
tgm4883jhodapp, is there any progress on the quickly template for tv apps?01:42
tgm4883or is that going to be a ways off01:43
bobweaverIs quickly fixed ?01:49
tgm4883was it broke?02:05
jhodapptgm4883: that's a ways off, definitely not a high priority until some of the basic TV subsystems are created04:18
jhodappbobweaver: what's wrong with quickly?04:21
tgm4883jhodapp: ok, I was suppose to create the testcard app in it04:21
jhodapptgm4883: oh I see, I'm not familiar with testcard...what is it?04:22
tgm4883I've already got it created, was going to port it to quickly04:22
tgm4883jhodapp: it's for calibrating tv's04:22
jhodappoh that's right, I remember that from UDS now04:22
jhodappOnce we get a handle for the lenses and scopes implementation, a quickly template should be much easier to make04:24
jhodappuntil then, there's nothing to create an app template against04:24
jhodapptgm4883: does that sound good to you?04:26
tgm4883jhodapp: no worries. I have the app 90% done, but was going to port it into quickly so we had an example app04:30
tgm4883if that doesn't happen, it's fine04:30
jhodapptgm4883: cool, let's keep in contact so that you know when the lenses/scopes data API is progressing04:31
tgm4883yep, that sounds super helpful for my mythtv scope04:32
jhodappnice :)04:32
jhodappTV is a huge project04:32
jhodappso much to do, so little time04:32
tgm4883yep, and lenses definitely need some added areas for episodic content04:33
jhodappmost definitely04:33
jhodapptgm4883 and bobweaver: so I'll be out for the next week on holiday, but Saviq and mhall119 will be able to answer all of your questions :)04:34
tgm4883jhodapp: sounds good, although I won't be able to do much more with my scope until the data API gets sorted04:35
* mhall119 doubts he'll be able to answer *all* their questions04:35
jhodapptgm4883: ok, well hang tight then, things will start to materialize soon04:35
mhall119but I can try04:35
jhodappmhall119: it's all or nothing man! ;)04:35
mhall119oh well then I'm all in04:35
* mhall119 doesn't guarantee his answers will be right04:36
jhodappwell that's what Saviq's for then :)04:36
mhall119heh, works for me04:36
tgm4883jhodapp: who is figuring out the data API?04:37
tgm4883mhall119: ^04:37
jhodapptgm4883: I'm it04:37
mhall119what's being figured out?04:37
jhodappand Saviq should know most if not all of what I know today04:37
tgm4883do you have it figured out then, or are you looking for inspiration?04:37
jhodappwe have the requirements and use cases defined, implementation should begin soon04:38
tgm4883is that info public?04:38
jhodappnot yet04:38
jhodappI'll have to check with willcooke on when that can be made public04:38
tgm4883this data API that we're talking about, this would be how I populate the lense with recordings from mythtv?04:39
jhodappyes, that's one of the types of meta data that it could retrieve04:39
jhodappalso live EPG data04:39
tgm4883you say retrieve, so I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing04:40
jhodappwhat's your use case?04:40
tgm4883as a content provider (mythtv), I'm not sure much info would need to be retreived04:40
tgm4883jhodapp: what I'd like to do, is be able to add mythtv functionality (recording) to ubuntu TV04:41
jhodappthe data about what's recorded needs to be retrieved to populate a lense04:41
tgm4883though the use of a scope, although I'm open to other ideas04:41
jhodapptgm4883: yes, that sounds about right04:41
tgm4883jhodapp: yes, but most of that data is already in mythtv04:41
tgm4883so then the question is04:42
jhodappI know but you have to get it to the lense04:42
tgm4883A) Does the mythtv scope provide that data to the lense04:42
tgm4883B) Does the mythtv scope provide a base amount of data and let Ubuntu TV pull things like image, descriptions, etc04:42
tgm4883(base data meaning title, subtitle, maybe episode number)04:43
tgm4883right now the mythtv scope works with the videos lense04:43
jhodapptgm4883: I think it will be more clear to you after we settle on the design, then I can show you a diagram that I created04:43
tgm4883jhodapp: yea that would help, but it would need to be public04:44
jhodappsorry that I can't show it quite yet04:44
tgm4883Can  you show it to Daviey?04:44
tgm4883I'll just make him do all the mythtv scope work :)04:44
jhodappit'll come soon, I know everyone is anxious to get their favorite things working with Ubuntu TV :)04:45
jhodappI am as well04:45
tgm4883can you specify dates yet?04:45
jhodappI'd say within the next few weeks04:45
L-----Dapi in next few weeks?04:46
