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pittiGood morning03:40
slangasekpitti: <blink>  isn't this a bit early, even for you? :)03:43
pittiyeah, I usually sleep another hour or so after my wife gets up, but couldn't any more03:44
pittiwe have a thunderstorm here03:44
RAOFA morning thunderstorm?03:46
pittiRAOF: it got high time for some rain, anyway :)03:48
larsduesingGood morning!05:33
larsduesingcould be anybody so kind, and have a look after https://code.launchpad.net/~lars.duesing/ubuntu/quantal/aiccu/aiccu-apport-fix/+merge/107351, please?05:33
rickspencer3good morning pitti ... yet more beer!05:59
pittialmost :)05:59
pittirickspencer3: good morning to you!06:00
rickspencer3now we need to get the daily tests going06:00
rickspencer3good morning pitti :)06:00
rickspencer3nice to wake up to a cup of coffee irl, and a beer on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html06:01
StevenKrickspencer3: That could be because precise is released ... :-)06:01
pittirickspencer3: oh, precise -- you should be looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/quantal_probs.html :)06:01
pittihence pitti | almost :)06:02
rickspencer3stupid browser history06:02
rickspencer3that omap4 linux is still there, I see06:02
rickspencer3well, *close* to a beer ;)06:02
pittiyeah, seems the ti-omap kernel guys don't like that package, it ceases to exist at every other upload06:02
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dholbachgood morning06:53
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dholbach@pilot in07:31
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach
tsdgeosdholbach: I have a upstream patch that's been accepted in Qt that i'd like to get in Ubuntu's Qt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/999522 Any hint on how to proceed?08:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 999522 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Fix problems in Qt dragging when all of the window target has been shaped out for input" [Undecided,New]08:22
dholbachtsdgeos, do you know why it hasn't been accepted upstream?08:27
tsdgeosdholbach: upstream=Qt?08:27
tsdgeosdholbach: it *has* been accepted upstream08:27
dholbachsorry, I misread08:27
dholbachis it in Q already?08:28
tsdgeosnope, there hasn't been a Qt release with it yet, so it isn't part of any ubuntu package as far as i know08:29
dholbachok, I see08:29
dholbachI can help you get it into Q, which is one of the first steps of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates08:29
dholbachtsdgeos, would you mind adding some information to the bug report according to the documentation?08:30
tsdgeosi can try08:30
dholbachcool, thanks a bunch08:30
tsdgeosnot sure what's missing though :D08:30
dholbachimpact of the bug, test-case, possibility of regressions, etc.08:31
cjwatsontest case is the most important one08:31
dholbachjust some more information for those who want to assess and test it, who haven't been following the unity-2d bugs closely08:31
tsdgeosthere's a link to the bug and there's a test case there08:32
cjwatsonit must be in the Ubuntu bug08:32
tsdgeosi can copy & past if that's what you want08:32
cjwatsonSRU verification is a bottleneck and it's important for uploaders to cooperate in keeping it smooth08:32
tsdgeosc&p done08:33
dholbachtsdgeos, is there a way to get the resulting patch from https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,24361 easily? :)08:37
tsdgeosYou actually only want https://codereview.qt-project.org/#patch,unified,24361,12,src/gui/kernel/qdnd_x11.cpp08:37
tsdgeossince we don't ship the unittests08:38
tsdgeoswell, qt doesn't ship the unittests08:38
tsdgeosso we don't etiher08:38
dholbachok, thanks08:38
tsdgeosIf it helps08:39
tsdgeosthere's http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/commit/c3eb2e63425c47b8e3eeb7416e225fab10c5c15a too08:39
dholbachI don't use git very often, nor the codereview.qt page :)08:40
dholbachdoes anybody know what might be crashing in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/106359743/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.sphinx_1.1.3%2Bdfsg-4ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz? is it xvfb?08:41
