
erichammondWhat was the per diem from Canonical for (sponsored) UDS?02:17
philipballew32 dinner iirc02:20
philipballew- PER DIEM:02:23
philipballewDinner - 32USD02:23
philipballewLunch - 19USD; Lunches will be paid for centrally from Monday to Friday.02:23
philipballewPlease note that the per diem is not claimable when food is pre-arranged.02:23
erichammondThanks.  I couldn't find it in any of my emails.02:24
philipballewthe subject to the email is MPORTANT: UDS Q, Oakland 7-11 May - Final details02:26
philipballewit has the pdf there as well02:26
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=== Corey is now known as Guest10091
=== Guest10091 is now known as corey
=== corey is now known as Corey
=== DWonderly is now known as Darkwing
philipballew_For my UDS food reimbursement, should I put the dates in American or European format?20:17
DonkeyHoteisurely the form shows what format to use20:25
philipballew_not on it, maybe in the email.20:26

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