
undecimTheKaddy: Did the server output any text?00:00
skelTheKaddy: can you use paste.ubuntu.com and show us your script?00:00
undecimTheKaddy: Or do you see the prompt, followed by an empty line?00:01
test___how can i close irssi when i am in?00:02
IdleOnetest___: in what?00:02
test___in the program... i obviously cant type exit...00:02
zykotick9test___: /exit00:02
IdleOnethat did it00:03
lucas_anybody there?00:04
pepeehi lucas_00:04
swooshonlnIt has been a long time IRC00:05
lucas_where r u?00:05
IdleOne!ot | lucas_00:05
ubottulucas_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:05
swooshonlnWhat should I do with my new install? I just got it up and working and need something fun00:06
CuteKittywhen i ran the integrity check, the live USB  found errors in 4 lines. what should i do?00:06
IdleOneswooshonln: do you have a support question?00:06
swooshonlndoes it have to be ubuntu related or general? I have an apache question00:07
IdleOneswooshonln: ubuntu related only please, you can try #apache for apache questions00:07
CuteKittyi checked the md5sum and it matches00:07
pepeeswooshonln, install games :)00:07
swooshonlnok. Actually I do have a ubuntu question. How can move that fancy icon bar off the screen and create an old school tool bar?00:08
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:08
swooshonlnwith all the old widgets on it?00:08
digitaljswooshonln: use Kubuntu :)00:08
swooshonlndigitalj: is that the only way?00:09
pepeenah, use lubuntu00:10
digitaljswooshonln, no, i'm just hinting at the fact I like KDE 4 better than Gnome 3 and unity00:10
pepeeor simply install it: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop :P00:10
pepeeswooshonln, there always are more than one solution in linux00:11
Fyodorovnadigitalj, the bot message is for you as well.00:11
pepeethe thing is, you need to find them :/00:11
swooshonlndigitalj: I am on board with you, I do not like it either00:11
Harriswhat is the hp channel00:11
Fyodorovnadigitalj, soory I make a mostake, lol00:11
swooshonlnpepee: yes there is more then one way to do many things00:11
digitaljFyodorovna, note "which is similar to GNOME 2"00:11
Fyodorovnaswooshonln, the bot message is for you as well.00:12
digitaljThings tend to break from my experience00:12
Harriswhat is the hp channel00:12
digitaljThis I run Ubuntu 10.04 for Gnome 200:12
digitaljand Gentoo for KDE 400:12
pepeeHarris, you mean, HP support?00:12
bazhang!alis | Harris have a search00:12
ubottuHarris have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:12
Fyodorovnadigitalj, the classic would be the closest, but it is a matter of personal preference. :)00:12
swooshonlnFyodorovna, exploring now thanks :)00:13
Harrisyes pepee00:13
Harriswhat is the channel number00:13
pepeeI don't think there is a support channel in IRC...00:13
TheKaddyundecim: its an empty line, if i hit enter i get a prompt00:13
swooshonlnok guys, what is the deal with using the software center vs. apt-get? will they both net the same result? should I not use one or the other?00:14
worrowHoping someone is around to assist me with some things ubuntu 12.0400:14
D[4]niswooshonln: use whatever you are more comfortable with.00:14
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=== chris_0076 is now known as Chris_0076
worrowIs there a way to completely disable grub?00:14
Fyodorovnaswooshonln, same data base I prefer apt, or synaptic personally.00:15
OerHeksswooshonln, i prefer synaptic, more detailed softwarecentre00:15
ActionParsnipswooshonln: they are both an interface to the same packages, one is just prettier, apt-get is faster if you know the package name you want00:15
dj_segfaultswooshonln: "Software center" only shows a subset of the more popular packages.  apt-get can install anything.  Use Synaptic for a full-featured graphical package manager00:15
ActionParsnipworrow: you need grub to boot the OS00:15
D[4]nifor me it's like aptitude > synaptic > softwarecenter00:15
worroweven if I am not dual booting?00:15
swooshonlnyou guys rock, thanks00:15
ActionParsnipfor me, apt-fast is greater than them all :)00:15
Fyodorovnaworrow, you having problems with grub, what's up?00:16
D[4]nii just use synaptic when i'm lazy, software center almost never00:16
zykotick9aptitude ftw00:16
Fyodorovna+1 apt-fast00:16
ActionParsnipworrow: yes, the grub boots the kernel and starts the bootup00:16
worrowI have mac system and have ubuntu installed into the windows partition by itself, but when I select the ubuntu partition, it loads the grub then i have to select the menu item. I want to click my os then have no grub delay and it just boot00:16
worrowis there a different grub I can install that will work faster?00:17
D[4]niworrow: you can decrease the delay.00:17
ActionParsnipworrow: so you used wubi?00:17
pepeeworrow, you can set the timeout to 000:17
worrowI have my delay set to 0.00:18
=== lubmil is now known as lub`afk
manny550hey I need some help with my Java ODK Runtime 700:18
worrowit still shows the screen briefly before booting00:18
worrowActionParsnip, not familiar with wubi00:18
D[4]niit has to. do you want to not be able to get into the recovery mode?00:18
worrowI am not concerned with recovery00:19
manny550every time I try to install it it says that it failed because the Java ODK Runtime 7 is not installed I un-installed it and reinstalled it but it still does the same thing and ubuntu won't update properly because of it either00:19
worrowif it faults, I'll reinstall. This is my hidden OS00:19
=== EliDiaz_ is now known as EliDiaz
pepeeworrow, what if you set it to -1?00:20
worrowwhat will it do at a negative number though?00:20
Fyodorovnaworrow, did you install ubuntu from windows?00:21
designbybeck_Any gamers? Did you see Overgrowth got their Linux release!?00:21
pepeeworrow, ahh no, that disables the timeout00:21
designbybeck_Alpha of the Alpha!00:21
worrowno I have mac OSX. I created a windows partition that was empty and then formatted it for installation of my ubuntu00:22
designbybeck_But that is exciting!00:22
worrowNow I boot holding option and see mac on the left and windows which is really ubuntu00:22
worrowwhen clicking windows i get grub and then delay00:22
worrowpepee, so setting to -1 as you asked is a bad idea?00:23
manny550designbybeck_ I have not heard of that game, what kind of game is it?00:23
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: is it like Black & White?00:23
carbon60Anyone know of a simple system to sync users and groups across multiple systems? I want to use this in the context of three sysadms managing a dozen boxes. I don't want a directory-based system that will break.00:24
ActionParsnipcarbon60: rsync00:24
carbon60Just want to be able to run something have all the right users and perms sync.00:24
ActionParsnipcarbon60: or look into Groupwise00:24
carbon60ActionParsnip: Really? you just sync the files?00:24
designbybeck_here you go ActionParsnip and manny550 http://www.wolfire.com/overgrowth00:24
pepeeworrow, yeah, but I'm not sure00:24
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: yes I saw but the site isn't very rich00:24
designbybeck_an indie group00:24
worrowI'll look into it, otherwise no ideaS?00:24
worrownow what a bout a temperature sensing program that also lets me control my fans?00:25
pepeeworrow, you can install a different boot loader00:26
manny550designbybeck_ There isn't much info on it other than the slide so I'm not sure if it would be an RPG or what but a video of game play would be nice00:26
worrowis there a better boot loader currently than grub 2?00:27
designbybeck_they also release the Humble Bundle packs... which Linux Users spend more on than Windows or Mac users!00:27
designbybeck_...And who says Open Source Users don't want to spend money!!!00:27
reisioworrow: nope00:27
designbybeck_watch the videos manny55000:27
worrowfan control programs?00:28
pepeeworrow, apt-cache search fan control show a bunch00:28
pepeebut that would depend on your machine specs00:28
reisioworrow: what about them?00:28
manny550I can't designbybeck_ my Java Runtime 7 is acting up and my flash player doesn't work on most videos it only works with like a very rare amount of them00:29
worrowI was wondering if there is a good one somewhere00:29
manny550My ubuntu won't even update correctly because of the Java Runtime 7 problem00:29
designbybeck_ah dang00:29
tr3ntonmanny550: youtube.com/html5 ?00:29
heermanny what is wrong?00:30
pepeemanny550, remove java 7, reinstall flash00:30
heerdowngrade manny00:30
manny550heer every time I try to install Java Runtime 7 right towards the end it says that it failed because Java ODK Runtime 7 is not installed correctly I've un-installed it and reinstalled it and that didn't work either00:31
pepeeadobe-flashplugin from the pratner repos works fine00:31
manny550downgrade to 11.10?00:31
andygraybealany reason why 'startup disk creator' won't work with a dvd?00:31
designbybeck_not that kinda downgrade manny550 ;)00:31
heertry a different java version00:31
andygraybeali apoogize if you already answered, i lost it00:32
pepeemanny550, purge all the files00:32
jstanyone good with cups in ubuntu?00:32
heermanny I had the same problem00:32
worrowreisio,  do you know of a good fan control prog. and temperature monitoring program?00:32
jstyes the print server00:32
manny550Thanks guys, and yea I think I'll try Java Runtime 6 instead then00:32
heermanny 55000:33
manny550yes heer00:33
heertry 5.5000:33
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: looks cool, very fluid00:33
andygraybealbrb, i'mma try something00:33
manny550lol is that a joke or is that a real version?00:33
ActionParsnipmanny550: there is a PPA for oracle java 1.700:33
jstso is anyone good with cups?00:34
heeraction tell00:34
DrManhattanI can empty them00:34
heerdrink and empty00:34
designbybeck_yeah ActionParsnip they've got some great physics with their home grown engine and everything00:34
worrowanyone know a good temperature monitoring program for 12.04?00:34
designbybeck_along with using Blender for animations and such00:35
ActionParsnipheer: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html00:35
ActionParsnip!sensors | worrow00:35
ubottuworrow: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.00:35
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: the inline level edit is preety sweet00:35
designbybeck_oh yes ActionParsnip it is all base built on that for adding things and quick building00:35
worrowubottu, ActionParsnip  thank you00:35
ubottuworrow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:35
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: will see if my system will run it, i only have ppor systems00:39
RumRumIm having troubles connecting to VPN, or well it connects. But the IP stays the same as my standard. OS: Ubuntu 11.04 Log: http://snipurl.com/23pi1yg Settings: http://upit.cc/i/3b936574.png Googled around a bit but nothing seemed to be working.00:39
designbybeck_Help spread the word to the Linux Community!!! More people are starting to make Native Games for Linux... we need to show support by buying them!!!00:40
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: indeed. I bought LinuxTycoon a while back. Good fun00:41
designbybeck_I bought OilRush00:42
designbybeck_Check out their stats on Overgrowths sites about the Linux users and the Humble Bundle packs00:42
worrowso now I have the sensors displaying. what would be a program to get to change the temperature at which the fans kick on/00:44
zrutyHow can I force update of certain packages?00:44
worrowwhat program do I have to use now seems startup manager has been removed from 12.04?00:46
reisiofor what00:46
worrowto remove items that start with os00:47
worrowIE bluetooth in menubar.00:47
=== wolf is now known as Guest40828
manny550ok so I tried removing Adobe Flash Player to start from scratch but I got "Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed.00:48
manny550dpkg: error processing oracle-java7-installer (--configure):00:48
manny550 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"00:48
BlackshirtGood morning everybody00:49
manny550Good evening00:49
varrttoHi, I have a resolution problem with Ubuntu, an Nvidia 520GT video card and a samsung monitor, may anyone help me?00:50
pepeemanny550, that's because the install didn't finish00:50
varrttofonts look kind of blurry00:50
manny550pepee but nothing is active right now what do I do?00:51
BlackshirtManny550, from where you get oracle jdk installer?00:51
pepeemanny550, sudo apt-get -f install00:51
manny550I got it from software center and I'll try -f install00:51
BlackshirtThat's great steps00:52
varrttoI can only pick 1360x768 resolution00:53
manny550Blackshirt more specifically it was Java Runtime 7 JDK I believe in the software center00:53
manny550pepee I got this "Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed.00:53
manny550dpkg: error processing oracle-java7-installer (--configure):00:53
manny550 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100:53
manny550No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already00:53
manny550         Errors were encountered while processing:00:53
manny550 oracle-java7-installer00:53
FloodBot1manny550: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:53
varrttobut i think the monitor only supports 1368x76800:53
pepeehmm I never remember how to fix things.00:54
pepeevarrtto, did you install the nvidia driver?00:54
DrManhattanis there a mythubuntu channel anywhere00:54
varrttoyes, i try both current and recommended drivers00:55
manny550sorry about the flood thing my client auto enter separate lines00:55
pepeevarrtto, looks like it is not working to me00:55
BlackshirtManny550,/can you do it in terminal?00:55
pepeevarrtto, rebboted your machine after installing it?00:55
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: try #mythbuntu00:55
DrManhattanActionParsnip, thanks it forwards to the right channel00:55
manny550Blackshirt you mean reinstall it?00:55
varrttoI've been having this problem for a few days00:56
Blackshirti prefer cli based apt for package management00:56
pepeevarrtto, run this: lsmod | grep nvidia00:57
pepeevarrtto, also, try installing it from the website, if there is one00:57
manny550Blackshirt I get the "Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed" prompt every time I try to update ubuntu or install or un install almost anything so far00:58
varrttonvidia              12319264  4000:58
NFisherHi all! i have a folder full of pictures and want to see all the resolutions of the picture at once.. how can i do that?!00:58
pepeevarrtto, remove the one you isntalled, first00:58
BlackshirtManny550, try remove that packages from partial dir, and then try to install again00:59
manny550Blackshirt partial directory? is this through the terminal or am I physically removing the packages?01:00
pepeemanny550, sudo dpkg -P package_name ?01:00
ActionParsnipinstall imagemagick01:01
BlackshirtManny550, Look at /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/, is there that packages?01:01
chymist_chrisdoes anyone know the correct flags for using avconv (ffmpegs replacement) to extract audio from a video file?01:01
ActionParsnipNFisher: install imagemagick then run:  ls | identify01:02
manny550pepee I don't know the exact name of the package the only thing I know is the prompt I get, and Blackshirt I'm going to check now01:02
ActionParsnipNFisher: sorry:   identify `ls`01:03
highway900Hi All01:03
manny550Blackshirt there is nothing here01:03
NFisherActionParsnip, that quite does ist, thx!01:04
BlackshirtManny550, have you update first your apt database before install?01:04
ActionParsnipNFisher: imagemagick is the nuts :)01:04
pepeemanny550, I got "oracle-jdk7-installer"01:05
highway900Is anybody seeing lag when maximizing a window  in 12.04?01:05
CuteKittywhat's the  terminal command to list all files and directories and subdirectorses and subfiles?01:05
ActionParsnipNFisher: or you can use find with exec and make it a bit smarter01:05
ActionParsnipCuteKitty: find /path/to/folder01:05
reisioCuteKitty: couple 'tree' scripts in the repos, too01:05
manny550Blackshirt yea I did, pepe thanks I'll give that a shot I think it's the same thing01:06
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manny550pepee that didn't work unfortunately :(01:07
SwooshOnLnOk guys, I switched to the "Gnome Classic" look to get the old style toolbars. Now, I can not seem to figure out how to add/remove new items and widgets as you would before. I cannot right click on any part of the tool bar to add/remove any items. Any ideas?01:07
pepeemanny550, sudo apt-get install --reinstall package_name01:07
pepeemanny550, you have to use the same package name, obviously01:08
manny550pepee thanks let me see what happens01:08
BlackshirtManny550, try to use aptitude, this tool have good conflict resolver01:08
manny550Blackshirt ok I'll give it a shot I'm going to try the reinstall first see how that goes01:09
=== linaro is now known as Guest40446
somethinginteresDisk analyser is warning me that I have only 520kb free on my /home. Last night it warned me that I had 300MB. I moved 30GB+ of stuff elsewhere. How can it still be so full if not more full. Everything's crashing on me.01:09
ActionParsnipSwooshOnLn: ctrl+shift+ right click01:09
pepeesomethinginteres, run this command: df -h01:10
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: clear your browser cache01:10
SwooshOnLnActionParsnip, that doesn't do anything for me?01:10
manny550pepee I got the same Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed prompt again I'm going to try aptitude as Blackshirt suggested01:10
ActionParsnipSwooshOnLn: its some key holding afaik, try different combos of ALT, SHIFT and CTRL01:11
ActionParsnipSwooshOnLn: could just install XFCE, bit easier01:11
manny550Blackshirt I never heard of aptitude until now so I don't know how to use it01:11
somethinginterespepee: df -h reports only 4kb free! but gparted says I have 43GB free. Which would be more correct since moving 30GB+ to another drive?01:11
SwooshOnLnActionParsnip, XFCE is a window manager right?01:12
ActionParsnipSwooshOnLn: no, its a DE, it uses xfwm4 as the WM, but you can switch it for compiz if you want01:12
somethinginterespepee, ActionParsnip: Clearerd browser cache. Now saying 230MB free however, still gparted reports 40GB+ free01:13
pepeesomethinginteres, df should be correct. anyway, checked your file system?01:13
CuteKitty for the USB stick containing  linux live , must it be FAT?01:13
pepeesomethinginteres, not sure about gparted anyway01:13
=== ad is now known as Guest90980
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: are you using df -h to see the free space?01:14
BlackshirtManny550, just run it on terminal, and learn the interface...01:14
somethinginteresActionParsnip: yep.01:14
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: is /home on the same partition as the rest of the OS?01:15
jiohdiI am using xfce4 and thunar file manager shows only a few icons... none for folders, but occasional files... how to fix?01:15
somethinginteresActionParsnip: no. Separate partition01:15
ActionParsnipjiohdi: tried a different icon theme?01:15
BlackshirtManny550, press g to apply pending actions, ! For apply01:15
pepeesomethinginteres, sudo apt-get clean01:16
jiohdiActionParsnip, not sure where to change that in xfce01:16
manny550Blackshirt thanks01:16
jiohdiActionParsnip, never mind, found it, thx01:16
somethinginterespepee: that command gave me output.01:16
pepeesomethinginteres, df -h again01:17
SwooshOnLnActionParsnip, what is the proper way to install it? I use to use linux long ago and I am trying to remember what this one window manager was called. I wana say it sound like xfce or something like that. It was a build from scratch window manager. kinda neat01:17
somethinginterespepee: "239MB free01:17
BlackshirtManny550, commonly press g would try to solve the problem..but you can look the messages at the bottom interfaces01:17
pepeesomethinginteres, can you paste the output of 'df -h' to pastebin?01:18
manny550yea it says that it's partially installed I think it's messing everything else up I think I'm going to try to remove it01:18
somethinginterespepee: sure. One second.01:19
pepeebtw, you can copy by selecting the text, and paste it by clicking the middle button of the mouse01:19
somethinginterespepee: http://pastebin.com/SZdyaBeQ01:20
somethinginterespepee: good tip :)01:21
manny550Blackshirt I've tried removing it but it won't go away01:22
pepeesomethinginteres, you got lots of free space01:22
pepeesomethinginteres, 1.7G in /home01:23
pepeesomethinginteres, 14G  in /01:23
BlackshirtManny550, what step are you doing?01:23
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: you could install pastebinit and run:  df -h | pastebinit    and it will make the URL in the terminal :)01:24
somethinginterespepee: 1.7GB free now I see. Thank goodness because yeah before it was like 1MB. Probably after clearing cache but still that's way less than it should be I think. I deleted tons from /Downloads moved a ton of files. Seems like something's up if I am not mistaken?01:24
somethinginteresActionParsnip: thanks for the tip. :)01:25
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: pastebinit is a great tool01:25
richardlxccan we Recover overwritten data?01:25
somethinginterespepee: now it says 5.8GB free lol01:25
manny550Blackshirt I pressed g and it showed the oracle-java7-installer as partially installed so I asked it to remove it and when it went through the process of removal it prompted me again that Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed dpkg: error while cleaning up: subprocess installed post-installation script return exit status 101:25
somethinginteresActionParsnip: does it support account login?01:25
richardlxccan we Recover overwritten data?01:25
reisiorichardlxc: nope01:26
reisiorichardlxc: nope01:26
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: afaik, no but it's not really important is it?01:26
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: there may be options for pastebinit01:26
reisiorichardlxc: no01:26
pepeesomethinginteres, check this: http://www.shell-fu.org/lister.php?id=27501:26
manny550Blackshirt then I press return to continue and when I press g oracle-java7-installer is still there as a package to be removed basically not going away01:26
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: I have a script that is similar to pastebinit but for images to imgur :)01:26
pepeesomethinginteres, replace   ./*   with   /home/*01:27
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: pastebinit -a username text     the default username will be $USER01:27
somethinginterespepee: handy. Let me give it a whirl01:27
somethinginteresActionParsnip: ah, good stuff.01:27
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: yes there is a username / password option on pastebinit too :)01:28
BlackshirtRemove oracle-java7-installer from /var/cache/apt/archives/ directory, and then try to reinstall01:28
pepeesomethinginteres, obviously, it will take some time to finish01:28
luizola amigos01:28
pepeehola luiz01:28
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012415/    I call it 'imgur_upload' and it makes a URL from an image01:28
pepee!es | luiz01:28
ubottuluiz: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:28
pepeeBlackshirt, I don't think you need to do that01:29
manny550Blackshirt I'll give it a try01:29
pepeeBlackshirt, most of the time, dpkg and apt-get will fix themselves01:29
luizcara eu to tentado instalar um antivirus no meu ubuntu e nao consigo pode me ajudar01:29
pepee!br | luiz01:29
ubottuluiz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:29
somethinginteresActionParsnip: awesome. I'll steal that if you don't mind :P01:29
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: go ahead :)01:29
pepeeluiz, you don't need an antivirus01:30
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: mark the file executable and drop it in /usr/bin and you are ready to rock01:30
ActionParsnippepee: depends on the system use :)01:30
pepeeActionParsnip, or create a new dir and add it to $PATH01:31
luiznao entendi01:31
ActionParsnippepee: that's good too01:31
BlackshirtPepee, maybe sometime you need them01:31
pepeeluiz, escribe:  /join #ubuntu-br01:31
luizeo o avira alguen ja instalo01:31
ActionParsnip!av | luiz01:31
ubottuluiz: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus01:31
devkorcvinceluiz: #ubuntu-es01:32
pepeehe is brazilian/portuguese01:32
luiznao tem versao para linux01:32
bazhangluiz, english here ONLY01:32
pepee!br | luiz01:32
ubottuluiz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:32
luizsim pq01:32
devkorcvinceluiz: #ubuntu-br01:33
pepeereisio, lol01:33
* reisio headdesks01:33
somethinginteresActionParsnip: awesome. cheers.01:33
somethinginterespepee: well, thanks for the help mate.01:33
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: another thing that should be default installed...01:33
luizcomo almentar meu repositorio01:33
pepeesomethinginteres, youare welcome01:33
devkorcvincedili ko kasabot01:33
smwHi all. My dad is using natty. He did a kernel update and then X failed to load. Does anyone know how to find out what caused it?01:34
smwWould reinstalling the new kernel help?01:34
smwWe know the kernel update was the problem because loading from old kernels works01:34
luizo que marix e viado01:34
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ActionParsnipsmw: does he use proprietary video drivers?01:34
luizdescupa gay01:35
hellhammerI'm running ubuntu 10.04 and I can't get flash games to load in firefox or chrome I am running up to date flash whats going on and how do i fix this?01:35
smwActionParsnip, no01:35
pepeethanks bazhang01:35
smwActionParsnip, not from what I can see. jockey-text gives no output01:35
ActionParsniphellhammer: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'01:35
pepeehellhammer, you need to reinstall flash01:35
smwActionParsnip, if you have a better method to check, let me know01:35
ActionParsnipsmw: hold shift at boot and select the older kernel. It will give you a desktop01:36
smwActionParsnip, yes, we know that :-)01:36
smwActionParsnip, that is how I know it is a kernel problem01:36
smwwhatever, he just decided to upgrade to 12.0401:36
ActionParsnipsmw: what video chip do you use?01:36
smwActionParsnip, 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)01:37
smwActionParsnip, not sure how long my Dad's computer will be up though. I am sshed in doing phone support and dad just told me he is just going to reinstall... :-)01:38
ActionParsnipsmw: uninstall the proprietary driver, then reinstall it. You can uninstall the nvidia-current package and it should do it01:38
ActionParsnipsmw: probably good idea, clean LTS installs kick ass01:38
ActionParsnipsmw: remember to run a full backup :)01:38
manny550Blackshirt it won't let me remove the directory even as the root user01:38
smwActionParsnip, I think he is just blasting everything on the root and keeping his home dir01:39
tophI messed up on my home folder encryption on the first boot. How do I make it prompt for that again.01:40
hellhammeractionparsnip this is the output of lsp_release http://pastebin.com/HJEaVZ8H01:40
hellhammeractionparsnip there wasnt a output for the egrep one01:40
smwActionParsnip, my dad is not complete computer incompetent ;-)01:41
zykotick9hellhammer: you might want to try "lsb_release -a" and "uname -a" again, that pastebin only have the "dpkg -l" output01:42
pepeehellhammer, remove swfdec-gnome01:42
smwActionParsnip, but I still get calls for over the phone tech support when he wants to compile the latest rtorrent on 10.04 and needs help finding dependencies :-P01:42
tophAnyone know the command to get the home folder encryption prompt again. Or where those notification are stored in Kubuntu?01:42
pepeesmw, use utorrent 2.2.1 ;)01:44
smwpepee, um... can you remotely connect to utorrent?01:44
smwpepee, rtorrent is better :-P01:44
ActionParsniphellhammer: if you run the command as given, it will enable you to make ONE pastebin01:44
ActionParsniphellhammer: thats WHY I give it like that01:44
=== Frank123 is now known as Frank1234
=== Frank1234 is now known as Frank100
pepeesmw, there is utorrent server for linux, with a nice web interface01:45
smwpepee, I have proved that no matter how computer literate your parents are, they will call for tech support ;-)01:45
pepeesmw, my mother won't :P01:45
KolanDo anyone know if Ubuntu works on Alienware?01:45
smwpepee, why?01:45
pepeeshe doesn't even know about support, so...01:45
smwpepee, huh?01:45
Frank100hey what this mean?  Xorg[6489]: segfault at 67 ip 00007f9f2b5a86a9 sp 00007fff2efe7c70 error 4 in nvidia_drv.so[7f9f2b547000+6e0000] could this be the cause i het kicked back to login screen??01:46
undecimHow can I add items to "Move To" and "Copy To" in nautilus? (12.04  desktop amd64)01:46
hellhammeractionparsnip what command exactly should i run?01:46
ActionParsnipsmw: transmission has a web ui01:46
pepeesmw, heh, I'm the tech support by myself01:47
Frank100i installed gnome-sessios-fallback and now mate and i log out automatically, could that error be the cause??01:47
pepeehellhammer: dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'01:47
ActionParsniphellhammer: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'01:47
ActionParsniphellhammer: all one command, don't cut it up01:47
ActionParsniphellhammer: if you copy and paste, you'll win01:47
smwActionParsnip, yep, most of them do at this point01:48
smwActionParsnip, but I like the rtorrent interface better...01:49
hellhammeractionparsnip this is the output01:49
ActionParsnipsmw: very handy. I use torrentfu on my android phone to add/remove torrents to the server. Dead handy01:49
smwActionParsnip, yep, I have done that with rutorrent01:49
smwActionParsnip, but I mostly use sabnzbd and use rtorrent for mostly legal stuff :-P01:49
Shartsalotis there a good noob chan?01:49
smwShartsalot, you are in it01:50
smwActionParsnip, my nzb foo is very good. Can't say the same about torrents ;-)01:50
Shartsaloti ditched windows for ubuntu and all has been great until i upgraded to 3.4 kernel and then i couldnt install nvidia driver01:50
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic01:51
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB01:51
ActionParsnipShartsalot: then its a 3rd party kernel and not supported here01:51
pepeesmw, rtorrent is in the repos01:51
FezzlerUnity is too much for my old Ubuntu PC (AMD K6-266).  I need to go to something like Lubuntu.  Do I need to remove Ubuntu first?01:51
pepeeFezzler, nope01:51
ActionParsnipFezzler: not really, you just choose the session at login01:51
pepeeFezzler, install lubuntu-desktop01:51
ActionParsniphellhammer: sec, my phone is being slow01:52
Fezzlerso..sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop...that's it?01:52
smwpepee, his htpc is old. It runs on ubuntu 10.0401:52
ActionParsniphellhammer: do you want to use opensource flash?01:52
smwpepee, rtorrent on 10.04 did not have magnet link support01:52
ActionParsnipFezzler: a terminal command01:52
hellhammeri dont know01:52
hellhammerthis is a recent problem01:53
FezzlerActionParsnip> Yes.01:53
pepeesmw, ahh01:53
Shartsalotdoes anyone know of a benchmark tool i can run in ubuntu like hdtune on windows? I am running a sata 3 ssd and i want to be sure i am getting proper speed. any ideas how?01:53
FezzlerSo once installed, will Lubuntu assume my logins and users and file/directory structure, etc.?01:53
ActionParsniphellhammer: ok, run:  sudo apt-get --purge remove gnash gnash-common; sudo dpkg -P libswfdec-0.8-0 swfdec-gnome01:53
ActionParsniphellhammer: you will then have no flash01:53
ActionParsniphellhammer: you can then enable the partner repo if needed and install adobe-flashplugin   should give 64bit flash for your 64bit OS.01:54
tophanyone know how to make kubuntu 12.04 ask to encrypt the home folder again?01:55
FezzlerSo will Lubuntu perform well on a K6-266?01:55
pepeeFezzler, apt-get will install those files, then you chave to choose lxde at login01:55
pepeeFezzler, not sure01:55
Fezzlerpepee> Why?  Why do I want to choose lxde at login?01:55
hellhammerok actionparsnip how do i do that?01:55
pepeeFezzler, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System_Requirements01:56
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ActionParsniphellhammer: you can manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list or you can use synaptic01:57
Phiscribefezzler lxde is the lubuntu environment, if your using lubuntu, it should run on a k6 ok, espeicialy when compared ot others01:57
Frank100help me please, my session crash and i get back to login screen, it happened on gnome-session-fallback and now on mate :( could this error be the reason?  Xorg[6489]: segfault at 67 ip 00007f9f2b5a86a9 sp 00007fff2efe7c70 error 4 in nvidia_drv.so[7f9f2b547000+6e0000]01:58
pepeeFrank100, yeah, surely01:58
ActionParsnipFrank100: what if you use Unity2D etc?01:59
Frank100i dont know with unity... i dont like it :\01:59
Frank100pepee what should i do??01:59
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pepeePhiscribe, how does ubuntu select an i386 kernel?02:00
pepeeFrank100, sorry, I'm not sure :(02:00
pepeeFrank100, is gnome working fine in that machine?02:01
imbezolsince upgrading to 12.04, if i alt tab a few times my x locks up where i can't interact with anything or type. i can still move the mouse around though. ideas?02:01
Frank100everything look ok02:01
naryfahi all02:02
Frank100i'll ask on forums after i'll use unity for a bit, thanks anyway02:02
pepeeFrank100, then lxde should work. by installing that package, you will have the option to select between gnome desktop and lxde02:03
Shartsalotthis is gonna sound super noob but how do i see how much free space on my os hd?02:03
xclusive585in a terminal df -a02:03
Shartsalotwhat does df stand for?02:04
pepeedf -h is better :P02:04
naryfaor du02:04
pepeedf - report file system disk space usage02:04
xclusive585ok ok listen to the geeks :-)02:04
Shartsalotwhat does -a do vs -h02:04
Phiscribethey say it is an x86 kernel, so should work02:04
pepeeIIRC -h is for "human readadble"02:04
xclusive585if you type "man df" it will tell you02:05
jane_wayne78when i type in gvncviewer localhost:0, i get "Cannot open display", how do i fix this?02:07
xclusive585pepe: I always used -a, lol I dont need it to be "human readable" I know what bytes are. But i tried -h and it looks nicer. you are correct02:07
jane_wayne78i've installed the 12.04 server edition of ubuntu02:07
jane_wayne78(not the desktop version) so i probably don't have the GUI dependencies ?02:08
pepeexclusive585, too much numbers confuse me lol02:08
Shartsalotomg is it possible that the ubuntu install is only taking up 5gb?02:09
Shartsalotthe windows install was taking up like 70gb02:09
xclusive585oh yeah 5 GB is alot even02:10
xclusive585go headless and youll most likely be under 1GB02:10
Shartsalotsays used 5.2G avail 67G02:10
pepeemine uses 20G, with lots of games02:10
Shartsalotim really loving ubuntu :)02:11
Shartsaloti only have one issue with it  but its minor02:11
obyrithHello, I have a Logitech M705 mouse and I noticed sometimes it just doesn't work. It seems like unplugging and plugging back in the Unifying Receiver always works, though sometimes it takes several attempts. Whether it works or not seems to be decided by the time I get to the login screen, and it doesn't seem to change unless I mess with the Unifying Receiver. I haven't noticed a way to predict whether it will happen. Does anyone02:11
xclusive585*buntu was my first REAL attempt at linux. Been using it as my server OS for a few years now. Love it.02:12
somethinginterespepee: back again.. it literally now says I have 0 space available in /home. No idea what the heck is going on.02:12
Shartsaloti switched to ubuntu this week because i got a new SSD and decided to test win 8 and it was such an abomination that i had to abandon microsoft02:12
xclusive585I mainly work in the command line world, but I use the GUI programs as well, and run desktop *buntus in virtual machines using my laptop as a KVM. You simply cannot do this much with windows02:12
obyrithxclusive585: what were your ones before that? i remember using slax to fix my windows setup a few months before i ever installed any distro.02:13
Shartsalotmy only issue is that i cant easily mount my galaxy nexus02:13
pepeesomethinginteres, are you sure you are reading the "Avail" column?02:13
xclusive585obyrith: I used redhat and suse desktop versions almost 10 years ago, it sent me running away from Linux fast02:14
ejvwith the exception of package management, they are all, more or less, the same02:14
somethinginterespepee: http://pastebin.com/aZHnLkaj02:15
xclusive585I discovered Ubuntu and Debian and have been more than happy.02:15
obyrithxclusive585: heh, back then i don't think i even knew what an operating system was.02:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:15
Shartsalotyeah me too i tried redhat like 10 years ago and ran from it02:15
pepeesomethinginteres, did you run the comman in that website?02:15
Shartsalotevery year id try a diff distro02:15
pepeeShartsalot, use virtual machines :)02:16
Shartsalotwhat really makes ubuntu viable for me at this point is i realized that most everything i do is in the browser02:16
somethinginterespepee: yeah I did and I removed a further 10GB from ~/Downloads and the root of /home based on its output .02:16
pepeesomethinginteres, did you check your file system?02:17
somethinginterespepee: not yet. How would I go about doing that?02:17
donvito212.04 is to laggy02:19
pepeesomethinginteres, use the gparted live cd02:19
MrMalakI have a little bit of an issue, I have tried to install Slackware and Fedora off of CD and both times my laptop wouldn't recognize them as bootable CD's even though my desktop would. I am trying an ubuntu CD next, but if it wont recognize it does any one have advice on what to do? I managed to get a slackware 13 cd to be recognized and installed but I would like somthing that has Gnome for a desktop option.02:19
bazhangMrMalak, using the alternate cd?02:19
somethinginterespepee: OK.02:20
bazhangdonvito2, got a support question?02:20
ActionParsnippepee: gparted is on the ubuntu install CD, no need for an extra download dude02:20
obyrithhas anyone heard of any issues with the logitech unifying receiver?02:20
bazhangobyrith, you could check launchpad for bugs/issues02:20
obyrithbazhang: i'll take a look02:20
MrMalakI havnt done Ubuntu yet, is that what the alternate cd is? if not I will do that after I try the one I am downloading now02:20
pepeeMrMagic, clean your cd reader ? or use some different cd-r brand02:20
donvito2bazhang actually yes! i want my 12.04 to be not that much laggy02:21
pepeedonvito, what gpu?02:21
bazhangMrMalak, the alternate cd is the text-based one, it works when the live sometimes fails02:21
MrMalakThe CD I did boot off of is the same as the others I burnt, it seems like it has to do with the version of linux I am trying to install and not the media02:21
pepee*graphics card02:21
ActionParsnipdonvito2: what spec is your system?02:21
bazhangdonvito2, thats very vague02:21
donvito2128 mb ram, geforce 6200 turbocache02:21
MrMalakOk, I will give it a try if the ubuntu cd I am downloading fails02:21
MrMalakcan you link it to me02:21
bazhang!alternate | MrMalak02:22
ActionParsnipdonvito2: did you install the nvidia driver?02:22
ubottuMrMalak: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal02:22
somethinginterespepee: once I load it is there something I should select or press to check FS health?02:22
bazhangdonvito2, 128mb ram?02:22
ActionParsnipdonvito2: if you run:  nvidia-settings   does it say the driver is not in use?02:22
donvito2the video card have 128 mb ram yes02:22
pepeesomethinginteres, not sure, I just read about the cd02:22
ejvim actually in 2d mode, and my load average is above 1.5, with youtube and a few terminals; 12.04 appears to have taken a step in the wrong direction from 10.04 (what i had before)02:22
bazhangdonvito2, how much system ram02:22
somethinginterespepee: OK02:22
donvito21 gb02:22
ActionParsnipdonvito2: which desktop?02:22
donvito2the ubuntu one02:22
ActionParsnipdonvito2: tried Unity2D session?02:23
donvito2that isnt laggy02:23
MrMalakThank you :)02:23
pepeeejv, that, or flash uses lots of resources02:23
donvito2looks like i need better machine for effects02:23
ActionParsnipdonvito2: sounds like the video chip has issues with compiz then02:23
pepeeas always...02:23
bazhangdonvito2, that card is quite old, I'd stick with unity 2d02:23
pepeereally, flash eats cpu02:23
ejvjust an observation; 10.04 was much faster as a whole; *shrug*02:24
donvito2well okey02:24
donvito2i figure it out02:24
ActionParsnipshould use 2d anyway, bypasses compiz nonesense02:24
donvito2why was that laggy02:24
MrMalakBusy IRC chan02:24
donvito2what if i use gnome or kde?02:24
ActionParsnipMrMalak: yes, its the official channel for the fastest growing distro :)02:24
donvito2kde will be laggy too right?02:24
ActionParsnipdonvito2: unity is a shell for gnome. you have it already02:25
donvito2ah ok02:25
ejvthere's so many variables that changed between the two LTS versions; gnome, kernel, package versions, etc. impossible to pinpoint the real cause of the slowdown02:25
donvito2thanks for help02:25
ksbalajiI cannot run synaptic. While opening I get :balaji@balaji-desktop:~$ sudo synaptic02:25
ksbalajiTraceback (most recent call last):02:25
ksbalaji  File "/usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index", line 699, in <module>02:25
ksbalaji    res = updateIndex(dbpath, addons, progress)02:25
ksbalaji  File "/usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index", line 340, in updateIndex02:25
FloodBot1ksbalaji: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
ksbalaji    cache = apt.Cache(memonly=True,progress=aptprogress)02:25
pepeeejv, let's hope wayland improves the situation02:25
ActionParsnippepee: hope so :)02:25
ejvnever heard of it heh02:26
ActionParsnippepee: although nvidia don't like wayland02:26
ejvi am curious what the lts server version experience will be; i'll install that when my new hardware arrives02:27
ejvksbalaji: apt-get install pastebinit02:27
ejvor wgetpaste02:27
ejvi forget what its called in ubuntu land02:28
alecbenzerbuying a new laptop -- any recommendations in terms of graphics cards? of intel, amd, nvidia, anyone I should avoid, anyone I should go for?02:28
Fezzlerok, just installed lubuntu over 11.10.  Rebooted.  Boots to 11.10 users login page again.  What now?02:28
ejva question for #ubuntu-offtopic alecbenzer !02:28
pepeealecbenzer, if you are very lucky, all should work out of the box02:28
alecbenzerejv: well i meant in terms of driver support, that's sort of on-topic?02:28
alecbenzerpepee: I remember having a lot of trouble with an old amd card and linux in general. it worked, but the integrated chip on my laptop could out-perform it in compiz and stuff -- has amd support gotten better?02:30
ejvalecbenzer: as of linux 3.4, there are gpu driver additions for kepler 600, radeon 7xxx / trinity APUs, and intel medfield = you'll be just fine.02:30
ActionParsnipalecbenzer: avoid switchable GPU02:30
Fezzlerpepee> What now?  Lubuntu installed.02:30
Fezzlerpepee> How to I make it my new speedy desktop?02:30
ksbalajiejv, balaji@balaji-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit   Reading package lists... Error! E: Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - open (2: No such file or directory) E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.02:30
pepeeFezzler, logout, select lxde02:30
ActionParsnipFezzler: use the cog icon near your username02:31
ejvwell thats weird ksbalaji, sry not sure how to handle that02:31
strictlandplanning to install 12.04 LTS, how much do i need for swap? I have 16gb memmory, 80 gb hdd02:31
ejvksbalaji: did you run an apt-get update for fun?02:31
pepeeActionParsnip, that works fine in amd, although you can't use both gpu's at the same time :(02:31
FezzlerActionParsnip> And select what?02:31
donvito2what is less in edubuntu than ubuntu?02:31
FezzlerActionParsnip> I see the cog02:32
ActionParsnippepee: I just wouldnt touch it, too many issues02:32
ejvstrictland: anything over 4G is probably excessive; i don't even have swap.02:32
strictlandi plan on using hybernate eatures02:32
ActionParsnipFezzler: you select the lxde session in thelogin screen, you use the cog near your username02:32
pepeewasn't hybernate removed?02:32
ActionParsnipFezzler: not the cog on the desktop02:32
strictlandwas it?02:32
alecbenzeralright, so it'd be silly to avoid an otherwise good configuration because of an amd gfx chip?02:32
ksbalajiejv, update runs automatically. I got notifications. So I tried synaptic.02:32
pepeenot sure, but there was some discussion about it02:33
FezzlerActionParsnip> Choices are Recovery Console; Ubuntu; Ubuntu 2D; User Defined Session....???02:33
ejvstrictland: if you have the drive space to burn, 50% of your memory then, so if you have 1000 firefox tabs... yea heh02:33
ejvksbalaji: weird, guess you're stuck with pastebin website; sorry ;)02:33
pepeealecbenzer, well, the propietary driver won't support crossfire, at least for my config02:33
pepeeyou still have to select the other gpu, logout and login02:34
alecbenzerpepee: crossfire is the multiple card thing, right? I doubt I'll be getting two gpus -- it's for a laptop02:34
Fezzlerpepee> How do I log out from the log in screen?  All I see is Shutdown02:34
strictlandi have an 80gb hdd which will only be used by OS the programs that already come installed in 12.04, My memmory is 16gb... so youre saying use 8gb for swap?02:34
ksbalajianyone to help with starting synaptic / apt-get / update manager please?02:35
naryfastrictland: you'll probably be good with 202:35
pepeeFezzler, try rebooting then. I suppose you have lightdm/gdm02:35
naryfastrictland: at 16GB I doubt you'll ever touch swap02:35
jane_wayne78i've installed ubuntu 12.04 server and gvncviewer, when i type in gvncviewer localhost:0, i get "cannot open display" any ideas?02:35
strictlandand if hibernate is still included in 12.04, 2 gb for swap is enough?02:36
ejvhe insists on having swap, 8GB sounds delicious if not, liberal :)02:36
ActionParsnipstrictland: if you have 2Gb RAM then use 2.2Gb swap02:36
pepeestrictland, no, I don't think so02:36
naryfathen by all means, if it feels good, have 802:36
Fezzlerpepee> Ok.  Shutdown.  Now restarting.02:36
ksbalajibye friends. Hoping to try my own luck with tinkering.02:37
pepeebye ksbalaji02:37
strictlandbetter safe than sorry i guess.... all my data reside on other hdds02:37
pepeehmm for some reason, xchat shows this channel in a new window02:37
ejvi have mysql, multiple VMs, samba, etc. ram usage is sitting at 6GB / 16GB; no swap necessary for me.02:37
^Satan^Is there a way to have MATE load prior to login, like Gnome 3 does?02:37
ActionParsnip^Satan^: mate isnt supported here02:38
Fezzlerpepee> Ok.  Boot back to the 11.10 multiple user login in screen02:38
ejvit's not? why? bitterness? :)02:38
strictlandgood info ejv. thanks02:38
ejvstrictland: my usage pattern may not reflect yours; and I /never/ hibernate.02:38
Fezzlerpepee> How do I tell it to start using lubuntu?  Or maybe it is after I login?02:39
^Satan^I just don't like Unity or Gnome 3, so I started with 12.04 LTS server, and installed MATE on top of it02:39
pepeeFezzler, do you see some options there?02:39
ActionParsnip^Satan^: unity isn't a DE02:39
pepeeselect LXDE02:39
strictlandi can spare the 8gb, so i think im good02:39
^Satan^right, well I don't much like Gnome 3 either02:39
ejvif you want to get fancy; you can use LVM, then later on if you decide you don't have enough swap, grow the partition from your available storage pool02:40
strictlandi heard about that... and it wont affect filesystem in a ny negative way?02:40
Fezzlerpepee> some02:40
Poobutthow do i change dns servers in ubuntu? i want to enter the google dns02:40
ActionParsnip^Satan^: I'd ask in the mint channel, they use mate02:41
ejvresolv.conf ?02:41
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ActionParsnipPoobutt: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using02:41
^Satan^mmm, but I'm not running mint02:41
xanguaPoobutt: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/setup-static-dns-servers-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ pd. just use gksu with gedit instead of sudo02:41
ActionParsnipejv: the file is generated each boot, so changes will be lost02:41
Fezzlerpepee> Nothing that lets me select lxed02:41
^Satan^oh well, I'll ask around there anyway02:41
ejvlinux gets rebooted? huh? :)02:42
ActionParsnipejv: oh fo sho02:43
pepeexchat just crashed02:43
pepeewhat the02:43
ejvif you want to cowboy it Poobutt, sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf; of if you're getting your address from DCHP, best to go upstream and change your router/modem config.02:43
FezzlerActionParsnip> Any ideas?02:43
ActionParsnipejv: or just set the interface to dhcp (address only) in network manager. Lots easier02:44
ejvbut but... what if he doesn't have a network manager!02:44
xanguaejv: also resolv.conf is not longer editable02:44
pepeeFezzler, just select LXDE02:45
ejvyou mean i can't bring my gentoo knives and apply them here? bah!02:45
Fezzlerpepee> Where?  After I run get apt install lubuntu-desktop it was supposed to reboot to Lubuntu but it does not02:46
ActionParsnipejv: you can you echo with sudo tee to edit it :)02:46
jane_wayne78when you install ubuntu + xen, is vnc server installed by default? can't connect to my hvm guest os to continue its install02:47
web1so i want to install flash player on my iceweasal web browser . I have debian 6.0 . anyone know how to install it ?02:47
pepeeFezzler, there should be an option somewhere in the desktop manager02:47
pepeeFezzler, in lightdm02:47
ActionParsnipweb1: ask in #debian02:48
pepeeFezzler, lxde + ubuntu = lubuntu02:48
web1ahkk thx02:48
^Satan^mate + ubuntu should = mubuntu then :D02:48
Fezzlerpepee> Where?  Upper left has computer name; middle has list of users for login; uppr right has circle, sound, time and cog; cog next to my name too.02:49
Fezzlerpepee> So login?02:49
Fezzlerpepee> Oh, bottom left says ubuntu 11.1002:50
pepeeFezzler, there is not some drop-down menu?02:50
Fezzlerpepee> Yes there is02:50
Fezzlerpepee> Suspend; Hybernate; Shutdown.02:51
FezzlerCog next to my user name offers: Recovery Console; Ubuntu; Ubuntu 2D; User Defined Session....???02:52
pepeewhat does "User Defined Session" do?02:53
Fezzlerpepee> Puts and asterix next to it02:56
Fezzlerpepee> All those options next to user name puts a asterix next to selection after clicked02:56
eph3meralis flash still broken for people on 64 bit 11.10?02:57
pepeeFezzler, I don't really know, at least kdm will let me select my session02:57
eph3meralabout a month or two ago I got an update and since then flash has basically just stopped working02:58
pepeeeph3meral, nope, it has been working fine for a couple years02:58
eph3meraloccasionally i can watch a youtube, but usually the player is about 1/4 the size it should be02:58
eph3meralthe rest of the area is just black space02:58
pepeefrom these, what do you see? http://www.google.com/search?q=gdm+lxde&num=50&hl=en&safe=off&complete=0&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch02:58
eph3merali usually use google chrome, but this is basically the same in firefox02:58
xanguaeph3meral: tried disabling hardware acceleration¿02:59
eph3meralxangua, acceleration of what? you mean like nvidia drivers?02:59
pepeeeph3meral, install adobe-flashplugin from the ubuntu partner repos02:59
Fezzlerpepee> frustrating02:59
eph3meralflash used to work fine, with the nvidia drivers and all02:59
pepeeFezzler, yeah..02:59
eph3meralpepee, hmm, lemme look at which repo I have it from right now02:59
Fezzlerpepee> DO I need to do something at the kernel splash screen before the login app loads?02:59
pepeeFezzler, no03:00
pepeeFezzler, try just logging in03:00
eph3meralpepee, right now I'm using flashplugin-installer03:00
eph3meralalso, doesn't chrome ship with its own flash that updates automatically/independently?03:00
Fezzlerpepee> I did.  Back in Unity03:00
eph3meralseems like chrome's should actually work in that case, but I guess not03:01
eph3meralpepee, so you think adobe-flashplugin is a better/more-reliable package than flashplugin-installer ?03:01
xanguaeph3meral: play any flash video, set if to full screen, right clic, properties, disable hardware acceleration03:01
pepeeeph3meral, don't knwo, but for some reason, it just works03:01
pepeeeph3meral, also, check if you have gnash installed or something03:02
eph3meralxangua, hmm, I don't see any such option to "disable hardware acceleration"03:02
eph3meralpepee, I do have gnash03:02
eph3merali've seen it in ps ax before03:02
eph3meralgtk-gnash to be specific03:02
pepeeahh k, that's the reason then03:03
eph3meralhmm, what is gnash? what is it for? can I safely uninstall it?03:03
zoskyhi yall. how to map (the power) keyboard button to a command *in* X11 ... i'm not running a windowmanager (xbmcBUNTU)03:03
pepeewell, if you want an open source alternative, use gnash, and try to reconfigure the package03:03
eph3meralyep, gnash is definitely running right now03:03
pepeeelse, just install adobe flash player03:04
eph3meralwell i don't even know what gnash is03:04
eph3meralwell i have flash player installed, i'm saying, what is gnash, why is it there in the first place?03:04
eph3meralgnash is an open source flash alternative?03:04
eph3meralwtf installed that!? :)03:04
xanguaeph3meral: so you have installed several plugins and expect to one of the two work¿03:04
pepeeeph3meral, so, you have both gnash and flashplugin-installer03:04
eph3meralpepee, apparently so03:05
eph3merali never personally intentionally installed gnash03:05
eph3merali don't know why tf it's even there03:05
eph3meralxangua, no, you have made a very intentionally insultory and misleading statement to support your own world view of other people being stupid... I didn't freaking *know* that gnash was installed, much less what it was - give people the benefit of the doubt next time, you have been /ignored03:06
jane_wayne78how come telnet localhost 5900 works but telnet 5900 does not work? is it because of my settings in /etc/hosts03:09
Fezzlerpepee> I hit "c" at bootup and I'm at grub> menu...Anyhting I can do?03:09
pepeeFezzler, nope, that will not help :/03:10
Abhijitjane_wayne78, its
Fezzlerpepee> maybe it is my login screen settings?03:10
pepeeFezzler, yeah03:10
hsnmckhello, I have a lenovo x201 tablet, I saw on ubuntu's website that it's compatible with ubuntu 10.04http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201002-5341/ does this mean that the tablet features wont work with ubuntu 12.04 and it will only work wit 10.04, or it work as well with ubuntu 12.0403:10
Fezzlerpepee> Thoughts?03:10
pepeeFezzler, try installing lxdm and removing gdm or lightdm03:11
jane_wayne78Abhijit: no it's not03:11
pepeehsnmck, I think that it just means it was working with 10.0403:11
Abhijitjane_wayne78, try or
eph3meralpepee, awesome, uninstalling gnash and installing adobe-flashplugin works like a charm, thanks :)03:12
Fezzlerpepee> So sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop was not enough?03:12
eph3merali seriously don't know wtf installed gnash, i didn't do it knowingly ::(03:12
jane_wayne78Abhijit: yes, that works, "telnet 5900"03:12
pepeehsnmck, could ot could't work with 12.0403:12
xangua!language | eph3meral03:12
ubottueph3meral: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:12
Fezzlerpepee> no afraid on command line if I know what to type03:12
pepeexangua, ?03:12
hsnmckpepee,so which version of ubuntu do you recommand me to install in this case?03:13
jane_wayne78Abhijit: so "telnet localhost 5900" and "telnet 5900" both works, but the LAN ip does not.. why? "telnet 5900"03:13
obyrithpeepee: because of "wt?"?03:13
pepeehsnmck, you can try doing some "google research"03:13
Abhijitjane_wayne78, no idea03:13
openjckAnyone else having trouble with the Ubuntu One music store on 12.04?03:13
jane_wayne78Abhijit: wierd..03:13
openjckGetting the message "Your Purchased Music folder is not subscribed" and my music is not downloaded. I can't be the only one.03:14
clu3hello all, I have this process running "/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon"  and google told me that it's "the process that takes care of synchronizing your files between the cloud and the desktop". Yet I have no cloud service at all, some one pls care to explain ?03:14
pepeeFezzler, apt-get install lxdm03:14
Abhijitjane_wayne78, yes.03:14
andygraybeali just installed ubuntu 12.04 on a gateway gt5418e - at first boot, it says 'compiz crashed'  this means i should probably run in failback session right?  do i have to go to a console and apt-get sometihng?03:15
=== DangerOnTheRang1 is now known as DangerOnTheRangr
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zorg24What is the default password for CUPS?03:15
pepeeFezzler, then run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxdm03:16
openjckzorg24: None, I think.03:16
Abhijitzorg24, no03:16
openjckzorg24: Empty username and password, I think.03:16
zorg24oh lol03:16
zorg24nope blank didn't work03:16
ActionParsnipzorg24: use your account credentials03:17
^Satan^zorg24, why are you trying to log in as cups?03:17
zorg24ActionParsnip, I tried that didn't work03:17
zorg24^Satan^, to modify a printer03:17
Fezzlerpepee> progress.  lxdm install wants me to choose a login screen..gdm, lightdm or lxdm...which do I want?03:17
zorg24oh I think I found the command to add a user sudo usermod -aG lpadmin username03:17
^Satan^the account is probably disabled from logging in by default03:18
pepeeFezzler, great. select lxdm03:18
ActionParsnipzorg24: could run:  gksudo firefox http://localhost:631   should be ok then03:18
zorg24ActionParsnip, that didn't help03:19
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Fezzlerpepee> lxdm installed.  back to prompt.  Reboot?  Or run dpkg-reconfigure lcdm?03:20
pepeeFezzler, reboot03:20
zorg24ok yay I added myself to the lpadmin group and that let me use my user credentials to log in to CUPS03:21
Fezzlerpepee> really stopped using my ubuntu PC after Unity.  How is adoption of Unity going.  People like it?03:22
Fezzlerpepee> One second...new login screen.  Exciting03:23
zorg24Fezzler, wait people use Unity?03:23
pepeeFezzler, no idea, really. I'm using LXDE too03:23
reisioFezzler: what're you using instead?03:23
pepeeand I've used kde for years03:23
pepeeI hate gnome03:24
Fezzlerreisio> Stopped using PC at 11.10  - AMD K2-266 because useless03:24
Fezzlerpepee> default desktop or choose LXDE?03:24
reisioI mean what OS are you using now03:24
pepeeFezzler, lxde03:25
Fezzlerreisio> C/PM03:25
davidfnno gui03:25
reisioFezzler: har :p03:25
pepeeI use z/OS (?)03:25
Fezzlerpepee> Thanks Pepee.  Looking at slick Lxde desktop.  Did notice my other users were gone at login page.  Are they still there in system?03:26
KRomodoes amd cool n quiet not work well in ubuntu? my cpu is 2.2ghz but throttles down to 1.1ghz but it seemed that ubuntu never got it above 1100 ever...03:27
KRomosystem seems snappier with cnq disabled03:27
KRomonot sure if it is placebo03:27
pepeeKRomo, try running: yes | sha1sum03:27
Fezzlerpepee> So my AMD K6-266 will sing on Lubuntu and I am back in buisness.  No flashy Unity needed.  Just raw computing I can tweak to my own desire!03:27
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pepeeand in other terminal: less /proc/cpuinfo03:28
reisiopepee: heh03:28
reisioFezzler: hope you didn't reinstall for that03:28
pepeeFezzler, that's really great!03:28
k-adminit's awesome aye03:28
KRomok6 266? wow03:29
k-adminnahh bro03:29
KRomoare u really running a k6?03:29
pepeeI wonder how does unity work in that machine03:30
ActionParsnip2D should be ok03:30
ActionParsnipLXDE is a better fit03:30
pepeesomeone using e17?03:31
KRomowhat was the third competitor back in the day? intel, amd and....03:31
ActionParsnipcould even just use open/fluxbox and ditch the DE part :)03:31
ActionParsnipKRomo: cyrix03:31
KRomoyes lol03:31
Canadian1296I have a ton of folders with files in each one. I want to move all the files into one folder. I'm completely comfortable with the command line, I just have no idea what to do (my bash script skills are a little rusty :P)03:32
LordOfTimeCanadian1296:  where are these "folders"?03:33
LordOfTimeCanadian1296:  are they within your /home directory?03:33
LordOfTimeCanadian1296:  are they prefaced with . ?03:33
Canadian1296LordOfTime: In my home directory, and all standard folders (not prefaced with .)03:34
Fezzlerreisio> Why?03:34
preecheranyone know of issue when rebooting-when doing a reboot the screen goes blank but the battery/netwoork etc... applets stay on---but system will sutdown fine its only on doing a reboot----using ubuntu12.0403:34
LordOfTimeCanadian1296:  and you want this to be in a script?03:34
ActionParsnipCanadian1296: you'll need a check to make sure that the file name doesn't already exist or the dest file will be overwritten03:34
LordOfTime^ that too03:34
Fezzlerpepee> Running like a top!  YouTube struggled in 11.10 on my PC.  With Lubuntu...it runs awesome03:34
