
OxDeadC0deAnyone got any links to articles on installing 12.04 to an sata raid setup?00:26
OxDeadC0deGrub, ofc, is the part failing.. tried a few different things and still no go.. trying ahci mode now but.. that's not raid..00:28
JoitOxDeadC0de: do you need to set the startsequence at your bios right?00:29
OxDeadC0deStartsequence? Raid vs ide vs ahci(if so then yes)00:31
OxDeadC0deI'm a total nub with raid00:31
Joityeah kinda like that, i got a raid system too, and it did wrk ok00:32
Joitdoes your grub come up at the start?00:32
OxDeadC0deNope, fails to install from the cd.00:33
Joitmaybe you got an option to look for alternative decives ....00:33
Joitdoes it detect your hdd?00:33
Joitor do they even show up at the boot up screen from your bios?00:34
OxDeadC0deGrub-install /dev/mapper/isw_bsiaddbaaf_Volume0 , error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)00:35
OxDeadC0deThe rest of the install went fine, 2 ext4 partitions and a swap on both drives00:35
OxDeadC0deEr no, used guided partitioning, manual wasn't working on the 12.04 cd (worked on 11.04 but my 11.04 was damaged and failed to copy files halfway through)00:38
OxDeadC0deSo 1  main ext4 partition, 1 extended with swap on it00:39
Joitat last, you could access the hdd, its only that grub cant be installed00:39
genii-aroundOxDeadC0de: Did you try appending something like insmod raid1   to the kernel boot line?00:39
genii-around( assuming raid1 here )00:40
OxDeadC0deNo but I can, 1 min00:40
OxDeadC0deTakes so long to boot from cd in this drive..00:43
* genii-around makes more coffee00:46
Belial`does anyone know where i can get the app menu button that displays in the titlebar for kde apps?00:49
OxDeadC0deBooted with that option, appears to make no difference. Was able to mount /dev/mapper/isw_blablahblaH_Volume0p1 via Dolphin from the live cd though00:49
genii-aroundOxDeadC0de: After boot, is md0 (or whichever) mounted ?00:52
JoitBelial`: miniprograms?00:52
Joitits k-menu00:53
OxDeadC0degenii-around: I do not see anything like that mounted. If it helps, the board is an intel d945gpt00:55
genii-aroundOxDeadC0de: Perhaps try http://www.techspot.com/community/topics/how-to-install-grub-2-on-a-fake-raid-system.153346/00:56
Belial`Joit, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-g-hgrthHbio/Ts56XzC_ueI/AAAAAAAAG3Q/2UgCdKmI9bQ/s1600/kde-appmenu_1.png like that00:56
Joitbelial no more like this little icon at the lower left side, the K with the gear00:57
Belial`i'm talking about the menu button in the titlebar of the applications themselves like in that screenshot. it replaces the text menu in all qt apps.00:58
Joitbelial rightclick on dolphin and configure?01:00
Joityou can add there tools01:00
genii-aroundOxDeadC0de: Additionally, you may want to put GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="raid1"  in the /etc/default/grub file there on the chroot and sudo update-grub01:03
JoitBelial`: rightclick at the upper area, i can see there a tools button01:03
OxDeadC0degenii-around: attempt 2 with that method, didn't see your additional comment until now. Trying that.01:11
genii-aroundOxDeadC0de: Actually, just raid, apologies, not raid1 ... the initramfs used name raid101:13
OxDeadC0deGrub-install /dev/mapper/isw_...._Volume0 said it worked, trying boot again01:16
OxDeadC0deI like the idea of raid, but I'm starting to hate this impl.01:19
OxDeadC0deOn the first two tries of dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc it didn't give me a list of partitions or drives to install to, third try did, i picked the wrong 1 though I guess01:26
OxDeadC0deFinally can confirm raid1(mirror) from the "intel matrix storage manager"01:28
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tophI made a dumb... less than 5 min after install I broke it :(01:33
tophNew toph record :)01:33
tophso I didn't read the prompt for the home folder encryption and I didn't type my password. How do I make it prompt for that again?01:34
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OxDeadC0deAfter 5 tries, it will say it installed, but still refusing to boot grub up.01:47
licensedYeKe, please english only01:59
doaYeKe: 有 啊02:00
