[01:03] is facebook getting DDoSed or do the computer gods just hate me today [01:04] I'm not having problems, but comments I've seen elsewhere on the internets do seem to indicate they're having some trouble [01:05] whew. that makes me feel better [01:05] i spent all day at work trying to get my NIC on my work computer to function [01:05] no success [01:12] facebook is lagging so hard I can't close facebook tabs... [01:20] philipballew, I tagged you in a pic on FB nfrom UDS [01:20] the official pics [01:22] * pleia2 tagged jyo [01:22] lookin bored! [01:23] Yep a few more pics in tehre to be tagged [01:29] facebook completely inaccessible now [01:31] wheres the photo officially located? [01:31] philipballew: http://www.pixoulphotography.com/ [01:32] * MarkDude would have been shocked if there was a pic of me in group photo- and blue shirt was visible [01:32] http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Quantal-Quetzal/23155798_KrM3PW has the gallery [01:34] Wow, finding anyone in the group pic is not easy! [01:39] There are fb pics [01:39] The pics cant be tagged, until approved [01:39] people all over irc are complaining that fb is down [01:39] I am next to jono [01:39] up for me DonkeyHotei [01:40] i am prone to hyperbole [01:40] I think I found pleia2, haven't found myself yet and I even know where I was standing. [01:41] I'm in the back left [01:41] by "people all over irc" i mean one person in this channel and one other person in a completely unrelated channel (in the boston area) [01:41] not easy to see really [01:41] Ah, yes, there's philipballew -- he and pleia2 both have hands in front of their faces (in the pic I'm looking at). [01:42] jono's are iirc [01:42] * akk tries one without hands [01:43] those are better imo [02:36] hah wow, dustin kirkland was right behind me [02:47] sounds scary [02:48] philipballew_: speaking of stalking, i think i spy a certain someone in this photo: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Quantal-Quetzal/23155798_KrM3PW#!i=1865964211&k=tW922WT&lb=1&s=A [02:49] can't hide anywhere, not at uds [02:52] gua, I bet its fun to be a uds photographer [03:16] * MarkDude thinks the few pics he took there were fun to take. Being a pro would make it more fun, IMHO [03:18] I love how facebook says "Mark has tagged two photos of you" and includes a link to the first one, and no way to find the second one. [03:18] Such a great UI, can't imagine why the stock isn't soaring. [03:18] lol [03:19] I never could grok facebook, I mostly stay away from it for fear I'll click on something and spam all my friends [03:19] heh, yeah [03:20] I like being able to connect with non-techies I'd never hear from otherwise [03:20] but I wish all those people would go to a site that actually works, instead :) [03:20] yeah, I use it for my family mostly [03:22] Yep [03:22] Its great for tech outliers [03:23] to sorta get them involved. The other day FB locked me out of an event I created- WHILE it was happening [03:23] It kills me how non-techies gravitate toward these things like facebook and forums that I can't figure out how to use. How do they manage to use them? [03:23] I could not add any updates or comment to TELL folks where to meet at Carnaval [03:23] lovely! [03:24] * MarkDude just wishes he had some granular control, dont tell me what I want to see, let me create some filters [03:24] First would be *ville [03:24] Eff all of that [03:25] Sry for swearing, I had to spend a few days blocking apps, just so I could make my feed readable [03:25] Agreed, email me everything (or offer an RSS feed or whatever) and let me filter. [03:26] Showing me some randomly chosen selection of stuff in a random order, mixing in some old stuff I've already seen, just makes me decide it's not worth the effort. [03:30] MarkDude, you were talking earlier about mjg's post about what fedora is doing re secure boot -- has Ubuntu decided what they're doing yet? [03:32] Im not sure, RH paying MS money is a bit odd- [03:32] * MarkDude is going to have to read up on it. I expect some more questions on this at events [03:33] Yeah, infuriating (I'm infuriated at MS, not RH). [03:33] Yep, bad precedent [03:34] RH is really defensive, most choices they make are about avoiding lawsuits [03:35] As long as it avoids being sued, its generally ok :D [03:35] * MarkDude 's opinions are his own, not that of any projects he is involved with [03:35] I don't have a problem with RH doing what they need to do -- I'm not sure there is any good solution for distro vendors. [03:36] I agree [03:36] mjg does a good job of outlining the problem and why they chose this solution. [03:36] (as usual -- he's always very reasonable) [03:36] Fedora will have money to cover the costs, as will RH [03:37] The idea of all the other Distros not being able to do so- bugs me on a deep level [03:37] Yep. [03:38] At least it sounds like people who are clueful will be able to change the BIOS to turn off signing. [03:38] So users of Gentoo, Arch, Debian etc. (the techie distros) should be fine. [03:38] * scientes