
skaetslangasek, any insight into who might have updated klibc-utils without updating initramfs-tools?   seems to be breaking the overnight builds based on what01:43
skaetis sync-ing in from debian.01:44
ScottKI'm trying to figure out who sync'ed klibc ^^^ and got stuck by Bug #1007235.  Any other suggestions on who to talk to?01:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1007235 in launchpad "No way to see who sync'ed a pacakge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100723501:44
infinityScottK: I synced it.01:47
infinityScottK: How is it breaking things?01:47
ScottKklibc-utils : Breaks: initramfs-tools (< 0.103) but 0.99ubuntu13 is to be installed01:48
infinityI didn't do the current sync that introduced that breakage.01:48
infinityThat was probably an autosync.01:48
ScottKI'm sure it was.01:48
ScottKIt just seemed suprising we'd suddenly be able to sync klibc.01:49
ScottK... surprising ...01:49
infinityWe merged it all upstream.01:49
infinityYay sync.01:49
infinityUntil now. :P01:49
ScottKSince you TIL, then I think you get to keep both halves of the installability problem ... (I'm certainly not touching initramfs-tools - way beyond me).01:50
micahga proper breaks could be merged upstream if they'll take a control.in file w/rules01:50
infinityI have a break in the next hour, I'll look at either cherry-picking the initramfs-tools bit required to make that breaks valid, or drop the breaks. for now.01:51
infinityI was going to merge initramfs-tools anyway, but that might not be a one hour job.01:53
infinityLet me poke.01:53
micahgerr..not control.in, but anyways, I"m just making noise here01:53
ScottKinfinity: Thanks.01:54
infinityAs soon as I find somewhere with halfway reliable wireless, I'll mangle this.01:55
ScottKFor the release team meeting tomorrw: http://www.chrisharding.net/wetherobots/comics/2007-11-12-Delegate.jpg.pagespeed.ce.FnV4r2Ng4x.jpg01:57
skaetScottK, lol.02:06
infinityScottK: Cherry-picked pseudo-merge uploaded for now for firefighting reasons, I'll look into doing a proper full merge later when I'm not headless chickening here in Hong Kong.02:16
ScottKSounds good.02:16
ScottKskaet: ^^^02:16
skaetthanks infinity, Scottk02:16
ScottKIt would be really nice if we could tell who did the sync...02:17
infinityLike I said, it was almost certainly an autosync, since I synced previously.02:17
infinityhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1017328/ <-- I already uploaded that, but a quick post-review for me? :P02:17
ScottKI'm sure.  I just couldn't figure out who had done the manual sync.02:18
infinityOh, I did the manual sync.02:18
infinityThat should be scrapable from -changes.02:18
infinityNot sure if there's any other sane location to find that.02:18
* infinity looks.02:19
ScottKNo .changes file for this one.02:19
infinityYeah, native syncs seem to kinda break the audit trail there a bit. :/02:19
ScottKWhich is why I filed Bug #1007235.02:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1007235 in launchpad "No way to see who sync'ed a pacakge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100723502:20
ScottKMaybe if you whine in the bug a bit too.02:20
micahgScottK: that's a dupe02:20
micahgbug 86148802:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 861488 in launchpad "Mention sync requester on package version page" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86148802:21
infinitymicahg: Want to eyeball the diff above for me?02:21
micahginfinity: sure02:21
micahginfinity: looks sane enough assuming those files are properly put there in quantal02:25
infinityScottK: And yeah, like I thought, manual syncs do still hit -changes.02:25
infinityScottK: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/quantal-changes/2012-May/001674.html02:25
infinitymicahg: Hence the klibc-utils dependency bump.02:26
micahginfinity: ah, I wasn't sure what created those files ;)02:26
ScottKhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/klibc/2.0~rc5-1 says "No changes file available."02:27
infinityScottK: There isn't one.02:27
infinityScottK: The message on -changes agrees. :P02:27
infinityScottK: But LP's mails to -changes are LP-specific faff, with .changes appednded (if available).  The first bit still gets sent.02:28
