
dbensonhi all, new Kubuntu user here (switched from Ubuntu)..  I'm having trouble getting Blender to pan using shift+mmb and I think it's a kde issue. Is this the right place to ask about this?00:07
Riddelldbenson: you could be right, kde seems to have middle mouse button as being a scroll wheel substitute00:09
dbensonRiddell: thanks for answering!  any idea on where that setting would be?  nothing obvious jumps out in System Settings and searches aren't yeilding much (or i'm doing them wrong)...00:12
alexandreHi, i have a question, for "security" reasons (friends etc) i will just boot kubuntu at the "console" modus, so i can start x and kde "manually" work this ? sry for my bad englisch... in german : Aus "sicherheitsgründen" würde ich gerne kubuntu im konsolenmodus starten lassen, damit ich später manuell kde , per befehl starten kann.. ist das möglich ? ...00:15
Sentynelalexandre: would it not be easier to just have it start kde and make you log in?00:22
Sentynelsudo start kdm is the command you're looking for though00:22
alexandrethats what i mean, sry for my englisch, but when i start my pc, kde starts automatically ....00:24
Sentynelalexandre: system settings > login screen > convenience > disable auto-login and password-less logins if either is enabled00:26
Sentynelthat'll make it ask for a password to log in00:26
alexandreoh big thanks :)00:28
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dbensondoes anybody know the difference between virtualbox and virtualbox-ose in kubuntu 12.04?00:54
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DarthFrogdbenson: I believe the OSE (Open Source Edition) doesn't have USB support.01:07
dbensondarthfrog: thank you...01:09
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Tedelhi there03:14
Tedelmind a couple of questions before switching? I was using fedora 16, but I really got troubles when upgrading (as kernel panic error I even didn't understand). Now I'm connecting through Mageia2 , but my computer keeps turning on itself when I tell it to shut down. I'm really really feeling frustrated now. Is Kubuntu running properly on AMD machines?03:16
Tedel(sorry if my frustration can be really felt, but I'd rather spend two hours reformating to something that WILL WORK than to suffer day after day...03:16
bazhangtry a livecd then03:17
Tedelok, I downloaded the kubuntu LiveCD. I don't have any CD where to burn it now... can I create a USB to launch it?03:17
Tedelthat's great, can you point me where?03:18
bazhanguse unetbootin, usb-creator, or other methods to create it03:19
TedelOK, but I'm on Mageia now... :(03:19
Tedelhold, let me breathe and ask properly03:19
bazhangsee if they have a Mandriva/Mageia2 version03:19
bazhangpendrivelinux.com has some things to do it too03:20
Tedelnow, I really need to ask a few things before trying, ok? this is my production machine, and I don't want to jeoparzie years of work03:20
Tedelfedora is RPM based. Ubuntu (and its cousins, like this one) are DEB based. Will this ever be an issue?03:21
bazhangTedel, pardon?03:21
Tedelmm... sorry, I didn't explain myself03:22
bazhangyou cannot use RPM and DEB together, no03:22
TedelI am a fedora user and I'm not familiar with DEB-based distros like Kubuntu. When you use Fedora, you update packages frequently. You save a lot of bandwidth because of the delta rpm (drpm) packages you download. I wonder if there is anything similar in Kubuntu03:23
Tedelok, that was one question.03:24
Tedelthe second is about the software. I usually use open source, but, I have a Nvidia graphic card. Using Kubuntu, will I be able to use the Nvidia driver?03:25
bazhangwhat card03:26
Tedelmm... GeForce 8-something...03:26
Tedel512 MB03:26
bazhangTedel, depends what kind of performance you want, I suppose. the proprietary drivers will work for that as far as I know (having a similar nvidia card myself), though I've always used the OSS drivers without any hassle03:29
Tedelfair enough, thanks. next question, please. I read on Ubuntu that this latest release has 5 years support. does this mean that I will not need to reformat my computer in 5 years and still get what the latest release offers?03:32
Tedelyou know, latest kernel, latest versions of software, and the like03:32
bazhangubuntu/kubuntu/etc are not rolling release03:35
Tedelone last question, please03:35
bazhangso while some things are made available via backports/PPA(unsupported) and the like03:35
bazhangif you want the really latest you should use the more recent releases03:36