jhodappThe sky is the limit to what Ubuntu TV will be able to do, but we have to start somewhere with a smaller set of core functionality...that is what we're focussing on right now04:46
jhodappL-----D: yes, potentially04:46
tgm4883The only problem with doing it in secret, is we can't input our thoughts on how functionality should work :/04:47
L-----Djhodapp, what about the platform, arm or x86 or both04:47
jhodapptgm4883: yes I know, but don't forget about refactoring...it's very powerful04:48
L-----Djhodapp, do I need to re-write my app's UI with QT?04:48
tgm4883jhodapp: will there be DVR  API as well?04:48
jhodappL-----D: not clear yet04:48
jhodapptgm4883: yes04:49
jhodappanyway, I gotta get going for now04:49
jhodappI'll talk to you guys in about a week or so04:49
jhodappstay tuned! :)04:50
bobweaverIf any one would like to try out ISO then pm me14:57
bobweavertgm4883,  to get the myth scope to work I had to alter the dbus path and also a couple other things14:58
tgm4883leaving for work, but what was wrong?14:58
bobweaverso that it would work with  epg lens/ QT stuff14:59
bobweaverjust can not work with video lens as it is all taken up14:59
bobweaverbuy the video's14:59
bobweaverso needed new lens14:59
bobweaversame with youtube ect14:59
bobweaveras far as quickly not sure what is broken about it I just hear that at UDS15:00
bobweaverfrom alot people15:00
bobweaverand I asked if it was broken and I was told that it was (app-session )15:00
bobweaveralso jono was taking about someone fixing it in one of the sessions also15:01
tgm4883I'm not sure what you mean about the video lens being all taken up. Could download your ISO and see what you mean?15:01
bobweaverwell it is not on the iso15:01
bobweaverit is on 12.04 version that I have on this computer15:02
tgm4883Moving it out of the videos lens was the idea, I just don't have much to deal with yet in terms of data API (see convo from last night) so I haven't changed anything yet15:02
bobweaveryou want linnk to iso  ?15:02
bobweaverlink (*15:02
bobweaverlook at PM15:03
bobweaverplease do not give that out to others it is just for us to test15:03
bobweaverand a small number of people it is not ready for the  masses yet15:04
bobweaverbut it installs and works great15:04
bobweaverI suggest installing as "ubuntu" session is broken only gnome throw back and ubuntutv sessions load up and work15:05
bobweaverI killed Ubuntu session15:05
bobweaverfor reasons that I am not sure where a good idea now15:05
bobweaverreading up ^^15:05
steveb_hey, are there any bzr branches of the current state of the unity 3d port?20:45
bobweavernot that I know of but I vould be wrong20:51
bobweavertgm4883,  I am going to look though the code from you scope but I only have debian package do you have bzr branch ?21:50
tgm4883bobweaver, https://code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/unity-scope-mythtv21:51
bobweaverthere is one thing that I see21:54
bobweaverthe BUS_NAME needs to be different21:54
bobweavercan not have video because that will confuse the other lens21:55
bobweaverthere is the fake spot that reads all the epg data that is going to go away21:55
bobweaverso I am wondering if you can take your scope and use it to match what is going on on live tv ? then port using nux as a layering template21:56
bobweaverI have to learn more about myth21:56
bobweaverlike how it makes tv guides ?21:57
tgm4883bobweaver, I can get quite a bit of data from mythtv21:58
bobweaverI know that it can record live tv21:58
tgm4883bobweaver, including guide data21:59
tgm4883bobweaver, see http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Services_API21:59
bobweaverif that is the case we can then just make system calls I am going to read api now21:59
tgm4883so there is two options for guide data22:00
tgm4883and this will probably be answered in the upcoming weeks22:00
tgm4883but if Ubuntu TV contains all the guide data, then we could write some stuff so the backend just acts like a dumb scheduling tuner22:00
tgm4883IMHO, that is a bad way to do it22:00
tgm4883option B, the backend has all the guide data, and we provide that to Ubuntu TV22:01
tgm4883although you still need an option for people without MythTV22:01
bobweaverbut this needs to be one box but ...22:01
bobweavercould have two harddrives22:01
bobweaverone for os one for  sql22:02
bobweaverthe selling point I think with UBTV is that it is everything in a tv22:02
tgm4883bobweaver, it could be one box, it could be many boxes22:02
tgm4883bobweaver, that is really limiting :/22:02
