
knomepleia2, hai00:13
pleia2hello knome 00:13
knomepleia2, what do you think of a xubuntu users group in linkedin?00:13
knomepleia2, there is already a group, and the creator asked if he could make it "official"00:14
pleia2if we have someone with linkedin-fu to run it, I think it'd be fine00:14
pleia2oh great00:14
knomemeh, isn't linkedin for some kind of work-networking stuff00:14
knomewho cares if you *use* xubuntu?00:14
pleia2I used to run one for the philly lug, but I was really bad at it (I don't log on often and they don't send many email alerts)00:15
pleia2there is an ubuntu users one, and one for ubuntu members00:15
knomeactually, now the group says "official", but has the old logo too00:15
knomei'd be more comfortable if somebody from the team was (also) an administrator, like in g+00:15
* knome is not on linkedin, and not joining because of this00:16
pleia2I can do it if you want, I at least know how00:16
knomeokay, that would be much appreciated00:16
* Unit193 is not on linkedin, and not joining00:16
* pleia2 joins00:16
knomepleia2, can you be in contact with the admin, and work that out?00:16
pleia2knome: how did they ask?00:17
knomepleia2, sec00:17
knomepleia2, that : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-September/007970.html00:17
pleia2oh, gosh00:18
knomei know it's way too long since it's sent but...00:18
pleia2thanks, I'll follow-up00:18
knomepleia2, ok, thanks00:19
knomepleia2, if you need help with new logos and so, just send me email with the dimensions you need00:20
pleia2ok :)00:22
knometrying to get the mail folders empty and everything documented as work items or just done...00:24
pleia2you rock <300:24
* knome blushes00:25
knomethanks ;)00:25
knomei'm wondering if there is a way to make the "in the press" -subpages look better00:26
knomethere aren't so many things there anyway00:26
knomei'm wondering if it was the newest release on the "main page" and the rest in "archive"00:27
pleia2we did play with that idea00:28
knomemost of the subpages have like 4 items00:29
knomehttp://www.webupd8.org/2011/02/gmusicbrowser-to-replace-exaile-in.html <- also, not sure how much sense it makes to archive things like this00:30
knomeespecially from both OMG!U! and webupd800:30
pleia2it's history, I like it :)00:30
knomeso, should i combine the old releases to one page?00:32
knomei could do that now00:32
pleia2I dunno00:33
knomethat's sad :(00:33
ochosibut also a long time ago...00:33
pleia2maybe if we also clean up empty "screenshots" and "screencasts" section00:33
knomepleia2, of course.00:33
knomepleia2, i was thinking of just adding one header per release00:33
knome(just the release name)00:33
ochosisry for that00:34
knomeheh. :)00:34
pleia2knome: like "10.04" ?00:34
ochosiyou could add this screencast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7bYs3BN85g00:34
knomepleia2, or "10.04 Lucid Lynx", whichever00:34
pleia2yeah, 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is good00:34
pleia2Xubuntu certainly is redundant :)00:35
* knome goes working00:35
pleia2ochosi: ah, good!00:35
pleia2knome: ^^ add that one00:35
pleia2for lucid00:35
ochosipleia2: and part 2 of the same screencast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ElbqlGex000:35
knomepleia2, ochosi, will do00:36
ochosishould we also add this review? :) http://gvxdev.wordpress.com/2010/03/24/xubuntu-lucid-is-disappointing/00:36
ochosiscreenshot tour: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/xubuntu-1004-lucid-beta-1-screenshots.html00:36
ochosiguys, have you even googled before adding the /press pages? :D00:37
knomeochosi, no.00:37
ochosiguys _and_ gals, sry00:37
knomeochosi, that's just migrated from the old website00:37
pleia2I wasn't around during lucid :P00:37
knomei'm sure there is loads of pages around the web00:37
pleia2that "disappointing" review doesn't seem to understand what LTSs are about00:37
knomethe thing why i pasted the wepupd8 link...00:37
ochosianother video-review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLDnsDftzMg00:38
knomeis that i don't think we should serve a "google results" page :P00:38
ochosiand another one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LnitFybRL000:38
knomejust gather some meaningful and insightful (even if negative) reviews00:38
ochosiof old releases??00:38
knomeochosi, of any releases00:38
knomeochosi, i suppose something like 4-5 articles *is* actually quite fine00:39
knomeochosi, http://hurr-durr.com/00:39
knomeochosi, that's for you00:39
knomethat's the best review ever.00:39
knomepleia2, see my point with only linking to a few high-class articles?00:41
Unit193Ahahaha! Loves it:D :D :D00:41
knomethere's probably a few things we could drop from the current list, but00:41
knomelet's see00:41
pleia2but I don't think we exclude the more tabloidy ones out of hand, some of their articles aren't horrible :)00:41
knomeyup. but just telling the news isn't something i think we should make people go through on archives ;)00:42
ochosiknome: did you just want to rickroll/hurrdurr me? :p00:42
