: What problem are you actually trying to solve?22:10
mcphailCuteKitty: is it encrypted/protected? Linux can't handle the proprietary SD encryption22:10
CuteKittymcphail: it's not encrypted/protected at all. it's a brand new 32-gb PQI SD card.22:11
bob__the compiz icnon is on my launcher panel but can seem to be able to access it whats going on?22:11
bibi23genii-around: I didn't add myself to the admin/sudo group, I was planning to edit the sudoers file, is it correct? my goal is to be able to run "sudo service apache2 reload"22:11
genii-aroundbibi23: admin users automatically have sudo22:12
genii-aroundeg: if you're in adm/admin group you don't have to edit the sudoers22:12
mcphailCuteKitty: do other cards work in the reader?22:12
bibi23genii-around: when you said admin you mean root? I never heard about admin group, basically I just hhave to add me to this group and it's ok?22:13
tioxSome older readers can only read SD cards u to 4GB.22:13
tioxup to*22:13
PeterFAIf I want latest software, but not development stuff, or for development, do I want Proposed repository?22:13
genii-aroundbibi23: Normally the first user created is in this group by default and sudo works automatically for them. but you removed your user from this group.22:13
CuteKittymcphail: yes, a 16gb card works22:13
OerHeksCuteKitty, does the sd card work in that reader under an other OS ? not all readers can handle 32 gb22:13
CuteKittyOerHeks: i'll try booting into my windows 722:14
tioxOerHeks: Easily resolvable by purchasing an external SD card reader.22:14
genii-aroundbibi23: The root user is disabled on Ubuntu. People who are allowed temporary root are admin22:14
bibi23genii-around: there were only root user at the beginning22:14
mcphailCuteKitty: hate to say it, but the only way to be sure if it works is to try in Windows. But does dmesg give any clues when you plug it in?22:14
CuteKittytiox: i bought an externas USB card reader (usb). the 32gb card doesn't work on that reader eithere22:14
OerHekstiox true, vendor should name this in the specs.22:15
tioxDO what mcphail said. Try dmesg22:15
bob__the compiz icon is on my launcher panel but can't seem to be able to access it whats going on?22:15
bibi23I'm in a webserver with other people, it's a virtual machine so I guess it's a custom installation, even login with root through ssh was activated22:15
bibi23by default22:15
CuteKittytiox: too much info. how do i copy it all+22:15
CuteKittytiox:  i mean dmesg.22:15
CuteKittymcphail: i ran dmesg, but i can't scrooll all the way up afterwards22:16
genii-aroundbibi23: This is not the normal configuration of Ubuntu. You should contact the provider of your virtual machine in this case.22:16
mcphailCuteKitty: 99% of it will be useless. Just use dmesg | tail22:16
PeterFAWow, it takes discipline to look over all the repositories and not select ever freakin one.22:16
mcphailCuteKitty: (just after you plug the card in)22:16
kunjigenii-around: has that always true for ubuntu, the admin group being in sudoers already, also for the server version?  I was just curious because it has not always been the case on systems I have worked on (but not done the install of).22:17
OerHeksCuteKitty, last action is at the end, see timestamp in miliseconds22:17
CuteKittymcphail: OerHeks tiox : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22:18
CuteKittyoops. i meant http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1012236/22:18
mcphailCuteKitty: give it a minute and repeat the command22:19
CuteKitty mcphail: OerHeks tiox  dmesg | tail does make mention of a "32.0 GB" thing22:19
OerHekslooks ready22:20
stuenghi, having problems with a wireless device. lspci shows  Intel 3945ABG connection. The little indicator hardware light on the front of the laptop isnt illuminated though. iwlist scan shows no results.22:20
tioxWell, try seeing if sdb exists in /dev22:20
tioxSounds odd, but try anyway. ls /dev sd*22:20
bibi23genii-around: the admin group doesn't exist on my server, when I do usermod -aG admin bibi23, it says usermod: group 'admin' does not exist22:20
mcphailCuteKitty: repeat dmesg | tail when the card has had time to settle22:21
CuteKittytiox: i do see a sdb (0 bytes) in /dev folder22:21
genii-aroundbibi23: Try adm instead22:21
bibi23genii-around: oh yes it did it thx22:21
mcphailbibi23: read the release notes. sudo is changing22:22
