
dbensonhi all02:05
GridCube!hi | dbenson02:05
ubottudbenson: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:05
dbensonmaybe a dumb question (if so, sorry) but how can I select two or more folders and find out how much space they are taking on the drive?02:06
GridCubei don't know02:07
GridCubeyou can do it with one folder at each time02:07
dbensonis there a better place to ask?02:08
GridCube:) yes02:08
GridCubelol i understood "is this the best place to ask"02:09
GridCubejust have some patience02:09
dbensonokay...  so I did find the right place...  I'm new to irc...02:09
ruienI'm not sure how to do it in the file manager (Thunar), unfortunately. Usually I just right-click, do "Open Terminal Here", and then "du -hs folder1 folder2 folder3"02:10
ruiensorry, "du -hsc"02:11
GridCube:D thats pretty neat ruien02:12
dbensonwow...  just tried it, that will work!02:13
dbensoni don't need to do this often enough for it to ruin my day so this is perfect...02:14
ruiento get a quick list of the sizes just do "du -hs *"02:14
dbensonhey, I was just reading that thunar can be extended (like send-to)... how hard would it be to create an extension around ruien's tip?02:27
GridCubedbenson, ruien02:42
GridCubei made a costum action02:43
GridCubeto do du -hsc02:43
GridCubedu -hsc %F | zenity --list --title "Tamaño" --text "Tamaño total de los archivos seleccionados" --column "tamaño | carpeta"02:43
ruienwow that was fast02:44
GridCubeit works pretty nice02:45
ruienyes, I didn't know about zenity02:45
GridCubei just found about it XD02:45
GridCube:D love it, it works pretty nice02:47
ruienyes, it works perfectly02:47
ruienI just added it02:47
GridCube(you can change the text to other language not spañish if you want ;) )02:48
ruiendu -hsc %F | zenity --list --title "Total" --text "Total of selected archives" --column "total | file"02:48
GridCubei marked it to work with everything on the second tab02:49
GridCubeso it can measure files aswel02:49
GridCubedbenson, :D02:51
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan
xubuntu641Hey everyone, will this run better with a IBM 2005 R51 then Ubuntu?04:49
chelzxubuntu641: you should test :)04:54
ICWeinerCan someone help me with Runescape in Wine?05:03
Unit193Runescape in wine? Runescape is a browser game that just requires java.  Can you also /nick logankemp?05:06
=== ICWeiner is now known as logankemp
Unit193Thanks.  Do you already have "openjdk"?05:07
logankempI think so05:08
Unit193So it should run.05:08
astraljavaBrowser plugin missing?05:09
astraljavaAhh... is it bundled in nowadays? I couldn't find any packages with the usual keywords.05:12
Unit193astraljava: I may have forgotten icedtea, yep.05:12
astraljavaicedtea6-plugin is in suggests, true.05:13
xubuntu688hi, we are looking to get some commercial support on 10.04 and 12.0405:18
Unit193astraljava: Not it, so you're up.05:19
xubuntu688we are really sure canonical is the right choice. does anyone have any info on them?05:20
chelzxubuntu688: at the bottom of http://xubuntu.org/help/ it has a "Commercial Support" section05:20
Unit193Well, there's their site, but you're looking to get Xubuntu support?05:21
xubuntu688smiles.. thats canonical05:21
xubuntu688we are looking for a group that can support our servers on an ongoing basis in an isp environment so we can focus on our business05:22
xubuntu688we have about 20 servers online currently05:22
chelzxubuntu688: hm that's a bit more than support. that's more like system administration05:23
xubuntu688yes it is. we have been doing all of our sys admin for the last 10 years. looking to get out of it or find someone to join our team i guess05:24
xubuntu688pretty much open to a solution that lets us focus on our business05:24
ruienYou can always contact canonical to see if they offer anything like that (http://www.ubuntu.com/business/services/contact), but you may be better off just hiring a good sysadmin05:25
xubuntu688has anyone here set up the sftp with proftpd on 12.04 yet? i do have some direct questions about this if anyone is up to it?05:26
chelzthat contact page can get you a free assessment for canonical cloud offerings, also could ask about consulting towards hiring sys admins05:26
xubuntu688thks ruien for the link05:26
xubuntu688thats a good idea chelz!  I will follow up with that for sure05:27
ruiendepending on your needs, you could always go with a shared webhost, so you don't need to actually do the sysadmin (no root access) but can still build and install stuff in your home directory05:28
xubuntu688ach! we host a lot of domains, i dont think the shared web host thing is a economically viable for us05:30
