
micahgochosi: will look at scrollback05:25
ochosimicahg: hey, so a quick summary of the proposed changes for gmb in debian/ubuntu:06:14
ochosi1) remove mpg321/ogg123/flac123 from depends06:14
ochosi2) move libgstreamer-perl from recommends to depends06:14
ochosi3) add libintl-perl to recommends (or depends)06:14
ochosi(mpg321 recommands libaudio-scrobbler-perl which depends on  libwww-perl which depends on lots of perl libraries that are  not used by gmb)06:14
ochosimicahg: ^06:15
micahgall sounds fine06:18
ochosimicahg: ok cool, would you forward that?06:19
micahgforward where?06:19
ochosito the debian maintainer06:20
ochosior wait, are you the debian maintainer? :)06:20
micahgalessio's been making the changes as of late and I still don't have a key in alioth06:22
ochosiok, are you in touch with him or shall i try to get a hold of him?06:22
micahgyou can probably reach him in #debian-multimedia on oftc06:25
ochosiok, thanks, i'll try that06:26
ochosimicahg: his nick is simply alessio?06:27
ochosiok, thanks, i'll try to hang in there :)06:27
ochosiare you very busy atm? i have a xubuntu packaging question06:28
* micahg isn't feeling well and about to go to bed06:42
ochosioh, in that case it can wait06:42
ochosiget well again soon!06:42
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
astraljavaochosi: The changes for gmb are done.09:16
ochosiastraljava: you mean in debian?09:16
ochosialessio was kind enough to send me an email about it :)09:17
astraljavaHe rawks.09:17
ochosibut thanks :)09:17
ochosiastraljava: do you feel like coding a bit?09:17
astraljavaLater this evening, sure. I'm on support duty at work, so can't do it until I get spare time.09:18
ochosisure, no hurry09:19
astraljavaWhat did you have in mind?09:19
ochosii was just generally thinking about the video-player for xubuntu roadmap item again...09:19
ochosiand i'm afraid that audience will not be a perfect choice due to the clutter-dependency09:19
ochosiit's not very smooth on all computers09:19
ochosiand i'm not sure we really want that09:19
ochosiso there are several courses of action09:20
astraljavaRight, I have no experience but I'll take your word on it.09:20
ochosiwell, even with my nvidia card i didn't have a 100% smooth experience09:20
ochosiso i don't even wanna think about people without dedicated graphics09:20
astraljavaSounds sub-optimal.09:21
ochosione course of action is to improve parole09:21
ochosiit's not _that_ bad, but it desperately needs an interface-refresh09:21
ochosior we can look for alternatives09:21
ochosino clue whether this would be interesting for u-studio guys as well09:21
astraljavaTotem has been there, I believe, but we could talk. I just use vlc.09:22
ochosivlc is not an option due to qt09:22
astraljavaI know, and will not try to get it as a default app.09:23
ochosiand totem, well, i haven't looked at the dependencies yet09:23
astraljavaBut it's something I always install, along with chrome, vim and t-bird. :)09:23
ochosiyeah, vlc is maybe the best media player out there09:24
astraljavaI'm afraid totem is not very fitting for us.09:24
astraljavaBut yeah, who knows.09:24
ochosiyeah, personally i'd rather not use totem...09:24
ochosiproblem with refreshing parole is that its code uses an ancient version of glade09:26
ochosii'm not proficient in these things, but it might even be that a rewrite is better :/09:26
astraljavaProbably. I've used glade a small eternity ago. :)09:27
ochosiso anyway, i don't know what would be more work. what i somehow would prefer would be a tiny, yet functional player in gtk3/vala09:28
ochosior c09:28
astraljavaWell I wouldn't write another player myself, but I'm willing to enhance an existing one that we'd choose to promote.09:29
astraljavaThere's already way too much "from scratch" mentality in the linux community. :)09:30
ochosiyeah, i agree09:30
ochosii mean porting parole would be just as good :)09:30
Unit193And a lot of forking...09:30
ochosii already made several mockups for how i would simplify its UI09:31
laitehow do you feel about some mplayer-interfaces? e.g. gnome-mplayer09:31
astraljavaochosi: I could go with that, sounds good if you have existing plans already.09:32
ochosiastraljava: yes, it's not that i dislike parole, i actually use it every now and then.09:32
ochosilaite: haven't really used them yet09:32
ochosilaite: i'm wondering though why it _depends_ on ligpod09:34
laitepersonally I use mainly smplayer, due to it's ability to search subtitles (with good success rate) straight from program09:35