kunjiCuteKitty: it might must not be mounted?  Do you see it (well something it's size etc..) in the list when you do sudo fdisk -l   ?22:22
CuteKittytiox:  ls /dev sd* here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1012239/22:23
tioxUhm, huh?22:23
tioxLet me try that again.22:23
CuteKittymcphail: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1012242/, after 5 minutes22:23
ActionPa1snipbibi_: what is the output of: uname -a   please22:23
tioxI failed.22:23
tioxBut yeah, if you see sdb, means Linux should see it.22:24
mcphailCuteKitty: I vaguely recall that some of these big disks are coming formatted with a non-vfat filesystem. Perhaps all you need is a reformat. Is there anything important on the card?22:24
tiox(I should have said /dev/sd*, but it's irrelevant22:24
tioxShe said it was brand new.22:25
kunjimcphail: That's where I was going to go once we verified that it is being seen at all22:25
tioxDoes disk utility see the card, CuteKitty?22:25
CuteKittykunji: sudo fdisk -l here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1012245/22:25
CuteKittytiox: gparted does not see the 32 GB card22:25
OerHekssudo gparted ?22:26
bob__the compiz icnon is on my launcher panel but can seem to be able to access it whats going on?22:26
CuteKittyOerHeks: yes, i ran gparted as "sudo gparted"22:26
OerHeksCuteKitty, if it exists, select the card in right top corner22:26
tioxOerHeks: She shouldn't have to install gparted when disk utility hands format tasks just as well.22:26
tioxWell, she did lawl22:26
kunjiOerHeks: gparted is not installed by default, but I think it's always good to have, so installing it would be good22:26
mcphailOerHeks: gksudo, surely22:26
CuteKittyOerHeks: oh, i had to choose the top-right corneR? oops22:27
tioxAnd gparted did not see the drive?22:27
CuteKittyOerHeks:  tiox i see a 29.0 gb thing in Gparted22:27
kunjimcphail: well, you can use gparted in the terminal, but the GUI makes things so much easier22:27
CuteKittyOerHeks: tiox kunji mcphail and it's called sdb22:27
tioxTry right-clicking on the sdb partition and mounting it.22:27
genii-aroundkunji: sudo grep root /etc/shadow  ... root:*:14956:0:99999:7:::     <-- asterisk in second field22:27
OerHeksoer@oerpc:~$ gparted Root privileges are required for running gparted.22:27
mcphailkunji: graphical programs shouldn't be run with sudo22:28
CuteKittytiox: mount in gparted?22:28
kunjimcphail: I'm saying you can run it sans graphics22:28
tioxIf the drive mounts there, you should be set.22:28
mcphailkunji: ok ;)22:28
CuteKittytiox:  http://i.imgur.com/bb1r9.png22:28
CuteKittyhow do i mount?22:28
kunjiyep tiox, though maybe want to deal with setting it up to automount as well?22:29
tioxJust select sdb from the dropdown to the right, then in the list mount sdb122:29
kunjigenii-around: what was that grep about ?22:29
tioxRight-click and choose mount, if not mounted already.22:29
* mcphail suspects the drive is formatted as ExFAT and will need reformatted to work in Linux http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExFAT22:29
CuteKittytiox: when i right click on the 29.88 gb row, there is no option to moutn22:29
OerHeksit is, sdb is empty. never seen a brand new sd card unformatted.22:30
CuteKittymcphail: i odn't mind formatting this crazy brand-new sd card. what's the fastest way?22:30
ZenMasterRocking six screens in here. :) To bad its not on one machine though. But it is better it is across a few different ones for the tasks that I perform.22:30
genii-aroundkunji: It shows the default status of root user on an ubuntu server install.22:30
CuteKittyOerHeks: http://i.imgur.com/bb1r9.png shows it as unallocated partition and unallocated file system22:30
kunjigenii-around: ah, thanks ^_^22:30
genii-aroundeg: Disabled22:30
mcphailCuteKitty: disk utility, gparted, command line - all the same. Just make sure you format the correct drive!22:31
kunjiOerHeks: yeah, that's what I was thinking about, looking at the fdisk -l output22:31
CuteKittymcphail: ok. using disk utility now. which scheme should i choose? 1. master boot record? 2. guid partition table? or 3. don't pratiton?22:32
mcphailCuteKitty: 122:32
kunjiCuteKitty: we are dealing with a 32 Gb drive right, so we're sure it's sdb and sdb isn't anything else that might be important?22:32
CuteKittykunji: yes, thanks (and thanks to mcphail ) for warning at making sure it's 32 gB sdb.22:33
