
=== Guest62506 is now known as ponpon
synack_hey guys im using xubuntu for like over a month now01:58
synack_love it01:58
synack_but, i want to tweak the WM a little , how can i add features like "snap to" left/right from unity ?01:59
synack_im not even sure what WM xubuntu is using atm01:59
synack_wiki says it is XFWM401:59
synack_is that accurate?01:59
synack_id like to tweak the "alt-tab" interface and add the ability to snap windows to the left02:00
synack_or right02:00
synack_without upgrading the entire WM02:00
synack_if possible02:00
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Marzattahi, just installed 12.04 on a packardbell with nvidia G105M, and got this blue tint in youtube videos09:49
Marzataany idea?09:50
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SysiMarzata: disable hardware acceleration10:04
MarzataSysi: will try ...10:22
Mannixcan somebody help to fix sound problems?10:28
baizondont know if you dont describe what your problem is10:28
MannixI have xubuntu 11.10. Sound worked well. But recently it broke: now only sound in Skype works, but not on browser10:29
Mannixonce it worked on mpg32110:29
Mannixbut it's not working on Clementine10:29
baizoncheck pavucontrol10:29
baizonmaybe its muted10:29
baizonbecause skype controls the volume10:30
MannixI do not have it10:30
Mannixwhat package?10:30
Mannixwhat muted?10:30
MannixMan, I say Skype is working!10:30
Mannixhow it can be muted?10:30
MannixI'll try to install pavucontrol10:31
baizondo that10:31
Mannixoh, btw, I am using USB headset10:32
Mannixif I connect old-style headphones - it works10:33
Mannixbut with cracking sound10:33
baizoninstall pavucontrol and check the output device10:34
MannixI've installed pavucontrol10:35
Mannixwhat should I check?10:35
baizonoutput device10:35
baizonand sound volume10:35
Mannixthere are 3 output devices: RV710/730 Digital Audio HDMI, ClearChat Pro USB analog stereo, Internal audio Analog Stereo10:36
Mannixok, now I see sound is going to Internal Audio10:37
Mannixbut why?10:37
Mannixnothing is connected to it10:38
Mannixha, I've turned off Internal Audio :)10:38
Mannixand now it works10:38
Mannixbaizon, thank you very much for helping10:39
baizonnp :)=10:39
Mannixgreat :)10:40
uskerinehi, i would like to manually setup the dns servers12:22
uskerinebut in resolv.conf there is nameserver
uskerinewhy and how can i change it -using configuration files-?12:22
Fudgecant u just change it or setup your modem to use other nameservers or network manager12:32
ruienno, ubuntu 12.04 handles DNS differently (http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/) - that page gives a decent overview12:49
* uskerine wonders by things have to change every year12:52
uskerinethanks ruien i will have a look, now the problem is that i am trying to change it for the thin clients  and /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/networks/interfaces lacks any configuration for eth0, it is only applied for loopback12:55
ruienhmm, well, I've never actually made any changes, but the resolv.conf syntax is essentially just an IP address. You can't just add the relevant IP in the "tail" part of resolv.conf.d ?12:57
uskerineruien i am not following you12:58
uskerinei have /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/12:58
uskerinecan I apply there a given dns server ?12:58
uskerinei have head12:58
uskerinebase original12:59
uskerineand tail12:59
ruienyeah, in tail12:59
uskerinewhich is asymlink to original12:59
ruienas per the documentation which I referenced, "tail: Any entry in tail is appended at the end of the resulting resolv.conf"12:59
ruienthat sounds like what you want, but I could be wrong. I am not exactly clear on your requirements12:59
uskerinefor some reason my thin clients lack the dns resolution12:59
uskerineand what i see is that /etc/resolv.conf points to nameserver
uskerinei launch browser in the thin client, i can browse by typing IP address bt not by typing domain names13:00
uskerineso i am trying to fix it up by hardcoding dns servers somewhere13:00
uskerinebut that somewhere is different from where it was in the 90's13:00
LightningBaronmy favorite distro Xubuntu :)13:03
zamananI am having a problem logging in to xubuntu13:04
zamananit seems that there is a loop13:04
zamananand I keep falling back to the login screen13:04
