
pavolzetorsorry about that rant, but sad thing is, that was true00:44
pavolzetorand I didn't feel particular well after it00:44
pavolzetorhow constructive?00:45
pavolzetorshould I spend ages to trying fix bug in stack, I have minimal knowledge of C++00:45
pavolzetorI am going to wait for answer, I was just honest, and I think you might not give enough man-power to fixing small bugs, which annoys a lot.00:49
pavolzetorI give you example, there is new video feature in USC, and it causes crashes in fullscreen, this should not happen in LTS00:49
pavolzetorI do not say my app is perfect, it is far from it, but I am not core app00:50
pavolzetorit is not core app00:50
pavolzetorand about being constructive, I have not idea, how can I be constructive? I prefer to not fix bugs in compiz, as I am not developer of compiz, and it should be much easier to fix it for compiz devs, as it is their project00:51
pavolzetorwhat I wanted to say, you cannot attract developers (I mean real one, not hobbyist like me), if you don't have working toolkits (as you probably know)00:54
pavolzetorand other think, please, do backport new clutter release, which fixes segfault (to be constructive)00:54
pavolzetortomorrow will check answer, thanks00:56
dholbachgood morning07:09
aquariushola, dholbach08:00
dholbachhey aquarius08:00
pavolzetordpm: still no answer, and I check irc logs too09:37
dpmhi pavolzetor, no answer for what?09:38
pavolzetoryou said yesterday, "great, I hope he felt well after his rant"09:39
pavolzetor"didn't even leave time to finish my reply"09:39
pavolzetor"talk about being constructive!09:39
pavolzetorso here we go09:39
* dpm rewrites reply09:41
pavolzetoryou could post it yesterdayt09:42
pavolzetorI check logs, I do not spend all time on computer, so I check logs sometimes09:42
dpmpavolzetor, sorry, I'm on the phone, let me come back to you when I've finished10:00
pavolzetorno problem10:01
pavolzetorI will be there for whole day, so you cannot say it is ranting ;)10:01
dpmpavolzetor, in that regard, app development in Ubuntu is not different from any other area of contribution in Ubuntu. You get all of the tools for free, they put a great potential in your hands and you're even able to improve them and expand them. I won't deny that there are bugs, some minor, some critical, but I trust that you're not new to open source and are aware how it works. We cannot fix every bug under the sun, so we have to focus on the thi10:06
dpmngs that can be done that make the most impact. If we were to wait until all bugs are fixed to promote app development, we would never move forward, and looking at the apps in the archive people do manage to write awesome apps with the tools available.10:06
pavolzetorI understand that10:07
pavolzetorit was always like that since I started with Feisty Fawn10:07
pavolzetorthere were infos about making unittesting and so on, TDD10:08
dpmyeah, but look how far we've come since Feisty!10:08
pavolzetorI probably exaggerated, but I just wanted to point out10:09
pavolzetorthat people do not care that much about new feautres10:09
pavolzetorit is much better to have less features and have them polished10:10
dpmwell, that's actually what we've done with Unity10:10
pavolzetorhow can you explain, that software-center crashes in fullscreen video? (in LTS?)10:10
pavolzetorI reported about 8 bugs in unity/compiz, none of them fixed ;)10:10
pavolzetormainly minor stuff, but annoys10:11
pavolzetorand you cannot expect ,that I will study compiz code base just to get my app working10:11
dpmI believe you're picking on a very focused example, I'd say most apps, if not all, work with the recommended tools and toolkits10:13
dpmas per the Software Center, I cannot comment without more details, and then again, I'm not an USC developer :)10:13
pavolzetorit was just example10:14
pavolzetorof core app being buggy10:14
dpmwhat's the bug number?10:14
pavolzetorOkay, shotwell, gtranslator have same problem as mine app, they use GTK, I use CLutter10:14
pavolzetorand Gtk is probably recommended toolkit ;)10:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1006959 in software-center "video playback freezes, crashes in fullscreen" [Undecided,New]10:15
dpmit is :-) perhaps we can focus on what's the issue with your app and someone can help10:15
pavolzetorit is issue of compiz (probably), as unity2d, gnome shell works nicely10:16
pavolzetoralso, stack should be up-to-date10:16
dpmre: the Software Center, you're pointing out to a bug that was filed less than a day ago and that hasn't been confirmed10:16
pavolzetorso clutter is 1.10.610:16
pavolzetorbut in ubuntu is 1.10.010:16
dpmI believe clutter is not supported in 12.0410:17
pavolzetorand I reported some segfaults and they were fixed, stack should be up-to-date10:17