is bugged by UEFI in general [03:38] And Puppy is okay for a while, it's not for new hardware anyway. [03:39] akk, umm no gentoo cannot possibly participate [03:39] Intel is making efforts with CoreBoot [03:39] cause this requires central signing off all kernel and bootloader code [03:39] MarkDude, errrrrr, they have attacked coreboot in the past [03:39] scientes: Anyone who's knowledgeable enough to install gentoo is techie enough to get into BIOS menus and turn off the signing. [03:39] amd has been doing MUCH better than intel on coreboot [03:39] Wont that make some of this moot? At least for the hardware they are making open? [03:40] the big companies developing coreboot are AMD and Google [03:40] (they want to use it for the chromebook) [03:40] Well all of this crap may be sorted in court [03:40] in a few years [03:40] [03:40] cause its not just about getting signing [03:41] will fedora have two differn't kernels? [03:41] in order to set these complicated policies? [03:41] google beat oracle [03:41] YAY for Oracle beatdowns [03:41] The chromebook boot is even weirder than UEFI, as far as booting other OSes. [03:41] or will it require selinux on the UEFI secureboot kernel in order to force this? with embedded rules inside the kernel? [03:42] akk, indeed, but they have been pushing coreboot so that FOSS can do what it wants regarding boot [03:42] And more restrictive -- they have the same signing requirement but you can't turn it off. [03:43] Hmmmm [03:43] akk, there is documented root for chrome books [03:43] its just that you get a REALLY ugly boot screen, that cant be turned off, when in root mode [03:43] scientes: You can install another distro that uses their signed kernel. You can't install a distro that needs a different kernel, or build your own kernel. [03:43] History tells me that akk is right, altho this will soon start to get over my head [03:44] I'm actually quoting from d -- he has chromebooks (dual-boot but with google's signed kernel), I don't. [03:44] signed coreboot? whiskey tango foxtrot [03:44] akk, also they are changing the kernel, cause the kernel allow alot of stuff via user-space (root user) that gives direct access to hardware, like user-mode-setting with X [03:45] akk, oh well then you might be right [03:45] * scientes does not like chromeos at all [03:46] but i the same time im not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater---Google's work on coreboot is awesome [03:46] AFAIK [03:46] DonkeyHotei, i don't think the coreboot is signed, just everything after it [03:46] d says: in theory, you could build your own kenrel (for a chromebook) and sign it ... but in practice, nobody's actually managed it. [03:47] (mostly because not many have bothered to try) [03:47] its like most of googles code: http://food.sndimg.com/img/recipes/22/78/2/large/picrIZyXg.jpg [03:55] our own epicvision has run into problems getting people to like ubuntu http://epikvision.blogspot.com/2012/05/quell-flames-shift-gears-educate-b4.html [03:56] scientes: if the coreboot doesn't need anything signed, then signing doesn't matter [03:56] DonkeyHotei, im just saying that i think coreboot is first, and whatever is first doesn't have anything to watch the watcher [03:58] exactly [05:15] i don't see why microsoft needs to be involved in the signing, just have verisign do it [05:18] gua, they don't have the mozilla root certs installed [05:18] its not about WHO you are talking to, its about not permitting anything that can lead to arbitrary code execution [05:18] in kernel mode [05:18] but thats not really what it is about [05:19] lots of people have a general distrust of MS though. tons of articles around about 'distros having to pay MS' [05:19] its really about enabling state malware to be installed [05:19] beholden to MS isn't something people are aching to be exactly [05:19] gua, well, the pci signing is limited to only one signature, so you are going to have microsoft's key installed to boot a computer with UEFI secure boot [05:19] scientes: yeah, being able to have multiple signatures would be one of the first things to change [05:20] in UEFI 2.0 [05:20] gua, no, no UEFI+1 [05:20] although i wonder how much last-minute changes can go in [05:20] just coreboot [05:20] eh [05:20] UEFI needs to die [05:20] gua, and you have no ideahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2aq5M3Q76U [05:20] are mfrs going to go with coreboot? [05:20] the signing format is so much a siemese twim to windows, that the signing format has "WIN" in the binary [05:21] its just moving the windows code signing system into a place where it can subvert linux and freedom [05:21] scientes: http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/12368.html [05:21] ...even more [05:21] gua, yes i read [05:21] is what i'm referring to [05:21] that talk i linked to is the same person who writes that blog [05:22] yeah, i think i've watched that talk [06:40] is mark shuttleworth in the group picture? i can't seem to find him [06:50] I did not see him === mdrmike is now known as mdrmike|afk [19:04] * MarkDude got a mention for Partimus http://www.itworld.com/node/279368 [19:04] Altho , maybe not what they were hoping for [19:12] MarkDude: I wish you wouldn't drag us into this :( [19:15] I did not [19:15] B Proffit listed Partimus as a Linux Distro [19:16] * MarkDude has also made very clear- opinions are his own [19:23] "free Expo passes (a coveted OSCON perk)"? For some reason I thought expo passes were free (I know passes to talks very much aren't). [19:24] It's too bad -- the dotcom area is always by far the most interesting of the OSCON expo hall. [19:28] akk: Expo Passes used to be free they started charging for them this year [19:28] akk: you mean the dot org? :P [19:31] oops, yeah, dot org, duh [19:42] I am hoping this makes it more interesting, no fedora and ubuntu booths means there are two booths which may be used by dotorgs you've never heard of and may be interesting :) [19:42] there is limited space, I think the big distros can do a favor to little guys by stepping aside from time to time [19:42] Rumor has it both tables will be there for the Distros [19:42] lol [19:43] MarkDude: where do you come up with this? :P [19:43] Possibly involving the 2 sharing a booth [19:43] Im sure things would have been fine either way :) [19:43] Cue the odd Couple them song [19:43] theme [19:43] it's not that odd, I really don't see this division between the ubuntu and fedora communities that you always go on about [19:44] I work with plenty of fedora folks [19:44] implied [19:44] yeah and I let you take a photo with me :P [19:44] :D [19:44] * MarkDude made that suggestion [19:44] We are all on the same Penguin Team [19:44] * bkerensa has a Redhat notebook somewhere [19:45] anyways moving on [19:45] How is the weather in California? [19:45] pleia2, thats not fair- I was waering the Friends sticker at UDS for a real reason [19:45] Perfect bkerensa thats why we pay so much to live here [19:45] heh [19:46] Thats cool - you pay a fair amount to support the bike freaks [19:46] its 73 and overcast here :D [19:46] Yay- freak bikes [19:46] MarkDude: We have more bicyclists and runners than any other city ;) [19:46] MarkDude: I'm sorry if you feel that way, but jokes don't come across well in IRC and I work very hard to break down barriers between communities, you do often make comments about Fedora vs Ubuntu which feels like it undermines that [19:47] And thats my cue to go run errands [19:47] bkerensa: they are cleaning the windows in my building today, have to keep windows closed during this nice weather! stuffy in here :) [19:47] :D [19:47] * MarkDude 's Linux is a cult - directly addresses that [19:47] I really do have to go run errands :P seeya guys enjoy the sun [19:47] see you [19:47] The enemy is Apple [19:47] why do we need an enemy? :) [19:47] If there is an enemy that is [19:47] :D [19:48] I thought you california people were all peace-loving! [19:48] Mostly [19:48] hehe [19:48] ha, you should see bay area people fight for parking spaces [19:49] For what its worth- Im still known as the Ubuntu Guy- in Fedora by many. I am given a hard time for liking Ubuntu so much [19:49] at least they don't shoot each other over them (there are some things I don't miss about Philly :)) [19:49] the jokes are the same [19:49] Taking me too serious is not advised, sarcasm font is implied unless other wise stated [19:49] http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Neighbors-Shoot-Each-Other-Over-Parking-Spot-125402973.html [19:49] ah fun [19:49] MarkDude: fair enough [19:50] * MarkDude is Man Of La Mancha- chasing windwills and such [19:50] :D [19:50] * MarkDude wants to go to FOSScon, heard there are Masters degrees in profanity there [19:50] (amusingly, the parking spot incident I was thinking about was a different one, in 2006 or so, nice to see things don't change) [19:50] ouch [19:51] And in truth, I don't see much fighting over parking spots here (but OTOH I'm not in SF or Berkeley). [19:51] mostly here in SF I just see people driving without paying attention (so they cut people off, don't let people in, block intersections) [19:52] but I think that's mostly tourists driving and being lost [19:52] * MarkDude has seen old ladies flip the bird over parking spots inSF [19:53] so [19:53] when you have pidgin open with the buddy list and conversation window [19:53] and you alt+tab to show desktop, so both windows get minimized [19:53] you can't get the buddy list to restore without completely closing the conversation window [19:53] :( [19:54] We get plenty of that down here, people driving while texting or talking on phones so not paying attention. [19:55] philly did a funny texting while walking april fools joke [19:56] the mayor proposed a texting section of the sidewalk, they did a video, during which the mayor was speaking and someone texting kept wandering by oblivious and interrupting the segment :) [19:59] haha [20:00] I saw two people almost walk into each other in Portland, both fixated on gmaps or something on their phones. :) === izdubar is now known as MarkDude