[16:18] Nothing like waking up to see your name in ITworld article [16:20] MarkDude: good news, I hope :) [16:20] Wow Zonker retweeted the message about my account [16:21] Well [16:21] Ubuntu may not mind, I just got an email from Fedora leadership [16:21] Asking me to clarify that I was not represneting them [16:22] Brian Proffitt ‏@TheTechScribe [16:22] OSCON Nonprofit Pavilion deals with limited space http://ow.ly/bgYHw <- Fedora, Ubuntu on waiting list [16:22] woke up to that [16:27] ah [16:28] admittedly, OSCON is quite the preaching-to-choir event anyway :) in the coming months I'm going to keep an eye out for other events I should be aiming at [16:28] space in the non-profit section could be better used to promote projects and non-profit orgs that people haven't heard about and wish to learn about [16:29] Sure maybe [16:29] Well 1st- Fedora is not a non-profit [16:29] But Fedora writes much of Linux [16:30] Ubuntu promotes Linux like no other [16:34] hahaha [16:35] MarkDude, ooo link to article? [16:35] oh i see it [16:38] I don't like how ubuntu and fedora are differing so much in core packages now [16:40] I understand [16:40] I was thinking I personally would not mind if the 2 Distros shared a community Linux table [16:41] well the reasons for their departing are very real and serious ones [16:41] Agreed [16:42] both made sound technical choices for their actions [16:42] But focusing on the differences, can be distracting [16:42] As opposed to the common issies [16:43] like: will ubuntu also use fedora's UEFI shim? and sign their kernel's and turn off all the functionality that RH is going to be turning off in signed kernels? [16:43] http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/12368.html [16:44] btw: signed kernels will NOT run virtualbox, with NOT run nvida drivers or other 3rd-party crap drivers, and more [16:45] and ubuntu has been putting reliance on nvidia + catalyst proprietary, unlike RH/fedora [16:52] this sounds disappointing... [16:56] Well much of it is sad [16:56] Part of the reason I used UDS to look for issues in common [16:57] And am trying to get Juju - in Fedora repos [16:57] And would like ideas for the other way around [16:57] Dont forget tho- RH is NOT Fedora [16:57] Just as Canonical is NOT the Ubuntu Community [16:57] :D [16:58] Minus a few legal issues, Fedora is in charge of its own destiny [17:05] MarkDude, ok sorry [17:05] No problem [17:06] philipballew, yes, the UFI stuff is quite disappointing [17:06] *UEFI [17:06] its a giant mess [17:06] * MarkDude was just told to clarify a few details- and that my opinions are not that of Fedora :) [17:06] its non-driver parts has more code than the non-driver part of the linux kernl [17:06] Or any other FOSS projects I am associated with [17:06] Well the driver thing [17:06] It comes down to fundamental differences between the two [17:07] well UEFI is a mess for everyone [17:07] Ubuntu is more functional [17:07] easier to use- due in great part to drivers [17:07] errrrrr [17:07] Fedora takes a stance like RMS - to keep its focus on FREE things [17:07] that is certainly your own opinion, and one that fedora doesn't share AFAIK [17:08] its even in their tagline: FREEDOM [17:08] Actually most - in Fedora know Ubuntu is easier to use [17:08] and i have to agree with them there, and even Linus Torvalds, who RMS isn't that big of a fan of, is on the same grounds here [17:08] Thats actually parrt of the core- the Foundations [17:08] even if his reasons against propritary drivers are largely on practical grounds, rather than philosophical [17:08] Friends , Features, Freedoms, First [17:09] Well, would you tell a vegetarian to eat meet? [17:09] meat [17:09] and red-hat has been doing the big funding of nouveau and radeon [17:09] and i give them alot of credit there [17:09] Agreed [17:09] nouveau used to suck :D [17:09] now we just need VA-API support [17:10] well nouveau still sucks on my card [17:10] it was just rewritten [17:10] so I have my hopes up :D [17:21] Yep [17:21] I think much of this can be compared to dietary restrictions [17:21] Fedora is like a vegan [17:21] Ubuntu is an omnivore [17:22] One that puts weight on being green [17:22] Its not like Ubuntu does not have a value system, they certainly have a valid one [17:22] They stay true to what they believe [17:23] If you sorta keep this in mind, it keeps the *trying to convert thing* to a minimum [17:23] Fedora need not eat meat, and Ubuntu is not evil for doing so :D [17:46] I don't