
astraljavaHmm... could be that our video-genre deficiency is possibly removed soon? http://www.lwks.com/08:43
jussiyeah, i saw that -looks fantastic09:42
len-dtastraljava, Our list of conflicts has gotten bigger.. just got a bunch of  build fails in email.13:50
astraljavalen-dt: Heh, cool. :) Well, I'm just leaving the office, so I'll dive in in a few minutes.13:51
len-dtGreat, I am on my way to work...13:51
len-dtThe emails are not in order BTW13:52
astraljava"Have a nice day!"  I was on support duty today, and tomorrow still... :-/13:52
len-dtLong hours?13:52
astraljavaNot very, but when the customers are like the few today... They sure feel like it.13:53
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=== shnatsl|damnbusy is now known as SergeLion
holsteinailo: yeah.. how to make it easier to revert to the old way ;)14:51
ailoFor a few releases, the qjackctl starter had the pasuspender command in it14:53
ailoBut now, it's not "needed" with the default config14:53
* holstein is a fuddy-duddy ;)14:53
ailoWe should add this to ubuntustudio-controls. Have a toggle for enabling/disabling the PA bridge14:53
holsteinailo: i like that a lot!14:54
ailoActually, pasuspender is still there15:01
ailoin /usr/bin/qjackctl15:01
ailoIt should kick in if needed, but I don't yet know the logic behind that script15:02
holsteinwell... if you dont, i know i wont get it15:04
ailoI figure there might be a bug involved15:06
ailo/usr/bin/pasuspender/usr/bin/X11/pasuspender doesn't seem like an executable to me15:06
holsteinwe should file that... that sux its like that in the LTS15:06
holsteinis that something we can fix and "update"15:07
ailoWe will want to backport qjackctl as soon as it appears in debian repos15:07
ailoThe newer one15:07
ailoSince we already have a bug with that one15:07
ailoI'll have a look at the qjackctl starter script now, and discuss it with deb packagers. If it's a but, it would be nice to have it fixed for the next qjackctl package and get two flies in one blow15:11
ailoif it's a bug*15:11
ailoI've been a little busy lately. Eager to finish the website, but I won't do anything about that today. I've set it as a goal for myself to do what I can about that this week16:15
ailoholstein: You have any suggestions for the website right now? (other than obvious edits to the staging site to make it up to date)16:16
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ailoholstein: /usr/bin/qjackctl is not buggy, just enhanced16:37
ailoIt now assumes you always have pulseaudio-module-jack installed, to enable the jack-pulse bridge. But, if you disable d-bus (jackdmp), starting jack from qjackctl will suspend PA16:38
ailoEr, can't confirm that yet..16:41
ailoNope. I can't make sense of it. I posted about it to the debian multimedia team, so hopefully they can tell me how it is supposed to work16:54
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=== CodyFerret is now known as lallenlowe|afk
scott-workfor those interested:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-quantal-flavor-ubuntustudio18:17
scott-workthis is the "header" blueprint for our other blueprints, look at bottom of page and click on a oval to see that blueprint18:17
scott-worki'll post to the list later18:17
scott-workPLEASE feel free to review them and change things!!!18:17
scott-workespecially replacing [ubuntustudio-dev] with [<yournamehere>] as you feel you want to commit to an item18:18
scott-workand i'll be reviewing these again later tonight/tomorrow and making tweaks as well18:18
scott-worki'm hoping len-dt, in particular, will review https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntustudio-q-performance18:19
scott-workand i'm hoping ailo will review https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntustudio-q-documentation18:19
scott-workailo: please note the documentation blueprint includes others that you have not committed, don't worry about these as i expect to head these up18:20
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ailoscott-work: I do believe the documentation I have provided covers some of those items, but of course, some could be reviewed20:30
scott-workailo: no problems, i just didn't want you to think you were responsible for ALL of it, but please add your launchpad name to the items you have done/plan to do20:31
ailoscott-work: I wouldn't mind taking the lead on the whole documentation blueprint, and thus being responsible for all of it. It would help making the organization of it in sync with what has been done, and what has been discussed. Also, I would be responsible for keeping track of all of it20:34
ailoI mean, keeping track of everything that anyone would think is worth documenting20:35
knomeisn't there also the general assignee field for every blueprint?20:35
ailoscott-work: I'm a bit late to suggest this, but I also did get into it pretty late, so it's only natural20:40
scott-workailo: ptttthh, i'm the late one to this party20:43
scott-workailo: i think you should be lead for documentation20:44
* knome kicks scott-work in the ankle shouting: yes you are! (:20:45
scott-workhehe,,,it's funny because it's true!20:46
ailoscott-work: Good. I'll try to make the most of it this summer!20:46
scott-workailo: my plans are to still help with the development and testing documentation. i'm hoping that janne will help with the testing processes, but his involvement isn't absolutely critical 20:49
ailoscott-work: I think I will be able to cover most things. One I won't be putting too much attention is material for workflows. I won't mind organizing it, but I won't be producing it. Testing I will be producing, as well as user docs20:52
scott-workailo: i'll be able to add several HOWTO's as well for various workflows20:52
scott-workailo: and i don't mind taking care of the workflow producing and organizing20:53
ailoAs for testing, I will of course do my best to be ancle deep in it, as much as I can, but it will be up to anyone involved to help decide how to go about it. Since I will be doing a lot of the testing (been setting up a minor facility here at home), it makes sense that I document it. 20:57
scott-workailo: one thing you should really look into is the vm tools that the security team has been using21:26
scott-workthey do somethings that are completely stupid simple21:26
scott-worklike 'vm new' which will download the current image, copy and edit some xml, fire up a vm, and start a new instance with the downloaded image21:27
scott-workthere are some tweaks needed i'm sure, e.g. like adjusting the image name/location21:27
scott-workand apparently the iso testing team also has some automation that could be really, really usefull (i can't currently remember what it was but i have it written down in my blog and elsewhere)21:27
ailoscott-work: I'll have a look21:31
scott-workhere is the blueprint for qa-tools:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-tools21:33
scott-workyou will probably have to locate them in the security PPA 21:33
knomethat doesn't look like a blueprint :)21:35
scott-worksorry, doing too many things and knome is quite correct21:45
scott-worki had the blueprint but copied the address from the wrong tab21:45
scott-workjust received an email from the kernel people (well leann and tim and their kernel mail list) about the lowlatency kernel21:46
scott-worktim had committed to getting the lowlatency into the kernel team if they had collapsed a few other kernels, which had been accomplished21:46
scott-workleann was wanting reminders for the compelling reasons to do so. i complied.21:47
scott-worki hope this helps push this through and something doesn't fall out of place21:47
scott-workokay, going home21:48

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