kubuserholy userlist, batman!02:20
kubuserdoes anyone know why software updates has frozen @ "preparing libsane-hpaio"   (41%)02:21
* amason__ puts on his psycic hat02:23
* kubuser takes off his grammar cap02:23
kubusermy first impressions of Kubuntu:   Looks gorgeous!  A little too nice for my current hardware configuration, however02:24
kubuserI'm the kind of user who'd rather have performance over quality, so I'm also interested in learning how to dumb-down the looks and effects02:25
kubuseranyone other than our psychic-friends-network available?02:26
* kubuser lights a cig02:27
kubuserlibsane-hpaio: Why are you doing this to me, Why??02:27
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kubuserGuest37562:  type /nick yournicknamehere02:29
kubuserdid I choose a bad time of day to seek irc support?02:38
Hganavakwhere can I find the shortcut to get windows to move workspace?03:14
Hganavake.g. Ctrl + shift + alt + right/left/up/down03:14
Belial`Hganavak, right click on the virtual desktop pager widget in the panel, click pager settings, click virtual desktops in the left column, then on the right side towards the bottom you can set your shortcuts03:27
OxDeadC0deFinally! Did the exact same stuff, except this time umounted /mnt/dev /mnt/sys /mnt/proc and finally /mnt, rebooted, and it booted grub, though it gave an invalid environment block error, it booted03:31
Linkmasterhow do you change the text color in lancelot?? I can't seem to find it..03:43
AvihayLinkmaster: I think it's part of the plasma themeing03:57
LinkmasterAvihay: that's what I thought..I changed the color scheme, desktop theme, and window theme too, but its still black :/03:57
Linkmaster*it as in lancelot text03:57
Avihayumm, no clue then... :-<03:58
OxDeadC0deUGHARGARG! Finally get that stinking machine going, install the updates including a new kernel, and it broke grub! Fmluck03:59
LinkmasterAvihay: do you happen to remember where to find the ability to force-group windows together?? I forgot, and I'm trying to find it04:07
DarthFrogLinkmaster: Right click on the windows title bar and select "Move Window To Group".04:08
AvihayLinkmaster: title-bar group? or the taskbar-thingy?04:08
Avihayalso note that it only works with some window decorators and not others (qtcurve, oxygen)04:09
OxDeadC0deSo flipping awesome. Grub is now working perfectly, but as soon as it tries to boot the kernel it reboots.04:09
LinkmasterDarthFrog: that's usually the case..but not with qtcurve, it doesn't allow titlebar group(to answer your question Avihay)04:10
Avihayit was a statement, that rouping does work with qtcurve04:10
LinkmasterOh. I didn't even see what you said under that(which explained my question).04:11
Linkmastersad day. now, to figure out where the master control to make sure that grouping does not occur at all04:11
LinkmasterI found it, we should be good now04:13
HganavakIs DragonPlayer the default Kubuntu media player?04:14
OxDeadC0deSo kernel -23 works fine here, -24 reboots instantly on me. No clue wtf but.. as long as grub works i can select -23 and still boot.04:20
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bazhangRJ_Morph, wrong channel for that05:27
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RJ_Morphbazhang: Oh, my bad. XD05:32
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Iliauzunесть кто06:16
Iliauzunесть кто06:20
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.06:20
Iliauzunедесь все на анг.?06:27
coder2Hello. Please help me to keep audio devices in order. They're swapping randomly on each boot.06:37
Iliauzunкак я понел здесь не принето общятся на нетральные темы07:06
Mamarok!ru > Iliauzun07:18
ubottuIliauzun, please see my private message07:18
MamarokIliauzun: that is the last warning: Enlgish only in this channel, please07:18
MamarokEnglish* actually07:18
mokushwill there be a ppa for kubuntu for when 4.9 beta1 will be released?07:20
Mamarokmokush: unlikely, as there is not enough manpower to package for beta1, maybe for beta207:20
Mamarokmokush: if you want to try it, ypu can still use Project Neon07:20
mokushMamarok: :(07:20
Mamarokmokush: the advantage of Neon is that it will not interfere with your stable installation07:21