CuteKittyyes, sdb is 32 gb and the only 32 GB connected is this crazy brand-new sd card22:33
CuteKittyYour_Dog: i love your nickname ;-)22:33
Your_DogAre you teasing me? grrr....22:34
kunjiCuteKitty: just making sure ^_^, I like gparted myself, but I'm lazy to give directions and disk utility works just as well for this as mcphail says, he'll give directions :)22:34
Your_DogArrf Arf!22:34
CuteKittyi tried "master boot record" and disk utility gave this error: "Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot open /dev/sdb: Read-only file system22:34
stuengI have an intel 3945ABG wifi adapter (Lenovo X60 laptop), during installation I am asked which interface to use.. this adapter is one of the choices. But the hardware light on the laptop is not illuminated, the radio is not powering on22:34
CuteKittyi'll slide the lock tab. :-)22:34
CuteKittyok, no more error message22:35
stuengafter installation I can ifconfig wlan0 up and it takes the command, but still no power indicator on the laptop - as such the antennae is not powering on22:35
mcphailCuteKitty: ha!22:35
CuteKittydid it take just one microsecND?22:35
kunjilol I fogot about those lock tabs... was about go crazy wondering why it was read only22:35
CuteKittyi didn't see any messages tellign me that the formatting is over22:36
mcphailCuteKitty: maybe. Have you formatted as vfat or simply created the partition?22:36
CuteKittymcphail: i just did "format drive" in diskt utility. i do see "create partition" though under.22:36
CuteKittyshould i now do "create partition"?22:36
CuteKittyfor "create a partition" should i choose "Take ownership of filesystem"?22:37
kunjimcphail: does diskutil not actually perform the actions until the end like gparted?  Or does it do the format like that and then..  each step?22:38
pepeestueng, that's probably because it is not associated/connected22:38
CuteKittymcphail: i didn't see any option for vfat?22:38
pepeestueng, also, could be related to the LEDs22:39
stuengpepee: iwlist wlan0 scan shows nothing22:39
CuteKittyi kept default setting as ext4.22:39
mcphailkunji: it does them piecemeal as far as i can remember22:39
CuteKittynow in disk utilty, i see the rotatting pinwheel (showing activity)22:39
CuteKittyok. done now22:39
stuengpepee: this indicator LED needs to be on for the radio to work properly22:39
mcphailCuteKitty: that'll be fine unless you want to use it with Windows22:39
pepeestueng, ahh, could be rfkill22:39
stuengpepee: rfkill ?22:39
kunjiCuteKitty: I would probably do that again, you probably don't want ext4 for a sd card22:39
pepeestueng, do you have a function button to enable/disable the wifi?22:39
stuengpepee: its a hardware slider switch, which it turned to the on position22:40
kunjiCuteKitty: right, won't work with windows, or possibly cameras, etc...22:40
CuteKittykunji: why don't you want ext4 for sd card? i heard that ext4 is best for linux?22:40
kunjiCuteKitty: but yeah, probably the best one if you're only going to be using it on linux22:40
stuengpepee: but in addition to this hardware switch there is also a fn button that can power it off yes22:40
CuteKittyyeah!!! i'm so happy. now, when i plug in the 32 gb card into my slot, it shows up in naitulus. thanks, all.22:40
kunjinp ^_^22:40
mcphailCuteKitty: enjoy!22:41
pepeestueng, run this: rfkill list | pastebinit -a anon22:41
CuteKittykunji: i plan on using it on just my computer (not camera, which can't take 32 gb cards)22:41
CuteKittymcphail: i wonder though why linux wasn't smart enough to tell me that it wasn't formatted or didn't have partitions22:41
CuteKittyshouldn't ubuntu be for newbies like me?22:41
mcphailCuteKitty: it _was_ formatted22:41
stuengpepee: the machine does not have an internet connection to connect to pastebin, I am just waiting for another installation to complete (trying a second laptop of same hardware) and will let you know the outcome22:41
CuteKittymcphail: now it is. but before i ran disk utilty, it wasn't22:41
tioxCuteKitty: Glad we can help.22:42
mcphailCuteKitty: there is no free ExFAT driver so Linux cannot "see" it22:42
tioxSo that was it?22:42
CuteKittymcphail: how do you know my brand-new card was using exfat system?22:42
tioxThe driver was formatted as extended FAT?22:42
mcphailCuteKitty: all the big cards are now22:42
kunjiCuteKitty: Nice ^_^, hmm, I think most things a newbie would use are formatted though, I was pretty surprised it wasn't... ah ExFAT.. that would explain that22:42