tsdgeosdholbach: updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/99952208:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 999522 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Fix problems in Qt dragging when all of the window target has been shaped out for input" [Undecided,New]08:42
dholbachthanks tsdgeos08:42
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debfxdholbach, tsdgeos: I want to merge and update Qt in quantal anyway so I don't mind adding the patch from bug #999522 on top of it09:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 999522 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] Fix problems in Qt dragging when all of the window target has been shaped out for input" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99952209:09
dholbachdebfx, that'd be awesome09:09
dholbachtsdgeos, does this only need to be fixed in quantal and precise?09:10
tsdgeosdholbach: well, it does affect precise, and since it's an LTS i'd really appreciate if it was fixed there too09:10
* dholbach nods09:11
dholbachok, I just saw that somebody added bug tasks for precise as well, so we're all set09:11
tsdgeosgreat :) tx09:14
Laneybroder: could it be that backportpackage doesn't pass -v0 when the package is NEW in the destination release?09:31
pittiev: hey Evan, how are you?09:34
pittiev: I'd appreciate a quick look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubiquity/ubuntu-drivers-common/+merge/10774409:35
evI'm good, how are you?09:35
pittiev: I'm great, thanks! had a nice weekend, and you?09:35
evyeah, loving this sunny weather09:35
pittiev: in particular, I'm interested how ubiquity gets the jockey-text -a auto-install drivers into teh target system09:35
pittiev: by copying the installed bits from the live system, or running the plugins again in /target09:35
pittiev: will respond to your retracing mail ASAP09:36
* ev looks over the merge09:36
pittiev: I have the full install syslog, in case you want to take a look09:38
evpitti: debconf doesn't like multiple things talking to it09:38
evsince ubiquity is already talking to it, you need to do something like DEBCONF_DB_REPLACE=configdb DEBCONF_DB_OVERRIDE="Pipe{infd:none outfd:none}"09:39
evDEBCONF_DB_REPLACE=configdb DEBCONF_DB_OVERRIDE="Pipe{infd:none outfd:none}" ubuntu-drivers autoinstall09:39
pittiev: ah, that's why you restart the jockey-backend with those09:40
pittiev: ok, that explains the man-db error; I'll fix that09:41
pittiev: so is it expected that my /target doesn't have bcmwl-kernel-source?09:41
evpitti: you'll also need to replicate jockey/debian/jockey.ubiquity09:43
evso that the packages get installed in the /target as well09:43
pittiev: ah, that was my question09:43
pittiev: so the plugins don't run again in /target09:43
evpitti: nope, there's no guarantee that /target exists when a plugin is run09:44
evespecially for ubi-prepare, which occurs before partitioning09:44
cjwatsonplugins can define stuff that happens post-install09:44
pittiev: I mean, the targets run only once, and we don't run ubuntu-drivers/jockey again in /target later on09:44
cjwatson(i.e. subclass plugin.InstallPlugin)09:45
evah indeed09:45
pittiev, cjwatson: ack, so I'll provide the counterpart of jockey/debian/jockey.ubiquity09:45
pittiI forgot about that one09:45
cjwatsondunno if that's what's wanted here, haven't looked at the diff09:45
pitticjwatson: right, I just needed to refresh my memory how drivers got into /target09:46
cjwatsonyeah, if jockey.ubiquity is a target-config hook, that's preferable to code directly in ubiquity09:46
pitticjwatson: right, jockey-common ships a /u/l/ubiquity/target-config/31jockey_packages09:47
pittiI'll put a corresponding script into ubuntu-drivers-common09:47
pittiev: just to be sure, /u/l/ubiquity/target-config/31jockey_packages runs in the live system, not in chroot /target, does it?09:49
pittiev: it calls apt-install, which will install the given package into /target, I presume09:49
evthat's my understanding, yes09:49
pittigood, thanks09:49
