
tgm4883bkerensa, ping02:10
bkerensatgm4883: ping07:43
bkerensapong even07:43
bkerensatgm4883: when you see this e-mail me if your ping is time sensitive since I will be gone most of tomorrow :)07:45
tgm4883bkerensa, no worries, I was going to ask you about juju stuff14:29
nathwillmorning all15:24
bkerensanathwill: morning17:32
bkerensatgm4883: Im actually in for a little bit I dont have to leave for a hour or two17:33
tgm4883bkerensa, how much do you know about juju/other similar types of software?17:34
bkerensatgm4883: I know a decent amount about juju.... Not much about puppet/chef etc17:35
bkerensanathwill: :P yahoo epic fail with the private key17:36
tgm4883Here's my issue: We have a decent VMWare ESXi environment in our datacenter. We have a range of different servers (intel, sun, hp, dell). We've noticed a bunch of the older ones (intel) don't like ESX so much (either it doens't install, or has kernel panics)17:36
tgm4883we'd like to get something working on these machines, in a similar capacity to ESX17:37
tgm4883(not to mention that ESX licensing is lots of $$)17:37
pwnguintgm4883: do you need vm migration?17:37
tgm4883So I'm wondering if there is other software out there that would help, don't know much about juju17:37
pwnguinbetewen disparate archs17:37
tgm4883pwnguin, no. We would want live migration for our production vm's, but that would be all the same arch17:38
tgm4883I've looked at openstack and kvm (using convirt)17:38
bkerensatgm4883: Juju will not work for you yet17:38
tgm4883bkerensa, ok17:38
bkerensaJuju only works on AWS atm17:38
bkerensaI mean you could run it on LXC but that would not be good17:39
bkerensathey are working to get it working on more platforms though17:39
pwnguintgm4883: here at the OSL we use ganeti17:40
tgm4883What I'd like to do is install 12.04 on the boxes, install something like KVM on all of them, and then have a central way to manage them17:40
tgm4883pwnguin, I'm looking at that page now :)17:40
pwnguinwe also write ganeti web manager17:40
tgm4883pwnguin, ah so it does have a web interface?17:40
bkerensapwnguin: nice... OSL does such good things17:40
pwnguinit can, if you use GWM17:41
pwnguintgm4883: ganeti has a json remote api17:41
tgm4883that is a key requirement, as I can deal with cmd line stuff, but if I have to give the banner team some access they won't like that17:41
pwnguintgm4883: which uni do you work ofr?17:41
tgm4883chemeketa community college17:41
pwnguinoh, that's in salem17:43
tgm4883yea salem and we have some outreaches in some other cities17:44
pwnguinyea, who doesn't these days17:44
pwnguinso one of the nice features we have in GWM is an ajax/html5 vnc client17:45
pwnguinas you may know, esx does not like linux desktops17:46
tgm4883pwnguin, is there a demo of this anywhere?17:46
tgm4883by demo, I mean like a youtube video of features?17:46
pwnguingood question17:46
pwnguintheres probably a dozen or so17:46
pwnguinlet me confer with my senior folk on this17:47
tgm4883pwnguin, we don't use esx for anything really desktop related yet. It runs most of our servers though (web, email, etc)17:47
tgm4883pwnguin, ok17:47
pwnguintgm4883: no, i mean, if you run an ubuntu desktop17:47
pwnguinthe esx client hates you17:47
tgm4883ah yes17:47
tgm4883it really does hate that17:47
pwnguinso Ramereth is a better ganeti salesman than I ;)17:47
Ramerethtgm4883: i don't have a video (yet) but i have a vagrant setup that will make it easy for you to try it out17:47
Ramerethi'm working on better documentation on it but I can at least point you at a few things17:48
tgm4883I RDP into a box in the datacenter that has the vmware client on it17:48
Ramerethhttps://github.com/ramereth/vagrant-ganeti <- vagrant repo17:48
Ramerethhttp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/osl/ganeti-tutorial/presentation-ganeti-tutorial.pdf <- old tutorial I used from OSCON last year (pre-vagrant setup). If you ignore the node setup and just follow the ganeti command walkthrough it should be a good setup17:48
Ramerethi may have time this weekend to cleanup that tutorial pdf so its more accurate17:49
Ramerethoops, that's the presso17:49
Ramerethhttp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/osl/ganeti-tutorial/GanetiTutorialPDFSheet.pdf <- that's the pdf17:49
tgm4883Ramereth, sounds good17:49
Ramerethganeti gets installed by puppet automatically in the vagrant setup i have17:49
tgm4883so this is what you guys use at OSUOSL for your VM cluster?17:50
Ramerethbasically if you go from step #6 onward it should be fine17:50
Ramerethtgm4883: yup, all of our virtualization and we have several clusters17:50
* tgm4883 brb17:51
tgm4883I've got one server I can work with now, i'll need to get cabling for the others17:56
tgm4883right now these intel servers are just sitting in the rack without cabling17:57
Ramerethwhat os are you planning on using?17:58
tgm4883Ubuntu for the hosts17:59
Ramereththat shouldn't be hard to deploy then18:00
Ramerethalthough i've had issues with 12.0418:00
tgm4883bummer, that's what we're installing18:00
