
=== cinerama_ is now known as cinerama
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micahgdoko: did you need something from me?02:30
ScottKSome days are better than others: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.6/+bug/992941/comments/502:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 992941 in wxwidgets2.6 (Ubuntu) "Remove wxwidgets2.6" [Low,Fix released]02:34
micahgawesome, now if we can just get rud of sqlite02:35
pittiGood morning03:26
keesinfinity: you around?03:33
infinitykees: Nope.03:34
keesinfinity: dang. I was gonna ask you about eglibc coordination.03:35
* slangasek marks infinity absent03:35
keesinfinity: I have a patchset that cleans up the existing patches (making them not ubuntu-specific)03:36
infinitykees: email would be better, I'm only sort of here.03:36
keesinfinity: okidoky.03:36
keesinfinity: alternatively, I could just upload it to quantal. ;)03:37
infinityYou don't want a review of any sort? :P03:38
keesemailing you the debdiff now.03:38
pittiSpamapS: I now added test cases and regression potential to all apport SRU bugs04:18
pittirickspencer3, cjwatson, slangasek: FYI, just sent the May stable+1 status to u-devel@05:51
rickspencer3hi pitti05:51
slangasekpitti: thanks much :)06:23
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dholbachgood morning07:09
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larsduesinggood morning together08:10
pittihello larsduesing08:26
jibelmvo, hey08:42
jibelmvo, is upgrade to quantal still blocked on py3 port of the release-upgrader ?08:42
mvoyes, afaict its still not working, but we need to make it work for a108:44
jibelmvo, ta08:49
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brendandwhat can i use in place of gobject.Mainloop in Python3?09:19
pittibrendand: use python3-gi, and GLib.MainLoop09:20
xnoxIf anyone knows autofs or likes cryptic patches, could you please take a look and tell me (1) what does this do (2) and why: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/autofs5/quantal/view/head:/debian/patches/16group_buffer_size.patch09:22
brendandpitti - from gi.repository import Glib?09:23
brendandpitti - i know for sure i have python3-gi installed09:23
brendandpitti - btw, i'm on precise09:23
pittiGLib, not Glib09:24
brendandpitti - ahem09:25
xnoxNever mind found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autofs5/+bug/59110009:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 591100 in autofs5 (Ubuntu Lucid) "autofs5 eats the cpu if you have large groups" [Undecided,Fix released]09:29
brendandanother question. what are we meant to use instead of pygst? am i correct in thinking some gi binding?09:37
pittibrendand: that's the general idea, but gstreamer 0.10 is not yet introspectable; gstreamer 1.0 will mostly be09:41
pitti(it's in universe now)09:41
pittibrendand: if you need gst 0.10, then you can't use python3 yet09:42
brendandpitti - will that be in precise?09:42
pittino, it won't09:42
pittiprecise -> python 209:42
pitti(and pygst)09:42
brendandpitti - so i can't install gstreamer 1.0 on precise to test?09:43
brendandpitti - just want to know if i need to be updating to quantal09:44
pittibrendand: oh, you certainly can backport/build/install it, but it is not in precise prpoer09:44
brendandpitti, ok09:44
pittibrendand: I figure the gstreamer1.0 etc. packages will build on precise just fine09:44
xnoxmy piuparts is not up to date. Is there a latest / greatest way to set up piuparts for multiple ubuntu and debian distributions, considering i have switched to using pbuilder-dist?09:45
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smbcjwatson, Sorry to ask again, I am just not sure whether this may be just a just about acceptable thing: would a 3-4 minute delay on each boot justify a SRU to initramfs-tools which looks to be low risk and testable (back into Lucid/10.04)? The alternative would be to document the workaround (I assume in the release note?).11:21
cjwatsonmvo: I thought I'd fixed the upgrader; it's still not fully py3, but it shouldn't have those import bugs any more[6~11:39
cjwatsonsmb: All other things being equal, that looks like a reasonable SRU candidate11:40
mvocjwatson: I haven't looked into details yet, but sudo ./dist-upgrade.py fails for me with import errors, I'm at r243511:41
* mvo actually looks closer11:42
smbcjwatson, Ok thanks. I tested a modified version in a vm and found it doing as claimed (so only adding the non-obviously depending module when the one that depends on it is requested to be in). So I will proceed to bring the report into proper state for SRU. Thanks again11:43