Tedelfrom 1 to 10, how stable Kubuntu is?03:36
bazhangor a rolling release distro03:36
bazhangimpossible to answer as that depends on the hardware03:36
Tedelwould you recommend a rolling release distro?03:36
TedelI see03:36
bazhanghah NO03:36
bazhangapt is far superior to pacman and the like03:37
Tedelyou've been very patient with me, I appreciate that03:37
bazhangbut to each his own03:37
bazhangthere's an ubuntu manual , not one explicitly for kubuntu that I know of03:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:38
Tedelmm... let's see. if I install ubuntu, can I install the KDE desktop if I want to?03:38
TedelI'll check that link03:38
Tedelok, THAT could be an option, then03:39
bazhangkubuntu-desktop package for kde4  xubuntu-desktop package for xfce4 lubuntu-desktop, and so on03:39
bazhangthen just switch at the login window03:39
TedelI see03:40
Tedelseems I'll need to go the store to buy a blank CD03:40
bazhangusb stick works fine03:40
Tedelbut honestly I don't know how to create one. is there any manual or something?03:40
bazhangshould be, just a moment03:41
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick  Tedel this may be of interest03:51
firefox88Is it at all possibe to expand storage with an extreanl 1.5TB hdd formated in UFS2 = soft updates in kubuntu?03:53
TedelI will check it03:54
Tedelthank you03:54
bazhangfirefox88, whats ufs203:54
firefox88 second gneration of the freebsd ufs filing system03:55
bazhangfirefox88, so you want to change it to some other fs? then use that as a shared drive? whats the goal here03:56
firefox88No i prefer to have a backu volume of ufs becuas osx and linux both support ufsfiling system03:57
bazhangfirefox88, so you simply want to share the drive, mount it via fstab to have it available for storage?03:58
firefox88exatly bazhang03:59
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:59
bazhangfirefox88, that above may help03:59
bazhangnot used to sharing with UFS, though you say it works, so ok03:59
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sizz_is there a character map for kde4?04:43
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sisqonrwhi all. i need urgent help i tried to install lx-office-erp_2.6.3-1_all.deb. during the install process he ask me something about kdm. kubuntu restarts then and now i cant boot kubuntu. i thing i have to install kubuntu-desktop but i cant boot and have no internet. what can i do? can i do something to fix it?07:17
sisqonrwi have an unetbootin kubuntu 12.04 usb stick07:21
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ALS-IT-NET-PCservus use...07:33
Notimikhi is it possible to resize the task manager panel in kubuntu? now it is like 50% of the screen width and that is not cool :(08:08
rorkNotimik: right click the panel > panel settings > you'll have some tools to change the size, move it to another side etc. It's not possible to change the size of widges though.08:18
Notimikrork: oki, i deteled it and put it back and now it takes up like 75% of my screen width08:21
Notimikso my task manager gets really tine even with 4 active applications now08:21
Notimikevery time i remove it and put it back it get wider now it is 85%08:25
ICWeinerHas anyone here named their computer? Not something like "kubuntu" or "desktop". Something more individual.08:30
ICWeinerI want to name mine but I can't think of anything.08:31
CenbeCan I turn off the desktop switching when I use the mouse wheel over the task manager?09:52
liudashello everyone. is it possible to make some kind o launcher (shortcut on desktop) to execute terminal command10:23
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javier__im new15:09
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odinsbaneHere is what I would like and I don't know if it is possible. I would like to install KDE with Kile and an SVG editor onto a 4gig usb drive.15:30
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BluesKajHey folks15:59
jvcleavehello - anyone successfully installed kubuntu (any version) on a MacBook pro 8,2+?16:17
RiotingPacifistmy keyboard keeps sending weird charcters for just about anything not alphanumeric, e.g instead of quote i get ¨ but only if i hit it twice, any ideas what this is?16:53
RiotingPacifistOh I just realised "+space gives me what I want but i'd rather not have to do that.16:54
sky100how to do the auto replace for audacious in xchat17:13
sky100i loaded the script in .xchat 2 folder17:13
