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dholbachgood morning07:10
dholbachI'm very pleased - we have our first contributors to the bug fixing initiative alread07:12
gesergood morning dholbach07:12
dholbachSebastian Carneiro, Siddhanathan S. and Guruprasad07:13
dholbachhey geser07:13
dholbachI was particularly surprised to see somebody take on a package which was in Debian as well (my mistake, I wanted to pick just Ubuntu-only packages) and they sent a patch to Debian too07:15
dholbachand Bruno Ribeiro too07:27
tumbleweedbdrung: you synced devscripts \o/09:06
tumbleweedbroder/backporters: re bug 1007042: I'm assuming we should update-maintainer backports?09:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007042 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[backportpackage] fails but worked last week" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100704209:49
bdrungtumbleweed: finally. it was on my todo list for month09:49
tumbleweedit was on mine for the release, got to it early :)09:50
Laney"we should update-maintainer backports"?09:53
tumbleweedrun update-maintainer on them09:53
tumbleweedoh, my comment hasn't landed yet09:54
* tumbleweed blames the terrible internet in this welsh pub09:54
Laneyor maybe dpkg-source's regexp or whatever it is should be fixed for this new schema09:54
tumbleweedanyway, the issue is that now backports contain "ubuntu" in their version09:54
tumbleweedand dpkg-source doesn't like it09:54
tumbleweedreading the source, we can trivially get around this by exporting @ubuntu.com in DEBEMAIL09:55
Laneyisn't it the other way around?09:56
tumbleweederr yes09:57
tumbleweedjbicha: re bug 1007042, what's not clear in that changelog entry?12:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007042 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[backportpackage] fails but worked last week" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100704212:34
jbichawhy is ~ubuntu12.04.1 better than ~precise1? what makes it more "future-proof"?12:40
Zhenechjbicha, maybe people thing what will happen after ubuntu xx.yy Zetty Zoo :)12:42
jbichaoh ok12:43
Zhenechjust guessing, though12:43
tumbleweedjbicha: yup, the z->a wrap aronud. Not that that's an issue for a while yet, but it will be eventually12:43
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geserand ideally we switch to the ~ubuntuXX.YY scheme as long as ~$series < ~ubuntu13:17
tumbleweedoh, Laney: not going to be able to make the meeting. But I don't have anything to comment on, either14:36
PaoloRotoloHi all!14:48
brodertumbleweed: i'm not actually sure whether or not i think we should for no-change backports17:54
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TheFredI wish to create a .deb package which will include an icon in the same way that dropbox and skype does, where can i find more information about doing this?20:23
TheFredBy which i mean on the same panel as the the system displays the time/date/etc...20:24
JanCTheFred: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/application-indicators/20:36
JanCin some cases it's better to integrate with one of the existing indicators though (messages, sound, etc.)20:39
TheFredJanC, Thankyou very much21:00
TheFredHow would I go about getting my program into the Ubuntu Software Center as a priced item? Do i have to contact Canonical?22:36
micahgTheFred: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/22:45
TheFredmicahg, thankyou22:47
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