pavolzetorit works here10:17
dpmfor what you're saying it does not really work :)10:17
dpmanyway, what's your app and what's the issue? As I say, perhaps someone on the channel can help10:17
pavolzetorre: USC, I wanted to say, that it should not be in LTS, if it is buggy/not well tested10:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 993204 in unity "bottom of windows are not drawn" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:18
pavolzetorthis one10:18
pavolzetorit affects also gtranslator, shotwell10:18
pavolzetorand sorry for yesterday, but I hope something will change, I believe, bugless stack is very important10:19
dpmpavolzetor, there is a team of highly skilled developers working very hard on Software Center. Saying that it is not well tested without evidence, discarding their hard work and pointing to an unconfirmed bug sounds a bit rushed to me10:20
dpmif you want to bring that bug to their attention, they're hanging out on #software-center10:20
pavolzetorThey can be hardworking10:20
pavolzetorbut, nobody cares  outside community, people do use APP10:21
pavolzetorI know, it is tough to make it works10:21
pavolzetorbut basic users do not simply care, and it is true10:21
pavolzetorthey just want to finish task10:21
pavolzetorit can be well tested, then tests are not good enough ;)10:23
pavolzetorokay, so any help with that compiz bug?10:23
dpmagain, let me point out that the USC works for the vast majority of users and that you're basing your argument on an unconfirmed bug filed after release10:24
pavolzetorplease, do me a favour :)10:24
pavolzetorgo to software-center10:25
pavolzetoropen some app with video inside10:25
pavolzetorand make it fullscreen and change volume :)10:25
dpmpavolzetor, why do you think it's compiz? From the bug description, I cannot really tell which package is to blame (not picking on it, just trying to genuinely help)10:25
dpmAnd the bug seems to be filed against unity, not compiz10:25
pavolzetorhow can you say, it works for vast majority? how do you know? (errors.ubuntu.com does not show ration used without and with crash10:27
pavolzetorI am not sure if it is compiz, but it occurs only in unity 3d10:28
pavolzetorwhich is plugin into compiz, afaik10:28
dpmIt may well be that it is compiz, but until it is tracked down, it's just speculation. It might be helpful to try and narrow it down to the component that might cause that behaviour. Do you know if you're using any technology that your app has in common with the other apps where you can reproduce the bug? It may well lie in there. You're mentioning Clutter, could there be anything else?10:31
pavolzetorIt was doing with Gtk version too10:32
pavolzetorand the are on bottom, which is not drawn is clickable10:33
pavolzetorso you can manage window under it10:33
pavolzetorit has to do something with window manager10:35
pavolzetorI will send you video soon10:35
pavolzetorbut whole purpose of this, I want to see increased quality, focus on details10:36
pavolzetorI can tell you, almost no app is beautiful10:37
dpmpavolzetor, oh wow, floaty is cool, is that the app you're developing?10:40
pavolzetorit is not cool, interface is not polished10:43
pavolzetorjust early 0.210:43
pavolzetorand service is not async10:43
pavolzetorbut thanks10:43
JanCit's difficult to say whether the bug is in compiz or in the applications or in the toolkit10:44
pavolzetornot very usable now10:44
dpmpavolzetor, I consider any attempt to write an app cool :) I understand it might not be polished yet, but looking at it you've gone a long way already in the process of app development10:45
dpmand I agree with JanC, the bug needs more investigation and more data before we can say where the issue is10:45
pavolzetorbut it works in 2d and shell10:46
pavolzetorso it should not be in toolkit10:46
dpmwhy not?10:46
pavolzetorthe are at bottom would not be clickable10:47
JanCit's like the developers found lots of bugs in ALSA drivers after PulseAudio started to use driver functions that almost nobody used before10:47
pavolzetorit is obvious that window manager is not handling it properly10:47
pavolzetorJanC: I think shotwell is pretty conmmon10:48
dpmit is not obvious to me without data. It might well be that some layer above or underneath does not pass correct data to the window manager10:49
pavolzetordpm: about writing my app, it is sad, that you need to write app for reading RSS :/ (I used liferea and I have that paradigm)10:49
JanCwhat I mean: maybe some toolkits or applications (forget to) do something that only causes trouble in compiz10:49
dpmpavolzetor, what's happened to Liferea?10:49
* dpm used to use it a long time ago?10:49
JanCof course, it can also be a compiz bug  ;)10:49