mokushMamarok: I'm using project-neon right now, but I was hopeing for a ppa that would be more stable and updated along with kde (beta1>2>etc)07:21
Mamarokwell, there is a beta PPA since ever, but that doesn't make a beta more stable :)07:22
Mamarokso no, that will never happen, as betas belong in the kubuntu beta PPA anyway07:22
Mamarok4.9 will most likely make its way to the backports PPA, though07:23
Mamarokditto for 4.8.407:23
mokushso 4.9 beta2 will mostl likely be in the beta ppa07:27
jameslordhi all07:40
jameslordwhy i canot see gui when i installed kubuntu?07:40
jameslordand there is no startx command:(07:40
Tm_Tjameslord: see your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for example if there's something showing that has prevented xorg starting07:41
jameslordTm_T seems there is no such files:(07:42
Tm_Tjameslord: what about /var/log/syslog ?07:44
Tm_Tand do try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"07:45
jameslordTm_T seems there is also nothing wrong, i think i must forget to install some packages, so which is the name for gui ?07:46
Tm_Tkdm is the login window07:47
fastaHow do I show the mounted devices on the desktop?07:49
fastaOr some suitable subset?07:49
jameslordjust now i have found a strange problem08:32
jameslordi download a dvd iso, and want to install kubunt, but after i have installed it, i am surprise to find there is not gui, so i coment all the lines in sourcelist and add iso to the source, then apt-cache search , i can find packages for gcc , g08:33
jameslordg++ and sth else, but i just cannnot find kubuntu-desktop:(08:33
jameslordso, what's wrong?08:33
jameslordafter i uncomment the lines in sourcelist, i can find kunbutu-desktop now08:34
jameslordthis means that dvd iso does not include desktop packages, that is unbelievalbe:(08:34
tsimpsonjameslord: did you download the Kubuntu ISO? because kubuntu-desktop is defiantly on the DVD08:53
fastaIs there any difference between Kubuntu and installing all kde packages in Ubuntu?08:58
tsimpsonfasta: the default packages and configuration, but they are the same packages (just in a specific combination)08:59
fastatsimpson: what kind of configuration?08:59
tsimpsondefault styles, GTK+ theme, little things mostly09:00
tsimpsonand keyboard shortcuts09:01
jameslordtsimpson i have downloaded kubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.iso09:19
jameslordtsimpson which is 3.2GB09:19
tsimpsonjameslord: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/kubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.list contains /pool/main/k/kubuntu-meta/kubuntu-desktop_1.254_amd64.deb09:19
tsimpsonso it's there09:19
jameslordtsimpson i have such line in sourcelist : deb file:///home/jack/iso/ precise main restricted09:21
jameslordtsimpson iso dir is mounted to /dev/cdrom09:21
tsimpsonyou don't use file:// for the CD/DVD, you want a deb cdrom: entry09:21
tsimpsonuse apt-cdrom to add it09:22
jameslordfuser iso09:24
jameslord/home/jack/iso:       3414c09:24
jameslordwhat this means?09:24
jameslordhow to unmount iso? umount iso failed, the error msg tells that device is busy:(09:25
tsimpsonmake sure you're not in /home/jack/iso, in a shell for instance09:25
jameslordtsimpson how to add this iso dir to sourcelist?09:35
jameslordtsimpson http://iyanwu.com/pastebin/showthread.php?tid=9809:36
jameslordtsimpson i cannot find kubuntu-desktop while this package is in fact included by this iso dir09:36
tsimpsonjameslord: did you run "sudo apt-get update"? and made sure it had no errors?09:38
jameslordtsimpson i haven't use apt-get update , i think apt-cache gencaches will create query index for apt-cache , so i made a mistake?09:40
tsimpsonit does something similar, but you must use apt-get update to regenerate the full sources after adding a repo09:41
anqxyrdoes anyone know how to make konsole open links on left click, instead of right click -> open link ?09:46
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fastaanqxyr: no, but please tell me too when you do.10:08
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kleopatrahi after being idle for few minutes  my screen turns black. it seems that the screensaver in the systemsettings is not responsible for i have disabled it. but still it turns black. now i cant watch a film. what do i have to do?10:17