Ramerethmostly related to gnutls and openssl18:01
Ramerethalthough i was installing from source, the ppa might be better18:01
tgm4883looks like it's available directly in the repos18:03
tgm4883at least some is18:03
Ramerethya but its probably pretty old18:03
Ramerethi'm not sure what version they include18:03
Ramerethyou really want to keep up on the versions as they include improved features and bug fixes18:03
tgm4883Version: 2.4.5-118:03
bkerensaRamereth is in our channel :P18:03
Ramerethtgm4883: that's not too bad, 2.5 has some better features18:04
Ramerethbkerensa: yup18:04
tgm4883so DRBD replicates the disk to other nodes in the cluster18:05
Ramerethto a secondary node18:05
tgm4883and that is required for HA18:05
tgm4883While I can set it up in test to the local drives, can we use an iSCSI mount on each of the nodes instead and forgo the DRBD replication?18:06
tgm4883forgive me if I'm not seeing something, I've got a ESXi mindset here18:07
Ramerethya the ganeti mindset is very different18:09
tgm4883I'm just wondering if there is any benefit to using DRBD over iSCSI mounts (although I don't know much about DRBD)18:10
tgm4883it seems like unnecessary overhead if you've got a SAN18:10
Ramerethsorry i keep getting stuck in a conversion in my office18:10
Ramerethso ganeti does support "shared storage"18:10
tgm4883Ramereth, no worries, I'm reading though the documentation and PDF's you posted18:10
Ramerethbut i guess it depends on how you want to go around. we have one cluster where we do have an iscsi device and we decided to only use drbd for the system disks of the VM and have iscsi mounted inside of the VMs themselves18:11
Ramerethand that seems to work pretty well18:11
Ramerethbut it depends on how you plan on using the storage too I suppose18:11
tgm4883the way we currently do it, and how we'd probably like to continue is this18:11
Ramerethwe used to have iscsi backed storage for VMs in the past in the pre-ganeti days and we hated every minute of it18:12
tgm4883we have 4 production ESXi servers for our main services. Each ESX server mounts the same iSCSI share.18:12
tgm4883so 4 servers, 1 share (although technically we've broken that 1 share up as well)18:13
tgm4883then the VM's sit on the iSCSI share18:13
tgm4883share isn't the correct terminology :/18:13
Ramerethwell, same lun is shared among each node?18:14
Ramerethand esx moves it from node to ndoe as it needs to?18:14
tgm4883ESX moves the VM from node to node, yes18:14
Ramerethya that makes sense18:14
tgm4883the storage doesn't need moved though, as all 4 hosts have access to the same storage18:14
Ramerethwe've separated our large storage needs from the vm technology itself ourselves18:15
tgm4883Ramereth, ok, so you have a bunch of hosts, where does the storage for the VM's reside?18:17
tgm4883or rather18:18
tgm4883how much storage do you need on each node for that setup?18:18
Ramerethdepends on your needs18:18
Ramerethbut i generally get as much storage as I can afford and then use an nfs or iscsi storage solution for larger needs18:19
Ramerethso in the case of one client, we only have 10-20G system disks on drbd w/ ganeti but have 100-500G volumes mounted over nfs18:19
tgm4883and the VM's live on the system disks or the NFS?18:20
bkerensanathwill: Ramereth is the OSU OSL guy who gives +1 or -1 for Colo18:21
tgm4883I don't think we could fit many vm's on a system disk. Even if we were just installing minimal images18:21
Ramerethtgm4883: for you you might look into the shared storage option that ganeti now supports18:22
Ramerethi haven't personally used it before so I can't tell you how it works but I think the idea is that you have a large slice mounted on each node and ganeti just deals with managing it18:22
Ramerethi'm not sure how well documented that feature is :/18:23
tgm4883Ramereth, yea this looks like exactly what we're doing18:25
tgm4883the only PPA I found with ganeti is https://launchpad.net/~sdeziel/+archive/ganeti18:27
MarkDudeUbuntu Oregon logs make the news >>> http://www.itworld.com/node/27936819:09
* MarkDude was against logging, figured he might as well make it work to his advantage, annoucing stuff in a stealth manner19:10
MarkDudeHmmmm apparently  <blkperl> has their address on public record19:17
bkerensaMarkDude: what?19:17
MarkDuderead the log19:17
MarkDudewawit maybe thats an event location19:18
Ramerethtgm4883: if you need anymore help i tend to idle in #ganeti or #osuosl. i'm going to head out of this channel19:29
bkerensattyl folks19:47
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
blkperlMarkDude: yeah its the Engineering Building address21:44
MarkDudeFair enough-21:49
MarkDudeIt looks like I will need to clarify with the councilfolk- it was ME that created Twitter account21:50
* MarkDude thought it would be Fedora logs that would trace it to me.21:50
* MarkDude had it explained there was a delay in logs being posted with Ubuntu- apparently not :)21:51
MarkDudemaybe I will say it was all nathwill 's idea, he told me to do it21:52

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