neccicarily want to impose my beliefs on others [17:46] generally not a wise course of action ;) [17:46] Agreed :D [17:47] The common area to follow my comparison, is that both dont want un-needed suffering [17:47] Even tho Ubuntu eats meat, there is a caring there [17:48] This area has a fair amount to agree on. [17:48] and happily broadcom came around to the world of the free [17:48] *thnkfully [17:48] And others may warm to this idea [17:49] By Ubuntu pushing the limits of drivers, and Fedora staying clear, its a carrot and stick [17:49] Both are valid [17:49] and awesome I might add :D [17:56] Nothing like working on a draft of my response to an article in which I am mentioned. [17:58] * MarkDude never had goal of being known as *the dude in the Penguin Suit*, an agitator, or a supporter of a cartoon hotodg. Sometimes destiny picks us tho, we do not pick it :D [17:58] * MarkDude is an asshat, just to clarify [18:08] "the meatiest release ever" [18:11] lol [18:11] Damn, I need to respond to this, and also go back to the Fedora naming issues- STILL being talked about. [18:12] Now I wonder if I should still go to oscon [18:16] good luck responding MarkDude [18:17] YES [18:17] go there [18:17] * MarkDude has never planned on not going [18:18] Even the account I created said - I will be there [18:18] If there is not a Ubuntu booth, then its a lot of money to get in iirc [18:18] Go to CLS the weekend before [18:18] Nope [18:18] there are free expo passes [18:19] hum, there is still a chance a Ubuntu booth will pop up [18:19] odd that Mark Shuttleworth is keynoting yet no Ubuntu booth [18:20] They will get a booth [18:20] * MarkDude will bet money on it [18:20] They know I will grandstand [18:21] well If they do, I will be there. [18:21] philipballew: even if we get a booth they are only giving out two passes for booth holders this year [18:21] although their is a free expo pass for all dot orgs... just use "FREEORG" [18:21] Yeah, I stll have other ways to ger in [18:22] bkerensa, no worries. [18:23] Well - there has been extra RH budget money set aside to pay for Fedora there. Since they are NOT a non-profit. I dont think I could use the free pass option [18:24] That I understand and take no issue with. Fedora is willing to pay [18:24] Ubuntu should not- due to it being a charity [18:30] philipballew: I am almost certain that they will not give out anything except a free expo pass [18:30] unless your a speaker, have a booth or know someone at O'Reilly [18:31] ubuntu is a charity? [18:31] even though ubuntu != canonical i didn't think it was non-profit [18:31] scientes: Canonical is a corporation [18:31] scientes: Ubuntu is a Community [18:31] or at least 501(c)3 non-profit [18:31] which is usually what ppl mean when they say non-profit in the US [18:32] scientes: You dont have to be a 501(c)3 non profit to get a dot org booth [18:38] * MarkDude is paid for already [18:44] http://humblebundle.com/ [18:45] Average Windows: $6.50 [18:45] Average Mac: $8.53 [18:45] Average Linux: .... [18:45] **$11.35** [21:34] philipballew: u around? === izdubar is now known as MarkDude [21:47] bkerensa, yeah [21:47] philipballew: I got the answer I needed :D [21:48] nice! what exactly did they say? [21:53] bkerensa, [21:54] phi [21:54] philipballew: yeah? [21:55] what exactly did they say? [22:09] bkerensa, wow [22:10] * MarkDude did not know you were older than me [22:10] Woulda bet some money you were younger [22:11] MarkDude: what? How am I older than you [22:11] >.< [22:11] * bkerensa is not old [22:11] Your page says you were born in 1963 [22:11] WTF [22:11] * MarkDude would guess you maybe meant 1973? [22:12] Its ok Grandpa, let's tell these damn kids to get off of our lawn [22:12] wow fixed [22:12] Make sure you are wearign bathrobe while saying so [22:12] lol [22:12] Figured that mighta slipped by [22:13] No more Grandpa Ben, I will have to stick with calling you Uncle Ben [22:14] Wow, so you had to put 4 digits for your Bday, and you blew it on TWO of them? :P [22:15] bkerensa, I bet your an AARP member as well? [22:17] * MarkDude heard he not only dyes the hair on his head, he also does his eyebrows [22:17] They are TOO uniform [22:18] MarkDude, sooner or later he might have to consider an elderly care living facility. [22:18] True. But it wont be too bad [22:19] He is able to get free stuff rather easily. He will get some free depends, and maybe viagra [22:19] :D [22:20] he can review them like he does regularly :) === steve__ is now known as steevB