
wendarshadeslayer: sweet!00:58
wendarshadeslayer: I got mine flashed (using your helpful tips), this should make updates much easier :)00:58
wendarshadeslayer: did this fix the issues you had with your transformer too?01:00
=== gorgonizer__ is now known as gorgonizer
Tm_Tagateau: rock'n'roll (:11:20
Ezimhi channel11:48
EzimI wonder if we can get this for 12.10: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Root+Actions+Servicemenu?content=4841111:49
Ezimby default11:49
=== amichair_ is now known as amichair
ScottKEzim: I don't think it's appropriate by default as that's not something most users would typically use.  Also, since we use kdesudo instead of kdesu, it likely would need some adaptation to work here. 13:12
EzimScottK, okey. thats true. only suggestion. :)13:15
ScottKNo problems with suggestions.13:15
BluesKajHey folks15:59
bambee_hi, I've a question: according to "dpkg -L kmix" libkdeinit4_kmix.so is installed in /usr/lib/kde4/libkdeinit. However according to kmix/debian/kmix.install it is installed in /usr/lib. I install kmix from master, so I would like to overwrite these files (in order to use the ones from master) 16:13
Riddellbambee_: spooky16:49
Riddellbambee_: the moved kdeinit files16:50
RiddellI've not noticed that before but it'll be some cleverness from debian-qt-kde.mk16:50
Riddellyou can just delete them though16:51
Riddellthey just help speedup startup16:51
apacheloggerMamarok: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTONayew73Y16:52
apacheloggerhappened to me ^^16:52
bambee_I will probably use neon, it's much cleaner :)  (use a separated prefix for development)16:52
apacheloggerbambee_, Riddell: our dh magic does that16:52
bambee_really ? nice tool16:52
apacheloggerno clue why upstream wants to have that kdeinit libs in the main lib dir16:53
kubotuapachelogger meant: "no clue why upstream wants to have  kdeinit libs in the main lib dir"16:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: the uds app api stuff is in master already17:16
apacheloggerprimarily core/api.js and core/JsonHandler.qml17:16
apacheloggerused in harmattan/SplashPage.qml only though17:16
apacheloggerthough I suppose that should give the general idea17:17
apacheloggeressentially you use the jsonhandler to communicate with the api17:17
apacheloggerand the handler spits out models17:17
Ezimhi spacebug- 17:35
Ezim:) you can ask your question here and I hope they can help you out17:35
spacebug-I have problems with my sound playing like double speed. This happens first time I open "audio setup" in kmix while playing sound and it also happens every time the root user is trying to play sound when my normal user plays sound. Sound card is 'Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster' and I'm using Gstraeamer as backend though same thing happens if I try VLC backend so probobly not there the issue is. (12.04 system)17:41
apachelogger#kubuntu for support please17:44
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelhome sweet home :)18:25
debfxwhere have you been?18:28
Ezimhmm I found kmix bug. that crasches the sound.18:28
Ezimif I take the volume up/down several times with kmix18:28
Ezimthe sound start to sound weird18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963895 in kdemultimedia (Ubuntu Precise) "kmix is crashing after multiple volume changes" [High,Triaged]18:29
debfxthat bug says "fixed in 4.8.3"18:30
Ezimit is not really kmix that crashes it is sound that makes weird noice18:31
yofeldebfx: trip to berlin (that's why I did almost nothing this week)18:32
Ezimwill try see if veromix goes crazy on me. damn this bug.18:33
BluesKajEzim, it's an old rule in audio , leave the input volume at 80% or so and control the volume at the amplifier , which in most cases is the volume control on your speaker system18:34
debfxyofel: oh nice. so I can hand 4.8.4 over to you now? :P18:34
yofeldebfx: I wouldn't mind if you kept working on it as well :P18:36
EzimBluesKaj, :) okey... but this bug is annoying. 18:36
BluesKajEzim, yes , using the speaker volume ctrl is one way to avoid the problem unti it's fixed18:38
debfxwhy haven't we fully automated the process anyway?18:38
EzimBluesKaj, brb... will test stuff18:38
yofeldebfx: because we didn't really manage to make a plan on how to do that yet. At least shadeslayer will have plenty of time soon ;)18:42
