
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:06
bazhang@mark #ubuntu-offtopic * [King_Ozzy] (~King_Ozzy@ Ozymandias, king of kings! continual breach of guidelines, o4o after repeated warnings02:09
ubottuError: Can not create a mark for '*'02:09
bazhang@mark #ubuntu-offtopic  [King_Ozzy] (~King_Ozzy@ Ozymandias, king of kings! continual breach of guidelines, o4o after repeated warnings02:10
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:10
bazhang<King_Ozzy> how am I supposed to fap at 256kb/s ?02:16
bazhangwho puts /opt on its own partition. that seems like overkill02:44
bazhang<Harris> OerHeks,  what is the coolest feature about ubuntu03:13
Tm_Tbazhang: I do put opt on its own partition when it has to be its own partition... (:03:35
bazhangTm_T, you may wish to address noisecounsellor in #kubuntu then03:37
ubottuSir_Fawnpug called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:45
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (frankz23 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)04:46
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (frank232323 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)04:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (frk39238923 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)04:52
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (frk3232 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)04:53
bazhang /04:54
ubottuHarris called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:54
Harriscan i have op04:57
Harriswhy not04:57
Harriselky can you ban that frk323204:58
elkyBecause you don't have the experience necessary.04:58
Tm_T!canibeanop | Harris you don't become an op just by asking04:58
ubottuHarris you don't become an op just by asking: If you are interested in joining the Ops team, take a look at both http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements.  You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc.04:58
elkyHarris, i did, ages ago. This i how I know you can't be an op.04:58
elkythis is*04:58
Harrisi synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note what app can04:59
elkyHarris, this is not a tech support channel.05:00
Harrisi synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note what app can05:00
Harrisi synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note what app can05:00
Harrisi synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note what app can05:00
elkyWhat moon phase are we at?05:00
Tm_Tfull moon in 3 days05:01
bazhanghe's been asking some very weird questions in #ubuntu of late05:04
bazhanghow to make fake password/user05:04
bazhanghe just wont drop the who is an op thing though05:05
elkyCan you just imagine if he _was_ one?05:06
bazhang#ubuntu :  1 user , 1op05:06
elkyMaybe we should make him an op in -ot05:07
bazhangelky, thats too evil05:07
elkybazhang, i am.05:07
Tm_T...what's the emergency now?05:07
bazhangTm_T, nothing is ever that bad05:07
elkyHarris, as you can see, your ban here is lifted. There is also no emergency.05:08
elkyI don't even...05:08
Tm_Telky: don't worry, it's just fourth monday in this week05:08
elkyfifth for me.05:09
bobbycan you ban <frk3232>05:09
Tm_THarris: already dealt with05:10
bobbywho is harris05:10
elkyThat was short lived.05:11
bazhangyikes he's lost it05:13
elkyI'm not sure he ever had 'it"05:14
elkyShall we see if he auto-joins here if i unban?05:15
bazhangbacktrack uses lucid and squeeze repos? whoa06:09
oCeansuborbital: what part of this message was not clear to you "suborbital: the topic of this channel is ubuntu technical support"09:08
suborbitalsounds familiar - can i get back to you?09:09
suborbitalor is that forbidden too?09:09
oCeansuborbital: sorry?09:09
oCeansuborbital: if you are not looking to resolve the current mute, then there is no reason to idle here in the channel09:10
suborbitalacutally i am here for that09:10
suborbitalword on the grapevine not too many people like you.09:11
suborbitali thought it was funny.09:11
oCeansuborbital: it seems you are not here to resolve, so please leave the channel09:11
suborbitalno i have every intention to make peace with you.09:11
oCeanyou had a bad start in trying09:11
oCeanso, have a time-out and come back in a couple of days09:12
