
bobweaverIt will not connect00:04
tgm4883what part?00:04
bobweaverI have tried ip also and also localhost00:04
bobweaverran netstat -auntp  to make sure was right port00:05
tgm4883the frontend won't connect?00:05
tgm4883is the mythtv-backend service running?00:05
bobweaverthere are 3 services called mythtv-setup00:06
bobweaverapache mysql00:07
tgm4883what do you mean?00:07
bobweaverbrb loging in on that computer00:08
bobweaverlogging *00:08
bobweavertgm4883,  this is as far as I got http://imagebin.org/21479500:13
bobweaverafter that It can not login00:13
bobweaverbut I have altered that to be00:13
tgm4883did you verify that the backend service is running?00:13
tgm4883sudo service mythtv-backend status00:13
bobweaverthere is no backend runnig00:13
bobweavertrying that ^^00:14
tgm4883ok, did you go though all the steps in mythtv-setup?00:14
bobweavermythtv-backend stop/waiting00:14
tgm4883The most common reason for the backend not running is not completing those steps. We can also take a look at /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log00:15
bobweaverI just started it00:15
bobweaverit is now 100% running00:16
tgm4883and the frontend works?00:16
bobweaverno it brings me to the same page and then It can not connect to sql00:17
bobweaversame page as http://imagebin.org/21479500:17
tgm4883ok, but the backend is running now?00:18
tgm4883Did you manually do anything to the password for mythtv?00:18
bobweaverpassword is simple test password00:19
bobweaverbackend is up00:19
bobweavertcp        0      0
tgm4883so that password is probably wrong00:19
tgm4883take a look in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt00:19
bobweaveryeah that is different00:20
tgm4883so use the password from that file00:20
bobweaverwill do Thanks !00:20
bobweaverer still can not log in00:21
tgm4883using localhost?00:22
bobweavergoing to try ip00:22
tgm4883can you login to the database with 'mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg00:22
bobweaverI will try00:23
bobweaverwell not that but what was in the ect file00:24
bobweaverI know right00:25
bobweaveronly thing I can think is to purge and reinstall00:25
tgm4883nah, not necessary00:26
tgm4883the ? was to your previous comment00:26
tgm4883we can still to that teamview thing if you want00:26
bobweaversweet yeah I am installing00:26
bobweaverdo you have it installed ?00:26
bobweaversweet I will pm when set up00:27
bobweaverpopey,  I have goten a hold of Mr Ownes and talked with him on the phone last night. He said that he would do it (help with store stuff)  I also talked to my graphics design guy and he needs website work so I am going to barter. But my question for you fine sir is. How can I get Canonical more involved in my plaining of my 5 year plan ?     5 yr plan  ==> http://ubuntustreetteam.tk/resources/plans-meta-page/18:16
popeybobweaver: awesome!18:18
popeybobweaver: this sounds like a job for jono ☺18:19
bobweavercool I will try and get ahold of him18:19
bobweaverI have too push some throphies any hon18:19
bobweaverany ho *18:19
* popey hands bobweaver a w18:19
bobweaverwhat is a w ?18:20
bobweaverthanks for the help again and pointing mr in the right directions18:20
popeyno problem!18:20
bobweaver^^ skipping record18:20

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