xubuntu688we have our own rack space in Canada05:30
xubuntu688seems everyone is ducking the proftpd thing.  im not surprised. its not working out for me either :)05:31
dbensonruien and gridcube: THANK YOU!!  I just got back from the store and saw the custom action you wrote for showing folder/file sizes in Thunar and it is awesome!05:32
xubuntu688ok guys.. thanks.. i thought i would take a poke in here and see what came of it.05:33
Unit193I just use (s)ftp terminal command, and ssh/scp for server part. :P05:33
chelzxubuntu688: if you have a specific issue you could ask about that05:33
chelzxubuntu688: there are jobs boards on places like stackexchange where pretty good sysadmins probably would look05:34
xubuntu688ok chelz,, heres the problem.  i have set up a test 12.04 and installed the binary pkg proftpd that is supposedly bundled with mysql and the sftp05:34
xubuntu688i have no problem getting it to talk to my db server to auth but when i add the mod_sftp it craps out on a lot of errors that no one seems to have posted about05:35
chelzxubuntu688: did you install from the repos?05:35
chelzxubuntu688: this might be a bit more #ubuntu-server oriented btw05:37
xubuntu688it almost seems that on the proftp.org site that all of setup in the proftpd.conf is virtual server based for each user?  it seems to me there should be a single <ifmod> for the sftp and that it should be able to work off the mysql db of users for auth05:38
ruienxubuntu688: which port(s) does it listen on?05:38
xubuntu688yes its definitely server issues..i appologize in advance if im in the wrong place?05:38
ruienso, you're not running an SSH server?05:39
xubuntu688sshd is on 220205:39
ruienah, i see05:39
ruienquick question: why did you decide against the normal solution of using SSH on 22 plus an sftp-only shell for FTP users?05:39
chelzxubuntu688: i only mention that as you might get people familiar with proftpd there05:39
xubuntu688its the recommended solution on proftpd.org05:40
xubuntu688ruien? yes sftp-sever is there..thats part of ssh right?05:41
ruienwell that is like reading a sichuan chinese cookbook and seeing that the recommended breakfast is spicy noodles. yes, if you look on the proftpd page you'll get a proftpd solution :) but the normal solution is to put SSH on port 22 and then give the /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server shell to the users who should only have SFTP access and no SSH access.05:42
ruienand that is why none of us are familiar with proftpd05:42
xubuntu688if thats what you are refering to it only support 'real' users.. we have hundreds of users that have to be supported from a db05:42
ruienalso for normal ftp I think vsftpd is more common05:42
xubuntu688let me google that one05:43
xubuntu688vsftpd does look interesting05:44
ruienhm, well if proftpd supports using authentication from the MySQL user list then maybe you are correct and it is the correct solution. But i'm not so sure that any package really supports that right out of the box05:44
ruienwhat we do on our systems is create a separate linux user for each customer, then would make a mysql user for each one too..05:45
ruienthat way they stay in sync and you can use the normal /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server too05:45
ruienthen we use vsfptd for port 21 ftp and that's the whole solution for us05:46
xubuntu688i thought about that ruien.  it may be we have no choice.. you know its funny how back in the day we gave everybody a shell ..then the community turned against that for security reasons.. now with some of the security solutions like suexec we are back to puting real users on the box.. scarey huh?05:48
ruienwe give everyone a shell, and then allow them to create separate SSH and/or SFTP users. Hasn't ever been a problem as long as you have a guy (or two) who focus on watching security every day. It comes with the job05:49
ruienso, yeah05:49
xubuntu688thats  a big job when you have hundreds of users.  we currently have about 500 sites with ftp access05:50
ruienbut back to your task-at-hand, authenticating via MySQL, it shouldn't be that hard. Have you considered just making some python glue layer to turn the mysql username thing into something like /etc/passwd ?05:51
ruienyes it's a big job, but it scales well. We have 20000 users but the work in keeping stuff updated isn't much worse than 500 users.05:51
ruienyou have stuff like adminbot and fabric05:51
xubuntu688yes we could do that, even with php.. ok i think i have a couple of ideas ruien.  just a quick question .. do you guys chroot your apache?05:52