cjwatsonmvo: I was sure I'd fixed that in revisions 2430 to 2432.  What's the exact error?11:44
cjwatsonDdamnit, it had worked11:44
cjwatsonOK, give me a minute, I'll fix that11:44
mvocjwatson: thanks! once that is done, I look at the merge from mterry and do a new upload for a111:46
cjwatsonOh, wow, it's using __import__, what could possibly go wrong11:50
mvocjwatson: if its a hassle I'm happy to have a look at it myself, I just wanted to avoid digging into something that potentially was already done11:58
cjwatsonIt's OK, I broke it, I'll fix it11:58
cjwatson... somehow11:58
cjwatsonmvo: Try r243612:02
mvocjwatson: using importlib?12:02
* mvo checks12:02
mvocjwatson: oh, interessting!12:02
cjwatsonPossibly ought to have passed locals() as well, but the docs say that the standard implementation only uses globals()12:03
cjwatsonI'm fairly sure this won't work yet with Python 3, but that's for another day12:03
mvocjwatson: thanks a bunch! I look at the py3, I think we can use importlib for this12:04
mvocjwatson: I check that out and if its good commit12:04
cjwatsonpy3 can probably use __import__ too, with some extra fiddling - not susre12:05
cjwatsonbut yeah, importlib should be a possibility12:05
cjwatsonThe rest of update-manager isn't finished for py3 yet (I still have a stack of patches to sort out), so don't worry about it too much12:06
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seb128ev, pitti, ogra_: "* moving of the Launchpad retracers onto the crash database system" ... does that concern only errors.ubuntu.com or also the launchpad retracers?13:01
ogra_seb128, that was from ev's weekly report, he can probably elaborate13:02
evseb128: pitti and I are discussing how we can reduce the duplication of effort around retracing. The functionality would remain the same, but behind the scenes the duplicate db that crash-digger uses would live in Cassandra and the Launchpad retracers themselves would run from the same server that the error tracker retracers are on.13:03
evSo this wouldn't remove Launchpad bug duplication. It would just mean that we have a single location for the apport duplicate db.13:04
seb128ev, ok, that's fine, so it means I should stop sshing to the retracers (I used to grep logs to get stats and help restarting them when they get stucked, that sort of things)13:05
seb128ev, but I feel like if you change the setup and I'm out of the loop I better step out to not create issues13:06
evseb128: Eventually, yes. Stats will be available via a web API (let me know if there are specifics you need there). Restarting them and handling issues will fall on me and webops - so you wont have to worry about that anymore.13:06
seb128less work, I will not complain ;-)13:06
seb128ev, thanks!13:06
seb128I'm glad that ogra pointed that to -release and that I read it13:07
evseb128: sure thing. Still in the planning stages, but I'll keep you in the loop.13:07
seb128ev, @stats: nothing specific, I used to build "bug which get the most duplicates" lists from the log before we had errors.ubuntu.com13:07
evah, glad I could automate that task away for you :)13:08
seb128ev, is there a way to see the issues you submit on errors.ubuntu.com?13:31
seb128pitti, so, re. making easy to still report bugs to launchpad, we get an increasing number of users who report useless bugs about segfaults because they don't manage to use ubuntu-bug anymore13:41
seb128i.e they run it on the .crash and get a .upload and nothing else and they get confused on what happened13:41
seb128so they go on launchpad and open a bug saying they get a segfault and can't report it13:41
pittihm, what kind of users? i. e. the "kenvandine" kind, or the "my mother" kind?13:42
seb128I'm not sure how we solve that and if we should wait on errors.ubuntu.com to improve13:42
pittithe whole point of disabling this was that we stop getting reports for stables, after all?13:42
seb128pitti, people who run quantal13:42
pittiseb128: oh, quantal; we can just re-enable LP bugs for quantal again13:42
kenvandinei was on precise though13:42
pittithere's no reason why it's disabled there other than "we did not get around to do it"13:42
kenvandinebut that isn't the norm13:43
seb128pitti, do we have retracers for q yet?13:43
pittiseb128: sure, since day 1 :)13:43
pittithey are now trivial to set up13:43
seb128right, your new setups make that trivial ;-)13:43