ScottKAh.  Right.02:28
infinityappednded!  Typing is hard.02:28
wgrantScottK, infinity: The bug lies; it is visible through the API02:37
wgrantSee creator_link on https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/+archive/primary?ws.op=getPublishedSources&distro_series=/ubuntu/quantal&source_name=klibc&version=2.0~rc5-102:37
wgrantAlthough it may not have been at the time the bug was filed.02:38
wgrantBecause the implementors of the original feature apparently didn't care about making anything traceable in the slightest :)02:38
ScottKSo now we just need an Ubuntuish version of who-uploads.02:38
ScottKtumbleweed: ^^^ Maybe you'd be up for that?02:38
micahgwe already have who can upload :) (and in Ubuntu it should rather be called something like who-uploaded)02:41
slangasekinfinity: so, ah, by faking up the version number for initramfs-tools, you've made https://merges.ubuntu.com/i/initramfs-tools/REPORT go away04:00
slangasekinfinity: and the package has been failing to import into bzr04:00
* micahg had assumed that infinity would take care of that when he was free to do so04:02
micahghe even said so himself :)04:03
micahgslangasek: the problem is the more appropriate 0.103~ubuntu0 wouldn't have validated the breaks in klibc04:06
slangasekyes, so we didn't we just fix the breaks in klibc?04:06
micahgnot sure, seemed like the saner thing to do would've been to temporarily drop it04:07
infinityslangasek: I intend to merge it shortly anyway, I didn't see the point in having a delta in klibc.04:08
micahgwait, sorry, not really saner (a little tired over here)04:08
infinityslangasek: And the breaks was valid regardless (as in, I needed to do the cherry-pick and/or merge).04:09
infinityslangasek: As for the package failing to import, I'm not entirely sure why that would be.04:09
micahgslangasek: the import failure is a couple months old: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/initramfs-tools.html#2012-04-11%2000:19:27.54430904:10
micahgmeh, that's not for trunk04:11
* ScottK wonders if micahg should go to bed ...04:16
ScottKHappy mailmain day (just got my first one).04:17
ScottKbarry: ^^^04:17
micahgScottK: well, I'm just testing stuff ATM, so critical thinking isn't pertinent04:17
micahgslangasek: and apparently the importer was already broke for that branch as you just imported the last revision that infinity did (for precise)04:18
micahgScottK: I've got about another hour or so before bed04:19
ScottKBack when we were discussing merging the SRU and release teams, I volunteered to join the SRU team to help out.  I got a "thanks", but I've no idea what the next step is on that?04:20
RAOFScottK: I think the next step would be to get you some SRU training.05:06
RAOFWhich wouldn't necessarily be much; it just requires a little organisation.05:07
micahgRAOF: what about bzr in quantal?05:14
RAOFmicahg: Grrr. The time when I *don't* check that the "fix released" in quantal really means fix released in quantal...05:37
micahgRAOF: I thought someone said they were going to modify the script to check the version in the dev release05:38
RAOFYes, that was probably me.05:38
micahgRAOF: well, you can poke jelmer to do an upload :) (and to not close tasks that aren't done)05:40
RAOFYeah, I will.05:40
slangasekinfinity: the package fails to import because the importer fails? :)  not saying it's your fault, just pointing out that we're now lacking in tools to help with the merge06:23
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tkamppetercjwatson, hi06:45
LaneyI'm trying to work on the bug to display sync uploaders on +source/package08:22
Laneybut, well, LP.08:22
tumbleweedScottK: yeah, I've also been thinking we need a who-uploaded tool08:27
Laneytumbleweed: could it be that seeded-in-ubuntu gives a false negaitive when binaries are OOD?08:47
tumbleweedknown issue08:47
tumbleweed(well, known to me. no bug filed)08:47
tumbleweedsource<->binary resolution is tricky with lplib when the most recent build failed08:48
Laneycould you go back in history until you hit a build with binaries?08:50
xnoxtumbleweed: is it just me, or is it unreasonable that binary-publishing-history doesn't have an (optional) field/link to source-publishing-history08:52
xnoxin the lplib08:52
tumbleweedthat would be handy08:53