shadeslayeryus :D18:48
shadeslayerthat's already at the top of my TODO list18:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: on top of your todo list should be "find out what takes up most developer time"18:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: that's there too18:50
shadeslayeralong with fixing the UDS app ;P18:51
shadeslayerRiddell: have you seen the post about Fedora and EFI?18:55
shadeslayeryofel: debfx did you guys know about this : https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-daily19:06
shadeslayernow you do19:07
AdityabWhat version of Webkit comes with the latest QtWebkit (2.2.1)?19:07
AdityabAnd, is there a difference between the Webkit that comes with QtWebkit and the one that comes with Chromium?19:07
shadeslayerAdityab: QtWebkit vs Chromium ... I think so19:08
shadeslayerbecause they use V8 and I know that QtWebkit doesn't use V8 yet19:08
Adityabthat's the Js engine19:08
AdityabI'm asking about webkit19:08
shadeslayerah, as in version of webkit ... no idea19:09
Adityabthe renderer, specifically :)19:09
apacheloggerqtwebkit has a snapshot from webkit, so does chromium19:10
Riddellshadeslayer: nope, should I?19:15
shadeslayerRiddell: yep, remember our discussions about having 2 separate images, one for Mac and one for standard PC's ?19:16
shadeslayerthe separate Mac ISO's will make sense only if we can get our Images to boot under EFI mode19:17
Riddellyofel: that qt5-edgers is a guy called zoltan who is wanting to help with qt 5 packaging19:17
jussiclaydoh: ping19:18
claydohjussi: hi19:18
* yofel wonders how that PPA managed to get armel builds19:18
apacheloggeryofel: canonical only access19:20
yofelah well19:20
Riddellyofel: canonical powahs19:23
Ezimhmm the bugs seems to be kubuntu specific19:36
EzimI have no problem with mageia on my usb19:36
Ezimany one?19:44
Ezimapachelogger, online?19:52
Ezimapachelogger, I have problem with sound. kmix/volume high/down. repeating will make audio sound on youtube or amarok/clementine weird.19:54
EzimI tested mageia on my usb and no such problem over there19:54
* apachelogger blames pulseaudio19:55
Ezimso this must be kubuntu specific bug.19:55
apacheloggerEzim: define weird though19:55
apacheloggerEzim: that resoning is flawed btw19:55
apacheloggerunless the software versions are the same19:55
Ezimapachelogger, also mageia comes with pulseaudio.19:55
Ezimapachelogger, one friend had exactly same problem with kubuntu but not ubuntu.19:56
apacheloggercould be a kmix bug then19:56
apacheloggermageia doesn't have kmix 4.8.3 IIRC19:57
apacheloggerthat is to say... since I know the kmix code I find it entirely likely that it is kmix' fault19:57
Ezimapachelogger, maybe it is kde 4.8.3 bug. I did not notice it with 4.8.219:58
Ezimapachelogger, it is driving me crazy... :(19:59
Ezimalso veromix does not help19:59
Ezimor change phonon backend from gstreamer to vlc19:59
Mamarokapachelogger: don't worry, that happens to a lot of people20:00
EzimMamarok, same for you?20:01
MamarokEzim: no, my reply is about something else20:01
EzimMamarok, :) sorry then.20:01
apacheloggerEzim: veromix has the issue too?20:02
Ezimapachelogger, yes.20:02
apacheloggersounds more like a bug in pulseaudio/alsa then20:02
EzimI removed kmix widget and added veromix. changed fn volume keys to veromix. same there.20:02
Ezimapachelogger, sound goes cracky when I do it or how I should descripe it.20:03
Ezimhmm maybe the big difference between mageia and kubuntu is that mageia comes with pulseaudio 220:04
EzimI just read the release not for there release20:05
Ezimapachelogger, then I do not really get why the same thing works in ubuntu for my friend and exactly same issue that I have is in kubuntu20:07
Ezimapachelogger, any idea? can I debug it?20:17
apacheloggerEzim: #pulseaudio might know20:18
apacheloggersupposedly the pulse daemon should see why such behavior appears20:18
Ezimapachelogger, hmm... pulseaudio is the same for ubuntu and kubuntu. can this be phonon bug?20:21
Ezimkde 4.8.320:21
apacheloggernot if veromix has it too20:22
apacheloggerand I'll exclude phonon seeing as one of the pulseaudio masters is maintaining the phonon pulse integration :P20:22
Ezim:( oki thx anyway...20:22
EzimI really do not want to make new installation of any distro... tired20:24