Canadian1296LordOfTime ActionParsnip: A script or command, it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure there are no duplicate file names, but a check would be nice03:35
Fezzlerpepee> Thanks for giving me a usable Ubuntu man!!!03:35
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tr3ntonWouldnt the -i flag prompt if the file exists?03:35
pepeeFezzler, you are welcome03:35
pepeeFezzler, try e17 too, and let me know how it goes03:35
Fezzlerpepee> e17 ?  What is that?03:36
Fezzlerpepee> I was using Ubuntu everyday from version 7 to 11.  11.10 and Unity did me in03:37
pepeeFezzler, http://www.enlightenment.org/?p=about/e1703:37
Canadian1296tr3nton: Probably, depending on what command I use. I'm just lost on how to recurse into each directory and move the files (a for loop would work, but I don't know how to loop into all the directories without writing out each of their names)03:37
Fezzlerpepee> You using e17 and lubuntu / Lxde?03:38
pepeeFezzler, nope, just installed it, gotta try it03:38
brophati have a .deb file how do I install it?03:38
Fezzlerpepee> on different PC or partion?03:38
brophatwell a .deb package03:39
WHAT_UPbrophat: double click if you have a gui03:39
MrMalakOk, so I downloaded the latest ubuntu live CD and its not detected as a bootable CD by my laptop, I'm going to get some more CDs but I was curious if any one had any other ideas about what to do? I can03:39
WHAT_UPand whatever ubuntu uses now for the shell03:39
pepeeFezzler, nope, you just install it in the system03:39
MrMalak't boot off of USB03:39
andygraybeali am installing ubuntu on a guys computer that still needs some help, but i'm gonna be in another location - what is some good 'remote desktop sharing' software where.. i can support his needs and he can watch me do it.. so i can help him learn the applications?  i know teamviewer exists, but i think it sucks i have to get some account on some website to run it03:39
reisioandygraybeal: you don't have to get an account...03:40
LordOfTimeandygraybeal:  if its not already isntalled, and you're trying to dualinstall, you're kind of out of luck03:40
Fezzlerpepee> I'll check it out.03:40
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pepeeMrMagic, so you are trying to boot ubuntu from the USB?03:40
MrMalakIs it possible that its the version of linux I am trying to boot? I was able to boot a slack 13 CD, my PC is 64 bit.03:40
reisioandygraybeal: Ubuntu comes with vino or something, though, it depends on the network whether it'll be allowed through03:40
Fezzlerpepee> Thanks again.  First task Lubuntu...getting my 4 other users to appear at login.03:40
andygraybealLordOfTime, oh no... i'm sorry - im here installing it, but i'm going to leave in two days03:40
andygraybealreisio, okay cool man thanks03:40
andygraybealis vino .. like vnc+ssh ?03:41
jointmrmalak try rebooting with the cd in there instead of turning the pc off03:41
MrMalakOk, I will give it a shot03:41
pepeeFezzler, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-artwork/+bug/66659003:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 666590 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "lxdm theme need to add an user list and a keyboard layout chooser" [Wishlist,Triaged]03:42
KRomothis might sound lame but any decent ebooks to "learn linux"03:42
reisioandygraybeal: it's VNC at least, might handle some other things, don't remember03:43
pepeeFezzler, try using gdm then, and check if it does show lxde as an option03:43
reisioandygraybeal: should be in the menus somewhere, the system/prefs/admin area03:43
MrMalakThat didnt work, the cd drive isn't recognizing the disk as bootable.03:43
pepeeKRomo, I know about linux from scratch. it's not a book, but a distro03:43
jointi dont know03:44
pepeeMrMalak, are you trying to boot ubuntu from the USB?03:44
KRomooh let me ask you guys this03:44
brophatok thanks. that was easy for a change03:44
KRomowhy does ./configure never work?03:44
KRomoeverything i read onlinme says to use ./configure03:44
KRomoand i always get cannot be found03:44
pepeeKRomo, because sometimes there is not such file03:44
KRomoso then what must be done?03:45
pepeewell, in that case, you don't need it03:45
Jordan_UKRomo: You should install packages via the package manager, not by compiling from source.03:45
KRomotar.gz files...if i want tocompile03:45
Jordan_UKRomo: What are you actually trying to install?03:45
ActionParsnipKRomo: its not always needed. Did you read the readme file in the source?03:45
pepeeI prefer to compile some apps, but not install them03:45
MrMalakIm trying to boot off of live cds, I am burning them in a DVD-RW drive in my PC that is 64 but. I am trying to boot them off of a Sony Viao.03:45
pepeerather, I have them in my /home partition03:45
pepeeerr /home/user folder03:46
KRomotrying to mount a mtp device03:46
MrMalakI have a slack 13 CD that will boot but none of the distros I have downloaded will boot.03:46
KRomogalaxy nexus03:46
ActionParsnipMrMalak: are you burning the DVD ISO?03:46
andygraybealreisio, okahy thanks man03:46
MrMalakI am burning the CD ISO03:47
Jordan_UKRomo: Nautilus supports MTP devices natively. Why do you think you need more software?03:48
ActionParsnipKRomo: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-easily-mount-the-galaxy-nexus-on-ubuntu-11-10-via-unity03:48
KRomoi cant get the galuxy nexus to mount, it seems to be a common issue03:48
ActionParsnipKRomo: yes, its the way the storage is used03:49
KRomoaction: from what i read that fix wont work in 12.04 should i try anyway?03:49
pepeecan you ssh to the phone?03:49
ActionParsnipKRomo: could try it03:49
pepeekonqueror has the fish protocol ;)03:49
neo_Im wanting to use ubuntu as a hypervisor(kvm), what program(s) do I install to add the minimal gui so I can use gui programs, I dont even care to have a panel03:51
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM03:51
Jordan_UKRomo: If you just want to be able to access the device via nautilus simply "sudo apt-get install mtpfs".03:51
MechanisMHello! I need help http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012545/03:52
neo_I am planning on using kvm but the ubuntu server doesnt have a display. Ill need a display so I can use the virtual machine03:52
swooshonlnhey guys, how do I add applications to the application menu?03:52
KRomolet me try03:53
MechanisMabout a month I'm unable to start gnome-control-center03:53
MrMalakHow about a way to install ubuntu from slackware? Can some one tell me how to do that?03:53
reisioMrMalak: thought you were burning an image?03:53
Jordan_Uneo_: You don't need a display to use KVM, you can configure Ubuntu to use a serial terminal, or simply connect via ssh.03:54
MechanisMgnome-control-centr fails to start http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012545/ help me.03:54
MrMalakI did and its not working, Im going to get some more CD's to try different media but I suspect its not because of the media.03:54
Jordan_Uneo_: You'll obviously need a display somewhere, but it doesn't need to be X11 and it doesn't need to be on the same machine as that running KVM.03:54
MrMalakI could try to burn the CD from the linux laptop but so far I havn't had luck with doing that from the consol03:55
Jordan_UMrMalak: Can your computer boot from USB?03:56
MrMalakNo, I wish03:56
MrMalakThe Laptop is just slightly too old03:56
ActionParsnipMrMalak: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you burn as slowly as possible?03:56
neo_Jordan_U, Im not using the machine as a strict server, I will be having kvm on the same machine that Ill be using the booted virtual operating system.03:56
ActionParsnipMrMalak: if you only have DVD media, you will need the DVD ISO03:57
MrMalakI have tried checking the CD for erros after burning it and burning it slowly, I have burnt 3 different flavors of Linux03:57
andygraybealah, you gjuys recommend the Backup software that comes pre-installed?  i see it's called deja dup03:57
WHAT_UPi want to be a DVD ISO when i grow up03:57
MrMalakNone of them work, the one burnt CD I have found is a slackware 13 CD that was burnt on a different drive03:57
ActionParsnipMrMalak: also, you don't extract the ISO file. You burn the file as is03:57
reisioandygraybeal: I prefer rsync03:57
Jordan_UActionParsnip: The CD works on other machines.03:58
zombifierYep, rsync is the best03:58
MrMalakYeah, I burnt them all as ISO files in the default windows 7 program and in a seperate CD mastering suite03:58
ActionParsnipJordan_U: i see, thanks for the heads up03:58
andygraybealreisio, oh, bro,... i do too.. but this is for a person who is too new.03:58
Jordan_UActionParsnip: You're welcome.03:58
reisioandygraybeal: set up a cron job for them, they don't need to deal with that stuff03:58
andygraybeali run rsync on all my boxes.. but i want this guy to kinda have some control over his own stuff03:58
MrMalakI did everything I could beyond geting an old version of Linux and replacing the DVD drive with an CD burner03:58
reisioI wouldn't want to expose the backup system to a non-techie03:58
reisioI wouldn't even want them to know about it03:59
reisioexcept possibly so that they know not to reformat the drives if something goes wrong03:59
andygraybealreisio, okay, that's a cool opinion .. but he's gotta know to have the hard drive on .. and then how does he restore something if he needs?03:59
Jordan_UMrMalak: Do you have an extra CD/DVD for a quick test? Most distros use isolinux for their CDs and for some reason your hardware doesn't seem to like isolinux. I have no idea what slackware uses, but I would try a CD using grub.03:59
reisioandygraybeal: not aware of any GUI magically dumbed down enough to let newbs restore large amounts of a system04:00
* reisio shrugs04:00
neo_ActionParsnip, the kvm is not a strict server. Im planning on using the kvm server as the same machine that Ill access the virtual machines. Ubuntu server does not come with a display and ubuntu desktop takes up too much resources04:00
andygraybealreisio, i guess i haven't given it much though04:00
MrMalakYes, I have one more CD that I could burn. Should I go ahead and burn the alternate ISO?04:00
* reisio shrugs04:00
reisioMrMalak: was there a problem?04:00
Fezzlerpepee>> Yo04:00
pepeeFezzler, did you try using gdm?04:00
Canadian1296I figured it out on my own :)04:01
pepeeMechanisM, you should try reinstalling it04:01
Fezzlerpepee>> ?  Using LXDE now.  Very cool.  Simple.  Fast.  Everything seems to work!04:01
MechanisMpepee I'm tried it a lot of times04:01
Fezzlerpepee>> I'm on it now.  No fuss not mess04:01
MrMalakYes, none of the distros I download and burn will boot on this freaking Sony Viao laptop04:01
Fezzlerpepee>> Not sure what you mean if I tried gdm.04:02
PeterFAI was playing music through Pandora and then my box crashed. Now after I reboot, I have no sound. I have the sound card in alsa but the sound system for the Unity doesn't show the sound card.04:02
reisioMrMalak: but Slackware is on it already?04:02
MrMalakYeah I have a slackware  13 disc that I burnt a long time ago that did boot04:02
reisioPeterFA: sounds like a pulse issue04:02
reisioMrMalak: interesting04:02
reisioMrMalak: well you _could_ install from that, but it wouldn't be the funnest thing you ever did (unless you have time on your hands and like adventure)04:02
MrMalakbut the ones I recently downloaded and tried faild, with fedora and ubunto04:03
pepeeFezzler, try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxdm , and select gdm04:03
Jordan_Uneo_: I would personally go with Lubuntu, because while it's clearly not as minimal as you've specified it's pretty darn minimal and easy to work with. If you really want bare minimal then use the minimal install CD, be careful not to select options for things you don't want, and I think "xserver-xorg" should get you everything you strictly need. You will almost certainly want some window manager (there are many options) also though.04:03
pepeeMechanisM, try reinstalling libwebkitgtk-3.0-004:03
brophatI installed the rt3090 drivers but rt2800 was still loading, it should be loading rt2860 drivers, so I blacklisted it, now when I lsmod | grep rt2 nothing is listed04:03
MrMalakI honestly dont care, my girlfriend uses the laptop and I have spent hours and hours trying to get a CD to work. I honestly would rather have some help with mounting an ISO of ubuntu or Fedora and geting it to install vs spending more time trying to figure out why I cant boot from these cd's04:04
brophatand of course I have no wifi either04:04
reisioMrMalak: if you haven't tried the alternate install image and you have one disc left, that's worth a shot04:04
reisioMrMalak: or if you have a USB stick you can try as many more as you like...04:04
zambai have created two raids.. one raid-5 array and one raid-1.. and i want to combine these two by using jbod.. how do i do that?04:04
MrMalakOk I will give it a shot and report back when I am done04:04
pepeeMrMalak, hmm now I remember04:04
reisioMrMalak: no USB sticks?04:04
pepeeMrMalak, you don't need a cd04:04
MrMalakI can't boot from USB I would have lol04:04
reisioMrMalak: ah okay04:04
MrMalakNo the laptop wont let me boot to USB in the BIOS04:04
reisioMrMalak: well give a yell if the alternate fails04:04
ceptichi can anyone help with ubuntu server?04:04
reisioMrMalak: old?04:04
wifioregonhi. I run a chat room where I convince lots of people to install ubuntu. I've always had them install side by side by booting to a disc, but was wondering if I should suggest the WUBi installer instead. Is it true that if you install ubuntu with the wubi installer that it will be slower that installing regularily? if so, how slow?04:04
reisioceptic: sure...04:04
MrMalakYeah its about 5 years or so old04:04
pepeeMrMalak, you can try the hd-media install, or whatever it's called04:05
Jordan_UMrMalak: Don't waste your one CD left on another iso using isolinux.04:05
reisiowifioregon: it's just generally more problematic04:05
MrMalakI can just buy more cds04:05
brophatanyway I can check if a driver is installed? not necessarily loaded, just installed and ready to go04:05
reisiowifioregon: since the whole system is installed inside a file on Windows' NTFS04:05
pepeeJordan_U, how would you do it?04:05
MechanisMpepee I'm already tried to reinstall everything mentioned in this trace and some relative to this issue libs04:05
MrMalakIm proding my GF to go get more from CVS while I try and fix this04:05
reisioMrMalak: :D04:05
reisioI just burnt a CD04:05
reisiofirst burn in many months04:05
reisioit felt icky04:06
Jordan_Uwifioregon: I would not recommend Wubi. It's a great concept but there aren't currently enough developers actively maintaining it to make it as stable and robust as it should be.04:06
reisioand the box I burnt it for turned out to not even be 64-bit04:06
neo_Jordan_U, what window manager would you recommend?04:06
reisiogonna give it away tomorrow04:06
zykotick9Jordan_U: "great concept" you must be joking...04:06
cepticreisio pm me?04:06
UnityFani can atest that wubi kinda sux...it made me rthink ubuntu was super slow04:06
El_CaballeroHello guys. I have seem a lot of photos of Ubuntu over Android. But, is anybody here which has done that? Is it as good as it is in the photos?04:06
pepeeMrMalak, you want to try  the hd-media install?04:06
UnityFana true install is sooooooooo much faster04:06
MrMalakNo I don't know what the hd-media install is04:07
zombifierEl_Caballero: If you are talking about Ubuntu for Android, then it's not released yet04:07
Fezzlerpepee>> do I need to reboot?04:07
pepeeFezzler, logout04:07
Jordan_Uneo_: Fluxbox is very lightweight and usable, and unlike most window managers also gives you enough of a "desktop environment" (right click on the desktop to get an application menu) to make it usable on its own.04:07
pepeeEl_Caballero, IIRC, ubuntu is installed *over* android04:08
zykotick9neo_: fluxbox is kinda dated, openbox is a slightly more moder version of the same basic theme04:08
UnityFanis there any way to have "folders" in the unity bar? i would like to be able to click a libreoffice plugin that then shows the 3 libreoffice programs04:08
UnityFannot have all 3 take up room04:08
El_Caballeropepee: Yes, exactly. Chrooted.04:08
pepeeMrMalak, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows#The_CD_image_approach04:08
UnityFanplugin = shortcurt04:08
MrMalakI will BRB I need to go to the CVS to get more media to trash04:09
pepeeMrMalak, you will need the alternate iso CD and anothe partition04:09
El_Caballeropepee: I have seen photos of Openoffice, firefox, nautilus, etc over Ubuntu and over android04:09
MrMalakThe funny thing is that they boot on my PC but not this laptop04:09
UnityFanwhy are you using media? just use a flash drive04:09
El_Caballeropepee: is that possible in real life?04:09
pepeeEl_Caballero, yeah, I've seen those too, but never tried04:09
Jordan_UMrMalak: When you get back I should have a grub based iso for you to try.04:09
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MrMalakBecause I can't boot from a flopy or a USB stick04:09
MrMalakOk thank you Jordan04:09
Jordan_UMrMalak: You're welcome.04:09
pepeeEl_Caballero, you can try doing it in a virtual machine :P04:09
reisiohe doesn't need to try everything under the sun :p04:10
pepeeEl_Caballero, download the android SDK and try...04:10
El_Caballeropepee: oh... ok ok04:10
ActionParsnipjust checked the websites for flux/openbox, both latest releases are about the asme date04:10
MrMalakThe laptop is new enough to not have a floppy drive in it, you can get them but I dont have one to swap for the CD-RW and the BIOS doesn't have an option to boot from USB because its too old04:10
Jordan_UMrMalak: I assume it's 32 bit only?04:10
MrMalakYeah it is a 32 bit CPU04:11
cepticanyone help with ubuntu server?04:11
pepeeActionParsnip, they should be working to use wayland04:11
pepeeceptic, just ask04:11
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i wasn't meaning version # - but these days fluxbox feels kinda dated to me...04:11
swooshonlnhey guys, how do I add applications to the application menu?04:11
MrMalakOk, AFK I am walking next door to get more media to trash04:11
wifioregonJordan_U:  Thanks for your advice. Sorry for the late reply...so its problematic huh>? Darn...a lot of people get cnofused with installing ubuntu side by side...is it SLOWER though?  If so how much slower?04:11
lucas_tor4Hello! Somebody help-me with this question: sqrt(P/R) equalswhatvariable?04:12
lucas_tor4it's a forum.04:12
azlim using ubuntu 11.4  and my jdk is crashed it seems how can i reinstall that???/04:12
dr_willisswooshonln:  askubuntu.com has a few good guides on that. short answer. make a proper .desktop file for the app04:12
reisiolucas_tor4: ...04:12
lucas_tor4I'm can't response this question....04:12
ActionParsnipceptic: ask away, the channel will reply if it can04:12
lucas_tor4look: http://www.slocloneforums.com/ucp.php?mode=register04:12
reisiolucas_tor4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohm%27s_law ?04:13
azl im using ubuntu 11.4  and my jdk is crashed it seems how can i reinstall that???/04:13
lortechIs there a way to update the repositories ? I am getting alot of web page 404 when installing mysql-server ?04:13
azl im using ubuntu 11.4  and my jdk is crashed it seems how can i reinstall that???/04:13
pepeelucas_tor4, ?04:13
dr_willisazl:  use teh package manager tools.. but why do you think jdk is crashed?04:13
ActionParsniplortech: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc04:13
lortechAction, hold on will upload to pastebin04:13
ActionParsniplortech: its a single line, so is ok to paste here04:14
azlam not able to use my net beans it showing an error unble to find Java04:14
spdupeeok I am trying to scan my raid drive, but I am getting error daemon is inhibited?  what is the daemon for raid?04:14
user12345sometimes Ibus does not switch languages when I tell it to.04:14
dr_willisazl:  so your java env variables may not be set properly.04:14
lortechreply is natty04:14
lucas_tor4pepee, reisio, i can't response the answer, i don't know. I need help.04:14
Fezzlerpepee>> Very cool.  I can choose at login.  Was that your point?  What is Open Box?04:15
ActionParsniplortech: thats ok, natty is still supported04:15
reisiolucas_tor4: /join #math04:15
lucas_tor4rsr, ok.04:15
lortechso, what next?04:15
lucas_tor4reisio, thanks04:15
azldr_willis:and i was using open jdk and it was working fyne04:15
ActionParsniplortech: can you web browse on the system?04:15
Jordan_Uwifioregon: Any reading from or writing to disk will have to be somewhat slower do to the fact that both ntfs and ext4 metadata will need to be read and data will have to go through an extra layer of software, but I have no idea how much slower that is. Everthing not dependant on IO should be the same speed.04:15
pepeelucas_tor4, http://www.google.com/search?q=%22sqrt%28P%2FR%29%2204:15
ActionParsniplortech: tried switching package source?04:15
dr_willisazl:   you can purge/reinstall java using the package manager tools - if you think it will help04:15
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lortechnot sure ...my linux skills are very rusty04:16
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pepeeFezzler, neve used openbox04:17
ActionParsniplortech: use software centre04:17
lortechAction, never heard the comment of switching package source. I think my respositories are hitting some dead linkes04:17
brophatI installed new drivers for my wifi card but the system still loads the old drivers. How can I check if the new drivers actually exist?04:18
chrislu5tic1Hi there I need to copy and paste a few files into /usr/local/games/doom3/base04:18
chrislu5tic1says I don't have permissions,  cant seem to change permissions for the folder either04:18
chrislu5tic1says im not the owner04:18
lortechnever heard of software centre. sounds french :)04:18
Fezzlerpepee>> neve?  Was your point in telling me to load gdm was that I can choose desktop at login?04:18
zykotick9wifioregon: more then the performance detrement of wubi - wubi update and upgrade record is not good, even for ubuntu standards.  wubi is not a serious install.  dualbooting is IMO a lot better.04:18
pepeeFezzler, ahh, that. the idea is that you can choose the user, too04:18
lortechis there a command to update my respositories ?04:18
pepeeFezzler, can you?04:18
zykotick9lortech: "sudo apt-get update"04:18
lortechdid that04:18
veebullanybody have any ideas as to why ubuntu install partitioner barfs when trying to delete a ZFS partition?04:19
lortechthats when i got a number of 404 from dead sites04:19
azlHow can i remove java from my ubuntu 11.4 machine04:19
Jordan_U!details | veebull04:19
ubottuveebull: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:19
Fezzlerpepee>> Yes, they were all there.  Why not in Lxde?04:19
brophatwhere are all the drivers located?04:19
zykotick9veebull: ZFS isn't a native gnu/linux format... what do you expect?04:19
pepeeFezzler, you can choose to run lxde too04:19
wifioregonzykotick9:  THANKS. I wont recommend WUBI anymore to anyone04:19
lortechtrying again sudu apt-get update04:19
neo_if I am already booted into a machine, can I add a cdrom or is that something that can only be specified at boot04:20
veebull12.04, Xubuntu, have three 500GB sata hdds that previously had zfs installed on them04:20
wifioregonzykotick9: I just need to make it clear how to install side by side by booting to cd04:20
Fezzlerpepee>> So use gdm as the login and let users choose?04:20
wifioregonzykotick9: A lot of people are geting confused with it04:20
pepeeFezzler, yeah04:20
Fezzlerpepee>> cool04:20
ActionParsniplortech: there are many servers around the globe holding ubuntu packages, you can change which your system uses.04:20
veebullinstaller had no problem wiping sda1 as part of the automated 'erase everything and install ubuntu' mode04:20
Fezzlerpepee>> You know I never got audio to work with 11.10/Unity.  Worked great in LXDE04:20
zykotick9wifioregon: wubi is insanity to me.  but that's a personal opinion - others will have a much different opinion about wubi...04:21
veebullbut if I go back and select 'something else' and try to manually delete sdb1 or sdc1 (both zfs, just like sda1 was originally)04:21
veebullthe partition manager crashes04:21
chrislu5tic1I  need to copy files into /usr/local/games/doom3/base   says I dont have permissions,04:21
chrislu5tic1cant seem to change them either , help meh please04:21
lortechreading in the news, some thief brakes into a garage ripps off 15,000 of tools. Second time, with cameras I suspect the thief ripped off tools again two months latter. DVR and cameras do not deter a thief :)04:21
dr_willisid just use fdisk, or gparted to delete teh zfs partions and not use the installer to manage them04:21
lortechnow, motion sence camera like zoneminder will inform the owner ...which is one big dude.04:22
pepeechrislu5tic1, sudo cp ... etc.04:22
veebulldr_willis, that may be what I end up doing... but I'd wanted to see if I could set them up as raid 1 during install04:22
chrislu5tic1Im not so advanced here,04:22
ActionParsnipchrislu5tic1: gksudo nautilus $HOME04:22
Jordan_Uveebull: For RAID you need to use the alternate install CD anyway.04:22
pepeeFezzler, could have been some problem related to pulseaudio04:22
Jordan_U!alternate | veebull04:23
ubottuveebull: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal04:23
lortecherorr 404  sudu apt-get update : Failed to fetch http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/universe/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]04:23
lortechthere are other 404s in the list04:23
ActionParsniplortech: debian isn't supported here04:23
ActionParsnipdapper is EOL04:23
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.04:23
wifioregonzykotick9:  Yea I always had the impression that its slow and buggy, so I NEVER tried it...but a friend that is really into linux said it runs great for him..so I started suggesting it yesterday...first person that installed it said it was slower than honey04:24
ActionParsniplortech: its is ubuntu, just that support has come to an end04:24
veebullJordan_U, interesting... this machine is going to be sort of a workstation... gui (xfce) for limited login and use (down in my shop), with some server stuff installed.  do you think it'd be easier to install using alternate cd and add xubuntu-desktop or install using xubuntu cd and set up raid later with mdadm?04:24
chrislu5tic1Thanks actionparsnip04:24
dr_willisazl to remove a package completely you use the 'purge' option to  apt-get04:24
lortechI see04:24
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:24
wifioregonDo you guys know how to uninstall ubuntu once its been installed WUBI method..so that they can install it the right way?04:25
dr_williswifioregon:  it has an entry in the add/remove programs section of windows.04:25
zombifierwifioregon: Just go into Windows and remove it04:25
lortechActionParsnip:  thanks much. will ask in lubuntu04:25
wifioregonoh cool04:25
ActionParsnipwifioregon: use add /remove programs04:25
Jordan_Uveebull: Definitely easier to start with raid, and there is an Xubuntu alternate install CD anyway.04:25
veebullJordan_U, cool, thanks.  off to d/l another cd image ;)04:26
wifioregonDoes Ubuntu have an official guide on how to properly install ubuntu side by side windows?04:26
ActionParsniplortech: Dapper is not supported anywhere, it's like asking for Windows 98 support04:26
Jordan_Uveebull: You're welcome.04:26
dr_williswifioregon:  the installer walks you through it normally04:26
zykotick9!manual | wifioregon you could check this?  not sure if it's there04:26
ubottuwifioregon you could check this?  not sure if it's there: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:26
dr_williswifioregon:  unless you got 4 primary partitions allreadyu defined.. it should be abl eto do it04:26
Jordan_Uwifioregon: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-desktop04:26
wifioregonwifioregon, I know..its super easy for me, but I run a computer help chat for beginers and I suggest ubuntu ALL the time...and a lot of people are confused with how to install side by side04:27
tr3ntonwifioregon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot04:27
wifioregonreally appreciate the help04:28
dr_willis#1 issue i see these days are pc makers using 4 primary partitions. which can  require extra work04:28
zykotick9dr_willis: that's so nasty of the OEMs04:28
RumRumMaybe if you weren’t so distracted by sick children in Africa, you could have put a little more thought into Windows Vista.04:29
RumRum- Conversation between Dr. Sheldon Cooper & Bill Gates.04:29
Jordan_U!ot | RumRum04:29
ubottuRumRum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:29
lucas_tor4Somebody help-me with this CAPTCHA: http://www.slocloneforums.com/ucp.php?mode=register04:31
dr_williserr.. we wont see the same captcha04:32
dr_willisand its not really ubuntu topic. :)04:32
ActionParsniplucas_tor4: it will be different for whoever accesses it04:32
ActionParsniplucas_tor4: there is usually an audio option04:32
azlim using ubuntu 11.4// ClassNot found Exception when im checking -java -version04:33
zykotick9dr_willis: ActionParsnip isn't this captcha thing just an attempt to get people to sign up?04:33
MrMalakIm back, where should I look for that alternate ISO that doesn't use ISO linux?04:34
dr_williszykotick9:  no idea. ;) not going to the site..04:34
zykotick9dr_willis: nor i04:34
ActionParsnipzykotick9: isnt it just to make sure you aren't a bot?04:34
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ankkwhere is system tools on ubuntu 12.04 tls one?04:34
zykotick9ActionParsnip: social engineering04:34
ankki installed fresh ubuntu but i can't find console04:34
DarkenvyIm having an issue installing gnome3. I installed gnome-shell and choose gnome at login but it looks like im in gnome fallback (ubuntu 10.04 style). I am on ubuntu 12.0404:34
ActionParsnipankk: what are you trying to do?04:34
dr_willisMrMalak:  seen tools at pendrivelinux site to make a bootable usb using Grub204:34
ActionParsnipankk: its in dash, or you can press CTRL+ALT+T04:35
ankki just want to fix my screen resolution and open a console04:35
MrMalakI have not but I don't have a way to boot from a USB if I have to04:35
Jordan_UMrMalak: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/ubuntu_minimal_with_grub_for_MrMalak.iso04:35
zykotick9ActionParsnip: ie. lucas_tor4 just want everyone to sign up to his site04:36
lortechlubuntu very very quiet compared to this channel04:36
Jordan_UMrMalak: My internet connection is terrible so it might take a while to download.04:36
MrMalakThats ok, thank you for the help04:36
MrMalakIm going to give this a shot before I go and see if I have a CD-RW drive kicking around I can try to use to get it going04:36
Jordan_UMrMalak: You're welcome. Please keep me informed on how well it works.04:36
MrMalakI have new media as well so that shouldnt be an issue now not that I think it was heh04:37
ankkActionParsnip thank you and i can't change my screen resolution. it's 800x60004:37
tootenpoopinyes hi04:38
ankkinteresting. it worked now04:38
tootenpoopinim listening to music (mp3) on ubuntu using the same hardware i had on windows and the audio sounds better lol04:38
ActionParsnipankk: sweet04:38
tootenpoopinis that possible with rhythmbox?04:39
tootenpoopinor placebo?04:39
ActionParsniptootenpoopin: different driver :)04:39
tootenpoopini was worried linux wouldnt have good support for the card too04:39
MrMalakYeah, the software was probably designed with more care tootenpoopin.04:41
rypervenchetootenpoopin: Well you sir, were wrong!04:41
tootenpoopincreative drivers on windows was a train wreck04:41
cepticis it normal for windows setup to appear when booting from a ubuntu cd?04:41
ankkmy videocard and monitor have 1920x1080 support but ubuntu doesn't show that option in displays settings04:41
ankkwhat should i do?04:41
MrMalakroflmao @ ceptic04:41
tootenpoopinankk: video driver up to date?04:41
Jordan_Uceptic: No. That means you're not actually booting from the Ubuntu CD.04:41
ceptici know but kernal loaded and went into windows setup O04:42
ankktootenpoopin it's fresh installation04:42
Jordan_Uceptic: How do you know that Ubuntu's linux kernel booted?04:42
tootenpoopindid you enable nvidia or ati driver?04:42
cepticshowed on screen loading the drivers then ubuntu appeared click install and went into windows setup :S04:43
Jordan_Uceptic: Could you possibly upload a video of this?04:44
woprr[libspandsp] Request .so version name like 6.20.0 to match upstream mainrelease versioning scheme and to avoid field usage problems by so-name confusion and alternatives config systems (Which may be needed cause of still many peer T.30/T.38-"Terminators"), see http://www.soft-switch.org/downloads/spandsp/04:44
cepticwell i cant screen record :S  could take video on my phone?  but now i just done it again cos i thought it might of been me but it deffo does it now its saying the file usbohci.sys is corrrupted :O04:45
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Jordan_Uceptic: A cellphone video is fine.04:45
MrMalakCeptic: I would love a video of that too, thats too funny04:47
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kapzsomeone please guide me to install grub2 on a ss drive....I made a 2 mb partition and chrooted the system to install grub by install-grub /dev/sda...but after reboot i get bootmgr is missing04:48
ceptichmm this time when i done it it showed checking the configuration in the nice text ubuntu has then went into windows setup ZOMG FML!04:48
Jordan_Ukapz: Did you get any error message from grub-install? Are you sure that your BIOS is booting from sda?04:49
MrMalakI think my next step after trying this grub install will be to try an older version of ubuntu and then I will tear my hair out and try to see if I have a cd-rw drive laying around04:49
kapzJordan_U, no grub installed fine, then i even updated it successfully by update-grub204:49
cepticyeah deffo no error messages first couple of times looked as if it was working fine04:49
cepticand now it keeps redirecting me to windows setup upon boot04:50
ceptic2min i try another machine have like 10 around me at the moment :|04:50
pepeeceptic, hold down SHIFT after rebooting04:51
Jordan_Ukapz: I asked two questions. You only answered one of them.04:51
cepticholding shigt its not doing anything still going into windows setup04:52
dr_willissounds like grub is not installed to the mbr then.04:52
pepeeceptic, what version of windows?04:52
cepticxp sp204:52
cepticold machine04:52
dr_willisive seen Bios/AV protection remove grub befor04:52
pepeewould be funny if it was win8 lol04:52
cepticmmm i have bios av protection enabled if i remember rightly04:53
pepeenext day in the press: "win8 won't let you install ubuntu"04:53
ForSparePartsCould anyone explain to me how to safely upgrade my (proprietary) AMD graphics drivers? Apparently I have to uninstall the old versions first, and I'm terrified of doing that after the nightmare I went through getting them to work in the first place...04:53
pepeeceptic, no error messages?04:53
dr_willispepee:  for arm based machines. that may very well be  true04:53
gulzarWget help.I was using Scrapbook extension on Firefox to save pages I visit but Scrapbook cannot update those pages nor it can locally link them. I thought of using wget to make a local mirror of the pages I visit on Wikipedia along with local links. Which command to use? I tried [[ wget -p -k <link> ]] it saves the page but it doesn't look like the online-page. Any help. I will use it only for pages I visit.04:54
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cepticnone apart from windows setup failed on some file whcih i cant rememer atm as in bios04:54
pepeeForSpareParts, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Precise_Installation_Guide04:54
cepticvirus warning is disabled in bios :S04:54
cepticanthing else in bios which could cause this to happen?04:55
zambahow do i make ubuntu remember my mdadm setup?04:55
pepeeceptic, could be a failed windows install04:55
dr_willisceptic:  bios Av protection - prevents writing to the MBR i belive. or restores the mbr if it changes. so you really dont want that enabled04:55
zambarecently i've seen ubuntu automatically creating raid devices at /dev/md_d0, but i want to use /dev/md004:55
Darkenvydid anyone have a solution for my problem?04:55
cepticits disabled tho :O  and xp worked fine earlyer :O04:55
zambaand every time i reboot, i have to stop and restart the raid04:55
pepeedr_willis, that shouldn't be, at least not when windows/the AV is not running04:55
dr_willisit could BE a virus in XP changeing the MBR. :)04:55
pepeedr_willis, yeah, that04:56
ForSparePartspepee: thanks!04:56
cepticit was a fresh install last year, after fresh install and new hard drive it sat in a cupboard and done nothing :O04:56
pepeeDarkenvy, ask again, please04:56
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pepeeForSpareParts, btw, if you get a black screen after that, you need to remove a specific file  ( /etc/ati/amdpcsdb ) and reboot04:57
Jordan_Uceptic: Any chance of that video?04:57
MrMalakWho sent me that GRUB installer?04:57
cepticsure 2mins needs to grab cable :D what is ata133raid?04:58
Jordan_UMrMalak: Me.04:58
MrMalakI would kiss you but you are a guy04:58
dr_willisif its a fresh install that hasent been used in a year..  makes me wonder why you need the xp anyway. :)04:58
MrMalakits working04:58
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Jordan_UMrMalak: :)04:58
ceptici dont need xp :P i want ubuntu server on there :D04:58
pepeeI'd dd that disk for a couple seconds and reinstall it all :P04:58
dr_willisdelete the xp partions. install server.. thst way it can only boot the  server. ;)04:58
cepticnormally you delete partitions through ubuntu tho?04:59
dr_willisdd it to death!04:59
ceptici cant even get into ubuntu :S04:59
dr_willisdelete them however you want04:59
pepeeyeah, dd that XP04:59
dr_willislive gparted cd - my main disk management tool04:59
DarkenvyI am having problems installing gnome3. It looks like gnome-fallback04:59
pepeenah, just use the ubuntu liveCD04:59
DarkenvyI am selecting gnome not gnome-classic btw05:00
ceptic2mins i might have a 9.0.1 disc of ubuntu somewhere and gonna grab data cable for phone05:00
gulzarDarkenvy: go to settings and about . turn OFF force fallback mode05:00
gulzarDarkenvy: and yes check if your system supports gnome-shell05:01
hallowHello all, I've been trying to get my ps3 media server to stream but it freezes on one particular folder05:01
Darkenvygnome-shell is what I initially installed05:01
CHUPACABRASArucard: yah05:01
hallowwhen I try to load a folder in my ps3 it just crashes but the rest go through fine05:01
ArucardHello CHUPACABRAS05:02
hallowHi Arucard05:02
CHUPACABRAShhi ppl05:02
Arucardhey hallow05:02
Darkenvyoh what package is "advanced settings" for gnome3?05:02
pepeewow the CHUPACABRAS in the IRC05:02
DarkenvyI have that on my desktop and this may be the settings panel you are referring to?05:02
ArucardCHUPACABRAS: my ass hurts ....05:02
cepticok i have ubuntu 9.0.4 :D and datacable :)05:03
pepeeceptic, so, you don't care anymore about win XP?05:03
hallowHellsing Ultimate definitely one of the best Animes ever been waiting for the next episode for an eternity now though05:03
cepticno want xp out the window :D05:03
ceptichate it :D05:03
gulzarDarkenvy: click on top right on your usrname and settings05:03
pepeeno need for your win/office keys?05:03
Arucardi just finished compiling my kernel,  Ubuntu 11.1005:04
Arucardi just finished compiling my kernel,  Ubuntu 11.1005:04
Arucardim a great coder05:04
DarkenvyI went down to details then graphics: "experience fallback" but no options or toggles05:04
ceptici have cd key for xp if you want problem is its a mass key used at my work for setting up most of the machines on the network05:04
gulzarArucard: Which kernel? version no.?05:04
xclusive585I didnt realize there was a Kernel 11.1005:04
gulzarArucard: Mine is 3.7.705:05
hallowDoes anyone have ps3mediaserver?05:05
xclusive585I do I do05:05
Darkenvyoh I forgot to mention this is in a virtual environment of vmware fusion on OSX 10.7.405:05
Arucardgulzar, had to switch 2 kernel 10.4, 10.11 was giving me probs05:05
xclusive585hallow :-) it rocks if you can get it running. It's not user friendly as a headless server05:05
gulzarArucard: Ok. then keeep it up and enjoy05:06
cepticits jumping right past ubuntu 9.0.4 right into windows screen where u choose bootnormal lastknownconfig etc05:06
Arucardyeahh guzar05:06
gulzarArucard: it feels nice to have system in our own hands :)05:06
kapzJordan_U, it's a laptop so only one disk drive...05:06
Arucardyeahh gulzar05:06
hallowxclusive585 it works for the rest of my stuff but for some reason it freezes on one of my folders05:06
Arucardyeahh gulzar, sure does, open source RULeeZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz05:06
Jordan_U!bootinfo | kapz05:06
ubottukapz: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).05:06
xclusive585I had that issue. You most likely have a file in there that is slightly corrupt and ps3medaiserver's thumbnail generator freezes the program05:07
Darkenvyso is there no way to turn off fallback?05:07
xclusive585hallow: if you disable thumbnails, or previews, whatever it's called, it wont do that, otherwise you just need to figure out which file it is...05:08
Darkenvyhow do I test to see if my system supports 'gnome-shell'? because that was the package I actually installed05:08
gulzarDarkenvy: there is. Click on your username on top right. then settings then about and then turn off "force fallback mode"05:08
hallowxclusive585 ohhh yea that might be it because I downloaded a couple of torrents onto my HDD and I'm trying to stream the yu yu hakusho I just got05:08
reisioDarkenvy: try running it :p05:08
cepticmmmm i have ubuntu screen up for 9.0.4 is it possible to load the boot file for the other ubuntu from within this live cd?05:08
DarkenvyI clicked into "details" so thats not is then huh? :S05:08
hallowxclusive585 yea I'm prob going to start eliminating files but if it's the actual video file then I'm fucked lol05:09
cepticshould i install ubuntu or just run it off the live cd?05:09
Darkenvythere isnt a "about" but my option of "details" states "experience: fallback"05:09
Darkenvyand I DID log in with 'gnome' selected NOT gnome-classic05:09
marfarat ceptic install it05:10
xclusive585I've had video files that play fine, freeze up because of that thumbnail generator05:10
marfarit works much better05:10
pepeeceptic, do you know how to use the terminal/console?05:10
cepticyeah :) not used for a while bit rusty05:10
xclusive585hallow: If you break the videos down into a few folders it will be easier to find out which one is broken.05:11
cepticzomg think its froze :O FML05:11
MrMalakJordan: are you still there?05:11
Darkenvyim assuming Im not able to have shiney gnome? :(05:11
marfarwhat froze?05:11
gulzarDarkenvy: umm please check if your system supports gnome-shell. And yes there is a way to fallback. i did it many times. Please look carefully. If its postion is changes you can ask on #gnome05:11
hallowxclusive585 all of my movies/anime are in individual folders for each title (I'm a neat freak with that stuff) and I did disable the thumbnails but it still froze I think it might be my subtitles file or something05:12
cepticinstall of ubuntu pressed enter like 50 times now and now the menu wont move up or down05:12
gulzarDarkenvy: I will suggest ask on #gnome05:12
marfargive it time to think05:12
gulzarDarkenvy: " /j #gnome "05:12
DarkenvyI originally posted on #gnome before I came here05:12
cepticnormally it just goes ahead and starts the installation05:12
hallowxclusive585 is it possible that the fact that my torrent program is connected to the files currently could also be a problem or is that irrelevant05:12
gulzarDarkenvy: :( . Wait.. I will see05:12
marfarwhat screen is it stuck on?05:13
gulzarDarkenvy: gnome3.4?05:13
cepticgot error code no saying i/o error  error reading boot cd05:13
DarkenvyI am not entirely sure05:14
marfarthat sound like a bad cd.  Can you make a bootable usb stick?05:14
DarkenvyI installed3.4.105:14
gulzarDarkenvy: which ubuntu?05:14
xclusive585hallow, totally possible, but not probable05:14
cepticbeen trying all night no bootable usb will work tryed around 50 different programs haha05:14
hallowxclusive585 ah05:15
marfarfrom windows right?05:15
cepticwindox 705:15
dr_willisif the iso file is currupted that may make sence ceptic05:15
xclusive585hallow: most likely, there is simply one corrupt video file05:15
gulzarDarkenvy: Open gnome-control-center. Click the System Info icon. Click Graphics. Change Forced Fallback Mode to OFF05:15
cepticso shall i try and redownload ubuntu server iso and reburn to disc?05:15
gulzarDarkenvy: they changed the position.. but its there05:15
cepticsee if that helps?05:15
marfartry copying the iso onto a usb sick and then creating a booteble usb stick from the live cd05:16
dr_willisceptic: why are you using the server cd? the desktop cd can  provide services also05:16
ceptichow do i do that?05:16
marfarsorry about my spelling05:16
gulzarceptic: tried dd?05:16
gulzarDarkenvy: Done?05:16
hallowxclusive585: yea there is and it's in one of the episodes but I'm going to have to figure out another day because that's about 200 episodes I have to go through to find a potential corrupt video file lol I'm going to have to call it a night on this endeavor05:16
Darkenvyyes gnome-control-center is where I was05:16
marfarin ubuntu there is a program called startup disk creator05:16
xclusive585all in one folder! wow05:17
gulzarceptic: [[ dd if=<iso> of=<usb> ]]05:17
dr_willisceptic:  you can image the iso file straight to the flash. no extra tools. it does limit what else you can do with the flash. but its the most foolproof way.05:17
Darkenvythere isnt a system info, but there is a "detailes" tab05:17
hallowxclusive585 well yea because it was the yu yu hakusho collection so it downloaded all the sagas in one bulk I didn't get to organize them yet05:17
cepticbut wont i need to be in ubunto first?05:17
xclusive585hallow: if you have a file browser that can produce thumbnails for you, that may give away the culprit easier05:17
marfarwell use the live cd05:17
Darkenvywithin the details tab there is "graphics" and within that pane it states "experience: fallback". This is just text and is not a toggle or option05:17
dr_willisceptic:  in windows theres some imageing tools that can image teh iso straight to flash. You might need to rename the isoo to whatever.img for some of them to work05:17
dr_willisceptic:  i may  have one bookmarked at delicious.com/dr_willis05:18
cepticmmm live cd is booting, but install doesnt work =/05:19
gulzarDarkenvy: bang.. now what to do? Please check your installation of gnome-shell. Reinstall and reboot .05:19
hallowxclusive585: true I'm just going to watch something else though I'll give it a run tomorrow thanks for everything I really appreciate it05:19
gulzarceptic: can do dd from anywhere.. live cd or any other distro05:19
DarkenvyI just installed it moments ago before I came into IRC05:19
dr_willisceptic:  if you are getting read/write/io errors - then  theres issues..05:19
hallowgood night all!!05:19
Darkenvyits as fresh as its going to get. this install of ubuntu is also fresh as of this hour05:19
gulzarceptic: one more thing.. you don't need to burn iso . If grub2 is installed you can boot iso directly with that05:19
charlse 05:20
gulzarceptic: or with grub legacy also with some tweak05:20
Darkenvyit IS in a virtual machine (as stated above) would this limit some 3D settings forcing gnome into fallback?05:20
cepticas weird as this sounds the livecd has actually loaded but it wont install :S?05:20
marfarit happens.05:20
MrMalakI still want to see the install of linux going to an install of windows, that would be a great video to post on youtube05:20
gulzarDarkenvy: 99.9% . There is a veryl ittle sucess for gnome-shell in VB. I didn't know that you are running in VB05:21
dr_willisDarkenvy:  if  grub3 thinks you dont have 3d support... it could default back to the  fallback. i belive.05:21
dr_willisoops gnome-3 ;)05:21
ceptichaha :P 2mins soon as i get ubuntu server up and running ill get video sorted need to get server on asap :O05:21
xisorwhere is xorg.conf in 12.04?05:21
DarkenvyI see. my choice for the VB was PURELY due to the lack of drivers for the macbook-pro 13"05:21
gulzarDarkenvy: you need some extra work which I never did. i tried gnome-shell but it was not that responsive as my Openbox05:21
ActionParsnipxisor: same place it always is05:21
gulzardr_willis: yup05:21
cepticso ive got ubuntu live open? how do i go about setting up server edition? files are already on flash drive?05:21
dr_willisMrMalak:  most likely theres some allready on youtube05:22
cepticcan i just load them from there?05:22
xisorActionParsnip: /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesnt exist for me05:22
ActionParsnipxisor: Ubuntu doesn't ship with one by default, but if you make one it will be obeyed05:22
Darkenvyunless you guys know more about macintosh hardware drivers :)…. ?05:22
dr_willisceptic:  id just get a working desktop install going. ;)05:22
xisorActionParsnip: so i can tell nvidia config to save to it even tho it cant find it?05:22
xisorActionParsnip: for my custom settings?05:22
xclusive585ceptic, I didn't know you could install server edition from a live cd.?05:22
ActionParsnipxisor: if you drop to root recovery mode you can run: Xorg -configure    to generate a skeleton file05:22
Darkenvybut thank you for your help gulzar. dr_willis, do you suppose messing with grub could solve the problem?05:22
dr_willisxclusive585:  yyou cant.  as far as i know05:22
ActionParsnipxisor: if you run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    one will be made05:23
gulzarDarkenvy: If you have a big USB. Then rsync your setup to it. Then repair grub2 and fstab. And finnaly do all your play on it. without breaking orginal setup05:23
dr_willisDarkenvy:  grub is not related to video  issues normally05:23
xisorActionParsnip: nvidia x server ui has an option to save my settings to xorg.conf05:23
xisorActionParsnip: is it safe to do that so it remembers my custom resolution?05:23
ActionParsnipxisor: yes, you will need to run:  gksudo nvidia-settings05:23
kapzok meanwhile, can someone tell me the steps to install grub on a bios partition of GPT?05:23
gulzarDarkenvy: grub2 has nothing to do with it. Its VB and gnome-shell problem.05:23
xisorActionParsnip: it asked me for my password after i told it to save05:23
ActionParsnipxisor: so that the app is running as root and will have write access to /etc/X1105:24
xisorActionParsnip: so i dont think gksudo is required?05:24
DarkenvyOkay. Well thank you for letting me know where the issue lies.05:24
ActionParsnipxisor: yes or the app will run as user and not have access05:24
WoofyI need assistaance05:24
dr_willisi think the  nvidia-settings tool now can unlock and gain root access.. but i tend to do use gksudo nvidia-settings  out of old habbit]05:24
gulzarDarkenvy: I keep one backup on USB and play with new apps on it. If good then copy the cache to original setup and install it there :)05:24
WoofyI need a Wifi driver but have no way of getting it on ubuntu05:25
MrMalakSo it looks like Jordan was right, I used the grub version of the installer he sent me and its working on this older sony viao if any one else comes in here pulling hair out over it.05:25
Darkenvyokay ill try that :)05:25
xisorActionParsnip: it asked for my root password when i told it to save, i gave it, and it wrote an xorg.conf for me05:25
gulzarDarkenvy: whay?05:25
ActionParsnipxisor: there is no root pass in Ubuntu05:25
cepticsorry was away plugging mouse in got 2 mice between 10computers lol05:25
cepticso is it possible to load the boot file for server from live cd?05:26
WoofyI need a Wifi driver but have no way of getting it on ubuntu05:26
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
dr_willisceptic:  i think NO.05:26
Woofyplease pm for help05:26
cepticah ok05:26
gulzarDarkenvy: what idea you got?05:26
Darkenvyim going to try it before saying it because its retardedly simple XD05:26
xisorok now i have 1 more problem, my HDMI audio isnt working05:26
xisorcan anyone help me?05:27
gulzarDarkenvy: Ok05:27
DarkenvyI enabled 3D acceleration for the vm, but I do doubt it will work :\05:27
DarkenvyOh my ubuntu!05:27
Woofyis there a way to get the broadcom wifi drivers without an internet connection?05:27
gulzarDarkenvy: pffffff Dear you should check your settings before launching VM. :(05:27
dr_willisWoofy:  download them from a differnt box. put them on flash. move them over.05:28
xclusive585darkenvy: LOL I made that my sig on my other forum05:28
xisorcan anyone help me get my hdmi audio working?05:28
DarkenvyVMware fusion 4.1.2 ubuntu12 with gnome3 works with 3D acceleration enabled05:28
anuvrathi folks05:28
WoofyIm not tech savy please explain in PM05:28
Darkenvyhahah thats great xclusive58505:28
dr_willisxisor:  i recall having to twiddle with the pavmixer app. once to get mine going. but i dont recall the exxact binary  name05:28
xclusive585xisor: that could very likely require proprietary drivers that may or may not be available through ubuntu. It will depend on your specific HDMI device05:29
xisordr_willis: is it used by default by ubuntu?05:29
xisorxclusive585: its an intel atom nettop with nvidia ion graphics05:29
anuvratI am getting a connection refused while trying to ssh into my desktop running kubuntu, can I get some insights please05:29
dr_willisxisor:  hdmi audio works for me. but it may depend on the chipset05:29
Darkenvylol gulzar, perhaps I should. tis funny how complex our solutions can be for such a simple fix05:29
xisorxclusive585: im pretty sure its supported05:29
xisorxclusive585: no idea how to fix it05:29
dr_willis!find pavcontrol05:29
cepticsee when you said desktop has same as sever, whats the differnce?05:29
ubottuPackage/file pavcontrol does not exist in precise05:29
xclusive585if it's supported than settings, volume settings, etc are going to be the route to look at05:30
dr_willisi can never rember thename sof the pulse tools05:30
DarkenvyAlright guys! thanks again, im out :D05:30
dr_willistheres some extra more advanced pulse mixer. and controll tools in the repos also05:30
xisorxclusive585: can you help me? i checked my audio settins, it shows hdmi output but has NO sound, and it isnt muted05:30
WoofyIm not tech savy please explain in PM?05:30
gulzarDarkenvy: Yup :D05:30
TheDrumsdr_willis: pavucontrol05:30
xclusive585xisor: on any machine, you often need to specify the audio device to output sound to, and HDMI is usually not default05:30
dr_willisxisor:  i also found it weird. that i had no sound on my hdmi. till i messed with the mixers,, then got annoyed and rebooted and it started working. ;) go figure.05:31
xisordo i need to run it as gksudo?05:31
dr_willisxisor:  should not need to be ran as root05:31
undecimIs there a tool that will fix a windows 7/Vista MBR from Linux?05:32
dr_willisxisor:  try pavucontrol like was mentioned05:32
dr_willisundecim:  check the disrtowatch site for repair  live cds they may have such tools.05:32
xisorno sound05:32
xisordr_willis: even with pavucontrol, it shows the hdmi, but has no sound05:33
dr_willisxisor:  all i did was twiddle with mine.. and suddendly it started working.  No idea what i did. ;)05:33
dr_willispavcontrol and i think pavmixer is what i used05:34
xisordr_willis: nothing is working05:34
dr_willisi got no magic answers xisor  - all i did was mess with them  tools.05:35
xisorwhats the command to grep my audio thing to see if it even has the right device found?05:35
xisorlspci something05:35
xisorbut i dont remember05:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:35
dr_willisi forget also..05:36
dr_willislspci shows all the  devices. but thers some  command  to show what audio cards iyou an select05:36
gulzarsome help me. I want to download Wiki pages for offline view but only those which I visit (eg: grub, gome, fstab etc. ) . Tried wget -k -p <link> . But the downloaded one doesn't look like the online version. It displays only text. If tried [[ whet -k -p -m <link> ]] then all other languages are also downlaoded. I want only pages in "en" linked locally05:38
xisormy sound devices are listed, but nothing seems to fix it05:39
DrecondiusCan someone point me to a website that has a fairly recent list of wireless hardware compatible with linux? I have googled, and googled till I just can't do it any more.05:42
xisorcan anybody help me fix my sound?05:42
randihowdy everyone05:42
MrMalakDrecondius: Are you trying to find out if your hardware is or just trying to find hardware to buy?05:43
DrecondiusMrMalak: Hardware to buy, specifically Wireless N adapters05:43
ActionParsnipxisor: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh05:44
MrMalakDrecondius: From what I know which isn't a lot the name brand hardware like linksys tends to be supported but I am not an expert but I hope that helps heh05:44
pepeeDrecondius, linuxwireless.org ?05:45
xisordo i need to run that as sudo?05:45
ActionParsnipxisor: run the command as it, it will work05:45
ActionParsnipDrecondius: linuxhcl.org05:45
ActionParsnipxisor: upload to the server and a URL will be generated05:46
xisorActionParsnip: i already pasted the url http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=6f6cee4501ab4341dde9d54a4f8d5908b16961c205:46
xisorActionParsnip: can you not see it?05:46
ActionParsnipxisor: the first time was blank05:47
DrecondiusI've been trying in vain to get my bcm4323 based adapter to work and it simply won't so i have to find something else :D05:47
ActionParsnipxisor: are you using hdmi sound, or normal speakers?05:47
pepeeDrecondius, not sure, but IIRC you have to install some firmware for those broadcom05:48
xisorim trying to use hdmi sound05:48
DrecondiusI can't get the firmware without internet connection :(05:48
RiXtEr-HomeDrecondius, how are you on the internet right now?05:48
pepeeDrecondius, try using a cable, or downloading the packages manually05:48
DrecondiusSadly my cat5 was found and eaten by the dog.05:48
pepeeDrecondius, or a cellphone05:49
DrecondiusVia the very wireless adapter that doesnt' work in linux05:49
RiXtEr-HomeDrecondius, download the firmware, transfer it to a flash drive, boot up ubuntu and update it?05:49
DrecondiusI'm in a virtual machine using a bridged connection05:49
studioMy sound quit working in ubuntu studio 12.0405:50
Drecondiusthe virtual machine has no access to the card though. and I can't find any windows tools to do so05:50
studioI can port jack and hear my guitar while recording , but my rendered projects and such won't play, and I get no sound in youtube.05:50
DrecondiusOtherwise i'd have dumped win a while back05:50
ActionParsnipxisor: if you run alsamixer in terminal are all levels cranked and unmuted?05:50
studiono sound from mp3's05:50
xisorActionParsnip: let me check05:50
pepeeDrecondius, is it an usb card?05:50
ActionParsnipxisor: in sound options, is the hdmi selected as the output?05:50
pepeeDrecondius, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4305:51
xisorActionParsnip: in pavucontrol or the default one?05:51
DrecondiusYup, and as fate would have it linuxwireless.org says to use ndiswrapper and that fails.05:51
xisorActionParsnip: they are unmuted in alsamixer as far as i can tell05:51
Drecondiusthe hardware shows up with lsusb05:51
xisorActionParsnip: HDMI is selected in sound settings05:52
pepeeDrecondius, USB? you can use virtualbox and attach it to the vm05:52
Drecondiusnidiswrapper -l shows the driver installed and active05:52
xisorActionParsnip: testing sound does nothing, playing something with sound has no sound05:52
Drecondiusyet the network manager doesn't show it05:52
DrecondiusPerhaps a different network manager?05:52
mister_mdoes anyone know why when I plug in a monitor to my computer without nvidia drivers it works, and with them it does not?05:53
pepeeDrecondius, oh, it is not supported :/05:53
ActionParsnipxisor: if you press F6 in alsamixer, is the hdmi set there too?05:53
Drecondiusnot at all it would seem05:53
pepeeDrecondius, tried the x86 or amd64 drivers?05:53
pepeeDrecondius, also, XP, win7... ?05:53
xisorActionParsnip: yes05:53
Drecondiusthe x86 drivers are all ummmm ..........05:53
DrecondiusI can't seem to get ahold of xp drivers05:54
pepeeDrecondius, well, try to run it from a liveCD05:54
ActionParsnipxisor: ok, well my sound troubleshooting is poor as I've never had to fix sound. Keep that URL and use it to ask the channel now and / or later :)05:54
DrecondiusI had this card working in the 8.xx era05:54
xisorActionParsnip: =(05:54
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xisorActionParsnip: its not showing in alsa mixer any alaog sound devices at all, will one show up if i plug in speakers?05:54
xisorActionParsnip: i could switch to speakers for now05:54
xisorActionParsnip: until i can get hdmi fixed05:55
Drecondiusbut it doesn't seem to want to function with 1205:55
xisorcan someone help me fix my sound please?05:56
cepticguys think i may have fix to my problem early belive the machien is using a cdrom drive and ive been using dvds lolz im so stupid hopefully cd will work :D05:57
pepeeDrecondius, that's sad...05:57
pepeeDrecondius, look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160486805:58
