
len-dtlicensed, is there a spare pci slot?00:00
len-dtThere should be lots of the old gameports around00:00
len-dtI have heard the firewire ones are good too.00:01
len-dtAt this point, with my very narrow experience, that is all I know. I would ask on some of the irc channels and email lists like linux musicians or linux audio users.00:03
len-dtlicensed, there are a lot more experienced people there.00:03
licensedi know hehehe i never work with sound before.. i want to start next month00:04
len-dtlicensed, I would certainly like to know what experiences you have with whatever you end up with.00:04
BA707Hello All...   Where do I need to exec this command 'make M=snd-rtctimer', in order to create the module, under Ubu v10.04 LTS ?00:28
BA707This is for use with Rosegarden00:29
BA7071Hello fellow audiophiles...    I'm getting close to having a working Qsynth.  Can some point me to an ftp server where I can d/l a good Piano sf2 file ?03:50
BA7071Also like to get a 4-string Ibanez Bass sf2 file03:50
BA7071Anybody alive here ???03:59
gprestonmotoXanyone know if this will upgrade my 12.04 Ubuntu to Studio?05:26
gprestonmotoXsudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop05:26
ravenGREAT disaster with audacity - after a crash the aup file is broken and the recovery only brings back the text track without the main audio track, the _data folder is empty - how to rescue the project?? is anywhere a history of all cuts i made for restoration??13:54
mighty_abobahow can i turn off the jack-pulse bridging?15:35
mighty_abobaI meant delete15:40
mighty_abobabecause PA makes problems to jack15:41
mighty_abobain 11.10 ubuntu studio all was fine15:42
mighty_abobaJack took all power15:43
mighty_abobanow it is the division between jack and PA15:44
mighty_abobahow can i do this like in US 11.10?15:45
mighty_abobathe kill of PA every time is not decision15:54
ailomighty_aboba: You can just uninstall pulseaudio-module-jack16:12
ailoShould be enough to just restart pulseaudio after that16:13
mighty_abobaI hope it is help me16:36
mighty_abobaI hope it will help me*16:36
mighty_abobayeah, now it's fine16:46
ravendo you know about a limiter/compressor plugin what proceses audio special to equal loudness to ebu128 specification?20:43
ravenaudacity: which audio file format is able to handle text labels?21:04
milk_hi there22:12
milk_i just installed studio, very happy so far :) is there any way to improve the font rendering? iÄve got pretty much color fringing on my high contrast text22:13
=== milk_ is now known as milk_snooze
milk_snoozehappy to hear youre advice while i'm away getting some sleep :D22:32
mt886Hello! anyone available to answer questions?22:37

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