
smjms[snake]: http://wolframalpha.com/input/?i=cos(3)00:00
HarrisDarael, harris@harris-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA:~$ ln -s file:///home/harris/Desktop/School file:///home/harris/Desktop/Pictures file:///home/harris/Desktop/What%20Have%20you%20Learned%20About%20Ubuntu /home/harris/Desktop/Dropbox/00:00
Harrisoops floodbot its time to mute me00:01
ubottuFloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.00:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:01
DaraelHarris: If you used mine from before, you created the wrong link to sync multiple folders.  Issue "rm ~harris/Desktop/Dropbox", followed by "mkdir ~harris/Desktop/Dropbox" and then "ln -s ~harris/Desktop/{All\ Music,School,Pictures,What\ Have\ you\ Learned\ About\ Ubuntu,Dropbox/}"00:01
[snake]smjms, Thanks!!00:01
=== shadowh511-lapto is now known as sh511-lptp
HarrisDarael, what do i paste in00:03
DaraelHarris: In turn, each of the things I gave in quotes, sans the quotes, hitting enter each time.  You could insert && in between instead of pressing enter if you like.00:03
Harrisif i give you the locations can you make the code like for the first one00:04
jonfhi, can anyone tell me how to do a do-release-upgrade to 11.10 on a server? I don't want to go to 12.04LTS at this point.00:04
KRomoi just got this error: colord crashed with sigabrt in raise  any idea why?00:05
Daraeljonf: Which release are you on at the moment?00:05
jonf11.04 at this point00:05
HarrisDarael,  is that a yes00:05
DaraelHarris: Why did you try to link with file:// locations?  You clearly know that's not what the shell expects, since you told us about /home/harris/Desktop/All\ Music, yet you tried to link the others with Nautilus URIs... why?00:06
arooni-mobilecompiz just crashed on ubuntu 12.04 lts... how can i get my window bars back without restarting lightdm?00:06
harushimowhat is a good light weight gui interface00:06
harushimoI was debating between openbox or fluxbox00:06
Dacsany help?00:06
Picijonf: do-release-upgrade shouldn't move yout to 12.04 if you're only on 11.04 right now.00:06
harushimowhich one is better00:07
Daraelharushimo: I favour e: Enlightenment DR17, but there is no "best", of course.00:07
Pici!best | harushimo00:07
Darael!poll | harushimo00:07
ubottuharushimo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:07
KRomoi just got this error: colord crashed with sigabrt in raise  any idea why?00:07
harushimoI will choose it00:07
harushimoI just want a opinion00:07
HarrisDarael, please help me do the codes one by one00:07
Harristhere are only four00:07
harushimoI have a virtual machine for ubuntu server. I want a gui but a lightweight gui00:08
jonfpici: thanks!00:08
harushimoI still need access to the terminal too00:08
Harrisplease Darael00:08
DaraelHarris: I am happy to /help/, but you are asking me to do everything for you.  Have you even tried to work out what was going on?00:09
=== andre is now known as Guest23270
Harris/home/harris/Desktop/What Have you Learned About Ubuntu to /home/harris/Desktop/Dropbox00:09
Harris/home/harris/Desktop/School to /home/harris/Desktop/Dropbox00:10
DaraelHarris: I'm sorry, sometimes I get impatient.  Please ignore that.  Please make sure /home/harris/Desktop/Dropbox exists and is an empty folder.  Then provide the four paths to be synced, all on one line, and I will compose a command for you.  Don't flood the channel.00:10
ActionParsnipharushimo: fluxbox00:11
Dacs"W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_universe_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch"00:11
=== max is now known as Guest11597
ActionParsnipDacs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1017244/00:12
=== Guest23270 is now known as Artazol
arooni-mobilecompiz just crashed on ubuntu 12.04 lts... how can i get my window bars back without restarting lightdm?00:13
RomanceHello, i am using ubuntu 11.04 , i accidentally deleted the default python version which is 2.7 , now i can't even go to the terminal or synaptic packet manager , terminal gone , and synaptic give error to load , how do i fix this00:13
Harris/home/harris/Desktop/Pictures to /home/harris/Desktop/Dropbox00:13
Harris/home/harris/Desktop/School to /home/harris/Desktop/Dropbox00:13
Harris/home/harris/Desktop/What Have you Learned About Ubuntu00:13
Harris/home/harris/Desktop/What Have you Learned About Ubuntu to /home/harris/Desktop/Dropbox00:13
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: press ALT+F2 and run:   compiz --replace00:13
FloodBot1Harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
PringlesCanHello all, I was wondering if there's a preferred way to keep manually compiled software up to date?00:13
ActionParsnipHarris: you link them to things INSIDE the folder, not to the folder itself00:13
Harrissorry i tried to do one line00:13
ActionParsnipHarris: think about it00:13
DaraelHarris: "ln -s /home/harris/Desktop/{All\ Music,Pictures,School,What\ Have\ you\ Learned\ About\ Ubuntu,Dropbox}"00:14
harushimoyou said to do a symbolic link ln  -s /usr/shared/applications/Virtual.desktop ~/Desktop/vbox.desktop?00:14
harushimois that right00:14
Harrisdo i include the "00:14
DaraelHarris: Nope.00:14
Harrisso it is ln -s /home/harris/Desktop/{All\ Music,Pictures,School,What\ Have\ you\ Learned\ About\ Ubuntu,Dropbox}00:14
DaraelHarris: Correct.00:14
RomanceHello, i am using ubuntu 11.04 , i accidentally deleted the default python version which is 2.7 , now i can't even go to the terminal or synaptic packet manager , terminal gone , and synaptic give error to load , how do i fix this00:14
Harriseven the period00:14
ActionParsnipHarris: looking at the past commands, haven't you worked out the syntax of ln yet!!?00:15
DaraelHarris: What period?  There are commas, but no full stops, in that command.00:15
Harrisafter dropbox00:15
jamescarrwhere is the picture 12.04 takes through your webcam kept at?00:15
jamescarrfor your profile pic?00:15
DaraelActionParsnip: Some people refuse to do their own thinking.  The syntax has been explicitly provided at least three times, but Harris still wants the command provided.00:15
ActionParsnipDarael: shame00:16
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
DaraelHarris: I don't see a full stop; I only see a closing curly bracket (}).  And yes, that's meant to be there.00:16
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Harrisok thank you so much Darael  it worked00:17
locoguanoQuick question.  When I open "Additional Drivers", four are listed. Three of them are "NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernal module, and VDPAU library" and one is "nvidia_current_updates". Which one should I use?00:17
Harrisand i do do my own work linux is confussing me00:17
ActionParsnipHarris: thinnk about it...  ln -s /folder/to/be/linked /link/to/make00:18
Chuck_Norrislocoguano: "NVIDIA binary Xorg driver"00:18
ActionParsnipHarris: that's all it is00:18
RomanceHello, i am using ubuntu 11.04 , i accidentally deleted the default python version which is 2.7 , now i can't even go to the terminal or synaptic packet manager , terminal gone , and synaptic give error to load , how do i fix this00:18
locoguanoChuck.. ok.. but there are 3 of them. How do I know which to use?00:18
jamescarrwhen ubuntu takes a pic of you during setup, where the heck is it stored?!00:18
ActionParsnipjamescarr: probably in home some place00:19
DaraelRomance: press ctl+alt+f1 to get a terminal, log in, type "sudo apt-get install python2.7", complete that, and press ctl+alt+f7 to get back to the GUI.00:19
Chuck_Norrislocoguano: take a screenshot00:19
gnubiejamescarr>  look in pictures/webcam00:19
DaraelRomance: Alternatively, try ctl+alt+t to get a gnome-terminal.00:20
locoguanoJust clicked to activate one and it says I have broken packages... (new to linux obviously)00:20
tophcan anyone tell me what is wrong with this statement "date %A%_B%_d%_Y %-r%_Z" I'm trying to get it to type out the date and time a specific way. :(00:20
DacsActionParsnip: did i had a bad apt deamon or what? also if you don't mind i was talking to you last night and you advised that i use xubuntu , i did install it but it look like unity is still taking control please advise.00:20
Daraeltoph: You need a + before the %A.00:21
Harriswhat is a site that has answers to ubuntu questions that i have asked today for example how do you hide a folder00:21
Chuck_Norrislocoguano: open a terminal and copy & paste this command: sudo apt-get install -f00:21
=== ray1claw_afk is now known as ray1claw
DaraelHarris: http://askubuntu.com00:21
reisiojamescarr: find ~/ -iname '*.jp*g'00:21
DaraelHarris: Also, of course, the forums on http://ubuntuforums.org and the documentation at http://help.ubuntu.com00:21
ActionParsnipDacs: so when you log in to the Xubuntu session, it runs unity?00:22
tophDarael thank you :)00:22
=== GhostFreeman_ is now known as GhostFreeman
jeektoph: date +"%A%_B%_d%_Y %-r%_Z"00:22
KRomohey guys, i just ran sudo touch /forcefsck and rebooted. where do i see rthe log of fsck?00:23
reisiologs are usually in /var/log/00:23
KRomoi want to see if it found errors00:23
ActionParsnipKRomo: less  /var/log/fsck00:23
KRomoit says nothing has been logged yet00:24
DaraelKRomo: Try /var/log/boot.log perhaps?00:24
DacsActionParsnip: when i boot the laptop i can see xubuntu splash , but it boot into unity00:24
KRomoDarael,  yes there is a log00:24
ActionParsnipDacs: the boot splash is irrelevant, you are looging in to Unity session00:25
DacsActionParsnip: yes00:25
Harrisi have searched all of the sites how do i hide a folder00:25
ActionParsnipDacs: log off, select Xubuntu session, then log in00:25
KRomobut how do i read this log?00:25
KRomoi dont see any errors in it00:25
KRomoi guess it had no errors :)00:25
Jordan_UHarris: Rename it so that it begins with a '.' .00:25
BlackshirtHarris, just prepend it with dot00:26
txomon|homehow can I download mini isos from the archives?00:26
txomon|homewith apt-get I mean00:26
DaraelKRomo: Assuming you've got it up onscreen, and you see no errors, you can either assume there were none or pastebin it and check what the people in here think.00:26
ActionParsniptxomon|home: the mini iso isn't downloaded with apt-get00:26
txomon|homeActionParsnip, but it is downloaded from mirrors00:26
BlackshirtTxmon: are you sure mini iso available on pool archives?00:26
KRomohow does that look?00:26
Daraeltxomon|home: The minimal CDs are not packages and cannot be downloaded with apt-get.  Use wget instead.00:26
ActionParsniptxomon|home: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:27
txomon|homeyes, but you can specify mirrors for apt, and use them to grab those mini isos00:27
KRomois that the right log?00:27
Harrisso .folder00:27
BlackshirtHarris, yes,,,00:28
ActionParsniptxomon|home: the ISO isn't downloaed with apt-get00:28
KRomoDarael, can you check out the pastebin?00:28
DaraelHarris: You can also hide folders by adding their names (one to a line) to a plain-text line called .hidden in the same folder - this will hide them from the file manager but not the terminal.00:28
BlackshirtTxcomon, apt-get works with .deb file00:28
txomon|homeBlackshirt, and with source packages00:29
Harriscan you hide it from the desktop00:29
DaraelKRomo: Sure, just a mo; working over SSH here, had to remember how to copy-paste in Screen.00:29
DaraelHarris: The desktop is implemented by the file manager.  If the FM is set to show hidden files, files of the .filename form or those listed in ~/Desktop/.hidden will be shown on the desktop, otherwise they'll be hidden.00:30
DaraelKRomo: It certainly looks fine to me.00:30
KRomoit is the right log?00:31
KRomoif there were errors it would be there?00:31
JoniiHow to resize ubuntu partition?00:31
BassoPT-MBAirdo you fancy a bum?00:31
JoniiI want to make it bigger00:31
reisioJonii: with gparted from the install image00:31
DaraelKRomo: That looks like a /var/log/boot.log to me, but I'm not sufficiently intimately familiar with that offhand.00:31
locoguanoChuck: Did "sudo apt-get install -f", still showing 3 drivers, still get "broken packages" when I try to activate one.00:31
=== DeviceZe- is now known as DeviceZer0
Harrisi put the dot and it isnt hidden00:31
Joniireisio: you mean, boot from install media, and then use gparted there on my computer?00:32
reisioHarris: hidden from what?00:32
reisioJonii: right00:32
Harristhe desktop00:32
JoniiIt does not break my ubuntu?00:32
reisioJonii: it shouldn't, but resizing is not 100% safe00:32
reisioJonii: you have a backup system for your personal data don't you? :)00:32
JoniiOh well, new computer, fresh install, nothing of value here00:33
JoniiNo I don't have anything like that00:33
reisioJonii: what're you taking space from?00:33
HarrisDarael,  i want to hide the dropbox folder00:33
DaraelJonii: No more than the usual risk involved with messing with partitions, which is small but present.  Backups are important if there's any of your data on there... and I see reisio has already covered this.00:33
Joniireisio: windows. I'm hesitant to remove it completely00:33
reisiowell see that you acquire something like that once you have data:p00:33
BassoPT-MBAirfancy a bum?00:33
Joniireisio: how to do something like that?00:34
reisioJonii: it's a good idea to defrag Windows' file system before resizing them00:34
szalBassoPT-MBAir: pardon?00:34
Joniireisio: true. I was thinking of doing that00:34
DaraelHarris: OK, so you can't rename it because Dropbox won't recognise it, but you /can/ create a plain-text file called .hidden on your desktop and give it the content "Dropbox".  You can do that with the command "echo Dropbox > /home/harris/Desktop/.hidden" (no quotes).00:34
BassoPT-MBAiryou know a bum00:34
reisioJonii: if you have two disks, there are a number of methods, otherwise you could use an online solutin, like Ubunutu100:34
BassoPT-MBAirman on man action!00:34
ActionParsnipBassoPT-MBAir: please don't00:34
Daraelszal: Don't feed the trolls, please.00:34
szalBassoPT-MBAir: no, and it's probably off-topic here00:34
Harrisdrop box is still there00:35
Harrisshould i post a screen shot00:36
DaraelHarris: You may have to refresh the desktop.  Right-click it and select "refresh", or log out and in, or something, and see if that changes.  If that fails, try pressing ctl+h to toggle showing hidden files.00:36
MCl0vinActionParsnip, it worked, xubuntu00:38
r1pp3rj4ckhey guys00:38
convolutionhi all00:38
r1pp3rj4cki use archlinux, but on the server we use ubuntu server00:38
convolutionwhy "su" command in ubuntu doesn't work?00:38
locoguanoInstalling "Additional Drivers" for my Nvidia card. Three are listed under the name "NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module, and VDPAU library". When I try to activate one it get "SystemError: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages".  Any help would be appreciated.00:39
szal!su | convolution00:39
ubottuconvolution: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:39
ActionParsnipconvolution: the root account is disabled, instead use:    sudo -i00:39
r1pp3rj4cki wrote a bash script which executes a program00:39
r1pp3rj4ckand i call it like 'script.sh > script.log &'00:39
convolutionwhy is disabled?00:39
ActionParsnipconvolution: security as well as other things00:40
r1pp3rj4ckand it doesn't really work on ubuntu, but it works on archlinxu00:40
HarrisDarael,  it is hidden how do i get it back if i need it00:40
=== tommyvyo_ is now known as tommyvyo
convolutioni have ubuntu with a root account disabled? how to reactivate it?00:40
ActionParsnipconvolution: its not supported here00:40
r1pp3rj4ckcould you give me some link when i can read how it works on ubuntu server and how to solve it?00:40
ActionParsnip!noroot | convolution00:40
ubottuconvolution: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.00:40
DaraelHarris: Just press ctl+h and it'll show up, or use the terminal (where it's not hidden).00:40
Harrishow do you refresh the desktop00:41
fish13hi, i replaced a file that was very important by an older version. Is it possible to retrieve it?00:41
reisiofish13: replaced how?00:41
ActionParsnipconvolution: if you use:  sudo -i    you will be root as you require, no need to enable the account00:41
=== skoef_ is now known as skoef
Harrisi did that Darael  it didnt work00:41
DaraelHarris: I do not recall, and can't check right now since I'm on a server machine.00:41
convolutioni have also debian, and over there i type "su root" and it works well00:42
ActionParsnipconvolution: debian has the account enabled.....00:42
fish13i overwrited the directory00:42
MCl0vinnow the 10000 $ question , how do i play wmv video files00:42
DaraelHarris: Then Put the focus on the desktop, go to the menu: view->hidden.00:42
Harrisi did00:42
Harristhat didnt work00:42
DaraelMCl0vin: Install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package to get things like codecs, but if the file is DRMd you may have trouble.00:42
fish13hi, i replaced a file that was very important by an older version. Is it possible to retrieve it?00:43
fish13i overwrited the directory00:43
locoguanoInstalling "Additional Drivers" for my Nvidia card. Three are listed under the name "NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module, and VDPAU library". When I try to activate one it get "SystemError: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages".  Any help would be appreciated. (Ran "sudo apt-get install -f" as suggested earlier, but nothing changed.)00:43
Daraelfish13: Unfortunately, it is unlikely to be possible to recover your file unless it's still open in something (in which case, save it, quick!).  It doesn't help you now, but this is what backups and/or version control are for.00:44
ActionParsnipMCl0vin: install ubuntu-restricted-extras gnome-mplayer vlc and w32codecs (from medibuntu repo)00:44
L3toplocoguano: in terminal: sudo dpkg --configure -a00:44
Harrishow do you refresh desktop00:44
DaraelActionParsnip: It's not necessary to install /all/ of those, now, is it?00:45
L3topit is a strong mix Darael.00:45
locoguanoL3top - Done. Same error.00:45
MCl0vinYou do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins.00:45
pengwuhi all00:46
L3toplocoguano: the error will be more verbose. Please pastebin00:46
Harrisi hid a folder now when i click view hidden folders it doesnt show00:46
pengwuif i want to see a text file is UTF-8 or ASCII what should I do?00:46
MCl0vinDarael, how do i know if my files are DRMd?00:46
pengwuthere are many files and I want to find all the ASCII files00:46
ActionParsnipDarael: its what I install and I can view anything :)00:46
DaraelL3top: True, but most people want to use /one/ player.  Personally, I just add medibuntu and install non-free-codecs (which depends on w(32|64)codecs and ubuntu-restricted-extras) and libdvdcss2 - I usually have VLC in place already.00:46
L3topDarael: the only ones in "competition" are mplayer (which handles h264 better than vlc, as much as I love vlc) and vlc is a great swiss army knife00:47
HarrisDarael,  when i click view i cant see00:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:47
L3topthough she is gaining weight...00:47
locoguanoWhere do I find more info on that error?00:47
DaraelL3top: VLC is indeed gaining weight, and I wasn't aware that mplayer handled h264 better.  Good to know.00:48
ActionParsnipL3top: i'm not aware of much that vlc can do that mplayer can't do00:48
HarrisDarael, please how do i get it i am worried that i lost my folder00:48
DaraelHarris: It's not gone.  To prove it, issue a "ls Desktop/Dropbox" in a terminal and see that it's still there.00:49
L3topvlc is a strong swiss army knife... it handles dvd navigation, for instance, much better than vlc...00:49
L3toper mplayer00:49
r1pp3rj4cknvm, solved it with nohup00:49
locoguanoL3top: where do I get that error info?00:49
=== skoef_ is now known as skoef
DaraelHarris: Indeed, issue an "ls Desktop" in the terminal and if you used the entry-in-.hidden method (rather than the .filename method) it'll show up there, too.00:49
MCl0vincan someone please help me with this issue00:49
HarrisDarael, why can i view it then when i click view hidden files and folders00:50
L3topplease pastebin the output of dpkg --configure -a00:50
L3toplocoguano: ^00:50
DaraelHarris: I don't recall off the top of my head how to refresh the desktop,  I'm sorry.  I'm working on a server; checking will be tricky.  Perhaps someone else knows.00:50
locoguanoThere was no output. It just went to the next command line.00:50
locoguanoL3top: There was no output. It just went to the next command line.00:52
L3toplocoguano: I misunderstood your saying that the same error was produced, I assumed you meant from dpkg... which would have been more verbose. apt-cache policy nvidia-current00:52
Harriswhat does working on a server mean00:52
locoguano  Installed: (none)00:53
locoguano  Candidate: 295.53-0ubuntu1~precise~xup100:53
locoguano  Version table:00:53
locoguano     295.53-0ubuntu1~precise~xup1 000:53
FloodBot1locoguano: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:53
locoguano        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages00:53
HarrisDarael, what does on the server mean00:53
L3topsorry locoguano. I should have put a grep in there00:54
Harrisanyone know how to refresh the unity desktop00:54
locoguanopretend you are talking to a 5 year old, because that is about where I am with Linux. :)00:54
HarrisActionParsnip, how do i refresh the unity desktop00:55
ActionParsnipHarris: refresh in what way?00:55
BlackshirtHarris you don't need them00:55
Harrisask Darael00:55
L3toplocoguano: It appears the canonical gurus have very cleverly replaced their nvidia version in the last week or so... please sudo apt-get install nvidia-current00:55
HarrisActionParsnip,  ask Darael00:56
PiciActionParsnip: they're looking for the unity --reset command iirc, or whatever its actually called.00:56
ActionParsnipPici: sounds like it, just checkin00:56
i7chow could unity need a reset. you can't conf it anyways :D00:56
HarrisActionParsnip,  i hid a folder and when i click view hidden folders it doesnt show00:57
L3topi7c: it uses compositing in 3d... you could have redraw problems conceivably00:57
locoguanoL3top: thanks00:57
ActionParsnipHarris: I see, why are you storing data on the desktop anyway?00:58
ActionParsnipHarris:  you can always browse to the folder in nautilus and access it there00:58
tr3ntondoesn't f5 refresh?00:59
Harrisi refreshed it and it still doesnt show00:59
ActionParsnipHarris: use nautilus and access the desktop from your home folder01:00
=== xscc is now known as m00se
MCl0vincan someone please help me with this issue i am having, i am trying to play wmv videos , but nothing that i do work, i have installed smplayer, vlc01:00
locoguanoL3top: Do I need to do a reboot after that update?01:00
ActionParsnipMCl0vin: did you install xubuntu-restricted-extras01:01
MCl0vinActionParsnip, it was already insatlled01:01
ActionParsnipMCl0vin: did you try a different video output method in VLC? Do you get anything from playinig the video?01:02
MCl0vinActionParsnip, voice only01:02
ActionParsnipMCl0vin: set a different video output method01:02
MCl0vinActionParsnip, no i didn't try different out01:02
MCl0vinActionParsnip, checking it....01:03
ActionParsnipMCl0vin: so what did you try??01:04
KRomowhat is the best mp3 player app on ubuntu?01:04
KRomobeen liking clementine but itsa bit buggy01:04
tr3ntonrhythmbox :D01:04
=== xscc is now known as `mOOse`
MCl0vinActionParsnip, where can i change the method of how the video is out put01:05
ActionParsnipKRomo: there is no single best01:05
ActionParsnipMCl0vin: tools -> prefereces -> video01:05
KRomoinstalling Exaile now01:05
ActionParsnipKRomo: what is the best MP3 player for any OS?01:05
KRomolooks very cleab01:05
KRomofoobar is best on windows :)01:06
tr3ntonbest is subjective01:06
ActionParsnipKRomo: I prefer <insert name hare>01:06
KRomowell, better q, what do you guys use?01:06
ActionParsnipKRomo: its a nonesense question, all you will get is opinion01:06
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ActionParsnipKRomo: gnome-mplayer nuy mainly spotify :)01:07
MCl0vinActionParsnip, "No suitable decoder module:01:07
MCl0vinVLC does not support the audio or video format "MSS2". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this."01:07
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KRomois there a spotify app for ubuntu?01:08
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ActionParsnipKRomo: sure, add the spotify ppa01:08
MCl0vinActionParsnip, any other suggestions please01:10
HarrisDarael, i couldnt get it to show after refreshing with f5 but ActionParsnip  gave me the idea of using home folder which worked thank you for your help today01:11
KRomooh wow01:12
Harrisboth of you should work for geek squad01:12
ActionParsnipMCl0vin: all the guides I've seen state w32codecs (or w64 for 64bit OS)01:13
Harrisgtg i proboly be nack tomarrow for more help can ni pm you though ActionParsnip  and Darael01:13
MCl0vinActionParsnip, i didn't install w32codecs...link please01:13
L3topMCl0vin: MSS2 is an archaic WMV container. I don't think ANYTHING will play it, though it could be converted. That is like if I wrote my own language, in my own character set, and you asked me for a document reader that would let you read it in a language you know.01:14
ActionParsnipMCl0vin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu01:14
MCl0vinL3top, isn't that what google translate for :)01:15
L3topNot if I invent the language, in a character set my 4 year old scribbled01:15
MCl0vinL3top, hahahah01:16
vnhi, im trying to install ubuntu, but it doesn't list my devices/partitions, what can I do?  if I go to ctrl+alt+f1 and into cfdisk, I can manage them...01:18
james-ubchey guys im having an isue with empanthy... it's not connecting to faceook01:18
james-ubcuser/pw is right01:18
james-ubcit just  says no error specified01:19
MCl0vinvn, did you try df -k01:19
L3topMCl0vin: if you have multiple files in this format, I would google some sort of converter01:19
hamchii just got xubuntu linux installed01:19
xanguajames-ubc: user as in 'facebook username' ¿ tried to change your facebook account and, obviosly, change it back in empathy¿01:19
hamchiit fucking epic01:19
hamchiits fcking magical01:19
FloodBot1hamchi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:19
IdleOne!language | hamchi01:19
ubottuhamchi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:19
L3topMCl0vin: I don't know of anything that will outright play it.01:19
hamchiits almost like a vagina.01:19
MCl0vinL3top, total of 31 files01:20
tophIs there any way to look up my zipcode from the terminal?01:20
iamtheretodaywow. speaking of vagina's01:20
bazhang_iamtheretoday, stop that01:20
IdleOneiamtheretoday: I won't just remove you. Please stop.01:20
MCl0vinconversion will take a while and i need to study my exam is on june 6th01:20
MCl0vindon't want to waste more time as it is already01:21
L3topMCl0vin: we all have priorities in life.01:21
L3topMCl0vin: the time wasted should be attributed to whomever chose that format01:21
iamtheretodayvn..  Did you try formatting with fat or nt ?01:21
vnMCl0vin: that command works01:22
vniamtheretoday: it was ntfs'd before, but with cfdisk I just changed it to ext4 and swap01:22
ActionParsnipcould convert the file01:22
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
MCl0vinam thinking to use wine01:24
karaHow might one find drivers for an original macbook. Ubuntu isn't detecting any useful drivers for it.01:24
vniamtheretoday: why that ntfs question?01:24
iamtheretodayAnd with the friendly ubuntu installer it doesn't see any hard drive devices?01:25
xangua!mac | kara already read this¿01:25
ubottukara already read this¿: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages01:25
vniamtheretoday: exact01:25
james-ubcxangua: huh?01:25
L3topMCl0vin: am I understanding you correctly... did some... terribly misguided professor give you these files in that format?01:25
xanguajames-ubc: can you elaborate¿01:25
vnany way I can do a ncurses-based install of ubuntu desktop, like server versions?01:25
bazhangvn the alternate installer01:26
james-ubcxangua: it just stoped working lastweek for whatever reason01:26
bazhang!alternate | vn01:26
ubottuvn: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal01:26
james-ubcxangua: my username and pw changed but i've tried retyping it/making a new acc and loging in with a friend's account01:26
xanguajames-ubc: tried to change your facebook password in the website¿ and change it in empahty too01:26
vnbut is there a GUI with the alternate?  I need to manage my VBoxes thru X01:27
xanguajames-ubc: does your friend has a 'facebook username'¿01:27
L3topMCl0vin: Wow. That is a travesty. Yes sir... wine is your answer. What a shame... it should be brougt to their attention that this is a dead format, and for extra credit you will convert them for them.01:27
MCl0vinL3top, that is a deal i will have to work with him01:27
iamtheretodayvn.. Had the same problem once, went back and formatted the entire drive with ntfs , booted from a usb drive and loaded the ubuntu os with no problem..01:28
MCl0vinon a windows machine it works of internet explorer01:28
MCl0vinso i will try to install that01:29
ActionParsnipIE doesn't run in Ubuntu01:29
james-ubcxangua: yeah i tried the user/pass on the site itself and it accepted it but empathy refuses to connect for osme reason01:30
L3topYes MCl0vin... I have RARELY run into this format, and it doesn't work on ANYTHING to my knowledge but wmp (or by proxy IE). Not mac, not linux, not plan9, not commodore... it is a proprietary container.01:30
L3topyeah... I said plan9... wanna fight about it?01:31
tophIs there any way to look up my zipcode from the terminal? I was thinking like looking up my ip address and finding it out from there. or maybe there is some location based thing I can install that can tell me when I connect to the internet?01:34
Alvaro-iqQhello,,,,, antivirus para ubuntu server 10.0401:35
Alvaro-iqQalguien que hable español01:35
Daraeltoph: Unless your device has a GPS built-in (rare) there is no reliable way to get your location other than asking the user... and ZIP codes don't even apply everywhere - what if you go abroad?01:35
Darael!es | Alvaro-iqQ01:35
ubottuAlvaro-iqQ: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:35
vniamtheretoday: ok will try thanks01:36
Daraeltoph: You could try using the SSIDs of wifi networks in the area to get a fix - this can be quite accurate, but you have to have access to someone that'll provide that.  I don't know how it's done, only that it can be.  Suggest searching for "wifi-based geolocation" or something.01:37
tophcool thanks01:39
melodiihi... people's faces in my flash videos have become blue, any idea?01:41
bazhangmelodii, full screen flash, disable hardware acceleration01:41
reisiomelodii: it's a flash/nvidia bug, what bazhang said is a good temporary fix01:42
melodiiouhhh.. like a magic01:42
tophwhat about location based adds01:43
melodiithanks so much guys01:43
tophthey always seem to know what city or area I'm in. could that be polled to get my logaction?01:43
nathaneltitane_question: how can i track which program or process uses port 2480001:43
L3topYou can script it toph01:43
tophI'm sorry I'm writing my first real bash script and my google fu and understanding of the man pages for things like grep suck lol01:44
L3topone moment01:44
melodiiSo, from now on i won't be getting any hardware acceleration from youtube videos any longer?01:44
Daraeltoph: They're unreliable, especially on dynamic IP addresses - they regularly get my location wrong - but yes, GeoIP is often workable depending how fine-grained you need your location data to be.01:44
KRomoi cant believe how much better music sounds on ubuntu01:45
KRomocall me crazy01:45
DaraelKRomo: OK.  You're crazy.01:45
KRomoi guess it is driver01:45
nathaneltitane_KRomo.. depends on your hardware and driver01:45
reisiomelodii: no, you'll just have to wait for I'm guessing Adobe to pull its head out of its $#$ again01:45
KRomoi have a pretty decent card...at least it was at the time01:45
xanguamelodii: or you can use youtube's html5 player01:46
reisiomelodii: with Flash it's always two steps forward one step back01:46
KRomomelodi c01:46
Daraelreisio, melodii:  Didn't adobe decide they were only going to support Flash on Linux in the form of the Chrome plugin?01:46
reisioDarael: dunno, got a link?01:46
reisiothe chrome plugin takes the form of a netscape plugin AFAIK, though :p so it's probably a matter of semantics01:47
KRomoChrome 22 comes with flash 11.3 which is very buggy01:47
melodiiKRomo: i use firefox (primarily), chrome, and midori01:47
KRomoif you disable the internal pkugin01:47
Daraelreisio: Not on hand; I'm working in an SSH session to a server from a TTY.01:47
mattwj2002hi guys01:47
KRomothe linux standard plugin 11.2 wqorks01:47
reisioDarael: 's'okay I Got it01:47
reisioDarael: this is a universal problem with nvidia anyways01:47
mattwj2002there is this linux program called obawix that isn't work01:47
mattwj2002the main website is offline www.okawix.com01:48
mattwj2002Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.01:48
reisioother drivers might not even have hardware accel, so it might not be a big deal comparatively01:48
mattwj2002anyone know if it is permanent or temporary?01:48
reisioDarael: "Linux users who want to view Flash content will soon have no choice but to do it through Google's Chrome browser." ha, well that will never happen01:48
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reisiotypical pcworld cluelessness01:48
Daraelmattwj2002: A "temorarily unavailable" error is usually exactly what it says on the tin.01:48
melodiii hope flash goes extinct01:48
reisioin time01:48
simplewits possible to install ubuntu with BTRFS by default?01:48
reisiosimplew: sure01:49
reisiosimplew: not a particularly sane choice, though01:49
simplewreisio: encrypted with xts?01:49
Daraelsimplew: I've done it myself, but it's painful - fsync() on btrfs is very slow, and dpkg uses a /lot/ of fsync.01:49
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LordOfTimeif i found a bug in 12.04 grub bootloader, what package do i file it against?  or do i file upstream?01:49
reisio"Adobe will continue to provide security updates to the standalone Flash Player 11.2 on Linux for five years after its release, it said." so even less of an issue01:50
DaraelLordOfTime: Almost certainly grub-pc.01:50
=== ray1claw is now known as ray1claw_afk
reisioLordOfTime: the wranglers will know how to file it01:50
reisiosimplew: hrmm?01:50
LordOfTimereisio:  i *am* one of those wranglers xD01:50
* LordOfTime probably forgot to mention he's on bug squad01:50
simplewim using BTRFS in mageia and it has been fine01:51
simplewbut i want to change to another distro01:51
DaraelLordOfTime: I would file it against grub-pc (unless you're using, for example, grub-efi), or grub-common if it's a bug likely to be independent of which grub2 it is.01:51
LordOfTimeDarael:  i'll file against what's installed, but meh01:52
wilee-nileeLordH3lment, what is the bug?01:52
wifei am everyone's husbands and wives01:52
=== ray1claw_afk is now known as ray1claw
wilee-nileeLordOfTime, what is the bug?01:53
Daraelsimplew: Well, there should be no problem using btrfs for /home in Ubuntu, and using it for / is possible, but as I mentioned, likely to be very slow when doing package-management stuff.  If you can accept updates taking a *very* long time, go for it.01:53
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  double-detection of Win7 loader, one for the main partition, the other for the windows bootloader, both work, but it results in two entries (Win 7 64bit pro on the other OS - dualboot)01:53
DaraelLordOfTime: Ah.  That's os-prober, then, IIRC.01:54
wilee-nileeLordOfTime, do you have recovery partition?01:54
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tophI'm just trying to get local weather01:55
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  OEM drive, the "System Reserved" default partition that windows autoinstalls is also detected on the main partition (C:\)01:55
LordOfTimeDarael:  could file against both... :P01:55
LordOfTimethen it can be invalid'd against whichever one it isnt :P01:55
simplewDarael:i dont get how would it be painfull, im running btrfs but its a rpm basd distro, maybe thats why i didnt experienced any delays01:55
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johnnynobodyhmm, even though i setup my firewall to allow port 53 it still shows closed - the dns server is running - what could be causing this?01:55
DaraelLordOfTime: You could.  It's OS-Prober that does the detection, though.  Update-grub calls it.01:55
LordOfTimeDarael:  i'll file against that01:55
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wilee-nileeLordOfTime, the recovery and the main are commonly show, and some time boot either.01:55
tophI found a script that can pull local weather by zip in a nice format but rather than hard code the zip I'd like to find a way to get it from my ip :)01:56
FoolsRunHi, once upon a time I could use the standard fsck command to check an hfsplus volume as long as I installed the hfsutils or hfsprogs (not sure which). Now it seems I have to use fsck.hfsplus to check them, and the checking tool is different. Is it possible to get the old tool back which just used fsck?01:56
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  there is no recovery01:56
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  win7 autosets up two partitions: Win7 boot loader on one, C:\ on the other01:56
LordOfTimethere is no recovery on OEM installs01:56
LordOfTime(and i mean OEM, installed it myself)01:56
wilee-nileeLordOfTime, would you consider running the bootscript out of curiosity?01:56
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  can't purge it, it'll "Cannot find ntldr" on windows01:57
Daraelsimplew: dpkg, which is used in all the Debian-family distros, uses lots of fsync(), which is very slow on btrfs.  That's a btrfs bug, not a dpkg one, because it does it in order to be /safe/.01:57
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  i'm a windows tech too, so i know not to purge those partitions :P01:57
wilee-nileeLordOfTime, OEM's are also releases from manufacturers they have a recovery.01:57
simplewDarael: so in your prespective a rpm based distro would slow also?01:57
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  if and only if they install it01:58
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  i buy bare OEM drives and OEM Windows to install :p01:58
wilee-nileeLordOfTime, I suspect it is a glitch in the setup not a grub bug but yah never know.01:58
Daraelsimplew: I wouldn't know; I'm not familiar with rpm's workings.  It may have an override to not use fsync when running on btrfs or something, which would trade out safety for acceptable speed.01:58
LordOfTimewilee-nilee:  possibly, but unlikely :P  its still a possible bug, so... *shurgs*01:59
wilee-nilee!bootinfo | LordOfTime here is the script if you want to take a look01:59
ubottuLordOfTime here is the script if you want to take a look: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).01:59
simplewDarael: i dont think that would be the case, but i need to know better, anyway thanks01:59
Daraelsimplew: ...or it may be that rpm just doesn't fsync nearly as much as dpkg.  It's possible to make dpkg fast on btrfs, by installing eatmydata and using it (it essentially sets fsync to a no-op), but that trades out safety for speed.02:00
bjorkintoshnow that i've convinced ubuntu to use my usb card successfully, jackd refuses to use it.02:03
bjorkintoshi only get output by switching back to my old card.02:04
bjorkintoshwhat gives?02:04
karaHow might one find drivers for an original macbook.  Intel GMA 950 I can't find anything useful02:06
chroothi, everyone, i want to learn the graphical programming in linux, but i don't know what to start, any advice?02:08
_sjswhat language?02:08
hilohello everyone. the NIC in my storage server died last night. there is one onboard the mobo but I cannot get it to work. Can someone help me get that interface working so I can have my storage server back?02:10
techquilahi all ... can anyone offer any solution to this problem for me please: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199084202:10
ActionParsnipkara: which macbook?02:11
karamacbook 1,102:11
ActionParsnipkara: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc02:12
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
karaActionParsnip: Oneiric02:13
techquilahilo: does it show up in ifconfig?02:14
ActionParsnipkara: is it a macbook air 1,1?02:15
karano. Just macbook02:15
WingedeActionParsnip: with the GMA 950 - will either be 1,1 or 2,102:17
ActionParsnipWingede: no idea, I don't use mac rubbish02:17
rebehow do I change tab size ?02:17
ActionParsnipkara: can you pastebin the output of:   sudo dmidecode -t 1       thanks02:18
ActionParsniprebe: in which app!?02:18
rebein ubuntu globaly02:18
rebebecause for example terminal python or tomboy are using 8 spaces tab, and there is no option to change it in those two02:19
zykotick9ActionParsnip: thanks.  dmidecode - never heard of it.  "is  a tool for dumping a computer's DMI (some say SMBIOS) table contents in a human-read‐ able format02:19
ActionParsnipzykotick9: dead  hamdy, shows bios version so you can see if there is a newer version02:19
karaActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/0LYKGB9j02:20
chsadosi need some major help setting up postfix02:21
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mbeierlchrrot - python is a good language to start with02:21
ActionParsnipkara: thanks, are you fully updated?02:21
mbeierlchroot, ^02:21
karabios wise?02:21
ChariblazeIs there a place to go for Intel GMA drivers?02:22
chrootmbeierl: i want to simulate some event and make simple gui.02:23
ActionParsnipkara: no, ubuntu02:23
mbeierlchroot, might want to /join #python and get more info about the language there02:23
karaActionParsnip: yes. Ran the update02:24
mbeierlchroot, python is simple, yet powerful enough that even some games have been written using it02:24
ActionParsnipkara: what is the issue with the display?02:24
faglnaris ubuntu.com down?02:25
ActionParsnipfaglnar: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/02:25
hilotechquila: it doesn't show at all, only the dead eth0 shows (the pci card is still in the machine but it will not get link lights with known good everything else). If I do "ifconfig -a" I do see the eth1 interface but it has no IP despite link lights being on.02:26
karaActionParsnip: No openGL02:26
KRomoi just switched back to rhythmbox02:27
karaI'm pretty sure there won't be any 3d support either02:27
hilotechquila: Also, I tried "ifconfig eth1 up" which executed without complaints. After that, eth1 does show up in a standard "ifconfig" but still with no IP address02:28
ActionParsnipkara: just just use mac os as it is designed02:29
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ubottuPAMPAM: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».02:34
Studioushello linux world02:39
techquilahilo: you want to use dhcp or static?02:40
csioktelhi, anyone know which sftp(gui) client program support socks5 connection?02:41
techquilahilo: ifconfig eth1 dhcp up   or ifconfig eth1 up  (replacing the ip address with one that will fit in your domain/subnet02:41
techquilahilo: then if you need net access you will need to add dns info to /etc/resolv.conf02:42
ActionParsnipcsioktel: possibly filezilla02:42
ActionParsnipcsioktel: have you tried nautilus?02:42
hilotechquila: dhcp (but the dhcp hands out static IPs)02:42
techquilahilo: I'm no ninja but that's how i configure my interfaces with that method02:43
techquilahilo: hehe.. they are actually dynamically generated and only valid during its lease time02:44
hilotechquila: is there a switch I need for dhcp? in the format you suggested, I get "dhcp: Host name lookup falure"02:44
csioktelAcionParsnip: i tried filezilla, and i only found it socks5 for ftp, but can not found sftp.02:44
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd02:45
techquilahilo: did you do the ifconfig eth1 dhcp up? if so and you still get that then you will need to add gateway  like this02:45
hilotechquila: When I run "ifconfig eth1 dhcp up" I get that error and the command does not execute02:45
techquilahilo: sorry if you open up /etc/network/interfaces by doing sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces02:46
hilotechquila: I have already added the auto eth1 line in my /etc/network/interfaces02:47
hilotechquila: but it complains when I try to restart networking (/etc/init.d/networking restart02:48
techquilahilo: sorry i keep hitting the enter key by mistake... look for the line that points to eth1 or create it:  iface eth1 inet static02:49
hilotechquila: "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth102:49
techquilahilo: new line02:49
techquilahilo: whene did that occur?02:49
techquilahilo: have you added gateway adress?02:50
hilotechquila: I think I figured it out...02:50
techquilahilo: ie address of your router?02:50
Infinity_I have a problem, I just booted into my Ubuntu 32 bit and my menu bar isn't showing up.02:51
Infinity_version 12.04, i'm talking about the top and left side bars02:51
hilotechquila: in my /etc/networking/interfaces file, I had auto eth1 but then referenced eth0 on the next line to enable dhcp02:52
koskowhat package contains python?02:52
techquilaInfinity_: try logging out and logging in again, if that don't work you may not have the hardware to support unity so try loggin out and in with gnome or classic02:52
koskoreisio: it can't find it upon apt-get install02:52
hilotechquila: Yeah, changed that and it is all good02:52
hilotechquila: Thanks!02:52
Infinity_techquila, i was able to login before with my current hardware02:52
hilotechquila: wouldn't have noticed that for hours...02:52
techquilahilo: sweet.. can be a bit of a frustration sometimes this networking bizniz02:53
koskoreisio: nevermind, i din't notice it was installed02:53
reisiokosko: ho ho! :D02:53
bluefox83ok, so i finally got back into my user account, and it's at 400x600 and i get a wierd error when i try to change my display,...it gives a long error in a dialog box and i can't even see the whole thing02:54
bluefox83something about XRABDR02:54
bluefox83er, XRandR02:55
koskocan you imagin dropbox cli version consumes 150mb ram, what a bitch?!02:55
techquilaInfinity_: recent upgrade to 12.04 or you been using 12.04 and this problem just started happening02:55
* bluefox83 is seriously missing his server box he uses for backups >.>02:56
bot1024http://mfwc.baidu.com/  click here to help poor children in china.02:56
bluefox83how is that bot here?02:56
bot1024i from china02:57
xanguabot1024: don't spam please02:57
Infinity_i recently upgraded to 12.04 about 2 or 3 weeks ago technoviking02:57
bot1024xangua,  ok..02:58
xanguaInfinity_: did you try reseting unity and compiz¿02:58
techquilaInfinity_: and never had a menu bar since?02:58
Infinity_no, i just booted in to it today and this happened02:58
techquilainfinity: quick google search reveals this link which may help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/127240/missing-launcher-after-12-04-upgrade02:59
bluefox83that was fun :)02:59
bluefox83ok...so how do i get gnome to actually work with more than 400x600 resolution? the dang display thingy is useless. i get a random error i don't understand03:00
bluefox83something about Xrand03:01
* techquila has done some community service now.. anyone care to look at his problem03:01
bluefox83techquila: whats the problem?03:01
XiRoNHow do I close and unclosable program running on ubuntu server that is taking up 6GB RAM on my host system?03:01
XiRoNand = an03:01
mikeieeanyone here good with PHP&MYSQL.03:01
techquilabluefox83: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199084203:01
XiRoNmikeiee: try ##php or ##mysql03:01
bluefox83XiRoN: ps x then find the pid for the application, then kill -9 pid03:02
mikeieei need help ASAP ! and nobody is replying on there03:02
XiRoNWhat does -9 do?03:02
XiRoNWhats the problem mikeiee?03:02
bluefox83techquila: i don't have a mouse at the moment...i had to hit ctrl alt f1 to chat here with irssi03:02
mikeieeXiRoN, YOu know PHP & MYSQL/03:02
bluefox83XiRoN: no idea03:03
XiRoNlol bluefox8303:03
bluefox83all i know is, it works03:03
XiRoNwow it worked thanks :)03:03
mikeieePM XiRoN,03:03
bluefox83you're welcome03:03
techquilabluefox83: i'm having issues upgrading my server to 12.04 with do-release-upgrade ... failing to fetch upgrade tool... wget on the address works though03:04
techquilabluefox83: followed correct upgrade path03:04
bluefox83hrm, you might try another mirror O.o03:04
bluefox83techquila: does it give any specific error?03:04
techquilabluefox83: tried several... its got me stumped... a lot of people have this error over the years with other releases according to the goog03:05
UNIXnerdmy system want me to upgrade to 11.04, i'm on Xubuntu, I have custom grub stuff and settings03:05
UNIXnerdwill I lose any apps/binaries/settings?03:05
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techquilabluefox83: in fact if memory serves me i've had the same issue several times before with prior upgrades..but i'm buggered if I can remember how i overcame it03:06
imnicholAnyone else having problems purchasing from the Ubuntu Software Center?03:06
Guest96099I have a question about bitmap files03:06
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techquilaUNIXnerd: I wouldn't have thought so unless the apps are no longer supported in the newer release03:08
bluefox83techquila: i don't recall how to do that...i believe there's a file you need to change that has to do with whether or not to upgrade on releases.03:09
Guest96099How do I convert a 256 color bitmap file (.bmp) to a 16 color DOS style bitmap (.BMP) using Ubuntu software?03:09
techquilabluefox83: sorry overlooked your last message.. the error is simply this:, and forgive the paste... you mentioned you couldn't follow links:  sod@theta:/var/www$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d03:09
techquilaChecking for a new ubuntu release03:09
techquilaErr Upgrade tool signature03:09
techquila  Connection failed03:09
techquilaGet:1 Upgrade tool [5612 kB]03:09
FloodBot1techquila: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:09
techquilaFetched 5612 kB in 0s (0 B/s)03:09
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NoNaMeNohi, how can I know if network manager is configured to start in each boot? I'm using 12.04 and I have to start nm-applet manually03:10
sacarlsonGuest96099: might try gimp but I never tried change color numbers before03:10
saliakI'm trying to su to a different user w/out entering their password.  i do have sudo privs.  I type 'sudo su otheruser', but nothing happens.  any suggestions?03:10
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Guest96099I tried Gimp and it failed to produce the needed result03:10
sacarlsonGuest96099: other than going from color to black and white I know it can do that03:11