Tm_Tkleopatra: is it possible that you have energy saving settings in bios? (yes, I know the parting)10:20
robotdevildoes anyone elses font keep shifting around eg. upon reboot10:28
robotdevilgoes to an ugly tiny pixelated font that you normally see in gtk apps that dont listen to the WM10:29
kunhello there10:50
robotdevilwhat are the specs on what a kde login sound should be, eg. # of seconds, type of file,10:55
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robotdevilwow I just read canoical is dropping kubuntu, make me sad12:04
Picirobotdevil: it doesn't mean what you think it means.12:05
robotdevilno it means no official support12:05
robotdeviloh well I guess debian w/kde12:06
lelamalrobotdevil: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-to-be-sponsored-by-blue-systems12:07
robotdevilalso how the heck do you control timidity or what else do you use to listen to midi s online with firefox12:08
PiciThere was also another good blog post about the change, but I can't seem to find the link right now.12:08
robotdevilI launch a file from firefox and then it plays with timidity but I cannot seem to stop it anywhere.12:09
sh4deimihi guys :)12:36
fastaWhat is Blue Systems?12:47
fastaI mean: how large are they, where are they located, etc.12:48
fastaIs there adblocking in rekonq?12:49
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BluesKajHiyas all13:08
khmerogmy wifi adapter just stopped working on kubuntu, any oneelse having this problem?13:15
lordievaderGood afternoon13:32
khmerogis anyone having issues with their wifi adapter?13:32
lordievaderkhmerog: What kind of issues do you mean?13:32
* safridzal does13:32
safridzalkhmerog: I cant connect to aome ap with my kubuntu 1204, but i can do that with natty13:33
safridzal* an ap13:33
safridzalkhmerog: whats your issues?13:35
khmerogmy wifi adapter just stopped working on kubuntu, any oneelse having this problem?13:40
khmerogit was workign perfectly 2 days ago then all of a sudden it wont connect or even turn on13:40
khmerogbut my usb does work as my mouse and keyboard is working13:40
safridzalon the same system ?? do you run an upgrade ?13:40
khmerogyes same system and no i havent done upgrade yet..its okay i will do a renistall13:41
khmerogthanks for your suggestion13:41
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BluesKajkhmerog, not a reinstall just an upgrade  with your package manager , muon13:49
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ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:26
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest2573
fastaMuon tells me that I am holding back broken packages.14:59
fastaExcept, it doesn't tell me which ones nor provide any other method of finding these.14:59
safridzalfasta: on status tab,15:00
safridzalby category, by status, by origin15:00
safridzalon the left side15:00
fastaIt would also be nice if Muon would download packages before I say 'Install'.15:01
fastaI.e. as a kind of preemptive cache.15:01
safridzalwell, personal preferences may vary on each pple15:02
fastasafridzal: there are no broken packages listed.15:02
fastasafridzal: and now I was able to install something else.15:03
safridzalcool then??15:03
fastasafridzal: yes, that's the whole ?? I have too.15:03
fastasafridzal: so, it's not really cool, because it seems to be spurious messages.15:04
fastasafridzal: I think I did apt-get -f install to 'fix' them.15:04
safridzalwell, if you prefer cli way, use it then :D15:05
BluesKajsynaptic has a nice feature , "fix broken packages "15:05
BluesKajunder edit15:05
fastaBluesKaj: yes, I know.15:05
BluesKajfasta, sudo dpkg --configure -a15:05
fastaBluesKaj: yeah, I know the cli quite well.15:05
fastaBluesKaj: it's just that I like the GUI for managing tons of packages.15:06
BluesKajfine , then why do you use a gui ?15:06
fastaMuon should also put focus on the search field, imho.15:06
fastaBluesKaj: I just told you.15:06
pozzzcan you help with xampp for linux?I cannot create a database with phpmyadmin. Any advice?15:06