tgm4883I think it could be that22:02
tgm4883but needs to be extendable22:03
tgm4883specifically because there isn't a ton of power in a TV22:03
bobweaveryes but a quick hardwire  in tvs is easy now a days22:03
bobweaverto vga having motherboard in side or something that gets Velcro  to the back of tv22:04
tgm4883you could do a basic mythtv backend on the hardware in a TV (if it was just a slim computer), but you'd lose out on a bunch of features22:04
tgm4883bobweaver, actually, I had a really sweet idea regarding that when we discussed it a few months ago22:05
bobweaverwhat are some of those features ?22:05
bobweaverand what was your idea ?22:05
tgm4883bobweaver, commercial flagging, Live Streaming (transcoding to smaller formats on the fly for things like Android and IOS)22:06
bobweaverpoint taken22:06
tgm4883bobweaver, rather than something you velcro onto the back of the tv, the tv needs a specific slot that you slide the computer into. It would be a standard interface that would be about the size of a roku or apple TV22:07
bobweaversorry I am more of a c c++ python and programmer but I like the idea of using anything we can from myth22:07
tgm4883the interface would connect to the TV via an HDMI port it slides into22:07
tgm4883IDK if we can get power via HDMI, but that could be in the same location22:07
tgm4883and every TV would need to have this port22:07
tgm4883and then manufactures could create boxes with UbuntuTV, AppleTV, GoogleTV, etc and the consumer could choose what OS their TV runs22:08
tgm4883that bypasses the need for someone to have to know how to upgrade their TV22:09
tgm4883an upgrade would simply be buying the new box for 100-200 at the store and sliding it into the current TV22:09
tgm4883at the time, I think we were discussing the possibility of an AppleTV coming out, specifically how it would be done in regards to Apple wanting you to upgrade your product every 2 years22:10
bobweaverso question things that you listed above I want so lets talk about how a lens and scope can do hold the data or having a dash for the whole thing22:10
tgm4883bobweaver, ok22:10
bobweavertalk to me like I am a 2 yr old with myth plz22:10
tgm4883what do you want to discuss first?22:10
tgm4883can do ;)22:10
bobweaverLive Streaming22:11
bobweaverfrom a cable box22:11
tgm4883So any content you live stream is going to have to be recorded at some point22:11
tgm4883you can do the livestreaming while it's recording though (in a future version of MythTV), which would give you live tv streaming22:12
tgm4883getting that into ubuntu tv is pretty easy, but to make it work right we need a few things from Ubuntu TV that currently isn't available22:12
tgm4883well, actually we only need one thing22:13
bobweaverdb ?22:13
tgm4883nope, the one thing we need is feedback when the user is done watching the live stream22:13
tgm4883HLS ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Live_Streaming )22:14
bobweavercan mythtv take the place of tivo ?22:14
tgm4883bobweaver, mythtv already does ;)22:14
bobweaverthat is what I thought22:14
bobweaverso there is a menu like tivos in myth22:14
tgm4883starting the HLS stream is easy, but we need to know when to delete it otherwise we're wasting space22:15
tgm4883bobweaver, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eStnDlwh9dE22:15
tgm4883bobweaver, basically most of what Ubuntu TV wants to do, Mythbuntu already does :/22:16
bobweaveryeah zappa plays zappa :)22:16
bobweaverso think of it like this22:17
bobweaverwe are going to take all the things in mythbuntu that menu I just seen and move right hardcoded into the unity dash22:17
bobweaverfrom 0--3 sec on that video ^^22:18
tgm4883bobweaver, so if you look at the content service for HLS http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Content_Service#AddLiveStream you see we can (on the fly) transcode to whatever bitrate/resolution we need to22:18
tgm4883providing the hardware in the backend is fast enough22:18
bobweaverthe other stuff would have to be lens and scpes after that point22:18
tgm4883bobweaver, yep22:18
bobweaverso that is not that hard to do22:18
bobweaverI just need to get a good set up of myth then I can re create the wheel22:19
tgm4883yes getting the basic mythtv functionality into ubuntu should be pretty easy22:19
bobweaverwill you help me set up myth ?22:19
bobweaversweet I hvae a extra box or do I need two22:19
bobweaverI will get speks hang on setting up now22:20
bobweaverit has 4 cpu and 2 gig ram22:20
bobweavervga is onboard thou  is that ok ?22:21