DrecondiusI can only assume that it was a change in the Kernel05:58
MrMalaklol let us know ceptic, I still want a video of trying to install linux and geting windows :P05:58
vknthello all...05:59
ceptic;) dont worry buddy just need to copy it across dont have a youtube account tho know any other website?05:59
cepticwhich i dont need to sign up05:59
vkntCan wayland completely replace Xorg server in ubuntu 12.1005:59
DrecondiusSTA drivers are fail as well :( I'm considering just changing adapters with my roomies. after all they don't use linux.05:59
tissiso uh06:00
xisorany linux experts that can help me get sound from my hdmi?06:00
vkntCan any one help to clear my questions....06:00
tissihow do i "add shell in list /bin/false"06:00
MrMalakI had issues in windows with geting sound from HDMI good luck :P06:00
pepeeDrecondius, http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=97610&p=55710206:00
diwicxisor, http://voices.canonical.com/david.henningsson/2012/04/14/audio-over-hdmi-and-displayport-in-ubuntu-12-04/06:01
vkntplzz help me for wayland......06:01
ActionParsnipxisor: could even try disabling the onboard sound card in BIOS, forcing HDMI audio...06:01
pepeevknt, #ubuntu+106:02
ActionParsnipvknt: in what way?06:02
xisorActionParsnip: wont disabling onboard turn off hdmi sound too?06:02
randifeels nice to be back on ubuntu06:02
ActionParsnipxisor: afaik, no but its worth a try06:02
pepeevknt, also, I don't think canonical supports wayland yet06:02
dr_willisfrom what i gather - wayland is very very much a work in progress06:03
ActionParsnipvknt: Quantal is not supported here until it is released06:03
DrecondiusActionParsnip : If the hdmi sound is coming from a videocard it's not going to work anyways. Neither Nvidia nor AMD have written that Into the kernel drivers for linux.06:03
ActionParsnipDrecondius: hdmi audio does work in Linux06:04
xisorso i cant get hdmi sound from an nvidia card?06:04
xisorim confused:(06:04
ActionParsnipxisor: yes, it will just take effort06:04
pepeexisor, run alsamixer06:04
dr_willishdmiout from my nvidia card is working.06:04
xisorpepee: and do what in alsamixer?06:04
fr500xisor: what chipset?06:04
xisorfr500: nvidia MCP79 HDMI06:05
pepeexisor, press F206:05
* dr_willis played witht he pav/mixer tools.. then rebooted.. and it suddendly started orking. ;) much to my suprise06:05
fr500so it's an ION board?06:05
vkntk thanks to all..06:05
xisorfr500: it is06:05
xisorfr500: intel atom and nvidia ion06:05
xisorfr500: nvidia drivers are installed and working06:05
xisorfr500: hdmi is being used as my video source too06:06
cepticfml trying to find god dam file on stupd htc phone it shoves everything everywhere06:06
cepticand gives it wrong dates and time06:06
xisorpepee: what am i lookking for after pressing F2?06:06
pepeexisor, what cards you got06:06
dr_willisMy Nvidia GF108 audio is working over hdmi.  The forums or the askubuntu.com site may have some tiops for your exact chippset xisor06:07
pepeexisor, also, to check if you can change some settings06:07
fr500xisor: all should be fixable from the sound control panel06:07
xisorpepee: nvidia MCP79/7A for hdmi and realtek ALC662 for the analog output, but im not wanting to use the analog output, and it works anyways06:07
pepeexisor, press F606:07
fr500xisor: http://www.momentaryfascinations.com/technology/getting.7.1.hdmi.audio.working.under.ubuntu.html06:08
ceptichaving few technical problems accessing the video guys can find it on my phone but not showing up in file mager on pc :P06:09
xisorfr500: looking06:09
xisorpepee: and if you want a much easier way to see what sound devices someone has have them aplay -l06:09
dr_willishdmi 7.1 - hmm. how do you get the sound from the hdmi cable for that? I got my hdmi going into my PC monitor that just has stero speakers. so im not even sure how you would get the sound out to some other  devices06:09
fr500dr_willis: howto still applies06:11
fr500dr_willis: he probably needs to map the correct channels06:11
xisorfr500: this information isnt valid for the new ubuntu, i dont have the dropdown boxes its talking about06:11
dr_willisim just curious how its even doable. unless  some monitors have some sort of output to my bigger stero system. ;)06:12
fr500dr_willis: most of the time you connect to a receiver, the receiver does the 7.1 output it has nother hdmi output to get to your tv06:13
xiambaxIs there anyone who works for canonical directly. I have an idea like OLPC but with smart phones that boot to desktop. Give people connectivity outside of their homes.06:13
pepeexisor, did you press F6 in alsamixer?06:13
cepticzomg new cd ust keeps saying pressa key to reboot06:13
cepticnothing happening :O06:13
xisorpepee: i did, why?06:13
fr500xiambax: www.canonical.com and http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android06:13
studioGuys, I can hear sound from jack, but not my music players or the internet.  Do you know what's up?06:13
dr_willisfr500:  ok then. Never seen one of thos enewer recievers then. ;)06:13
pepeexisor, you can select the hdmi output from there06:13
xisorpepee: it is already selected, and it still doesnt work06:14
pepeeah, k, sorry06:14
xisorfr500: that information doesnt work for the new ubuntu06:14
FloodBot1indy3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:14
xisorfr500: none of the things its showing are there06:14
dr_willisxisor:  i recall having to restart the pulse audio server once afer messing with siome settings to get it working,.06:14
xisordr_willis: how do i do that?06:15
dr_willissudo service whatgever restart06:15
ActionParsnipxisor: kilall pulseaudio06:15
dr_willisor just reboot. ;)06:15
ActionParsnipkillall pulseaudio06:15
dr_williswith all the twiddling youve done.. its hard to tell what state the system is in06:15
xisorok,, and how do i restart it? ActionParsnip06:15
ActionParsnipxisor: it will restart itself after a little while06:16
indy3anyone know someone that can ban your ip from the entire freenode irc until you chance you mac and reset in 5 seconds?06:16
ActionParsnipindy3: what is the point?06:16
xisorok pulse audio restarted and hdmi audio STILL isnt working06:17
ActionParsnipInc`: try #ubuntu-ops or #freenode06:17
fr500xisor: if I had the hardware I guess I could be more helpful...but I sold my ion board06:17
pepeexisor, I remember I had to change the default card a while ago, but I don't remember how :(06:18
dr_willisthere may be threds about the ion in the forums also.06:18
dr_willisor askubuntu.com - i own no ions either06:18
fr500xisor: install pulseaudio-utils06:19
pepeexisor, this file: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc06:19
fr500and there are some tools there that might be helpful... but alsamixer should be the one I guess06:19
pijushbanshee crashing a lot, way to out, plz06:20
xisorpepee: i have no idea what to do with that info06:20
xisorfr500:  pulseaudio-utils is already installed and newest version06:20
fr500what's the output of aplay -l?06:20
mi3HI GUYS!!06:21
xisorfr500: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012666/06:21
mi3can someone suggest which music player is that ? http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=61449&d=120454972306:21
ictxiangxinI just connect the  port 800106:21
jagginessmi3, that url requires credentials06:22
Unknown0BCHi, I am using nethogs to monitor bandwidth usuage on my broadband connection, but need something to see all data in and out in a session. Which program can I use for that ? ( using ocelot )06:22
mi3jagginess, err ok, I will give you a screenshot of that :D06:22
xisorALC662 digital is spdif fr50006:22
jagginessUnknown0BC, it'll be alot*.. you dont want to do that..06:22
fr500so you need to make it default to the 3rd one?06:23
mi3jagginess, http://imagebin.org/21427106:23
xisorfr500: yes, and i need it to work06:23
jagginessUnknown0BC, monitor any "errors" and warnings in service logs..06:23
xisoranalog works, but hdmi has no sound06:23
fr500there was a pulseaudio gui tool to select the sink...06:24
Unknown0BCkppp use to have a monitor which shows max data min with a graph and all data in and out. Something like that I need.06:24
Unknown0BCBut kppp is not what a prefer to connect with.06:24
xisorfr500:  is it pavucontrol? if so i tried it and stil get no sound when its set to hdmi06:24
jagginessmi3, probably xmms with a thin skin06:24
mi3jagginess, xmms ? sure ?06:25
fr500yes pavucontrol06:25
xisorfr500: doesnt work06:25
xisorfr500: ive also tried rebooting, doesnt fix it06:25
fr500and what about the built in sound control?06:26
jagginessmi3, you know what a "skin" (there can be many-- the outline looks like xmms)06:26
mi3jagginess, I do.... ok, thank you, sir, for recognizing that :D06:26
xisori tried that first fr500 , didnt work06:26
dr_willisother players can use xmms skins also i recall06:26
mi3jagginess, I like this http://www.xmms.org/06:26
fr500xisor: are all your packages up to date?06:27
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead.06:27
reisiomi3: audacious06:27
xisorfr500: considering i just did a full upate after my install, yes06:27
mi3reisio, what ?06:27
jagginessmi3, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audacious_%28software%2906:27
reisiomi3: it's probably audacious06:27
jagginessmi3, "Audacious began as a fork of Beep Media Player, which was a fork of XMMS. "06:27
jagginessmi3, which may help to explain why they look similar06:28
xisorill sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y  just to be sure, but i already did it06:28
fr500xisor: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav06:28
cepticis it possible to setup domain system like with windows server on ubuntu?06:28
reisioand xmms2 isn't a fork or a version bump :p06:28
xisorfr500: ok after my update check finishes ill do that06:28
dr_willismore forks then supper at a fancy resrstant06:28
xisorfully updated06:28
coder2Hello. Please help me to keep audio devices in order. They're swapping randomly on each boot.06:29
wiherek23how can I reinstall ubuntu from a chroot environment on Live CD? I have my old system installed, but due to some mistake I made (remove udev), almost all packages are uninstalled.06:29
xisorfr500: no sound06:29
xisorfr500: it played but nothing06:29
fr500ok now run nano .asoundrc06:29
mi3I'll go for audacious, it looks awesome, thank you !!06:29
wiherek23should I just go with 'apt-get update' 'apt-get upgrade?06:29
xisorfr500: .asoundrc is empty, did i need to do that as sudo?06:29
fr500and paste this06:29
xisorfr500: done, what now?06:30
fr500and try playing again06:30
xisorfr500: same thing, no sound06:30
fr500ok maybe it's just muted06:30
xisorfr500: not that i can tell in any of the 3 audio control panels ive used06:31
fr500alsamixer is the one06:31
xisorwhat does it look like if its muted?06:31
fr500can you print a screenshot of your alsamixer?06:31
xisorfr500: http://i.imgur.com/oBstF.png06:33
jagginessxisor, well we sure can't hear anything06:33
ubuntu_how can I reinstall ubuntu from a chroot environment on Live CD? I have my old system installed, but due to some mistake I made (remove udev), almost all packages are uninstalled06:33
=== ubuntu_ is now known as wiherek
fr500xisor: I think spdif 1 is muted06:33
xisorspdif isnt the output im using06:33
xisorfr500: how do i unmute it anyways?06:33
jagginessubuntu_, easier to backup home and re-install from scratch (wipe out linux partition after backing up user home)..06:34
fr500it might be mislabeled06:34
fr500xisor: I don't remember just move to the right and hit enter or space06:34
xisorfr500: neither one does anything06:34
xisorfr500: that worked, what now?06:34
fr500open another terminal and try to play the sound06:35
wiherekjagginess: have issues with that. I have RAID1 set up via BIOS and another system on it. Now the installer errors out saying it cant create a swap partition06:35
coder2Hello. Does anyone know how to prevent audio devices from being random-ordered?06:35
xisorfr500: it works! and is extremely distorted lol06:35
zambai'm looking for a tool to monitor my hard drive temperature and then alert if it goes above a certain level06:35
fr500well level might be to high06:35
jagginesswiherek, are you using dmraid or mdadm ?06:35
xisorfr500: adjust it in alsamixer?06:35
fr500no use the ubuntu one I guess06:35
fr500maybe the soundfile is bad quality or something06:36
fr500and maybe it was just muted all the time06:36
fidel_zamba: if you like to mess around nagios could do that - but its heavily overdosed for such tasks as its more designed to monitor several services & co in bigger networks06:36
xisorfr500: why was it mislabeled? and why on earth would it have been muted?06:36
wiherekjagginess: neither I guess. I didn't set RAID from Linux06:36
fr500xisor: no clue06:36
xisorfr500: ty so much!06:37
fr500xisor: np06:37
xisorfr500: now to figure out how to get 5.1 out of the thing06:37
xisorfr500: oh boy here we go again06:37
wiherekjagginess: should I install dmraid?06:37
jagginesswiherek, how many drives you have?06:37
jagginesswiherek, btw..06:37
tennisHow do I fix this please?  gnome : Depends: ekiga (>= 3.2) but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.06:37
fr500xisor: do you have a receiver?06:37
xisorfr500: should i restart and make sure it still works?06:37
xisorfr500: i do, and it has hdmi 1.4 on it06:37
xisorfr500: its an onkio06:38
DrecondiusOk, so I traded wifi adapters with a roomate. Had to boot into live-usb with nomodeset, same happens with it on a cd, If I have it download drivers during the install, will I still have to add nomodeset to options to have it boot?06:38
fr500xisor: yes it's better that way I guess and maybe it's working already06:38
fr500you never know06:38
wiherektwo hard drives with 4 partitions on each (ext4, swap, and two ntfs partitions created by xp)06:38
jagginesswiherek, um.. since you don't know.. you're definitely not aware that most motherboards have a cheap raid called "fakeraid".. you might as well use mdadm --- but to use mdadm on install, you need the server iso (which has desktop as well)06:38
xisorfr500: ill restart, brb06:38
zambafidel_: that seems like overkill, yeah06:38
jagginesswiherek, that um..06:38
jagginesswiherek, are you using a real raid card or not?06:39
wiherekI dont think I have a standalone raid controller06:39
wiherekis it relevant atm?06:39
fidel_zamba: most likely yes ;)06:40
pokkoroidican't get X running while using xen-kernel... what might be the problem ?06:40
jagginessmi3, dunno.. it was reisio who said it.. there must be other forks of xmms as well to check out.. i personally like rhythmbox..06:40
wiherekif thats any help, the installer shows me partitions from both drives06:40
wiherek(but I can only access one from ubuntu)06:40
jagginesswiherek, um..06:40
mi3jagginess, yeah, THATS WHY I SAID "OTHERS" in that comment :D06:40
jagginesswiherek, you're using RAID1 with windows already?06:40
xisor_fr500: it works still! ty so much lol06:40
curiousxaloha all :D06:41
curiousxi already poste a thread :D06:41
curiousxabout mah conky configuration :D06:41
wihereki set up raid before installing any system, the installed them both.06:41
Eli9Hey all i'm male, excuse me do you recommend me either gnash or adobe for Ubuntu?06:41
curiousxthis is mah conky configuration: http://i.imgur.com/LUHZv.jpg06:41
curiousxwhen we are able to see mah post?06:41
xisor_fr500:  i have another question, not sure if its possible to do it or not06:42
jagginesswiherek, but.. um.. you don't know.. you can't use "software raid" for linux+windows across the 2 drives (raid1)06:42
jagginesswiherek, that's no possible..06:42
xisor_fr500: is it possible to create a special session in which XBMC and ONLY xbmc loads at startup?06:42
dr_willisxisor_:  yes06:42
wiherekjagginess, thats what I thought too, but it works.. hold on, ill get the motherboard manual06:42
jagginesswiherek, no need to.06:42
xisor_dr_willis: how do i do it?06:42
xisor_fr500: XBMCbuntu does it by default so i have to assume theres a way06:42
curiousxEli9: with Gnash i was able to see youtube's videos but i can't see chatango's chat06:42
xisor_dr_willis: im talking no nothing, JUST xbmc, no unity, no kde, no nothing06:43
DrecondiusOk, so I traded wifi adapters with a roomate. Had to boot into live-usb with nomodeset, same happens with it on a cd, If I have it download drivers during the install, will I still have to add nomodeset to options to have it boot?06:43
wiherekso you're saying that the raid doesnt work?06:43
jagginesswiherek, mswindows uses dynamic disks.. you can't add a linux system to an ldm raid1 (maybe in years to come)06:43
dr_willisxisor_:  make a proper session.desktop file for it06:43
curiousxand gnash consume more than adobe flash plugin06:43
xisor_dr_willis: how do i do that?06:43
fr500xisor_: sure it is but I don't know how06:43
dr_willistake  the existing gnome.desktop session file. copy, edit...06:43
=== jameslor1 is now known as jack
=== jack is now known as jameslord
xisor_dr_willis: edit it specifically how? :P06:44
Eli9consumes more what curiousx ¿06:44
jagginesswiherek, if you had a "real" raid card.. you don't have to setup anything fancy with the software.. meaning you install the OS on a harddrive it thinks is a single harddrive (and the real raid card hardware hides all the real drives below it)06:44
dr_willisxisor_:  i thought i noticed xbmc allready having such a session here on my system06:44
curiousxEli9: more cpu06:44
dr_willisxisor_:  you take a text editor......06:44
xisor_dr_willis: maybe it makes a session for you?06:44
xisor_dr_willis: ill logout and see06:44
xisor_dr_willis: brb06:44
dr_willisxisor_:  i installed the xbmc package from a ppa and i recall seeing a entry for it in lightdm06:44
curiousxdr_willis: ye thats true same to me06:45
jagginesswiherek, however you're in a position to try to setup "sofware raid1".. meaning you need to use special partition tables.. which MSwin and Linux don't share06:45
dr_willisits  not like  .desktop files are that complex.. ;)06:45
mosnoi have two users logged in. can someone please explain why /usr/bin/w shows only user A when run as user A, but both users A and B when run as user B?06:45
Eli9curiousx, your pic is from Arch perhaps?06:45
jagginesswiherek, so if you want windows on a raid1 and linux on a raid1 (both being software raid), then you need 4 harddrives..06:45
Eli9curiousx, thanks06:46
curiousxno, is ubuntu06:46
Eli9ok how do you set it up like that? :)06:46
wiherekjagginess: that's firmware raid06:47
wiherekIntel Rapid Storage Technology\06:47
Eli9is it skin¿06:47
curiousxi have installed gnome-shell + theme + wallpaper + some plugins and conky, i alredy made a thread about mah conky in http://ubuntuforums.org06:47
mosnonobody? righto.06:48
jagginesswiherek, fakeraid is not the same as softwareraid exactly.. there's good sites on this06:48
jagginesswiherek, if you use fakeraid meaning a driver is used, you're likely using dmraid..06:48
jagginesswiherek, but dmraid is not as mature as mdadm..06:48
curiousxin the section "tips and tutorials" but idk when we will be able to see it =(06:48
Eli9thank you gtg06:48
curiousxis a theme06:48
wiherekok, well.. anyway -> atm I am chrooted on live cd06:49
jagginesswiherek, and mdadm doesnt need cheap raid chipsets.. which dont give much difference06:49
jagginesswiherek, that installer doesnt support raid on install06:49
jagginesswiherek, the server iso does..06:49
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
wiherekjagginess -> cant I just reinstall all the services from a terminal?06:50
jagginesswiherek, you can have windows on as it is.. but have linux as a software raid1..06:50
xisordr_willis: it has a session on its own, thats nice of them to do that for me06:50
Ben64!info love06:50
ubottulove (source: love): 2D game development framework based on Lua and OpenGL. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.2-1build1 (precise), package size 900 kB, installed size 2083 kB06:50
xisoris it better to run ubuntu in 2d mode instead of 3d mode on a system like an ion nettop?06:51
jagginesswiherek, linux raid1 partitions can be made.. (reason why windows can't be software raid1 is because it uses "dynamic disk" partition table)06:51
bazhangxisor, certainly speedier06:51
reisioxisor: how'd that stuff that you were doing last night go?06:51
xisorreisio: which stuff?06:51
ForSparePartsIs there information anywhere about the order in which packages are installed for Precise? I've been watching this update run over ssh for ages, and I'm curious how much longer I've got.06:52
xisorreisio: i decided to install ubuntu on my dual core atom/ion nettop, instead of messing with other distros, i loaded sabayon and not only could it not find my audio hardware, but it was SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW06:52
MrMalakIm going to guess alphabetical order but thats not based on anything06:52
jagginessForSpareParts, how long its been?06:53
reisioxisor: I don't remember, all I remember is your name :p06:53
reisiooh yeah sabayon, that was it06:53
ForSparePartsargh, sorry, I don't know this IRC client very well yet06:53
ForSparePartsOver an hour, maybe two.06:53
xisorreisio: ubuntu seems pretty quick for such a slow machine too06:53
xisorreisio: setting up an HTPC06:53
reisioxisor: which DE did you try with Sabayon?06:54
jagginessForSpareParts, maybe it did something spooky with the ssh server.. you should use the program "screen" if you update via ssh06:54
xisorreisio: decided ubuntu in an XBMC only session was the best option, the most support for any problems, and fast06:54
xisorreisio: sabayon 8 KDE06:54
xisorreisio: its slow on a nettop XD06:54
DrecondiusShould I go ahead and use the Ubuntu package for my video card or use the closed source driver from Nvidia?06:54
xisorreisio: atoms arent known for their speed lol06:54
xisorDrecondius: what card is it?06:54
* jagginess always calls "screen -RR" to reattach terminals06:54
dr_willisxisor:  the xbmc site i recall has a xbmcbuntu variant that  i think had ion specific variants06:55
Drecondiusxisor: GeForce GTX 550ti06:55
reisioxisor: yeah KDE is probably what made it seem slow :p06:55
xisordr_willis: i had xbmcbuntu on here, but i had the same problems as i had on the full ubuntu06:55
xisordr_willis: with an xbmc only session they wouldnt be much of any difference at all right?06:55
reisioxisor: also the particular graphics driver that was used by default could've been suboptimal06:55
ForSparePartsjagginess: I'll keep that in mind for next time. I don't think there's a problem with ssh -- I mean, I'm still seeing stuff happen...06:56
jagginessForSpareParts, doesnt it say [x/XX] ?06:56
fr500xisor: try openelec :D06:56
ForSparePartsIt does not. Just tells me what packages it's working on -- Preparing to replace, unpacking, selecting, etc.06:56
jagginessForSpareParts, maybe you chose a far mirror for downloading..06:57
xisorfr500: openelec would be fine if 1. it supported my audio hardware and 2. i can edit fstab to mount my samba shares and 3. it supported my wifi06:57
xisorfr500: 3 is the one im least sure about06:57
ForSparePartsIt should have finished downloading a long time ago... it does that before installing anything, right?06:57
xisorfr500: also, to use a usb drive to install it, i also need a separate usb drive for the install target06:57
jagginessForSpareParts, y06:57
xisorfr500: i only got the one06:57
jagginessForSpareParts, btw you know the band speed? (it should say)06:58
fr500xisor: I'm pretty sure it supports ion, you can edit fstab but you can also mount SMB directly from XBMC, wifi... well I dunno06:58
ForSparePartsNot sure. I mean, my connection here tops out at about 2.5MB/s. Why do you ask?06:58
xisorfr500: and its nice to have access to a full distro when i need it,06:58
anosubuntu 12.04 is restarting06:59
xisorfr500: am i gonna notice any speed difference using openelec vs using an xbmc session in ubuntu?06:59
anosit's load average is more than 106:59
jagginessForSpareParts, ok.. but that's fast.. it shouldn't take even hours to download a cd iso at that speed06:59
anoswhy it is hapennig06:59
xisorfr500: also, is it worth re installing and fixing all this crap i just fixed? XD06:59
ForSparePartsjagginess, I don't think I was totally clear: it isn't downloading anymore. It's the install itself that's taking ages.07:00
jagginessForSpareParts, can you open another ssh terminal (are you able to?) ?07:00
jagginessForSpareParts, and see how much disk space is left (df -h /)07:00
fr500xisor: openelec is tightly integrated I think you can even manage wifi from within it07:00
tissiallright hey07:00
tissiim supposed to test my proftpd user07:00
fr500xisor: speed difference... negligible07:01
tissi...how do i exactly do that07:01
tissii just installed proftpd and created an user with useradd command07:01
ForSpareParts861 G Available. Just under half.07:01
xisorfr500: does the openelec installer play nice with windows?07:01
xisorfr500: i got windows 7 on here still lol07:01
wa5qjhSay, can somebody please tell me what the iso images labeled as Alternate mean or are for, please?07:01
tissi...so, how do i test the user07:01
jagginessForSpareParts, dmesg |tail   , you get any hardware resets?07:01
xisortissi: use an ftp client and connect to localhost with the user info? if it denies access it doesnt work07:02
jagginessForSpareParts, this usb?07:02
llutz_wa5qjh: its not a live-cd, it uses the text-mode installer and has some other install-features (raid, encryption etc iirc)07:02
ForSparePartsA few things happened -- what would I be looking for?07:02
speakHi! How can I get icons showing when alt+tabbing, for programs I've launched from the terminal? I'm using Ubuntu 12 with Unity07:03
ForSparePartsMy system's on an internal SATA hard drive.07:03
jagginessForSpareParts, anything saying like "sector" error or drive error, it may say "reset" (if it does then that's serious)07:03
DrecondiusWhat Java should I use, go for it from java.com or ...07:03
captavillai have a problem with ubuntu 12.0407:03
ForSparePartsDon't think so.07:03
captavillai cannot log in the system with my user account in gui07:03
fr500xisor: I think it's a live usb image07:03
captavillai can log in the system with guest account07:03
jagginessForSpareParts, you seeing scrolling text? or does it appeared frozen?07:03
xisorfr500: thanks for all your help, im off to edit my fstab now XD07:03
xisorfr500: dont worry i already did this once before lol on my laptop when i was testing it07:03
fr500xisor: not sure though07:04
tissi"cant connect to localhost: connection blocked07:04
fr500xisor: np good luck07:04
captavillai did sucessfully log in in pure shall07:04
ForSparePartsjagginess, If you're referring to the install, then: it's scrolling. dmesg stopped.07:04
xisorfr500: i want a permanent install, not something on usb, the only usb device i got is an SSD and the xbmc library would wear it out ridiculously fast07:04
captavillapls help07:04
xisortissi:  try as the address instead of localhost07:04
xisortissi: beyond that, im sure these guys know alot more than me07:05
wa5qjhother than  no live mode, It's just the same ting then?07:05
jagginessForSpareParts, but maybe it finished downloading say i don't know.. and you thought it was installing for more time..07:05
anosplease help me about the restarting 12.0407:05
ServerCrashhi i have written my daemon startup script and placed it in /etc/init.d/ , now i want this script to start my daemon on everytime i boot up07:05
tissiallright cool07:05
tissiimma try that shit07:05
ServerCrashhow to do that07:05
tissikinda new to this stuff07:05
xisortissi: ftp i know, linux i dont XD07:05
ForSparePartsjagginess, I'm not sure I follow?07:05
anosserverCrash you shoud add it to your default runlevel07:06
wa5qjhI see the one for  Kubuntu is considerably smaller (<700K vs 3.3G)07:06
xisorfr500: thanks again, see all you guys later07:06
ForSpareParts(also, thank you for taking the time to help me!)07:06
jagginessForSpareParts, do you know when it finished downloading before it starting installing?07:06
tissithats cool iguess07:06
captavillaany help07:06
tissiallright hey07:06
ServerCrashanos, i remember there was a command to add the script start up07:06
tissi"trying 2107:06
xisortissi: did it let youc onnect to yourself?07:06
tissiconnection opened07:06
Thor^^captavilla: with what?07:06
xisortissi: user credentials work?07:06
ForSparePartsLike how long ago? I'm guessing about an hour or two -- most of the time spent installing has been after it finished downloading.07:06
tissithen it automatically closes connection07:07
wa5qjhOK, thanks..07:07
xisortissi: no idea about linux based ftp servers07:07
xisortissi: im sure these guys can get you sorted07:07
xisortissi: just when you test it youll use which is localhost07:07
xisortissi: unless you happen to have another computer, then you can use your external ip address07:07
anosany help for restarting 12.0407:08
cepticright guys im offt still got no where with ubuntu just gonna purchase the cds :)07:08
cepticcya :D07:08
ForSparePartsDid ceptic just say he was going to *purchase* the CDs because he was having technical problems?07:08
Thor^^anos: don't ask to ask, and remember to include as much info as you can :)07:08
MrMalak_He was having issues booting off of a burnt cd07:09
ForSparePartsHuh. Weird.07:09
anosmy system load average is more than 1.307:09
Coreyanos: Not usually a problem.07:09
Thor^^anos: that's not uncommon07:09
anosand my gpu is more than 48C07:09
Thor^^anos: also common :)07:10
anoswhen i open google chrom it restarts07:10
Corey 0:10  up 3 days,  6:19, 9 users, load averages: 4.77 4.15 4.1107:10
Thor^^anos: a GPU usually idles at about 40-50 degrees07:10
anosi know that it's not common07:10
Thor^^anos: that's more like an issue, after the reboot, does syslog mention anything? Do you see a kernel panic?07:10
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:11
anosno never07:11
fr500huuuuge netsplit07:11
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anosnever kernel panix07:11
Thor^^anos: can you pastebin your syslog right after a crash?07:11
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captavillaoh come on07:12
anoshow i can i do that?07:12
MrMalak_bring on the spam mmmmmm07:12
dr_willisdo what?07:12
Thor^^anos: like force it to happen now and when you get back up cat /var/log/syslog07:12
Thor^^god what a netsplit -.-'07:12
captavillai cnnot login sytem with my usser accounr07:13
dr_willisnever noticed. :) i got parts/joind hidden07:13
captavillawhy is the problem occured07:13
dr_williscaptavilla:  try logging in at the console?07:13
Thor^^dr_willis: maybe I should do the same ._.07:13
speakHi! How can I get icons showing when alt+tabbing, for programs I've launched from the terminal? I'm using Ubuntu 12 with Unity07:13
captavillai can login with console07:13
dr_willisThor^^:  i dont see how you can be in this channel with them enabled. :)07:13
captavillai do ctrl alt f1 and i d07:13
captavillad succeesfully login07:13
Thor^^dr_willis: I usually don't pay attention in this channel! :D07:14
dr_williscaptavilla:   so  exactly what does the login scrren do when you try to login with it?07:14
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Thor^^dr_willis: and I got BRIGHT colors for all messages :)07:14
captavillait said no directory logging it with home=/07:14
dr_williscaptavilla:  ssounds weird. like you got some bad permissions on  some files. or your home  dir. try making a new user at  the console. see if you can login with them 'sudo adduser billgates' (for example)07:15
captavilladr_willis:  it is first use after installation of 12.0407:16
captavillahow can i st permission in first use07:16
MrMalak_captavilla log in as root07:16
=== pokkoroidi is now known as pokkos
dr_willistry making  a new user as a test07:16
dr_willisyou dont login as root........07:16
captavillai log in with my username07:16
captavillathan i i did sudo -s07:16
wawowechown -R captavilla. /home/captavilla07:17
dr_willisyou had no messages or warnings when logging in at the console?07:17
dr_willisthe lightdm message almost sounds like you dont have a /home/yourusername  directory07:18
captavilla creat a new username07:18
captavillat work07:18
captavillahow can i arrange sudo priviledges for normal user07:18
captavillanew user07:18
llutz_captavilla: sudo adduser username admin07:18
wawoweusermod -d /home/captavilla captavilla07:18
anosdear thor^^ this is the last syslog content:07:19
anosMay 29 11:30:01 robust CRON[3337]: (www-data) CMD (php /usr/share/cacti/site/poller.php >/dev/null 2>/var/log/cacti/poller-error.log)07:19
anosMay 29 11:34:32 robust AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting due to inactivity07:19
anosMay 29 11:34:32 robust AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting was requested07:19
anosMay 29 11:35:01 robust CRON[3385]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)07:19
anosMay 29 11:35:01 robust CRON[3386]: (www-data) CMD (php /usr/share/cacti/site/poller.php >/dev/null 2>/var/log/cacti/poller-error.log)07:19
FloodBot1anos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:19
Coreyanos: Don't... do that, please.07:19
Thor^^anos: pastebin the syslog07:20
captavillagroup adm07:20
llutz_captavilla: admin, not adm07:20
captavillagroup admin does not exist07:20
wawowecaptavilla: sudo then07:20
captavillasorry i entered accidentally07:20
llutz_captavilla: then its no *buntu you're using07:20
anosdid you see that i paste it by pastbin07:21
captavillacommand is adduser username admin right07:21
wawoweserver ubuntu has sudo group instead of admin07:21
Thor^^anos: you got to send us the link to the pastebin :)07:21
fr500captavilla: admin is reserved07:21
fr500you can't use that07:22
captavillai need to give sudo priviledge to my account07:22
captavillahow can i do that07:22
dr_willisadduser billgates admin07:22
Coreycaptavilla: Add yourself to the sudo group07:22
Coreycaptavilla: usermod -a -G sudo YOURUSERNAME07:22
Thor^^anos: I need the entire syslog, as it's likely far up in the log07:22
anossend the all for you? it's a really big file?07:23
captavillamy username is in suddoers file this accident will be reported i tokok that messssssssage07:23
Thor^^anos: at least to ~10 minutes ago07:24
MrMalak_Lots of s' = win07:24
DrecondiusHow do i configure Unity to how I want it, ie: 2 rows and smaller icons?07:24
randii want to dump the contents of a folder nightly.. is gnome-schedule the best way to do this?07:24
fr500randi: I'd use crontab07:24
dr_willisDrecondius:  2 rows of what? and youy can reduce the panel icons to be size 32 - using the myunity tool. it has other settings also07:25
Thor^^out of curiousity, what tz is paste.ubuntu.com?07:25
randithnx will look into that07:25
Drecondiusdr_willis: 2 rows of Icons07:26
Thor^^it states 3:20 UTC on a paste, but UTC is definitly not 3:20 6 min ago07:26
captavillanow everything is okey07:26
dr_willisDrecondius:  where exactly? the left side panel? it cant do that.07:26
randihey aditx07:26
aditxnice to chat with you07:27
aditxI want to study ubuntu07:27
aditx please help me07:27
ForSparePartsSo, my Precise install has been chugging along for ages, but now it seems to be stuck on "Setting up keyboard-configuration" -- it's been there for a few minutes at least. Is that... normal?07:28
randiwith what aditx?07:28
dr_willisbe a bit more detailed in your question aditx07:28
fastaWhat's the name of the admin group on Ubuntu? adm?07:28
anosdear thor^^ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012719/07:28
aditxok i will install ubuntu server in my office07:28
DrecondiusGah, the openjdk 7 installer is sitting in unity saying on mouseover that it's waiting to install and yet it's been sitting there now and not doing anything.07:28
dr_willisaditx:  why are you using the server edition and not the desktop ed?07:28
anosdid you get it?07:29
aditxok i know that07:29
fastaIs there a manage users front end for kde?07:29
robotdevilis there a program for ubuntu (gtk and qt) that I can use to send notification to another person on my lan07:29
aditxbut i dont know how to install that07:29
Thor^^anos: can you do a cat of /var/log/syslog.1 and pastebin that?07:29
aditxit's different with desktop editiom07:29
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dr_willisrobotdevil:  ages ago we would use 'talk' but there may be better apps these days.  but they may need some more setup07:30
dr_willisaditx:  im not sure we know what you are really wanting to do. or what your question is.07:30
Thor^^robotdevil: there's pidgin, it got local communication functionality07:30
aditxhow to install ubuntu server ???07:31
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dr_willisaditx:  burn the cd.. put it in pc.. boot it.07:31
robotdevildoesnt need to be too fancy just an audible ping and short message07:31
aditxok then . . steps that i choose ??07:32
ForSparePartsGuys, if I kill the machine during an upgrade to Precise (because it seems to be hanging) will there be a way to resume the installation? Will everything be ruined forever?07:32
robotdevilwindows used to have a little app that did this cant remember what it is called07:32
dr_willisaditx:  huh? follow the installer programs questions...07:32
randiaditx : https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/index.html07:32
robotdevilwinpop or something07:32
aditxok2 thanks :D07:32
dr_willisaditx:  i still dont know why you are chooseing the server install over the desktop install.07:33
aditxbecause i want to study07:33
aditxI'm newbie in opensource :(07:33
dr_willisaditx:  so what does that have to do with it?:07:33
randistart with desktop then07:33
anosit takes time07:34
aditxI will make a proxy :D07:34
dr_willisYou can setup a proxy server on a desktop install..07:34
aditxand DNS server with bind907:34
dr_willisand dns and bind...07:34
robotdevil!info linpopup07:34
ubottuPackage linpopup does not exist in precise07:34
* dr_willis wonders why a newbie needs dns and bind...07:34
dr_willislinpopup used to be part of the samba package i recall07:34
Thor^^dr_willis: to learn?07:35
dr_willisit was i recall used ages ago on windows networks as some sort of messing feature07:35
aditxyes my friends recommended that ??07:35
dreetaditx: which kind of proxy?07:35
dr_willis'crawl, walk, run, fly' time to start with the basics   first.07:35
aditxthnks for all . . good bye :D07:36
Thor^^aditx: bind9 is to prefer, as it implements the standards for DNS :)07:36
llutz_aditx: be prepared to do a LOT of reading07:36
robotdevildoes anyone here run quassel in unity? would nicked messages be shown in a notification in unity?07:37
Thor^^robotdevil: I think it does, it should use the notify service for that07:37
robotdevilinstall quassel, create channel, msg with nick. problem solved07:37
robotdevilThor^^: ok07:37
Thor^^robotdevil: I can't check cause I'm @ work07:38
robotdevilya other machine i being used dont want to distrub them07:38
randican I do a "rm -rf /foo/*" on a cron job?07:38
reisiorandi: you can do anything07:39
randii just know that you have to enter y/n and didn't know if it skips on a cron07:39
llutz_randi: -rf won't ask07:39
randiyou're right. For some reason I thought it did07:40
drvanonI want to burn a arch image file i have in ubuntu on a cd, wich program should i use?07:43
llutz_drvanon: wodim -dao path/to/file.iso07:44
ForSparePartsSo, I had to kill my system on a half-finished install that hung -- now Ubuntu boots, but it won't recognize USB keyboards or mice, and I can't connect via ssh -- I assume it's not starting it? I was able to get into recovery mode (at that point I can use my keyboard) but after that it was the same deal.07:45
ForSparePartsAny idea what's going on/how to fix it?07:45
pepeeForSpareParts, try unplugging and then plugging the cables07:49
ForSparePartspepee, cables?07:50
Thor^^anos: does it crash consistently when you open chrome or when you load up a page containing flash?07:50
pepeeForSpareParts, usb07:50
ForSparePartsOh. Did that.07:50
ForSparePartsNo dice, unfortunately.07:50
ForSparePartspepee, do you have any other ideas? I'm totally stuck...07:52
pepeeForSpareParts, nope :/07:52
ForSparePartsIs there a way to boot to terminal from GRUB?07:52
pepeeForSpareParts, reinstall? use a serial cable?07:52
pepeeForSpareParts, ahh yeah, that too07:52
ForSparePartspepee, how would I do that? Google seems to suggest that I'd need to be able to change some config files before that would be an option...07:53
pepeeForSpareParts, remove "ro quiet splash" and add "init=/bin/bash"07:53
pepeeForSpareParts, no, you dont need to do that07:54
ForSparePartspepee, Sorry, but remove and add to...?07:54
pepeeForSpareParts, press e or c to edit the kernel command line in grub207:54
ForSparePartsAh. Gotcha.07:54
fastaHow can I increase the number of loop devices?07:54
fastaOr how can I see the current maximum number of loop devices?07:55
pepeefasta, why do you want to do that?07:55
pepeefasta, ls /dev/loop*07:55
FyodorovnaForSpareParts, you might have to chroot in from a live cd, hard to say here if the usb connects are not working.07:56
weiyangafter start up , kernel will invoke /sbin/init ?07:56
fastapepee: why do you reply with a question instead of an answer?07:56
pepeefasta, because  I'm curious, and also, to check if I can help07:56
fastapepee: I configured the same option as in Debian, but it has no effect in Ubuntu.07:57
FyodorovnaForSpareParts, A half finished fresh installs sound like a reinstall to be honest.07:57
pepeeForSpareParts, ^07:58
ForSparePartsFyodorovna, it was an upgrade, actually.07:58
pepeeI agree07:58
Thor^^fasta: it's easier to help you if we know what you want to achieve, maybe there's a different way to do it as well, not just the way you are used to :)07:58
ForSparePartsShould've been more clear.07:58
pepeeuh :/07:58
pepeeForSpareParts, downloaded all the necessary files?07:58
pepeeI mean, did dpkg do that?07:58
ForSparePartsI think so.07:58
fastaThor^^: I want no arbitrary limitations on my system; one of them is mounting ISO files.07:58
fastaLinux is supposed to be a free power horse. It also works fine with higher limits (from experience) so I don't see why the limit is so low.07:59
mithranhow can i make a master ubuntu cd 12.0407:59
FyodorovnaForSpareParts, you might be able to get in with a chroot and run sudo dpkg --configure -a and this  sudo apt-get -f install  the second may finish the update.07:59
mithranwith my configurations07:59
pepeeForSpareParts, in that case, dpkg should be able to repair the system, I think07:59
FyodorovnaForSpareParts, you would not need the sudo though a chroot is root08:00
ForSparePartsFyodorovna, pepee: OK. I guess I'll try to get in with a chroot.08:01
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mithranhow can i make a master CD of my ubuntu 12.0408:02
mithranor DVD08:02
reisioenslave the DVDs around it08:02
fastaIf a module is compiled into the kernel, how do I set its options?08:03
fastaIs it only possible in some grub file or are there also other places?08:03
weiyangthe /sbin/init in ubuntu will be different on other disto?08:04
FyodorovnaForSpareParts, would you like a link for the chroot?08:05
ForSparePartsFyodorovna, that'd be great.08:05
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llutz_fasta: grep LOOP_MIN_COUNT /boot/config-$(uname -r)     to get more, "sudo mknod -m640 /dev/loop8 b 7 8"08:06
FyodorovnaForSpareParts, this is for reloading grub but once you are in just try the commands, not sure what the other user suggested I have been on the UF as well.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing08:06
fastallutz_: I will go with the grub modification.08:07
FyodorovnaForSpareParts, the chroot is in the right menu.08:07
mithranhow can i make a master CD of my ubuntu 12.0408:07
ForSparePartsFyodorovna, so I want to get to grubs command line/rescue and chroot from there?08:09
mithranhow can i make a master CD/DVD  of my ubuntu 12.0408:10
ForSparePartsOr should I be grabbing a copy of the LiveCD ISO?08:10
mithranhow can i make a master CD/DVD  of my ubuntu 12.04?08:11
ForSparePartsmithran, what do you mean by a master CD/DVD?08:11
MrMalak_Does any one here play Diablo 3?08:12
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
robotdevilhow do I make xchat start on boot? dont see it in the preferences and not too familiar with unity system settings08:13
anosexcuse me thor^^, i think when i load up a flash08:13
MrMalak_You could probably run it from one of the startup scripts08:13
pepeeForSpareParts, yeah, liveCD is better08:13
Thor^^anos: so if you load up eg. google.com it works fine?08:14
ForSparePartspepee, Got it. DOWNLOAD TIME08:14
MrMalak_The live cds failed me -_-08:14
robotdevilyou mean there is nt a section to load apps to start on boot?08:14
fastaIt seems rather bad system design that it depends on whether something is a module where its configuration should be located.08:14
fastaIdeally, that shouldn't matter.08:14
mithran<ForSpareParts> i wnt to format my system and re instaall all the current updated packages08:14
anosmy cpu is corei7 960 and it's so rare to have load average more than 108:15
robotdevildid someone  answer me?08:15
MrMalak_I sent you a message08:15
DrecondiusMy openjdk runtime 7 is freezing during install please help me figure out what to do08:15
llutz_!clone | mithran  just backup your stuff and use this08:15
ubottumithran  just backup your stuff and use this: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate08:15
mithranForSpareParts: i wnt to format my system and re instaall all the current updated packages08:16
wilee-nileeForSpareParts, here are the commands.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012754/08:16
ForSparePartsmithran -- not sure how to do that, sorry.08:16
robotdevilMrMalak_: I see, so did this change with unity08:16
Mrokiihello. Seems that with the Upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 my Canon Lide 210 scanner has stopped working (neither xsane nor simplescan recognises it). It had been working before by using a ppa with some sane utils. Does anybody know what to do?08:17
ForSparePartswilee-nilee: Awesome, thanks for that.08:17
MrMalak_I have no idea, I suspect that there is a startup script for xwindows but I am not sure. I wish I could be more help but I am still a newb when it comes to linux08:17
wilee-nileeForSpareParts, No problem a kind of modified copy and paste chroot pretty cool really.08:17
wilee-nileethanks to the ubuntu geeks08:18
mithranubottu: i want to make a live DVD/CD   is it possible?08:18
zombifierDunno what you're implying but ubottu is just a bot08:19
wilee-nileemithran, there is remastersys and other ways to make a setup and have it made to a ISO to load to a dvd.08:20
augustlhi folks. Can I disable application grouping in alt+tab in 12.04?08:20
zombifieraugustl: You can choose a different type of Alt-Tab via CompizConfig Setting Manager08:21
mithranwilee-nilee: what shall ido for making it08:22
augustlzombifier: I tried to find an option for that in there, but I can't find it08:23
zombifierUnity's Switcher does not have that option. YOu must use a different type of switcher completely, like Ring Switcher of Shift Switcher08:24
MrMalak_My install is nearly done :-D08:24
boumahow do i use fileroller to split an archive in multiple pieces ?08:24
MrMalak_Woot! I hope ubuntu is more friendly vs slackware08:24
augustlzombifier: how do I change which switcher to use? Just disable the shortcuts for it and enable another one?08:24
gondezbouma: i don't know, but you can use cat08:24
fidel_hi - somehow gnome3&gnome-shell feels pretty slow on my i5 with 4gb ram, classic hd and a passive-cooled nv 9500 card. Is that a known gnome3/gnome-shell issue? wondering as *gnome2* was way less laggy feelingwise. resource-monitoring like htop or similar dont show a problem in terms of high cpu or mem load08:24
zombifierIt is MrMalak_08:24
wilee-nileemithran, here are some links.  http://www.remastersys.com/   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD08:25
boumagondez: yeah i could but i need to email zip files for any chance the other party will receive the doc08:25
zombifieraugustl: Yep08:25
=== MrMalak_ is now known as MrMalak
MrMalakStupid net split08:25
MrMalakMy mind is blown by all of the people with new machines that are complaining about linux being slow08:25
mithranwilee-nilee: ok i will try Thanks08:25
anosthor^^ ok08:26
MrMalakIm running a 5 year old laptop with a gig of memory maybe and its sweet, how could it be that a machine like these could possibly run linux "slow"?08:26
boumai'd love to use the fileroller, its got a gui for splitting files but it goes grey when ever i pick zip or try and make a split zip08:26
Thor^^MrMalak: I can think of one issue with my machine at home, the Nvidia drivers were not optimized and Unity was pushing it quite hard08:27
boumaMrMalak: im running gentoo on a quad core with 8gig, it rips08:27
wilee-nileemithran, Cool, I have used the first link, it is not all that hard to use.08:27
Thor^^MrMalak: aditionally I saw several processes killing the cpu (no idea why, or how I fixed it)08:27
MrMalakYeah I guess I am being a little stupid, I just cant imagine linux being slow compared to windows :P08:27
anosthor^^: this is my flash version: (adobe-flashplugin            
zombifierMrMalak: Those people were probably trying to eat more than they could chew (e.g. use a very heavy DE)08:28
Thor^^MrMalak: this machine was designed with Photoshop in mind, latest hardware etc. that's where linux often fall short in the "works out of the box" department08:29
jefimenkodoes anyone know how to get a consistent MAC address for a active-backup bond in 12.04? since upgrading to 12.04, sometimes the system takes eth0 MAC at boot, other times it's eth1. this is a big problem because of MAC to IP mappings in my DHCP.08:29
Thor^^my 4 year old netbook outperformed the machine easily08:29
boumaa win7 64 install with nonlegacy hw on this machine is pretty fast too. they did put alot of effort into certain code paths and the drivers are closed source (but same on linux for me)08:30
Thor^^anos: I'm at a loss, to me flash is the devil and I don't use it, specially not on linux, so no idea where to start looking for issues with it08:30
wawowejefimenko: udev08:30
wawowejefimenko: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules08:31
jefimenkowawowe: how do you do that with a bond? the eth0 and eth1 devices *are* being named consistently. it's just that the bond0 chooses one at random to use for the MAC08:31
zombifierbouma: Nautilus has an option of compressing a file/folder and optioanlly split it08:31
saryanos: if you need flash to stream YOUTBE videos , use html5 instead , if its rquired for for other sites try Gnash.08:31
wawowejefimenko: add bond0 in there08:32
boumazombifier: right but the split is grey, the only option that ungreys the password is .zip but the split remains grey08:32
Code_Factoryhey guys, I'm having a problem with skype, it slows down the whole machine and eats 1-3 GB08:32
DrecondiusHow do I set a hd to automount on boot?08:33
boumaso microsoft still allow skype for linux ?08:33
fastabouma: it would be bad for business not to.08:33
ubottutango73: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:33
sarybouma: there is a GNU/LINUX edition yes.08:33
jefimenkowawowe: i've only edited entries in this file before. do you know what fields to fill in for adding a bond0 device in there?08:33
boumahah, skype is microsofts "crown jewel" of consumer internet services08:34
MrMalak!list awsome08:34
sarytango73: are you looking for lis of channels!08:34
augustlhmm, the other switchers in the compizconfig settings manager doesn't seem to be workspace compliant08:34
augustlthey just move windows to workspace one and also set focus on workspace one, it seems08:34
augustland show windows from all workspaces08:34
wawowejeffrash: copy the one for eth0 and replace eth* with bond* eth0 bond008:35
DrecondiusCan someone tell me how to automount an ntfs drive at boot?08:35
zombifierMost switchers has the option of switching only windows on current workspace and windows on ALL workspaces08:35
Thor^^bouma: I believe Microsoft will continue to support Skype on most platforms, not doing so will kill it for them08:36
Aedan------you ok?08:36
Code_Factorybouma : yes ?? why08:36
Thor^^Aedan------: Hi there!08:36
Aedan------just being p9olite08:36
Aedan------where is everyone from? Anyone from Portugal?08:37
boumai know a portugese girl08:37
Brunohello aedan gay08:37
Aedan------I live in Portugal08:37
saryDrecondius: a simple search came-up with http://askubuntu.com/questions/46588/how-to-automount-ntfs-partitions08:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:37
=== Bruno is now known as Guest35905
Code_FactoryAre you guys kidding, how can Microsoft possibly consider kill skype for linux!!08:38
Code_Factorystill guys I'm having a huge problem with skype08:38
ikoniaCode_Factory: not something that's really right for this channel08:38
zombifierThey did not consider it. In fact they said they would continue to support it08:38
Aedan------bruno takes it up the arse08:38
ikoniaAedan------: stop that now08:38
ikoniaAedan------: that language/content is unacceptable08:38
Code_Factoryikonia: I'm sorry, I dunno what I did?08:38
Aedan------Im sorry08:38
Aedan------bite me08:38
Guest35905aedan is my horse08:38
fastaHow can I see whether a certain apache module has been enabled? I.e. the same argument I give to a2enmod.08:39
DrecondiusMinor issue with that link, it's to stop them from mounting, I WANT it to mount08:39
Guest35905o miguel tem um caralhao08:39
ikoniaCode_Factory: the microsoft kill skype thing, not really inline with the support topic of the channel08:39
fastaa2enmod doesn't seem to have an option to query for whether it has been enabled.08:39
saryGuest35905: Oh now you don't speak English ! lol08:39
augustlthe workspace switching problems was due to a previous crash of compiz, relogged and now the static application switcher works just fine08:39
ikoniaGuest35905: hello again, please try to keep your langauge under control this time08:40
ikoniaGuest35905: because the channels has a no-rude language/comments policy08:40
saryGuest35905: This is a support channel , you can chit-chat in #defoucs.08:40
Code_Factoryikonia: I was trying to get help about skype on my ubuntu, when someone else started the discussion, it was just a passing argument08:40
Code_Factoryikonia: didn't mean to offend the channel :D08:41
ikoniaCode_Factory: yeah, I can see that, getting help with skype is great, no issues there, just don't want the microsoft killing off skype dicussion in here08:41
ikoniaCode_Factory: zero offense caused at all,08:41
saryCode_Factory: I am sure you're using the beta version , right.08:41
fidel_is gnome3/gnome-shell known to feel laggy - even if cpu&mem arent fully in use?08:42
Code_Factorysary: yes08:42
dr_willisfidel_:  the gpu is often the bottleneck08:42
fidel_dr_willis: using a passive nv 9500 card with the driver directly from the nv-page08:42
Code_Factorysary: it just jams sometimes, I'm trying to figure out why? can you tell me where to look?08:43
zombifierI never trust drivers from nvidia08:43
fidel_so not using those 'older' drivers ubuntu offers via its package management08:43
zombifierMost people I know said Noveau works better08:43
dr_willisi tend  to use the ppa's that have newer drivers if i need them.08:43
fidel_dr_willis: would you recommend switching to nouveau?08:43
saryfidel_: it must be laggy for a reason .. make sure its up to date .08:43
dr_willistry nouveau and see.  but i doubt if they will be much  better08:44
fidel_sary: define 'it'08:44
Aedan------Ikonia I lov you08:44
jefimenkowawowe: i tried the udev rule. it didn't work08:44
dr_willisI have seen some bugs where X takes up a lot of CPU and makes the gui act weird. restarting X fixs it for a while08:44
sarynouveau is woring great here with gnome-shell .08:44
Bruno69i love you08:44
ikoniaAedan------: enough now, if you want to use the channel for ubuntu technical support, you are welcome, if not, please stop08:44
saryfidel_: gnome-shell i meant .08:44
Aedan------ok mate, im sorry08:44
ikoniaAedan------: no problem08:44
fidel_sary: its uptodate for sure08:45
Aedan------will you marry me? through the technical support line?08:45
sulaimanI am able to ping my windows server on my local network, how can I access it from a file browser?08:45
shawnaCan anyone tell me how I can scan my hardware to figure out what kind of video card my machine has?08:45
ikoniashawna: just do an "lspci"08:45
fidel_shawna: lspci might helo08:46
dr_willissulaiman:  the nautilus file manager can access samba shares,  browse them, or use the address  bar directly (ctrl-l) then  smb://servername-or-ip-number/sharename08:46
sulaimanthanks dr_willis08:47
anossary: how can i use gnash08:47
shawnaForgive me, I'm kinda new to this, but how do I do an lspci?08:47
zombifierInstall gnash from the repo08:47
wawowejefimenko: edit /etc/network/interfaces08:47
studioCan someone help me with a sound issue?08:47
zombifiershawna: Open a terminal and type that command in. It should give you full info about your hardware08:47
anossary: and how it can solve my problem08:47
dr_willis!info gnash08:48
ubottugnash (source: gnash): GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.10-5ubuntu1 (precise), package size 197 kB, installed size 616 kB08:48
studioI can hear sounds when I port things through jack, but not when I'm surfing the web or playing games.08:48
shawnaGreat, thank you.08:48
studioHow can I fix this?08:48
wawowejefimenko: try changing bond-slave to bond-master08:48
wawowejefimenko: and run: service networking restart08:48
jefimenkowawowe: this is what i'm using now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012761/08:49
jefimenkowawowe: you can see that i'm trying to force the MAC and it still doesn't honor it08:49
=== matteo is now known as Guest4169
wawowejefimenko: change bond-slaves eth0 eth1 -> bond-slaves none08:51
wawowejefimenko: and comment out the hwaddress line08:51
shawnaNow can anyone tell me how to get the rotating desktop sphere with 3d windows?08:52
AnomIs there a knack to getting xchat notifications to behave in Ubuntu? I've tried disabling ALL alerts in the settings but it still flashes when anyone says anything in any channel/network...08:53
dr_willisshawna:  ive seen some guides on setting up the 'cube with unity'  yoiu may want to search for. I think i saw one on the webupd8 blog site. but i hate the cube effect08:53
zombifiershawna: Install ccsm first and configure08:53
fidel_shawna: what do you mean by '3d windows'?08:53
dr_willissome ccsm settings can break unity. so use it with caution. ;)08:54
jefimenkowawowe: i can see in syslog after bootup that eth0 and eth1 are not "up" for ~3 seconds08:54
jefimenkowawowe: the system polls through eth0, eth1, eth0, then hits eth1 again and eth1 is up08:55
jefimenkowawowe: so the first it chooses is eth1 and that becomes the initial MAC08:55
jefimenkowawowe: do you know how to make bond0 wait for eth0 to come up?08:56
wawowejefimenko: the 3 seconds is probably dhcp08:56
jefimenkothis wasn't a problem in 11.1008:56
jefimenkowawowe: there's no DHCP08:56
jefimenkonot for eth0 and eth108:56
wawowejefimenko: you have dhcp bond008:56
ScottHarrisonHi guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with the wizard option not working (Webpage, Agenda etc.) in LibreOffice Writer... I think it's a Java issue but when I "java -version," I get "java version 1.6.0_24" back... Any ideas?08:57
jefimenkowawowe: the dhcp is on a vlan on bond0.20008:57
* Wizard works perfectly.08:57
jefimenkowawowe: but i'm talking about the interface link status08:57
MrMojoRisingshotgun midget monkeys08:57
MrMojoRisingin tress iwth shotguns on unicylce08:57
jefimenkowawowe: bond0 is polling the link status of eth0 and eth1, both of which are down for the first few seconds during bootup08:57
MrMojoRisingfluffy sharks with lazers08:57
MrMojoRisingont he head08:57
WizardSomebody kick him :P08:58
jefimenkowawowe: depending on the poll timing and when the interfaces come up, bond0 selects one or the other and takes the MAC from that. i'll see if i can pastebin the syslog08:58
wawowejefimenko: i don't think bond-slaves needs to be there at all since you have eth1 and eth0 set with bond-master bond008:58
shawnaWhere the windows you have open appear "layred" over the desktop as it rotates. I'm running 10.04 with Gnome,I have already installed ccsm, but I can't figure out how to get the desktop cube to look like a sphere. I had a different machine with 10.04 that would do it, can't remember how I got it to work.08:58
zombifierOpen CCSM, enable Desktop Cube and 3d Windows08:58
zombifierThat should do it08:58
zombifierAlso, Cube Reflection and Deformation to make it look like a sphere08:59
LjLMrMojoRising: please stick to Ubuntu support here and move the silliness to #ubuntu-offtopic (but use a grain of salt there as well)08:59
ScottHarrisonAnybody familiar with java and/or LibreOffice that could help me with something, I'd appreciate a pm when they have time. Thank you. :)08:59
shawnaDo you know if intel graphics will support it, and do I need to install a seperate driver for intel graphics?09:00
hampsterbladeI'm having a problem with system responsiveness on my 12.04 system.09:00
zombifierhampsterblade: How much RAM?09:01
hampsterblade6GB AMD 1055T and a GTS 250, but everything seems to craw09:01
zombifiergraphic card?09:01
hampsterbladeNvidia GTS 25009:01
