
infinityjanimo: I'd assume it's because we moved the toolchain to ARMv5, but perhaps haven't told GHC about it.01:25
infinityjanimo: If you don't have the time to poke it, I can.01:25
infinityjanimo: My suspicion seems to be confirmed by the build log.  Grabbing the source now to have a look.01:30
twbDon't forget you can ask #debian-haskell (OFTC) for advice re the ghc side of things01:32
suihkulokkiubuntu armel is armv5 again?01:33
infinitysuihkulokki: SOrt of.01:38
infinitytwb: I suspect it's actuall llvm that needs some love.  Or maybe ghc just needs a violent re-bootstrap.01:38
twbLast time I looked (karmic?) GHC on arm went via C01:39
twbDidn't know they had transitioned to llvm01:39
twbOh and (at least at the time) ghc didn't support arm, really, it was just the debian haskell team making it kinda-work01:40
suihkulokkiinfinity: you need to update the topic then :)01:56
hrwsuihkulokki: toolchain is armv5 but that does not mean that ubuntu/armel is armv5 again02:11
hrwsuihkulokki: no one rebuilt whole archive for it02:11
twbWhat does "toolchain is armv5" mean?  That just those packages (presumably gcc, ld, etc) are compiled to run on armv5, though packages compiled WITH them target armv7?02:25
hrwtwb: right02:40
hrwtwb: ubuntu/armel was armv7 so most of packages still are. new ones will be armv502:41
int_uaHi. Looks like we have a newer somewhat stable kernel for the Nokia N900. Can someone help with packaging it and publishing on some server, better in the official repository?02:44
twbhrw: why the backflip?  Just because of raspberry?02:47
=== twb` is now known as twb
suihkulokkitwb: there is now armhf so having two armv7 ports doesn't make much sense02:49
hrwtwb: who care about r/pi?02:52
twbhrw: exactly02:53
twbarmhf branch isn't mentioned anywhere on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM btw02:56
jackhrasberry is ARMv503:01
infinityjackh: It's v6.03:01
jackhtwb: you mean ubunbu willl support that pi?03:02
infinitytwb: Hrm, wiki/ARM seems pretty out of date in general.03:02
jackhinfinity: ok, thanks for correct me03:02
infinityjackh: We're making no such commitment.03:02
infinityjackh: If we don't kill the armel port entirely, it might end up supporting the Pi, but that's still up in the air.03:02
jackhinfinity: seems lot of work of packaging, testing, fixing?03:04
infinityjackh: Right now, we're just doing an organic/lazy rebuild.  But, like I said, we may still drop the port entirely, so no promises.03:06
jackhinfinity: seems not many devices and dev-boards are supported by ubuntu now03:06
jackhinfinity: i plan to do some work to support some of them03:07
infinityomap, omap4, mx53, ac100, plus all the boards that Linaro ships kernels for...03:07
infinityWe have no real interest in building 50 images for every possible target.03:07
int_uajackh: what about N900?03:08
jackhinfinity: as you know they are too expensive, not suitable for young guys to buy03:08
jackhinfinity: i am try to do some on A8 systems, which is very cheap here03:08
infinityjackh: 200 USD is "expensive"?  My, how times have changed.03:08
jackhinfinity: Pi is 25bugs, you know that03:09
infinityYes, but it's also not something you want to run a general prupose OS on.03:09
infinityAn Ubuntu desktop wouldn't actually boot on it even if we were v6.03:10
jackhinfinity: also hdmi is not pop here, i dont think they have hdmi tv03:10
jackhinfinity: so i will do the things from the minimal rootfs and adds things on, if i meet any problem, i will disturb you:)03:12
twbinfinity: these plans/changes will be set in stone as at the next release?03:16
infinitytwb: It's more about if someone wants to sponsor the port.  Canonical's not really keen on doing armel for free.03:17
twbI was just confused because I thought it had already been decided (like, two releases ago) that Ubuntu's armel was gonna be v7 and HF and the only arm port Ubuntu had03:18
infinityarmel was never going to be HF.03:19
infinityHence armhf.03:19
twbI guess I was misinformed03:19
twbOr rather, I misunderstood03:19