ruienno, we use php-as-cgi with suexec05:53
ruienbut not everything uses apache. In fact, most applications will have a private apache or mod_wsgi in the user's home directory05:53
ruienthen the front-end server just uses a proxypass to send requests to that05:53
ruienso, it's really safe05:53
xubuntu688we went thru hell getting that to work.. lol.. wow that is interesting.. we never thought of doing anything like a private apache.. how does that work? doesnt it have port issues?05:54
xubuntu688sorry i really feel like a newb05:54
ruienno, not at all, it's trivial05:55
ruienbuild a local mod_wsgi like this: http://community.webfaction.com/questions/8936/installing-apache-242-with-mod_wsgi-3305:56
ruienapache is even easier - it's just one ./configure --prefix=$HOME/myapache05:56
ruienat first you'd think that it's some really huge problem to have many users running a separate apache but really it's never once been a problem in 7 years for us05:57
astraljavaUnit193: I'm up, for what?05:58
astraljavaThat's the package openjdk7-jre suggests. I don't know any better.05:58
Unit193astraljava: Joke, about official support and me knowing nothing.05:59
chelzcommercial support*05:59
astraljavaSure. :)05:59
chelzmoney must exchange hands, dirty money05:59
xubuntu688ok I will go read ruien.. you have given me some ideas that i will need to research06:00
chelzalso change hands, i need slepd06:00
ruiensure, but like the others i'd say you might as well just hire one sysadmin guy. Probably cheaper too :)06:00
ruienhave a good one06:00
xubuntu688i will put the vsftpd on one or our test boxes this afternoon here06:00
xubuntu688by the way im working out of our SE Asia office but we are based in Canada06:01
xubuntu688take care06:01
ruientake care06:01
theuserhaving a bunch of issues with xubuntu06:07
ruiensure, what's up?06:08
theuserwell first of all and most pressing06:08
theuseris that after upgrade to 12.406:08
theuseri was able to log in a few times06:08
theuserbut on the 3rd reboot06:09
theuserfor no obvious reason06:09
theuseri just get an empty screen06:09
theuserwell the background from the login manager06:09
theuserbut nothing else06:09
theuseri created a blank user06:09
theuserand i can loginto the new user account just fine06:09
theuserso must be dingy config file06:10
theuseror something like that06:10
theusera nother issue is first time i try to open the file manager after login06:10
theuserit takes about 30 seconds before i get a window06:11
theuser+ a error message about some conection failure06:11
theuserto something06:11
ruienokay, I might have a solution for both, but worst case just a solution for one06:11
ruienas your main user which cannot log in, if you do Ctrl-Alt-F1 and use the terminal, can he log in okay manually?06:12
theuserthats how i made the new user06:12
theuserwich can log in just fine in xdm06:12
ruienhm yeah06:12
theuserseems the problem occurs after its handed over to the windowmanage06:12
theuseror xfce06:13
theuserif you will06:13
ruienwhen you try to log in, and it freezes, at that point where it's frozen can you still switch to Ctrl-Alt_F1 and log in, or does the system completely freeze as if by a kernel panic06:13
theuserno panic06:13
theuserjust its like the xfce handover fails06:13
theuserxdm login disapears as it shoul06:14
ruienhm, okay, if you do that, then you get root and do "service lightdm stop" and "service lightdm start", any success?06:14
theuserlet me try06:15
chelzi think it works06:16
theusercrazy shit06:20
theuserso i log out of this user to log in to the user that produce the problme06:20
theuserand first attempt it works06:21
theuserso i log back out06:21
theuserand in again06:21
theuserthe i get the same problem again06:21
theuserso i stop the display manager06:21
theuserand it wont start06:21
chelztheuser: do you get an error message?06:22
chelzthat could be good06:23
theusernot in the terminal06:23
chelzto find out what's really wrong06:23
theuserit gets compleetly unresponsive for 10sec06:23
theuserthen i get some message about the dm is running with pid....06:23
theusersometimes i really miss the slack w/windowmaker   setup i use to run back in the day06:24
chelztheuser: that could be the error06:24
theuserseems with these "modern" systems thers always something06:25
theuseri think all this new "hip" ways of doing things dont always work as they were intended06:26
theuserso best way to fix is with a hammer or hacksaw?06:27
ruientheuser: while we're here, go ahead and fix your file manager (thunar) with http://forum.vectorlinux.com/index.php?topic=15792.006:32