zamananTried a couple of fixes13:04
zamananbut didnt work13:04
zamanananyone to help me around?13:04
ruienuskerine: what happens if you just add your DNS server to the "head" file so it shows up at the front of resolv.conf automatically? I'm not sure when it is regenerated but it seems something you could force to happen on boot even if it's a hacky solution like adding DNS regeneration to rc.local13:06
ruienzamanan: are you able to log in via a terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F1) ?13:07
zamananruien, yes I can13:08
LightningBaronzamanan:  i also encountered that problem before i just press my force restart and then boom, all came back to normal.13:09
zamananhave restarted a couple of times LightningBaron, didnt help13:09
ruienis there anything weird in your .bash_profile or .bashrc ?13:10
zamanangimme a sec13:10
zamanancoming back to try another fix13:10
zamanannot worked13:13
zamananhow can I disable the graphical login?13:14
xubuntu354Im running xubuntu and it tends to get all slow when i have 3 or more applications up and alot of the time it will freeze completely, is there any way to fix this?14:48
holsteinxubuntu354: add more ram? .. are you having realistic expectations for the hardware?14:50
xubuntu354How much more?14:50
holsteini mean, as much as you can, or want to i say... the more the merrier is a good rule for memory14:51
holsteinxubuntu354: are you having realistic expectations of the hardware you have?14:51
xubuntu354just to be able to have abiword and firefox open14:57
xubuntu354i dont think thats too much for 512mb, right?14:58
bazhangtry lubuntu with such little ram15:00
ruienfirefox uses more ram than you think15:01
bazhangway more15:01
xubuntu354does chrome use less?15:02
ochositheoretically yes15:02
ochosiat least it feels snappier with less ram15:02
ochosibut if you open a few tabs...15:02
ochosi(same with midori btw)15:02
xubuntu354which browser would you recomend?15:03
ruieni'd say chrome, but as ochosi said, it's no magic bullet. You'll still need to make sure you don't open too many tabs at once15:04
ruieni'd put the memory monitor in your Xfce status bar15:04
ruienSystem Load Monitor -> Memory Monitor15:04
xubuntu354i cannot find memory monitor at all15:09
ruienare you editing your Xfce panels?15:10
ruienright-click a panel: Panel -> Panel Preferences15:10
ruien"Items" tab, then add the System Load Monitor15:10
ruienthen edit the settings and enable the memory monitor part. I keep just the bar showing how much is used15:11
xubuntu354thanks, i got it15:13
ruienmake sure to add plenty of swap space if you're on 512 (unless you like the OOM killer!) but swap is really slow15:13
uskerinedoes xubuntu use LDM or LightDM?15:14
ICWeinerI'm in CLI and I just did "tar -c * Music" and now I'm getting all sorts of funky output. I was putting Music in the file, I think...15:18
uskerinethanks ruien15:19
ICWeinerCan someone help me?15:21
ICWeinerhow can I zip a group of files in the CLI?16:22
gordonjcpICWeiner: zip16:25
ICWeinerexact command?16:25
gordonjcpif you type just "zip" you'll get comprehensive help16:26
gordonjcpI can't tell you exactly what to do since I don't really know what you want to do16:26
gordonjcpfor historical reasons the Unix-y way is to use "tarballs" which is a compressed archive file16:26
gordonjcpyou know how you often see .tar.gz ?16:27
ICWeinerI just want to make a zip of everything in my current directory.16:28
gordonjcpdid you read the instructions that just "zip" on its own prints out?16:29
gordonjcp"zip [zipfile list]"16:30
gordonjcpthere's a gotcha though, you really want "zip -r zipfile list"16:30
gordonjcp-r means recurse down subdirectories16:30
laitealso, 'man zip'16:31
xubuntu239I am new user xubuntu, change password and after 5minutes forgot, I am now in administrator17:17
knomeadministrator what?17:17
xubuntu239How to reset administrator password?17:18
knomeyou should not enable the root account - is that what you did, or do you just want to change your own password?17:18
ICWeinerCan I use CLI to chat on here? It'd be so awesome to be able to chat w/o leaving it.17:19
knomeICWeiner, feel free to17:19
ICWeinerI mean is there a way...17:20
xubuntu239I change my own password, then i tray use new password, but seems, now need to reset administrator password.17:20
