
Bluefoxicywhy the heck does mountall require plymouth02:54
Bluefoxicyhaha 2009 "this is a temporary tool"...02:55
izxIs this the right place to ask about setting up debian/rules for a specific scenario?03:11
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micahgcjwatson: when you get a chance, your update-manager build seems to have gone haywire: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/1:0.161/+build/354255609:38
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trijntjeHi all, I'm very new to doing any kind of development work, and I'm trying to put a local bzr branch on launchpad, as per http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.5/en/mini-tutorial/index.html#publishing-your-branch-on-launchpad10:25
trijntjehowever, I get this error (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1021043/) and I dont know what to do about it. I've tried searching for that error message, but nothing usefull came up10:26
RoshanI have two questions to ask of which one is not about developing and the other is about developing.10:26
RoshanFirst one, which is stable 11.10 or 12.04 ?10:26
RoshanSecond one, Is it possible to alter the location of the password field in Ubuntu login screen ?10:26
trijntje12.04 is stable, and I think it should be possible to change the location of the password field for lightdm, but I'm not sure10:27
RoshanI asked about the stability because, I made a clean install of 12.04, and what i felt in the login screen is that, there is a heavy lagging of the mouse pointer there...10:28
trijntjeRoshan: If you have problems with 12.04, you should probably ask for support in #ubuntu10:30
RoshanOkay, sorry for that, I wioll do that. Can you answer my second question ?10:32
RoshanAlso, what is the difference between lightdm and gdm210:33
* trijntje is afk, will read back if anyone knows the solution10:41
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roshanDo I need to edit loginprompt.ui for changing the location of the password field in ubuntu login screen ?11:03
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larsduesingroshan: please ask in #ubuntu-desktop11:05
roshanok thank you11:06
cjwatsonmicahg: yes, I know about it but I'm away from my development environment until Tuesday.  I sent mail to mvo and slangasek yesterday morning explaining the problem and my thoughts on it, and asking for help13:27
cjwatsonmy best thought is to remove the -h option to tar in build-tarball.sh, but I didn't have time to check whether that would break anything else13:28
vibhavhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/quickly/+bug/1007006 --> Is it worth an SRU for precise?13:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007006 in quickly (Ubuntu Precise) "Fresh ubuntu-cli 12.04 project warn about PyGI" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:37
vibhavmterry: ^^13:37
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:13
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vibhavhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/quickly/+bug/1007006 --> Is it worth an SRU for precise?14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007006 in quickly (Ubuntu Precise) "Fresh ubuntu-cli 12.04 project warn about PyGI" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:46
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elkyvibhav, i wouldn't think so.14:50
vibhavelky: why?14:54
elkyIt looks like it doesn't actually break anything, just prints an annoying message. That doesn't sound like a high-impact bug to me.14:55
vibhavelky: I was too thinking that but it was nominated by a MOTU, hence the question14:57
elkyThen wait for mterry to appear and answer your query from an hour ago. There's no need to be asking hourly.15:01
PaoloRotoloHi all!16:22
micahgcjwatson: can I at least have the build killed later?19:07
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