pepeestueng, ah, ok. I probably won't be in this channel22:42
xclusive585is there a "non-free" plugin for ExFAT?22:43
mcphailCuteKitty: it works on Windows and that's all "anyone" cares about22:43
tioxDo note CuteKitty, if you are to ever format the card again in Windows, the you'll have to specify FAT from command line.22:43
mcphailxclusive585: only through FUSE22:43
stuengpepee: what is this rfkill ?22:43
tioxOtherwise WIndows will offer only ExFAT or NTFS in their format GUI.22:43
mcphailxclusive585: not in kernel22:43
CuteKittymcphail: i guess i won't complain that ubuntu didn't see it, just as long as i have mcphail, tiox, kunji, and OerHeks here in the chatroom22:43
tioxWell, don't be entirely dependant on us, lol22:43
pepeestueng, the manpage says "rfkill - tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices"22:43
tioxHalf the fun with Ubuntu is finding the solutions yourself through Google. :)22:44
kunjiHmm, tiox, I might just go with NTFS for it myself in that case.22:44
CuteKittyok. question now. is it faster to move my files from lnux hard drive to SD card, or from linux hard drive to windows partition (on same hard drive)?22:44
xclusive585Why the need for ExFAT anyways? Just microsoft being themselves? From what I understand FAT 32 has no real limits...22:44
pepeestueng, it's some device to enable and disable the wifi by hardware and software I think22:44
tioxWell, that depends.22:45
stuengpepee: seems the command I need to try is rfkill unblock22:45
EliahKaganxclusive585, FAT32 (without extensions) doesn't support files bigger than 4 GiB22:45
mcphailxclusive585: there are vague limits on individual files with vfat22:45
tioxIf you are doing multiple operations, then nautilus slows to a crawl.22:45
pepeestueng, yep22:45
stuengwhen the install is complete :P22:45
tioxIf it's an all-at-once move, then nautilus should do the job just fine.22:45
CuteKittytiox: yes, a while ago, i tried to move about 8 GB of my personal files to Windows partition, and my naitulus was taking 98% of computer processor and ram22:45
CuteKittytiox: is the suggested way to move files to do so little by little?22:46
mcphailCuteKitty: I do all my big transfers from the command line. But the _best_ way is with rsync ;)22:46
xclusive585Eli, McPhail: vfat is what cards are when they are not ExFAT, correct?22:46
CuteKittytiox: i wasn't doing multiple operations. i was doing it as one big copy/move. and it slowed down so much22:46
ActionPa1snipCuteKitty: or run nautilus with a nice value of 15 :)22:46
ironhalikAnyone noticed eclipse behaving odd, every other hotkey being punched? :>22:46
kunjiCuteKitty: between the partitions most likely, but then again, it's the same drive...  I'm not actually sure.  I haven't had problems moving lots of files with Nautilus for the past few releases.22:46
tioxShe has to learn how to nice operations in terminal then.22:46
ActionPa1sniptiox: useful though22:47
CuteKittyif i change nautilisu's nice number to 15 in system processor, will that hepl?22:47
tioxIwas wondering if there was a GU that handles nicing and other stuff.22:47
mcphailxclusive585: some oof them use NTFS22:47
CuteKittytiox: yes, you can change nice number in system processor22:47
kunjirsync over ssh scheduled with cron ^_^ oh backups are wonderful22:47
CuteKittytiox: i mean system monitor22:47
tioxYou mean, gnome system monitor?22:47
tioxWell try it.22:48
CuteKittytiox: is it faster to move or to copy?22:48
xclusive585figures, NTFS on something meant to be cross platform. =P22:48
CuteKittyor same speed?22:48
tioxIt is faster to move.22:48
tioxCopy, nautilus has to duplicate on top of transfer.22:48
CuteKittyok. is it faster to move to Win7 (on same partition) or to SD card?22:48
stuengpepee: rfkill is not installed22:48
tioxDoes speed matter if the job gets done?22:48
CuteKittyoops. i meant "same hard drive" (seperate partition)22:48
tioxMore than likely it would be about the same.22:49
CuteKittytiox: no, speed doesn't matter too much.22:49
kunjiWell, tiox, mv is faster on the same partition, is that still true between partitions, I'm not convinced outright that there would be a significant difference.22:49
pepeestueng, ahh, I thought it was installed by default22:49
mcphailCuteKitty: some SD card writes can be slow, but writing to NTFS can be slow as well22:49
stuengpepee: could be, this is a minimal server install22:49
