
ailolen-dt: I wonder how much one could do to control ladish00:04
ailoMight be something worth investigating for your workflow panel app00:05
len-dtailo, Ya, a workflow app needs a rethink. What I had done so far gave a workflow specific menu/panel. I don't think that really is that much of a help beyond the main menu.00:13
ailolen-dt: It might be possible to use the same components that Gladish uses, and maybe automate some things a bit more. 00:14
ailoIt already has all you need to control jack00:15
ailoIf one would like to be really ambitious, one could incorporate PA as well00:16
len-dtDoes it control jack better than qjackctl?00:17
ailoDon't think it has more features, other than the session part00:17
ailoPerhaps it doesn't get the same bug as qjackctl, when stopping jackdbus00:18
ailoNeed to test it more00:18
len-dtIt was the bug I was wondering about.00:18
ailoFor the average user, the control panels are a bit more informative than you'd need them to be00:18
holsteinailo: https://staging.ubuntustudio.org/tour/audio/ is very nice!00:19
ailoholstein: Thanks. If you find something badly written, or missing, please do tell. I don't really like adding text to pages like that00:19
len-dtailo, from your picture of gladish on that page, it looks like it does some patchage stuff too.00:21
ailolen-dt: I would think it's the same code00:22
ailoAt least I recognize it from a few other apps00:22
len-dtsame author then?00:22
len-dtMaybe same tool kit00:22
ailoI think falktx uses that too for one of his apps00:22
ailoGenerally, starting applications and saving them could be done almost identically to how Gladish does this, but only do it from the panel00:26
ailoJust that you can't save the projects that are in use. Only connections for the most part00:27
ailoI would prefer another interface for doing jack settings. One which is much easier to read for novice users00:27
len-dtSeems more confusing to set up jack.00:27
* len-dt means more confusing than qjackctl00:28
ailoJust a list of settable variables, yeah00:28
ailoWould be enough to keep only a few of those visible for a main settings window, and hide the advanced stuff in another tab or whatever. And make sure the user is informed about each setting00:29
len-dtailo, The term room seems to mean something different than I would expect..00:29
ailoEr, yeah. I haven't used that yet :P00:29
ailolen-dt: You might like to see falktx applications for reference too00:30
len-dtYa he seems to make more use of it than most people.00:30
ailolen-dt: http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications00:30
ailoOne thing lacking in Ubuntu Studio is vst support00:31
ailoHard to do probably00:31
ailoAlso, I'm not sure about paths to instruments, and that sort of thing00:31
len-dtI have a link to kxstudio in my bookmarks. Some of it installed on this machine.00:32
ailoI guess Claudia is the most interesting in this case00:33
len-dtailo, adding applications to ladish seems to require typing in command line stuff. But maybe I can start it from the menu and it would show up.00:33
ailolen-dt: Let's say you start an application from your workflow bar. Anything started from there could be started within ladish00:34
len-dtYa they do. seems jack starts up too00:34
ailoCan you save them? Let me check. The list doesn't always update, I've notices00:35
len-dtI just started jackrack and all the pieces appeared 00:35
len-dtPA sure takes up a lot of real estate00:36
ailolen-dt: If you start an application normally, it shows up in connections, but you can't save it with the session00:38
ailoI do seem to have some bugs00:39
len-dtjackdbus is buggy00:39
ailoSomeone said the new version of qjackctl was still having problems shutting down jackdbus00:39
len-dtjack_control does too but because it gets started anew every time it is more resilient.00:40
ailoIt's a bit of a problem, having jackdbus crash like that00:41
ailoWould be nice to have a "killall" button00:41
ailoNot nice, but useful00:41
len-dtWhat all would kill?00:41
len-dtJust jack?00:41
ailoDon't know. In this case everything jack, as well as ladish00:41
len-dtand or qjackctl I would guess.00:42
len-dtDoes the dbus version of jack add that much to things we should even use it?00:42
ailoDoes ladish work without it?00:43
len-dtThat I don't know. I think PA's jack sink needs it though.00:43
len-dtYa, dbus is what they all use to "talk" to each other with.00:45
len-dtailo, Ok now both qjackctl and gladish have gone blank on me... not what I want to throw at a new user :/00:48
ailoWhen they crash, it's a bit of a hazzle killing them00:48
ailoI killall button could have be set to kill a list of predermined applications, active or not00:49
ailoI'm getting a bit tired evidently00:49
