[12:09] bac benji frankban gmb, call in 2 or asap [12:09] getting hangout... [12:09] ok [12:10] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/ea901d7bfa7f002e5aca33e7c01f689b2dcf63a0 [12:12] benji, yoo hoo? [12:12] gary_poster: coming [12:12] cool [12:19] gary_poster: your camera needs new batteries too [12:21] Everyone is frozen for me [12:21] Do you all not see me? [12:21] Or is everyone frozen for you too? [12:21] bac benji frankban ^^ [12:21] gary_poster: we see each other [13:42] * benji gets ready for his optometrist appointment. [13:42] good luck [15:11] gary_poster, benji, frankban: would one of you like to review https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-1007111/+merge/108359? it is quite wee. [15:12] bac, I just saw it and was going to look at it, so I'm happy to do the review too [15:12] great [15:20] bac, do you care about causing benji, gnash his teeth? :-) He said recently that he didn't like "fd" (file descriptor) as a name for a python file object (and this has "with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fd"). Or maybe I'm mistaken somehow. And benji is not reviewing, so I won't make you change it :-) but I thought I'd at least call your attention to it [15:20] ...causing benji to gnash...not sure how " to" became "," in my typing [15:20] gary_poster: oh, yeah, i remember and thought "hey i do that". didn't notice it though. [15:20] heh [15:21] s/fd/fo [15:21] your call bac [15:21] or python_file_object, perhaps? [15:21] fobj [15:21] f [15:21] heh [15:21] mm [15:21] not_a_file_descriptor [15:22] I like f fine myself but maybe that's too terse for good Python [15:22] what would magritte name it? [15:22] lol [15:22] I vote for f [15:22] but if that's all you got i'll be glad to change [15:22] I think that's what I do [15:22] yeah that's all I've got bac. looks good [15:25] officially approved bac, [15:26] fwiw [15:29] gary_poster: (I hope I'm in the right channel) The doctor dialated my eyes. I can't see worth anything. I'll check back after lunch. [15:29] benji, cool. I will write you super important messages over and over on IRC and get upset when you don't reply now then. [15:32] * bac checks to see when his next super-dilation appt is... [15:33] yay, not for four weeks [15:38] gary_poster: heh (it took me like 2 minutes to read that) [15:38] :-) [16:10] gary_poster: do you have a minute? [16:11] frankban, sure. here or hangout? [16:11] hangout will work [16:12] k [16:12] 1 sec I'll make [16:12] frankban [16:12] argh [16:13] gary_poster: joining [16:13] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7fb7fe86dc0482b3b5aad31b7ab5c47237a44880 [16:13] heh ok [17:41] hello [17:41] Am I connected? [17:46] weird [18:09] * gary_poster goes to lunch [19:09] gary_poster: ok, the world seems to be back in focus enough for me to work (as long as I stay away from black text on a white field :) the light sensetivity is still going strong) [19:21] benji, :-) cool [20:10] gary_poster: i'm still poking at bug 682772. it isn't as straightforward as i'd expected. as expected. [20:10] <_mup_> Bug #682772: doctest construction generates duplicate test ids < https://launchpad.net/bugs/682772 > [20:10] bac, heh [20:11] i'm going to be offline for a while but will continue to poke at it [20:11] bac, if you want to talk about it, just say so. I'm having "fun" analyzing subunit output to see why two runs of the same revn differ by one test count [20:11] ok cool bac [20:11] have a good weekend [20:11] have a good weekend if I don't talk to you bac [20:11] bye [20:12] thx, you too [20:42] gary_poster: any idea why the buildbot slave might not be starting? [20:44] benji, no. Mine started fine earlier today. Though, actually... [20:44] juju status reports [20:44] relation-errors: [20:44] buildbot: [20:44] - buildbot-slave [20:44] but everything worked fine so I didn't worry about it [20:45] Also, I'm using my funky branch. [20:45] The one with support for a slave specifying how many builds it can run at once [20:45] I don't see any relation errors, in fact it claims the relation worked fine, but there is no buildbot process running on the slave machine and I can't get it to start. [20:45] how does it fail, benji--what does the log say? [20:46] this repeatedly: [20:46] 2012-06-01 20:42:11+0000 [-] Starting factory [20:46] 2012-06-01 20:42:11+0000 [Uninitialized] will retry in 54 seconds [20:46] 2012-06-01 20:42:11+0000 [Uninitialized] Stopping factory [20:46] As Keanu would say: woah [20:47] benji, does the master show the slave as connected? I'm trying to interpret what that even means [20:47] and one interpretation is that it has connected [20:48] gary_poster: nope, the master doesn't show it as connected [20:48] and is trying to run something that the master requested [20:48] ok [20:48] benji, check ports and so on, maybe? and also check the master log? [20:49] gary_poster: maybe I'm not starting the slave right, isn't it just "buildbot start"? [20:49] benji, I use the command as specified in the Makefile.sample [20:49] twistd something [20:50] gary_poster: no dice (same output) [20:51] :-/ [20:51] hmm, the buildbot.tac has this in it "slavename = 'temporary'"; I thought that would be changed after the add-relation [20:51] benji, yeah. that's wrong. Maybe try the juju log on the master/slave? [20:51] I'm poking around in /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/slave, that's the right place, right? [20:51] yeah [20:52] let me look at the master log [20:52] no [20:52] :-P [20:52] we had the closest to green in two weeks just a minute ago: only one failure [20:53] wow, the master has a bunch of these: bzrlib.errors.ConnectionReset: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist. [20:53] huh [20:53] benji, that might be a red herring [20:53] try looking in /var/log/juju/... [20:54] not much there, and it looks fine [20:54] no mention of the relation though, I'm not sure if there should be [20:54] benji, sorry I meant [20:54] /var/lib/juju/units/buildbot-slave-0/charm.log [20:54] and similar for the master [20:55] heh, there's a /var/log/juju *and* logs other places. tricky tricky. :-) [20:55] gary_poster: jackpot: Failure: juju.errors.CharmInvocationError: Error processing '/var/lib/juju/units/buildbot-master-0/charm/hooks/buildbot-relation-changed': exit code 1. [20:56] ah ha [20:56] and juju status doesn't complain? [20:56] weird [20:57] oh! it does, but I've been looking at the master (and it's easy to miss) [20:57] ah ha [20:57] I want colorized output of juju status [20:57] YOU HAVE THE POWAA [20:58] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHRmQohwc_w [20:58] :-) exactly [20:59] :) [21:02] That sounds very tempting. I'm going to think about that. [21:02] I also have the power to go away now, which I think I will excersize. :) Have a good weekend. [21:10] ok, now I'll really go away [21:27] heh [21:27] bye benji [21:27] have a great weekend