knomeICWeiner, sure :) there are various clients, like irssi17:20
ICWeinerFor use within CLI?17:20
knomeICWeiner, yes17:20
ICWeinercool. how to get?17:21
knomexubuntu239, in ubuntu, the "administrator password" is your own password17:21
knomeICWeiner, sudo apt-get install irssi17:21
logankemphow to change my name?17:24
ICWeinerI'm online as logankemp17:25
ICWeinerthat's my computer name...17:25
knome/help is a good guide, but simply; /nick newname17:25
ICWeinerkk thx17:25
xubuntu239Konome I changed the administrator password shortly after xubutnu installed, now I try to use the new password, but it is wrong, or is there any way how  to reset17:25
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DFrostedWangThat's better.17:25
knomexubuntu239, again, what are you referring to with "administrator password"? did you enable the root account?17:26
knomeDFrostedWang, let's try to keep it family friendly - please change your nick to something else17:26
DFrostedWangNo one complained about ICWeiner...17:27
xubuntu239I don't creat root account17:27
knomexubuntu239, in that case, as i said, the "administrator password" is your own password17:27
knomeICWeiner, please change that nick too then.17:28
ICWeinerIt's PG-13, though!17:30
knomeICWeiner, no excuses.17:30
ICWeinerIt's a good excuse, though!17:30
knomeICWeiner, i'm saying this the last time, change the nick.17:31
xubuntu239knome i seems enter new password and forgot it, i dont, want turn of commputer, becose i cant login back in xubuntu. There is way how to cahange password to new if i forget old admiistrator password. Thanks17:36
xubuntu675Hey everybody.  Just wanted to say that Xubuntu looks like what I'm looking for, however, my broadcom wireless card doesn't have the firmware installed.  Can I just download ndiswrapper from the software center and it work like that?  (installing xubuntu 12.04 from a usb stick with a wired connection as we speak)17:46
astraljavaxubuntu675: Yes you can. There is also some documentation on wireless troubleshooting if that's not enough to fix it.17:51
astraljavaxubuntu675: ...and this channel, of course. :)17:51
IgirloservmHEI WHO CAN HELP WHITH USERS problems17:52
xubuntu675astraljava: Yeah, I've seen some documentation that doesn't use ndiswrapper, but it was for regular ubuntu and not updated for 12.04, wasn't sure if it would fit with xubuntu.17:53
astraljavaxubuntu675: Well, I'm not sure which documentation you're referring to, but in general, you can install stuff in software center, and see if it works or not. If not, then stop by in here, but be prepared to give a full description of what you did, and most importantly _how_ it is not working for you.17:55
xubuntu675astraljava: Yeah, I was just trying to get ahead of the game while everything installed.17:56
astraljavaxubuntu675: Yeah ok, good to find information beforehand. :)17:56
astraljavaIf only most of the users were like that. :)17:57
xubuntu675astraljava: I'm not completely new, I've dabbled with ubuntu since jaunty, however, I currently have puppy installed and it's architecture is so radically different I needed to go back to ubuntu.17:58
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milen8204My chrome crashes? Any one can say why ? :D18:19
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xubuntu210anyone knows if there is compiz like stadnalone windows picker?21:48
xubuntu210because i cannot use compiz because of my weak graphic card!21:48
xubuntu210actually not because of the graphic card but because of ati radeon non supported driver21:49
crondxubuntu210, you can just turn off desktop effects21:53
gordonjcpseems crazy to enable them if you're going for a fast, lean, stripped-down machine21:54
xubuntu210they are already disabled22:05
xubuntu210but i find usefull switching between windows using hotspots with mouse22:06
xubuntu210can i use compiz without effects enabled?22:07
xubuntu210i didn't try to install it because my driver is really bad friend with linux. its ati x1270.22:08
xubuntu210lack of support22:09
xubuntu210thats why i am trying to see if there is standalone application to switch windows, like macos expose!22:10
crondalt_tab ?22:11
xubuntu210works but its not that easy to use22:11
xubuntu210when having a lot of windows open22:12

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