
Optichipjasoncwarner_: you about?01:47
brycehOptichip, it's Saturday for him; doubt you'll see him until tomorrow01:48
Optichipahh ok thanks bryceh just noticed the person that was looking for him the other day was online01:48
david__is jasoncwarner here01:49
Optichipnope techman01:49
OptichipI just Pm'd you on Mumble01:49
david__oh I just noticed his name was kind of dimmed out01:49
Optichipit's his Saturday so he won't be back until at least tomorrow01:50
OptichipSaturday for him that is...01:50
brycehproper etiquette would be to just ask whatever question you have, and then stay online so when he's around he can answer and you'll get it next time you log in and check your scrollback01:50
brycehotherwise you get to play ping pong for a week :-)01:50
brycehpm him if it's anything private (or not appropriate to this channel)01:51
brycehdavid__, probably you really want TheMuso to chat with, as he's the guru on the desktop team for accessibility questions.  you might pm your Q's to him directly02:01
brycehdavid__, TheMuso is in australia so also is off for the weekend but should be around tomorrow.02:02
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dupondjeSomething changed with gnome-shell recently ?07:44
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