
=== vibhav is now known as Guest59295
dholbachgood morning06:53
ajmitchmorning dholbach06:57
dholbachhi ajmitch06:57
micahgajmitch: just kicked off the openclipart build07:07
sorenHeh. Had to read that 3-4 times before realising it wasn't open-CLI-part, but open-clip-art :)07:10
gesergood morning07:10
ajmitchmicahg: thanks! :)07:16
=== Guest59295 is now known as vibhav
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== Guest55695 is now known as Pici
dupondjeAnyone knows how I can get Numlock state in GDK2?11:37
dholbachbigon, salut, ça va?12:09
dholbachbigon, do you think you could take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policycoreutils/+bug/1005398? the bug is fixed in Debian and quantal, but I'm not sure this SRU upload is the best way we can fix it in precise12:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005398 in policycoreutils (Ubuntu Precise) "Failure trying to purge policycoreutils" [Undecided,New]12:10
bigondholbach: salut :)12:14
bigonlet me look12:14
dholbachmerci beaucoup mon ami12:14
bigondholbach: you should probably remove the symlink from the runlevel only on purge12:32
bigon(on debian I actually made debhelper generate the stanza in the maintainer scripts)12:32
dholbachbigon, I just got across the bug when I was patch piloting and thought that somebody who had more knowledge about it might have a better idea13:19
bigondholbach: the correct way IMHO is to use dh_installinit13:21
bobweaveranyone now where I can find a tutorial on packaging with cmake? I have been hacking this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-sUVVvRdKE    and am almost ready to package but I dont know if I am good enough at it yet so any tutorials would help a bunch thanks13:23
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Laneygeser: did you find anything out about ghc?15:35
bdrungtumbleweed: your dch distro check logic is broken16:12
bdrungtumbleweed: dch -D foobar-prop does not throw a warning16:13
jtaylorgaa! bug 1006026, how do they get past the bug pattern!17:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1006026 in blcr (Ubuntu) "blcr-dkms 0.8.2-15ubuntu2: blcr kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100602617:21
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geserLaney: sort of, infinity is looking at it. He suspects that because armel is now ARMv5 but GHC doesn't know about it.17:53
PaoloRotoloHi all!18:20
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
lfaraonebarry: oops. As you can tell, I copypasted from another welcome email, and customeised everything but the name :P20:58
barrylfaraone: yep, no worries :)20:58
lfaraonebarry: also, I asked, and "discussing debian policy at a local pub" is not an acceptable way to pass you through the NM process.20:59
lfaraonethat was my first plan.20:59
barrylfaraone: i knew i should have included dinner20:59
lfaraonebarry: Hmm I'll get back to you on that.21:00
* barry isn't above a bribe, especially if it's delicious21:00
directhexlfaraone, pretty sure that's how many debian developers got their DD status21:04
directhexlfaraone, cambridge is a fine place to do it, due to abnormally high DD concentration21:04
lfaraoneBlame MIT and http://debathena.mit.edu/21:05
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psusiif rev 121 is a merge, how do you get bzr to show the revisions that were merged in?23:39
StevenKbzr log -n 023:40

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