ruienthat takes a couple of seconds and should work06:32
ruienthen test it and let me know if it's good06:32
xwalkI'm running into a problem that is causing the audio with youtube videos to layer. Sometimes I hear two different instances of the same video being played, and when I pause the video audio keeps going even though the video itself is stopped.06:33
xwalkI don't know anything about Linux audio, so this may be a simple fix.06:34
chelzruien: is that thunar thing a bug that applies to xubuntu 12.04?06:34
ruienyes, but i'm not sure if it's technically a bug.06:35
ruienit's definitely unwanted behavior06:35
ruienbut it could be working as designed.06:35
ruienI had to do it on both my desktop and on my netbook (same issue, same xubuntu 12.04)06:36
chelzsince maybe an update should go out that fixes that or something. i know i don't want stuff slow by default06:36
chelzis there any list of caveats like that for xubuntu?06:36
ruienno, that's the only one I know of. Also - well - it's slow because it's trying to discover some network drive thing. So that might disable network drive discovery and that's not a better default06:37
ruienwell it is a better default for 90% of the people but it leaves the last 10% really confused06:37
chelzhmm i guess i prefer efficiency over 'magically working'06:38
ruiendocumentation would be good. For example, Xubuntu notes, one being "Network drive discovery in Thunar is disabled by default; to enable it, change the AutoMount option in /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/network.mount"06:39
ruienthat would solve both problems06:39
theuserok so the filemanager is not dicking with me anymore now06:43
theuserand the login issue seems to be gone for now06:43
theuserbut there is a whole bunch of minor glitches all through out06:44
theuserthat is not present on this secondary user account06:44
theuserso should i06:44
theusermove everything over to this account or just murder the xfce config directory06:44
theuseron the old account06:44
chelztheuser: you can move the config dir rather than deleting it, so you can put it back or use it later06:47
theuserwhat dirs do xfce use06:47
theuserhave some strange file issues06:49
theuserwonder if its the crypt fs thing or my ssd that is craping on it self06:49
theuserbut i seem to remember the gvfs being the source of problems many times before06:49
theuseri've gotten lazy over the years and quite frankly i love the simplicity of not having to chase drivers.... most printers work without doing a damn thing etc etc....06:51
theuserbut some times06:51
chelzone place is ~/.cache/sessions06:51
chelzremoving that tends to fix some problems06:51
theuseri really miss the rock solid barebone setups of my youth06:51
chelztheuser: as long as you don't connect it to the internet or ever give it external media (discs, usb sticks, floppies, etc) you can run any software you want :)06:52
chelzor connect it to any networks, or let it have active bluetooth/wifi/etc06:53
theuserI remember ms windows work pretty good before 3.1106:53
theuserMaking networking an integrated part of the os was one of the biggest mistakes thy ever did06:54
theuserNovell Netware + Windows 3.106:54
theusersolid combo for most enterprise use06:54
theuserwhat other directories does .xfce use06:56
theuseri dont see a particular .xfce06:56
theuserso i may just makea "broken" directroy06:56
theuserand dump06:57
theuserall the .dirs im not sure about into that one06:57
theuseralso my primary user seem to have alsa issues the secondary user do not06:59
theusermother f*k06:59
theuserI dont mean to be an asshole.... but this stuff is driving me slightly nuts and its eaten up half my workday07:00
theuseroh also should you be able to copy or move a folder to it self?07:03
ruientheuser: which distro did you upgrade from?07:07
theuserlast one07:07
theuser11 somthing07:07
chelztheuser: fresh installs sometimes avoid weird bugs07:08
ruienyes, I did a fresh install of 12.04 and it's been working really well07:08
ruienanyway for xfce, the shared directories are in /usr/share/{xfce4,xfwm4} and each user has a $HOME/.config/xfce407:10
theuserso move or delete ~/.config07:10
theuserso move or delete ~/.cache07:10
theuserstill have the login problems07:14
ruienI would just blow away the user completely, but that's me07:15
ruienobviously there is some incompatibility with the config file from the previous xfce07:15
theuserso ill just move my files to this user and do a fresh install when i have time07:15
ruieni would remove ~/.config/xfce but i'm not sure if xfce will regenerate it or not07:16