* xnox comes from OpenERP background, where the ORM layer trivially supports one2many and many2one back references which are not stored in the database, but computed on-the-fly and servered to the API consumers08:54
* xnox wants that from lplib08:54
* tumbleweed can't say it's been an issue for me, though08:55
Davieyxnox: openerp experience you say.... fancy reviewing an openerp packaging branch?08:56
Laneyhe's all over that08:57
xnoxDaviey: I have been, from the sidelines =)))) I have been mentoring yolanda privately to update and fix packaging. I want her to become contributing developer and make sure she helps maitnaining the package.08:57
xnoxIt's my dream to upload openerp =) in a sane way.08:57
tumbleweedpish, don't bother with contributing developer. It's not useful just membership08:58
LaneyDM :-)08:58
xnoxtumbleweed: it did mean a lot to her =)))))08:58
xnoxLaney: that as well.08:58
Davieyxnox: So i've been trying to help Yolanda aswell.. but time has been an issue.. Have you reviewed her latest branch, post-NEW-rejection?08:58
xnoxDaviey: not sure. I have been going back and forth with her. I have seen her branch from 2 days ago I believe.09:05
xnoxDaviey: I said to Yolanda, that I will consider uploading it to Debian. But from my point of view it is not ready yet.09:05
xnoxAlso note. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=affects-openerp-itp09:06
Davieyxnox: So, i haven't had a chance to look at the branch from 2 days ago.. but do you think it is ok?  I'mn happy to NEW review it, but i don't want to get too involved in the packaging now, if i am doing that.09:10
xnoxDaviey: I understand. My concerns are: (I) should we embed javascript libraries or not? (II) should we support 5.0/6.0/7 series or simply conflict?09:11
Davieyxnox: Personally, if embedding can be avoided, it should be done.. But there are a host of packages that embed.. so it shouldn't be a blocker if reasonable effort has been done to avoid it... version numbers?  You mean versoned package names?  Meh, i don't have an opinion either way09:14
xnoxDaviey: OpenERP S.A. employes a business model - pay to upgrade. So those who are running 5.0/6.0/7 are stuck with it. Unless they do database migration/ETL themselves. So should we ship /usr/share/openerp/ or should we ship /usr/share/openerp/6.1/09:16
xnoxin case we will provide other versions in the future.09:16
Davieyahh, ISWYM.. yeah, in that case, versioned does indeed make sense.09:19
xnoxDaviey: ok.09:24
phillwhi guys, we have a problem with the Mac iso's for lubuntu. The testers cannot ascertain fully what is causing it as there are no logs that they can use to view the issues?11:30
cjwatson"Nothing in the logs" - sometimes if you aren't familiar with the installer you can miss things.  That's why I always encourage people to post logs even if they don't see anything in them themselves11:43
phillwcjwatson: hiyas, the guys reporting it are experienced testers. I've asked that they raise a bug, but as it is not installing such details are not going to be there!11:48
phillwif it cannot even partition, then there will be no logs :/11:48
cjwatsonphillw: Untrue12:02
tkamppetercjwatson, hi12:02
cjwatsontkamppeter: hello12:02
jibelphillw, logs are stored during installation in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/installer/*12:02
cjwatsonphillw: And /var/log/partman12:02
jibelphillw, -> #ubuntu-testing12:03
tkamppetercjwatson, I have sorted out the CUPS SRU for Precise now. All referenced bugs are either verified for the Precise SRU or reopned/made invalid for Quantal as it turned out that the changes do not cover them.12:05
tkamppetercjwatson, regressions did not turn up.12:06
cjwatsonGreat, thans12:06
cjwatson^- FWIW that last one was an API accept12:17
cjwatsonI need to make at least one more improvement to the API before I'm prepared to get people to start using a client tool for that, though12:18
cjwatson(At the moment, there's no sensible way to filter getPackageUploads short of iterating over everything it returns)12:18
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brendandskaet, is the release meeting in 20 minutes?13:37
seb128brendand, no, 1:2013:38
brendandwhy oh why can't google calendar cope with time zones!13:38