sky100if i type / audacious the then song name is up in the room17:14
dethosHello, anyone knows how can i install oxygen-gtk in ubuntu?17:14
BluesKajdethos, ubuntu or kubuntu?17:20
BluesKajoxygen-gtk widget style is already available on kubuntu17:22
dethosi switched the desktop enviroment!didnt like the other!17:25
BluesKajdethos, then you should ask in #ubuntu17:25
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rorkRiotingPacifist: it's a keyboard setting that allows you to make special those special characters17:29
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rorkRiotingPacifist: they're called deadkeys, you can change your keyboard in System Settings > Input Devices > Keyboard > Layouts, add a variant without deadkeys17:31
dethosBluesKaj: ok, do you know where i can find the official kubuntu repositories?17:34
BluesKajdethos, they're the same as ubuntu , but if you want kde , then there's kde-look.org or kde.org17:37
BluesKajall kubuntu apps are available in the same repos as ubuntu apps . dethos17:38
spacebug-I have problems with my sound playing like double speed. This happens first time I open "audio setup" in kmix while playing sound and it also happens every time the root user is trying to play sound when my normal user plays sound. Sound card is 'Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster' and I'm using Gstraeamer as backend though same thing happens if I try VLC backend so probobly not there the issue is. (12.04 system)17:39
westyvwis anyone else trying to use the ubuntu software center for Humble Bundle and fail in Kubuntu?17:39
westyvwi guess not the ubuntu software center app but the rtepository in general17:40
westyvwis it even possible with Kubuntu?17:41
BluesKajwestyvw, don't know for sure , but this might give you a clue http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/06/humble-bundle-devs-talk-gaming-on-linux17:44
westyvwif using Ubuntu, the link opens the software center and you can download. In kubuntu the pat-url gives package not found.17:46
apacheloggerwhat url?17:46
apacheloggerwhat does it look like?17:46
westyvwapt-url. so I take it Ubuntu game packages arent in Kubuntu, and I am wonding what to add17:46
apacheloggerperhaps ubuntu messed with the spec again and forgot to update apturl :P17:47
apacheloggerthen the url would not work with apturl17:47
westyvwits a simple apt-url mime type with the package name. for bastian for example: apt://bastion17:47
westyvwi just think i dont have a link to the packages or Kubuntu doesnt participate in the Ubuntu Software Center login and extras17:48
apacheloggeroh yes17:48
apacheloggerthat would require an account and whatnot as you'd probably have to pay17:48
apacheloggerwhich apturl cannot do17:48
apacheloggerwhich is one of the reasons I want it replaced17:48
apacheloggerthough FWIW I don't think Muon Software Center can access that stuff right now either17:48
westyvwits already paid for through humble bundle and i do have an Ubuntu account.17:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what gives?17:48
apacheloggerwestyvw: yeah, but apturl itself does not handle ubuntu authentication at all17:49
apacheloggerit literally just parses the url and tries to get the package as if you were using muon or apt-get17:49
apacheloggerwestyvw: so for the time being you'll have to install the ubuntu software center to d that17:49
apacheloggerspacebug-: how do you generate sound from a user and a root session at the same time?17:50
westyvwcan i run the spoftware center in Kubuntu?17:51
apacheloggerwestyvw: sure17:51
westyvwok lets see how much crap it has to bring in with it. LOL17:52
spacebug-apachelogger: I play sound in audacious as my normal user and start dolphin as root and from that dolphin I choose an mp3 and play with amarok17:53
BluesKajspacebug-, why are you using audacious and amarok at the same time ?17:59
apacheloggermore interestingly, why are you running dolphin as root ^^17:59
apacheloggerspacebug-: sounds like a problem with either PA or alsa.... hard to say as audacious doesn't use PA as far as I know18:00
spacebug-BluesKaj: to test this issue18:00
spacebug-I sometimes use the "open folder as root" thing and that seems to play a sound messin up my playing18:01
BluesKajapachelogger, yes , don't think audacious use pulse18:01
BluesKajerr uses18:01
spacebug-is does pulse in gnome at least18:01
spacebug-it does use*18:02
spacebug-anyhow also the first time I open the "audio setup" from either kmix or systemsettings this happens18:02