pavolzetordpm: if it would not pass correct data, other window managers would be affected too10:50
pavolzetor*I hated that paradigm10:50
JanCnot if those wm don't use that data10:50
pavolzetorall RSS apps, same interface, I looked at al for linux/mac os x (there are few nice) and windows10:51
JanCfindings bugs can be difficult sometimes10:51
dpmpavolzetor, without hard data we can only speculate. What I would recommend is to try to narrow it down to the technology that might be causing the issue. Perhaps start removing dependencies in your app until you can find what it's causing it10:51
pavolzetorJanC: it might be, but if I look back, in natty, there wasn't this bug10:52
pavolzetorand gtransaltor is pretty same10:52
dpmanyway, I have to go onto something else now. Let us know about the progress!10:52
JanChm, what language/libs are those apps written in/for?10:52
pavolzetordpm: nothing, actually they speed it up really nicely, but I do not like to clicking much, I want to use my screen proaperly10:52
pavolzetordpm: thanks10:53
pavolzetorit was is clutter/gtk10:53
pavolzetorand the issue was there in sole gtk too10:53
pavolzetorlang is python3210:54
pavolzetorI need to restart compiz, windows freezed10:56
pavolzetorthat's awkward10:57
pavolzetorI tested it with gtk and clutter, seems same10:58
pavolzetoranyway, how can I get my window bar working, restarting unity/compiz doe not help10:58
JanCseems like gtranslator is C + Gtk (but no Clutter)10:58
pavolzetorshotwell is Vala -> C10:58
pavolzetor+ gtk10:58
JanCso the bug is probably not in the python bindings or in clutter10:58
pavolzetorI need to restart X10:59
pavolzetorsorry about it, just somehow it freeze :)10:59
pavolzetorokay I am back11:01
pavolzetorwhen I close window, it saves size11:02
pavolzetorand size is as fullscreen window should have11:02
pavolzetorwhen yo uresize window, it works11:04
pavolzetorso I assume, compiz does not calculate it properly at first launch11:04
JanChm, I don't think you should save the window size for maximized windows, but save something like maximized=yes, an then ask the wm to maximize it on next run, right?11:16
JanCI wonder if there is any difference between calling gtk_window_maximize () before or after showing the window11:17
pavolzetorgoing to chewck11:21
pavolzetorhmm, it works11:22
JanCwhat works?11:22
pavolzetorso it is definitely bug in compiz automaximize than11:22
pavolzetorwhen I use11:22
pavolzetorthere is function in compiz, which maximizes window automatically11:23
pavolzetortherefore, there must be bug11:23
pavolzetorbecause it is diplayed as maximized, but it is actaully not11:27
pavolzetorI will store if window is maximized, since it does work11:29
pavolzetorbut there is still bug11:29
pavolzetorthanks for help11:30
pavolzetori didn't know I can workaround it this way11:30
JanCnormally that does the same as when you double click the title bar11:32
pavolzetoryes, I tested it11:32
pavolzetorbut the bug is11:32
pavolzetornow, if I do not use it11:32
pavolzetorwindow show as maximized11:33
pavolzetorbut bottom is not drawn11:33
JanCHow do you restore window size?11:33
JanCI think that's wrong in case of maximized windows anyway, as the screen size might be different on next run?11:35
JanCe.g. external monitor or projector connected to laptop11:35
pavolzetoryo uare right11:36
pavolzetorI am going to change it11:36
pavolzetorbut it is still bug ;)11:36
JanCthere might still be a bug in either gtk or compiz11:37
pavolzetorthanks anyway for help11:40
pavolzetorand sorry about rants, I just thought you do not really know, how developers feel about platform11:41
pavolzetorand I am not even developer11:41
pavolzetorso they probably expect more11:41
dpmpavolzetor, we do talk to developers all of the time, and we share both the pain in some cases, but also the successes :) Your feedback is very useful, so feel free to hang around here, on the mailing list or in any of the other channels for discussion!11:42
pavolzetorI hang a lot at clutter IRC11:44
pavolzetorand I can hang here11:44
pavolzetoras Gtk4 should work much better with clutter11:44
JanCI added what we found to the bug report11:44
dpmthanks JanC11:45
pavolzetorthanks :)11:45
dpmpavolzetor, when it's finished, have you considered submitting your app to the Software Center?11:45
pavolzetorI do not know11:45
dpmyou should try :)11:46
pavolzetorI am waiting for breaking point11:46
pavolzetorbecause geeks will probably do not like my app11:46
pavolzetorso I want to make it feel nicely for newbies (I still feel, that RSS is more comfy than facebook for news)11:46
JanCmaybe best to fix most issues before putting it in SC, or your users will rant...  :p11:47
pavolzetorI just want to make it beautiful11:47