mcphailkunji: mv on tthe same partition doesn't physically move anything22:49
tioxSome things on computers simply take time/22:50
kunjiExactly ^_^22:50
BiafraOkay... figured out my unable to load the installer off my USB problem: my b43 wlan card wanted either firmware or blacklisting before it would even deign to let me load the installer22:50
kunjiThat's why it's faster ^_^22:50
Biafrathis shouldn't happen22:50
mcphailkunji: but you can't hard-link across partitions so no advantage for  mv there22:50
xclusive585yea cutekitty, before you left earlier I was going to say, your speed will be limited doing what you're doing simply because you are reading and writing to the same disk, and the overhead for reading/writing NTFS in linux isn't going to help either.22:50
CuteKittymcphail: ActionPa1snip  tiox. using system monitor, i changed nautilus's nice number to -15, and not "15", as ActionPa1snip wrote22:51
kunjiRight mcphail, that's why I was saying I don't think you would see any significant difference between mv and cp between partitions22:51
mcphailkunji: missed that. sorry22:51
kunji^_^, it's cool22:51
tioxWait a second... is nicing just an operation priority setting?22:52
tioxnice rather.22:52
metodihello there22:52
kunjiYep tiox22:52
xclusive585tiox, yes22:52
tioxSo putting it at -15 means do all else before it.22:52
metodican you guys please give me some info about m-aduio drivers for ubuntu ?22:52
CuteKittymoving my "audio" folder to the 32gb sd card. speed ranges from 3.2-5.X mb/sec22:52
tioxAgain, speed doesn't really matter so long the job gets done.22:53
metodihave one firewire 410 from m-audio22:53
=== muana_ is now known as Guest41563
mcphailmetodi: just ask your question. Someone may know22:53
kunjiOther way I believe, isn't -15 high priority, or am I misremembering?  The scale is -20 to 2022:53
CuteKittytiox: actually, the biggest number is -20, but i chose the number 15 because that's what ActionPa1snip suggested22:53
tioxThough, operations may be completed faster with an upgrade to the computer's physical RAM.22:53
metodilooks like theresno solution for it22:53
xclusive585Cute kitty if you have to choose, do the write to the hard drive, even being slow as it is it should be faster than writing to SD...22:53
kunjiI thought he said 15 to give it low priority and alleviate the issue with it taking lots of cpu22:53
mcphailkunji: yes. Users can't drop nice below zero22:53
tioxOooh.... so -20 means highest priority.22:53
CuteKittyxclusive585: ok. after mv to sd card is done, i'll try mv to win7 partition on same hard rdive to compare speeds22:54
tioxAnd 20 means lowest.22:54
CuteKitty21 minutes left for mv.22:54
alankilatiox: that is why it's called nice. The higher the nice value, the nicer you are22:54
CuteKittyalankila: interesting explanation!22:54
kunjimcphail:  I might not remember correctly, but I think I have dropped things below 0 as a user22:54
* tiox has a nice of 1022:54
andygraybealhey, it appears my 'startup disk creator' app doesn't work with dvd?  i'm confused about this.22:54
kunjimcphail: let me try it real quick ^_^22:54
CuteKittyalankila: that means that being nice means letting other people get what they want before you do.22:54
alankilaI doubt cpu is in that short supply these days though, as we have bunch of multicores, cgroup scheduling, etc. ionice, now that's another story22:55
mcphailkunji: i think it ignores any negative numbers as a normal user22:55
tioxYeah, using negative nubers, you have to sudo nice.22:55
mcphailkunji: but it has been a long time since i've tried22:55
alankilaCuteKitty: quite correct. unix is firmly rooted in altruistic tradition, it seems.22:55
kunjimcphail: nah, you were right, get an error message, I must have been doing something with elevated privileges22:55
tioxThat or sudo - then nice from root.22:55
mcphailalankila: quite22:55
=== CuteKitty is now known as cuteK-afk
tioxWait, sudo -i rather22:56
ActionPa1snip!away | cuteK-afk22:56
ubottucuteK-afk: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»22:57
tioxYou know it makes me wonder, why isn't negative nice called mean? lol22:57
ActionPa1sniptiox: its because you are inversely nice to OTHER processes22:57
ActionPa1sniptiox: I have my LPI book here :)22:57
* mcphail creates a bash alias22:58
tioxBut the inverse of nice is mean! And I am sorry for producing so much noise.22:58