ochosibtw, for 9.10: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/xubuntu-9-10.html00:42
knomeochosi, no, i think; BLEH.00:43
pleia2knome: fair enough00:43
ochosianyway, g2g to sleep00:44
ochosinight everyone!00:44
knomeochosi, night!00:44
knomepleia2, i'll combine the pages first, then if i'm not too tired, quickly check the lists for babble ;)00:45
pleia2ok :)00:45
knomeeg for hardy, there are two reviews from the same site; pre and final00:46
pleia2if they have differing content I don't think that's bad00:46
knomehave to see :)00:47
* knome cleans up some dead links too :/01:03
drcWhile perusing the press section, I noticed that http://xubuntu.org/press/precise/ did not have http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/xubuntu-pangolin.html01:18
pleia2knome: ok01:18
knomedrc, it did today when i checkeed01:18
pleia2yeah, I checked when someone sent a mail to the list about it01:19
drcIt does.01:19
pleia2yeah, it does01:20
* drc need to up the font size again :(01:20
pleia2looks like I added it when Unit193 mentioned it in -offtopic on May 1701:21
drcEyes are too tired to see what is clearly there...time for bed01:21
pleia2good night01:21
knomepleia2, http://xubuntu.org/press/,01:29
pleia2knome: hey, looks good!01:30
knomethe "Articles about..." header could be more imaginative01:31
knomelike "What are they saying about us?" or sth01:31
knomedoesn't need to say 12.04 at this point01:31
knomeactually, refresh01:32
pleia2that's good01:33
GridCubepage , not found01:36
pleia2bah, that qa pad isn't loading02:58
Unit193http://typewith.me/p/xubuntu-qa-20120601 ?  Not really working here either.03:00
Unit193Secondary browser also fails.03:01
Unit193Is there a chance that "Midweight" can be put on the website to clearify a little?03:57
Unit193pleia2: See above when yous get backs?03:59
knomepleia2, Unit193; weird (pad not working)08:46
knomeworks fine for me08:46
knomebut generally, no need for it to work for you ;)08:46
Unit193Now it's working.08:46
knomeit's just a todo list for me and astraljava 08:46
knomeoh bleh, invoies08:47
* knome pays08:47
knomeit's thee internet08:47
knomehappy june08:49
ochosigtk3.6 will really be quite powerful in terms of native theming: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTYUn72Wjyk&feature=player_embedded09:10
ochosi(or for those of you who prefer to read: http://blogs.gnome.org/cosimoc/2012/05/31/gtk-and-css-updates/ )09:10
knomelooks good, but i agree with the first commenter10:27
knomei'm afraid many many people will create some really wacky stuff which then breaks and people are crying for help or thinking their pc is bricked or so10:27
ochosibtw, i'm not so afraid of that, people are already doing whacky stuff with the pixmap engine...10:52
GridCubeochosi, ping14:28
ochosiGridCube: pong14:28
ochosi(don't have much time though)14:28
GridCube:| im stuck in the same place as yesterday14:28
ochosiwhat place is that?14:28
GridCubeihave to rule out some media players14:28
GridCubewich ones should i pick to start the comparisons?14:29
ochosiwhat's your current list?14:29
GridCubelisten, exaile, rhytmbox, quodlibet14:29
ochosirhythmbox is rather heavyweight14:30
ochosiwhat's exaile's current status?14:30
GridCubei ruled out audacious and decibel because the mediatheque abilities come from plugins and are not preseted14:30
ochosilast time i checked it was utterly broken14:30
GridCubei have no idea ochosi :/14:30
ochosiwhat about beatbox instead?14:30
GridCube!info beatbox14:31
ubottuPackage beatbox does not exist in precise14:31
ochosiyou need to get it from a ppa atm14:31
GridCubeits not in the repos so its not on my list, and no one told me about it before :/14:31
ochosino problem14:31
GridCubeah, old google's incrediblelongurl.php14:32
drcochosi: how was/is exaile broken?14:32
ochosialso there's xnoise14:32
GridCubenever heard of those 14:32
ochosisorry guys, i need to run now14:32
GridCubeok thanks you give me more to think14:32
GridCubedrc i have no idea14:32
ochosiGridCube: maybe good to do some more research on potential players ;) (clementine, guayadeque etc...)14:32
ochosisee y'all14:33
GridCubei did some14:33
drcHas the decision been made whether the team wants a player or a player/manager?14:37
GridCubedrc i have no idea, im doing what i think i should be doing, but for what i understand nothing will change14:38
GridCubei dont understand this wiki :/14:39
drcplus ça change, plus c'est  la même chose:(14:39
pleia2linkedin group secured16:05
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knomepleia2, hallo16:59
pleia2hi knome 16:59
knomepleia2, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Short16:59
knomepleia2, we updated that with astraljava 17:00
pleia2shall we move to qa wiki?17:00
knomepleia2, yeah, once we know what the structure is17:00
* pleia2 nods17:00
pleia2so for Ubuntu: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopPostInstallation17:01
pleia2but I guess  /Short is a bit more than that17:02
knomepleia2, those should be run too17:02
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