pittiI'll give it another full test run with both changes then (debconf env and hook)09:50
evI've updated the MP with this discussion09:52
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dholbachcan somebody please reject https://code.launchpad.net/~logatron/ubuntu/quantal/imagemagick/fix-for-993041/+merge/107156? (patch sent to debian instead)10:31
pittidholbach: done10:31
dholbachthanks pitti10:31
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dholbach@pilot out12:10
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
Benkinoobyhi, i want to turn off my laptops' backlight in order to use it with strong sunlight. i tried to fiddle with /sys/class/backlight and later with /proc/acpi/video and the xset command (with dpms option) but on luck finally i found out, that /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/DD04/brightness specifies the levels to be set for the backlight and that in can only adjust to the given levels in that file - but the lowest level is 20 and not 0. how can i12:25
Benkinoobyget to zero?12:25
Benkinoobythis site supports my findings https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kernel/Debugging/Backlight12:26
Benkinoobyi'm on ubuntu 10.0412:26
ogra_sounds like a kernel issue12:27
Benkinoobyogra_, i think it is more ubuntu related...12:30
ogra_Benkinooby, well, that file contents are controlled by the kernel12:31
Benkinoobyogra_, when reading the website what does "disassembled DSDT" mean?12:31
Benkinoobyogra_, ok, didn't know that12:31
Benkinoobyah, ok found some hints on google12:32
ogra_DSDT is part of your bios12:32
ogra_its the table defining what HW your machine  has12:32
Benkinoobyogra_, i'm on http://powersave.sourceforge.net/powersave/DSDT.html ... so i need to find these tables, disassmbel them, edit them (adding the level 0 as supoorted level) recompoile them and then go?12:34
ogra_no idea, i dont use intel hardware :)12:35
ogra_but that might or might not help, i would ask some ACPI/kernel-powermanagement expert ;)12:35
Benkinoobyogra_, where can i find them, do you know?12:35
ogra_probably in #ubuntu-kernel12:36
Benkinoobyogra_, maybe a mailing list would be more useful than irc... not sure.. also i'm not much of an expert... more like a blind man hitting a bee nest with his stick12:36
Benkinoobyogra_, but i'll go for that kernel channel for now :)12:37
ogra_try ubuntu-devel-discuss then12:37
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Benkinoobyogra_, thank you for helping me on12:37
pittiev: got back to this now; odd, I still get the "bad fd" error even with that debconf env (I added a print to ubuntu-drivers to verify it's there)12:37
ogra_or the ubuntu-kernel ML :)12:39
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mterryev, hello!  So I submitted a crash in quantal, but don't see it in errors.u.c (extended time to a year and still don't see it).  Is there another way to see the data?13:10
larsduesingshort question: until when can I get a debian-package into quantal-universe?13:13
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Laneylarsduesing: you want to be considering Feature Freeze as the deadline13:15
geserlarsduesing: easy till FeatureFreeze (around Aug 23rd), after that you need a freeze exception13:15
larsduesing(I have the problem that it is in state "won't compile" - in kfreebsd... )13:16
ubottuDebian bug 667755 in src:aiccu "aiccu: FTBFS[kfreebsd]:" [Serious,Open]13:16
geserlarsduesing: quantal syncs from unstable now, but as aiccu has Ubuntu delta it needs a merge to get new Debian revisions of that package into quantal13:18
larsduesingI'm aware of that13:19
larsduesingbut it won't get to debian unstable - because it won't compile on kfreebsd13:19
Laneyit already is in unstable13:20
cjwatson"won't compile on kfreebsd" is the sort of thing that impedes migration to testing, not to unstable.13:21
pittiev: hm, it seems calling apt-get in simple-plugin just doesn't work -- /proc/self/fd/3 is a link to /proc/5146/fd (i. e. to its own directory), which seems to be what apt-get/man-db are stumbling upon13:22
