
=== IceGuest_77 is now known as Neutral
=== Neutral is now known as oceanbubble
astrodonWhy is there no 3.2.0-24  Complete lowlatency kernel?01:41
astrodonDo the low latency kernels come out days or weeks after the generic?01:41
len-dtastrodon, we are still working that out.01:47
astrodonlen-dt, working on the "process" to keep up with the generic ?01:52
astrodonor this is just normal wait-time to release the lowlatency version and you are working on that?01:56
studio-user2921204 is looking great!05:15
MaynardWatersdo any of you guys have lenovo thinkpads? I have a dual boot between vista and ubuntu stdio on my T400.  the screen has gone out and the only indicator light that will turn green is the bluetooth.  I am able to plug it into an external monitor and everything works fine on there, but nothing shows up on the laptop screen, ever.  I am hoping i just need to reseed the screen wires or something like that, anyone have recommendati13:58
ailoMaynardWaters: I don't know what would cause that (I've had a screen stop working, as well as a keyboard on some laptops - not Lenovo), but seems like if this is likely to happen to your model, there should be info about it on the web14:04
MaynardWatersailo: yea Ive done a fair amount of research, and was just looking to discuss possibilities with other people who might have similar moels/problems14:07
ailoOn my machines I think the problem has simply been that something got broken on the MB14:09
ailoOr, the screen (but to check, I'd have to replace it)14:09
ailoMaybe because of heat14:10
holsteini have just plugged monitors in and used them as desktop rigs or whatever15:05
holsteinOR.. ripped the screens off and ran headless servers ;)15:05
MaynardWatersholstein: ailo its a hunge disappointment, since I had basically just got ubuntu studio all set up and running nicely, yea i had already considered just turning it into a server15:20
holsteinMaynardWaters: plug a monitor into the the side and enjoy :)15:21
holsteintheres a recycler here where you can get monitors for $20.. unless you want a fre CRT :)15:22
MaynardWatersyea, i have extra monitors around, its just so sad since I was turning this thinkg into an ideal portable  powerhouse  :(15:22
holsteineh... get an LCD and its just a little less portable15:23
MrNaz_outhi all... anyone around?15:46
MrNaz_outim having trouble getting my dv cam to work in ubuntu, and i've been lead to believe this is THE community for firewire related questions15:47
holsteinMrNaz_out: i would try running "lspci"15:47
holsteini would want to see that the kernel "sees" the device, and shows its plugged15:47
holsteini would want to try a few different firewire chipsets ideally15:47
MrNaz_outi'm running a laptop that has worked with the old firewire stack15:48
holsteinyou could be troubleshooting the camera, and have an unsupported firewire chipset15:48
MrNaz_outits a dell e4300 and i know that the firewire chipset works in the old firewire stack because ive been using this same laptop for a while now15:48
holsteinMrNaz_out: i would try a few different live CD's to see if it "just works"15:48
holsteini would try something 10.04 based, something 12.04 based, and then maybe try a daily 12.1015:49
MrNaz_outim also sure that the camera works, i've sampled from it using another dell laptop (different model) which can dvgrab from ti fine15:49
MrNaz_outwhats the procedure for getting a cam to work in the new firewire stack?15:49
holsteinMrNaz_out: should be like this...15:49
holsteinplug it in.. use it15:49
holsteindid the camera work in the old setup?15:50
MrNaz_outand still does15:50
MrNaz_outi have a laptop running the old setup and the cam works fine with it15:50
holsteincould be the kernel though.. you cant assume its something with the FW15:50
MrNaz_outive tried with debian 6 and ubuntu 12.0415:50
holsteinright.. both having different, newer kernels, as well as FW software15:51
MrNaz_outim about to install 10.04 on the laptop to see if that works just to rule out some other issue15:51
holsteinMrNaz_out: i would just try them live... save some time15:51
MrNaz_outhmm... i didnt trust that to work btu if you sya so i'll trust you :)15:51
holsteinMrNaz_out: it literally wont hurt to try15:52
MrNaz_outbooting 10.04 live now... will report back in 3 minutes (or however long it takes to boot)15:52
holsteinbest case, you save install time, and hassle.. worst case, you install from the live CD that didnt "work" for your tests15:53
holsteinMrNaz_out: i need to run15:53
MrNaz_outthanks btw15:53
holsteinMrNaz_out: if no one is here, you should try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners maybe15:53
holsteinsince thats not really ubuntu studio specific, try back here as well though :)15:54
userfriendlyhi guys. having a wee problem with the keyring on ubuntu studio 12.0419:17
userfriendlywhen i do something like git clone, i get a warning:19:17
userfriendlyWARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-Bml89i/pkcs11: No such file or directory19:17
userfriendlyany ideas?19:17
holsteinlooks like theres no such file or directory19:17
holsteinyou could put it in place19:18
userfriendlyi also get it when i run19:18
userfriendlylpstat -r19:18
holsteincould be an issue iwth git19:18
userfriendlyand lpstat?19:18
userfriendlyand svn?19:18
holsteinuserfriendly: could be19:18
holsteinits plausible. is it not?19:18