apacheloggeryofel: can you give me a list of what you do to update a package for a new kde release?20:51
yofelapachelogger: I tried to put that on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/ReleasePackaging - Need to review that though, but it's roughly what I do20:53
jussiHrm, I had a thought - one of the biggest barriers to entry to helping us out is getting your environment set up, pbuilder, keys, and everything else20:54
* apachelogger is not thinking about barriers :P20:55
yofelI started a new page for ninja specific pbuilder setup once, but it's currently more of a information dump20:55
apacheloggerthe biggest one there is dpkg itself anyway :P20:55
yofelhad other priorities20:55
yofelfor environment setup you can mostly use the ubuntu one from dholbach, and there is a wiki page for the key setup somewhere I believe20:56
apacheloggeryofel: other than actual building, what do you think takes up most time?20:56
yofelwe should probably have a page with links to those though20:56
apacheloggerwell, and downloading ^^20:56
Ezim:( pulseaudio 2 did not work also20:56
BluesKajEzim, have you tried pavucontrol?20:57
Ezimeven when I kill kmix and do not make it load at startup20:57
Ezimit does not work.20:57
yofelapachelogger: really anything that's manual. i.e.: log review, symbol update (that could be automated), symbol review (that not), fixing patches, updating .install files20:58
EzimBluesKaj, I tried veromix. problem with that also.20:58
apacheloggeryofel: mhhh, automated symbol update promotes sloopy or no review20:59
BluesKajEzim, when you daid, "it does not work" ..were you referring to pavucontrol?20:59
ubottuKDE bug 301069 in settings "starting phonon configuration the first time speeds up sound" [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]20:59
EzimBluesKaj, veromix is the same thins as pavucontrol.20:59
yofelapachelogger: pkgkde-symbolshelper dumps any MISSING symbols to stdout. So you don't really need the log to see those21:00
BluesKajEzim, is it ?21:00
apacheloggerlog parsing needs doing anyway21:00
apacheloggeralso for cmake deps21:00
yofelme and shadeslayer did some unfinished work there21:00
apacheloggerthough for that to work reliably in the long run upstream needs a policy on that21:00
yofellying around in some github gist where it doesn't belong21:00
EzimBluesKaj, is what?21:01
BluesKajVeromix is a mixer for the Pulseaudio sound server , pavucontrol is somewhat differnt , but if you don't want to try it that's your call, Ezim21:03
EzimBluesKaj, I have pavucontrol installed21:04
EzimBluesKaj, what should I do with pavucontrol?21:04
EzimBluesKaj, you mean I should try take volume up/down instead with pavucontrol all the time?21:06
BluesKajEzim, there is another option , that is to remove pulseaudio and veromix and pavucontrol etc altogether and let alsa and kmix run your audio ..you might not have any audio on websites tho ...depends on how alsa integrates with your soundcard/driver21:09
EzimBluesKaj, I think the bug accured with kde 4.8.321:11
Ezimdid not notice anything before that21:11
Ezimso what happend to kmix or phonon with 4.8.3 I do not know21:11
BluesKajEzim, what's your soundcard ?21:11
BluesKajthe bug is most likely with pulseaudio21:12
EzimBluesKaj, http://paste.kde.org/491894/21:13
apacheloggerEzim: nothing happened to phonon because phonon is not part of KDE SC and thus released at different times :P21:13
EzimBluesKaj, I just tried pulseaudio 2 and same thing there.21:14
shadeslayeryofel: apachelogger this: https://gist.github.com/2162326 ?21:14
Ezimapachelogger, okey then what is the problem?21:14
yofelyeah, that one21:14
yofelthe # probably? was right btw. There's at least one case ignored currently21:14
BluesKajEzim, well ,try it without pulse , no need to purge , just remove it 21:16
EzimBluesKaj, I need pulse to configure my mic and stuff like that.21:17
BluesKajEzim, I ran without pulseaudio for yrs just using my onboard sound 21:17
BluesKajalsamixer can configure your mic21:18
EzimBluesKaj, sound is no issue, the problem is mic... BluesKaj I have tried alsamixer... anyway that would be my last option 21:18
BluesKajheh , that would be my first ...I'd love to get rid of pulseaudio if I didn't need webaudio21:20
EzimBluesKaj, it seems to work now after removing pulseaudio.21:34