Unit193You can blow away the entire .config dir and get the default.07:16
Unit193Backing up that first would always be recommended.07:16
chelzpoor man's not-really-backup: mv ~/.config/xfce ~/.config/xfce-old07:19
=== gry- is now known as gry
PhilbyLooking to use Xubuntu as a desktop for a headless server. Anyone got any recommendations?08:21
theuseri removed all the .dirs in my home folder08:26
theuserstill the login problem presists08:26
theuserim guessing in the wild that there muct be some issue with the cryptfs08:26
theuserim hoping i dont move the issue with me when i change to the new user08:28
ruienPhilby: I'm not sure what you're asking, exactly. You want to use Xvfb and then connect with VNC right?08:31
ruientheuser: that's what I was referring to earlier. Just back up the important data which couldn't cause such an issue, and then blow away your user and re-create him from scratch. Not fun, but I think it's the right solution08:33
xwalkIs there a fix for an issue regarding flash videos where audio will split into two instances and play over top of each other?08:37
drt054anybody here?08:41
drt054Anyone set up Xubuntu 12.04 with dual monitors yet? Does the config stick when logging on/off?08:42
theuserdrt054,  usualy works fine with ubuntu08:43
drt054sigh.. ok, been working hours with Linux Mint 13 MATE, Cinnamon, LM 12 KDE and none of the settings stick when changing sessions.  I hate Unity though. I will try Xubuntu then08:44
xwalkdrt054: I haven't had an issue yet. The display manager even seems to notice when I move my mouse between the two and will move the login box to which ever screen I'm in.08:44
drt054thats fun08:45
theuserdrt054, just plug in the screen08:45
theuserand go to settings manager08:45
theuserand "Display"08:45
drt054it always is.. my desktop setup has a 19" LCD on VGA and a 23" on HDMI08:46
theusermake sure you  click all the proper ok /apply buttons08:46
drt054thx.. will try08:46
theuserand log out propperly08:46
theuseri used mint for about 6months08:47
theuserbut some minor things kept pissing me of08:47
theuserand im not in the mod to fix stuff anymore08:47
drt054right.. I have been using Mint 12 KDE on my laptop and is awesome but want to migrate my desktop off of Winblows because really not looking forward to Win808:48
theuserI just wan't stuff to work the way i want and is used to, out of the box08:48
theuseri got of the windows wagon after 3.1108:48
theuseri booted win95 once08:49
theusercause i bought computer with it preinstalled in 9608:49
theuserNow many things is easyer in linux08:49
drt054I would be completely off of it if weren't for Netflix and I am an Android themer.. it is just easier on Windows08:49
theuserWell hers my suggestion08:49
theuserto you08:50
theuseruse virtual box08:50
theuserwith windows xp or windows 708:50
theuserif you really need windows for something08:50
theuserthat is the way to go08:50
=== ruien1 is now known as ruien
drt054yup.. looks to be where I am heading08:50
theuserVirtualBox is probably the best VM out there08:50
=== usa_today[AFK] is now known as usa_today
theuserI just really wish someone would expand the virtualbox guest os package for windows08:51
theuserto replace the windowmanager in windows08:51
drt054with KDE for Windows? lol  was looking at that a bit ago.. interesting08:52
theuser no08:52
theuseri mean08:52
theuserthere is a "seam less mode"08:52
theuserbut all it does is kind of "cut out" the windows08:53
theuserand overly it on linux desktop08:53
theuserand its kind of glitchy08:53
theuserbut if you replace the windowmanager08:53
theuseryou have better control over each window08:54
theuserand you can through some virtualnetwork bus comunicate with a daeamon on the linux side that makes individual tabs in linux for the individual windows progs08:54
theuserSo you would have kind of like a "daemonized copy of windows XP runing in the background08:55
theuserAlso it would be useful to throttle down the windows VM when u detect no major programs is running08:56
theuserSince windows is a greedy bitch that swallows all the resources she gets access to08:57
bazhang!language | theuser09:12
ubottutheuser: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:12
theuser!language | ubottu09:13
ubottutheuser: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:13
bazhangtheuser, dont do that09:13
xubuntu750hello i have question please11:14
gordonjcpdon't ask to ask...11:15
Fudgehi guys, how can i tell xfce to suspend, is ther e a panel icon?11:18
Fudgexubuntu-desktop 4.1011:18
laiteFuge: at least panel item 'action buttons' can do that11:27