cjwatsonYou should probably use apt-install rather than apt-get directly, unless you need the package to be installed immediately.13:22
pittiev: do you know of any plugins which install packages?13:22
pitticjwatson: ah, that'll work for the live system, too?13:23
cjwatsonNo, apt-install is "queue for installation in target"13:23
pitticjwatson: right, but simple-plugins installs driver packages (such as bcmwl-kernel-source) into the live system, in ubi-prepare13:23
cjwatsonI don't quite get what you need in the live system - isn't your plugin in the very package you need installed?13:23
pittithat currently calls jockey-text -a, and has some custom code to launch the d-bus backend with some magic debconf env13:24
cjwatsonYou would have to be careful to do anything like that before the main business of copying stuff starts, I think13:24
cjwatsonAnd even then it would need a separate debconf db13:24
pittiyes, it's done after checking "3rd party drivers" and finishes before the partitioning screen13:24
cjwatsonThe only stock plugin that installs packages is, I think, usersetup (oem-config-*)13:25
larsduesingOk, another question... how to debug apport-plugins? (at the moment I do a kill -SIGFPE <pid> to get apport to run...)13:25
pitticjwatson: the current code that uses jockey just launches the d-bus backend with DEBCONF_DB_REPLACE=configdb and DEBCONF_DB_OVERRIDE='Pipe{infd:none outfd:none}'13:25
cjwatsonRight, which is "temporary throwaway db"13:25
pittilarsduesing: unless your hook depends on a crash, you can use "apport-bug packagename"13:26
larsduesingand I can halt any transfer to launchpad there, too?13:26
pitticjwatson: when I run the apt-get command manually while ubiquity runs, it works; but when ubiquity launches it through simple-plugins, man-db keeps breaking on "3: bad file descriptor", which I can't replicate13:27
pittilarsduesing: yes, just don't click on "submit"13:27
pittilarsduesing: you can use the expander to see the data, or use "apport-bug --save /tmp/myreport package" to get a file with the data13:27
larsduesingI see... being too cautious13:28
pitticjwatson: I guess the bad fd is due to fd 3 pointing to its own directory for some reason13:28
cjwatson3 would be the file descriptor that's expected to be usable for writing to the debconf frontend13:28
cjwatsonPerhaps you have managed to arrange for it to think there's a debconf frontend running but for it not to be connected, or something13:28
cjwatsonI'm afraid the best way to debug this is usually to get an strace -f of everything and slog through it13:29
cjwatsonI've done it before, I can probably have a go if need be13:29
pitticjwatson: it does have DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND=113:29
cjwatsonWhich means that the debconf confmodule won't launch its own13:29
pitticjwatson: strace -x is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013051/13:30
pittierr, sh -x13:30
pittigetting strace now13:30
cjwatsonYou might need something along the lines of ubiquity.install_misc.debconf_disconnect13:30
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cjwatsonOh, yeah, that doesn't look right13:30
cjwatsonCan you paste the script that you're -x-ing there?13:31
pitticjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013056/13:32
pitticjwatson: (the old one called jockey-text -a)13:33
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pittierk, strace says "operation not permitted"; I guess something is already tracing it13:34
cjwatsonTry adding 'env -u DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND -u DEBCONF_REDIR DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive' to the start of that DEBCONF_DB_REPLACE=... command; you need it to start a new frontend13:34
cjwatsonAnd to reconnect to it properly13:35
pitticjwatson: yay, that works13:37
pitti-u DEBCONF_REDIR was the trick apparently13:37
pitticjwatson: many thanks!13:37
cjwatsonpitti: It'd probably have been all three (well, at least the first two).  You're welcome.13:39
cjwatsonI wouldn't recommend paring that down to any fewer sets/unsets.13:39