alankilatiox: sometimes you are just so unnice to us22:58
tioxI am. :(22:58
ActionPa1sniptiox: hehe, I guess, you could make an alias: mean='nice -'22:58
anli__What is making libre office impossible to start?22:59
ActionPa1sniptiox: tiox then you could run: mean10 cmd22:59
anli__Nothing happens22:59
ActionPa1snipanli__: run it from terminal, the output will be useful22:59
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tioxOne of the many joys of Linux.23:00
xclusive585ANLI: "New bug #1005674 in libreoffice (main): "LibreOffice crashes on load with a specific user" [Undecided, New]23:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005674 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice crashes on load with a specific user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100567423:00
tioxDoes nice have command switches?23:00
xclusive585thanks ubotu JINX23:00
tioxThe mean= 'nice -' might be a problem if nice has switches prior to the nuber.23:01
anli__ActionPa1snip: Hm, actually the output was not more useful than the one I got when using the menu23:02
anli__It just closes23:02
lebroDoes ubuntu package any supported pulseaudio equalizer?23:02
ActionPa1snipanli__: so there is no output in the terminal at all?23:03
alankilalebro: there's some hacks to get pulse to load ladspa plugin and then configure that, but it's sort of static and annoying23:03
anli__I get the libre office splash screen btw23:03
ActionPa1snipanli__: if you run:   ps -ef | grep office     is it running still?23:04
lebroalankila: ah thanks, ill look into it23:04
* alankila has had it in mind to write sound processing support for pulse since forever.23:04
anli__no, ah, now I recognize the behavior, if the disk is full, libre office fails to product an error message23:04
tioxQuestion about using aliases...23:07
tioxIf an alias is used where a command in involved with other aliases, would it still work?23:07
ActionPa1snipanli__: is the disk full?23:07
ActionPa1snipanli__: df -h    will show you23:07
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tioxBecause... since I am on hardcore Windows at the moment, I want to set it up so I can use dir in lieu of ls. But other alises use ls in the command.23:08
tioxRather, in other alisese.23:08
alankilatiox: don't do it. Learn each environment properly.23:08
ActionPa1sniptiox: there will only be one substitution as far as I know23:08
alankilaanyway "dir" should work already, I imagine someone aliased that...23:08
EliahKaganalankila, it's not actually an alias, its behavior differs from ls in a subtle way23:09
tioxOh nevermind, I am just being a dumb.23:09
mcphailtiox: you can simlink /usr/local/bin/dir to ls23:09
alankilaoh. Well could have fooled me, anyway. vdir looks like ls -l to me23:09
tioxAlso, tell that to the people using ll, la and l.23:09
EliahKaganthis explains the difference: http://askubuntu.com/a/103917/2294923:10
EliahKaganmcphail, you can, provided that /usr/local/bin is in $PATH before /usr/bin23:10
tioxUnless those are pre-set by bash, that's not properly using ls, that's just applying aliases for ls commands with flags.23:10
cuteK-afkActionPa1snip: how do i undo the "/away" command?23:11
ActionPa1snipcuteK-afk: afaik it's just   /away   again23:11
cuteK-afkActionPa1snip: nope23:11
anli__ActionPa1snip: yes, its full and the libreoffice products are not able to gracefully handle that23:12
mcphailEliahKagan: if you've set your $PATH correctly it will be ;)23:12
anli__I cleaned some space and now I can start calc again23:12
alankilahmh. Looks like pulseaudio already has some kind of equalizer sink. I wonder if there's any GUI to configure it.23:13
mcphailcuteK-afk: to set away you need "/away reason". To unset it is just "/away"23:13
tioxanli__: You didn't complete that statement; libreoffice products are nto able to gracefully handle that because active documents are autosaved to a temporary directory until exit.23:13
ActionPa1snipanli__: try:  sudo apt-get clean23:14
tioxReason, of course, is to recover after sudden failure.23:14
anli__I already cleaned some space23:14
ActionPa1snipanli__: also uninstall unused kernels23:14
cuteK-afkmcphail: when i do just "/away", i am told "Already marked away: walking the doggy"23:14
anli__What I expect of a program is to product an error message if it has to shut down23:14
cuteK-afkguys, mv to Win7 partition is much faster than mv to sd card.23:15