bluefox83hrm... i would try changing mirrors in your sources.list and seeing if that helps...03:11
NoNaMeNoshould nm-applet be in startup applications?03:12
Guest96099This is machdohvah = Michael Flower03:12
HarrisOerHeks,  what is the coolest feature about ubuntu03:12
sacarlsonHarris: that it's free03:12
Harrisoh um i am in yearbook next year and i was told i need to be able to put my head in the hunger games peta melarks body ??? how do i do that03:13
bazhangHarris, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat03:14
Harrisusing gimp03:14
Guest96099Incidentally, I tried to install DOS 6.20, Windows 7 and then Ubuntu 12.04... It failed to install!03:14
HarrisDarael,  please give me the code to link the two folders again so that i can put it in my files03:15
techquilabluefox83: yea i think the file you speak of is the /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades file and the change being to the PROMPT for LTS or NOrmal.. thats unfortunately not the issue here either.  I think i'm gonna have to do a clean install .. i've spent a couple of days trying to get this sorted and i'm just going nowhere... i want to thank you for your assistance though.  :-)03:16
wtf-mikeGuest96099: using gimp go to image->mode->indexed. From there you can set the max colors and select how to optimize03:17
KRomowow rhythmbox is friggin amazing....i have it set up with my entire mp3 collection, fav radio stations and podscasts03:17
KRomoand it works so smooth03:17
HarrisDarael, what was the code03:18
Guest96099I tried that and it showed a series of blue colors03:18
Guest96099Should I set the parameter first before loading the BMP?03:18
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Harrisanyone know how to link a folder to another03:20
bluefox83techquila: sorry i wasn't more helpful03:20
bluefox83this is really pissing me off...grrr03:21
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techquilaNoNaMeNo: try this: sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service03:22
NoVoteLossdoes anyone use conky on 12.04?03:23
bluefox83i forget, what is conky/03:23
xangua!anyone | NoVoteLoss03:23
ubottuNoVoteLoss: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:23
bluefox83cus i have it but don't recall what it's for03:23
NoVoteLossthanks ubottu, sorry its a system monitor03:23
Harriswhat is the code to symlink a folder03:23
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076  NoVoteLoss here's the beginners guide, have a read03:24
bluefox83Harris:  ln -s03:24
techquilabluefox83: no worries at all.. can i help you at all?03:24
oichhow can I make the grub boot menu appear at boot in 12.04?03:24
Harrisit was longer03:24
xanguaoich: hold Shift key when you turn on the pc03:24
bluefox83techquila: i'm having a lot of trouble with my gnome not letting me change resolution03:25
Harrissymlink a folder code03:25
goddardhow do you guys manage multiple versions of wine03:25
bluefox83it has this bad error that pops up in a dialog03:25
techquilaHarris: bluefox was correct but you have to add the folder paths03:25
oichxangua thanks03:25
Harriscan you give me the one with target and something else03:26
bluefox83yeah, i couldn't recall what to call the target and the place you want to put the link03:26
alFReD-NSHMy ubuntu 12.04 is not booting up anymore... It gets stuck on “/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present” and I can't do anything but to restart again03:26
alFReD-NSHAlso yesterday been having this http://askubuntu.com/questions/144623/compiz-configuration-settings-are-not-working problem03:26
alFReD-NSHRight now, I boot up with ubuntu 10.4 live CD, don't know what to do to take it back03:27
techquilabluefox83: ... just having a think03:27
techquilaalFReD-NSH: you are waiting for it eh... it takes a min sometimes03:28
techquilaalFReD-NSH: encrypted home directory right?03:28
alFReD-NSHtechquila I saw that before, and used to boot up, but now its not working anymore and gets stuck03:28
Harriscan you give me the code to  symlink a folder it has a target and a link03:28
alFReD-NSHI can't even recover my home, it says Private directory is not ready03:29
alFReD-NSH# ecryptfs-mount-private  ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly03:29
techquilaHarris: ln -s <destination> <linkname>03:29
Harristhank you techquila03:30
techquilaHarris: my pleasure.03:30
Harristechquila,  i have another wuestion03:30
bluefox83techquila: your nickname is making me want some tequila >.>03:30
techquilaalFReD-NSH: new install was it?03:31
alFReD-NSHtechquila: Yes, about a week ago I did03:31
techquilaHarris: go ahead i'll do my best.. i really should get back to coding but lets hear it03:31
techquilabluefox83: my fav!! had to give up the booze though as my body rejects completely now03:32
KRomohow can i set default apps for file extentions?03:32
KRomoi want .nfo files to open in nfo viewer when i double click03:32
techquilaalFReD-NSH: and were you ever able to boot into that sys03:32
Harrisi used the codes Code for installing: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer03:32
HarrisCode for Enabling:sudo modprobe b43 for getting my wifi to work03:32
Harrisi was told to put b43 at the end of a file and that made it start by default do you know the name of that file03:33
alFReD-NSHtechquila: Yes I saw that message all the time, took a sec to pass it...03:33
alFReD-NSHAlso been playing around with ccsm...03:34
delacKRomo: right click the file, select properties, select "open with"-tab03:34
KRomonevermind i figured it out03:34
KRomodelac: thanks :)03:34
XXCoderwhen I try gparted it says its not installed03:34
KRomoi should look b4 i ask03:34
Harrisi used the codes Code for installing: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer Code for Enabling:sudo modprobe b43 for getting my wifi to work techquila03:34
XXCoderbut when I try to run it it says not found03:34
HarrisOerHeks, are you online03:35
techquilaHarris: not too sure what you are asking? you want your wifi active on boot yea?  and its the Broadcom b43 drivers you've installed? and the device works when you enable it yea?03:37
Harrisi found it online03:37
Harristechquila,  what did you mean by writing code03:37
curiousxHarris: sudo echo b43 >> /etc/modules03:37
techquilaalFReD-NSH: sounds like posssible corruption..03:38
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susanwestHello all. When I ssh into ubuntu it tells me "6 packages can be updated". I do "apt-get upgrade installed" and it says not packages to update. what am i doing wrong?03:38
techquilaHarris: i've got a website to finish...03:39
alFReD-NSH(facepalm) This is the second time happening... :(03:39
Harriscool you are making a website03:39
techquilasusanwest: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:39
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techquilaalFReD-NSH: check your disk health03:39
techquilaalFReD-NSH: might be time for a new one03:40
Harriswhat is the url techquila03:40
susanwesttechquilla: that's it thanks. but how does ubuntu know the packages are out of date if it doesn't yet have the updated package descriptions?03:40
techquilaHarris: its not actually live yet..its on my dev server03:40
Harriscan you teach me03:41
techquilasusanwest: its awfully clever03:41
Harrishow to write code03:41
alFReD-NSHtechquila: Actually last time my disk crashed when I was merging partitions using acronis disk director, making all of my partition to be gone...03:41
bluefox83holy crap, got it working competely by accident :D03:42
bluefox83logged into unity and the stinking control display thingy worked without erroring, then logged back into gnome and POOF it's working right >.>03:42
Harristechquila,  what program do you use03:42
bluefox83bye folks03:43
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techquilaHarris: i do love to teach but i lack the time unfortunately.. i've already wasted far too much time here today... very good at procrastinating.  I can happily point you to some solid references that will get you started for sure... let me write some down for you.03:43
techquilaHarris: I use emacs... the only editor anyone should ever use.. but there is a real steep learning curve ahead of you should you wish to take that path... you won't regret once you get the hang of it tho.. i use it for everything.. i'm even talking to you now through it03:45
Dr_Willisi dont find the emacs learning curve steap. it just that people  are not used  having to 'learn' how to use a program. :)03:46
Chuck_Norrisi like emacs-nox :D03:46
techquilaalFReD-NSH: i feel for you buddy.. i've had similar things happen over the years... its all experience though.. hope you learnt to back everything up consistently03:47
Chuck_Norrisbut i only some little html nothing more :(03:47
Chuck_Norrisbut i only code* some....03:47
Dr_Willisi do rarely use emacs these days. i tend to just do quick edits rarely much more03:47
techquilaDr_Willis: yea i had no trouble either and most nix03:47
Dr_Willisi did use some micfro emacs on  my amiga years ago. ;)03:48
techquilaDr_Willis: 's don't i'd imagine but i'd never recommend anyone from windoze world try03:48
Dr_Willisi still miss some of the  features the cygnusEd editor had on my amiga03:48
techquilaDr_Willis: you any good with the elisp03:49
Dr_Willisnever had ti lisp. ;)03:49
alFReD-NSHtechquila: but the SMART thingy doesn't say anything bad about my disk, says its healthy...03:49
techquilaDr_Willis: bring those features to life again on emacs with elisp03:49
Harristechquila, how do i learn03:50
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Dr_Willistechquila:  a main feature of the editor and the amiga os was how most apps had a 'rexx port' for scripting and inter-app communication. a bit hard to recreate.03:50
Dr_WillisalFReD-NSH:  smart data is a good guide, but is not always accurate. sadly03:51
techquilaalFReD-NSH: chdsk from shell03:52
Harristechquila, how do i download emacs03:52
Harriswhat is the code that makes HUD work in libre03:53
Chuck_NorrisHarris: sudo apt-get install emacs-nox03:53
HarrisChuck_Norris,  it says unable to locate package03:54
Dr_WillisHarris:  i recall some libreoffice addon/package to  get global menus  working with it.  saw it mentioned at the webupd8 blog site i recall.03:54
Chuck_Norrissey Harris: sudo apt-get install  emacs23-nox03:54
Chuck_Norrissry* -.-03:54
alFReD-NSHtechquila: How to to do that?03:54
techquilaHarris: http://www.opera.com/company/education/curriculum/ is a good start if you wish to learn standards based web design  and then http://code.google.com/edu/submissions/html-css-javascript/ ... for coding help there sitepoint.com, or interesting articles there is alistapart.com03:54
Dr_Willisapt-cache search emacs03:54
xisorhi, i have a question... is 11 gigs enough space for ubuntu 12.04 and a swap partition? all thats gonna be on it is a web browser and xbmc03:54
Dr_Willisxisor:  should be.  but watch out for  space filling up03:55
xisorDr_Willis: as i said, xbmc is the only thing being added to the default install03:55
xisorDr_Willis: xbmc library will grow to about 2 gigs of local storage03:55
Dr_Willisapt updates can take  a big cache.03:55
xisorDr_Willis: just need to know if its enough space03:56
HarrisDr_Willis, what was the url03:56
Dr_Willisive ran full ubuntu installs on 8gb flash drives03:56
xisorDr_Willis: ok03:56
Dr_WillisHarris:  type in webupd803:56
|cfh|i have ubuntu on a 6 gig partition and things are well for me03:56
alFReD-NSHHarris: In case if you wanna do any web dev, make sure you don't go around w3schools site...03:57
xisorDr_Willis: i have a 16 ggi Msata SSD in this system, its a micro PC03:57
xisorDr_Willis: so it aint got alot of room to spare :D03:57
|cfh|i just run bleachbit from time to time to clean up bs03:57
Dr_Willisive seen my apt cache dir take up 2gb befor. ;)03:57
xisorDr_Willis: just picked it up, gonna be my media center XD03:57
Valiant5481diskless question, can I install softwares to the server I want to boot into. Ex: I want Wine installed so that when the client boots (pxe) they already have wine installed.03:57
bdfosterSo, i just did a clean install of 12.04, rebooted, logged in, and BOOM! mouse on a black background.03:57
xisorDr_Willis: its an AMD fusion E450 system, hope its fast enough03:57
Dr_Willisxisor:  check out 'plex' sometime also03:57
bdfosteranyone know what the deal is on that?03:58
xisor1.66ghz dual core and integrated AMD 6320 GPU and 4 gigs of ram03:58
xisorHOPE its fast enough03:58
ShadowFiosI'm setting up thunderbird mail client03:58
Dr_Willis!nomodeset | bdfoster03:58
ubottubdfoster: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:58
xisorDr_Willis: whole system is 5.2 inch x 4.4 inch x .71 inch in size, its REALLY small03:58
techquilaalFReD-NSH: sorry i should have said fschk03:58
bdfosterDr_Willis, well i can log in just fine03:59
ShadowFiosand I want to set a folder it automatically opens to when the app launches03:59
techquilaalFReD-NSH: fschk /dev/sd?  (replace question mark with your drive)03:59
xisorDr_Willis: thanks for the info =) ill be back when my sound doesnt work properly, as im sure it wont rofl03:59
techquilaalFReD-NSH: that will check your filesys.03:59
techquilathen you want to check your harddisk using one of the tools out there04:00
techquilaalFReD-NSH: badblocks perhaps?04:00
techquilaalFReD-NSH: should be on the goog somewhere04:00
bdfosterDr_Willis, there is also a mouse on the screen, and it moves04:00
alFReD-NSHDon't have fschk installing04:01
ShadowFiosI'm setting up thunderbird mail client and I want to set a folder to automatically open to when the app launches04:01
Harrishow can i tell all of the terminal codes i have ever typed and what they did04:01
alFReD-NSHThough I just recovered my home...04:01
Dr_WillisHarris:  history command shows your current  'history'04:01
techquilaHarris:  you run x-window?  just go to software sources and find emacs... you want the GNU emacs as opposed to XEMacs... and version 23x04:02
Dr_WillisShadowFios:  so you want a single icon toi launch thunderbird and open up a file manager window at a specific location?04:02
Valiant5481diskless question, can I install softwares to the server I want to boot into. Ex: I want Wine already installed when client boots (pxe).04:02
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dsnydersHi all!  Can someone recommend a site for checking linux compatibility of motherboards?  I've had someone recommend an Asus P8Z86-V04:03
Dr_WillisValiant5481:  should be able to set up the boot enviromenthow youi want. be sort of  useless otherwise04:03
techquilaHarris: be warned.. you will be doing a lot of reading and experimenting in your learning curve.. stick with it though and you will never look back after you've cracked it!04:03
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ShadowFiosIn thunderbird I have a local folder called 'Incoming'. When the application launches I want it to go to that page instead of the default04:04
Valiant5481Dr_Willis, will the client have independent file storage within the server?04:04
ShadowFios'that page' being Incoming04:04
Dr_WillisShadowFios:  you mean IN thunderbird then..04:04
Dr_WillisValiant5481:  no idea. i dont use such setups04:04
Harristechquila, this The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage)04:04
Valiant5481okay, thanks gonna try diskless =)04:04
Dr_WillisValiant5481:  normally such things use nfs for a exported home dir i thought04:05
techquilaright everyone.. i'm gonna have to get back into some work.. sorry if there are unreplied questions i gots to pay the bills04:05
techquilaHarris: yup04:05
* techquila wishes you all a great weekend!04:05
Harrisok thanks how long will it take me to get good and make money04:05
Valiant5481ah, nfs, thanks a lot04:06
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:07
techquilaharris... haha how quickly do you learn? how patient are you? are you prepared to put the time in to learn properly?  if so maybe a couple of years ... to do it right that is.. or if you just want a be a hack cowboy.. man you can do it in a day.. haha04:07
techquilaHarris: but the latter will earn you no respect04:07
Harristechquila, The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage) is not in my dash it finished installing04:07
alFReD-NSHtechquila: I can't umount my harddisk, coz I already mounted my home dir04:08
techquilaHarris: you will need to add it to your dash.. i suspect, with that last statement, that i've just led you down a path of eternal frustration... good luck04:09
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Harrisi am starting tomarrow bye04:09
Harristhanks everyone04:09
alFReD-NSHtechquila: Should I go for a clean reinstall?04:09
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Harriswho knows how to synlink a folder04:09
ShadowFiosIn thunderbird I have a local folder called 'Incoming'. When the application launches I want it to go to 'Incoming' instead of the default04:10
techquilaalFReD-NSH: you have a pretty complex issue that i can't really talk you through at this time.  If you are unsure how to mount and unmount filesystems and can afford to lose the data on that disk i would suggest a clean install as the best option.  and consider whether it is really necessary to encrypt your home directory.04:11
alFReD-NSHHarris: http://bit.ly/KCOqo504:11
Harrisi want to link my tomboy notes to dropbox04:11
dsnydersShadowFios, You may want to try asking that question in one of the thunderbird specific chat rooms.  You might have better luck.04:11
Xpl01tguys i'm sorry but this new gnome is a really shit04:12
windbuntunew gnome?04:12
xangua!language | Xpl01t04:12
Xpl01tit is annoying04:12
ubottuXpl01t: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:12
Xpl01t!language | xangua04:12
ubottuxangua: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:12
Xpl01tnew gnome04:13
xanguaXpl01t: please drop that attitude04:13
Xpl01tsomething like that04:13
FloodBot1Xpl01t: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:13
Chuck_NorrisHarris: ln -s target-dir/ dir-symlink04:13
windbuntui like unity?04:13
Xpl01twith that new "design" that seems to be like a smartphone04:13
Xpl01ti cant produce as much as i used to produce with the old gnome04:13
bazhang!ot | Xpl01t04:13
ubottuXpl01t: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:13
Chuck_Norriso sry does it for dirs Harris =P04:13
alFReD-NSHtechquila left :( Anyone else can help with my problem? My ubuntu can't boot up anymore and gets stuck at "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready"04:14
Chuck_Norristhat* is..04:14
ShadowFioswell I'll leave my issue for tommorow04:14
Xpl01tthat's ubuntu man04:14
bazhangXpl01t, yes04:14
Xpl01tthat affects all users04:14
Xpl01tppl use ubuntu cuz of gnome04:14
alFReD-NSHUsed to see that before but it passed in seconds, right now it gets stuck in that screen04:14
windbuntuXpl01t, you can still use gnome04:14
Xpl01tif they would like unix and terminal, they would use arch linux04:14
bazhangXpl01t, please stop. this is not the chat channel04:14
Xpl01ti'm complaining04:14
Xpl01ti'm not chatting with ppl04:14
Harrishow do you sync tomboy notes to dropbox04:14
FloodBot1Xpl01t: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:14
Xpl01ti dont want to chat04:15
xanguaXpl01t: stop that please, this is Support04:15
bazhangXpl01t, wrong channel for complaining04:15
Xpl01twhen i installed ubuntu it told me to come here04:15
Xpl01tto this channel04:15
Xpl01tif i would have some issue about ubuntu04:15
Xpl01tso, that is the issue04:15
alFReD-NSHDo you guys think is it possible to remove this encryption thingy from home dir?04:15
Xpl01thow could gnome change that much?04:15
dsnydersXpl01t, do you have a question, or are you just blowing off steam?04:15
bazhangXpl01t, having an issue is not ranting/complaining04:15
caf4926Xpl01t: just give it time04:15
roastedIs there a command I can run to restart the mouse/cursor service or whatever? I just magically lost my mouse out of no where.04:16
Chuck_NorrisXpl01t: i'm already adapted to gnome 3.404:16
Abhijitroasted, not sure about this but you may try restaring the x.04:16
Chuck_Norristhe trick is just use the virtual desktops04:17
shimon_net--------> 1515151 <--------04:17
roastedAbhijit, I'd like to not lose any open programs. I have several VMs Im installing at once right now.04:17
Dr_Willisroasted:  perhaps one f the vm's grabbed it andlocked it04:17
Abhijitroasted, http://askubuntu.com/questions/118001/how-to-restart-only-missing-invisible-mouse-pointer-cursor04:17
dsnydersWhere would be a good site to find  out about a motherboard's linux compatibility ?04:17
Xpl01tit's the way you treat ppl04:17
Xpl01tbaning and kicking from the channel04:18
Chuck_NorrisXpl01t: instead of minimizing windows just put windows in separate virtual desktop thats all04:18
Xpl01tthank you ubuntu comunity!04:18
roastedDr_Willis, I wasnt in a VM when it locked in the first place, but the release key isn't working either.04:18
Xpl01ti thought you were more friendly!!!04:18
roastedAbhijit, I uh.... I can't click on that link... because I have no mouse.04:18
Dr_Willisdsnyders:  id say just google for the mb model and 'linux' andlook for problem reports04:18
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Xpl01ti usually work with more than 10 windows04:18
roastedat best I'm going to alt-tab until I see the VMs completed, then reboot04:18
Xpl01thow could i separate in 10 virtual desktops?04:18
Xpl01tthats insane04:18
Chuck_Norrisis not a problem04:18
Xpl01twhat have ppl done with gnome????04:18
Chuck_Norrisyou will have so many virtual desktop as you need04:18
Xpl01tand thank you04:18
brianpWinsOn the website theres instruction to setup a usb install on a mac (for a mac) and on windows (for windows) but how do I set up a usb stick on a mac for windows?04:18
bazhangXpl01t, thats enough.04:18
roastedwhat's wrong with gnome?04:18
Xpl01tfor baning me from the channel!04:18
roastedworks great once you get used to it. unity included.04:19
Xpl01ti can see that you "welcame" ppl very well here!!!!04:19
Abhijitroasted, can you go to alt f2?04:19
roastedyes, we welcame everyone04:19
reisioroasted: most people liked it as it was at version 2, you see04:19
reisiopeople in general are usually conservative04:19
Dr_WillisXpl01t:  stick to the problem. less ranting04:19
roastedAbhijit, yes04:19
netmkXpl01t: relax dude/04:19
Xpl01tthat is shitty04:19
Xpl01ti cant see the windows i'm working04:19
roastedAbhijit, anything keyboard related I can get to (THANK GOD FOR HUD)04:19
Abhijitroasted, type this gksudo modprobe -r psmouse04:19
Xpl01tcant know if they are minimized04:20
JoseeAntonioRXpl01t: Please, stop it.04:20
bazhangXpl01t, last warning. this is support only. not ranting complaining etc04:20
Chuck_NorrisXpl01t: gnome shell already have a lot of extensions that could helps you04:20
Xpl01tonly by a color diference04:20
Xpl01tcant see the titles04:20
roastedAbhijit, in alt f2? or runt hat in terminal?04:20
Abhijitroasted, alt f2 is the terminal04:20
Xpl01tif you open 2 ou 3 firefox or gedit windows04:20
alFReD-NSHAnyone know  How to Remove an Encrypted Private Directory Setup from live cd?04:20
Dr_WillisXpl01t:  we can understand complete sentances also. no need to hit enter every 4 words04:20
Xpl01tits a headache to select the one you want04:20
roastedAbhijit, just wanted to make sure. when Im in alt f2 I can't see xchat to see the command. :D04:20
Harrisow do i sync tomboy notes to dropbox04:20
Xpl01thow can i change that?04:21
AbhijitalFReD-NSH, if you have the key then just login to that directory and copy content to somewhere else?04:21
Harriswhen i change the path it always goes right back04:21
Xpl01tis there a way to use KDE instead gnome?04:21
=== xieo23 is now known as si32
Xpl01tcuz gnome is a shit now04:21
roastedAbhijit, got some output back. looks almost like a man page with some commands listed.04:21
FloodBot1Xpl01t: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
roastedban please04:21
Xpl01ti dont want to use gnome if it keep that new design04:21
bazhangXpl01t, watch the language. dont use enter as punctuation04:21
Abhijitroasted, are you sure you are in ALT 2?04:21
Dr_WillisXpl01t:  install kde if youi want kde. its in the repos04:21
roastedAbhijit, no, terminal04:21
Chuck_Norrisno, just move your cursor to the top left corner and you will see all your windows applications04:21
Harriscan someone please tell me where are tomboy notes stored04:21
bazhang!notunity | Xpl01t04:21
ubottuXpl01t: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:21
Abhijitroasted, bah. no problem. terminal will also do. type that commond in terminal04:21
Chuck_NorrisXpl01t: and you can select what ever you want04:21
si32when your laptop does not power off automatically when you go to shut down there is something you can do to fix this; anybody know how? or where the directions are to put in some sort of quarks mode?04:22
roastedreminds me of G J wentworth commercials. It's my gnome and I want it NOW04:22
roastedAbhijit, k, just looks like the end of a man page though04:22
Xpl01ti've installed that gnome shell yestarday04:22
netmkXpl01t: also, you could learn the hotkeys to quickly swap to different windows and workspaces04:22
Xpl01tnow it's hard to create a simple shortcut04:22
Harrisi need to sync my tomboy notes with my dropbox account04:22
jotaxpehi speak spanish?04:22
Chuck_NorrisXpl01t: and, like ubottu told ya there is a lot of desktop enviroments that you can try04:22
bazhangjotaxpe, #ubuntu-es04:22
Xpl01tand to open admin utilitaries (like process manager, etc)04:22
AbhijitHarris, may be in ~/.config04:22
JoseeAntonioR!es | jotaxpe04:23
roastedYou've used Gnome Shell since yesterday, whcih clearly means you haven't used it enough to get used to it.04:23
ubottujotaxpe: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:23
Abhijitroasted, man page? what are you doing? just type that command?04:23
Harrishow do i sync tomboy notes with dropbox04:23
roastedUse it more. Give it a time. Get usedt o it.04:23
alFReD-NSHAbhijit: I already have recovered it my home directory, just asking how to make not be encrypted anymore... That is not letting me boot up04:23
Chuck_NorrisXpl01t: no it isn't just do:  gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new04:23
roastedAbhijit, yes04:23
Xpl01tand one more time i have to say: thank you for baning me04:23
Dr_WillisXpl01t:  never had any issues. there are indicator-applets thatgive you the old classic gnome menus in unity and gnome-shell04:23
roastedAbhijit, fyi I'm on a laptop if it matters04:23
Xpl01ti came here to express my opinion because it's on the installationg readme.txt that i could come here and talk to the ubuntu comunity04:24
Abhijitroasted, ok executed the command? then now run gksudo modprobe psmouse04:24
Xpl01tand i can see that you dont welcome everyone that comes here04:24
reisioXpl01t: ah, that reminds me04:24
Xpl01ti felt very upset with your behavior04:24
Dr_WillisXpl01t:  expressing oponions is not support.. and wpould be for  the #ubuntu-offtopic channel.04:24
JoseeAntonioRXpl01t: As mentioned before, this is a support channel.04:24
bazhangXpl01t, it is offtopic. chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic this is support only not complaints dept04:24
Harrishow do i sync tomboy notes with dropbox04:24
xanguaXpl01t: not with that attitude, please drop it04:24
AbhijitXpl01t, do you have constructive suggestions for ubuntu?04:24
bazhang!brainstorm | Xpl01t04:25
ubottuXpl01t: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!04:25
roastedAbhijit, didn't seem to do anything04:25
roastedAbhijit, eh, I'll just reboot once these VMs are done installing04:25
roastedthankfully I have ALT + TAB yet04:25
Xpl01tyea i have a constructive suggestion: just stop using that new gnome or migrate to KDE as default04:25
Abhijitroasted, is that a usb mouse?04:25
Dr_WillisXpl01t:  thats not going to  happen.04:25
roastedAbhijit, not sure. It's a laptop.04:25
Abhijitroasted, ok then try restarting later on04:26
Chuck_Norrisaloha xangua :D04:26
AbhijitHarris, http://lifehacker.com/5302854/synchronize-tomboy-notes-with-dropbox04:26
roastedAbhijit, appreciate the try though!04:26
Dr_Williswasent there some replacements for tomboy in the  12.04? or in  the works? i liked topboys U1 sync feature. but  dont use it anymore04:27
Chuck_NorrisDr_Willis: ye04:27
Chuck_Norrisi got one called "Gpaste"04:27
Dr_Willis!info  gpaste04:28
ubottuPackage gpaste does not exist in precise04:28
Chuck_Norrisis a gnome shell extension04:28
Dr_Willisid likeone that  could sync tothecloud andhave a decent  android  client  also04:28
JoseeAntonioRDr_Willis: Ubuntu One?04:28
XiRoNHow can I install libnet0-dev on ubuntu?04:28
WFPKHCHello world....04:28
JoseeAntonioRXiRoN: sudo apt-get install libnet0-dev04:28
Abhijitdr_jesus, gnote04:29
XiRoNNah dont work04:29
Dr_Willis!info  gnote04:29
Chuck_NorrisDr_Willis: i'll show ya mah Gpaste: http://i.imgur.com/BwkZQ.png04:29
ubottugnote (source: gnote): desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 2930 kB, installed size 7260 kB04:29
AbhijitDr_Willis, gnote04:29
Abhijitof we are having another doctor here!04:29
windbuntuis unity even based on gnome or is it its own stand alone desktop?04:29
XiRoNJoseeAntonioR: dont work04:29
JoseeAntonioR!info libnet0-dev04:29
ubottuPackage libnet0-dev does not exist in precise04:29
Abhijitwindbuntu, unity is shell for gnome desktop04:29
windbuntuok Abhijit04:29
XiRoN!info libnet04:29
ubottuPackage libnet does not exist in precise04:29
XiRoN!info lib04:29
ubottuPackage lib does not exist in precise04:29
Chuck_Norris!info Chuck Norris =P04:30
ubottu'Norris' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable04:30
JoseeAntonioRXiRoN: Seems like it's not in the repositories. You can install it with a deb file, or compiling it from source04:30
bazhangXiRoN, /msg ubottu04:30
Xpl01tdo you see how you treat ppl?04:30
Xpl01ti had to use a new proxy04:30
Xpl01tjust to return here04:30
XiRoNJoseeAntonioR: How?04:30
Dr_Willisactually i think  we have been very  patient andkind with mr. xpl01t04:31
reisionot me, I wasn't involved04:31
bdfosterDr_Willis, setting 'nomodeset' doesnt change anything. but upon closer inspection (before i changed it), i log in, it shows the desktop background, then shortly after it goes to a black screen with a mouse. maybe a graphics card/unity issue?04:31
Sir_FawnpugHello everybody. I'm interested in building a new rig and I was wondering if anybody with a UEFI-based board has had trouble getting Ubuntu installed.04:31
Sir_FawnpugI've been kind of worried about being locked into a system where I can't disable secureboot.04:31
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  could be  a unity setting also. this  acleaninstall  or  a upgrade?04:31
bdfosterclean install04:31
JoseeAntonioRXiRoN: Let me ask you, which version are you using?04:31
=== totallynotakid is now known as sh511-laptop
brianpWinscan i just drag the .iso on my mac to a usb stick (fat-32 formatted) plug it into the pc and boot from it ?04:32
reisioSir_Fawnpug: that's unlikely to be an issue, even when they start shipping04:32
si32does anybody know the guy who linus uses to fix his new laptop issues?04:32
Dr_WillisSir_Fawnpug:  i dident think  secureboot was  a feature  that was out  yet.04:32
AbhijitbrianpWins, no04:32
Abhijit!usb | brianpWins04:32
si32* hint: i think he lives in australia ....04:32
ubottubrianpWins: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:32
reisiosi32: his wife is a martial artist04:32
XiRoNJoseeAntonioR: 11.04?04:32
Dr_WillisbrianpWins:  no.thst wont work. use a tool toput theiso on the  USBproperly04:32
si32reisio: what does that have to do with it?04:32
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, I have seen a bunch of AMD boards with UEFI, wasn't sure if it had shipped. I suppose I should call the manufacturer just to make sure.04:32
reisiosi32: puh!04:32
reisioSir_Fawnpug: UEFI and secure boot aren't the same thing04:33
brianpWinsAbhijit: that does not explain the mac to pc process. that explains mac for mac and pc for pc not mac for pc04:33
bdfosterDr_Willis, clean install. had windoze on it before04:33
reisioSir_Fawnpug: neither are anything to be worried about04:33
AbhijitbrianpWins, ammm??? what you want to do?04:33
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  what video  card?04:33
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, I understand that. I was asking because I know it's a feature that's supposed to ship with UEFI boards.04:33
brianpWinsi'm using a mac to make the usb stick. then installing with the usb stick on a pc04:33
reisioSir_Fawnpug: what were you asking, again?04:33
bdfosterDr_Willis, uh, it's a nvidia card, i can get more specific if need be04:33
AbhijitbrianpWins, if there is dd command for mac and if there is unetbootin for mac then procedure is same04:34
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  you did  install thenvidia drivers?04:34
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, I suppose what I was asking is if I am likely going to run into the secureboot issue with the UEFI boards that are already out.04:34
Dr_WillisbrianpWins:  check the pendrrivelinux site forothermac toolsand guides.04:34
paulus68I want to create a useraccount for doing backup purposes only how do I achieve this? don't need to have a home directory and other standard stuff for this user04:34
JoseeAntonioRXiRoN: The package is no longer in the repositories, you won't be able to install it unless you get the source from a webpage.04:34
bdfosterDr_Willis, I didn't install them, dunno if it was done in the install process04:34
reisioSir_Fawnpug: you could but it's unlikely04:35
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  try 'sudo apt-get install  nvidia-current'and see04:35
XiRoNJoseeAntonioR: How can I do that, I'm very new to linux04:35
reisioSir_Fawnpug: what you'd want to keep an eye out is for things labelled 'Made for Microsoft Windows 8' or something to that effect04:35
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, ahh, then that's good news.04:35
WFPKHCwhere may i get the iso for ubuntu dvd iso?04:35
Harristomboy lens for ubuntu 12.0404:35
reisioSir_Fawnpug: to have such a boast associated with a product they're required to use secure boot04:35
AbhijitWFPKHC, ubuntu.com04:35
reisioSir_Fawnpug: without such a boast they are under no such obligation to Microsoft04:35
JoseeAntonioRXiRoN: You would have to search for the package in google, for example04:35
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, right, I know that the x86 certification program requires a way to get rid of it.04:35
bdfosterDr_Willis, already installed and current.04:36
reisiothey aren't really out yet anyways, the Windows 8 tablets04:36
WFPKHCThank you for that response - is there someone who could provide me with another answer?04:36
Harrisis the tomboy lens available for ubuntu 12.0404:36
reisioand the Android tablets are always going to be cheaper04:36
reisioand more likely to be supported by Linux drivers out of the box04:36
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, ahh, well I'm definitely avoiding the ARM hardware. I'm probably going to get an RPI or Beagleboard instead.04:36
JoseeAntonioRWFPKHC: releases.ubuntu.com04:36
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  as a test you  could make  a  new user. see if  they  have the same  issue.also youmay  wan tto try  some alternative desktop like  lubuntu   untill you figure out whats going on with unity.04:37
Sir_FawnpugThat is Windows 8 ARM hardware.04:37
reisioSir_Fawnpug: those are ARM, IIRC04:37
reisioSir_Fawnpug: oh :)04:37
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, yeah, I don't mind ARM itself.04:37
WFPKHCthank you i will try that04:37
Chuck_Norrisbdfoster: click in the Dash and write: nvidia04:37
reisioSir_Fawnpug: yeah you won't find any issues on such conscientious offerings04:37
Sir_FawnpugJust the hardware under the Windows 8 certification program.04:37
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  ive heard of others with a simile r issue. it maybe  some config  file needs removied. but i never noticed an exact fix for  theissue.04:37
bdfosterChuck_Norris, there is no dash homey04:37
reisioSir_Fawnpug: it'll just be Windows 8 tablets, some of them, and possibly some Apple ones in future04:37
paulus68I want to create a useraccount for doing backup purposes only how do I achieve this?04:37
reisioSir_Fawnpug: and of course it'll only be an issue before people figure out how to work around it :p04:37
bdfosterDr_Willis, same effect on a new user04:38
Chuck_Norrisbdfoster: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade04:38
JoseeAntonioR!patience | paulus6804:38
ubottupaulus68: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:38
bdfosterChuck_Norris, no...04:38
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  you  may want to try to install  the gnome-shell and  see if it or the gnome fallbackmodes work also.04:38
Abhijitpaulus68, http://askubuntu.com/questions/29359/how-to-add-user-without-home04:38
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, haha, well I suppose I'm not hedging my bets on it. I'd rather work with unencumbered software anyway, I'm playing around with OS dev, and I'd like to... you know... be able to boot my kernel, haha04:38
paulus68Abhijit: thanks04:38
Sir_FawnpugSo RPI and BeagleBone are definitely peices of hardware I'm going to buy.04:39
reisionot sure what you'll get out of both04:39
reisiobesides just variety of experience04:39
Sir_FawnpugCheap development platforms, really.04:39
reisioI mean out of getting each :)04:39
reisiobut hey they're cheap04:39
WFPKHCis there a place where i can download the entire ubuntu iso? not desktop or server but the whole thing?04:39
bdfosterDr_Willis, is there a unity 2d?04:39
chosendescentJust installed Ubuntu over Win 804:39
Sir_FawnpugBoth are pretty enticing, they have a lot of I/O exposed IIRC.04:39
bdfosteras opposed to a 3d?04:39
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  yep.  that maybe worth  tryingalso04:39
reisioI was going to get a raspberry pi, but the availability makes the low cost less effective :p04:39
Dr_Willis!info unity-2d04:39
ubottuunity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version 5.12.0-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 42 kB04:39
reisiochosendescent: gj04:40
JoseeAntonioRWFPKHC: What do you mean by the whole thing?04:40
Sir_FawnpugRight, the low availability is the kicker.04:40
AbhijitWFPKHC, what do you mean by the whole thing? all the software packages?04:40
bdfosterDr_Willis, thx!04:40
reisio$25/$35 is great, but only if you can get one easily04:40
reisioI got my email about the second batch, but, it's kind of spoiled it for me :p04:40
reisioin a year or two, though, there'll be no such issues, and more competitors, and lower prices04:40
chosendescentThanks reisio just been trying out all the different OS on netbook to see what works best Win 8 = suck!!!04:40
Sir_Fawnpugreisio, I remember VIA working on a similar board, not sure how hacker friendly it's going to be.04:40
reisiochosendescent: don't like the metro? :p04:41
WFPKHCwell in another linux distro they have a dvd version that is 3.6gb04:41
bdfosterDr_Willis, looks like it's already installed, is there a way to disable the 3d stuff?04:41
Sir_FawnpugBut it'd make an interesting target04:41
chosendescentdont like anything about it04:41
Dr_Willisbdfoster:  seelct unity  2d at the  loginscreen04:41
JoseeAntonioRWFPKHC: "the whole thing" is in the Desktop CD04:41
Sir_FawnpugI can see thin client written all over it.04:41
bdfosteralright gonna try04:41
Dr_Willisbbl.. got a job  to do04:41
JoseeAntonioRWFPKHC: the operating system is in there04:41
reisiochosendescent: did you like 7?04:41
WFPKHCif i download the desktop version can i install server software on it?04:41
reisioWFPKHC: yup04:41
Harrisi synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:41
WFPKHCwill there be any difference in performance?04:42
chosendescentNot really I basically stopped liking windows after xp04:42
reisioWFPKHC: the only difference between them is the default config/preinstalled software04:42
frankzue faccie di cazzo vi ammazzo la famiglia04:42
reisioWFPKHC: yes, but not that you'll notice as a human04:42
JoseeAntonioRWFPKHC: Yes, as long as you forward all ports correctly it'll work04:42
JoseeAntonioR!it |  frankz04:42
ubottufrankz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)04:42
paulus68Abhijit: this backup user I want to create does only need to have access through ssh and nothing else what is the best option here to create this user?04:42
WFPKHCwhat if i dont have an amd processor but 64bit intell?04:43
reisiopaulus68: useradd, done04:43
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:43
chosendescentLast time I tried linux it was a freaking kernel command prompt lol04:43
reisioWFPKHC: what if you don't04:43
reisiochosendescent: which distro?04:43
reisiofrankz: obviously04:43
Abhijitpaulus68, i think thats mentioned in that thread. it do not give access through ssh. read it carefully.04:43
chosendescentThe penquin04:43
JoseeAntonioRWFPKHC: then go for the 64 bit version, it's just a generic name that stuck with it04:43
Sir_FawnpugWFPKHC, what exactly are you asking?04:43
frankzobviosly your mother SUX MY DICK04:43
frankzFUACK U04:43
Sir_FawnpugThese days amd64 and x86_64 are synonymous04:44
WFPKHChttp://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ so if i download  ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso   it will work with my computer?04:44
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:44
reisiooh right :p04:44
JoseeAntonioR!language | frankz04:44
ubottufrankz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:44
reisiowell it's genericized now04:44
Sir_FawnpugWFPKHC, as long as it implements x86_64, yeah.04:44
reisioWFPKHC: yes, amd64 was the original name, we don't rename things in Unix land04:44
FloodBot1frankz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:44
Sir_FawnpugAww, we made him bored.04:44
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:45
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:45
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:45
FloodBot1Harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:45
paulus68reisio: since this user is getting access to ssh localy want to create keyfiles in order to allow this user to scp files from 1 pc to the server04:45
reisiopaulus68: so create key files04:45
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:45
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:45
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:45
xangua!repeat | Harr04:45
ubottuHarr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:45
Harriswho is harr04:45
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!04:45
paulus68reisio: are there any pros and cons to this procedure?04:45
xanguaHarris: stop that please04:45
goddardhow do i reload my bashrc?04:46
Harrisbazhang,  how are you a op04:46
reisiopaulus68: you could do it in a matter of minutes and undo it in the same04:46
Sir_Fawnpuggoddard, source ~/.bashrc04:46
paulus68reisio: ok04:47
=== ad is now known as Guest53745
Harrisbazhang,  how are you an op04:47
Sir_FawnpugThank you, elky.04:47
=== LofS- is now known as LofS
Harriselky, how are you op04:48
bazhangHarris, please stop04:48
Harrisstop what? how are you op04:48
vnhmm I'm just done installing ubuntu and I cannot click like 10% of links and buttons...any ideas?04:48
vnHarris: that means stop repeating the same question04:48
elkyHarris, people get to be ops by being around a long time and knowing lots of things.04:49
vnand earning respect04:49
Harriswho gives you ops04:49
Sir_FawnpugYou guys have an insane amount of patience.04:49
* WFPKHC sits quietly in the corner while he waits for the ISO to download*04:49
vnother ops04:49
Harriscan i have ops04:50
kandinskiI have installed jython 2.5.2 on /opt/jython. How do I get ubuntu to recognise this as my main jython for running programs04:50
Harriswhy not04:50
kandinskiHarris, I am only a regular user and I vote no too04:50
kandinskiHarris, because you are acting like a pest04:50
itamar_tudo bem ai04:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:51
MrKeunerhello, my ssh client warns me for all my servers today, is there an openssh change?04:51
Sir_Fawnpug(I think?)04:51
JoseeAntonioR!pr |  itamar_04:51
kandinskiSir_Fawnpug: that was portuguese04:51
xangua!pt | itamar_04:51
ubottuitamar_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:51
xanguaSir_Fawnpug: missed04:51
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, whoopsy. I have trouble telling the romance languages apart.04:52
itamar_estou testando esse xat04:52
kandinskiitamar_: vante botar fora04:52
Sir_FawnpugI never studied spanish, french, or latin in high school.04:52
* WFPKHC ponders if the channel OP would be kind enough to IP ban the people spamming the channel*04:53
kandinskiWFPKHC: 06:52 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@] by FloodBot104:53
kandinskithey are IP-hopping04:53
WFPKHCthey can do that?04:53
elkyWFPKHC, we are. they keep changing where they connect from04:53
JoseeAntonioRWFPKHC: What they're doing is called banevict.04:53
Sir_FawnpugWFPKHC, sure, they could be using a proxy or something.04:53
elkycs k frk323204:53
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!04:54
Tm_THarris: yes?04:54
WFPKHCk ...was just pondering is all...04:54
xanguaHarris: really, stop that04:54
kandinskiok, I don't normally repeat questions so fast, but since everybody is distracted with the zombie apocalypse...04:54
Harrissorry i want to see if elky was because it said it took heres04:54
kandinskiI have installed jython 2.5.2 on /opt/jython. How do I get ubuntu to recognise this as my main jython for running programs?04:54
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:54
Sir_FawnpugWhat I have learned about elky is that s/he is a magical elk.04:55
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Harrisbazhang can you answer my question04:55
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, jython is Java, yeah?04:56
glbmkpart fs-type start end, Can parted like fdisk, use +1G instead of caculating the end manual at first?04:56
glb 04:56
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, in that case, you need to set your classpath to include the jython jar.04:56
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note04:56
elkyIf that gets anyone who is not frank, please come talk to us in #ubuntu-ops and we'll sort an exemption04:56
Harrisif what gets anyone04:57
elkyHarris, something you need to stop paying attention to.04:57
kandinskiSir_Fawnpug: I exported the modified PATH so: $ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/jython/bin04:57
JoseeAntonioRelky: Thank you so much for helping to sort this out04:57
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note what app can04:57
kandinskiyes, thanks elky04:58
* WFPKHC drums fingers on the table top while i wait for ISO to download*04:58
Sir_FawnpugYou are our elkish hero.04:58
kandinskiHarris, don't repeat the same question, if you don't get an answer is because nobody can answer at this point04:58
goddardSir_Fawnpug: thanks04:58
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, I think I know what you mean after looking at jython's webpage now.04:59
Sir_FawnpugIs there anything in /opt/jython/bin?04:59
Sir_Fawnpuggoddard, did it work?04:59
kandinskiSir_Fawnpug: yes, the previously installed ubuntu-stock jython04:59
goddardSir_Fawnpug: another issue i ran into was i was using sudo04:59
goddardthat doesn't use my .bashrc right05:00
Harrisi synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note what app can05:00
Sir_Fawnpuggoddard, you mean if you sudo -i?05:00
Dr_Willishow are you ysing sudo05:00
* kandinski deinstalls jython like a champ, see if that works05:00
Sir_Fawnpuggoddard, it shouldn't, it should probably use the bashrc of the target user (probably root)05:00
Sir_Fawnpuggoddard, if you want to make your changes global, make them in /etc/profile05:00
Dr_Willisharris  so what should it be liading in?05:01
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, weirdness; did you try tab completion and everything?05:01
Harriswhat is liading in05:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:01
goddardSir_Fawnpug: i was updating DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL05:01
kandinskiSir_Fawnpug: yes, but it runs jython 2.5.1 (the stock jython from ubuntu), not 2.5.2 (the one I installed in /opt/jython)05:01
Harrisis ubotto fake05:02
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, oh, well /opt/jython/bin needs to be at the head of the path.05:02
def_an_idiotI just installed flex-doc using the apt package manager. Is there a way to see where the documentation is installed.I tried "whereis" it didn't work05:02
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, $PATH gets searched from left to right05:02
kandinskiSir_Fawnpug: oh sure, thanks05:02
Sir_Fawnpuggoddard, are those env vars?05:03
kandinskiSir_Fawnpug: and you were wright05:03
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, I can't fault you, it's late, haha05:03
kandinskithough I need to export the path in my .bashrc now05:03
Sir_FawnpugWell at least here, I'm not sure where you live.05:03
Sir_FawnpugIt's late somewhere in the world.05:04
kandinski3pm here in Melbourne, Australia05:04
Sir_FawnpugOh, well the water in your toilets spin backwards when you flush them, then.05:04
Sir_FawnpugOr so I've been told.05:04
kandinskiyou mean it spins the right way05:04
kandinskiit spins backwards in the old countries05:04
Harrisyou should op oerherks05:04
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, at any rate, I've made that mistake before.05:05
* WFPKHC drums fingers on the table top while i wait for ISO to download*05:05
Harriselky,  i am sorry will you unban me05:05
windbuntuHarris, you can create your own channel and promote yourself to op.05:06
goddardSir_Fawnpug: yeah05:06
Harriselky,  please unban me i am sorry05:06
elkyHarris, only if you promise to not join there05:06
Harrisi will only join if emergncy05:06
Sir_Fawnpuggoddard, you might try exporting those vars05:06
* kandinski chuckles at the drama05:07
Sir_FawnpugLike export DEBFULLNAME05:07
Sir_FawnpugI think those will get propogated to the shell that sudo creates.05:07
kandinskithanks guys, time to take the girls to the park!05:07
Sir_Fawnpugkandinski, have a good time.05:07
goddardanyone know how I can get wine1.5 source?05:07
goddardwith apt-get05:07
xangua!source | goddard05:08
ubottugoddard: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:08
goddardxangua: yeah but there is only 1.4 i think05:09
goddardtrying to get 1.5..05:09
xanguagoddard: if it's not in repository download the source from it's official web05:09
Harris<elky> If that gets anyone who is not frank, please come talk to us in #ubuntu-ops and we'll sort an exemption05:13
Harris i synced tomboy notes with my desktop and i double clicked on it on the desktop and it said no applications can oppen note what app can05:13
