
=== max is now known as Guest11597
ballIs Xubuntu available for PowerPC macs?00:18
chelzball: why yes it is00:19
ballchelz: Great! I've just been given one. :-)00:19
ball...and I would rather run Xubuntu than MacOS X00:20
Unit193You'll have to build from the mini.iso though.00:22
ballUnit193: Is there no .iso image readily available then?00:24
chelzgoes to http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/precise/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc/netboot/00:24
chelzball: there is, the mini.iso there00:24
chelzball: though you have to install xubuntu-desktop yourself after the install00:25
Unit193But not of Xubuntu fully installed, didn't have enough people testing it to know if it worked or not.00:25
ballI suppose I could try Ubuntu.00:25
chelzone thing is those netboot isos aren't gpg signed ;/00:25
chelzi remember they weren't and i raised it in some ubuntu channel00:26
chelzball: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads00:27
chelzthere is 12.04 for Lubuntu, which has LXDE00:27
chelzlatest desktop ISOs for PowerPC are for 10.04, which is supported until April 201300:28
ballThat's what my sister-in-law has on her i386 desktop00:29
chelzi mean that April 2013 thing for Xubuntu btw, not Lubuntu00:32
ballI understand00:33
ballI just grabbed the .torrent for the 10.04 Xubuntu00:33
ballWe'll see if I can make that work.00:33
Unit193Would be far better off using the mini and installing xubuntu-desktop.00:35
ballIf I can make 10.04 work, then I may try using this mini disk.00:39
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vnhi, im trying to install xubuntu, but it doesn't list my devices/partitions, what can I do?  if I go to ctrl+alt+f1 and into cfdisk, I can manage them...01:16
cythesvn, Are you on a laptop?01:18
vncythes: at the moment yes, but I am installing on a desktop01:18
cythesOh I was going to say sometimes I know it sounds silly but the HDD becomes unattached from the computer and I have to slide it back into place (But that is because I am constantly flip flopping drives) Sorry mate thought I could help.01:20
ballcythes: where are you from?01:21
vncythes: np, thanks for trying :)01:22
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cythesball, Right up the road from where pleia2 used to live lol (PA)01:24
ballPA as in Pennsylvania, USA?01:24
ballI was thrown by your use of "mate" there.01:25
cythesYess it is.01:25
cythesI do that from time to time, sorry. (Even said it to myself in an aussie accent)01:25
* ball grins01:26
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VaniI downloaded avast on Ubuntu, and upon scanning it told me it found a decompression bomb, but it won't let me delete it or move it to chest, what should I do about this?03:45
Unit193Where is it?03:46
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:46
VaniDoes that mean a decompression bomb would be harmless on a linux? It's in mozilla's cache.... :/03:47
Unit193May as well delete it though, if it's just in the cache.03:48
VaniWell, Avast won't let me delete it... so would i have to go into my cache?03:48
Unit193Firefox > Edit > Preferences > (one of the tabs) > Clear cache.03:49
Vani(one of the tabs) lol, there's a tab called "Tabs" ... it's not that one though03:49
Vani:/ if antivirus isn't need on a linux, then how was there a decompression bomb?03:53
Vanioh... that was a bot...03:57
Unit193It is a virus, but really only a problem on windows.  Changing systems doesn't turn it into a non-virus, just doesn't affect the system,03:58
Vanioh... well I wanted to install Avast, cause while I heard Linux is really safe, certain programs can let viruses or hackers in.. like flash04:00
Vaniokay, this isn't really an Ubuntu question, but does each web browser have it's own cache? so you have to individually clear them?04:04
Unit193Yep, though some may use /tmp a little.04:04
drcVani: Usually, yes...04:04
vnhmm I'm just done installing xubuntu and I cannot click like 10% of links and buttons...any ideas?04:50
vnmaybe because my mouse is a rat7?04:50
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root____2nice xubuntu07:26
onizui'm having difficulties with panel208:11
onizuit does not get really transparent. i'd like to show the window behind it while it's transparent08:11
onizuand not the desktop wallpaper08:11
onizuis it possible?08:11
baizononizu: change opacity08:14
onizui did08:16
onizuit still shows the blue strip08:16
onizuonly the icons are transparent08:16
onizuok, that worked only when i had it set to automatically hide08:41
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martinphonedoes any of you know any compilation of french radio stations ready to be added to rhythmbox, radiotray and the like?15:22