pittijust copy the precise config file, s/precise/quantal/, done13:43
seb128pitti, ok, can we get apport turned on again in quantal soon then?13:43
seb128I think that's most of the issue I faced recently13:43
evseb128: yes - http://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$your_sha512_hashed_system_uuid13:44
seb128users who jumped on quantal, have segfaults and struggled to report them13:44
seb128ev, how do I compute "your_sha512_hashed_system_uuid"? ;-)13:44
evseb128: I'll have an upload of activity-log-manager soon that puts this into a button in the diagnostics tab of the privacy page13:44
seb128ev, btw errors.ubuntu.com seems to regressed on something that worked the other day for me13:45
seb128ev, if I do13:45
pittiseb128: uploaded13:45
seb128"Error reports for "12.04" gnome-control-center "all installed version"" on a month13:45
seb128I get nothing listed13:46
seb128i.e "No data to display"13:46
evseb128: oh? (working on a one-liner for the compuation)13:46
seb128is "month" a "since the month start"?13:46
seb128i.e today?13:46
seb128that's why :p13:46
kenvandinehehe :)13:46
seb128I though it was a month timeframe13:46
kenvandinegood, no bugs yet today :)13:46
evyeah, I'll fix this when we do the date range stuff13:46
seb128i.e sliding win13:46
evexactly that13:47
seb128ev, thanks13:47
evsure thing13:47
larsduesingHmpf... Short question.. I now have 3 different patches for aiccu, 2 of them possibly SRUable, one merge with debian sid... What should I do? Some ranking?13:48
seb128ev, and is there a way the repartition of a specific issue by versions?13:48
evseb128: can you elaborate please?13:49
seb128ev, like the s-c listed first on first on e.u.c is supposed to be fixed in, can we see if the reports we still get are from users who didn't upgrade yet?13:49
seb128-on first13:49
larsduesingall 3 are completely independent13:49
seb128ev, we have "last seen" in but my guess is that because we don't have the "was the running version the current one"13:49
hallynis there some nifty way to test apport hook triggers?13:49
larsduesinghallyn: yes :-)13:50
larsduesinghallyn: apport-bug13:50
seb128ev, I would like to see if on those 486 reports 480 were running and 6 a false positive from users who still had the old binary running13:50
larsduesinghallyn: apport-bug <packagename>13:51
hallynlarsduesing: doesn't work well without x or without giving my lp id13:51
evseb128: hmm, okay. I'll have a chat with mpt and see if we can come up with a good UI for that.13:52
hallynoh wait, maybe that gets me far enough13:52
hallynthanks :)13:52
larsduesinghallyn: it works in commandline-mode...13:53
seb128ev, well maybe my usecase is just created by the fact that we have that issue with "is the running version current", but I still think it would be somewhat useful to know the stats by version, it can give an indication of if the update worked most most user, some users, none of the users13:53
larsduesinghallyn: apport-bug --save <bugreportfilename> <packagename>13:53
evI'll do that when we're back on Wednesday13:53
hallynlarsduesing: perfect.  thanks.13:53
larsduesinghallyn: np13:53
larsduesinghallyn: to be fair, I had these troubles a few days ago, and was helped here :)13:54
hallynlarsduesing: the libvirt apport hooks have been wrongly isntalled forever.  I needed a somewhat simple test case for SRU justification.  :)13:55
hallyn(that did not include "force libvirt to segv")13:55
seb128ev, I'm done with questions, thanks for the replies ;-)13:55
seb128pitti, thanks as well for the replies and for re-enabling apport in q ;-)13:55
evseb128: noted. I have a branch that (at Matthew's suggestion) greys out lines that we reasonably believe to be fixed (either there are no instances of the crash in the latest version, or the attached bug is marked fix released). But I had not until now thought about separating out the frequency counts by version, so we could show the stats you mention.13:57
evI've added that to my todo item for talking to Matthew13:57
evseb128: sure thing. Always looking for ways to make this thing more useful for you guys.13:58
evseb128: printf $(sudo cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid) | sha512sum14:00
evthat should give you the other part of the URL14:00
evso http://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$that14:00
evwithout the dollar sign, of course14:00
seb128ev, excellent, thanks again ;-)14:01
evseb128: I take it that worked?14:05
seb128ev, yes14:07
