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thumpermhall119: ping?00:16
mhall119thumper: pong00:17
thumpermhall119: hey, just trying to chase down how to get contributors to sign the copyright assignment thingy00:17
mhall119well it's not an assignment anymore, right?  It's a broad copyright grant00:18
thumpermhall119: I have no idea what it is these days00:18
thumperwhat is it now?00:19
thumperand how to they sign / use it?00:19
mhall119hmmm, ubuntu.com appear to be having some drupal issues atm00:21
mhall119thumper: it's up on the website somewhere, unfortunately the site appears to be down00:23
thumpermhall119: I'm guessing "the website somewhere" could be quite a lot to search through :)00:23
* thumper has munchies00:24
thumpertime for lunch00:24
mhall119time for dinner00:25
jussiHrm, I had a thought - perhaps it could be nice to have the indicator icon highlighted a different colour for different things. ie. for empathy or chat messages, it could be blue, for thunderbird or email, it could be green etc etc10:53
jussialso, can someone explain to me why on one laptop the dash covers the whole screen, and the other only part?10:56
seb128jussi, the dash depends of the screen resolution, i.e on netbooks where it would take 90% of the screen it doesn't make sense to not take the screen space10:57
seb128jussi, the color stuff was suggested in the past, there is probably a bug in launchpad about it10:57
jussiseb128: thats strange, as one is 1366x768 (fullscreen dash) and the other 1280x800 (partial screen dash)10:58
seb128jussi, you maybe clicked once on the button in the panel?10:59
seb128it keeps the state10:59
jussiseb128: so how do I make both of them to be full screen?10:59
seb128i.e when the dash is open you have control similar to the wm ones on the panel10:59
jussi(also, as a side note gnome control center crashes all the time, and when I try send a bug, it also crashes :/)11:00
seb128jussi, you click on small round icon with a square in the left of the unity panel when the dash is open11:00
seb128the white one11:00
jussiahhh, I hadnt seen that thing before11:00
jussiright, thanks for that!11:01
seb128jussi, yw11:02
jussiseb128: Im reportign the bug now with g-c-c via ubuntu-bug, Are the people here those who will help debug/fix? or do I need to go find someone else?11:03
seb128jussi, if you don't let apport catch the issue and report a bug with the dump the bug is not going to be useful11:04
jussiseb128: apport crashed when trying to report it...11:06
seb128did you report that bug?11:06
jussinot yet - just got through reportign the g-c-c one - here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/100735611:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1007356 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Gnome control center crashes on opening sub section" [Undecided,New]11:07
seb128can you get a stacktrace with gdb?11:08
jussiperhaps, if youll instruct me how to do it?11:08
seb128jussi, gdb gnome-control-center11:08
seb128you will get a (gdb) prompt11:08
seb128type "run" on it and validate11:09
seb128get the issue, g-c-c will freeze11:09
seb128go back to where you ran gdb and type "backtrace"11:09
seb128copy the log to the bug11:09
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jussiseb128: added to the bug11:12
mhr3seb128, `gdb -b -ex run -ex -bt gnome-control-center` ;)11:13
seb128mhr3, hehe11:13
mhr3and ideally pipe it to pastebin :)11:13
seb128jussi, can you install gnome-control-center-dbgsym libglib2.0-0-dbg libgtk-3-0-dbgsym11:14
jussiE: Unable to locate package gnome-control-center-dbgsym11:14
jussiE: Unable to locate package libgtk-3-0-dbgsym11:14
seb128jussi, you need a ddeb apt source11:16
seb128jussi, i.e add "deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ precise main restricted universe multiverse" to your sources.list (and the same for precise-updates and precise-proposed if you use those)11:16
jussiwhat are those and why arent they there already?11:17
seb128jussi, they are the servers which debug packages, and they are not on by default because debugs are not an user thing11:17
seb128jussi, you are supposed to let apport report the bug and the retracing happens on the server side11:18
seb128but apport is buggy for you11:18
seb128you should maybe report the apport issue, get it solved and then submit the bug the normal way11:18
jussilets finish this now we have started - sec11:19
jussiright, installed. now gdb again?11:22
seb128same as before11:23
seb128the log should have debug symbols this time11:23
jussiput it on the bug ?11:23
seb128jussi, do you have unity-2d-common installed? what version?11:25
jussijussi@squirrel:~$ apt-cache policy unity-2d-common11:26
jussi  Installed: 5.12.0-0ubuntu111:26
jussi  Candidate: 5.12.0-0ubuntu111:26
seb128jussi, locate com.canonical.Unity2d.gschema.xml11:27
jussijussi@squirrel:~$ locate com.canonical.Unity2d.gschema.xml11:27
seb128jussi, that's your issue: /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.Unity2d.gschema.xml11:27
seb128you have a local build leftoever which is missing keys which are in the current version11:28
seb128that's taking over the system version11:28
jussithanks very much - let me see if I can somehow uninstall that old ubuntu-tv stuff11:28