elkyHarris, are you trying to get banned from here too?05:13
Harrisi justed wanted to see what the op channel was like05:14
Harrisit was cool05:14
goddardfound the wine ppa that will work05:14
Harrisin two days will you un bann me05:14
Harrisplease i learned my leason i have to earn that channel05:14
paulus68Harris I don't think that your current behavior will give you these advantages very soon05:15
mikejfI've got an x86_64 Ubuntu 12.04 install, and am trying to install a Java app that requires Sun Java (grumble) so I tried to use the script from https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6 but that's failing because theres some packages it can't install, the main one that stood out to me was ia32-libs, when I tried to install that via apt-get, I'm getting some weird errors with many mentions of i386.05:16
karaif im missing X11/Xauth.h where might i acquire this package?05:16
paulus68the current OPS are here for ages and they practicly sleep in this room05:17
rick__cant find how to enable the battery indicator on Luninux os installed on my toshiba sattelite05:18
bazhangrick__, hows that related to ubuntu05:18
rick__i thought luninux was Ubuntu based?05:19
intokGParted doesn't support writing zeros to an entire drive?05:19
goddardi think there is like Lubuntu or something05:19
bazhangrick__, its not supported here though, try to search for their irc channel using alis05:19
bazhang!alis | rick__05:20
ubotturick__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:20
rick__ok....srry....in wrong place05:20
karaif im missing X11/Xauth.h where might i acquire this package?05:21
goddardanyone have a newer Intel processor upgrade to the new kernel?05:24
goddardnotice a difference?05:24
reisiogoddard: they probably noticed a distinct lack of old kernel exploits working :p05:25
goddardhaha oh ya?05:27
goddardseriously i heard they added some good optimizations for newer intel cpus05:27
goddardless exploits you say?05:27
reisioyou didn't specify what version you came from05:31
reisiojust a general rule, security issues are addressed by updating05:32
lotuspsychjeis it possible to encrypt an usb so any Os can't read it?05:37
reisiolotuspsychje: mmm, well you could easily include the software for decrypting it on a non-encrypted portion05:38
reisiotruecrypt is cross platform05:38
reisioyou might look for something else that is, though05:38
reisiodubious origins, truecrypt05:38
lotuspsychjereisio: so after truecrypting an usb you cannot read from lets say win7?05:39
reisiolotuspsychje: oh so any OS _can't_ read it?05:39
reisioencrypted is encrypted05:39
reisioyou need the pass/key to read it05:39
reisioregardless of OS05:39
reisiounless the algorithm is so outdated that you can brute force it05:39
lotuspsychjereisio:also for getdataback software on other Os?05:40
=== Panda is now known as Guest4060
reisiogetdataback software is for recovering data that 1) wasn't encrypted and 2) wasn't actually deleted (merely dereferenced)05:40
lotuspsychjereisio: ok tnx mate05:41
reisiolotuspsychje: now there are various approaches to obtaining an encryption key, but one must have it to decrypt modern encryption05:42
reisiosomeone could place a covert hardware keylogger on your system, or a software logger, or break into your box and steal your RAM, etc.05:42
reisiomodern, any implementation you'd find available today05:42
lotuspsychjereisio: oh ic05:42
reisiothe older a scheme gets the more vulnerable it is to brute force05:42
reisiobecause computers can crunch more numbers faster every day, for less05:43
pbx2for the hardware keylogger they have to come back to collect the data though05:43
lotuspsychjereisio: im also always kinda paranoia about 'security' cause new tricks every day05:43
reisiobut to really be worried about such things, you'd have to have some pretty important data05:43
pbx2what you guys talking about?05:44
reisioencryption and stuff and things05:44
pbx2ah truecrypt :)05:44
=== Morpheus is now known as Guest5531
pbx2how do you format a usb disk in Ubuntu?05:45
intokHow can I write zeros to an entire drive during format to EXT4?05:45
=== shadowh511-lapto is now known as sh511-lptp
pbx2intok, it was just right click the USB drive and click Format in windows...05:46
pbx2wondering if there is a similar way here???05:46
reisiointok: not sure mkfs provides that itself, you could dd first though (be careful)05:47
intokpbx2 yeah in OS X it's under the advvanced options for formating in Disk Utility, the default was the quick format, advanced was just that05:48
reisioactually Windows doesn't zero before formatting, and never has05:48
reisioit does have a quick mode and a non-quick mode though05:48
reisiothe non-quick analyzes the disk is all05:48
pbx2OS X is windows?05:48
pbx2i thought it was mac05:49
reisioI doubt Mac OS is different05:49
reisiouh, you mentioned Windows, not me05:49
intokpbx2 nope, totally different animal05:49
intok reisio so "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd bs=8M"05:49
pbx2reisio, any way to do a quick format on my usb thumbdrive for installing a live os?05:50
reisiointok: right, just be sure you get the of right05:50
reisioand by right I mean the device you want to _zero_05:50
intokpbx2 gparted does that05:50
pbx2ahh thanks05:50
reisiopbx2: just mkfs(.foo)05:50
reisiopbx2: mkfs.ext4 -O ^has_journal /dev/sda#05:51
intokreisio yeah, I disconected ll other volumes but the boot drive, the target is SDD05:51
reisiointok: :D05:51
lotuspsychjeintok:what ssd brand u got?05:51
reisiodunno if you'd really want to zero an ssd05:51
reisiothey can have data remanence issues zeroing might not solve anyways05:52
intoklotuspsychje lol the sdd of found in the junk05:52
lotuspsychjeintok:doesnt matter, i like to know what brand ppl use05:52
intoklotuspsychje reisio lol, it's not an ssd, thats just the mount point of a 360GB segate 7200.10 series HDD I need to verify is working properly, SMART isn't an option, the only SATA sevies I have are a laptop and a USB enclosure that doesn't read SMART05:55
curiousxaloha all :D05:55
curiousx*cricket sounds*05:55
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
reisiosmart doesn't work anyways05:56
reisioonly worthwhile if you have hundreds of disks05:56
pbx2I have Nvidia GT520,  Intel Core i3 Sandybridge, MSI motherboard with SATA 6 and my HDD is also SATA 6 (for 6gbps support), and my motherboard 2xUSB 3.0 at the back05:56
reisiootherwise you notice when a disk fails and simply replace it and restore from your backup etc.05:56
=== mint is now known as killua
pbx2Does any Linux distro have all the Hardware drivers for my PC?05:56
reisiopbx2: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/05:57
Chuck_Norrispbx2: i got gt 520 too05:57
lotuspsychjehowto remove recupped dir folders, restored with photorec(they got a locked icon)05:57
reisiomost drivers are in the kernel, most distros have access to the same kernel05:57
intokreisio yeah, it's mainly just to see if there is anything horribly wrog, the full zeroing I want to do usually finds bad sectors though05:57
reisiolotuspsychje: sudo chown -R youruser:youruser path/to/topdir/05:57
reisiointok: sure05:57
lotuspsychjereisio:tnx ill try05:57
intokreisio as well as strains the drive for a few hours05:57
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
newbie|2how can I set the idle timeout to more than 2 hours in 10.04?05:59
tuxgeekanyone here tried the gnome shell with ubuntu 12.04 LTS?06:02
reisioI'm sure someone has06:02
pbx2tuxgeek, i did06:03
pbx2it was good06:03
Chuck_Norristuxgeek: me06:03
lotuspsychjeim used to unti now06:03
pbx2reisio, so how do I decipher the results?06:03
goddardtuxgeek: ya is not bad06:04
pbx2is there a place I can paste the results...without losing the formatting?06:04
goddardtuxgeek: prefer unity though06:04
goddardpbx2: does libreoffice have its online version yet?06:04
pbx2I like the feature where you drag and drop individual windows to its own workspace06:04
tuxgeekthanks guys...06:05
tuxgeekit's good to know...:)06:05
windbuntuisnt 12.04 supposed to tell me when updates are available? i just checked and there are 80?06:05
bazhangwindbuntu, set it to notify daily?06:06
caustict0kwhat repo you use?06:06
tuxgeekwindbuntu: it does!06:06
windbuntuwhat is default?06:06
bazhangwindbuntu, checked update manager settings yet?06:06
caustict0ksqueeze for me06:06
windbuntuno never heard of that06:07
pbx2goddard, i dunno06:07
windbuntuit just always seemed to do it for me06:07
bazhangcaustict0k, thats not ubuntu06:07
windbuntubut i will if i can find it06:07
lotuspsychjereisio:tnx mate chown trick worked like a charm(removed lock icon)06:07
bazhangcaustict0k, also not ubuntu06:07
windbuntusure is running nice though (except i have to use k3b instead of brasero).06:07
caustict0kits lucid >.<06:07
Chuck_Norriswindbuntu: click on the Dash and write: update   you will see it06:07
bazhangbt is not supported here caustict0k06:08
windbuntuyes Chuck_Norris thats how i found out i had 80 waiting but i meant to find the settings06:08
caustict0klol grammer nazi06:08
Chuck_Norriscaustict0k: /j backtrack-linux06:08
bazhangcaustict0k, uncalled for06:08
Tm_Tcaustict0k: please show some respect toward others06:08
bazhang!backtrack | caustict0k06:09
ubottucaustict0k: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition06:09
Chuck_Norriswindbuntu: open "ubuntu software sources" click in "edit" then "updates"06:10
windbuntuwow it did 80 fast...ok ill do that Chuck_Norris06:10
windbuntuand no reboot?06:10
Chuck_Norrissry, ubuntu software center > edit > software sources > updates -.-06:11
bazhangwindbuntu, unless its a kernel, thats seldom needed06:11
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde
windbuntuok something is wrong because its set to check for updates daily and notify06:15
pbx2I seem to be missing a lot of drivers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qx-v4dCHCacRGG68Uhx767fWSE1FbIdb2b3ORzy2mss/edit via http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ ... where did reisio go?06:15
windbuntubut it runs great06:15
bazhangwindbuntu, perhaps the 24hrs had not elapsed06:15
windbuntuyeah could be i just checked by chance since it seems like its been awhile06:16
pbx2you guys can see the google docs right?06:16
windbuntueven so i really like 12.0406:16
Dr_Willis12.04 has some features i reallylike06:17
=== newbie is now known as Guest94987
windbuntuits not even using much ram06:18
tuxgeekwindbuntu: correct!06:18
pbx2windbuntu, probably not even using all your hardware :)06:19
pbx2due to lack of drivers06:19
windbuntuso i really cant justify even trying the lighter distro anymore06:19
Dr_Williscant say that im missing any drivers. but i did research befor i bought my wifi dongle. ;)06:19
tuxgeekubuntu has no driver issues on fairly modern HW...06:20
susundberghuh no?, i just did fresh install 12.04 and the machine booted with blank screen ..06:20
Dr_Willisi had harder time finding wifi drivers for my old pci wifi card on windows7 . :)06:20
MrNaz_outim trying to get my firewire device working in ubuntu 12.04 but i cant seem to... previously i would just do "sudo modprobe raw1394 ieee1394 video1394 ohci1394" on a fresh install and it would all work... but in 12.04 i'm getting "modulie raw1394 not found" ... has firewire support changed recently?06:21
Dr_Willissusundberg:  blank as in black with a lashing cursor?06:21
susundbergthough i somewhat managed to get failsafe-x up and then install nvidia propritary drivers tha worked fine06:21
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:21
susundbergDr_Willis: ya, i guess, its fixed anyway for now with new drivers06:21
Dr_Willissome nvidia cards - need the nomodeset to get to a  desktop then install the drivers06:22
tuxgeekhey hey!06:22
Dr_Williswelcome back jony_easyrider06:22
pbx2But my google doc shows that all the drivers are not available for my pc: Nvidia GT520,  Intel Core i3 Sandybridge, MSI motherboard with SATA 6 and my HDD is also SATA 6 (for 6gbps support), and my motherboard 2xUSB v3.0 at the back  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qx-v4dCHCacRGG68Uhx767fWSE1FbIdb2b3ORzy2mss/edit via http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/06:22
jony_easyridersec... changing my nick06:22
Dr_Williswe should tell him about the  /nick command06:23
pbx2I want to use virtualbox inside my Lubuntu...but it is so slow06:23
tuxgeeknext time /nick06:24
windbuntuoh now i see, because they werent security updates ubuntu displays those kind weekly unless i change it.06:24
Dr_Willis /nick newnick     to chngenicknmes.. ;)06:24
windbuntuubuntu dipslays the security updates daily...others weekly...i am not going to change the default.06:24
ServerCrashWhat should be the value of Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog to ensure the init script runs after kernel modules are loaded06:25
=== tuxgeek is now known as eagle_eye
=== eagle_eye is now known as tuxgeek
paulus68whats through the command line a good way to do a memory check06:26
lotuspsychje!info photorec06:26
ubottuPackage photorec does not exist in precise06:26
Chuck_Norrisfree -m06:26
lotuspsychjethey should add photorec to repos, fine piece of software it is06:26
Dr_Willis!find photorec06:27
ubottuFile photorec found in testdisk, testdisk-dbg06:27
Dr_Willis!info testdisk06:27
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (precise), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB06:27
Dr_Willisit is in the repos. ;)06:27
lotuspsychjeoh this is the same dr_willis06:28
Dr_Willisive never used it. so no idea.06:28
Dr_Willisseems the same06:28
ServerCrashhow to ensure that a given init scripts starts only after all the kernel modules (in /etc/modules) are loaded06:28
lotuspsychjeDr_willis: i think testdisk is just for analyze, and photorec for recovery06:29
=== mint is now known as killuaaaaa
lotuspsychjejust restored 1gig files on an usb with photorec, pretty handy06:29
Dr_Willisbot said photorec is in the testdisk package in the repos.06:29
lotuspsychjei like it more then extundelete06:30
Dr_Willisi used ddrescue to recover 1TB of data from a flakey external usb. ;0 once06:30
killuaaaaahow to use ubbottu06:30
Dr_Willis!bot | killuaaaaa06:30
ubottukilluaaaaa: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:30
M_join #epia-lol06:30
killuaaaaaDr_Willis: thankyou06:31
Chuck_Norrisubottu: rules \m/-_-\m/06:31
lotuspsychjeDr_willis: is it possible from outside to grab webcam captures on an ubuntu system(without permission)06:31
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Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  doubtfull06:32
Chuck_Norrislotuspsychje: ye, using motion06:32
Chuck_Norris!info motion06:32
ubottumotion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.12-3.1 (precise), package size 217 kB, installed size 766 kB06:32
Dr_Willis'without permission'    is the  reason its doubtfull. ;)06:32
ylmfoshi dear friends06:33
killuaaaaaylmfos: hi06:33
ylmfosi need some hacking softwares can u help me..............06:33
Dr_Willisylmfos:  doubtfull..06:34
Dr_Willisunless you have some sort of ubuntu support type issue.06:34
Dr_Willisgues not.06:34
xisorshadowhi, does the system keep the downloaded packages it fetches during an apt upgrade?06:35
xisorshadowor does it delete the files after the update?06:35
Dr_Willisxisorshadow:  check /var/cache/apt/06:35
red_baronhow can I change idle timeout in 10.04 to more than 2 hours?06:35
xisorshadowDr_Willis, is it safe to delete that stuff?06:35
xisorshadowDr_Willis, like, do i need it anymore?06:35
Dr_Willisthecommand apt-get clean   cleans it out06:35
xisorshadowDr_Willis, ok, ty06:35
Dr_Willisdont mess with it ;)06:35
Dr_Willisdeletggeing it by hand.. can get ugly06:36
xisorshadowis there a command for seeing how much free space i have?06:36
Dr_Willisxisorshadow:  'free' ;)06:36
fidelxisorshadow: du06:36
tuxgeekdf -h06:36
Dr_Willisdu -h06:36
Chuck_Norrisdu -sh06:36
Dr_Willisdepdns on what info yoiu need exactly06:36
xisorshadowfree space on my linux partition06:36
Dr_Willistry the avobe06:37
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
cbmI want to do something like: if ASCII{mv * to someplace}, how this can be done?06:37
xisorshadow2.9G used with xbmc and chrome installed and all updates done, 3.9 free Dr_Willis06:37
xisorshadowDr_Willis, think im gonna be ok? XD06:37
Dr_Williscbm:  some bash scripting, or perl or pythin. depending on the details06:38
Dr_Willisxisorshadow:  try it out for a few days ad see06:38
xisorshadowDr_Willis, any reason why it created 4 gigs of swap when i have 4 gigs of ram? do i need that much?06:38
wyldecbm: bet #bash #sed #awk would have some ideas for you06:38
Dr_Willis4gb almost holds my wallpaper collection06:38
Dr_Willisxisorshadow:  to hibernate you need swap = ram. i belive06:39
xisorshadowDr_Willis, not going to use suspend at all, speaking of which, is there a way to disable ubuntu from shutting my screen off? i couldnt find it06:39
Dr_Willisthe powersacer/screensavers setting is there somewhere06:39
red_baronanybody can help me, please? how can I change idle timeout in 10.04 to more than 2 hours?06:39
Dr_Williswhat idle  timeout?06:40
xisorshadowwell, so far this new nettop is about 500x faster than my other one06:40
red_baronat screensaver idle timeout could be set to max 2 hours :(06:40
xisorshadowupgraded from dual core atom/ion to AMD E450 dual core with 6320 GPU06:40
xisorshadowseems infinitely faster so far06:40
xisorshadow1200fps in glxgears means my 3d acceleration is working properly right?06:41
Dr_Willisglxgears is a weird command. ;)06:42
Dr_Willisif  unity3d works.. then ya got  ssome 3d accell at least.06:42
xisorshadowunity 3d worked before i installed the amd driver :P06:42
Dr_Willisshows how good  the  gpl driver is  then06:43
MrNaz_outhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dvgrab/+bug/779680   <-- this firewire related bug appears to still be open06:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 779680 in dvgrab (Ubuntu) "Firewire broken" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:43
xisorshadowDr_Willis, what is the gpl driver?06:44
Dr_Willisthe open sourced gpl driver sthat came included with the os06:45
xisorshadowDr_Willis, this is my 3rd day using linux now XD even fixed my sound and video on my OWN this time, after needing HOURS of help the first time on my old nettop :D06:45
xisorshadowso i feel like im learning something06:45
Dr_WillisMrNaz_out:  yep. the bug is open06:45
windbuntubrasero bug never gets done either06:45
MrNaz_outDr_Willis my only option appears to be switching to a version of ubuntu that uses the old fw stack06:46
xisorshadowand now for a more general question, how hot should my cpu be?06:46
MrNaz_outwhich seems a little extreme given that i have to download and use 11.10... surely there's a better way?06:46
Dr_WillisMrNaz_out:  if its a new kernel bug.. then its  a new bug.06:46
MrNaz_outerrr. 10.1006:46
MrNaz_outfair enough06:46
Dr_Willisthat bug reports knows more then we do  i iimagine.06:47
MrNaz_outDr_Willis ok... if i were to download and use 10.10 will i at least have access to repos? or have they all been killed06:47
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.06:47
MrNaz_outoh cool06:47
Dr_Willisyou would have to setup  and  use the archive repos06:47
Dr_Willisonce it goes eol06:47
Dr_Willissame applies to any eol release06:48
MrNaz_outDr_Willis do the archive repos contain the last set of packages for that release? i.e., can i safely use them of is using an eol release just a barrel of broken?06:48
Dr_Willisthey should be up to date with  its death of the release06:49
Dr_Willisend of eol date at least. :)06:49
Dr_Willisbye all06:49
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110406:49
obelusMrNaz_out: They should be an exact copy of the entire package archive for 10.10 at the time that they moved it to the eol archive.06:49
xisorshadowis it possible to create a session that loads xbmc and chromium browser ONLY? and puts chromium in the background?06:50
MrNaz_outobelus great... at least i can use it... i'll use 10.10 until the fw stack in the kernel is fixed06:50
MrNaz_outthanks all06:50
obelusI'm trying to get a local ubuntu mirror onto a machine that's behind a proxy, and download limits prevent it from mirroring the archive itself; I was thinking that I could mirror the archive with rsync or apt-mirror from home and transfer it via a portable hard drive, and use apt-mirror to update it after it's on the target machine. Is this possible?06:51
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)06:52
xisorshadowguess nobody knows06:52
lotuspsychje!info xmbc06:53
ubottuPackage xmbc does not exist in precise06:53
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obelusxisorshadow: I can't think of any way off-hand other than making the X session run a script in xterm or gnome-terminal that starts chromium-browser then xbmc.06:53
xisorshadowobelus, xbmx has a session that loads only it, but nothing else, was just wondering if there was a way to add a program to that session06:54
xisorshadowobelus, so i can tab out and browse the web without exiting xbmc and logging into unity, if you follow what im trying to do06:54
goddardwhats a good way to watch video rss feeds? and keep track of them?06:54
obelusI understand what you want to do, I just don't really know how to do it. I've never tried creating sessions so I don't know how much you can customise them06:54
goddardtotem kind of sucks06:54
lotuspsychjegoddard: maybe vlc can do stuff?06:55
xisorshadowobelus, this is an HTPC im setting up, and having a browser at the ready without loading a full environment would be very helpful06:55
obelusxisorshadow: As I said before, I understand that.06:57
xisorshadowanybody know anything about sessions and could help me?06:57
obelusOkay, I think I found something, but no guarantees06:57
blackshirtxisorshadow: i don't understand your problem ... describe more detail06:58
xisorshadowi want to create a custom X session that loads chromium browser and xbmc, and NOTHING else06:58
xisorshadowblackshirt, is about all the detail i can give06:58
obelusYou'd probably want a script like in that file to start chromium-browser &06:59
obelusand then whatever commands are necessary to start xbmc06:59
xisorshadowobelus, xbmc is the command to start xbmc XD simple!06:59
goddardlotuspsychje: vlc isn't getting all the videos07:00
obelusxisorshadow: Alright, then you'd want chromium-browser & on one line, then xbmc & on the other line07:00
obelusThe page I linked should tell you the rest that you need to know07:00
obelusI've never tried it though07:00
obelusI might give it a try in a VM shortly if you have trouble with it07:00
lotuspsychjegoddard:you want a full rss list inside a media player, so when u click it opens the video?07:01
xisorshadowobelus, where can i find my existing session files? i could edit the session xbmc created and add chromium to that07:01
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red_baronpls someone: how can I disable the idle timeout in 10.04<07:02
chuxisorshadow: ~/.bash_profile assuming you want it applied to your current account.07:02
cbmif i want to grep anything.txt in a txt file what should i do ???07:02
killuaaaaared_baron: X07:02
server_gns3 弄过没?07:03
xisorshadowchu, how do i find that?07:03
wookienzhi, i am trying to compile a davicom dm9601 usb to ethernet module. I m getting htese errors. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1017488/ any ideas?07:03
DJones!cn | server_07:04
ubottuserver_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:04
chuxisorshadow: Well, it should be in your home directory. If it's not there, just create the file.07:04
goddardlotuspsychje: ya07:04
ServerCrashhi, i have written an dameon init script and placed it in /etc/init.d/ and made it start at boot, now my scripts gets executed before the kernel modules are loaded07:05
xisorshadowchu, there are existing session types already, i want to edit one of those, wouldnt that imply not having to create something?07:05
ServerCrashthus failing my daemon , is there anyway i can delay the execution of init script exectution till the kernel modules are loaded07:06
chuI have no idea what you're ever trying to do.07:06
xisorshadowchu, im trying to edit the xbmc session to add chromium browser to it, so itll load the browser in the background when i use an xbmc session07:06
obelusxisorshadow: I'm powering up an Ubuntu 12.04 desktop VM to check where they are07:06
obelusJust a minute07:06
xisorshadowso only xbmc and chromium are running07:06
chuxisorshadow: I don't know what xbmc is.07:06
xisorshadowchu it is xbox media center, its for setting up a home theater pc07:06
lotuspsychjegoddard: cant you just load up rss into indicator area, then open up the video(or u want just into the mediaplayer)07:07
killuaaaaa!info unity07:07
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.12-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1248 kB, installed size 3532 kB07:07
chuxisorshadow: Doesn't actually explain much.07:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
chuxisorshadow: From what I understand, you just need to create a ~/.bash_profile file, with some text saying launch chromium, but I don't really know what you're trying to do, so just ignore me.07:08
obeluschu, xisorshadow: No, creating a new bash_profile to launch only chromium won't help much. But if it launched both chromium and xbmc, it would. Trying to locate where the default session is stored currently07:09
goddardlotuspsychje: well on totem i have a sidebar that lists all the videos which is nice and I can just click and stream the video.. which is nice, but it doesn't support multiple playlists and it saves them to a file... which is odd07:09
lotuspsychjegoddard:for more rss feeds adding into vlc, you need to seperate with |07:09
chuobelus: I have no idea what xmbc is, but here: http://pastebin.com/8UKJzeBS (you can take over now)07:10
chu(obelus: that's a ~/.bash_profile file)07:10
obelusThat will just launch it when you start bash, I imagine. Does NOT seem very helpful.07:12
chuYou could add startx & to the end and it will also launch X.07:12
obelusIt'd be more helpful as an .xinitrc file07:12
obeluschu, no, that would NOT help. That would require logon at console first, then it would try and fail to launch two X applications before launching X itself07:12
haneefmubarakor use sudo service start lightdm07:12
goddardlotuspsychje: thanks for yoru help.. i guess none of the players work well with what im trying to do or would prefer07:13
fatebasically pulse audio isnt cutting it07:13
obelusIf that was a .xsession file, it would likely help.07:13
fatewhat audio lib shoululd i use?07:13
fatei get bad tones07:13
fatesome stuff i cant hear07:13
fatepc is old07:14
haneefmubarakfate: Are you sure that your speakers/headphones work, and also that your sound chip/card all work perfectly first?07:14
fateyes they work07:14
fatei tried on windows07:14
fatelike sometimes it sounds fine07:15
fatebut say different parts of a song07:15
fatemaybe one part will be lower tone07:15
fateor another part will sound like 70's vinyls07:15
haneefmubarakThat really isn't the OS or a driver in that case...07:15
nightsim losing my head trying to find a SIMPLE server music player that has a decent web interface07:15
nightsi dont streaming and all that junk07:15
fateno it is07:15
nightsi just want it to playback on the server07:15
fateit works on windows07:15
nightsis that impossible?07:16
haneefmubarakGive me a minute, I remember a really good one, I'm finding it...07:16
nightshaneefmubarak: really?07:16
nightsthat would be awesome07:17
haneefmubarakI've used subsonic, but it kinda sucks.07:17
nightsshould be so simple, yet all i can find is for local playback through streams07:17
nightsbut isnt that also for local playback?07:17
haneefmubarakI remember a really awesome one that can stream to loads of devices easily though...07:17
nightsbut i dont want to stream07:17
haneefmubarakGive me a minute, nights.07:17
nightswhy doesnt anyone get it :(07:17
nightsi just want to control the server playback through a web interface07:17
haneefmubarakWhat are you trying to do?07:17
haneefmubarakWhy the hell would you want to do that?07:18
nightsthe server has the speaks07:18
haneefmubarakI mean, you can, but why?07:18
nightsand we are a few person using it for playing music07:18
haneefmubarakSo walk over and do whatever you need to….07:18
nightsno .. it doesnt have convenient physical access07:19
haneefmubarakWhat do you mean?07:19
nightsits locked away07:19
fateim gonna try alsa07:19
nightsbasically remote desktop works ok07:19
cbmhi all how can i replace all the "\n"  with "\t" in a txt file07:19
nightsbut its not really what i want07:19
nightscbm: search replace in any text editor.07:19
cbmbut it is \n07:20
haneefmubarakHow far is it from where you'd like to access?07:20
cbmit seems replace is not working with \n07:20
nightsits 100 meter07:20
nightswhy does it mater07:20
nightsthis is the most simple problem ever07:21
haneefmubarakHave you thought about KVM?07:21
nightsmy last option is to write my own software07:21
nightsbut it will take atleast 2 days07:21
nightsnever heard of it07:21
nightsi can see now that im not getting any help from here07:21
nightsthanks anyway07:22
haneefmubarakThose three things over LAN to a receiver box, generally work well in production environments, nights.07:22
nightsso is that what you consider a web interface then?07:22
nightswasnt that my question07:22
fatenights: jack07:23
nightsnot how to use fucking keyboard & mouse07:23
haneefmubarakNo, but it's certainly a better solution.07:23
fatei found that07:23
Tm_Tnights: please language07:23
fatetrying to fix my problem07:23
nightsjust ban me i dont care.07:23
fates a professional sound server, which provides real-time, low latency (i.e. 5 milliseconds or less) audio performance and, since JACK2, supports efficient load balancing by utilizing symmetric multiprocessing, that is the load of all audio clients can be distributed among several processors. Audio clients can be arbitrarily connected with each other.07:23
red_baronhow can I stop entering in idle the ubuntu 10.04?07:23
haneefmubarakRealize that a web interface is severely resource consuming.07:24
nightsyou have no idea what you are talking about07:24
fatehow is a web interface resource consuming?07:24
nightsthat was funny07:24
haneefmubarakred_baron: What kind of computer do you have (specs always help!)?07:24
red_baronFSC desktop07:24
red_baronproc. celeron 2,6, 512mb ram?07:25
red_baronI can set the idle timeout at screensavers07:25
haneefmubarakred_baron: Your computer is sort of outdated… Have you thought of Lubuntu?07:25
red_baronbut the maximum is 2 h only :(07:25
Noianocan anybody help me? I'm on 12.04 and lightdm won't start. I have to manually start logging from text console....07:25
haneefmubarakNoiano: What kind of computer do you have?07:25
red_baronit's working perfectly with 10.04 ubuntu07:26
Noianohaneefmubarak, laptop, dell inspiron 172007:26
strictlandhi everyone, i'm trying to wake on lan over internet using : http://www.depicus.com/wake-on-lan/woli.aspx and I have everything filled up except the part where it says "Any Computers Ip Number or FQDN" ... can anyone help?07:26
haneefmubarakstrictland: try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WakeOnLan07:26
haneefmubarakNoiano: try using a LiveCD to repair it.07:27
TiktalikI have a 400 kilobyte text file that needs editing07:27
TiktalikWhat can I use to edit it07:27
Noianohaneefmubarak, It works, only it doesn't start at boot, I have to manually start it07:27
Niranjanyou can use gedit07:27
haneefmubarakTiktalik: Are you comfortable with the command line interface?07:27
Niranjanor if u know using Vi or Vim editor then use it07:27
haneefmubarakNoiano: Explain further, please.07:28
Noianohaneefmubarak, each time I turn on my pc07:28
TiktalikI'm actually on arch haneefmubarak, but vim doesn't want to load it it seems07:28
haneefmubarakNiranjan: Vi/vim is too hard for most.07:28
obelusTiktalik: Nano? Pretty simple editor.07:28
Niranjanu can' use command line until u close it07:28
NoianoI only get the text console, I have to login in one of them and invoke sudo service lightdm start07:28
haneefmubarakThats what I was about to recommend.07:28
obelusTiktalik: Also, pico or ee is good if you don't have nano available.07:29
manzamannahello everybody, I'm on a netbook with 1024x600 display resolution. Some programs has minimal resolution at 1024x768. Is it possible to have something like a "virtual resolution" with slide? I mean keeping display resolution at 1024x600 but sliding moving mouse cursor.07:29
haneefmubarakNoiano: Make a service script to auto-start it?07:29
haneefmubarakmanzamanna: Sorry, no.07:29
R0n[[Y]]hello, someone can help me i enter in ubuntu-es but nothing can help me... i dont know a lot of english07:30
Noianohaneefmubarak, how? I've tried update-rc but doesn't work07:30
obelusmanzamanna: Ah, I used to have that problem on my old netbook. Only solution I found in the end was starting Windows for those problem, as my drivers in Windows had a 1024x768 mode that worked pretty well.07:30
K-LabMornin !07:30
haneefmubarakNoiano: I'm not advanced enough to help you past this point, sorry. Try the forums: forums.ubuntu.com07:31
R0n[[Y]]hello, someone can help me i enter in ubuntu-es but nothing can help me... i dont know a lot of english07:31
Dynetrekkhi, I installed hte xfce package (12.04 LTS server) but lots of icons etc are missing. what do I do?07:31
haneefmubarakR0n[[Y]]: Try asking in #ubuntu-es07:32
haneefmubarak(Just click the link.07:32
rigvedDynetrekk: did you install the xubuntu-desktop package?07:32
R0n[[Y]]anything answere me07:32
Dynetrekkrigved: nope07:32
Dynetrekkrigved: I'll do that then07:32
sacarlsonwookienz: I verified I get the same error when I tried to compile same driver,  I see this http://ak-hacks.blogspot.com/2010/01/linux-usb-ethernet-driver-davicom.html  but fail to find the patch they point to07:32
R0n[[Y]]haneefmubarak> anything answere me07:33
rigvedDynetrekk: i do not know if this is the solution to your problem, but it is the correct way to get the XFCE DE in Ubuntu.07:33
manzamannammm.. haneefmubarak obelus, and remoting my desktop to another pc? do you think I can resize resolution?07:33
Dynetrekkrigved: sounds likely. I just installed xfce07:33
goddardok i keep getting an error trying to sign my dsc files07:33
goddardsays it can't open .gnupg/secring.gpg07:34
wookienzsacarlson, yes, same. I ended up using modprobe usbnet then modprobe dm9601.ko and i think it works as the module is loaded...i have yet to test the actauly device.07:34
goddardhow can i solve this?07:34
haneefmubarakmanzamanna: if you connect another monitor to it via cable, you could easily do what you'd like (if your graphics will support that)...07:34
DjAngo23Hello everyone. This morning (europe) I started my 1 week old laptop, and sudenly the SSD dirve had disappeard. There were some important data on it. Anyone any idea? sudo blkid does not see the drive, but the disk utility does07:34
vexaxvim running ubuntu 12.04 and i installed bastion from the humble bundle and this is what i get in the terminal http://pastebin.com/7SSV6DnN after it starts it closes07:34
wookienzsacarlson, i tried modprobe dm960 earlier but didnt work, the usbnet before hand seemed to fi it no idea what that does.07:34
manzamannahaneefmubarak: I know, but I have not a display, only another bigger notebook07:35
sacarlsonwookienz: I also noted that it seems it will only work at 10mbit and they might try to set it to 100mbit, not sure it's related to your problem, good luck07:36
haneefmubarakSo just use the notebook by itself...07:36
wookienzsacarlson, thanks for your help. It is only a temp cheapo adapter until i find my real one!07:36
vexaxvdoes anyone play Bastion on ubuntu 12.04??07:37
haneefmubarakvexaxv: Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for such questions...07:37
goddardsays it can't open .gnupg/secring.gpg07:38
DjAngo23Anyone any experience with the abow SSD problem?07:38
aciculaDjAngo23: does the drive show in the bios?07:39
DjAngo23Even in gparted and disk utility07:39
DjAngo23It says /dev/sdb1 file system unknown07:39
aciculaso the device name exists07:39
aciculaDjAngo23: k so the filesystems is corrupted07:40
DjAngo23Is there a way to repair it, or do i have to format?07:40
aciculaDjAngo23: did you try running the filesystem checkker for its file system in read only mode ?07:40
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23 !! before you wipe do a "dd in=/dev/[drive] out=file_image.img"07:40
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, I cant find the disk in /dev/07:42
aciculaDjAngo23: if the filechecker cant recognize the disk it wont be able to repair it, copying all your data using dd is a good choice if you want to do analysis at a later date, sometimes its possible to recover some files from disk images07:42
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: is there still a partition on it? It doesn't have to have a known file system just the /dev/sdb[something]07:42
DjAngo23Which dir are the ssd' s ?07:42
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: can you pastbin the result of "fdisk -l"    (that's a L)07:42
DjAngo23sure. 1 sec07:43
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: that will output all partitions. Also run with sudo or be root07:43
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: being root is important for it to work07:43
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, I can send you the fdisk -l, but the drive does not show up.07:43
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: that's ok let's just see what you have for partition structure. Just to see if we can do some tricks to rescue the filesystem07:44
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: past.ubuntu.com07:44
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: if you have a fresh boot we can also look at "dmesg > output_from_dmesg.log"07:46
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, I does appear finaly. I didn't look right. Here is the fstab -l http://pastebin.com/qWuEz4m207:46
caIs there any way to get a macbook to properly07:46
caproperly handle closing the lid with an external monitor attached07:46
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: cool thanx, one sec while exam07:46
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: nice. good we have the partition intact.07:47
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: just curious, do you happen to remember the type of file system used? (ext4, ntfs, fat32, etc.)07:48
DjAngo23sure i did. it' s ext407:49
DjAngo23Does my laptop maybe restored the old hybernation disk on it. But I don't think so.07:50
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: we may be able to fix real quick. But I'd like to make an image of the partition before doing such.07:50
DjAngo23Sounds more secure ;) So let' s do it07:50
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: SSD drives are tricky to recover do to solid state nature vs disk/magnetic structure07:50
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: good choice. It may take awhile, but at least we'll have an image before tampering with the partition.07:51
DjAngo23The disk is only 20g, but it wil take the time needed.07:52
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: let me check some documention on the command "dd" one sec while I review.07:52
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: quicker than you think though it's SSD ;)07:52
DjAngo23Thanks already for your time07:54
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: I've got a 16GB flash so let me run a quick test first. But if you'd like some reading material check out "man dd".07:54
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: no prob.07:55
bytesofbinaryguys, how do I share a wired internet connection via wifi? (I want to tether it to my phone actually)07:55
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: ok while that's running I give an over-view of the steps07:57
ajvpotis there a command to "tail -f" a csv file and display the output "nicely" in formatted columns?07:57
pepeebytesofbinary, in android?07:57
bytesofbinarypepee: yes07:58
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: the command that we'll run (after I test it) is, "sudo dd bs=512 if=/dev/sdc1 of=/home/user/flash.img"07:58
wiherekI want to create a symbolic link between two directories on two machines connected via ssh07:58
wiherekhow can I accomplish that?07:58
pepeebytesofbinary, download barnacle wifi tether07:59
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: next before we mess with the actual partition is to mount the image and see if we can't get at the data. All while preserving the original partition.07:59
bytesofbinarypepee: thanx a lot man!!!07:59
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, should i use sdc1 or my sdb107:59
pepeethough it never worked for me07:59
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: good, my flash-drive is sdc1 but you would want to use your device name which is...08:00
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: sdb108:00
goddardlotuspsychje: i found a great one08:00
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, It's doing something.08:01
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: so it will look like, "sudo dd bs=512 if=/dev/sdb1 of=/home/INSERTYOURUSERNAME/backup.img"08:01
bytesofbinarypepee: I saw the thing now, its not what I want. I wanted to connect the phone to internet via the computers lan connection08:02
DjAngo23It's copying. Memory is jumping, and hardrive is working. Waiting for some feedback from terminal08:02
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: go ahead and run that command, but you'll want to change the end of "of="  to your home dir or some file system with at least 20GB08:02
pepeebytesofbinary, you can do the adb tool that comes with the android SDK08:02
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: don't worry it's not very verbose08:03
DjAngo23It's what i got. The computer is quite slow.08:03
bytesofbinarypepee: is that the only method? :(08:03
pepeebytesofbinary, the only one I know08:03
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: I've got 4cores@2.5GHz/8GB-RAM/16GB-partition and it's still running08:04
bytesofbinarypepee: hmmm, thanx :)08:05
pepeebytesofbinary, I suppose you can do that in some other way, but no idea how08:05
goddardOMG watching videos just got SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better08:05
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: if you'd like to check that it's running you can run the "top" command. Look for "dd" and some % of CPU use08:05
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: in another terminal08:05
bytesofbinarypepee: I'm actually coming from windows, I used connectify there. Was as easy as 1+1 :P08:05
manzamannahaneefmubarak obelus, I get it work with xrandr. thanks anyway08:06
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, htop says 98%, so it's working.08:06
haneefmubarakOh, you're more than welcome, manzamanna, even I didn't really help much.08:06
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, It' s finished: 20012072960 bytes (20 GB) copied, 358.01 s, 55.9 MB/s08:07
goddardmy CPU is always MAXed out but my system isn't even going over 4GB of ram08:07
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: is that "%id"   ?    or under the "%CPU "     ?08:07
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, Does not matter anymore. It' s finished copying08:08
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: wow, that was quick. Thinking too quick, didn't see your response fast enough. lol08:08
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: ok next stage. let's navigate to /mnt08:09
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, So, you want to mount it next riwght?08:09
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: exactly. The command is, "sudo mount -o ro,loop /mnt/some_dir /home/yourusername/backup.img"08:10
unimatrix_overloThe command is, "sudo mount -o ro,loop :08:10
unimatrix_overlocrap keyboard.... grrr.08:10
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: now navigate to /mnt/somedir08:11
llutzunimatrix_overlo: vice versa: mount "what.img" "where/to/mount"08:11
unimatrix_overloyes, sorry. good catch08:12
SidveeI was regarding a cron script, and someone had written, to create a temp file and something. For temp file it used "$tempfile" why $ was added? Any significance? Or just like that?08:13
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: actually it should be, "sudo mount -o ro,loop -t autofs /home/username/backup.img  /mnt/somedir"08:13
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: you should now be able to use your fav file browser and see the it as a drive08:13
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, something went wrong:08:13
DjAngo23sudo mount -o ro,loop /mnt/flash /home/django/flash.img08:13
DjAngo23ioctl: LOOP_SET_FD: Invalid argument08:13
obelusDjAngo23: sudo mount -o ro,loop /home/django/flash.img /mnt/flash08:14
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DjAngo23Oh, i onlly see your msg now08:14
DjAngo23Trying again08:14
unimatrix_overloyeah, llutz pointed out my error08:14
llutzSidvee: $tmpfile has to be "filled" with a valid name before in your script, like  tmpfile=$(tempfile)08:14
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23:   sudo mount -o ro,loop -t autofs /home/username/backup.img  /mnt/somedir08:15
obelusUnfamiliar with -t autofs. Is that just auto detect filesystem?08:15
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, obelus , mount: unknown filesystem type 'autofs'08:15
obelusI think you should remove the -t autofs myself, mount defaults to autodetecting the filesystem08:16
llutzDjAngo23: -t auto    not autofs08:16
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Sidveellutz: I am pretty new to linux, would you mind elaborating it litte more. What is the use of "$"08:16
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unimatrix_overlotry, "-t ext4"  since you pointed that out back a few08:16
obelusllutz: doesn't mount automatically assume auto if no -t is specified?08:16
llutzSidvee: thats to address variables. like:  tmpfile=$(tempfile)   fills "tmpfile" with the output of "tempfile" (the program). to use that variable later, you use $tmpfile08:17
llutzobelus: correct08:17
obelusllutz: Thought so. Thanks for the confirmation08:17
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, I tried with -t ext4 and got08:17
DjAngo23mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,08:17
DjAngo23       missing codepage or helper program, or other error08:17
DjAngo23       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try08:17
DjAngo23       dmesg | tail  or so08:17
FloodBot1DjAngo23: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:17
Guest36296ping loll08:18
Guest36296terminal 0008:18
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: ok, let me check the, "losetup" command. one sec.08:18
llutzGuest36296: do you have any ubuntu support-related question?08:18
obelusDjAngo23: You might want to try with -t auto  or completely omitting the -t option08:19
Guest36296no .tq08:19
llutzGuest36296: then please stop08:19
Guest36296saya tidak pandai gun a ubuntu ini .08:20
Sidveellutz: umm. You mean tempfile is program and tmpfile stores the output of tempfile? like "python tempfile,py > tmpfile"???08:20
DjAngo23with auto and without -t it says : mount: you must specify the filesystem type08:20
llutzSidvee: like that08:20
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: let's try an extra step, it should iron the prob out08:21
DjAngo23message from dmesg: [ 3112.347412] EXT4-fs (loop0): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem08:21
Sidveellutz: So the output can be stored like that. How does $ comes to picture here?08:21
llutzSidvee: thats how you tell the shell you want to use a variable, not a command08:22
llutzSidvee:  http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/Bash-Beginners-Guide.html#sect_03_0208:22
DjAngo23Maybee this is important information: The disk was furst in use for hybernation drive. I formated it, and changed it to ext4. Could it be possible that the bios reset it to Hybernation dist ? is see in fdis -l that the id is 8408:23
Sidveellutz: is there any difference in writing "ls -l > temp"  and "ls -l > $temp"08:23
llutzSidvee: redirection > won't work in bash08:23
llutznot to fill a VAR with output*08:23
oCeanllutz: of course it will08:24
llutzSidvee: var=$(ls -l)08:24
Sidveellutz: isn't my terminal a bash as well?08:24
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: run, "sudo losetup /dev/loop0 /home/username/backup.img08:24
llutzocce[10:23:56] <llutz> not to fill a VAR with output*08:24
llutzoCean:  [10:23:56] <llutz> not to fill a VAR with output*08:24
oCeanllutz: and I answered "of course it will"08:24
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: next, ...08:24
llutzoCean: like "ls -l > temp"?    i doubt08:25
oCeanSidvee: redirection will work perfectly, The difference in temp and $temp is, that $temp should have a value defined (since it is a variable) and that "temp" is interpreted as an actual (file)name08:25
Sidveellutz: Damn I know nothing. :-(08:25
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: sudo mount -o ro -t ext4 /dev/loop0 /mnt/flash/08:26
obelusllutz: Are you sure? I use > a lot in bash.08:26
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: sudo mount -o ro -t ext4 /dev/loop0 /mnt/somedir08:26
obelusEr, sorry, I was scrolled up and didnt see your other message08:26
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, same error as before: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, ...08:26
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: well, this is a "safer" way then playing with fdisk partition types08:26
barberanhow do I remove Gnome and install KDE?08:26
Sidveellutz: So, $temp is a variable name, It can hold a file name as variable too? Or am wrong?08:27
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: this just means that the file system type is not (or perhaps not) ext408:27
llutzlet me rephrase it: you cannot use "ls -l >temp" in that way $temp (the variable, not the filename) holds the output of "ls". you need to use "temp=$(ls -l)" to define a VAR08:27
obelusSidvee: You can hold any string or number in a variable.08:27
oCeanSidvee: this is somewhat out of scope of this channel, since there is also ##bash channel. But in short: you start with a definition:  mytempfile=/tmp/blah.tmp, then you can use it as   ls -al > $mytempfile08:27
DjAngo23When i look at the id its 84: according to http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/partition_types-1.html it means: Hibernation partition08:28
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: it's a long shot but try, "sudo file /home/username/backup.img"08:28