Ezimbut thats weird.21:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://imageshack.us/f/838/image4396.png/21:34
EzimI have had during all my years buntu user problem with pulseaudio21:34
EzimI still think the bug is on the kde side21:34
* apachelogger points out that pulseaudio must not misbehave if a client does stupid things21:35
apacheloggerso it may well be a bug in pulse and kmix, in which case both need fixing, but at any rate pulse needs fixing21:35
Ezimapachelogger, +121:36
EzimI can not reproduce it now...21:36
Ezimthats good.. but I want my pulseaudio back :)21:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: mockup?21:37
apacheloggeru mock me up21:37
shadeslayeralso, the Kubuntu G+ account makes some amazing artwork, any idea who's operating that ?21:37
apacheloggerEzim: report bugs then21:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: I do belive G+ is a social network as such you could simply ask there :P21:37
apacheloggermore social I say21:38
shadeslayerofcourse, just thought maybe it was someone here21:38
apacheloggernot that I am aware of21:38
shadeslayerhttps://plus.google.com/s/Kubuntu 21:39
apacheloggeryofel: you know what I would love to do ... initial upgrade all the packages on a server21:39
Ezimnext problem I can here sound with my headphone but not from speakers21:40
apacheloggerget all the sources on the server, update changelog and deps, then try to build according to dep graph21:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: actually, I have one better idea21:40
yofelthat'll fail on the first failed patch21:40
shadeslayerbut that will require a AWS instance for every package21:40
apacheloggeryofel: assuming the patch is in a root dependency21:40
apacheloggerso if it fails, a packager gets the relevant source, fixes it up and pushes21:41
apacheloggertriggering a full rebuild of the entire tree21:41
apacheloggerrinse and repeat until all is built21:41
yofelgreat idea - enjoy implementing it21:41
apacheloggerI had that implemented half the way with the bat tools already :P21:41
apacheloggeras always, implementation is not the problem21:42
apacheloggerresources are21:42
shadeslayerI would really like to implement everything with bzr and recipes21:42
debfxwe could do that in a ppa21:42
apacheloggeras the building needed to be rather quickish21:42
apacheloggerdebfx: too long a wait with long build chains21:42
apacheloggerthough yes, in theory lunchpad should be used21:42
apacheloggerof course that would require our packages to get built within a couple of minutes21:43
apachelogger(build start that is)21:43
shadeslayerrecipes support revisions numbers, so we just want the relevant rev no.21:43
yofelnot using a PPA requires a seperate server21:43
apacheloggerfor which lunchpad as too few slaves21:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: doesn't matter, we can initiate the build once we know the relevant rev no. for each package21:43
apacheloggeryofel: you'd want a separate server eitherway21:43
apacheloggeryofel: that can all be hyperthreaded21:43
shadeslayerso you could initiate builds a week before release21:43
apacheloggerdep resolution is const, from that point on everything except build ignition can be done in parallel21:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: exactly, which why my idea involves multiple AWS instances21:44
shadeslayeryou can queue AWS isntances one after the other21:44
apacheloggerif you get the instances :P21:45
shadeslayerofcourse :P21:45
apacheloggerI mean, let's not fool ourselfs21:45
Ezimhmm... sound headache21:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: right, financial constraint :)21:45
apacheloggerrunning the builds on a node architecture will be like cloning soyuz21:45
apacheloggeror OBS21:45
shadeslayerofcourse, you can also pause a entire AWS instance till it's processed in the queue21:45
apacheloggerand I am not convinced that makes much sense21:45
yofelwell, we could build our own OBS instance if we have a server21:46
shadeslayerso that should reduce costs, but still will cost alot21:46
EzimBluesKaj, no my speakers do not work... :)21:46
BluesKajEzim, do you have sound on youtube now ?21:46
yofelneeds someone's time to do21:46
debfxapachelogger: the waiting time usually isn't that long in the ninjas ppa21:46
EzimBluesKaj, yes. but no sounds from speakers...21:46