jefimenkowawowe: still, if i remove bond-slaves, how could the bond know which slave eth to choose the MAC from?09:01
jefimenkowawowe: i'll try it, but i don't think it will solve it09:02
jefimenkowawowe: i feel like the bond needs to wait for eth0 to come up instead of cycling polling through eth0 and eth1 until one of them comes up09:02
hampsterbladeOn windows I was able to play games at almost full settings, but on ubuntu everything seems to crawl and most games seem to lock up the whole system.09:02
hampsterbladeEven gedit is going slow09:02
zombifierIs your nvidia driver Noveau or NVIDIA provided?09:03
hampsterbladelatest nvidia binary09:03
saryCode_Factory: excuse , i forgot that i was upgrading the router firmware.09:03
wawowejefimenko: it should choose it from eth0, because it's listed first, ifup should bring it up before eth109:03
hampsterbladeIt's slow with the one provided by ubuntu or the one on the nvidia site.09:03
saryCode_Factory: am not sure , but when does this skype over use of CPU occurs09:04
zambai have a hard drive that's registering 59 degrees C .. what can i do to make it take it easy? :)09:04
zombifierPeople keep reporting about the bugginess of the Nvidia-provided drivers09:04
zambait's a part of two raids09:04
zombifierNoveau usually works better09:05
hampsterbladeI could give it a shot, I'd never heard of it til now09:05
fidel_hampsterblade: as i am experiencing slowness aswell - which might be nv-related here too - what nv card do you have and have you tried the nouveau driver too?09:05
saryzombifier: indeed , see bug #100106609:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1001066 in xorg (Ubuntu) "X froze with a crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100106609:05
hampsterbladeMSI Nvidia GTS 250 Twin Frozer 512MB09:06
zombifierI have NVIDIA GeForce 210, using Noveau and it's fast as heck09:06
jefimenkowawowe: i'll try it now. even though ifup brings eth0 up first, what if the link state of eth0 doesn't come up until later (due to the hardware)09:06
hampsterbladeI'll give noveau a shot09:06
fidel_good luck ;)09:06
hampsterbladeis there an apt repository for it or do I download a driver.  Also do I need to uninstall the nvidia proprietary first?09:06
zombifierNoveau comes with the Linux kernel. Before you use NVIDIA's driver it's Noveau you're running on09:07
hampsterbladeI see09:07
wawowejefimenko: if it doesn't work a simple solution would be to remove auto eth0 and auto eth1 and add something like ifup eth0 && sleep 5 && ifup eth1 to rc.local09:07
zombifierhampsterblade: Remove NVIDIA's driver, then do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reset your X server to the default settings09:08
hampsterbladetwinview will still work right?09:09
sarymaldonado:  /join #channel .09:09
fidel_zombifier: in case you know it: how would i remove the nv-driver directly from the nv-page? comes usualy as .sh script - but i doubt it has an uninstall routine which i can triger - or am i wrong here?09:09
maldonadojoin #channel09:10
fidel_maldonado: what are you trying to do?09:10
sarymaldonado: /join #cidade09:10
hampsterbladethe shell script has an uninstall option09:10
fidel_hampsterblade: ok09:10
qbitzaI have a weird RAID issue09:10
dr_willishampsterblade:  ive definatly experoienced a nvidia  bug on my system where X will get real sluggish untill i restart the X  server, then it will run fine for a few hrs or days.. then get sluggish again.09:10
qbitzadmraid -s returns:09:10
qbitzaERROR: isw: wrong number of devices in RAID set "isw_biaeibhcac_RIAD1" [1/2] on /dev/sdb09:10
qbitzabut cat /proc/mdstat says the device is fine09:11
maldonadoIḿ is city belo horizonte09:11
jefimenkowawowe: i removed bond-slaves and it's still a problem09:11
hampsterbladeIn my case, anything that uses any graphics brings the whole system to a halt, even things that shouldn't09:11
zombifierNouveau does not have Twinview, but it can use sometihng similar to setup a dual monitor09:11
jefimenkoi think delaying bringing up bond0 might solve it09:11
hampsterbladeI see minecraft using about 400% cpu  between all it's processes09:11
maldonadonot speak english09:11
hampsterbladeit should not be using 50-60% of all cores.09:12
fidel_maldonado: what language do you speak?09:12
zombifierJust did a quick search, and it's pretty much universally agreed that NVIDIA's driver is buggy and should be avoided09:12
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:12
fidel_!pt > maldonado09:12
ubottumaldonado, please see my private message09:12
wawowejefimenko: run ifdown eth109:13
wawowejefimenko: etc and bring them back up one at a time09:14
=== Guest84714 is now known as jay__
=== jay__ is now known as jay_
fidel_maldonado: this channel is still english only ;)09:15
maldonadojay, temos escrever o comando09:16
zombifiermaldonado: like what ubottu "said", join #ubuntu-pt for Portuguese09:16
maldonadoagora, não temos tempo escrever agora09:16
maldonadovou dormir09:16
maldonadovaleu a dica09:16
fidel_maldonado: this channel DOES NOT SUPPORT your language09:17
bazhang!br | maldonado09:17
ubottumaldonado: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.09:17
bazhangfidel_, better to learn the language factoids09:17
fidel_bazhang: i tried it above with the !pt > trigger - but he seemd to ignore or misunderstood it09:18
bazhangfidel_, try and | it next time perhaps, some users have a hard time finding the private message09:18
hampsterbladeso I unistalled the nvidia protected and did the x server reconfig but now minecraft is crashing09:18
fidel_was willing to minimize the output to the channel - but yeah gonna consider it ;)09:18
dr_willisi always find it amuseing if i  say 'No Hablo' that they then msg me asking stuff in spanish.... ;P09:19
crizishampsterblade: unlikely you get any games working with open driver, both nvidia and ati's open drivers are basically worthless for 3D anything09:19
anosthor^^: tahnk you. i uninstalled the flash and now it 's work truly09:19
hampsterbladeSo basically I'm fucked09:19
ikoniahampsterblade: that language is unacceptable09:19
hampsterblademy appologies09:20
ikoniano problem09:20
hampsterbladeI'm really trying to figure this out, and kind of angry.  I want linux to work.  I hate windows, but this performance is unacceptable09:20
dr_willishampsterblade:  you chould cheeck the forums and askubuntu.com about your exact video card. there may be some knwon issues  and work arounds.09:20
ikoniahampsterblade: video cards from ati/nvidia can often be a limiting factor.09:20
hampsterbladeWhat else is there.  Intel video cards are crap09:21
dr_willisI still seem to have the laggy video untill i restart X issue.. every so often.09:21
ikoniahampsterblade: I've had very positive intel experiences what issues doe you find with the intel cards09:21
dr_willisIntel Video cards are making very good progress. Definatly not 'crap'09:21
Jipsomehow all logs are written to *.log.1 instead of *.log I googled but didn't find a solution. Anyone here willing to help?09:21
hampsterbladeWell they definitely aren't good for high end gaming rigs09:22
dr_willisthat dosent make them 'crap'09:22
alankilahampsterblade: and I wish that these fine open drivers we have for things like wlan cards just worked. I keep on hitting issues each time I try a new brand. I'm very thankful that ath9k exists because that driver is one of the few that works (apparently) 100 % glitch-free for me09:22
hampsterbladeDon't even get me started on network issues09:22
hampsterblademy computer takes 120 seconds to boot on a solid state due to that09:22
alankilaI'm thinking that it's possible that hardware drivers are just too complex for people who are not specialists and lack access to the hardware designer team09:23
jefimenkowawowe: this is what i was saying: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012809/09:23
alankilasoftware is hard09:23
hampsterbladeBelieve me I know.  I'm developing cyanogenmod for a samsung phone09:23
hampsterbladeEverything is proprietary09:23
alankilaI'm the guy who wrote DSPManager, so funny, I'm a CM developer too I guess09:24
milk_hummm, hi everybody.  is there a way to improve font rendering in buntu studio 12.04 ? iÄve got loads of color fringing on high contrast text09:24
ooberHello. I'm trying to work out what the LDAP settings for an installed version of Ubuntu 10.04.3 are. I know it's using LDAP, but /etc/ldap/ldap.conf is empty. I can't ask anyone, as nobody here knows how it's been set up. Any ideas where the configuration might be? It's over SSH so I can't use an GUI tools09:24
jefimenkowawowe: maybe if i can introduce an ifup delay to eth109:24
PixelVandalismSup guise?09:25
dr_willisoober:  you could set up X forwarding and use GUI tools. :)09:25
ooberdr_willis: ok, but I don't know the names of the binaries that I would normally launch from the desktop09:25
dr_willisoober:  try a 'locate ldap' ?09:25
hampsterblademilk_, install MyUnity and click the font tab09:25
hampsterbladeset antialiasing to rgba and Hinting to medium09:26
milk_hampsterblade:  thx, does it work in studio? after all its XFCE based09:26
alankilathere is no fix to linux font rendering for time being because the algorithm is not correct09:26
hampsterbladeI'm not sure, I've never used studio09:26
zambahow do i stop a lvm volume group.. ? i need to stop the underlaying raid09:26
ooberdr_willis: found the empty config file, and a load of so files and other binaries. any idea where the configuration might be?09:27
alankilaI've written about what I believe to be the correct rendering algorithm here: http://bel.fi/~alankila/lcd/09:27
dr_willisoober:  no idea. i barely know what ldap is. ;)09:27
alankilabut it's never going to happen with XRENDER I think09:27
milk_strange thing is: in fedora i never had rendering problems -.-   bad luck i guess09:27
alankilamaybe when wayland comes we can write a shader that does the job correctly against 3d hardware or something.09:27
nibbler_oober, you can use string and/or strace -eopen on the binary, to see where it opens files from09:27
nibbler_oober, strings, not string, sorry.09:27
oobernibbler_: great idea but it's a system service, so it's started by init or whatever ubuntu uses, so i can't directly do that without really ripping things apart09:28
PixelVandalismiTouchOthers, wanna fuck?09:29
iTouchOthersPixelVandalism: Hiya mate09:29
iTouchOthersPixelVandalism: Yeah sure thing, do you wanna meet up?09:29
MrMalakI can view youtube on linux09:29
nibbler_oober, well, then you know where stuff gets started, just use strings on the binary then. or stop the service and start it manually with strings. the init scripts might contain the config directory/file as well.09:29
MrMalakMy GF will get off my back finaly09:29
hampsterbladeI really hope nvidia steps up their game for linux when steam comes out09:30
dr_willishampsterblade:  i will belive it 3 weeks after it happens...09:30
PixelVandalismKewlBeans, ;D09:31
hampsterbladeThese talks about steam and canocle working together make me very excited09:31
bazhang!ot | PixelVandalism09:31
ubottuPixelVandalism: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:31
niko0ohi, i need some help with my wlan card. it does connect to wlan but when i use internet, it does not load anything for some time and then it works, it keeps doing that all time. my card is Atheros AR9285. in windows it does work perfectly09:31
speakHi! How can I get icons showing when alt+tabbing, for programs I've launched from the terminal? I'm using Ubuntu 12 with Unity09:32
dr_willisprograms i launch from a terminal, do show up when i alt tab.....09:32
LaykeHey, I'm on a friends system. Totally confused at why using vi from console is totally different to how it is on my machine.. It's hard to explain, but for example, if I press 'i' to start inserting text, then try and move the caret cursor, it starts inserting random letters...09:32
dr_willisspeak:  what programs speifically are causing issues?09:32
LaykeAnd also, I can't move the caret to the end of the line. In order to delete something for example.09:33
dr_willisLayke:  the arroe keys are spitting out escape codes.. install the  vim-full package09:33
Laykedr_willis, Thanks. :)09:33
zombifierYeah... Ubuntu only includes a very minimal vim by default09:33
LaykeUm, that version is totally broken. lol. Perhaps I'm just used to vim-full then09:33
speakdr_willis, Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, DBViewer at least09:33
alankilathe hyper-minimal vim though is very annoying, imho. It's bad enough that vim has multiple modes, does it really have to have multiple behaviors in every mode too depending on which version you have installed.09:34
speakdr_willis sorry I was unclear, the programs do show up, but the icon is a big question mark instead of the correct program icon09:34
llutz_Layke: its not broken, it's "vi"-like, not "vim"09:34
JipHi, i just noticed rsyslog writes everything into auth.log.1 instead of auth.log how can I fix it?09:34
zombifierspeak: What are the programs?09:34
speakI answered that above, zombifier09:35
Laykellutz, Yeah, I understand, I was just emphasing my unfamiliarity with it :)(09:35
MrMalakThis is a dumb question I guess but how do I get gnome to run instead of xbuntu?09:35
dr_willisspeak:  thers known issues with java apps not showing up in the panel. Seen some fixs at the askubuntu.com site09:35
LaykeLog out, then select it when you log in from the login screen09:35
FloodBot1PixelVandalism: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:35
bazhangMrMalak, choose from the login window09:35
MrMalakIll see if its there I didnt see it when I loged in09:35
speakdr_willis ah okay, great to know!09:35
speakI'll check askubuntu.com (although googling around I couldn't find anything)09:35
LaykeMrMalak, You have to click around. It's hidden under a screen you need to click a button to see.09:36
speakI mostly saw people not having programs show up at all with alt+tab09:36
speakAnyway, thanks for the help, now I know where to search09:36
neurotusare there any desktop-xen kernels anywhere ?09:37
neurotusi get my xen-kernel working but no X09:37
jefimenkowawowe: i think i solved it by adding a line "pre-up sleep 4" under the eth1 section in the interfaces file09:37
sddhrthrthey guys!09:37
sddhrthrti have a proxy password that contains an @ in it09:38
jefimenkowawowe: to delay bringing up eth1 for 4 seconds09:38
sddhrthrthow do i set it using export http_proxy=username:password@website?09:38
alankilasddhrthrt: probably use %40 for the @09:39
sddhrthrtalankila: i'm talking about shell, not html09:39
sddhrthrtalankila: i never tried, though.09:39
alankilasddhrthrt: the %40 is the URL encoding for @09:40
MrMalakYeah its not in the options on the log in screen though this is still 20 times better09:40
MrMalakLinux is such a pain in the rear09:40
sddhrthrtalankila: okay, trying :)09:41
Ben64MrMalak: gnome has to be installed before you can use it09:42
MrMalakI just installed ubuntu and selected every sing package possible09:42
llutz_MrMalak: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:43
MrMalakIll check that out if I didnt screw my install up09:44
Luftiafter an update gnome shell was removed from my login screen. I got it from ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3. Though, its possible to enter gnome-shell when using the command gnome-shell --replace. Any idea?09:44
MrMalakI was in what ever x-windows client that came with it and told it to load the gnome and KDE settings and it looks locked up to me now heh09:44
sddhrthrtalankila: No, the server says wrong password :/09:45
sddhrthrthow do i set it using export http_proxy=username:password@website?09:45
sddhrthrtanyone, please? how do i set it using export http_proxy=username:password@website?09:45
alankilasddhrthrt: may be it's not even possible. Internet suggests curl, wget, each have their own variant of --proxy-user and --proxy-password09:47
sddhrthrtnot axel. :/09:47
llutz_sddhrthrt: change password, easiest way09:47
sddhrthrtllutz_: i dont have a choice, otherwise would i have asked? :D09:48
sddhrthrtit's the institution proxy09:48
llutz_sddhrthrt: how would i know09:48
sddhrthrtllutz_: yeah :P09:49
machdohvahWas I kicked off a moment ago?09:50
alankilaanyway the idea of exploiting fair queueing algorithms by using multiple concurrent connections is an old hat. I wonder how well it is blocked these days, by accounting flows by source ip for instance09:50
MrMalakHere is a realy stupid question, I installed and set a user password but not a root password09:50
zombifiermachdohvah: I don't see any record of it09:50
fidel_MrMalak: first account has sudo privs09:51
MrMalaknow I am trying to log in as root and its not taking the password I gave, is there a default root password?09:51
machdohvahI just was polite and did not say anything09:51
MrMalakI tryed the command I was told to install the desktop and it rejected it09:51
MrMalakIm thinking I might just try to wipe out the hard drive and start over09:51
pijushhi guys! banshee is crashing a lot09:51
pijushhelp plz09:51
zombifierYet another proof to why Mono is banished from Ubuntu :P09:52
D[4]niis there a way to get the current display refresh rate from a terminal?09:52
alankilazombifier: in fairness, it's probably not even mono's fault. It's just that the media decoder libraries are all so poorly programmed that they in general have security issues like bad stream causes accesses or writes outside memory regions and such09:54
alankilathis is one of the reasons why it seems that there simply isn't a non-crashing player for large array of file formats09:54
levantuanCan you help me?09:56
zombifierJust ask your question, no need to introduce yourself09:56
levantuanmy name's Tuan09:57
levantuanI'm from VietNam09:57
zombifierA Vietnamese I presume09:57
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zombifierI'm Vietnamese too, but let's just get started09:58
levantuando you know scala programming language09:58
zombifierlevantuan: There's a chatroom for scala: #scala09:59
levantuanin creating s test protocol in scala09:59
alankilaI read about some awesome C extension which adds the ability to validate all memory accesses with only very small runtime cost by arranging allocations at 16-byte boundaries and storing a memory table with byte per each 16 bytes recording the log2 of the allocation length at that address.09:59
levantuancreating test use scala10:00
levantuancan you help me10:00
LjLlevantuan: that's Scala-specific, please ask in #scala instead of here10:00
alankilaso the length of any allocation can be acquired by doing int log2len = table[pointer >> 4] and then you can insert the relevant assembly everywhere to check that accesses outside bounds do not happen. I wish media libraries were built with this stuff... it wasn't for gcc though10:00
LjLalankila: err... you sure this is the most appropriate channel for this?10:01
deavidhi, i'm looking for a net-install of Ubuntu Server 12.04 (LTS)10:01
alankilaLjL: hm, you are right. Probably not.10:01
MrMalakOk, so I have just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu but I cant seem to launch gnome, I am geting XFCE however it was what I was using before I installed ubuntu10:01
deavidi tried to download it from ubuntu, but it has a size of 600Mb10:01
MrMalakI tried the command I was given but it threw an error10:01
MrMalakdoes any one have any idea how I might get it to launch?10:02
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Tom22Hello. I'm trying to play COD4 on Ubuntu. I know this isn't a Wine channel, but the question Im gonna ask is this: Are ATI drivers in linux, not as good as NVIDIA? - I've been trying to play COD4 on linux and I am experiencing major lag, whilst everyone who says they got it working seems to be using NVIDIA cards. Is that why? should I get an NVIDIA card to maximise Linux support?10:02
MrMalakIt looks like it at least might be installed its just not in the options on the log in screen10:02
MrMalakDont play games on linux and you wont have lag :P10:02
zombifierPlease don't use NVIDIA drivers10:03
MrMalakWhy in the world would any one try to use wine to play games designed for windows? just get a copy of windows and you wont have to wonder why it doesn't work?10:04
gryMrMalak: because some folks decide to do things in a legal way, I suppose?10:04
zombifierBecause it's more convenient?10:04
machdohvah<embarrassed> How do I go anywhere else in this XChat-GNOME IRC thing?10:04
Tom22MrMalak , please don't bother replying if you don't have any help to suggest. I'm trying to migrate from a bloated pain in the ass system, and want my games to run in it. - If thats not possible, then fair enough, but your suggestions aren't helpful.10:05
grymachdohvah: where do you want to go for example?10:05
zombifierTom22: If the current driver don't do you justice, you can install the NVIDIA drivers10:05
Tom22zombifier I have an ATI card.10:06
zombifierI thought you were using NVIDIA's10:06
machdohvahWell, it is embarrassing . I tried to join #gaygeeks, but did not succeed10:06
grymachdohvah: Channel is blocking unidentified users (+r) and user is not identified10:07
wawoweTom22: try adjusting the settings in amcccle10:07
machdohvahoh, OK10:07
Tom22wawowe what should I look out for?10:07
wawoweTom22: and if you're running some big bloated desktop, losing that will help too10:07
machdohvahsorry for the intution10:07
grymachdohvah: (see '/msg ubottu register' for more details or just 'do it' if you already know :)10:07
wawoweTom22: perfomence vs quality10:07
gryno worries10:07
Tom22wawowe you mean having windows open? or using gnome?10:07
luizo que e isso cocaina10:08
wawoweTom22: both10:08
vincenzomlHi all. How can I open a recent file from the dash not using the default application?10:08
LjL!pt | luiz10:08
ubottuluiz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.10:08
Tom22wawowe ah ok, should I try XFCE?10:08
machdohvahI am just an AIDS patient trying to find the old chat room "Long Term AIDS Survivors"10:08
luizo so me manda para o ubutu br10:08
wawoweTom22: lower the game resolution and settings a little too10:08
Tom22wawowe, the game is set to as low as it's possible to go.10:08
wawoweTom22: you could, personally i use evilwm. it's like 30kb of memory10:08
Tom22wowowe it works fine until I go MP, and start seeing smoke, and gun shots, and lots of people, then it lags out.10:09
wawoweTom22: in the catalyst settings disable tear free desktop if it's enabled10:10
Tom22wowowe let me just go upstairs, gonna try it.10:10
wawoweTom22: and in 3D modify the "more settings" and "MipMap Detail"10:11
Tom22wowowe tear free was off already, mipmap is now lowest.10:12
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MrMalakIs there any way to launch KDE or Gnome from XFCE? Maybe a command that I can run in the shell? Im just looking for a work around at this point, I want to go to bed and I don't want to without finding a way to make this work10:14
Tom22wawowe tear free was off already, mipmap is now lowest.10:14
wawoweTom22: try the game again, the only other things you can do and to turn off vertical refresh and use a lighter desktop10:15
wawoweTom22: if you have firefox open or something that uses flash close that too10:16
MrMalakYou could also run the game under windows :P10:16
gryMrMalak: wrong channel.10:16
wawoweMrMalak: not everyone has a pc designated for games only10:16
Tom22wawowe only rhythmbox and spotify10:16
wawoweMrMalak: and imo that would be a waste :p10:16
MrMalakIf you can run a game under wine I suspect the same game could run under windows at least as well as a windows emulator :P10:17
wawoweMrMalak: spotify probably uses flash, but i've never used it so i'm not sure10:17
wawoweTom22: ^^10:17
LjLMrMalak: why don't you drop it? they already made their view about running the game on Windows vs WINE clear, it's their choice10:17
LjLand this is an Ubuntu support channel, not a "just go use it on Windows" channel10:17
MrMalakHell Im about ready to give up on linux and buy a copy of XP just so I dont have to try to deal with this any more, it took days of effort just to get a recent version of linux to install let alone work like I want10:17
wawoweMrMalak: use windows then10:18
MrMalakand I think the guy is talking about a game that was designed to work under windows so maybe I am wrong being a newbie and all but it would seem like it would run best10:18
gryMrMalak: why are you at this channel then?10:18
MrMalakIm not trying to run a game thats why10:18
Adoniscan someone help me, how do i print out what is connected to my usb port in /dev/ ??? i have a bluetooth usb stick and need to find out what linux recognises it as?10:18
gryMrMalak: be cautious, you were kindly suggested to not do that here :)10:19
IdleOneAdonis: lsusb10:19
MrMalakOk, any way, is there some way to execute KDE or Gnome from the shell when you are in XFCE?10:19
wawoweMrMalak: gnome-session and startkde10:20
MrMalakThank you10:20
LjLMrMalak: probably "gnome-shell" for gnome, and something else for KDE, but it will result in a mess, won't it?10:20
AdonisIdleOne, then do i use Bus 001 ??? in shell? to run commands using it?10:20
wawoweMrMalak: you'll have to kill xfwm4 tho10:20
MrMalakand I am sorry, I am a bit punchy its 6 am and I have been up forever10:20
MrMalakthats ok I will try to do that10:20
IdleOneAdonis: what is it you are trying to do and what is the device?10:21
Adonistrying to run kismet a pentest tool, it asks me whats the name of bluetooth device....10:22
MrMalakOk the shell advised me how to install gnome when I tried to run it thank you, sorry for being an ass10:22
Adonisim asuming it means usb01 or soemthing10:22
MrMalakI still dont know why any one would want to run games in wine though :P10:23
wawoweMrMalak: because they want to use linux and they like games :P10:23
IdleOneAdonis: hmm, sorry can't help you there.10:23
Tom22wawowe Thank you for your help, performance has risen quite a bit, but it's still not 100% brilliant. I may try a lighter desktop aswell. Does that DE you suggested integrate fine with g* gnome programs?10:23
vincenzomlMrMalak: to keep all your nice programs running while you play!10:23
MrMalakYeah but they would probably run better under the OS they were made for :P10:24
AdonisIdleOne, thanks anyway mate10:24
MrMalakThats true10:24
grytomatto_: Hello.10:24
tomatto_please how can i find out which version of ubuntu i have installed10:24
LjL!version | tomatto_10:24
ubottutomatto_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »10:24
vincenzomlso is there any comfortable way to open a recent/found file from the dash using a non-default program?10:24
MrMalakI love all of the bot commands to give common replys :D10:24
IdleOne!ot | MrMalak10:25
ubottuMrMalak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:25
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wawoweTom22: the one i suggested draws a one pixel border around all your windows and you move them either with the keyboard or by holding alt and dragging them with the mouse. ctrl+alt+enter launches and xterm and everything can be launched from the terminal10:25
wawoweTom22: alt+tab also works and there are 8 workspaces that you can move between with ctrl+alt+left/right10:26
IdleOnevincenzoml: I'm not using Unity but does "program file_name" work ? without the quotes of course10:26
wawoweTom22: could also setup xbindkeys to launch programs with key combinations if you wanted10:26
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tomatto_LjL: thx10:26
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wawoweTom22: i love it and won't use anything else. but it's not for everyone. will take some getting used to if migrating from something like gnome10:27
Tom22wawowe Ah, although I know what I'm doing with Linux, that seems a little bit 'raw' for my tastes. Is there anything inbetween? More like XFCE, but lighter?10:27
wawoweTom22: lxde, icewm, jwm10:28
wawoweTom22: fluxbox, wmaker10:28
Tom22wawowe which would you suggest10:28
wawoweTom22: even e17 would be lighter10:28
machdohvahI like this XChat better than XChat-GNOME10:29
wawoweTom22: in this order, fluxbox, lxde, e1710:29
wawoweTom22: you'll probably like lxde the best tho10:30
ubuntu-tryeron windows 7, how do i check md5sum of my linux iso?10:30
ritzmachdohvah, x-g is pretty broken as of now , patches welcome :)10:30
Tom22ubuntu-tryer do a google search for md5 hash checker, there's loads. Browse the file and compare it10:30
vincenzomlIdleOne: sure it works :)10:31
Tom22wawowe thanks :) which out of those uses the less resources?10:31
wawoweTom22: fluxbox10:31
vincenzomlIdleOne: but maybe it defeats a little bit the usefulness of "recent files" and the search facility in the dash10:31
Tom22wawowe thanks :) is it in the repos?10:31
machdohvahWell, I threw it away (uninstalled it) in favor of this one... At least I have a list of users10:31
wawoweTom22: yes, and as far as a filemanager you should install pcmanfm10:31
wawoweTom22: or thunar10:32
Tom22wawowe thank you very much for your help. I'll try that now.10:32
curiousxaloha all :D10:33
IdleOnevincenzoml: not really, Ubuntu assumes you will be using the default applications. you can change which app is used for certain file types by changing it in the properties of the file10:33
damms005pls i need to migrate wubi10:33
IdleOne!wubi | damms005 there is a link on this page that explains how10:33
hampsterbladeOk so I think my issues may be due to twinveiw. This is the section of xorg.conf  how can i set it to use xrandr instead?10:33
ubottudamms005 there is a link on this page that explains how: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe10:33
damms005pls help on migrating wubi. i read a thread on how to do it on ubuntu forum but my disk is messed up. it has a lot of unallocated space that i can't format10:34
machdohvahSo... I finally found a chat client-server-thingy and would like to find a chat room that I used to be on in Yahoo Messenger, But I do not think it would be a good idea to even try to install Messenger in Wine.10:35
curiousxdamms005: did you try with "dd"10:35
curiousxi meant formating with dd command10:35
stiv2kwhat do i do if it says unable to boot because the cpu is missing pae and cmov10:35
stiv2kfrom the live cd10:36
wawowemachdohvah: pidgin10:36
damms005wat is dd?10:36
curiousx!dd | damms00510:37
wawowedamms005: what happens when you try to format?10:37
curiousx!info dd | damms00510:37
ubottudamms005: Package dd does not exist in precise10:37
machdohvahI am assuming you mean that I should install "pidgin" from the Ubuntu Center10:37
wawowedamms005: if you do use dd you'll have to be careful10:37
curiousx=P nothing happend  xD10:37
Dr_willishttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix)    info on the dd command10:38
wawowemachdohvah: yes, it supports msn and yahoo10:38
machdohvahbye for now10:38
Qalqiwhat is the significance of ~/.xsession file?10:38
curiousxwell, with dd you can erase the whole disk and then you can give a format for that disk10:38
machdohvahI will uninstall XChat10:38
wawoweQalqi: a login manager like xdm executes in on login10:38
Dr_willisQalqi,  on the login screen i think theres a 'custom' or 'user defined' entry that runs that session file instead of a normal desktop10:39
Qalqimy xrdp works only if I have gnome-session --session=gnome written in .xsession file10:39
damms005I am not having problem installing. I am having problem with my hardisk. Check the snapshot of my hardisk image here. I am very grateful, curiousx http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199002510:39
Dr_willisxrdp must be running its own desktop then Qalqi .10:39
curiousxdamms005: the command is some like that: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda10:39
* Dr_willis never uses xrdp.10:39
MrMalakok so I am trying to install KDE now with sudo apt-get kde-workspace-bin and its saying its an invalid operation10:40
QalqiDr_willis: which one should i use then?10:40
curiousxdamms005: search for info with that command, with that command you will format all particions10:40
wawowedamms005: what curiousx said will erase everything on your hard disk, so make sure that's what you want before you do it10:40
Dr_willisQalqi,  i dont know what you are wanting to do.. so no idea.10:40
pcfreak30Hello, I just did a test upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 in a vps so i tried in my live VPS. I got everything mostly find but now im getting a bunch of dependncy errors with this on th ssh session http://pastie.org/private/aberne1xznw2idcwliy3tg10:41
damms005Check the snapshot of my hardisk image here.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1990025. I am very grateful to u all10:41
pcfreak30VPS is using OenVZ btw10:41
Qalqiwat are the other options, Dr_willis? I wanna try a few.10:41
Dr_willisQalqi,  i dont know what you are wanting to do......10:41
curiousxoh! now i understand10:42
wawowedamms005: which one of those is your windows partition?10:42
QalqiI wanna access desktop from my lab. thats all10:42
curiousxso, you have unallocated space on your disk, and yo wanna to expand a partition in order to use that unalocated space10:43
Dr_willisQalqi,  i just use ssh and X forwarding these days10:43
curiousxwell, first at all make backup of your importants files, then okay with partitions10:43
curiousxthen play*10:44
damms005sda2 is windows partition. thanks wawowe.  http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=218885&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1338282795.10:44
wawowedamms005: assuming there's nothing on any of those other partitions, remove them10:44
curiousxdmichael: run gparted and paste an image here10:45
wawowedamms005: they should be ext4 if you're trying to migrate a wubi install to a full one10:45
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
damms005wawowe: you will notice that from my snapshot, http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=218885&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1338282795, there are GiB of used space on those partition10:46
Chuck_Norrisdamms005: and append a image in that thread10:46
damms005wawowe, see the unused space? how do I re-allocate them10:46
wawowedamms005: i assumed that was from a botched copy job10:46
pcfreak30any help with this retarded depenency issue. its so low level if i remove the package my system would prob get wiped.10:47
wawowedamms005: get all your data on one partition10:47
damms005wawowe, I dont know what botched copy job is. I just snapshoot my Gparted image of my  only sda10:47
wawowedamms005: make a new partition that is formatted with ext410:47
pcfreak30libc6 appears to have  a "subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" crash on install10:48
wawowedamms005: mount the wubi image and copy the filesystem into it10:48
damms005A single partition will not contain all my data wawowe10:48
wawowedamms005: why do you have so many parititions?10:48
blackshirtwhat the problem ?10:49
jribpcfreak30: well... what kernel are you using10:49
wawowedamms005: that's kind of an insane windows setup10:49
hampsterbladeIs there a way to change which monitor the launcher shows up on in xinerama?10:49
Chuck_Norrisi ditnt saw the image sry =P10:49
hampsterbladeAll the usual ways give me randr errors10:49
damms005wawowe: because I am a SCREWER. I just don't know much when I was TOYING with my disk. WAWOWE PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME WITH MY IGNORANCE...(shy)10:49
Sidveewhat does :%s/pe/hs mean???10:49
jribSidvee: in vim you mean?10:50
pcfreak30jrib, 2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1. understand this is a OpenVZ vps. NOT a dedi, laptop or desktop. i upgraded from a 10.04 openvz template.10:50
wawowedamms005: not judging :P just wondering10:50
Sidveejrib: yes10:50
pcfreak30so the kernel is out of my control10:50
jribpcfreak30: contact your provider (see the "WARNING" in what you pasted)10:50
damms005wawowe: "mount the wubi image and copy the filesystem into it" that is not EASY STRAIGHT. Right?10:50
jribSidvee: :he :s10:51
damms005wawowe: I like you. You're so kind. Thank you10:51
wawowedamms005: first you need to get all your data off those extended partitions10:51
Sidveejrib: I sill didn't get it. What does that do?10:51
jribSidvee: basically that will replace "pe" with "hs" the first time it happens on each line.  The % is a range that refers to the whole document10:51
pcfreak30jrib thing is it seems more of an issue in the fact it crashed than the kernel msg.10:51
jribpcfreak30: seems like an issue with the kernel version to me10:52
wawowedamms005: assuming there's nothing of value on sda1, you could erase everything on there and that will open 30gb10:52
Sidveejrib: what if i want to replace "pe" with "hs" and all "hs" with "pe". Swap i mean.10:52
damms005wawowe: I think that is where the WINDOWS BOOTLOADER is.(sda1)10:53
wawowedamms005: put as much as you can on sda1 and sda2, then shrink sda3 as much as possible10:53
wawowedamms005: if you're getting rid of windows, you don't need that anymore10:53
jribSidvee: then you would do the exact same thing but switch the location of "pe" with "hs".  If you want the command to affect more than the first instance of the search string, then you should append "/g"10:53
jribSidvee: erm, that wouldn't work, hold on10:53
damms005wawowe: and I will be able to boot?10:53
jribSidvee: I don't know offhand10:54
wawowedamms005: your goal is to get rid of windows, isn't it?10:54
Sidveejrib:  Yes. Coz that will not swap. rather change the occurence to one10:54
wawowedamms005: after ubuntu is setup a new bootloader will be installed10:54
damms005wawowe: I owe you10:55
Sidveejrib: %s/his/her10:55
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Sidveejrib: %s/his/her will cahnge his to her? what does %s stands for here.10:55
jribSidvee: you're not reading the help I sent you nor what I type10:56
damms005wawowe: Don't forget that I am not installing from disk. i am migrating wubi....Does this also install another boot?10:56
Dr_willisid do a normal install. then mount/copy stuff from the existing wubi install10:56
wawowedamms005: you're going to have to install the bootloader manually, but yes10:57
Sidveejrib: Where is the help? I read what you type. % will make the changes in whole document. What about 's'?10:57
jribSidvee: :he :s10:57
jribSidvee: in vim10:57
damms005wawowe: Does this affect wine (to laod win apps like NOTEPAD++...my best)10:57
Chuck_Norrisdamms005: just backup the .wine directory10:57
Benkinoobyhi, does anyone know turn off the backlight of the monitor on a laptop? i'd like to do so in order to use the laptop when there is a lot of sunlight10:58
wawowedamms005: there are better editors that you don't need wine to run, but if you want to, yes wine can run notepad++10:58
zombifierOr just use PlayOnLinux, which keeps applications' .wine prefix separate10:58
zombifierIMO gedit is pretty good at it is10:58
damms005wawowe: Ao do I install bootloader manually(I don't like this if there is an AUTOMATIC alternative)10:58
Sidveejrib: there is no help for :s10:58
jribSidvee: of course there is10:58
Dr_willisi perfer geany. ;) and it has a windows port10:58
jribSidvee: in your vim session, type ":he :s" without the quotes and then press enter10:59
zombifiergedit is lighter and cleaner :D10:59
wawowedamms005: by manually i mean by using the command "grub-install". as far as a gui alternative, i'm not aware of it10:59
damms005Hey guys, I have not installed WINE yet, but I am saying that since the windows apps are unformatted, I ca still access them, despite that I don't have windows OS(wubi migration)11:00
Chuck_Norrisi prefer nano :D11:00
MagePsychohow to search folder with name media recursively?11:00
jribMagePsycho: you want to search by file name or file contents?11:00
zombifierEMACS *ducks11:00
damms005wawowe: Can I do grub-install without migrating?11:00
MagePsychoby folder name11:00
wawowedamms005: yes, but why would you do that?11:01
jribMagePsycho: find location_you_want_to_search -name name_pattern_you_want_to_search_for11:01
zombifierNautilus can search for files in a folder I think11:01
Aritz_anyone know how to see what happen to udp packets in linux?11:01
Sidveejrib: :help :s worked.11:01
Chuck_NorrisAritz_: wireshark11:01
MrMalakI have KDE installed now and running but I am not geting the option to run in on log in, is there anything I can do to force it to start when some one starts xwindows or just logs in?11:01
Sidveejrib: for substitute right? And % for the whole document. Ortherwise it will be doing only in first occurance11:02
Sidveejrib: Making sense?11:02
damms005wawowe: I don't want windows to be deciding time-out for my LINUX. like if I boot-up now, the multiboot menu will AUTOMATICALLYselect windows and time-out to 10secs and AUTOMATICALLY load windos11:02
jribSidvee: no, % means on every line, otherwise it only does it on the line you are on now11:02
wawoweMrMalak: you mean like autologin?11:02
damms005wawowe: windows is not worth that11:02
Aritz_Chuck_Norris: i want to monitor in each stack from aplication to link layer11:03
Sidveejrib: Okie! :) got it. Thanks. :)11:03
MonkeyDustdamms005  you can change the grub settings11:03
MrMalakI mean I would like KDE to start rather than XFCE11:03
Aritz_Chuck_Norris: wireshark wont do11:03
damms005So how do I do grub-install?11:03
Sidveejrib: what is the best way to get started with vim?11:03
jribSidvee: run « vimtutor » in your shell11:03
zombifierMrMalak: You can select what DE you want to start at the login screen11:03
wawowedamms005: maybe the migration isn't quite what you want11:03
Sidveejrib: is this the best?11:03
jribSidvee: imo, yes11:04
wawowedamms005: just edit the windows boot.ini and change the default to wubi11:04
MrMalakIm going to reboot again but I dont think I even get a login screen like that now11:04
MrMalakI will brb11:04
MonkeyDustdamms005  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:04
ngomesanyone knows vsftpd-ext package for ubuntu ?11:04
damms005GEEEEEZZZZ...I mean you guys all are GURUS...... How do I change GRUB settings.......That's not easy as said11:04
Sidveejrib: Thanks a lot for answering these lame questions.11:04
jribSidvee: anytime :D11:04
wawoweMonkeyDust: he's got a wubi install, grub is not installed on his system at the moment, it's pure ntfs and windows11:05
Chuck_NorrisAritz_: and if you filter by UDP only?11:05
dashavoohas anyone else had big issues with 12.04 when trying to clone a list of installed packaged from one machine to another with --get-selections and --set-selections?11:05
wawoweMonkeyDust: so setting up grub would be pointless11:05
MonkeyDustwawowe  didnt know it was wubi, just entered11:05
Aritz_anyone know how to see what happen to udp packets in each layer in linux?11:06
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Chuck_Norris!clone | dashavoo11:06
ubottudashavoo: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate11:06
damms005wawowe: I want ONLY linux, but my fear is these apps...I don't just see replacements. I boot windows because of those not-yet-replaceable apps. That's why. thanks11:06
Dr_willisdamms005,  what apps?11:07
damms005wawowe: How do I edit just edit :windows boot.ini and change the default to wubi11:07
wawowedamms005: load up windows and run msconfig, edit the boot sequence so the default is Wubi.mbr11:07
Chuck_Norrisdamms005: so... whats are those apps that you run on windows, maybe we can tell ya some alternatives11:07
dashavooChuck_Norris: thanks - does that method do things a lot differently to what I was doing? Or is it the problems with multiarch you were drawing my attention to?11:07
MonkeyDustdamms005  my advice is to install ubuntu using a live cd or usb, not wubi (inside windows)11:07
damms005wawowe: I think I am not too troublesome. Am I?11:07
MonkeyDustdamms005  you're not, wubi is ;)11:08
Dr_williswubi can be very fragile.  011:08
damms005willis: Notepad++,11:08
adonishow do i find out what my ip is when using wirless networking?11:08
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Dr_willisnotepad++ ? you are going to stick to windows over a text exitor?11:08
wawowedamms005: are you a troll?11:08
Chuck_Norrisdashavoo: just i remeber that and i'll tell ubottu that puts that outputs :D11:08
Dr_willisive not seen much notepad++ does that other major editors dont.11:08
adonis!show ip address11:09
ubottuadonis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:09
damms005wawowe: I am loving these. You guys just made my day. Thank YOU GOD11:09
Dr_willisand no matter what notepad++ does.. i bet emacs or vi can do it 100 different ways. :)11:09
ubotturesolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/11:09
wawowedamms005: yw :)11:09
D[4]niis there a way to find out the name of the mainboard as non-root without installing extra packages?11:10
Chuck_Norrisdamms005: there is no problem running notepad++ with wine11:10
Dr_willisyou normally dont want to use a windows text editor to edit text files on your linux system either.. it can cause weird.. issues11:10
damms005MonkeyDust: How do I do new CD install without loosing my presently ENRICHED and PIMPED wubi version(settings, installed apps, etc)11:11
Chuck_NorrisChuck_Norris warranted11:11
zombifierdamms005: back up everything in your home folder, including hidden folders11:11
Chuck_Norrisdamms005: but... why not back up your files and do a clean install and that's all11:12
damms005Not very heavy editing: I just do some WEB codings that's all11:12
=== Zorro is now known as Guest26235
Adonisanyone help me with resolv.conf????11:13
damms005GUYYSSSS: I want a clean install but problem is getting my EXACT PRESENT LINUX. I am confused. WUBI MIGRATE or CD NEW INSTALL WITHOUT LOSS11:13
blackshirtAdonis: what the problem? describe more detail ...11:13
wawoweAdonis: what as your problem?11:13
Chuck_Norris!anyone | Adonis11:14
ubottuAdonis: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:14
zombifierdamms005: You can backup your entire partition11:14
zombifierJust copy / into another drive11:14
D[4]nimy irc client just crashed, did anyone answer me? :<11:14
zombifierWhat was your question again?11:14
Adonismy resolv.conf is standard set to, but when its like this i cannot connect to irc, so someone to me to change it to and it works, only something keeps chanign it back to !!!!11:14
gryD[4]ni: about what?11:14
damms005GUYS: like backup my /root, new clean CD install ,delete new /root of new install and replace with /root of previous wubi and viola!!!!!!!!11:15
D[4]nii asked about 2 minutes ago how to find out the mainboard name as non-root (is that even possible?)11:15
wawoweAdonis: add to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head11:16
Chuck_NorrisAdonis: append "nameserver" and "nameserver" without quotes in the "resolv.conf" file11:16
wawoweAdonis: nameserver
damms005wawowe: if i load up windows and run msconfig, edit the boot sequence so the default is Wubi.mbr....: Will I still have option/opportunity to boot into windows?11:17
gbqw435Get ENDLESS gadgets on www.nycdental.us Come visit!11:17
Adonisthere is no  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d file11:17
DJonesgbqw435: No spam here thanks11:17
wawowedamms005: everything will freeze and wubi will install the infamous ubuntis bios virus if you change that file11:18
wawoweAdonis: what's in /etc/resolvconf ?11:18
ubotturesolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/11:19
wawoweAdonis: /etc/resolvconf11:19
wawoweAdonis: not resolv.conf11:19
Adonisyea thats where i am /etc/resolv.conf11:19
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Adonisand only file in there is update-libc.d11:20
MagePsychoI have one issue guys, i tried to zip the current directory using: tar -zcvf www.tar.gz --exclude=media *   but prolem is that it excluded all the media directory other than the root11:20
=== enchilado is now known as charquican
gbqw435Get ENDLESS gadgets on www.nycdental.us Come visit!11:20
wawoweAdonis: create a folder called resolv.conf.d in there11:20
gbqw435Get ENDLESS gadgets on www.nycdental.us Come visit!11:20
gbqw435Get ENDLESS gadgets on www.nycdental.us Come visit!11:21
wawoweAdonis: and: echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head11:21
=== EvanR is now known as Guest13363
damms005wawowe:Pls  don't leave me at this point: you said I can run msconfig and all will be fine...again u said "everything will freeze and wubi will install the infamous ubuntis bios virus if you change that file" PLEASE11:22
wawowedamms005: ok, sorry for my outburst11:22
wawowedamms005: it just gets so stressful u kno11:22
wawowedamms005: how can i please you11:23
damms005wawowe: I am confused:11:23
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mitsuhikohey everybody. any ideas why upstart might hang on starting a process of mine? "expect fork/daemonize" do not help.11:24
mitsuhikoit basically just hangs there doing nothing on service start11:24
Dr_williscould be its not launching whatever binary you are telling it to - to the background so the service can continue on. ie 'commandtorun &' vs just 'command'11:25
damms005wawowe: You said I can run msconfig and all will be fine...THEN AGAIN YOU SAID:  "everything will freeze and wubi will install the infamous ubuntis bios <<<VIRUS>>> if you change that file".11:25
mitsuhikoDr_willis: the process daemonizes from the command line properly11:25
damms005wawowe:Everything will freeze and wubi will install the infamous ubuntis bios <<<VIRUS>>> if you change that file". What are the "things" that are going to "freeze" and how malicious is the "virus". Sorry11:26
mitsuhikoDr_willis: what's even weirder is that it works for one script but not for another11:27
mitsuhikosalt-master works, salt-minion fails11:28
AnomHmm, Any reason why this http://bpaste.net/show/JB32P3eHPWpEeUbXT5mf/ is producing the following output hostname: Unknown host11:28
mitsuhikoAnom: what's in /etc/hostname must also be a name for
mitsuhikoadd it to the line before localhost11:28
mitsuhikoalso add the fqdn to it as well11:29
mitsuhikoeg: myhost myhost.example.com localhost11:29
damms005pls help wawowe said: "Everything will freeze and wubi will install the infamous ubuntis bios <<<VIRUS>>> if you change that file" .<br/>Pls what are the "things" that are going to "freeze" and how malicious is the "virus". Sorry11:29
Dr_willisdamms005,  err.. that was a rather pathic joke....11:29
tsuserpxe boot menu is not showing while using fog11:29
wawowedamms005: everything will11:30
wawowedamms005: your fans will stop working and your computer will blow up11:30
Chuck_NorrisAnom: paste here your prompt11:30
zombifierwawowe: that's the stupidest thing I have ever heard11:30
damms005Chuck_Norris: wawowe said: "Everything will freeze and wubi will install the infamous ubuntis bios <<<VIRUS>>> if you change that file". What are the "things" that are going to "freeze" and how malicious is the "virus". Sorry11:32
Aritz_\anyone know how to see what happen to udp packets in linux?11:32
Chuck_Norrisdamms005: idk, damms005 Chuck Norris recommend ya that backups your files and do a clean install11:32
wawowedamms005: alright, i submit. you are the winner11:33
damms005Dr_willis: So pathetic. I am considering suing wawowe for that. (Don't worry, the courtyard is behindmy house and  I am willing to sponsor your flight...lol)11:33
damms005wawowe: PLS back to seriousness now. So why is GRUB not installed automatically when I wubi-installed ubuntu?11:33
AsterIs there a way to make Ubuntu 12.04 treat a USB flash drive containing 11.10 as an update.11:33
* Dr_willis could have had ubuntu intalled 2 times and configured just how he likes it by now damms005 ........11:33
Guest55695damms005: because you are using wubi. wubi installs 'inside' of a Windows partition and uses the Windows bootloader to start ubuntu.11:34
OerHeksAster, 11.10 as an update for 12.04? NO !11:34
wawoweAster: why would you want to do that?11:34
AsterBecause 12.04 sucks.11:34
AsterAnd I want my 11.10 back.11:34
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Chuck_NorrisAster: i don't agree11:35
OerHeksAster, then reinstall, no downgrade possible11:35
Dr_willisI will stick with 12.0411:35
wawoweAster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto11:35
AsterOerHeks, is there a way of reinstalling while keeping all the stuff in my home folder?11:35
Asterwawowe, Internal Server Error11:35
wawoweAster: refresh11:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:36
Chuck_Norrisand the faty google's employe says in the UDS: "I just wanna start saying somthing... Preceise rock!!" :D and all respond Yeah!!! :D11:36
savrthe 3.4 kernel ppa 64bit download says 32bit in the description11:36
OerHeksChuck_Norris, is that helpfull ?11:36
wawoweAster: if you remove every folder except your home dir and reinstall without formatting, then your home will still be there when it's done11:36
Chuck_NorrisOerHeks ?11:36
wawoweAster: i don't know if the ubuntu install has an option to "not format" though11:36
Aster"Perl script" No thanks.11:36
Chuck_Norrishey! i made the post about mah conky :D11:37
Chuck_Norrisbut i can't see it =(11:37
Chuck_NorrisOerHeks: when ill be able to see it ?11:37
damms005wawowe: my question is still unanswered: 1. Can I do grub-install now?(without doing wubi-migration)...2.Why is GRUB not made my default bootloader when I wubi-installed ubuntu? Thakns my guys11:37
wawoweAster: the second method on that page does not use a perl script11:37
wawowedamms005: ask someone else :)11:38
ikoniadamms005: please don't do that11:39
wawowedamms005: sorry i'm just not in the mood for that type of fun right now :P, plus i'll go down too11:39
OerHeksChuck_Norris, last post was a week ago.11:39
Chuck_Norrisnop, i tell ya, i made a post in: http://ubuntuforums.org in the: "tips and tricks" section11:40
damms005To Everybody: SORRY11:41
Dr_willisdamms005,  wubi dosent use grub...11:41
Chuck_Norrisabout mah conky config, but i can not see it and a few minutes ago i saw a new thread on that section, but it wasnt mah thread :(11:41
ngomesanyone with chroot issues on vsftpd on 12.04 ?11:41
damms005Dr_willis: then if i follow the instruction to migrate wubi, does it mean that windows is still in charge?(I read that GRUB is a bootloader)11:42
wawowengomes: what issues are you having?11:42
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ngomeswawowe, looks like 12.04 version of vsftpd cant use normal chroot no more11:43
hampsterbladeI'm having some weird issues setting up dual monitors.  With twinview the two monitors are different resolutions which causes a lot of issues.11:43
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hampsterbladeBut with xinerama I can't get the launcher on the right display11:43
ikoniahampsterblade: thats not uncommon with twinview11:43
ngomeswawowe, needs some parameter on config , but that allow users to go to /home , seeing others users stuff11:43
wawowengomes: i usually do homedir chroots and they still work for me atm using 12.0411:44
ngomeswawowe, chroot is done on /home and not on each users home11:44
hampsterbladealso with twinview I had terrible performance, with xinerama, things are working a lot better11:44
ikoniahampsterblade: yes, because xinerma doesn't use the 3d modules11:44
wawowengomes: /home?11:44
ngomeswawowe, yes11:44
ikoniahampsterblade: twinview is normally a better option, however certain situations will make it problematic/less suitable11:44
wawowengomes: pastbin your vsftpf.conf11:44
damms005Dr_willis: wawowe: what happens if i edit /etc/default/grub file and to the custom scripts located in /etc/grub.d. now without migrating? (sorry for this so dull question)11:45
hampsterbladeThe problem I'm having is if I set my right monitor as monitor 0, dragging icons between the windows breaks, but if I set the right monitor as monitor 1 I can't get the launcher on that window11:45
ikoniahampsterblade: "breaks" ?11:46
hampsterbladeI can't get all the way to the right side of the window, If I drag an icon it goes across the left monitor twice11:46
ikoniahampsterblade: sounds like a problem caused by the different resolutions11:47
damms005if I migrate wubi, will GRUB boot take over from windows automatically?11:47
ngomeswawowe, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012966/11:47
hampsterbladeThat is my guess, but there has to be a way to do this11:47
hampsterbladeI can't give up the nvidia drivers as I need the 3D for a few games11:47
ikoniahampsterblade: yes, but you may have to accept the limitations11:47
Picidamms005: I would assume so. It would be a rather useless migration if you couldn't boot to it.11:48
hampsterbladeLimitations are it simply doesn't work at all11:48
hampsterbladeWhat I want is simple dual monitors with the launcher on the right window11:48
ikoniahampsterblade: becuase of your setup11:48
ikoniahampsterblade: try running it on one monitor to get an idea of how well your card works11:48
hampsterbladeMy card works fine in single window mode11:48
hampsterbladeAnd in xinerama11:48
ikoniahampsterblade: ok, so you know your card has reasonable base support with the nvidia module11:49
hampsterbladebut in twinview it brings the system to a crawl11:49
ikoniahampsterblade: the issue seems to be caused by twinview and the different screen resolutions, which as I've said is not massivly uncommon11:49
wawowengomes: create a test user to login with and see if it still chroots to /home instead of their actual home directory11:49
hampsterblademinecraft was eatting 400% cpu and even gedit was lagging11:49
damms005Like GRUB now being in charge of timing linux by default11:49
savr hi, during boot I got a iomon / pci error11:49
savr which log should I be looking for this error?11:49
ikoniahampsterblade: I doubt it was eating %400 cpu as that's not possible11:50
hampsterbladehtop representation11:50
hampsterblade4 full cores out of 611:50
ngomeswawowe, i have 2 users on vps ...11:50
ikoniaas the rending would not effect the cpu11:50
ikoniahampsterblade: that is possible that java is causing that issue11:50
hampsterbladealmost like it wasn't using my graphics card at all11:50
ikoniahampsterblade: have a look at running this in a single mode and just see what happens11:50
ikonia(single monitor mode)11:50
hampsterbladein xinerama the cpu is sitting low as it should11:50
wawowengomes: useradd -m -s /bin/bash test11:51
ikoniahampsterblade: yes, but you are not using 3d capabilities11:51
wawowengomes: passwd test11:51
ikoniahampsterblade: hence why I'm saying use the single monitor mode with the nvidia module and test it11:51
wawowengomes: ftp test@
hampsterbladeI don't understand what you mean by using 3d capabilities?11:51
damms005Pici: since partition will be changed after migration, don't you think booting linux will be affected?11:51
ikoniahampsterblade: xinerama can't support the 3d capabilities of the cards in dual head mode11:51
Sidewinderdamms005, If you really wish to know more about GRUB, might I suggest that you look here? http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html11:52
Picidamms005: Yes, which is why I believe  that the migration would need to install GRUB itself.11:52
damms005Thanks Pici, Thanks Sidewinder. Off I go to migration11:53
ngomeswawowe, 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()11:54
hampsterbladesingle monitor mode it seems to be fine11:54
ngomeswawowe, looks like u have a older version of vsftpd (<2.3.5)11:54
hampsterbladein twinview i had lightdm eating a lot of cpu, not the case with single monitor11:54
wawowengomes: wast that when you tried to login or when you restarted vsftpd11:55
ikoniahampsterblade: ok, so it sounds like there is a problem with twinview11:55
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ngomeswawowe, login11:55
ikoniahampsterblade: you'll need to contact nvidia and log a bug if it's a bug with the module against your card in twinview mode11:55
ngomeswawowe, dpkg -l |grep -i vsftp11:55
ngomeswawowe, your version is ... ?11:55
hampsterbladeahh, not what I wanted to hear...  I really wish I could ge tit working11:56
wawowengomes: in your conf enable ftpsecure user, but set it to "ftp"11:56
wawowengomes: and if you don't have one add the ftp user11:56
ikoniahampsterblade: as it's closed source, nothing can really be done to seriously work out what's going on or really fix11:56
wawowengomes: 2.3.5-1ubuntu211:56
PunTrbuhhi, what is changing/rewriting my resolv.conf ? inside it is a warning not to change it because it will be overwritten, but it doesn't say by what11:56
ikoniahampsterblade: you can only narrow it down to the most realistic option and then contact the right peeople11:56
ikoniaPunTrbuh: dnsmasq11:57
PunTrbuhthank you11:57
damms005Pls can you have a look at this and suggest how i can remove the three unallocated space to make them useful? http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=218885&stc=1&thumb=1&d=133828279511:57
hampsterbladeI just wish nvidia would support xrandr like everyone else11:57
hampsterbladeworks so simply11:57
ngomeswawowe, what parameter is that ?11:57
ikoniahampsterblade: again, contacting nvidia would be the way to raise that11:57
wawowengomes: nopriv_user11:57
damms005Bigger image:  http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=218885&d=133828279511:58
ngomeswawowe, so nopriv_user=ftp11:59
wawowengomes: and allow_writeable_chroot=YES11:59
wawowengomes: and useradd -M -s /bin/false ftp12:00