ActionPa1snipanli__: yeah its not very graceful is it :(23:15
tioxanli__: There is a reason i did not specify sudden failure; the program can fail indirectly due to a power outage and no UPS or battery to take over.23:15
anli__yes, but producing an error message if the disk is full is not rocket science :)23:15
alankilacuteK-afk: not surprising. If you have a class 6 card, your speed is capped at 6 MB/s for the sd card. A harddisk will generally work 10 times faster than that.23:15
kunjiCuteK-afk: that's what I suspected, regarding the transfer speeds.23:16
cuteK-afkmv to sd card: 3.5 MB/sec. mv to Win7 partiton: 25 MB/sec. :-)23:16
tioxI lol at this: LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.23:16
tioxThis happens when I run pidgin from my primary hard disk with the c flag.23:17
kunji25 nice ^_^23:17
tiox(I don;t feel like maintaining a second set of files for Pidgin on Linux.)23:17
kunjiTime for sleep, nights all, good luck with everything ^_^23:18
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
arohnerhi, I have multiple mirrors in my apt sources list, but one of them (us-east-1.ec2) is failing. apt-get doesn't appear to be trying other mirrors. Is there a way to fix that?23:21
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Chuck_Norrisarohner: pate the error23:23
blackshirtarohner. you can remove them23:23
Chuck_Norrismeinwhile Chuck_Norris... http://i.imgur.com/LUHZv.jpg23:23
arohnerErr http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric/main libcap2 amd64 1:2.21-223:23
arohner  403  Forbidden [IP: 80]23:23
mobilenoob11Whats the best way to modify the envir variable, such as $PATH ?23:23
tioxOh wow, CCSM actually has a warning now.23:23
three18tiChuck_Norris doesn't use a desktop, he just round-house kicks the computer in the face.23:24
arohnerblackshirt: I know I can remove them manually. I'm trying to script a machine setup, so I'd really like some kind of automatic failover23:24
OerHeksChuck_Norris, nice desktop +123:24
arohnerE: Failed to fetch http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcap2/libcap2_2.21-2_amd64.deb: 403  Forbidden [IP: 80]23:24
Chuck_NorrisOerHeks: ty do ya want mah conky config?23:25
blackshirtarohner: are you using proxy ?23:25
arohnerblackshirt: no23:25
mcphailarohner: are you sure you did apt-get update before trying to pull that? That version might not exist any more23:26
Chuck_Norrisarohner: maybe that PPA doesent have packages for Precise23:26
OerHeksChuck_Norris, post it on http://ubuntuforums.org/ i believe there is a section "show your conkyrc"23:26
blackshirtarohner: are you sure using archive mirror23:26
arohneryes, I apt-get update'd. I'm getting that 403 on every package. this isn't a PPA, it's standard packages23:26
mcphail!info libcap223:27
Chuck_Norrisbut OerHeks ok, i'll do that23:27
ubottulibcap2 (source: libcap2): support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.22-1ubuntu3 (precise), package size 12 kB, installed size 55 kB23:27
amitesAnyone know if it's possible to get Gnome 3 to work with llvmpipe on 12.04?23:27
arohnerthis is a clean EC2 box, using the official 11.10 image23:27
i7cis there any reason why resolv.conf is not updated by openvpn on 12.04 ?? where there any changes?23:27
mobilenoob11Where does bash keep the config on this Ubuntu?23:27
mcphaili7c: yes. Read the release notes23:28
tioxIs it a good idea to persue installation of OpenJDK 7?23:29
tioxOpenJDK/OpenJRE tather.23:29
RiXtEr-Homemobilenoob11, i'd say under ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile23:29
blackshirtarohner: look your repos not reachable23:30
mobilenoob11thanks, must be rc, profile is no.23:30
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CuteKittyhow do i undelete/unempty my trash?23:30
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spdupeeover 12 hours now and no crashes23:31
spdupeeupdate-apt-xapian-index -f was all it took23:33
FyodorovnaCuteKitty, do you mean recover the deleted from the trash, not sure you can.23:33
spdupeeis there any way to recover a raid 0 drive?23:34
CuteKittyFyodorovna: yes, that's what i mean23:34
ActionPa1snipspdupee: using backups will be far easier23:35
FyodorovnaCuteKitty, https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/files-recover.html23:35
ActionPa1sniptiox: if openjdk gives what you need, why not :)23:35
