
len-liveTried installing our latest ISO ... ubiquity failed.. bug #100535002:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005350 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "12.10 ubiquity crashed during copy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100535002:30
len-liveFor whoever cares, it appears that xfce4-utils needs to be removed from our seeds/metas. The packages that previously depended on it now "replace" it.02:53
len-dtI'm trying to remember who has the permissions to change our seeds/packages...03:18
Len-nbfiled bug #100537903:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005379 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "ISO will not build from package conflict" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100537903:52
Len-nbI was unable to assign this to ubuntustudio-seeds03:53
Len-nbI have also filed Bug #1005381 04:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005381 in ulatencyd (Ubuntu) "with ulatencyd installed, when jackdbus is started mouse/keyboard lock/freeze" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100538104:07
ailoastraljava: You have access, right? Maybe you could sort it out (read above)08:07
astraljavaailo: len-dt: I think affects is set to correct package, and assigned should be set to anyone currently working on the problem, ie. first whoever starts to fix it in seeds can set it for h[im|er]self, and then when it moves forward, whoever uploads and so forth.08:14
astraljavaailo: Oh, you meant actually fixing it in the seeds? Yeah, I've been meaning to do that.08:15
astraljavalen-dt: That's actually a dupe, let me find the orig.08:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002250 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "[quantal] xfce4-utils is deprecated in 4.10" [Undecided,New]08:16
len-dtastraljava, Thank you for marking the duplicate bug. Thats why I list all my bugs here (that affect US anyway)13:02
len-dtastraljava, I am surprised it would affect the settings package though13:04
astraljavalen-dt: I'll try to look into it this evening, so let's see.13:26
astraljavalen-dt: But yeah, thanks for creating action in here, we need to pick up speed now. I think Scott will be available more soon-ish, too.13:26
len-dtastraljava, No problem, I didn't realize anyone had looked into it. Posting bug numbers when posted is helpful in that.13:27
astraljavalen-dt: Sure, but bugs are aplenty, and it's a bit redundant. And I'm not sure who are reading backlogs regularly anyway. :) That's why searching for existing is useful and recommended.13:59
len-dtastraljava, I will do mor work on the menu as well. I have the apps we ship in the right place, but I would like to try to include other commonly used programs as well, so that when the user installs them.14:00
astraljavalen-dt: Also, you should be getting the bugmail as you're in the ~ubuntustudio-dev team, right?14:00
len-dtastraljava, I did do a search, but probably not the right search string.14:00
astraljavaYeah, things can still slip by.14:00
len-dtActually I did not.14:02
len-dtI put myself on the team, but maybe that was after the bug was filed.14:02
astraljavaOk, let us know if you are not getting bugmail, though. It's sometimes a burden, but still overall helpful. :)14:04
len-dtI did get the duplicat report and the changes you made to the original though14:04
astraljavaOh that's good.14:04
len-dtI still get more spam than real email14:04
ochosihey guys15:59
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