pitticjwatson: I meant, ubuntu-drivers already sets DEBIAN_FRONTEND and removes DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND (that was copied from the old jockey code); but I'll now keep all three of them together13:40
cjwatsonOh, it does?  OK.  Just as long as you do that before loading the confmodule.13:42
pittiright, that wasn't the case (and part of the problem presumably)13:42
cjwatsonPersonally I prefer to do this outside whatever scripts load the confmodule, to avoid confusion with the confmodule re-execing the calling script.13:42
cjwatsonThough that's only a problem with the shell confmodule.13:42
pittiI just moved it all to simple-plugins, so that the env setup is in one place, before loading confmodule13:42
pittidoing it in ubuntu-drivers is both too late, as well as confusing/wrong, as you might want to use it outside of ubiquity, too13:43
cjwatsonRight; this is an integration problem, rather than something intrinsic to ubuntu-drivers.13:43
* pitti does a fresh boot/test run now13:45
seb128is anyone on precise using proposed who could ack that software-center still works fine for them on bug #1002271?13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002271 in software-center (Ubuntu) "REGRESSION: crash in cell renderer" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100227113:55
seb128(5.2.2 moved to -updates with a regression and the regression fixes is blocked on verification)13:55
seb128(better if you have the bug mentioned and confirm the update fixes it)13:55
hallynslangasek: would you have any objection to moving the qemu-utils package to qemu-linaro?14:00
hallynhm, i guess that might not work :)  i'm being silly14:00
hallynjust trying to think how best to line up with what debian is doing (with separate qemu source package providing qemu-utils)14:01
mdeslaurseb128: sure, one sec14:02
seb128mdeslaur, thanks14:03
apwcjwatson, was just using bzr merge-package and it is now telling me it is deprecated, does that imply use of bzr merge lp:debian/<package> is now the approved way14:03
xnoxapw: yes14:04
pittiev: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubiquity/ubuntu-drivers-common/+merge/107744 is tried and tested now; thanks for your help!14:05
apwxnox, thanks14:05
xnoxapw: also note about 'smart quilt handling' it will unapply patches before merging.14:05
* ev looks14:06
apwxnox, handy indeed14:06
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slangasekhallyn: I don't think I would, no14:16
vsingh165need help building a test package for nautilus, please14:42
vsingh165I'm following these instructions:  http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html14:42
apwslangasek, got a sec to look at a branch for me?  i was just merging pciutils from debian and 1) i wanted to make sure what i did made sense, and 2) if it does i think that means there is no longer a delta (they did merge your changes by the look of things) and what does one do then: lp:~apw/ubuntu/quantal/pciutils14:43
xnoxapw: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apw/ubuntu/quantal/pciutils/".14:47
apwslangasek, xnox: damn lp:~apw/ubuntu/quantal/pciutils/debian-merge14:48
cjwatsonI can't speak for 1); if 2) is true, then 'syncpackage -f -d unstable pciutils'14:48
apwstupid namespace restrictions which just hurt my head14:48
cjwatson(i.e. we don't use bzr to do syncs)14:49
apwcjwatson, yep ... makes sense, as steve did the last set of changes hopefully he can confirm we do indeed have no delta14:50
xnoxapw: no delta14:50
xnox$ bzr diff --old lp:debian/pciutils --new lp:~apw/ubuntu/quantal/pciutils/debian-merge | diffstat14:50
xnoxMost recent Debian version: MISSING14:50
xnox changelog |    6 ++++++14:50
xnox 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)14:50
xnoxapw: why is there no maintainer field update? =)14:51
apwxnox, _assuming_ i did the merge right14:51
Laneythere should be more diff than that in the changelog, if merged using bzr14:52
apwLaney, the only thing in the changelog is the 6 lines saying i did the merge14:52
apwLaney, and when i compared the two trees i found nothing to report as 'remaining changes'14:53
apwxnox, i think the bzr vis output also says that i'd expect no delta, so i think i am right14:53