damms005http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=218885&d=1338282795: that is about 23GiB unallocated free space that I can backup into if they are allocated. I don't know how to allocate them.12:01
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ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment12:01
ngomeswawowe, 500 OOPS: unrecognised variable in config file: allow_writeable_chroot12:02
ngomeswawowe, can u send me your config ?12:02
damms005http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=218885&d=1338282795: pls is there a way to allocate the unallocate spaces in this Gparted snapshot?12:02
angshow to set password on ubuntu?12:03
angsroot psw12:03
robotdevilwow I just read canoical is dropping kubuntu ^&%^&*(&()*&^%$#@##^^(*(_)12:03
savr hi, during boot I got a iomon / pci error12:05
savr which log should I be looking for this error?12:05
susundbergprobably /var/log/kern.log12:05
wawowengomes: hold on, just relized i have the same issue :P12:05
ngomeswawowe, :)12:05
smellydoghi, I have 12.04 (uname output: Linux ubuntunas 3.2.0-24-generic-pae #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 21 18:54:21 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux) and an ASUS E35M1-M(AMD APU with ATI graphic), my system hang if I use "halt" from command line, leaving a purple screen.   But the "shutdown -h now" works fine...12:05
ngomeswawowe, http://www.benscobie.com/fixing-500-oops-vsftpd-refusing-to-run-with-writable-root-inside-chroot/12:05
damms005okay wawowe. make this my last12:07
Lejdahey guys12:08
Lejdahow can i change kayboard layout in command line12:08
OerHekssmellydog halt should stop the system. so it works fine ( use halt --poweroff )  >> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/reboot.8.html12:08
Benkinoobyhi, could anyone on a laptop please paste me the output of 'cat /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/DD04/brightness'?12:08
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wawowengomes: local_root=/home works12:10
wawowengomes: but only chroots to /home12:10
savrthanks susundberg12:10
Dave234082734Hello, I just upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and I finally got pulse audio to recognize the built-in audio, however it is only recognizing the digital output and I need it to recognize the audio output..12:10
Benkinoobyhi, could anyone on a laptop please paste me the output line of 'cat /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/DD04/brightness | grep levels'?12:10
Dave234082734The analog audio output.12:11
savr sdhci-pci 0000:09:00.1: Invalid iomem size. You may experience problems.12:11
savrthat was the error12:11
damms005pls if i migrate wubi, will grub-menu be installed automatically?12:14
wawowengomes: i added local_root=/home/ftp12:14
damms005Pls if I migrate wubi, will grub-menu be installed automatically?12:14
wawowengomes: and chown -R ftp. /home/ftp12:15
wawowengomes: then edited /etc/group and added users to the ftp group12:15
ngomeswawowe, can u send me your config please12:15
su_how do i uninstall a ,deb file if it does not display as an installed app in precise pangolin? i installed the .deb from the new software thingie12:16
su_from right clicking on the .deb12:16
wawowengomes: one sec12:16
wawowengomes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012986/12:17
su_i think i installed the wrong version of nixnote (32 bit)12:17
speakHi! When I have my terminal full screen by F11, Alt+Tabbing to certain applications (ThunderBird, DBViewer at least) doesn't bring them to the front. What could be wrong?12:17
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wawowengomes: add yourself to the ftp group12:19
wawowengomes: i got home chroots working12:19
wawowengomes: you may not need to do that actually12:21
damms005bye all12:21
wawowengomes: i changed everything back, only thing that's different in my conf is i commented out chroot_local_user=YES12:22
ngomeswawowe, i getting users to jump to /home and see others users dir12:22
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geezaWhat is the EASIEST linux version (that has most needed software installed) that I can install for my retarded wife?12:23
wawowengomes: there's mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012991/12:23
su_I'm sorry to be a noob with this. Does anyone have any ideas. I'm not savvy with removing packages from the terminal -- Screenshot:: http://i.imgur.com/h1aRD.png12:23
PunTrbuhconsider buying less retarded wife. Russian ones have free shipping12:24
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geezaim stuck with this one12:24
savrthanks susundberg fixed the problem with a google search and the correct error12:24
PunTrbuhThen you're stuck with mentoring her no matter the distribution. Since you're on this chan, i'll say you already know what you'll use12:24
anon17i dont mean to spam .. .. ->> please see my blog www.fl4shbang.blogspot.com ..>> u will like it :)12:26
wawowengomes: yea, it's not a chroot though12:26
ikoniaanon17: if you don't mean to spam - don't spam,12:26
wawowengomes: so not resolved12:26
ngomeswawowe, -.- lol12:27
geezaok. linux mint it is12:27
ngomeswawowe, http://www.benscobie.com/fixing-500-oops-vsftpd-refusing-to-run-with-writable-root-inside-chroot/12:27
wawowengomes: didn't see anything on that page that works12:28
su_*sigh* anyone?12:28
PunTrbuhgeeza: from my expirience with wife, stick to distro you use, she fancied SuSe , i had hell of a time explainin to her not everything si same when she sits at a nother distro12:28
cypher-neogeeza, I like XFCE Voyager. It has ridiculously amounts of extras installed!12:28
ikoniasu_: please don't both with the "sigh anyone" stuff, just wait for a response12:28
ngomeswawowe, yeah , it will always have access to /home , but looks like vsftpd-ext with parameter works , but there's no package12:28
wawowengomes: another option could be to chmod 444 certain home directories and make a writable one in it12:32
Picisu_: sudo dpkg -r nixnote12:32
su_you know what? it's my birthday today, i'm homeless and one of my molars jjust freaking cracked in half. All I did was ask a question. and got no response whatsoever. Someone could have said *something* to me12:32
su_thank you!12:32
su_i am so sorry, i'm just struggling emotionally right now12:32
wawowengomes: chmod 55512:33
su_hmm says no installed package. i guess i can just use the web interface. I'm sorry for bothering you all12:34
OerHekssu_  "<su_> how do i uninstall a ,deb file if it does not display as an installed app in precise pangolin?" >>  so it is not installed then.12:34
wawowengomes: just tested it and it works12:34
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ngomeswawowe, that doesnt that "W" (write)  on ssh12:35
ngomeswrite permissions12:35
wawowengomes: make a directory inside the home that they have write access to12:36
wawowengomes: tested with ssh too12:36
speakHi! When I have my terminal full screen by F11, Alt+Tabbing to certain applications (ThunderBird, DBViewer at least) doesn't bring them to the front. What could be wrong?12:38
kjelleHey, is it possible to start mplayer (with e.g. webcam) as the screensaver. If you move the mouse/keyb, you need to enter credentials, while the webcam is in the background..?12:39
ngomeswawowe, 555 then ?12:39
wawowengomes: chmod 555 /home/test; mkdir /home/test/ftp; chown -R test. /home/test/ftp12:40
wawowengomes: and re-enable chroot_local_users in vsftpd12:42
wawowengomes: anything that the users need by default can be added to /etc/skel12:43
wawowengomes: they are still capable of editing things like .bashrc the just can't create them12:43
ngomeswawowe, yeah 555 with passwd_chroot_enable=yes worked12:44
ngomeslooks like its solved by now12:44
edinnyI am having problems compiling which seem to be linked to libsigc++12:44
ngomesworkaround but solved12:45
ngomesthanks for your time wawowe12:45
edinnyI am having problems compiling which seem to be linked to libsigc++.  suggestions?12:45
HRH_H_Crabhi, whenever i log in to ubuntu it nags me that it wants to fsck sde3 on next boot.12:45
HRH_H_Crabproblem is that i dont have an sde3 so this never actually happens.12:46
HRH_H_Crabi think this is related to udev12:46
HRH_H_Craband a mixture of ide / sata drives12:46
HRH_H_Craband some sort of dynamic re-enumeration during the boot process.12:46
Dr_willisHRH_H_Crab,   check output of sudo blkid, and sudo fdisk -l12:46
HRH_H_Crabcan anyone assist?12:46
Dr_willisa pastebin of it may help the channel12:46
Dr_willisalso your /etc/fstab fole12:46
HRH_H_CrabDr_willis: its not listed in the output of blkid12:47
HRH_H_CrabDr_willis: its also not listed in the output of fdisk12:48
HRH_H_Crabit /was/ incorrectly set in fstab12:48
HRH_H_Crabbut ive corrected it and rebooted since.12:48
stuppystrange observance. I dual-boot with XP and have a shared data partition(NTFS). in Ubuntu, it's visible in the list of drives in nautilus and is opened when clicked but doesn't display the full dir contents. however, a simple ls in terminal reveals everything (not hidden directories)? any insight? instantly important for uploading to websites that use file browser to select multiple files.12:48
suitcaseanyone familiar with LDAP ?12:49
ShinobiHow do I install perl DBD::ODBC successfully? The CPAN install keeps erroring out.12:49
PiciShinobi: install the libdbd-odbc-perl package.12:51
x-iphi, seems pidgin isnt working in ubuntu precise, is only my problem ? i installed it with the software center, but when i click the icon it doesnt open any window12:51
HRH_H_CrabDr_willis: (or anyone else that can assist): http://pastebin.com/QU37r72Q12:52
linvexreally? i have no problem to run it.12:52
x-iphmm ok, i killed the process and launched it again and now it works :"|12:52
linvexi think it just a little problems12:53
HRH_H_Crabi suspect this is related to the mess which happens every time i dist-upgrade,12:53
HRH_H_Crabwhereby the installer decides that it wants to install grub to one of my raid drives.12:53
Dr_willisive no experince with raid.. other then know to stay away from it. from what i see in here. ;)12:54
linvexmy os is backtrack that bases ubuntu 11.012:54
Dr_willisi never dist upgrade either,12:54
hayateSoftware raid or hw raid?12:54
Dr_willislinvex,  backtrack has its own support channels. and is really not ment as a 'daily' use type os. its more for specific cases.12:54
linvexyes,you are right12:55
hayateLinvex, dr_willis true12:55
ShinobiPici: Sweet! Thanks!12:55
HRH_H_CrabDr_willis: the raid is fine.12:55
HRH_H_Crabthe problem is that ubuntu keeps changing its mind about what disks are called.12:55
HRH_H_Craband the problem is basically because something cant cope with the fact that someone might have a system with ide AND sata drives installed.12:56
HRH_H_Crab(or at least i think thats the problem)12:56
HRH_H_Crablinvex: check my pastebin url12:56
Dr_willisHRH_H_Crab,  I had an IDE and sata mixxed system   ages ago. :)12:56
alankilaHRH_H_Crab: that is why you use the uuid12:56
Dr_willisbut i dident raid them all together.12:57
DeltaHeavyHRH_H_Crab: I've run a system with a mixed system and it worked fine.12:57
Dr_willisi did accidently format hda when it was called sda with the change to libata. :)12:57
HRH_H_Crabalankila: do you understand my problem?12:58
alankilaHRH_H_Crab: I imagine your problem is that sometimes some device is sda and sometimes it's say sdc instead12:58
linvexsorry.i use IRC firstly12:58
HRH_H_Crabdo you think that changing the fstab entry from / = /dev/sda3 to / = uuid will fix it?12:58
HRH_H_Crabalankila: yes i think so.12:58
alankilasince linux's device naming policy is not stable, the use of UUID will solve the problem12:58
HRH_H_Crabill give it a go.12:58
Dr_williserr.. yea.. definatly do NOT use sda/sdwhatever type names. ;)12:59
DeltaHeavyalankila: How is it not stable? Not trying to cause a fuss, I just did'nt know that.12:59
alankilayou can check out the UUID's right now from /dev/disk/by-uuid, or using blkid /dev/sda3 or such12:59
hayateNew release use uuid naming12:59
kapzI installed ubuntu on SSD it takes 25 secs to boot from post...how can I make it faster?12:59
alankilaDeltaHeavy: stable as in "not changing". It's dependent on some random timing issue, as devices are discovered in parallel12:59
DeltaHeavyalankila: Thanks12:59
Dr_willisive also had some systems for example boot from a usb flash. and it becomnes sda.. everythign else got shifted down.13:00
Giant81kapz, stripped SSD's13:00
Dr_williswhatever device was the boot device. became sda ;)13:00
* Dr_willis dosent worry about 25 sec boot times.. when he has 25+ days uptime.13:01
kapzGiant81, I dont' understand, but it's a laptop and I replaced the HDD with transcend 128 gb ssd13:01
Simaohi all! I have i question, i think its simple but here it goes: i have my ubuntu 10.4 intalled but i want to install the new version, whats the best way?  can i just update it? or i have  to install the new one....13:01
alankilaI have a btrfs volume that runs some equivalent of fsck at every boot and it takes like 5 minutes13:01
OerHekskapz, i added noatime,discard to fstab, for trim & faster reading13:01
zieglerkapt-get update gives me 404 not found errors for a repo where "Packages" is not present, but "Packages.gz" would be there13:02
DeltaHeavySimao: Updating can cause some issues. It's best to just install from disk.13:02
zieglerkWhy does it not try the zipped alternative?13:02
Giant81Well there's your problem13:02
Giant81You have an MLC SSD, go buy an SLC, should speed things up13:02
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kapzOerHeks, I did that plus mounted my /tmp and /var/tmp on RAM13:02
alankilaI think modern MLCs can be pretty fast though. I imagine like 500 MB/s fast.13:03
cypher-neoSimao, The best way is to download an Ubuntu 12.04 .iso image, stick on a CD or USB drive, and boot from it.13:03
cypher-neoSimao, During the install process, you will get an option to upgrade the current system to 12.0413:03
cypher-neoSimao, You will not lose any files that way.13:03
Giant81oh yeah, I suspect a modern MLC to be pretty darn good and still smoke a HDD, but if he's out for the fastest thing he can get maybe an SLC is the way tot go13:03
OerHekskapz sounds fine, so i have no other idea what to tweak13:03
zieglerkHow do you convince apt-get update to try Packages.gz if Packages is not present?13:04
HRH_H_Crabalankila: didnt help13:04
HRH_H_Crab*** /dev/sde3 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***13:04
Simao#cypher-neo thanks!13:04
Simaothanks delta too13:04
kapzOerHeks, how much time does your setup take to boot? is it a laptop13:04
Domovoican i stop " system program problem detected " from popping up ?      Everything works fine , just sometimes this pops up when i am using xbmc , and i have to click cancel.13:04
alankilaHRH_H_Crab: confused. I'm pretty sure that if you removed explicit /dev/sd* references from fstab, they will be mounted according to the UUIDs you used instead13:04
HRH_H_Crabyoud think so wouldnt you?13:05
alankilawhat this has to do with disk chekcing is beyond me13:05
HRH_H_Crabbut no.13:05
alankiladid you use the right UUIDs then?13:05
HRH_H_Crabwell the machine has booted!13:05
HRH_H_Craball the filesystems are there.13:05
alankilasounds like success to me then13:05
ubottuclark: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:06
HRH_H_Crabalankila: but that was always the case.13:06
alankilanote that the mounts are made using the actual device node names instead of the UUID values in any case13:06
HRH_H_Crabteh problem is the stupid warning telling me that it wants to fsck sde3!13:06
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alankilaHRH_H_Crab: doubt it, if you previously argued that the device nodes were not stable and you used them directly in fstab.13:06
HRH_H_Crabthat doiesnt exist!13:06
Makdaamhello, I've got sound system problems13:07
HRH_H_Crabthe only ones in fstab that werent uuids13:07
HRH_H_Crabwere / and md113:07
HRH_H_Crabmd1 isnt exactly likely to get switched around13:07
OerHekskapz let me see, i installed bootchart, this is my latest boot @24-5-2012 >> http://picpaste.com/oerpc-precise-20120524-1-q2WY6Nhg.png13:07
HRH_H_Craband / is /13:07
Makdaamis there anyone who can help me with alsa? or is there a specific channel?13:07
HRH_H_Crabmy only other partitions (/boot and swap) were /already/ using uuids.13:07
HRH_H_Crabalankila: scroll up and check my pastebin13:08
HRH_H_Crabthe only change ive made is swapping sda3 for the uuid13:08
HRH_H_Craband i did md1 too just for consistancy.13:08
SidewinderHRH_H_Crab, After you get the UUID vs Disk-Name issue straitened out you might look into (man tune2fs) tune2fs to reconfigure aspects of fsck and possibly eliminate the sde and/or md1 part.13:08
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brobeansmsg nickserv identify Omfgsux2bu13:09
linvexi have no idea……13:09
HRH_H_CrabSidewinder: thanks13:09
OerHeksbrobeans change your pass now !13:09
HRH_H_Crabgives me some manpages to read and stuff to google13:09
Picibrobeans: more like sucks to be you, time to change your password.13:09
brobeanslol woops.13:09
SidewinderHRH_H_Crab, I'm not absolutely certain but it might be a good place to look.13:09
HRH_H_Craband sounds potentially productive!13:09
alankilathe message about sde3 may be generated from some kind of note linux has written down that a filesystem must be checked on some later boot. Not familiar with this message or who writes it.13:09
HRH_H_Crabi like your thinking.13:09
alankilaclearly it's out of date if there is no sde313:10
HRH_H_Crabalankila: i like that thinking too13:10
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:10
HRH_H_Craband if i was a betting man id say that is the exact problem.13:10
HRH_H_Crabi might have to backward engineer .profile!13:10
DomovoiCan i stop " system program problem detected " from popping up in 12.04 ?13:10
speakHi! When I have my terminal full screen by F11, Alt+Tabbing to certain applications (ThunderBird, DBViewer at least, even Chrome sometimes) doesn't bring them to the front. What could be wrong?13:11
kapzOerHeks, your's is like 5 secs faster than mine....anyways what did you do about the noop scheduler?13:11
speakIf I'm repeating the question too often, let me know and I'll slow down.13:11
OerHekskapz nothing, i guess13:11
OerHekskapz, btw this is not a laptop13:12
kumaryu /nick kumaryu13:12
kapzDoes anyone know about disabling disk scheduler optimization for ubuntu 12.04?13:13
brobeansoerHeks: thanks btw.13:13
brobeansPici: thanks ;)13:13
kapzOerHeks, that noop thing is only for HDD...doesn't matter laptop or desktop13:13
khmerogi have the newest kubuntu installed and my wifi usb adapter just stopped working but it still works under windows 7..any suggestions?13:13
DomovoiSorry to repeat the question ....   Does anyone know if there is a way to stop   " system program problem detected " from popping up in 12.04 ?   everything works fine , just the error is annoying.13:14
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=== luizcantoni is now known as cantoni
OerHekskapz noop scheduler, i found this info on a laptop AA1 page > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AA1/Using#Use_the_.22noop.22_I.2BAC8-O_scheduler13:16
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SidewinderDomovoi, If it's the same issue that I'm experiencing (yes, it is annoying) just wait until it gets fixed in an update, etc..13:17
wawowekhmerog: what kind of adapter is it?13:17
Dr_willisDomovoi,  teres some /var/log file that has the 'error logs' if you clean out that dir. it wont show that dialog.13:17
Dr_willisDomovoi,  i looked it up last week on the askubuntu.com site. ;)13:17
alecbenzerin 12.04, how do I get the login to work according to my .Xsession? I remember in an older version an Xession option appeared in the possible logins, but it doesn't seem to be coming up for me13:17
PiciDr_willis, Domovoi: You mean /var/crash/ ?13:17
Dr_willisalecbenzer,  You could make one, or i Seem to recall some package having that custome session in it.13:17
Dr_willisPici,  sounds about right. been some time ago.13:18
wawowealecbenzer: try .xsession13:18
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khmerogwawowe it is a G-link13:21
kapzOerHeks, yes but I want to kow if one should do anything about it in 12.04..I read somewhere that 12.04 automatically does that, but I want to make sure that it did13:21
wawowealecbenzer: i don't have lightdm, but i'm pretty sure the sessions are .desktop files somewhere in /usr/share13:21
khmerogopps i mean it is a linksys wawowe13:22
wawowekhmerog: what model?13:22
wawowekhmerog: version13:22
alecbenzer.xsession didn't seem to work either13:22
khmerogbut the light does even light up..i switched it to every usb i got...but my usb mouse and usb keyboard works13:22
khmeroghang on wawowe i wil find out13:22
OerHekskapz you are the first one to mention this, i am not sure. but i keep on looking for pro's and cons.13:23
khmeroglinksysy compact wireless-G usb adapter  WUSB54GC  wawowe13:23
gimpy08On 10.10 with LXDE how do I select which sound card to use?13:23
wawowealecbenzer: /usr/share/xsessions13:24
wawowegimpy08: what does aplay -l output?13:25
kapzOerHeks, http://tombuntu.com/13:26
wawowekhmerog: did it work before?13:26
wawowekhmerog: you may need ndiswrapper13:26
gimpy08wawowe: http://pastie.org/3988744 - I want the USB one13:26
xisorshadowhi everybody13:27
xisorshadowi have a perhaps very odd question13:27
terminalclienthey all, I need some help with HDMI audio on my acer revo rl70, it keeps going off or not working at all13:27
alecbenzerwawowe: would I just create a new one with "Exec=startx" ?13:27
xisorshadowis it possible to make it so grub automatically boots the default choice with no delay or even showing itself UNLESS i hit a certain key?13:27
wawowegimpy08: put this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013050/ in ~/.asoundrc13:28
gimpy08wawowe: Ok, then what?13:28
wawowealecbenzer: copy the gnome one or another one to custom.desktop and create a script for whatever you want to load13:28
wawowealecbenzer: for instance: echo "exec xclock" > /usr/local/bin/myxsession; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/myxsession13:29
wawowealecbenzer: for instance: and change "gnome-session" in the custom.desktop to myxsession13:30
wawowegimpy08: try to play an mp3 or something13:30
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xisorshadowis it possible to make it so grub automatically boots the default choice with no delay or even showing itself UNLESS i hit a certain key?13:30
alecbenzerwawowe: startx will by default look in my .Xession and do what it says though, right? (it's been a while since I've messed around with X)13:31
gimpy08wawowe: One has been playing, still no sound.  Does some daemon need restarted/HUPed?13:31
khmerogwawowe yes it worked perfectly couple of days ago..and i added some widgets on desktop then it stopped working13:31
xisorshadowguess nobody knows XD13:31
wawowexisorshadow: yes, edit /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/header13:31
khmerogsorry i am also trying to goodgle search for solution also is why my replys are soo late13:31
xisorshadowwawowe, what do i change specifically?13:31
alecbenzerxisorshadow: wait, when would you hit the 'i' button?13:32
terminalclient I need some help with HDMI audio on my acer revo rl70, it keeps going off or not working at all13:32
gimpy08xisorshadow: If there's no delay how would you have time to press a key?13:32
wawowealecbenzer: startx will look in ~/.xinitrc if you have a login manager you don't need startx13:32
xisorshadowi dont want grub to be visible at all unless i hit a key combination13:32
xisorshadowlike in windows you can mash F8 and itll load the hidden menu13:32
alecbenzerxisorshadow: right but when would you hit this combination? when the BIOS has control?13:33
gimpy08xisorshadow: Maybe this?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Hidden13:33
xisorshadowsure? windows recognizes it frm them13:33
xisorshadowgimpy08, looking13:33
invalidformatok I need to change grubs vga mode, how do I do it?13:33
wawowegimpy08: echo "autospawn = no" >> ~/.pulse/client.conf; killall pulseaudio13:33
wawowexisorshadow: etc /etc/default/grub and change GRUB_TIMEOUT=1013:34
gimpy08wawowe: That did it, thanks!  I hate how audio on Linux is so terrible.13:34
wawowegimpy08: linux audio can be great :)13:35
xisorshadowwawowe, if i change it to 0 grub wont ever appear right? and id have to boot into a liveCD to fix it if something went wrong?13:35
wawowegimpy08: just have to configure things right13:35
terminalclientwawowe: can you help with my audio issue?13:35
gimpy08wawowe: I know but configuring OpenLDAP is almost easier.  It shouldn't be that way.13:35
wawowegimpy08: agreed13:36
xisorshadowwawowe, now i have another strange question! can i change the ubuntu screen during boot to a custom graphic?13:36
Zelestxisorshadow, only if it's of big boobs!13:36
wawowexisorshadow: look for plymouth themes13:37
wawoweterminalclient: your audio just turns off by itself?13:37
xisorshadowwawowe, is that a package i install?13:37
AlanBellZelest: that was neither helpful or appropriate, please try to actually help13:37
ccoloradohi i am having troubles with a given ubuntu server. It has problems displaying some charaters over ssh. characters like accented vocals and such. All i get are "?" boxes. Any idea where is the character map set and how to change it  ?13:38
wawowekhmerog: did you update since then?13:38
ZelestAlanBell, sorry, I will never try to be funny anymore.13:38
terminalclientwawowe: yeah, it can work for a little while, then just goes off13:38
wawoweterminalclient: does it mute? check alsamixer when it stops working13:38
xisorshadowwawowe, i want it to be a CUSTOM graphic, not a premade theme13:39
xisorshadowwawowe, how would i do this?13:39
terminalclientwawowe: alsamixer only showing s/pdif13:39
terminalclientwawowe: not showing HDMI at all13:40
wawoweterminalclient: and if you hit f6?13:40
wawowexisorshadow: /lib/plymouth/themes/13:40
xisorshadowterminalclient, i had that same problem, is it nvidia ION graphics?13:40
Dr_willisccolorado,  check your TERM setting, and the settings for whatver terminal app you are using for SSH13:40
xisorshadowterminalclient, and your hdmi isnt working right for sound?13:40
terminalclientxisorshadow:AMD HD13:41
Dr_willisccolorado,  also check the fonts used by the terminal app.,13:41
compdocccolorado, Ive never seen problems with characters, although I have probably never worked with accented vocals tha you mention. Maybe you need to try another ssh client13:41
xisorshadowterminalclient, run alsamixer and take a screenshot of the default page for us, or make sure even the spdif entries are unmuted13:41
terminalclientwawowe: F6 hows (default) and HD-Audio Generic, but both only display controls s/pdif13:41
khmerogwawowe i will do a reinstall of kubuntu..13:41
xisorshadowterminalclient, my HDMI on my acer aspire revo is detected as spdif in alsamixer, and was muted by default13:42
wawowekhmerog: you don't necessarily need to do that13:42
ccoloradocompdoc: another ssh client ? what do you mean ?13:42
terminalclientxisorshadow: mine shows s/pdif volume level 00 with no control, can't set volume any higher13:42
compdocccolorado, the program you use to log in13:42
xisorshadowterminalclient, is the 00 lit up or not lit up?13:43
terminalclientxsiorshadow: lit green13:43
khmerogwawowe i have no access to internet..so i cannot do update :(13:43
xisorshadowterminalclient, no idea then13:43
xisorshadowterminalclient, is your AMD graphics driver installed?13:43
xisorshadowterminalclient, hdmi audio is dependant on that driver13:44
terminalclientxisorshadow: yes, hold on, will get version number13:44
zykotick9ccolorado: what terminal are you using?13:44
alexfuI'm running 12.04 and I've got a program that doesnt show up on the side bar when launched. Any ideas as to how I can get it to show?13:44
ccoloradocompdoc: thanks I think its a problem with the locale, but i am not all that familiar with ubuntu, I usually use other linux distributions13:44
khmerogi didi a search to see difference between Mint KDE and Kubuntu (ubuntu with kde)  someone said..Same (bleep) different Apps...what does he mean by apps? apps such as Thunderbird, Firefox, etc?13:44
wawoweterminalclient: hdmi audio volume can't be controled from alsa, ony muted and unmuted13:44
wawoweterminalclient: turn up the volume on whatever it's plugged into13:44
terminalclientwawowe: well it's unmuted13:44
ccoloradozykotick9: ssh lands me to an xterm session, but what i really use is "screen" for multiplexing13:44
xisorshadowwawowe, can you find for him the special flag for radeon hdmi audio they added to ubuntu to force it to work?13:44
terminalclientwawowe: volume has been turned up, nothing13:45
xisorshadowwawowe, i think hes having that problem that that fixes13:45
wawowekhmerog: yes, different apps and logo13:45
terminalclientxisorshadow: fglrx 2.8.960-oubuntu113:45
zykotick9ccolorado: if possible i'd try using rxvt-unicode instead of xterm as a test.13:45
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wawoweterminalclient: you have radeon hdmi?13:46
khmerogcan u give me an example of an app that mint would use that ubuntu cannot? becuase i thought mint is ubuntu with different looks13:46
terminalclientwawowe: yes, AMD Radeon HD 632013:46
wawoweterminalclient: is fglrx installed?13:46
Dr_williskhmerog,  linux is linux. most all distros can have the same apps.13:47
Dr_williskhmerog,  they do  a little more then just change the looks i recall.13:47
terminalclientwawowe: yes, fglrx 2.8.960-0ubuntu113:47
wawowekhmerog: they can all use the same apps, the difference is what they come with by default. and the configuration13:47
xisorshadowwawowe, he must have an amd e-450 fusion apu if he has that gpu in a revo nettop XD13:47
fidel_khmerog: but to add some more confusion: there is a debian mint aswell ;)13:47
angshow can I check md5sum of file that I downloaded?13:47
xisorshadowwawowe, the hdmi audio fix for radeon might help him XD13:47
terminalclientxisorshadow: correct13:48
xisorshadowwawowe, he already confirmed he had the video driver installed13:48
wawowexisorshadow: i haven't heard of that fix13:48
xisorshadowwawowe, sec ill find it for him and you13:48
terminalclientxisorshadow: what fix?13:48
zykotick9angs: do you have the correct md5sum?  to get it just "md5sum filename"13:48
terminalclientxisorshadow: sweet, cheers13:48
wawowexisorshadow: i have radeon 4200 and hdmi audio works well13:48
khmerogi see13:49
EaglemanHow do i enable telnet to listen to remote connections? i need it for dovecot to test somethings13:49
EaglemanIts automaticly refusing the connection now13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864735 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[ATI HDMI] HDMI Audio Disabled by Default (since oneiric)" [Undecided,Triaged]13:49
wawoweEagleman: telnetd13:49
xisorshadowhe can try the grub fix13:49
xisorshadowlisted there as workaround 113:49
xisorshadowwawowe, terminalclient https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/86473513:50
xisorshadowsorry about that XD13:50
Eaglemanthanks wawowe13:50
xisorshadowlol the bot picked up on my link!13:50
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xisorshadowwawowe, terminalclient did you guys see my link the 2nd time?13:51
terminalclientwawowe: xisorshadow: will try workaround 1 and report back13:51
wawowexisorshadow: that just says it's disabled by default13:51
wawowexisorshadow: it can be enabled in alsamixer by hitting > on spdif13:51
xisorshadowwawowe, yes, with no way to enable it, other than that line, or the catalyst drivers direct from amd13:51
invalidformatok, so I need to run memtest but when I try to get in to grub to choose memtest my monitor says invalid format13:51
xisorshadowwawowe, oh, ok13:52
wawoweterminalclient: and alsactl store ^^^13:52
ccoloradozykotick9: ill give it a try thanks13:52
xisorshadowmy bad :( trying to help13:52
xisorshadowi had sound problems yesterday13:52
invalidformatso if anyone could tell me what I need to change...13:53
terminalclientwawowe: alsactl?13:53
terminalclientwawowe: rebooting now13:53
wawoweterminalclient: it can be enabled in alsamixer by hitting > on spdif13:53
wawoweterminalclient: then: alsactl store13:53
brodromy computer sounds like a city bus13:53
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wawowebrodro: turn it off :P13:54
brodrowawowe: best advice of the day XD13:54
dlentzinvalidformat, i don't know about the error, but check your bios for memtest feature13:54
invalidformatalready did no dice13:55
alien260Hi does anyone know if there is a way to use ssconvert (part of gnumeric) http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/ssconvert.1.html#contenttoc7 to convert excel sheets with multi sheets in them to txt?13:55
xisorshadowwawowe, is there a specific resolution limit to the png i use for a plymouth theme?13:55
wawowexisorshadow: most likely13:56
LinuxMonkeyummm i got an issue it seams that all my application bars disapeared meaning i got no close/minimize/maximise13:56
brodroso, I'm kinda beginner status. But I'm currently on a shell server13:56
xisorshadowwawowe, would 640 x 480 be safe then? :P13:56
wawowexisorshadow: use whatever resolution the other themes are using for their images13:56
brodroand I'm trying to figure out, how to join/leave rooms from the terminal13:56
xisorshadowwawowe, good idea!13:56
myherowhen doing - dmesg | tail - it only gives last inserted drive info but how to see all drives connected at one go ?13:56
wawowebrodro: /join #channel13:57
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wawowebrodro: /part #channel13:57
compdocmyhero, use grep13:57
myherocomdoc: grep ?13:57
wawowemyhero: something like dmesg | grep sda13:58
brodrowawowe: thanks !13:58
compdocmyhero, whats a common word thats part of what you are searching for?13:58
zykotick9brodro: what client are you using? irssi?13:58
compdocmyhero, would 'drive' work?13:59
brodroone last question for the 9th hour, how do I leave a private irc chat?13:59
myherocompdoc: i connected 2 pendrives and 1 microsd with usb adapter so when doing dmesg|tail it only gave the info of last inserted drive...!!!13:59
wawowebrodro: if you mean close a private message window.. /window close14:00
brodrozykotick9: yep, i'm using irssi14:00
EaglemanHow to quit from ubuntu telnet?14:00
zykotick9brodro: /wc to close a chat14:00
Eaglemanall i can wait for is the server to drop the connection14:00
wawoweEagleman: most likely ctrl+d or c14:00
imbezolEagleman: type <enter>~.14:00
compdocmyhero, grep searches for words. try:  dmesg | grep drive14:00
compdocor grep usb14:01
PiciEagleman: press ctrl+] and then type exit or press ctrl+d14:01
Eaglemanthanks imbezol14:01
imbezolEagleman: np14:01
airstrikei have an annoying question14:01
airstrikeplease beware, i know jackcrack about terminals and input standards or what have you14:02
airstrikei'm on windows xp, using putty, connecting to ubuntu through screen.14:02
terminalclientwawowe: xisorshadow: well audio is working in the system, still not working for XBMC14:02
ironhalikanyone got some flash issues lately? Flash video crashes for me14:02
airstrikei want my ctrl+arrow keys to work!14:02
terminalclientwawowe: xisorshadow: so the fix helped something, gotta change the setting in XBMC somewhere now14:02
imbezolairstrike: what are you wanting that to do?14:02
DJonesairstrike: What do you expect them to do?14:02
compdocairstrike, what does  ctrl+arrow do?14:03
terminalclientwawowe: xisorshadow: thanks for the fix though guys14:03
xisorshadowterminalclient, you have sound now?14:03
edinnyI am having a problem compiling in Precise.  It seems centered around libsigc-2.0.so.  Any ideas?14:03
airstrikei expect different things in different context. here in irssi, it does moves one char to the left or one char to the right. i would love to move word by word, which is my idea of a standard behavior for that key mapping.14:03
airstrikein vim, i can't seem to map <C-left> or <C-right> to anything at all14:03
airstrikeso i'm assuming i'm not sending the proper info to the ubuntu terminal14:04
DJonesairstrike: This may help http://superuser.com/questions/103069/putty-ssh-ctrlcursor-keys-dont-work-skip-to-previous-next-word14:04
terminalclientxisorshadow: yes, audio is fine now, thanks for the fix14:04
DJonesAlthough itss 2 years out of date, so may have changed since then14:04
compdocmyhero, if you type just dmesg, you can see the whole log14:05
xisorshadowholy crap i actually HELPED someone? omg14:05
xisorshadowhow is that possible? ive only used linux for 2 days XD14:05
terminalclientyou did good dude14:05
compdocxisorshadow, you should run for president14:05
compdocyoure on a roll14:06
airstrikeDJones: it looks about right, except for the fact that ctrl+v ctrl-left yields the same as ctrl+v left14:06
kardangreetings, where can I get help to get my HSPA usb stick running? (model k3765-Z). already searched for it but i am confused of (outdated?) howtos. Thanks!14:07
DJonesairstrike: Its not somthing I've ever used, other than waiting to see if anybody else has an answer, I can't suggest anything else14:07
melvincvkardan, what make is it?14:10
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kardanmelvincv, thanks for your answer. you mean my make version? its 3.81. btw atm i am trying https://forge.betavine.net/frs/download.php/626/vodafone-mobile-connect_2.25.01-1_all.deb14:11
melvincvkardan, like ZTE, Huawei etc.14:11
kardanmelvincv, its ZTE. all my research is on http://piratepad.net/7tVr2crqur14:12
Eclifeis this where I can get some help with Ubuntu?14:14
EclifeI am having a problem with 12.04 LTS14:14
dadisHi, I'm trying to setup MPD but it's saying my music directory isn't a folder but it actually is!?14:15
dadisDoes anyone have any ideas?14:15
angshow to umount a device? umount /dev/device_name?14:15
EclifeMy computer freezes on start up14:16
dadismusic directory is not a directory: "/media/Iomega/Torrents/Music" john@john-laptop:~$ ls /media/Iomega/Torrents/14:16
dadisBooks  Movies  Music  rtorrent  TV  What_Uploads14:16
tawtwahello, i have a disk array and i want to use a linux filesystem on it... when i run ext4 on my diskarray i get disk saturation due to journaling:  1223 be/3 root        0.00 B/s  117.90 K/s  0.00 % 99.99 % [jbd2/dm-0-8], i wish to prevent this from happening.. what filesystem should i use?14:16
dadisangs, yes14:16
angsthanks dadis14:16
compdoctawtwa, wow, that raid must be pretty buzy14:17
boumai just cant figure out howto use zipsplit. i try zipsplit -n 1000000 file.zip to get 10m pieces but nothing will work14:17
boumaive been trying parameters for a while, including -n 10m14:17
invalidformatso what I was looking for was in /etc/defaults/grub14:18
tawtwacompdoc: haha yes its a very sad raid14:18
invalidformatbut then the computer really crashed, not sure if its the HD or RAM14:18
invalidformatbut DLing UBCD14:18
tawtwacompdoc: and lucky enough its only affecting one lun14:18
xisorshadowwhere would i find the files for an installed program? im trying to edit an xml file for xbmc but no clue where to look for the file14:19
blackshirtxisorshadow: what program you want to list ?14:20
Picixisorshadow: You probably want to look in ~/.xbmc/ or ~/.xbmc/userdata/ for user-editable xml files.14:20
dadisfind -t d / xbmc14:20
xisorshadowPici, how do i do that?14:20
EclifeIs there anyone out there that would be able to help with a start up problem in 12.04?14:20
melvincvkardan, I have written a word document on connecting to ZTE modems, if you're brave to experiment, best of luck :) http://sdrv.ms/K9vNcR14:20
compdoctawtwa, I use ext4 on several raids, but they dont have lots of users using them. You can disable journaling, but that could blow up in your face someday.14:21
Picixisorshadow: What are you trying to edit the file with?14:21
kapzI accidentaly deleted the lost+found folder...how can I recreate it, I mean what should be the permissions14:21
tawtwacompdoc: i did and it did...14:21
blackshirtEclife: can you describe more detail ?14:21
tawtwacompdoc: disabling journaling broke my filesystem o_O14:21
xisorshadowno idea14:21
compdocsorry to hear that14:21
tawtwaso i have to redo the machine so nwo i wanna do it properly14:21
xisorshadowwhat edits xml in linux?14:21
tawtwacompdoc: its ok, i knew it would happen hehe14:21
Picixisorshadow: press ctrl-h in the file-manager to see hidden files then naviate to .xmbc in your home directory.14:22
EclifeAbout every 4 times or so my computer will boot all the way into login or lightdm and then the touchpad and keyboard don't work. I have tried automatic login and the same thing will happen once the computer loads Ubuntu fully14:22
kapzxisorshadow, almost all file editors14:22
compdoctawtwa, well there are only a few filesystems you can try:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemsExplained14:22
blackshirtkapz: mklost+found14:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:24
roastedQuestion - Anybody have any experience with Ubuntu and Ricoh copiers with hold print? I've read references that you can set up a config file to handle it but I'm a little unsure of which... the guide I found was a little shotty.14:26
kardannice, i will try that. thanks melvincv14:27
kapzthanks blackshirt14:28
melvincvkardan, you're welcome. It worked for me, hope it helps you too :)14:29
dumiHello :-D14:29
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blackshirthello dumi poweruzzen14:30
poweruzzenhi blackshirt14:30
Snowieok, so ive been struggling with black screen on boot for about 2hrs now. finally out of frustration i select system summary from safe boot and hold down the enter key, and everything works. WTFH. scuse me and sorry, but anyone explain what magic just happened?14:30
yggdrasilwhats up14:30
=== Snowie is now known as Snowie_NOOBspert
Snowie_NOOBspertIm just gunna pretend that the last change i made to install/update fglrx just fixed it... even though i tested it 4 times, and it didnt work. anyway. how is eveyone :)14:33
kwootIf I add a desktop file and have it show up in launcher, all done by script, then why does the icon not show?14:35
kwootis there an icon cache to rebuild or something?14:35
craigbass1976It seems someone at work has managed to log into Unity, though XFCE is the default.  All I see when I do a who though is my ssh login.  If you get a password wrong, are you thrown in automatically as guest, and does guest not show up in who results?14:36
b44you can't chown you own files to other users?14:36
b44operation not permitted ... ?14:36
b44can't chown your own files ...14:36
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, what exact command are you running?14:37
dumihow are you?14:38
Snowie_NOOBspertdumi, good thanks. was that for me?14:38
b44Snowie_NOOBspert: chown -R otherUser, while I am the current owner14:39
b44chown -R otherUser *;14:39
mi3hi, any suggestions on compiling and installing audacious from source code ? I am new to compiling :D14:40
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mi3I have tried ./configure && make && make install14:41
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, what are you trying to achieve? just to give read priviliges14:41
scotty^If I understand things correctly, Ubuntu server does not use X - is that correct?14:41
mi3but it gives me this error http://paste.debian.net/171746/14:41
airstrikeDJones: i'm pretty sure there's some switch for emulating this or that terminal in putty14:41
airstrikei'm just not sure which terminal i'm supposed to have it emulate14:41
airstrikei always see things like tty, xterm, etc14:41
airstrikeand i never know which is the preferred mode14:41
blackshirtscotty^ yes14:42
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, what is the exact error that you get?14:42
scotty^mi3 - use checkinstall instead of make install - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall14:42
cypher-neoairstrike, What program are you trying to emulate a terminal in?14:42
scotty^Ok, so does Ubuntu server implement DPMS?  If not, what is turning off the monitor after a while?14:43
airstrikecypher-neo: putty14:44
airstrikecypher-neo: using screen14:44
wawowemi3: you need to install the glib-dev package14:44
b44Snowie_NOOBspert: chown: changing ownership of `folder1/': Operation not permitted,   While currently: drwxr-xr-x 4 myUser folder114:44
mi3E: Unable to locate package glib-dev wawowe14:44
b44wanna give ownership of folder to other user..14:44
wawowemi3: apt-get install libglib2.0-dev14:44
cypher-neoairstrike, Putty is another Terminal alternative.14:44
compdocairstrike, you need a windows ssh client?14:45
cypher-neoairstrike, Any Terminal you install on Ubuntu uses the default BASH settings file unless set to use something else.14:45
amt0101Hello! How can I access gnome proxy to change my proxy settings?14:45
airstrikemy problem is that ctrl-arrows are only being registered as arrows (without the ctrl), i believe14:46
airstrikeputty is my preferred ssh client for windows atm14:46
redSince I upgraded to 12.04 my mouse hovering over any window "activates" this window, so if I click on my browser and start to type, but knock my mouse over to my IRC window the text will start appearing in the app that is currently mouseovered? Is there any way to revert this functionality?14:46
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, you may not have permissions to change ownership. I believe (SEE NOOOB!spert) that changing permissions is an executable by defenition. Can you sudo it?14:46
shaneohi guys whats a good standalone calender app i would use evolution but dont want the additional mail client just need something that will sync with my google calender14:46
wawoweb44: you have to be root to give permissions to other users14:46
redI've nearly typed login info in IRC multiple times now and it's getting annoying :)14:46
abimaelNeed help?14:47
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, sorry, writeable14:47
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, as in you are modifying the file14:47
abimaelsorry, i mean i need assistance14:47
shaneored, I did that last week and i have had over 100 failed login attempts since i changed it14:47
scotty^Ok, so does Ubuntu server implement DPMS?  If not, what is turning off the monitor after a while?14:47
abimaelim running Toshiba laptop and battery wont show up, only sometimes randomly pops or only when i plug it in14:48
b44Snowie_NOOBspert: yes I think so too.... I can't change permissions although I am the owner of a file.14:48
b44this is configurable?14:48
scotty^blackshirt - Ok, so does Ubuntu server implement DPMS?  If not, what is turning off the monitor after a while?14:48
wawoweb44: you can change your permissions.. you just can't change other users permissions14:48
b44wawowe: that's not right... I can change group-permissions which are the permissions of other14:49
wawoweb44: you can't say what they own or don't own14:49
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, if it were me, i would read up on users groups permissions14:49
b44so I can't change ownership of a file without root`14:49
adomhi all. looking for an app that allows file transfers for remote desktop sessions. I can connect to a remote machine fine via remote desktop, how do i transfer files to that machine while connected? can it be done without enabling ssh/telnet on the remote machine (just using rdp/remote desktop)?14:49
wawoweb44: a group is not a user14:50
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, unless all users in the group have permissions. Your playing with fire i think. But i'll google it for ya14:50
b44wawowe: okay, ty14:50
roastedQuestion - Anybody have any experience with Ubuntu and Ricoh copiers with hold print? I've read references that you can set up a config file to handle it but I'm a little unsure of which... the guide I found was a little shotty.14:51
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, maybe this gentlemen will help. About to watch this myself ;)14:52
fidaanybody here?14:53
blackshirtscotty^: exactly i don't know..but i think it was related to acpi/apm feature on linux kernel14:53
angswhat is the command to reboot ubuntu? "reboot"?14:53
Snowie_NOOBspertb44, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRw0SKaXSfI14:54
wawoweb44: if you want to share a directory with another user add a group and put both of you in it, then chown -R b44:newgroup folder14:54
fidaCan anybody tell how to setup bluetooth in Dell Vostro 1310 with 12.04?14:54
quixotedonangs: you can just click shutdown and after that a dialog window with restart/cancel/shut down buttons appear14:54
wawoweb44: and chmod 770 folder14:54
Simao_hi all! can someone tell me how i can install ubuntu from a pen drive?14:55
jribwawowe, b44: you could optionally omit the "b44" in that chown command to save some keystrokes14:55
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jrib!install | Simao_14:55
ubottuSimao_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:55
blackshirtangs: yes14:55
Snowie_NOOBspertfida, probably not, but what trouble are you having14:56
wawoweb44, jrib like this : chown -R .newgroup folder14:56
quixotedon!live usb | Simao_14:56
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jribwawowe: well I'd stick with : instead of ., but yeah14:56
quixotedon!liveusb | Simao_14:56
ubottuSimao_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:56
Simao_thanks ubottu i ll see it. quixotedon i didnt understand i m common user....14:57
Snowie_NOOBspertSimao_, ubotto is a robot, just so youknow14:58
fidabluetooth light never enables though in ubuntu it shows bluetooth started14:58
Simao_damn, so im a noobie...14:58
fidaalso can't find any devices...14:58
fidado i need extra drivers to make bluetooth work?14:59
quixotedonSimao_: you just need to click on the link from ubottu (i sent the message through it)15:00
savrgimp isn't showing in the side bar15:00
savror alt tab15:00
savrif I don15:00
savrif I don't place it own its own workspace I loose the app15:00
quixotedonsavr: i have the same experience as well, but whenever you want to open a file with gimp, then it appears15:01
Simao_hehe! its appears a little dificult to me... i have already downloaded the new ubuntu and its on my usb drive...15:01
hidensofthi guys , i got this error , : No such file or directory , and this is my script http://codepad.org/YEzDFVEm15:01
Snowie_NOOBspertfida, probably yes. you may need drivers. so where do you see "no devices detected"?15:02
ikoniahidensoft: there is your answer....there is no such file or directory where it is expected15:02
ikoniahidensoft: fyi /usr/bin/env is not a shell15:02
hidensoftikonia, :) , so what i have to do ? it should work15:02
savrquixotedon, I can't get the same work around15:02
ikoniahidensoft: the guys in #python will help you write python scripts/give you links to lessons15:03
wawowehidensoft: change env to python15:03
ikoniahidensoft: there is no way that script should currently work15:03
jribikonia: why?15:03
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ikoniajrib: /usr/bin/env15:04
hidensoftikonia, i also try /usr/bin/python i a got this  bash: ./var.py: /usr/bin/python^M: bad interpreter: No such file or15:04
jribhidensoft: how are you calling the script?15:04
jribikonia: that's correct and recommended15:04
ikoniajrib: how's that going to work ?15:04
hidensoftjragon, ./var.py15:04
ikoniaenv isn't a shell15:04
Picihidensoft: it sounds like you don't have python installed.15:04
hidensoftok , its about my editor :|15:04
EclifeHello everyone... looking for some help?15:04
ikoniahidensoft: the files you are pointing at are not in the places you are telling them to be15:04
hidensoftthanks guys15:04
Piciikonia: its the proper way to write the shebang for python programs15:04
ikoniaPici: well, I never, how can that work though ?15:05
jribikonia: env will run the first python it finds in PATH (this means you don't force users to use /usr/bin/python if they instead prefer to use /usr/local/bin/python (for example))15:05
quixotedonhidensoft: watch the language please :)15:05
fidain the bluetooth add device window. it searches for like one minute, and says no device found. also the hardware bluetooth indicator light remains off!15:05
ikoniajrib: I see what you mean,15:05
jribhidensoft: you're issue is with line-endings, do you understand?15:06
angshow can I see what encryption  is used in my wifi connection?15:06
fastaangs: not a very effective one ;)15:07
angsI want to see if my wlan0 interface use wpa or other encryption?15:07
EclifeAnyone out there can help with some freezing problems?15:08
fastaangs: AFAIK, there isn't a single consumer device sold more than 6 months ago which was secure out of the box.15:08
pozzzhi! can you help with xampp for linux? I cannot create a database with phpmyadmin. Any advice?15:09
jribpozzz: don't use xampp15:09
ikoniapozzz: I'd advise you to use lamp15:09
jrib!lamp|  pozzz15:09
ubottupozzz: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:09
angsfasta: I could not understand how to see if wlan0 interface use wap or other encryption?15:10
craigbass1976pozzz, have you got shell access to the box?15:10
EclifeLooking for some help with a freezing problem???15:10
hidensoftjrib, yes dude15:10
jribEclife: you're going to have to be more specific...15:10
i7canyone else noticed that shortcuts on ubuntu 12.04 are disastrous?15:11
fastai7c: what do you mean by that? As in usability?15:11
pozzzcraigbass1976 you lost me here15:12
fastai7c: yes, they are, but you can 'fix' the problem if you read the freedesktop.org specifications.15:12
i7cfasta: well half of them i can't even change (like the maximization shortcuts etc.) and my custom ones only work right after i set them. if my computer reboots they seem to be lost.15:12
pozzzcraigbass1976: konsole?15:12
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fastai7c: maxim. shortcuts?15:12
pozzzbut I have xampp installed already. it just should work15:13
craigbass1976If you can ssh into the box that you're trying to get a database running on, you can just create a db frmo the command line.  Yes, I think Konsole is the KDE terminal15:13
Eclifetouchpad and keyboard freezes on start up 2 out of 4 times15:13
i7cfasta: yep. it's on super + up. if i set alt+f10 it does not work15:13
i7cfasta: but opens some strange menu or something15:13
Picipozzz: we do not support xampp here. Only lamp installs using the packages in our repositories.15:13
vfwi7c: define "shortcut"15:13
fastai7c: I don't know the specifics of keybindings in unity.15:13
pozzzpici: ok15:14
i7cvfw: such a key combination that achieves something i would normally do with several clicks of my mouse.15:14
fastai7c: if Unity doesn't meet your needs, try something else (that's what I did)15:14
pozzzok, thanks everyone.15:14
i7cfasta: what are you using?15:14
fastaIn fact, I tried all systems (Gnome3, Unity and KDE).15:14
vfwfasta: i7c I use xfce15:14
fastaI have also used others besides those.15:15
fastaI think xfce is a good Gnome2 replacement.15:15
i7cvfw: yeh i like xfce. pretty awesome to work.15:15
fastaI use KDE.15:15
fastaGnome3 is an inside joke, I think.15:15
fastaUnity is quite awesome for most users, I think.15:15
bitpimphow do I launch the compiz settings manager from the commandline?15:16
fastaUnity has had a lot of polish, but is not perfect yet.15:16
fastaThey certainly went from 'are they serious?' to 'well, it's not _that_ bad'.15:16
i7cfasta: i dont like it too much. looks great but usability suffers. are there such key combinations on xfce so that i can resize windows without clicking the border exactly?15:16
bitpimptried to use cube, which hosed a number of things, including the ribbon.15:16
i7clike it is alt+middle mouse on unity, you know what i mean?15:16
fastai7c: for keybindings there are other tools.15:17
fastai7c: wmctrl15:17
fastai7c: go and look it up, it is awesome.15:17
tbrown2012fbI need some help. I was trying to do some updates and I got the packets for it and I run Sudo apt-get upgrade and it said the following packages have been kept back. What do I do:)15:17
fastai7c: you can completely program basically everything on Linux.15:17
i7cfasta: sounds good. thanks for the hint. works with any window manager?15:17
fastai7c: for some value of any.15:17
fastai7c: it works even with some I had never heard of before.15:18
denstarkHello! I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit and I can't seem to install wine -- here's the output from attempting to do so: https://gist.github.com/bbe80bc382b8bdbbcd6815:18
fastaI think this year is the year of the Linux desktop for me ;)15:18
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fastaI had been using it much longer, but I don't think I have anything else to wish for except speech control.15:19
fastaLike "open Emacs".15:19
fastaOr "next song".15:19
fastaUbuntu did quite well in releasing a ton of software.15:19
fastaThere are about 59,000 packages now.15:20
fastaThat's quite a lot, because there aren't farting apps in it, I think.15:20
bitpimpfigure it out15:20
jribfasta: well it's open source... if you see a need...15:21
abimaely isnt my toshiba laptop battery recognized in ubuntu 12.04?15:21
Joniihey, anyone know why my new zenbook boots into windows even though i installed ubuntu on it?15:21
abimaelit only shows when charging15:22
sipiorjrib: an itch best left unscratched, to be sure.15:22
vfwJonii: You more-than-likely skipped grub install.15:22
fastaJonii: you didn't instruct your bios to boot from the correct device?15:22
vfw!grub | Jonii15:22
ubottuJonii: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:22
tbrown2012fbDoes anyone use 10.04 LTS because I dont want to upgra15:22
jribtbrown2012fb: many people use it...15:22
JoniiI installed ubuntu as usual, it asked me to boot, and I did, and it went right to windows15:23
i7ctbrown2012fb: why you need somebody else who uses it ;)15:23
AnomIs there anyway to test my postfix is installed properly and working?15:23
JoniiI don't want to give up windows for something as silly as this15:23
sipiorAnom: send some mail?15:23
tbrown2012fbjrib: Just wondering lol sorry. I have a theam of mac os x on it it pritty cool:)15:23
vfwtbrown2012fb: Sure, EOF is still couple years away.15:24
DeltaHeavyI have a fixed element over an absolute element however when I click the fixed element it's like I'm clicking the absolutly positioned element. How can I fix this?15:24
bazhangDeltaHeavy, pardon?15:24
tbrown2012fbvfw: what is EOF:)15:24
vfwEOF=End Of Life15:24
bazhangtbrown2012fb, he means eol , end of life15:24
DeltaHeavyGah sorry wrong channel15:24
drvanonI have to call my usb with a sdX how would i find out wich x i should take15:24
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vfwEOL  sorry15:25
i7cJonii: you need to select your hard-drive to install the bootloader during installation process15:25
tbrown2012fbBazhang: But it LTS will it change to eol Ubuntu 10.0415:25
EclifeTouchpad and keyboard are frozen on start up... anyone?15:25
scotty^tbrown2012fb Still using 10.04 LTS here, but I'm planning to upgrade to 12.04 LTS soon.15:26
jribtbrown2012fb: support for 10.04 desktop will end in april 201315:26
tbrown2012fbEcLife: Are you using 12.04 or something because I had the same problem on my touchpad mouse:(15:26
Eclifeyup 12.04 lts15:27
Eclifedid you get a fix?15:27
vfwjrib: tbrown2012fb Oh yea, it's only one year away, (was looking at 10.04 server)15:27
drvanonSo i went to /dev and i found 5 sda's15:27
drvanonwhich sda to choose, that's the question15:27
tbrown2012fbscotty^: Don't upgrade something dont work on 12.04 it kind of stuped and how it looks it looks like a tablet pc it does not give you a classic look like classic gnome and you have to install a theam to even use the classic look there no opition in the installion it kind of sucks:(15:28
vfwtbrown2012fb: So you have a little less than one year left.  SUGGESTION:  xfce  (Check it out, it's pretty nice.)15:28
drvanonthe filetype is msdos, is that a problem?15:29
tbrown2012fbvfw:) Ya I like xfce that a good look but lxde I think looks like windows15:30
vfw!xfce | tbrown2012fb15:30
ubottutbrown2012fb: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:30
i7cfasta: is there a way to make stuff transparent without using compiz or something? (on xfce)15:30
hsnmckHi, I'm using ubutnu 10.04, and I would like to have a shortcut to completley hide the panel bar, I know that I can use the option auto-hide, but I want is to completely hide the panel until I ask it to show again, how can I do that, thanks15:30
Eclifetouchpad and keyboard freezes on start up... anyone?15:30
scotty^hsnmck - uninstall gnome-panel?15:31
JoniiOkay, so, how did I miss installing grub? Can I install that bootloader now?15:32
fastai7c: I don't know, I have only used xfce for a few months a few releases ago. I can only currently recommend KDE4.15:32
i7cfasta: naah, i dont like KDE ;)15:32
fastai7c: neither did I.15:33
fastai7c: KDE is extremely flexible.15:33
fastai7c: I think it can emulate MacOSX, Windows and pretty much everything else you might want.15:33
qlumI am currently having a problem opening software sources, I can open the files themselves but I can't open software sources via sympatics nor ubuntu software center, this happened after updating to 12.4 or maybe earlier to 10.10, or 11.4, or 11.10 as I didn't use the feature in the meantime. I also can't add add repositories.15:33