laitefrom right click on panel -> add new items11:28
Fudgelaite  Thank you but my problem is I can not access the panels11:30
Fudgeanyway to have it accessible from the menu?11:30
laiteisn't there an option to suspend from 'log out'11:31
Fudgeoh ill check11:33
Fudgelaite  there is, though using orca when I tab I only see logout button. If I flat review which is like using the numpad to move the pointer around I then see the other options which I did not know they were there11:34
=== Guest55695 is now known as Pici
Fudgewell least I found out it is there thanks11:35
laitenp :)11:35
FudgeI wish I knew how to read the panels, they still may not be accessible to a screen reader11:38
Fudgemight be able to use gnome panel11:39
Lejdahey guys12:03
Lejdai've a problem12:04
Lejdai can't change keyboard layout en to tr12:04
Lejdahow can i change it ?12:04
Lejdaany idea12:05
=== usa_today[AFK] is now known as usa_today
Lejdaand there is no such file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:15
laiteLejda: check /etc/default/keyboard12:16
Lejdalatie i checked. in file my keybord is correct12:16
laitehm, is everything correct in settings manager -> keyboard -> layout?12:17
Lejdai checked but its only shows en12:18
Lejdanot tr12:18
Lejdait's really weird12:18
laiteLejda: You can add / edit layouts in settings manager -> keyboard -> layout12:18
Lejdano. i can't12:19
Lejdait's empty12:19
laitenot even with "add"-button?12:19
Lejdawhen i push the add button the select box in empty12:19
laiteI'm afraid my expertice ends here :/12:20
Lejdait's realy sucks12:20
Lejdathank you12:20
Lejdai'm trying to fix it via xorg.conf file12:22
Lejdabut there is no such file as /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:22
knomeLejda, xorg.conf doesn't exist by default in newest ubuntu's12:23
Lejdaknome: why. i need that file for fixing my problem12:24
knomeLejda, because most of the systems do well without. there are tools to create xorg.conf though12:24
Lejdaok. please tell me which tools they are12:25
Lejdai really need them12:25
knomeXorg -configure12:25
knomerun with sudo; sudo Xorg -configure12:25
LejdaFatal Error: X already runnig12:27
Lejdawait i'm gonna kill X serer12:27
Lejdabut it's not created X12:28
knomeit creates the file in the directory you are12:28
knomeyou have to copy the file to /etc/X11/12:28
Lejdanow i reboot the computer12:31
Lejdathank you for your help knomw12:31
Lejdano chance12:37
Lejdaproblem still continues12:37
zieglerkHi, can somebody please tell me how to make apt-get update check for Packages.gz if Packges does not exist?13:07
ochosizieglerk: i think you have to specify what you want to do exactly13:16
zieglerk@ochosi: I run apt-get update and receive plenty of "404 file not found" error messages, where apt-get tries to download the Packages file, but the repo only has a Package.gz in that directory13:18
zieglerksorry: Package*s*.gz13:18
ochosizieglerk: are these debian repos you're using or could it be that you have to wrong url for that specific repo?13:20
zieglerkochosi: These are the ubuntu repos in sources.list, e.g. http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages13:23
zieglerkochosi: I can even browse there with a webbrowser and see the Packages.gz there, just not a Packages file itself.13:23
ochosizieglerk: you could simply try to switch to another mirror, maybe there's something wrong with this particular one13:23
ochosizieglerk: 40413:23
ochosizieglerk: 404s can also be a dns problem13:23
=== usa_today[AFK] is now known as usa_today
zieglerkI have never switched the mirror before on purpose.  How do you do that?13:24
ochosiopen the update-manager, go to "settings" (left bottom corner)13:24
ochosithen you're in the software-sources menu13:24
ochosigo to the tab "ubuntu software"13:25
ochosithen choose a different mirror from the download-from drop-down menu13:25
ochosiyou can also let the app select the fastest mirror (by ping-testing) for you13:25
ochosiwhich is what i'd recommend13:25
ochosiespecially if you're not switching networks all the time (i.e. desktop)13:26
zieglerkochosi: thanks a lot; the test for the fastest mirror is running just now.13:27
ochosizieglerk: np13:27
zieglerkochosi: I was never aware of that option, because mainly using command line so far.13:27
ochosizieglerk: it's possible that there is a cli for searching for the fastest mirror as well, i've just never used it13:28
magnus__think it would be a nice touch, if when you have grouping of windows selected, it shows the one thats currently open in a different shade. I often more than one window open with the same title and think it would be very handy indeed.13:33