Laneyhow did you do the merge? I just mean that if you used 'bzr merge' then it would have merged all of the old changelog entries in too.14:53
Laneyand if not, then a by hand merge might have gone wrong :P14:54
xnoxapw: when I do merge locally I have a few conflicts.14:54
apwLaney, well i'd agree except that for the most recent upstream update, they merged our tree in14:54
xnoxhow did you resolve pci.ids update-pciids.sh14:54
Laneyi see, if they took our changelog then this would happen too14:55
apwxnox, pci.ids i took wholesale from debian as its actually an imported file, so merging it makes no sense and theirs was newer14:55
apwxnox, update-pciids.sh i compared in its unpatched state and they do not differ14:56
apwxnox, i think the delta there is actually false, its a fileid missmatch _i_think_ but ... i am here to make sure i did it right, and may well not have done14:56
barryjoin #ubuntu-desktop14:58
xnoxapw: I wold sync.15:00
xnoxI would sync.15:00
apwxnox, thanks, i think i agree with that too :)15:00
apwxnox, i assume that appropritate even if you are going to get a delta back shortly15:07
cjwatsonapw: yes15:08
cjwatsonwe like syncing where it's possible to do so without losing Ubuntu patches15:08
apwcjwatson, and i assume once i run this syncpackage it will get seen by someone who can call me stupid15:10
Laneyif you can't upload then you want to use 'requestsync' instead15:10
Laneysyncpackage may direct you thus15:10
apwahh ...15:10
cjwatsonIf you have upload rights, syncpackage is entirely self-service15:10
cjwatsonSo in that case it won't get seen except after the fact15:11
cjwatsonI see you have upload rights to pciutils15:11
apwcjwatson, yes indeed.  right one last sanity check and i am hitting it15:14
pittiogasawara: hey Leann, how are you?15:23
ogasawarapitti: Hi martin, just saw your email about the apport hook for the backport kernels15:24
larsduesingcould anybody competent have a look at my try of a merge from debian-sid to quantal of aiccu?15:24
pittiogasawara: would it be ok/desirable to treat all the packages in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/q-lts-backport as semi-official wrt. apport-bug? In that case I can just declare that PPA a "native origin", i. e. a package source that apport accepts15:24
ogasawarapitti: yes I think we want to consider them semi-official and would want to allow bug reporting for all the packages appearing there15:25
pittiogasawara: i. e. I can do that, or just accept the kernel from that PPA, or accept a kernel package with any particular naming pattern15:25
ogasawarabryce_: ^^ I'm assuming you want ubuntu-bug style bug reporting for the backported X packages in the PPA?15:25
bdmurraypitti: could you look at bug 1004029?15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1004029 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "apport-collect does not work for bugs with only a linux task" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100402915:29
pittibdmurray: yes, that's on my list (nice description BTW!)15:29
bdmurraypitti: thanks ;-)15:29
pittiogasawara, bryce_: I followed up to bug 1004101; please let me know there what you prefer15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1004101 in apport (Ubuntu) "[RFE] Allow Bug Reporting When Running Backport Kernel" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100410115:33
ogasawarapitti: ack, I'll add a comment for the kernel preference there15:33
vsingh165Hi, I'm trying to test a fix for nautilus and I can't build the test package.  I'm following the wiki's instructions but with no luck:  http://pastebin.com/sv3CKS3515:49
asomethingvsingh165, the key line there is "dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see /tmp/nautilus_3.2.1-2ubuntu12.diff.Ns16hs"15:52
asomethingrun dpkg-source --commit and it will format your changes for you in a nice patch under debian/patches15:52
vsingh165but will that submit the change to the package on the repos?15:53
vsingh165sorry, I'm new.15:53
asomethingnope. I can see why commit sounds scary though.15:53