BluesKajfasta, your gui answer appeared a split sec before my gui question ...no need to get snippy15:10
=== NoiseCounselling is now known as NoiseCounsellor
safridzalis everybody use 4.8.3 now?? cos I was "forced" to upgrade from 4.8.2 by some pple, but i'll wait till its on the main repo...15:13
safridzalSystem:    Host aragorn-1215B Kernel 3.2.0-23-generic x86_64 (64 bit, gcc 4.6.3)15:13
safridzal           Desktop KDE 4.8.2 (Qt 4.8.1) Distro Ubuntu 12.04 precise15:13
safridzalwhats good about 4.8.3 ? compared to 4.8.2 ?15:16
safridzali have "problem" on my kde, look at this : http://wstaw.org/m/2012/05/29/snapshot8.jpeg15:17
safridzalthe button on my window decorator have a space between close and maximize15:18
safridzaland i dont know why its happen15:18
safridzalanyone can help me to revert it back??15:19
safridzal i have problem with my window decorator http://wstaw.org/m/2012/05/29/snapshot8.jpeg  (its not broken, but its weird to see the space between close and maximize button)15:35
BluesKajsafridzal, try resetting your theme in system settings15:40
safridzalon my window management theme, it also show the space15:41
safridzalits weird...15:42
BluesKajdon't get too hungup , try to fix it before complain about it too much15:42
safridzalwhat do you mean BluesKaj ??15:43
BluesKajtry differnt themes15:43
safridzali have..no different15:44
BluesKajinstall some15:44
safridzaloxygen, redmont, plastik, all of them15:44
safridzalim not complaining.. i can get used to it, i just want to share,15:45
BluesKajlive with it  :)15:45
BluesKajanyway I have to reboot ...BBL15:46
safridzalif everyone think like that, the software wont get any better15:46
safridzal i have problem with my window decorator: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/05/29/snapshot8.jpeg  (its not broken, but its weird to see the space between close and maximize button)15:54
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theguyfromaccounI'm getting an error on apt-get update16:38
theguyfromaccounSome index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.16:38
theguyfromaccounIt updates but I don't know how to get rid or the error16:38
BluesKajlook at the error message url , find it in your /etc/apt sources.list , unless it's a ppa then it'll be in  /etc/apt sources.list.d and delete it16:41
theguyfromaccounBluesKaj: Thanks! Will do! =)16:42
BluesKajoops /etc/apt/sources.list16:42
BluesKajtheguyfromaccoun, ^16:42
theguyfromaccounBluesKaj: even if it is a GPG error?16:43
theguyfromaccounit is extras.ubuntu.com16:44
theguyfromaccounI thought I need that - right?16:45
theguyfromaccounBluesKaj: This is the exact error16:47
theguyfromaccounI'm getting a gpg error when I do an apt-get update16:54
theguyfromaccounAnyone know why ?16:54
theguyfromaccounHow to fix it.. perhaps?16:54
theguyfromaccounAnyone here?17:00
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sky100how to uninstall a progamme in kubuntu .. what is the commnad to be used in TERMINAL18:35
sky100pls help18:35
Unit193sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE-HERE18:36
sky100ok Unit193 , ty18:37
sky100does any one use OGM Rip to covert file format to mp4 to be used in mobile ?18:38
=== DWonderly is now known as Darkwing
sky100how to get handbrake in kubuntu ..18:40
sky100 iwant to convert a DVD format ( 1hr duration } to .mp4 to beplayed in mobile18:40
sky100i want *18:41
Ezimsky100, https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-releases18:41
sky100ok Ezim18:41
sky100let me c18:41
Ezimsky100, if you know how to add ppa18:42
sky100no i dont know18:42
Ezimyou will always have the latest handbrake18:42
Ezimsky100, read about installation18:42
sky100how to add PPA18:42
Ezimpress it18:42
Ezim1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-release 2. sudo apt-get update 3. sudo apt-get install handbrake18:43
Ezimsky100, :) you have the answer now18:44
dijonyummywhy does my mouse cursor sometimes turn into a big dotted vertial line? and how to revert it back to the normal mouse cursor?18:47
sky100ty Ezim18:48
sky100will try that out18:48
Ezimsky100, np...18:48
sky100was it there in the link u posted ? Ezim ?18:49
sky100did not find that18:49