drcmartinphone: you can start here...right click on the one(s) you want and save link as (pls), then add to the player of your choice.15:25
drcI know for a fact that they work in RB and RT :)15:25
martinphonedrc, omg15:26
martinphone45 minutes of saving as?15:26
drcIt's a start....15:26
drcI know of nothing that is a "one click adds everything to a player"...although there may be.15:27
drcas GridCube shows, there <are> lots of lists :)15:28
aquixicecast directory is not funny15:28
aquixlisten to noagendashow.com15:29
blackgatonegro12doing a fresh install of Xubuntu 12.04 right now, any advice?15:49
drcand then backup15:49
GridCubemmhm, oh and dont forget to backup15:50
blackgatonegro12by fresh install, I mean I whited the entire disk, is not an upgrade15:50
* drc is seeing atren here15:50
GridCube:D tho nothing bad should happen15:50
GridCube:D then go ahead, if i have a recomendation is having a dedicated partition for /home15:50
GridCubebut thats me15:50
drcYou've got to have <some> data you want to backup...I also do what GridCube said, then boot the livecd and wipe all the .$CONFIG files , install and its as good as a totally fresh format/install15:52
blackgatonegro12Well, I had problems after an upgrade, so I decided to to it from zero15:52
drcI also backup the .$CONFIG files and restore those I know I want to use.15:53
blackgatonegro12I have all the valuable data in a second hard disk, so far that has proven to be the best idea I had in years15:53
drcThat works also15:53
GridCubemmhm, but having a dedicated /home its nice because you can simply install clean, delete .$CONFIG files, adn vuala! clean system, except for those tiny configs you like, like for example allyour bookmarks on firefox, all the servers and channels in xchat, etc, etc15:56
drcok, ok...$CONFIG files <and> folders.15:57
blackgatonegro12I noticed some config files do seem to have a few problems after upgrading, anyway, having a second hard disk is wise and nowadays kind of cheap. Having a second particion is not such a good idea, there is always the risk of the disk getting dameg and that.15:59
GridCubemmhm yes16:00
blackgatonegro12been using ubuntu sistems since version 6, it has improved a lot, but a install from zero is still the best option16:00
blackgatonegro12anyway, gotta reboot now16:00
martinphonecan anyone help me to create sub categories in this index? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1018145/16:10
martinphoneI need to add several subgroups to a group16:10
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blackgatocatnegrXubuntu 12.04 installed an updated, any sugestions?17:22
pleia2have fun? :)17:23
GridCube:) be happy17:23
blackgatocatnegrany recommended program?  I mean I know libreoffice replaced open office but besides that....17:25
GridCubeblackgatocatnegr, install your driver, gksu jockey-gtk, update programs, install libreoffice if you want17:25
GridCubecheck that xubuntu-restricted-extras is intalled, check that gmusicbrowers its a media player that you would like to use, i know i dont like it, but hey its tastes17:26
blackgatocatnegris fresh install from zero,  so besides the default programs it has little else17:26
GridCubecheck that you have flash installed on firefox17:27
blackgatocatnegrah yes medibuntu, gotta install that17:27
GridCubeif you listen to internet radios you could install vlc or xine to have its plugins, etc, etc. its all tastes17:28
blackgatocatnegrvlc, k3b (I prefer it) what else... audacity....17:28
GridCubemmhm :) what ever you want, its just an apt-get away from you17:28
blackgatocatnegractually totem works better for internet radio streams than vlc, at least on linux, but then this is vlc 2.xx, maybe it got better17:29
GridCubedon't know17:29
GridCubei just use xine17:29
blackgatocatnegrwell, many radios updated in a way that you can only listem to them if you have windows or listem to them using firefox17:30
blackgatocatnegrsome even inist in you using winamp17:30
blackgatocatnegryes, is sad17:31
GridCube:) blackgatocatnegr this are not support questions, it would be better if you join #xubuntu-offtopic :)17:32
blackgatocatnegrfunny, when they still used rm you could listem them in linux thanks to vlc native rm audio suport or something17:32
blackgatocatnegrok, sorry, any bug  besides the usual "Flash is screwed without propitary video driver" I should know about?17:32
GridCubeflash is screwed with popietary drivers17:34
GridCubeflash is just plain bad17:34
blackgatocatnegrtrrue, but until youtube fully moves to html 5, I will have to use it.17:35
GridCubethough with all honesty, lately it has been working pretty well,  with or without propietary drivers17:35
GridCubei cant complain from the last months17:35