vsingh165yeah...I just recently started contributing.  I do know my programming, and love Linux, but am unfamiliar with all this package build stuff.  Thanks for your help.15:54
vsingh165trying it now15:55
tsdgeosanyone knows which piece of code reacts to cursor-theme changes in org.gnome.desktop.interface ?15:58
vsingh165asomething: it failed again http://pastebin.com/jHJgsDyN16:09
vsingh165asomething: apparently, it can't even read the file that dpkg-source --commit had me create16:10
asomethingvsingh165, hmmm... I'm not sure about that one. I'm actually in a meeting in another channel so I can't really look too closely. Maybe someone else can help you out. Sorry16:11
vsingh165asomething: ok.16:11
larsduesingcan anybody help me: why is .pc in my patch?!? https://code.launchpad.net/~lars.duesing/ubuntu/quantal/aiccu/aiccu-sid-merge/+merge/10782316:14
larsduesingI did all like http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-merging.html16:15
sil2100I would need some info regarding quantal and the packages that are to land in quantal PPA's16:24
sil2100Since during investigation of a build problem in unity on quantal, I noticed that the boots library that's the default (1.46) is a bit too old for the gcc toolchain we are using16:25
sil2100We would essentially need boost 1.48 on quantal16:25
sil2100The new g++ toolchain is more standard compliant it seems and breaks, for instance, shared_ptr16:25
cjwatsonquantal has boost 1.4916:26
sil2100cjwatson: exellent - but the default is 1.46 still?16:26
cjwatsonnot AFAICS16:26
cjwatsonit *has* boost 1.46, but libboost-dev points to 1.4916:26
cjwatsonperhaps you're explicitly build-depending on libboost1.46-dev or some such16:27
sil2100Need to check unity packaging for that16:27
cjwatsonin which case, don't do that :)16:27
sil2100Since on my quantal chroot after doing build-dep for unity, I got boost 1.46 installed16:27
sil2100But this might indeed be the case16:27
cjwatsonYeah, that's the fault of unity's Build-Depends16:28
cjwatson..., libboost1.46-dev, libboost-serialization1.46-dev, ...16:28
sil2100Ok, but now it all makes sense - I wonder actually why it's not just libboost-dev16:28
cjwatsonprobably should just s/1\.46//g there16:28
cjwatsonmaybe with >= 1.4616:29
sil2100cjwatson: thanks!16:29
cjwatson(or whatever)16:29
cjwatsonyou're welcome16:29
evpitti, apw, seb128: hi :)16:29
seb128ev, hey ;-)16:29
pittiso, bug 984944 was fixed in quantal only16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984944 in apport (Ubuntu) "Reject crashes that happen right after upgrade" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98494416:29
seb128pitti, is whoopsie using the same "don't report" rules than apport?16:30
pittii. e. for precise you may still get crash reports that apply to a running binary which is already fixed16:30
pittiseb128: yes16:30
pittiwell, it's supposed to, anyway16:31
evis the motivation for this just because we can't accurately tell the version, or is there concern about things like firefox16:31
evwhere upgrading underneath it breaks the universe16:31
pittisee the bug16:31
apwpitti, presumably /proc/$$/exe points to the real binary if we replace it?16:31
evindeed, just did :)16:31
pittiseems we got quite a lot of crashes where the user already upgraded to the new version16:31
pittibut the previous binary was still running16:32
pittithen it crashed16:32
evokay, I'm happy then16:32
pittiand apport claimed it would still affect the new version16:32
pittiand thus generating new duplciates for the newer version16:32
pittiwhich doesn't make sense16:32
evthanks for fixing that16:32
pittiright, so mark_report_upload() (which triggers whoopsie) is called after UnreportableReason check16:33
pittiso whoopsie should not see those either16:33
apwlrwxrwxrwx 1 apw apw 0 May 29 17:33 /proc/4175/exe -> /home/apw/tmp/test (deleted)16:34
pittiapw: I compare that time stamp against the mtime of the actual binary, AFAIR16:34
apwpitti, ok sounds good ...16:34
pittiexe_mtime = os.stat('/proc/%s/exe' % pid).st_mtime16:35
evpitti: check_unreportable happens after mark_report_upload as we still want to upload crashes that would normally be rejected on launchpad because of outdated packages16:35