oCeanllutz: oh, correct. ls -al > temp will create a file called "temp" containing all ls -al output08:28
SidveeoCean: Am sorry to bug you people. Didn't realize that. Sorry!08:29
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: well, I was under the impression that /dev/sdb1 was the SSD do to fdisk -l reporting 20GB08:29
eutheriai would just like to say kudos for the improved monitor support, i just pulled my hdmi cable into the side of my laptop08:29
eutheriait just worked08:29
llutzoCean: thats correct, i talked about VAR-definition with redirection (>) which won't work08:29
oCeanllutz: no we're on the same page :)08:29
eutheriaand got the resolution right08:29
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: the file system type under fdisk is a good bet it's wrong08:29
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, /home/django/flash.img: data08:29
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: which is prob the problem08:29
llutzi have to improve my english :(08:29
barberanHow do I change Terminal startup position? I hate it when it sticks to upper-left corner. I want it to be in the center right away after start.08:30
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: what was the name of the backup image file?   the "of=" part of the "dd" command08:30
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, could it be the BIOS resetting this from time to time ?08:30
Sidveellutz: Thanks for handling those lame questions. And sorry to have asked something not right for this forum.08:30
DjAngo23sudo dd bs=512 if=/dev/sdb1 of=/home/django/flash.img08:30
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: ok. have you run the, "sudo losetup /dev/loop0 /home/django/flash.img" command?08:31
DjAngo23I did08:31
llutzDjAngo23: bs=512  is default for dd, no need to define it. better to use bigger blocksizes, it will make dd a bit faster in most cases, like bs=4k08:32
DjAngo23If run again: losetup: /dev/loop0: device is busy08:32
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: ok. only need to run once.08:32
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: now we have to do a trial/by/error test to see what partition type will mount the flash.img08:32
sandeppi have quite messed up my python while trying to install django....can you suggest me any tutorial to install django i have newly started ubuntu08:33
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, Perfect. But i think it' s something with Hybernation filesystem08:33
icerootwhat is the name of the keyring-map to manage passwords?08:33
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: you can look at, "man mount" under the -t, --type section for partition types08:33
ikonia-t is filesystem type - not partition type08:34
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: Windows could have thought the drive was hybernation-device and modified it (guessing due to your ntfs fdisk -l)08:34
DjAngo23ikonia, Thanks, i didn't know there was a difference.08:34
obelusunimatrix_overlo: I don't think Windows uses 'hibernation devices'. They use hiberfil.sys on the root of the system drive.08:35
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, Even if it's strange that it actually did zo, because i did not boot windows before the problem occurs.08:35
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: but if this drive had (good point ikonia) a previous partition that got overwritten by M$ this would be a possible steps to recover such partition08:35
obelusunimatrix_overlo: Windows tends to have a policy of not touching filesystems that aren't fat16, fat32, exfat, ntfs, I believe. So Windows would not have overwitten it unless told to.08:36
DjAngo23obelus, I called Acer a week ago to ask what the ssd was for. They said the use it as Hybernation disk.08:36
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: M$ can use a flash/SSD as "speed-boost" (not sure the nature) so yes (obelus) it should be in the filesystem as hiberfil.sys08:37
obelusIf Acer was correct (which I slightly doubt), then it would just be hiberfil.sys in the root of that drive, and would not have modified it if the filesystem was changed. If it was in use as readyboost, I dont know what it would store the cache as, but it still wouldnt have done anything to the device if the filesystem was changed.08:38
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23+obelus: regardless hibernation/swap the partition flash.img should contain the file system08:39
obelusWhen it loses a ReadyBoost (the speed-up used on flash devices) drive, it just doesn't use it.08:39
ClintonHi everyone I am looking for help with Ubuntu 10.04 network manager08:39
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23+obelus: we just have to figure out the type to mount the image08:39
obelusunimatrix_overlo: Yes, it should have the filesystem, I was only saying that Windows would not have changed anything on the device by itself if it was already changed to another filesystem.08:39
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: the dangerous fix it to do a fdisk. then change to partition type to what you think is the correct one08:40
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: just taking the safe route08:40
karaIs it possible to load OSX snow leng you have on the hard drive is ubuntu?opard to a macbook if the only thi08:41
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: just to double check... Do you know for sure that the SSD was used for storage?08:42
DjAngo23Yreah, i had my IDE on it and some GIT repo08:43
karaIs it possible to install osx snow leopard to a macbook if the only os you have on it is ubuntu?08:43
ClintonHi everyone, please can someone help me with network problem. I am trying to use the shared to other computers option for my wired connection to share my 3g connection in Ubuntu 10.04, but when I use this setting my wired connection refuses to connect. I previously had a problem where the connection would connect and reconnect and I google searched it and fixed the problem been dnsmasq, there is an official bug registered with solutio08:43
Clintonn for that problem, but now instead of disconnecting and reconnecting my wired connection the whole time it just wont connect. I click to connect the wired connection and it says wired network disconnected. I am using this method of sharing the internet over many other computers with different distro version08:43
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: then the file /home/username/flash.img contains a bit-for-bit copy of the partition /dev/sdb108:43
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: try installing AcetoneISO08:44
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: it has a good interface for mounting images08:44
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ClintonHi everyone, please can someone help me with network problem. I am trying to use the shared to other computers option for my wired connection to share my 3g connection in Ubuntu 10.04, but when I use this setting my wired connection refuses to connect. I previously had a problem where the connection would connect and reconnect and I google searched it and fixed the problem been dnsmasq, there is an official bug registered with solutio08:46
Clintonn for that problem, but now instead of disconnecting and reconnecting my wired connection the whole time it just wont connect. I click to connect the wired connection and it says wired network disconnected. I am using this method of sharing the internet over many other computers with different distro version08:46
FloodBot1Clinton: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:46
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: it looks like you'll have to convert the *.img file to *.iso before mounting08:47
pungi-mani am currently using 32-bit ubuntu 12.04 and a intel processor capable of supporting 64-bit. i want to use 64-bit. and when i went to the site, it said the 32-bit are available for intel and 64-bit for AMD. then how can i download 64-bit for intel??08:49
ikoniapungi-man: amd = intel08:49
llutzpungi-man: amd64 is intel too08:50
ikoniapungi-man: amd64 = 64bit computing for both intel/amd08:50
pungi-manikonia, llutz so i will have no problems if i install 64-bit in intel??08:50
ikoniapungi-man: no08:50
ikoniapungi-man: it should be fine08:50
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clinton_shane_wrHi everyone, I was hoping someone can help me with a problem I have in Ubuntu 10.0408:51
pungi-manikonia, llutz ! okay thanks for the help.....i will try it08:51
eutheriapungi-man, what they mean to say is, amd64 refers to the instructions set inside the CPU, yes it seems confusing however it was amd who designed the version of the 64bit instructions we use today08:51
eutheriapungi-man, both intel and amd cpu's have the same 64bit instruction set08:52
clinton_shane_wrcan anyone see this??08:52
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: if u still need help please PM me.08:52
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: yes08:52
pungi-manclinton_shane_wr, what are u talking about??08:52
eutheriapungi-man, apart from itainium cpu's which is the instruction set intel originally came up with for 64bit cpu's08:53
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, It still not working, so i think i have to format08:53
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DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, I have to reboot and look into the bios to see what the bios changes08:53
clinton_shane_wrhey there guys08:53
DjAngo23In order to prevent is from hapening agina08:53
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: yes that would give you functionality back, but may loose data08:53
clinton_shane_wrI am looking to find out if anyone knows and has experience with ubuntu 10.0408:53
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: BIOS doesn't change partition types08:53
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: do you have a problem/question about ubuntu 10.04 ?08:54
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, I think there is no other solution08:54
clinton_shane_wryes I do08:54
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: then just ask, if someone knows they will answer08:54
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, I understand, but just after de BIOS, ACER would have installed something that is restoring the partition type to 84 (hybernation)08:54
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: fdisk. then change type to LINUX. mkfs.ext4 -L LABEL /dev/sdb108:54
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: yeah, sometimes they have "recovery" methods08:55
DjAngo23I changed to LINUX in fdisk with gpart08:55
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: they end up "restoring" the drive to factory settings.08:55
DjAngo23but it wants to rewrite strang partitiion tables of 0mb08:55
DjAngo23unimatrix_overlo, I think that happend.08:56
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: ouch.08:56
DjAngo23Yep, so i didn't write08:56
DjAngo23But still, quite painfull to see08:56
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: well at least you have a flash.img to play with08:57
DjAngo23So, i think i have lost it. But I don' t want it to happen again. So i have to look when it does happen.08:57
AGoodNameGUESS WHAT?!!08:57
codeshepherdi am setting up a server, our company has only one machine as server.. can i use chef for people to replicate the server configuration in their local machines? Is that what chef was built for?08:58
ikoniaAGoodName: is this an ubuntu support question ?08:58
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: Yeah, there might be, hit F4 to recover system08:58
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: at boot time08:58
ikoniaAGoodName: please check the topic of this channel before posting again08:58
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: also there is clonezilla. You may want to give that a try before formatting.08:59
AGoodNameThis is AGoodNames friend. I have no idea what I'm doing here08:59
clinton_shane_wrikonia: well my problem is I am trying to share my wired connection by using the "shared to other computers" option in the network and it refuses to connect my wired connection.08:59
ikoniaAGoodName: then type /part08:59
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: http://clonezilla.org/08:59
DjAngo23Thanks for your patience and efforts unimatrix_overlo and obelus .08:59
clinton_shane_wrafter I apply the shared to other computers option08:59
clinton_shane_wrcan anyone help me?09:00
unimatrix_overloDjAngo23: http://www.sysresccd.org/SystemRescueCd_Homepage09:00
ikonia!ics | clinton_shane_wr09:00
ubottuclinton_shane_wr: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:00
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: have a read of that URL, it walks you through how to set it up09:00
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: did you try setup with a static connection on the client side, as I assume you failed to setup dhcpd09:00
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: see if there is a step you've missed09:00
goddardmy keyring is screwed09:00
goddardhow can i fix it?09:00
clinton_shane_wrok, I guess I would need dhcpd or is that installed standard with Ubuntu 10.04?09:01
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: check the link ubottu sent you09:01
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: it walks you through it09:01
clinton_shane_wrthank you09:01
diverdudeOk...i have a problem. I am on a network with only port 80 open. I have a 86 MB file i need to transport away from this computer, preferrebly to my server which runs apache but also runs ssh. The computer cannot mount usb drives or any new filesystem. How can i get my 86MB file outta here?09:01
ikoniadiverdude: contact the people who run the network09:01
diverdudeikonia: what will that help?09:02
argiefdiverdude: gmail?09:02
ikoniadiverdude: they can make an execption for you to transfer the file09:02
ikoniadiverdude: (assuming it's allowed)09:02
clinton_shane_wrikonia I have already been through this page but my router does not have a WAN port which I need to setup my connection through my router09:02
clinton_shane_wrI cannot understand09:02
diverdudeargief: gmail can send such big files?09:02
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: your router does have a wan port - it's the thing that connects your router to the internet09:02
clinton_shane_wrwhy I cannot use shared to other computers option when I use this in other distros of Ubuntu without problems09:02
argiefdiverdude: i assume so? i have not had problems, give it a go?09:03
clinton_shane_wra physical port to connect the lan cable into09:03
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clinton_shane_wrI have 4 ethernet ports no wan port09:03
diverdudeargief: only supprts up to 25 mb :(09:03
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: the wan port is the port that connects your router to the internet09:03
suborbital!busta ryhmes09:03
clinton_shane_wrI believe you can just use the router as a switch09:03
ikoniasuborbital: please stop09:03
chusuborbital: Can we help?09:03
ikoniasuborbital: the topic of this channel is ubuntu technical support09:04
ikoniasuborbital: please try to keep to that topic09:04
suborbitalyou ant to rhyme with me?09:04
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: your server has no internet conectivity?   you have to start from that before thinking of sharing09:04
argiefdiverdude: gdrive?  dropbox?09:04
clinton_shane_wrI am using a 3g modem09:04
clinton_shane_wrto connect to internet09:04
clinton_shane_wrand I am trying to share it over the network09:04
suborbitals/dat ant/want09:04
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: then your 3g connection is your wan09:04
suborbital dat ant:: dat ass09:04
argiefdiverdude: zip the file and break it up into 25m pieces.. :-)09:04
chusuborbital: This channel is *strictly* support. If you want to chat with people, join #ubuntu-offtopic.09:04
ikoniasuborbital: the topic of this channel is ubuntu technical support09:04
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: ok, so it's the interface your 3g modem has created,09:04
clinton_shane_wrI am trying to use wvdial09:05
clinton_shane_wrto connect to the internet and to create the ppp0 interface09:05
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: step back for a moment09:05
diverdudeargief: ahh yes dropbox...good idea09:05
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: your already connected to the internet aren't you on the 3G or not?09:05
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: 1.) is your machine with the 3g dongle connected to the internet ?09:05
clinton_shane_wrright now09:05
llutzdiverdude: do you have ssh access to your server? then stop webserver there, let ssh listen on port 80, scp the file to the server, revert settings.09:05
clinton_shane_wrconnecting 3g connection through the network manager does not create a ppp0 interface09:06
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: right, then you do'nt need to use wvdial or anything - you are already connected09:06
argiefclinton_shane_wr: iptables forwarding?09:06
clinton_shane_wrI have not set the iptables yet09:06
clinton_shane_wrif I dont have a ppp0 interface09:06
clinton_shane_wrhow can I forward it?09:06
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: your interface will be eth1 or wlan1 or something like that09:06
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: the 3g card will just be visible as a normal network card09:07
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: if you already have a connection to 3G with conectivity then you don't need wvdial09:07
clinton_shane_wrif I goto ifconfig ppp0 when I am connected 3g through network manager09:07
jolarenI can't get irssi to run on autostart! I am having problems with the -U command I think.. user is "cc" screen -U cc -S auto -d -m irssi09:07
jolarenadded it to rc.local09:07
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: all you need do is share that connection over probly eth009:07
clinton_shane_wryes but if I use shared to other computers option on eth0 in network settings then it refuses to connect the wired connection09:08
clinton_shane_wrso I guess then it has to be done through terminall manually09:08
clinton_shane_wrbecause obviously this option shared to other computers makes it quick and easy09:09
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: that part you can work around by setting your client to a static connection to your eth0 network or you can setup dhcpd to do it09:09
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: do you know the interface name of your 3g connection ?09:09
clinton_shane_wrjust a moment09:09
clinton_shane_wrwell thats the thing ikonia09:09
clinton_shane_wrI can ifconfig and it says ppp0 but if I try to ifconfig ppp0 then it says the interface does not exist09:10
clinton_shane_wrok wait sorry09:11
clinton_shane_writ is able to talk to ppp0 with ifconfig09:11
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: network manager should have been able to setup ppp0 to connect to your provider and as it sounds you can already surf on the server side09:11
clinton_shane_wrso the interface is ppp009:11
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr do "sudo ifconfig -a" please pastebin it09:11
clinton_shane_wrok no problem09:11
thebrassehi! i have installed qtile as my window manager on 12.04. now all sorts of stuff has stopped working. :) the compose key among other things. can anyone here tell me how i can enable it again? is there some way to run the keyboard setup program outside of unity?09:11
goddardwhat kernel does Quantal use?09:12
clinton_shane_wrikonia: please check http://pastebin.com/n59ThAnN09:13
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: the device iss ppp0 then09:13
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clinton_shane_wryes sorry I did say that now now09:14
clinton_shane_wrand I am able to successfully ifconfig ppp0 as well09:14
Guest78587anyone have an idea how I cah change the size of the panels after going back to the ordinary gnome?09:14
clinton_shane_wrso according to the ics document I can set this up through just a switch09:14
clinton_shane_wrno need for a router?09:14
clinton_shane_wrikonia thanks a lot for your help09:15
ikoniano problem09:15
clinton_shane_wrI really appreciate it09:15
clinton_shane_wrcan I add you as a friend?09:15
ikonianot a problem, thats why people are here09:15
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: no need for anything like that09:15
clinton_shane_wroh ok09:16
clinton_shane_wrcool thanks again09:16
ikoniano problem at all09:16
clinton_shane_wrwill be back if I dont come right09:16
Guest78587or how come right clicking and properties on the panels doesnt work anymore09:19
abouossamahi how are you all ??09:21
abouossamacan i ask about a problem that i have in ubuntu09:21
pungi-mantell abouossama09:22
abouossamai cant change the keyboard layouts in gnome-shell and unity09:22
jenniehello i 3 years ago i tried to install driver for canon LBP 2900B and at that time there were no support from canon so i have to left ubuntu at that time , now i again want to install ubuntu and want to install canon LBP 2900 B driver so you please check that following driver provided by canon will work in ubuntu or not ?http://support-in.canon-asia.com/contents/IN/EN/0900772424.html09:22
ikoniajennie: canon are the people who will tell you if it works09:23
jennieplease check that link above09:23
ikoniajennie: I did, and canon are the ones who will tell you if it works09:23
jennieso i have to install ubuntu and then check ?09:24
ikoniajennie: or contact canon and ask them09:24
jennieif it aint supported then why they provided driver ?09:24
ikoniajennie: ask canon09:25
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jenniewhat is the link about i provided above09:26
abouossamai cant change the keyboard layouts in gnome-shell and unity pungi-man09:26
ikoniajennie: a download link09:26
pungi-manabouossama, go to system settings and then to keyboard layout... there u will find the keyboard layouts u need09:27
jennieikonia I also know that it is download link but for drivers for what ?09:27
ikoniajennie: for linux09:28
abouossamayes i know but the problem i change it and i add alt+shift to change layout but it does nt wotk09:28
Dr_Willisppd files for cups?09:28
jenniethen why it wont work in ubuntu ?09:28
ikoniajennie: because there are many different types/versions of ubuntu09:28
Dr_Williscanon has a history of poor drivers in linux also.09:28
ikoniajennie: ask canon what linux requirements/versions it has/supported09:28
abouossamayes i know but the problem i change it and i add alt+shift to change layout but it does nt wotk pungi-man09:29
pungi-manthen u have to change it from compiz settings ... the shortcut keys09:29
abouossamaahh ok i'll try for compiz pungi-man09:29
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abouossamapungi-man: the same problem, you know when i change the layouts manually it change in the panel but in the reality it doas nt change idont know why09:43
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JancooverHello ladies and gentlemen :) Could you help me? I just need to know the meaning of the phrase "Bye for now".09:46
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DJonesJancoover: Probably a question best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic09:46
JancooverI have already tried asking it in several channels but nobody wants to answer my question (09:48
oCeanJancoover: this channel is for ubuntu technical support only09:48
obelusJancoover: It's basically the same as "see you later"09:49
augustlis update.rc-d still used to configure boot services?09:49
Jancooverobelus,TY :)09:50
syn-ackaugustl, No.09:50
obelusJancoover: no problem, but in the future, please remember that this channel is only for support with ubuntu problems.09:50
Jancooverobelus, OK09:50
syn-ackaugustl check out the "service" command09:51
Barco_I'm having problems with what seems like opplocks in samba. Frequently a file on the share gets cleared to 0bytes. Anyone seen this? Seems to be related to opplocks but I've disabled these explicitly.09:52
augustlsyn-ack: allright, tnx09:52
augustlsyn-ack: hmm, "man service" wasn't exactly a wall of text09:52
JancooverI have a problem with FatRat on ubuntu 10.10. How can I download videos from YouTube using it?09:52
syn-ackcheck out the infopage, augustl :P09:53
augustlsyn-ack: what's the infopage?09:53
syn-ackaugust it's the FSF's version of man just "info service"09:53
oCeanJancoover: 10.10 is End Of Life and no longer supported, try upgrading to a recent version first09:53
augustlsyn-ack: never heard about that one, thanks09:54
augustlsame content as the man page though :)09:54
syn-ackaugust yeah, since Debian is so close to the FSF you will have better luck with it09:54
syn-ackaugustl, standby09:54
syn-ackaugustl, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-controlling-access-to-linux-services.html09:55
augustlupdate-rc.d seems to still be working09:56
clinton_shane_wrhi ikonia09:56
clinton_shane_wrhi everyone09:56
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aspiditesor something like that09:57
clinton_shane_wrI am looking for help with internet connection sharing in ubuntu 10.04: ppp0 3g modem connected to internet eth1 network adapter connected to switch09:57
clinton_shane_wrI have followed instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:58
clinton_shane_wrand with no avail09:58
aspiditesclinton_shane_wr: which method did you try?09:58
clinton_shane_wrthe first09:58
aspiditesif all, which are you most concerned with getting to work?09:58
aspiditesah ok09:59
clinton_shane_wriptable forward09:59
clinton_shane_wrI have a copy of the settings I have used09:59
clinton_shane_wrcan I supply it ?09:59
aspiditesso what isn't working? that is, what indication of failure are you getting?09:59
aspiditesclinton_shane_wr: not sure of the rules here, but general rule of thumb is long texts should be pastebin'd09:59
clinton_shane_wrthere it is10:00
clinton_shane_wrI created a bash file from an example given on the tutorial that shows how to create internet connection sharing10:00
clinton_shane_wrfor ppp0 and eth0 (which in my case is eth1)10:01
JoniiHey, I have Ubuntu 12.4 and Unity, how to make it to not lock itself when I close the lid, but still lock itelf after 5 minutes of idleness10:01
lo0mhi guys, i attempted to install 12.04 on older vaio laptop.. it doesn't boot USB (not an option in BIOS) and doesn't seem to load CDs either.. there were some windows so i used plop to install to mbr and then used usb drive to isntall ubuntu.. everything went fine, but after reboot i see only blinking cursor. i think i need to change something in grub , but using shift to show grub menu doesn't work. any suggestions?10:01
aspiditesclinton_shane_wr: and what happens? traceback? no response? failure message?10:02
killerkink_join #arm-netbook10:02
abouossamawhen i change the layouts manually it change in the panel but in the reality it doas nt change idont know why10:03
aspiditesshoot. i gotta go. sorry i wasn't of any help. best i can say is break down the script into smaller parts and test them individually until you can find a single point of failure, clinton_shane_wr10:07
clinton_shane_wrlet me start again10:07
clinton_shane_wranyone here that can help me with setting up internet connection sharing on ubuntu 10.04, ppp0 is 3g modem and eth1 is connected to network10:08
clinton_shane_wrI have followed the instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:09
clinton_shane_wrand I have bash script which I have used to setup the configuration10:09
clinton_shane_wrcan anyone help10:09
BarcodeAnyone here that can help with Opplock problems and disapearing files on Samba share?10:09
nick87720ztest message10:09
nick87720zhi all10:09
clinton_shane_wrlooking for help with internet connection sharing on ubuntu 10.0410:10
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: stop asking the same question every 60 seconds10:10
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: if someone can help - they will10:10
oCeanBarcode: you could try #ubuntu-server channel, specific for server help..10:10
clinton_shane_wrhey ikonia10:10
clinton_shane_wrI was chatting with you earlier10:10
clinton_shane_wrplease can you help me10:10
ikoniaclinton_shane_wr: I'm sorry, I'm busy at the moment10:10
clinton_shane_wrok no problem10:10
nick87720zNeed some help. I formated USB-HDD from NTFS to Ext4. More exactly, i have two partitions on it: 1 - Ext4, 2 - NTFS. I need to move files from 2 to 1. But first is mounted for root, appart 2. And so, i can't do something on first partition without root shell. Is there way to make it automounted for user? Since it is usb dev, i'm not sure in fstab upgrading: when i load system with some usb flash disk inserted, usbhdd device file10:17
nick87720zname may change e.g., from sdb to sdc.10:17
hangdeadmanHi I am new to IRC and need help with my ubuntu 12.04 desktop, my login screen somehow reverted to the old login screen like from ubuntu 10.x!!!!!10:17
hangdeadmanis my question posted in the right area?10:19
wawowenick87720z: mount -o remount=rw,user10:20
crizishangdeadman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm10:20
crizishangdeadman: sounds like you have gdm installed/selected instead10:20
hangdeadmancrizis: that terminal command should fix it?10:20
clinton_shane_wrhi I am looking for help with Ubuntu 10.04 internet connection sharing10:21
ranveer5289Guys I was planning to but the new Acer D270 netbook but I heard that it comes with a Intel GMA 3600 graphics and it doesn't play well with linux. I mean people have reported issue related to resolution and brightness. So, is there any hope that in future we will have a fully functional driver for GMA 3600 or one should just drop the idea of buying these netbooks and wait for better ones.10:21
hangdeadmancrizis: thank you!!!10:22
crizisnp :)10:23
Pierrebanyone know of a good rdp server for ubuntu that works?10:23
nick87720zthanks, wawowe, but it is rather failsafe way :)10:23
hangdeadmanMy boot/login is very slow (30 seconds or more each) after upgrade from ubuntu 10.10 to ubuntu 12.04 on my dell inspiron 1545, what may be the problem?10:25
hangdeadmanafter I solve this issue my computer will be perfectly to my liking! any help would be greatly appreciated!10:26
wawowehangdeadman: hit esc on the boot screen to see what it's doing. as far as slow login, it's probably just slow10:28
nick87720zha, just changed permissions for mount dir :) (could not expect before, that changes will affect device too)10:28
clinton_shane_wrhi everyone, just waiting to see if anyone can help me with Ubuntu 10.04 internet connection sharing10:28
clinton_shane_wrthanks in advance10:28
wawoweclinton_shane_wr: explain your issue10:29
hangdeadmanthanks wawowe10:29
prabuinethi, i've connected an external monitor to mackbookpro, whenever I logout of gnome both my screens are blank. only after I remove the vga cable from laptop the login screen is displayed10:32
prabuinetanybody faced this?10:32
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anonymous_how are you all10:35
anonymous_any one online?10:35
anonymous_i need a help blackshirt10:35
anonymous_actually m backing up my ubuntu machine10:36
BlackshirtWhat your problem? Maybe someone can help you?10:36
anonymous_can you suggest me the best possible way. i am using emastersys10:36
anonymous_sorry kmastersys10:36
wawoweprabuinet: i have an issue sort of like that. i just ctrl+alt+f1 and kill X from there whenever i need to do it10:36
sliktswhy do the repos have an old version of chromium? latest stable is 19 afaik10:36
anonymous_can anyone help me10:37
BlackshirtWhat you want to backup spesifically?10:37
anonymous_actually i need to install windows os10:37
anonymous_m a penetratation tester10:37
wawoweprabuinet: try ctrl+alt+f1 sudo service lightdm restart10:37
anonymous_i have all my scripts and modules install in ubuntu10:37
amanthakurhi guys, i wanted to know is it possible to run a daemon a normal user? I don't want to use the root priviledge.10:37
anonymous_so i need the best possible way to backup10:37
anonymous_so that i can reinstall with all my settings10:38
anonymous_preloaded in ubuntu10:38
anonymous_so kindly help10:38
clinton_shane_wrare you still there10:38
wawoweamanthakur: yes10:38
anonymous_please help10:38
anonymous_if you can10:38
=== Afteraffekt is now known as Afterraff`
wawoweclinton_shane_wr: yes10:39
anonymous_anyone there10:39
anonymous_to help?10:39
amanthakurwawowe, how can i do so?10:39
clinton_shane_wrmy problem is I am trying to setup 3g connection over network my interfaces: ppp0 3g and eth1 wired connection10:39
wawoweamanthakur: same way you would as root10:39
clinton_shane_wrand I have followed the instructions10:39
BlackshirtAnonymous, yes, remastersys can be used as a backup tool, but sorry, i don't play with it before, maybe someone others could help you10:39
clinton_shane_wron the internet connection sharing page10:39
clinton_shane_wrand I have have no avail10:39
clinton_shane_wrinternet connection not sharing10:39
clinton_shane_wrI have a bash script file10:40
amanthakurwawowe, oh ok thanks :)10:40
sliktsanonymous_: god will help you10:40
clinton_shane_wrthat I have used from the website10:40
satyanashHi, I am trying to install a userscript on Ubuntu Firefox I cant seem to find the INstall User Script option?10:40
wawoweclinton_shane_wr: link me to the instructions you followed10:40
clinton_shane_wrI used the following section: GUI Method via Network Manager (Ubuntu 9.10 and up)10:41
clinton_shane_wrwith the example given at the bottom of the page10:41
BlackshirtClinton_shane you should enable ip forwarding in the kernel, the enable masquerade through iptables10:41
wawoweclinton_shane_wr: echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward10:42
clinton_shane_wrblackshirt does the internet connection sharing not explain how to do this?10:42
clinton_shane_wrok what does this command do wawowe10:42
clinton_shane_wris this the enabling10:42
clinton_shane_wrof the ip forwarding10:42
clinton_shane_wrthat blackshirt is refering to10:43
clinton_shane_wrwell I did run this command10:43
clinton_shane_wrwawowe did you get my pastebin link10:43
wawoweclinton_shane_wr: yeah10:44
wawoweclinton_shane_wr: flush your tables and run the script again10:44
clinton_shane_wri have something I want to check with you10:44
clinton_shane_wrin the bash script10:44
clinton_shane_wriptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ppp0 -p tcp --dport 3074 -j DNAT --to-destination
clinton_shane_wrmy problem is10.42.0.210:45
clinton_shane_wris this trying to assign an ip address to a 3g modem10:45
clinton_shane_wrbecause it wont work10:45
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: ya I noticed that as you had before10:45
clinton_shane_wrwhat I am having trouble understanding here with this script in the above code is the destination is this assigned to ppp0?10:46
clinton_shane_wrbecause ppp0, my 3g modem, assigns its own generated ip address every time you connect10:47
clinton_shane_wrwhat I am asking is, for a 3g modem is this correct?10:47
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: doesn't it alway p2p to
clinton_shane_wrsacarlson what do you mean10:47
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: you iptables -a ; last I saw showed your ppp0 at  not sure if it changes or not10:48
nodablehello everyone10:48
nodable i have three old desktops each with about 40GB of space, they are all able to boot from CD, they have ethernet port etc10:48
nodablei was thinking of wiping them and loading Ubuntu Server Ed. 8.0410:48
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: I also don't understand the --dport 3074 in your script as what is that port used for?10:49
clinton_shane_wri got this from ubutu document webpage10:49
m_fulderI would need a bit of help with ubuntus access control+VSFTPD .. I would like ftp users to have read acess to all files in a folder but be able to change only a few.. so I thought of chmoding all files to 700 and then the ones that the user should have acess to I sat to 707...now the problem is, the FTP user can still rename and delete all files in that dir .. why is that? :O10:49
fidelnodable: why would you use such an old ubuntu version?10:49
clinton_shane_wrthe script said just change wlan0 to ppp0 for a 3g modem10:50
clinton_shane_wrso I did just that10:50
nodablewell i thought because they are kind of old computers and i don't know how much space a newer version would take up10:50
nodablealso …i have that one burned to disc already10:50
wawowem_fulder: 4 is read-only10:50
fidelnodable: space is not a problem with your 40gn hdd10:50
clinton_shane_wrsacarlson could you kindly review the link for me https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:51
wawowem_fulder: chmod 444 and chmod 74410:51
clinton_shane_wrI have already run through this tutorial10:51
nodableohh perfect..so do you think it is worth my time to do this, or better to take another route?10:51
fidelnodable: what might be an issue with latest versions is that the default desktop-einvorments might need more 3d power then your gfx-cards can provide - but at the ends its at least party the question what desktop-enviroment you are looking for10:51
clinton_shane_wrdid you say I should just flush10:52
clinton_shane_wrmy tables10:52
clinton_shane_wrI can pastebin my iptables.sav file if need be10:52
wawoweclinton_shane_wr: yes, flush and reload them10:52
m_fulderwawpe but doesn't 700 mean that only the owner has full access and the group+others doesn't have acess at all?10:52
wawowem_fulder: yes10:52
m_fulderwawowe then how come the ftp user still can delete a file when its in 700 mode?10:53
m_fulderhe is not the owner of that file *10:53
nodableGnome i suppose?10:53
nodableI don't really know?10:53
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: seems your masqarade script should look more like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1017735/10:53
shaneo:( I could only afford the give indie bundle .80 cents10:53
nodablei dont *gnow10:54
wawowem_fulder: is it in their home directory? and are you sure they don't own it10:54
shaneocool concept though pay what you want wish all companies were like that10:54
m_fulderwawowe, yeah I have sat it as their home dir, but can it be more then one owner to same dir?10:54
nodableor XFCE maybe10:55
nodablewould that be a better choice?10:55
wawowem_fulder: make a new group and add everyone you want to have access to that group10:55
wawowem_fulder: then chown -R root:yournewgroup folder10:56
fidelnodable: xfce might be a good idea10:56
L00NGanyone bought Humble Bundle V ? Bastion can run on ubuntu 12.04, but has no sound, how can I fix it?10:56
wawowem_fulder: and chmod -R 770 folder10:56
m_fulderwawowe, ah yeah smart will try it on thanks! :)10:56
nodableok thanks for your help fidel!10:56
fidelnodable: how about testing a current live cd on those old boxes?10:56
fidelmight give you a first impression how well 12.04 might work on them ...or not ;)10:57
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: I also noted last I seen your ifconfig -a that you didn't have eth1 setup with a static ipv4 address, did you fix that?10:57
clinton_shane_wryes I set manual static ip through network manager10:57
tMHppl, I am trying to compile screen on ubuntu and getting this "configure: error: !!! no tgetent - no screen". Kernel is 2.6.32-41-generic-pae #89-Ubuntu10:58
tMHhow to fix that, tell me please ?10:58
clinton_shane_wrip: subnet: gateway: I left blank10:58
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: ok then all you need do with the script I gave above is put your client into static also with manual gateway to your eth1 address and add a dns address to it10:58
wawowetMH: pastebin the error10:58
clinton_shane_wrwhat if there is no dns server currently setup?10:59
clinton_shane_wrI uninstalled dnsmasq10:59
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: oh ok so that's your eth1 is and your ppp0 is ?10:59
nodablei'll give that a try fidel haha  :)10:59
tMHwawowe - http://pastebin.com/381XYhn810:59
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: without a dns then you won't be able to ping google.com but you can ping
Varikonniemihello, what package should i file a bug report against when the music player is acting up?11:00
Varikonniemiand how?11:00
m_fulderhm but wawowe, the chown -R root:mynewgroup myFolder command, won't it make the group a owner and then the owner flags will count instead of the group flags?11:00
nodablei have they all sucking up the electricity in the house…the power company is going to think this is some sort of pot grow-op11:00
clinton_shane_wrppp0 in the script is set to, where did you see and ppp0 is a 3g modem and it assigns its own ip address everytime you make a connection11:00
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: if you add to your client the dns address of then it might work that's done by editing /etc/resolv.conf11:01
nodableill have DEA busting down my door while an arial drone takes out my computers11:01
wawowem_fulder: make mynewgroup the default group for ftp users11:01
clinton_shane_wr8.8.8.8 on the hosting computer11:01
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: or can be changed in network manager11:01
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: no on the client11:01
clinton_shane_wrdid you read above11:01
wawowem_fulder: then every file they upload will be in the same group no matter who uploaded it11:01
curiousxaloha all :D11:02
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: I just came back so I may not have read all the above11:02
curiousx*wind sounds*11:02
nodablealoha sir11:02
clinton_shane_wrppp0 in the script is set to, where did you see and ppp0 is a 3g modem and it assigns its own ip address everytime you make a connection11:02
curiousxaloha nodable :D11:02
prabuinethi, i've connected external monitor/keyboard and mouse to my laptop, Can my wife use my laptop when i use the external monitor?11:02
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sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: I saw the in your pastebin of ifconfig -a before11:03
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wawowetMH: apt-get install build-essential11:03
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: I'm not sure that stays constant as I asked before11:03
clinton_shane_wrI bet11:03
clinton_shane_wrthen I just have to connect my gateway on client to that address11:04
sliktsshame on ubuntu for having outdated chromium in both universe repo and ppas11:04
clinton_shane_wrI was thinking it would be what I asked to be,
clinton_shane_wrwell I had a look agai11:04
clinton_shane_wrand its
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: no your script just points it, not change it11:04
wawowem_fulder: also vsftp can auto chown uploaded files11:05
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: ok so that's constant so your script before must be wrong with I guess,  the script I gave you should posibly still work11:05
clinton_shane_wrsacarlson I thank you for your time in helping me with this issue11:06
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: maybe just pastebin your ifconfig -a; again as it should be different than when I saw it11:06
clinton_shane_wrjust a moment11:06
clinton_shane_wrI will do that11:06
m_fulderwawowe, yeah will come to that later, my first problem was that a user could delete a file which I didn't want him to delete, but will adding the user to the group really help if he still got the directory as his home dir?11:06
Varikonniemihow do i change how magnet files are opened in ubuntu? The give you no torrent file that i could right click on to set what program open it. I have qbittorrent installed and set to open torrents, but transmission insists on opening the magnets. Any clue? Should i uninstall transmission or what?11:07
SquarismHow should one interpret columns VIRT, RES and SHR in top? Apart from VIRTual memory (is that swap only?), REServed physical and SHR (shared - which i really dont know the definition of)11:07
tMHwawowe - lemme try:) 10x!11:07
m_fulderwawowe, I've now tried to have a user with a group and he still can delete files chmoded 700 while having the same dir as his home dir :P11:08
Chuck_NorrisVarikonniemi: if you are using Firefox, so, tells firefox that .torrent will open with bittorrent11:08
Varikonniemii use chrome11:08
Varikonniemiand i have no problem with torrent files as i tried to say, the problem is with magnet links that give you no file11:09
wawowem_fulder: create a folder owned by root and put the files you don't want deleted in it11:09
Chuck_NorrisVarikonniemi: sry, tells firefox that magnet will be open with...11:09
clinton_shane_wrthank you very much11:09
VarikonniemiChuck_Norris, sorry i dont understand11:09
wawowem_fulder: also owned by root11:09
m_fulderwawowe but I need the same files for the root and for the FTP users to be in the same dir (it is a game server files)11:10
m_fulderthe same directory *11:10
clinton_shane_wrmy internet connection sharing is now successfully working11:10
Chuck_NorrisVarikonniemi: some like this: http://i.imgur.com/2b5zp.png11:10
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: wow cool what did you do?11:10
clinton_shane_wrif sacarlson11:10
clinton_shane_wrok nevermind wawoe11:10
Varikonniemiok.. so where would this be in chrome?11:10
clinton_shane_wrgood quesion really. I restarted my pc11:11
m_fulderwawowe, i.e. I need a folder with different access for root, owner and for a group11:11
clinton_shane_wrafter that I just resetup the static ips and it worked11:11
wawowem_fulder: don't use someones home directory as server root11:11
clinton_shane_wrI w ill try to restart again and check if its still working11:11
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: cool,  if it stops working you might need to stop dhclient on your server side11:11
Chuck_Norrislol, i have an epic fail in mah firefox i have configure .asf file for opening whit WMP xD http://i.imgur.com/gZe3p.jpg11:11
clinton_shane_wroh P.S I used the DNS on the client11:12
clinton_shane_wrI will look at setting up DNS server and proxy next11:12
wawowem_fulder: put something like local_root=/home/ftp in your vsftpd.conf11:12
sacarlsonclinton_shane_wr: oh ok ya that was probly all you needed11:12
clinton_shane_wrok will keep that in mind11:12
clinton_shane_wrthanks a lot11:12
clinton_shane_wrmoving one forward with Ubuntu one step at a time11:13
wawowem_fulder: make sure that is ftp's home directory and not someone who will be accessing the server11:13
sliktswhy is the X process using so much cpu!11:15
sliktsit uses more cpu than any other process in my machine11:15
slikts4x as much as my main browser11:16
m_fulderwawowe ok I did but now the ftp user got connection refused while trying to access his home dir11:16
satyanashtring concat11:17
m_fulderwawowe, while the dir have full access (777)11:17
cpppphello what is the name of the konsole under ubuntu 11 ?11:17
cppppi am trying to look for it i dont know the exacte name11:17
Chuck_Norriscpppp: gnome-terminal11:17
cppppok thanks11:17
wawowem_fulder: don't chroot to home directory11:17
wawowem_fulder: move the stuff in their home to /home/ftp/user11:18
wawowem_fulder: or just /home/ftp/11:18
jenamithhow can i make a copy of my costomized system to format and re install11:19
m_fulderwawowe, but then my server structure will be broken, I need it to be the same folder for both FTP and normal users11:19
wawowem_fulder: then put the stuff in /home/ftp/11:19
m_fulderwawowe, how will it be different then putting them in /home/randomUser ?11:20
VictorCLa pop alert from ubuntu got stuck11:20
VictorCLcant close it11:20
Daraelcpppp: For future reference, though, "Ubuntu 11" could be one of Karmic (the eleventh release), Natty (11.04), or Oneiric (11.10).  The numbers are release dates rather than versions in the traditional sense.11:20
VictorCLhow can I kill it?11:20
wawowem_fulder: randomUser won't be able to delete things they don't own11:20
Chuck_NorrisVictorCL: "Ctrl + Alt + F2"  then: sudo service lightdm restart11:21
jenamithhow can i make a copy of my costomized system to format and re install11:22
DaraelChuck_Norris: lightdm is an upstart job.  The sysvinit emulation will work, but that should really be "sudo restart lightdm".11:22
MonkeyDustjenamith  clonezilla11:22
Darael!clone | jenamith11:22
ubottujenamith: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate11:22
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m_fulderwawowe oh hold on, I think I understood the ftp-home dir wrong, I've always done "useradd myUser -d hisHomeDir" and thought it wouldn't make the user itself to own that dir but only set the vsftpd dir, can I somehow have a user with a /home/ftp as his home dir but still "cd him" to /home/another user while connected via FTP?11:23
Daraeljenamith: If it's only your user settings, just copy your home folder.  All your user settings are in there.  Otherwise, you could copy package config files out of /etc/, and note the packages you manually installed.11:24
jenamithDarael:  MonkeyDust  actully i need to install remaster sys in my ubuntu 12.04  it is not geetting in my synaptics11:25
wawowem_fulder: usermod -d /home/ftp myuser11:25
wawowem_fulder: they won't own the directory assuming it was created by root or someone else11:26
m_fulderwawowe, hm they won't? it seems like they do caouse they can delete 700 files11:27
wawowem_fulder: normally you would want a user to own their home and would use useradd -m to create their home and give them rights over it11:27
wawowem_fulder: if they don't own the directory, they can't delete stuff in it11:27
jenamithMonkeyDust:  i did'nt get clonezilla in my softe ware centre11:29
m_fulderwawowe, yeah but still how can I point him in FTP to another folder that he doesn't own?11:29
wawowem_fulder: by setting local_root="anotherfolderthathedoesn'town"11:30
m_fulderwawowe, won't that affect all FTP users? what do I do if I want different dirs for different users11:31
wawowem_fulder: chroot_list_enable=YES chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list11:31
m_fulderoh right!! will try it on :)11:31
cppppchkconfig dhcp on what for?11:32
jenamithhow can i install remaster sys in ubuntu 12.0411:32
MonkeyDustjenamith  http://clonezilla.org/11:32
dogearsI am setting up a new computer with 12.04 and need to run virtualbox. Should I setup LVM ?11:33
MonkeyDustjenamith  start here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/remastersys11:33
