
chelzthe topic in #ubuntu-server probably could do with some updating. still seems to refer to 10.04 server guide, and seems to make it seem like 12.04 isn't out yet05:43
=== vibhav is now known as Guest59295
Tm_Tchelz: good now?06:43
chelzTm_T: yep! :)06:44
=== Guest59295 is now known as vibhav
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
czajkowskialoha, I was wondering if I could get a bot in #maas please ?10:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: ^^^10:16
AlanBellhi czajkowski10:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: can you make that happen or where do we need to request it10:17
AlanBellExternal, but Ubuntu related, IRC channel would be a job for ubot510:17
czajkowskiAlanBell: thanks10:18
AlanBellno problem10:18
=== Guest55695 is now known as Pici
=== dgjones is now known as DJones
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ButterflyOfFireHello :) is there any commands to use with lubotu3 such as !help for example ?21:16
ButterflyOfFireI didn't find any tuto on Ubuntu Wiki21:17
Unit193You have the package plugin, and factoids.21:18
ButterflyOfFireCould we add factoids to it Unit193 ?21:20
Unit193You can request them, they'll be forwarded to here so someone can decide if it's useful/correct/current21:20
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-irc's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:21
IdleOneButterflyOfFire: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins21:21
ButterflyOfFireMerci ;)21:22
IdleOneDe rien.21:22
ButterflyOfFireOkay, I'm starting to understand how it works. So we need, perhaps, to host our own Suppybot to give support/help in other languages such as arabic or berber for our LoCo rather then english ? Something like ubot-fr ?21:25
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )21:38
ButterflyOfFireHumm okay okay21:39
=== Fuchs is now known as Staffpony
=== Staffpony is now known as Fuchs
lubotu3In lubotu3, ButterflyOfFire said: !dz is <reply> هذه القناة هي باللغة الإنجليزية فقط. اذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة أو تريد أن تتناقش باللغة العربية، يرجى كتابة/join #ubuntu-dz. شكرا لك22:07
lubotu3In lubotu3, ButterflyOfFire said: !algeria <alias> dz22:14
IdleOneWould be really nice if there was a LP translation way of doing the ubottu factoids22:26
ButterflyOfFireBut some factoids are specific such as symbol ! followed by ops22:30
ButterflyOfFireHave a good night22:39
JoseeAntonioRHello! Is anyone from the IRC Council available?23:10
PiciJoseeAntonioR: Yes, whats up?23:20
JoseeAntonioRPici: Hey, I need +voOtif flags for ubuntu-co-bot in #ubuntu-co-meeting, ubuntu-co-bot is Ubuntu-CO's new meetingbot.23:21
JoseeAntonioRActually, the person in charge of the flags is not available, and I need to test everything's working fine for the meetings23:21
PiciJoseeAntonioR: it needs +f?23:22
nhandlerI was wondering the same thing. And +i ?23:22
JoseeAntonioRPici: yes, +f to modify flags for adding bans and so on, and +i for inviting people for the meetings23:23
PiciJoseeAntonioR: +f is not needed to add normal bans.23:24
PiciOnly if you were adding akicks, which is a fairly rare thing to need to do.23:24
JoseeAntonioRPici: don't bans work by adding the +b flag to the user?23:24
JoseeAntonioRthen, if it's not needed, no +f23:24
PiciYou should use using the +b mode to ban people. the +b flag is something different, and not normally needed.23:25
JoseeAntonioRok, then it's fine :)23:26
JoseeAntonioRI use @ban add username in the bot, that's why I was asking23:26
benonsoftwareJoseeAntonioR: The bot does /mode +b nick then, which doesn't add the +b flag to ChanServ access list nor does it need +f to do it23:27
Pici19:26:56 [freenode] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Flags +voOtiA were set on ubuntu-co-bot in #ubuntu-co-meeting.23:27
JoseeAntonioRPici: great, thanks!23:27

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