[03:19] hello gods, kings of the seven realms, conqueror of the seven seas and seven skies, I bow down before you to plead for my ip to be unbanned [03:19] have mercy on a poor peasant from the land of the serfs [03:23] mikematic, hi [03:23] mikematic, why were you banned, do you recall, and from which channel [03:24] hello bazhang [03:25] i was banned from main channel ubuntu...I was banned for ranting about my frustration on a touchpad issue. my rants included expletives. I was warned repeatedly but frustration got the better of me and fell off the wagon [03:26] let me check the ban tracker. mikematic . could you please read the channel guidelines in the meantime [03:26] !guidelines [03:26] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [03:27] bazhang, sure. thanks [03:31] this was as blackmatrix_ny then [03:32] i believe so [03:32] mikematic, finished reading the guidelines? please follow them when using the ubuntu channels [03:33] bazhang, yes. thank you. [03:34] mikematic, you should be able to join and participate now. [03:34] bazhang, i did. thank you. [03:34] ok [03:53] benonsoftware called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [04:00] mikematic, if there is nothing else, could you please part the channel? [04:03] sure [04:51] he's the one attacking from what I can tell. [11:14] knome: ? [11:14] Tm_T, hello. nothing. :) [11:22] I wonder why did you hilight me earlier then (: [11:22] Tm_T, a joke (: [12:03] aaaah [19:37] ubuntulog and ubottu Please don't idle in this channel. I will remove you in 5 minutes [19:38] Oooo, good idea, that ubuntulog is in many channels I'm in, somewhat of a troll.... [20:04] serial troll, and always publishing logs to get other trolls interested! :P [20:07] In that case I will ban them! [20:07] 4EVA [21:06] 0.5/100*240 [21:06] oops [23:33] just a fyi: malv is a serial complainer [23:33] ^ my previous comment at -ops is related [23:33] Is eir automatically removing uncommented bans? Recently I've been pretty busy and so I'd been neglecting to comment / set ban durations. I just went to clean these up (by removing them) and it looks like eir removed them already. I can't complain given that that's what I wanted to happen, but I didn't know that was the current policy. [23:33] er, -team [23:33] hah yeah