brendandor DST, whatever it needs to deal with13:39
* tumbleweed has no trouble with it13:39
tumbleweed(these days)13:40
* ogra_ neither ... it properly shows the meeting at 5pm central european time here 13:41
tumbleweed(then again, I also live in a country that doesn't bother with DST, so the meeting time does move around a bit for me)13:41
infinityslangasek: I tend to merge packages like that fairly manually anyway, as they require a pretty careful audit, so I'm not really fussed about automated tools having a sad.13:57
xnoxinfinity: afterall, as long as we have all the relevant .dsc merge is possible ;-)13:59
xnoxtumbleweed: brendand: on the foundations team wiki I have put this (to work around google calendar's brokeness): Held weekly at 1600 UK time BST/GMT (Afternoon tea time) Wednesdays on #ubuntu-meeting @ freenode.14:01
brendandxnox, what's weird is if i actually add it to my calendar it says 1600!14:01
brendandxnox, but in the creation screen it still says 150014:01
xnoxbrendand: yeap. Internally google calendar stores the meetings in the timezone of the event creator, respecting DST changes.14:02
* xnox bets that screws over the meeting times for anyone in like china/japan/australia14:02
tumbleweedat least it's obviously a foreign time when its several hours out14:03
hertoncjwatson, hi, I used copy-proposed-kernel.py to try to sync precise ti-omap4 from bug 1004555, from kernel ppa to -proposed, but since yesterday it's sitting on the queue (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1). Is there something someone should do to complete it?14:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1004555 in linux-ti-omap4 "linux-ti-omap4: 3.2.0-1414.19 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100455514:17
cjwatsonherton: Yes, an archive admin needs to accept it.  I'm looking now.14:24
hertoncjwatson, thanks14:25
cjwatsonskaet: FWIW, regarding "who might have updated klibc-utils" - yes, it was an auto-sync.  I'm not going to get into manually reviewing auto-syncs for possible problems.  Also, shouldn't we be thinking first about getting the problem solved, and only a distant second about whom to blame? :-)14:43
cjwatson(Glad to see the problem's solved, anyway)14:44
skaetcjwatson,  certainly don't expect manual reviewing of the auto-syncs. ;)   just trying to figure out who might have a clue about how to sort it.  Infinity handled,  all good.14:45
DavieyI'll admit, when syncing out Ubuntu delta's.. i don't tend to look *too* closely if the Debian version is going to introduce issues.. as the way i see it, if it didn't have a Ubuntu delta, it would have been auto-sync'd.14:45
cjwatsonThere's that14:46
cjwatsonOh, regarding auto-syncs14:46
cjwatsonI'm going to be away for the weekend; I'll have my phone with me, but I haven't managed to get launchpadlib authentication working when sshed into my laptop, so I don't know whether I'll be able to run auto-syncs14:47
cjwatsonPerhaps somebody who's going to be around could occasionally run it?14:47
cjwatsonAnd by "the weekend", I mean "until Tuesday", since we have a double bank holiday here14:48
bdmurrayI was gonna look at the SRU queue.  If I say what I want approved will someone do it?14:48
cjwatsonI just blacklisted most of the stuff that's whining regularly, so you don't have to be aware of that; there are a couple of packages that have been removed and it's not clear whether they should be reintroduced, but auto-sync defaults to "no" for those so if you just hit enter it should DTRT14:48
skaetbdmurray,  yeah, post in the channel here,  and one of us will handle.14:49
bdmurrayI'd accept unity-lens-video14:50
cjwatsonDue to bug 1006917, which I discovered when trying to automate this, you do need to be in ubuntu-core-dev as well as in ubuntu-archive to run auto-syncs.14:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1006917 in launchpad "Distribution archive owners cannot necessarily copy packages" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100691714:50
Davieybdmurray: i'd suggest publishing SRU's over the weekend has bad karma attached to it.. heck, even Friday's.14:50
bdmurrayDaviey: even to -proposed?14:51
skaetDaviey,  good point.    bdmurray,  batch up a list for -release and we'll clean them up on monday?14:52