sveinseIf I have a .deb file; how can I install it? I mean, the deb has dependencies, so I need something inbetween dpkg and apt-get here. I'd rather not use the Software Center, as it does not reveal which packages are being installed as a dependency.11:34
jribsveinse: gdebi, but why are you using a .deb not from the repositories?11:35
sveinsejrib: Custom build - development11:35
Picidogears: one doesn't have anything to do with the other, so its up to you.11:35
=== brett is now known as burnt
dogearsPici: Thanks11:36
Chuck_Norrissveinse: what is the software you are trying to install?11:36
wawowesveinse: dpkg -i11:36
wawowesveinse: apt-get -f install11:37
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jenamithMonkeyDust: i dont have that package of remaster sys in my system. i tried it. according to some sites it is not working can you discribe me to install it step by step11:38
sveinseChuck_Norris: Something we're building in our company. Entirely custom. And we haven't gotten around to setup a repo yet11:38
burntcan someone please help me, I installed some GTK themes which then caused problems with my system, I used gnome classic on 12.04, I am new to linux (as you will probably be able to tell) I tried to remove the new theme and was ill advised by another new linux user to remove all of the GTK engine thing and reinstall11:38
m_fulderwawowe what's the syntacs for the vsftpd.chroot_list file can't find it anywhere11:39
burntI tried that, now all my themes are totaly out, everything has no theme applied, in gnome tweek tool If I change a theme nothing happens11:39
burntim an idiot11:39
burntother than a reformat11:39
burntcan I repair GTK?11:39
jribburnt: say exactly what you did with commands or give exact package names if you didn't use the command line11:39
wawowem_fulder: user1 (newline) user2 (newline) user311:40
Chuck_Norrissveinse: so, you are developing a software? and, you don't know the dependences?11:40
m_fulderwawowe but don't I put their startup dirs there aswell?11:40
MonkeyDustjenamith  the link I posted explains it11:40
Chuck_Norrissry if i can't understand =P11:40
Chuck_Norrissometimes i can't understand -.-11:41
jenamithok iam going through it now11:41
wawowem_fulder: no, it will chroot them to their home11:41
burntjrib I used apt-get purge gtk*11:41
burntcall me stupid, I know!11:41
jenamithMonkeyDust:  thank you11:41
wawowem_fulder: and they won't be able to leave home11:42
jribburnt: you installed regular ubuntu (not kubuntu for example)?11:42
m_fulderwawowe oh so I can't set their home dir to something else without them actually owning that dir?11:42
burntyes I upgraded from 11 to 12 orignaly11:42
burntthen messed things up11:42
wawowem_fulder: you can11:42
burntshould I just do a fresh install?11:43
wawowem_fulder: in fact you should11:43
wawowem_fulder: can create a folder in it that they own11:43
Chuck_Norrisburnt: i recommend doing a fresh install always11:43
jribburnt: what does « apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop » return?11:43
wawowem_fulder: and*11:43
m_fulderwawowe yeah haha , but while creating a new user like : useradd myUser -d myDir .. won't that make the user own myDir automaticly?11:43
MonkeyDustburnt  yes, but backup first11:43
wawowem_fulder: no11:44
m_fulderwawowe ok, but then if I have a user and put his home dir as the root-home dir and put only 700 access on all files .. how come the user still can erase all root's files?11:44
sveinseChuck_Norris: I do know it's deps, of course. But I'd like apt-get/dpkg to resolve & fetch the missing packages when installing a deb manually. So I'm sitting here with a bare .deb file with a list of deps from the mainstream repo. If I were to install it with with "dpkg -i" it will fail. But wawowe's method seems to work11:44
jenamithMonkeyDust:  my key board shorcuts are not working like Alt f4 Alt Tab so on11:44
jribsveinse: uh, why aren't you using gdebi...11:45
d4rkolohi all11:45
burntjrib ubuntu-desktop:   Installed: (none)   Candidate: 1.267   Version table:      1.267 0         500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages, apt-cache policy11:45
wawowem_fulder: in that senario they can't even login11:45
jribburnt: do « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »11:45
MonkeyDustjenamith  before you try and modify an OS, learn the basics11:46
burntshould I log out and back in ?11:46
m_fulderwawowe, ok then not all files are chmoded 700 .. say I chmod the dirs the ftp user need to access to login to 707 (only chmod not chmod -R now) .. then the user can login to that folder .. and there he has all files chmoded 70011:46
jribburnt: probably11:46
burntthanks brb :)11:47
MonkeyDustjenamith  it's in System Settings - Keyboard - Shortcuts11:47
m_fulderwawowe, then he should be able to acces the folders (i.e. log in) but not be able to change/delete any files11:47
wawowem_fulder: wouldn't be able to login because he wouldn't have permission to access root-home11:48
m_fulderwawowe but if I set the roots home dir to chmod 777 he would11:49
wawowem_fulder: assuming you meant the root user's home dir11:49
wawowem_fulder: should just make a seperate directory11:49
m_fulderstill I can't :P11:49
m_fulderwawowe, I need the root and the ftp user to work on same folders and files11:49
Rizerinstalled GUI on ubuntu 12.04 server distro and suddenly the wireless stops working. It was working when it was without the GUI, how do I fix?11:50
weberc2join #elementary-dev11:50
wawowem_fulder: you're talking about "root" as in the administrator account right?11:50
m_fulderwawowe yes :)11:50
wawowem_fulder: or root as in /11:50
m_fulderwawowe nono the user :P11:50
burntjrib, fixed!11:51
JuJuBeeAnybody having issues with Google Chrome freezing up?  Im runnning 11.10 with 3.0.0-20 kernel and chrome is freezing up on me several times a day.  Seems to happen more when I ctrl-T to get  a new tab and start typing an address11:51
wawowem_fulder: why would you need root to have ftp access?11:51
m_fulderwawowe, no its the other way around, I need the ftp user to have access to some of roots files11:51
wawowem_fulder: put root's files in a directory they have access to11:52
31NABFN1Bhi, is there a reference documentation about the gsettings property com.canonical.unity.panel?11:52
m_fulderwawowe but why move them? can't I just make the ftp users access them where they are now (in roots home dir)11:52
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wawowem_fulder: you could but that gives those users access to everything else that's in root's home11:53
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m_fulderwawoe I really don't get why ... how come a user not ownig the directory full access to the files which are chmoded 70011:54
wawowem_fulder: for instance if you had an ssh key or something in there..11:55
jsschmidHi folks11:55
burntthanks jrib11:55
burnt:) send you a pm11:55
jsschmidI'd like to know how I can set persistent environment variables11:55
jsschmidI ws using /etc/environments11:55
jsschmidbut ran into problems11:56
jribjsschmid: please explain your problem on ONE line11:56
wawowem_fulder: they don't11:56
RizerMy wireless was working on Ubuntu Server distro 12.04 before I installed the GUI (long story), then it stopped working when I isntalled the GUI GNOME. Wired Networks and Wireless Netowrks are greyed out, how do I fix this?11:56
m_fulderwawowe, they seems to get it :P11:56
wawowem_fulder: if they don't own the directory or the file in it, then they do not11:56
jsschmidif I edit this file with nano they file shown is not environment but environment.something11:56
m_fulderwawowe well they own the dirs above where the file is placed..maybe that's the problem?11:56
jsschmidhow is this possible11:57
wawowem_fulder: that is the problem11:57
Dr_Willisjsschmid:  clarify exact what you are doing and how.11:57
wawowem_fulder: the file has to be in a directory that they do not own11:57
m_fulderwawowe aha! but then they can't access that dir via FTP .. crap!11:57
wawowem_fulder: as long as there's one directory that they don't own between them and the file they won't be able to delete it11:58
jsschmidDr_Willis: I'd like to set MAIL and was putting it in /etc/environment using MAIL=${HOME}/Maildir11:58
wawowem_fulder: if the directory is chmodded then they can11:58
wawowem_fulder: chmod 755 dir11:58
chujsschmid: If you don't mind reading: http://www.codecoffee.com/tipsforlinux/articles/030.html11:59
m_fulderwawowe oh, so its the write folder flag that messes it up? does write for folders mean that the user get write access to all the files below?11:59
_jeeti am having problem connecting mobile broadband in 12.0412:00
wawowem_fulder: yes12:00
DrHalanhey guys. is there any tutorial how to create a debian package out of a cmake-project. running cmake and then creating a package with the makefiles works on my machine but when i upload the sourcepackage to launchpad the filepaths change (of course!) and the package doesn't build.12:00
m_fulderwawoe oh! and then what does the execution flag mean?12:00
DrHalani know there is this cmake to deb export build in but it doesn't seem to work taht good..12:00
Dr_Willisjsschmid:  im not sure the use of $(HOME) is valid in that dir.12:00
jsschmidchu: thanks, actually I don't, as I already read http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/set-environment-variable-linux/ but it didn't work anyway12:00
Dr_Willisi mean in tht file.12:01
jribm_fulder, wawowe: uh, is that true (about the write flag on dirs)?12:01
wawowem_fulder: it's necessary for all directories if you want access to them12:01
_jeetbefore two days it was running successful .. but i am having problem now12:01
_jeetany suggestion ?12:01
jsschmidDr_Willis: is there any alternative to have the relative path (home dir of the respective user) ?12:01
m_fulderjrib yeah I had a folder with full access and then none access on the files inside .. still everyone could delete/change the files inside12:01
jribm_fulder: deleting is one thing, writing to the files is another12:02
wawowejrib: if the dir is 777 then they can delete what's in it if they own the parent dir12:02
jribwawowe: yes12:02
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m_fulderjrib, wawowe, isn't delete and write to files both depending on the write flag?12:02
burnt777 anyone can delete12:02
wawowejrib: what were you asking?12:02
jsschmidDr_Willis: probably something with $LOGNAME ?12:03
wawowem_fulder: yes12:03
jribwawowe: write permission on a directory doesn't mean a user can write to files in that directory12:03
wawowejrib: if it's 777 it does12:03
* FreeHero Your country need you http://www.erepublik.com/en/referrer/FreeHero12:03
wawowejrib: and it can't be 766 or they wouldn't be able to cd12:03
Daraelwawowe: No, it doesn't - not if the files already exist and the user /doesn't/ have write permissions for them.12:04
yukahi guys12:04
wawowejrib: so to have the w flag it would have to be12:04
m_fulderwawowe then what's the differance between execute and read for a folder?12:04
m_fulderwawoe oh read is that you can see it from above maybe?12:05
wawoweDarael: no what doesn't?12:05
yukai found windows7 theme for ubuntu (12.04 is my version), but seems the theme needs gnome.. i installed gnome, but the script (win7-setup.sh) seems to want gtk2 (gnome 2) my ubuntu seems to be running gnome3 (gtk3) and therefor doesent work. Is there a workaround or way to install gnome2 on ubuntu 12.0412:05
Daraelwawowe: write permission on a directory doesn't necessarily mean a user can write to files in that directory.12:05
wawoweDarael: if they own the parent directory it does12:06
jribwawowe: show on pastebin12:06
wawoweDarael: for instance if there's a directory in your home owned by root that is 77712:06
wawoweDarael: jrib and a file in it that's 00012:06
wawoweDarael: you can remove it12:06
Daraelwawowe: No, it doesn't.  It means they can create files in that directory, and delete files in that directory, but it doesn't mean they can write to /any/ file in that directory.12:06
yukaor better question does anybody know a windows7 theme for ubuntu 12.04 that works12:07
jribwawowe: removing it and recreating is different than writing to it12:07
wawoweDarael: jrib never said it wasn't different12:07
wawoweDarael: jrib but it has the same result12:07
jribwawowe: well all I'm claiming is that having writing permission on a directory does not imply you can write to a file if you don't have write permissions on that file12:08
wawowejrib: right, and if you delete it you can't recreate it with the permissions it had before12:08
jsschmidwell, guess I'll go on trying myself..12:08
jsschmidsee you12:08
m_fulderwawowe sucess! now everything works as I wanted it to! Thanks a lot!12:08
Daraelyuka: gnome2 is no longer supported, but Ubuntu /or/ by the GNOME project itself.  I don't believe there is a windows 7 theme for gnome3.  The closest thing I can think of to Win7 on Linux is KDE4, which is a different desktop you can get by installing kubuntu instead, or adding the kubuntu-desktop package to your existing install.12:08
wawowejrib: but you can delete it and that was his issue12:09
cpppphow to check if iptables server is installed on my machine?12:10
m_fuldercpppp I gues you can try running "sudo iptables --list" and see if it works12:10
Daraelcpppp: The firewall managed by iptables is part of the kernel.  What do you mean by "iptables server"?12:11
yukaDarael thanks much for answer, i am installing kubuntu-desktop12:11
yukahopefully it will be close enough12:11
Daraelcpppp: Whichever package it is that provides the iptables command is one of the depends of ubuntu-minimal, so it should be installed on /any/ Ubuntu installation.  m_fulder's command should help, if you're unsure, though.12:12
cppppah ok, i want to activate the routing on the firewall12:13
cpppphow can i do that?12:13
jenamithFailed to fetch http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/InRelease  Unable to find expected entry 'main/source/Sources' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file) Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:15
jenamitham riying to install remaster sys in my ubuntu 12.0412:15
jenamithcan youy help me ?12:15
jenamithwhile installing found an error like this:----------Failed to fetch http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/InRelease  Unable to find expected entry 'main/source/Sources' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file) Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:16
wawowecpppp: you want to deny all traffic in or out?12:17
ikoniajenamith: what are you trying to install ?12:18
ikoniajenamith: that repo url does not look valid12:18
m_fulderwawowe, now I only got one weird problem left .. in the folder which is now chmoded 755, I can replace all files chmoded 777, though I can't delete them :O (maybe that's a good thing, but still seems kind of weird :P)12:20
jenamithi am triying to install theremaster sys12:20
jenamithikonia: for making a master DVD12:20
m_fulderwawowe replace and delete through FTP *12:20
PCdocwhile installing ubuntu, the setup tries to get updates through internet in between. But I have an internet connection that requires web based login before I can start to use internet connection. So how do i login so that I can download these updates12:20
jenamithikonia:  can you help me12:20
wawowem_fulder: if you're replacing them you are deleting them12:20
Dr_WillisI thought remastersys had issues with 12.-4 or was that  the UCK?12:20
cppppwawowe:i want to activate the routing in general.12:21
ikoniajenamith: I know what the software is for, I was asking exactly what you where trying to install12:21
m_fulderwawowe yeah that's why its weird .. I can succesfully replace them .. but can't only delete them :P12:21
ikoniajenamith: that repo URL is not a valid URL, get the correct URL12:21
wawowem_fulder: must be a client issue12:21
wawowecpppp: what do you want to route?12:21
Picijenamith: it looks like they don't have a repository for precise.12:21
PCdocwhile installing ubuntu, the setup tries to get updates through internet in between. But I have an internet connection that requires web based login before I can start to use internet connection. So how do i login so that I can download these updates12:22
jenamiththen how can i install Remaster CD12:22
cristian_cCan I enable pinch  gesture on my touchpad with ubuntu?12:22
cppppwawowe> packets comming from web server to my machine12:22
wawowecpppp: more details12:23
cristian_cI know this link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/11300/how-do-i-test-multi-gesture-capabilities-of-a-touchpad12:23
cristian_cbut I don't know how can i use it12:23
HenryTrollinsg'day, how do i get root on my system12:23
xangua!root | HenryTrollins12:24
ubottuHenryTrollins: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:24
wawowecpppp: if you want to filter out ads and stuff like that you can use privoxy or something12:24
cristian_cwhat set-props is related to the pinch?12:24
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jenamiththen how cvan i make a master cd for for matt my current ubuntu and to reinstall it12:25
HenryTrollinsi just want to use 'su' and my root account password12:25
HenryTrollinsno need for sudo12:25
ikoniaHenryTrollins: read the url xangua sent you12:25
jenamithikonia: then how cvan i make a master cd for for matt my current ubuntu and to reinstall it12:26
ikoniajenamith: well, if the tool you want to use is not availalbe on the distro you want to use, you can't use it12:26
ikoniajenamith: so you either have to find another tool or don't take a master CD image12:27
jenamithi want to formatt my System then i want an installation CD of my current vertion12:29
ikoniajenamith: ok, so you need to either a.) find another tool b.) get a working version of the tool you want c.) accept the limitation12:29
Mitchell_Manyone here good with NRPE? Is there a specific version of NRPE that I should be focusing on for Ubuntu?12:33
Mitchell_MBy NRPE I mean Nagios plugin12:34
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ikoniaMitchell_M: nrpe is a package in ubuntu,12:35
ikoniaMitchell_M: just check the version ubuntu uses but it's pretty generic, never had a problem across versions12:35
Mitchell_MOkay, then it makes sense that I used apt-get install to download it12:36
Mitchell_MI mean install12:36
Mitchell_MAlright, just wanted to make sure. thanks12:36
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Acrackim new with ubuntu and i would like to install JAVA_HOME12:40
Acrackcan somebody help me plz ?12:40
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.12:41
Acracki just installed opendjdk java runtime 612:41
Acrackdunno what's next... xD12:42
Mitchell_MNext is taking a decision of what to do next :P12:42
Mitchell_Mjust kidding, what are you trying to do?12:42
Acrackim trying to have this : http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/setup/installation.html12:43
Acrackso i downloaded the .deb file12:43
Acrackand installed it12:43
Acrackbut then :acrack@ubuntu:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start12:44
Acrack * no JDK found - please set JAVA_HOME12:44
killeri formatted my usb ...and now i want it to convert to ntfs (terminal preferred.plz help)12:44
Acrackand then i installed openjdk java runtime 6 and same error12:44
Mitchell_Mhmm, never ran across that one. Anyone seen this error before?12:45
JoniiHey, I have Ubuntu 12.4 and Unity, how to make it to not lock itself when I close the lid, but still lock itelf after 5 minutes of idleness12:45
JoniiAnyone know?12:46
Mitchell_MUmm, system settings Jonii? Then Power Settings12:46
JoniiMitchell_M: I'm fairly sure that does not work, but tell me your idea12:46
Mitchell_MActually, sorry that's battery preservation12:47
ubottuago_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:47
JoniiI have set when closing lid [Do nothing] [Do nothing]12:47
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.12:48
eightieskhilddoes anyone know a good audio cd burner?12:48
Mitchell_MOkay Jonii12:48
Mitchell_MSo I know it has to be a system setting (I've done this in Windows many times, still getting used to Ubuntu)12:48
Dr_Willissystem settings has a search feature.12:49
eightieskhildDr_Willis, you know a cd burning program?12:49
Dr_Willis!burn | eightieskhild12:49
ubottueightieskhild: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:49
Halexander9000Hey, anyone here a fan of old Windows games like Fallout? I'm trying to load it with Wine but the setup won't start. It just gives me a "General failure." message and shuts down. Followed this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=959979 . What else do I need to do? I'd really appreciate some help here.12:49
Dr_Williseightieskhild:  dozen of them in the repos12:50
eightieskhildDr_Willis, which is good?12:50
RealSnowieHi all. Nickserv busted?12:50
eightieskhildany prefrence?12:50
Dr_Willis!appdb | Halexander900012:50
ubottuHalexander9000: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:50
eightieskhildi need audio cds12:50
Dr_Williseightieskhild: clarify what you mean.12:50
PiciRealSnowie: No. If you're having issues with it, please ask in #freenode12:50
RealSnowiePici, cheers12:50
Dr_Willismost any of them can  convert music to an audio cd12:50
Mitchell_MJonii: I think I know why I cant see it, basically my idea was in power settings it should have options for when you close the lid what does your laptop do, and when it's plugged in etc12:51
BytesOfBinaryany of you guys set up a succesful wifi hotspot in precise?12:51
Mitchell_MJonii: I cannot see these options because I'm running a desktop12:51
Dr_WillisI cant  see them either Mitchell_M  :) on a desktop12:51
Halexander9000Dr_Willis: How's that supposed to help me?12:51
JoniiMitchell_M: it has been set to do nothing12:52
JoniiIt doesn't do nothing, it locks the computer12:52
Dr_WillisHalexander9000:  the wine app databasd has tips for most games and how to get them working in wine12:52
eightieskhildDr_Willis, a cd I can play in my 2000 PT cruiser with stock Radio12:52
Mitchell_MJonii: So do you want it set to do nothing?12:52
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Mitchell_MJonii: I thought that's what you wanted?12:52
Dr_Williseightieskhild:  most the apps can make standard audio music cds12:52
Dr_Willis!info k3b12:52
ubottuk3b (source: k3b): Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.2-3ubuntu4 (precise), package size 480 kB, installed size 1808 kB12:52
eightieskhilddo you have any preference?12:52
JoniiMitchell_M: yes, and not to lock the compute12:53
Mitchell_MJonii: Sorry12:53
Dr_Williseightieskhild:  try them out.. you decidde what you like.12:53
Mitchell_MJust reread the thread above12:53
directXsomeone help me please12:53
JoniiI want it to do nothing. It does not do nothing, it locks the computer, even though I have set it to do nothing when closing the lid.12:53
PicidirectX: with?12:53
BytesOfBinarydirectX: what's the problem?12:53
Mitchell_MJonii: Hmmm, I know what you mean now.12:54
jenamithHow can i make a master cd for formatt my current ubuntu and to reinstall it12:54
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ikoniajenamith: I've told you 2 times12:54
directXit about my python wifite.py12:54
SnowieJonii, open case, find lid switch, kludge it ;)12:55
Mitchell_MJonii: I'm not sure why I would do that actually, I know in win 7 (sorry linux ppl, I'm transition to linux gradually xD) if you tell it to do that it should od nothing12:55
Mitchell_MJonii: Oh wait!12:55
Mitchell_MJonii: Idea is popping up xD12:55
directXexample : 2. "Catherine" (63dB  WEP)12:55
PiciMitchell_M: If you don't know the answer to a question, you don't need to answer, there are other helpful people here that may be able to chime in.12:55
JoniiSnowie: I don't want to void my warranty, also I don't want my computer to waste battery on screen when lid is closed12:55
directXbut  the result : 0:09:55] fake authentication unsuccessful :(12:56
directX[0:09:55] exiting attack...12:56
Snowieso you want the screen to power down, but not to lock the pc. hmmmm12:56
Mitchell_MPici: Just trying, if someone else knows feel free, cause I've done this already12:56
Mitchell_MPici: Just not on ubuntu12:56
directXwhat can i do12:56
directXim using ubuntu 12.04 lts12:56
jenamithikonia:  an y alternative tool for this12:56
Dr_WillisdirectX:  i think you nee to clarifyu  exactly what you are doing.12:56
ikoniajenamith: I'm not aware of any as I don't use them, but there may well be12:57
JoniiSnowie: yes. System settings don't work to do that. ALso, in case anyone is wonderng, I'm using Ubuntu 12.4 with Unity12:57
jenamithanyone else can help me12:57
Mitchell_MSo following Pici's advise, does anyone else wanna help Jonii?  And isn't snowie's idea just a mechanical solution rather than a ubuntu solution 0-0?12:57
directXDr_willis  : i want to crack wep password12:58
JoniiI have heard that gnome screensaver or something is responsible for screen locking. For some reason, it seems that ubuntu 12.4 does not have screensaver options, so I don't know anything about that12:58
Dr_WillisdirectX:  and how is this related to Ubuntu support? where did thia script come drom?12:58
Dr_WillisGnome-screensaver is like..  no settings in 12.04 ;)  seems a common tend is to remove it and install  a differnt screensaver package12:59
curiousxdirectX: go at neghbor's and tell him: "Dear neighbor, could you please tell me your WEP key, in order to be able for browsing the blogsfera"12:59
curiousxneighbor's house*... -.-12:59
Dr_Willisneighbors areound here have open networks. ;)13:00
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jenamithisthere any alternative tool for remastersys?13:00
cpppphow can i give two ip addresses to the same interface ??13:00
ubottuuck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/13:00
Mitchell_MJonii: Just one more thing, I remember one of the things I did on my Windows machine was not just specific to windows, you know how the functions key on a laptop allow you to switch screen options, I believe if you choose the option to duplicate screen as if you had an external monitor connected it would allow you to close the lid without it locking. I did that with one of my laptops. It...13:00
Pici!cracking | directX13:00
ubottudirectX: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o13:00
Mitchell_M...might require you use an external monitor, that I am not sure, but hopefully not13:00
kobe24hi, someone know how to fix the flickering caused by nvidia powermizer on ubuntu 12.0413:01
JoniiMitchell_M: did not help13:02
BytesOfBinaryHow do I make a wifi hotspot for android in ubuntu? Android cannot detect Ad-Hoc networks! Help would be highly appreciated13:02
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Mitchell_MJonii: Well then I guess it does not work with ubuntu, sorry about that. I'm out of ideas then.13:02
SnowiePici, have you tried this thread http://askubuntu.com/questions/15520/how-can-i-tell-ubuntu-to-do-nothing-when-i-close-my-laptop-lid13:02
PiciSnowie: I think you mean Jonii.13:02
JoniiWhat I'm wondering is, does some screensaver-like thing activate when you close the lid?13:02
Snowieoh, sorry13:03
SnowieJonii, try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/15520/how-can-i-tell-ubuntu-to-do-nothing-when-i-close-my-laptop-lid13:03
BytesOfBinaryhello? guys?13:04
JoniiSnowie: all they did was suggest doing the steps I've already tried and found lacking13:05
fidelhi BytesOfBinary13:05
Jonii12.4 locks the screen even if the settings say it should not13:05
BytesOfBinaryfidel: well, did you read my question? :P13:05
Dr_Williscould be the  settings dident stick and may need a log out/back in Jonii13:05
ali_hi, please some could help, Ubuntu 12.04 hangs at shutdown any idea pls13:06
PiciJonii: there are a few answers on that page that might be more helpful than the one voted highest.13:06
fidelBytesOfBinary: your last comment was a hello containing a question marks. talking about "that question"?13:06
fidel!ask | BytesOfBinary13:06
ubottuBytesOfBinary: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:06
BytesOfBinaryfidel: it was How do I make a wifi hotspot for android in ubuntu? Android cannot detect Ad-Hoc networks13:06
curiousxali_: shoutdown ubuntu from a TTY and see what happend13:06
Dr_Willisif android cant access an ad-hoc network.. guess  you dont use them with an ad-hoc13:07
Dr_Willis#android may know work arounds13:07
Dr_Willisor- dont use an ad-hoc network?13:07
SnowieJonii, have you tried the gnome editor as well anyway, just to see if the additional options are there to set?13:07
defaceMorning Fellow Ubuntuers.13:09
JoniiSnowie: I was suggested something like gnome-tweak-tools but it seemed like a suspicious program13:09
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Joniiubuntu recommended against installing it13:10
Dr_WillisI use Ubuntu-tweak and MyUnity normall Jonii13:10
Cajun_Lan_ManHello all.  Does anyone have any good advice for updating the BIOS on a machine running Ubuntu, when all the manufacturer supplies is an EXE?13:10
wwdCajun_Lan_Man: freedos13:11
wwdlive usb13:11
OerHeksCajun_Lan_Man, try freedos13:11
Dr_Willisfreedos has a live usb/cd13:11
Cajun_Lan_ManYou can run freedos from USB? heck that should work.  Thanks everyone. :-)13:11
cppppcan i give two ip addresses for the same interface?13:11
SnowieJonii, if you can find it in the ubuntu repositories, you can pretty safely trust it13:11
Dr_Willis!info gnome-tweak-tool13:12
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.4-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 79 kB, installed size 570 kB13:12
wwdi always follow this tutorial: http://tuxtweaks.com/2009/05/create-a-bootable-usb-drive-ubuntu-freedos/13:12
OerHekscpppp no13:12
kobe24no one knows about powermizer?13:12
Snowiecpppp, just no13:12
Dr_Williskobe24:  never heard of it13:12
JoniiSnowie: I'm unsure what this repository is. i tried to install it through apt-get13:12
kobe24ok thx13:13
Dr_Willisjonii gnome-tweak-tool is in thenormal repos.  'universe'13:13
Snowiecan you find it in the software centre.13:13
Cajun_Lan_Manwwd: that will be very helpful.  Thanks!13:13
ubottuago_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:14
ali_curiousx, nothing it hangs again13:15
alexfuFor whatever reason, my nano will NOT do syntax highlighting.  I cant think of anything else besides what I've done already: http://pastebin.com/vCQL4j2M13:15
curiousxbut... don't you see where it's hangs? i meant some service or something?13:16
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SnowieJonii, open a terminal and $ sudo apt-get install gconf-editor13:16
raubvogelAm I the only one having problems with security.ubuntu.com? http://pastie.org/private/ysh1ynndo4h9wnuuswcea13:16
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SnowieJonii, once that's done, open it if from the Unity Dash, it is called Configuration Editor. then follow http://askubuntu.com/questions/15520/how-can-i-tell-ubuntu-to-do-nothing-when-i-close-my-laptop-lid13:17
ali_no i see only ubuntu suting down screen13:17
ali_curiousx, no i see only the ubuntu suting down screen13:17
curiousxsry, in mah BT shows all the services goin down, i get confused13:18
Dr_Willisnano can do syntax highliging? never noticed13:18
Dr_Willisguess it can. :)13:19
curiousxali_: did you install a service recently?13:19
SnowieCan anyone tell me which file holds the 'remembered' settings for gfx resolution etc. If i plug my pc into my flatscreen, it works fine, but then i get black screen on boot on my normal monitor. have only found reinstalling fglrx to fix the issue13:19
curiousxali_: or, do you have an external hdd pluged in?13:20
biebwhat is a dangling symlink? and how do I fix it? I have installed likewise-open to connect to an Active Directory.. I can connect no problem.. but all the commands in the likewise/bin dir show as red and when I try to run a command it tells me no such file.. I tried to chmod to see if that would help, and that is where I get "chmod cannot operate on dangling symlink 'lw-command'13:21
Dr_WillisSnowie:  perhaps its setting  /etc/xorg.conf13:21
ali_curiousx, no i'd this problem since i installed ubuntu 12.04,13:21
Dr_Willisbieb:  its a link thats incorredt. its pointing to the wrong file.13:21
ali_curiousx, but now it's more frequente then before13:21
Dr_Willisls -l    should show the links and what they are pointing to13:21
J11_When I open the livecd dash board I can't see any application, while I can see application in ubuntu software center. I don't see any way to open a terminal too13:21
curiousxali_: is an upgrade?13:21
curiousxi meant 11.10 to 12.04?13:22
biebDr_Willis: thanks13:22
escottbieb, its pointing to file that doesnt exist presumably13:22
ali_curiousx, a fresh install13:22
Dr_WillisJ11_:  one way   tap 'alt' then enter term   should show up in the list13:22
SnowieDr_Willis, no such file13:23
JoniiIt did not work13:25
Cajun_Lan_ManHere's an odd problem. Since switching to 12.04, I cannot browse to any of my Windows shares. When I do, it prompts me for credentials as usual, but the credentials never work.  It just continues to reprompt.  Has anyone had any experiance with this?13:25
SnowieJonii, so in the Gconf Editor you could see the option in buttons? what is it set to?13:26
Guest29424does anyone know why ubuntu 12.04 can't locate fpaste or pastebin to install it?13:26
Guest29424how do I get it?13:26
ikoniaGuest29424: fpaste is a fedora application13:26
ironhalikWho do I have to do, to change the default web browser that empathy uses to open links?13:26
ikoniaGuest29424: you want pastebinit13:27
JoniiSnowie: I alternated with gnome-tweak-tool between "blank" and "nothing", both times screen locked13:27
Halexander9000Hello everyone. I really need some help here, please. See, I want to install Fallout 1 using Wine, but the problem is, I get a "General failure" message when I load up the setup program. What do I need to do to make it work?13:27
Guest29424oh? so after installing "pastebinit" you run the command "pastebin" ?13:27
Dr_WillisSnowie:  perhaps use the amd confiog tools to make one then?13:28
escottGuest29424, no you can run pastebinit13:28
Guest29424or you run the command "pastebinit"13:28
curiousxHalexander9000: try with Play On Linux13:28
JoniiI figured it was one and the same, whether I use gconf or gnome-tweak-tool. I could try gconf too, though, but it seemed that both of these action are one and the same13:28
ikoniaGuest29424: eg: cat /etc/hosts | pastebinit13:28
ikoniaGuest29424: just like fpast13:28
ikoniaGuest29424: just like fpaste13:28
SnowieDr_Willis, ok thanks. will look into them13:28
Dr_WillisHalexander9000:  the wine app database has guides on most windows game.. and i recall there beiung a usb-gameing.org version of that game that did work in wine.13:28
Guest29424you can't get fpaste on here?13:29
ikoniaGuest29424: fpaste is a fedora application for the fedora pastebin13:29
ikoniaGuest29424: this channel is ubuntu, the ubuntu version of fpaste is called "pastebinit"13:29
ikoniaGuest29424: it puts a paste into the ubuntu pastebin, the same way that fpaste puts content into the fedora pastebin13:30
kandinskiI guess we need a command switch that lets us select13:30
ikoniakandinski: how are you talking to ?13:30
kandinskiso pastecommand --python chooses bpaste.net, etc13:30
kandinskiikonia: I was talking out loud13:30
Guest29424ok, Yeah, I saw the url is ubuntu. For some reason I though fpaste was to a generic paste site. anyhow, thx13:31
kandinskiI am on many channels, some in English, some in Spanish, preferred pastebin is always a different one13:31
theseusI am using Ubuntu Server 12.04 with the Xfce kernel.  I notice very slow load time after login, any ideas?13:31
ikoniatheseus: why are you not using the ubuntu server kernel ?13:31
ikoniatheseus: what is the xfce kernel ?13:31
Snowieikonia, i think he means he has xubuntu, if i'm right13:32
llutz_Guest29424: get the "pastebin" script from sentynel.com if you dislike distro-related pastebin-scripts13:32
ikoniaSnowie: that's why I'm asking him what he thinks it means13:32
theseusikonia: I love the ubuntu server kernel for command line but wanted a gui interface13:33
miltonsvbom dia13:33
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:33
ikoniatheseus: the kernel has nothing to do with a gui or not13:33
jenniewhy ubuntu is better than debian ?13:33
ikoniatheseus: just install xubuntu13:34
ikoniajennie: it's not, it's personal opinion what you like13:34
theseusikonia: well yeah that is the easy answer, you could have just said you dont know what the cause for slow boot time in Xfce, lol13:34
jenniei am confused between ubuntu and debian13:34
ikoniatheseus: but I'm sure I can work it out13:34
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ikoniajennie: they are different distros13:34
c31r2ghello ikonia long time no talk13:35
ikoniac31r2g: hello, apologies, I don't remember you, but "hi" anyway13:35
theseusikonia: lol, alright well let me know.  The only solution people found online and in ubuntu forums was a cause in auto setting keyboard default.  This doesn't solve my issue13:35
ikoniatheseus: well, you've given me no info13:35
c31r2gikonia well thats cool as i dont come much on irs'c but find time to see the logs ;)13:36
qwdI came back to my computer and the screen is all black except for the mouse. Any ideas on how to fix it without rebooting?13:36
J11_Dr_Willis: there is still no application to be found even in the alt search13:37
The_ExplorerGreetings, I have a quesiton about IO schedualing: When compressing in the background my computer will periodically stutter. Is there any way i can optimize my computer to (by default) optimize for multitasking over single program performance?13:37
Snowieqwd, i would try ctrl-alt-f1 to drop to root prompt, and then ctrl-alt-f7(is that the default terminal now everyone?) to get back to your current session. But, real answer is, probably now13:38
Snowieqwd, *not13:38
qwdSnowie: Yeah I did that, that's how I'm writing here :) Tried closing a few random things from htop but no luck13:40
r3duxThe_Explorer - I have the same issue, heavy disk IO makes my machine stutter, in theory this could be "niced" to a low value, but in practice.... I don't know...13:40
r3duxYou'd have to be able to recognise sustained disk IO and renice it to some low value on the fly.13:41
qwdSnowie: I guess I'll just reboot then. Thanks!13:41
ikoniaThe_Explorer: why do you think it's i/o related specifically ?13:42
altincan anyone tell me how can I do a vpn connection with cisco vpn server13:42
r3duxAny nicing happens per process, not per IO usage, so it's a hard one13:42
altinwith IKE  and IPSEC13:42
r3duxikonia: Because it's a known issue. Google "Linux IO slowdown"13:43
IlPalazzo-ojiisaHello everyone... I have a small problem getting games to run on Linux.13:43
IlPalazzo-ojiisa(I hope it hasn't been asked too many times before)13:44
ikoniar3dux: I'm asking how you know this specific example relates to an i/o problem13:44
ikoniaor how The_Explorer knows/believes13:44
IlPalazzo-ojiisaIt's not a WINE issue, as I'm trying to run games that have native Linux ports.13:44
samlhey, if I do apt-get remove something, will it remove all dependancies, too?13:44
IlPalazzo-ojiisa(So far, Bastion and Katawa Shoujo.)13:44
samli mean, packages that depend on something13:44
r3duxikonia - linux i/o scheduling is generally weak. How I know this is becuase the system slows down significantly.13:45
IlPalazzo-ojiisaI tried to run the latter, and I was faced with the following code:13:45
ikoniar3dux: I'm well aware of i/o issues, I'm asking The_Explorer why he thinks this specific issue is i/o13:45
r3duxThe_Explorer: The floor is yours.13:46
IlPalazzo-ojiisaI assume that python has been set up incorrectly, somehow.13:46
The_Explorerr3dux, renicing was attempted and whats even more irritating was it was on a SEPERATE DRIVE... /facepalm. I just dont know, lol.13:47
OerHeksIlPalazzo-ojiisa, do you run that game on 64 bit linux ? i read here it only runs on 32 bit  > http://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=647413:48
The_Explorerikonia, I think its IO related because i have 8 cores and that task was only using one.13:48
r3duxThe_Explorer: Wrong answer.13:48
ikoniaThe_Explorer: that just may mean it's not doing smp - there must be something that points you at i/o13:48
IlPalazzo-ojiisaThere's a possibility there, yeah...13:49
cppppwhat is the file /etc/resolv.conf for?13:49
AdvoWorkanyone aware of a program I can use that splits a directory of files into multiple folders?13:49
IlPalazzo-ojiisa...but that doesn't explain why Bastion quits after a short while, too.13:49
r3duxAdvoWork:  Using what criteria?13:49
IlPalazzo-ojiisaCould it be the same problem?13:49
The_Explorerr3dux, Thankyou for your commentary. However "wrong answer" does not take the example of which i have presented and present a solution.13:50
Oprtz!help , i want to install windows 7 again, because ubuntu is difficult for me :( but windows7 dvd cant boot the system :( wha tto do13:51
ubottuOprtz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:51
The_Explorerikonia, do you have a solution to the issue of a slowdown of that sort in relation to single thread compression, in the background and taking place on a seperate hard drive?13:51
r3duxThe_Explorer: You're absolutely right, it doesn't. Throughput depends on multiple factors, the processing speed and/or usage is generally the least of which.13:51
AdvoWorkr3dux, size really, 1000's of files, need to burn to dvd, so need to split by dvd size, so say 4GB ideally?13:52
ikoniaThe_Explorer: I'd need to understand the problem more, hence why I was asking you why you think it's i/o related13:52
IlPalazzo-ojiisa...so, it's to Windows I go then.13:52
IlPalazzo-ojiisaThanks for the help, OerHeks.13:53
Oprtz!help , i want to install windows 7 again, because ubuntu is difficult for me :( but windows7 dvd cant boot the system :( wha tto do13:53
J11_Is there a way I could set DISPLAY in a TTY so I can run a terminal in gnome?13:53
r3duxAdvoWork: 4.7GB for a DVD-5, but you have take into account file overheads, so if you have 100,000 x 1KB files it'll cost more than 1 x 47000MB file.13:54
The_Explorervery well mr ikonia: large folder -> compressing large folder to *.7z -> proceeding to game/surf/movie -> notable stutter and extreme loading of programs noticed. System crash. (ctrl+alt+bks)13:54
OerHeksOprtz check your computer manual howto setup booting from cd/dvd, else join ##windows for support13:54
streulmahello, my system boots and stops after scripts/init-bottom13:54
ikoniaThe_Explorer: that's not a reason to assume it's i/o13:55
^Mikesynaptic can show which packages have not been fully purged - can aptitude do the same for a server install?13:55
streulmaA maintenance shell will now be started13:55
jtachow can i make a user so he can make sudo ?13:55
ikoniajtac: put him in the admin group13:55
OprtzOerHeks:  i check every thing, it seems that ubuntu make mess in boot files or MBR13:55
The_Explorerikonia, ok I understand.  I will stop assuming its the I/O... Suggestions, please?13:55
jtacikonia: cmd?13:55
r3duxAdvoWork: Just compress as many folders as you can and then dump to DVD where the compressed file size is < 4.7 -- OR -- use some backup software which does it for you.13:55
ikoniaThe_Explorer: well, what have you done so far13:55
ikoniajtac: usermod13:55
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llutz_^Mike: aptitude search ~c13:56
llutz_^Mike: aptitude purge ~c       to get rid of them13:56
The_Explorermr ikonia, what i have done so far is play with Ktaskman(ksysguard) varios processor and harddrive schedualling to see its outcome. I have changed the nice +5  in combination.13:56
ikoniaThe_Explorer: ok, install sysstat and run "iostat 3" while doing the compression test13:57
^Mikellutz_: awesome - thanks!13:57
r3duxikonia/The_Explorer: Hold on ... big compression --> play a game --> crash. Sounds like you ran out of memory and something didn't handle it well.13:57
AdvoWorkr3dux, i have to then keep selecting number of files to get close to 4gb, get me?13:57
The_Explorerr3dux I have 16 gigabytes of ram13:57
jtacikonia: usermod -G  root jtac doesnt work13:57
ikoniar3dux: The_Explorer you could have a memory leak in the game (for example)13:57
r3duxThe_Explorer: Doesn't mean you had 16GB available.13:58
The_Explorerikonia, it happens also when surfing.13:58
llutz_jtac: usermod -aG sudo username13:58
morphosesi am thinking about installing linux on to my parents computer13:58
morphoseswhat distro would you recommend?13:58
morphosesubuntu or mint?13:58
Snowiemorphoses, lol. where have you come buddy, what answer will you likely get13:58
ikoniamorphoses: see what they like, if they like it great, if not, don't use it13:58
llutz_jtlap: if you really run "usermod -G root jtac", it removed you from all groups != root...13:59
ikoniajtlap_: where did I say anything about root13:59
ikoniajtlap_: I said add them to the admin group13:59
The_Explorerr3dux, in the task man, the game i was using never exceeded 2Gb and showed at 1x,xxx MB free13:59
morphosesheh true that Snowie13:59
ikoniaThe_Explorer: you wouldn't see it if it had a leak13:59
ikoniaThe_Explorer: run iostat 3 like I suggested see if your IO is bottlenecking13:59
MrNaz_outok so in 12.04 apparently the firewire stack has been completely replaced... sudo modprobe raw3194    returns a no such module error... whats the correct way to work with firewire with the new fw stack?14:00
r3duxWhen installing *nix on a parents machine you have two choices: 1 - Install a generic linux and hope the can live with it, or 2.) Install a BSD with 3 icons on the desktop: Email, Web, Shutdown.14:00
The_Explorerikonia, i will do as you ask. your assistance is appreciated.14:00
morphosesoption 114:00
morphosesBtw is it possible to install two separate languages for two separate profiles on ubuntu?14:00
Snowiei would say that ubuntu probably has much more easily accessible help. throw the live cd/dvd in their drive for a bit. it should still give them their photos etc. come back in a few days and see what questions they ask14:00
r3duxThe_Explorer: How about this - sometimes machines segfault and crash. It's not you. It's them.14:00
ikoniamorphoses: yes14:01
J11_well it seems  DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm  did the the trick14:01
morphosesi.e. english for user 1 and spanish for user 214:01
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wwdfolks i am trying to export a raid device md0 over iscsi…. i am able to detect it on the initiator, however, i can't seem to get fdisk to find it...14:01
wwdnot really sure what luns are do i have to specifically create one?14:02
The_Explorerr3dux, I understand that possibility. But this is recurring, with different compression methods and programs. The "sh** happens" mentality goes against my nature to comprehend the workings of... anything.14:02
Snowiemorphoses, you can switch languages from the login screen i think. sec...14:02
yahqodhi, friends..14:02
morphosesah so it's english until you select from and log in14:02
morphoseswhich would be the default language14:03
yahqodsomenone help m3 with gnome-panel14:03
DuraaraaHello. Does anyone know if it's possible to set up a vpn server, of any kind, without root access?14:03
Snowiemorphoses, hmm. perhaps not. it's been suggested. let me keep digging http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/19765/14:04
alexfucan you do mass indent with VI ?14:04
K4kHi, I'm trying to mount a Windows file share in Ubuntu using gvfs-mount. The same command works on another box running RedHat Linux but in Ubuntu it does not accept my password. The command I'm running is "gvfs-mount 'smb://my.domain;my_username@server.my.domain/Share_name'"14:05
yahqodHow i can apply tranparent to gnome-panel14:05
exiffHello. Is it possible to install nautilus 2.3 on precise?14:06
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tensorpuddingisn't that like....really old14:06
exiffthe old one14:06
tensorpuddinglike, from 2006 old14:07
morphosesthe only way around it i see Snowie would be to install two copies of ubuntu14:07
exiffwhich is the latest 2.X?14:07
morphoseswhich is annoying14:07
tensorpudding2.30 or so14:07
roastedHi - Question there. I have the Gimp 2.8 DEB files and Im curious which ones I need to install to have a fully functioning Gimp 2.8 without the actual PPA. Two of the packages I have are gimp-data-ubuntuppa-precise-all.deb packages, and the other 2 are gimp-ubuntu-ppa-precise_amd64.deb packages. Do I need all 4 to successfully install?14:07
tensorpuddingthe versions track gnome, afaik14:07
exiffin which case, is it usable on precise? that 2.30?14:07
OerHeksroasted, those are ppa packages, see the name.14:08
tensorpuddingnot without a separate gnome possibly14:08
exiffor will it break stuff?14:08
roastedOerHeks: I know, but we just want to dump the .deb's into the install and not have an "actual" PPA to manage.14:08
ikoniaroasted: it won't work14:08
ikoniaroasted: the gimp deb will fail as it won't meet the dependencies14:09
roastedikonia: oh... well uh... we made it work before. o.O14:09
ikoniaroasted: dpkg -i $debfile then14:09
roastedikonia: yeah that's the issue I'm running into now. We did the same thing before and it worked fine though.14:09
ikoniaroasted: same gimp version ?14:09
roastedikonia: nah, it was 2.6 then.14:09
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ikoniaroasted: right , so that's nothing like what you did before14:09
ikoniaroasted: the dependencies are totally different14:09
K4kHi, I'm trying to mount a Windows file share in Ubuntu using gvfs-mount. The same command works on another box running RedHat Linux but in Ubuntu it does not accept my password. The command I'm running is "gvfs-mount 'smb://my.domain;my_username@server.my.domain/Share_name'"14:09
ikoniahence why the PPA breaks peoples system14:09
yahqodcan someone give me a help with gnome-panel, I can not apply transparency, I put an image for what I say but partially applied using ubuntu 4.12 LTS ... Precise and fallback to gnome ... and the theme Docky I'm using GTK is Orion and Emerald window manager I use14:10
roastedikonia: eh, that's a bummer.14:10
ikoniait will force you to pull down a load of stuff that is newer/different than the base system14:10
roastedikonia: but that's unavoidable if you want the latest software version...14:10
ikoniaroasted: not really, you can setup a PPA to not create conflicts14:10
ikoniathe PPA is just setup sloppy14:10
ikoniaI created a repo for 2.7 gimp just to prove it could be done14:11
exiffhmmmm, what a bother. Thanks anyway tensorpudding .14:11
roastedikonia: the thing is, we want to actual the *actual* PPA... we're packaging our image now for 12.04 for our internal systems, so we want to be PPA-less with newer software installed, such as Gimp 2.814:11
roastedwe want to avoid*14:11
ikoniaroasted: why do you want 2.8 ?14:11
ikoniaroasted: and the actual PPA is the thing that breaks your OS14:12
roastedikonia: because 2.8 is a substantial improvement over 2.6 in terms of GUI arrangement. It's going to serve as a Photoshop replacement for our students.14:12