seb128jussi, rm the local schemas dir otherwise11:29
jussiseb128: works now - thanks incredibly much, and well done for spotting it.11:30
seb128jussi, you're welcome11:30
jussiAs an added bonus, I now know how to use gdb in a very basic way, which will assist in helping others fix stuff :)11:31
jussibtw, while I am here, is there a virtual keyboard for unity? Id like to be able to use my touch screen laptop if possible...11:33
seb128onboard is what is installed with Ubuntu11:34
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pavolzetorhi, I wonder why compiz is used instead of clutter12:34
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mhall119Because compiz was way ahead of clutter when the choice was made12:53
JanCs/clutter/mutter/  ;)13:18
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mterryHello!  I've got a bamf question.  Say I've got an app that has one window.  Then I close that one window.  Then I open a new window.  It appears that bamf will hide the launcher icon after the first close and not show any icon for the second window.  Is that expected?14:24
mterryMacSlow, ^ Is someone other than Jason knowledgeable about such bamf stuff?14:27
seb128mterry, hey, what unity version do you use?14:27
seb128mterry, package version14:27
mterryseb128, 5.12-0ubuntu114:27
seb128mterry, it's fixed in 1.114:27
seb128that's bug #99591614:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 995916 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "No launcher icon or Alt+Tab entry for Gimp windows" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99591614:28
seb128mterry, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/5.12-0ubuntu1.114:28
mterryseb128, you're the best! Let me try it out14:28
* mterry grumbles that they are supposed to upload to quantal first, per SRU process14:29
seb128mterry, the version was uploaded to quantal but failed to build with the new toolchain, those build issues are being worked14:29
seb128mterry, ^14:29
MacSlowmterry, kamstrup and mhr3 know a bit about it too afaik14:35
mhr3mterry, Trevinho is the expert ;)14:37
mterryMacSlow, mhr3: Ah, cool.  But actually the current SRU seems to have fixed my specific problem.14:38
MacSlowmterry, even better :)14:38
mhr3it did sound familiar, Trevinho was talking about it on the sprint :)14:38
Trevinhomhr3: mterry the issue is fixed in trunk14:39
Trevinhoand in proposed14:39
seb128Trevinho, hey14:39
mhr3sorry to wake you from your slumber :P14:39
seb128Trevinho, until still doesn't like bamfdaemon to be killed :p14:39
Trevinhohi seb12814:39
Trevinhoactually was more an unity/bamf issue...14:39
Trevinhoseb128: no? :o14:40
TrevinhoIt works to me14:40
seb128Trevinho, I was testing the "double icons after restarting bamf", I've now icons for stuff I closed that are still displayed as running in the launcher14:40
seb128i.e I did run gconf-editor, killed bamfdaemon, closed gconf-editor and it's stucked in my launcher as running now14:41
Trevinhooh seb128 you're playing too much with it :P14:43
Trevinhobamfdaemon is supposed to restart basically immediately14:43
Trevinhoyes, that has not been fixed... Let me think...14:43
seb128Trevinho, well in practice bamfdaemon doesn't segfault a lot nowadays so it's not much of an issue14:44
Trevinhothat's the best thing :)14:44
Trevinhoabout the icon issue... well.. bamf deosn't say to unity when it's really up and down, so we can't just check if an app is still valid...14:45
TrevinhoHowever, maybe I've something in mind that could help14:45
Trevinhoplace a bug for that, but it's very low prio at the moment :)14:45
Trevinhoprobably bamf-factory could just mark as closed the views that have not be reopened... but it's not that easy right now... with gdbus it could be better14:47
seb128Trevinho, I will not bother for now, as you said it's low priority ;-)14:49
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mterrymhr3, Trevinho: So I'm swapping between two windows in my app.  And in between (one is hidden, the other isn't shown yet), bamf temporarily hides the launcher icon.  Is there a libunity call I can make to keep the icon around for a while?15:28
mhr3if there is, it'd be a hack15:37
mhr3iirc app indicators were capable of such things15:39
mhr3mterry, but i'd suggest to use a notebook widget :P15:41
mterrymhr3, I think I found a way around it, by rijiggering when they hide/show15:41
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mhall119tedg: ping16:58
mhall119tedg: somebody has written some code to get Java Swing window menus in the Global Menu16:58
mhall119is that something we can patch into our OpenJDK/Icedtea packages so it'll just work for all Swing apps?16:59
tedgI have no clue.16:59
tedgSeem possible, but I don't know how all the Java stuff works.17:00
mhall119seb128: ^^ any idea who I should talk to about carrying a distro patch for OpenJDK to enable Global Menu support?17:01
seb128mhall119, try doko or email ubuntu-devel list17:01
mhall119I'll contact the ML, thanks17:01
jussismall cry...17:13
jussiit seems totem is not compiled to do tv :/17:14
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heavensmileI just want to say that I really like ubuntu unity22:58

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