i7cfasta: you installed it on ubuntu afterwards? or did you choose kubuntu?15:33
fastai7c: in fact, some people even emulate KDE on Windows now.15:33
fastai7c: afterwards.15:34
hsnmckscotty^, No I would like to be able to see the panel, but I want to hide it so I can have more space on the screen15:34
fastai7c: and KDE also runs on Windows now.15:34
captineanyone know if the ubuntu installer is going to be fixed?  see bugs on launchpad regarding it crashing etc.  12.04 cannot install on my machine and dont want to do the 11.10 again with teh upgrade15:34
i7cfasta: it replaces windows DE ?15:34
fastai7c: it's quite an unholy mess, but I think KDE is currently technically the best.15:34
fastai7c: well, Unity might technically be about the same.15:34
fastai7c: Gnome3 is just a mistake.15:35
pionarso, apparently I did something and now my user is no longer in the sudoers file, so I can't do anything as root :(.  How do I fix this?15:35
vfwqlum: If you had this problem several upgrades ago, how did you keep your system up-to-date?15:35
qlumto get back on that it replaces windows desktop and taskbars on windows yes. Unstable as hell though15:35
i7cGnome3 is sad, yes. i dont know why they did that15:35
EclifeAnyone have any problems with thier touchpad and keyboard freezing on start up with 12.04?15:35
qlumit still updates15:35
fastai7c: I am sure someone put something on Youtube about it.15:35
qlumjust adding new stuff15:35
JoniiAnyway, what should I install, and how?15:35
imbezolpionar: did you set a root password?15:35
fastai7c: I don't really care about Windows.15:35
hsnmckscotty^, I mean the auto hide is fine, but sometimes when I have my accidently mouse on the pannel it shows again, so I want it to stay hidden until I ask it to show15:35
i7cfasta: http://windows.kde.org/15:35
i7cfasta: me neither.15:35
hsnmckscotty^, can I do that?15:36
pionarimbezol: nope15:36
vfwqlum: So you seem to be unalbe to add new sources?15:36
JoniiI mean, if installation of ubuntu went awfry the first time, the second is not gonna be any better, right?15:36
imbezolpionar: you may have to boot into single user mode then to fix it15:36
qlumopening software sources to add new ones doesn't work, adding them through terminal also doesn't work15:36
i7cfasta: i haven't used a windows in months. and the last time i saw it i was suprised how ridiculous the security system is.15:36
fastaJonii: it might be that your installation media was also broken.15:36
JoniiSo I need to install boot loader manually. How do I do that, which loader I use...15:36
pionarimbezol: thanks, didn't know if there was a way to do it without resorting to that.15:36
scotty^hsnmck - autohide will do that15:36
fastaJonii: in general, there could be a million reasons for something not working.15:36
angswhen I type dmesg, what is the meaning of the output shown on the left column e.g. [ 454.35778 ] ?15:36
i7cJonii: i'm sure you just forgot to select the right HD to install Grub15:37
vfwqlum: Not sure what would cause that...15:37
Joniii7c: I didn't select any hd to install grub15:37
i7cJonii: that might be the problem ;) how many HDs do you have in your machine?15:37
imbezolpionar: easiest way is to boot into single user mode and set a root password15:37
vfwJonii: That is the problem.  You need to instal grub to the MBR of the drive your computer boots too.15:38
imbezolpionar: then you can log in as root once booted up and fix whatever else you need to fix15:38
khmeroghi wawowe15:38
imbezolpionar: ALWAYS set a root password :)15:38
i7cJonii: what option did you choose to install ubuntu? install along side or the other? or the custom one?15:38
scotty^hsnmck - Not that I know of.  Maybe someone else knows how.15:38
vfwimbezol: Are you on the wrong channel?15:38
pionarimbezol: it's a VM I've been playing around with some stuff on, so there's a lot of things that should be done that I didn't :)15:38
sipiorimbezol: pionar: if you're going to do that, do make sure that sshd does not permit root logins.15:39
khmerogis theere a good free Virtual Machine app for Linux?15:39
i7cpheeew, does alongside mean it uses the same filesystem like windows, right??15:39
imbezolvfw: i didn't know that ubuntu pigeon holed us into non-power user mode15:39
i7cdoes somebody know that here?15:39
vfw!vbox | khmerog15:39
ubottukhmerog: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:39
JoniiSo, how do I install grub?15:40
scotty^hsnmck - What about turning off autohide and turning on "Show hide buttons"?15:40
vfwimbezol: It doesnt15:40
howdyHey everyone. I need some help getting second NIC up and running. Ubuntu Server 11.10. Want second nic on different subnet. Configured but no connectivity exists. (Can't ping router for second subnet.) What could I be missing?15:40
hsnmckscotty^, this is perfect, thanks so much15:40
vfwimbezol: Not sure I know what you are talking about.  Maybe you had better explain.15:40
khmerogsoryr got DC15:41
i7cJonii: well if you wanna hear _my_ opinion: i would make some space on your HD and make an own partition for Linux (you can shrink partitions with Windows while the system is running). then i would install linux to that partition and select the harddrive for grub installation.15:41
vfwJonii: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub15:41
i7cJonii: how that works with you configuraion, i dont know it, sorry.15:41
khmerogxhat is the best irc chat i think..anyone uses Quassel?15:42
Joniii7c: that's how I did it, except that for some reason installer did not install grub15:42
angswhen I type dmesg, what is the meaning of the output shown on the left column e.g. [ 454.35778 ] ?15:42
i7cJonii: maybe the fastest way is to reinstall and specially pay attention to that point. you can write here in the channel when your at that point in setup15:42
vfwi7c: Did Jonii do a wubi install?15:43
i7cvfw: i dont think so15:43
i7cbut not sure15:43
vfwi7c: Ok... Yea, surely not, he would have said...15:44
hsnmckI want to run a script in startup programs, but it needs root or sudo, how can I do that15:44
Gallomimiamight someone tell me what this error means? I don't quite understand what's happened. an install failed on update today15:44
JoniiNope. Made a boot stick with 11.10 install media making software, and installed 12.4 with that15:44
vfwhsnmck: What exactly are you wanting to accomplish?15:45
kuna236@hsnmck You could set up your script in /etc/rc.local15:45
MonkeyDustGallomimia  did vmware come from the repos?15:46
MonkeyDustGallomimia  or from a ppa of other external installer?15:47
MonkeyDustof = or15:47
GallomimiaMonkeyDust: probably was installed when i "sat down" it's a virtual server15:47
vfwhsnmck: You can possible just use /etc/rc.local15:47
Gallomimialooking more closely i think i'm drastically out of ram15:48
hsnmckvfw, I have a script taht will set the physical buttons on my laptop, and I want to run it every time I start my computer so the buttons will work! http://pastebin.com/M9Hvey4P15:48
hsnmckvfw, I tried to add it to the startup progrmas, but I didn't work, I guess because it need to be run with root15:49
angswhen I type dmesg, what is the meaning of the output shown on the left column e.g. [ 454.35778 ] ?15:49
vfwhsnmck: Yea, because it says  sudo   Take that out.15:50
kuna236@angs the time since startup that the message occurred15:50
kuna236@angs I think it's in seconds15:51
GoshenMorning, the power went out over the weekend, it was out too long for the ups to save it, it is a headless server and I can't get in to it, when it plug it into a monitor the monitor shows the post, then it flashes some text about ubuntu and then goes to a blank screen15:51
smallfoot-why Software Center 'whats new' section only display commercial proprietary software??15:51
angskuna236: is it possible to run some commands like typing [ 454.35778 ] on the command prompt?15:51
GoshenIs there a key combination I need to press to get to the login prompt?15:52
GoshenI am burning the live cd right now15:52
tbrown2012fbI was wondering what is the command to install wine in terminal:)15:52
hsnmckvfw, I dont want to enter my password everytime15:52
goblin_hsnmck: what is the problem u r talking about?15:53
DJonestbrown2012fb: "sudo apt-get install wine"15:53
goblin_hsnmck: i joined just now15:53
vfwhsnmck: ou don't have to.  Take "sudo" out of your script.15:53
tbrown2012fbDJones: Thanks lol that was easy:)15:54
hsnmckvfw, it doesn't work without sudo! ./setX201tKeys.sh: line 26: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/press_to_select: Permission denied15:54
DJonestbrown2012fb: This may help as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine15:54
goblin_hsnmck: can u repeat ur problem?15:55
hsnmckgoblin_, I have a script taht needs sudo, and I would like to add it to the startup programs, so It will run every time I start my computer.. How can I do that http://pastebin.com/M9Hvey4P?15:55
vfwhsnmck: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html15:56
bradleymeckis there a way to use `adduser` without getting the prompts such as [First Name]15:56
Harriswhat is the hp support channel15:56
vfwhsnmck: I told you: Your scripts do not need sudo15:56
GoshenI need help getting back into my ubuntu server with software raid- can someone private message me? or help?15:56
vfwhsnmck: Take  sudo  out of it.15:56
tbrown2012fbGoing to try to install my game that I want to play on ubuntu Diablo 3. I seen some video on youtube I hope they will help me out. Wish me good luck please:)15:57
hsnmckvfw, I did, when I tried to run it,I got this http://pastebin.com/Y3GLXgy715:57
vfwhsnmck: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html15:58
vfwhsnmck: Read  ^^615:58
hsnmckvfw, OK :D15:58
tbrown2012fbI just cant get over this look that I have on Ubuntu it freken awsome. Mac Theam on the computer it so cool:)15:58
tbrown2012fbSteve: Do you want to play Diablo 3 with me:) I have no friends to play it with:(16:00
bazhang!ot | tbrown2012fb16:01
ubottutbrown2012fb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:01
smallfoot-why Software Center 'whats new' section only display commercial proprietary software??16:01
GoshenI need help getting back into my ubuntu server with software raid and broken SSH config can someone private message me? or help?16:03
jamesdhow can i get my regular  menu back..    file edit...16:06
yggdrasilanyone here good with nvidia dual display stuff ?16:07
xclusive585(poor goshen, you'll need a monitor, or at least a keyboard to hit "enter" because Grub likes to wait for your selection if the machine didn't shut down properly)16:07
OerHeks!nounity | jamesd16:07
ubottujamesd: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:07
xclusive585also goshen: In the future consider buying server boards with KVM over internet. it allows you access to the server's "monitor" without any OS even installed or running... :-)16:08
jamesdOerHeks, thanks16:08
=== lub` is now known as lubmil
qued_____Can't cd to a folder with name b?ge16:13
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qued_____but the folder is there ...16:14
qued_____cd b, and then auto-fill gets: b�ge/16:14
BenNZhi is there a way i can boot into cli , adding text to the kernel arguements doesnt seem to work in precise16:14
Goshenvfw, check message :)16:14
qued_____but cd b�ge/ doesn't work too ^^16:14
qued_____how to rename that ?16:14
stat_try te\?st/16:15
Cerrdorwell stop putting wildcars in foldernames16:15
qued_____b?ge: No such file or directory16:15
qued_____when cd b\?ge16:15
Picidarrell: stop16:15
qued_____Anyone can help?16:16
darrellPici, stop16:16
darrellstop stop16:17
sipiordarrell: i think i heard you're mom calling you.16:17
sipioryour, even.16:17
OerHeksBenNZ, you could add options to the grub menu, one-time only during boot or edit grub for permanent change16:19
BenNZOerHeks: indtead of text what do i put , adding text doesnt seem to work anymore16:20
OerHeksBenNZ, adding text to grub is just to show all commands roll on your screen, not to boot in cli mode16:21
BenNZOerHeks: thats how i used to do it and how i do it with debian16:21
reisioBenNZ: what text did you add?16:22
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reisioShameSpiral: heh16:23
BenNZreisio: linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.3.0ben-custom-1 root=UUID=e79581b9-b552-4b42-ba3c-1e7820b22738 ro   text <-- boots me to cli in lucid16:23
servercbeHello, I need help with epoptes on my LTSP and network16:24
OerHeksthere are 2 ways, "go into recovery mode; then choose, Drop to root shell prompt." or see post #4 "single" >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190434716:24
g3orgeok here's teh deal. MacBook Pro intel i5 with SSD 4GB RAM Ubuntu 12.04. Everything is fine after some kernel modules and drivers for the wireless and sound, but when the system reach 2-3 days uptime it freexes after a wake-up and sometimes the sound comes out as loud click... any ideas/fixes?16:24
BenNZOerHeks: doesnt recovery mount as ro?16:24
JoniiOkay, so, it turns out grub installed itself on my boot media :|16:25
JoniiHow did that happen?16:25
ikoniag3orge: there are known problems with suspend on the mac platform16:25
JoniiAlso, does 12.4 have preinstalled any program for making that USB stick back into 12.4 installation media?16:25
g3orgeikonia: really? where did you see that? any progress?16:25
Jonii11.10 had16:26
ikoniag3orge: many people have reported it in here, and referenced a few bugs on launchpad16:26
servercbeany kind of help with epoptes? Please16:26
ikoniag3orge: to be honest, it's not just the mac platform, but as the mac platform only has a few hardware variations and some of them have the problematic hardware in, it will seem like a "mac" problem, but it's not16:26
g3orgewhat about sound?16:27
ikoniag3orge: what about sound ?16:27
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servercbeok... I see. you are so busy... bye!16:28
OerHeksBenNZ, yes, ro16:28
g3orgeikonia: sometimes sounds come out as loud clicks from my speakers. if I pause for a bit or plug the headphones, they fix themselves...16:28
bamestnikHello, Empathy/telepathy never connects... in fact the telepathy modules for jabber never start(ps)16:28
BenNZOerHeks: well thats useless then isnt it16:28
bamestnikI've two boxes doing this.16:29
ikoniag3orge: no idea, never seen that, again I'd suggest checking launchpad for any known bugs16:29
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myherowhen doing dmesg it displays lots of msgs....how to see the msgs which have been buried in the terminal window ?16:29
Dr_Willis_Kitchemyhero,  dmesg | less16:29
ikoniamyhero: dmesg | more16:29
g3orgeikonia: how I'm supposed to search for that? haha "loud clicks"??16:29
Dr_Willis_Kitchemore is less and less is more.. the zen of linux16:29
ikoniag3orge: think about it "macbook pro sound clicking" or words to that effect, then narrow it down from the results16:30
g3orgeare those wake-up problems only for ubuntu ikonia ??16:30
ikoniag3orge: what ?16:30
ikoniag3orge: oh, you mean the resume issues, no they are a problem with linux in general16:30
g3orgeok thx16:30
GoshenHow do I mount one of the two drives in a raid in read only using live CD?16:31
ikoniaGoshen: mount -o ro /dev/device /mountpoint16:32
reddy55hi need help16:32
ikoniaGoshen: I assume you mean the raid device is a mirror not a stripe16:32
Goshentwo drives software raid 116:32
ikoniaGoshen: fine then16:33
xclusive585that's cool ikonia thanks from me too16:33
tbrown2012fbI need some help on finding a file program in filesystem playonlinux I downloaded and am trying to find it in a folder.16:33
AprelOn 12.04, I sometimes use a Cisco vpn client to connect to my university's vpn, but lately, I don't have any internet access unless I'm connected over the vpn. When disconnected, I can ping my uni's domain, and that's it until I connect. What might fix the problem?16:34
ikoniatbrown2012fb: you need to install it16:34
reddy55i need in help in getting my laptop wireless drivers activated,it is not detected16:34
tbrown2012fbikonia: I already installed lol. Am trying to find it in the folder were I installed to I cant find it is there away that I can search for it or something16:34
GoshenIkonia: "you must specify the filesystem type"16:35
ikoniatbrown2012fb: the binaries must be in /usr/bin normally16:35
ikoniaGoshen: -t ext4 (or whatever your file system is)16:35
luizhola queria instalar um programa no meu ubuntu mais nao tenho conseguido16:36
tbrown2012fbikonia: that did not work:)16:36
Goshenikonia, it is a raid type16:36
LjL!br | luiz16:36
ubottuluiz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:36
ikoniaGoshen: it must have a file system on it16:36
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ikoniatbrown2012fb: what did you not work16:36
Goshenikonia, When I installed, I selected type- raid16:36
ikoniaGoshen: yes, that is a partition type, not a file system16:36
tbrown2012fbikonia: The fild system you said /bin16:36
Goshenikonia, how can I find the type?16:37
ikoniatbrown2012fb: no, I said /usr/bin16:37
ikoniaGoshen: you put a file system on the raid device, which ones did you put on it (normally ext4)16:37
luizla eu estol sosinho16:37
tbrown2012fbikonia: Yes I understand that:) I did that..16:37
ikoniatbrown2012fb: you sai dyou did /bin16:37
ikoniathey are different16:37
OerHeksi thought those files are in ~/.playonlinux16:38
ikoniatbrown2012fb: if you read the playonlinux website it will tell you the binariy names and where it installs them to in the package16:38
ikoniaOerHeks: could well be16:38
Goshenikonia, Disk untililty says the it is "linux raid autodetect"16:38
ikoniaGoshen: that's the partition type16:38
luizmade fuck eu quero saber como instalar meu avira16:39
tbrown2012fbikonia: Can you give me a link please16:39
Goshenikonia, I tried ext3 and ext4 and it says wrong fs type16:40
streulmaGoshen: you cannot mount a disk ?16:40
streulmatry doing "df -h"16:40
streulmaor fdisk -l16:40
OerHekstbrown2012fb, check ~/.playonlinux in your /home/  ( the . means hidden, toggle ctrl + h )16:41
PyTinkerI'm trying to get kindle to work on ubuntu 12.04, i'm not sure whats failing but when i open kindle it just crashes without opening16:41
GoshenI am using live cd because the server is dead and there is a patient waiting...I am freaking out....df - h didn't help, trying fdisk -l16:41
Goshenfdisk -l returned nothing16:42
luizhola que posso fazer para instalar o avira16:42
streulmasudo fdisk -l ?16:42
reisioluiz: hiyo16:42
LjLluiz: speak English, or /join #ubuntu-br for Portuguese. Last warning.16:42
reisioluiz: clamav is what you want16:42
_huammhey , i got this messages when installing rvm : http://paste.ubuntu.com/101296116:43
luizsi fuck no limit in park sk8 e nos16:43
reisioluiz: agreed16:43
Goshenstreulma, Link raid autodetect16:43
_huammanyone can help me?16:44
streulmafdisk -l will list your disks16:44
reisio_huamm: why didn't you just sudo apt-get install ruby-rvm ?16:44
reisio_huamm: with?16:44
_huammwith answer :D16:44
streulmaGoshen: software raid or hardware raid ?16:44
Goshenstreulma, Yes, I see both drives, but I can't mount them, they are both part of a type 1 raid, one drive is failing16:44
Goshenstreulma, software16:44
AprelAny ideas why using a cisco vpn client on Ubuntu 12.04 inhibits any internet connections after disconnecting from the vpn?16:45
_huammcannot install with : apt-get install ruby-rvm16:45
Goshenstreulma, disk manager can see the raid but it won't start it because it says there are not enough components16:45
Goshenstreulma, I just need to get a few files off the drive ASAP16:46
reisio_huamm: why not16:46
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_huammcannot find on repository16:47
reisio_huamm: you might need to add the 'universe' repo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu16:47
_huammif i can manual install ?16:47
reisio_huamm: what?16:48
reisioread the link I gave you, enable universe, sudo apt-get install ruby-rvm16:48
streulmatry a mount without fs type like mount /dev/dragon /mnt/Harmony_nadir16:49
_huammyap , but i want to install manually through the guidance of the RVM official site16:49
paaniihi everyone16:49
PyTinkerI'm on ubuntu 12. So i install wine, update it. Then i install kindle-for-pc. Then i try to install kindle using wine-tricks and i get an error something about invalid parameters... anyone have any experience with this?16:49
paaniii need to share a folder to connect to my virtual box16:50
Goshenstreulma, Unknown file system type "linux raid member"16:50
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angshow can I interrupt a process?16:50
streulmaGoshen: doing something with md ?16:50
angsI try cntrl C but it doesnt work16:50
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streulmaGoshen: it is mdadm16:51
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Goshenstreulma, mdadm isn't on live cd, how do I instal it?16:52
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streulmasudo apt-get install mdadm16:54
streulmathen mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb116:54
_huammps -e16:55
streulmaif it is mirror !16:55
streulmaGoshen: I read it is level=116:55
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dzocrnanulais it wise to install kernel 3.3 on ubuntu 12.04 6416:55
streulmaGoshen: mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb116:56
reisiodzocrnanula: it's wise to update to the latest that the package manager offers16:56
paaniiis anybody using virtualbox ??16:57
reisiopaanii: nope, no one is16:57
streulmapaanii: yes !16:57
reisioexcept streulma16:57
streulmapaanii: on servers too :)16:57
roastedQuestion - if I get a PPA for a certain package, is there any way I can "break open" that PPA to get the .deb's inside?16:58
Piciroasted: Do you want to list what packages that PPA provides?16:59
roastedPici: basically. We're trying to package the .deb's to a specific PPA as part of our main install here, so if I can get the deb's physically downloaded, I'm golden.16:59
angsI typed ifconfig and terminal does not responding, how can I interrupt the process?16:59
streulmaGoshen: is /dev/md0 started now ?16:59
streulmaangs: sudo ifconfig16:59
Piciroasted: Just grab them from the PPA's launchpad page then.16:59
roastedPici: good thought. I didn't think of that.17:00
angsI was already root when I typed ifconfig17:00
streulmaPici: that's it yes17:00
roastedPici: appreciate it!17:00
streulmaangs: that's a bug ?17:00
zykotick9roasted: FYI downloaded DEBs you've installed can usually be found in /var/cache/apt/archives17:00
streulmaangs: do you have sudo su done ?17:00
streulmaangs: or sudo su -17:01
roastedzykotick9: so if I have downloaded/installed, say, the Gimp 2.8 PPA, I should be able to find the debs there???17:01
zykotick9roasted: yup17:01
streulmaangs: if you do sudo su, your path is not correct17:01
angsstreulma: I did sudo -s first, then ifconfig17:01
roastedzykotick9: nice. thanks much!17:01
zykotick9streulma: sudo su is bad idea.  sudo -i17:01
paanii@ streulma17:01
paaniistreulma: i need help17:02
streulmapaanii: when you do ssh you're root user ?17:02
paaniistreulma: am not using it for a server17:03
streulmapaanii: ok then you're not root17:04
paaniistreulma: i need to connect a shared folder for both my linux and windows guest17:04
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streulmastreulma: ssh ?17:04
streulmapaanii: sshfs or smbfs ?17:04
streulmapaanii: ok, Windows has no sshfs :)17:04
imbezolyou can use winscp17:05
streulmaimbezol: yes, or filezilla :)17:06
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Goshenstreulma, yes, it started, but now I can't mount it17:06
JessicaWlooking for help with perl mod installation. trying to install perl-suid and it keeps telling me I need to install the version of perl that is already installed. Suggestions?17:06
paaniistreulma: i want to use a usb on the windows guest17:07
paaniihow do i go about it17:07
sipiorJessicaW: what's the exact error?17:07
streulmaGoshen: sudo mkdir /mnt/raid17:07
paaniistreulma: how do i go about it17:07
streulmaGoshen: sudo mount /dev/md0 /mnt/raid17:07
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JessicaWsipior: The following packages have unmet dependencies:   perl-suid: Depends: perl (= 5.10.1-8ubuntu2) but 5.10.1-8ubuntu2.1 is to be installed17:08
Goshenstreulma, and we are back to ---you must specify file system type17:08
JessicaWsipior: dpkg -s shows Version: 5.10.1-8ubuntu2.117:08
zykotick9streulma: technically /mnt exists for temporary mounting (you really shouldn't be creating subdirs, just mount to /mnt), or at least according to the filesystem hierarchy people17:08
imbezolstreulma: looks like there are several sshfs implementations for windows too17:08
imbezolstreulma: myself i'd just use cifs unless there are reasons not to17:09
sipiorJessicaW: have you done an apt-get update recently?17:09
nwilson5this may not be the most appropriate place for this but after a segfault and a reboot with an ubuntu thumdrive, i think i might have taken out the drive at the wrong time and now i'm unable to even enter my bios17:09
nwilson5the boot_device_led is red and it won't go past bios screen/can't boot from thumbdrive anymore17:09
streulmaGoshen: which OS ?17:10
streulmaGoshen: Ubuntu Server 10.04 ?17:10
bakarati've been running a dual screen setup for 4-5 years with ubuntu but with a clean 12.04 install, my second screen is "fuzzy" as in, i can view content on it, but everything looks mangled. my monitor is also complaining that it is not running in the optimal resolution (1920x1080) though according to the "displays" interface, it is17:10
bakaratany clues?17:10
OerHeksnwilson5, without the usb drive attached, does your computer behave normal?17:10
GoshenUbuntu live cd....yes, it is Ubuntu server17:10
andygraybealokay guys, i want to help someone remotely, i don't want to mess with his firewall, so I think that RemoteDesktop is out of the question (i'm here at his house right now) -- i was thinking about TeamViewer -- is there something better?17:10
streulmaGoshen: then you can try sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/md0 /mnt17:10
nwilson5OerHeks, no, now i can't get past bios with or without a thumbdrive in. i can't enter bios either by pressing the mb del key17:10
nwilson5it just gets stuck on the screen that tells me to hit del to enter bios17:11
Goshenstreulma, I did, and it said wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock17:11
bakaratthe output of my xrandr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013334/17:11
imbezolnwilson5: laptop or desktop?17:11
nwilson5and boot_device_led light stays on17:11
nwilson5imbezol, workstation/desktop17:11
OerHeksnwilson5, last resort: unplug power supply, hold power button 10 sec and connect power.17:11
imbezolnwilson5: unplug it, leave the power supply on, hold power button for > 10 sec17:12
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:12
JoniiHey, I have this clickpad-type touchpad, and for some reason I can't right click17:12
OerHeksnwilson5, if this does not work, Mobo is defunct, i hope the rest is still working. better join ##hardware17:13
Goshenstreulma, I am starting to worry about the filesystem17:13
JoniiWhat to do?17:13
JessicaWsipior: no. not recently17:13
JessicaWsipior: we try not to update much.17:13
sipiorJessicaW: fair enough. still, no harm in updating the package list.17:14
JessicaWsipior: fair enough. :D17:14
Joniihttp://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/02/call-for-testing-clickpad.html -> I tried to get it working by running these scripts, but it didn't work17:14
Joniiproperty Synaptics Soft Button Areas doesn't exist, you need to specify its type and format17:14
nwilson5booting up again boot_device_led still red. hmm17:14
JoniiThat's the error I got at step 517:14
streulmaGoshen: you can recover the superblock17:15
streulmabut you'll have to follow a few steps17:15
streulmaGoshen: that's just the problem, the system won't start anymore... you have no valid superblock17:15
imbezolnwilson5: what kind of system is it? I've not seen a boot_device_led before17:16
OerHeksnwilson5, back to the shop17:16
JessicaWsipior: longer error now. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013345/17:16
Goshenstreulma, one of the hard drives needs to be removed, because it is throwing off smart drive errors saying it is about to fail17:17
JessicaWsipior: but still getting the perl-suid: Depends: perl (= 5.10.1-8ubuntu2) but 5.10.1-8ubuntu2.1 is to be installed broken package error17:17
nwilson5imbezol, a workstation we built. OerHeks are you certain it's a mb issue since i cannot get into bios... what's weird is i had just previously boot from thumbdrive then restarted adn could not17:17
benccis there a package for the postgresql tutorial?17:17
sipiorJessicaW: might try supplying the "-f" switch to apt-get install.17:18
JessicaWsipior: tried it.17:18
OerHeksnwilson5, blown up USB port or corrupt bios, as far as i can tell from here.17:18
sipiorJessicaW: interesting. does aptitude fail also?17:18
JessicaWsipior: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.17:18
JessicaWsipior: haven't tried it. one sec.17:19
sipiorJessicaW: is there a package hold in place which is causing the trouble?17:19
imbezolnwilson5: i would unplug everything from the mobo that you don't need.. sound card, extra ports on the case, harddrives, etc.. basically try turning it on with keyboard, vid card, and that's it17:19
imbezolnwilson5: if that works, plug the components in one at a time until you find where the problem is17:19
JessicaWsipior: don't see any locks. let me check again.17:19
nwilson5ok i will work on it17:19
PenguincscI cannot use Gwibber with GTalk after upgrading17:19
sipiorJessicaW: next, try apt-get dist-upgrade.17:20
Penguincsckeeps saying the password is wrong although it isn't...17:20
ZopiacI'm trying to create a bootable ISO from the extracted files of another livecd with mkisofs, but it ends up not being bootable, anyone know how to make it boot?17:20
hsnmckwhen I do apt-get install software, how ubuntu chose which version of this software to install? is it always the last version? if not, where can I see which version it will install before I install it,thanks17:20
zykotick9hsnmck: (by default) apt will always install the most recent version in it's repository list17:21
nwilson5ctrl alt del works to reboot the computer when it gets stuck on the bios screen... unless i try to press delete first then it gets stuck. not sure if that's significant. anyways thanks for helping imbezol and OerHeks17:21
Penguincschsnmck: you can forcer a specific version, but it is not recomended17:22
JessicaWsipior: no no. that might update something I don't want updated that could break a proprietary script.17:22
hsnmckzykotick9, Penguincsc, is it possible to look in the repository list?17:22
xisorshadowhi is it possible to move the unity bar to the other side of the screen? i want it on the right instead of the left17:23
oCeanJessicaW: you're installing from PPA?17:23
sipiorJessicaW: proprietary script? good lord :-)17:23
oCean!info perl-suid17:23
ubottuPackage perl-suid does not exist in precise17:23
zykotick9hsnmck: that's a complicated question if you have PPAs installed.  "apt-cache policy foo" will say where things are coming from, and what version is available17:23
xisorshadownobody knows?17:24
hsnmckzykotick9, thanks17:24
sipiorJessicaW: oCean: well-spotted. you might consider installing via CPAN, which gets around all this misery.17:25
rebehow do I change default tabsize in ubuntu ?17:25
JessicaWsipior: no locks or holds on apt-get. trying aptitude now.17:25
xisorshadowhi is it possible to move the unity bar to the other side of the screen? i want it on the right instead of the left17:25
avinashhmHi friends, i have a question about man pages .. is there any way to list all topics in a man page section .. ex: all topics in man pages 2 - the system calls ..17:26
sipiorJessicaW: i'd like to hear your answer for oCean, actually :-)17:26
hsnmckzykotick9, but for example, I need to install the new version of eclipse, and I'm using ubuntu 10.04,so it will install an old version of eclipse, how can I ask for the new version other than going to the website and downloadint it17:26
JessicaWoCean: yes. installing from PPA17:26
sipiorJessicaW: yeah, there's the problem.17:27
JoniiFor some reason Ubuntu 12.4 keeps asking for password each time I open lid of my laptop17:27
zykotick9hsnmck: with 10.04 you won't be getting much new stuff.  you might want to consider upgrading, if you're finding the versions to old for you.  if you add a PPA (for lucid) with the eclipse version you want, that's what should get installed ('cause it'll be the newest version).17:27
JoniiI can't seem to find any option to disable that automatic lock17:28
JessicaWsipior: I'm assuming. isn't that the default?17:28
pixaalanyone know of a way to hide the title bar for a certain application?17:28
xisorshadowhi is it possible to move the unity bar to the other side of the screen? i want it on the right instead of the left17:28
sipiorJessicaW: no, PPAs are extra, unofficial repositories. some are good, some get out of date.17:28
zykotick9hsnmck: from others posting in the channel, i'm under the impression eclipse (and particularily it's java requirements, might make installing from a repository difficult or perhaps impossible these days)?  best of luck.17:28
JessicaWsipior: oh, I should mention I"m using 10.0417:28
Penguincscxisorshadow: no17:28
Joniixisorshadow: I'm guessing that if it is possible, it's gonna take a lot of work17:29
xisorshadowwhy isnt it possible? >.< it makes it pretty much unusable for me17:29
JessicaWsipior: ohhh, no then. I'm using whatever teh defaults are. let me check and see what repositories are set up17:29
xisorshadowand i dont like kde either17:29
raptor67682do you use jabber ubuntu chat rooms ?17:29
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Penguincscxisorshadow: try this: http://www.unixmen.com/move-unity-launcher-to-the-bottom-with-unity-bottom-launcher-ppa-ubuntu/17:30
zykotick9raptor67682: that's not really ontopic here.  we all use irc ubuntu chat rooms ;)17:30
hsnmckzykotick9, Actually since my laptop is a tablet, I'm afraid to upgrade and that the touch features will stop working.. what do you think? Is it possible to upgrade from the 10.04 to the 12.04 or I should upgrade to the 10.10 before?17:30
XinulHi everyone, (how) is it possible to display the creation date of a file?17:30
xisorshadowPenguincsc, i need it on the right side, not the bottom17:30
sipiorJessicaW: if you just need the one module, i'd say look into getting it through CPAN. it'll likely be a lot quicker/easier.17:31
Khisanthhsnmck: no way to try it with a live image?17:31
zykotick9hsnmck: honestly, i hate upgrades.  but if you want to update 10.04, i'd wait until the point release (when 12.04 will be offered by default)17:31
Penguincscxisorshadow: I understand, but it is not possible, it seems17:31
raptor67682zykotick9: but with jabber google? Isnt freenode?17:31
xisorshadowPenguincsc, your link doesnt work for 12.04 either17:31
streulmadoes anyone know Geomajas ?17:31
hsnmckzykotick9, ok waitning then :)17:32
zykotick9raptor67682: jabber or xmpp is a protocol for chatting, that's an alternative to IRC (this on freenode)17:32
hsnmckKhisanth, Yeah I can with usb17:32
xisorshadowok then ubuntu is pretty much unusable entirely for me since kde is terrible and this cant be customized AT ALL17:32
* Zopiac sighs17:32
JessicaWsipior: just checked. all default except for one ppa that's for dell's openmanage stuff.17:32
OerHekshi misnix17:32
raptor67682zykotick9: really? is it better than IRC or more frequented?17:32
Penguincscxisorshadow: sorry. I understand it is unmovable from 12.04 and on17:33
zykotick9raptor67682: i wouldn't know.  i only use jabber for IM style messaging.17:33
xisorshadowPenguincsc, where can i contact the ubuntu devs and complain about it until they fix it?17:33
oCean!info perl-suid lucid17:33
xisorshadowPenguincsc, since apparently theres no inherent reason why its not movable, if it was able to be moved in the past17:33
ubottuperl-suid (source: perl): runs setuid Perl scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 5.10.1-8ubuntu2.1 (lucid), package size 28 kB, installed size 104 kB17:33
Zopiacxisorshadow: It's not ubuntu's fault, it's just the window manager's design decisions17:34
Zopiacor, desktop environment17:34
xisorshadowubuntu customized thousand or tens of thousands of packages for their distro, why not this one? so its entirely their fault17:34
xisorshadowor at least something they can fix17:34
Zopiacthere has been changes since Gnome2 when it could be moved. It gave many more features but took some away for (mostly) compatability reasons with the new setup17:34
ZopiacOnly if they completely remake Gnome3, which isn't exactly on the board for a 'legitimate fix'17:35
Penguincscxisorshadow: read here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125685/left-and-right-unity-launcher-in-12-0417:35
sipiorJessicaW: yeah, just checked. looks like it was removed from the default repositories sometime after 10.04. i guess aptitude didn't work either?17:35
Zopiac"There is no supported mechanism for doing this; the launcher is designed to be on the left-hand side of the screen."17:35
oCeanJessicaW, sipior, the 5.10.1-8ubuntu2 version should be the current for 10.04, what is your current perl version?17:36
AcidRain2012the software center wont let me install apps again17:36
AcidRain2012im about to quit17:36
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xisorshadowthen i cant use ubuntu, and need to find an alternative that is as widely supported, and just as fast17:36
Zopiaccan't use it? because left vs right?17:36
JessicaWoCean: that's my version. I verified with dpkg -s17:36
KhisanthJessicaW: what are you trying to do with suidperl? because it was deprecated in 5.10.1 and dropped  from 5.12.0 so if you are starting something new that requires it you might want to reconsider ...17:36
Zopiacwhat is so mandatory about having a right-side panel?17:36
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: what is your isse?17:36
PenguincscHow do I reset the Gwibber settings completely?17:36
JessicaWsipior: and no, aptitude didn't work.17:36
PenguincscI cannot login to GTalk since upgrading to precise17:37
xisorshadowsimple, unable to be moved it completely ruins multi monitor setups, and its terrible to work with from the left side17:37
xisorshadowthats my issue AcidRain201217:37
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: i have 6 monitors :D17:37
Penguincsckeeps complaining the password is incorrect although it is correct...17:37
JessicaWKhisanth: I was trying to set g+s on a directory and the perl scripts they're using require being able to setuid/gid.17:37
oCeanJessicaW: is your current 5.10.1-8ubuntu2 or 5.10.1-8ubuntu2.117:37
quidnuncHow do I mount an external drive that was not mounted automatically such that it uses the automatically generated mount points based on partition names or identifiers?17:37
Zopiacxisorshadow: Gnome2 forks exist that still allow moving the panel17:37
oCeanJessicaW: the apt-get output says it requires 5.10.1-8ubuntu2.117:38
oCeannote the .117:38
xisorshadowis there a fork that gets rid of it entirely and puts it up top like it used to be?17:38
sipiorJessicaW: well, i need to be on my way home. sorry i couldn't be more useful, looks like the other locals will get you sorted out. best of luck with it.17:38
Zopiacxisorshadow: Yes, all of them do, I have no doubt17:38
misnixha OerHeks17:38
ZopiacThe unmovable panel is only Gnome3 I believe17:38
JessicaWoCean: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013371/17:39
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: i would suggest looking into nvidia drivers and cards17:39
AcidRain2012thats what i use17:39
Penguincscquidnunc: If I understand you correctly: you can add the UUID of the drive to the fstab file17:39
JessicaWsipior: thanks for the help!17:39
JessicaWsipior: *cookie*17:39
zykotick9quidnunc: fstab doesn't typically work like that.  you're refering to the way fuse-style mounting works.  fstab can use LABELs and UUIDs, but requires a pre-existing mount point.17:39
xisorshadowand switching to these forks wont 1. break my distro or 2. make it slower AT ALL?17:39
Zopiacxisorshadow: If you do it right17:39
AcidRain2012forks? you mean you have manual switches?17:39
xisorshadowAcidRain2012, i have an nvidia card, doesnt change the fact that the panel is on the left side, so theres one right in the middle of my monitor setup17:40
JessicaWoCean: yeah, that threw me off too looking at the output initially but dpkg-s says it's 2.117:40
Zopiacjust like any other desktop environment switch17:40
quidnunczykotick9: Right, how do I initiating that type of mounting manually? Plug-n-play didn't seem to work17:40
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: ah. i think the issue you are having is you need to manually adjust the screen on the monitor from the monitor itself17:40
xisorshadowZopiac, ive used linux for 2 days, doing it right is probably beyond my ability at this point17:40
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: i had to do that with my main monitor (36" lcd)17:40
oCeanJessicaW: yes, but the "Depends" in the output says -suid requires exact 5.10.1-8ubuntu217:40
zykotick9quidnunc: someone else would be able to answer your question better, i use fstab17:40
Penguincscquidnunc: can you elaborate on whet you are trying to do?17:41
Zopiacxisorshadow: Understandable. How are you so accustomed to having the bar at the top though then?17:41
xisorshadowAcidRain2012, what do you mean/17:41
JessicaWoCean: I caught that. Is it implying it needs a lower version?17:41
xisorshadowZopiac, mac, screenshots from old gnome17:41
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: like on my tv, i have the option to adjust the screen left/right down/up17:41
oCeanJessicaW: seems a broken dependency?17:41
AcidRain2012and i had to do that from the tv itself17:41
ZopiacI see17:41
xisorshadowZopiac, im not accustomed to anything, i just dont want this thing on the left side of my screen17:41
AcidRain2012not from ubuntu17:41
xisorshadowi hate it17:41
Zopiacvery well17:41
i7cfasta: you still there? ;)17:41
quidnuncPenguincsc: I plugged in my external harddrive. Normally Ubuntu mounts the partitions automatically but this time it didn't. I have scripts that rely on the mountpoints that are normally generated.17:42
xisorshadowand kde is far far too slow for an atom nettop17:42
xisorshadowso its not even an option17:42
Zopiacxisorshadow: Take a look at xfce then17:42
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: did you try what i said to do?17:42
JessicaWoCean: I was thinking that too but I can't figure out what it is. I tried apt-get install -f17:42
Zopiacxisorshadow: XFCE is similar to the old gnome setup and lightweight to boot17:42
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: if you the menu button on your monitor, u should find it in the settings17:42
xisorshadowAcidRain2012, im not sure how adjusting my monitor is going to solve my problem, my problem is theres a bar on the left side of EACH monitor17:42
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: take a screenshot, idk what bar you mean17:43
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Penguincscquidnunc: if it's the same external drive, you should give it a permanent moutpoint using fstab17:43
xisorshadowthe unity launcher17:43
AcidRain2012u must be talking about the shitty unity launcher17:43
oCeanJessicaW: to me, it seems a packaging fault17:43
AcidRain2012ouch. yeah, i would change distros17:43
AcidRain2012unity sucks17:43
oCeanAcidRain2012: please mind your language here17:43
FloodBot1AcidRain2012: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:43
AcidRain2012oCean: sry17:43
JessicaWoCean: do I have any other options? I need to be able to restrict one group from a certain directory while allowing access to another group and also to the perl scripts they run. The scripts are kind of old.17:43
sacarlsonxisorshadow: maybe just try ubuntu 10.04 or Lubuntu  you can backport most apps you might need from ppa if they don't already have the apps you want17:43
StefandeVriesmisnix: is er iets, misnix?17:43
xisorshadowoCean, my fault sorry XD17:43
ZopiacAcidRain2012: lol, change distros? you DO know you can just change WM/DEs right?17:43
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: my advice is to upgrade from the current version of ubuntu you have installed to 11.0417:43
xisorshadowsacarlson, i have no idea what you just said i can do lol17:43
Penguincscquidnunc: I did it once. create a mount point, find out what's the drive's UUID and add it to fstab17:43
xisorshadowAcidRain2012, i have 12.0417:44
oCeanJessicaW: I'm not a perl expert, sorry. But I'm searching launchpad if it is a known bug17:44
misnixStefandeVries, huh?17:44
AcidRain2012Zopiac: nah actually i didnt, lol. when i saw unity, it enraged me so bad i threw my computer17:44
AcidRain2012then spent 2 days looking for 11.04 :)17:44
quidnuncPenguincsc: I guess, but automounting was pretty convenient.17:44
sacarlsonxisorshadow: you can also run the older code instead of 12.04 if you don't like the look of the new17:44
ZopiacAcidRain2012: lol understandable. Yeah you can install other desktop environemnts within one installation17:44
quidnuncPenguincsc: It should work and there must be a way to invoke it.17:44
Penguincscquidnunc: this way, every time you connect the drive, it will mount at the same point and you can point the scripts to it17:44
Zopiacxisorshadow: Check out Xubuntu. It comes packaged with XFCE which might suit you better17:44
xisorshadowsacarlson, is it going to be just as fast? this thing boots in less than 2 seconds even on this crappy atom dual core17:45
StefandeVriesmisnix: je bent in ieder geval niet geband op #ubuntu-nl17:45
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quidnuncPenguincsc: With automounting it already mounted at the same point every time17:45
Penguincscquidnunc: it does work17:45
oCeanJessicaW: yes it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/perl/+bug/776960 apparently no activity since 8/201117:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776960 in perl (Ubuntu) "package perl-doc 5.10.1-8ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New]17:45
sacarlsonxisorshadow: I'm not sure I run Lubuntu on virtualbox with very little power and it runs fine17:45
Zopiacah, yes, lxde is also nice17:45
xisorshadowZopiac, is there a way to do it without re installing everything? it took me 4 hours to fix my sound and video when i got this installed, i dont wanna go through that again17:45
AcidRain2012Zopiac: ah. if you mean by that. then i did indeed install a gnome2 shell over the unity desktop. and honestly, it just wasnt the same feel man17:45
JessicaWoCean: I saw that too but since it was a year old I assumed it had been fixed.17:45
AcidRain2012Zopiac: i felt like i was missing alot of options17:46
misnixweird, StefandeVries, nu nog steeds namelijk17:46
Zopiacholy netsplit17:46
JessicaWso.. any PERL experts in here?17:46
AcidRain2012whos next zomg17:46
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quidnuncPenguincsc: I appreciate the fstab advice. However, when the drive is connected it must run some command to invoke automount. I must be able to execute that command manually.17:46
Zopiacxisorshadow: You can install the xfce packages from the repos directly17:46
AcidRain2012JessicaW: try #perl17:46
StefandeVriesmisnix: volgens ons en ChanServ niet.17:46
Penguincscquidnunc: that is what I did to be able to mount my always connected external drive at boot, so It will appear as part of the tree and not as a removable device17:46
Zopiacxisorshadow: It requires a bit of configuration and setup but you won't have to reinstall the entire OS17:46
xisorshadowZopiac, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop?17:46
sacarlsonJessicaW: I programed in perl about 5 years ago17:46
AcidRain2012ok. brb while i try to fix the software center "install now" button not wanting to work17:46
JessicaWAcidRain2012: meh. I hate those guys. no sense of humor. ;-D but I"m headed there now.17:46
quidnuncPenguincsc: Part of my aim is to determine why automounting is no longer working17:47
Zopiacxisorshadow: Something like that, there are plenty of guides online probably if you really need help17:47
AcidRain2012JessicaW: yea try that. why sooo serious!17:47
oCeanmisnix, StefandeVries, english only please17:47
Penguincscquidnunc: so you want it to *not* mount automaticaly?17:47
JessicaWsacarlson: I'm having problems with g+s and having a perl script output to that directory.17:47
xisorshadowwill i lose any of my settings?17:47
Zopiacxisorshadow: I could also just download an Ubuntu disk and try it myself to help you if you really want17:47
Zopiacxisorshadow: You will lose settings that you set for the Unity desktop, but not core OS settings17:47
AcidRain2012Zopiac: speaks truth17:47
toastedpenguinubuntu noob, use to rhel based distro's, during an install how do you configure an LV mount point once the LV is defined?17:47
StefandeVriesMy apologies, oCean.17:48
quidnuncPenguincsc: I plugged in my drive. It is not automounting. I want 1. to figure out why 2. to invoke the automount procedure "manually"17:48
sacarlsonJessicaW: g+s?17:48
xisorshadowso my video and sound wont break?17:48
xisorshadowand my installed apps wont break?17:48
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: im pretty sure if you go to software center you can install the gnome2 shell17:48
misnixStefandeVries,   [Tue-19:46:12] Cannot join #ubuntu-nl (You are banned).17:48
AcidRain2012with a pretty Vista style GUI17:48
Zopiacxisorshadow: They certainly shouldn't. If it did, you have bigger problems on your hand that I've never seen17:48
xisorshadownothing about vista is pretty :P17:48
JessicaWsacarlson: setgid permissions on a directory so that all files and directories below it retain same GID.17:48
AcidRain2012xisorshadow: yeah i know. lol17:48
oCeanmisnix: #ubuntu-irc is the channel where loco channels (and their issues) are managed17:48
misnixStefandeVries, can i say your pants are on fire?17:49
AcidRain2012unity is like vistas lil brother that got rejected in high school17:49
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JessicaWbut IT'S SO SHINY!17:49
ZopiacI like Unity's concepts and designs, personally17:49
AcidRain2012ok, brb17:49
ZopiacI can't use it as a daily desktop, but I like it17:49
JessicaWi LOVE it.17:49
misnixoCean, ok,17:49
JessicaWbut, I also like pink desktops and modifying unity to be pink is hard.17:49
xisorshadowZopiac, what are some other good desktops? nothing stupidly basic17:49
Zopiacwell, for a time I LOVED compiz fusion. I haven't touched it in like 4 years17:50
JessicaWxisorshadow: gnome, XFCE, KDE17:50
Zopiacxisorshadow: The ones I can think of that are similar in format to gnome are KDE, LXDE, XFCE, IceWM17:50
xisorshadowkde is like the bloated inbred 3rd cousin of the windows UI, its terrible IMO i tried that first lol17:50
Penguincscquidnunc: check the logs. grep the dmesg for you drive's name or just run dmesg right after plugging in the drive17:50
Khisanthuse a pixel shader to turn everything pink ...17:50
sacarlsonJessicaW: I guess you mean like chown?  you can use the system command as an option17:50
ZopiacI like KDE as well ヽ(´ー`)ノ17:51
john_ramboYoutube videos shows a blueish tint17:51
oCeanxisorshadow, JessicaW, Zopiac  please keep the chit-chat in #ubuntu-offtopic channel17:51
JessicaWsacarlson: more like chmod. it's chmod 2755.17:51
zykotick9john_rambo: fullscreen, then disable hardware acceleration in flash17:51
quidnuncPenguincsc: Already did that "HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed" is the only relevant error message17:51
ZopiacoCean: We are discussing Desktop Environments, it's not random chat...17:51
xisorshadowZopiac, how do i switch to xfce once it finishes installing?17:51
oCeanZopiac: "i like, I dislike" are not support discussions17:51
ZopiacSorry for writing two lines not pertinant to chat. Just giving suggestions for xisorshadow to choose a workable environment to use for Ubuntu17:52
KhisanthJessicaW: so why do you need perl at all for setting permissions?17:52
JessicaWxisorshadow: you would sudo apt-get remove ubuntu desktop. reboot and apt-get install "whichever desktop you choose"17:52
sacarlsonJessicaW: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/chmod.html17:52
xisorshadowJessicaW, i have to uninstall this desktop to try another one?17:52
Zopiacxisorshadow: I believe if you log out, you have a bar on the bottom from which you can select another environment17:53
h00kAcidRain2012: please keep conversations constructive. You're free to have the opinions on Unity, but keep the conversation in here support related, thanks17:53
Zopiacbut it's been a long time since I've used ubuntu, so I MAY be wrong by now17:53
JessicaWKhisanth: I don't. The perl script by default sets the uid/gid. I don't like it but I can't change it. It's way to complicated for me. It's for analyzing DNA.17:53
xisorshadowZopiac, what do you use then?17:53
rebehow do Ichange tabsize in whole ubuntu ?17:53
JessicaWxisorshadow: I'm sure there's a way to choose which desktop gui you log into but I'm not sure how to do it. I don't use desktop that often.17:54
Zopiacxisorshadow: Arch Linux with a tiling window manager. A bit more in-depth and advanced than Ubuntu. I wouldn't recommend it on your second day of using linux, lol17:54
KhisanthJessicaW: or why can't it be run with sudo instead?17:54
john_rambozykotick9: Thanks17:54
ZopiacI'd try to get a virtual machine running Ubuntu myself but I have almost no hard disk space17:54
xisorshadowZopiac, i have no idea what a tiling window manager is, so you are probably right... oh hey its done downloading my xfce!17:54
JessicaWKhisanth: that means giving sudo permissions to a department of 50 bioinformatic engineers. They're too smart to be safe with sudo privs.17:54
Khisanthxisorshadow: there should be a button/dropdown on the login screen for selecting the desktop17:54
Penguincscquidnunc: what's the filesystem on the drive?17:55
lemarcthe apache2 folder was missing from etc folder so i used the command 'apt-get install --reinstall apache2.2-common' and i got the apache2 and its subfolders but the files apache2.conf, ports.conf are missing, also all the subfolders of apache2 are empty17:55
KhisanthJessicaW: you can configure sudo to only allow specific commands17:55
JessicaWKhisanth: hmmm. I didn't even think of that.17:55
quidnuncPenguincsc: 4 partitions, ext3 and FAT17:55
JessicaWKhisanth: seems more like a hack though than actually fixing the problem doesn't it?17:56
PenguincscJessicaW: sudo will let you give certain right to certain command to certain users... ;-)17:56
JessicaWIf I can get perl mod suid installed it won't be an issue.17:56
somewhatHey, I'm having a little trouble with 12.04, and I'm hoping I can ask some questions17:56
Cerrdorle huh?17:57
Penguincscquidnunc: did this happen after unplugging it from a windows machine without using the "Safe Remove"?17:57
KhisanthJessicaW: I would like to point to the fact that suidperl is dropped starting from 5.12.0, it might stay as an ubuntu package but it doesn't exactly have the brightest future17:57
xisorshadow!ask | somewhat17:57
ubottusomewhat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:57
xisorshadowyay i did it right17:57
KhisanthJessicaW: doing this now also means you won't have to deal with it in future upgrades17:57
sacarlsonlemarc: maybe better to reinstall all of appache not just common17:57
quidnuncPenguincsc: No17:57
applebloomoin #/ponyfuckers/17:58
somewhatGreat...   - My HP Compaq nc4200 running 12.04 is hanging.  It is happening very frequently (90% of the time after startup) and it always seems to hang after about five minutes - wether or not I log in.  Help?17:59
JessicaWKhisanth: ahhh. lovely. well, the problem is I have two groups that need to use the same script. The first group is only supposed to be able to write to one folder. If I give sudo access to that script, won't they be able to output to any folder?17:59
Penguincscquidnunc: what version of Ubuntu are you running and did you keep it up to date?17:59
lemarcsararlson: i completely removed apache2 and then reinstalled it, this dint help17:59
Penguincscquidnunc: run sudo apt-get update18:00
Penguincscquidnunc: run sudo apt-get upgrade18:00
JessicaWKhisanth: and I apologize for using gui speak. I meant directory not folder.18:00
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Penguincscquidnunc: run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:00
sacarlsonlemarc: what version of ubuntu and what version of appache,  it normaly installs with little effort unless you tried to compile something first18:00
Penguincscquidnunc: it might be a kernel issue18:00
quidnuncPenguincsc: precise, updated this mornign18:01
Penguincscquidnunc: did you run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade too?18:01
Penguincscquidnunc: can you fdisk the drive?18:01
snake__I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 32bit and I was wondering how to use the nouveau driver for my nvidia card instead of the proprietary ones because they make my screen blurry while the open source ones are nice and smooth. :)18:01
KhisanthJessicaW: when you say group do you mean actual groups as in /etc/group entries or just the regular English word? :)18:02
quidnuncPenguincsc: dist-upgrade: yes18:02
lemarcsacarlson: ubuntu 11.10 and apache-2.2.2, i dint installed it from the source code, i installed it from the distros from terminal18:02
quidnuncPenguincsc: I can fdisk and print partition table18:03
quidnuncPenguincsc: My repo mirror's may not be updated if this is a known issue that happened within the last day18:03
Penguincscquidnunc: try running fsck.ext3 on the partitions18:03
Penguincscquidnunc: change to the Main Server in the sources18:04
Penguincscquidnunc: then run the whole upgrade bit again18:04
Penguincscquidnunc: I had the same issue. Sources not up to date on my local server18:05
sacarlsonlemarc: did you try a apt-get purge appache2  before reinstall?  I'm bringing up a copy of 11.10 to see if I can duplicate18:05
quidnuncPenguincsc: Alright, I have to step out for 15 minutes. I will do it when I come back. Thanks18:06
Penguincscquidnunc: I just ran un upgrade now and got a kernel update too18:06
Penguincscquidnunc: Good luck18:06
lemarcsacarlson: i will try purge, wait18:06
sacarlsonlemarc: also you sure it didn't install maybe try http://localhost  in a browser to be sure it didn't install18:07
[snake]Um, my question was the snake__ one, I reconnected as my registered nick so it's not linked to me anymore.18:07
CalvinnHobbesI have a strange question, does anyone know of a program that can format a bash session into pretty text. What im trying to do: copy my bash commands and their corresponding output to a spreadsheet so that it can be followed by someone else. Primarily I want to format the command in one color and the output in another, the actual prompt is less important18:08
[snake]I'll just repost if it's no big deal: I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 32bit and I was wondering how to use the nouveau driver for my nvidia card instead of the proprietary ones because they make my screen blurry while the open source ones are nice and smooth. :)18:08
* ir1spardalis is away: Gone away for now18:08
zykotick9!away > ir1spardalis18:09
ubottuir1spardalis, please see my private message18:09
[snake]CalvinnHobbes, Do you mean like the color prompt? them you would need to output into a database maybe.18:09
lemarcsacarlson: tried purge and reinstalled, tried opening localhost, its not opening. Also tried restarting apache2, got reply '51: Can't open /etc/apache2/envvars18:09
CalvinnHobbesyeah similar to a color prompt18:09
CalvinnHobbesexcept if you try and copy from a session to a spreadsheet or just a text file, the formattign is lost18:10
[snake]I know I activated mine by uncommenting the line in ~/.bashrc for force_color_prompt18:10
CalvinnHobbesI assume that when people are writing tutorials or the like that this problem has to have been run into before18:10
[snake]oh the problem is the copying. hm... idk18:10
sacarlsonlemarc: maybe reboot?18:11
lemarcok i will try that18:11
[snake]Come to think of it I could probably google my question.18:11
thomasdhello wen ever my computer boots. grub runs in a video mode not supported by my computer does anyone know how to fix this18:11
thomasdalso my terminals are running in an unsupported video mode aswell18:12
thomasdhello wen ever my computer boots. grub runs in a video mode not supported by my monoter. also none of my terminals are accessable can anyone help me with this issue?18:14
abckb__thomasd: what video card are you using?18:15
Penguincscthomas: you can edit the /etc/default/grub file to set the resolution18:15
thomasdabckb__: not a clue it's one by nvidia that's all i know18:15
abckb__thomasd: ok18:15
Penguincscthomas: do you know how to?18:15
ThomasBoxleyPenguincsc: please autocomplete the name completely, with the d at the end. I keep getting highlighted :p18:16