laiteit's qt-based09:35
Unit193qt was part of the reason to cut out VLC.09:36
knomeQt is not happening, really09:36
ochosiastraljava: this is/was the plan: http://wiki.xfce.org/design/parole-ui09:51
ochosiastraljava: there were also actual mockups of parole's UI, not just the textual description09:51
ochosiwell, they're not in the xfce wiki for some reason, although i thought they were there09:53
ochosiso maybe they got removed or something09:53
ochosii dunno09:53
ochosii should still have them at home09:53
ochosiand i still know what i had in mind, so no biggy09:53
laiteis there no option for having subtitles in parole?09:57
laitedoesn't matter for me so much, but might be an issue to some09:58
ochosiyeah, it's not 100% feature-complete09:59
astraljavaochosi: Thanks, I'll ask for the mock-ups when I get to actual implementation phase.10:41
bluesabre-laptopastraljava:  I look forward to testing that!  Especially if you get subtitle support working'11:08
ochosiastraljava: cool, i'll take a quick look whether i can find the mockup/s11:47
ochosiastraljava: ok, uploaded one of the mockups to the xfce design wiki page: https://wiki.xfce.org/design/parole-ui11:51
laitethat looks really nice =)11:53
ochosiit's just a cleanup, nothing special ;)11:54
knomethe xubuntu blueprints are being handled by skaet right now16:08
knomemr_pouit, ^16:08
mr_pouityep, my mailbox agrees :P16:40
mr_pouitthanks ;-)16:40
* knome just added a lot of work items for the blueprints, please add more if you think something obvious is missing (if you are unsure of the assignee, set a team, like xubuntu-art, as the assignee, or if you are still unsure, set xubuntu-team)19:01
knomemadnick, what's the status of the lightdm settings gui?19:04
madnickknome: hm, the gui exists, some functionality exists, but iirc its rather incomplete in terms of config getting19:10
knomemadnick, do you think it's realistic to get that done for q?19:10
knomemadnick, i mean, should i just repostpone, or should we try?19:10
madnickits probably the easiest thing to do (if they have not changed it entirely)19:10
madnickof all the things19:10
knomemadnick, also, look at the "new plymouth/lightdm theme" -blueprints19:11
knomeand add any items you see fit19:11
knomeor that you need from others19:11
knomeokay, then let's keep the work items for now19:11
madnickwill do19:11
madnickwho will provide art btw?19:11
knomei added xubuntu-art for that19:11
knomeso ochosi or me probably19:11
knomeyou can use the xubuntu-art team for artwork stuff where you are unsure19:12
madnickYou (i think) was talking about just modifying the ubuntu greeter?19:13
madnickunity greeter*19:13
knomeumm, i was talking about maintaining that in addition ;]19:13
knomei think it was ochosi if you have talked about just modifying that19:14
madnickah okay19:14
knomebut that's not the most important thing19:14
knomewe can sort that out later19:14
knomewe need to get the work items in shape for thursday19:14
knomeso we are able to track progess more meaningfully19:14
knomeplus, that's the feature definition freeze day19:14
knomei don't think we will be completely done, but it's good to at least try19:15
knome(that's why i'm on the blueprints/work items now!)19:15
madnickyou know the greeter theme for 8.04?19:16
madnickI sorta like the simplicity of that19:16
knomehttp://www.screenshots-archive.com/files/images/02_logon_screen_0.png that?19:17
knomeor are you maybe referring to http://www.generation-linux.fr/public/avr09/gdm_xubuntu.png ?19:17
knomei'd love something like the latter (again) !19:17
knome[knome] take more nature-photograps: TODO19:18
madnicki was talking about the first one, but the second one is even better in simplicity (if one centers that menu)19:18
knomei'm running out19:18
madnicktop menu19:18
knomei don't think anything should be necessarily centered19:19
knomebut we can look at that :)19:19
madnicki have tons of pictures i took when i was flying helicopter up in the mountains up north19:20
madnickbut they are poor quality, good res tho, if one manipulated them, it might look good19:21
madnickthink 12mp camera19:21
knomemadnick, bad quality doesn't matter really19:33
knomemadnick, i can give you an example later today19:33
sadinknome Fedora17 just pushed out!19:37
sadinim upgrading then getting back to work on the icons for you :D19:37
knomesadin, congrats19:58
knomemicahg, ?20:50
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