Ezimsky100, yes it was... they had example :)18:49
sky100let me just go back in the link u gave ..18:49
Ezimsky100, or you could add directly to muon packagemanager if you prefer the gui-way18:49
sky100but i like to install using COMMANDS18:53
sky100i installed OGMRip18:53
sky100but hope its notr that much handy..18:53
Ezimsky100, okey... then remenber doe command lines I gave you18:54
sky100i took the note & save in text pad18:54
sky100Ezim u said 1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-release18:56
Ezimsky100, exaclty18:57
sky100but in installation guide it says like sudo add-apt-repository ppa :gwibber-daily/ppa18:58
Ezimsky100, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu18:58
Ezimsky100, its important you first search for the ppa in the net18:58
sky100i was just reading abt the installation guide in the link u had provided me18:59
sky100im using kubuntu 12.0419:00
Ezimsky100, remenber to only use trusted ppa19:00
Ezimotherwise ppa can harm your system19:00
Ezimsky100, kubuntu is :) the way to go19:00
sky100i was just wondering from where u got those COMMANDS u gave me19:00
sky100as u said it was there in the Installation guide19:01
Ezimsky100, good page to have saved: https://help.ubuntu.com/19:01
Ezimthen in kubuntu you have help-section19:01
Ezimyou can find a lot of useful stuff for kubuntu users19:02
sky100saved it Ezim19:04
sky100& now ome more thing.. how to compltely remove a programme in kubuntu19:05
Ezimsky100, from muon19:05
sky100i will surely try that out .. the CMDS to get handbrake19:05
sky100i use APPER19:06
Ezimsky100, the command line way: sudo apt-get remove packagename19:06
sky100suppose if i want to remove OGMRip19:06
=== Creto_ is now known as Creto
sky100it should be like .. sudo apt-get remove OGM Rip   ?19:07
Ezimsky100, no..19:07
Ezimsudo apt-get remove ogmrip19:07
Ezimsky100, like I said install/remove with muon19:07
Ezimeasiest way19:08
sky100DVD Encoder OGMRip... how trustworty is that ..19:10
sky100have u heard abt that .. Ezim ?19:10
Ezimsky100, you mean the ppa?19:11
Ezimtry to always first install the package that are provided with kubuntu19:11
sky100OGN Rip.. a tool to convert video formats19:12
sky100i want to convert a DVD format to mp4 .. for my mobile to play it19:12
Ezimsky100, handbrake should do the work for you19:13
sky100& thats wahy im desperate to get it19:13
sky100ok .. brb Ezim19:13
sky100cya soon19:13
patrissI have done a : sudo dpkg --force-all --purge nginx19:43
patrissbut now I can not reinstall ngnix19:43
patrisswith apt-get19:43
patrisswhat can I do please?19:43
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haysis there a way to setup basically a remote desktop from my kubuntu machine (currently running xfce) to a mac osx box?19:56
jovinyes, it's easy with teamviewer20:02
DarthFrog!vnc | hays20:02
ubottuhays: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:02
openosHellll everyoNe20:03
openosI Have a question about how to get the last kopete version from a trusted ppa20:03
openosand also kopete plugins20:03
openossomeone help20:05
haysjovin: any thoughts ona  good mac client20:08
Ezimopenos, is not the version in muon the latest?20:10
openosi dont think20:10
openosversion 1.2.320:10
Ezimopenos, is the version in the repo not good enough?20:11
openosI need more plugins like pidgin20:11
Ezimopenos, maybe kopete does not have all does..20:12
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haysDarthFrog: hey i followed the instructions (which says basically to install x11vnc) and i think the server didn't start..20:21
xzon3zplease, anyone here with any ideas on building an owl reasoner. something like pellets?20:50
tophI've spent 20 minutes googleing and can't figure out where to go to change the sounds theme in kubunutu 12.04. I want to change the error sond to a file I downloaded.22:16
Avihaytoph: I don't know if there is an application for changeing the sound theme, but you can set sounds manually22:17
tophwhat's the file I have to edit?22:18
tophor is it a command?22:18
Avihayno, it's through the config center22:18
Avihayopen system settings, in the common apperance and behaviour category, select Application and system notification22:19