suihkulokkiI guess twb is confusing hf with softfloat abi vs hf abi03:19
twbI'll STFU now...03:19
suihkulokkiit is confusing, no need to feel shame :P03:20
jackhhmm, infinity: suihkulokki: hf is hard floating, abi uses some mix of soft and hard floating, right?03:21
twbIn my head "hf" means you must have a hardware FPU03:21
infinityYeah, that's not what it means.03:22
twbHas someone written this stuff down somewhere?  If so I'll just go read that03:22
infinitysoft is software FP, softfp is hardware FP, but soft's calling conventions, hard is hardware FP, and using a new calling convention that uses the VFP registers.03:22
infinitysoft ansd softfp are ABI-compatible, hard isn't.03:23
twbIOW softfp will work on either, and can use a hardware FPU, but will have minor overheads compared to hard?  Whereas soft will simply ignore any hardware FPU?03:24
twbOr does "hard" actually work without a hardware FPU?03:24
jackhtwb: iow, hf seems like a small intruction set03:26
jackhtwb: the instructions will ask for and get result from some hardware units03:26
suihkulokkionly softfloat works if you do not have VFP03:28
twbI guess all I really care about is making sure I pick the best build for whatever hardware is in front of me03:29
twb(Where "best" balances performance and effort - e.g. maybe it is worth recompiling the kernel, but not the entire distro, for my specific unit.)03:30
jackhtwb: sorry, i still dont get what you want to do03:31
twbjackh: buy a computer, then make it go SUPER FAST03:31
twbDon't worry about it, I'm just talking shit03:31
jackhtwb: i got it03:31
jackhtwb: but that's x86 stuff, nothing to do with this channel03:32
twbEr, not on arm boxes03:32
twbAlthough my tf101 is still running oneiric and android's crappy kernel because I am actually too lazy to do anyhting but talk03:33
recuranyone know how to get Xfbdev to load fonts?  My embedded device needs something nicer than the fixed font :D05:25
twbThere are broadly two font subsystems; the "x font system", which deals with bitmap fonts, and xft, which deals with outline fonts.05:48
twbGTK2/3 and Qt3/4 are xft-based; almost everything is.  xterm uses xft if you say e.g. "xterm -fa monospace"05:49
twbMOST apps that use xft, use a second library "fontconfig" to turn a logical font name like "Sans 12" into the path to a font file.05:50
twbAnyway, if it's an xft app I wouldn't expect anything special to be needed on the X server side, it's all X app side05:50
recurohh cool05:52
recurthanks two, this is good info05:52
recurer twb, stupid spellcorrect ;)05:52
twbYou're about the fifth person in the last month to do that; it seems that everyone decided to turn on spell-checking at the same time...05:55
twbIt's probably a new "feature" in pidgin or whatever the hell is popular these days...05:55
furanstupid question. I am working on desktop ubuntu with libavcodec-52, but when I installed libavcodec on my arm device I got -53. Is there any way to install -52 + dev?05:56
recurI'm using Textual, it's disabled now :D05:56
twbfuran: if both boxes are running the same release, they should have the same version05:57
furanthey apparently aren't05:58
LetoThe2ndmaybe ont the desktop box there's medibuntu or such.05:58
twbfuran: back- or forward-porting is not something you should attempt unless you are an experienced packager05:59
twbAnd that goes double for installing stuff directly (i.e. "make; make install" rather than "apt-get install")06:00
furandesktop:Linux version 2.6.32-41-generic (buildd@vernadsky) (gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1) ) #89-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 27 22:22:09 UTC 201206:00
furanLinux version 3.2.0-psp7 (root@panda-a1-1gb) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu4) ) #1 Fri Apr 13 04:55:05 UTC 201206:00
furanand that's the device06:00
twbfuran: use lsb_release -a to check the relases, and look at "apt-cache policy" output to see if they have rogue package sources06:00
twbThat sounds like lucid vs. precise06:00