BluesKajspacebug-, don't open dolphin as root , it's not necessary18:03
spacebug-in my case it was18:03
BluesKajyour mp3s are pw protected ?18:04
spacebug-I had them all owned by root to not accidently mess with them ;)18:05
BluesKajdoes amarok play your music at double speed ?18:07
spacebug-not by default no18:08
BluesKajwithout audacious18:08
BluesKajthen what's the problem ?18:09
spacebug-that the sound gets messed up at different times. Like when going in the settings menu for the sound and if trying to play as another user18:10
jvcleaveanyone successfully installed kubuntu (any version) on a MacBook pro 8,2+18:11
BluesKajspacebug-, , you'll have to be more specific18:16
spacebug-BluesKaj: well I can try writ something later about that18:23
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odinsbaneWhat is a good KDE svg editor?18:38
cancer0how to install Kubuntu-12.04 DVD i386 ISO. DVD boot ok, do i need to select 'Install Kubuntu in Text mode'?18:48
cancer0i'm confused about it desktop. i have used kubuntu 11.10.18:48
cancer0lordievader: hey18:49
odinsbanecancer0: you boot from the dvd and then click install kubuntu. What happens after that?18:49
cancer0odinsbane: after dvd boot first two options are 1. Start Kubuntu / 2. Install Kubuntu in Text mode.18:50
fastaHow do I get previews to work in dolphin for PDF files? I already told Dolphin to show them for PDF files, but it just doesn't work.18:51
Tm_Tcancer0: you can start kubuntu18:52
cancer0odinsbane: i once selected 2 options 'installed kubuntu in text mode' and it started installation in text mode. i'm confused about it appearance after installation.18:52
lordievadercancer0: Good evening.18:53
cancer0Tm_T: no i won't18:53
Tm_Tcancer0: and when it has started up, there's a n icon on the desktop for install18:53
cancer0lordievader: :) hi18:53
cancer0Tm_T: it's not working, that's keep loading loading and loading.18:53
BluesKajfasta , set them to open with okular18:54
fastaBluesKaj: it's already configured like that.18:54
cancer0Tm_T: what if i install it with 2nd option 'install kubuntu in text mode', after intallation what look will i get, textmode appearance Or Gui...18:55
cancer0lordievader: do you still have command in mikrotik? :)18:55
Tm_Tcancer0: the same look you get when installing the other method (:18:56
Tm_Tcancer0: only difference is the installer18:56
lordievadercancer0: mikrotik?18:56
cancer0Tm_T: thanks, i was confused about it's appearance after installation. Ok, that's a installer interface only!18:56
cancer0lordievader: Mikrotik server. am i talking to the wrong guy.18:57
lordievadercancer0: I think so, i have never heard of mikrotik myself.18:58
cancer0lordievader: then, i'm sorry. confussion.18:58
apacheloggerspacebug-: does it happen without audacious?18:58
apacheloggeri.e. does it happen with only PA enabled applications running?18:59
cancer0lordievader: how about installing Mint? what's you opinions.18:59
cancer0lordievader, i mean difference btw ubuntu 12.04 | Mint 1319:00
fastaI get a preview when I hover over them, but not in the actual icon.19:00
lordievadercancer0: What? Linux Mint is that what you are talking about? No idea. I have not used Mint for very long, so I cannot say.19:00
BluesKajcancer0, pls discuss other OSs in #kubuntu-offtopic19:00
BluesKajfasta, use the preview mode in dolphin19:02
fastaBluesKaj: the problem was that I didn't have strigi-plugins installed.19:02
fastaBluesKaj: it works now.19:03
fastaBluesKaj: that's something which is rather bad about KDE: configuring a feature which then doesn't work, because it hasn't been installed without any warning.19:03
fastaEither a feature should work, or it shouldn't.19:03
fastaIt shouldn't silently fail.19:04
cancer0Ok, Thanks guys Tm_T  :)19:04
BluesKajdunno fasta , strigi plugins must be installed by default here19:05
fastaBluesKaj: what do I need to install to get the non-broken version of KDE?19:06
fastaBluesKaj: I installed Ubuntu, and I installed -- I think kde4 or kde.19:06
BluesKajwhich kde do you have , fasta ?19:06
fastaBluesKaj: latest from Ubuntu Precise.19:07
BluesKajfasta, did you install kubuntu-desktop ?19:07
fastaBluesKaj: no. That won't have any effect on my ~/.kde right?19:08
BluesKajfasta, for a complete kubuntu experience you need kubuntu-desktop, otherwise you will continue to have problems with plugins etc19:09
fastaBluesKaj: any point in installing kubuntu-full?19:10
BluesKajthat's more apps than you may need19:10