hallynis there a way to force apport-cli, when doing --save, to give me output even though I'm running a custom built package?14:08
hallynI don't see a '--override' option14:09
seb128ev, is there any way to go from those report to the "master" or to see if they have associated launchpad bugs?14:09
evseb128: not as yet. Adding to the list. :)14:09
evseb128: I should've just created another blueprint/UDS session for "things Seb wants/needs" ;)14:10
PaoloRotoloHi all!14:48
jamespagehow does apt determine the order in which packages are configured? does the Priority field get used in any way?14:54
htorquejono: hi! do the accomplishment descriptions use tabs or are spaces fine as well (for listing the steps)?14:54
jonohtorque, tabs please :-)14:58
htorquejono: alright14:58
* Sweetshark dances to the left ..15:00
* Sweetshark dances to the right ..15:00
* Sweetshark jumps and turns around.15:00
Sweetsharklibreoffice-3.6.0~alpha1 succeeded building in 1h52min on precise.15:01
Sweetsharknow only have to lob that over to quantal.15:01
xnoxthat quick! =)15:05
jamespagesbeattie, are the new openjdk-6 packages ready for < 12.04 yet?15:09
Sweetsharkxnox: ccache+16GB RAM+SSD. Half an hour of that is tar/xz compressing the 2GB libreoffice-dbg package.15:14
xnoxheh =)15:14
Sweetsharkxz need multithreading.15:15
stokachuxnox: do you know if sunrpc's max_shared parameter was ever accepted upstream?15:22
mvomterry: do you feel good about your software-updater branch to land in a upload for today?15:23
xnoxstokachu: no clue. should check. this is with regards to nfs, right?15:23
mterrymvo, the move-changelogs one?  Sure15:23
mvomterry: excellent15:23
xnoxstokachu: or something else?15:23
stokachuxnox: yea15:23
xnoxstokachu: I was under impression that sunrpc's max_shared is separately configured / enabled. but I do not know if it is upstream on linux. and which upstream of nfs. As far as I remember there were multiple implementations.15:24
* xnox has vague and out-of-date nfs knoweledge, but I could pick up on it.15:24
stokachuxnox: i lowered the sunrpc.min_resvport=200 and can allow these 13k mounts to succeed15:24
xnoxwell done! =)15:25
stokachubut i dont want it to interfere with other services like samba15:25
xnoxstokachu: cryptic. i am not even sure where to ask this to get wide exposure about this. try ubuntu-kernel mailing list or even ubuntu-devel to get more information on this.15:26
stokachuok will do, thanks!15:26
xnoxstokachu: try jelmer, he might know a lot.15:27
xnoxhe is deep into samba and might now quirks like that15:27
Laneyzul: you didn't actually make the change in nova-common.postinst ...15:28
zulLaney: fix is coming now15:29
Laneyzul: I'm looking at 2012.2~f2~20120531.14249-0ubuntu1 now (the one you just uploaded), unless you mean that there is a second upload incoming15:30
zulLaney: second upload is coming15:30
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bdmurraywasn't there a kernel team member asking about package install failures and postinst earlier this week?17:21
cjwatsonbdmurray: apw possibly17:21
apwi was asking about postinst indeed, though not about errors17:22
apwi may have been asking about errors separatly, as there was an uptick but we didn't know if that was cause of an uptick in installs17:22
bdmurrayokay, I'm just looking at bug 99128217:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 991282 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic 3.2.0-24.37 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99128217:23
bdmurrayand that bug seems to be a duplicate of bug 99637317:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 996373 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic 3.2.0-24.38 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99637317:36
jonomterry, hey17:49
mterryjono, hello17:50
jonomterry, dpm mentioned that the Quickly flash template and /opt bug have been fixed in quickly trunk17:50
mterryjono, yup.  I pushed to precise-proposed too17:50
jonoawesome! that was going to be my next question17:50
mterryjono, (and quantal)17:50
jonoI will check proposed, thanks!17:50
jonoI plan on upgrading to Quantal at A1 next week17:51
mterryjono, please do, let me know of any issues so I can fix them before it actually hits users!  :)17:51
jonomterry, will do, will test now17:51
slangasekmhall119: swing global menu> !! wicked17:53
highvoltagewhat in the world is swing global menu?17:55
jonomterry, when did you push it to proposed?17:55