apacheloggerif we had a great number of root nodes on the same level then paralell building makes sense21:46
apacheloggerbut luckily that is not the case21:46
apacheloggerdebfx: depends on when you upload21:46
shadeslayerI have no idea how to contact the controllers of the kubuntu page21:46
yofelapachelogger: define "when"?21:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: controllers?21:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: s/controllers/owners21:47
apacheloggeryofel: oh, btw, about OBS ... we'd then have to fix OBS' dpkg support21:47
yofelshadeslayer: kubuntu.org? canoncial sysadmins I believe - forget it21:47
apacheloggerwhich would surely be appreciated though ^^21:47
shadeslayeryofel: nope, I'm talking about : https://plus.google.com/s/Kubuntu21:47
yofelapachelogger: OBS's dpkg support is fine, the apt archive URL's are a bit weird21:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: wirte a post21:48
apacheloggeryofel: no it is not :P21:48
shadeslayerthat's the last resort :P21:48
apacheloggeryofel: check out how it boostraps21:48
apacheloggerhas nothing todo with what deboostrap does21:48
apacheloggeras it does not use deboostrap21:48
jussifixing obs's dpkg support would be a good thing generally though...21:48
apacheloggerthough it should really21:48
apacheloggerjussi: that's what I am saying21:48
debfxit should be fairly easy to implement this with PPAs: we'd just need a script the fetches the sources, does some modifications and uploads21:48
yofelah, haven't look that deep21:48
apacheloggerjust pointing out that this needs doing21:48
debfxand another one that retries builds that failed because of missing dependencies21:49
apacheloggerotherwise you'd not know whether a build in OBS would actually produce the same result in soyuz21:49
apacheloggeryofel: there is this ever so terrible problem that OBS is designed without folder support21:51
yofelside note: can you dump the todo list we're doing right now on a pad somewhere?21:51
shadeslayerI wish soyuz supported rebuilding a package once it detects a build dep was updated21:51
apacheloggeryofel: todo list?21:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: OBS does that, for rpm anyway :P21:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: for automation and stuff that you're discussing right now ;)21:51
apacheloggerthat has limits to scalability though ^^21:52
apacheloggerin fact it rebuilds all things depending on a package, regardless of whether the dependees failed21:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes, but what about debs, that's all we care about :P21:52
apacheloggernot quite sure why it does that21:52
apacheloggerperhaps to prevnet non-ABI dependent issue21:52
yofelauto-rebuilds would be great, but if we do that for neon we'll brind the datacenter down. So rather unreasonable21:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: haven't looked into it21:52
shadeslayerunless you want to make Kubuntu a RPM based distro21:52
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?21:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: I mean, at the end of the da it would be about exposing the relevant information to the obs scheduler21:53
shadeslayeryofel: haha21:53
apacheloggerwhich is really just a matter of implementation21:53
shadeslayerwhat is OBS implemented in?21:53
shadeslayerplease don't say python21:53
yofelruby IIRC21:53
apacheloggeronly the frontend is rails21:53
yofelreally perl?21:53
apacheloggerthe actual backend shit is perl21:53
yofelperl is ~fine21:54
apacheloggerbeautiful perl as I might add21:54
yofelbetter than php at least21:54
apacheloggeras if it was not enough to be perl :P21:54
shadeslayerwell .. I have 0 idea about perl21:54
shadeslayernever written a single line in perl21:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: the secret to perl is codign by proxy21:54
apacheloggerproxy = google :P21:54
shadeslayerso yay, not my responsibility to fix OBS21:54
yofelshadeslayer: a language full of $variables, @'s and hashes21:54
apacheloggerit is a madman's prn really21:55
shadeslayeryou mean it's perfect for you21:55
apacheloggerno, you know, I like nice looking things21:55
apacheloggeryofel: who uploads the packages once done?21:59
apacheloggerand how does that happen?21:59