fastaI am very happy with the KDE packages in Ubuntu, btw.19:11
BluesKajfasta, well , you'd better install kubuntu-desktop at the very least19:12
fastaBluesKaj: I almost got it.19:12
fastaBluesKaj:  I get some KNetAttach crash and it asks me whether I want to set a stacktrace, but I'd like to see what information I share. How can I do that?19:16
BluesKajfasta, were you launching a browser , if so which one ?19:21
fastaBluesKaj: I don't know.19:21
fastaBluesKaj: it was when I logged back in.19:22
fastaBluesKaj: so, likely it relaunched everything from my previous session.19:22
fastaBluesKaj: but I would like to know what happens when I put a checkmark next to 'send crashreport'.19:22
BluesKajfasta, it's known bug , if you would just update and upgrade with apt-get , the upgrade will take place and your crash should not reappear19:25
fastaBluesKaj: I upgraded 2 minutes ago.19:26
fastaBluesKaj: it's crashing for a different reason here, though.19:26
BluesKajfasta, also do a dist-upgrade19:26
fastaBluesKaj: what does that do in this case?19:30
fastaBluesKaj: after a reboot all crashes are gone.19:31
BluesKajfasta, good19:31
BluesKajfasta, dist-upgrades kde apps and it's depends19:32
skreech__fasta: apt-get dist-upgrade is somewhat of a supercharged version of upgrade. In short it takes more things into context and will remove packages if it deems suitable which apt-get upgrade will never do19:33
fastaBluesKaj: hmm, now jovie crashes when I start it :/19:39
Buniemind my noobiness, i havnt used linux in a loooong time and last time i did it was Ubuntu.. But isnt it "sudo apt-get update"?19:39
Bunie"can't open apt-get"19:39
fastajovie(5531): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server:  "Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-ckrKCBV7TA: Connection refused"19:39
fastaBunie: type "which apt-get" in the terminal.19:40
BluesKaj0 8bu yes it is , but it's also sudo apt-get upgrade , and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:41
BluesKajBunie, ^19:41
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)19:41
Buniebut its not able to open apt-get19:41
Bunie"sh: 0: can't opn apt-get"19:41
skreech__Bunie: what are you typing in the konsole?19:42
Bunie"sudo apt-get update"19:42
fastaBunie: try a vtty. Control-Alt-F119:42
fastaBunie: then login there.19:42
fastaBunie: and try again19:42
Buniethat worked19:42
Bunietyping it in the vtty worked19:42
fastaBunie: then I don't know what you did, but you broke it19:42
fastaBunie: and it would be far too time consuming to guess what's wrong.19:43
fastaBunie: find someone in your vicinity that knows it a bit better than you.19:43
Bunieits probably the way i set it up lol. i used liliusb to make a persistant whatever19:43
Bunierunning it in persistant usb mode19:43
fastaI have no idea what that is.19:44
fastaThen again, I don't know everything.19:44
Buniebootable usb installer that can be written to19:44
BluesKajBunie, so you haven't installed kubuntu19:44
Bunielolno, thats probably my problem19:44
Buniekay new plan: whats a tool that can back up a HDD in its entirety?19:45
Bunieill ask over in #Windows, ill be doing the backup over USB19:46
Bunieon Win719:46
BunieThanks for your help guys19:46
lordievaderHey indryx19:48
fastaBluesKaj: I get the following if I do ps ax| grep dbus: http://paste.kde.org/491834/19:51
fastaBluesKaj: I think too many are running.19:52
fastaQt: Session management error: Could not open network socket <- wth is this?19:54
fastaBluesKaj: what's the part of KDE that wants to do anything with network configuration?20:07
fastaBluesKaj: I already setup my network perfectly and KDE seems to want to have its own reality.20:07
cancer0Tm_T: i have installed kubuntu 12.04, but grub isn't installed.20:11
cancer0Tm_T: after machine restart it goes to 'Grub rescue:'20:12
cancer0i'm now here with mint20:12
BluesKajrun sudo update-grub20:13
lordievadercancer0: Check this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows20:13
BluesKajfasta, open network manager and fix your settings20:14
cancer0_am i visible?20:15
cancer0_ok, i am20:15
cancer0_this is the error i'm recieving :/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).20:15
lordievadercancer0: Are you running a live cd?20:16
lordievadercancer0: Have you mounted your harddrive? Mainly the partition containing root (/)20:17
cancer0_lordievader: i don't know, what is happening now. what only i know is that machine booted to the 'Grub rescue' and then i used my mint live cd. finally i'm here. that is all i understand.20:18
