=== smb` is now known as smb [07:32] * apw yawns [07:36] moin [07:36] morning [07:58] hello! [07:59] how to know wich kernel versions are available for each ubuntu version? Is it usefull to update to the newest stable release? [07:59] kernel release* [08:00] can I use a 2.6.35 kernel with ubuntu 10.04 for example? [08:04] ? [08:12] sorry i leftz too quickly [08:12] patc, there is a version page for each package in the archive: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux [08:12] apw: thank you :) [08:13] can you perhaps tell me why the atests stable versions are not pushed by default for ubuntu? I mean : I saw that 2.6.35 was available for ubuntu 10.04, why isn't it proposed in the regular upgrades? [08:13] i am quite new to linux so perhaps don't I understand everything... ;) [08:14] patc, ubuntu is pretty conservative within a release, so you will get the upstream stable releases for that base version by default [08:14] patc, for 10.04 (lucid) there are LTS backports kernels but those you need to opt-in to, and really for most home type users just upgrading to the next release makes more sernse anyhow [08:15] patc, as you want the rest of your packages to be nice and new and shiney too [08:16] apw: so if I understand, upgrading to a newer kernel release is a good idea, correct? [08:17] apw: how to know until wich version you can upgrade without taking the risk to break things down? [08:17] patc, no i am saying that generally people who want a newer kernel in a home context probabally want really to upgrade everything [08:18] patc, as those are a well tested combination. normally you can download a live CD to test if the new version is ok for your system [08:18] apw: for my understanding : does upgrading the kernel imply upgrading other packages too? [08:19] upgrading the kernel does not imply the necessarily if you use the LTS backport kernels in an LTS but yes [08:19] i am suggesting that upgrading to the later release is normally more what a normal user wants [08:19] cause shiney new things are always good [08:23] apw: ok, I see. Hm... My question's origin is a post somewhere that explained howto upgrade the GC drivers. I could use the : deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu lucid main #xorg-edgers PPA [08:24] yep you can get lots of fine crack from that PPA [08:24] apw: but the poster also explained that another step was to update the kernel to a newer version :$ sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-6-generic linux-headers-2.6.35-6-generic [08:24] well thats a non-supported kerenl now from an unsupported release, so that'd be a bad thing to install [08:24] apw: that's why I asked about all these versions... to be sure what I'm trying to do isn't going to break things down [08:25] apw: as far as I understood, it's alwas possible to boot using one of the older kernels installed in case of a proble, right? [08:25] but probabally everything in xorg-edgers is in the later releases [08:26] ! oh yes? in the later releases... you mean : 12.04 and so on? But for the moment I need to stay with my 10.04... so how to use the latest video driver without using the ppa? [08:26] patc: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [08:28] what holds you on 10.04? though the ppa is likely your best bet and you could investigate the linux-lts-backport-oneiric kernel as an option [08:28] apw: 2.6.35-6-generic is NOT supported? how can I find wich versions are or are not suported? [08:28] patc, pretty much the only supported versions are latest versions in each relesase [08:29] which are on that page i sent you, but only the ones in a specific release are support in that release, plus the backpotr kernels in the 10.04 [08:29] and you should instlal those via the linux-lts-backport- packages so you get security updates for your kerneles [08:30] so for the 2.6.35 series that was maverick, and maverick is completely off support, so there are no 2.6.25 kernels which have support in the LTS [08:30] apw: I'm going to change for 12.04 in a while, but as I'm still learning alot, I would like to test things under my "old" install instead of just using without knowing (with a newer distro with everything working fine). Having to investigate into kernels updates, drivers installation makes me learn! :) [08:31] 2.6.35, not 25 [08:31] ny error i intended to type 2.6.35, just missed [08:32] :) [08:32] but the 2.6.35-6 kernel would have probabally not even have been a released version but one in the pre-release phase of the cyle, we normally release with about a -12 or more package [08:33] and cirtainly -6 was not the last maverick kernel so that specific kernel would be a bad plan security wise [08:33] understood [08:33] lots of things to