yofelbzr up, review if done by someone else, bzr builddeb -S, another rebuild if unsure, dput22:01
yofeland uploads are done by whoever can upload and has time22:01
yofelppa copies usually by me22:02
apacheloggerso that person also needs to build the source again22:02
apacheloggerwhy that needs fixing22:02
yofeland I have a script for that, so it's trivial22:02
apacheloggeryofel: is that public?22:02
yofelkopypackages in kubuntu-dev-tools22:02
apacheloggerI thought that copies on lunchpad?22:03
debfxso are we going to create bzr branches for SRUs or just "fetch from ppa and upload"?22:03
yofeluh, I said for PPA's22:03
apacheloggerah, missed that22:04
yofeldebfx: we always did latter22:04
apacheloggerso bzr->archive still needs a resolution22:04
apacheloggerdebfx: branching seems like an unnecessary overhead for SRUs22:04
apacheloggerexception being kde-l10n which gets branched per series for some reason I do not recall :P22:05
apacheloggerthough I do remember having thought at least twice that we need to do it, so I assume there is deeper meaning to it ^^22:05
debfxdo we have an easy way to download packages from the ninjas ppa? something like pull-ninjas-source?22:05
yofelyou made the script error out if the bzr stuff is not committed on launchpad?22:05
apacheloggerdebfx: what for?22:06
apacheloggerninja must always be in sync with bzr22:06
* yofel just uses apt-get source22:06
apacheloggerand when you upload you really want to build the source from bzr+tar22:06
yofel+ bzr builddeb downloads the tar itself as long as it can find it22:07
apacheloggeryofel: does it do that form ninja?22:07
yofelas long as you have the deb-src for ninjas, yes22:07
debfxI think we should have branches for SRUs so the process for SRUs and uploads to the dev release follows the same process22:07
apacheloggeryofel: cool22:07
yofelnot sure if it needs the deb line too, I have both plus an apt pin22:08
apacheloggerdebfx: yes, if it were sufficiently automated22:08
apacheloggerthere is however one downside to that22:09
apacheloggeryou'd have to review the bzr history prior to SRU changes22:09
yofelyou could probably make kgetsource auto-create the branch if you're building for a stable release.22:09
apacheloggeras to avoid someone throwing in random changes that get picked up22:09
apacheloggeryofel: first we need a naming policy for series branches ^^22:10
yofelappend the series? That's what we do for l10n22:10
apacheloggeror .series22:10
apacheloggercuz seeds are .series22:11
* apachelogger doesn't like it tho22:11
yofell10n is -series22:11
debfxhm but how do we run list-missing in the ppa?22:28
yofelmake pkg-kde-tools invoke it automatically maybe? Would currently require cdbs though22:29
apacheloggeryofel: we can just steal it and put it in a shell script or somesuch ^^22:32
yofeldid someone change the admin password for kubuntu.org?22:34
apacheloggerits 12322:35
apacheloggeryofel: seems like it22:35
apacheloggerRiddell: ^22:35
* apachelogger sends kisses22:35
* apachelogger really thinks plasma needs a new menu22:42
debfxok, so here is a script that does the initial ppa uploads for SRUs: http://paste.kde.org/491936/22:45
apacheloggerdebfx: shouldn't be hardcoded22:47
debfxyeah and kdesc != gwenview ;)22:47
debfxwe also need a log analyzer that parses cmake output, symbol diff, and list-missing22:48
debfxand a place where we can run lintian on all the packages22:48
apacheloggerbringing us back to my ultimate scenario of having one central service to control that stuff :P22:49
apacheloggerdebfx: cmake needs discussion with upstream22:50
apacheloggerin particualr they need to explicitly mark cmake information using reliable formats for parsing22:50
apacheloggeralso that is a pain in the butt with lunchpad because you have to query all the time to see if a build finished so you can get the log22:51
debfxwell just the plain cmake output for manual review would be enough for now22:51
apacheloggerif you can get hte log at all that is22:51
debfxyes, you can get the log22:51
apacheloggerdebfx: you cannot reliably identify the beginning and end of that either22:51
apacheloggerso we'd have to digg into cmake22:51
apacheloggerultimately we'd have markers for cmakestart, cmakeend, and kdeinfostart, kdeinfoend22:52
yofelfeel free to take ideas from https://gist.github.com/216232622:52
apacheloggeryofel: that aint reliable unfortunately22:52