ikoniaroasted: then you need to make a whole set of packages and dependencies yourself that do not conflict with the system14:12
ikoniaroasted: that's how you'd do it14:12
Snowiemorphoses, sorry bout that. but as far as i can tell, yes14:12
roastedikonia: not sure I fully understand... you're suggesting we download each and every last dependency (manually) that gimp 2.8 needs and package it from there?14:13
ikoniaroasted: not at all14:13
wwdhi folks i am trying to initiate a iscsi connection with a target i setup (i am exporting an md device using iscsitarget). On the initiator I have discovered the target and iscsi -m session shows the target, however fdisk doesn't seem to be able to find it… what am i missing… thanks14:13
ikoniaroasted: I'm suggesting you ignore the data in the PPA as that what will break your host, and you make your own set of packages that do not conflict with the OS and install them locally14:13
fl1bbl3ikonia: like with a tarball and checkinstall?14:13
ikoniafl1bbl3: never never never14:14
OerHeksroasted, wait for 12.10 QQ > GIMP 2.8 stable has just in landed in Ubuntu 12.10's official repos14:14
fl1bbl3haha :)14:14
roastedOerHeks: no.14:14
marcopeople, what do you think of a XML file format that could describe the addition and installation of software from a ppa? That way, if the user wants to install something from a ppa, all the user would need to do was to download the xml file, double-click it and confirm installation. What do you think?14:14
roastedOerHeks: we're using 12.04 for a reason, and will use it for a substantial duration of the LTS lifecycle.14:14
ikoniaroasted: if you are using it for the LTS functionality then you should not even consider the packages from the gimp 2.8 PPA14:14
r3duxmarco - sounds okay, but there's trust issues14:15
openfreelinuxOerHeks: that's quiet a long time too wait14:15
Gabrailwhy ubuntu 12.04 crash and crash and crash ?14:15
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OerHeksopenfreelinux, less than 6 months14:15
roastedikonia: I agree from a stability standpoint, however from a functionality standpoint Gimp 2.8 is huge for us to support...14:15
obelus!details | Gabrail14:15
ubottuGabrail: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:15
ikoniaGabrail: could be many reasons, you'd need to supply info if you want help14:15
Snowiewow, just me or a ppl a bit grumpy tonight14:15
marcor3dux: I know that. But look, there's already a ppa for gimp 2.8. A lot of people want it, but it is not user-friendly to install it. I think it is a good compromise14:15
SnowieGabrail, works ok for me. what is happening when your machine crashes14:16
ikoniaroasted: ok, so you need to build your own gimp 2.8 packages that you can make sure do not conflict / dependency conflict with the LTS components14:16
r3duxGabriel - ditch Unity, run Gnome 3 (Gnome Shell)14:16
obelusSnowie: I don't think so. I only used the trigger because I'm tired and it's easier than typing the message out. And now I've gone and typed anyway :(14:16
`prixonhow can I fix nautilus to show the real size of items? i.e. in MiB vs MB14:16
roastedikonia: allright. Problem with that is I'm drawing a blank on how to get started with that... I mean, this will be done from source, no?14:16
ikoniar3dux: he didn't say his issue was unity related14:16
obelusAnd r3dux, that is not a 'fix all' solution that will solve all crashes.14:16
yahqodcan someone give me a help with gnome-panel, I can not apply transparency, I put an image for what I say but partially applied using ubuntu 12.04 LTS ... Precise and   gnome-fallback ... and Docky_the theme  I'm using GTK is Orion and Emerald window manager I use14:16
Xenethmorning people.  What would I need to make a log of all connections?  Example: <time> <source IP:port><Destination IP:port>  I want both incomming and outgoing, and may want when it disconnects too.14:16
ikoniaroasted: it's a reasonable size task and effort no question of it, plus the testing and research to make sure your packages are sane/compatible/no-risk14:17
Snowieobelus, not directed at you mate.14:17
ikoniaroasted: for this one task, I'd suggest hiring someone/canonical for the specific one off task14:17
ikoniaroasted: it will be a better investment time/money wise14:17
Gabraili am already running gnome shell but sometimes the nautilus crash and disappear and appear again14:17
ultimediahow long until 13.x is available?14:17
r3duxikonia - you're a dick. Nnight.14:17
obelusSnowie: Oh okay lol.14:17
roastedikonia: well, we're already in the testing phase of our image. We have a couple Linux gurus on our team, I'll run it by them and see what they have to say.14:18
roastedikonia: it's just, me personally, I'm drawing a bit of a blank on this setup.14:18
SnowieXeneth, first thing to mind is a script to log .... frik what's that command again. where you can see all the current connections14:18
ikoniaroasted: that would be the most professional and safe advise I can offer you14:18
ikoniaroasted: it's not a small task and you need a little experience to make sure you dodge conflicts14:18
ikoniaroasted: if you depend on LTS, then keep away from the gimp PPA data even if it's in the PPA or not14:19
roastedikonia: sounds good. I appreciate the insight. Hey if you got a minute, I'd like to throw some FYI's about Motion I ran into last night, in case it helps you in the future with your testing of it.14:19
ikoniaroasted: jump into offtopic, but I've not touched motion for a few days14:19
roastedikonia: you got it.14:19
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XenethSnowie: You mean netstat?14:20
SnowieXeneth, that would be it.14:20
yahqodpliz helq m3 witz gnome-panel14:20
obelus!details | yahqod14:21
ubottuyahqod: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:21
SnowieXeneth, but i see now it's nowhere near enough detail for what your after14:21
obelusAlso, please don't use numbers in place of letters. :(14:21
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XenethSnowie: I want it logged as it's connecting/disconnecting.  issue with netstat, is it get's current connection, not when it was astablished.14:22
Xeneth... established14:22
obelusYou can use iptables or ufw rules to log when connections are established. I wouldn't know the exact command to do it though.14:23
SnowieXeneth, i was thinking a script that could run routinely and compare what was to what is now. might give you a rough guide.14:23
obelusXeneth: ufw or iptables can accomplish what you want. Mine already logs all connections that it blocks, but you can set it to log connections that are allowed too. It logs time, src ip:port and dest ip:port14:24
llutz_Xeneth: just make sure you have enough diskspace for /var14:25
Xenethobelus: Sweet, sounds like what I am looking for.  Not a public server, so I do not have to worry about bloated logs.14:25
yahqodcan someone give me a help with gnome-panel, I can not apply transparency, I put an image for what I say but partially applied using ubuntu 12.04 LTS ... Precise and   gnome-fallback ... and Docky_the theme  I'm using GTK is Orion and Emerald window manager I use14:26
obelusNot sure about the way iptables does it, but the logrotator works on ufw's logs and archives them each month14:26
obelusI believe the log is customizable, but here's a sample of what mine produces, logging only blocks14:27
yahqodobelus I can not apply transparency, I put an image for what I say but partially applied using ubuntu 12.04 LTS ... Precise and   gnome-fallback ... and Docky_the theme  I'm using GTK is Orion and Emerald window manager I use14:28
obelusMay 27 06:55:42 theseus kernel: [204476.101100] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=08:00:27:19:5a:76:50:e5:49:5f:14:75:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=24945 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=63067 DPT=1320 WINDOW=8192 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=014:28
obelusI hope that isn't too spammy - I tried using pastebinit for it, but the text shot off to the side and wouldnt scroll14:28
obelusyahqod: I don't have the answer for you.14:29
yahqodobelus check my problem witz gnome-panel   http://i.imgur.com/iDbPs.png14:29
FfoOGreetings everyone. Could anyone tell me a command to save session to disk and shut down? I need to switch rooms but I don't want to close everything and run them all again.14:30
maxagazhow to get ettercap working on ubuntu 12.04 ?14:30
JoseAntonioRFfoO: I think suspend would work fine.14:30
llutz_Xeneth: iptables examples: http://bit.ly/LQJfNh   and as i said, be aware, those logs will be huge14:30
obelusyahqod: All I can suggest is that maybe it's your theme. Other than that, I don't have any suggestions14:30
yahqodokkk obelus thank u..14:31
obelusXeneth: I'd probably scroll down a bit and look at the example for only logging the initial connection to make your logs more readable14:31
FfoOJoseAntonioR: This one saves on RAM. I need something like hibernate, for I don't have battery pack anymore.14:32
JoseAntonioRFfoO: You can use hibernate too.14:32
morphosesis there a non-bloatware version of Ubuntu?14:33
FfoOJoseAntonioR: Is there a command line? I can't see the option on the desktop environment (Gnome-Shell-Remix)14:33
Snowiemorphoses, lubuntu, but the interface is quite different14:34
llutz_!mini | morphoses try this if that wasn't a trolling-attempt14:34
ubottumorphoses try this if that wasn't a trolling-attempt: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:34
JoseAntonioRFfoO: Ctrl+Alt+T14:34
bjorkintoshmorphoses, debian.14:34
morphosesdebian's a no go..my laptop's sound drivers go awry with debian14:34
bjorkintoshah right.14:35
bjorkintoshis it an old laptop?14:35
bjorkintoshi use xubuntu myself.14:35
Snowiemorphoses, i have had that running on laptops that still had IR ports and floppy drives14:35
bjorkintoshi've got a 40 gig harddisk.14:35
bjorkintoshinfact, it's what i'm using right now...14:35
justdaveis there somewhere in Ubuntu to reprogram keyboard keys or how they're interpreted?  My keyboard has media keys on it, which Ubuntu recognizes, but recognizes them wrong. :)  It thinks my "volume up" button is actually "activate screensaver" despite not being set for that in the Keyboard Shortcuts panel14:35
bjorkintosha dell inspiron 6000.14:35
Snowiemorphoses, but, minimal cd and pick and choose, is, most likely a better option14:35
justdaveI don't see a defined shortcut for "activate screensaver" in the control panel, only "lock screen", and that one's disabled, but hitting my volume up button locks the screen anyway14:36
justdaveif I try to program "volume up" for that button, it puts "screensaver" as the name of the key I pushed14:37
morphosesThank you..I've used Ubuntu before and it comes with extra apps that won't be needed by rent's, so instead of manually uninstalling everything figured going with a lite/minimal version would be the good choice14:37
justdaveand it still activates the screensaver instead of bumping the volume when I press it.14:37
FfoOJoseAntonioR: I need the command, please.14:37
The_Explorerikonia, As a randomed style troubleshooting curiousity, I reran the compression process in question under a tightvnc rooted Xsession. It appears im having no issues.14:37
FfoOI already have the terminal14:37
JoseAntonioRFfoO: The command is hibernate, IIRC14:37
morphosesonce i order wireless adapters i'd be set..i've been bashing my head against the rock trying to install windows on this HD..bs properity drivers etc14:38
stimpieI have several applications (eg monoDevelop) that do not show in the launcher or tab switcher. Any clues why?14:39
FfoOJoseAntonioR: Okay, I'll try. Thanks in advance for the help. If it works, I might quit to ping.14:39
diverdudemy lenovo w520 gets extremely hot when running ubuntu doing nothing demanding. Why?? When running windows this does not happen.14:40
justdavemeh, looks like my keyboard thing is a bug in xorg.14:40
justdavefound it in launchpad14:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377175 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Volume Up button locks screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:40
justdavethat's a 3-year-old bug :(14:41
stimpiediverdude, use system monitor to see what is going on14:41
diverdudestimpie: nothing seems to really be going on14:42
diverdudestimpie:  that is why i dont understand why its so hot14:42
cuddylierHello, How would I transfer a mysql database from one computer to another?14:42
jiffe98anyone know why I am getting this? http://nsab.us/public/mdadm  It seems to fail to add sdd to the raid but adds it to another raid device ?14:42
The_Explorer*Old School Gnome*: Does anyone know if theres a script or other method of getting gnome back the way I used to have it?14:44
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stimpiediverdude, it could be something with your graphics card.14:44
larissacuddylier, you don't want/can't make a dump and restore the dump in another computer?14:44
llutz_cuddylier: use mysqldump, dump the database into a file, transfer to other computer14:45
diverdudestimpie: is it because ubuntu does not support my hardware properly?14:45
cuddylierllutz_ Where would it dump the mysql?14:45
cuddylierllutz_ Also, how would I then set it up on the other computer?14:45
llutz_cuddylier: whereever you tell it to do14:45
FfoOThe_Explorer: have you tried on GRUB screen, or maybe log in screen...?14:45
cuddylierllutz_ Does it ask me when I type that command?14:45
ratanparaiThe_Explorer: I think ubuntu 12.04 have this option, gnome classic14:46
llutz_cuddylier: no, read "man mysqldump"14:46
cuddylierllutz_ I'm a ubuntu n00b14:46
cuddylierllutz_ Where would I type the directory then14:46
stimpiediverdude, I assume you have 2 graphics cards (i7 + nvidia) for 'normal' usage only the intel is required. The drivers on windows disable the NVIDIA14:46
llutz_cuddylier: open a terminal, type "man mysqldump" and read.14:47
FfoOThe_Explorer: You should first try first the Login screen as Gnome-classic, indeed.14:47
aquaqauaHaving hard time burning ubuntu iso to my dvd .. it throws up this error http://i.imgur.com/LEZJe.png14:47
Phidogxfce master race14:47
mohtadihi everyone, please, is there a way to make the usb-mass storage module in kernel as a module, and be able to load an embedded system (linux based of couse) from a usb key?14:47
aquaqauahow to do i adjust wrtie speed in windows image burner ?14:47
diverdudestimpie: that is correct. but why is that causing heat in such vast amounts?14:47
Phidogaquaqua why don't you make it on a flash drive?14:47
Phidoguse lili for flash drives, unetbootin sucks14:47
bjorkintoshis there anyway to convince jackd to use my usb sound card?14:47
compdocaquaqaua, it thinks the media youre using is junk14:48
stimpiediverdude: iam not sure, just making a suggestion14:48
aquaqauaThanks all for guys ! :D14:49
stimpiediverdude, you could try: http://www.tautvidas.com/blog/2012/04/disabling-nvidia-optimus-enabled-card-on-ubuntu-12-dot-04/14:49
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sacarlsonmohtadi: I think that's how most of us install ubuntu these days with a usb flash drive so I guess I guess the answer is yes14:55
biebanyone here use Crossover Office?14:57
maxagazhow to have ettercap working on ubuntu 12.04 ?14:58
seeker3b /join #ubuntu-cn15:00
MSullinsIf i install ubuntu on my system and replace windows 7, can i at any time use my windows 7 recovery disk to reinstall windows and get rid of ubuntu?15:00
ikoniaMSullins: yes15:00
raphulalguem fala portugues aqui ??15:00
shazznerI don't think the recovery disk installs the full os15:01
DJones!pt | raphul15:01
ubotturaphul: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:01
shazznerunless it's like one of the dell laptops that come with a disk15:01
raphulok é q sou novo aqui e nao entendo muito disso15:01
mietekMy gnome-terminal cursor doesn't blink, and I want it to blink.  I checked /desktop/gnome/interface/cursor_blink, and it's set to true.  /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/cursor_blink_mode is set to on.  What else is there?15:01
MSullinsi think my disk do... it has a system disk and language packs and stuff.15:01
wawowemaxagaz: apt-get install ettercap-graphical15:02
maxagazwawowe: and it works for you ?15:02
maxagazwawowe: I mean, you can run it ?15:02
shazznerMSullins: I would probably just dual boot for now, instead of wiping win 7. Just in case.15:02
shazznerjust my opinion though15:02
wawowemaxagaz: yup, ettercap -G15:03
wawowemaxagaz: or -C15:03
MSullinsok, but im dual booting right now and its kinda sluggish and keeps saying it encountered an internal error15:03
maxagazwawowe: great, thanks!15:04
shazznerhuh, are you using Wubi by chance?15:04
kantlivelonganyone here have experience with bumblebee?15:04
shazznerah that explains it15:04
shazzneryeah wubi is pretty slow15:04
wawowemaxagaz: you need to run it as root15:05
shazznerif you install ubuntu, but tell it to install alongside windows 7, it will create a separate partition15:05
shazznerand install grub so you can choose which os you want15:05
maxagazwawowe: yes, it works now with the -G option15:05
shazzneryou'll get full hardware acceleration and none of the weird issues wubi has sometimes15:05
MSullinsok, how would i "uninstall" that partion if needed?15:05
maxagazwawowe: wondering why it's not -G by default, it's hard to know it...15:06
fratermis there any enhancement to the proxy configuration in ubuntu to allow proxy to be bypassed for certain URLS/Networks?15:06
shazznerin that case I think window recover disk will work15:06
wawowemaxagaz: because you can run it without an interface15:06
MSullinsok, and how would i install GRUB?15:06
maxagazwawowe: hmm, ok15:06
shazznerubuntu will do it automagically15:06
maxagazwawowe: I'll try some mitm attack tomorrow, thanks for your help :-)15:07
shazznerbasically you'll install it alongside of windows (it's one of the options) and next time you boot it will have a menu showing all os options15:07
shazznerthat's grub15:07
MSullinsok so would i also need to shrink my windows partion?15:07
shazznerubuntu should do that too15:08
ironhalikanyone noticed the lockscreen locking only one display? while still showing the contents of the other one? (you can even click on stuff there)15:08
MSullinsis it safe to let it shrink it?15:08
shazznersometimes it makes weird descions though and doesn't give enough swap, so if you really really know what you're doing you can partition it yourself15:08
diverdudeall my CPU's (i have 4) are around 80 degrees, and im not really doing anything "hard work" on my computer. just running ubuntu. Is this normal?15:08
shazznerI've never had any issues, it's pretty stable these days15:08
jiffe98why would mdadm --create give me the message 'mdadm: ADD_NEW_DISK for /dev/sdc failed: Device or resource busy' ?15:08
shazzneryour milage may vary15:08
shazznerthat being said though, make sure you have enough free space to begin with15:09
shazznerie have a least 10gb or so free on the disk before you start15:09
MSullinsmy hard drive is like 250 GB.15:09
sacarlsonjiffe98: sounds like maybe something on /dev/sdc is mounted15:10
shazznerbut if the data is up to 249 GB it'll wind up destroy data15:10
diverdudeall my CPU's (i have 4) are around 80 degrees, and im not really doing anything "hard work" on my computer. just running ubuntu. Is this normal?15:10
shazznerif you get my meaning15:11
MSullinsthere is atleast 120 GB free with windows and all my current files on it.15:11
jiffe98sacarlson: its not though15:11
shazznerok you should be fine then :)15:11
jiffe98sacarlson: nothing mounted, I've run --zero-superblock on it, I've tried passing --assume-clean to mdadm --create but it won't add sdd to that raid device15:12
MSullinsGreat, still a little scared to do it but i guess i will test my luck =-O15:12
shazznerMSullins: yeah good luck, let this channel know if you have any issues15:13
jiffe98mdadm just seems very problematic, I've had problems with pretty much every raid device I've tried to create15:13
tbrownWIth the Mini Ubuntu iso and I want to get a desktop envirment and I dont know if I should put a password ui or something is there away that I can type in my password and user name in the terminal and go to the desktop experence or something Please I was wondering this how to do this for 2 days:)15:13
MSullinshow big of a jump drive would i need to do this?15:13
shazznerMSullins: at least 1gb I believe15:14
shazznerI always a cd though, so I'm not sure15:14
shazzner*use a15:14
fastaIf I press `, I would like ~ to be generated in every application. How can that be done?15:14
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MSullinsok thanks!15:14
kRushanyone else having trouble with xchat not saving the separator position between channel switcher and user list (both set to right side)?15:16
annecyi have opensuse with gnome shell on a netbook. a huge problem is that dialogues go off the bottom of the screen, and i have to rotate the display to read the contents. is the same in unity?15:18
jiffe98when I try to run 'mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdd' it says 'mdadm: Couldn't open /dev/sdd for write - not zeroing' so it at least thinks something is using it15:19
jiffe98its not mounted nor is it attached to any raid devices according to /proc/mdstat15:19
jiffe98although /proc/mdstat says unused devices: <none>15:20
jiffe98hah, I did a --stop and --assemble --force and it attached it now15:21
jiffe98mdadm is really hokey15:21
shaneoand humble bundle V users in here? if so what opengl pkg do i need to install to play Psychonauts15:24
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fugitivecoastHi, I was wondering if anyone here could help me with an issue I am having with wine.15:28
usb333hi guys. I have two jack ports but I can only useone headphone at a time. any idea why?15:30
OranGOguys Ihave forgot the name of a website15:32
OranGOit's a website where you can generate your phone number and send sms15:32
OranGOdo you know it?15:32
oCeanOranGO: how is that an Ubuntu issue? Try #ubuntu-offtopic for example15:33
diverdudeany lenovo users in here?15:35
vanchacan anyone help me with an installation problem?15:36
vanchai'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 here, but i have run into a problem i can't seem to fix. anyone?15:36
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bogorvancha, what problem15:39
newbeehow can i set the default audio output device in unity?15:39
CookieM_describe the problem and wait patiently for someone who would help you15:39
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vanchawhen i try to install ubuntu 12.04, i get exit code 141? installation aborts :(15:40
bogorvancha, you are installing on what15:41
vanchaon my main pc, with the following hardware: q6600 @ 2,4ghz, 3gb ddr2, ati hd567015:41
vanchap5kpl-am epu motherboard15:42
curiousxvancha: everything will be ok15:42
CookieM_vancha http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1194390515:42
vanchacuriousx: thats what i thought :( but thats just where the installation stops...15:42
vanchathx, ill be reading that thread then ;)15:43
curiousxoh! i see is a laptop15:44
tbrownI just took a 5 hr enagery I hope it works lol:) Trying to stay awake running Ubuntu Mini. I dont know why am tired all the time lol.15:45
curiousxvancha: there is an alternete.iso for cases like that15:45
vanchacuriousx: ill give it a try :O thx man15:45
curiousxor, you can try acpi=off15:45
vanchatried that ;)15:45
curiousxok, so the alternate cd will help, the alternate install is some like that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX06eFe2SuU15:46
biebI have a print issue.. I am using Crossover office to provide MS Office to students (required from higher-ups).. office works fine.. but when I try to print from ms-office (word, excel and powerpoint) it prints a blank page, then an error page... Error: undefinedresult   Offending Command: awidthshow   STACK: 0 0 32 0 0. Printing uses wineps. but printing from Libre works fine..15:46
tbrownDoes anyone in here like xfce or lxde. What is more Windows base like will the desktop experence or something:)15:47
curiousxvancha: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads15:47
vanchathanks a lot guys!15:47
vanchadownloading right now ;) ill come back if it works/didnt work.15:47
intoktbrown mate desktop15:47
tbrownintok: Sorry:) I dont understand?15:47
matt_caffeineis there a way to set the bg color of individual tmux panes?15:48
reisiomatt_caffeine: #tmux15:49
tbrownintok: Thanks I did not know that was a Desktop Enviroment Sorry About that:)15:49
intoktbrown it's Gnome2, I.E. Gnome before it sucked http://mate-desktop.org/15:49
XiaYixuanhow do I enable the displaying of  Chinese characters on Ubuntu?15:51
tbrownintok: Ya I kind of dont like the Gnome in linux mint that one sucks. It to dang big for application work and the application icons looks so like a Tablet PC. I like lxde Better then Gnome But Gnome classic I cant seem to get it to work on Ubuntu. everytime I install it on a server base I cant get it two work. The os goes back to the terminal base how can I get it two go to the desktop?15:52
reisioXiaYixuan: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/locallanguage#chinese15:52
reisioXiaYixuan: I mean they should _display_ by default15:52
reisiousing the locale system wide is another matter15:52
XiaYixuanI can see an X in a square15:53
reisioXiaYixuan: you could be missing fonts15:53
tbrownDoes anyone in here no how to change to the desktop experence when you install it on a server or do you have to install the GUI for the password. And how can I just type in the user name and password for just on the terminal and just go into a desktop session or something. Is there away to do that or am I crazy:)15:53
reisioXiaYixuan: I imagine installing from an image from the ubuntu china website would have it all configured already15:53
matt_caffeinethanks reisio- got a quick answer there.15:54
reisiotbrown: server doesn't come with the desktop stuff, IIRC15:54
XiaYixuanXChat displays the characters fine15:54
reisiotbrown: you'd have to install it15:54
XiaYixuanbut Mnemosyne does it wrong15:54
reisioXiaYixuan: okay, where do you see this X box?15:54
reisiomattgyver: booya :p15:54
CookieM_XiaYixuan http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17528/change-the-user-interface-language-in-ubuntu/15:55
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tbrownreisio: Yes I understand that I have to install the desktop envirment first I just wonder after the desktop is installed how can I get into the desktop session???15:55
reisioXiaYixuan: http://www.mnemosyne-proj.org/help/advanced-preferences.php15:55
reisiotbrown: you could: start lightdm, or run startx15:55
reisiotbrown: (or configure ~/.xinitrc and run startx, that is)15:56
tbrownreisio: I was wondering about that about startx because that works on backtrack two. But I installed the desktop experence or something and I tryed to run startx it work but it did not show the desktop or it did but it show the desktop and the mouse and when I type something it went to the bottom right corner screen:)15:57
reisiotbrown: you _are_ meant to configure ~/.xinitrc first15:58
XiaYixuanthx now it works like heaven15:58
tbrownreisio: How can I configur it first sorry am new two this stuff:)15:59
reisiosay by adding 'exec ck-launch-session gnome-session' to it (or whatever GNOME 3's executable is15:59
reisioXiaYixuan: what was it?15:59
XiaYixuanI needed to set Mnemosyne's font to be a Chinese one15:59
reisioin its own prefs?16:00
reisiok good to know16:00
reisiothere are a few fonts that support most chars16:00
reisioas in western and CJK16:01
XiaYixuanI first set it to a Japanese font, I suppose...16:01
rad_daemonI have installed Ubuntu Server 12.04. How will I install the default window manager?16:01
reisiorad_daemon: the default window manager... from the desktop edition?16:01
rad_daemonreisio, yes16:01
reisiorad_daemon: you want just the wm or the entire desktop environment?16:01
mneptokrad_daemon: that's Unity. you'll also need lightdm and other dependencies.16:02
rad_daemonreisio, the entire desktop environment16:02
reisiorad_daemon: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, IIRC16:02
mneptokrad_daemon: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:02
rad_daemonreisio, mneptok, thanks16:02
mneptokrad_daemon: be aware, that gives you a full-blown Ubuntu desktop. including LibreOffice, Firefox, and all the apps that come with a desktop install.16:03
NastyNazhow do i paste in to irssi/terminal? ctrl+v not working16:04
mneptokNastyNaz: ctl-shift-v16:04
rad_daemonmneptok, yes that's fine16:04
mneptokrad_daemon: just making sure you know.16:04
bahamashello. for ubuntu 11.10 is there a way to not have the windows of the same program lumped together?16:04
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bahamasso that when I cycle through them with alt+tab, I see all of them from the start16:05
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bahamasand I don't have to wait a few seconds on the group that I'm interested in16:05
XiaYixuancan I install Mnemosyne twice?16:05
aafgi have unresponsive dsktp 10.04 what do i do to make it responsive16:05
XiaYixuanon the same system16:05
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aafgsorry for soellig typig fom mobile16:06
reisioaafg: unresponsive?16:06
reisioXiaYixuan: to accomplish what?16:06
aafgreisio i men hanged, curors not moving nor fan i tyoe16:07
XiaYixuanreisio: nothing16:07
XiaYixuanreisio: I think it's not needed16:07
aafgsorry my spelling, i mean hanged16:07
aafgtyping from mobile, plapologies16:08
reisioXiaYixuan: probably not16:08
XiaYixuanreisio: I realized I can have more than one decks16:08
aafgapologies *16:08
reisioXiaYixuan: right16:09
reisioaafg: can you CTRL+ALT+F2 to get to a console?16:09
aafgcould qnyone help me, unresponsive ubuntu16:10
zizzucongratulation with ubuntu 12.04, best release ever, if you install nvidia drivers and use flash player u get kicked to the login screen losing all data, if you update nvidia driver with those from nvidia you see flash player video all blue and you get randomly kicked to the login screen losin all data, i gav up after i was watching a blue video and got kicked to the login screen FATALITY FTW16:10
aafgreisio nope still to no avail16:11
reisiozizzu: former is impossible, latter is nvidia's/adobe's fault :D16:11
obeluszizzu: I don't know the exact cause of your issue, but it isn't '12.04 doesn't work with nvidia drivers and flash player'16:11
Bulletrulzzizzu lol xD just use lubuntu16:11
obelusI've used 12.04 with nvidia and flash player together and not had any issues16:11
reisiousing lubuntu won't help16:11
moustafaSorry, xchat crashed16:11
Bulletrulzzizzu Probely Lieng16:12
zizzui done DD if=/dev/zero of=UBUNTU and installed FEDORA 1716:12
shazznerI've only watched flash videos in Opera which render perfectly; hope this helps16:12
oCeanzizzu: so you came just to rant, please don't continue16:12
Bulletrulzhes probely a macintosh fan boy who16:12
oCeanBulletrulz: let's move on16:12
reisioaafg: try CTRL+ALT+PrtScrn+k16:12
aafgreisio any other workaround16:12
BulletrulzHey everyone to update press alt+f416:13
reisiozizzu: that won't help you, either16:13
reisiozizzu: nvidia's driver issues and Flash sucking are universal16:13
reisionot only across all Linux distros, but across all OSes :p16:13
Bulletrulzzizzu i did not have that problem my bro had nvideo drivers16:14
qknight--hi. i have a ubuntu server system here and it seems to have no /var/log/messages before 30.5.2012 which is odd. that is the case on two servers here. do i miss something?16:14
qknight--i meant /var/log/syslog16:14
oCeanBulletrulz: your "joke" is not appreciated, don't do that here16:14
aafgreisio 10.04 wont budge even then16:14
BulletrulzoCean And Who are you? lol16:14
oCean!guidelines > Bulletrulz16:14
ubottuBulletrulz, please see my private message16:14
oCeanI suggest you read our channel's guidelines before you continue16:15
Bulletrulzlol no16:15
qknight--i see a file /var/log/syslog and /var/log/syslog.1 as well as 7 other files nameed /var/log/syslog.2.gz to /var/log/syslog.7.gz16:15
reisioaafg: well you could fix it from the live image16:15
Bulletrulzill stop though16:15
Bulletrulzhello boby16:15
bobyIs there a french Chan for Ubuntu (as Ubuntu-fr or smth else?)16:15
bahamasit looks like the tab behavior is done on purpose and there's no way around it16:15
oCean!fr | boby16:16
ubottuboby: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:16
reisiointeresting location for that16:16
aafgreissio, others please help me16:18
KinenkayaoCean: thank you16:18
reisioaafg: boot up the Ubuntu install image, use the 'Try' option, get back on IRC and we can take it from there16:18
aafgreisio this is dual boot, does 8.*  suffice cd16:20
reisioaafg: does what?16:21
aafgreisio 8.* install cd suffice, i have to search in house16:22
KochonHi um, I upgraded Ubuntu to the latest version, and throughout the process it asked me on which drive I wanted to put grub, so I picked the drive on which Ubuntu is installed, but now it won't boot at all, I'm stuck :( can anyone help?16:22
reisioaafg: oh, yes16:22
reisioaafg: virtually any live image16:22
reisioKochon: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:23
KochonI didnt install windows but I guess you're pointing me there just so I repair grub, thanks!16:23
reisioKochon: it's the same process regardless16:24
reisioreinstalling grub is reinstalling grub :D16:24
* reisio didn't pick the URI16:24
Kochonalright I'll try that, thanks a bunch16:24
tbrownGoing to install LXDE Desktop Envirement on Ubuntu Minimal. Am reading an article on Ubuntu Forums. So Does anyone else like LXDE or XFCE Desktop Experence. I like them both:)16:25
dr3mrohow to make an applications not to use compiz animation like audacious ?16:26
reisiotbrown: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelubuntu16:28
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reisiodr3mro: #compiz16:29
tbrownreisio: Hardy Heron 8.04 am installing and reading an article on how to install it on it it okay I got it I dont need any help on this project lol:) Just giving people heads up on what am doing:)16:31
reisio8.04? :/16:31
reisio...you sure you don't need help?16:32
reisio'cause... that version is four years old16:32
oCeanand not longer supported16:32
Happy_Mantry 12.0416:32
Happy_Manit's four years better :P16:32
tbrownreisio: That is true:) But it is LTS so I can upgrade anytime:)16:33
reisiofrom the server edition you could16:33
reisiofor another year, sure16:33
bakaratif i set up a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces, it works great...until i reboot, has something changed concerning static ips in 12.04?16:34
reisiobakarat: what happens when you reboot?16:34
reisiohi Luca16:35
bakaratreisio, well, in general it seems to uses dhcp again though a few days ago i had the weird effect of my pc telling me i had x.x.x.69 (while the fixed one is x.x.x.100) and i could still ping 69 &10016:35
bakaratreisio, but basically the system thinks (and acts) like it uses dhcp again16:35
LucaI have seen some screenshots of the ubuntu installer with an option install alongside Windows, do I have to prepare unpartitioned free space in windows for that to work?16:35
bakarat(i'm not an expert so sorry for being "vague")16:36
reisiobakarat: how're you determining it's using dhcp again?16:36
LucaI tried Wubi but I want a proper install since wubi was horribly slow16:36
reisioLuca: I believe it's meant to resize for you16:36
bakaratreisio, well it's a guess based on the fact that it gets the same address it had before i made it static. I have not monitored actual network traffic to see dhcp requests going out16:36
reisioLuca: you should defrag NTFS volumes from inside Windows beforehand, though16:36
Dr_WillisLuca:  check how your hard drives are partioned now. if you have 4 primary partions. you will need to do some work by hand16:36
reisioLuca: and backup anything you can't live without, as resizing is not 100000% safe16:36
bakaratreisio, also, if i restart the networking and network-manager (or combination thereof), it goes back to the static one16:36
reisiobakarat: so ifconfig doesn't show the IP you set it to be?16:37
SilverWolfXIIIok so i loaded my live 12.04 disk and now all it is showing is a black screen with a cursor in the upper left corner any suggestions16:37
bakaratreisio, indeed, until i restart the /etc/init.d/networking & network manager16:37
reisioSilverWolfXIII: what're you trying to do?16:37
reisiobakarat: and then it is?16:37
SilverWolfXIIItest it to see if it runs before install16:38
reisios/is/does show the ip you set/16:38
bakaratreisio, ye seems to be ok then16:38
reisioSilverWolfXIII: nvidia card?16:38
SilverWolfXIIIyea gtx 550 ti16:38
reisiobakarat: maybe networkmanager is getting in the way, hum16:38
bakaratreisio, any chance that network manager is doing something it shouldn't? (i have no clue how it works)16:38
SilverWolfXIIIis that the problem i have debian installed but to advanced for me16:38
reisioSilverWolfXIII: my guess is it's trying to use nouveau (an open source driver that's less problematic to distribute) and it isn't quite familiar with that hardware configuration16:39
bakaratreisio, is it actually used for anything else or would it be safe/possible to shut network manager down?16:39
reisioSilverWolfXIII: so you'd want to use the proprietary nvidia driver16:39
reisioSilverWolfXIII: too advanced, they're like... practically the same16:39
SilverWolfXIIIhow do i doenload a live disk with the other driver16:39
reisiobakarat: mostly it's used for wireless network management16:39
reisiobakarat: you use wireless networks with this box?16:39
bakaratreisio, ah, it's on a desktop computer so not a problem16:39
reisioSilverWolfXIII: you don't usually :)16:39
reisioSilverWolfXIII: it's completely black?16:39
reisioSilverWolfXIII: you could install from the 'alternate' install image, possibly16:40
reisiowhich theoretically puts fewer demands on the gpu during install16:40
SilverWolfXIIIyea all black16:40
reisiobakarat: you could try disabling networkmanager from starting at bootup, reboot and see if that helps16:40
SilverWolfXIIIwith a blinking cursor16:40
bakaratreisio, ye will do, thanks :)16:40
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:40
reisioSilverWolfXIII: like a rectangle?16:40
reisiodoesn't sound like it got very far, then16:41
SilverWolfXIIIubottu: thanks16:41
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:41
Dr_WillisSilverWolfXIII:  the nomodeset option is needed for some nvidia systems16:41
bakarati don't know if the post has simply faded into the background or there is genuinly no advice, but could something look at my dual screen problem that emerged with 12.04? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11979654)16:41
SilverWolfXIIIno i saw the start of the boot and then it went to the black cursor screen16:41
Dr_WillisSilverWolfXIII:  definatly try the nomodeset option16:41
SilverWolfXIIIit gives me no options at this point it hasnt gone to the boot choice screen yet16:42
SilverWolfXIIIthis is happening as it loads the disk from boot16:42
Dr_WillisSilverWolfXIII:  read the info at the nomodeset wiki page. it shows you how to use it.16:42
Dr_Willisyou tell it to use nomodeset befor the main os boots16:42
Lucahmm I wouldnt have enough space on C: to resize anyway, can it also install and resize on a different partition?16:43
Dr_WillisLuca:  you can install ubuntu on any partition.16:43
SilverWolfXIIIthis is happening as it boots to cd from bios screen16:43
Dr_WillisLuca:  you could install to a external usb hd if you wnated.16:43
Lucathat would be silly? the bootloader would be on the external hdd and required to boot either OS?16:44
SilverWolfXIIIim doing a dual boot with win 7 so i want to get rid of debian cuz i dunno enough yet to use it and dual boot with ubuntu and win 716:45
JancooverHi there :) I have a problem with installing new software on my ubuntu 10.10. How shall I install programs from tar.gz2 packages? Is there any command?16:45
Dr_WillisLuca:  i dont find it silly at all. I got ubuntu on my external usb. with grub on the external usb. I can boot that ubuntu system on most any pc i have.16:45
Happy_Mani'd like to run a user job through upstart16:45
Happy_Mani've changed around by Upstart.conf16:46
Dr_WillisLuca:  the windows hd and bootloader for windows is not touched at all16:46
Happy_Manbut it still doesn't seem to be working16:46
tbrownInstalling gedit to go into the /etc/apt/sources.list to put in some commands:)16:46
Lucaorly interesting16:46
JancooverHi there :) I have a problem with installing new software on my ubuntu 10.10. How shall I install programs from tar.gz2 packages? Is there any command?16:46
MonkeyDust10.10| Jancoover16:46
reisioSilverWolfXIII: you said :)16:47
MonkeyDust!10.10| Jancoover16:47
ubottuJancoover: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.16:47
Dr_WillisJancoover:  you compile source code - if thats whats in teh archive.16:47
Dr_WillisJancoover:  so it depends on whats in the archive.16:47
Dr_WillisJancoover:  and its a good idea to upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu16:47
Jancooverthere is a lot of different stuff in the archive16:47
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Dr_WillisJancoover:  look for some docs on how to cimouike uit.16:48
windbuntuUbuntu 12.04 is installed to HD on my desktop as the stand alone OS. it takes less than a minute to boot up but on the way up...when the purple boot screen says ubuntu, and the little dots flow past, a message appears stsating that my disk drive is not ready or not present...then it boots up after that anyway?16:48
Dr_Williscompile it.. or whatever it is..16:48
abkarchhey guys? if i installed ubuntu along windows 7, does it install on the same partition? because i have two unlabed and unlettered partitions in my drive, that according to windows are empty. I just want to know if i can delete them16:48
reisioabkarch: if they don't have data on them that you want, you can delete them16:49
stuengdid you use wubi ? abkarch ?16:49
windbuntui am curious as to how ubuntu 12.04 boots up if it think my disk is not present. I am also curious why it thinks its not present.16:49
stuengwindows cant see ext4 etc so they are not going to have letters etc16:49
stuengso  I wouldnt delete them...16:50
reisiowindbuntu: from the live image?16:50
abkarchstueng: no16:50
Jancoover.wik partition16:50
windbuntuno its installed to my HD as the stand alone OS reiso16:50
windbuntui gave it the whole drive16:50
stuengabkarch, then no ubuntu would not be on the same partition as windows it will be somewhere else16:50
windbuntuexcept for a 1 gig swap16:50
reisiowindbuntu: it must not be on the disk you think it's telling you isn't present16:50
stuengabkarch, go into ubuntu where you can see all the different partitions and mount them and figure out from ubuntu rather than windows what you can delete16:50
windbuntui only have 1 HD reiso and this is not a dual boot16:51
reisiowindbuntu: what's it telling you, exactly?16:51
windbuntuits says the disk is not or or not present (ubuntu telling me this then boom it goes to desktop shortly after)16:52
stuengabkarch, you can probably delete the one marked as free space but not the others16:52
stuengdo it form ubuntu, it will make more sense16:52
windbuntuill reboot and try to write it down but it only says it for a couple seconds BRB reiso16:52
reisiostueng: you can delete any that don't have data you want on them, except for the first two (far left) which you'll probably want16:52
stuengreisio, so where do you imagine his ubuntu installation is ?16:53
abkarchreisio, liol i think i want those :D but ima go to ubuntu to check just to be sure, wouldnt want to delete anything accidentally16:53
reisiostueng: I don't imagine it is anywhere16:53
tbrownI install gedit but when I type in sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list it says " Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.:( Can some tell me if am doing this wrong...16:53
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abkarchima go with stueng on this one16:54
stuenggood idea abk16:54
Picitbrown: you should be using gksudo for graphical applications.16:54
reisioit's an idea, anyways :p16:54
stuenggtg... later16:54
jmcshi is anyone else having trouble login in msn in empathy and pidgin?16:55
lelouchHeLLO all i have a question if i upgrad my system from 11.10 to 12.04 i will lose data in hard drive ?16:55
tbrownPici: How would you say that ass a command " gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list "16:55
lelouchif  i upgrad my system from 11.10 to 12.04 i will lose data in hard drive ?16:56
Picitbrown: yes.16:56
asciicmdrIf you upgrade with upgrade manager, you will not loose anything.16:56
lelouchasciicmdr: just upgrad with update system16:57
bakarat*cough* dual screen issue *cough* (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11979654)16:57
tbrownpici: when I try to install it as sudo apt-get install gksudo. Or am I doing that wrong is it already on there16:57
asciicmdrlelouch: correct16:57
Picitbrown: it should already be on your system.16:58
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windbuntui guess it only does it sometimes, it didnt say it that time, but when it does say it, it says : "the dev/sda (soemthing like that) is not runiing or is not present" ...it says someting very similar to that, then it just moves on and i always boot to ubuntu desktop.16:58
Dr_Willisbakarat:  you could summarize the problem. ;)16:58
lelouchasciicmdr: thanks ;)16:58
jardineworksnon liferay but driving me nuts XSLT question if anyone is up for it16:58
michael__ Wingma[]16:59
jardineworksmy client, who is an absolute asshole by the way, has the stupidest XML output I have ever seen that I am trying to transform. Like it's epic. Anyway, I select a node at the path /ADI/Metadata/AMS -- that works. This node has two asstributes, Asset_Class and Asset_ID ...17:00
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bakaratDr_Willis, i'll try :) basically i have had a dual screen setup since at least 9.04, but it is dead in 12.04 (using both free and proprietary drivers). the card is an nvidia 8600gts, with the opensource driver i get a "fuzzy" second screen where the resolution seems way out of wack (even though xrandr claims it's ok), with the proprietary driver i get a black secondary screen. (screenshots taken on the system with both drivers look like a funct17:00
bakarationing dual screen setup)17:00
windbuntuso there must be a moment in time when ubuntu cannot sence my HD then it catched up and moves on...just an observation. i have been using ubuntu here and there (basics only) since 8.04 and i have never seen that, just wondered.17:00
tbrownPici: I had to install Sudo apt-get install gksu17:00
jardineworksnow, my select I assume means I have the AMS node. Does anyone know how I reference the attributes of the node I have?17:00
BobMarleycan somebody give me the link to the source code of the linux kernel that initializes the BSP and the AP?17:00
bakaratDr_Willis, i have tried using the screen on another pc or as standalone and it works great, so it's not a hardware problem (it hink)17:00
bakarat(the xrandr output is posted in the link if necessary)17:01
wwdguys i am trying to test read speed from my system.. i was thinking rsync'ing large files to /dev/null but rysnc says i can't use more than one file to a non-directory…. how would you test read speed on your system?17:02
ActionParsnipwwd: sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda17:02
ethekusing unity/ nautilus is there a way for the Move To feature in the right click menu to be customized... ie include Documents , Music and Pictures Folders17:02
Dr_Willisbakarat:  what kind of monitor?17:02
tbrownAm getting a Warning when I type in Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open diskplay: While typing in gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list17:02
ActionParsnipethek: you can use nautilus-scripts17:03
Dr_Willistbrown:  you logged into X as a user?17:03
ActionParsniptbrown: are you connected via SSH?17:03
wwdActionParsnip: cool, will look into it17:03
bakaratDr_Willis, it's a packard bell but i can't quite remember which version. I'd have to plug it in to check17:03
bakaratDr_Willis, i'll plug it in and hope x doesn't crash (it can become quite unstable with the free driver)17:04
tbrownDr_Willis: ActionParsnip: Do you mean as root or something. And I dont know what ssh is?17:04
Dr_Willisbakarat:  so its a old CRT?17:04
Dr_Willistbrown:  how did you login>?17:04
bakaratDr_Willis, no regular flat screen through HDMI (the other screen is using DVI)-17:04
ActionParsniptbrown: are you sat and logged in to the same system as you are running the commands on?17:05
ActionParsniptbrown: nothing to do with root here:)17:05
Dr_Willisbakarat:  ive seen some nvidia sysems  requier both monitors plugged in when the system boots up17:05
bakaratDr_Willis, i could give it another shot but i've reboot multiple times while fiddling with both free and nvidia drivers (with both screens plugged in)17:05
bakaratdidn't seem to make much of a difference17:05
bakaratDr_Willis, the second screen is identified as PKB 24" if that helps...17:06
tbrownDr_Willis: when I started my system it said type in your user name and password so I did and I got login. And then I type in sudo su and type in the root password to make it root so???17:06
bakaratDr_Willis, btw, i know that "fuzzy" is rather vague, but basically the letters are semi-bolded, slightly distorted, border thickness ranges from 0 to 2 pixels instead of a steady 1 pixel etc17:07
ActionParsniptbrown: there is no root password, using sudo su   uses YOUR password, not roots17:07
tbrownActionParsnip: I dont know what you meen while login to the same system I have one system and am login as one user I think it is the administrator user what ever I did on the setup installion:)17:07
Picitbrown: This is a server install?17:07
bakaratDr_Willis, also interestingly, the screen actually complains that it is not running in the "optimal resolution" which is 1920x1080 (though xrandr says it is)17:07
windbuntu"Disk Drive / not ready yet or not available"17:07
windbuntuand options to wait,skip or manually recover---thats what it says reiso!17:07
tbrownPici: No it was a miniamle iso 12MB of 8.04?17:08
Picitbrown: Fine, no graphical environment then.17:08
ActionParsniptbrown: thats why then, you have no gui to use gksudo with.17:09
Picitbrown: Then you can't use a graphical editor like gedit, just use nano or vim or whatever you like to modify your sources.list.  sudo alone will work with those.17:09
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Dr_Willistbrown:  dont use sudo su. use sudo -s as needed for a root shell.17:09
Dr_Willistbrown:  and theres no need to use sudo -s for a simple editing of a file17:09