pittiprocess_start = os.lstat('/proc/%s/cmdline' % pid).st_mtime16:35
pittiev: actually, it's not even using UnreportableReason; it's checked right in the "apport" program, i. e. it won't even write a .crash file16:35
evohhhh, right16:36
evokay nevermind then16:36
pittimeh, this is my pet project, and I don't know the whole code by heart any more..16:36
pittiapport clearly grew way too big :)16:36
evor it grew contributors16:37
apwev, ok so we're back to that bug not being fixed :)16:37
evapw: and work not having to go into errors.ubuntu.com. Win.16:37
evwell, for certain definitions of win16:37
evI need to stop rooting for the crashes16:37
pittiso should we backport this to precise?16:37
evseems harmless enough16:38
seb128apw, this apport change is in q only16:38
seb128apw, not in precise16:38
apwoh poop ... hmm16:38
pittiI have two other bugs to work on which apply to precise, so I'll do an SRU by EOW anyway16:38
evpitti: rockstar, cheers16:39
pittiadded a precise task16:39
apwpitti, i assume that ExecutableTimestamp: 133365454416:41
apwpitti, that that is an accurate timestamp on the binary we are running right ?16:41
apwev, the installed binaries carry the timestamp in the .deb, so we ought to be able to work it out16:42
pittiapw: yes, it's st_mtime of what /proc/pid/exe points to16:42
pittii. e. the value of ExecutablePath: in the report16:43
cjwatsonapw: if we still have the .debs around ...16:43
apwcjwatson, yeah if ...16:43
pittigood night everyone16:57
=== s1aden is now known as sladen
henrixRAOF: not sure if you're the right person to ask... we have a bunch of pkgs that landed on the wrong component in -proposed18:05
dupondjeSpamapS: updated the remmina bug18:09
SpamapSdupondje: thanks!18:18
PaoloRotoloHi all!18:20
JonEdneyHowdy PaoloRotolo18:22
PaoloRotoloJonEdney, hi18:23
bdmurraydupondje: the freerdp bug would benefit from the same description modification18:25
dupondjebdmurray: i'll do after food :)18:26
bdmurraydupondje: great, thanks!18:30
seb128bdmurray, hey, not sure how you accepted the gnome-control-center SRU the other day but the bugs didn't tagged verification-needed19:01
bdmurrayseb128: which numbers? I'll take a look at the code and them19:02
seb128bdmurray, that SRU, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/1:3.4.2-0ubuntu0.219:04
seb128bug #100438419:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1004384 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Precise) "[soundnua]: segfaults when selecting bluetooth input device" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100438419:04
seb128bug #98031719:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980317 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Precise) "details -> overview disk size includes network mounts" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98031719:05
seb128bdmurray, thanks19:05
bdmurrayseb128: weird the same tool is adding the tags to bugs I've done today19:07
seb128bdmurray, not sure if you use the same tool as the other SRU team members are using or if you changed it but that's the first time I see SRU bugs non tagged in a long time19:08
bdmurrayseb128: the same tool and I'll look into it some more19:08
seb128ok, if that only happened once maybe don't bother much, I will ping you if I see that happening again19:09
bdmurrayseb128: thanks, and I'll verify they get tagged for a while19:11
seb128bdmurray, SpamapS, RAOF, slangasek: one of you might want to send an email to ubuntu-devel(-announce) about SRU rules being stricted, that would probably spare work compared to having to go through 90% of the uploaded packages to add comments saying that19:31
dupondjebdmurray: description updated!19:52
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cyphermoxeep, sorry, I uploaded the wrong .changes for freecad; this was meant to be a sync21:15
cjwatsonhenrix: if it's what I think you mean (linux*/oneiric), I'm dealing with it now22:00
henrixcjwatson: yep, that's it! :)22:00
henrixcjwatson: thanks22:00
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