ailoI wouldn't mind replacing qjackctl with something else. Preferably something that starts out being a kind of hybrid PA/Jack controller, like a simple volume control with a menu (like the current PA volume control)  with a patch bay. But with all the config options hidden deeper in options00:52
ailoWell, PA and jack would still need separate patchbays00:53
len-dtailo, qjackctl has no problems at higher latencys00:53
len-dtTry it at -p 51200:54
ailoI've been using 102400:54
len-dt1024 was ok too for me. Maybe I didn't cycle it enough00:54
ailoBut, there's a problem with this machine, using threadirqs. At least I get xruns easily because of it00:54
len-dtI was testing at -p 64 before00:55
ailoI need to get some sleep. bb in a few hours00:56
len-dtk bye00:57
ailoI see the need for some kind of general troubleshooting wiki page10:15
ailoSo, I started one10:15
ailoWe also need to explain the difference between jackd1, jackd2 and jackdbus, as well as alsa and jack midi10:16
ailoAll of these things should probably end up in the main web site later, I think10:16
ailoSo, I've just begun populating this page a bit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/TroubleShooting10:17
ailoIf we add more stuff, we just categorize it under things like "jack", "midi" or whatever10:18
ailolen-dt: Have you had problems with previous kernels?10:42
ailoI put together a short guide on how to build the natty, or the oneiric kernel10:43
ailoSomeone was having some serious raid problems, so he needed to revert back to an older kernel10:45
ailoI believe 2.6.38 will outperform any 3.2 kernel10:45
ailoThose kernels were tight for audio10:45
len-dtailo, I only really started testing at 11.10. Also I have a simpler setup than most.13:09
len-dtailo, performance doesn't seem to be an issue with our current kernel. I still run out of memory before cpu/kernel time.13:38
len-dtailo, those two trouble shooting tips covers a lot of questions we get.13:57
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len-dtailo, weird thing happened just now. started the xfce4-mixer... didn't seem to start... 5 minutes later it showed up.14:08
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ailolen-dt: I did a lot of testing with 2.6.37-3915:18
ailoThey were better performing15:18
ailolen-dt: But, what I was curious about was if maybe your networking problems might diminish with an older kernel15:19
ailoJust for the sake of interest, I'll try the PA jack bridge for this day, using -p 32 to see the difference15:24
ailoI'm betting I will have few, if any xruns at all15:24
len-dtailo, actually, the brudge gives me no problems if the internal IF is turned off.15:52
ailolen-dt: Well, it does for me15:53
ailoWith the older kernel15:53
ailoI mean, with the newer one15:53
ailoIt doesn't handle really low latencies15:54
len-dtailo, I should try my USB IF on this machine to see if it does better than -p 64 that it does on my netbook.15:55
ailolen-dt: With this older kernel, I do get an occasional xrun with the jack bridge at -p 32, but so far it seems only when I start something, like a new instance of flash player. With the newer kernel, I'd have about the same performance at -p 64, but with more xruns, and more random16:13
ailolen-dt: Please do try the older kernel, just for reference16:13
ailoI think it would be interesting to see what happens16:13
len-dtwhich PPA?16:26
* len-dt is still a newby when it comes to setting up odd PPAs and stuff16:27
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ailolen-dt: No PPA. The guide is for building your own kernel16:35
ailoPretty straight forward. The only part which may need some considering is when you run the command "make oldconfig"16:35
ailoThe make script creates a new config, based on the old once. There are always diffs between kernel versions, so the configs never match16:36
ailoSo, you need to answer y/n or m for a lot of config options16:36
ailoAs I explain in the guide, you probably need to say no to cgroups in the beginning, and it's always good to say no to debug stuff (to reduce latency)16:37
ailoFor the most part, I didn't read the configs. Just kept pushing Enter (to get the default config)16:37
ailoI will add another guide, using a different, more simple way of creating the configs16:38
ailoI'll probably want to add some kernels to a PPA too later16:38
ailoThere's something funny going on with the PA bridge16:49
ailoI started getting xruns, but only after a good while of using a PA application16:49
ailoOnce I stopped the app, no xruns16:49
ailoThe PA-bridge on the whole time16:49
ailoTook about 30 min before I started getting even one xrun16:50
ailoA flash video that is about 1h long16:50