slangasekhighvoltage: global menu integration for apps using swing java toolkit17:55
mterryjono, oh right, it hasn't been accepted yet by an archive admin17:56
jonoahhh np17:56
jonomterry, did you manage to take a look at the qt-quick template?17:57
jonoI am not sure if it has been submitted17:57
mterryjono, no I haven't looked yet17:59
mterryjono, was it ready for review?18:00
jonoI am not sure, I am checking into it18:00
jonoI just wasnt sure if he had submitted it yet18:00
jonoI know there is the qt-quick one and the HTML5 template18:00
bdmurrayoh that's fantastic all the dupes of bug 991282 are from the same person18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 991282 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic 3.2.0-24.37 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99128218:26
mhall119slangasek: if we can get that into OpenJDk and make it available by default for all Swing apps, that would be a big win18:26
mterryjibel, oh neat.  I was about to split the auto-upgrade-tester out of update-manager, but I see you already made a project (auto-upgrade-testing) that has done that?18:27
mvomterry: yeah, jibel is made of awsome, it just needs a proper source package now and upload and we should be good :)18:29
mterrymvo, yar, I can do that18:29
mvomterry: one of my whishlist items there would also be to allow the upgrade tester to directly pull from a bzr branch instead of doing do-release-upgrade -d18:30
mterrymvo, you mean like bug 956175 ?18:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 956175 in Auto Upgrade Testing "Add an option to pull update-manager from bazaar" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95617518:32
mvomterry: yeah18:33
mterrymvo, patches welcome...  ;)18:33
mvothats not what you tell upstream, its the other way around ;)18:33
mterrymvo, isn't that what every feature request is?  A "patches welcome" to upstream?  :)18:34
mvoI shouldn't argue with you, you are too smart ;)18:34
mterrymvo, flattery will get you no patches, sir.  :)18:35
* mvo tries to offer some tea and cookies next18:35
maco>< might be time to update my server precise. i can't apt-get build-dep the dependencies for a package added in oneiric on a lucid box18:45
mterryjibel, is lp:auto-upgrade-testing in a releasable state?  Like, can I package it up and put it in quantal?18:51
larsduesingSorry, can anybody explain to me, what Mathieu wants me to do? https://code.launchpad.net/~lars.duesing/ubuntu/quantal/aiccu/aiccu-sid-merge/+merge/10830218:57
micahgcyphermox: ^^ what you're asking isn't possible in LP19:03
dobeycyphermox: ^^19:03
cyphermoxthe what?19:03
micahgcyphermox: it's yet another problem with UDD :)19:04
cyphermoxisn't the merge done somehow?19:04
cyphermoxwhat do you mean it's not possible, I've done it before ;)19:04
micahgcyphermox: oh, you mean in the changelog?19:04
micahgor in the LP diff?19:04
cyphermoxno, changelog should have the diff from what's left as a delta :)19:05
larsduesingSorry, can anybody explain to me, what Mathieu wants me to do? https://code.launchpad.net/~lars.duesing/ubuntu/quantal/aiccu/aiccu-sid-merge/+merge/10830219:05
micahgcyphermox: ah, ok, yes19:05
cyphermoxor actually, a description of what is left as changes19:05
micahglarsduesing: ^^ see above conversation, update the changelog with the list of changes over Debian19:05
cyphermoxI must have written it in an unclear way :)19:05
larsduesingmicahg: sorry, I got nothing here19:06
larsduesingnetsplit or such19:06
cyphermoxlarsduesing: you're merging from Debian; which implies there are still changes left as differences from how the package is in Debian19:06
cyphermoxthese remaining changes should be listed in changelog :)19:06
micahglarsduesing: something like this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fox1.6/1.6.45-1ubuntu119:07
cyphermoxit should as a minimum be listing the upstart job file added19:07
cyphermoxmicahg: I'm curious as to what you said wasn't possible though?19:08
micahgcyphermox: having LP show the diff in the merge proposal from Debian :)19:08
larsduesingoh, so I should add all changes from ubuntu since the last merge from debian?19:09
micahg*diff from Debian in the merge proposal19:09
cyphermoxlarsduesing: yes19:10
larsduesingok... I'm doing19:10
cyphermoxmicahg: no, indeed LP wouldn't show it, but that's fine as I should be able to generate that myself19:10
cyphermoxand indeed it's just the upstart job that isn't listed19:12
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larsduesingyes. That should be all.19:18