suborbitaloh yea thats right you forgot09:12
oCeanbantrackers shows this was clearly not your first warning, so changing it back to a ban09:13
oCeansuborbital: bye09:13
suborbitalyea bye.09:13
suborbitalgood luck with that btw09:14
suborbitalyou failed to see how *big* this ocean really *is*09:14
ikoniasuborbital: done ?09:14
suborbitalok your bot said "i dont know anytrhing about busta rhymes."09:18
suborbitali have a legitimate arguement now.09:19
Tm_TI like when they're clear with their intentions09:19
ikoniaI notice he's not trying anything like this in the #archlinux channel09:20
Tm_Tor #f09:20
ikoniaKing_Ozzy: I assume you want to know why I've asked you to stop09:58
King_OzzyI really don't care to hear the explanation of your obsessiveness about IRC :-)09:58
ikoniaok, then why are you in this channel ?09:58
King_Ozzyjust because?09:58
ikoniathere is a no idle policy in this channel, so if you don't need anything, please /part09:59
King_Ozzyso there's no policy either way on idling?09:59
ikoniathere is a policy of not idling09:59
ikonia!idle | King_Ozzy10:00
ubottuKing_Ozzy: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.10:00
ikoniaKing_Ozzy: so if you don't need/want anything from the ops team, please /part10:00
elkyWho aren't? If only he knew.11:35
Picithanks elky11:38
ikoniaseems to be a lot of people from #archlinux again being a bit odd12:26
Piciikonia: where?12:27
ikoniawell, king_ozzy for one, then henrytrollins and a few other "minor" warnings12:27
elkysomeone with the word "trollins" in their nick was a problem? Get outta here.12:33
ikoniahe wasn';t a problem12:34
ikoniahowever suspect12:34
topylido all arch people have nicks like that?12:48
knomeelky, any reason you're still @12:48
topylipelvis_freshley. smelly_killtwister12:48
* knome hides12:48
ikonia3:53 -!- directX [~SUd0@] has joined #ubuntu12:53
ikonia$1000000000,00000000 says this guy is up to no good12:53
ikoniadunno, rings a bell12:54
Picikk :)12:54
ikoniaI could of course be wrong and I'll be skint12:54
topylii'm tempted to take that bet, but i'd hate to lose12:55
ikoniaI'm almost bluffing that no-one would take it....so I don't lose12:55
ikoniaseems to be wanting to run some sort of wifi hacking script ?12:56
ikoniadoes that count as a "win" on my bet ?12:56
Piciikonia: I think it does.12:56
ikoniaoh dear12:57
topylistill depends on what it's for. maybe it's for research purposes, to be used on their own network12:57
topylii want to believe!12:57
PiciThe truth is out there.12:58
ikoniaahhhm, he wants to crack a wep password, I wonder if this is research :)12:58
knomeit's not, cracking wep password is not cracking ;)12:58
topyliit's certainly not research. i'm sure gord's cat knows how to crack a wep key12:59
knomeyeah. put it under your paw and smack13:01
topylithis still makes me smile. http://blog.rlove.org/2006/05/i-do-not-like-your-couch.html13:02
knomehttp://i1112.photobucket.com/albums/k497/animalsbeingdicks/abd-255.gif <- cracking a "wep key"13:03
ikonia4:45 -!- molcy [~molcy@] has joined #ubuntu13:45
ikoniaoh dear13:45
bioterrorsounds like mcloy :D13:46
ikoniawell, based on the real name titus which I saw one of the other nicks use, I'd assume so too13:46
bioterrorFri16:46  weechat :: [] United Arab Emirates (AE)13:46
ikoniaplus the fact that he joined/left straight away13:46
bioterrormcloy was from pakistan13:46
ikoniabioterror: yes13:47
bioterrorprobably a proxy or shell13:47
ikoniamost likley13:47
ikoniajust having a little look13:47
ikoniaI know LjL has a nice script that checks13:47
oCean<Bulletrulz> I AM PISSED16:21
oCeancontinues in #lubuntu16:21
oCeanafter I removed him from #u16:22
jussiI miss Gary, where is Gary? :/16:23
knomegary who?17:07
jussiknome: Gary... points to nicklist...17:13
knomegary moore?17:18
ea1hetgood evening18:55
ea1hetany op that can help me with a doubt?18:55
ea1heti would like to joing ubuntu-cloud but it requires invite....18:56
ea1hetany one who can invite, please?18:56
jussiea1het: it forwards to #ubuntu-server and I guess you are there already18:57
ea1hetoh thanks for the information jussi18:59
jussiea1het: aything else you need (theres a no idle policy here, thats all)19:00
ea1hetjussi: nothing else... thanks!!!!19:01
ea1hetbye bye!19:01

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