ActionParsniptbrown: I'd suggest considering a newer release17:09
ActionParsniphi unRar17:09
tbrownPici: what is the command for nano is it sudo nano /etc/ what ever the source is:)17:10
Picitbrown: yes.17:10
unpersonHow do I change the icon used for an application in the launcher?17:10
tbrownPici: Thanks17:11
canderyhello, new to the linux community, just installed 12.04, i have multiple machines running in the house aswell, just curious on what uses could i put to my linux box, and possibly any tips on my future linux journey :)17:11
unpersonI googled it but what I found seemed way too convoluted (involving gconf, etc.).  I have to believe that there's some easier way.17:11
unpersoncandery, Welcome.  Honestly, there are so many uses they can be put to it's a hard question to answer.17:12
reisiocandery: take your pick17:12
ActionParsnipcandery: you could use apt-cache to setup a local repo to speed up updates as well as speed up updates locally :)17:12
reisiocandery: give it a bluetooth/wireless connection, hook it up to speakers and have it greet you when you walk in the door17:13
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Dr_Williscandery:  if you have several ubuntu bxs you may want to set one up as a apt-cacher server to save on download bandwith.17:13
unpersoncandery, You can use a linux machine as a DVR (using e.g. myth TV), you can run a web server, you can...well, do almost anything.17:13
Squarismis there any way to free physical mem other than killing processes?17:14
ksbalajiPlease help with mount problem. Unable to run any of system applications.17:14
Dr_Willisexcept watch netflix.... ;P17:14
bakaratDr_Willis, do you have any other suggestion? otherwise i'll try rebooting again with both drivers (thanks for your help btw)17:14
canderywow so many options! lol17:14
reisioyou could watch netflix, but it's not simple or cheap17:14
ksbalajiCannot run synaptic, apt-get etc.17:15
reisioplenty of netflix alternatives that are, though17:15
Dr_Willisbakarat:  other day guy was fighting with nvidia dual monitors.. he swaped them.. and they started working. :) go figure. I never have had any issued with dual moniutors17:15
reisioyou can definitely finesse nvidia-settings17:16
reisiobut you can also use it as designed :p17:16
bakaratDr_Willis, me neither until 12.04. i read that the "old" nvidia driver no longer works with the new xorg (or something) and the new nvidia driver does not support older models, 8xxx should still be supported though. i would switch the monitors but only one of them has a hdmi input :(17:17
ksbalajiMy top panel shows application -no dropdown menu. Places - ok. System = only help and support, about Gnome and about Ubuntu.17:17
Dr_Willisbakarat:  not really tried it on any older machines. so cant really say17:17
bakaratthese days, is nvidia or amd a better investment (for work/dual monitor etc, not for gaming)?17:17
Dr_Willisid avoid ati17:17
Dr_Willisintel can work well for normal work. ;017:18
bakaratthis may sound stupid but can you actually buy standalone intel cards? or is it all built in?17:18
canderyis there anything i can do to use my linux box to add security to my other machines?17:18
Dr_Willisbakarat:  nonot seen any stand alone intel. there was rumors of them  a year or so ago.. but never seen any17:18
bakaratcandery, you could set it up as a firewall...if you're adventurous enough17:18
Dr_Williscandery:  most likely - not needed  :)17:19
intokAnyone know why DeVeDe will transcode anything I like even 1920x1080 H.264 video to MPEG2 or Divx MPEG4 just fine, but both Artista and Transmagedon crash trying to transcode anything?17:19
canderybakarat:, Dr_Willis : my other machines are windows, but okay hehe17:19
Dr_Willisintok:  how about winff?17:19
bakaratcandery, doesn't matter what the other machines run in the firewall setup17:19
intokDr_Willis never heard of it17:20
Dr_Willisarista has been working very well for me - been plaing with it all week17:20
Dr_Willis!info winff17:20
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-1 (precise), package size 1728 kB, installed size 5431 kB17:20
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canderybakarat: if i make my linux box into a firewall, can i still use it or will it only be used for a firewall17:20
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bakaratDr_Willis, can't imagine it'll be easy to find a mobo (with built-in intel) that still works for my old pc17:20
Dr_Williswonder what tools devede use.17:20
bakaratcandery, depends how you set it up, you could likely still use it as a regular machine17:21
bakaratcandery, but i think setting it up as a firewall is overkill, your router should be good enough17:21
bakaratfor regular home use anyway17:21
canderybakarat: okay, makes sense.17:21
Dr_Willisdlna video server via ushare, plex, or other tools = is a handy use for Linux ;)17:22
tbrownMan am felling wered with this 5 hr energy man it kind of kicking my ass:)17:22
ksbalajimount error :http://pastebin.com/QrdAV1Mm please help.17:22
bakaratcandery, perhaps the best thing for the server is something like a file server, use samba to share with windows pcs17:23
gabriel_do you know how to install lexmark z617 on xubuntu?17:23
bakaratcandery, it's nice to be able to stream a movie from anywhere in your house whether it be on your main media center, laptop or cellphone (in my experience anyway :))17:23
asciicmdrtbrown: chase it with a redbull.17:23
canderybakarat: hmm that sounds interesting.17:24
bakaratcandery, in my setup all my devices use linux & sftp to mount the central file server files, but samba should do the trick i assume17:24
bakaratwas there a magic sysrq combination to kill x?17:25
eynetroi heard that ubuntu is going to be making a smart phone OS17:25
bakarateynetro, one can hope17:26
Jordan_Ubakarat: alt+sysrk+K will kill whatever is running on the current tty.17:26
bakaratJordan_U, ah sweet, thanks :)17:26
Jordan_Ubakarat: You're welcome :)17:26
eynetrothat would be pretty sweet though17:27
ksbalajiHow do I get back my applications dropdown menu please?17:28
bakaratksbalaji, like gnome 2 you mean?17:28
MonkeyDust!notunity| ksbalaji17:28
ubottuksbalaji: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:28
tbrownI got a message while installing LXDE: Configuring uswsusp  The swap file or partition that was found in uswusp's configuration file is not active. In most caes this means usersspace software susspend will not work for you and you will need to choose (or let uswsusp choose) another swap space. In some corner cases however, this can be what you want. Continue without a valid swap space? Yes Or No17:28
* Dr_Willis is not sure why ksbalaji pastebind his mount info17:28
bakaratksbalaji, in regular gnome 3 (not unity), this extension looks marvelous: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/327/axe-menu/17:29
ksbalajibakarat, I do not get u. I am unable to open synaptic. some files are not mounted I feel. Dr_Willis some files not mounted..17:30
tbrownI got a message while installing LXDE: Configuring uswsusp  The swap file or partition that was found in uswusp's configuration file is not active. In most caes this means usersspace software susspend will not work for you and you will need to choose (or let uswsusp choose) another swap space. In some corner cases however, this can be what you want. Continue without a valid swap space? Yes Or No17:30
MonkeyDust!repeat| tbrown17:31
ubottutbrown: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:31
asciicmdrtbrown: does your system have a swap filesystem?17:33
ksbalajibakarat, Dr_Willis, mine is LTS 10.4 - something went wrong and I am unable to use update etc. I feel some files have not been mounted. How to check please?17:33
tbrownasciicmdr: I dont know what that is. Is it do with the hard drive or something. Because I dont think I made one in the future of the installion?17:34
Dr_Willisksbalaji:  you mount filesystems..17:35
tbrownwhen I type in startlxde it not doing anything it not even loading or giving me a error:( I think it is frozen or something. Can Someone tell me if I did something wrong. I installed the interface meaning the lxde.17:37
ksbalajiDr_Willis, when I try to open synaptic, I get error notification: E: Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - open (2: No such file or directory)E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.E: _cache->open() failed, please report.17:37
ksbalajiDr_Willis, How to find what has not been mounted on boot up? How to mount the left things please?17:38
ozpyHi. Does anybody knows if  with the new UEFI will affect Ubuntu? Will Ubuntu capitulate just like Fedora?17:38
MaynardWatersI am trying to using the usb-creator-gtk to make a persistent usb , I have the iso loaded and the usb drive selected, but the bottom part continues to be greyed out, any suggestions how to remedy?17:39
Jordan_Uozpy: This channel is for technical support, not speculation on future descisions. Try #ubuntu-offtopic.17:40
Jordan_Uozpy: You're welcome.17:40
TRANEXhow are you?17:40
Jordan_UTRANEX: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?17:41
ksbalajiI tried to repair broken packages. The app quit midway. I do not know what has gone wrong.17:41
Bulletrulzi need help17:42
Bulletrulzi wanna play minecraft17:42
reisioagreed, you need "help" :p17:42
Bulletrulzi cannt open it17:42
reisiowhat happens when you try to?17:42
Bulletrulzlol xD\17:42
Bulletrulznothing at all17:43
Jordan_UMaynardWaters: What filesystem is the partition on the USB drive?17:43
Bulletrulzit does not open ?17:43
reisioBulletrulz: try running it from a terminal17:43
Bulletrulzresio how?17:43
Jordan_UMaynardWaters: Also note that a "persistant" LiveUSB is not the same as a real install, and among other things can't be upgraded properly. If you have the space available I would recommend doing a normal install to the USB if you plan to use it as a normal system.17:44
reisioBulletrulz: CTRL+ALT+t17:44
reisioBulletrulz: then type 'minecraft' and hit enter17:44
reisioBulletrulz: or dpkg -L minecraft | grep -i bin to get an alternative executable name17:44
tbrownMy terminal is not opening in a windows or nothing. What is going on:(17:44
reisiotbrown: hrmm?17:45
MaynardWatersJordan_U: I formatted in ext417:45
tbrownreisio: I installed the LXDE and the interface is working. But it has a button for the terminal and I click it and nothing:(17:46
Bulletrulzbrandon@ubuntu:~$ /home/brandon/minecraft.jar17:46
Bulletrulzbash: /home/brandon/minecraft.jar: Permission denied17:46
Jordan_UMaynardWaters: I don't think that USB Creator supports ext4, though you could set something up manually (or switch to FAT32).17:46
smw_how do I mount sftp shares in gnome?17:46
Bulletrulzi get that17:46
smw_I used to know how... in an old ubuntu17:46
MaynardWatersJordan_U: I would also like to do the normal install, I have teh 11.04-1386.iso, and the correct device, but it just .... ooo no ext417:46
Jordan_UMaynardWaters: Why are you installing 11.04 rather than 12.04 LTS?17:47
reisiotbrown: install lxterminal from universe17:47
MaynardWaterssmw_: there is usually a connect to server under one of the drop down menus that has a windows shareand sftp option17:47
smw_Myrtti, how about on gnome-shell?17:47
MaynardWatersJordan_U: in my experience 11.04 is less resurce intensive17:48
WarOfTheNerdMaynardWaters, O_o17:48
smw_MaynardWaters, nm, I figured it out17:48
WarOfTheNerdMaynardWaters, How do you guess that 11.04 is less resource intensive?17:48
ksbalajiDr_Willis, May be I try my luck another time. Till then no updates, no system utilities etc!17:48
tbrownreisio: I dont have the store I cant get the brower to work eather. Do you want me to restart the computer and try again:(17:48
Jordan_UMaynardWaters: Using old versions of software to get less resource usage is a little silly when you're using GNU/Linux. Have you tried LUbuntu or Xubuntu?17:49
reisiotbrown: first I want you to stop impersonating a little frowning girl17:49
reisiotbrown: the browser doesn't work, or the network doesn't?17:49
Bulletrulzshould i use sunjdk to play minecraft17:49
MaynardWatersJordan_U: I have not, if you recommend those then I will give them a try17:49
reisioBulletrulz: you should use icedtea if you can help it17:49
WarOfTheNerdBulletrulz, no17:49
WarOfTheNerdBulletrulz, look on the Minecraft website dude17:49
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WarOfTheNerdBulletrulz, you're not running it the way you're meant to based on what the developer even says17:49
Bulletrulzok idk what im supposed to do17:50
MaynardWatersJordan_U: thanks a bunch, i was pounding my head against the ext4 for a while17:50
Bulletrulzsund jdk lets me run it on mint17:50
reisioBulletrulz: did you run it from a terminal yet?17:50
Bulletrulzim trying icedtea but its not working17:50
Bulletrulzreisio minecraft does not work17:51
reisioBulletrulz: you said17:51
reisioBulletrulz: did you run it from a terminal yet?17:51
WarOfTheNerdMaynardWaters, try the following:  java -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame17:51
Bulletrulzit comes in a .jar file17:51
WarOfTheNerderr sorry17:51
reisioBulletrulz: ah17:51
WarOfTheNerdBulletrulz* try java -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame17:51
WarOfTheNerdthen it will execute properly17:51
Bulletrulzwarofthenerd Error: Could not find or load main class net.minecraft.LauncherFrame17:52
WarOfTheNerdBulletrulz, try java Minecraft.jar on its own17:53
eynetrowhen people talk about adding language support does it just mean changing the layout of the keyboard so they can write in their given script of choice or does it mean it changes the language displayed?17:53
Bulletrulznothing loads UP!17:53
Bulletrulzi guess ill try sunjdk17:54
WarOfTheNerdBulletrulz, one last try:  chmod 755 Minecraft.jar17:54
WarOfTheNerdBulletrulz, then ./Minecraft.jar will execute17:54
WarOfTheNerdThe thing is, Notch changed the minecraft launcher.  The one I used at the time Minecraft first came out as Beta worked just fine on OpenJDK JRE17:55
LucaHello. I tried the "Install Ubuntu alongside W7" option but at first it only detected the USB HDD, when I disconnected that, and restarted install it detected the internal HDD, but it didn't let me move the "slider", then I selected to exit/quit and it came up with "that ther was an internal error" with ubiquity or sth17:55
biebI have a print issue.. I am using Crossover office to provide MS Office to students (required from higher-ups).. office works fine.. but when I try to print from ms-office (word, excel and powerpoint) it prints a blank page, then an error page... Error: undefinedresult   Offending Command: awidthshow   STACK: 0 0 32 0 0. Printing uses wineps. but printing from Libre works fine..17:56
Bulletrulzi wanna plat minecraft17:57
windbuntutry xbox17:57
WarOfTheNerdBulletrulz, what does it say when you try to run it?17:57
Bulletrulzit wont start how to install sun jdk17:58
asciicmdrBulletrulz: try this : java -jar Minecraft.jar17:58
n-iCehi, anyone with a mac product? iphone ipod ipaD? wondering is there is a way to upgrade ios on those decives using linux17:58
WarOfTheNerdasciicmdr, my bad.. forgot about that :$17:58
asciicmdrI am using openjdk and minecraft server runs like a champ.17:58
reision-iCe: none that wouldn't be far outside the scope of this channel17:59
reisiotry #macosx17:59
Bulletrulzyay asiiccii it worked18:00
guest2010Hello, my mouse pad has stopped working in ubuntu18:04
guest2010though it works in windows18:04
n-iCeguest2010: stops, when18:04
guest2010and in  my previous backup ubuntu versions18:04
xanguaguest2010: did you disable it with your function key¿18:05
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guest2010xangua:  its workin now thanks18:05
j_ellyubuntu 11.04: no video signal on extern monitor via hdmi, no hardware - problem with hdmi - works with win 718:06
j_ellyhardware is asus notebook; shows blank screen if extern monitor is connected via hdmi; no signal to extern monitor18:07
j_ellyany experiences with that?18:08
MaynardWatersj_elly: checked bios?18:10
j_ellyyes - no bios switch for nvidia/intel18:10
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j_ellyalthough i didnt change anything in bios, maybe driver problem? hdmi-connection tomonitor was ok with fresh installation of ubuntu 11.04 from dvd, changed after recent update i think18:13
jamesbond_hi dear friends18:14
j_ellydont know exactly when bec using ubuntu 11.04 since mid-201118:14
halakarhey guise18:14
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halakarhey guise.  I want to slap Windows 8 on my rig, but I already have ubuntu installed.  Anything I need to do?  I heard Windows 8 plays nicely with other OSes and that it'll have an entry in the boot loader for Ubuntu.18:14
j_ellyhi mr bond how is your gold-finger?18:14
jamesbond_im having problems to play pokerstars on Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 LTS some one can help me how to fix18:15
Picihalakar: You'll need to reinstall grub after installing windows.  Normally Windows will overwrite the bootloader, and grub will not automatically detect it until you do the reinstall anyway.18:15
Picihalakar: see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:15
j_ellyas long as you dont slap girls you can slap win8 with ubuntu as dualboor18:16
jamesbond_im having problems to play pokerstars on Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 LTS some one can help me how to fix18:16
j_ellypokerstars is a browser game?18:16
nixboxi am using network namespaces using the "unshare -n" command, but how do I access the information about the interfaces created in a different network namespace? is there a way to "attach" to that network namespace? In other words is there a way to create a process that belongs to the tree of a specific process?18:16
jamesbond_old ubuntu version i have install the wine than pokerstars18:17
jamesbond_and it works perfect18:17
jamesbond_now i instal and when i try to run doesnt run18:18
jamesbond_j_elly can you help me please18:19
Jordan_UMaynardWaters: I'm currently running LUbuntu with no noticable latency for the tasks I do (web browsing and working with the terminal) on a laptop with a Pentium M, integrated Intel graphics, and 100 MiB of RAM. If you're looking for a light but modern system, LUbuntu is great.18:20
Jordan_UMaynardWaters: (That's LUbuntu 12.04).18:21
reisio100, sheesh18:21
j_ellyi'm sorry no, i don't have wine installed either nor playing games with ubuntu, using win7 on dualboot system instead18:21
Jordan_U!wine | jamesbond_18:21
ubottujamesbond_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:21
reisioWine is, anyways18:21
nixboxJordan_U: 100M of RAM, wow18:22
Jordan_UMaynardWaters: nixbox: reisio: OK, I made a huge mistake and misread "1001" as "101" in free -m. It's 1 GiB on the machine I'm currently working with. I have Used LUbuntu on a machine that really had 128 MiB of RAM though.18:25
numberto1ubuntu crashes everytime I start skype or skypetab. Ubuntu 12.0418:26
aondmmdobry vecer18:26
reisioJordan_U: okay :)18:26
j_ellythats a lot of ra, how you fill that with data?18:26
j_ellyram sorry18:26
numberto1aondmm: ubuntu-ru18:26
reisio1GB still isn't "a lot" and LXDE is nice regardless18:27
reisiobut '100mb' definitely made me wonder :p18:27
asciicmdrheh, nice18:27
L3top"a lot" is a relative term.18:27
nixboxJordan_U: happens :)18:28
j_ellydo you know any term that is not relative anyway?18:28
numberto1anybody had problem with skype here?18:28
j_ellyno i do not skype so no problem18:28
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halakarj_elly, so you're sayin' i just slap win8 on there and it'll config it's bootloader with Ubuntu as a choice, ya ?18:29
j_ellyi dont know, installed ubuntu after win7 has been already on partition and grub did very well in writing bootconfig for ubuntu and win so why i should not work with win 8 if you do like it has been said befor - installing grub after win 818:30
j_ellyi = it sorry18:31
Jordan_Uhalakar: Follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#ChRoot to restore GRUB after Windows clobbers it.18:31
j_ellyso that should be fin with win8 also18:32
j_ellybut i still wonder how you slap win8? maybe thats the right threatment for a microsoft product but how you do that?18:33
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rolandbam i safe to assume that adding a lubuntu install to a USB stick just requires a seperate partition and a GRUB edit?18:40
reisiorolandb: I wouldn't be surprised if you can dd it like other Ubuntu images18:41
bolosaurexport SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=018:41
bolosaurCan someone please explain what this does?18:41
j_ellybut youre not safe anyway18:42
j_ellyif it requires it or not :)18:42
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rolandbreisio, dd or add?18:46
bolosaurIs it possible to create an executable file that - when I double-click it - will execute a terminal command?18:46
bolosaurso i can place it on my desktop18:46
reisiorolandb: dd18:46
escottbolosaur, just create a script that calls to gnome-terminal18:47
j_ellyexport SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=018:47
bolosaurgnome-terminal is not in the list of associated apps18:48
Guest53670What's up for ubuntu 10.04?18:49
reisiodunno, what's up18:49
schultza what's the package for jdk 6?18:49
bolosaurOK escott I managed to associate my .sh file with the terminal18:50
domedagenIs my driver not installed if it can't be found with lsmod?18:50
bolosaurbut when i double-click it it just opens a regular terminal window18:50
bolosaurit doesn't actually execute the script18:50
tuxgeekgnome shell ROCKS!18:50
delacbolosaur: you dont have to do the association. just mark it as executable in the permissions tab18:51
j_ellytyping export SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0 before starting the game will disable hardware dga mouse18:51
Guest53670eclipse problem18:51
Bulletrulzhelp i have a problem when i try to start minecraft18:51
domedagenBulletrulz: What is happening?18:52
Bulletrulzdom i run it from the terminal and press enter game and it just stays black screen18:52
ubuntu_64bithi alll18:52
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bolosaurdelac: That worked, thanks18:54
domedagenBulletrulz: What if you launch it in GUI?18:54
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670, helllooo18:54
Bulletrulzi think it is openjdks fault18:54
bolosaurHowever, when I "execute" it, it completely ignores the contents of the script18:54
bolosaurbut if i do18:54
bolosaurbash scriptname.sh from within a terminal18:54
bolosaurit registers it18:54
bolosaurhow can that be?18:54
FloodBot1bolosaur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:54
Guest53670hi can u hjelp18:54
ActionParsnipbolosaur: if you mark the file as executable, you can just run it as is, no need for the extra 'bash' word to run it18:54
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670, yes i need a help18:55
delacbolosaur: ignores? does the script start with #!/bin/sh18:55
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domedagenGuest53670: What is wrong?18:55
bolosaurdelac: No18:55
samerhello all, where i can ask for help about postfix ?18:55
bolosaurit starts with #!/bin/bash18:55
delacbolosaur: put that as the first line18:55
Bulletrulzgod damn i dont wanna download another one18:55
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670, can we have a private talk18:55
delacbolosaur: oh18:55
ActionParsnipbolosaur: is the file marked as executable?18:55
delacbolosaur: so it should work...18:55
Guest53670a bunch of problems18:55
domedagenBulletrulz: By launching it from GUI I can rule out some PEBCAK18:56
ActionParsnipGuest53670: ask and the channel will reply if it can18:56
bolosaurdelac: That didn't work. ActionParsnip: Yes, that's what I've done.18:56
ubuntu_64bitguest via skype so that i will be showing you you how the problem look like18:56
bolosaurTo give you guys an idea of what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to fix a mouse cursor error when opening DOSbox. This can be done by running a shell script18:56
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670,  via skype so that i will be showing you you how the problem look like18:56
bolosaurso i want to be able to execute this script, and then automatically dosbox18:56
Praxihmm does gotomeeting not work on firefox/chromium on ubuntu or do I have something else going on?18:56
root__Is it possible to encrypt an ext4 partition with lots of data on it already?18:56
bolosaurhowever, if i make the script "executable", it just opens dosbox without reading the line that fixes the cursor problem18:56
ActionParsnipbolosaur: then add dosbox to the bottom of the script....18:56
bolosaurActionParsnip: I did.18:56
Guest53670first i cant how's the chat goes on?18:57
ActionParsnipbolosaur: can you pastebin the script please18:57
ActionParsnipGuest53670: that's not english18:57
bolosaurthe script now literally reads 1) #!/bin/sh 2) export SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0 3) dosbox18:57
bolosaurWhere 1), 2) and 3) are the lines.18:57
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670,  are  u new to this18:58
bolosaurIf I run the script with "bash scriptname.sh", it works. If I make the script executable and try to run it by double-clicking on it, it opens dosbox but ignores line #218:58
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670,  let go to skype18:58
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670, ok minee its kayaman  kaya18:59
escottbolosaur, /bin/sh is /bin/dash you might want /bin/bash, but i dont see any specific bashisms there18:59
ActionParsnipbolosaur: tried adding the variable in ~/.bashrc?19:00
samerhello all, where i can ask for help about postfix ?19:00
ActionParsnipbolosaur: yes, change line 1 to #!/bin/bash19:00
Guest53670kaya man19:00
ActionParsnipsamer: ask away, the channel will reply if it can19:00
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670, yes man ready am now online19:01
bolosaurActionParsnip: That's what I originally had before escott told me to change it to sh19:01
ActionParsnipbolosaur: it's even here: http://lovehateubuntu.blogspot.co.uk/2008/04/dosbox-on-ubuntu.html19:01
tabularasaI've got a Wyse T50 that runs Embedded Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS.  I'm trying to use wlx.ini file to update its firmware and I can't figure it out.  I point it to FirmwareServer=http:x.x.x.x and it won't pick up the firmware... any tips?19:01
samerwell i download and setup postfix, also i setup squirrmail and i can send mail to gmail as example but receive mail not working, any one can help me ?19:01
bolosaurActionParsnip: Where do you want me to add that variable?19:01
bolosauror whatever19:01
bolosaurActionParsnip: That's where I found the script.19:01
bolosaurAnd that's what I originally had.19:02
Guest53670pseudo on skype19:02
ActionParsnipbolosaur: you could, the script will mean it only applies to the script running19:02
escottbolosaur, what is dosbox? is it a gui?19:02
j_ellyemulator for running dos games19:03
fratermescott, x86 emulator I think.19:03
samerany one can help me to setup postfix to receive emails :S19:03
ActionParsnipescott: indeed, its an X app19:03
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670, make a call19:03
escottActionParsnip, i wonder if he would be missing a $DISPLAY variable?19:03
bolosaurescott: It's a DOS emulator.19:03
delacbolosaur: does the script work if you run it (from terminal) with sh filename.sh or ./filename.sh ?19:04
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670, are u there19:04
tabularasawlx.ini... anyone?19:04
bolosaurOK guys let me brief you. The script I found on that page ( http://lovehateubuntu.blogspot.co.uk/2008/04/dosbox-on-ubuntu.html ) works if I run it from within an already open terminal by using "bash dosbox.sh". If I try to execute it however from within Ubuntu however, it does open DOSbox, but the mouse cursor problem still remains, meaning that the script has failed to read line #2 which is what19:04
bolosaurfixes the cursor in the first case.19:04
bolosaurIf I try to run it as an executable from within Ubuntu's desktop environment however*19:05
bolosaurdelac: Yes it does.19:05
bolosaurJust as if I did "bash filename.sh"19:06
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670,  are u  there man19:06
bolosaurBut again, if I try to run it by double-clicking it it won't fix my cursor problem.19:06
delacbolosaur: when you ran it from desktop, did you choose "run" or "run in terminal"?19:06
bolosaurdelac: I've tried both - neither works.19:06
ubuntu_64bitGuest53670, come on19:07
escottbolosaur, you could try not exporting the variable and instead prefixing the execution: on one line "WHATEVER=0 dosbox"19:07
WarOfTheNerdhey guys, is there a package which auto builds NVIDIA kernel modules for kernels on boot?19:07
WarOfTheNerdI plan to patch the Ubuntu kernel to have SKAS3 support for User Mode Linux (if possible)19:07
bolosaurOk, I realized that this is not an Ubuntu problem.19:08
ActionParsnipWarOfTheNerd: you could make a dkms script for it19:08
bolosaurApparently, MOVING the cursor while launching dosbox fixes the cursor problem19:08
bolosaurwhile letting it be still causes it to occur19:08
bolosaurI must simply have done different mouse movements when doing differnet types of testing19:08
bolosaurSorry about wasting your time.19:09
bolosaurbut thanks for helping19:09
asciicmdrbolosaur: that is very odd.19:09
darkhalo117Any way I can change the driver ubuntu uses for my video card when I boot to a live disk?19:09
skunkhow do we file a bug in the Ubuntu software centre? the smooth scrolling is crooked as heck!19:10
j_ellybolosaur: maybe youre wasting your time, hadn't time anyway19:10
rolandbwhats a good size for a /boot partition?19:11
bolosaurIf I create a link to my script19:11
bolosaurthen it once again doesnt work19:11
bolosaurbut if i run it within the same location as dosbox19:11
bolosaurthen it works19:11
bolosaurugh im sick of this :/19:11
j_ellyso what are you using dosbox for? monkey island?19:12
escottrolandb, a few hundred megs will fill up every 6 months or so with kernels and then you have to remove the old ones19:12
bolosaurGames and qbasic19:12
bolosaurbut i guess linux isnt suited for simple tasks19:12
bolosaurso ill run windows or something instead19:12
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asciicmdrbolosaur: what is the variable you are using to fix the cursor issue?19:13
j_ellymaybe it depends on the user19:13
j_ellyhow suited it is19:14
bolosaurasciicmdr: http://lovehateubuntu.blogspot.co.uk/2008/04/dosbox-on-ubuntu.html19:16
elijahWhat is latest stable for Chromium on Ubuntu? I am at 18 but I thought 19 was out.19:16
bolosaurexport SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=019:16
ActionParsnipbolosaur: did you try the bashrc file?19:16
asciicmdrbolosaur: kk, jsec.19:16
elijahWhen I use the inspector and try to add a new CSS style to test I right click and get a very small, too small context menu where it would normally say add new rule. I want to upgrade to latest stable and hope it fixes it19:16
omertahi all19:16
elijahI have done all the updates but am still at 18. What version of Chromium are you guys at?19:16
schultzaIm adding a udev rule to precise, but i have instructions for Gusty/Hardy, Dapper, Karmic, Lucid, and Maverick.. which one should i follow?19:16
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bolosaurActionParsnip: What?19:17
schultzanevermind, i think i understand it by looking at other files19:17
ActionParsnipbolosaur: add the export command to ~/.bashrc19:18
ActionParsnipbolosaur: then change your script to use bash, not sh19:19
bolosaurActionParsnip: I don't know what that is. I'm new to Linux, sorry.19:19
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j_ellychrome has been updated already to 19, regarding http://google-chrome-browser.com/tags/google-chrome-1919:19
bolosaurYou want me to just edit ~/.bashrc?19:19
ActionParsnipbolosaur: echo "export SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0" | tee ~/.bashrc19:19
ActionParsnipbolosaur: echo "export SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0" | tee -a  ~/.bashrc19:20
OccupyDemonoidHello, I just bought a vpn with Ubuntu on it. How could I remote into it  while displaying the graphical desktop.19:20
ActionParsnipbolosaur: will add the line to the file, then run: source ~/.bashrc      and run dosbox19:20
bolosaurActionParsnip: OK it echoed that line19:20
bolosaurnow what?19:20
ActionParsnipbolosaur: source ~/.bashrc      and then run dosbox19:21
bolosaurActionParsnip: OK that seems to work19:21
bolosaurhow can I automate that?19:21
delacbolosaur: it is now automated19:22
delacbolosaur: you added the export SOMETHING to bashrc file on your home dir and now it runs every time you log in19:23
delacbolosaur: so it is automatic19:23
delacbolosaur: if you ever need to get rid of it, just open the bashrc and remove the expot SOMETHING line19:23
bolosaurSo wait19:24
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bolosaurevery time I run Dosbox now, it's going to run that script?19:24
delacbolosaur: not dosbox, but log in to your desktop19:24
ironhalikHmm, can I get dev builds of chromium? Or are dev channels chrome-only?19:25
delacbolosaur: when you put some script in bashrc, it will run at the login19:25
delacbolosaur: in this case it just sets up that SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0 variable19:26
bolosaurlemme test it :D19:26
FloodBot1bolosaur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
ActionParsnipbolosaur: all better?19:27
ironhalikj_elly: sadly, its not maintained anymore - version 18 is the current stable release19:27
bacillaHello, is there any way to make Network Manager run a script once connected to a vpn?19:27
j_ellyok, didn't know19:28
ActionParsnipbacilla: http://sysadminsjourney.com/content/2008/12/18/use-networkmanager-launch-scripts-based-network-location/19:29
bacillaThanks, ActionParsnip.19:29
byerleyHi, how do I get just a shell (no X) from the 12.04 login screen?19:30
ActionParsnipbyerley: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in there19:31
|cfh|ctrl alt f7 to get back to x19:31
byerleyActionParsnip: can't figure out how to do that with Virtualbox and a mac keyboard =/19:31
reisiobyerley: chvt19:32
byerleyreisio: don't think I follow19:33
reisioit's a command, can be useful in such situations19:33
* reisio takes off for a bit19:33
tbrownI have a problem. I can't get the terminal to work on my lxde enterface. I dont know what is wrong with it because I should be able to use it right???19:36
MonkeyDusttbrown  what happens when you try?19:37
ActionParsniptbrown: press CTRL+ALT+T   and it will run19:37
PolahWould anyone happen to know if there is a gnome shell extension to remove the bottom message tray?19:38
tbrownMonkeyDust: ActionParsnip: When I try the shortcuts or try to click the icon on the taskbar it just does nothing. Like the icon or the shortcut is broken:(19:38
ActionParsniptbrown: what about from the lxmenu?19:38
bolosaurActionParsnip: didn't work19:39
bolosaurfor all i know it could be dosbox19:39
bolosaurim tired of dealing with this19:39
bolosaurim just gonna call it quits19:39
bolosaurthanks for your help though guys19:39
FloodBot1bolosaur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
alexsnguys doesn't /etc/modprobe.d folder not used on boot19:39
alexsnI need to pass options to a module19:39
MonkeyDustbolosaur  what's dosbox?19:39
Borillionadding the snd-hda-intel  stuff sound to my  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf  removes my nvida hdmi outpit19:39
bolosaurMonkeyDust: a dos emu19:39
Borillionanyone know how to fix it?19:40
EaglemanHow do i set this ( iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE ) static ( so it remains in the iptable after a reboot )19:40
tbrownActionParnip: The only thing that is shows is Graphics: Settings: System Tools: Accessories: Run: and Logout in the System Tools There nothing on terminal no icon or anything>>19:40
ActionParsniptbrown: if you use terminal a lot, install guake, it will hide and show on keypress19:40
MonkeyDust!info dosbox19:40
ubottudosbox (source: dosbox): x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.74-2 (precise), package size 800 kB, installed size 2468 kB19:40
alexsnI've added a new file to /etc/modprobe.d called netdevice.conf and appended the following 'options e1000 TxDescriptors=4096,4096 RxDescriptors=4096,4096'19:41
MonkeyDustbolosaur  what's with dosbox?19:41
alexsnon boot those options are not used19:41
bolosaurMonkeyDust: Cursor doesn't work right.19:41
alexsnif I run modprobe -r e1000; modprobe e1000 it is used19:41
llutzEagleman: use iptable-save and iptables-restore in short scripts /etc/network/if-up.d   if-down.d19:41
tbrownActionParsnip: I dont have access to the Ubuntu Store. I download the Envirment of LXDE and there is nothing on here that will go to the web the web application does not even start up it broken two:(19:42
ActionParsnipEagleman: if you add a command in /etc/rc.local  above the exit 0 line, it will run19:42
Xix19I'm trying to re-encode an .mp4 video into a .webm video using ffmpeg, but this tutorial doesn't seem to work quite right - http://maketecheasier.com/encode-webm-videos-for-youtube-in-linux/2011/01/2619:42
goddardi think my version of htop isn't 64bit19:42
Xix19when I run the query given it tells me the preset was not found19:42
delacbolosaur: the variable should be set up now. are you sure that it actually is fix for your problem?19:42
goddardit is topped out at 3425mb of ram19:42
OerHeksgoddard, what makes you think htop isn't 64 bit?19:43
ActionParsnipgoddard: you can check with:   file `which htop`19:43
bolosaurdelac: No clue man.19:44
tbrownActionParsnip: There is no way to install anything? I cant access the browser or the terminal or anything that will give me internet access. There no way of telling that I even have internet on here..19:44
zykotick9goddard: to check if htop executable is 64bit use "file /usr/bin/htop".  but you probably need to check your kernel really, "uname -m"19:44
bolosaurThis problem is far too much of a moving target.19:44
ActionParsniptbrown: press CTRL+ALT+F1   can you ping ?19:44
bolosaurI just know that like19:44
bolosaurif I run the script from within the terminal, it appears to work19:45
alexsnGot it sorted. The module is loaded from ramdisk so i needed to run 'update-initramfs -u'19:45
ZataraBoa tarde...19:45
NaildriverHi I'm having a little problem with my HP Laserjet 2100 on ubuntu 12.04 it installs just fine but only prints 1-2 jobs then you have to reboot to print again any ideas?19:45
Zataraalguém poderia me tirar uma dulvida19:45
tbrownActionParsnip: Thank you so much:)19:45
ActionParsniptbrown: ctrl+alt+f7 to go back to desktop19:46
tbrownActionParsnip: OK THANKS:)19:46
Zatarahelp br19:46
zykotick9tbrown: it's actually alt+f7 to get back, ctrl is only required when you are in Xorg19:46
ActionParsnipzykotick9: :P19:46
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Zataraalg fala português - Brasileiro19:47
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:47
zykotick9ActionParsnip: just trying to save a keystroke ;)19:47
zowszthis chanel is american bb19:47
zowszlol lol lol19:48
NaildriverHi I'm having a little problem with my HP Laserjet 2100 on ubuntu 12.04 it installs just fine but only prints 1-2 jobs then you have to reboot to print again any ideas?19:48
klj613hello, my caps lock has a 'delay' "LIke THIs It WOnt TUrn OFf FAst." - Ubuntu 12.04 - Razer Lycosa (Same problem on Linux Mint)19:48
klj613cant seem to find a solution via google19:48
meisjeWhere can I upload a Screen Shot to?19:51
guntbert!screenshot | meisje19:51
ubottumeisje: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.19:51
ActionParsnipmeisje: imgur, imageshack etc19:52
ActionParsnipmeisje: I have a script to do it here :)19:52
Sefid_ParActionPasnip:Would you mind add it here?19:52
ActionParsnipNaildriver: if you grab the latest HPLIP from the HPLIP site, it may help19:53
ActionParsnipklj613: what keyboard is it?19:53
klj613Razer Lycosa19:53
thickey_Hey all, does anyone know where I can enable screen edge detection (for switching virtual screens) in 12.04 under Unity? Thanks!19:54
NaildriverThanks i'll give that a try been searcing google for a few days with no luck19:54
ActionParsnipklj613: can you give a pastebin of the output of:   lsb_release -a; uname -a; lsusb      Thanks19:54
byerleyI seem to have lost my history; Can someone scroll up and tell me that command for switching environments?19:54
klj613ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/0iZiT3BZ19:55
guntbertbyerley: this channel is logged19:56
tbrownActionParsnip: I was wondering how can I get the terminal to work in the LXDE Session:) Because I dont know if I Always want to do that short cut???19:56
ActionParsniptbrown: CTRL+ALT+T should work19:57
ActionParsnipklj613: not finding anything, all I can suggest is report a bug. Might just be slow19:59
edlindehi all, I am connected to a Ubuntu box and I think one of the disks is "unmounted" because the machine was probably restarted19:59
edlindeI am wondering how I can look at unmounted disks as well20:00
edlindeand how I can mount it back?20:00
klj613ActionParsnip: okay, thanks for looking into it anyway. where should I report bugs?20:00
ActionParsnipedlinde: I'd fsck it unmounted first20:00
guntbertedlinde: you list all disks with sudo fdisk -l20:01
ActionParsnipklj613: just run:    ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-input-all20:01
edlindeActionParsnip, sorry didn't get you20:01
ActionParsnipedlinde: it makes sure the file system is healthy, its like chkdsk in windows20:01
edlindeActionParsnip, yeah but I don't want to check if the filesystem is healthy or not20:02
edlindeI will just paste my fdisk output20:02
edlindemaybe that helps20:02
guntbert!paste | edlinde20:02
OerHeksMy pc is getting slower and slower booting > 20 s http://picpaste.com/pics/oerpc-precise-20120516-1-vCCPlqsA.1338580876.png  and > 32 s http://picpaste.com/pics/oerpc-precise-20120601-1-1vRzZeVU.1338580835.png  what is going slow?20:02
ubottuedlinde: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:02
klj613ActionParsnip: okay.20:03
ActionParsnipOerHeks: run:   dmesg | less      look for large gaps in the time on the left. Should give clues20:05
ActionParsnipklj613: could try another distro in liveCD, see if it is diferent. Something like suse....20:06
eutheriais there a ppa for unity updates to 12.04?20:07
eutheriai would really love to have better controls over the menu20:07
klj613ActionParsnip: im going to try that in a bit. also going to look for a old keyboard to try that.20:07
tuxgeekget the gnome shell20:07
eFfeMhi, I've installed 12.04 on ssd, I normally keep firefox open, so on boot it starts automatically with the tabs I had when shutting down, but with the ssd firefix starts before the network is up, what can I do to add a little delay ?20:08
tuxgeekeutheria: i think it's much better20:08
eutheriatuxgeek, unity is much much better than 11.1020:08
ActionParsnipeFfeM: use the sleep command to add a small pause20:08
eutheriain fact i've left cinnamon20:08
eutheriatuxgeek, the last version of ubuntu?20:09
eFfeMActionParsnip: figured that but no idea where it stores the commands that are autolaunched20:09
tuxgeekare you running ubuntu 11.10?20:09
OerHeksthnx ActionParsnip , i see a gap eth0: no IPv6 routers present20:09
OerHeks9 seconds20:09
eutheriatuxgeek, no unity is much better now than in 11.1020:09
ActionParsnipeFfeM: in the desktop files in ~/.config/autostart     or use the startup application in dash20:09
tuxgeekhave you tried gnome shell?20:10
ActionParsnipOerHeks: you can disable ipv6 with the boot option:    ipv6.disable=120:10
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eFfeMActionParsnip: ah thanks!20:10
tuxgeekeutheria: if u havn't already...i suggest you shld20:11
guntbert!u | tuxgeek20:11
ubottutuxgeek: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:11
phiscribegod thats pathetic20:12
eutheriatuxgeek, not to sound rude, but is english your first language?20:12
Macaronii have a problem with the latest ubuntu, my keyboard didn't work, so i decided to run the update manager (typed the password using the character app) and during the update, my screen locked and now it prompts me for my password, only now i can't use the character map, what can i do now?20:12
tuxgeekeutheria: yeah!20:12
eutheriatuxgeek, well i am confused why you don't understand me20:12
eutheriatuxgeek, unity is much better now than it was in 11.1020:13
tuxgeeki think i do20:13
tuxgeeki got that already...:)20:13
eutheriawhat i am after is more updates to unity20:13
ActionParsnipeutheria: indeed, its improving all the time20:13
tuxgeekubuntu software center20:13
eutheriai was hoping that maybe there was a ppa somewhere with updates to unity?20:14
phiscribeppa's are evil20:15
eutheriappa's are not evil20:16
pedahzurThe US download mirrors seem awfully slow today. Some Ubuntu event/release that I missed?20:16
phiscribeyes its taking me about 30 min to do a apt-get upgrade, pedahzur20:16
phiscribenormaly its just a minute or two20:16
pxlHey, would anyone mind if I asked a couple of questions?20:16
pxlI'm having some issues installing 12.04 on my mac.20:17
pxlI've got it on a USB stick and manage to get it running from it two times.20:18
mofactaIs it possible to install 12.04 with bootcamp?20:18
motherbrainI am trying to log on to the android forum and other forums but I cann't I have read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration20:18
pxlI then decided to install it alongside mac os x but realized I needed to do some partitioning.20:18
pxlSo, I boot up Lion, partition and and setup.20:18
mofactamac disk utility can do that for you no problem20:18
pxlTry to boot into ubuntu from USb and..20:19
pxlNo deal.20:19
motherbrainbut when I issue /msg ,..etc it just pops me out like I was starting another group20:19
pxlIt just wont boot.20:19
pxlSome text regarding the EFI flickers past for a tenth of a second and the screen goes black.20:19
pxlFans rev up, but nothing more.20:19
tuxgeekis your mac set to boot from usb?20:19
zykotick9pxl: some macs won't boot gnu/linux from usb... something to keep in mind20:19
pxlKeep in mind I booted Ubuntu from USB twice before.20:20
pxlThis all happened the same day.20:20
pxlI realize I should probably burn a cd and try that, but now I'm way too annoyed to let this go.20:21
pxlHOw can I boot from a USB drive twice and thena bit later not at all?20:21
tuxgeekare you sure the usd isn't corrupt20:21
pxlI even redid the whole thing twice.20:21
pxlStill the same result.20:21
guntbert!enter | pxl20:21
ubottupxl: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:21
pxlAh, sorry bout that.20:22
mofactapxl:  So you're attempting to install ubuntu onto our mac via USB so you can dual boot?20:23
mofactaAm I right?20:23
pxlI just recently partitioned my drive into a OSX drive (HFS+) and one for the Ubuntu installer to work it's magic on (FAT32 for now).20:24
mofactadoes this http://lifehacker.com/5531037/how-to-triple+boot-your-mac-with-windows-and-linux-no-boot-camp-required20:24
theseusanyone know of a good ubuntu ftp server with a graphical interface?20:24
mofactasorry, shitty typer right now20:25
FishsceneTheseus: filezilla?20:25
FishsceneI'm a bit confused by what you mean with "graphical FTP server"20:25
mofactapxl: that link might help.  Dunno.20:25
WarOfTheNerdFishFace, he means a server with a GUI method of configuring it20:25
skarufuehi. anyone here know their way around exim4 and DKIM?20:26
theseusyeah, filezilla only has a graphical interface for client but not linux server side20:26
WarOfTheNerdtheseus, why do you need a graphical server config app by the way?20:27
pxlmofacta: I've read about rEFIt and was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to install anything messing with the EFI. Seeing as I managed to boot into Ubuntu from the stick before I was kind of hoping I just missed something essential this time around.20:27
FishsceneI'm afraid I've not heard of a GUI ftp server for Linux. I usually use VSFTP as that requires very little configuration and works with the Linux permissions out of the box.20:27
WarOfTheNerdtheseus, editing config files is actually easier...20:27
YagoI have a questions pertaining to uninstalling my ubuntu dual boot20:27
mofactawell with this type of thing you're going to have to do a little hacking to get it to work right20:27
tuxgeekhello Yago!20:27
WarOfTheNerdYago, what are the questions? =]20:28
theseusno reason, just wanted to know if one existed.  WebAdmin uses a web interface but only handles the SSH perspective and not the actual folder sharing20:28
sloucher:pxl - I think you should be ok. Do you know to hit the "option" key when you boot20:28
YagoHow can I remove my ubuntu dual boot without my Win Xp reinstallation CD?20:28
MonkeyDustYago  delete the ubuntu partition, use gparted20:28
mofactaMonkeyDust:  You beat me to it!20:29
YagoMonkeyDust: is there guide somewhere? Im fairly new to this and don't wanna destory my computer :)20:29
mofactaOr you can use Partition Wizard.  It's so straight forward.20:29
pxlsloucher: As I said, I've booted up Ubuntu from the USB stick twice before. Using that very method, holding option(alt) to choose my boot disk20:29
skarufuewhen i send mails they get a DKIM signature but verification says neutral (Bad Format) more info here: http://pastebin.com/as9Pj6vz20:29
pxlSomehow, it doesn't work anymore.20:29
MonkeyDustYago  boot from a ubuntu live cd or usb, run gparted, delete the ubuntu partition20:29
YagoMonkeyDust: will i be able to boot back into Windows?20:30
MonkeyDustYago  yes20:30
tuxgeekYago: ofcourse20:30
YagoIll stay around and let you know how everything goes20:30
sloucherpxl so install ubuntu on the dos partition and ? you should be ready to go?20:30
mofactaYago:  Download partition wizard home edition (free).  Make boot media disk.  Boot into Partition Wizard from CD.  Delete Ubuntu partition.  Resize Windows partition as needed.  Apply.  Done.20:31
* MonkeyDust hands mofacta a beer20:31
mofactagparted has a rougher interface that you may have a harder time with if you're new to this.20:31
pxlsloucher: the problem is that I can't boot into the USB anymore, I'll paste my previous description of the problem: "Some text regarding the EFI flickers past for a tenth of a second and the screen goes black."20:31
mofactaPW is easy as piss.20:31
loculinuxperkines kuliaos20:32
Yagolol thanks mofacta ... let me copy that somewhere20:32
pxlIt just stopped working.20:32
mofactaThanks for the beer!20:32
loculinuxmarikones kulios20:32
loculinuxchupen la porroide20:32
Yagoim not that new just not as experienced20:32
* tuxgeek nods at Yago20:33
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Yagohow can i ignore all the joined/quit messages?20:35
Yagoon irc20:35
MonkeyDustYago  depends on the program you use20:35
Yagoi use good ole google chrome20:36
pxlYago: Web client?20:36