larsduesingsorry, I'm learning and learning19:18
cyphermoxlarsduesing: no problem at all; I just didn't think I should be fixing this particular thing myself for your merge; it was a good opportunity to show bzr diff --old ;)19:21
cyphermoxlarsduesing: not sure how you committed your merge though, bzr commit or debcommit?19:21
larsduesingAt least I have only a small package19:21
cyphermoxbut a very useful one19:22
larsduesingAll I saw was nobody is really caring for it, and so I try my best19:22
cyphermoxlarsduesing: (really just personal preference there) I'd use bzr commit for merges, to avoid having the commit list Debian changes; just the actual merge revision changelog19:23
cyphermoxlarsduesing: thanks for looking at it19:23
larsduesingsimple learning how to do it in real world :)19:25
larsduesing(with more than 10-15 committers as normal...)19:25
larsduesingok, so I should delte this branch, do a new one, and this time real correct :)19:26
larsduesingaway for 10-15 minutes, got to fetch shopping out of the car from my wife :)19:27
cyphermoxlarsduesing: no real reason to delete the branch, you can just apply your fixes on top of it19:33
bdmurraymvo: I'm looking at bug 991282 and thinking about how to stop duplicates from the same reporter coming in19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 991282 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic 3.2.0-24.37 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99128219:40
bdmurraymvo: what do you think of search DpkgTerminalLog for the same 'DuplicateSignature' and stop reporting if it exists?19:40
bdmurrayI guess that assumes they reported it before19:41
mvoyes, that sounds reasonable19:43
mvowe would have to SRU that, right?19:44
bdmurraywell, doing it in Quantal alone would be fine with me19:44
mvoin this case feel free to just add it to trunk19:45
cjwatsonlarsduesing: in fact you should generally actively *not* delete branches when you get needs-fixing reviews; it's easier for your reviewer to see what you've fixed if you simply commit the fixes on top19:55
cjwatsonLP merge proposals are much more useful when people do that19:56
bdmurraydobey: so is lptools not supposed to be Ubuntu specific?20:34
dobeybdmurray: not sure i understand that question20:35
dobeybdmurray: it is for tools that use the launchpad API20:35
bdmurraydobey: okay, I've a tool that parses the description for apport information not every project has bugs that are reported by apport20:38
bdmurraydobey: however, it'll do none apport specific things too20:38
bdmurrayer non-apport20:38
bdmurraylptools still seems like an okay place for it?20:39
dobeyyeah, i don't see why not20:39
bdmurraycool, thanks20:40
dobeythat doesn't seem ubuntu specific to me.20:41
dobeyfor things that are truly ubuntu specific, i guess ubuntu-dev-tools is where they'd belong though.20:41
keesinfinity: did you get the eglibc patch?20:59
slangasekdid ya get that THING I sent ya21:01
dobeycan someone accpet ubuntuone-client into precise-proposed now please? i've gone through and added [Test Case] and [Regression Potential] headers to bugs. thanks21:09
stgrabercnd: looks like the SRU from bug 973297 is a fail, can you confirm?21:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973297 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Xorg recognizes Logitech Headset USB dongle as input device then segfaults in XIChangeDeviceProperty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97329721:15
ahasenackhm, is bzr merge-upstream known to do something to po files? Like, wrap long lines?21:15
slangasekahasenack: I thought my wishlist bug requesting that bzr merge do intelligent .po handling was still outstanding21:19
ahasenackslangasek: not sure what is happening, but I'm using merge-upstream with a new tarball, and in both the tarball and local branch some entries in the po are very long lines21:20
ahasenackslangasek: so no difference bar one real change, a typo21:20
ahasenackslangasek: yet the resulting po file has all long lines wrapped, resulting in a big diff21:20
ahasenackif I just replace the po file with the one from the tarball, this is the diff: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1018636/21:21
slangasekahasenack: bug #884270?21:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884270 in Bazaar "bzr should do smarter merging of .po files" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88427021:22
slangasekapparently it is fixed :)21:22