Avihayin Manage notification in the application tab, you'd probably want to select the KDE Workspace  event source22:20
tophok maybe I should preface this with my ultimate goal22:21
AvihayI've set it up so that the text to speech system reads my error messages aloud, but I'm leaning a bit towards using sounds from moebuntu22:22
tophI would like to write a script that runs at startup and collects info like time, date, maybe pull in some info from a news or weather widget (or other source) and then use a text-to-speech program to read it all out to me like Javis :D22:22
giantpunehi, i had a crash happen and i clicked through all the steps in the dialog that popped up and filed a bug report.  my system work in a pretty borked state and needed restarting.  and now that i have restarted, im trying to find that bug report to add more information to it22:23
tophlet me check what you said while you digest that ;)22:23
Avihaygiantpune: you should be able to search for bug reports sent by you (the username you used to submit the bug)22:23
giantpunein bugs.kde.org?22:24
Avihayyes, I think, what's his name the maintainer of kwin recently blogged about it in planetkde.org22:25
tophhmm that doesn't seem to let me change the sounds for say errors and startup and shutdown22:25
giantpunehmm.  i searched in that site and it shows a bug report i am following from 2011.  but my new bug doesnt show up.  maybe my system was in such a borked state that it didnt get submitted completely?22:26
Avihaybugs get deleted?22:26
giantpuneits only been 3 minutes since i submitted it22:27
Avihaytoph: kde doesn't do startup and shutdown only logon/off22:28
tophokies that's fine as well22:29
tophI suppose I should have specified I wanted it as I logged into or out of the user account anyway so that acutally works even better22:30
AvihayI suggest you write a script22:30
Avihayand have it run at startup by kde using the startup and shutdown KCM22:31
tophbut will that remove the default login sound?22:31
Avihayyou can use Jovie, or use one of the TTS systems directly22:31
tophyea I just installed jovie :) (great minds...)22:32
AvihayI'm still on 11.10, and jovvie is still seriously broken here, only now has it been able to remeber my default speaker, I guess you are already useing 12.0422:32
tophyes sir22:33
tophso far can't get jovie to do anything lool22:33
Avihayanyway, put the script to sleep for 30 sec, then let it collect the data you want, format it, and send it to the TTS when the computer is already stable22:34
Avihayto make jovie do stuff, you need to go to the notification settings and add speech notifications to the events22:35
Avihayyou'd want to select speek event message too22:36
haysis there a way to do remote desktop such that it acts like an independent login rather than just showing whatever desktop you happen to have up if you are logged in?22:36
Avihayhays: yes22:36
hayshow does one go about setting this up? is there a howto/guide?22:37
tophAvihay: thank you so mch for the help. I'm going to try some stuff and do some reboots and I'll be back with tons more questions :)22:38
Avihaytoph:  when I run out of disk space, it both shows me the pop out and reads out loud:" you are running out of disk space, currently 0 percent, xyz em.ai.bi would you like to open bla bla bla..."22:38
Avihayhays: I guess, you'd have to look around. I usually shh remotely with X forwarding, and then I can run individual instances of programs from the remote machin on the local machine,22:40
hayswell I found a kind of howto to set up a thin client server22:41
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flesphi, I've just installed kbuntu 12.04 and then netbeans 7.1.2.  g++ isn't available.  What's the correct way to install g++ ?23:51
flespI've looked through Muon Software Center, but nothing is jumping out at me...23:51
Piciflesp: install the build-essential package23:51
flespcool, thanks ;)23:52
PiciIt may not be exposed by the software center, so   sudo apt-get install build-essential   should work23:52
flespyep, I'm familiar with apt.23:53
flespthanks, that's great :)23:53
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