Davieybdmurray: no, -proposed seems safe to me.. Are you now ~ubuntu-sru ?14:52
cjwatson... please wait two minutes and ask that question again ...14:53
cjwatson... he is now :-)14:54
cjwatson(I had a pending mail to get round to)14:54
Davieycjwatson: gotta love open processes :)14:55
cjwatsonhey, the existing team trained him, said he was ready14:55
Davieyworks for me!14:55
tkamppetercjwatson, anything still missing for the CUPS SRU to go to -updates?15:36
cjwatsontkamppeter: err - oh, I thought you were talking about the cups-filters upload?15:38
cjwatsonYou mean cups itself?15:39
mvoif someone could reject the 5.2.3 upload of software-center to precise-proposed that would be nice, there is a with a trivial tweak to the startup time query to the software-center-agent data uploaded now. this is important for the humble bundle integration and really trivial (just tweaking the delay from 30s to 3s)15:43
mvoand a review of if possible, it will improve the user experience quite a bit for the humble bundle buyeers15:43
Davieymvo: 5.2.3 rejected15:44
cjwatsontkamppeter: OK, cups published now.  The janitor will close the bugs you've "disconnected", so you'll need to reopen them after it's done that15:49
stgraberSRU: I just spotted a regression in the lxc package currently in -proposed. I fixed that regression in quantal and uploaded a new version of the package to -proposed. The fix is trivial (reversed logic in shell script), so would really appreciate it if it could go in ASAP, thanks.16:05
stgraberoh, but I forgot to use -v for that upload ....16:05
* stgraber reuploads16:05
stgraberplease reject ^16:06
stgraberanother one is coming in a few seconds :)16:06
skaetlxc rejected16:07
seb128mvo, do you need 5.3 rejected or just do be delayed to after is dealt with?16:10
seb128oh, Daviey already rejected it so ignore that ;-)16:10
cjwatsonseb128: doesn't matter since we can unreject anyway16:10
stgraberand the good one ^16:11
seb128cjwatson, right16:11
seb128did anyone in the SRU team saw mvo's request earlier to review the update and can get to it today?16:11
seb128would be a shame to delay the fix to next week when those games got advertized around and probably quite some users will install them ;-)16:12
seb128mvo, you probably want a bug report associated with the upload16:13
seb128(just looked to the diff)16:13
seb128mvo, the changelog doesn't have one16:13
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ogra_skaet, bug 1007512 ... i made it low prio though16:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1007512 in live-build "building arm livefs proceeds even though flash-kernel is unavailable" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100751216:24
hertoncjwatson, linux-ti-omap4 3.2.0-1414.19 also ended in universe in -proposed instead of main (bug 1004555), similar to what happened to ti-omap4 in oneiric16:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1004555 in linux-ti-omap4 "linux-ti-omap4: 3.2.0-1414.19 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100455516:55
cjwatsonherton: already fixed, see bug16:57
hertoncjwatson, cool, thanks16:58
mvoseb128: yeah, there is no bugreport right now, I can fix that, but really its a trivial one line diff from -30s to +3s16:59
seb128mvo, I'm trying to help you, they started rejecting any SRU which doesn't have a testcase, regression potential and impact on its description16:59
seb128mvo, so I guess one without bug reference has no chance to get approved17:00
seb128mvo, i.e not my call but I suggest you get a bug with the things I list in the description17:00
mvoseb128: right ok17:04
slangasekcjwatson: so bdmurray was asking about direct queue access as an SRU team member... are we putting people through full AA training for that?17:15
ScottKslangasek: I thought not, but with an understanding that they wouldn't touch New stuff.  IIRC SpamapS started out that way.17:16
* slangasek nods17:16
slangasekI see that RAOF and SpamapS are both in ~ubuntu-archive17:16
cjwatsonthey got full training AIUI though?17:17
cjwatsonor maybe I'm misremembering17:17
slangasekRAOF, SpamapS: did you get full AA training? :)17:17
