
=== dk_ is now known as dk
skaetPendulum,  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-accessibility-team-community-goals - is targetted for Q, but doesn't have  a priority & no work items in the new work items section.    What are the plans for Q?18:44
Pendulumskaet: they're mostly rebuilding. Sorry, I got sick and forgot to transfer work items over.18:47
PendulumI'll do that now18:48
skaetThanks Pendulum.  :)  mark it obsolete once the transfer over is done please.  :)18:48
Pendulumweird. was not supposed to be for Q, but for P18:49
Pendulum(I just realised that was last cycle's blueprint)18:49
PendulumI don't know how it got accepted for Q18:49
Pendulum(didn't ask for it to be)18:49
Pendulumskaet: ^^ just so you know.18:50
macoabout the poltergeists?18:50
skaetPendulum,  from the comments,  I think pitti moved it over, and renamed it.   approvals followed18:51
skaetwithout manual intervention. ;)18:51
Pendulumah. because the community accessibility team is doing completely different stuff since we kinda collapsed in terms of people this past cycle18:52
Pendulumskaet: I'm going to remove the community team stuff from the one you linked. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-q-accessibility-community-team-plans is this cycle18:56
skaetPendulum,  just mark it obsolete,  that will take care of it.18:57

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