ahasenackif I run merge-upstream with the tarball, I get this diff: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1018638/21:22
ahasenackslangasek: let me check that bug21:22
slangasekso it's configurable and overrideable21:24
slangasekbut yeah, with that code enabled, by default your .po files are going to be in a normalized format after merge21:24
ahasenackok, that explains it21:24
slangasekbasically, because it's using the gettext merging tools that understand .po format, instead of bzr's default line-based merge21:25
ahasenackso, po_merge21:25
ahasenackI do have it21:25
* ahasenack keeps on reading21:25
cjwatsonI occasionally do bzr remerge --no-plugins when it annoys me21:26
cjwatsonwell, on the specific files21:26
slangasekgood to know21:26
cjwatsonthat said, if your .po files aren't already run through msgcat before committing them to bzr, you're doing it wrong21:26
slangasekthough honestly, everyone should normalize their .po files anyway, to reduce noise in the VCS diffs :)21:26
* slangasek nods21:26
cjwatsonyou can do that once in one separate commit before merging21:27
ahasenackin this case both the previous and the current one are not normalized21:27
ahasenackand to normalize them I will have to add a package patch21:27
slangasekheh, yeah, not the thing to do in this case then21:28
ahasenackbecause the upstream tarball has them like that21:28
slangasekbut I guess upstream is in poking distance, so they can fix it for next time ;021:28
ahasenackyeah, I could cheat even for this one I guess21:28
ahasenackanyway, good to understand what is going on21:29
ahasenackgood to know about remerge too21:31
ahasenacksince bzr merge-upstream --no-plugins wouldn't work :)21:31
cjwatsonIndeed :)21:31
SpamapShrm, this is an odd nut here..21:32
SpamapSinstall zookeeperd on a fresh quantal box...21:33
SpamapSthe dep chain is  zookeeperd->zookeeper->default-jre-headless->openjdk-7-jre-headless ...21:33
SpamapSbut somehow, default-jre-headless is configured *before* openjdk-7-jre-headless21:33
cjwatsonany Recommends or circular dependencies involved?21:34
SpamapSthen zookeeper is  configured, and then zookeeperd, which then fails because start-stop-daemon: unable to stat /usr/bin/java (No such file or directory)21:34
SpamapSthe java world is one big circular dependency .. so its quite likely21:34
cjwatsonDoesn't seem likely that e.g. openjdk would depend on zookeeper though21:35
SpamapSahh, --no-install-recommends produces a different order21:35
SpamapSthe "correct" order21:35
slangasekSpamapS: I'm confused, I don't see the error you're describing in that log (zookeeper start/running, process 9007)21:36
SpamapSslangasek: thats just the script21:37
SpamapSslangasek: it fails shortly thereafter21:37
dobeyhi SpamapS21:37
slangasekso the package configuration doesn't guarantee a working package?21:37
slangasekanyway, ca-certificates-java is almost certainly part of the lovely dependency loop... not sure why zookeeper turns up in the middle though21:37
dobeyalso, can someone accept ubuntuone-control-panel into precise-proposed ? i've added the test/regression headings as requested on its bugs as well.21:38
slangasekpossibly because zookeeper only depends on default-jre-headless, which *is* configured, so dpkg/apt have no reason to think zookeeper can't also be configured?21:38
SpamapSslangasek: yeah not sure, start-stop-daemon should be returning 0, meaning that the job shouldn't show 'started' .. but maybe it returns non-zero *after* forking21:39
slangasekthat's a buggy assumption of course, it should entirely solve the dependency loop before proceeding21:39
SpamapSslangasek: but default-jre-headless depends on openjdk-7-jre-headless21:39
slangasekyes, but there's a dependency loop21:39
slangasekit has to be broken *somewhere*21:39
SpamapSslangasek: so default-jre-headless shouldn't be configuring until after openjdk-7-jre-headless21:39
slangasekwe appear to be going in circles about loops ;)21:40
* SpamapS agrees and tries desperately to avoid crossing the streams21:41
SpamapSslangasek: something in the Recommends path changes the problem :p21:41
slangasekoh actually, I hallucinated that loop21:42
slangasekdefault-jre-headless isn't part of the loop21:42
slangasekSpamapS: this seems to not be the ca-certificates-java in quantal though, which is still -6-?21:43
SpamapSslangasek: right, seems to dep only on 621:44
SpamapSslangasek: but openjdk-7-jre-headless does Provide: java6-runtime-headless21:44