Yagoweb browser20:36
pxlYago: click the logo in the top left20:36
hangdeadmanhi can someone please tell me the location in the filesystem of ubuntu 12.04 of the Archive Manager?20:36
pxlthen options. There's the option to hide the messages20:36
pxlYou're welcome20:36
saliakI'm trying to get emails from a remote server via fetch mail, and deliver them to a local script (via procmail).  i've created an entry in my /etc/aliases file that reads as "foo : /usr/bin/script.sh".  my mda line in fetch mail is mda "proemial -d foo".  when it runs, however, it can't find the user foo.  any ideas what's wrong?20:37
escotthangdeadman, file-roller20:37
escotthangdeadman, maybe. use "which" to find the actual binary20:37
hangdeadmanwhat would the command be? I am still fairly new to linux and using the terminal, thanks.20:38
guntberthangdeadman:      which file-roller20:39
tuxgeekhangdeadman: command for what?20:39
hangdeadmanIs there a book I could read to better learn how to use the terminal in ubuntu?20:40
tuxgeeklinux newbie administrator guide20:40
tuxgeekget the pdf20:41
tuxgeekgoogle it20:41
hangdeadmangreat thanks!20:41
genii-aroundhangdeadman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:41
mdonovan#join Development20:42
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:42
ActionParsniphangdeadman: or install unp and extract most things from cli20:42
Yagowhat does you guys think about Mint?20:42
escottsaliak, did you read man 5 aliases?20:43
ActionParsnipYago: mint is offtopic here20:43
tuxgeekwhat's that?20:46
tuxgeekok...get it20:46
EtgarDizzi accidentally delete my search providers from /usr/share/gnome-shell/open-search-providers... can someone pastebin them plz??20:47
saliakescott: yeah.  I mean, I added a pipe to script as the "value" and ran postalias.20:48
saliakescott: it seemed like that should do it.  i'm clearly missing something20:48
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EdgEyHello guys. I've just bought a USB camera, it takes micro SD card and has a USB port so that it can be used for 'mass storage mode' too.20:49
SiivrenionHaving a little problem. It seems as if applications are not showing up in the dash for some reason? I don't think I changed anything (or don't know what changed). I have 11.0420:49
EdgEyI know that the camera is working because if I use a micro SD reader, I can view photos, videos, etc.20:49
escottsaliak, so you have |/usr/bin/script.sh where that script reads from stdin and dumps to the correct mailbox?20:49
EdgEyBut if I connect via USB, it doesn't appear as a mountable drive, nor does anything appear in 'lsusb'20:49
designbybeckSo I'm working on some online videos... Where this video might play in Quicktime or would play from within the webpage... On Ubuntu it is trying to play in Totem Movie Player? but it isn't working20:49
saliakescott: yeah.  the problem i'm having is that proemial says the user can't be found.20:49
EdgEyAre there any error logs I can check somewhere?20:49
krababbelEdgEy: you probably need to switcht its usb mode to mass storage, if actually possible20:50
SiivrenionEdgEy, many cameras have to be turned on or switched to mass media mode before they will try to associate. does the screen of the camera say it's on that?20:50
escottsaliak, did you restart the procmail service?20:50
OerHeksEdgEy, did you put it on, after instering the usb cable?20:50
designbybeckANy ideas? I have bot ha MOV and a hinted MP420:50
krababbelEdgEy: there are cameras without mass storage mode, only ptp mode20:50
SiivrenionAnyone know how I can adjust what types of things the dash searches for, and why no applciations would be appearing?20:50
EdgEywell, the design of the camera is such that it should just act as a usb drive - it is very basic and cheap20:50
EdgEyno screen, etc20:50
krababbelEdgEy:  i think dmesg logs should tell, if linux sees any device being connected20:51
EdgEymass storage mode is advertised, it's possible that the thing is just broken, I am wondering if there is some way for me to check if the system has any idea it exists other than lsusb20:51
EdgEythanks krababbel20:51
saliakescott: hrm. i thought procmail was an mda and wasn't really a service20:51
klj613on "Printers" (network) it detected my printer (came up twice), tried to use "print test page" on both and on one it goes to the 'job list' but gets stuck on 'processing'. it says the ip address is 'localhost' which is wrong and cant seem to change it20:51
krababbelEdgEy: np, btw, I have an old nikon compact digital, which just ceased to work over usb after a few months20:52
escottsaliak, its not something i use. i just noticed that you didnt have a | so what you had didnt make much sense20:52
krababbelsame issue20:52
EdgEykrababbel well I have a point and shoot camera for normal use20:52
designbybecki pulled it up on a mac and they both play as expected20:52
EdgEythis one is a sort of cheapy eBay 'spy cam' for my motorbike helmet, i suspect it might just be dysfunctional :P20:52
krababbelEdgEy: i don't know, i guess so, my nikon did the exact same thing20:53
saliakescott: i see. hrm. so, no.  i'm wondering if i even need procmail.  in this application, does the same thing get passed to my script if it's in aliases or the mda?20:53
EdgEydmesg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1018583/20:53
EdgEyit charges over usb and I've tried a few different cables20:54
escottsaliak, i dont know20:54
escottsaliak, i would imagine that procmail speaks some network protocol20:54
Optichipwow Linus didn't take his meds this morning or something20:54
designbybeckEdgEy: I just read a few things you posted... Shot in the dark.. what about using something like Cheese or Kdenlive... and see if say Kdenlive sees it as a camera source?20:55
designbybecklol I saw that Optichip ;)20:55
designbybeckLinus we was going on and on!20:55
designbybeckI was like someone help the boy quick!20:55
Optichipdesignbybeck: and his last paragraph Oh my..20:55
EdgEydesignbybeck: yeah, I'm going to try cheese, it does have a webcam mode, perhaps it's stuck in that20:55
EdgEythe device itself is extremely minimal, there are three buttons: on, record/stop, mode :P20:56
Xix19what's the 'default' ubuntu folder for git repositories?20:56
Siivrenionnevermind, I found a solution online20:56
Xix19where should I put them?20:56
escottXix19, wherever you want20:57
OptichipXix19: usually in the terminal whatever directory you're in.20:57
OptichipXix19: I would recommend you create a software folder or something and manage them all inside of that.20:57
Xix19I know I can put it anywhere I want... I was just wondering if there was a best practice of some kind20:57
Xix19maybe create "myrepository" in the /opt folder?20:58
NaildriverOk tried to install latest HPLIP and get this error The following packages have unmet dependencies:20:58
Naildriver libcupsimage2-dev : Depends: libtiff5-dev but it is not installable or20:58
Naildriver                              libtiff-dev20:58
Naildriver                     Depends: libjpeg8-dev but it is not going to be installed or20:58
Naildriver                              libjpeg-dev20:58
FloodBot1Naildriver: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:58
Naildriver libsane-dev : Depends: libjpeg-dev20:58
Naildriver               Depends: libtiff4-dev but it is not going to be installed20:58
Xix19i understand /opt is for optional software20:58
ActionParsnipXix19: its a folder you can manually install software to if you want20:59
escottXix19, if it is your repository it should go in your home directory. if you are running somehting like gitosis /var would be approriate20:59
EtgarDizzanyone? can some1 pastebin the content of google.xml and wikipedia.xml?21:00
ActionParsnipEtgarDizz: where from?21:00
kionsince Xorg.conf is not used anymore how do I configure stuff that I would normally do through that file?21:00
Naildriverok tried to install latest HPLIP on ubuntu 12.04 and get this error can anyone help?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1018589/21:00
ActionParsnipkion: it is used if one exists21:00
EtgarDizzActionParsnip, /usr/share/gnome-shell/open-search-providers/21:01
ActionParsnipEtgarDizz: ah, i don't use gnome-shell, sorry21:01
kionActionParsnip:  ok that is great!  I have the file but empty21:01
kionActionParsnip: If I write my Nvidia card configurations will it mess other stuff not mentioned in the file?21:01
ActionParsnipkion: yes it doesn't exist by default but if you make one, it will be used21:02
kionActionParsnip: Thank you very much :)21:02
Optichipkion: if you used the proprietary driver it'll use the xorg.conf and build your configuration in there.21:02
ActionParsnipkion: you can use:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    to make a skeleton file21:02
=== codeM0nK3Y is now known as codeM0nK3Y|BUSY
kion ActionParsnip: I will try that right now21:03
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.21:03
=== codeM0nK3Y|BUSY is now known as codeM0nK3Y
MovenGroveRight, later yewnewb.21:05
=== manu is now known as Guest73501
Yagohey guys21:09
Yagoi was told to Download partition wizard home edition (free) and  Make boot media disk. ...21:10
Yagocan I do that from another computer with a different windows version21:10
haryvanyone here have zm installed?21:13
haryvyea, zoneminder21:13
haryvI need to configure the kernel or config the BT848 card. Can see vid on xawtv but no matter what config for the monitor, black screen.21:14
haryvLike to get it working and see live vid on smart phone ..in case some one is in a area of my place they should not be.21:15
haryvhi spm21:20
haryvtrying to get my btb848 card configured right. Get vid on xawtv but cannot get vid on zoneminder21:20
ActionParsnipYago: I'd grab unetbootin to make a live USB21:26
Yagois dont own a flashdrive :(21:27
Yagook im creating the iso on a cd from this computer21:28
Aprel_Hi my desktop has been randomly shutting down, pausing for 1-3 seconds, and coming back on. What logs can I check to look for a possible cause? Any keywords I should grep on the logs?21:28
Yagothen ill boot it on my win xp21:28
Yagodelete my ubuntu partition and resize21:29
Yagoand then go for wubi instead of dual boot21:29
Aprel_It's strange because my BIOS has the setting "action of power failure" which I've set to "stay off", it always comes right back on, so I don't know if it's a power failure necessarily.21:29
YagoCan i use CD-R for an ISO?21:30
WantyFuck you oll !21:30
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Devilz_108I need help with drivers anyone21:36
muelli!anyone | Devilz_10821:37
ubottuDevilz_108: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:37
Devilz_108Driver manager in Ubuntu asked me to update my GPU driver which is 7970 after the update Ubuntu logs into command line instead of Ubuntu21:37
Devilz_108Any way to fix it instead of re-installing Ubuntu over again?21:37
muellihm Devilz_108. can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?21:39
cco3anyone know how I would install both 32 and 64bit versions of a development library in 12.04?21:39
muelliDevilz_108: but to make you feel comfortable: Yes, should be fixable.21:39
Devilz_108muelli, I can't go to ubuntu at all21:39
muellicco3: apt-get install mylibrary:i386  IIRC. Or ":amd64" if you have a i386 base system21:40
muelliDevilz_108: but you have the command line, no?21:40
cco3muelli: if I do that it will uninstall the other one21:40
cco3I would like both21:40
muellicco3: can you provide the output of apt-get?21:41
mike_sun_hey guys, any idea when we'll see a ubuntu smartphone ? ; )21:41
Devilz_108Yes I do muelli , what I should type to get (I'm not very experienced with Linux)21:41
muelliDevilz_108: try: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:41
Devilz_108I'll try later and will tell you mate thank you :)21:42
Devilz_108I got sick of Windows crashing after few minutes of idling21:42
muelliDevilz_108: as a lesson for you to learn: Don't install the proprietary drivers unless really necessary.21:43
Devilz_108It was running without a driver you know how I mean21:43
muelliheh. unlikely.21:43
Devilz_108Then driver managed popped up with a recommended driver so downloaded and Ubuntu21:43
Devilz_108It was running with a driver but not the one recommended21:43
SomeOneLikeYouhi folks21:44
SomeOneLikeYoumy server is hacked today :(21:44
SomeOneLikeYounow i cannot remove /usr/sbin/sshd;4cfce662 fiiles21:45
SomeOneLikeYouis there any way to remove these kind of files?21:45
muelliSomeOneLikeYou: well. if it was a serious compromise, you need to fully reinstall from a trusted medium anyway.21:46
cco3input: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev:i386 output: The following packages will be REMOVED:   libdrm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxext-dev mesa-common-dev21:46
muelliand not being able to delete file is a good indication of being rootkitted.21:46
SomeOneLikeYouyes i know and i will do that after the weekend21:46
cco3muelli: ^ basically installing :i386 removes :amd6421:46
muellicco3: and installing both, the :i386 *and* :amd64?21:47
SomeOneLikeYoubut in the meantime I must install sshd for my config, management etc21:47
cco3muelli: it lists conflicts21:47
muellicco3: output21:47
muellicco3: best in a pastebin with the actual invocation (and the returning prompt).21:48
cco3muelli: yea, working on it21:48
SomeOneLikeYoumuelli, what is a nice antirootkit tool?21:48
muelliSomeOneLikeYou: fresh installation...21:49
muelliSomeOneLikeYou: some people use "rkhunter" I think21:49
muellihm cco3. I haven't really worked with multiarch. But you might try aptitude. Other than that: no idea. I might simply be not possible. Or a bug...21:49
SomeOneLikeYouok i try that tool earlier but that tool cant find my rootkit21:49
=== Havis_ is now known as Havis
MirkoKaSomeOneLikeYou: are you sure that you've been cracked? what makes you sure? why can't you remove such files? what are their permissions? have you tried with root (sudo/su) what does "lsattr the_file" say? maybe they are marked as immutable for whatever reason. can you boot a livecd and remove the files from there?21:51
burgHello, people. I was wondering if something alike the following could be done. So, firstly, to put Grub on a separate partition, that's totally independent, and can always work (even with no OSs). Then, to install OSs from Grub. Could something like that be done?21:51
SomeOneLikeYouyes i know i has been hacked because i see my root password in a /etc/libr (or something like that) file21:52
SomeOneLikeYoumy sshd server is hacked by an old ftp exploit21:52
james1hello everyone21:52
james1guton tag21:54
SomeOneLikeYou-u--ia------- /usr/sbin/sshd21:54
james1buon giorno21:54
SomeOneLikeYouhi james21:54
james1what is the command above?21:55
james1secure shell21:55
james1change permisions?21:55
tuxgeeklist attributes21:55
james1sudo pacman Rdd ubuntu21:56
james1sudo pacman -Rdd ubuntu21:56
MirkoKaSomeOneLikeYou: yes, the file is (among others) marked as immutable. use chattr -i the_file to remove that, then try to delete the file21:56
muelliburg: yes.21:56
SomeOneLikeYouTnx iĺl try21:56
james122:56 malvern England21:57
burgmuelli: sweet. Is there any guide for it on the net? I've been searching for one on how to boot an iso from Grub, but didn't really find much.21:57
muelliwell, I don't know myself, really. But I mean, it's just software... So why shouldn't it be possible? ;-)21:57
SomeOneLikeYouafter the chattr -i sshd i still can remove the file21:57
MirkoKaburg: http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html21:57
muelliburg: if you found a GRUB plugin that allowed you to netboot, you could chainload into netboot.me or so.21:58
SomeOneLikeYoucan must me can21:58
motherbrainstat /p21:58
burgAlright, thanks a lot guys! :)21:58
burgBtw, is it enough to make a /boot partition, or is there more work than that?21:59
james1grub can read iso files21:59
SomeOneLikeYouiĺl try rkhunter once22:00
SomeOneLikeYoulast time i didn't update it22:01
Jordan_Uburg: For loop booting iso images, http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F22:01
Canadian1296Does Ubuntu log anywhere if it's been pinged?22:04
ikoniaCanadian1296: no22:05
Canadian1296ikonia: Is there any way to log this?22:05
james1fur burg-er22:05
argiefCanadian1296: if you want, you can set it up with iptables22:05
ikoniaCanadian1296: iptables and ulog22:05
BaribalHi. How can I find out which graphics driver I'm running?22:05
madsIs there any software i could use like netlimiter for ubuntu that works very clean?22:05
Canadian1296argief ikonia: Which would be easier to do?22:06
ikoniamads: I don't know what netlimiter is,22:06
ikoniaCanadian1296: iptables + ulog, is the same effort as iptables22:06
madsIts software that monitors your network speeds and gives you the the ability to restrict tcp and udp22:06
ikoniamads: in what way restrict22:06
ikoniayou can do that with the netfilter qos modules22:07
madsper program running on the computer22:07
MirkoKamads: *maybe* wondershaper (a CLI tool) but I have no actual idea22:07
argiefCanadian1296: something like this in iptables: iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j LOG --log-prefix " ping "22:07
krababbelmads: can't you router do that? do you want an easy gui?22:07
madseveryone seems to be drunk on bandwidth except me who's stuck on a small island22:07
Canadian1296argief: Okay, thanks22:08
madsyeah thats what i need22:08
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ
madseasy gui that monitors bandwidth usage of programs running internaly on the computer22:08
madsand which can restrict outgoing and incoming22:08
argiefmads: yes, any linux :-)22:09
MirkoKaBaribal: commandline? try "jockey-text  --list"22:09
madsWell i might have revealed that im quite new to Linux, Do you have any App names for such a tool?22:10
jagginessmads, #linux (google: "list of software <type> site:wikipedia.org" )22:11
krababbelmads: none that I am aware of22:11
argiefmads: what's the problem? in my experience, ur linux box wont use up bandwith in the background.  unless you have explicitly told a program to use ur internet22:11
krababbelusually you only need to mess with partitcular offenders, or give some others precedence22:12
madsI want to share bandwidth between apps so i can do different things at the same time, im on a asyncron dialup line which makes my outgoing traffic block all my incoming22:13
madsso if i was to upload anything i would not be able to download at the same time22:13
madsbut it works if i upload at half the speed22:13
skarufuemads: i strongly advise against a graphical tool but there is one its called gufw but you can do it in commandline but better: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/04/why-ufw-does-not-need-a-gui/22:13
argiefgeez mads...  where do u live?22:14
krababbelmads: wondershaper could restrict upload globally I think22:14
madsNorth norway22:14
madsill checkout wondershaper22:14
argiefmads: note to self, thanx22:14
skarufuemads: oh you are looking for a rate limit. not a firewall... sorry22:14
madsThanks :)22:14
argiefmads: you could try do it with iptables?  I am thinking u can make buckets, then ensure all your incomming does come in?22:15
madsDont need a firewall here, within the time someone would try to access my system they would die of boredom22:15
krababbelmads: It won't work per app, but usually you can use iptables or a router to check for port number or destination addresses22:15
krababbelthat's the qos22:15
skarufuemads: the technology for a per protocol bandwith control is called QOS22:16
argiefmads: read this: http://linuxgazette.net/108/odonovan.html22:16
Fishscenemads: You should always have some kind of firewall. Bots regularly crawl the internet looking for people with vulnerabilities and then take advantage of them.22:16
madsthanks alot22:16
=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
ChrianI have a question if I plan on installing ubuntu on my dell inspiron e1705 laptop does the wireless card still work ? or would that take some tweaking?22:17
ikoniawhat model wireless card is in it?22:17
escottChrian, use the livecd22:17
madsI did that chrian and im here22:17
Chrianah kk yea it's an old laptop so the new version will just auto detect everything now?22:18
ikoniaChrian: depends on the card22:18
ikoniaChrian: check the cards supported status22:18
Chrianlemme check22:18
delacChrian: test it with usb or live cd22:18
delacChrian: before you install, that is22:18
argiefmads: i'm thinking some creativity with point 3 and 6.  you can limit the number of outgoing/incomming bytes within a certain time frame.22:19
Chrianthanks for the advice gonna test it out now22:19
madsPsyshaper is the tool i was looking for22:20
skarufuemads: http://www.mastershaper.org/index.php/Main_Page this might also intres you22:20
madsThanks for all the help22:20
Chriannow another question is does schtack blueburst run fine in ubuntu?22:21
skarufueChrian: just try it out with the liveCD22:21
ikoniaChrian: what is that  ?22:21
ChrianPhantasy star online blue burst schtack private server22:22
ikoniaChrian: does it have a linux port ?22:22
FishsceneChrian: I've never tried.22:22
MirkoKaChrian: probably not: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1047722:23
ChrianI recall reading that theres a program that can run some windows games in unbuntu? whats it called22:23
MirkoKaChrian: Wine22:23
ikoniaChrian: I would not depend on wine22:23
FishsceneChrian: WINE, but to be honest, it's kind of an ugly "hack"22:23
ikoniaChrian: if you need to run windows programs, use windows22:23
Chrianoh ok22:23
FishsceneChrian: Do you know broomop?22:24
skarufueChrian: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=10477&iTestingId=24865 doesnt look too good for shtack22:24
madsYou do also have Crossover which is an WINE extension, you could look up their libary to see if they have a solution for that program.22:24
FishsceneOk. He runs one of the better servers for that.22:24
Chrianman you all are so helpful it's interesting though your google fu is strong22:25
koskowhat is the prefered way to add a bin dir to the PATH22:26
MirkoKaChrian: while I agree that one (especially a newbie) shouldn't count too much ( if any at all) on Wine. There are Games with work really great with it (with more or less tinkering)22:26
ikoniaChrian: I would not consider wine for anything as a solution22:26
koskoikonia: which file>22:27
ikoniano matter your skill set22:27
koskoikonia: bashrc?22:27
madsthe game doesnt work chrian.22:27
ikoniakosko: just in the terminal22:27
madsFor now22:27
koskoikonia: to make it permanent?22:27
skarufuekosko: if you only need it for one user add it to their .bashrc like so PATH="$PATH your/additional/path"22:27
koskoikonia: .bashrc would do but22:27
ikoniakosko: put it in whatever your shell config file is22:27
ikoniakosko: then put it in there22:27
skarufuekosko: oh forget no whitespace but:22:27
ikoniakosko: the command is PATH=$PATH:/your/new/bin22:28
koskolet it be the prefered ubuntu way22:28
Chrianwell darn if only I knew how to make it work haha22:28
Chrianthanks for the input22:28
koskoikonia: thanks22:28
ikoniaChrian: use windows and it will work fine22:28
koskoskarufue: thanks22:28
SomeOneLikeYoui'm looking for a website hosting panel integrated with ubuntu or with a nice trusted repository. Wich one is a goog one?22:29
madsWell i guess there isnt that much effort put into it, you just have to figgure out what windows sources the game requires to run and puzzle it into a viritual windows.22:29
ubottuDext3r: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:29
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*22:29
skarufuekosko: please be aware that my first example was wrong. you should put this: PATH="$PATH:/your/new/bin" into your .bashrc like ikonia said.22:29
ikoniado not use the "22:30
ChrianI see mads thanks, Though I'm guessing a goal for ubuntu is getting as many games to run as possible or would that be a bad thing?22:30
ikoniaubunbtu is not in control of games22:30
ikoniagames developers are22:30
skarufueikonia: why not? its a string string can be in ""22:31
Jordan_Uikonia: Quotation there is fine, and while not needed here I (and #bash)generally encourage quoting whenever variable expansion is involved.22:31
madsNative highend games runs excellent even better on linux systems. Try Hon for example22:31
ikonialegacy compatatabiity, but put them if you want22:31
madsEve runs flawlessly, eq2 skyrim counterstrike22:32
madsthose last mentioned are ports22:32
ikoniaI don't find them running any better/worse on linux than windows or mac22:32
aszuromEvery time I try to convert to Linux, I fall over a showstopper hardware issue.  Today, it's wifi.  HP Elitebook vs Netgear N router. Just will NOT connect to the damn thing.  Worked great at the office all day on my Apple Airport though22:32
aszuromanyone feel like sharing my pain?22:33
ikoniaaszurom: no, not really22:33
skarufueaszurom:  lspci -> chipset of wifi card -> google22:33
ikoniaaszurom: if you're asking for help - then state what help you need22:33
MirkoKa@bashrc: NO! PATH settings go into .bash_profile not .bashrc. ;-)22:33
ikoniaMirkoKa: bashrc is fine22:33
steelboxhi there!22:33
madsikonia: I do have better results with Linux than i did when i was running 722:33
steelboxmy flash plugin always crashes under firefox22:34
skarufuesteelbox: more information22:34
steelboxI have ubuntu 10.0422:35
steelboxfirefox 12.022:35
steelboxflash plugin v11,2,202,235 installed22:35
MirkoKaikonia: nope. bashrc is sources all the time. you end up with a path like "/bin;/usr/;bin/:/foo/bin:/foo/bin:/foo/bin:/foo/bin:/foo/bin" etc22:35
steelboxskarufue: can you help me please?22:36
MirkoKaikonia: for subshels of course22:36
ikoniaMirkoKa: I don't end up with that and I've just tried it22:36
aszuromskarufue - lspci is a good start.  I couldn't remember the command, thanks.22:37
skarufuesteelbox: is upgrading your ubuntu an option? we are currently in the 12.4 version.22:38
steelboxI would like to avoid this22:38
Jordan_Uikonia: Run "bash" again and check your $PATH. Every time you start a new bash shell (from another bash shell) your $PATH will grow.22:38
ikoniaahh, you mean it creates a loop22:39
skarufuesteelbox: is the mozilla-plugin-gnash package available in 10.4?22:39
aszuromwhich is more fun... ddwrt or tomato?22:39
steelboxskarufue: I don't know, I can check22:39
fslima0does this look legit? http://pastebin.com/KUWwkDYb22:40
OY1Ri just connected a pb meastro 220 led monitor to my laptop but im not getting any picture on the monitor.22:40
skarufueMirkoKa: this is good to know (the thing about $PATH and .bashrc)22:41
tbrownAm having a little trouble adding a repository. Am typing the sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable Sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found22:42
burgThanks for the help, guys! Sorry for the delayed answer, I wasn't here. Jordan_U, muelli, MirkoKa22:42
j0hn22hi, i use the latest ubuntu and and "recommended" proprietary nvidia driver and it crashes after some time. This happens only when i use composited desktop environments, cinamon, kde and gnome shell and when i use flash22:43
trismtbrown: add-apt-repository is in python-software-properties, however that ppa is discontinued22:43
skarufuetbrown: not entirely shure but you might need the package python-softwareproperties .22:43
skarufuetbrown: what trism said22:43
xanguatbrown: you do not need that ppa anymore, you will recieve latest stable firefox from official ubuntu repository22:43
heaevnsmileI want to make a feature proposal for the software center, but the module do not have any mailist, any idea what the best way is to make such a proposal?22:43
MonkeyDust!brainstorm| heaevnsmile22:44
ubottuheaevnsmile: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!22:44
h1ppohey guys, i have an optimus enabled video card but Ubuntu doesn't seem to recognise the nvidia card, just the intel 1 so unity looks a little crummy. I think it's down to this error in my Xorg.0.log: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)22:45
h1ppoany ideas?22:45
jagginessh1ppo, you mean graphic card.. (video card can confused people)22:46
skarufueheaevnsmile: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter22:46
h1ppoi guess, i wasn't sure there was a diff (I'm no expert in these matters :P)22:46
tbrownI was wondering if I type startlxde will that go back to the desktop experence or how can I go back in to it??22:47
heaevnsmileskarufue: thanks22:47
skarufueh1ppo: these cards are a bit tricky. you  could have a shot if you can disable the intel card in bios22:48
SNowHI guys , Iahve ext4 and "Directory index is Full" what can I do to remove this error? I did fsck - did not help.22:48
h1ppoid read somewhere u can't do that as the nvidia card wont work without the intel one? i could be wrong tho.22:48
jagginessSNow, try removing the journal ( http://fenidik.blogspot.ca/2010/03/ext4-disable-journal.html )22:48
heaevnsmilehttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com seams kind of  abandoned22:49
h1ppoit used to work when i was running Linux Mint 11 but none of the new distros seem to work for me now22:49
skarufueh1ppo oh look what i googled up for you: http://linux-hybrid-graphics.blogspot.co.at/2011/08/ironhide-branch-first-release-including.html22:49
OY1Ri just connected a packard bell meastro 220 led monitor to my laptop but im not getting any picture on the screen, running 10.04 and the monitor is identified in the "monitor preferences" and it's set to ON. anyone know what's going on ?22:49
h1ppoi think thats for launching individual apps with the nvidia card? recon that'll work for launching lightdm?22:50
skarufueh1ppo: oh look what i googled up for you: http://linux-hybrid-graphics.blogspot.co.at/2011/08/ironhide-branch-first-release-including.html22:50
skarufueh1ppo: jup22:50
twig11Where does ubuntu store the default wallpaper selection?22:50
h1ppoooo, shiny. thanks dude - i'll give it a bash22:51
MonkeyDusttwig11  ~/.backgrounds22:51
tbrownis there a way that I can install a terminal gnome or something to get the terminal to work on the desktop???22:52
MonkeyDusttwig11  and /usr/share/backgrounds22:53
OerHekstbrown hit " ctrl alt T " and there is your terminal22:53
tbrownOerHeks: Sorry there is no terminal:(22:54
escotttwig11, the images are in /usr/share/wallpapers, the selected option is in gconf/dcond22:55
OerHekstbrown terminal should be installed standard, why did you remove it?22:55
twig11escott: Can you explain how to access that option? I think I've edited dconf once before sometime but I don't remember how.22:56
fl1bbl3apt-get install gnome-terminal22:56
escotttwig11, why not set the background throught the appearance tool22:56
tbrownOerHeks: I did not removie it buddy:) I installed LXDE and when I got into the desktop Experence the terminal Button does not work????22:56
plugwashwill using expert mode in the ubuntu alternate CD installer let me choose what I want to install?22:56
twig11escott: I'm trying to find a way to make user-selected wallpapers show up as the unity-greeter background by default.22:57
jagginessplugwash, you mean the server iso? (it should allow you to do mdadm partitions)22:58
plugwashNo I mean the alternate ISO22:58
OerHekstbrown, if you install gnome-terminal in LXDE then it comes with a lot of packages, lxde uses  LXterminal22:58
escotttwig11, i think it does that with 12.0422:58
SNowjagginess: did not help ...22:58
tbrownOerHeks: Thanks:)22:59
Jordan_Uplugwash: Yes.22:59
escotttwig11, if you know how to disable that i would appreciate knowing how22:59
jagginessSNow, maybe it's a physical harddrive stalling.. you should check with dmesg22:59
MirkoKatbrown: the default terminal on LXDE is the lxterminal, maybe you haven't installed it. if you have (and with the default settings) CTRL-ALT-t should work as expected22:59
twig11escott: The only way I know to do this now is to manually drop the desired wallpaper into /usr/share/wallpapers, set permissions correctly, and then apply it as a desktop background. As far as I know, only the default selection of wallpapers will show in unity-greeter.22:59
twig11escott: now you've got me second-guessing. Let me check23:00
Daraeltbrown: Additional information: for a choice of terminals, try an "axi-cache search terminal" to see options. There will definitely be more than 20 results, but that is what "axi-cache more" is for.23:00
Beta2KHello all23:02
Beta2KAnyone around tried running Minecraft on 12.04 with a ati video card?23:03
MonkeyDustBeta2K  is that a windows game?23:04
Beta2KI've gotten it to load minecraft without crashing but as soon as it tries to show the splash screen it restart's unity23:04
Beta2KMonkeyDust: no, Java23:04
Beta2KIt ran on 11.1023:04
Beta2KI shouldn't say it loads without crashing since it takes X down :)23:05
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:06
twig11escott: I just selected a photo from ~/Pictures, gave others read/write permissions, set it as the wallpaper through the Appearance preference pane, and it doesn't show up on unity-greeter. Any of the bundled wallpapers do, but no others, UNLESS first dropped into /usr/share/wallpapers and their owner changed to root.23:06
escotttwig11, thats certainly desirable. you dont want random peoples contents of $HOME being shown prior to their logging in23:07
MirkoKaBeta2K: just a guess, but might be a Sun Java vs. OpenJava issue. Maybe this helps:http://notes.ericjiang.com/posts/583 if not, you might need to install the sun-java stuff23:09
Beta2KI've gone the Sun java route, with OpenJDK the launcher couldn't even get the main game to load23:10
twig11escott: I understand the drawbacks of that but if users WANT to show off their wallpapers, as several on this machine do, I would like to know how to set the behavior. It's not like it's random information either, since it's something that will show any time the user is actually logged in. Anyway, maybe I'll phrase this as a new question and see if I get any bites.23:11
Beta2Ksymlink a folder in ~/Pictures to the /usr one?23:12
Beta2KOr do they _have_ to be owned by root?23:12
escotttwig11, obviously this wont work if they have an encrypted home23:12
spicy32hi does somebody know a free web cam chat ?23:13
HaumeaI'm having an issue with WINE23:14
jagginessspicy32, flastchat123 is probably the best thing I've seen out there (but it's proprietary), as for "client" only.. I don't see the point, there's red5 and similar free flash servers that people just use their webbrowsers to connect to..23:14
Beta2KHaumea, details? :)23:14
jagginessspicy32, (flashchat123 is freely downloadable and can be used for non-commercial purposes-- is the server)23:15
koskoon my vps i see that working from a user is much slower that from root, is it all about nice numbers?23:16
Beta2Kkosko, never seen that before....23:17
jagginessBeta2K, ~ means /home/<yourusername>23:17
jagginessBeta2K, /usr is not ~23:17
MonkeyDustkosko  working from root is less secure23:17
Beta2Kjagginess: I'm aware :)23:17
jagginess"<Beta2K> symlink a folder in ~/Pictures to the /usr one?" ..23:18
Beta2Kjagginess: There was a path cited under /usr that I couldn't remember :)23:18
jagginessBeta2K, you don't symlink if you want something out of /usr, you can copy23:18
Beta2Kjagginess: Look up at the OP's problem23:18
koskocan anyone convert this zsh to bash http://pastebin.com/dwQxANcA 3 lines only23:19
Beta2Kjagginess: They were saying wallpapers in their ~/Pictures didn't show up at the unity login23:19
koskoBeta2K: i see23:19
Beta2Kjagginess: So my thought was symlink to the wallpapers folder under /usr and then move pics you want there23:19
Beta2KAssuming they don't _have_ to be owned by root23:20
jagginessBeta2K, you'll have to reference documentation, but you don't symlink anything between ~ and /usr/<><>..  as for your problem, i don't know what you're trying to do..23:20
Beta2Kjagginess: NVM, it's not even my problem :)23:20
Beta2KOh, and I'll symlink whatever I need wherever :)  Best practices be damned23:21
jagginesswell even if its not your problem.. symlinking like this isn't good.. because if one decides to do a backup symlinks can be ignored..23:21
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde
twig11Beta2K: Didn't see you were on this until just now. Yes, it seems the photo has to be owned by root.23:22
Haumea__anyway, sorry about logging in and out, I enter the FL studio installer using wine, and it says it's verifying the installer, and then when it reaches 100% it minimizes the window and starts again23:22
Beta2Ktwig11: Ugh, that makes it more difficult...23:23
Beta2Ktwig11: You could code a daemon to move pics around....23:23
LuceoAny ALSA experts here? S/PDIF stopped working after an ALSA update and downgrading doesn't fix it23:23
Beta2KHaumea, checked the wine HQ database?  There might be a few things from winetricks to install23:24
jagginessLuceo, you still use cd to play music? comeon rip 'em23:25
Luceojagginess: I'm not using a CD o.O23:25
LuceoS/PDIF is optical out23:25
escottLuceo, if it is intel hda you might play around with the hda_analyzer.py23:25
Beta2KLuceo: I'd suspect the driver over ALSA itself, ALSA probably fixed something that the driver was relying on being broken :)23:26
Beta2KLuceo: What kind of card?23:26
LuceoIt's hda intel23:26
twig11Beta2K: If I could code a daemon at all. :-(  Actually it's not a big deal, I was just hoping there was a simple workaround besides me as admin having to manually change the ownership of the photo and drop it in the directory. However, the system is probably too smart to make that easy. As escott says, who wants unity-greeter grabbing stuff out of people's home directories?23:27
LuceoBeta2K: HDA ATI SB, VIA VT202023:27
LuceoIt's onboard on a Crosshair IV Formula23:27
escotttwig11, you should never overestimate your users. some idiot is going to figure out a way to make a background image of all their passwords23:27
Haumea__Beta2K: the winehq page doesn't seem to have anything...23:28
Beta2KHaumea__: There's a compatible program listing there somewhere....  One sec...23:29
escotttwig11, thats one of the things that drives me CRAZY with lightdm. they are constantly doing things to make it splashier without (a) notification and (b) a way to disable it. I dont care if my [boot manager|boot framebuffer|login screen] is pretty or not.23:29
Beta2KAh ha, appdb.winehq.org23:29
twig11escott: :-) If they did that AFTER knowing the greeter's behavior, they might deserve the consequences. But I understand the point.23:30
MirkoKatwig11: if you insist, writing a shellscript around iwatch (or other CLI inotify  tools) shoulnd't be to hard23:30
Haumea__Beta2K: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=178 doesn't seem to have anything about winetricks...23:31
kionI have an Nvidia Gtx260M card but it will never reach maximum performance, any ideas?23:31
escotttwig11, except its not their consequences. its your consequences. you are evidently the admin of that system, and are ultimately responsible for the security of it. so now you have to establish a policy that says "you may not use or create backgrounds that contain sensitive information"23:31
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twig11escott: actually, for someone like me who is interested in getting friends and family to take ubuntu seriously in order to wean them off windows, pretty is important. First impressions matter.23:32
tom_How do I move close, minimise etc to the left side in Xubuntu?23:32
escotttwig11, a more realistic scenario might be somebody deciding to make their background a render or blueprint of some unreleased company product23:32
MirkoKakion:  "maximum performance" compared to what?23:32
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kionMirkoKa: Nvidia has 4 performance levels for my card and can be measured with nvidia-settings23:33
escotttwig11, yeah but lightdm has been out for over 6 months now, and we STILL cannot prevent it from showing usernames23:33
Luceoescott: I'm pretty confused by this hda_analyser, however the relevant pin is set to 'OUT' so I don't think I need to change anything in it23:33
Haumea__I'll be back in a bit23:33
kionMirkoKa: it is the clock speed and memory speed, Mine is allways running on a "powersave" mode23:33
escottLuceo, but is the mixer pin selecting the spdif pin as the output (from the dropdown in the mixer)23:33
OY1Rcan anyone help me setup an secondary monitor ?23:34
RalliasHow do I make an sh script executable but not readable to a user?23:34
escottRallias, not possible23:34
Luceoescott: There are like 7 entries under AUD_MIX23:34
kionRallias try  chmod 111 Filename23:35
escottRallias, you might backup and try and tell us what you are hoping to accomplish and we can suggest another way23:35
escottkion, but then its no longer executable. is an sh script.23:35
tuxgeekRallias: file permissions 10123:35
Ralliasescott I need to make an ssh script that must run as root on both the local server and remote server that have port forwards on ports 25, 80, and 3306.23:36
twig11escott: Yeah, I'm pretty much convinced on the point about arbitrary user-selected backgrounds after thinking about it. The admin can always introduce another directory for more options if people want it.23:36
escotttuxgeek, kion, think about this for a moment before you tell Rallias the wrong thing. if you cant read it then sh cant read it23:36
AethrsHow can I disable unity in 12.04 ?23:36
RalliasTo initiate the tunnel, I need to do ssh -N -f -L 3307: -R 80: -L 25:
twig11escott: And I agree that they really should make the greeter more configurable.23:37
escottRallias, there is nothing priviledged in there. and if your security model is such that those parameters must be secured you have BIG problems23:37
OerHeks!nounity | Aethrs23:37
ubottuAethrs: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:37
koskoif `means to execute something` how do i insert args[0] there?23:37
kionescott: I just said try, because I was not absolutely shure, but knowing that what i suggested would not break anything  :)23:37
Ralliasescott, ports below 1024 much?23:37
AethrsThank you so much oreheks :)23:38
escottRallias, but reading the file only tells the what the port configuration is. it doesnt tell us anything else23:38
escottRallias, i think what you really want is to put this in /etc/rc.local23:39
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Ralliasescott I need to have my keyfile password in that file aswell.23:39
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Luceoescott: As I can tell, 0x0e AUD_OUT refers to 0x2d PIN, I dont know where the mixer is to select23:40
plustaxhow do I run an application from terminal? I already did sudo su23:40
plustaxand the file is located on my desktop. I tried this. root@ADVAITA:/home/plustax/Desktop# sudo /Desktop/revolutionary23:40
plustaxsudo: /Desktop/revolutionary: command not found23:40
escottRallias, so you have an auth-key that you have protected by a password. but if you let people read your private key now you have reduced your auth key security back to the level of a password. seems a bit silly. just put the command in rc.local. remove the password on the auth-key and let it start at boot23:40
Ralliasescott the problem is, that tunnel has a habit of cutting before a reboot happens.23:41
artemis12plustax: you need the full file path23:41
escottplustax, sudo -i is prefered over sudo su23:41
plustaxokay what would be the correct path for that program?23:41
plustaxIts right there on my desktop23:41
MonkeyDustescott  sudo -i is a no-no in this channel, too much harm can be done with it23:41
RalliasMonkeyDust, Why is sudo -i different from sudo su?23:42
MonkeyDustRallias  sudo su is also a no-no23:42
plustaxMonkeyDust, mind telling me the command to start this application?23:42
escottRallias, sudo su doesn't preserve env variables that indicate you are in a sudo environment. sudo -i does23:42
plustaxits in /Desktop23:42
plustaxand im currently root23:43
Ralliasplustax then ~plustax/Desktop/whatever23:43
escottLuceo, its been a long time since i've looked at that application. i dont remember what everything looks like anymore23:43
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escottRallias, ~ = /root in sudo23:43
MonkeyDustplustax  it's not a good idea to be root, rather use sudo23:44
Luceoescott: I cant find a mixer pin which has an option for 0x0e or 0x2d :/23:44
escottplustax, it would be /home/username/Desktop/whatever23:44
artemis12plustax: you have to have the filename of the program at the end. for example, if you have exampleprogram.sh on your desktop, you'd run it as sh /home/plustax/Desktop/exampleprogram.sh23:44
plustaxthank you!23:44
MirkoKaplustax: NOT usign sudo us actually the prefered way (sudo is only used to run programs with admin (superuser) privileges. you normally shouldn't have any programs in your desktop folder. what program exactly are you trying to run?23:45
escottLuceo, so there are mixer pins and a pin that roughly corresponds to master volume23:45
Luceoescott: Viewing the graph would lead me to believe that S/PDIF PIN is only linked to its AUD_OUT23:46
lduroshi, is there a way to enable to "Free Software Only" option after installing Ubuntu? I know there's an option before installing. But I installed the regular version, and now I only want free software... none of the proprietary stuff. Thanks23:46
escottLuceo, so then you need to select that AUD_OUT in the dropdown of the "master volume" or something23:47
plugwashYou can remove restricted and multiverse from your sources.list and you can remove any packages installed from them using aptitude23:47
plugwashnot sure if the "free software only" option does anything else23:47
Luceoescott: That's the thing, that AUD_OUT appears to be linked to nothing except the 0x2d PIN23:47
MirkoKalduros: disable the multiverse, restricted  and partner repos23:47
ldurosMirkoKa: plugwash: ah ok! So these don't contain any of the free stuff I might want?23:48
escottLuceo, but there should be dropdown boxes in other pin controls that enable you to select that pin (or is it radio buttons? dont recall)23:48
Luceoescott: The radio buttons don't include that pin23:48
YagoI need help trying to remove a dual boot23:48
AethrsI don't see how to disable unity in gnome-tweak-tool after installing gnome-shell.  Can someone assist me?  it used to be easy to rid myself of unity but it seems like it's gotten a lot harder.23:48
Yagouninstall ubuntu from dual boot23:48
escottAethrs, disable? just select shell on the login screen23:49
AethrsSorry, use gnome instead.23:49
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MirkoKalduros: IIRC, the universe repo doesn't contain any "spoiled" stuff23:49
AethrsBasically look like other Linux dists/what ubuntu looked like before unity.23:49
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escott!notunity | Aethrs23:49
ubottuAethrs: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:49
ldurosMirkoKa: by spoiled you mean nonfree? :-) Will these stuff disappear from the software centre as well?23:49
AethrsAs i said, I read that, and I'm in gnome-tweak-tool.. I don't see how to get rid of unity.23:50
AethrsLet me try installing gnome-panel and see if that changes anything.23:50
MirkoKalduros: yes and yes (at least as far as I remember)23:50
escottAethrs, you dont "get ride" of anything. you just dont use it23:50
AethrsApparently it's already installed.23:50
Aethrsescott- I used to be able to select "Gnome" on the display manager and forget about unity.23:51
ldurosMirkoKa: what about the precise-security main restricted?23:51
escottAethrs, yes. so on the login screen. click on the icon to the right of your username and select a different session type23:51
tuxgeekAethrs: you can stil do that...23:51
ldurosand precise-backports, should I just remove the references to "restricted" and "multiverse" without commenting the whole lines?23:51
ldurosI guess so23:51
YagoMonkeyDust: hey23:51
AethrsOh there it is!  Sorry :)  The other options appeared after I installed the extra package I guess..It wasn't there by default.  Thanks very much :)23:52
Yagoanyone have software for Win XP that allows you to resize partitions?23:52
MirkoKalduros: remove the "restricted" component. NOTICE: no more propietary GFX drivers!23:52
YagoI tried MPWE 7 but its not free23:52
ldurosMirkoKa: I have an intel graphics23:53
escottYago, gparted on the livecd/liveusb23:53
Harriswhat is a app like homebank but with a password secerity23:53
jagginessYago, you have a usb stick or spare cd? gparted live cd is very good23:53
Yagospare cd but does it work on windows xp?23:53
jagginessYago, it's safer to work outside of xp23:53
jagginessYago, the boot cd boots up into a gui23:53
ldurosMirkoKa: here is the updated source.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1018806/23:53
ldurosMirkoKa: anything I might have missed?23:54
Yagojagginess: how so? instead of booting up into an OS it goes straight into a gui?23:54
AethrsOkay, so I go into gnome and rather than a nice menu structure on the upper-left click.. I have a unity-style icon thing.23:54
charly_nice to be here!23:54
charly_for the first time23:54
jagginessYago, #xp23:55
AethrsSince when does gnome (on anything but ubuntu) have icons instead of a nice menu that lists everything?23:55
AethrsIt's like someone tried to make gnome into unity for people that don't want unity so they are forced to look at unity.23:56
jagginessAethrs, gnome-shell23:56
escottAethrs, you might consider reading release notes before upgrading a 2 year old release to a brand new version23:56
Aethrsescott- It's a new install.23:56
halakarcrap, windows 8 screwed up my boot loader.  how to fix?23:56
Yagojagginess: what steps do i take?23:56
jagginesshalakar, win8 is not even out23:56
tuxgeekAethrs: you can use the gnome clasic23:56
halakarjagginess, Windows 8 Release Preview, sir.23:56
Yagojagginess: does MPWE work to do that?23:56
escott!info gnome-panel | Aethrs23:57
ubottuAethrs: gnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 473 kB, installed size 1390 kB23:57
MirkoKalduros: looks fine, exept the "restricted" repo. I can't help with Intel stuff, be careful before you remove the "restricted"repo23:57
escott!grub | halakar23:57
ubottuhalakar: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:57
ldurosMirkoKa: ok thanks23:57
AethrsGot it.  "Gnome Class (no effects)" is apparently the right answer.23:57
AethrsGnome classic pretty much (to me) looks like it's been owned by unity. ;)23:57
AethrsAwesome.. My new laptop is pretty now.  Thanks guys very much.23:58
ldurosMirkoKa: is there a place I can see the version of sources.list that ships by default with a fresh install?23:59
jagginessYago, 1- backup your data, 2- download gparted live cd (google it)/download iso/burn iso, when you finish burning iso come back here..23:59
koskoanyone knows how to make vim always start with the certain nice?23:59
jagginessYago, the installer may let you resize partitions, but you have to choose the proper menu items..23:59
koskoaliase doesn't work23:59

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