
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde
=== Guest27892 is now known as skynet-2000
brendandmvo - why isn't update-manager showing me quantal when i start it with -d?09:46
wilee-nileewhat release are you running?09:56
wilee-nileebrendand, ^^^^09:56
mvobrendand: its not ready yet, sorry, there is a ongoing py3 port10:08
BluesKajHey all10:30
=== Patrickdk_ is now known as PatrickDK
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
=== samsul is now known as kacung
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== jack is now known as Guest90063
genii-around12.10 Kubuntu, krunner aborting with signal 6...  Is anyone else getting this?19:21
genii-around( every time desktop finishes loading )19:21
penguin426 is abort, so it should be giving some diagnostics before it died19:22
genii-aroundRunning it in terminal now to see if anything informative19:24
=== Guest90063 is now known as wN
genii-aroundLooks like something to do with DBUS19:27
genii-aroundInstalling kde-workspace-dbg for more info19:30
genii-aroundDid a bug report, number is 100759420:40
guntbertgenii-around: what is it? LP won't tell :)20:44
genii-aroundHeh, yes. Just didn't want to trigger the bot20:45
guntbertgenii-around: no, you misunderstood - LP thros an error when I search for that number20:46
genii-aroundguntbert: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/100759420:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007594 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Quantal, krunner crashing" [Undecided,New]20:53
guntbertgenii-around: THX20:55
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde

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