pavolzetorI know :D11:47
pavolzetorI have some tests11:47
dpmpavolzetor, well, that's exactly what we're trying to do both for Ubuntu and for the app developer process: reach out to non-tech users11:47
pavolzetorespecially on service side, I do not know how to test Gtk/clutter properly though11:47
dpmin any case, when you're ready, the Software Center is just a few steps away: https://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/ :-)11:48
pavolzetorthanks, I will have a look11:48
JanCthere are some tools to test GUI apps11:48
pavolzetorbasically I use unittest11:48
pavolzetorand I want to make service really good11:48
pavolzetorso anybody who writes widget for RSS can plug and use it11:49
JanCservice is in python too?11:51
pavolzetorI have started in Vala11:51
pavolzetorbut I haven;'t seen benefits11:51
pavolzetorharder to maintain, and I have got python in school11:52
pavolzetorit is still in python2 though, because of u1db11:52
JanCone important thing with a service/daemon is to make sure you don't leak memory11:52
* dpm loves Python11:52
pavolzetorme too :D11:52
JanCand don't fragment it too much11:52
pavolzetorI see11:53
pavolzetorI have no idea how to do it in python11:53
pavolzetorbut it should not fragment11:53
JanCespecially for people like me that run desktops with 1 month uptime  ;)11:53
pavolzetoryou can test it then :)11:54
pavolzetorI have uptime 2 days11:54
pavolzetorand memory usage is same11:54
pavolzetorfor service11:54
pavolzetoralso for client11:54
JanCthat's good then11:54
pavolzetor(which uses about 70 megs, but 50 megs are just mesa stuff)11:54
pavolzetorwhich is actually not real, just allocated11:54
pavolzetoranyway, I just wonder about unity and compiz11:55
pavolzetoris actaully compiz developer by somebody outside ubuntu?11:55
JanCcompiz still leaks memory, although not as bad as a year ago11:56
JanCthe main compiz dev works for Canonical11:56
pavolzetorI see11:57
pavolzetorbecause I have tried clutter last year11:57
pavolzetorand I use it now, it is pretty quick11:57
JanChttps://launchpad.net/~compiz-team/+members#active -> at least 6 of them work for Canonical12:08
pavolzetorI see12:17
pavolzetorwhy has compiz been chosen?12:17
pavolzetorI struggle with getting right state12:31
pavolzetordo you know how to get it reliably12:31
pavolzetorbecause snappy windows does not emit configure event12:32
dpmpavolzetor, I believe at the point when the decision was made to use compiz, clutter was first tested and was found to have performance issues. But I'm just an onlooker in that topic, so if you're interested someone on the #desktop team or on the Unity channels should be able to give you a proper explanation12:32
pavolzetorthanks, I asked12:34
JanCnot sure if clutter had performance issues, but mutter did12:36
pavolzetorI see12:37
JanCmutter = metacity + clutter + javascript12:37
pavolzetorbut was it year ago or now?12:37
JanCmore than a year ago12:37
JanCthe first version of unity was on mutter12:38
pavolzetorit has probably change12:38
JanCright, but porting current unity to mutter and make it stable again would probably take 6-12 months with no new features etc.12:39
pavolzetorI see12:42
pavolzetorso it is easier to maintain compiz too12:43
JanCnot my task to decide what's better long-term12:43
pavolzetorthanks for explanation12:44
JanCthe future could also be a new compositor on Wayland12:47
JanCand if so it would make even less sense to switch to mutter now and then to Wayland a year later or so12:47
pavolzetorI see12:49
pavolzetorI am looking forward12:49
pavolzetorbut they should decrease memory usage12:49
JanClots of applications/frameworks should decrease memory usage...  :-/13:17
pavolzetormy app uses about 80 megs13:18
pavolzetorservice 1513:18
pavolzetorclient about 6513:18
pavolzetorbut empty window with clutter stage uses about 50 megs13:18
pavolzetorso my app uses together 30 megs, which is not bad I think13:19
pavolzetorif I look at other apps, it is quite good13:20
pavolzetorhi, I have other quesiton15:37
pavolzetorif I enter video inside USC15:37
pavolzetorcan it be youtube stufF?15:37
pavolzetorwith youtube music?15:37
pavolzetorthis is just example15:40
pavolzetormusic is from youtube directly15:40
pavolzetorI just wonder for future release in USSC15:41
zoopsterpavolzetor: if you are talking about submissions through the myapps portal into the USC - currently limited to vimeo, youtube is coming16:07
pavolzetorI see16:08
pavolzetorI am quite far from 1.016:08
pavolzetorbut I wanted to check it16:08
JanCpavolzetor: you can always look at Jamendo for music18:23
pavolzetorI see, but it is quite hard to find something lovely18:45
pavolzetorwhat describes your product18:45

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