cjwatsonWe don't have much more flexibility until I get bug 648611 fixed17:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 648611 in launchpad "ubuntu-sru either have too much or too little permission as queue admins" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64861117:17
cjwatsonAlthough the DB patch for that has landed, so maybe I can move that up17:17
bdmurrayI thought not based off the release team consolidation email17:17
cjwatson(lp:launchpad/db-devel r11604)17:18
mvoseb128: thanks again for your input, I uploaded a new now, with proper instructions etc etc17:32
seb128mvo, thanks17:33
seb128SpamapS, cjwatson, slangasek: could one of you review the s-c SRU mvo just did today, it's a 1 liner and as he described "it will improve the user experience quite a bit for the humble bundle buyeers"17:41
seb128i.e would be nice to get it in proposed before the w.e17:42
mvoI added some more context info the bug description, hope its clear now what the beneifts are17:42
slangasekbdmurray: ^^ any chance you could review this?  I'm happy to push the button, but don't have time at the moment to look17:47
SpamapSseb128: does it supersede the big one uploaded yesterday?17:47
seb128SpamapS, yes17:48
seb128SpamapS, the one from yesterday got rejected to let that trivial one in first17:48
SpamapSseb128: gotchya. It also needs to be uploaded to quantal.17:49
seb128mvo, ^17:49
SpamapSrmadison may be lying to me tho17:49
mvoSpamapS: there is no quantal version yet, so it can just be copied17:49
seb128mvo, they stopped doing pocket copies17:49
SpamapSmvo: we're pretty late in the cycle. Are you sure thats still safe?17:50
mvooh, ok17:50
mvoin this case I can upload it17:50
slangasekwell, it is safe in this case because it's arch: all python17:50
mvono problem17:50
SpamapStoolchain changes and all17:50
slangasekbut it's simpler if mvo can just upload17:50
mvoI will do anything that helpls this SRU17:50
mvo(anyone wants a cup of tea?)17:50
SpamapSdebhelper has advanced too.. not sure if that really matters. :-P17:50
slangasekit really shouldn't17:51
seb128mvo, just change the changelog target, debuild -S and dput :p17:51
slangasektarget /and version number/ ;)17:51
mvoold school, bzr-buildpackage ;)17:51
SpamapSbdmurray: ^^ review away sir17:51
SpamapSoh and there are two different ones in the proposed queue.. one from 2 hours ago, one from 15 min or so17:51
mvoright, the 15min version has a bugnumber17:52
seb128SpamapS, the most recent one has a bug reference that the previous didn't have17:52
seb128i.e reject the old one17:52
mvoseb128 correctly pointed out I should do it the right way17:52
mvouploaded for quantal is building now too17:54
bdmurrayqueue isn't showing it yet17:55
bdmurrayer queuediff17:55
tkamppetercjwatson, thank you very much.18:23
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seb128bdmurray, SpamapS, slangasek: can we get that SRU in before it's w.e?!19:17
seb128bdmurray, SpamapS, slangasek: it's a one liner and we get through several update rounds to avoid issues, what's blocking it?19:18
seb128the bug should be in shape, the update is a one liner, the fix is in quantal ... what is missing?19:19
bdmurraythe diff shows as pending but I guess we could *gasp* manually do it19:19
bdmurrayin the queue page19:19
bdmurrayI'm looking at it19:20
seb128bdmurray, thanks19:20
bdmurrayand w.e.? I have four hours or so left19:21
seb128bdmurray, well, I know how things are going, I'm sure 90% of the SRU queue will still be there on monday ;-)19:21
seb128we just want to make sure that one goes in today19:22
bdmurrayslangasek: I'd approve software-center if I could19:22
bdmurraySpamapS: ^19:22
seb128bdmurray, thanks ;-)19:22
seb128mvo, ^19:22
slangasekbdmurray: accepted19:23
seb128slangasek, bdmurray, mvo: thanks19:23
slangasekbdmurray: any idea why the diff never showed up?19:23
bdmurrayslangasek: it just says pending in the queue - so does euca2ools19:24
bdmurraynautilus which is #3 works19:24
* mvo hugs slangasek and bdmurray19:25
slangasekbdmurray: hmm; I guess that needs following up on19:25
slangasekmaybe it's due to load from the humble bundle :P19:26
bdmurrayslangasek: did you run sru-accept?  I've a local change I wanted to test19:26
slangasekI hadn't, I just did the queue accept19:27
slangasekwhat's the bug #?19:27
bdmurrayI'll do it19:27
slangasekoh, you have a local change, right :)19:27
