
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
highvoltagestgraber: another thing that we lost via ubuntu seeds was gnome-games. (which lead to us losing things like glchess, gnibbles, etc)19:32
highvoltagestgraber: I suggest that we add gnome-games back19:32
highvoltagestgraber: and I think since we can't ship stellarium on arm and since we want consistant packages across architectures, it's probably best to remove it19:32
stgraberhighvoltage: ok, I'll remove stellarium. For gnome-games, can you check what dependencies that'd bring? for example I don't really want us to become the clutter maintainers ;)19:34
stgraberstellarium dropped19:35
highvoltagestgraber: I installed it on the livecd, no clutter, and in total it's around 10MB of .deb downloads19:35
highvoltagestgraber: ah, I lied19:36
highvoltagestgraber: there's libclutter :-/19:36
* highvoltage checks what needs it19:36
stgraberk, no thanks then :) maybe the desktop team will start getting clutter stuff this cycle and we'll get it for free then19:36
stgraberalso clutter performance on arm sucks apparently, I want any package we add to the seeds to be tested on armhf or we'll just end up having to remove them later on...19:37
highvoltageok, so if I remove libclutter, then gnibbles, gnome-games, lightsoff, quadrapassel and swell-foop are emoved19:37
highvoltageso perhaps we should just ship the ones that doesn't depend on clutter (which at least still gives us a chess game)19:38
stgraberassuming the non-clutter ones are usable on arm19:39
stgraberhighvoltage: did you end up getting a pandaboard @RLNX or are you still using the beagles?19:40
highvoltagestgraber: I think the pandaboard I have here is technically supposed to go back to the client, but they haven't collected it yet19:40
stgraberhighvoltage: k, I think it'd be best to get Ubuntu 12.04 installed on a panda, install the video driver, then install edubuntu-desktop and check what works/what doesn't19:42
stgrabermaybe try to upgrade to 12.10 but I'm not sure if that works yet19:42
stgraberogra_: ^19:42
highvoltagestgraber, alkisg, mgariepy: btw we have an edubuntu meeting tomorrow19:44
alkisghighvoltage: ah nice, what time?19:44
highvoltagealkisg: 19:00 UTC19:44
alkisgHmmm I'm not sure if I can make it, I'll try though19:45
highvoltageok, we'll run through recent changes and work items and post the results to the list19:45
highvoltageI'd like to talk to the EC as well about sponsorship for Edubuntu, but we could perhaps do that by mail instead19:45
jbichathe Ubuntu Desktop Team plans to ship clutter on the 12.10 CD...20:36
jbichatotem will depend on it, gnome-sushi (a quick-previewer for nautilus) needs it...20:37
highvoltagejbicha: thanks for the info20:38

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