zdennisOn Ubuntu 12.04, ImageMagick 6.6.9 is available, but I'd like to install ImageMagick 6.7. Is there a repository that I can add to find a newer version of ImageMagick?18:16
Penguincscthomasd:  you can edit the /etc/default/grub file to set the resolution18:16
thomasdPanguincsc: yes i do but i'm paranoied that i'm going to break something18:16
lemarcsacarlson: reboot dint help, someone could probably give me the copy of etc/apache2 from their ubuntu 11.10, that might help18:16
PenguincscThomasBoxley: sorry, just realised I got it wrong...18:16
Penguincscthomasd:  what's the supported resolution?18:17
sacarlsonlemarc: I only have a copy running in virtualbox that seems to be running very slow for me18:18
Penguincscthomasd: I don't think it will break something18:18
Penguincscthomasd: it's a standard resolution18:18
thomasdPenguincsc it is currently supposed to be set up to duel boot with windows. will reconfigureing it screw that up?18:19
W0rmDrinkfor ubuntu18:19
Penguincscthomasd: edit the file, run update-grub and reboot18:19
lemarcsomeone with ubuntu 11.10 and apache2 installed, plz provide me with the copy of the apache2 folder from /etc folder, that would be a big help, thanks18:19
W0rmDrinkI want to setup wlan0 with static ip18:19
W0rmDrinkwhere is docs for that18:19
Penguincscthomasd: no18:19
W0rmDrinkfor /etc/network/interfaces that is18:19
Penguincscthomasd: just edit the line that starts with GRUB_GFXMODE=18:20
decciI would like to recover a file from a remote computer from an organization.18:20
thomasdPenguincsc that line is currently commented out18:20
Penguincscthomasd: make sure to read the comment above the variable and uncomment it if it's commented18:21
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sacarlsonlemarc: you have any ppa repositories added?18:21
zykotick9W0rmDrink: good luck.  this might be a decent starting point (untested by me) http://nixcraft.com/ubuntu-debian/13278-etc-network-interfaces-wireless-wifi-example.html18:21
Penguincscthomasd: it will not affect windows, just the boot screen18:21
thomasdok i'm giving it a shot brb18:21
lemarcsacarlson: sorry, I don't know what does hat mean.18:22
sukeshi have a 4MB broadbacn connection but i get only 2MB when tested on speedtest.net Can someone help reg this?18:22
PenguincscW0rmDrink: why not use the network manager GUI?18:22
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, its on a headless system18:22
W0rmDrinknvm I found it kinda18:22
sacarlsonlemarc: if you don't know then you probly don't have any18:22
W0rmDrinkbut now not sure how to add the routes18:22
lemarcsacarlson: most probably thats the case18:23
PenguincscW0rmDrink: you said it - it's under /etc/network/interfaces18:24
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, but for adding routes ? dont see anything in the manpage on routes18:24
W0rmDrinkcould do it via script I guess18:24
PenguincscW0rmDrink: you add routes to the ufw firewall, I think18:25
PenguincscW0rmDrink: if you want them to be permanent18:26
yggdrasilhello, can somone help me.I was mucking around with my xorg.conf and i have lost my unity interface. all i have is blank desktop . i can right click and create files but thats about it?18:26
W0rmDrinkI have added to /etc/network/interfaces - but now I'm not sure how to apply it18:27
jostyggdrasil, did you make a backup of your xorg.conf?18:27
yggdrasili have manged to get t erminal windowos up.18:27
PenguincscW0rmDrink: are you connected remotely?18:27
yggdrasiljost, i didnt, but there wasnt much in there. its a problem with unitu.18:27
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, yes18:27
yggdrasiluhm unity.18:27
vexaxvdoes anyone know anything about the new chromebooks?18:28
yggdrasiljost: i can log into kde environment just fine.18:28
PenguincscW0rmDrink: you have to bring the interface down and up again18:28
W0rmDrinkwith ifconfig ?18:28
yggdrasilim just wondering if thers a cmd to launch unity.18:28
abckb__vexaxv: nope18:28
yggdrasilwhoa, typing unity freaked it out pretty good.18:28
yggdrasilhmm isee.18:28
sircharlohey guys I have a question about apache and kerberos18:28
PenguincscW0rmDrink: if it's for wifi, it won't discobbect you18:28
stuengwithout a DE installed and only lightdm, how would I make a user auto login ?18:29
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, sure - but i just did - and no effect18:29
decciWe are in the process of developing a database driven web app that we expect high traffic and the server should be able to handle the large traffic. The server should also sustain with hundreds of thousands of databases rows and thousands of photos, video clips uploaded to the app. The app will also have some animation. We are currently evaluating Amazon EC2 platform to host the app, but we are open to your suggestion18:29
PenguincscW0rmDrink: disconnect18:29
decciYou suggest a server that is small enough to start but large enough to handle high traffic  2) Installing & configuring LAMP stack  3) Backup solutions and scaling strategies and how you will handle  4) Suggestion on moving uploaded images to S3 or other CDN services to deliver it fast   5) Suggestion on alternative solutions like Rackspace18:29
arooni-mobileis disk utility accurate?  it says i have 52 "pending sectors"  (0 reallocated sectors)  but when i ran badblocks (:  sudo badblocks -b 512 /dev/sda -v ... got Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors)).... what i'm concerned about is ive seen 52 pending sectors in less than a week (its a brand new drive)18:29
yggdrasilahh haha, i got it.. unit --reset18:29
yggdrasilor something like that.18:30
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, I did ifconfig wlan0 down and then ifconfig wlan0 up18:30
yggdrasilsweet!! i fixed somethign on my own!18:30
sircharloGSS-API major_status:000d0000, minor_status:000186a418:30
sircharlowhat does this mean O.o18:30
ironhalikcan I use system flash player in Chrome?18:31
PenguincscW0rmDrink: try ifdown wlan018:31
PenguincscW0rmDrink: what's the syntax you used?18:31
W0rmDrinkifconfig wlan0 up and ifconfig wlan0 down18:31
PenguincscW0rmDrink: for the route in interfaces18:32
W0rmDrinkI would assume then18:32
FloodBot1W0rmDrink: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:32
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rrva_how does sound get played when through hdmi.. how is the gfx card involved in the sound part18:32
stuengrrva: what device is giving you the HDMI connection?18:33
Penguincscrrva_:  HDMI transfers both sound and video18:33
stuengit can transfer ethernet too xD18:34
angshow can I get essid of my wifi router?18:34
PenguincscW0rmDrink: ?18:34
stuengangs: the essid is the name of your network18:34
stuengwithout a DE installed and only lightdm, how would I make a user auto login ?18:34
PenguincscW0rmDrink: just give me the command you used, not the route18:34
angsthanks stueng18:34
rrva_Penguincsc: yes. but the sound card is not at all involved in hdmi audio?18:34
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, ifconfig wlan0 up and ifconfig wlan0 down is not a route - thats command I used - I now used ifdown wlan0 and ifup wlan018:35
stuengrrva_: what device gives you the HDMU connection?18:35
rrva_stueng: gfx card18:35
stuengrrva_: and no, the sound card is not involved18:35
PenguincscW0rmDrink: you said you added a route to the interfaces file for wlan018:35
stuengrrva: then, the gfx card looks after the sound and sends it over HDMI18:35
rrva_stueng: ok. I have crackling sound only on hdmi audio18:35
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, no, I asked how to18:36
rrva_stueng: how to debug18:36
Penguincscrrva_: if a video card has HDMI it has an audio interface18:36
adel_hi all, I need to localize and remove from my pc, all software packages that are not ubuntu certified, how should i proceed ?18:36
PenguincscW0rmDrink: aahh. OK18:36
stuengrrva: I dunno tbh, but id try another cable if you have one. try disable things like DTS / dolby digital from the application that is makingg the sound18:37
rrva_stueng: I have no second cable18:37
rrva_stueng: is hdmi audio digital or analog?18:37
rebehow do I change tab size globaly in ubuntu ?18:37
stuengdigital ofc18:37
PenguincscW0rmDrink: checking18:38
sacarlsonlemarc: I just installed apache2 2.2.20-1 with no problems on ubuntu 11.10,  http://localhost came up ok on a fresh installed box18:39
stuengwithout a DE installed and only lightdm, how would I make a user auto login ?18:39
lemarcsacarlson: can you provide the copy of apache2 folder?18:39
sacarlsonlemarc: I used the thailand standard repository18:39
stuengnm done it18:39
lemarcsacarlson: the repositories are working fine, its something this the ubuntu, so i hope replacing the folder would help18:40
roastedProbably a dumb question... but let's say I have two debs here... one for the actual program, and one listed program-data. Which am I to install first? Data, then app?18:44
PenguincscW0rmDrink: try this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html18:44
Jordan_Uroasted: Pass them both to dpkg at the same time. "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/first.deb /path/to/second.deb".18:45
roastedJordan_U: I did... well sort of... I did dpkg -i gimp*... both packages start with gimp-xyz-abc-etc so I figured that would work, but it returned with errors... I assumed I had to do one specifically first, THEN another18:46
Felix713Hi, I am experiencing latency (0.5 second freezes) whilst playing KBreakout on Ubuntu 12.04 Gnome 3 desktop on a quad core system with 4GB RAM.  I tried to run latencytop but it doesn't work. Troubleshooting suggestions would be appreciated. Thx18:46
Jordan_Uroasted: And if the package was mad properly it would work in any order you chose (though if you use separate dpkg commands the first might complain, the second would still work fine).18:46
Jordan_Uroasted: You're probably missing other needed dependancies. "sudo apt-get -f install".18:47
trismroasted: are you installing gimp2.8?18:48
roastedtrism: yes, sort of18:48
trismroasted: if this is < 12.10, you will need and updated version of babl and gegl too18:49
roastedtrism: since 2.8 isn't in the repos, and we don't want PPAs to manage, I got the .deb's for 2.8 so I'm trying to figure out how to install them manually sow e can later automate it18:49
trismroasted: yes that is fine, you'll just need those too18:49
roastedtrism: I suppose the .deb's wouldn't take care of that?18:49
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ironhalikcan I use system flash player in Chrome?18:50
Jordan_Uroasted: Managing PPAs is generally a lot simpler than trying to manage the dependancies yourself.18:51
googlesuckshardlabcdefghijklmpcd ;mftgd18:51
googlesuckshardl'. g18:51
FloodBot1googlesuckshardl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
trismroasted: the newer versions are not in the repo (until 12.10), so you'd need to find them, think you'll just need libbabl-0.1-0 and libgegl-0.2-018:51
familleHello, my pc cant boot, error is "Starting Timydity ALSA midi [FAIL]"18:51
roastedJordan_U: for 1 system, yes. for 2,000... I'd rather not deal with it.18:51
famille(I SPEAK SPANISH)18:51
roastedJordan_U: just be easier to have them in deb form and install them accordingly18:51
sgtcupcakehi everyone!18:52
roastedtrism: appreciate it - looking into those packages now!18:52
familleeveryone can help me?18:52
Penguincscfamille: what do you need?18:52
sgtcupcakeI've lost my password and can no longer run any commands at the terminal. Can someone help me recover it?18:52
famillemy pc cant boot18:53
t432Issues with tomcat6, was fine on initially  after a reinstall now it wont start ..any ideas?18:53
famillepc frozen on "Starting Timydity ALSA midi [FAIL]"18:53
Penguincscfamille: you have to be more specific18:53
t432/etc/init.d/tomcat6 fails18:53
rocket16Hello guys. Can anyone tell me the name of any GUI interface to avconv? Winff only works with ffmpeg. :(18:53
Penguincscfamille: describe what you did18:53
famillepc frozen on "Starting Timydity ALSA midi [FAIL]" (sorry my english i speak spanish)18:53
familleon boot18:53
familleor on "Starting Timydity ALSA midi ...."18:54
familleStarting Timydity ALSA midi emulation*18:54
Penguincscfamille: is this a pc or a laptop?18:54
t432search gives me nothing18:55
Penguincscfamille: do you know how to enter the BIOS?18:55
sgtcupcakeIs there a way to see my password by running a command within the terminal window?18:55
i2out3rHi fellas, I'm having a problem play .avi files in 12.04 -- I've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, kind of stuck.18:55
famillef1 esc or supr during boot?18:55
Penguincsct432: look at the logs18:56
sacarlsonlemarc: the folder is part of the apache-common.deb file so if you have that you have the folder,  I did uninstall with purge and found dependancy problems, but works if you install apache-mpm-event first then apache218:56
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, thanks for the help18:56
Jordan_Ui2out3r: What happens when you try to play the file in Totem?18:56
Penguincscfamille: try to disable the on-board sound card18:56
PenguincscW0rmDrink: did that help?18:57
t432Penguincsc: where are the logs? no logs in /usr/share/tomcat6/18:57
W0rmDrinkPenguincsc, sure it will when the carrier comes up ;)18:57
Cerrdorare the install commands the same on debian squeeze as on Ubuntu "apt-get....."?18:57
famillePenguincsc: ok, "solve the problem before upgrading from 11.10 to 11.10, but now in version 12.04 I can not do" (google translate)18:57
sacarlsonlemarc: I uninstalled every package that was part of apache to try to duplicate18:57
W0rmDrinkIs there a way to pass command line args to wpa_supplicant from /etc/network/interfaces ?18:57
Penguincsct432: no - at /var/log/tomcat6  maybe?18:57
famillebut i try with BIOS, thx18:57
W0rmDrinkcos I want wpa_supplicant to log (-f) but cant seem to find a way to tell it to log18:57
i2out3rJordan_U: It 'plays' with no sound, the screen flickers where I see the picture for a split second every 6 seconds or so.18:58
lemarcsacarlson: how to install apache-mpm-event18:58
sacarlsonlemarc: look for it in synaptic18:58
t432found that problem "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina18:58
Penguincsct432: in the logs?18:59
Penguincsct432: ?18:59
t432The logs has a message "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina18:59
Penguincsct432: :-)18:59
ironhalikIs there a way to get chromium dev channel builds in ubuntu? the ppa seems to be not maintained anymore.19:00
t432that could be the problem19:00
jeshwanth I am getting this error while executed configure for  apr-utils19:00
jeshwanth checking for APR... configure: error: --with-apr requires a directory or file to be provided19:00
sgtcupcakeHey can anyone give me a command that will allow me to see my password within the terminal window? Does such a command exist?19:01
jeshwanthplease help19:01
i2out3rJordan_U: Just to add, other media plays fine, like youtube, last.fm etc19:01
Penguincsct432: http://tomcat.10.n6.nabble.com/Windows-Migration-5-5-23-to-6-0-18-java-lang-ClassNotFoundException-org-apache-catalina-startup-Cataa-td2081998.html19:01
TomSlominskiHi. You know alt+click on reblog on Tumblr? It doesn't work in Linux :(19:01
Felix713@sgtcupcake: no such command exists19:02
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Penguincscsgtcupcake: no such command19:02
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i2out3rsgtcupcake: your keystrokes dont echo to the terminal as a security measure19:02
sgtcupcakepenguincsc: how to I recover my password? I've lost it and cant run any sudo commands19:03
Penguincscsgtcupcake: try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/user-forgottenpassword.html19:03
Felix713@sgtcupcake: reboot in recovery mode and change passwd?19:03
t432nothing to do with windows19:03
sgtcupcakePenguincsc: Thanks! :D19:03
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sgtcupcakeFelix713: do i need to know my existing password?19:04
i2out3rso guys, can anyone help me with a problem playing avi files19:04
i2out3rsgtcupcake: nope, if you boot into single user mode you are root19:04
Felix713@sgtcupcake: can't remeber (probably) try the link fro Penguincsc19:04
stuenghow do I get the GID or a group? I looked in /etc/passwd I dont see the group there19:05
sgtcupcakei2out3r: ok. thanks!19:05
geirhastueng: getent group groupname19:05
Penguincscstueng: try looking at /etc/groups19:05
Felix713@sgtcupcake: actually I think you may not need to know the current root password to change it19:06
i2out3rc'mon guys, pretty please hlep me19:06
drecuteany chance that we will have a 11.10 release for libpam-unix219:06
sgtcupcakefelix713: you cant change it from the system settings menu without knowing your existing password19:07
Jordan_Ui2out3r: Please file a bug report against Totem (it's probably a bug in the particular gstreamer decoder, but the developers can sort that out and forward it properly). Have you tried VLC?19:07
i2out3rJordan_U: VLC doesnt play the file at all19:08
Jordan_Ui2out3r: What error message does it give?19:08
sgtcupcakeOk im going to try it! Thanks a million and God bless you all!19:08
stuenghow do I make a permanent change to resolv.conf so it doesnt get wiped on reboot?19:08
i2out3rJordan_U: File reading failed:19:08
i2out3rVLC could not read the file (Operation not supported).19:08
fastaHow do I install smlnj for Precise?19:09
stuengi2out3r: how big is the file?19:09
fastaIt seems it's only available for Quantal.19:09
i2out3rstueng: 10.5MB19:09
i2out3rmaybe i could send on of you guys it, see if you guys can play it?19:10
Felix713I am experiencing latency (0.5 second freezes) whilst playing KBreakout on Ubuntu 12.04 Gnome 3 desktop on a quad core system with 4GB RAM.  I tried to run latencytop but it doesn't work. Troubleshooting suggestions would be appreciated. Thx19:10
stuengi2out3r: is that what you would expect it to be? that sound right? file not corrupt.. try play it with mplayer19:10
Penguincsci2out3r: run the file command on the avi and tell us what it says19:10
i2out3ryeah, the file is only a short intro to a course19:10
i2out3rok Penguincsc19:10
i2out3rPenguincsc: (totem:12710): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Read/writable property 'object' on class 'ZeitgeistDpPlugin' has type 'TotemObject' which is not exactly equal to the type 'GObject' of the property on the interface 'PeasActivatable'19:11
Penguincsci2out3r: did it ever play?19:12
i2out3rPenguincsc: Lesson14.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 800 x 600, ~15 fps, video:, audio: uncompressed PCM (mono, 22050 Hz)19:12
brian__Hello room, can someone point me in the direction of a Grub editor with a GUI?19:12
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fastaWhat is the meaning of 'add information request'?19:12
i2out3rPenguincsc: It plays, but no sound and the picture is black, but flickers on every few seconds19:13
cakeheroanyone know how I would unmount a software raid drive and mount it on another machine?19:13
fastaWhat kind of information request?19:13
JessicaWinstalling precise and installer doesn't detect internet connection. If I load live cd, finds internet fine. Suggestions?19:13
fasta(I am talking about Launchpad)19:13
Penguincsci2out3r: when was the last time you rebooted your machine?19:13
i2out3rHmmm, about 4 days ago19:14
i2out3rPenguincsc: ^^19:14
fastaJessicaW: type ping in a terminal19:14
JessicaWcakehero: it's a little complicated. but yes. You have to make sure mdadm is installed on the machine your moving it to. you need to have the UUID.19:14
fastaJessicaW: also type ping <ip address of your router>19:14
i2out3rI'll reboot now Penguincsc and see if that helps.  back in a few mins guys19:14
fastaJessicaW: report both replies.19:14
cakeheroJessicaW okay, the UUID I can get from mdadm --scan19:14
JessicaWfasta: can't load a terminal while the installer is running. if I boot to live cd I can ping out and resolve DNS just fine.19:14
JessicaWcakehero: yep19:14
cakeheroJessicaW so what do I do from there?19:15
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fastaJessicaW: I just installed from the graphical installer and then said 'install now' or something like that; by definition you should be able to complete an installation without internet access.19:15
fastaJessicaW: once installer is complete you can try to find ways to fix it, but it seems like an odd issue. What network chip are you using?19:16
JessicaWcakehero: unmount the array. stop the array. remove it from mdadm.19:16
cakeheroJessicaW ok - done19:16
cakehero(the old machine is going away forever19:16
Penguincscbrian__:  try grub-customizer19:16
JessicaWcakehero: one sec. I know there' s a tutorial on this.19:16
cakeheroyeah i'm trying to find one, too19:16
JessicaWfasta: yeah, I just find it updates faster during the install than from the desktop.19:16
fastaJessicaW: so, I would suggest you just install without an internet connection and then you get a terminal to poke around with things.19:16
fastaJessicaW: also quite odd, but perhaps you are on underpowered hardware.19:17
i2out3rPenguincsc: No luck.  Still the same.19:17
i2out3rafter reboot19:17
fastaJessicaW: so, can you complete the installation?19:17
Penguincsci2out3r: did it ever play correctly?19:18
JessicaWfasta: uhhhh.... chip... uhhh... one sec... BCM570919:18
Penguincsci2out3r: did it ever play correctly19:18
Penguincsci2out3r: it might be currupt19:18
JessicaWfasta: no way it's underpowered. 6 dell r610 on a ESX cluster. :D19:19
i2out3rPenguincsc: No, and I've downloaded it twice incase it was corrupted19:19
JessicaWfasta: and I never had this problem with 10 or 11. Let me try a 11 install real quick.19:19
Penguincsci2out3r: can you play other avi files?19:19
fastaJessicaW: I would not waste time on installing 11.19:19
i2out3rPenguincsc: I haven't got any other avi files to try it out lol19:19
i2out3rPenguincsc: But all my other media works19:19
JessicaWfasta: meh. yeah. I'm just gonna install without the internet.19:20
i2out3rPenguincsc: all the other lessons are the same19:20
fastaJessicaW: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185023419:20
Penguincsci2out3r: is this 12.04?19:20
stuengI cant remember how much RAM the machine I am SSH onto has, what command? :P19:20
i2out3rPenguincsc: Yes, 12.0419:21
axisysI have this redhat init script http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013541/ .. need to convert it to ubuntu19:21
stuengi2out3r: do you have dropbox or something, upload the file?19:21
axisyswhat do I replace this with?19:21
axisys. /etc/init.d/functions19:21
Penguincscstueng: lshw --hort19:21
DarezGhostguys, I'm having a problem with dual monitors on my system. I can see both monitors active, but one of the screens only has the ubuntu background on it. I can't drag windows into the screen. If I do that, it wraps around and comes back onto the same first monitor19:21
Penguincscstueng: lshw --short19:21
DarezGhosthow do i fix this19:21
i2out3rsteung: no, don't have mush experience uploading files, what site should I register - or can I send it directly over to one of you guys to investigate?19:21
JessicaWfasta: thanks. not relevant. can't be a faulty NIC. It's virtual. I just ran a quick startup of the 11.10 installer and it finds the network. Same virtual machine. How weird is that?19:22
axisysit might be more appropriate question for #ubuntu-server.. i will ask there19:22
Penguincsci2out3r: send us the url you d/l it from19:22
Penguincsci2out3r: I am guessing it's a public file?19:22
i2out3rPenguincsc: It was a torrent :-S19:22
stuengi2out3r: right click me, DCC, send file19:22
i2out3rsteung: OK!19:22
fastaJessicaW: perhaps you didn't forward your Internet?19:23
JessicaWcakehero: found this for you. seems like it should work. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85022919:23
cakeheroJessicaW yes - just read it19:23
stuengthanks Penguincsc19:23
i2out3rstueng: Ok, I sent it over19:23
fastaJessicaW: unless you created a completely new 11.10 VM.19:23
stuengi2out3r: that isnt going to work, itr tryin to connect to localhost19:23
JessicaWcakehero: ahhh. sorry it took so long. did you try it? I've never really had problems with moving them before.19:23
stuengi2out3r: www.dropbox.com19:23
Penguincsci2out3r: have you installed all the codecs?19:23
Penguincscstueng: welcome19:24
cakeheroJessicaW I'm trying it now, I'm taking down some of the services I forgot about as well and grabbing their config files19:24
i2out3rPenguincsc: I *think* so, I've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras19:24
JessicaWfasta: no, I have a vm with no OS installed. I connected 11.10 iso and started install. it finds internet. I cancel install. I connect the 12.04 iso and start install but it doesn't find the internet.19:24
Felix713i2out3r: you can email it to me at spamrubbish@gmail.com (it's 10MB right?)19:25
Penguincsci2out3r: w32codecs?19:25
enzopitekhello everyone does anyone have a problem with svn on ubuntu 10.04 lts amd from the last week ?19:25
fastaJessicaW: ok, then I think it's bug time.19:25
JessicaWcakehero: when I moved my array from one box to another, I didn't even have mdadm installed. I installed it and started it and it found the arrays for me.19:25
i2out3rFelix713: Sure I'll email it to you19:25
JessicaWfasta: I love to hear that. :D19:25
i2out3rPenguincsc: I dont think so?  is there a nifty apt-get command for it?19:25
fastaJessicaW: perhaps you can do an expert install?19:25
cakeheroJessicaW it looks like that might be the case19:26
cakeherobased on these articles19:26
fastaJessicaW: sometimes you can load extra drivers, etc. or perhaps you can select another chip in the configuration of the VM.19:26
Penguincsci2out3r: try this: http://www.thelinuxgeeks.info/how-to-install-medibuntu-in-ubuntu-12-04/19:26
Penguincsci2out3r: sudo apt-get install w32codecs19:26
i2out3rOk Penguincsc I'll report back my findings19:26
Penguincsci2out3r: I think it's on the repos19:26
Penguincsci2out3r: good luck19:27
arooni-mobileis disk utility accurate?  it says i have 52 "pending sectors"  (0 reallocated sectors)  but when i ran badblocks (:  sudo badblocks -b 512 /dev/sda -v ... got Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors)).... what i'm concerned about is ive seen 52 pending sectors in less than a week (its a brand new drive)19:27
JessicaWfasta: yeah. I could. but... I've wasted enough time on this already. It's a blow up box for my interns to play with. It's not that big a deal.19:27
JessicaWcakehero: I found it surprisingly simple.19:27
i2out3rPenguincsc: unable to locate package19:27
sgtcupcakehowdy :)19:28
DarezGhostguys, I'm having a problem with dual monitors on my system. I can see both monitors active, but one of the screens only has the ubuntu background on it. I can't drag windows into the screen. If I do that, it wraps around and comes back onto the same first monitor19:28
Penguincsci2out3r: right, it's part of the Medibuntu PPA - follow the howto I sent you and it will add it to your repos19:28
DarezGhosti can move the mouse pointer to both the monitors19:28
JessicaWfasta: holy wtf... I just started the install again and it found the internet... I think we're having DNS issues. Stupid windows domain controller handles DNS....19:29
DarezGhostbut when i click on the second monitor it actually performs the click on the first one instead19:29
nkei0what's up everyone!?  Just a real quick question about keyboard layouts...  How do I switch between US and UK keyboard layouts?  I selected US when installing, but it went ahead and chose UK for me?  I have 12.04 completely updated btw.19:29
JessicaWDarezGhost: is it mirrored by chance?19:29
PenguincscDarezGhost: what's you video card19:29
sgtcupcakeMy b43 wireless card renders my machine unable to start because of missing firmware whenever i try to upgrade to version 12.04. Is there a fix?19:29
fastaJessicaW: it detects Linux installs and then refuses to run ;)19:29
DarezGhostPenguincsc: its actually virtualbox :P19:29
JessicaWfasta: lol19:29
fastaJessicaW: (interestingly enough, it could do that)19:29
nkei0sgtcupcake, Clean install?19:29
DarezGhostJessicaW: I'm using virtualbox, not sure if it is mirrored or not19:30
i2out3rFelix713: my mail provider only allows max of 2MB attachment size... > .<19:30
cakeheroJessicaW okay good - I like simple19:30
cakeheroJessicaW simple - like my mind19:30
lemarcsacarlson: it dint help :(19:30
sgtcupcakeyes. I initially installed from live usb and it ran fine until i tried to upgrade19:30
cakeheroI guess I can EC2 snapshot the two raid devices first just in case19:30
PenguincscDarezGhost: it might be mirrored19:30
OerHekssgtcupcake, use a cable19:30
Felix713@i2out3r: 2bad. Follow the Medibuntu instructions instead19:30
JessicaWDarezGhost: it's a setting under display. what version are you using?19:30
PenguincscDarezGhost: have you installed the guest additions?19:30
sgtcupcakeoerheks: from where to where?19:31
DarezGhostyes I installed the guest additions19:31
Felix713I am experiencing latency (0.5 second freezes) whilst playing KBreakout on Ubuntu 12.04 Gnome 3 desktop on a quad core system with 4GB RAM.  I tried to run latencytop but it doesn't work. Troubleshooting suggestions would be appreciated. Thx19:31
i2out3rFelix713: OK thanks.19:31
DarezGhostJessicaW: I'm using the latest version19:31
JessicaWDarezGhost: so 12.04 desktop version?19:31
ShinobiWhat's the easiest way to get perl talking to OO Base?19:31
JessicaWDarezGhost: click ubuntu icon and type display19:31
OerHekssgtcupcake, you need a utp cable to fix wireless, anyway19:31
DarezGhostooh i found it19:32
DarezGhostit works now19:32
DarezGhostbut it is horribly slow19:32
FloodBot1DarezGhost: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:32
sgtcupcakeoerheks: you probably think im a hopeless noob, but whats a utp cable and how would i go about using it to fix my issue?19:32
JessicaWDarezGhost: probably due to it being a VM.19:32
JessicaWDarezGhost: you can up the vid mem in your VB settings.19:33
DarezGhostyea trying that now19:33
JessicaWDarezGhost: cool.19:33
i2out3rPenguincsc: OK great installed w32codecs... here goes... wish me luck19:33
DarezGhostdidn't do it :(19:34
Penguincsci2out3r: good luck19:34
lemarcsacarlson: thanks anyway for all the help, will sleep now :)19:34
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sgtcupcakei2out3r: good luck19:34
PenguincscDarezGhost: try adding ram too19:34
JessicaWDarezGhost: +1 to Penguincsc19:34
nkei0hrm, brb, attempt to fix keyboard :(19:34
DarezGhostwill enabling 2d acceleration work19:34
JessicaWDarezGhost: I can't answer that one. I've never used a VM with dual monitors before.19:35
sgtcupcakeCan anyone tell me how to use a utp cable to give my computer the firmware it needs to boot with my b43 wireless card?19:35
PenguincscDarezGhost: might help.19:35
PenguincscDarezGhost: what's the vid card?19:35
PenguincscDarezGhost: how much ram on the vid card?19:36
sgtcupcakeextern0: hi :)19:36
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JessicaWsgtcupcake: you trying to install your broadcom wireles drivers?19:36
i2out3rPenguincsc: NEAR SUCCESS!! totem just does the same, but now VLC plays the video, but still no sound.19:36
sgtcupcakejessicaW: yes19:36
OerHeks!broadcom | sgtcupcake19:37
ubottusgtcupcake: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:37
DarezGhostnot sure19:37
Felix713@i2out3r: i have lots of probs with VLC on ubuntu - for the first minute there is no sound! try being patient :-)19:37
JessicaWsgtcupcake: you using precise?19:37
i2out3rFelix713: Ah, ok.19:37
sgtcupcakejessicaw: I know the code needed to install it on my current system, which runs version 11.10, but when I try to update to version 12.04 the system refuses to boot19:37
DarezGhostoh there19:38
DarezGhosti disabled 3d acceleration in the vm19:38
DarezGhostits better now19:38
DarezGhostno fancy effects but it will do19:38
DarezGhostthanks guys19:38
sgtcupcakejessicaw: i get a line of text that tells me the machine is missing firware19:38
FloodBot1DarezGhost: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
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airstrikewhoever suggested i use byobu, THANK YOU19:38
JessicaWsgtcupcake: and it wont' boot at all?19:38
airstrikethis shit's so much better than screen19:38
Penguincsci2out3r: try this : sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:39
pranjal710hey, can i install ubuntu 12.04 64-bit on an intel pc??19:39
JessicaWsgtcupcake: here's this. http://www.howopensource.com/tag/install-broadcom-wireless-driver-on-ubuntu-12-04/19:39
sgtcupcakejessicaw: not once i install version 12.04. The computer turns on, but i never even get to the initial "ubuntu" splash screen19:39
Penguincsci2out3r: also run the full upgrade procedure (apt-get update, upgrade and dist-upgrade)19:39
Felix713@pranjal710: Yes, absolutely19:39
zykotick9pranjal710: is the CPU 64 bit?  if so, yes.19:39
JessicaWsgtcupcake: does it make it past grub?19:39
airstrikei never install 64-bit19:39
sgtcupcakejessicaw: i dont believe so19:40
Cerrdorwhats the command to find a package thats installed but I have no idea where?19:40
airstrikethe times i tried brought me more headache than any benefits19:40
i2out3rPenguincsc: Ok, thanks for you help19:40
airstrikeCerrdor: which19:40
Cerrdorgrep somethinghere?19:40
JessicaWsgtcupcake: do you see this screen? http://static.howtoforge.com/images/grub2_ubuntu_9.04/big/9.png19:40
airstrikewhich ircd-hybrid19:40
JessicaWsgtcupcake: or something like it.19:40
zykotick9Cerrdor: if you want to know what a package installed and where, "dpkg -L foo"19:40
airstrikeassuming ircd-hybrid is not just the name of the package19:40
sgtcupcakejessicaw: hold on a sec...19:40
sgtcupcakejessicaw: i think my isp just blocked my from accessing the site19:41
JessicaWsgtcupcake: try this one.19:42
JessicaWsgtcupcake: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Submenus?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=g2_submenu.png19:42
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sgtcupcakejessicaw: here goes...19:43
JessicaWsgtcupcake: that's the grub menu. do you see that after your bios menu?19:43
i2out3rPenguincsc: Ok, so in totem, the sound is playing form the start, but screen still black and video flickers on, on VLC, the video plays flawlessly, but no sound.. perhaps I just play 2 vids at the same time huh? lol19:43
Penguincsci2out3r: interesting19:44
Super_RandomI am having problems getting this headset working properly19:44
sgtcupcakejessicaw: yes it do, but whenever i try to proceed to normal boot, i get an error message. i can never pass this screen19:44
i2out3rPenguincsc: Should I try another reboot?19:44
zykotick9i2out3r: you might want to try the gold-standard of linux media playback - mplayer19:44
heresjohnnyi2out3r: do you have the output set to an alsa hw device?19:44
JessicaWsgtcupcake: ok. that's a step in the right direction. what error does it give you exactly?>19:44
Felix713@i2out3r: in VLC you can try changing Tools>Preferences>Audio>Output module19:44
i2out3rheresjohnny: the output is actually through HDMI samsung tv19:44
sgtcupcakejessicaw: it tells me that im missing the firmware for broadcom b43 wireless card19:45
i2out3rFelix713: I'll give it a go19:45
i2out3rFelix713: For some reason the video AND sound is now working in VLC!!  SUCCESS!!!! Thanks guys!!!19:45
Harrishow do i add unity quicklist to ubuntu 12.0419:45
JessicaWsgtcupcake: what's the EXACT error message.19:45
Penguincsci2out3r: try this: sudo apt-get --yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu19:46
i2out3rmust have been w32codecs that did the trick19:46
i2out3rPenguincsc: Already installed! But it's now working in VLC! :-)19:46
Penguincsci2out3r: both audio and video?19:46
sgtcupcakejessicaw: im afraid i dont remember exactly :(19:47
Felix713i2out3r: Good news :-)19:47
JessicaWsgtcupcake: does it go past that error message and continue to boot?19:47
i2out3rPenguincsc: Yep, both audio and video are now working in VLC.  Thanks so much guys.19:47
sgtcupcakejessicaw: im afraid thats not much help :(19:47
Harris how do i add unity quicklist to ubuntu 12.0419:47
i2out3rFelix713: Thanks!19:47
Penguincsci2out3r: cool!19:47
sgtcupcakejessicaw: no. the machine idles until i force it to shut down19:47
JessicaWsgtcupcake: does the error message go by too fast to read?19:48
PenguincscHarris: try installing Ubuntu Twek19:48
sgtcupcakejessicaw: no. it remains on the screen19:48
HarrisPenguincsc, what is the terminal code19:48
PenguincscHarris: Tweak - that is the easiest19:48
JessicaWsgtcupcake: sooo, is the problem on the computer your using or a different computer? can you reboot and get the error message? can't really do anything without that.19:49
JessicaWanyone remember the command to get ubuntu to confirm each step of the boot process?19:49
JessicaW*to get ubuntu to have the user confirm each step19:49
sgtcupcakejessicaw: im afraid its with this machine :( I had to go back to version 11.10 :(19:50
sgtcupcakejessicaw: thanks for your time! :D19:50
JessicaWsgtcupcake: ahhh. ok. sorry. well, I would try to reboot into 12. write down the error message or take a pic with your phone.19:50
wilee-nileeJessicaW, each process?19:50
beandogJessicaW: I ?19:50
JessicaWsgtcupcake: then boot back to 11 and let us know what it is.19:51
JessicaWyeah, so it asks you if you want to start "processname" y/n19:51
sgtcupcakejessicaw: roger that! thanks again!  Ill try that ASAP!19:51
beandoginteractive boot19:51
wilee-nileeJessicaW, if it is a boot problem have them run the bootscript19:51
ubottuBoot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).19:52
JessicaWwilee-nilee: oooo. that's good info. that's what they need19:52
JessicaWsgtcupcake: did you catch that? what the ubottu just said?19:52
augustlhi folks. When I choose a sound card in the system settings, nothing happen. When I manually try to modprobe, I get "ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is already in use". What should I do to fix it? I closed all apps that use sound.19:52
wilee-nileeJessicaW, yeah I just glanced at the channel I have been busy. :)19:52
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PenguincscHarris: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/12/install-ubuntu-tweak-06-on-ubuntu-1204.html19:53
JessicaWbeandog: yeah! that!19:53
JessicaWsgtcupcake: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at)19:53
wilee-nileeI like the nic that is funny19:53
JessicaWwilee-nilee: I'm barely intermediate at all this but I get so much help here I try to help when I can.19:53
wilee-nileeJessicaW, we all are, lol keep helping. ;)19:54
CerrdorIm on a debian server but I cant dig @anything theres no dig, how do I install that?19:54
CT1Hi. I have U/N, P/W, IP, Gateway and DNS details for connecting to a VPN. Within windows running in Virtualbox I can connect and browse the web through the VPN. I can connect with ubuntu but can't browse. Any ideas?19:54
Cerrdordig, host, nslookup etc19:54
JessicaWCerrdor: #debian19:54
Felix713I am experiencing latency (0.5 second freezes) whilst playing KBreakout on Ubuntu 12.04 Gnome 3 desktop on a quad core system with 4GB RAM.  I tried to run latencytop but it doesn't work. Troubleshooting suggestions would be appreciated. Thx19:54
mhough_my university blocks 6667. Is there some other way I can reach oftc?19:55
Guest78165Is there anyone out there that has been denied access to Local Hospital19:55
Penguincscany of you plan to watch Category5.tv live tonight?19:55
wilee-nileeGuest78165, this is ubuntu support only19:55
Zopiacwrong chat :X19:56
Guest78165where should I be19:56
wilee-nileeGuest78165, there is #ubuntu-offtopic but there are channel limitations there as well.19:56
Zopiacas in, my 'lol' was wrong chat19:56
Guest78165ok sorry just new19:56
enzopitekdo you know a svn server with authentification for testing my svn client ?19:56
wilee-nileeGuest78165, I have not scene a channel for your question, maybe a gov office?19:57
Guest78165Ok TY19:57
Penguincscfamille: did disabling the audio in the BIOS help?19:57
CT1How can I setup ubuntu to connect to a VPN server in another country to trick websites into thinking I'm in the country the server is?19:57
famillePenguincsc: Hey, i desactivate sound card with BIOS, but dont work :(19:58
Penguincscfamille: did the computer boot?19:58
familleboot, but the monitor (screen?) shutdown19:58
Penguincscfamille: I can help you in spanish, but maybe in a private chat?19:59
PenguincscCT1: try tor20:00
familleok penguin20:00
Banan^hi guys - got a problem with my raid 1 - after ubuntu 12.04 upgrade, I can't find it. It shows up perfectly well in the hardware controller, as a raid 1 - but I can't see it in ubuntu .. ? Any ideas? sudo fdisk -l and cat /etc/fstab here -> http://pastebin.com/MbSM5KaH20:01
CT1Penguincsc: I have a private VPN server already running in the UK. I can use it with windows but in ubuntu I don't have web access (only access to the local machines on that network in the UK)20:02
vltPenguincsc: Check your default route.20:03
vltbarna: What does `blkid` look like?20:03
vltBanan^: ^20:03
Cerrdorcan anyone recommend a good ircd to install on my server?20:03
augustlone of my sound cards (a USB DAC) is missing a sink in pulse audio, so no audio can play through it. It worked earlier today. Can I reload pulseaudio somehow?20:05
augustldon't want to bite the dust and reboot :P20:05
CT1vlt: In windows I had to specify dns server(s) then it worked. How do I change the route in ubuntu using the GUI? do I change something in "wired connection 1" or "my vpn"?20:05
augustlmanaged to restart pulse, got it working now. TODO: Learn pulse.20:07
Jordan_UBanan^: As vlt asked, please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid".20:09
vltCT1: I don’t know how GUI tools work. You can check your current routing settings with `ip route` and the DNS with `cat /etc/resolv.conf`20:09
jdvthe command line will not let me enter my [sudo] password in order to complete a command. I can type but the screen shows none of the text i just typed. Did i do something wrong?20:10
Banan^sudo blkid comming up20:10
CT1vlt: Thanks.  I'll do a little more googling.20:10
prophitHi guys - I'm running desktop 12.04 on a VirtualBox VM - I've got two network adapters.. one is NAT, and the other is Host-Only so I can SSH into the VM. If I run Firefox I'm able to access the internet on the VM, but I can't ping anything via command line. Any suggestions where to look to try and fix this?20:11
PenguincscCT1: what do you use under windows? PPTP?20:11
CT1Penguincsc: Let me fire up Virtualbox (it's a slow machine)20:12
augustlprophit: you can SSH into the vm with NAT20:12
augustlprophit: the IP address it gets is accessible from the host, and the VM gets full network access too20:12
CT1Penguincsc: Yes. PPTP20:12
prophitaugustl: how do I find out what the IP address of the guest is in that situation?20:13
augustlprophit: not actually sure what system that does the resolving there.. but "ip addr" from inside the vm lists it20:14
augustlprophit: avahi/bonjour is nice to have in these kinds of situations, so that all you need to know is the hostname20:14
augustlin case you don't want to figure out how to somehow get the IP from virtualbox :)20:14
jdvwhy does the command line not acknowledge the text i just typed when it asks for my [sudo] password? how do i fix it?20:16
mcphailjdv: it is a feature, not a bug20:16
jdvmcphail: how do i work around it?20:16
zykotick9!password | jdv20:17
ubottujdv: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords20:17
mcphailjdv: you don't. Echoing a password is futile and dangerous20:17
jdvim struggling to understand...20:17
micromI no longer see ncsvc in ~/.juniper_networks/network_connect, and the download from the vpn firewall is not giving it to me (everything else is there though)20:17
augustljdv: you're referring to the fact that sudo doesn't give any feedback as you type? That's normal20:18
mcphailjdv: sudo is reading your keypresses. It simply won't print "*" on the screen for each letter20:18
jdvaugustl: but nothing happens after i finish typing!20:18
augustljdv: you press enter I guess? :P20:18
jdvaugustl: i hit [enter] too20:19
augustljdv: so `sudo ls`, your password, then enter, and nothing happens?20:19
jdvaugustl: hold on a sec and ill try that :)20:20
augustlperhaps it's the command you're running that doesn't actually do anything20:20
augustlalso, by command line, do you mean the Terminal? Or alt+f2, or something else?20:20
Banan^vlt: sudo blkid @ http://pastebin.com/jrUsdRtj20:20
Banan^Jordan_U: see above =)20:20
jdvaugustl: i mean Terminal20:21
jdvaugustl: i was trying to run the command: "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer20:22
Jordan_UBanan^: Since you're using FakeRAID, rather than true hardware RAID or linux software RAID, you'll need to make sure you have dmraid installed.20:22
augustljdv: "sudo cwd" might be a bit better, it will always print something, "ls" might not print if the dir you're in is empty20:23
augustljdv: just to test that it works20:23
augustlnot sure why apt-get install wouldn't print anything..20:23
jdvaugustl: ill try that20:23
jdvgilesfun: hi :)20:23
gilesfunanyone need some ubuntu help20:23
gilesfunIm here to help20:23
dagerikme too20:24
jdvaugustl: i tried that. i asks for my [sudo] password20:24
augustljdv: right, then you enter the password, and hit the enter key? Then what happens?20:24
markeany real difference between rsync over ssh vs rsync through ssh tunnel (via localhost) ?20:24
augustlmarke: only that it'll do two SSH's :)20:24
Banan^Jordan_U: I can type dmraid -h and get a list of options20:24
markethe former or latter?20:25
augustlmarke: ssh tunnels are transparent functionality wise. You'll obviously get everything double encrypted etc though20:25
Jordan_Ugilesfun: dagerik: No need to announce you're availability (and please don't as it just adds clutter). Simply wait around and if you see a question you can help with, respond with help :)20:25
jdvaugustl: is my [sudo] password different than my login password?20:25
Banan^Jordan_U: but a little concerned you call it fakeraid - it's a hardware controller on a pci card?20:25
markeah I see20:25
augustljdv: sudo ask for your login password, yes20:25
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jdvaugustl: whenever i try to type that in, i get no feedback onscreen and hitting enter produces no response20:26
markessh tunnel essentially allows me to whitelist only the loopback on rsyncd on the server that's why I was considering it20:26
augustljdv: so "sudo pwd", you enter your password, hit enter, what happens exactly?20:26
markenot sure if that's a good enough reason though20:27
Jordan_UBanan^: It's FakeRAID because all of the RAID functionality is on Software / BIOS Option ROMS which use the CPU and the system's main RAM to do all the work (and less efficiently than native linux software RAID at that).20:27
augustlhardware raids are actually quite rare. I bought a raid hardware card without investigating and it turns out that too was fake raid. It was just a SATA card basically20:27
jdvaugustl: it prompts me for my [sudo] password20:27
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
augustljdv: right, and when you type in your password and hit the enter key, what happens exactly? Do you just get a new prompt? It doesn't print the path to the directory you're in?20:28
Varikonniemihello, i am having problems getting gnome-shell to work on my ubuntu server installation. Unity works fine but gnome-shell fails into fallback mode20:28
Jordan_Uaugustl: They're quite common for server hardware, but also very expensive. I don't think I've ever seen true hardware RAID for the consumer market.20:28
wilhartwhat is channel for mint?20:29
Jordan_U!mint | wilhart20:29
ubottuwilhart: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:29
jdvaugustl: it worked!! i got the file directory im in!!20:29
augustlJordan_U, Banan^: having troubles with setting up fake raid btw? I've done that before20:30
jdvaugustl: now can i run the command i was trying to run in the first place?20:30
Banan^ah - ok makes sense, thanks for the clarification ;)20:30
augustljdv: yay, what did you do differently this time?20:30
Banan^augustl: I can't see my raid120:30
Banan^I can see the disks, but they are not "mounted" anywhere afaik20:30
jdvaugustl: I typed my full password, even though i got no text on the screen as i hit the keys, and then hit [enter]20:31
augustlBanan^: at what time? Boot/GRUB, or after you've logged in?20:31
augustljdv: cool, that's how sudo works :)20:31
Banan^I see the disks when using the sudo fdisk -l command20:31
jdvaugustl: thank you so much for your help and your time!! God bless!! :) :) :)20:31
Banan^and I see them on the controller card during boot, when going into the setup using ctrl+s20:32
guntbertjdv: thats how password entry in CLI always works - no visual feedback20:32
augustljdv: hehe no probs20:32
augustlBanan^: so you want them to mount automatically? You don't boot from a raid?20:32
jdvguntbert: ahh........20:32
Banan^no, I boot from a small ssd20:32
jdvguntbert: this is my first linux machin20:32
Banan^I had them "mounted" before ubuntu went to 12.0420:33
stevioAnyone available to help with a Flash problem in Xubuntu 11?20:33
guntbertjdv: take your time - you will learn what you need :-)20:33
augustlBanan^: good, booting from raid is hard..20:33
jdvguntbert: im training to become a linux ninja and then i can carry  sword and wear a cool mask. you cant rush these things ;)20:33
jdvguntbert: thanks man!20:33
augustlBanan^: iirc you just need to load the correct kernel module and you'll have /dev for the disk and you can just add it to the fstab20:35
augustlsec, refreshing my memory a bit ;)20:35
stevioAnyone know why Flash might work in Chrome but not in Opera or Firefox? In those browsers, Flash seems to load, but it's just a black box. Running Xubuntu 11, recently installed.20:35
FreeGeekVanHP photo scanner 1000, anyone have success using it with 12.04. If so how?20:35
augustlBanan^: the module is dmraid, the dev will be in /dev/mapper/something-something20:35
augustlBanan^: that device will be a plain block device, so it will be transparent to fstab and what not that it's actually a raid20:36
augustlBanan^: so add dmraid to /etc/modules and have lunch!20:36
Banan^augustl: soooo .. exactly how would I go about doing that? :)20:36
gregHi all.  Noob here.  Anyone know of a good search app for Ubuntu?20:37
greg Hi all.  Noob here.  Anyone know of a good search app for Ubuntu?20:38
ArkangelHELLO WORLD, glad to be on the #ubuntu channel :D20:38
gregNeed a good file search app...20:38
xrdodrxI have a Logitech Wireless Mouse and it's not working at all in Ubuntu 12.04...what can I do?20:39
xrdodrxan m51020:39
augustlBanan^: think this should work. 1) apt-get intsall dmraid 2) add the line "dmraid" without quotes to /etc/modules 3) try to mount it, mount /dev/mapper/your-raid-here /path/to/any/folder 4) if it works, add "/dev/mapper/your-raid-here /path/to/any/folder ntfs defaults 0 1" without quotes to /etc/fstab20:40
OerHeksgreg open terminal: locate <filename> or nautilus: hit ctrl + f(ind)20:40
augustlBanan^: you probably already have dmraid though? If not, how did you set up your raid?20:40
Banan^augustl: it looks like I have dmraid20:40
augustlyou probably used it to set up the raid in the first place20:41
augustloh wait, the module is called "dm_mod", not "dmraid"20:41
oemHP photo scanner 1000, anyone have success using this with 12.04, if so how?20:41
Banan^augustl: if I write dmraid in terminal, it returns ERROR: no arguments/options given (-h for help)20:41
gregThanks OerHeks, but isn't there a good GUI one?20:41
radziorwhy my flash player wont start in ubuntu 12.04?20:41
augustlBanan^: you're not supposed to write "dmraid" in terminal to make it work though :)20:41
gregI know there's a lot of terminal stuff for me to learn but for now I'd like a simple GUI app.20:41
Banan^dm_mod: command not found20:42
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augustlBanan^: you're not supposed to write dm_mod in the terminal either :P20:42
augustlit's a kernel module, as I said you should add it to /etc/modules20:42
Banan^ah .. I knew that =)20:42
radziorod modprobe it20:42
augustlBanan^: try to load the module first if you want, "modprobe dm_raid"20:42
OerHeksgreg nautilus: hit ctrl + f(ind)20:42
Banan^dm_raid or dmraid ?20:43
augustldm_raid iirc20:43
radziordoes anybody have issues with flashplayer in firefox?20:43
augustlyou won't break your system if you try both, you'll just get an error message if it doesn't exist20:43
gregI've used the ctrl+f function (it launches when I start typing too) but it only searches the folder that you are currently in.  I am looking for a global search app.20:43
radziorive installed it and it just wont run even youtube dont know where to look for an error20:44
gregBTW, I think Ubuntu rules20:45
arooni-mobileis disk utility accurate?  it says i have 52 "pending sectors"  (0 reallocated sectors)  but when i ran badblocks (:  sudo badblocks -b 512 /dev/sda -v ... got Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors)).... what i'm concerned about is ive seen 52 pending sectors in less than a week (its a brand new drive)20:45
CerrdorAnyone have experience with ngircd?20:45
gregOk, need to restart.  Be back shortly.20:45
Cerrdorthe IRC daemon20:45
=== shadowfury333 is now known as Shadowfury333
augustlBanan^: any progress?20:46
RGErrDayWell this is quite full20:47
Banan^augustl: well .. modprobe dm_raid returned a lot of errors; http://pastebin.com/gSBqQxWJ20:47
Banan^so I did a sudo modprobe dm_raid -- and that just returned nothing20:48
augustlBanan^: ya you need to do kernel module stuff as root20:48
augustlBanan^: modprobe returning nothing = good20:48
augustlBanan^: general tip, run "echo $?" to see the status code of the previous command, 0 = success20:49
Banan^returns 0 :)20:49
OerHeksarooni-mobile, technically those 52 pending sectors are spare sectors on your drive  aka s.m.a.r.t.  "reallocated" sectors are called remaps20:50
OerHeksarooni-mobile, and remaps are faulty sectors, so you are fine20:50
augustlBanan^: yay, module is loaded. Try "ls /dev/mapper, should list some fancy stuff20:50
Banan^augustl: cool! I See the disk!20:50
=== jack_laptop is now known as renr
augustlnice, now make a new empty dir and mount /dev/mapper/wtf /path/to/your/new/dir20:51
augustlshould Just Work20:51
Banan^well I can access it perfectly as is20:51
Banan^and all my wonderful data =D20:51
osmosisjoin #ubuntu-server20:51
augustlnot sure what I'm helping you with then :)20:51
Banan^so it'll automagically load up upon every boot now?20:51
augustlah, that was the problem20:52
augustlfirst, what did you do to mount the raid before?20:52
Banan^have no idea - I had it running under windows 2003, then the system disk died. Bought a SSD and decided to give Ubuntu a try. It worked perfectly, saw all my data on the raid, no problem - then Ubuntu did the 12.04 upgrade - and the raid disk was gone.20:53
augustlbut you have it mounted now?20:53
Banan^I didn't do anything to mount it under Ubuntu - I just installed the system on the new ssd20:53
schultzais this a hardware raid?20:54
g3orgewhat are the test directories along with the src in some projects?20:54
augustlBanan^: so ubuntu DID automatically mount it? Because it's mounted right now, and you didn't manually moung it?20:54
augustlg3orge: the automated tests typically20:54
Banan^it's a pci sata raid controller card20:54
g3orgewhich do what?? augustl20:55
schultzaubuntu live saw this and you installed on raid or on the ssd seperately?20:55
augustlg3orge: scripts created by the programmers that execute the program and see if it worked correctly20:55
mcphailg3orge: if you change anything in the source, run the tests to see if it still works20:55
Banan^schultza: I install Ubuntu on the new SSD disk, having the Raid 1 running along it with just data.20:55
g3orgeare they executable the most times?20:56
schultzawhat's backing up the ssd under raid 1?20:56
augustltypically there's a framework being used, and a specific way to run the tests. Not familiar with how C projects does it, but I guess it's in the Makefile with "make test" etc20:56
mcphailg3orge: usually run "make test"20:56
JensenDanwhere are my favorites from FF saved?20:56
augustlJensenDan: in ~/.mozilla/firefox20:56
zambahow can i disable a service at start up in ubuntu?20:57
Banan^augustl: I did nothing to mount anything -- I just installed Ubuntu on the SSD .. tbh I don't recall if I did anything special related to the raid 1 during install or after first boot .. but seeing that I'm a complete *nix newbie, I doubt I would have figured that out without asking =D20:57
zambaredhat-based distros have chkconfig <service> off20:57
zambaand busybox has /etc/init.d/service disable20:57
augustlBanan^: so it seems like there is no problem then? :) It's automatically mounted, all is good?20:57
zambawhat about ubuntu?20:57
schultzaaugustl: i think he is saying that it's not booting20:58
Banan^no, it's booting fine20:58
schultzaah, ok20:58
Banan^I couldn't see the raid 1 data20:58
schultzawhat's the problem?20:58
Banan^after ubuntu 12.04 update20:58
Banan^before 12.04 I could see the data20:58
debsanzamba, /etc/init.d/service stop20:58
augustlzamba: ut used to be update-rc.d, not sure if that sill applies in 12.04 though20:59
zambadebsan: that's for STOPPING it, yeah, but i want to prevent it from booting20:59
Banan^all I did to resolve the problem (as it seems) was running "sudo modprobe dm_raid"20:59
Banan^so .. THANKS :D20:59
augustlzamba: update-rc.d is mentioned in the man page for "service" though so I guess it still applies. But yeah, now I'm just guessing20:59
debsanzamba, rcconf20:59
augustlBanan^: ah, cool20:59
zambadebsan: what's that?21:00
augustlBanan^: make sure you add it to /etc/modules too. Edit the file with gedit or something and just add one line21:00
schultzai havent dealt with raid.. so i was trying to look it up21:00
schultzadm_raid, huh?21:00
Banan^augustl: what line do I want to add to /etc/modules ?21:01
augustlschultza: yeah that's for managing fakeraids21:01
augustlBanan^: just "dm_raid", that's enough to make it load at boot21:01
Banan^right now it just have a few comments and a single line with lp21:01
augustlyeah, add a new line below lp21:01
Banan^what's lp doing here?21:01
augustllp is another module21:01
harshadcommand scheduled using 'at' command can't be excuted21:03
trismzamba: if it is an upstart service (the job file is in /etc/init/) then see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting21:03
Banan^augustl: thanks a million bro, you saved me around 100 gbs of photos and video captured since 1999 .. =) well, I do have a backup but that haven't been updated since november last year ..21:04
=== MartinS is now known as Guest62791
augustlBanan^: haha nice21:04
Banan^speaking of which - can anyone recommend a good backup utility for ubuntu?21:04
augustlBanan^: btw, I'm kind of amazed it just worked, I thought dmraid could only manage raids created with dmraid21:04
schultzajeez.. keep them updated :)21:04
augustlBanan^: what did you use to create the raid originally?21:05
Banan^well I made it under windows 200321:05
augustlnice, TIL21:06
augustlBanan^: for backup, I use dropbox for important stuff, and manually dumping stuff to various servers and s3 and what not for remote backups..21:06
Banan^also .. you saved my picassa face recognition database .. phhhhew .. spent MONTHS building that thing ;)21:07
Banan^well, just did a count - I have 138 gb's of photos21:07
Banan^I'm not gonna dropbox that shit on any old cloud with my ADSL connection21:07
augustlBanan^: yeah I also use picasa for photos21:07
augustlbasically I don't really have anything I need to back up.. My code is all over various servers via version control, photos on picasa, private keys locked down somewhere, and so on21:08
osmosiswhy is munin-node-configure not suggesting the 'memory' graph on 12.04?21:08
Banan^got a 2tb external drive with the backup data, just want to add data to that incrementally21:08
augustlBanan^: I just started listening to music as FLACs though, so I need to find a method for backing up my music collection..21:10
BenxyzzyI wrote a perl script, ran it with & (background) via ssh and then closed the ssh session. The perl script continued running in my absence. I just ran a downloaded program (rtorrent) with &, tried to exit, and got a "there are stopped jobs" message. What's the difference between these two?21:16
Cerrdorhow do I enable colors in terminal?21:16
Cerrdorfile=this color tar=this color etc?21:16
Banan^augustl: so let me know what backup software you'll run with =)21:16
augustlBanan^: I like the terminal so I'll probably use http://duplicity.nongnu.org/ or something ;)21:17
wawoweBenxyzzy: type bg before you exit21:17
Benxyzzywawowe: I did, rtorrent continued in the background, I typed exit, I got the "there are stopped jobs" message again21:18
Erealzneed quiky favor21:18
Erealzis anyone running ubuntu 64bit?21:18
BenxyzzyErealz: Many people I should think21:19
wawoweBenxyzzy: rtorrent isn't meant to run in the background21:19
DMASSBenxyzzy: try  nohup  cmd  &21:19
Erealzis anyone right now ?21:19
MonkeyDust!enter| Erealz21:19
ubottuErealz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:19