Frank123hello im using ubuntu 12.04 with gnome-session-fallback and sometimes i get kicked to the loging screen like session crash... what could be the cause?23:37
ActionPa1snipFrank123: check in /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:37
ActionPa1snipFrank123: does it happen in other sessions?23:38
JuJuBeeI need some advice.  Ihave a laptop with 2 HD.  I have / along with Win on 1 drive and /home and swap on the other.  I want to replace the /home & swap drive with a new HD.  How  should I start (already backed up /home)23:38
Frank123no idea installed today and switched to fallback mode and now it is 2 time it happen23:39
ActionPa1snipJuJuBee: just replace the drive, you can restore the data from backup and setup the swap, all you will need to do is change the UUID in /etc/fstab to use the ones of the new partitions23:39
stuenghow can I start pulseaudio if I dont have a DE and just a xwindow?23:40
JuJuBeeIve never created  partitions from cli and if I remove /home, I won't be able to use GUI23:40
stuengnor do I have or want lightdm23:40
stuengalso how do I remove a package which other packages depend on, I want to force its removal but nothing that depend son it23:42
zykotick9stueng: i guess you don't understand what "depends" means23:43
stuengdepends is what whoever made the package beleives is a dependancy23:43
ki7rwanyone have a recommendation for voip software? especially one that provides caller id to the called party?23:44
stuengI need to remove a package which is not 100% critical to what depends on it23:44
alankilastueng: you can use dpkg and just force the depend, --force-depend probably. Ugly things may happen.23:44
skelki7rw: google voice?23:44
undecimCan I add places to the "Copy To" and "Move to" options in nautilus?23:44
stuengok thanks, I was reading the man page but misunderstood the syntax23:45
MonkeyDustskel  google is a no-no here23:45
skelMonkeyDust: really? why's that?23:45
MonkeyDustskel  type !google to find out23:45
stuengalankila: sorry I dont understand the syntax still... I want to force removal of libasound223:45
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:46
Sidewinderstueng, You're not alone; many of the man pages, when it comes to the syntax confuses the 'ell outta' me.23:46
stuengalankila: I tried dpkg --force-removal --remove libasound223:46
ki7rwskel: don't see google voice in a ubuntu package23:46
stuengalankila: sorry I mean --force-depends23:46
skelki7rw: it's a web service, completely web based.23:46
skelMonkeyDust: that has nothing to do with google voice23:46
skelMonkeyDust: or suggesting google services23:46
alankilathis sounds like incredibly bad idea to me. asound2 may be fairly central to any number of programs, to the point they will no longer even load because of linking problem23:47
MonkeyDustskel  i thought you meant 'search voice on google'23:47
skelMonkeyDust: ah ok =]23:47
SidewinderMonkeyDust, I was gonna' say..23:47
alankilastueng: in any case that syntax looks correct to me23:47
stuengalankila: got it I was missing an "s" after depend :P23:48
MonkeyDustin ieder geval......23:48
skelki7rw: voice.google.com is the service, voip is a combination of a service+clients23:48
ki7rwi don't understand why skype doesn't have that feature - very good audio quality though23:48
skelki7rw: so google voice is one way you could do it with the browser being the client, there are apps out there too that will work with google voice23:48
ki7rwmuch better rates than my local phone service23:49
skelki7rw: yeah skypes an option too. I haven't tried it recently. I think Microsoft bought it and I've heard they've been doing good things there.23:49
* ki7rw will just have to experiment23:49
skeldoes anyone know if there is native ability to tie my Unity calendar into my google calendar?23:50
skelor vice versa rather I guess23:50
undecimskel: Unity calendar?23:54
skelundecim: um, whatever that calendar is thats in the unity status bar with the time/date23:57
undecimskel: Well AFAIK, that calendar doesn't to anything more than show you the day numbers... No events23:58
skelundecim: ah ok23:58
ki7rwanyone know how to use mangler? i.e. how do you set up an account?23:59
TheKaddyif I use a .sh to start/kill a java derby server, how do ensure I will be returned to a prompt at the exit of the .sh? my cursor is sitting at the newline, but there is no prompt. what's this?23:59

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