
asmedranoSo I just spent the last 2 days  working on my first Ubuntu App02:20
asmedranoand I got some questions perhaps some one has answers to02:21
asmedrano1) Where can I find the most up to date info regarding using PyGTK + Quickly/Glade to make Ubuntu apps02:24
asmedrano2) Is there any documentation about using HTML5 to make Ubuntu apps?02:24
asmedrano3) Is using Bazzar as a VCS  *required* for packaging or something or can I still use git?02:24
asmedrano4) I'd like to contribute to Ubuntu app dev, maybe helping organizing the docs so it will be easier for developers to start (esp: Python). Any Recommendations?02:24
windbuntuthe ubuntu brasero app has a nasty bug04:38
windbuntui ended up having to install k3b to burn disks.04:38
windbuntumaybe someone can pattern brasero after k3b, which tons of ppl in ubuntu chat told me to us eover brasero? if everyone knows this why doesn't ubuntu use the better app to make their app better?04:39
windbuntuuse over*04:40
dholbachgood morning06:53
twobottuxauappdev: Promoting an app in the Ubuntu Software Center through a ratings and reviews API <http://askubuntu.com/questions/143593/promoting-an-app-in-the-ubuntu-software-center-through-a-ratings-and-reviews-api>08:31
dpmnoodles775, do you happen to know the answer to this question? ^ Or shall I better ask mvo when he's online?08:41
noodles775dpm: I think all you'd want is to be able to open USC with your app displayed right? (as that's where you submit a review from). I assume it's possible... if you ask in #software-center someone there might be able to answer more quickly than I can by going through the code.08:47
noodles775dpm: in fact, `software-center --help` seems to say that you can simply pass a package name.08:48
* noodles775 tries08:48
dpmnoodles775, ideally, I'd show the review form through my app to keep the user in there rather than sending them to the USC, but if that's not possible, opening the SC with the app selected would be a nice fallback08:49
noodles775dpm: Yep, so both would be possible... I'll write an answer, mvo can write a better one when he's around :)08:50
dpmnice, thanks noodles775 :)08:51
ajmitchdpm: I seem to be unable to edit developer.ubuntu.com/get-started to fix the developer stack link in step 3 there08:59
ajmitchlink points to a private page which I can see when I'm logged in, but is 404 otherwise08:59
noodles775dpm: done.09:00
dpmhi ajmitch, let me check if that's a static page. If it is, it can only be changed by editing the HTML in the theme, and not through the CMS09:01
ajmitchdpm: ah right09:01
ajmitchthat could explain why the text editor shows up empty09:02
dpmajmitch, indeed, it's a static page. The link is at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuappdevelopersite-devs/ubuntudeveloperportal/trunk/view/head:/template-get-started.php#L4509:11
ajmitchdpm: right, mhall119 suggested changing it to just /resources/, what do you think?09:12
ajmitcheither that or make the ubuntu-developer-stack pages public09:13
dpmajmitch, yeah, I talked to mhall119 about that and we agree about using /resources. Let me double-check the status of the u-d-s page though, as it might be out of date09:14
dpmajmitch, yeah, the u-d-s page is not particularly great, so I think it should be rewritten before using it. Thus /resources might be more appropriate. Now if I knew how to redirect pages in Wordpress, I would simply make u-d-s public and add a redirect to /resources on it. That would save us the trouble of modifying the theme and getting it redeployed. Do you happen to know if that's possible in Wordpress?09:20
ajmitchI don't, sorry09:21
dpmthis seems would do the trick: http://www.nichestorestrategies.com/how-to-redirect-any-wordpress-page/09:21
dpmyay, that works, bug fixed! \o/09:24
dpmajmitch, could you double-check on your end that the link to u-d-s on get-started is no longer broken and that it redirects to /resources once clicked?09:25
ajmitchlet me log out of wp & try09:25
ajmitchstill 40409:26
dpmhm, it worked in Firefox, but not in Chromium09:26
dpmah, wait, I did not make it public09:28
dpmajmitch, please try now09:28
ajmitchworks, though I see an empty developer stack page before it redirects09:29
ajmitchthat's enough to fix the broken link though :)09:29
ajmitchhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+bug/968235 is the bug if you're happy with the fix09:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 968235 in ubuntudeveloperportal "developer stack link is broken" [Undecided,New]09:32
dpmyeah, thanks ajmitch09:34
ajmitchnp, you did the work :)09:37
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xnoxThe following required catalogues are unavailable: gtkwidgets10:23
xnoxam I missing a dependency? This is an error message from glade...10:24
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aquariusmhall119, ping?16:20
mhall119aquarius: pong16:20
mhall119wait, was that a question?16:20
aquariusmhall119, how do I create a launcher (that is, a .desktop file, not the Unity launcher :)) for a script, without typing it in by hand? Many moons ago you used to be able to right-click the desktop and say "create launcher", but that doesn't work any more (because nautilus doesn't run the desktop, and because the launcher creation tool is part of gnome-panel, which is not installed)16:22
mhall119aquarius: I don't know, I've been doing them by hand16:23
aquariusthe only ways I can find to do it are (a) create it by hand in gedit or (b) run the thing I want to launch, pin it to the Unity Launcher, then dig around in ~/.local/share/applications to find the desktop file adn copy it somewhere else :)16:23
mhall119then again, I don't have many to do16:23
aquariusit is Most Irritating.16:23
aquariusdarn. I was hoping you'd know a trick that I do not :)16:23
mhall119not me, sorry, maybe someone on the desktop team will16:24
aquariustrying them next :)16:24

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