SpamapSdon't we have tools for finding circular deps?21:45
slangasekcircular deps are not a bug21:46
slangasekah, so the problem is that default-jre-headless *also* Provides: java6-runtime-headless21:47
slangasekso apt/dpkg get confused and decide that the circular dependency is between default-jre-headless, openjdk-7-jre-headless, and ca-certificates-java21:48
slangasekwhen it's supposed to only be between openjdk-7-jre-headless and ca-certificates-java21:48
slangasekSpamapS: I think the workaround is to drop the provides from default-jre-headless21:48
slangasekSpamapS: but it's still a bug in the package manager's configure ordering21:49
SpamapSslangasek: so, should I open a dpkg task on bug 1007433 ?21:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007433 in zookeeper (Ubuntu) "zookeeperd not running after installation of zookeeperd" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100743321:53
hyperairwhy is upower refusing to allow me to hibernate? =\21:53
slangasekSpamapS: seems like it21:53
hyperairit seems to be a polkit issue.21:53
hyperairaha, found it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation-in-12-0421:56
larsduesingcyphermox: if you are still here, i fixed the changelog21:59
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
ahasenackDaviey: around?22:38
ahasenackDaviey: fwiw, #1004678 is back in sponsorship, I also just subscribed ubuntu-sponsors22:39
ahasenackDaviey: just pinging you because you took a look before22:39
bdmurrayslangasek: do you have an idea of what is wrong in bug 991282?22:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 991282 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic 3.2.0-24.37 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99128222:40
slangasekbdmurray: a wrong successful exit from mkinitramfs?  Maybe a wrong mkinitramfs on the path that's not from Ubuntu?22:53
bdmurraya modified mkinitramfs should show up in the bug description22:58
=== maco2 is now known as maco3
slangasekbdmurray: right, but it could be in /usr/local/bin or something23:04
bdmurrayah, sure23:05
maco3is there some sort of rule that says "the more you learn about how something works, the weirder the error conditions you hit become"?23:05
penguin42maco3: You do normally manage to make more complex configs and work past the simpler errors to points where less knowlegeable people won't have reached23:25
penguin42maco3: The other theory is the code  is just out to get you23:25
maco3penguin42: i learned today that doing a dist upgrade inside of byobu is a bad ide23:27
penguin42the boyobu died during the upgrade?23:27
maco3ps tells me dpkg is still running and trying to ask me questions23:27
maco3i just can't *answer* the questions23:27
penguin42is that a valid bug in byobu?23:28
maco3probably not? i think python is was mid-upgrade23:28
maco3you're technically supposed to close all applications before going to a new release23:29
penguin42hmm - I wouldn't expect screen to die in those circumstances23:29
maco3its just not the sort of thing i think of as an "application"23:29
* penguin42 doesn't know enough about python to know if it's supposed to be able to cope - it's a mess if it can't23:31
maco3JanC just pointed out that when running an upgrade remotely is when you *really* want screen23:33
JanCI think the server upgrade notes recommend that actually23:34
JanCI'm sure Debian recommends it23:35
penguin42yeh it's good for when the network disappears during the upgrade23:35
Laneyyeah it's known when screen gets upgraded23:37
Laneyfor example http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=64478823:38
ubottuDebian bug 644788 in screen "screen 4.1.0 can't attach to a running or detached screen 4.0.3 session" [Important,Open]23:38
JanCah, so screen is still running, but you can't attach?23:38
* maco3 raises an eyebrow23:38
Laneyif it is this bug23:38
JanCthat's ugly  :-/23:39
JanCdoes tmux have the same issue?23:40
maco3that bug only talks about if you get disconnected from the ssh session23:40
maco3i was connected the entire time. screen stopped23:41
JanCLaney: I guess that's why Debian makes you upgrade some essential packages first, then the rest?23:41
maco3https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screen/+bug/1007658 <- my bug23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007658 in screen (Ubuntu) "Screen crashed during do-release-upgrade, won't resume" [Undecided,New]23:42

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