GridCubesince 12.04 it hasnt crashed once17:35
blackgatocatnegrGridcube, all the questions I got about "I upgraded ubuntu, now flash works bad" prove otherwise17:35
GridCube:P well i talk from my experience17:36
blackgatocatnegrbut thats just the usual "Forgot to update video driver" stuff17:36
martinphonewhat can I use to replace >< for >returnkey< in axml file?18:46
martinphonereturn key is obviously, that big key to the right of the keyboard18:46
martinphonein synaptic?18:46
xubuntu264Hi, I just installed Xubunu and Avant Navigator, but removed the Xcfe-navigator. After a restart the "start-menu" at the top of the screen has disappeared. What have I done wrong?18:46
xubuntu264is the start-menu part of the navigator package?18:48
shpankmartinphone: try sed -e 's/></>\n<' yourfile.xml18:48
shpankbut make a backup first18:49
martinphoneshpank, sed: -e expression #1, char 9: unterminated `s' command18:53
shpankmartinphone: try sed -e 's/></>\n</' yourfile.xml18:53
shpankbut i don't think it works like this18:54
martinphoneno shpank , it didnt18:55
holsteinxubuntu264: i would just add back everything to a panel and see what is what.. you can also look at a live CD, or at the guest account (or a new user account) and learn what has been removed18:57
holsteini think its called "main menu" or "menu"18:57
xubuntu264you are quite right. Main menu18:58
xubuntu264i will return after a log out18:58
userfriendlyhi guys. having a wee problem with the keyring on 12.04, i get a warning: "WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-Bml89i/pkcs11: No such file or directory"19:23
userfriendlythis happens when i do something like git clone, lpstat -r19:23
userfriendlyhas anyone come across this?19:24
userfriendlyfound this thread, tried the suggested solution :( but that didn't fix it for me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1195251219:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932177 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "XFCE (and other non-GNOME) desktops do not initialise gnome-keyring correctly / WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to PKCS11" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:26
Unit193There's a few fixes in thet bug report.19:26
Unit193(Actually, one by me, and it works, but it may not be exactly how it "should" be done)19:26
userfriendlyta, i'll have a bash at that19:27
userfriendlyUnit193: thanks mate, one of the fixes there (having the daemon start and eval its output in the bash profile) did the trick19:41
S0210I use Xubuntu 10.04 and I'd like to upgrade to 12.04. But following the guidelines at http://xubuntu.org/upgrading/ the most I can achieve is that "update manager" offers me an update 10.10... :-( Is there a way to force it to show me 12.04?19:44
Unit193Open a terminal and type  sudo do-release-upgrade -d   should offer you precise.19:45
userfriendlyalso thanks at holstein ;)19:47
holsteinuserfriendly: :)19:47
S0210Thank you, Unit193! It seems to be exactly what I need ... :-)19:51
Unit193Glad that helps...19:51
genii-aroundHm. But 12.04 should no longer be a development release19:52
Unit19310.04 > 12.04 is considered, it'll be moved once it gets .119:53
genii-aroundAh, interesting19:53
genii-aroundUnit193: Good to know19:53
Unit193Yep, sure is.19:53
x_Hello - does anybody know a program like Acdsee that opens PSD files ( gThumb doesn't open PSD, and i do not need to edit them using Gimp, i just want to be able to browse PSD files )21:20
GridCubelet me do some research21:21
GridCubex_, :/ it doesnt seems like, apparently you can convert the psd files using convert from the imagemagick collection21:29
x_... :( veeery strage ... so much tools but no PSD support ... my acdsee version is 15 years old and supports PSD ...21:30
x_(on windows)21:30
GridCubex_, https://code.google.com/p/gdk-pixbuf-psd/21:31
x_i have allready tried that but it didn't work21:31
GridCubex_, you know, you can easily run irfanview with wine21:31
genii-aroundgloobus-preview maybe21:32
x_i have xubuntu 12.521:32
GridCubeD: .5 how impossible21:32
x_if you know for sure that it works I WILL TRY AGAIN21:32
GridCubex_, i don't know21:32
GridCubei mean trying irfanview with wine is easy :P21:33
GridCubeor even acdsee21:33
genii-aroundGloobus review: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/09/quick-previews-in-gnome-ubuntu-with.html  PPA:  https://launchpad.net/~gloobus-dev/+archive/gloobus-preview21:34
x_i do not want to use wine - there are some articles on the internet in witch peaople said that they messsed up their computer with windows viruses21:34
GridCubelol. you have to do pretty specific things to get viruses on wine21:35
GridCubepretty reaaaaaaaaaally specific things21:36