learn here... :D [08:34] hm... I need to check all this more in details, thanks for your answers apw [08:34] yeah the latest kernel in maverick was 2.6.25-32.68 ... so a lot newer than the one that forum post (or whatever) is suggesting [08:35] yes, that's one of the things that awoke my curiousity [08:37] s/25/35/ ... damn keyboard [08:37] is the latest kernel available in the 2.6.32 serie, correct? [08:37] ;) [08:38] i assume thats a stable update version number [08:38] http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/longterm/v2.6.32/ChangeLog- [08:38] so my question is : why is that one not pushed to my system? because of the conservative view thing? [08:39] mine is 2.6.32-41-generic [08:39] 2.6.32-41.902.6.32.59+drm33.24 [08:40] 2.6.32-41.90 [08:40] euh...? [08:40] ok so the kernel version you have is likely -41.90 which is based on upstream 32.59 and smb's drm tree [08:40] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/info/kernel-version-map.html [08:41] (which is because our 2.6.32 kernels have the drm subsystem of 2.6.33) [08:41] that URL gives you the mapping ... from your running kernel "cat /proc/version_signature" that gives you the real versions [08:41] oooh ok i see [08:41] the package version is an ubuntu version number, so a 2.6.32 base -41'st ABI revision, 90th upload [08:41] not easy to understand for a beginner lol [08:42] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQ#Kernel.2BAC8-FAQ.2BAC8-GeneralVersionMeaning.What_does_a_specific_Ubuntu_kernel_version_number_mean.3F [08:42] much of it is in the FAQ if you know what to ask for [08:43] YES! you told the right words : IF ou KNOW WHAT you're looking for! ;) [08:43] indeed, which is why i am not just saying "read the faq" :) [08:43] that's the problem when starting somewhere.... you don't always know what you don't know! :D [08:44] yes, that's nice of you [08:45] as I said, I'll check all this mor in details... thank you for your answers [08:45] more* [08:45] good luck [08:46] oh and another thing, I left too quickly just before, but how can I check [08:46] when I let the chat open, and go afk... that someone has answered my question... can I parse the dial for tag with my name ( i mean after 10000 messages have been written) [08:47] I think this is the way to do it... [08:47] do you have another suggestion? [08:50] yeah in my client i can hit alt-P and it searches for things sent to me [08:58] apw: oh ok : what client? [09:11] patc, i use weechat, but i suspect its a common feature [09:12] OK... for sure... I discover all that.... I rarely use irc... as you perhaps noticed ;) [09:13] apw: OK... for sure... I discover all that.... I rarely use irc... as you perhaps noticed ;) [09:50] cooloney: do you know if ming is around? [10:07] ppisati: yeah, he is also in linaro connect [10:08] ppisati: i asked him to chat with you [10:13] cooloney: no prob, i sent you (you + ming) an email [10:13] cooloney: how is the connect going? [10:13] cooloney: anything interesting? [10:14] smb, CONFIG_USB_MON for some reason i think this needs to be builtin to be useful, but i have the feeling this info came from you t/f ? [10:19] ppisati: yeah, nice event, lots of discussion about big.LITTLE, power management, Android/Ubuntu, etc [10:19] ppisati: i didn't get the email. weird. [10:22] apw: USB_MON is quite useful for USB debugging in kernel, i think [10:23] cooloney, yeah trying to remember if =y is necessary or of =m is more appropriate [11:20] tjaalton, CONFIG_STUB_POULSBO we have that off right, to use DKMS packages ... [11:40] apw: probably so, though i haven't played with that crap [11:40] tjaalton, ahh who is in the frame for that [11:45] tseliot or Sarvatt should know [11:47] tseliot, ^^ [11:47] apw: I'd assume it's no longer needed - the kernel now has a proper driver for those devices, gma500 [11:48] jwi makes sense [11:48] and it's off staging? [11:48] i think all of them are off actually [11:51] apw, This is quite some time ago to remember (USB_MON). Might be ok with =m but not sure [11:51] smb, i know :) [11:53] If unsure, say Y, if allowed, otherwise M... [11:53] * smb shrugs [11:54] what use is that [11:54] Not much. From the doc it rather seems that it works as good when done as module [11:55] You just then need to remember to probe the module [11:56] Since it only adds something to the debugfs it won't autoprobe [11:56] then that can go =m thanks [12:03] apw: ping [12:03] Caribou, hi [12:04] do you still have the 2.6.38-8-server dbgsym package that you had me test recently ? [12:05] Caribou, you are in luck: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/ddeb/ [12:10] apw: what's the question, exactly? [12:11] tseliot, trying to confirm which poulsbo kernel options should