ochosimagnus__: you mean in the panel?13:40
cypher-neoHi. I recently installed LibreOffice on XFCE, and when I went to use the program none of the menus displayed correctly. I Googled about it and discovered the popular fix was to turn off compositing and make the desktop ugly.14:23
cypher-neoIs there any other compositing manager that works well with LibreOffice on XFCE?14:23
knomecompositing should work okayish with LO14:24
cypher-neoIt doesn't seem to. Let me show you a screenshot knome.14:24
knomecypher-neo, sure14:25
cypher-neoknome, http://sta.sh/01xitgvx5i4m14:25
knomeLO doesn't work perfectly with gtk themes anyway...14:25
cypher-neoknome, This is what LO looks like on XFCE Voyager 12.04 with compositing enabled.14:25
knomehumm, that's weird.14:25
knomedid you try some other theme?14:25
cypher-neoknome, I even tried disabling compositing and using a different compositer like xcompmgr14:25
knomewait, voyager...14:26
knomethat's not supported really14:26
cypher-neoknome, The theme doesn't seem to affect this problem. I've tried a lot of themes, but not all of them.14:26
knomei haven't seen any such problems reported with pure xubuntu, so better to ask voyager support14:26
cypher-neoknome, Do you know if there's an IRC room for Voyager support?14:27
knomecypher-neo, sorry, nope14:27
cypher-neoknome, There's an option during startup to switch from XFCE to Xubuntu. I'll try switching and see if the same problem happens on xubuntu as well.14:30
cypher-neoknome, Thanks for looking though. :)14:31
florida-Notify OSD, sound menu, keyboard menu, etc.14:35
florida-Ubuntu development coordination14:35
knomePici, beat me. :)14:35
xubuntu702Hello from Spain, i have installed Xubuntu 12.04, but when system boots, grub makes out of sync in my monitor, some trick to fix it??? Thanks14:51
laitexubuntu702: do you mean that grub doesn't show due to screen setting? if so, you can edit /etc/default/grub to switch gfxmode or use plain "textmode"14:55
laitejust remember to run 'sudo update-grub' after changing that file14:55
xubuntu702ok, thanks for your advice14:55
xubuntu702bye, i'm gooing to reboot and probe it14:56
=== usa_today[AFK] is now known as usa_today
aquixWhy can't I find a image viewer that let me set an image as desktop background?17:47
aquixread that thats hard coded into gthumb17:47
knomeaquix, set with thunar?17:47
aquixknome yup, thats what I do now, but I would like a dedicated image viewer like gthumb that can sort images to the last modified, and allow me to set it as background. I don't need a setting shortcut since I download or resize to my resolution.17:49
laiteaquix: Ristretto can set wallpaper at least for me18:08
aquixyup, but it sucks ballsacks :)18:09
laitewon't argue you there =)18:10
knomeaquix, try to be more family-friendly, please18:10
laitein mirage you can set 'custom actions'18:10
knomeisn't mirage Qt?18:10
knomejust wondering, since i went through the image apps too18:10
laiteknome: don't think so18:10
knomeright, something weird was with it18:11
laite"Mirage - fast GTK+ image viewer"18:11
knomeright. i wonder what it was then18:11
knomemaybe just didn't fit my needs :)18:11
knomeor not mine, but, yeah...18:11
aquixtried mirage too, no go18:11
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=== james is now known as Guest29536
piglizard9Hello everyone. Just started using Xubuntu and I was curious about how to connect to a network share. I'm able to do it in Ubuntu just fine, just can't figure it out in Xubuntu.18:56
epzil0ndo you mean with the file manager?19:13
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=== tusdin is now known as Anger_On
Anger_OnHowdy all22:23
GridCube!hi | Anger_On22:23
ubottuAnger_On: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:23
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
Anger_OnIm new to linux. Does anyone have good advice for what distribution would be considered best for truly learning linux?22:45
GridCubeone you are happy with22:46
Anger_OnIve tried ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, kubuntu, puppy, lds, and a few lesser known distros. Im happy with most, but I was wondering what you guys might have to say about Gentoo and/or LFS22:48
GridCubeyou are asking on #xubuntu ... so22:48
Anger_Onhaha good point22:48
GridCubein any case :) this is not support questions, so please ask on #xubuntu-offtopic :D22:49
Anger_OnMaybe I should join one of those channels. Thanks for the pointer!22:49
Anger_OnThank a ton22:49

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