lordievadercancer0_: Here being the live cd? As I said, dollow the guide. The guide is assuming you use a ubuntu live-cd.20:19
fastaBluesKaj: I don't even want to use network manager.20:20
fastaBluesKaj: network manager doesn't have the ability to configure the network in ways that I want.20:21
fastaBluesKaj: what's the KNetAttach thing?20:21
cancer0_lordievader: but last time when i tried ubuntu live cd it didn't worked. can i make live usb of ubuntu 11.10 and boot with that. will that work.20:21
fastaBluesKaj: I would like to remove it from my system.20:21
lordievadercancer0_: From my experience getting a live-usb to work is more trouble than a live-cd, what went wrong with the cd? But I guess it will work with a live-usb too.20:22
cancer0_lordievader: ok, i'll try the cd again.20:23
BluesKajfasta, how do you have your network setup , with /etc/network/interfaces file ? and resolv.conf?20:26
fastaBluesKaj: yes20:26
fastaBluesKaj: I think it basically works perfectly with the exception of that crash.20:27
BluesKajfasta,well then if you installed kubuntu-desktop then you need to remove network manager because it rewrites /etc/resolv.conf settings20:27
fastaBluesKaj: it does that without regard to what was there before?20:28
fastaThat's a DATALOSS bug.20:28
BluesKajfasta, yes20:28
fastaBluesKaj: ok, it's gone.20:29
fastaBluesKaj: so, just log back in and it should be OK?20:30
fastaI still think it is retarded that the system claims there is no way to create a socket, when it could just use wget a test file to check that it does work.20:30
fastaIt's object orientation gone completely wrong.20:31
BluesKajfasta, you may have to add your dns server settings to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head20:32
fastaBluesKaj: it seems to work now.20:32
fastaStill, I don't get why network manager is pushed so hard.20:33
fastaIt's just a fancy GUI with _less_ features.20:33
fastaWell, there is also a daemon part to it.20:33
BluesKajfasta, it's for those who don't feel like editing networking files , and NM works out of the box on 99.9% of ethernet connections20:34
fastaBluesKaj: then it should be possible to have it partly manage it.20:35
fastaBluesKaj: so, for the main internet connection there would be some NM stuff and for other things there would be a text area where I can define those things.20:35
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BluesKajfasta, dunno , I either use it or I don't . mostly not except for the laptop20:36
BluesKajdefault NM settings have always been fine here , but I prefer to set up network interfaces with static IP and' dns etc so NM is an additional layer that's not required20:38
fastaI think it works again.20:46
cancer0lordievader: i'm now with kubuntu 11.10 live cd20:57
cancer0what to do now?20:57
cancer0how to repair grub. machine boot to 'Grub rescue21:00
cancer0BluesKaj: any help?21:02
cancer0Windows xp is also installed.21:02
lordievadercancer0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows21:02
cancer0lordievader: is this possible to repair grub from windows xp?21:05
cancer0lordievader: i think, i can manage to get in to xp.21:05
lordievadercancer0: I don't know of any method inside windows to repair grub.21:06
jvcleavehey all - trying to install kubuntu 12.04 on a Macbook pro 8,3  - i can get to a command prompt with networking via recovery mode - running apt-get update now21:29
jvcleaveany clue where to go from here?21:29
genii-aroundjvcleave: When you try to start normally, what happens?21:31
jvcleaveblack screen21:31
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:32
jvcleavestartx gives me "No Screens found"21:32
genii-aroundWhat video card is inside?21:32
jvcleaveactually 221:32
jvcleaveRadeon HD 6770M21:33
jvcleaveIntel HD Graphics 300021:33
genii-aroundjvcleave: When it has black screen, you are able to ctrl-alt-F1 to console?21:36
jvcleavenot sure - I am at the prompt now21:36
jvcleavereading the nomodeset21:36
genii-aroundrecovery mode command prompt is different... Ideally to get to regular prompt and see if it's loading the radeon driver for the video ( which recovery mode won't tell you )21:38
jvcleaveok - will try that now21:38
jvcleaveno ctl+alt+f1 :/21:40
genii-aroundtry ctrl-alt-f221:41
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jvcleaveno ctl+alt+f2 either21:44