be on/off, seems we have CONFIG_STUB_POULSBO and CONFIG_DRM_GMA500, and i know we have binary stuff too [12:12] apw: I think CONFIG_STUB_POULSBO is just to catch some pci ids [12:12] I'll let you know about the other option [12:15] tseliot, CONFIG_STUB_POULSBO is off right now [12:19] * ppisati -> vanilla ice cream + Baileys [12:22] ppisati <- bad idea, but tasty [12:25] smb: bad idea? is good! :) [12:26] smb: my only grief is: shall i store the Baileys in the fridge after i opened it or not? after all it contains milk/cream... [12:27] ppisati, As good as coffe+Baileys was back as students. Not much learning done after that... I thought open bottles would not survive long enough to matter... [12:28] * dileks asks himself why eric dumazet is not working for canonical [12:34] smb: my gosh, how much bailyes did you put in the coffee to be ouf of order? :) [12:35] ppisati, Not so broken, but the desire on work being diminished. :-P [12:35] ppisati, it really doesn't go off in my experience, its got so much booze in it [12:35] ppisati, but we may have to throw you off the team if you can't drink it before it does :) [12:37] ahhh... it was good! :) [12:37] apw: i'll do, it's one of my goals for the next cycle :) [12:37] damn i hope the bottle doesn't last a whole cycle [12:39] i'll do my best to kill it sooner :) [12:49] ppisati, armhf is "skipabi= true" and "skipmodule=true" for both Precise and Quantal, but armel is not. Does that seem like an oversight ? [12:49] tgardner: Q has no armel [12:49] tgardner: but yes, arch shdouln't matter [12:50] ppisati, ok [12:57] git show debian.master/configs >P [12:57] git apply -R --index

git commit --ame [12:58] # above gets rid of the config portion [12:58] fdr genconfigs [12:58] will give you CONFIGS/*highbank* [12:58] which you can keep and apply again later [13:00] git commit -a --fix HEAD [13:01] git rebase -i --autosquash [13:04] ppisati, i've just dropped you a list of configuration options which are purple for ARM and wonder if you could reply when you have time [13:05] apw: that's good [13:05] tseliot, heh ok [13:08] apw: saw it, i'll check them [13:10] ppisati, thanks [13:18] ppisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ ls -la debian.ti-omap4/config/ [13:18] drwxr-xr-x 2 ppisati ppisati 4096 May 31 14:17 armhf [13:18] -rw-r--r-- 1 ppisati ppisati 103053 May 31 14:17 config.common.ubuntu [13:18] here is where the arch agnostic stuff should go, ok? [13:19] ppisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ ls -la debian.ti-omap4/config/armhf/ [13:19] -rw-r--r-- 1 ppisati ppisati 87 May 31 14:17 config.common.armhf [13:19] -rw-r--r-- 1 ppisati ppisati 88 May 31 14:17 config.flavour.omap4 [13:19] and these are actually empy [13:19] so the entire config is the "commong" config gile [13:19] file [13:19] * ppisati -> coffee, brb [13:19] well more correctly all of the options are common to all flavours in the tree, therefore all the options move up to the top yes [13:19] yes [13:20] that was my point [13:20] well indeed, and what you want is a different thing [13:20] you want a list of options we expect to have specific values [13:20] and we don't have that, other than in the config-checker [13:20] and we overwrite the arch/machine specific bits one one directory below [13:23] and though that is the names, the config system doesn't work the way they sound [13:23] it is showing your what _is_ common, not what you want common [13:23] and i can definatly see how the latter is useful [13:28] tgardner, yell when it is pushed [13:38] apw, I've fwd'd you the flight details. Are you planning different travel arrangements? [13:39] cking, will check and let you know [13:40] cking, and we are tlaking to you [13:40] aah.. /me kicks mumble [13:45] apw, just pushed the skipabi/skipmodules patch to quantal [13:46] tgardner, perfect [13:52] is powerpc an arch or a flavour in the enforce world? [13:52] apw: i was just recompiling a Q/master armhf kernel for the config review [13:52] with some options adjusted, when enforce complaiend about some stuff [13:53] hmm, does anyone know where the perl module for "DebianKernel::BootloaderConfig" lives ? [13:53] seems linux-base makes use of that in its postinst but i dont see a dep on something containing it [13:53] apw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1016362/ [13:54] apw: but the config diff is arm only, and enforce complains about ppc [13:54] apw: moreover, genconfigs doesn't complain [13:54] genconfigs should complain hrmmm ... brokenness [13:54] ppisati, will fix [13:55] ppisati, actually in the tip of my tree it is =y [13:58] apw: what's =y? [13:58] CONFIG_THERM_ADT746X [13:58] let me check [13:59] ppisati, or did i just ask you to make it =m [14:01] apw@dm:~/archive/git2/ubuntu-quantal$ git grep CONFIG_THERM_ADT746X debian.master/config/ [14:01] debian.master/config/config.common.ubuntu:CONFIG_THERM_ADT746X=y [14:03] ppisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ git co debian.master/config/armhf/config.flavour.omap [14:03] ppisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ git rhard origin/master [14:03] HEAD is now at de7bd18 UBUNTU: Ubuntu-3.4.0-3.8 [14:03] ppisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ git diff [14:03] ppisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ schroot -c quantal-amd64 [14:03] (quantal-amd64)ppisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ export $(dpkg-architecture -aarmhf); export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- [14:03] dpkg-architecture: warning: Specified GNU system type arm-linux-gnueabihf does not match gcc system type x86_64-linux-gnu. [14:03] (quantal-amd64)ppisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ fakeroot debian/rules clean editconfigs [14:03] change any options, and enforce will complain [14:04] about that THERM_ADT746X stuff [14:09] tgardner, we are missing an empty abi on highbank, you wanna add that to your d-i unfook update? [14:10] apw, yep, working on it. also fixing udeb cruft [14:15] apw, repushed master-next with some squashes. shold fix ABI/modules check and udeb build failures. [14:19] apw, you should just bump the ABI so there is a clean break before all of this config change carnage. [14:21] * ppisati -> brb [14:23] tgardner, yeah i was assiming that when it gets uploaded, the whole thing would be an ABI bump and we'd just shove it at the bottom [14:23] (before everything) [14:24] tgardner, if you are rebasing anyhow you may wish to do that [14:34] apw, go ahead and get your stuff done, then we can add the ABI bump whenever [14:34] tgardner, apw: Tandy Whitner, can you dudes do your +1 maint rotation in June? [14:34] ogasawara, sure, since I'm gone a good part of the month :) [14:41] tgardner: well that would in theory work, ie apw does it for the half of the month you're away [14:42] tgardner, apw: I'm giving slangasek my ack to take you guys that month [14:42] ogasawara, ack [14:47] ogasawara, the june which starts tommorrow ? [14:47] apw, yeah, we're all done with Quantal kernel development aren't we ? === dileks is now known as Guest63457 [15:07] tgardner, apw: \o/ so there's a #ubuntu+1-maint channel; we probably won't really kick things off until next Monday (rather than June 1) because Adam Conrad is out at LinaroConnect right now [15:09] slangasek, it'll take him a day or 2 to get un-lagged. thats a long trip. [15:19] * ogasawara back in 20 [15:30] just lost connection both to zinc and to mumble... is it only me? [15:31] henrix, I've still got mumble [15:32] tgardner: interesting... email and canonical irc are also gone [15:32] henrix, perhaps your ISP is having some route issues [15:32] tgardner: yeah, probably [15:33] ok, i'm back online === lamont` is now known as lamont === ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara [15:50] ppisati, CONFIG_SENSORS_* ... i assume that most of these never can exist on arm? do you know which ones can ? [15:51] apw: it all depends on the board... [15:51] btw, Q/master doesn't boot on beagle... [15:51] Error: unrecognized/unsupported processor variant (0x413fc082). [15:52] ppisati, yay [15:52] that's an informative magic number [15:52] ppisati, fun for poalo [15:52] strange that noone shouted about it on the arm ml [15:52] ppisati, that might be quite an urgent problem with a1 right round the corner [15:52] isn't that a Cortex A8 identification register value? [15:53] cking, can you decode it ? [15:53] apw, http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0344k/ch01s09s13.html [15:53] cking: yep, should be processor id or stuff like that [15:54] but the point is that this chip is supported, so it must something else [15:54] *must be [16:11] apw, all the sensors are I2C aren't they? the options should be harmless. [16:11] tgardner, they should be harmless i think yes, just wondering if actually its worth building them at all, we could not bother if they can't exist [16:12] apw, I was just think in interest of commonizing the configs... [16:12] thinking* [16:12] yeah though we could comonise x86 etc on, and arm off and be in a better place than here if not ideal [16:12] * apw likely will commonise them anyhow [16:13] tgardner, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Specs/QKernelConfigReview/Alpha1 [16:13] is the progress i have made so far, and this kernel still boots :) [16:15] apw, does the pink go away if the config option is annotated ? [16:15] yes, though the right column has the text of the annotation [16:15] * jsalisbury keeps bouncing, grr [16:15] see the top of the netfilter matches for an example [16:16] apw, so I'm looking at 'Inconsistent BUILD FAILURE' for CONFIG_TI_CPSW. Why is it still pink since its been annotated ? [16:16] ahh cause i have only marked it as a BUILD FAILURE and not allowed it to be off long term [16:16] as for me i want build failures to show up so that we don't forget them [16:17] so that is deliberate [16:17] apw: I like the new build failures section [16:17] apw, maybe a different color so there are easily ignored for now ? [16:17] CONFIG_APM_EMULATION for example is one with an anotation which is clean [16:17] tgardner, will think about that then [16:17] apw, right, that looks good [16:18] so if i had said we are never going to fix those i could mark them non-red [16:18] but i think they are something till release we should remember and worry about [16:18] plus if you fix them they will stop being pink and we can see we have fixed them [16:18] apw, ok. there is still so much pink that its hard to see the forest for the trees [16:18] and remove the build failure flag [16:19] tgardner, yep am working on it ... i had it down to like 8 pink in the whole file till you added highbacnk [16:19] i was hoping to get to 0, but ... you scuppered that [16:19] apw, thank ikepanhc for that :) [16:20] * apw looks up the word thank in the dictionary ... hmm nothing about sharp object under the fingernails ? [16:20] apw, note that Rob Herring is giving him some grief as well about precise configs [16:20] about missing things ? [16:20] apw, indeed [16:20] forwarded to the kteam list [16:20] we should be able to apply the same changes back in theory, i am documenting them at least in part [16:23] tgardner, should i be doing this on precise at the same time ? [16:24] apw, thats the kernel thats most important to hew right at the moment. I think it will go out in the 12.04.1 release. [16:24] hwe* [16:24] tgardner, ok ... then i'll replicate my changes there ... sigh ... [16:38] * cking grabs some food [16:40] * ppisati -> gym [16:57] bjf, were you just checking to see if I was paying attention ? :) [16:58] tgardner: rectal-cranial inversion [17:34] bjf, what is the bug number for CVE-2012-2375 ? [17:34] tgardner: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-2375) [17:35] tgardner: did i leave that off as well .... [17:35] bjf, yep, I checked the original patches as well [17:35] tgardner: bug 1002505 [17:35] Launchpad bug 1002505 in linux "CVE-2012-2375" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1002505 [17:38] ppisati, oneiric ti-omap4 in your repo has an enormous changelog (3.0.0-1211.23) === tgardner is now known as tgardner-lunch [17:54] * cking just realises there are two UK holidays next week, *sigh* [17:57] cking, which days do we get ? [17:57] apw, mon + tue (apparently) [17:57] so if you can ack or nack the flight info tomorrow I can get these booked before the prices get mad [18:00] Hello! What is the boot sequence followed in booting linux? [18:03] orated, that all depends on the h/w [18:04] Ok, then Ubuntu running on x86? === dileks_ is now known as dileks [18:12] orated, http://duartes.org/gustavo/blog/post/how-computers-boot-up is quite handy [18:13] bit old, but it is a start [18:14] orated, and also http://duartes.org/gustavo/blog/post/kernel-boot-process === tgardner-lunch is now known as tgardner [18:27] * cking --> EOD [18:47] what might cause my sound to stop working and the speakers to pop every few seconds this morning? I did an update but don't remember any sound related packages. [18:47] xubuntu 12.04 [19:09] * ogasawara lunch [19:29] herton: because size does matter! :) [19:29] herton: no ok, let me check... [19:29] ok :) [19:29] * ppisati just came back from gym and had some food... i like like an entire truck passed over me... [19:44] herton: fixed, go ahead [19:45] ppisati, fetching, thanks [19:52] ppisati, the changelog still includes everything until Ubuntu: 3.0.0-15.26 [19:53] ppisati, it comes from the rebase [19:54] wtf?!?! [19:54] wait... [19:54] herton: i was 100% sure that i fixed it... [19:54] bah... [20:00] * tgardner -> EOD [20:01] herton: ok, try now... [20:04] ppisati, looks good now [20:14] CVE-2012-2663 [20:14] bjf: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-2663) [20:15] jjohansen: ^ you have a bug # for this CVE yet? [20:15] bjf: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1007091 [20:15] Launchpad bug 1007091 in linux-ti-omap4 "CVE-2012-2663" [Low,Fix committed] [20:16] jjohansen: thanks [22:34] ogasawara: bug 1007159 [22:34] Launchpad bug 1007159 in linux "ecryptfs test on btrfs failing on "no space left on device"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1007159