
Dov_Rinei'm following the wiki tutorial on migrating an existing project to a shared repository, but having a problem specifying an alternate port to sftp.  According to the man page for sftp, it should be: sftp -oPort=<new port>, which works for the sftp command, but bzr chokes on it00:19
Dov_Rinecan anyone tell me the correct way to do: bzr init sftp://centralhost/repo/project on a port other than 22?00:20
Dov_Rineis it the same thing if I ssh into the remote server, create the project directory and then run bzr init inside it?00:22
Dov_Rinemgrandi: what's up?00:30
mgrandiwell you had a problem right00:30
Dov_Rinemgrandi: yes, but it didn't seem like anyone here was going to help, so I'm googling some more and testing ssh workarounds00:31
mgrandiwell patience hehe00:32
mgrandinot everyone is here right now , let me see00:32
Dov_Rineat some point, though, i'll have to find a real solution b/c i expect that checkout and commit will probably fail, too00:32
mgrandiso you want to ssh with a different port, yes?00:33
Dov_Rinemgrandi: patience is not a weak point of mine, but there wasn't any activity in here at all after 10 minutes00:33
Dov_Rinebut not ssh00:33
mgrandiyeah, sftp00:33
Dov_Rinesftp as in: bzr init sftp://etc/etc00:33
mgrandibzr uses paramiko00:34
mgrandiso its not the same as the sftp command you are using00:34
Dov_Rineok, let me look that up00:34
mgrandii'm looking into it too00:35
mgrandione sec00:35
Dov_Rineit looks like paramiko is a python object00:38
mgrandiyeah its a library00:38
mgranditrying to find the -O options00:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 146715 in Bazaar "bzr+ssh broken for non standard ports." [High,Fix released]00:44
mgrandisays that just having the port in the URI should work fine00:44
mgrandiso...sftp://bob@example.com:23 should work?00:44
Dov_Rinemgrandi: thanks, i'll try it.  one sec00:44
Dov_Rinemgrandi: it works00:45
Dov_Rinemgrandi: thanks00:45
mgrandiyay =)00:45
mgrandienjoy bzr00:45
Dov_Rinemgrandi: that will be true for all of those options, right?00:46
Dov_Rinemgrandi: checkout, commit, etc00:46
mgrandiif you bind a branch to a url then all of those stuff should work00:46
Dov_Rinemgrandi: thanks.  have a great weekend00:46
Dov_Rineby the way, running bzr init isn't exactly the same when run locally as remotely00:50
Dov_Rinewhen run locally, it created an additional dir called checkout in project/.bzr00:51
mgrandiits probably because when you are doing it remotely, it defaults to --no-trees00:52
Dov_Rinemgrandi: that makes sense00:52
Dov_Rinewhen i commit files to a shared repository, are the files themselves transferred to the repo or just the history?01:18
mgrandiwell the history is used to create the files01:21
mgrandiso, i dont think it really matters01:21
mgrandieither way you get your files back if you need to01:21
Dov_Rinemgrandi: should I be able to see the files on the remote server if i run: ls /project_folder ?01:22
Dov_Rinemgrandi: bzr log and update are both telling me that everything is ok, but I don't see any files on the server01:22
mgrandilike i said before, its probably defaulting to no-trees01:22
mgrandiso the data is there, but inside the .pack files01:23
mgrandiinside the .bzr folder01:23
Dov_Rinemgrandi: ok, i just want to make sure that this is the normal state of things01:23
mgrandiyeah, if your branch is bound to the remote server01:24
mgrandior if you commit locally then push, they should be there01:24
Dov_Rinethe branch is bound to the remote server and all of the messages indicated that the remote site was updated.01:26
mgrandiso there you go =)01:26
Dov_Rinethe .pack file seems to be large enough to correct01:26
mgrandibinding means it won't succeed if it can't commit to both the server and locally so you are fine01:26
Dov_Rineis it safer to have the repo store the tree, too?  it seems like it would be easier to recover the files that way01:27
Dov_Rinelike that in the worst case scenario, you lose the history, but still have the most recently committed files01:28
Dov_Rineam i just looking at this incorrectly?01:28
Dov_Rinecan i have multiple identities in bzr?01:33
Dov_Rinesorry, never mind, I found it in the docs01:35
mgrandiit doesn't matter if it has the tree, you just branch it again01:43
Dov_Rinemgrandi: ok, thanks01:44
evillyEvilDoes anyone know what the differences between "bzr unknown" and "bzr st"18:22
evillyEvilThe two commands always list what's knew, right?18:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
beunoevillyEvil, unknown, as I understand it, are files that haven't been versioned by bzr19:06
beunostatus tells you what files have changes19:06
beunoand what unknowns there ar19:07
evillyEvilbeuno: So [bzr st] actually covers [bzr unknowns], right?19:07
beunoevillyEvil, yes19:09
jimisjave: you can use colocated branches with no plugin installed, that's how I work some time now (bzr 2.3 I think)23:35
jimis1) you create a local repo storing only metadata, not data:23:35
jimisbzr init-repo --no-trees .23:36
jimisbzr branch $BRANCH_URL23:36
jimis2) you create a local lightweight checkout in another dir:23:36
jimiscd $CHECKOUT_DIR23:37
jimisbzr checkout --lightweight $LOCAL_REPO_PATH23:37
jimis3) you do all your work in the $CHECKOUT_DIR, using "bzr branch -b" to create new branches and "bzr branch" to switch to existing ones.23:39
jimisThis is a nice workflow, the whole /colocated/ terminology is unnecessary and the need to install a plug-in is false.23:40
jimisIMHO it should be documented in the primary documentation, the rumor a plug-in is needed is driving users away.23:41

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