wawoweBenxyzzy: run it in screen and ctrl+a d21:19
MonkeyDustErealz  don't ask to ask, just ask21:20
Erealzi just did21:20
Erealzis anyone running ubuntu 64bit21:20
schultzaok. why are you asking if anyone is running 64 bit?21:20
Erealzi need a copy of sources.list21:20
Erealzi hosed mine now im getting all kinds of 401 lines21:21
schultzaale9: hi21:21
Erealzi just need a fresh copy21:21
wawoweBenxyzzy: the difference is a program that depends on the current shell and one that can run independently21:21
schultzaon sources.list, is there a difference between 32 and 64 bit?21:21
zykotick9schultza: no - they're the same21:21
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:21
Erealzjust in case i like to be thrall21:21
BenxyzzyDMASS : Thja21:22
Erealzcome guys realy now one can hook me up?21:22
ale9a question, which file system to use for a SDD?21:22
cccangelhey guys im on ubuntu 12.04 lts and i got a printer server already setup and shared and i got another computer trying to connect but I have this error "Processing - not connected".  what can i do?21:22
t432I have the /home directory in seperate partition, it works fine but noticed when using eclipse ide i have to set the "workspace" from "/home" to "/root" to install software....what could be the problem?21:22
BenxyzzyDMASS / Erealz L Thanks for the nohup & screen info, looks like what I want. It's funny that I didn't need to do this with my perl script is all; maybe it's because the script wasn't interactive / awaiting input21:22
wawoweErealz: get it the same way you go the last one21:23
MonkeyDustErealz  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013763/21:23
Erealzwowowe chill out21:23
wawoweErealz: no!21:24
Erealzwhat your problem im asking for help and you respond with tthat21:24
Erealzyou know how everyone get the file witch install the system21:24
wawoweErealz: you go to ubuntu.com and download the iso21:24
Erealzso what you want me to reinstall my entire system all over again?21:24
schultzahe doesnt want to reinstall the whole thing again21:25
schultzahe may be on a dialup21:25
wawoweErealz: maybe i misunderstood what you were asking for21:25
schultzahe has a corrupted sources.list21:25
Praxihmm not sure if I'm searching for the right terms.  When I grab the corner of a window to resize it, the area I can grab is insanely small.  Is that called "Grab Handles" for my googling?21:25
wawoweErealz: running 12.04?21:26
Erealzforget man this guy hooked me up21:26
bastidrazorPraxi: you can use alt + middle click to resize the window21:26
MonkeyDustErealz  I just pasted my sources.list21:26
schultzaErealz: lsb_release -a will tell what version you are running. Or use Monkey's21:26
Erealzthanks to monkey21:26
Erealzthank bro your leet.21:27
Erealzthis other guy21:27
Erealznot so much.21:27
Praxithanks bastidrazor that helps, is there any way to make those grab handles bigger for when I maybe forget your helpful tip? :)21:27
MonkeyDustErealz  don't forget to sudo apt-get update after pasting it in /etc/apt/21:28
sqwertleI accidentally deleted the gnome notification panel (time, power options, connection stuff) and I can't find a way to reinstate it. Right clicking and alt+Right clicking does not bring up any panel options.21:28
Erealzyup you know it bro.21:28
BenxyzzyWhat does the c in crwx stand for? As in, the permissions string that ls -l gives. The c is where d would be for a directory21:28
bastidrazorPraxi: i do not know, i've always used alt+middle click since ..ever21:28
Praxihaha k, thanks bastidrazor :)21:29
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest82870
cccangelhey guys i am having trouble connecting to my printer that is connected to another laptop in ubuntu 12.04 LTS, can someone please please help me?21:31
zykotick9Benxyzzy: "c denotes a character special file" i'm not really sure what that means though...21:31
Benxyzzyzyykotick9: Ah, that makes sense, thanks21:31
sqwertleRight clicking on the panel (as well as alt+right clicking) does not bring up any options at all.21:31
zykotick9!tab > Benxyzzy21:31
ubottuBenxyzzy, please see my private message21:31
augustlsqwertle: you could always delete all the configurations so it'll recreate the next time you log in..21:32
sqwertleaugustl: How would I go about doing that?21:32
augustlsqwertle: it's probably in ~/.config somewhere21:33
augustlor perhaps ~/.gconf or ~/.gnome (just guessing now)21:33
prophitaugustl: I removed my VM's host-only adapter, verified that I can still access the internet via Firefox on the guest, but I still can't ping anything from the CLI. Seems like Firefox is able to resolve some proxy settings that ping can't?21:33
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augustlprophit: hmm, do you have any proxies running on your network?21:34
augustlsounds likely that firefox is able to automatically detect some proxy stuff, but not sure, never used proxies21:35
augustlnot sure how Virtualbox NAT behaves with proxies on the host21:35
prophitaugustl: I was hoping it would rely on the host machine for proxy settings21:35
Okeanoscan i ask a question?21:35
zykotick9!ask | Okeanos21:35
ubottuOkeanos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:35
augustlprophit: that would have been my guess too :)21:36
OkeanosI have age of Mythology but don't have a graphics card, so i tried to bypass this, by using 3d analyzer, this seemed to have worked, however, after the loading screen, the screen just went black showing the cursor, and still had sound. I hoped someone could help me with this?21:38
nwilson5OerHeks (i was asking about the device_boot_led before) - i eventually reset bios and unplugged everything, tested with one stick of ram and got all my hdds to work etc. turns out i *think* to be a faulty stick of ram.21:41
nwilson5i'm able to boot now magically and i'm running memtest21:41
nwilson5memtest is failing at some point and i'm not exactly sure how to tell which stick of ram it is that is failing, but it's at least something21:41
=== Fuchs is now known as Staffpony
OkeanosI have age of Mythology but don't have a graphics card, so i tried to bypass this, by using 3d analyzer, this seemed to have worked, however, after the loading screen, the screen just went black showing the cursor, and still had sound. I hoped someone could help me with this?21:42
vltHello. When I run ffmpeg I get the following message: “This program is not developed anymore and is only provided for compatibility. Use avconv instead (see Changelog for the list of incompatible changes).” This doesn’t seem to be true. Who wrote this and why?21:42
nwilson5imbezol, too. since you were helping me before. think it's a ram issue (what i said ^^)21:42
zykotick9Okeanos: #winehq is the wine channel - if you "don't have a graphics card" how are you planning on seeing the game?21:42
cdjHey does anybody know if by using two WiFi cards I can make a WiFi hotspot of a Wifi network I'm connected to?21:43
cdjmy laptop gets wifi where my iphone can't, so I'd like to make my laptop a wifi extender, if you will21:43
schultzayou mean a wifi repeater?21:43
vltcdj: Yes, (though that must be possible also with only one card ).21:43
wawowecdj: you could do it with one21:43
schultzait should be possible.. linux can use sub.interfaces21:44
cdjI read somewhere you have to have two, one in listening and one in broadcast mode :/21:44
imbezolnwilson5: test with one stick at a time21:44
=== Guest26235 is now known as Gurty
bastidrazor!ics | cdj21:44
ubottucdj: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing21:44
cdjthough my phone can do it, serve as a wifi hotspot while being connected to wifi...21:44
imbezolnwilson5: if you find a single bad stick, test again with that same stick in a different slot21:44
OkeanosI have age of Mythology but don't have a graphics card, so i tried to bypass this, by using 3d analyzer, this seemed to have worked, however, after the loading screen, the screen just went black showing the cursor, and still had sound. I hoped someone could help me with this?21:45
vlt!repeat | Okeanos21:45
ubottuOkeanos: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:45
Jordan_Uvlt: Why do you think it's not true?21:45
cdjbastidrazor: will read, thanks!21:45
zykotick9!repeat | Okeanos21:45
ReZK2LLhttp://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/17752220 you need see this ;)21:45
vltJordan_U: ffmpeg just released a new version a few days ago.21:45
Studioushello linux world21:45
schultzaWhen testing memory. It can either be a memory problem or a motherboard port/interface problem...21:46
osmosisall I want is a lcd keyboard that dynamically changes key positions based on my finger spacing so I can stretch out21:47
Okeanosapparently several people have managed to use age of mythololgy without a graphics card, so i was trying to follow their example21:47
osmosisOkeanos, whats age of mythology? link?21:47
schultzaage of mythology is a 3d game21:47
PenguincscStudious: you have a uestion?21:48
nwilson5ok imbezol , i'll test them all. may take a while 8gb a stick , 8 sticks lol. thanks for your help throughout21:49
Okeanoswell apparently many people have managed to download some sort of 3d processor21:49
cccangelHey guys i am getting "Processing - The printer is not responding." when trying to connect to my printer.  What am I possibly overlooking?21:50
MonkeyDustOkeanos  is it in wine?21:50
Okeanoswhat is wine?21:50
Penguincsccccangel: is it ready?21:50
schultza!wine | Okeanos21:50
ubottuOkeanos: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:50
Okeanos<monkeydust> what is wine21:51
=== Staffpony is now known as Fuchs
cccangelPenguincsc, its ready on the host computer but i get that error on the connecting printer.21:51
Penguincsccccangel: maybe it's out of paper?21:51
cccangelPenguincsc, nope. i get that error when i try to get remote computer to connect to the host computer21:51
Okeanoshow do u put the name in red?21:51
cccangelPenguincsc, the printer prints just fine21:51
schultzaOkeanos: most clients will do that when it's your name with : at the end...21:51
Penguincscmaybe it's a permissions issue21:51
schultzaOkeanos: the name and : has to be leading the line21:52
Penguincsccccaldas: try checking the CUPS settings (server menu)21:52
Okeanosschultza: is that it?21:52
tetris4hello, am trying to import the ubuntu one client on Chakra, is there some channel dedicated to one?21:52
zykotick9i don't think so schultza21:52
schultzaOkeanos: yes, but my client doesnt do that, unfortunately.. thats why i said most clients21:52
czzWhat's a easy vnc server to setup and connect to?21:53
Jordan_Uvlt: Odd, it seems that libav and ffmpeg are two different projects who share almost the same website and don't mention the other. It's hard to tell from their websites how they relate to each other.21:53
schultzaczz: running vnc locally or across the Internet?21:53
MonkeyDusttetris4  what's chakra?21:53
Penguincscczz: what do you need it for? I like the Google Chrome Remote Desktop21:53
UBuxuBUits a linux distro21:53
cccangelPenguincsc, now i tried to do an ipp address and it gives me "Stopped - The printer URI is incorrect or no longer exists."21:54
tetris4MonkeyDust: a distribution =)21:54
czzschmidtm, Across the Internet.21:54
czzPenguincsc, I want to connect to a honeypot.21:54
cccangelgah im stuck... can someone help me connect to my cups server / setup printer sharing!? please.21:54
Jordan_Uvlt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libav#Fork_from_FFmpeg21:54
OkeanosI have age of Mythology but don't have a graphics card, so i tried to bypass this, by using 3d analyzer, this seemed to have worked, however, after the loading screen, the screen just went black showing the cursor, and still had sound. I hoped someone could help me with this?21:54
MonkeyDusttetris4  36 nicknames in the #chakra channel21:54
Penguincsccccangel: 12.04?21:54
schultzaczz: you will need to secure it with a tunnel then. that complicates the setup21:54
cccangelPenguincsc, yes21:54
schultzaand slows it down21:55
venta7trying to get ubuntu 12.04 and windows 7 dual boot on the same hard drive21:55
tetris4MonkeyDust: 35 now that you left =P21:55
Pictohey Penguinscs, im famille, thank you :)21:55
Jordan_Utetris4: #ubuntuone21:55
Pictolook provate message21:55
czzschultza, No need to secure it.21:55
Penguincsccccangel: go to the Cog and click on the Printers21:55
tetris4Jordan_U: thnx mate21:56
Jordan_Utetris4: You're welcome.21:56
cccangelPenguincsc, where is the Cog your refering to?21:56
Penguincsccccangel: choose Server --> Settings in the menu21:56
dr3mrohello .. i installed 3.4 kernel to percise from kernel.ubuntu.com ... and i used to run zram modules but since update i have failed to make it work with 3.4 any help ?21:56
cccangelPenguincsc, go on21:56
cccangelPenguincsc, i have publish shared printers and save debugging checked... everything else i left as default21:57
Penguincsccccangel: now choose Settings under Server in the menu (top left21:57
venta7trying to get ubuntu 12.04 and windows 7 dual boot on the same hard drive, ubuntu already installed and the hard drive is partitioned as: /boot, /root, /home, swap and ntfs partition for windows21:57
cccangelPenguincsc, yes im in server settings21:57
Jordan_Uvlt: So to clarify if it's not clear, libav is a fork of the ffmpeg project. Their fork has depricated the utility named "ffmpeg" in favor of their utility named "avconv". Ubuntu uses the libav fork, and thus you get this message when trying to run the "ffmpeg" utility.21:58
donvito2hello, i want to ask does unity 2d is installed on 12.04 by himself?21:58
venta7when I've tried to install win7, get an error: System was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.21:58
schultzaczz: i dont know much about vnc, you may want to look for one that features compression as it's across the Internet21:58
OkeanosI have age of Mythology but don't have a graphics card, so i tried to bypass this, by using 3d analyzer, this seemed to have worked, however, after the loading screen, the screen just went black showing the cursor, and still had sound. I hoped someone could help me with this?21:58
Penguincsccccangel: check all except Remote Administration21:58
venta7how to go around this error and dual boot 12.04 and win721:58
cccangelPenguincsc, okay hold on21:59
xanguaOkeanos: did you check the wine databese¿21:59
dr3mroany help to enable zram modules?21:59
Jordan_Uventa7: That sounds like a Windows problem. Try asking in ##windows.21:59
cccangelPenguincsc, including printing from the internet?21:59
donvito2ok how to install unity2d on ubuntu 12.0421:59
Okeanosxangua: how would i check the wine database?21:59
xanguadr3mro: i suggest you to stick with the packages provided by the official ubuntu repositories21:59
zykotick9xangua: +121:59
venta7thanks jordan_U21:59
morten77venta7: do you have any primary partitions on that harddisk, or only extended/logical ones?22:00
xangua!appdb | Okeanos: like you were told, that's a windows game isn't it¿22:00
ubottuOkeanos: like you were told, that's a windows game isn't it¿: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:00
Jordan_Uventa7: You're welcome.22:00
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
cccangelPenguincsc, im still stuck22:01
venta7jordan_U: is it possible the problem to exist because I've created a separate partition for the boot22:01
Penguincsccccangel: no22:01
cccangeloh ok22:01
MonkeyDustventa7  did you use wubi?22:01
cccangelPenguincsc, okay i have all of that setup22:01
venta7morten77: I have primary partitions22:01
Penguincsccccangel:  restart the CUPS on the host machine22:02
cccangelhow do i do that?22:02
Penguincsccccangel:  did you check this on the host machine?22:02
venta7only /home is logical22:02
dr3mroxangua, i need to use 3.4 as it fixes cpu overheat22:02
cccangelPenguincsc, i got both the host and guest laptops sitting next to eachotyher'22:02
cccangelbut how do i reset cups?  I couldnt figure that out earlier...22:03
comptekkihi - I tried to change the resolution of ubuntu in vmware exsi and now it is out of range or something and I get no gui.22:03
vltJordan_U: I begin to understand: When I install ffmpeg on Ubuntu I get libav (which is an ffmpeg fork). They developed their own frontend tool avconv and dropped the ffmpeg tool. That would explain why I get some errors and lack of functionality in the ubuntu version compared to the one I get from ffmpeg.org.22:03
Penguincsccccangel:  I mean - did you checked the settings on the computer the printer is connected to?22:03
comptekkiI can log in with ssh.  Where can I change the resolution back to 800x600.22:03
cccangelPenguincsc, yes i did22:03
Penguincsccccangel: cool. now restart cups22:04
cccangelPenguincsc, whats the command for that?22:04
venta7MonkeyDust, no wubi - I have Ubuntu already installed, and now I'm trying to install win722:04
schultzaI have had issues with ipp, for me it worked when i went ldp directly to printers... does this matter? what is the difference between ipp and ldp?22:04
venta7only for the photoshop22:04
UBuxuBUubuntu is urging me to upgrage to 12.0422:04
Penguincscin the console run sudo service cups restart22:04
cccangelPenguincsc, okay...22:05
UBuxuBUbut 11.10 seems fine22:05
Jordan_Uventa7: If you've used all primary partition slots then that would be a problem as Windows requires at least one primary partition (All of Ubuntu's partitions can be either primary or logical).22:05
schultzaUBuxuBU: Eventually, 11.10 will run out of support time.22:05
UBuxuBUhmmm, when22:06
MonkeyDustventa7  windows ruins grub, better install windows first and then ubuntu22:06
cccangelPenguincsc, okay done that.. now how do a connect a guest computer to the host?22:06
UBuxuBUseems to work very well22:06
=== lonewulf`cloud is now known as lonewulfcloud
cccangelPenguincsc, i keep doing the auto detect one and it keeps failing.22:06
Redbad72Vim installed and configured, deadmau5 is pumping beats through Rhytmbox, keyboard ready, let's check out this 12.04. Looking forward to it.22:06
Penguincsccccangel: for printing?22:06
skd5anerHello, I've got a serious issue... I was in the middle of doing an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, using do-release-upgrade... and my power went out :(  I can ssh back into the box, and it says that I'm running 12.04 when I log in, but I know for a fact it didn't get through the complete upgrade process - in fact, it was only a few minutes in :(22:06
cccangelPenguincsc, yes.22:06
mash__hi <322:06
skd5anerhow can I make sure the upgrade is completed successfully?22:06
schultzaUBuxuBU: 11.10 support will end 2013-04.22:07
Jordan_Uskd5aner: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:07
prophitaugustl: wget and curl work for grabbing www.google.com, yet ping is getting 100% packet loss.. Apparently my network has determined that it is wise to block all ping traffic22:07
Penguincsccccangel: both run ubuntu?22:07
cccangelPenguincsc, the printer shows up on the network just fine and i get the drivers easily but the thing ends up not working22:07
skd5anerJordan_U: thanks, I was wondering if that'd do it22:07
prophitaugustl: I just tried pinging various addresses from my host machine. I get the same behavior - all requests are timing out22:07
cccangelPenguincsc, yes they both run ubuntu 12.04 lts (first time i am doing this since i left windows lol)22:07
UBuxuBUsheez thats sooon22:07
Jordan_Uskd5aner: You're welcome. That might miss some of the cleaning up of unneeded packages normally done, but otherwise should get you the same result. Not that I would recommend cutting power in the middle of an upgrade in the future :)22:08
Penguincsccccangel: right click the printer on the host machine - is it shared?22:08
cccangelPenguincsc, yes.22:08
UBuxuBUi have 1204 on 2 other computers but this one seems to like 111022:08
skd5anerJordan_U: after running the apt-get update, it's asking me to run a dpkg --configure -a, so I am22:09
Penguincsccccangel: wait22:09
Sidewinder!distupgrade | skd5aner22:09
ubottuskd5aner: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.22:09
gnufunCan anyone help me troubleshoot Flash? I feel like I tried everything: purging  and reinstalling the restricted extras package and flash plugin installer, using the ff flash extention that is supposed to detect the latest version and fix your flash problems.  I get: Missing Plugins where all flash content is supposed to be.22:10
skd5anerJordan_U: yea, needless to say, my power company has been on a role lately of losing power for 2 seconds anytime the littlest bit of water falls from the sky and this particular box isn't on a UPS :/22:10
cccangelPenguincsc, i tried to the ipp address for the hosts lan ip address and it doesn't work22:10
Penguincsccccangel: what printer? USB?22:10
cccangelPenguincsc, its a USB Canon Pixma MP 28022:11
skd5anernow it wants me to do an apt-get -f install :/22:11
schultzacccangel: is the printer a network printer?22:11
Penguincsccccangel: try finding it by choosing Network Printer22:11
Jordan_Uskd5aner: I can't wait until btrfs is standard and we can just say "Meh, just rollback to before the upgrade and try again" :)22:11
skd5anersheesh, stupid power company22:11
cccangelPenguincsc, on the host or guest?22:11
djskiddHello, I need to install Ubuntu to a USB Flash Drive.22:11
skd5anerJordan_U: yea, that'll be great22:12
venta7Jordan_U, can I change the partition to logical now, without reinstalling Ubuntu?22:12
djskiddHow do I do this in Wubi?22:12
Penguincsccccangel: on the guest22:12
cccangelPenguincsc, ya it shows up under network printers even22:12
skd5anerJordan_U: finally, can do a dist-upgrade now... thank you so much - I can't imagine what would happen if that happened in the middle of a windows upgrade :-o22:12
stuengdjskidd: what do you mean by install on the USB drive. you want an actual install installed as if the USB drive was a HDD or you want a live CD on the USB key ?22:12
Penguincsccccangel: install it from there, not IPP22:13
Jordan_Uventa7: Yes, but you'll need to be careful and you'll need to re-run grub-install afterward. I would highly recommend backing up any important data first (but you already do that regularly, right? :)22:13
Penguincsccccangel: see if that works22:13
Jordan_Uskd5aner: You're welcome.22:13
djskiddI want as if the USB was an HDD22:13
xangua!usb | djskidd22:13
ubottudjskidd: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:13
stuengdjskidd: what OS are you on atm ?22:13
Jordan_Udjskidd: Just do a normal installation as you would to an internal drive.22:13
cccangelPenguincsc, i did that and i realize it shows up as Local Raw Printer.  is it supposed to do that?22:13
djskiddWindows 7 Starter22:13
stuengJordan_U: you can get it to install to USB as if it was HDD but it requires some hacking22:14
Penguincsccccangel: no. wait22:14
Jordan_Udjskidd: Do not use Wubi.22:14
venta7Jordan_U: yes I have backup22:14
cccangelPenguincsc, and the printer state is "Idle - The printer is not responding."22:14
djskiddSo I need to get an ISO?22:14
Jordan_Ustueng: I'm not aware of any hacking required, I've done this many times and looked into some of the code in Ubiquity.22:14
mcphaildjskidd: that is the easiest way, yes22:15
djskiddOkay. I downloaded an ISO through BittTorrent yesterday anyway22:15
stuengJordan_U: sorry misread you to say "you would require an internal drive" sorry lol22:15
Jordan_Udjskidd: Do you have a CD you can burn and boot from, or another USB drive that you can put Ubuntu's installer on then boot from?22:15
cccangelPenguincsc, okay waiting...22:15
djskiddYeah, I have another USB at my disposal22:15
stuengJordan_U: djskidd from within windows you cannot treat the USB drive as if it was a HDD (i..e create partitions) unless you do some hacking22:16
stuengJordan_U: djskidd but you can turn one USB key into a "live CD" and use that to boot into Ubuntu and install onto the second USB key.. which is what I guess you are about to explain ?22:17
Penguincsccccangel: does it show correctly on the host?22:17
cccangelPenguincsc, yes it setup it up automatically drivers and all on the host22:17
=== JacksterE is now known as JacksterD
cccangelPenguincsc, but the remote auto says those things above22:18
cccangelPenguincsc, i can print fine on the host, already checked22:18
Penguincsccccangel: when installing on the guest, did it ask for a driver?22:18
cccangelPenguincsc, it says "remote cups printer via DNS-SD" and i click that22:19
cccangelPenguincsc, no prompt for driver22:19
cccangelPenguincsc, just asks if i can print test page22:19
Penguincsccccangel: any other printers on the gues?22:19
stuengccb056: the return button on your keyboard is not a puctuation mark22:19
stuengoops cccangel * lol22:20
comptekkii'm in 11.10, but I don't see an xorg.conf file in /etc/X22:20
cccangelPenguincsc, no22:20
zykotick9comptekki: xorg.conf doesn't exist by default, you'd need to create one22:20
Penguincsccccangel: OK, delete all printers in the guest22:20
cccangelstueng, ah man.  i love doing that hehe22:20
cccangelPenguincsc, done.22:20
PenguincscI don't have another computer here to test it myself22:21
cccangelPenguincsc, wait i am doing something a tad differently now22:22
Penguincsccccangel: on the guest, in the printers window, choose to add a printer and click on the Nework Printer and let it find it22:22
cccangelPenguincsc, fixed it22:23
stuengwhen they call this the official suport channel.. does that mean people employed by canonical are here? and help?22:23
Penguincsccccangel: cool - what did you do?22:23
cccangelPenguincsc, they need to say that instead of selecting your printer, type in your host ip address22:23
cccangelinto the other option22:23
Penguincsccccangel: great22:23
cccangelPenguincsc, sweet now im going to duplicate this22:24
* TimRiker ughs at upstart... sure, it's more feature rich, but it's a pain to debug.22:24
comptekkizykotick9:  where does ubuntu keep it resolutions if  they are changed when xorg.conf doesn't exists?22:24
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OerHeksstueng, no, we are all volunteers.22:24
zykotick9comptekki: it's automajic - sorry i don't know if it's stored anywhere22:24
djskiddIs it normal if avast! keeps telling you it found an infection in the same file every minute?22:24
Penguincsccccangel: try this to use the scanner:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1582497&page=622:24
comptekkizykotick9: ok22:24
TimRikerafter an upgrade to precise, mysqld fails to start. start: Job failed to start   how do I debug that?22:24
zykotick9comptekki: if you create an xorg.conf it will be used22:25
PenguincscTiktalik: check dmesg22:25
comptekkizykotick9:  ok - i'm looking for a standard 800x600 one...22:25
djskiddAHHH OH NO22:25
djskiddAnother disc goes to waste as another burn fails22:25
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:25
mcphaildjskidd: please stick to the /topic in this channel22:26
TimRikerMay 29 16:20:18 octo kernel: [25687.803066] init: mysql pre-start process (5060) terminated with status 122:26
cccangelPenguincsc, you were awesome... i need to take4 a break.  ill hop on later if i have problems setting up scanner22:26
cccangelPenguincsc is the man!22:26
Penguincscdjskidd: what are you trying to do?22:26
djskiddBurn the ISO to disc22:26
djskiddan actual CD22:26
mbuckowhich script should i use for adding a user programs to run on startup?22:27
djskiddIt says "Could not perform EndTrack"22:27
Penguincscdjskidd: do you need a bootable cd to install Ubuntu or a Live USB to play around with?22:27
mcphailmbucko: i usually add to cron. There are many other ways22:27
Penguincscdjskidd: do you need a bootable cd to install Ubuntu or a Live USB to play around with?22:28
djskiddI need a bootable CD so I can install it to a USB stick to use at school22:28
mbuckomcphail, whats cron?22:28
Penguincscdjskidd: do you have a USB drive?22:28
djskiddYes, 4GB, my destination install22:28
Penguincscdjskidd: using Windows 7?22:29
djskiddUsing Windows 7 Starter22:29
Jordan_Udjskidd: Try following the instructions here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/burn-a-cd-on-windows22:30
Guest10651Hi, I'm trying to cerate a composite photo of stars sweepong accross the sky. I'm currently in the process of taking lots of long exposure photos on a timer; once I've got them all is there a way to script the combining of all the images? I don't want to have to spend hours slecting the layer mode individually in gimp22:30
mcphailmbucko: cron is a built-in program which you can configure to run other programs at certain times22:30
Penguincscdjskidd: try this: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows22:30
mbuckomcphail, oh but id like to do it manually.. is there any script in ~ directory?22:31
mcphailmbucko: i'm not quite sure what you mean by that22:31
Penguincscdjskidd: this will give you a live USB you can use or install from22:32
mbuckomcphail, for example the system startup script is inittab or rc-something on ubuntu.. is there a script that gets called after a user logs in?22:33
djskiddCan KUbuntu run .deb packages?22:34
djskiddOh well, Ubuntu it is.22:34
Jordan_UGuest10651: imagemagic would probably be the thing to look into.22:34
mcphailmbucko: there is no "univeral" way to launch things at login. Every dektop does it differently. For example, in unity you click th cogwheel in the top right corner and select startup applications22:34
Jordan_Udjskidd: Yes, all of the flavors of Ubuntu use the same core, and thus handle packages the same way.22:35
mcphailmbucko: to be clear, do you mean startup as in when the system boots or startup as in when you log in to the gui?22:35
Jordan_Udjskidd: The only difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu is the default packages which come installed.22:36
Penguincscmbucko: what are you trying to do?22:36
mbuckomcphail, when i log in to the gui22:36
Penguincscdjskidd: did you get the link?22:37
Penguincscdjskidd: cool22:37
mbuckoPenguincsc, im trying to manually set some of my applications to start22:37
mbuckoPenguincsc, at the login time22:37
Guest10651Jordan_U: I had a bit of a look at imagemagik and while there is a merge function, it just averages the 2 pictures. I suspect I will need a more complicated algorithm to get star trails22:38
Penguincscmbucko: the best way is to add it to the Startup Programs22:38
Penguincscmbucko: those are run every time you login22:38
RAMMhello guys,  im trying to find out what kind of RAM the desktop pc im using has. i booted from a live cd bceasue it doesnt have an hd22:39
TimRikerok, debugged. for some reason /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.mysqld did not exist. I don't know what creates that, but it's not owned by any package and there's no useful error message anywhere if it does not exist.22:39
Penguincscmbucko: you can add your own - not only the system defaults22:39
dem0nhey does anyone here by any chance have any idea on how to enlarge the image file (ubuntu.img) for ubuntu ARM distro (for android phones) so you can install more apps...my ubuntu arm image is 2gigs and i would like to increase it to 3gigs so that i can install more apps?22:39
fmarieri've just found a really strange bug and i'm having a hard time figuring out what package I should file it under: pressing the mute button on my usb headset steals the mouse focus.  any ideas?22:40
PenguincscRAMM: do you mean - how much or what't the make and model of the chip?22:40
TimRikerdem0n, got another linux box? if so, create a new file of the right size, loop mount the old image, format the new image with the same filesystem, loop mount it, then copy all the data over.22:40
TimRikerdem0n, if it's ext3+ you may be able to resize it by appending to the image, then running resize2fs on it. I'd make a backup before trying any of this. :)22:41
RAMMpenguincsc, it shows the amount in system monitor, though i want to know whether this is ddr-ram or sd-ram22:41
vexaxvdoes anyone use hulu desktop??22:42
dem0nthere has to be a way to do it with the android os, and with the terminal emulator app...22:42
TimRikervexaxv, I would assume that at least someone does. you might get more useful replies with a more detailed question.22:42
vexaxvTimRiker, yeah sorry long day so far22:43
TimRikerdem0n, hmm. got busybox installed on your android os? it should be able to do all that.22:43
vexaxvim using ubuntu 12.04 and i downloaded and installed hulu desktop and it worked for a while until i clicked the maximize button now everytime i start it up i get a big white screen across my whole screen then it shuts off22:43
vexaxvi have a hp pavilion dv7 3173 nr22:44
mbuckoPenguincsc, i guess i could add a script to it and then from the script have more freedom ..?22:44
TimRikervexaxv, I'd look for cached settings in a $HOME/.{something} file or directory. move that someplace else and see if it starts up again.22:44
dem0nTimRiker: i do have busybox installed..how would i do it with that?22:44
PenguincscRAMM: sudo lshw -c memory22:44
TimRikerdem0n, got enough storage to handle both filesystem images?22:45
Penguincscmbucko: you could - but it seems complicated22:45
TimRikerie: is there 3g+ free on the native filesystem?22:45
Penguincscmbucko: is this a one time add - or a daily task?22:45
dem0nTimIker: yes i just want to increase it like 500MB's... i have ubuntu on my harddrive for my phone (hd= 8gigs) and i have another linux distro on my sd card (sdcard=16gigs)22:46
mbuckoPenguincsc, well one time.. more or less.. but it seems easier more portable..22:46
dem0nTimRiker: i actually have busybox pro (paid version) installed on my phone22:47
Penguincscmbucko: whatever is convinient to you22:47
nwilson5imbezol, do you know if memtest can fail on one system and pass on another depending on the bios settings. i'm thoroughly confused with what's going on with this ram atm.22:48
Penguincscmbucko: I'd just add the app to the Startup Programs - it's super easy22:48
TimRikerdem0n, cracks me up to see paid versions of open source apps. the "pro" version is broken in different ways, including not supporting dns in wget which annoys me.22:48
nwilson5i had 6 sticks memtest on my system, one of them failed didn't know which but had a guess. took it out/replaced it and memtest worked fine. The one I took out I tested on another system, and it passed22:48
dem0nTimRiker: good point =-P22:49
dem0nTimRiker: someone told me this might help: mknod /dev/zero c 1 522:49
dem0nif my busybox has mknod..22:50
dem0nbut i am not sure what that does22:50
mbuckoProgster, what about apps that youd only want to run at certain run levels?22:50
TimRikerdem0n, ok,  busybox should have dd build in. with dd, you can create a new filesystem image. something like: ...22:50
TimRikeryou should have a /dev/zero already. try ls -l /dev/zero and see what it says22:50
Penguincscdem0n: you should use a script from the CMW recovery22:51
TimRikerdo you have the arm image mounted? if so, show me the line for it from "busybox mount".. I'm looking for the filesystem type. ext2, ext3 or ext4 most likely.22:51
* Penguincsc is away22:51
dem0nls -l /dev/zero22:52
TimRikerPenguincsc, is there one that resizes and existing image? that would be much easier than my having to explain the steps.... :)22:52
mbuckoProgster, sorry wrong person22:52
mbuckoPenguincsc,  what about apps that youd only want to run at certain run levels?22:52
dem0ncrw-rw-rw root__ root 1, 5 2012,05,27 23:23 ZERO22:52
TimRikerdem0n, ZERO? not zero?22:53
pooltablehi help when i am on you tube i have a auto d not play extension installed but it still play when i do not push play how to fix22:53
dem0nno its zero22:53
dem0ni accidentally hit the caps button22:53
pooltableon firefox22:53
mcphailmbucko: Ubuntu doesn't bother much with runlevels. It isn't like redhat22:53
TimRikerok. is your image mounted? find it in the output of "busybox mount" ?22:53
dem0nalso when i did "which dd" on my android phone it says.. /system/bin/dd22:53
dem0nTimRiker: for busybox its just an installer and asks where to install the busybox /system/bin or /system/xbin22:55
TimRikerdem0n, not sure if the system dd does what we need. it probably does, but we need other tools from busybox like mkfs.ext2 that's not likely to be included in your base image.22:55
TimRikerdem0n, yes, but the "pro" version in the market installs and old somewhat poorly configured busybox.22:55
Jordan_Udem0n: Where did you get this image file and why do you think you need to modify it from the phone itself rather than using a full Desktop install of Ubuntu to do the modification then copying the image over?22:56
dem0ni got the image file from one of the linux apps from the android market, i downloaded it and installed it22:56
=== amaur is now known as amaurea
dem0nTimRIker: i see i downloaded and instaled "busybox installer" but you are saying i22:57
dem0ni need actually busybox22:57
pooltablehow to pause a pod cast on opera??22:57
RAMMpenguincsc, thx. sudo dmidecode --type 17 also helped to show ram...22:57
TimRikerdem0n, don't work about it... if you have one someplace it's probably fine for what you want to do.22:57
CokeAddictwish there is a native linux netbeans version22:57
muellipooltable: alt+f2, then "pkill -STOP opera"22:58
pooltablemueiil how to re start ?23:00
muellipooltable: pkill -CONT opera23:00
dem0nya i just want to be able to install more apps...and i am running out of space for ubuntu ARM, i am down to like 160MB's23:00
dem0nTimRiker: i really appreciate the assistance23:01
TimRikerdem0n, is your image mounted? what filesystem type is it?23:01
pooltablethanks is there a easy way ??23:01
d-1337how do I add something to the quicklinks in unity on 12.04?  I've tried the ule but it never sticks.  Isn't there just a config file somewhere I can edit in gedit or something?23:01
muellid-1337: no idea. But I presume right click does some magic..? At least it doesn in GNOME Shell23:03
curiousxd-1337: drag and drop23:03
curiousxan icon23:03
dem0nTimRiker: i am not sure what kind of filesystem it is...i don't believe its mounted, i never had to23:04
d-1337neither of those did a thing23:04
astropirateI am trying to set up a Ubuntu web server. What is the best practice,  should I setup a different user for every server component (MongoDB, Node.js, Nginx etc)?23:04
curiousxor drag and drop an icon from /usr/share/applications/ to the unity bar23:04
dem0nTimRiker: i just run the shell script from the android terminal (sh ubuntu.sh) and it starts linux23:04
d-1337I drag.. drop.. and nothing happens23:04
dem0nTimRiker: then i load the vncserver (vncserver port 5091) and then i use androidvnc to connect to it and i have the lxde gui23:05
curiousxd-1337: Unity 3D?23:05
d-1337I suppose.  Its all default23:05
Jordan_Udem0n: Can you connect your phone to your computer and copy the image over to a Desktop machine? That will make things a lot easier as all the normal tools will be available.23:05
d-1337fresh install.  I haven't changed a thing23:05
dem0nJordan_U: that may be a possibility23:06
curiousxd-1337: any windows error?23:06
d-1337just looks like a failure of programming to me...  although one would have assumed such a feature would have been programmed in there a long time ago23:07
TimRikerdem0n, when you run the shell script, it should mount the filesystem. while it's mounted (ie: running) then do a "busybox mount" and look for the image name.23:07
TimRikerdem0n, I've gotta take off so I'm not going to have time to finish this. in short: use dd to create a new image size, use mkfs.ext2 to format that image. loop mount the new image, use cp -a to copy all the old data into the new image. unmount both images, swap them, try your startup script again.23:08
d-1337isn't there a text/config file I can just edit without having to try and out think someone's failed effort at simplicity?23:09
Jordan_Udem0n: TimRiker: I would simply copy the image (so you have a backup), append zeroes to the end of it with dd, then use resize2fs to resize the filesytem for the new size.23:09
* TimRiker hates unity23:09
wo0fTimRiker, what dont you like about it?23:10
Jordan_Udem0n: TimRiker: Though that assumes that it's just an extN fileystem image.23:10
* curiousx love the video lens -.-23:10
TimRikerJordan_U, you presume running on a desktop instead of on the phone itself. normally there is no resize2fs on the phone. hence the extra steps.23:10
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d-1337agreed.   I'd never use it myself.  just cause I hate the idea of wasted screen space and only being able to see one program's menu bar at a time23:10
Jordan_UTimRiker: I asked earlier if copying the image to the Desktop was an option :)23:10
nulldevits not just unity most desktops are going poor23:11
d-1337but this is for a client...  setting up an old laptop of his to be nothing more than a computer to work on a project with.23:11
TimRikerwo0f, I like having one panel on the top of my screen and nothing else. I like being able to put what icons I like there. I like wobbly windows and 3d desktop. etc.23:11
TimRikerJordan_U, :) so did I, but dem0n didn't reply to that. :)23:11
d-1337best to keep it simple as possible.23:12
nulldevsimple is boring keep it eficient but exciting23:12
wo0fTimRiker, i feel the same, what do you use now?23:12
wo0fim using xfce23:12
TimRikerwo0f, unity just isn't customizable enough. I can't figure out how to get rid of the icons on the left. I want that real estate for my apps, not for a bar.23:13
pooltableXFCE here23:13
wo0fwhats the best install23:13
Chuck_Norrisd-1337: your issue is only yours, noone have the same issue that you have, all we just drag and drop icons into the bar23:13
d-1337I'm in love with how I set gnome 2 up 3 years ago...   but thinking of going to xfce for myself23:13
wo0fubuntu and add xubuntu rependancies or install from xubuntu?23:13
TimRikerwo0f, I'm running gnome-classic with compiz and missing the clearlooks theme. radiance is lame. I hate brown. give me a readable blue theme please.23:14
d-1337chuck:  thanks..  that at least tells me something23:14
Chuck_Norrisd-1337: try gnome shell if you want: http://i.imgur.com/LUHZv.jpg23:14
pooltablei just add it23:14
nulldevgnome 2,* FTW23:14
wo0fi happen to like the differnce in color TimRiker, but unity seems like a right stitch up23:15
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pooltablein opera with pod cast how do i know how long it is ?23:15
wo0ftoo bulky as you say23:15
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wo0fthe search is p cool tho23:15
nulldevxfce is a cool window manager23:16
Harrisanybody know a good face reconization way to login to ubuntu 12.0423:17
TimRikerI may try xfce again. gnome-classic is worse than the old gnome. switching between apps using the taskbar does not always switch. dragging windows to another desktop often does not work, etc. unity is lame, and gnome-classic is broken in many ways. I wonder what debian desktops look like these days.23:17
nulldevits not a desktop but then again do we need desktop on Linux?23:17
TimRikerwo0f, I'm not in favor of forcing blue as a color, but currently brown seems to be enforced. that's what I don't like. lack of choice.23:17
EtheraelJust rebooted, there is no longer a windows entry in my startup menu, what gives?23:18
Harrisanybody know a good face reconization way to login to Ubuntu 12.0423:18
TimRikerI run linux as my primary desktop and have for 10+ years now.23:18
dem0nTimRiker: okay so you want me to run linux on my phone and then load busybox and see what the file system is?23:18
wo0fTimRiker, well put23:18
Chuck_NorrisWoOh: ye, and Unity will become more lightweight in 12.10 there will no unity 2D but Unity 3D will work fine in accelerated or not accelerated graphic card23:18
wo0fTimRiker, i dont understand why theyre rewriting that wheel23:19
ActionParsnipChuck_Norris: indeed, it doesn't run bad here23:19
nulldevethareal bill gates puts it in the windows boot loader so that evryone whoe tries linux hates it ( thats thee kernel contributions lol)23:19
TimRikerChuck_Norris, will I be able to turn off everything but one panel and customize what's on that panel? (oh, and wobbly windows?)23:19
Chuck_NorrisActionParsnip: me neither, (intel 128) dual core 2.0 Ghz :D23:19
Harrisanybody know a good face reconization way to login to Ubuntu 12.0423:19
pooltableon upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 I know 12.04 Is LTS so is it wise to go to 12.10 ?23:20
ActionParsnipChuck_Norris: 3Gb RAM, dual core 1.2Ghz 32bit, Intel junk GPU23:20
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ActionParsnippooltable: its not even Alpha1 yet, so unless you are good at fixing your own system I wouldn't bother23:20
TimRikerpooltable, depends what you want to do. production server? no. testing desktop? perhaps.23:20
Harrisanybody know a good face reconization way to login to Ubuntu 12.0423:20
dem0nTimRiker: how do i find the filesystem with busybox?23:20
d-1337It is wise to wait a month or two before upgrading to the next version.. regardless23:20
Chuck_NorrisTimRiker: really idk but i just read that news weeks ago =P23:20
TimRikerdem0n, "busybox mount"23:21
Etherael12.04, just rebooted the computer, grub no longer includes my windows partition, how do I get it to rebuild the grub conf from the ground up and fix this?23:21
TimRikeror "cat /proc/mounts" :)23:21
EtheraelNothing changed.23:21
ActionParsnipEtherael: sudo update-grub23:21
pooltableactionparsnip i know just a basic question23:21
wo0fTimRiker, what do you do for games?23:21
dem0nTimRiker: Mount System R/W or Mount Sytem Read-Only23:21
TimRikerwo0f, trick question? (/me is the maintainer of BZFlag)23:22
EtheraelActionParsnip, It's just hanging on the commandline after entering password.23:22
nulldevactionparsnip thats a super computer to what Linux can run on23:22
wo0fTimRiker, in which case i salut you sir23:22
wo0fTimRiker, why have so many games been written with directX :'(23:23
ActionParsnipnulldev: its struggles with most flash stuff and gets hot23:23
dem0nTimRiker: and then when i click on the "Mount System R/W" it gives a bunch of options -> 1. Mount System R/W  2. Run Script,  3. Edit Script,  4. Delete Script,  5 Set at boot23:23
nulldevbecause windows own the market23:23
ActionParsnipEtherael: let it run :)23:23
ActionParsnipnulldev: Its a dell D42023:23
EtheraelActionParsnip, How long is it going to take?23:23
ActionParsnipEtherael: as long as it takes dude, let it play23:24
nulldevactionparsnip clean your fans :)23:24
Harrisanybody know a  face reconization way to login to Ubuntu 12.04 and how to install/set it up23:24
nwilson5sorry imbezol , ignore my last statement. i left the test running on another system and it did fail as i expected it to so no ambiguity anymore.23:24
ActionParsnipnulldev: might do actually, its a POS though. Noy bought a new PC in years and years23:24
daaaanis there a way to export a variable from a pre-start script into the script stanza23:25
pooltableharris look here www.ubuntubuzz.com/2011/05/face-authentication-face-recognition.html23:25
EtheraelActionParsnip, /usr/sbin/grub-probe --target=device / running three times and unkillable.23:25
nulldevdaaaan output > outputfile23:26
daaaanheh, that's what i was trying to avoid23:26
Jorschhey everyone. having an issue with xrdp. trying to connect from windows, worked fine until I tried to connect from outside my network. now when i try to connect, i just get a black screen and nothing else! reinstalled xrdp, no luck. ubuntu 12.04. any suggestions?23:27
nulldevno wasnt23:27
OerHekspooltable, that ppa is out of date, not for 12.04 precise  ( i was checking http://askubuntu.com/questions/83426/login-via-face-detection )23:27
ActionParsnipEtherael: if it doesn't end soon, use  kill -9    to nuke them23:27
Harrispooltable,  this is the outcomes of the first code http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1013905/23:28
pooltableoerheks i just goggle it real quick did not read it23:28
ActionParsnipJorsch: how fast is your internet upload speed?23:28
nulldevkill -9 && dd /23:28
ActionParsnipJorsch: what are you connecting to the system to achieve?23:28
JorschActionParsnip: well i am on the same net work now and no luck23:28
Jorschbut it is 5M up23:28
ActionParsnipnulldev: what is 'dd /' for?23:28
Cerrdoranyone have experience setting up Unreal IRCd and Anope?23:28
nulldevto wipe23:28
Cerrdoron Buntu23:28
JorschActionParsnip: general usage; been working for a month but just "stopped"23:28
dem0ni had no idea that increase the image file size was going to be this difficult23:29
Harrispooltable, this is the second http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1013907/23:29
Harrissee it doesnt work23:29
ActionParsnipJorsch: most apps have web UIs you know, and SSH is great if you just want to update...23:29
JorschActionParsnip: okay, i want to fix xrdp though!23:29
ActionParsnipJorsch: not something I use personally, maybe a router reboot23:30
pooltableharris sorry i was try to help you23:30
Vooloohow can I see what applications are sending out data over my eth?23:31
vexaxvout of curiosity i noticed a long time ago that the new chrome os and android was linux, so why is it companies like netflix who say NO to linux, but yes to other platforms not labeled "linux" but they are linux support em?23:31
harris_it doesnt work have any other ideas23:32
UBuxuBUwhy ask why23:32
ActionParsnipvexaxv: why not ask them directly.23:32
vexaxvjust curious, it sounds like someone is on the payroll, i cant think of ANY other explanation23:32
nulldevvexaxv either thee devs are told to or dont even consider Linux the variable that there check runs against returns an error23:32
vexaxvi planned too i just thought id ask here first lol23:32
vexaxvi know im asking why are they told no, why are we told no, while they support other linux systems23:33
vexaxvjust not "linux"23:33
KRomohi all23:34
harris_How to Login With Your Face not using pam23:34
mohamezi saved an .iso file of an original CD whit poweriso, but when i mount it an error occurs tell me to insert the original CD. how can i open the .iso file ?23:34
KRomowhat software can I use to burn AN .ISO TO A FLASH DRIVE?23:35
KRomosorry for caps23:35
nulldevvexaxv basically a if [ $distro == linux ] ; then ; echo "Your system isnt supprted"23:35
zykotick9KRomo: is it a 12.04 install image?23:35
KRomoits A Chromium iso23:36
zykotick9KRomo: is it an install iso or some sort?23:36
vexaxvnulldev, so because we have so many distros23:36
harris_How to Login into ubuntu With Your Face23:36
zykotick9KRomo: chromium the browser?  needs an iso?23:36
KRomochromium os23:36
zykotick9KRomo: you could try unetbootin perhaps23:36
Chuck_Norrisif [ $distro != linux ] ; then ; echo "Your system isnt supprted" =D23:36
nulldevvexaxv no because we are free and threatining ms$ who arent23:37
vexaxvwell yeah thats what i was getting at..23:37
vexaxvits agrivating23:37
ActionParsnipKRomo: unetbootin23:37
vexaxvdid ms finish buying out skype23:37
nulldevvexaxv it is but fight against it instead of getting frustrated23:38
KRomoAt the shell, run the following (where sdX is your USB stick and ChromeOS.img is the path to the IMG file you extracted): dd if=ChromeOS.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4M23:38
beandogChuck_Norris: wouldn't that be the other way around?23:38
nulldevvexaxv the cracker community have23:38
vexaxvtrust me i look for anyway i can help23:38
PiciI don't see what this has to do with Ubuntu vexaxv.23:38
nulldevpici ubuntu is Linux23:39
vexaxvubuntu is linux and linux doesent get to use specific softwares that other forms of linux do like android23:39
vexaxvor chrome os23:39
Picivexaxv: this channel is for the support of Ubuntu only, not discussion of linux related things.23:39
OerHeksharris_, PAM = Pluggable Authentication Modules, so i think no other authentication tru face exists , this google code is buggy too > http://code.google.com/p/pam-face-authentication/23:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:39
vexaxvfor example i just saw the netflix deal how they said no to linux23:39
nulldevand open source support open source and Linux against microsoft!23:39
mintupdandoes ubuntu have a 'notifiy me when you fix the stupid shit' service?23:39
vexaxvokay..in that case im talking about why ubuntu doesent have support from netflix and other softwares23:40
harris_OerHeks, when i try to install pam it gets error messages23:40
mintupdani like unity but it just dont work folks23:40
vexaxvBECAUSE OF MS!! or some other stupid payroll crap23:40
vexaxveven though for the millionth time other forms of linux do23:40
KRomounity is the best23:40
Picivexaxv: Again, this is not a discussion channel. If you have a specific Ubuntu software question, feel free to ask, but other discussion belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere.23:41
vexaxvKRomo, i like unity lol23:41
nulldevvexaxv ubuntu must have I run that on Gentoo23:41
OerHeksharris_, yes, i know.23:41
KRomoi love unity much23:41
vexaxvnulldev, huh?23:41
vexaxvnulldev, what are you talkin about?23:41
nulldevvexaxv sorry wrong window23:42
harris_OerHeks, what was i supposed to do on that link that was kubuntu23:42
JorschActionParsnip: turns out xrdp didn't like me passing in the domain. leaving that blank works fine.23:42
vexaxvnulldev, ah, np23:42
ActionParsnipJorsch: sweet23:42
bluefox83ok, the login screen keeps kicking me out after putting my password in. there is no error for a bad password, it just kicks me back to the login screen. I fixed this before but don't remember how. anyone?23:43
nulldevvexaxv a way around it though is to spoof your browser which isnt to hard23:43
vexaxvnulldev, i pm'd u23:43
ActionParsnipbluefox83: how much free space do you have?23:43
OerHeksharris, told you it is buggy, and it is not for kubuntu only.23:43
bluefox83ActionParsnip: 38 gigs23:43
ActionParsnipbluefox83: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in there is it ok?23:44
harris_OerHeks,  i cant understand him please tell me what to type23:44
bluefox83how do you think i got here?23:44
OerHeksharris_, dunno23:44
d-1337got it to work..  apparently it will only allow .desktop files to be added..  retarded pos23:44
d-1337wish it just grabbed those files from a folder like a normal launcher23:45
IdleOned-1337: please mind your language23:45
bluefox83ActionParsnip: works fine to press ctrl alt f1 so i know it's like a gnome file or something...i just don't recall which ones23:45
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* d-1337 thought he was...23:46
Chuck_Norris!es | Guest7118223:46
ubottuGuest71182: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:46
Celso_hi all! people, i need to know how do i prevent something to turn on on ubuntu 12.04. imagine that i want to prevent my graphics card to getting on when i boot ubuntu. what should i do?23:46
harushimoI want to run vmware esxi on ubuntu 12.04.  Is it possible?23:46
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware23:47
DMASSHas anyone else had firewall/ssh issues after updating a fresh 12.04 server install?23:48
funnyfingersharushimo esxi is its own os and hypervisor23:48
lacrymologyhow do I install (or check if they are already installed) the usbnet modules in my kernel?23:48
funnyfingersSo no you can't install esxi on any other platform at all.23:48
robotdevilwhat is the best firefox plugin for watching video steams/embedded video on webpages?23:48
harushimoI didn't know that23:48
funnyfingersharushimo you install it by itself very easily.23:49
ActionParsnipharushimo: sure, or you can use virtualbox etc23:49
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware23:49
ActionParsniprobotdevil: flash probably23:49
harushimoI am using virtual box23:49
[snake]Can someone answer a quick question I have about gcc? (Here it is): what does the -Wall option(s) mean that I see so often almost everywhere.23:50
harushimoI heard esxi is 64 bit natively while virtual box is 32 bit23:50
robotdevilActionParsnip: no, I mean for quicktime and all that23:50
ActionParsnip[snake]: read:   man gxx23:50
ActionParsniprobotdevil: ah, there are a few, none are 'best'23:50
Celso_hi all! people, i need to know how do i prevent something to turn on on ubuntu 12.04. imagine that i want to prevent my graphics card to getting on when i boot ubuntu. what should i do?23:50
bluefox83ActionParsnip: any idea how to get me past my gnome login window? if i recall correctly there is a file locking it but i don't remember which one...23:50
DMASSweve been using the free version of esxi and its really nice23:50
[snake]ActionParsnip, perhaps you meant gcc.23:50
d-1337another 12.04 unity question:  How do I change the number of virtual desktops?23:51
DMASStried forever to get KVM to work properly but never succeeded23:51
bluefox83Celso_: add the driver for the card to the blacklist23:51
ActionParsniprobotdevil: mozilla-plugin-vlc  is an option23:51
Celso_i already did and updated the initramfs but is still on.23:51
ActionParsnip[snake]: that too23:52
ActionParsnipbluefox83: not sure, make sure you are the owner of all the files in $HOME can help too23:52
robotdevilActionParsnip: doesnt seem to get everything. Very surprised as vlc stand alone plays everything23:52
Celso_bluefox83: i tryied to blacklist the radeon and the fglrx driver but still on.23:52
bluefox83ActionParsnip: i am...23:52
ActionParsnip[snake]: seems to mean warn on all23:53
ActionParsniprobotdevil: it can play as much as the other players you can install23:53
bluefox83calexnk: did you unload the driver?23:53
lopnut1971i have a lexmark z23 printer, however when i try to install the .sh i found on lexmarks site the installer will fail halfway through, any ideas?23:53
ActionParsniplopnut1971: does it come with some deb files?23:54
robotdevilActionParsnip: you mean *plugins I install23:54
bluefox83lopnut1971: ive never heard a good thing about a lexmark printer, i strongly suggest returning it and getting an HP23:54
Celso_Bluefox83: how do i unload them?23:54
ActionParsniprobotdevil: yes, all the players will access the central store for plugins, so VLC will play as many media types as any, as they all use the same codecs23:54
lopnut1971ActionParsnip, lexmark-inkjet-08-driver-1.0-1.i386.deb.sh23:54
nulldevdot matrix were worse than lexmark23:54
Celso_ops, wasnt for me23:54
bluefox83Celso_: sudo modprobe -r *modulename*23:54
ActionParsniplopnut1971: sudo lexmark-inkjet-08-driver-1.0-1.i386.deb.sh23:55
Celso_thanks Bluefox8323:55
[snake]ActionParsnip, I got it "man gcc | grep Wall" thanks!23:55
GolfgeoHi all23:55
bluefox83np Celso_23:55
ActionParsniplopnut1971: tried redownloading the file and MD5 testing both?23:55
Benkinoobyhi, atm i use a ubuntu 10.04 based on a minimal install, and fluxbox as gui. if i would install ubuntu 12.04 with the same setup, would there be any notable performace cahnges?23:55
ActionParsnip[snake]: like it :D23:55
lopnut1971ActionParsnip, i can try redownloading.. but23:55
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lopnut1971i don't know how much good it'll do, but for the heck of it23:56
stef1aHi. I'm using 12.04 on a HP ProBook 4535s. I cannot control the brightness of my screen from the "Brightness and Lock" manager, as there is no slider (see http://i.imgur.com/V5KdI.png). I have tried editing my grub config files and adding the acpi-vendor and linux lines. I can now control the brightness via fn + f2/f3, but only a bit, and it's still buggy -- the brightness changes whenever I navigate to a new page in Chrome, for instance.23:56
KRomois shell and terminal the same thing?23:56
lopnut1971KRomo, no23:56
Golfgeogot a question... Have a UVC webcam here (logitec pro 9000) and I'm hoping there is an controll application for it... Show's up very dark while the cam can do beter under these conditions...23:56
KRomohow do i run something in the shell?23:56
lopnut1971KRomo, a terminal is like a client for the shell to run in, there are many types of shells such as cshell and zshell23:56
KRomocan i pm you?23:56
Celso_Bluefox83 :it says: module not found23:56
lopnut1971naw, kinda busy23:56
ActionParsnipGolfgeo: is it ok in cheese?23:57
KRomothx anyway23:57
bluefox83Celso_: show me how you entered it23:57
robotdevilActionParsnip: on the stand alone side of things, is there a benefit to having mplayer2 installed instead of plain mplayer. I use smplayer once in awhile and in didnt seem to install mplayer2.23:57
GolfgeoActionParsnip: Haven't tried it with that... MS driver gives controll app where I need to switch an option...23:57
Celso_Bluefox83 : withe the sudo first then modprobe -r radeon23:57
robotdeviland it*23:57
nulldeva shell is an enviroment a terminal is an emulated enviroment of the shell23:57
ActionParsnipGolfgeo: you aren't using windows now dude :)23:58
bluefox83Celso_: cut and paste it pls23:58
Celso_Bluefox83 : sudo modprobe -r fglrx23:58
ActionParsniprobotdevil: not used mplayer too, I use gnome-mplayer though23:58
GolfgeoActionParsnip: Know that haha Debian fan here... But for my servers eh ;) Installing cheese right now23:58
Celso_Bluefox83 : sudo modprobe -r radeon23:58
Celso_Bluefox83 : all guived the same23:58
bluefox83ok, that means it's not laoded23:59
Celso_Bluefox83 : radeon module not found23:59
harris_how do i download a app in the software center that lets me login to ubuntu 12.04 using my face and my webcam23:59
bluefox83if you do lsmod | grep radeon   does anything show up?23:59
Celso_Bluefox83 : nop23:59

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