tgm4883for recording and such that is fine. For playback, it would depend on a few things22:21
bobweavercomputer is 2 years old22:21
tgm4883are you planning on playing it back on that system, or on a different Ubuntu TV system?22:22
bobweaverthat one22:22
bobweaverall in one box22:22
tgm4883what is the onboard video?22:22
bobweaverintel 82G33/G3122:23
tgm4883that probably isn't going to work so well22:23
bobweaverok but I will be able to use for interface to get testing base going ?22:24
bobweaverfor front end22:24
bobweaverburning mythbuntu now22:24
tgm4883you would probably have issues with local playback, but you could get recordings/data going and then use Ubuntu TV for playback22:24
bobweaverwait is there meta package for mtyhbuntu22:26
bobweaverapycacheing now22:26
bobweaverI will just install to Ubunu tv box if it is just new session22:27
tgm4883bobweaver, install mythbuntu-control-centre22:28
tgm4883then we can configure from there22:28
bobweaveron it22:28
bobweaver2 min or so22:29
bobweaverI could also set up teamviewer and we could use this box as metting place box to hack at . just a sugestion22:30
bobweaverat any rate this is going to be fun to hack22:31
bobweaversorry that I do not know of myth but i will try to make up with python c c++ bash awk perl haskill22:32
bobweaverso I see that it uses mysql22:32
bobweaverwe can drop that to litesql ?22:32
tgm4883yes the backend has a mysql database22:32
tgm4883I'm weary of dropping it down22:33
tgm4883upstream has talked about moving to embedded mysql in the past though22:33
bobweaveryeah sorry I am excited22:33
bobweaverso it is installed22:33
bobweaverstart it ?22:34
tgm4883yea start the control centre22:34
tgm4883I'm still at work, so I'm trying to do this from memory22:35
tgm4883there should be a "roles" section22:35
tgm4883there should be two types of roles you can define, frontend and backend22:36
tgm4883backend is for recording stuff, frontend is for consuming stuff22:36
tgm4883your initial backend would be the master backend, as you only need a single mysql database (it will install and configure the server)22:37
bobweaverall right I am configing now22:37
bobweaverthere is also a desktop reference22:38
bobweaverwe could make plug in for this also22:38
bobweaverhack this gtk here22:39
tgm4883yea that is possible22:39
tgm4883not sure it's necessary though22:39
tgm4883the desktop reference is if you wanted to convert the box to a mythbuntu system. That would just install mythbuntu-desktop metapackage22:39
tgm4883you probably don't want to do that22:39
bobweaveryeah I only selected the two areas that you are talking about22:40
bobweaverit is installing lamp22:40
bobweaverit looks like22:40
tgm4883the backend has a web interface :)22:41
tgm4883which can be used for scheduling recordings, fixing metadata, downloading media, etc22:41
bobweaverI just seen a package called mythbuntu-fronend22:41
bobweaverI have a feeling that I am going to get to know that package real well22:42
bobweaverok  lamp and other packages are installed  installed22:46
bobweaverI should now do plugin and what not ?22:47
tgm4883ok, so usually the first thing you will want to do is run mythtv-setup, but first, are you in the US?22:47
tgm4883ok, so we'll probably want to setup some form of Guide Data22:47
tgm4883Lots of places in the world use EIT, although in the US that is pretty crappy22:48
tgm4883other places in the world use XMLTV22:48
tgm4883in the US and canada, we have to pay for our data, but it's really good data22:48
bobweaverI see22:48
bobweavernot that imporant I do not think at this point that I pay22:49
tgm4883that is the place to get guide data from22:49
bobweaverI would pay for that thou22:49
tgm4883Now I'd like to see guide data as part of Ubuntu One22:50
bobweaverthat is a great idea22:50
bobweaverUBO has great API22:50
tgm4883all my ideas are great ideas ;)22:51
tgm4883right, and if Ubuntu One offered guide data, then I could see that being added as another way to get guide data into MythTV22:51
tgm4883and if UTV and MythTV shared the same guide data, it makes scheduling things a lot easier22:52
=== steveb___ is now known as steveb_
* tgm4883 hometime22:59
tgm4883bobweaver, i'm leaving, but I should be home in about 30 minutes23:00
tgm4883it might be slightly out of data, but http://mythbuntu.org/wiki/mythbackend-setup23:00
tgm4883that is the mythtv-setup section of the install guide23:00
bobweaverI am now setting up backend23:58

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