furanhah, I guess I installed lucid instead of precise on my vmware instance06:01
furanugh now i've gotta change all my libavcodec stuff06:01
furanoh well06:01
twbit's better in the long run iMO06:01
janimoinfinity, good to know you're on ghc then :)06:08
janimoalso good to hear we try an armv5 armel flavour even if just experimenting06:08
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ogra_hmpf, i guess that got swallowed by my reconnect11:26
ogra_janimo, any news about the new ac100 kernel ?11:26
ogra_(would be nice to have something for A1 the binary drivers work with ... which means at least 3.1)11:26
janimoogra_, I will have a look, would be nice indeed. I did no check marvin24's tree in almost a month I think11:26
ogra_well, i'm using a self rolled 3.1 since the new binary driver came out11:28
ogra_despite the driver bugs it seems ot work just fine11:28
janimoogra_, I still hope all tegra2 stuff gets mainlined for 3.6 and maybe catches 12.10 :)11:28
ogra_but you wanted to switch to 3.2 you said in the past, that will require somce signficant changes (devicetree)11:29
ogra_3.6 would be nice but i wouldnt count on it11:29
janimoI wanted to switch to whichever kernel is least hassle to maitain :)11:30
janimoif possible as new as possible to be in line with ubuntu11:30
lilstevieogra_: you don't have any issues with 3.111:31
ogra_it would be nice to have working images for the quantal milestones though, since we have a policy that images have to work nowadays11:31
ogra_i dont, no11:31
lilstevieI still can't figure out what is causing my hang11:31
ogra_seems as stable as 3.0 was11:31
lilstevieas long as I break it is fine11:32
ogra_lilstevie, try removing plymouth11:32
ogra_(by removing the plymouth hooks and scripts from /usr/share/initramfs-tools and rebuilding the initrd)11:33
lilsteviewhen I ask it to remove plymouth it wants to remove everything11:33
ogra_yeah, mountall needs libplymouth iirc11:34
lilsteviewell waiting for bonnie++ to finish then I will try without plymouth11:35
lilsteviealso gpower is being a little trigger happy with the dual battery11:38
janimoogra_, btw IIRC you packaged the tegra armhf drivers right?11:43
ogra_waiting for a newer kernel before i upload to the archive11:43
janimoogra_, ah they completely fail with old kernel, ok11:44
janimoboth armel and armhf in there?11:44
ogra_nope, only armhf11:44
janimoor we drop armel completely for quantal11:44
ogra_still waiting for mgmt decision ... as it seems we will keep it around in teh oinfrastructure but not touch it at all11:45
janimolilstevie, do you know what the status of mainlining tegra2 support is?11:45
lilsteviejanimo: not good afaik11:46
lilstevieogra_: removed the plymouth hook altogether from initramfs and it is still doing it11:53
ogra_try also disabling the upstart plymouth jobs in /etc/init11:53
ogra_or make plymouth non executable or move it to .orig and macke /usr/bin/plymouth a link to /bin/true11:55
ogra_oh, and indeed, drop "splash" from the cmdline :)11:56
lilstevieI don't have splash on the cmdline11:56
lilstevieogra_: symlinking plymouth and plymouthd with /bin/true worked12:05
ogra_must be some issue with tegrafb or so12:06
ogra_i saw that too, but only on tegra devices with 3.1 and newer kernels12:06
lilsteviethis is with 3.112:06
ogra_ah, yeah12:07
ogra_i was told 3.2 would be better with that12:07
janimolilstevie, do you know if android and ubuntu can dual-boot on a tf101?15:54
janimoadn whether there are other than 3g hw differences between tf101 and tf101g?15:55
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lilsteviejanimo: depends how you mean by dual-boot22:33
lilsteviejanimo: I do it at the cost of recovery, but we have recently started getting kexec and kexecboot working22:34
lilsteviejanimo: as for the difference between the tf101 and tf101g; they are simple, 3G modem attached to mini pci-e port, and different sbk set in the cpu, the rest of the hardware is 100% identical22:47

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