ailoAnyway, It'll reappear later, when I start doing more systematic testing16:52
len-dtailo, I was going to ask why run a flash video through PA-jack, but I guess firewire stuff still needs that.16:59
ailolen-dt: I'm testint the bridge. That is the only reason right now17:00
ailolen-dt: Also, why would you not want to do that? If you're using jack and want to watch a flash video at the same time17:01
ailoYou can answer, well, you'll mess up your recording cause the bridge causes xruns. But, maybe I'm just practicing guitar playing to a youtube video17:02
ailoThere's no way of guessing what the user will use applications for17:02
ailoThe only thing that matters is knowing what works and what does not17:02
ailoAnd try to fix the stuff that doesn't17:03
len-dtmakes sense.17:04
len-dtailo, just install qjackctl  0.3.9 Wiil test. (thanks falktx )17:40
len-dtailo, jackdbus bug still shows up (no surprise)17:43
ailolen-dt: Does qjackctl kill jackdbus when that happens?18:00
len-dtLet me check18:03
len-dtjack_control status returns "stopped"18:08
len-dt So jack stops but does not exit.18:08
ailoCan you restart it?18:08
len-dtonly if I restart qjackctl18:11
ailoThat's at least some progress18:11
len-dtailo, if I wait till qjackctl is finished as much as it can and kill jack and restart it using jack_control, I don't have to restart qjackctl.18:18
ailolen-dt: I'm more concerned about the novice user perspective. If it stops working, and restarting qjackctl is enough, then I don't think the bug is causing too much problems18:32
len-dtjacks dbus stuff is flaky18:32
ailoYeah. It's too bad18:33
ailoI gotta go. bb later18:33
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ailoThe thing about PA I think is that it syncs with the bridge. Not with jack21:18
ailoI'm just guessing, since I don't really know21:18
ailoThat is how I would have done it anyway21:18
ailoPA could have a larger latency to the bridge than jack21:19
ailoThe bridge itself is a jack app, but PA never becomes one21:19
ailoWell, a hybrid21:20
ailoAt least I'm pretty sure that PA never runs at the same low latencies that jack does21:21
len-dtailo, where is jack setting the latency? Is it internal to jack? or is it an ALSA setting?22:13
len-dtThat is, I am sure that Jack does not talk to alsa (and therefore the port) once per sample.22:14
ailolen-dt: I don't think alsa is a server at all when used with jack, or with PA. PA is a server, jack is a server, alsa is the driver code they use22:15
ailoThat's my picture of it anyway22:15
ailoSo, jack sets its' own latency, as does PA22:16
len-dtOk, so doews jack feed audio directly to the hardware? or through ALSA?22:16
len-dtThe device is generated by ALSA. That is there is no audio device before alsa runs.22:17
ailoAlsa is the interface, that jack controls22:18
len-dtThe device drivers are a part of alsa. So jack sends data to the device through the device driver22:18
ailoI feel kind of stupid trying to make sense of this though. Some day I will find out :P22:19
len-dtin any case there is no reason that the bridge has to run at jack latency, at least not the whole thing. There has to be a small engine that does, but there could be a biggere buffer behind it that adds as much latency to the signal to make PA happy.22:20
len-dtI don't think that happens though. 22:21
* len-dt fingers fumble worse than his tongue22:23
len-dtailo, I think the buffer is in the alsa hardware driver. Jack just sets the size. That would mean PA has to set the size for its use too. I don't see why it would have to be global though22:45
len-dtailo, on the other hand, it would be intuitive that if the user set jack to low latency that they would "want" anything on the other side of a PA-jack bridge to also be low latency... I'm talking from a PA developers view.23:06
knomebleh scott.23:09
ailoknome: You miss him?23:09
knomeailo, yeah, a lot23:09
ailoHe's kind of VIP these days23:09
knomearound where? :P23:09
ailoI mean like a special guest, that drops by every now and then :)23:10
knomeheh. :)23:10
ailoHe was talking about having a new computer set up soon23:10
knomei knew he wasn't important, but not important enough to be here all the time ;)23:11
ailoHe probably deserves some time off too23:12
ailolen-dt: I think it would be nice to be able to control PA latency, and maybe it's possible. I only had a quick look at PA configs just a couple of days ago23:13
ailoIn a way, it's a good thing that you never feel the need to look at configs23:13
ailoShould be like that with everything 23:13
ailoJust push a button and it's rock'n'roll23:13
ailoPhew, going to ride a bicycle 120km tomorrow. I'm worried about my behind getting sore23:15
ailoBetter get some sleep23:16

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