holsteinanyways, i wont be able to give you an answeer19:19
userfriendlyseems strange that lots of software would have the same issue19:19
holsteini will only give you troubleshooting advice that you can take or leave19:19
userfriendlyseems rather like it's a problem with the keyring itself19:19
userfriendlyah well19:19
userfriendlythought someone here might have come across it19:19
holsteinuserfriendly: this is *not* ubuntustudio specific though, so feel free and try #ubuntu19:19
holsteinuserfriendly: you are literally the first person to mention it19:19
holsteinuserfriendly: have you looked in the forums?19:20
holsteinuserfriendly: i would *not* search "ubuntustudio blah"19:20
userfriendlyi've googled, seems it occurs not only on LXDE19:20
holsteini would search xubuntu or ubutnu19:20
userfriendlyare you on ubuntu studio just now? if so, just to quickly check, run lpstat -r19:21
holsteinuserfriendly: i have only 10.04 installed19:21
userfriendlyah right :) never mind then19:21
holsteinuserfriendly: try ubuntu19:21
holsteinits not studio specific19:21
holsteinOR better yet #xubuntu19:22
Unit193Hey jussi, would you mind changing the topic to indicate 12.04 is out rather than 11.10?20:03
=== jussi changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel - http://ubuntustudio.org | Please be patient, not everyone is watchin'. | Ubuntu Studio 12.04 Now released | This Channel is logged! | Support forum is provided by http://ubuntuforums.org | For general ubuntu help, try #ubuntu | Ubuntu Studio does not have a live cd. | General music making and studio chatter is allowed
jussiUnit193: ^^20:22
holsteinjussi: THANKS!... you could drop the "we dont have a live CD" part too20:23
holsteinat your leisure, of course :)20:23
jussiholstein: did it change?20:23
holsteinyup... our iso is live now20:24
=== jussi changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel - http://ubuntustudio.org | Please be patient, not everyone is watchin'. | Ubuntu Studio 12.04 Now released | This Channel is logged! | Support forum is provided by http://ubuntuforums.org | For general ubuntu help, try #ubuntu | General music making and studio chatter is allowed
jussithere we are20:24
holsteinjussi: :)20:24
jussiwiat, one more thing...20:25
=== jussi changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel - http://ubuntustudio.org | Please be patient, not everyone is watchin'. | Ubuntu Studio 12.04 Now released | This Channel is logged! | Support forum is provided by http://ubuntuforums.org | For general xubuntu help, try #xubuntu | General music making and studio chatter is allowed
holsteinyeah, i agree with that...20:25
jussigiven its now based on xubuntu, not ubuntu propper20:26
Unit193Topicdiff. <320:26
MaynardWatershas anyone written, or know of good sources for creating a persistent usb flash drive with ubuntu studio on it?20:42
ailoMaynardWaters: Try Debian or Ubuntu regular wikis20:44
ailoMaynardWaters: Also, you might want to look for reference on how puredyne was created20:46
holsteinor, just install ubuntustudio onto a flash drive20:46
holsteinput grub there, right on the stick20:47
MaynardWatersim currently working on my first ubuntu usb drive with persistent storage... I was going to install studio from the repo on to that20:47
holsteini would just do a normal install20:48
holsteinyou get all the perks and none of the hassle20:48
holsteini dont see the point in live with persistent personally20:48
MaynardWatersit was the method i found the most info on the web on, ill install directly if this doesnt work well.... thats kinda what I wanted to do from the beginning20:49
ailoIt might be interesting for security reasons, but if a normal install will work on any platform, I guess there's no benefit?20:49
holsteinthere was some argument, a valid one... i forget what it was though20:50
holsteindidnt do anything for me... i believe it was security related20:50
MaynardWaterswell ill let you know what I find once i get it working20:51
holsteini mean, it'll work.... i just prefer a normal install20:52
holsteinnormal user, ext filesystem20:52
holsteinall the goodies20:52
holsteinlast time i did persistent was 9.10.. then i actually felt a little silly when i just installed to the USB stick ;)20:53
MaynardWaterswill the direct install avoid this casper-rw stuff?20:54
MaynardWatersi suspect it will20:55
holsteinit'll just install, and boot, and run, and work20:55
MaynardWatersholstein: can I ask you do google around for a quick sec and offer me a method that looks sound that follows the way you would do it20:55
holsteinMaynardWaters: i would just install.. just use the installer to install to the USB stick20:56
holsteinMaynardWaters: it'll look just like normal... just with the USB stick as the destination for the intall and GRUB20:56
MaynardWatersgot ya20:57
holsteini might use an alternate xubuntu iso, make sure grub either doesnt get installed, or goes where i want it to20:58
MaynardWatersreason for using xubuntu?20:59
holsteinworst case, you end up with GRUB looking for that USB stick each time you boot, and you have to fix that20:59
holsteinMaynardWaters: xubuntu is closest to ubuntustudio with an alternate iso20:59
holsteinMaynardWaters: i would use that or something minimal21:00
holsteinlike, a commandline only install from alternate21:00

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