yofelwell, I made it too tight22:52
debfxit starts with dh_auto_configure and ends with dh_auto_build22:52
apacheloggerif it were less tight it would be less reliable :P22:52
yofelthat too22:53
apacheloggerdebfx: do we get that in the log?22:53
apacheloggeryofel: so what we need to do is ask upstream to simply add a line to print before and after their output22:53
apacheloggersomething unique22:53
apacheloggerthat does not change22:53
yofelthe SUMMARY is reliably parseable22:53
apacheloggeror we do it ourselfs by overloading theirmodule22:53
yofelmost split packages don't print one22:54
apacheloggeryofel: not unless upstream commits to it22:54
yofelwell, yeah22:54
apacheloggerso ultimately we'd be able to grab the cmake summary section and cmake full logs out of the buid log22:55
apacheloggerfor most reviews former is sufficient22:55
apacheloggerbut knowing upstream developers latter is handy because they tend to forget to set summary information at times :P22:55
yofels/at times/usually/22:57
kubotuyofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"22:57
rbelemDarkwing, ping23:05
Ezimhmm will kde 4.8.4 be released?23:26
EzimI thought kde was skipping it23:27
yofelEzim: why? It's still in their schedule23:37
yofelif anything, we don't have a .5 anymore23:38
Ezimyofel, I think my problem will go away with kde 4.8.4 :)23:38
Ezimbecause pulseaudio+kmix worked like dream in 11.10 also kubuntu-backports ppa with kde 4.8.223:38
Ezimso the problem is kde 4.8.323:39
shadeslayerEzim: s/will/might/ ;)23:41
Ezim:) yeah it might23:41
Ezima friend did write bugreport to upstream23:42
Ezimso let us hope it will be fixed23:42
Ezimis it possible to go back to kde 4.8.2?23:42
shadeslayer!downgrade 23:43
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.23:43
shadeslayerwell .. hmm .. 23:43
apacheloggersame for KDE though :P23:43
Ezim:) not really want to downgrade to 11.1023:43
apacheloggerEzim: yeah, he reported the bug to me :P23:43
* apachelogger is responsible for just about every multimedia bug :P23:43
Ezimapachelogger, did he... :)23:43
Ezimapachelogger, then run.. I will check you23:44
shadeslayeryes, blame apachelogger when your prn doesn't play23:44
apacheloggerindeed so23:45
apacheloggerwhich is why I fixed dragon to give better prn experience23:45
apacheloggerstill not quite happy with it tho23:45
shadeslayerdoes it read filenames for keywords xD23:46
shadeslayerlike it did earlier23:46
shadeslayeror did you enhance it23:46
Ezimapachelogger, so you are harald? :)23:46
yofelhe is indeed, at least while he's not a drunken butterfly looking for unicorns23:47
Ezimit was me that tried pulseaudio 2... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive23:47
yofelpink unicorns that is23:47
Ezimbut it did not work23:47
Ezimyofel, lol... :)23:47
shadeslayerwhich is most of the time23:48
Ezimapachelogger, so in kde 4.8.3 pulseaudio+kmix hate each other... on my laptop :)23:49
shadeslayerprobably because kmix couldn't decide whether or not it wanted a horizontal or vertical layout as it's default :P23:50
Ezimoki... thats over my knownledge23:50
rbelemDarkwing, i'm adding allwinner specific changes to kernel debianization23:51
shadeslayertbh, I doubt alot of people know of that discussion 23:51
apacheloggerwhat discussion?23:51
shadeslayerunless they're on the usability ML23:51
* apachelogger already made a decision on that topic23:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: I lost interest after the post about the OS X volume slider23:52
shadeslayerbecause vertical layout ftw23:52
apacheloggerthey don't matter, as I said23:53
* Ezim will go to bed. I wish you all the best. apachelogger I hope you fix my issue, otherwise I will check you in my sleep. :P23:53
apacheloggerthe discussion it total bikeshedding coz 99% of the audience have flipping volume keys23:53
shadeslayeragreed :P23:53
apacheloggerEzim: nighty night23:53
shadeslayerWas anyone *for* horizontal layouts though? ( Apart from tdfischer )23:54
* yofel wouldn't mind having the volume slider that you get when you click on the icon be horizontal23:59
yofelas that would actually be 90° to my panel...23:59
yofelcurrently if I click on the kmix icon, the volume panel covers the panel from the icon downward23:59

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