[16:54] IAmNotThatGuy: you know that you can find tutorials which would be useful as wiki's and add them to the page [16:54] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pages%20For%20Import [16:54] if you want a copy of the generic PM to send people then just ask [17:10] IAmNotThatGuy: did you get those? [17:23] hobgoblin, No [17:24] IAmNotThatGuy: yay for logs - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/05/30/%23ubuntu-wiki.html [17:26] Will look at the tutorials hobgoblin. Today I read about Wake-on-LAN tutorial in forums [17:26] check it if it is worthy enough [17:26] thanks [17:27] I have read lots of posts from bodhi. Many tutorials are much useful [17:28] many are wiki'd already :) [17:28] okies [17:28] IAmNotThatGuy: there is an index of current wiki's if you didn't know [17:28] he us the library of tutorials ;D [17:29] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TitleIndex [17:29] yea [17:29] * IAmNotThatGuy saves the page [17:31] hobgoblin, do you know what 内核/编译 means? :P coz I dont know ;D [17:31] no idea at all [17:31] Kernel / compile [17:31] YAY. Google translate rockz ;D [17:32] lubuntu mailing list name perhaps? [17:32] lol no :P