
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== ojwb is now known as Guest44937
=== Guest44937 is now known as ojwb
thumperibeardslee: oh... tricky21:01
thumperibeardslee: how long did it take you to write that?21:01
ibeardsleeoh my pi arrived this morning22:35
ajmitchgot debian installed on it yet? :)22:38
ibeardsleeno .. my SD card is at home22:38
ibeardsleebut about to set off a wget of the latest image so it is ready when I get home22:39
* ajmitch still needs to try & play around with ubuntu on the zatab22:39
ajmitchassuming I can find that microSD adapter for my laptop22:39
ibeardsleealthough the plus side of that is that there is work to be done so I won't be distracted22:39
* ibeardslee starts that download again using screen22:42
ajmitchibeardslee: does the pi use a standard sd card?22:42
* fmarier found a very weird bug in Precise today22:42
ajmitchfmarier: oh?22:42
* ajmitch is sure there are still *plenty* of bugs in precise still :)22:43
fmarierdoes anybody know where "my usb headset mute button steals the mouse focus" would fit on LP? (i.e. what package I should file that under)22:43
ibeardsleeajmitch: yes it does22:43
fmarierand yes, precise is definitely not ready for prime time yet I would say22:43
ajmitchfmarier: probably file it against X, not sure just which package though22:44
fmarieri forgot just how different debian and ubuntu upgrades are... should wait a bit longer next time22:44
* ajmitch hasn't really had many problems with that22:44
fmarierbiggest problem for me though is: how am i going to upgrade my dad's computer. no way he's gonna want to learn unity or gnome322:45
ajmitchclassic gnome session not classic enough?22:46
ojwbfmarier: "long term support" => "you'll be finding bugs forever"22:46
fmarierojwb: touché :)22:46
* ajmitch hasn't tried anything except unity on precise22:46
fmarierajmitch: no, it's still too different22:46
fmariertoo much stuff is missing22:46
ajmitchthat's a shame, I thought it was meant to be fairly close to what 10.04 was like22:47
fmarierit's probably the closest to gnome2, but it's still fairly different. i'm thinking of trying xfce22:49
fmarierajmitch: i ended up filing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/100615623:17
ajmitchthe bug would be amusing if it weren't so annoying23:23

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