genii-aroundThe latest info I could find was https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-2/Oneiric ... did you have 11.10 on it previously?21:48
genii-around( eg: you could install 11.10, upgrade to 12.04 )21:48
jvcleaveno 11.10 - fresh install21:48
jvcleavei tried that too - this is the farthest I have gotten21:48
genii-aroundjvcleave: If you have root recovery, try: modprobe -l | grep radeon      and see if the radeon driver is available21:53
genii-around( should say something like kernel/drivers/video/aty/radeonfb.ko and kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon.ko )21:54
jvcleaveyeah - those are there21:54
genii-aroundSo you could try: modprobe radeon        from the root recovery, then try to enter normal startup with: telinit 221:56
jvcleavemember:genii-around: not sure I understand "then try to enter normal startup with: telinit 2"22:00
loezI have a simple question. Could anybody help me pls22:01
genii-aroundjvcleave: If you try to do: startx     in root console, it can't start the X server because it's in single user mode. telinit 2  sets the system to multi-user mode ( the normal state )22:01
genii-around!details | loez22:02
ubottuloez: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:02
genii-aroundjvcleave: Alternately, after the modprobe radeon .. type exit to get back to the recovery menu and then choose boot normally22:03
genii-aroundWork, afk22:03
jvcleavetried the modprobe/telinit - same error with startx22:03
jvcleavestartx give me this - looking it up now "v_bios address out of range 0xd00"22:04
loezThank you! 12.04 LTS works just fine. What I need help on is finding an app that will copyu only new files to one external Hard drive to another22:04
loezYour help will be highly appreciated22:10
genii-aroundloez: backuppc is in the repositories, and provides a front-end to rsync22:11
genii-aroundjvcleave: telinit 2 is probably not working as it used to, before system starting using upstart. I would suggest: echo "radeon" >> /etc/modules          to make it load during boot, see if that helps22:15
jvcleavelsmod shows it - still necessary?22:16
genii-aroundjvcleave: X cannot start in root/single user22:17
genii-around( even if the proper driver is loaded)22:17
jvcleaveI can login as user22:17
jvcleave(in recovery)22:17
genii-aroundBut you still only have 1 console, not 7 like normal. X wants to start in the 7th console22:17
loezThis backuppc will copy newly added photos from an usb hard drive to another.22:17
jvcleavei wonder if I blacklist radeon if the intel chip works22:18
loezI have being doing it manually, but let me tell you, it is a pain22:19
genii-aroundloez: You can use it in a number of ways. Maybe look into rsync examples. You can copy local-local, remote-local, local-remote, remote-remote. You want local-local with options to only copy new or recently changed files22:19
loezyes, that is the idea. To only make another copy of my family photos from one had drive to another22:21
loezIt is only local.22:22
genii-aroundloez: rsync -azv /directory-path-with-photos-to-copy/ /directory-path-to-put-them-in/         for command-line. If your user doesn't have write access on the destination requires sudo22:28
loezExcuse my ignorance but is there a GUI app that will make it easier?22:30
Buniewhenever i make a bootable usb with liliusb, that squash fs file's checksum becomes incorrect. is this normal?22:30
genii-aroundloez: grsync is a GUI frontend to rsync, which you can use.22:41
loezgenil-around: I will try it. Thank you! Thank you! You are great!22:50
loezgenil-around: For president lol. Man Thank you dude22:53
Bunie_Woo, Kubuntus installer rocks lol23:01
Bunie_internet dropped out while downloading language packs, scared me lols.23:01
toph_is it possible to make the windows like say dolphin tranparent like the folder on the desktop? sort of a wire frame look?23:18
toph_I'm running Kubuntu 12.0423:19
Torchtoph_: right click on the application window's title bar -> advanced -> special application settings -> appearnce and fixes -> acttive/inactive opacity might help23:24
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toph_thanks torch23:28
toph_not quite what I was looking for23:31
toph_I want a wire frame look like the background of the window was punched out23:31
Torchkde can do a lot more than anymore can imagine, but maybe it can't do that ;-)23:32
toph_and compiz still doesn't work huh?23:51
Torchas far as i know there's no reason to use compiz with kde.23:51

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