slangasekplease go ahead19:27
skaetmvo,  can you do a GnomeAppInstallDesktopDatabaseUpdate19:29
skaetAlpha 1 next week...19:29
mvoskaet: will monday be good enough?19:29
* mvo will also do command-not-found and a debian-package-description update19:29
skaetmvo,  wanted to get the monday images having it if possible.19:30
skaet(from the overnight dailies),  so testing can start.19:30
skaetif you can't get it done today,   first thing on monday?19:32
mvoskaet: heh :) I start the extraction run now, if it finishes before my bedtime I do it today, otherwise monday morning. deal?19:32
skaetdeal. :)19:32
skaetmvo,  post in the channel when you've done it.   so we know we can build images then.  :)19:33
mvoit usually takes some time (~1-4h depending on the amount of data it needs to download)19:35
stgrabermvo, cjwatson: Any progress on getting do-release-upgrade working by alpha1?19:35
mvostgraber: it should be close now, I prepeared the meta-release-development update and the new version works for me(tm) and is uploaded, but I think there was a ftbfs19:36
cjwatsonwah, how can u-m ftbfs19:43
cjwatsonsigh, nvidia rearrangements19:44
mvoyeah, just noticed that too, I have no clue what happend with the "obsolete" nvidia pkg names if it just got killed entirely or just reshuffled :/19:45
cjwatsonI'm looking19:46
cjwatsonLeave it with me if you like, it's earlier here than there ...19:46
mvohrm, hrm, it looks like its simply not installing it, the textfile is still in the 0.2.44 tarball19:47
mvocjwatson: thanks a lot, that would be great, its really getting late(ish)19:47
cjwatsonbut current version is .5319:47
cjwatson(moved into ubuntu-drivers-common)19:47
mvoheh :)19:48
cjwatsonah, looks like it's just moved to /usr/share/ubuntu-drivers-common/obsolete19:48
mvogood point!19:48
mvocjwatson: are you fixing it alreay in u-m or shall I? now that I know the updated location its pretty quick for me, but if you have stated already I am happy of course19:49
cjwatsonI've started19:49
mvocool, I leave it for you then19:49
mvothanks again!19:49
cjwatsonthough quick review?19:49
cjwatson(thought I might as well update the name of the local copy too)19:50
mvocjwatson: looks excellent!19:52
cjwatsonOK, uploading shortly then19:53
cjwatsonbdmurray: sru-accept-web-links might have been better branched fresh from lp:ubuntu-archive-tools rather than from your previous branch - it has conflicts20:05
cjwatsonbdmurray: but I'll merge it and drop out the conflicts20:05
bdmurraycjwatson: yeah, I'll sort out my local branch20:20
mvoskaet: still running, but I call it a day now, monday morning it will be20:22
* mvo waves20:23
skaetthanks mvo20:23
* skaet appears to have missed him. 20:24
skaetstgraber,  looks like monday morning manual is the plan.  ^20:24
stgraberskaet: k20:32
mdeslaurhey 12.04.1 team, how do I mark a bug that should get fixed in 12.04.1?20:34
mdeslaurie: bug 75584220:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 755842 in compiz-wall-plugin "Non-maximized windows which sit on the border of a workspace move when called" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75584220:34
skaetmdeslaur,  milestone it to 12.04.1 and nominate it to series precise20:37
mdeslaurskaet: am I allowed to do that for bugs that are obviously for other teams?20:37
skaetthat should get it on the radar,  other teams will decide what they'll fix.20:38
mdeslaurskaet: ok, thanks!20:38
stgraberCould an SRU team member copy libgcrypt11 from precise-proposed to precise-updates? It's been confirmed in the bug (verification-done-precise) and is 14 days old. Thanks21:36
stgrabercjwatson: thanks, that one was bothering me every time I'd go through the pending SRUs (as its status was essentially inaccurate) :)21:39
cjwatsonI'll remove that tag once the janitor has noticed21:40
cjwatson(maybe somebody could extend sru-report to support the verification-done-$RELEASE scheme?)21:41
stgraberI guess that'd be good yes, might do it next week, can't be too difficult21:43
tkamppetercjwatson, all cups bugs disconnected from the SRU are corrected now, except bugs which are marked duplicate, as there I do not get the menu to change status.22:37
cjwatsonright, that's fine - thanks22:43

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