GridCubelike helping the virus a lot21:36
morenohi all. i had installed my xubuntu 12.04 yesterday and couldn'tget it to install audacity due to dome broken packages that i don't how to fix it. anyone can help me with this?21:36
GridCubemoreno, open a terminal21:36
Sysiyou can't mess up anything really bad without running as root, if you run wine as root you're really asking for it21:37
GridCubewrite sudo apt-get autoremove21:37
morenoGridCube, did it21:37
GridCubethen sudo apt-get update21:37
morenoGridCube, didi it21:38
morenoGridCube, sorry, did it.21:38
GridCubethen sudo apt-get install audacity21:38
morenoGridCube,  audacity : Depende: libflac++6 (>= 1.2.1) but it aint installble: Impossíble corrigir problems, you got it  (hold)  quebrados.21:40
morenoGridCube,  you got it  (hold)  broken packages.21:40
GridCubei see21:40
morenoGridCube, this broken packages is killing me.21:40
GridCubemoreno, how weird21:40
GridCube!info libflac21:41
ubottuPackage libflac does not exist in precise21:41
morenoGridCube, neither cant it install lmms.21:41
GridCube!info libflac++621:41
ubottulibflac++6 (source: flac): Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ runtime library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-6 (precise), package size 30 kB, installed size 130 kB21:41
morenoGridCube, they said in synaptic that i have libflac8!21:41
GridCubemoreno, can youpastebin the outputs of sudo apt-get update?21:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:42
morenoGridCube, http://pastebin.com/j08RxHey21:43
GridCubemoreno, thats all of it?21:43
GridCubeall of all?21:43
x_Gloobus preview - doesn't work - despite the fact that on their site they say it works for PSD files21:44
morenoGridCube, yes21:44
GridCubethats wrong21:44
GridCubeyou are missing a lot of sources21:44
morenoGridCube, really? how can i do that?21:44
GridCubemoreno, check your sources on the software origins settings21:45
morenoGridCube, where?21:45
GridCubemmm in the menus, search for Software Origins, it might be something like "Origenes de Software"21:46
morenoGridCube, didnt find it. :\21:48
GridCubein synaptic in the configuration menu21:48
morenoGridCube, in configuration i have: preferences, repository, filters, define internal option and tools bar.21:51
GridCubekeep seraching the menus, in one there is it21:52
morenoGridCube, dont have it. and they keep saying that i HOLD the broken packages21:54
morenobut it didnt do it21:55
GridCubemoreno, you can not "not have it"21:55
morenoGridCube, so ... i dont know21:55
morenoGridCube, :) inportugueses thats nothing like software origins..21:56
morenodo i have to searcj something in synaptic?21:56
morenobefore software origins?21:56
GridCubeno you have to see that you have all the origins activated21:58
morenoGridCube, just dont know, didnt finfd that21:59
morenoGridCube, :(21:59
morenoGridCube, i have installed here libflac8, i think to run audacity it needs libflac++6, so i dont know if can unisntal one and change to the ohter22:00
GridCubemoreno, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Software+Sources.png22:00
GridCubeit looks like that22:00
GridCubei was translating wrong, its sources22:00
GridCubein spañish it says "origenes" and as such i misstranslated22:00
morenoGridCube, i know some english, dont have nothing like this here22:01
morenoi have preferences, repositories, filters,..22:02
GridCubemoreno, open repositories22:02
morenoGridCube, , so...22:03
GridCubeit looks like this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Software+Sources.png22:03
morenoGridCube, yes it does. :)22:05
GridCubewell then22:06
GridCubei don't know :/22:06
morenoha ha ha serious? haha a22:06
GridCubewhy you have so little sources on your update22:06
GridCubemine goes to like 100 sources every update22:06
GridCubesearch for libflac++6 in synaptic22:07
GridCubeand see that is installed and not locked22:07
martinphonecan you help me with radiotray? I dont know where else to ask22:08
martinphoneI need help to get bookmarks22:09
morenoGridCube, dont install it22:10
GridCubemoreno, you dont have them installed?22:10
morenodont even appear libflac++622:10
GridCubewell moreno I dont know, for what i understand you dont have the sources upadated22:11
morenoand even know how to do that, GridCube22:12
GridCubemoreno, in the repositories change the "download from" to another place22:13
GridCubeand try to update again, from apt-get or from synaptic22:13
martinphonei need a text editor that includes linec ounting as geany22:52
Unit193Sooo, what about geany?22:55
GridCubeid say geany, i like that one22:59
Unit193I prefer scite, as it's closer to N++22:59

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