
=== _dancer is now known as MOSMarauder
mighty_abobaHow can i activate pasuspender?14:34
mighty_abobabecause pa does not give to jack the access to audio interface14:36
mighty_abobaand i don't want to kill pa14:36
mighty_abobapasuspender -- jackd is not working14:37
holsteinmighty_aboba: whats the main issue?14:46
ailomighty_aboba: try: pasuspender --qjackctl14:47
ailopasuspender -- qjackctl14:47
ailoWorks for me14:47
ailoholstein: PA is not letting go of the audio card he is intending to use with jack14:47
holsteinailo: you just run that in a terminal right?14:47
ailoHe disabled the jack bridge14:47
mighty_abobaI will try it now)14:48
mighty_abobaand one more question14:48
ailoholstein: That's something worth thinking about for future US releases, how to make enabling/disabling PA+jack easier14:49
ailomighty_aboba: You can make your own starter in the menu using alacarte if you want14:50
mighty_abobaWhy  jackdbus does not die every time by script "killall -9 jackdbus"?14:51
ailomighty_aboba: We talked a bit about this yesterday. Len suggested that qjackctl will not run that script, if qjackctl is not able to stop jack. So, when that happens, it just hangs there14:51
ailoAnd the script is never run14:51
mighty_abobaPasuspender is working now))) thnx14:52
ailoMight be better to have a script for starting and stopping qjackctl itself14:52
mighty_abobagood idea14:52
mighty_abobait may to be something like that: killall -9 jackdbus && pasuspender -- qjackctl14:53
mighty_abobaCould I write something like that?14:54
ailoThat should work14:54
mighty_abobaI'm not shure that it is right command14:54
holsteinit wouldnt scare me a bit to just try commands like that14:55
mighty_abobasure* haha14:55
ailomighty_aboba: This should work http://paste.ubuntu.com/1013152/14:56
mighty_abobathanx again14:59
mighty_abobaso far so good15:00
mighty_abobalet's see what will happen in the future15:00
mighty_abobaby the way15:01
mighty_abobaDoes the pa process(pulseaudio --start) in the process manager must be suspended (yellow color) when the pasuspender --qjackctl process in the process manager too?15:05
mighty_abobaI hope i wrote this right)15:05
ailomighty_aboba: a space missing "pasuspender -- qjackctl". I just try to open a video in a browser to see if there's any sound, to see if PA was suspended15:09
mighty_abobano sound15:38
mighty_abobathe problem with jackdbus and pa is the single problem in this US release.15:39
mighty_abobaBut overall performance is much better15:39
mighty_abobacompared to previous release15:40
mighty_abobain US 11.10 the time of my laptop turning off was about 1-1.5 min15:42
mighty_abobain this release it is 4-6 sec!!!!!15:42
ailoThat is thanks to Ubuntu, who I believe put some attention to that only for the LTS.15:43
ailoI agree, controlling jack and PA needs to be improved15:43
ailoAt least we can hope to get rid of the qjackctl bug soonish15:43
mighty_abobaand power saving is much better15:43
mighty_abobain previous it was about 2 hours from battery15:44
mighty_abobanow it is about 4 hours15:44
mighty_abobain spite of the fact that i have two cards ati+ati15:45
ailoCool. The -lowlatency kernel should use up more power, but I have no idea how much15:45
mighty_abobamy main problem is hybrid cards)15:45
mighty_abobathe discrete don't want to turn off15:45
mighty_abobain spite of the fact that the integrated is selected15:46
mighty_abobafglrx is a driver15:46
mighty_abobabut all the same it is not working fine15:47
mighty_abobaI think it is the BIOS problem of my laptop15:48
mighty_abobaor ACPI15:48
ailoHaven't used ATI cards much, but I had problems with multiple monitors15:49
ailoUsing fglrx15:49
mighty_abobaThe video drivers is the main problem of the linux systems.15:50
ailoDon't forget usb2 audio devices15:50
ailoAlmost no support15:50
mighty_abobayes yes15:51
mighty_abobaline6 devices is not supported15:51
mighty_abobanot all15:51
ailoEven if you can start it, you may not get anything above 48kHz/16bits15:52
ailoOnly a few devices do this15:52
mighty_abobaI have E-MU 0404 usb and it is works fine out of the box15:52
mighty_abobait is a luck15:53
ailoFull support? How low can you push it with latency settings?15:53
mighty_abobaIt is depends from project "weight"15:55
mighty_abobaUsually i use 44/16 because my guitar processor have only 44 khz mode from digital output15:57
ailoCan you set "Frames/Period" at 32 or 64 without xruns?15:57
mighty_abobai didn't try this settings) but i will try it when i will have access to my card15:58
mighty_abobaIt is in my home15:59
mighty_abobaBut i'm not there)15:59
ailoOk. I'd be happy if you told me about the results. If it performs well, I can add it to a list of "recommended" devices16:00
mighty_abobaOkey ;)16:00
mighty_abobaDo i think right that the xruns are important for a record?16:04
holsteinmighty_aboba: i have *no* xruns while tracking16:05
ailomighty_aboba: If you get xruns, something was lost during the recording. It may be just a couple of samples, so you won't always be able to hear it16:06
ailomighty_aboba: You don't need low latency (low setting with frames/period), if you don't need to hear what you are recording from the computer16:07
mighty_abobaI have hardware monitoring from card16:08
mighty_abobaOh, direct monitoring16:09
mighty_abobawith no latency16:09
ailoIf you ever want to record a software instrument, while playing it with a midi keyboard you will need low latency16:09
mighty_abobaOh, I didn't think about this16:11
mighty_abobabut when i record something do the xruns  affect to the wave file somehow?16:25
mighty_abobaduring record16:26
mighty_abobaor something compensates that losses of samples?16:27
ailoIf you get an xrun, something was lost forever16:28
ailoSo, the file you recorded will have something missing16:28
ailoIt can be so small you can't hear it16:28
ailoUsually, if you can hear it, it sounds like a click noise16:29
ailomighty_aboba: I found out why PA was not suspended16:33
ailoIn qjackctl, there is a setting in "misc", called "enable D-Bus interface"16:34
ailoWhen enabled, you will use jackdmp16:34
ailoWhen not enabled (you need to restart qjackctl for change to take effect), you will be using jackd16:34
ailoPA only suspends when you start jackd from qjackctl, not jackdmp16:35
ailoThis is because it is assumed that you have pulseaudio-module-jack installed, and therefore, you don't want to suspend PA when using jackdmp (the bridge only works with jackdmp)16:35
ailoI haven't used jackdmp much, but I believe there are other cases when you might need it. Not just for the pulseaudio bridge16:36
ailoIf you feel you don't need jackdmp, just disable d-bus support, and PA will be suspended when you start jackd from qjackctl16:36
ailomighty_aboba: Actually, I can't confirm that is the reason yet16:42
ailoSeems PA is always suspended for me16:43
ailomighty_aboba: Another way is to make sure PA is set to use your internal card, when you use USB. This way, you can actually use both PA and jack at the same time, without the bridge16:43
murfgoneis there a complete list of drivers available?  i know this device was supported back around 6, but don't know about 12.  (tascam US-122)21:09
ailomurfgone: usb device?21:10
ailomurfgone: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main21:10
murfgoneyep, usb, and thanks21:12
ailoSeems like the site is down. Odd21:13
ailoAt least for me21:13
murfgonefor me too21:14
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